The next generation of trucks is coming. External and internal environment JSC "Kamaz" JSC Kamaz Development Director

In addition to the corporate newspaper, radio and television, the activities of PJSC KAMAZ are also covered by the corporate magazine KAMAZ, the regular publication of materials from which we begin with the following interview.

The decisions of the leader in the implementation of social and economic tasks have essential. That is why special competitions are held to identify the best leaders and encourage them. To get into the nominees of such a competition, and even more so to win it, is a very difficult matter, and if someone has already been awarded, then many people pay attention to this specialist. Today, the winner of the republican competition "Manager of the Year" in the nomination "For Active Innovative Activity" Irek Florovich Gumerov, Deputy CEO KAMAZ OJSC, Development Director.

Irek Florovich Gumerov was born on May 18, 1960 in Kazan, Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.
He began his career in 1977 as a mechanic mechanical assembly work 3 digits in the motor housing of the Automobile Plant. Likhachev. In 1982 he graduated from the plant-technical college at the Moscow Automobile Plant. Likhachev with a degree in internal combustion engines, then postgraduate studies there (1986). In 1987 I.F. Gumerov received a diploma from the Moscow Higher Technical School. N.E. Bauman.
In 1986, Irek Florovich entered the Kama association for the production of heavy vehicles KAMAZ. Here he went through labor path from a design engineer of the second category to the Deputy General Director of OJSC KAMAZ.
Irek Florovich Gumerov - candidate of technical sciences (1987). He heads the Department of Materials, Technology and Quality, is a member of the Academic Council of the Naberezhnye Chelny Institute (branch) of the Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University. Member of the "Council for the Management of Intellectual Property Rights" in state corporation Rostec. Member of the Expert Council under the State Duma Committee for Industry on Innovative Development of the Automotive Industry and Special Equipment, member of the All-Russian public organization Union of Mechanical Engineers of Russia, member of the United Russia party.
Awards and honorary titles: Thank You Letter President of the Republic of Tatarstan (2005), medal "In memory of the 1000th anniversary of Kazan" (2005), title "Honorary Machine Builder of the Ministry of Industry and Energy Russian Federation"(2006), distinction "For services to the city of Naberezhnye Chelny" (2010), the title of "Honored Machine Builder of the Republic of Tatarstan" (2010).

- Irek Florovich, practice shows that nothing makes the management of an enterprise focus on an innovative idea as much as the realization that the product being produced will become obsolete in the near future. How relevant is this statement to your business?
- In the truck industry, competition is global. In order to meet the ever-increasing requirements and produce modern competitive equipment, the development and launching of a new product should not exceed 5-6 years. This complex of engineering works, in turn, should be based on advanced research and development groundwork in promising areas of development of engineering and technology. This process is organized at KAMAZ in a continuous mode, thanks to which it is possible to successfully develop and timely bring to the market new models and families of automotive vehicles.

What do you consider to be the fundamental principle innovation activities"KAMAZ"?
- The main principle of KAMAZ's innovation activities is to think about the consumer, to cooperate with innovative leaders in the areas, to continuously increase their innovative competencies.

- What indicators characterize the dynamics innovation process at KAMAZ?
- The dynamics can be assessed by the main result of the innovation process - the introduction of new car models to the market. Over the past five years, KAMAZ has radically updated its lineup: production of vehicles with modern components from leading world manufacturers (Cummins engine, ZF gearbox and others) has been mastered, which has improved technical specifications, improve quality and reliability; the transition to cars with improved environmental performance, corresponding to the Euro 4 standard; restyled families of cars with significantly improved consumer properties were put on the conveyor. Currently the lineup has more than 40 models and 1500 configurations, including families of trucks, chassis and buses running on natural gas fuel.

Started in 2013 new stage in the development of KAMAZ - the production of new generation vehicles with fundamentally different technical characteristics and consumer properties started. The first family is mainline tractors, their output is growing dynamically, they will be followed by transport vehicles, then heavy chassis and dump trucks, and so on across the entire range.

What to do and what not to do in the current economic conditions talking about innovations in the enterprise?
- The manifestation of negative phenomena in the country's economy immediately leads to a drop in demand for automotive equipment, forcing manufacturers to take tough measures savings. In such conditions, it is very important for a company to be able to overcome crises without losing its development potential. KAMAZ has repeatedly overcome such difficulties in its history. You need to be able to say both “yes” and “no”: to identify priorities that determine success in the market in the future and sequester
non-key directions. In a storm, you can drop cargo and cut masts, the main thing is to maintain understanding and coherence of the team's joint actions.

- What and what changes does the production process at the enterprise need today in order to adapt to the conditions of international competition?
- We need to radically, at least double, increase labor productivity, as well as improve the efficiency, flexibility and quality of production. This can be achieved only by performing a large-scale technological modernization - such a reengineering project at KAMAZ started in 2014. The implementation of the project is planned according to a modular principle, which allows flexible management of investments and reduces the risks of underutilization of capacities in case of market fluctuations.

The first stage involves the creation production capacity for the production of up to 35 thousand cars per year of a promising model range. The second stage is an increase in the level of localization of components and an increase in capacity to produce up to 70,000 new-generation vehicles per year.

- What are the most radical changes in KAMAZ activities? What needs to be done to turn these changes into a source of development?
- In addition to the technical reengineering project, the transformation will affect all business processes of the company, including marketing, design and production preparation, procurement, sales and service, business planning and controlling, personnel management. It is necessary to bring the management system to a qualitatively new level, increase adaptability and efficiency, ensuring the global competitiveness of the company. I note that practical implementation such large-scale projects would not have been possible without the introduction of modern information technologies design and best practices: for the first time in the domestic automotive industry, a computer-aided design system based on the most advanced software systems was developed and implemented. Created an electronic database design documentation and the system of its circulation. A system of "virtual" tests, hybrid modeling, engineering design analysis at the early stages of design has been introduced.

- Innovation is always focused on the market, guided by its needs. What are the needs of the freight and construction equipment(Russian, global) and to what extent the requirements of this market can be met by KAMAZ?
- The global market for heavy trucks is more than 1.7 million units with a long-term forecast average annual growth 4%. The Russian market, despite strong volatility, is the fifth in the world and has a high potential.

Global and Russian industry development trends are the same: customer requirements for equipment efficiency, purchase conditions, and after-sales service are growing. The standards for the ecology and safety of vehicles are becoming more stringent, the importance of comfort, design, and information technology is increasing. Technique is becoming more complex, energy efficiency is growing, including through the use of alternative species fuel, hybrid and electric power plants. Increasing use of new materials electronic systems, telematics, robotics.


According to the report, according to the results of work in January-September 2012, KAMAZ OJSC allocated 122.6 million rubles for payments to members of the Board of Directors and the Management Board. For 9 months of 2011 payments amounted to 46.62 million rubles. Thus, in comparison with the previous year, payments increased by 2.6 times.

11 members of the board of directors received payments of more than 18 million rubles, which is an average of 180 thousand rubles per month. Pretty modest numbers. Another thing, board members. So, for 9 months of 2012, 7 members of the board, headed by the general director of the Kama auto giant Sergei Kogogin received 104.6 million rubles, which is 1.66 million rubles a month for each (as he told the newspaper " BUSINESS Online"Head of the press service of the Cabinet of Ministers Andrey Kuzmin, Prime Minister Ildar Khalikov, who is a member of the board of directors, did not receive remuneration, since he works in the Board of Directors as a representative of the state).

Meanwhile, the average salary for KAMAZ, to put it mildly, is more modest. From the same report for January-September it follows that it is equal to an average of 23 thousand rubles per month. The so-called decile coefficient (the income gap between board members and KAMAZ workers) is 72 times! Here you can quote the words of the authoritative head of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences Ruslan Grinberg, he said in 2007: “As soon as the decile coefficient reaches 10, the conditions for social unrest appear in the country. This rule does not apply except in America, where the coefficient is kept at the level of 10 - 12. But there it is considered normal, since the philosophy of the Americans is different from ours. There it is considered: if you are poor, then you yourself are to blame.


The KAMAZ department did not comment on the information. Oleg Afanasiev - In response to a request from the BUSINESS Online newspaper to clarify the motives that guide the company when assigning remuneration, the director of the public relations department of KAMAZ OJSC, in response to a request from the BUSINESS Online newspaper, noted that this is the decision of the board of directors, and he does not comment on it.

Of course, top management can argue that just during these 9 months of this year, the plant received 3.3 billion rubles of net profit under RAS compared to a loss a year earlier, and since top managers' payments are tied to net profit indicators, it is necessary increase in remuneration. But if we take the same comparable period last year, then with a loss of 2.7 billion rubles for 9 months, board members received on average at least 556 thousand rubles a month. The entire plant then received the same 23,000 rubles on average. So it is clear that the salary of all the staff does not depend much on the results of the enterprise, and the members of the board have their own minimum minimorum.

You can, of course, recall the textbook example of the general manager of the American automobile company Chrysler Lee Iaccochi when, in 1979, the company he headed had to resort to state guarantees from the US government to save him from bankruptcy. The congressmen were persuaded, and Chrysler received $1.5 billion in state guarantees that had to be repaid before 1990 (in fact). One of Iacocca's spectacular moves was that he set himself a salary of $1 a year. By this, he wanted to convince everyone that in order to save the corporation, certain sacrifices would have to be made ... Such dedication led Chrysler to pay off government-guaranteed loans already in 1983, 7 years earlier.

As for KAMAZ, apart from the state order for car kits, it has state subsidies for interest rates on loans. In the first half of 2012 alone, they amounted to 192 million rubles. And there are also state guarantees for loans worth 4.9 billion rubles. Banks with state participation are among KAMAZ's creditors, and orders for production repair work from companies controlled by the government of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tatarstan, according to the first half of 2012, amount to 11.2 billion rubles.

P.S. Already after the publication of the publication, the editors of BUSINESS Online received, on condition of anonymity, a commentary on the remuneration of members of the governing bodies of KAMAZ from a source close to the top management of the company. According to the source, in the pre-crisis period, bonuses were awarded to the board of directors and members of the board. But in connection with the onset of the crisis, the board of directors and members of the board decided not to pay these bonuses and abandoned them for the period of the crisis. This year and following the results of the last year, KAMAZ shows good financial results. Therefore, it was decided to unfreeze those payments that were due even before the crisis. This is where the huge rewards come from. There were no payments beyond this and are not expected, the source of BUSINESS Online claims. According to him, bonuses for the current year will be paid at the pre-crisis level, which ones are still unknown.


List of members of the Board of Directors of KAMAZ OJSC elected at the annual general meeting shareholders on June 29, 2012.

Broitman Mikhail Yakovlevich - General Director of CJSC "SIB Financial Consultant".
Vardanyan Ruben Karlenovich - Managing Director of CJSC " Investment company Troika Dialog.
Dmitriev Vladimir Alexandrovich - Chairman of the State Corporation "Bank for Development and foreign economic activity(Vnesheconombank).
Zavyalov Igor Nikolaevich - Deputy General Director of the State Corporation "Russian Technologies".
Kogogin Sergey Anatolyevich - General Director of OJSC KAMAZ.
Nuretdinov Gumer Khasanzanovich - Chairman trade union committee employees of KAMAZ OJSC.
Salonen Ilkka Seppo (Ilkka Seppo Salonen) is a partner of Septem Partners Oy.
Skvortsov Sergey Viktorovich - Managing Director of ZAO Financial Broker Troika Dialog.
Troska Hubertus (Hubertus Troska) is the head of Mercedes-Benz Trucks, a member of the board of Daimler Trucks.
Khalikov Ildar Shafkatovich - Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan.
Chemezov Sergey Viktorovich - General Director of the State Corporation "Russian Technologies".

List of members of the collegial executive body of KAMAZ OJSC - the Management Board of KAMAZ OJSC

Gumerov Irek Florovich - Deputy General Director of KAMAZ OJSC - Development Director.
Klochkov Yury Petrovich - First Deputy General Director of OJSC KAMAZ - Executive Director.
Kogogin Sergey Anatolyevich - General Director of OJSC KAMAZ.
Milinova Elena Mikhailovna - Deputy General Director of KAMAZ OJSC for Economics and Finance - Financial Director.
Pronin Evgeny Pavlovich - Deputy General Director of OJSC KAMAZ for sales and service.
Puzyrkov Kirill Yuryevich - Deputy General Director of OJSC KAMAZ for personnel management and organizational development.
Urmanov Akhat Faritovich - Deputy Chairman of the Board of OJSC KAMAZ.

What remuneration should members of the Board of Directors and the Management Board of KAMAZ receive? (12.11.12 -)

5% That's right, KAMAZ is increasing production, management also needs to increase payments

81% The remuneration must be adequate and not exceed the salary of the staff tenfold

5% If top management is not paid very well, then effective personnel will leave and steal

9% The management needs not to set large payments, but to make an option program

Your vote has been counted

Organizational structure of OJSC "KAMAZ"

OJSC "KAMAZ" uses a linear-functional type organizational structure.

Advantages of this type of organizational structure:

  • · Stimulates business and professional specialization;
  • · Reduces duplication of efforts and consumption of material resources in functional areas;
  • Improves coordination in functional areas


  • · The chain of commands from the leader to the direct executor becomes too long;
  • Slow reaction to external changes;
  • · Problems with the distribution of responsibility for troubleshooting.

Directly at the automobile plant, the principle of the "Through Brigade" is used in production.

This principle has a number of advantages:

  • One manager is responsible for the result of work;
  • Problems are identified and eliminated;
  • · Wage personnel is tied to the results of the work flow as a whole.

External and internal environment JSC "KAMAZ"

Analysis of macro-environment factors:

Group of factors

The nature of the impact on the organization "+", "-"

Organization actions


"-" Decrease in sales of trucks.

"-" Overstocking of warehouses.

Suspension of production for a few days.

1. Falling demand.

2. State protective measures aimed at supporting domestic manufacturers of vehicles.

"+" Increase in production volume, increase in the share of Kamaz trucks in total sales.

"-" Strengthening of competitors.

Consolidation of leading positions in Russian market.


1. Russia's accession to the WTO (Reduction of rates customs duties for imported equipment).

"-" Growth of competition.

The introduction of a new tax on imported foreign cars by the state, respectively, an increase in prices and an increase in the quality of assembly by OJSC KAMAZ.

"-" Decreased share domestic technology on the Russian market, Threat to stop the development of the truck industry.

Entering a recycling program for old trucks.

"-" Falling demand.

Reducing the working week to 4 days.


1. Emergence of new technologies.

"+" Expansion of development prospects.

Use of new technologies to improve product quality and meet European standards.

  • 1. Falling demand;
  • 2. State protective measures aimed at supporting domestic manufacturers of vehicles;
  • 3. Accession of Russia to the WTO;
  • 4. Emergence of new technologies.

Due to the unstable situation in the heavy truck market and in order to prevent overstocking of warehouses finished products, KAMAZ suspends the production of trucks. Thus, November 26 and 27, 2014 were announced at KAMAZ as idle days with payment in the amount of two thirds of the average wage.

These measures will save over 57 million rubles, ensure the fulfillment of social obligations to labor collective and will help maintain the financial stability of the company in a declining market.

At the same time, idle days will be used to modernize production and install new equipment as part of the Reengineering program. Work will also be carried out to develop a new model range.

After joining the WTO Russian manufacturer trucks have to compete with new imports, and especially with used trucks. This causes increased competition, a decrease in demand activity and, as a result, a slowdown in sales dynamics for domestic market, on which OJSC "KAMAZ" makes the main bet. For these reasons, the company has to reduce its working week up to 4 days to avoid overstocking of warehouses.

In order to protect its auto industry from the inevitable reduction in duties on imported cars, Russia is passing a law on imposing a new fee on imported foreign cars, this will allow domestic automakers to raise prices for their products.

The introduction of the recycling fee should be a positive step for KAMAZ, as KAMAZ is exempt from the recycling fee, unlike imported competitors. Thus, accession to the WTO will reduce the customs value of imported cars, and the recycling fee will cover this reduction. But the situation only applies to some flatbed trucks, dump trucks and chassis.

In order to increase the share of KAMAZ trucks in the Russian market, it was decided to include them in the state program for the recycling of old vehicles. As part of this program, KAMAZ offers to hand over an old truck and receive a new or overhauled one in exchange for just paying the difference in cost.

OJSC "KAMAZ" continues active implementation of new technologies in production processes, which can significantly improve the quality of manufactured units, assemblies and components.

For example, OJSC "KAMAZ" is constantly working to improve quality with the help of new technologies. With the introduction of new fluxes that reduce pore formation in castings, it was possible to reduce the level of internal and external rejects on the cylinder head casting.

Analysis of microenvironment factors:

Group of factors

The nature of the impact on the organization "+", "-"

Organization actions


Customer dissatisfaction with the moral obsolescence of the lineup.

"-" Decrease in demand.

Expansion of the model range of the company.

Dissatisfaction with rising product prices.

Establishment of OAO Leasing Company KAMAZ.


Unreliable providers.

"-" Interruptions in supply.

"-" Supply of defective materials.

Implementation of a supplier evaluation system.

Productive and reliable suppliers.

"+" Product and process improvement through

introduction of new technologies and use of innovative ideas.

Making the most of this opportunity.

Supplier incompetence.

"-" Interruptions in supply.

"-" Poor product quality.

Supplier personnel training.


Increasing competition in the Russian truck market.

"+" JSC "KAMAZ" is the leader in the country and occupies a significant market share.

Holding positions of the enterprise; due to lower prices and more favorable terms of service.

Reducing the price advantage of foreign automakers due to the growth of customs duties.

"+" Increase in demand and sales.

Increasing the price of trucks and increasing build quality.

As the main factors influencing the activities of the company, we can distinguish:

  • 1. moral obsolescence of the model range;
  • 2. growth in the cost of production;
  • 3. qualification of suppliers;
  • 4. increased competition.

For a long time, the KAMAZ automobile plant produced only those models of trucks that have passed the test of time and have proven themselves to be reliable. But the moment came when the demand for products began to fall, this was due to the fact that against the backdrop of high-tech and not expensive foreign cars, the KAMAZ lineup looked outdated. The situation could be saved only by the increase and variety of truck models produced, which the KAMAZ automobile plant began to implement.

Today OJSC "KAMAZ" produces a wide range of trucks: trucks(more than 40 models, over 1500 configurations, right-hand drive cars), trailers, buses, tractors, engines, power units and various tool. In recent years, the range of manufactured products has expanded due to new models and families of vehicles - from urban delivery trucks to vehicles with increased payload for operation as part of road trains with a gross weight of up to 120 tons.

Also improved specifications and consumer properties of cars - both through the use of automotive components from leading manufacturers, and the introduction of our own original developments. All this made it possible not only to return former customers, but also to attract a large number of new ones.

The use of new technologies in production, the improvement of model designs, and an increase in comfort are impossible without an increase in the cost of production. The increase in prices for KAMAZ products provoked some dissatisfaction among buyers and, accordingly, a decrease in demand. In order to meet the demand of buyers for trucks produced by KAMAZ, one of the most effective business tools, leasing, was implemented.

OAO Leasing Company KAMAZ is a 100% subsidiary of OAO KAMAZ, specializing in leasing sales of KAMAZ vehicles and special equipment based on KAMAZ chassis.

KAMAZ Leasing Company OJSC constantly introduces new client financing schemes designed for a wide variety of clients - from private entrepreneurs to large corporations, offering the safest, most convenient and profitable ways to solve their transportation problems.

In order to cooperate only with trusted and responsible suppliers, KAMAZ OJSC conducts a quarterly assessment of suppliers. After the evaluation, a list of suppliers whose products do not meet the requirements of KAMAZ OJSC is compiled. Then a procedure is carried out to take action against suppliers classified as "unreliable". If, after the measures taken, the supplier again does not live up to expectations, the search and consideration of the cooperation of alternative suppliers is carried out.

The quality of products largely depends on the competence and level of training of personnel. In order to develop the Suppliers of KAMAZ OJSC, the Corporate University of KAMAZ OJSC, together with the Regional Institute of Advanced Technologies and Business, conducts training of suppliers' personnel.

The main competitors of KamAZ trucks in the Russian heavy-duty transport market are, firstly, manufacturers of neighboring countries MAZ, Ural, KrAZ, secondly, unscrupulous Chinese suppliers, and thirdly, world-leading firms, for example, Volvo, Scania, IVECO, DaimlerChrysler, fourthly, used cars produced by world leaders.

On the Russian market, KAMAZ trucks remain out of reach due to the combination of price and quality. Their advantage is ease of repair and operation.

And yet, KamAZ vehicles are often compared with suppliers operating in China, who offer their cars even cheaper. However, Chinese special equipment is known for its very short service life, not to mention the fact that the quality of its performance leaves only hope for the best. It should also be noted that, unlike its competitors, KAMAZ operates in almost any weather conditions, while maintaining any difficulties of external road conditions. At the same time salons after-sales service of this car are located in all major cities of our country and abroad, as well, and it will not be difficult to find components for it.

A similar aspect is also significant, that OJSC "KAMAZ" sells a serious range of various transport equipment in the market sector. Customers have the opportunity to choose according to their needs both a milk carrier and a military and all-terrain vehicle, while depending on the whim of the client, he can choose a truck with a carrying capacity of 10 to 25.5 tons.

Analysis of the internal environment of the enterprise:

Aspect of environment


Weak sides


  • 1. Sufficient share of the Russian market.
  • 2. Development of new markets.
  • 2. Value for money - an advantage over other market participants.
  • 1. Low level of marketing research.
  • 2. Insufficient financing of out-of-town advertising campaigns.


  • 1. Highly qualified management personnel.
  • 2. Good system short term planning.
  • 3. A small number of managers.

1. Poor development of the long-term planning system.


  • 1. Availability of highly qualified personnel.
  • 3. Lack of staff turnover.
  • 1. Lack of effective incentives in the motivation system.
  • 2. Low interest of the staff in the development of the company.

Organizational culture

  • 1. High discipline.
  • 2. Established norms and values.


The Moscow government, KAMAZ, NAMI and Yandex signed an agreement on cooperation in the development and implementation of unmanned vehicles in the capital.

The signing took place at the main venue of the Moscow Urban Forum in the Zaryadye Concert Hall. The document was signed by Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin, Development Director of PJSC KAMAZ Irek Gumerov, Director General of the NAMI Institute Sergei Gaisin and Director General of Yandex Elena Bunina. The agreement was signed for five years with the possibility of extension.

The document provides for the development and implementation in Moscow of unmanned control technologies for all types of urban passenger transport, technologies for telematic transport and intelligent automotive systems, and the formation of a regulatory legal and technical framework. A separate item is the training of personnel in the development, testing and operation of unmanned vehicles. This will include a system independent evaluation qualifications of employees applying for the implementation labor activity for new professions. In addition, the development and testing of solutions related to cybersecurity in the operation of "drones" is envisaged. The safety of testing unmanned vehicles will be provided by urban systems: a comprehensive scheme of organization traffic and intelligent transportation system.

It is noted that the work will mainly use Russian technologies. “I am grateful to my colleagues who are actively working on new models of transport, breakthrough technological solutions, - said Sergei Sobyanin during the signing ceremony of the document. “For its part, the city will do everything possible to ensure that such innovations are introduced in Moscow, so that we are leaders in this area as well.”

In turn, Irek Gumerov stressed that such a partnership between the capital, manufacturers and IT companies will provide an opportunity for the development of new technologies. “Autonomous vehicles open up huge opportunities for the city and its residents,” he said. “And of course, Moscow's leadership is a great potential for success in this program.” Irek Gumerov also recalled that during the World Cup in Kazan, the capabilities of the Shuttle drone, developed at KAMAZ together with NAMI, were demonstrated. “We took our passengers there and saw their reaction. And it is clear that in the near future such transport will enter our lives and change it,” Gumerov said.

Irek Gumerov also took part in the panel discussion “Beware of drones. Economics and technologies of transition to an unmanned city. During the discussion, he noted that autonomous vehicles can improve safety on the roads of the city, reduce traffic and provide new opportunities for public transport. “There will be about 70% less parking because autonomous vehicles will be used more efficiently. Traffic safety can increase by 90% as autonomous vehicles are more predictable,” Gumerov said. – Also, due to a denser flow and the ability to move at closer distances, due to the communication of a car with a car, an increase is expected bandwidth by 30%.

The Moscow Urban Forum is the largest international congress dedicated to the challenges of developing global megacities. It brings together representatives of city administrations of Russia and the world, architects, urban planners, developers, managers financial companies, investors, etc. The theme of this year's forum is “Megapolis of the Future. New space for life. The business program includes panel discussions, presentations, interviews, strategic sessions, plenary sessions etc.