Confident in quality and know. Self-confident is a lifestyle

Truly confident people believe in their abilities. If you are not sure of yourself, then why should anyone do it? To develop this quality, read these 15 Things Confident People Never Do.

1. Don't look for excuses

Confident people take full responsibility for what they think and do. They don't blame bad traffic on the road for being late to work; they were late. Don't justify their short visits with "I don't have time" or "I'm not good enough for something." These people value their time and try to be better until they achieve it.

2. Not afraid to do things

Such people cannot let fear rule their lives. They understand that in most cases, what they are afraid of is the very thing that needs to be done in order to become the person they want.

3. Do not live only in the comfort zone

Confident people try to avoid their comfort zone because they know that this is where dreams die. They actively seek to experience discomfort, because only in this way can prosperity be achieved.

4. Do not put things off until tomorrow

Self-confidence means knowing that a good plan done today is much better than a great plan put off until the next day. Confident people don't wait for the "right time" or the "right circumstances" because they know that this desire is based on a fear of change. They take action here and today, because only then can progress be made.

5. Don't obsess over what others think

Confident people don't dwell on the negative. They care about the well-being of others and strive to make the world a better place, instead of dwelling on the negative opinions of other people, which they still cannot change. These people know that their true friends will accept them for who they are. The rest of them don't care.

6. Don't judge others

They don't like unnecessary, fake drama and don't feel the need to insult friends behind their backs, engage in co-worker gossip, and lash out at people who have different opinions. They feel so comfortable with who they are that they don't feel the need to look at other people.

7. Don't let lack of resources stop them.

The peculiarity of these people is that they can use any resources that are available, regardless of their number. The main thing is to know that everything is possible if you are a creative person and do not stop halfway. They do not suffer from failures, but try to find a way out.

8. Don't compare

People who are confident in their abilities do not compete with everyone around them. They are not in competition with any other personality, except for the person they were yesterday. They understand that each person's story is unique and making comparisons is absurd to say the least.

9. Don't try to be nice to everyone.

Confident people don't try to please every person they meet in their life. They understand that all people cannot be satisfied, but that is how life works. You need to focus on the quality of your relationship, because a large number of partners will not make you happier.

10. Don't need encouragement

Such people do not need to maintain their self-confidence artificially, because they understand that life is unfair, and not everything always happens the way they want. They cannot control every event that happens in their life, but focus on their own strengths to respond to them in a positive way.

11. Do not avoid the bitter truth of life

Confident people try to deal with the root cause of the problem before it grows to enormous proportions. They know that if the problems are not solved, then every day they will only increase. Therefore, today they prefer to talk with their partner about troubles than to try to hide the truth and take risks.

12. Don't give up because of difficulties

Confident people get up and move on every time they fall. They understand that failure is an integral part of progress and growth, so they try to find reasons to find out why this approach does not work. And after changing their plan, they try again.

13. Do not need permission to act

They take action without thinking. "If not me, then who?" That's what people say to themselves every day.

14. Don't stop because you don't have enough "tools"

Confidence is the ability to go beyond plan A. They use every possible weapon at their disposal, relentlessly testing to see if their actions are effective until they determine a strategy that will bring the maximum result with the minimum investment of time and effort.

15. Do not accept everything they read on the Internet as the truth, which you need to blindly believe in.

Confident people don't take all the articles on the internet as unproven truth just because some author said so. They evaluate all information from their point of view and have a healthy skepticism when using any material that is relevant to life, and forget about others. These people understand that an article like this is a fun and interesting way to train your mind. But the only person who has the power to decide whether you are confident or not is only yourself.

We notice confident people immediately by their posture, by their manner of carrying themselves, by their tone of voice. They have charm and attraction. Confidence is an attitude towards the world and towards oneself. This is faith, this feeling that inside you have the resources to get what you want and to cope with everything that life will offer you.

A self-confident person is one who always remembers and practices his personality rights. What are these rights?

1. The right to be the ultimate judge of oneself. Confidence allows a person to decide for himself what is success and achievement in any area. Such a person decides for himself what he wants, what he likes, how to act in this or that situation, what brings him satisfaction, charges and inspires him.

2. The right not to make excuses andnotapologizefor your behavior, do not depend on how others treat you. In most cases, others have an opinion not only about how we should have acted, but also about how we should live with it further. Guilt is a very common and powerful method of influence. We feel guilty when we accept that we have wrongfully violated another person's expectations of our behavior. But the feeling of guilt is destructive to a person's personality. By developing awareness and changing our attitude towards the opinions of others, we develop an internal resistance to criticism and doubt ourselves less.

4. The right to change your mind and change your mind. There is an opinion that a confident and self-sufficient person immediately knows the right decision, and also that a smart person never changes his mind. When a person has inner strength, he does not feel embarrassed if he has to give up his words. For example, you made a purchase in a store and understand that you need to return it. You will most likely encounter some dissatisfaction from the staff, who will seek to make you feel wrong or stupid. A confident person knows exactly what he needs and what does not fit.

5. The right to make mistakes and be responsible for them. From the school bench we are taught that mistakes are bad and even unforgivable. In fact, only those who do nothing do not make mistakes. A mistake is a message from life that something needs to be changed, because there is no other way for us to realize it. When making a mistake, we can meet with the attitude that they are made by stupid and inadequate people, while this is a natural process of personal growth and finding one's place in this world.

6. The right to say “I don't know”, “I don't understand”. A confident person understands that being stupid and actually being stupid are two different things. No one can know everything, it is natural that in some area we are less competent than others - and there is nothing to be ashamed of.

7. The right to be illogical in decision making. A confident person is guided by internal criteria when making decisions. He listens to himself, his intuition and trusts them. He defends his right to follow his inner feelings.

8. The right to say “I don’t care and don’t care.” We live in a time when there is a lot of information about everything. There is an expectation that we should be interested in everything and understand everything. A self-confident person knows what information he needs for growth and development, and knows how to weed out the unnecessary.

Give yourself the right to be a confident person! Listen to yourself, accept, because inside you have everything you need to feel happy and self-sufficient.

Nadezhda Baranova,

psychologist at the Center for Successful Relationships
from 2011 to 2016

Observing others and studying their actions is one of the best ways to become stronger.

Most of us are not born confident. Often this feeling depends on the situation: sometimes we feel confident, sometimes not so much.

Fortunately, self-confidence can be learned. Action creates attitude; By changing behavior, you can change how you feel.

So what makes a confident person different?

1. He takes responsibility

A self-confident person will not shift the blame to another. He understands that, no matter the circumstances, the only sure way to success is to control sensations and emotions.

2. He wants to move forward

A self-confident person does not strive for perfection - he sees an opportunity for improvement.

For self-confident people, the “ideal person” is someone who understands himself and his capabilities well. Moving forward is both a journey and a choice.

3. He doesn't gossip, he inspires

He doesn't talk about other people. He is more interested in ideas, projects, goals, plans and aspirations.

He needs a positive - or at least neutral - approach.

4. He understands the power of the word "no"

A confident person does not promise too much. He understands the value of time and effort, and only makes a promise when he knows he can keep it without backing down from his goal.

But then it performs the task in the best way.

5. He gives credit to his mind and body

A self-confident person understands that in order for the body not to fail and help achieve better results, it needs to be taken care of. He values ​​balance, i.e. sports, good nutrition, education, hard work and sleep.

6. His actions have a reason

He has a goal, and any action is a way to move towards it.

Therefore, he is dedicated, does not feel fear, burns with enthusiasm and infects others with it.

7. He knows how to ask for help

A self-confident person understands that one cannot move mountains alone, so he often asks for help and is not afraid of it.

Such a person loves to help others and accept help.

8. He sees failure as a lesson.

A self-confident person perceives failure not as a disaster, but as a tool for growth. He understands that there will inevitably be obstacles on the way to the goal, but he knows that perseverance will definitely give results.

Remember that learning from others does not mean copying them. You need to take the best from them and find opportunities for growth in yourself. Over time, you will realize that your actions directly affect the results.

Observing others and studying their actions is one of the best ways to become stronger.

Ecology of life. When communicating with an interlocutor, it would be useful to find out how confident he is in himself: his appearance, behavior, self-worth. What for? Read and find out!..

When communicating with an interlocutor, it would be useful to find out how confident he is in himself: his appearance, behavior, self-worth. What for? Read and find out!

Of course, self-doubt is not the best quality in a person. But if you are faced with just such an interlocutor, you have a chance to win him over to your side and are guaranteed to make him your ally in any business. To do this, first you need to find out whether a person is really insecure. Of course, ask the question: “Are you confident in yourself?” not worth it: at best, the interlocutor will remain silent, at worst, he will be offended and will not continue to communicate with you. Try to figure it out by looking at his behavior.

Signs of an insecure person

Often silent even when he does not agree with the interlocutor, he does not object out loud. It is difficult for him to defend his point of view. For example: you know for sure that a friend loves flowers, but when they are discussed in a conversation and one of those present says that, they say, a bouquet is “corpses of flowers”, she is silent. Or nods as if in agreement.

He doesn't know how to talk about his feelings. Often his speech is replete with verbs: “went”, “learned”, “went”, but there are few adjectives in it, which help us express our feelings. This is due to the fact that a person is not used to understanding his own emotions. Maybe not even aware of them. It is easier for an insecure person to talk about events than about his attitude towards them.

Difficulty getting in touch with strangers. For him, real torture is to start a conversation with a stranger, and especially to support him. Perhaps, at the same time, he dissuades himself with certain principles, for example, a woman can say that she basically does not get acquainted on the street. The truth, however, is that she is afraid of giving the wrong impression.

Focused on others, not on himself. Such a person often does what is expected of him - in order to earn the approval of others. Sometimes this happens even to the detriment of himself. For example, an insecure relative without any words will agree to help you with the housework, even if she has a trip to the dentist planned for that day.

It's hard for him to make a decision. People who are insecure often shift the responsibility for their lives to others, this also applies to the decisions they make. If a person asks you what to do, and mindlessly follows your advice, he is insecure.

Compares himself to others. If a person, discussing a third person in front of you, often says something like this: “Yes, Olya looks good. But I…”, “Katya managed to make a career. It’s just that I can’t ... ”,“ Compared to me, he lives well, ”is a sign that your interlocutor is used to focusing on others in everything. And compare yourself to them.

External signs: hunched back, hunched shoulders, poor or stiff gestures, too fast speech. All these signs can indicate an insecure personality.

Why do you need to know this?

If your interlocutor is insecure, you can reap a lot of benefits from communicating with him. Maybe manipulation is not very good, but in the case when you need to persuade a person to your side, she is very helpful.

Give him a compliment sincerely, from the bottom of my heart. Surely there is something cute in it - something that you like. Your approval will make him your ally.

Show that you and him are kindred spirits. An insecure individual often suffers from loneliness - not external, but internal. If he understands that you share his views and values, he will favor you.

Rely on authority. If he breathlessly speaks to you about a certain person, you can drop something like this: “By the way, he also uses the services of this fitness trainer.” If you need your interlocutor to turn to this fitness trainer, with this simple phrase you will achieve what you want.

Keep in mind: Of course, insecure people are easy to manipulate, but before you try to win him over to your side, think about the consequences. Will it not turn out that he will eventually shift all responsibility for his actions on you?published

Self-confidence comes in many forms, from the haughtiness and arrogance of Floyd Mayweather to the quiet faith of Jane Goodall. True self-confidence, as opposed to false self-confidence, with which people mask their shortcomings, is valuable in itself.

When we talk about confidence, only one thing is true - truly confident people always have an advantage over those who constantly doubt, as they inspire others and make dreams come true.

If you think you can, you're right. If you think you can't, you're right too. Henry Ford.

Ford's statement tells us that the way you think affects the ability to achieve success. According to a University of Melbourne study, confident people are more likely to receive pay raises and promotions.

Sure, self-confidence is important, but what separates confident people from the rest?

Here are 12 habits and actions of confident people that you can successfully adopt and put into practice.

1. The source of their happiness is themselves

Happiness is an integral part of self-confidence. It is impossible to enjoy what you do if you are not happy.

Self-confident people get satisfaction from their achievements, and never think about what others think of them. They know for sure that third-party opinions rarely correspond to the truth.

2. They don't judge anyone.

Self-confident people never judge others because they know that there is something good in everyone. In addition, they do not need to assert themselves at the expense of other people. Trying to compare ourselves with others, we only impose additional restrictions. Self-confident people don't waste time evaluating others or worrying about meeting their expectations.

3. They disagree with what they really don't like

A study conducted at the University of California San Francisco proves that people who find it difficult to say no are more likely to experience stress, burnout and even depression. Confident people know that rejection is okay, and their self-esteem allows them to say no in a way that leaves others in no doubt about their intentions. When it comes time to say no, confident people avoid phrases like "I don't think I can do it" or "I'm not sure." They say "no" confidently because letting go of new commitments will help them fulfill existing responsibilities more effectively.

4. They listen more than they talk

Confident people listen more often than they talk because they don't have to prove anything. Self-confident people listen and pay due attention to others, and therefore have great opportunities for learning and growth. Instead of seeing interactions with other people as an opportunity to show off, they focus on socializing because they know it's a more enjoyable and productive approach.

5. They avoid ambiguity

Confident people rarely use phrases like "Um...", "I'm not sure...", "I think..." They use specific, affirmative phrases because they know that muttering and slurred speech get in the way of getting the message across. to the interlocutor.

6. They appreciate small victories.

Self-confident people like to challenge themselves and compete with others, even if the victory is very small. With a victory, even a small one, additional androgen receptors appear in our brain, which are affected by testosterone. As a result, we gain self-confidence, motivation and readiness for new challenges. Thus, a series of small victories will allow you to feel confident in yourself for the next few months.

7. They play sports

A study from the Eastern Ontario Research Institute proves that people who exercised twice a week for 10 weeks felt more competitive. In addition, they had high self-esteem and rated their appearance highly. Best of all, exercise brings increased self-confidence, and this is felt instantly, immediately after the release of endorphins into the blood at the time of training.

8. They don't seek other people's attention.

Often those who seek the attention of others cause involuntary rejection. People quickly evaluate your attitude towards them, and therefore the right attitude attracts them more than other factors (for example, the presence of acquaintances and position in society). Self-confident people always have the right attitude towards others.

They know how to distribute their attention. If they get their share of recognition, they quickly shift their focus to those who helped them succeed. They do not seek approval or praise, because they already know their worth.

9. They are not afraid to make mistakes.

Confident people are not afraid to make mistakes. They openly express their opinion in order to check its correctness. They know how to learn from their mistakes and teach other people if their opinion turned out to be correct. Confident people know what they are capable of and don't take a mistake as a personal failure.

10. They are not afraid to take risks.

When a confident person sees an opportunity, he takes it. Instead of worrying about possible failure, they ask themselves, "What's stopping me? Why can't I do this?" and then throw themselves into the thick of things. Fear does not hold them back, because they know that he who does not try his hand will never succeed.

11. They acknowledge the accomplishments of others.

Insecure people constantly doubt their own abilities, and therefore constantly try to criticize and condemn others in order to prove their worth. Self-confident people, on the other hand, don't worry about their own good because the outside world doesn't affect their self-esteem. Instead of focusing on their own thoughts, self-confident people focus on those around them, allowing them to see the benefits they bring. As a result, they are able to positively evaluate other people and recognize their merits.

12. They are not afraid to ask for help.

Confident people know that asking for help doesn't make them weak or stupid. They know their strengths and weaknesses and look for other people who can fill in the gaps. They also know that they can learn new things from other people, thereby improving their skills.

Summing up,

it can be said that gaining self-confidence is a process, not an end goal. Please share your thoughts with me as I learn from you just as you learn from me.

Dr. Travis Bradberry,
Translation: Airapetova Olga