Modern directions of tourism development. The main trends in the development of modern tourism

The consulting company Euromonitor has announced international conference on tourism World Travel Market the main trends in the development of the tourism business for 2016. Forbes employees have chosen the most interesting trends from a long list of the results of this conference and consider them the most promising and “fashionable” in 2016:

1. Golf is being replaced by cycling

You should know that the "golden age of golf" is coming to an end. In the most prestigious golf clubs in the world for 5 years there has been a sharp decrease in those wishing to join the membership. Even disappointing figures are called (-13%). Men of high and middle income levels on vacation in another country now prefer to engage in a more active sport - cycling. Bike tours are becoming more and more popular. Many travel companies are already beginning to repurpose their golf destinations for wealthy clients into bike tours, focusing on the fashionable travel trend. This trend will not only continue in 2016, but will continue for at least another five years.

2. The concept of "luxury hostels" is introduced.

Two years ago, the concept of a "luxury" or "chic" hostel was considered complete absurdity. These budget hotels were built for poor tourists, mainly for young people and students. However, unexpectedly for many, last year hostels began to be in high demand. Many tourists are willing to sacrifice a comfortable overnight stay. Moreover, this is not at all explained by banal cost savings, but by the possibility of interesting acquaintances in hostels where progressive youth have a rest. In the Western press, the definition of “posters” is increasingly common, which are gradually replacing hostels in many cities around the world.

Postel is not a typical hostel, but more of a budget hotel with original room design. By the way, the rooms in such suites are quite cheap, the furniture is selected in a minimalist style. Poshtel visitors are provided with minimal services, but it is obligatory free wifi. For example, in 2014, a bed in Spanish Barcelona - Casa Grasia - gained great popularity. Local youth willingly come to this hotel to meet foreign tourists and have fun in the evenings.

3. Dining at inexpensive home restaurants

Today in Europe, sites that offer services to search for local residents in different cities who are ready to provide tourists with a delicious and inexpensive homemade lunch. Such dinners rarely exceed the cost of 5-7 dollars per person. Tourists are offered a lunch of three traditional national dishes. At the same time, tourists have the opportunity to see how ordinary people live in the country where they came to relax and have time to talk, learn interesting traditions. Some owners of "home restaurants" are ready not only to feed their guests deliciously, but also to arrange a tour of the sights of the city for a purely symbolic fee.

4. Online booking of tickets for planes, trains and hotel rooms

This trend is not considered a novelty; for several years in a row, such services have been provided by many travel agencies in the world for their regular customers. But in 2016, a real “fashion boom” is expected for such services. travel companies, experiencing a crisis in their countries, are ready to conclude contracts with hotels, restaurants and airlines. Only in this way, by uniting together, can we survive the crisis. According to experts' forecasts, about 35% of tourists in 2016 will use online booking services.

For the next two years, the trend will develop, due to the release of new mobile applications and devices. For example, tour operators are very much looking forward to the release of a device in the form of a smart watch, with which it will be possible to book tickets, hotel rooms, tables in restaurants, and even use such watches as personal keys for hotel rooms. Naturally, when using devices, tourists will be provided with good systems travel discounts.

5. Trendy surfing destinations in Africa

All large quantity people in the world are starting to surf. This sport occupies a leading position in tourist destinations in many countries. Therefore, states that have at least some coasts and access to water resources are seriously thinking about the development of these areas.

Until recently, surfers considered only the southern coast of the African continent for a great holiday. But in 2016, a real boom in surf tourism is expected in many African countries. For example, British travel agencies are in a hurry to conclude as many profitable contracts as possible for the holidays of their surfer clients in Senegal, Morocco, Namibia, Mozambique and Madagascar.

Experts believe that 2016 has become a "restraint" for the development of surfing tourism on the Black Continent due to the spread of Ebola. In connection with the improvement of the epidemiological situation, this deterrent will be eliminated.

Photo source: deposit photos
28 October 2015 I like:

The chapter examines current global trends in the development of international tourism: globalization and localization; sustainable tourism; responsible tourism; affordable tourism; diversification; individualization; liberalization of entry and exit; technologization; electronic tourism (e-tourism); virtualization; postmodern trends in tourism and post-tourism (egotourism); niche tourism; demographic trends in tourism; transition from the “service industry” to the “industry of experience and impressions”. Classification introduced international organizations operating in the field of tourism and travel, their activities in the development, promotion, regulation of tourism, training for tourism are considered.

Current trends and prospects for the development of world tourism

Currently, the tourism industry in the world is one of the fastest growing areas in the world. international trade services. If in 1950 the number of tourists worldwide was 25 million, and the turnover of the tourism industry was 2.1 billion US dollars, then, according to the UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), in 2012 the number of international arrivals in the world reached 1.035 billion people, a annual turnover in tourism exceeded $1.3 trillion. Between 5 and 6 billion people participate in tourist trips within their countries (Fig. 5.1).

Rice. 5.1.

Tourism accounts for about 9% of world GDP (over $6 trillion), 6% of world exports, including up to 30% of world exports of services. More than 260 million jobs are related to tourism and travel (with more than 100 million working directly in the industry). This means that one in 11 people in the world is employed in the tourism industry. The number of rooms in accommodation facilities is 12.7 million (including 4.9 million in the USA and 3.9 million in Europe).

In modern conditions, the role of the tourism industry is great not only in the economies of developed, but also in developing countries. Tourism plays an important role in the fight against poverty, and also contributes to the development of closer contacts between representatives different countries and regions of the world. For example, in the small island nations of the Caribbean, tourism plays a vital role, providing jobs and contributing up to 3 D of the country's GDP. In the developed countries of Europe, tourism provides 10-15% of the countries' GDP. In Africa, the importance of tourism is high so far only in South Africa and some countries North Africa. In the countries of the Middle East, tourism plays everything big role in the economy (especially in the UAE), but its development is hampered by security concerns. The contribution of tourism to the economy of the countries of Southeast Asia is growing rapidly.

According to UNWTO preliminary estimates, by 2020 the number of international tourist arrivals will be 1.36 billion, and by 2030 - 1.8 billion, that is, every fifth inhabitant of the Earth will travel. The average annual growth rate in the number of tourist arrivals is projected at 3-4% per year. The combined contribution of tourism and travel to global GDP will grow to around 10% ($9.2 trillion) by 2020 - In addition, more than 21 million jobs will be created directly in the industry, and the share of tourism in employment will also approach 10% (325 million employed). While there are certainly huge regional differences in these figures, the scale and pace of world tourism development is impressive.

Despite the ongoing economic and political instability in the world, tourism is showing a steady upward trend. New countries and regions that are developing at a faster pace are increasingly involved in the sphere of tourism activities. The emergence of new tourist centers and countries that are quite competitive with the traditional tourist leaders of the world is noted. At the same time, the dynamics of international tourist flows is extremely uneven, which is explained primarily by different levels of social economic development countries and regions of the world.

The development of tourism is influenced by numerous economic (for example, the crisis of 2008-2009), political (military conflicts, events of the "Arab spring" in the countries of the Middle East and North Africa, etc.), natural (natural disasters, epidemics, etc.). .p.) factors. But, despite all the challenges, tourism continues to demonstrate its sustainability and large-scale development.

The dynamics and structure of international tourist arrivals are presented in Table. 5.1.

International tourist arrivals by region (1950-2010 and forecast to 2030)

Table 5.1

  • (forecast)
  • (forecast)

including (in%):



Near East

Source. UNWTO.

From table 5.1. It can be seen that Europe, which continues to be the largest region of international tourism in the world, is gradually losing its position as an absolute leader. In the 20th century, Europe and America were the key tourist regions, but their share is gradually decreasing, and the growth rate in the number of tourist arrivals is low compared to other regions (although quite stable). The fastest, albeit very unstable, growth in the number of tourist arrivals is in the Asia-Pacific region, which has become the second largest in the world since 2002. Despite the existing problems, the number of tourists visiting Africa and especially the Middle East region is growing rapidly . In the near future, we should expect these trends to strengthen and a significant increase in tourist flows, primarily to Asian countries. Even now, the growth rates of tourist flows to these regions are often expressed in double digits, in contrast to the more modest indicators of the traditional tourist leaders of the European region, but they are not so stable and are more subject to the influence of factors limiting tourism development (Fig. 5.2).

If we analyze the regional features of the development of inbound tourism in more detail, it can be noted that in Europe, tourist flows are directed primarily to the countries of Southern and Western Europe (35% and 31% of the inbound flow to the region, data from 2012), famous for their mild, especially Mediterranean climate, rich cultural and historical heritage, high level of socio-economic development and political stability. The development of inbound tourism in Central and Eastern Europe (21%), which is gradually integrating into the world tourism space, is developing at a faster pace, but not in all countries of the region to the same extent.

Rice. 5.2.

In the Asia-Pacific region, the main tourist flows are directed to the region of Northeast Asia (53%), however, the real competition for this region can be made by the South Asian region (36%). The region of Australia and Oceania does not yet receive large tourist flows due to its remoteness from the countries that generate the main tourist flows, and the region of South Asia - because of the extremely difficult political situation and economic backwardness of its countries. Although potentially these regions have very large tourism opportunities.

Among the countries of the Americas, the countries of North America (USA, Canada and Mexico) dominate with a large advantage, which accounts for more than 2/3 of the tourist flow to the region. Approximately 16% of the inbound tourist flow falls on South America, 13% - on the Caribbean region. The countries of Central America are minimally involved in tourism activities.

An even more contrasting picture is observed in the African region, where Morocco and South Africa (about 18% each), as well as Tunisia (12%) stand out in terms of inbound tourist flow.

In the Middle East region, Saudi Arabia (26%, predominantly Islamic pilgrims), Egypt (22%) and the United Arab Emirates (17%) continue to be the leaders in inbound tourism, although the political instability of the region is constantly making adjustments to the development of tourism here.

Over the past decade, the ratio of the main purposes of international tourist arrivals has changed: if in 1998 62% of tourist arrivals were made for the purposes of recreation and entertainment, then in 2012 the share of such trips was 52%; the share of trips for business and professional purposes was 18% and 14%, respectively, and the share of trips for visiting friends and relatives, religious and recreational purposes increased from 20 to 27%. The UNWTO forecast suggests that until 2030 this ratio of tourist travel purposes will generally continue. However, more and more often tourists find it difficult to identify the main purpose of their tourist trip, as they pursue a whole range of goals. This indicates the ongoing diversification of tourism activities, the emergence of new types of tourism, which significantly change the scale and geography of international tourist flows.

The use is also changing various kinds transport in tourism. First of all, this applies to air transport, which continues to play an important role in the development of mass tourism. Share of tourist arrivals by air from 1980 to 2012 increased from 38 to 52%. It is assumed that the same share of air travel in tourism will continue until 2030. The use of air transport in developing countries is growing faster and may exceed that of developed countries in the future. Therefore, of particular importance in modern air transportation of tourists is the use of low-cost air carriers, which successfully operate not only in developed countries, but also in developing countries and contribute to the reduction in cost, and hence the increase in the availability of tourist trips.

Share road transport continues to remain stable at 40-41%. The biggest decline was in the share railway transport in tourist traffic: from 7% in 1998 to only 2% in 2012. The share of water transport also slightly decreased, from 8 to 6%, respectively.

An important characteristic of the modern stage of development tourist market- expanding the geography of tourism and the list of tourist destinations. If in 1950 the first five leading countries in the development of tourism in the world accounted for 71% of tourist arrivals, then in 2000 - already 35%, and in 2010 - 31%.

It is worth noting especially the fact that if in 1980 the share of developing countries in tourist arrivals was about 30%, then in 2012 it was already 47%, and according to the forecast by 2030 it will reach 57%. Thus, mature tourist destinations in Europe and America are gradually losing their leading positions to rapidly growing new tourist destinations in developing countries, and the tourist market is becoming more and more diversified from a geographical point of view.

The changes taking place in the international tourism market are most clearly manifested in the ranking of the leading countries in tourism development. The presented materials show (Fig. 5.3) that in recent years a number of countries in Europe and America, which have been leaders in the number of tourist arrivals for a long time, have not only reduced their growth rates, but have also noted stabilization and even some reduction in the number of tourist arrivals (France , USA, Spain, Italy, UK). At that time, rapidly growing Asian tourist destinations are making huge strides and starting to take the lead in terms of the number of tourist arrivals in the world.

Rice. 5.3.

China, Malaysia and Turkey are rapidly increasing the pace of international tourist arrivals. During 2000-2012, the number of tourist arrivals to China increased by 1.8 times, to Malaysia - by 2.5 times, and to Turkey - by 3.7 times. All these developing countries are firmly among the world leaders in tourism development. The UNWTO forecast provides that by 2020 China will become the absolute leader in the number of tourist arrivals, reaching a figure exceeding 100 million arrivals per year. At the same time, it should not be forgotten that Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan occupy the first places in terms of trips to China, where ethnic Chinese live visiting friends and relatives in mainland China.

The countries of Eastern Europe (especially those recently joined the EU), the countries of Asia and South America, which are of great interest to tourists, can become new rapidly growing entry destinations. At the same time, the countries of North Africa and the Caribbean may experience some reduction in the tourist flow if they do not update and diversify their tourism product. The most promising in terms of future tourism development, but according to many experts, are:

  • ? in Eastern Europe: Montenegro, Bulgaria, Croatia, Ukraine;
  • ? in Asia: Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Qatar;
  • ? in South America: Argentina, Chile.

If we analyze the indicator of the number of tourist arrivals per 100 inhabitants of the country, then fundamental differences between countries become noticeable in the degree of pressure exerted by the tourism industry on their nature, infrastructure, economy, etc. So, if for France this figure in 2011 was about 118 arrivals, for Spain - 112, for Malaysia - 85, for Italy - 71, for Great Britain - 45, Germany - 33, then for Mexico - 20, USA - 19, Turkey - 34, and for China - only 4 arrivals per 100 inhabitants. Many, primarily developing countries, still have significant opportunities to further increase the volume of tourist flows. However, in a number of small countries and in countries where tourism has been developing on a large scale for a long time, we are talking about reaching the limit of the country's tourism capabilities.

The situation with the distribution of receipts from international tourism by country looks somewhat different (Fig. 5.4).


International tourism receipts have traditionally been concentrated in the developed countries of Europe and North America. The list of the most profitable tourist destinations continues to be headed by the United States, leading by an increasing margin. The tourism industry in Spain, France, Italy and Germany brings significant income. Of particular note is China, which over the past two decades has increased its tourism receipts by more than 20 times and is already poised to displace France in third place.

To clarify the features of tourism development in the leading countries, one can also calculate the indicator of tourism receipts per 1 arrival by country (USD, per arrival, 2012):

  • 1. USA - 1883;
  • 2. Spain - 969;
  • 3. France - 645;
  • 4. China - 867;
  • 5. Macau -3218;
  • 6. Italy - 888;
  • 7. Germany - 1253;
  • 8. Great Britain - 1242;
  • 9. Hong Kong - 1350;
  • 10. Australia -5130.

An analysis of the dynamics of this indicator shows that in European countries - developed tourist destinations - revenues per arrival are declining, and in Asian countries, first of all, it is growing. This is largely due to current trends in consumer demand and changes in the nature of the tourism product provided, which are discussed in more detail in subsequent chapters.

Noteworthy is the extremely low rate of France, which, despite the fact that it remains the leader in the number of tourist arrivals, is for many tourists either a transit country in which they do not leave much money, or a country to which residents of neighboring countries come for a small term and also do not spend much.

Income from tourism is largely related to the length of stay of tourists in the country. This figure also varies greatly across countries and regions. Thus, the average length of stay of tourists in Australia is 27 days, which explains the very high rate of receipts per arrival in this country. In European countries, the average length of stay for tourists does not exceed a week, sometimes even less. The high rate of receipts per 1 arrival in Macau is associated with the specialization of this region in the gambling business.

An analysis of outbound tourism flows shows that the European region still continues to be the leader (Table 5.2), although even here its share is gradually starting to decrease.

Of greatest interest from the point of view of the prospects for the development of the tourism market is the rapid growth in the number of tourists from Asia, primarily from China. The flow of tourists from Asia in the future has the potential to become the largest tourist flow in the world, especially when tourists from the growing middle class from India and other Asian countries can connect to it. The number of tourists from the Middle East is growing rapidly.

The main flows of outbound tourism by regions of the world

Table 5.2

Global arrivals, million arrivals

including (in %):

from Europe

from America

from Asia Pacific

from Africa

from the Middle East

Source. UNWTO

In the European Region, there is a slow growth in outbound tourist flow, largely due to the difficult economic situation in the countries. For example, there are fewer trips to Southern Europe, where Europeans mainly traveled for beach holidays (this is especially noticeable in Greece). Among European countries, the largest growth in the outbound flow is noted, despite any crises, in Russia. Traditionally, the world's largest countries in terms of outbound tourist flow - Great Britain and Germany - are in a state of stagnation, and a number of southern European countries are even characterized by a reduction in outbound flow.

In the Americas, the picture is mixed. Outbound tourist flow from the United States is the main one, although the traditional preference of Americans for domestic holidays does not allow it to grow significantly. Brazil plans to double inbound tourism (to $10 million) by 2020 and increase tourism receipts by 2.3 times to $15 billion, largely driven by the 2014 FIFA World Cup and 2016 Summer Olympics and at an accelerated pace creates the required tourist infrastructure for this.

In 2012, there was an important change in the ranking of the leading countries in terms of spending on international tourism: for the first time, China came out on top with an indicator of $102 billion, which has grown by 37% over the past year. Such unprecedented rates of growth in tourism spending allow some researchers to talk about the "Chinese factor" in the development of world tourism. Since 2000, tourism spending in this country has increased 8 times due to the ease of leaving the country, the growth of incomes of its citizens and the strengthening of the Chinese currency.

The highest rates of growth in expenditures on international tourism are typical, in addition to China, for Russia (by 3 times) and Australia (by 3.5 times).

Periodically, there is some reduction in international tourism spending in Japan and the UK (Fig. 5.5). The top 10 countries account for about 46% of the industry's spending, but the scale of the development of the tourism industry and the number of countries participating in it continues to grow.

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(billion dollars)

Despite the dramatic changes taking place in the global tourism market, intra-regional tourist arrivals continue to predominate - in 2011, 81% of all trips were carried out within the region of origin of tourists. Most of the tourist exchanges take place between neighboring countries or countries of the same region. This trend is especially pronounced in Europe, where over 87% of tourists are Europeans.

The only region where interregional flows prevail over intraregional ones is the region of the Middle East. Here, only 45% of tourists are representatives of the same region.

There are close ties in tourism between the countries - former colonies and former metropolises, as well as the predominantly meridional nature of tourist flows.

The tourism market, covering most countries and regions of the world, continues to grow successfully in the face of increased competition and increased economic rivalry between its participants. First of all, this is indicated by the ever wider, often aggressive measures of advertising influence when promoting their tourist product in foreign markets. In addition, tourist demand and tourist supply depend on a number of such changing factors as economic and financial development, the impact of government policies, demographic and social change, development innovative technologies. Thus, increased competition between countries and regions both in the market of tourist demand and in the market of tourist supply is one of the significant trends in the development of world tourism.

Tourism is one of the most important areas of activity of the modern economy, aimed at meeting the needs of people and improving the quality of life of the population. At the same time, unlike many other sectors of the economy, tourism does not lead to the depletion of natural resources. Being an export-oriented sphere, tourism shows greater stability compared to other industries in an unstable situation in world markets.

The economic space of the socio-cultural sphere and tourism covers most of the country's economy. Many developed countries consider tourism and services priority its economic development, since this industry is very attractive in terms of investment. Further, it contributes to the development of the infrastructure of the region or country, the inflow of foreign exchange. Example targeted programs for the development of tourism in Russia shows a direct effect from their implementation: namely, the construction of hotels, restaurants, ski resorts, roads, etc. But the very implementation of these programs requires investments in other sectors of the national economy: construction, manufacturing. The multiplier effect from the implementation of these programs implies the involvement of various business entities in this type ( advertising agencies, trade enterprises, Catering, entertainment facilities, transport companies), which ensures the flow of money to local, regional and federal budgets.

In Russia, however, due to a number of reasons, the sphere of tourism activity, in comparison with many other countries, has not yet received proper development. Russia, together with all the CIS countries, accounts for only 2% of the world tourist flow. According to WTO estimates, the potential of Russia allows, with an appropriate level of development of tourism infrastructure, to receive up to 40 million foreign tourists a year. However, today the number of foreign guests coming to Russia for business, tourism and private purposes is 7.4 million people, which does not correspond to its tourism potential.

An analysis of the current state of domestic tourism indicates an insufficient level of its development, both in terms of qualitative and quantitative characteristics.

The main factors hindering the development of inbound tourism (the emphasis is on attracting tourists from abroad) are currently:

the image of Russia as a country unfavorable for tourism, created by separate foreign and domestic means mass media;

the current procedure for issuing Russian visas to citizens of foreign countries that are safe in terms of migration, which does not always contribute to the growth of inbound tourism;

undeveloped tourist infrastructure, significant moral and physical depreciation of the existing material base, a small number of tourist-class accommodation facilities (2 - 3 stars) with a modern level of comfort;

lack of practice of creating subjects Russian Federation favorable conditions for investment in tourist accommodation facilities and other tourism infrastructure;

the absence until 2002 of state non-commercial advertising of the country's tourism opportunities abroad;

low quality of service in all sectors tourism industry due to the low level of staff training and lack of experience in working in conditions market economy, including due to the long period of operation of resort and tourist accommodation facilities through the social insurance system;

discrepancy between price and quality of accommodation in hotels.

Also, the development of tourism was significantly damaged due to the situation in Russia due to economic crisis(August 1998). Many firms have switched to product development for domestic and outbound tourism. This made it possible to suspend the bankruptcy process travel companies and partially redistribute the segments to domestic and outbound tourism.

Currently, the commercial orientation of tourism enterprises leads to the emergence of tourism and service businesses, as well as to the creation of a specialized industry for the production of souvenirs and tourist goods. This circumstance makes it possible to single out tourism and service as an independent complex of service and tourist enterprises. All this can be defined as the tourism industry, the pace of development of which is striking in its speed.

It is also necessary to say that at present, in a competitive environment, sanatorium-resort treatment is actively developing, there is a tourist infrastructure, representatives big business are actively investing in the construction of hotels, water parks, and the entertainment industry. Adler is now experiencing a construction boom, new hotels are appearing in Suzdal, on the Karelian Isthmus. Over the past five or six years, through the efforts of tour operators, a number of unusual excursion products have been created, including those in the North of our country, which have become a real alternative to beach holidays. Federal Agency for Tourism. Strategy for the development of tourism in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2015.

For Russia, the development of tourism is especially important, because. this industry is a favorable environment for the functioning of small businesses that can develop without significant budget appropriations, and is promising for attracting foreign investment on a large scale and in short time. The tourism business stimulates the development of other sectors of the economy: construction, trade, agriculture, production of consumer goods, communications, etc. This business attracts entrepreneurs for many reasons: low initial investment, growing demand for tourism services, high profitability and a short payback period.

The current state of the Russian tourism industry can be defined as "a state of unstable equilibrium." It's no secret that the current tour business exists as a "partial" one, with fuzzy rules of interaction both between professional participants in the tour market and with the state.

Russia is losing billions of rubles by refusing to support tourism, in addition, hundreds of thousands of potential jobs are being lost. It is known that about nine people are required to serve one foreign tourist. Nevertheless, tourism is one of the few developing types of domestic business. The geopolitical position of Russia as part of the European and Asian continents is precisely the factor that allows it to preserve its tourist identity and attractiveness for tourists from all over the world. Russia today is interesting for tourists from any country, because. it is a place of refraction and interpenetration of European and Asian cultures. True, despite the continued growth of tourist activity in Russia, the impact of the tourism industry on the country's economy is still insignificant. It is adequate to the state's contribution to the development of this industry and is mainly constrained by the lack of real investment, the low level of hotel service, the insufficient number of hotel beds, the shortage of qualified personnel - all this has led to the fact that at present our country accounts for less than 1% of world tourism flow, while the share of tourism in many developed countries is 5-15%, and in some reaches 50%.

In Russia, the tourism business is developing mainly with a focus on outbound travel. The vast majority of operating travel agencies prefer to send compatriots abroad, and only a small part of them work to attract guests to the Russian Federation. However, in recent years there has been a trend of reorientation towards inbound tourism.

AT recent times in Russia there is an increase in the number of collective accommodation facilities, including hotels, the number of workers employed in the hotel business is currently about 115 thousand people, there are new tourist routes. So, for example, at present, the government of the country has decided to provide objects of the tourist cluster in the North Caucasus Federal District, the Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Adygea with external energy, transport and engineering infrastructure, including the construction of new and reconstruction of existing airports. At the same time, sources of financing for these activities were determined, and changes were made to the investment programs of natural monopolies. The first objects of the North Caucasian tourist cluster were put into operation: a cable car and two ski slopes in the Arkhyz resort. The mass launch of the first phases of the tourist cluster in the North Caucasus Federal District, the Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Adygea will take place by the 2014-2015 ski season.

Design work has begun on the first launch complexes of at least three resorts: Lagonaki, Matlas and Mamison. Inventory work has already been completed at these sites land plots, boundary works. In the territories of the Caspian coastal cluster (Dagestan), special economic zone (SEZ) Arkhyz (Karachay-Cherkess Republic), SEZ Tsori and Armkhi (Republic of Ingushetia) - cadastral and land surveying works have been completed. Land plots located on the territory of special economic zones will be transferred to the management and disposal of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia. Science Magazine KubGAU, No. 91(07), 2013.

However, a relatively low percentage of superior rooms, a small number of category hotels (17%), an acute shortage of 2-3 star tourist class hotels, significant moral and physical depreciation of the material base and the lack of favorable conditions for investment do not create opportunities for a radical change in the situation in the development of tourism. infrastructure within Russia and does not create prerequisites for the growth of the volume of these services. It is the lack of places in tourist-class hotels that negatively affects the development of inbound and domestic tourism. This significantly increases the cost of the package of services offered to tourists when they travel to Russia.

According to V. A. Kvartalnov, the main factors for the growth of the tourism industry at present are:

* the growth of incomes of the population, which allow, in addition to meeting the primary needs (housing, food, clothing), to use an increasing part of the income to meet recreational needs;

*growing urbanization and the deterioration of the ecological situation in cities, rapidly activating the demand for recreation in an ecologically clean environment, requiring a change in the stereotype of urbanized life for other activities, avoiding everyday worries and domestic stress;

*growth of free time array. In the practice of tourism in economically developed countries, the following differentiation of tourism has developed: usually the vacation period is used for foreign tourist trips, the weekend - for excursions within the country, and the evening free time - for rest in the city. Since the weekend occupies a leading place in the structure of free time, the need for domestic tourism in developed countries is increasing and the domestic tourism industry is developing at a faster pace;

*development of organizational tools and infrastructure to make unique tourism resources more accessible, and tourism activities for their consumption - more comfortable;

* the development of international trade exchanges, in which tourism has come to the forefront, primarily due to its high efficiency in meeting the rapidly growing tourist demand;

*development of mass media, telecommunication systems and information technologies in tourism, allowing not only to develop advertising, but also to quickly and conveniently serve millions of tourists. N. N. Malakhova, D. S. Ushakov "Innovations in tourism and service" Rostov-on-Don, Phoenix, 2010.

All these factors, one way or another, can affect the influx of tourists from abroad and increase the investment contribution to the country's economy.

Summing up, we can say that the implementation of investment programs should ensure the contribution of the tourism industry to the solution of the following national tasks modern stage economic development of Russia:

Creating the conditions for a dynamic and sustainable economic growth. To do this, due to high growth rates, the tourism industry (including related areas) must ensure its contribution to an additional increase in the rate of economic development;

Improving the level and quality of life of the population by increasing accessibility tourism services, employment and income of the inhabitants of our country;

Increasing the competitiveness of the Russian economy by increasing the attractiveness of our country as a tourist destination;

Ensuring a balanced socio-economic development of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation by increasing the share of tourism in the regional gross product. Federal Agency for Tourism. Strategy for the development of tourism in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2015.

Ufa Russian Institute The University of Economics named after Georgy Valentinovich Plekhanov


Efimov Oleg Nikolaevich, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Management at a Trade and Public Catering Enterprise, Ufa Institute (branch) G.V. Plekhanov"


The study and analysis of the development of international tourism was carried out, its trends and features were identified in the conditions modern market. The prospects for the development of international tourism are considered. Requirements for the preservation of tourist attractiveness for tourist organizations have been formed.

The study and analysis of the development of international tourism, revealed its trends and patterns in today's market. The prospects of development of international tourism. Formed conservation requirements of the tourist attraction for tourist organizations.


the country; tourist; solutions; Problems; competition.

country; tourist solutions to problems; competition.

UDC 379.85

One of the most actively progressing areas of world trade in services in our time is international tourism. The United Nations International Tourism Organization (UNWTO) recorded 847 million tourist arrivals and generated $733 billion in tourism revenue. Tourism acquired a global scale back in the 60-70s of the twentieth century. As a result, a global tourism market was formed, in which almost every country participates today.

But along with this, each country has its own level of socio-economic development, which primarily affects the change in international tourist flows.

The relevance of this topic is quite high, since in modern world The most common form of recreation is tourism. The purpose of this work is to study the position of international tourism in the world market. Also in this article the following tasks are set, to analyze statistical data on this topic, to consider the main factors external environment influencing tourism, identifying trends in international tourism and its prospects through the study of literature.

In our world, there is now a very common tendency for the number of tourists traveling to countries of nearby regions to prevail over the number of tourists who prefer to travel long distances. Some researchers believe that this is due to the increased frequency of terrorist attacks in the world, others attribute this to a noticeable increase in tourist travel per year. The main conditions affecting the development of tourism are: competition, information technology, air travel, tour operator service and socio-political conditions for the development of the country.

Recently, the tourism industry around the world is often faced with continuously growing competition between tourism organizations both within the region and beyond. First of all, this is proved by hostile ways of advertising influence when trying to promote your company in the global travel services market. In addition, tourist demand and supply depend on a number of different factors, such as political influence, financial position country and social change.

From the foregoing, it follows that the increase in competition, both in tourism demand and supply, is one of the most significant trends in tourism in the world.

Consider a number of requirements for tourism organizations to maintain tourist attractiveness, set out in Table 1.

Table 1. Requirements for maintaining tourist attractiveness

The growth of competition in the market of tourist demand occurs as a result of the functioning of the following factors:

This requires countries that seek to maintain their tourist attractiveness to take the following actions:

Increasing the number of countries with ambitious plans to attract tourists

Maintaining a balance between demand growth and supply growth

Achieving maximum saturation of some forms and types of tourism offered by tourist centers

Providing for long-term investments in the tourism sector

Ensuring that there are precise government strategies for tourism development in the country

As tourism profits become more visible, countries' attitudes towards international tourism are becoming more lenient and leading to fewer restrictions.

In recent years, there has been a clearer trend towards environmental issues and protection environment. High standards of living and education are the main characteristics of the countries of Europe. These conditions explain the increased attention to the problems of environmental protection on the continent. Solutions to the problems of air and water purification, proper waste disposal, protection of nature and animals are constantly considered and analyzed at the state level. The media pays great attention to these issues, which further stimulates the state and society. The analysis of the countries of Europe on an interdependent basis leads to an increase in demand for "sustainable tourism" which includes the development of tourism and at the same time the protection of the environment. Without any doubt, such increased attention to these problems has a positive effect on the creation of new tourism products, both in individual tourism and mass tourism.

The next trend is that a huge number of people live in urban areas with a high population density, which gives advantages to rural tourism, short-term vacations and tours with accommodation in self-catering apartments and others. In the future, when the world is studied in more depth, it is expected that there will be fewer and fewer new tourist centers and there will be a tendency to travel to the most remote, little-known and inaccessible places. At the same time, the progress of information technology and the decrease in prices for tourist trips in relation to the income of the population contributes to the influx of travelers and contributes greatly to the ongoing course of globalization, with which monotony is established. Therefore, an increasing number of travelers prefer to travel to tourist centers that guarantee great leisure time and good weather. To date, there are many resorts that provide the needs that are characteristic of only one criterion of the tourist market.

For example, a purely youth vacation or an all-inclusive vacation that does not involve tourists communicating with the local population and culture of the host country, and at the same time does not lose its popularity among tourists.

The main factor in choosing a holiday destination for many tourists has been and remains a reasonable price-quality ratio. Also an important factor for them is a sufficiently high level of service at the chosen resort.

Thus, the diversity of tourist preferences is a general trend, which, on the one hand, is characterized by an increase in mass tourism in developed countries, and on the other hand, by an increase in demand for individual or specialized tourism. This requires the constant adoption of active measures on the part of countries that develop tourism, aimed at identifying new types of tourism products that are a priority for people, and creating conditions for an acceptable ratio of their price and quality.

When conducting public policy in the field of international tourism, national tourism organizations most countries are trying to listen to the forecast for the development of tourism in the world, which is compiled by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) - the largest intergovernmental organization that is specialized agency The United Nations is composed of 153 countries. According to the UNWTO study "Tourism - Panorama 2020", the increase in world tourist arrivals between 2000 and 2020 is expected to more than double.

The forecast states that in 2014 the number of tourists in the world should exceed 1.0 billion people, and by 2020. - amount to 1.56 billion people, of which 1.18 billion people. will travel within their regions, and only 377 million people. will make long journeys to other regions of the world.

But in general, if we consider this period, it will be possible to notice that travel to other regions of the world will grow slightly faster than within the regions. The ratio between trips within their regions and interregional travel, according to the same forecast, will change from 82% (within regions) / 18% (interregional travel) in 2000 up to 76% / 24% respectively in 2020. The expected distribution of tourists by region for 2020 is shown in Figure 1.

In 2020, the majority of tourists will continue to travel to Europe - 717 million tourists. The second place in the list of the most visited areas will be occupied by the Pacific region and East Asia (397 million tourists), the third - America (282 million tourists). It will be followed by Africa, the Middle East and South Asia. According to the forecast, in 2020 Russia will take 9th place in this list. Although everything can change dramatically, especially after the events related to Russia, Egypt, Turkey, America. So you can not completely trust this forecast. It may be that, for example, part of the number of tourists that was assigned to the share of America, Turkey, Egypt and Russia will be redistributed to Europe and East Asia.

Increasing the competitiveness of any tourism product in the world market can be achieved with sufficient allocation of budgetary funds by the state for non-commercial promotion of the tourism product in the domestic and global markets. It should be noted that the greatest indicators from the funds invested in the promotion of the tourism product and the tourism infrastructure as a whole begin to appear only after several years of constant investment. Private enterprises offer only own product without worrying about the state. In their competence there is no such practice as advertising any state. Therefore, the creation of a positive image of a country that is attractive for visiting remains an exclusively state task, which is confirmed by world practice. Despite the fact that the United Kingdom and Spain occupy a leading position in terms of tourist attendance, each year these countries allocate 50.9 and 96.2 million euros for the promotion of their national tourism product in order to increase the flow of tourists. A large number of European countries that have tourist resources and in which they seek to develop tourism, also invest a lot of money in their promotion in the world market. The average amount is approximately 31.7 million euros annually.

UNWTO has compiled a list of tasks for increasing the number of international tourists, which all countries must complete in the next 10 years. Here are some of them:

Timely informing tourists with the information they need;

Ensuring security measures for tourists and their property;

Increasing the role of state policy in the field of international tourism;

Strengthening public-private partnerships;

Compulsory investment of public funds in the development and promotion of tourism and tourism infrastructure.

Tourism in the world is very uneven, which is explained by the fact that all countries and regions are different in terms of development in the social and economic spheres.

Figure 2 shows that Western Europe accounts for more than 70% of the global tourism market. Approximately 20% is in the Americas and less than 10% in Asia, Africa and Australia. This development of tourism links entails the creation of numerous international organizations that contribute to the improvement of tourism. Most of the highly developed countries of Western Europe, such as France, Germany, Austria and others, have a large profit in their state budget from tourism.

So, international tourism every year plays an increasingly significant role in the global economy. His hallmark is the provision of a significant part of the services with minimal cost In your country. Tourism occupies a leading position in the list of industries that provide an impressive amount of added value. After analyzing the statistical data, the situation of the tourism market today and the identified trends and prospects for world tourism, we can conclude that the position of this industry of the world market depends on a fairly long list of factors that change over time. But today, world tourism occupies a leading position in world trade in services.

Bibliographic list:

1. "On the fundamentals of tourism activities in the Russian Federation" Federal Law of the Russian Federation of November 24, 1996 No. 132-FZ (as amended by the Federal Laws of the Russian Federation of 10.01. dated February 5, 2007 No. 12-FZ).
2. “On the State Border of the Russian Federation” Law of the Russian Federation of April 1, 1993 No. 4730-1 (as amended federal law RF dated 14.07.2008 No. 118-FZ, as amended by the Decree of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation dated 11.11.1997 No. 16-P).
3. "" - tourism and travel server. The main goals of international tourist arrivals - [website] (date of access: 11/15/2015).
4. World tourism. Statistics of tourist arrivals by regions of the world - [website] (date of access: 11/15/2015).
5. Knoema - World Data Atlas. World and regional statistics, national data, maps and ratings [website] (date of access: 11/15/2015).

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