Download view presentations. PowerPoint Viewer - view and print documents created in PowerPoint

PowerPoint 2010 is a Microsoft program for creating presentations and exporting any information into dynamic slides. The 2010 version has all the necessary features to create a professional presentation of a report, project, study paper, etc.

PowerPoint 2010 is great for school and work. Each slide created with this presentation program can include text, graphics, video, music, charts and diagrams. Powerpoint is an informal standard for creating presentations in higher education.

PowerPoint 2010 in Russian free download:

Version Platform Bit depth Format
Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 Windows 8-10 x32-x64 .zip
Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 Windows 7 x32-x64 .zip
Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 Windows Vista x32-x64 .zip
Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 Windows XP x32-x64 .zip

The functionality of the program allows you to create both simple projects that help to better convey the information of the report, supplementing it with a visual range of photos, videos, diagrams, diagrams and abstract text materials. So are rather complex presentations filled with a large amount of visual and textual information that does not need oral explanation.

Of course, PowerPoint 2010 is not intended to create a full-fledged video series, but if desired, this program can be used to implement this. Today it remains one of the strongest solutions in the software market for creating presentations.

How to install PowerPoint 2010

Run the installer click "Setting"

Mark in the list do not install everything except PowerPoint and funds office

Click install, wait for the installation to complete.

If the problem is with the download:

Compared to the previous version of the program, in 2010 you can see an updated interface and many new features, many of which allow you to create and edit presentations online, including sharing with friends or colleagues. Particularly impressive is the ability to insert videos with a variety of effects. A PowerPoint 2010 presentation is a series of slides.

PowerPoint 2010 allows you to:

  • Create slides;
  • change their layout;
  • change the order of the slides;
  • add information (graphic, sound, text) to slides, notes and comments to them;
  • customize animation, duration of each slide

Each slide includes a so-called placeholder prepared in advance. It is designed to accommodate text and other information. You can use a ready-made slide template with a default placeholder (slide layouts), or you can remove the placeholder and place any information on the slide in the place you like.

The usual procedure for creating a presentation in PowerPoint 2010 is as follows:

  • Choosing a slide layout
  • Setting the slide background
  • Filling slides with information
  • Setting up animations and slide transitions
  • Setting the timing of each slide and their order
  • Adding audio if needed

PowerPoint Viewer is a free presentation viewer that supports a large number of formats: .ppt, .pptm, .pps, .pot, .potm, .potx, .ppsx, and .ppsm.

Microsoft Office is a very popular software package among users, but as you know, it is paid, so not everyone has the desire and opportunity to work with it. For this reason, Microsoft decided to release a number of free programs that could partially perform the functions of the paid version. One such program is PowerPoint Viewer.

You can download the program for free from Yandex.Disk by clicking on the link below.

Run the setup file on your computer. The installation wizard window will appear, click "Next".

When the installation is completed, the following message will appear, click OK.

You can now open presentations created with PowerPoint on your computer. The program is installed separately from the Microsoft Office package, and you can start it by going to the Start menu.

Explorer will open immediately, through it select the file you want to open.

The interface of the program is very simple with few functions. The presentation page is shown at the bottom left, the buttons for changing slides and the Menu button are shown on the right.

The menu can also be opened by right-clicking anywhere in the program window. From it, you can print a presentation and copy the shown slide to the clipboard. For help, click on the menu item of the same name or press F1.

In the help, switching through the tabs "General", "Multimedia" and "Viewer", see which keyboard shortcuts are responsible for what.

With PowerPoint Viewer you can view presentations created with Microsoft PowerPoint. Moreover, both those that were created in the latest version, and those that were created in earlier versions of the program.

Although the functionality of the program is not great, PowerPoint Viewer is free and does its job perfectly.

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Microsoft Office can be safely called one of the most popular office suites. Unfortunately, not everyone can purchase this creation from the software giant, because in order to fully enjoy the functionality of Microsoft Office, you will have to spend a tidy sum. Therefore, Microsoft decided to release a number of free tools, which are separate functions of their well-known package. A good example of such a program is the PowerPoint Viewer tool. As the name suggests, this program serves as a tool for viewing documents (in particular presentations) created in PowerPoint.

The advantages of the program include support for documents created both in earlier versions of the program and in the latest ones. As well as support for a large number of formats, including .ppt, .pot, .potm, .pptm, .pps, .potx, .ppsx and .ppsm. The utility allows you to easily switch to full screen mode, display graphic effects added to the presentation and play sound. The tool allows you to print presentation slides or add comments to them. The main and, most likely, the only drawback of the application is the inability to make changes to the document. In general, we have a useful program that will come in handy for people who have to work with presentations. Especially Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer will help those who do not want or are not able to work with a full-fledged Microsoft Office suite.

Program Overview

Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer supports *.ppt, *pptx, *.pot, *.pptm, *.potm, *.pps, *.ppsx and *.ppsm files. However, it cannot check text for spelling errors, does not support bi-directional presentations, cannot open IRM-protected files, and does not support macros and graphics in EPS, PCT, EMZ, CDR, WMZ, WPG, and CGM formats. . As for the mobile version Microsoft PowerPoint, you can use it to create and edit presentations on devices with a screen size of up to 10.1 inches.

System requirements for a computer

  • System: Windows 10, Windows 8 (8.1), Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7 (32-bit / 64-bit).

Phone system requirements

  • System: Android 4.4 and above | iOS 11.0 and above.
Features of PowerPoint Viewer on a computer
Open presentations in many formats, including password-protected ones.
Copying slides to other programs.
Print the entire presentation or specific slides.
Support for "hot" keys.
Full screen support.
Creation and processing of presentations
In addition to viewing a presentation, you can edit and create new ones (add and change the background of presentations, format text, and insert interesting videos, various photos and pictures, music, diagrams, graphs and other objects). The rendered presentations will look the same on your computer as they do on your Android device.
Saving presentations
There is no need to save presentations after every change. This application will do it automatically.
General access
Thanks to data synchronization with cloud storages (OneDrive, Dropbox, SharePoint, Box, Google Drive), you can access your presentations from any device, no matter where you are. You can also share presentations with specific people by sending links or email attachments.
PowerPoint will allow you to share presentations with other users. For example, with a project manager or work colleagues.
  • Bugs fixed.