Order to change salary sample in dow. Order to change salary: in which case it is drawn up, how to draw up, download a sample

The order to change the salary is the main administrative document on the basis of which there is an increase or decrease wages employee. Without it, this procedure will not be considered a complete and legal procedure.

When does a salary change occur?

The most common way to change salary is to increase it. Usually it occurs with the high productivity of the employee, his special merits to the company, for the purpose of additional motivation, and also due to some other general reasons.


There are also occasional pay cuts. Most often this is due to the financial problems of the organization or the inefficiency of an employee. In any case, such an unpopular measure should also be accompanied by the writing of an order to change the salary, even in cases where the reduction is not a very significant amount.

Remember, you should follow an important rule: before reducing the salary of an employee, he must be notified of this in writing at least two months in advance.

During this time, a person can decide for himself: will he look for another, more financially suitable job or is he ready to remain in his previous position, but at a lower salary. It should be noted that the employee has every right to refuse those new financial terms, which are included in the order, without giving up their workplace.

In this case, by law, the employer is obliged in writing to offer him another position (higher or lower in rank, but corresponding to the level of qualification and health). If it is not possible to reach an agreement, then it will be necessary to seek a solution to the conflict in court.

Basis for the order to change the salary

Any order, including this one, must have some basis. In this case, such a document may be a presentation or from the head of a structural unit, a change in staffing, etc. The base must include

  • circumstances for which it is proposed to change the salary of an employee,
  • brief description of the employee,
  • as well as the amount of the current salary and the one that is proposed to be assigned.

In this case, one nuance should be taken into account: if an increase in salary in most cases must be accompanied by a written proposal from the head of the department in which the employee works, then no documents from the line manager are needed to reduce it.

Who makes the order

The order is always written on behalf of the head of the enterprise, but an ordinary employee is usually involved in its actual preparation. This could be a lawyer, human resources officer, or company secretary. But regardless of who will be entrusted with this function, the specialist must have the necessary level of training and knowledge of the basics of labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Rules for drawing up an order

standard unified sample there is no order to change the salary, so the document can be drawn up in free form. Some organizations have specially designed, mandatory, internal order templates (which must be registered in accounting policy enterprises). In any case, the document must contain a number of necessary information. These include:

  • The name of the company,
  • the date of the order,
  • order text,
  • persons responsible for its implementation.

The order may concern both one employee and a number of employees, regardless of their status in the company and belonging to a particular structural unit. If several employees are entered into the order at once, then information about each of them must be indicated in a separate paragraph, entering into the document the position, the department in which the person works, as well as the new amount of his salary (in figure and in words).

How to place an order

There are also no strict rules for issuing an order. It can be printed both by hand and on a computer, both on the letterhead of the enterprise, and on a regular sheet of A4 format.

Mandatory condition: it must be certified by the signature of the head of the company, as well as those employees who are appointed persons responsible for its implementation.

It is not necessary to certify it with a seal, since it refers to the internal documentation of the company, in addition, since 2016 legal entities exempted from the obligation to put seals and stamps on their papers.

The order is usually drawn up in a single copy, and after it is executed, it is transferred to the archive of the enterprise for storage. It should be kept there for exactly as long as it is necessary for such documents.

It should be noted that this order is automatically accompanied by changes in working conditions prescribed in employment contract, therefore, an entry about this should be made in the contract with the employee in the form of drawing up additional agreement certified by both parties.

An example of drawing up an order to change the salary of an employee

Filling in the header of the document

At the beginning, the full name of the company is indicated, below in the center of the line they write the word "order" and its number according to the internal document flow of the enterprise. The next line is the date the order was issued and locality where the company is registered.

Filling the "body" of the document

The basis for the issue is entered into the “body” of the order, after which the essence of the order itself is drawn up.

  1. The first paragraph indicates the position of the employee, his last name, first name, patronymic, as well as the new official salary and the date from which it should be counted.
  2. In the second, an order is given to a specific specialist in the accounting department to take the first item into service and ensure the execution of the order in terms of its practical implementation.
  3. In the third paragraph, an employee of the personnel department is introduced in the same way, who must familiarize the interested employee with this order.

Document certification

In conclusion, the document should be certified with all the necessary signatures:

  • enterprise manager,
  • responsible persons (accountant and personnel officer),
  • as well as the employee himself.

A change in earnings is often great news for an employee. Much more often the decision to increase the salary is made. There has to be a really good reason for a downgrade.

Regardless of whether a decrease or increase in wages is performed, the entire procedure should be properly executed. And this is done with the help of a special order, which is drawn up by the leaders in the prescribed manner. In Russia, a unified form was previously approved for this purpose.

However, after the State Statistics Committee issued an order to cancel the unified form, orders began to be issued in a free form.

Grounds for changing the salary

The current order of change official salary both upward and downward requires certain grounds.

For example, an increase is possible if the employer has the financial capacity. More often, a decree is issued to increase a specific employee, and not the entire state. If a person shows good results in labor activity, then this becomes the optimal basis for raising his wages. In most cases, the immediate supervisor writes a memo, and based on such a request, the director decides to increase the salary of a successful employee.

With such an objective reason as a change in working conditions, a reduction in wages is also allowed. In the event of a reduction, the employee must be notified in advance. It is also prohibited to change the functions of an employee during a reduction.

Order to change the staffing table in connection with a change in salaries

If the employer has plans for a pay increase or a pay cut, the employer must issue an order stating what will be changed. staffing.

The text should contain the following information:

  • Specific list of positions;
  • The exact amount of the new salary;
  • The date the new rules go into effect.

It is believed that after the staffing table is changed, the manager should additionally draw up new agreements with his subordinates. According to the existing procedure, employees get acquainted with the transformation of the staffing table and put their signatures.

How to draw up an order to change the salary?

In order to correctly issue an order to change the salary, the first step is to draw up an additional agreement to an already signed employment contract.

If the employer is going to reduce wages, then two months before that, it is necessary to inform the employee of his intentions. If the employee does not agree to the new worsened conditions, then his manager will have to offer a new position. To create an order, you can use existing templates.

The form of the order to change the official salary

More than ten years ago, the unified form of the form was canceled. Therefore, in the vast majority of cases, personnel services issue an order in free form. If the enterprise uses automated tools, then T-5 is often used. However, the main purpose of the T-5 is the transfer of an employee to another position.

Order to change the official salary - sample 2018

Today, every citizen can download a form in which you just need to enter your data. Focusing on it, it will be much easier to draw up your order document. You can also see the already completed order.

Traditionally, for such documents, the name of the enterprise is written on top. Therefore, letterheads are often used to order the organization. The title of the document follows. Sometimes, immediately under the name of the document, they also enter the number of the order with the date and city.

Next, the main essence of the order is indicated in the format - "On the increase / decrease in the official salary, the surname and initials of the employee." Then comes the phrase - "Due to the fact that the staffing table has been changed, the number of the already issued order is written in brackets, I ORDER." The colon is followed by a list of orders. For example, to set a salary of 20 thousand rubles for a specialist. Also in this list there should be instructions for the chief accountant, who undertakes to ensure the calculation and timeliness of payments. The final part is signed by CEO and the signature of the employee himself stating that he was familiarized with this document.

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In most enterprises, salary is a variable value. It depends on a number of factors, ranging from the position of the employee to the overall amount of work performed and the success of the company. At the same time, if the employer decides to change the employee's salary (increase or decrease - it does not matter), he must issue an appropriate order, familiarize this employee with it and make changes to.

Legal grounds for changing salary

A change in salary under the Labor Code of the Russian Federation can take place only on legal grounds (as well as deductions from educational institution- only on the basis of the expulsion order described in the article on). This applies to both the increase in the employee's salary and the downgrade, although the latter case is associated with much more litigation, for obvious reasons.

In any case, a change in the salary of an employee is possible only with the mutual consent of the parties. Also, the employer is required to notify of an increase or decrease in wages at least two months in advance.

There are two exceptions to this rule. The first is indicated in when the employer is an individual. Here the term is 2 calendar weeks. The second exception is specified in , and it is − religious organization, for which the minimum notice period for salary changes is one calendar week.

Among the legal grounds for changing the salary of employees, it is worth noting separately:

  • staff changes;
  • use of new production technologies;
  • violation by the employee of labor legislation or the charter of the company.


An increase in wages is undoubtedly good news for any employee and one of the main incentives. However, this increase must be earned. An employer does not have the right to raise an employee's salary without good reason.

Reasons for salary increases include:

  • long-term and high-quality performance by the employee of official duties;
  • development and implementation new technology into production;
  • taking courses and obtaining the skills and knowledge necessary for promotion.


A decrease in wages can occur both through the fault of the employee, and as a result of problems of the company. Mutual consent is required only in the second case.

Reasons for a legal reduction in salary due to the fault of an employee:

  • appearing at the workplace under the influence of alcohol or drugs;
  • intentional (or negligent) damage to the property of the organization;
  • absenteeism without good reasons;
  • other violations of the labor legislation of the Russian Federation or the charter of the company.

Reasons for a legal reduction in salary at the initiative of the employer:

  • organizational changes technological conditions labor;
  • transfer of an employee to another position, due to an insufficient level of qualification for the current one;
  • transfer of an employee to another position due to injury or illness.

Documentation of salary changes

For the procedure for reducing or reducing the amount of wages, certain documentation is required. This is required by labor law to justify the legality of actions. Litigation for pay raises is rare (although possible), but for pay cuts, employees often sue their employers.

To prove your case, you will need to provide a certain list of documents, which includes:

  • an order to change the salary, indicating the reasons for the procedure;
  • an employment contract concluded between the employer and the employee;
  • order to change the staffing table;
  • new staffing;
  • violation by an employee of labor legislation or the charter of the company;
  • appearing at work under the influence of alcohol or drugs;
  • damage to the organization's property: intentionally or through negligence;
  • indication of false personal data when concluding an employment contract;
  • repeated non-fulfilment of the firm's work plan.

Sample letter of change in salary

In order to change the wages of one or more employees, the employer must issue two orders.

The first is about changing the salary of a particular employee. A sample document can be downloaded from the link. There is no unified form of this order, but there are a number of specific requirements for its content.

The document must indicate:

  • order number;
  • details of the employee receiving the salary increase;
  • appeal to the chief accountant to resolve the financial component of the issue;
  • appeal to the inspector of the personnel department with the requirement to familiarize the employee with the contents of this order;
  • signatures of the CEO and employee.

The second document is an order to change the staffing table. It is not mandatory under the legislation of the Russian Federation, however, it greatly simplifies many of the tasks assigned to management, including control over labor activity employees. A sample document can be downloaded from the link.

  • the essence of the changes being made: change in salary, transfer of an employee to a new position, reduction in staff, etc.;
  • the person exercising control over the execution of the order;
  • the signature of the general director approving the content of the document.

Can it be disputed?

As a rule, employees do not object to an increase in wages, and lawsuits on this issue are rare. As opposed to salary cuts. Even if the employer's actions were justified, some employees are trying to restore the previous salary through lawsuits, but here the chances of getting what they want are low.

On the other hand, a reduction in salary by an employer is illegal if carried out without good reason. The list of good reasons includes:

  • transfer to another position with the written consent of the employee;
  • transfer, as a result of the certification, which confirmed the insufficient qualifications of the employee;
  • staff reduction (here the employee has two options - transfer or dismissal);
  • reduction of working hours, part-time work - with the mutual consent of the parties;
  • the use of grading, wages with variable parts;
  • application of the principle of KPI (key performance indicators) - the calculation of wages based on the implementation of the company's planned indicators.

If the employer reduced wages for any of the above reasons, made serious violations in the execution of orders, or reported changes less than two months before the scheduled date, the employee has the right to challenge the changes. To do this, you can contact either labor inspection, or with the magistrate's court.

Grounds for canceling changes to the staffing table due to a change in salary

There may be cases when the employer has already prepared to make changes to the staffing table, but certain events have led to the fact that nothing needs to be changed.

Examples of such situations include:

  • successful completion of employee training courses;
  • unexpected departure of a valuable employee occupying an adjacent post (with "duplicate" posts);
  • refusal of an employee to transfer to another position.

If the order has already been issued and entered into force, the employer simply issues a new one that cancels the old one. If the new resolution is not yet valid, it can be canceled immediately, without additional paper work.

An order to change the salary is a local administrative act of the employer, which is the basis for increasing or decreasing the salary of employees. In the absence of such a document, the adjustment of the amount of the employee's salary is not considered to be completed in accordance with the requirements of the law.

Ways to adjust salaries

Recall that the components of wages are:

  • tariff rate, salary;
  • base salary, base salary.

Salary changes can take place in a variety of ways.

  1. The first option is to correct the above elements.
  2. The second possible option is the appointment or increase in compensation payments.
  3. The third is the same actions in relation to payments of an incentive format (bonuses, incentives).

The amount of labor associated with the workflow depends on the choice of the method of change, as well as the number of employees to whom it concerns (all or part).

How to get a salary increase

The most common option is to increase cash income. Typically, it is associated with special merit, high productivity, the need for additional employee motivation. Consider upgrade options.

For all employees

A similar development of events is associated with the adjustment of the salary of all employees by the same percentage. This is possible during indexing. obliges the employer to increase the amount of income due to rising inflation.

The employer determines the indexation algorithm in the collective agreement or local administrative act. Labor legislation does not establish the frequency and size of such changes, so the organization determines their regularity and size independently. As a rule, rates (salaries) increase by the established coefficient.

The algorithm of the manager’s action if indexation is necessary for all employees is as follows:

  1. Establish the procedure for the procedure in the collective agreement (in its absence, approve it in the regulation on wages).
  2. Issue an order on salary indexation with reference to the document in accordance with which it is carried out.
  3. Make appropriate changes to the staffing table.
  4. Conclude additional agreements with employees to employment contracts on changing the terms of payment (a sample is given at the end of the article).

Sample letter of change in salary

For individual employees

An individual increase in an employee's income most often occurs at the suggestion of the immediate superior.

The algorithm is the following:

  1. The immediate supervisor draws up a submission addressed to the employer with a rationale for the need to increase wages and a request to consider such a possibility.
  2. The employer endorses and approves the submission.
  3. The employer draws up an order adjusting the staffing table.
  4. The employer issues personal orders for employees (or one document relating to all those who have undergone changes).
  5. The employer draws up and signs an additional agreement to the employment contract with the employee.

The last two documents must agree on the dates of entry into force.

How to apply for a pay cut

Salary cuts may be subject to Art. 74 Labor Code of the Russian Federation due to reasons related to new conditions in the organization or work technology. At the same time, by Art. 72 Labor Code of the Russian Federation, reduction is possible in case of revision of the labor agreement as a result of negotiations between the parties.

The main reasons may be:

  • decrease in the income of the organization;
  • demotion of an employee;
  • reorganization.

The employer does not have the right to reduce the amount on his own initiative.

If the employee does not mind

The employer must Art. 74 Labor Code of the Russian Federation):

  1. Issue an order on a new procedure for calculating salaries and making adjustments to the staffing table.
  2. Send each employee a notice of the change in salary and its reasons for at least two months (the employer - a religious organization - at least seven calendar days (Art. 344 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), individuals - not less than two weeks (14 days) ( Art. 306 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)).
  3. Make sure that the employee agrees to work in the new conditions.
  4. Draw up in writing with the employee an additional agreement to the employment contract on changing the salary.

If the employee is against

  1. In writing, offer the employee another available job (both vacant by qualification, and vacant lower or lower paid). A condition is an opportunity for a person to perform similar functionality in his state of health. In this case, it is necessary to offer all relevant vacancies available in the area. He must offer work in other territories, if this is established by the collective agreement, agreements, labor contract.
  2. With absence suitable job or refusal of the proposed options at the end of the notice period for the employee, issue an order to dismiss under paragraph 7 of part 1 Art. 77 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

How to make an order

There is no single template for compiling an administrative document, so it should be formed according to generally accepted rules. These include:

  • name of the institution;
  • date of formation of the document;
  • directly text (indicate full name and position of the employee, new salary, date of new calculation);
  • employees responsible for execution.

The document can be issued both on the letterhead of the institution, and on a regular A4 sheet. It is not necessary to certify with a seal. It should include a list of employees by name and specific amounts of the increase.

The order is approved by the leader. The persons mentioned in it (both those responsible for execution and the employee himself) get acquainted with the document in writing.

The salary can be changed both upwards and downwards. The design of the procedure may have its own nuances, depending on why such a need arose. The amount of salary is a mandatory condition of the employment contract (paragraph 5, part 2, article 57, article 135 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), which means that any changes require the execution of an additional agreement to the employment contract.

Please note that if a staffing table has been adopted for an enterprise, it is impossible for one employee to raise the salary, and for another who occupies the same position, leave the same one. The salary is tied to the position (Article 22 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), and not to a specific employee. Otherwise, there is a reason to recognize discrimination under Art. 3 and Art. 132 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In such a situation, either you will have to raise the salary of all employees who occupy the position, or introduce a new position with a higher pay.

Salary increase

The increase usually occurs for several reasons:

  • high performance and overfulfillment of the plan;
  • certification results;
  • training;
  • change of duties;
  • new functions for the employee;

In this case, the head of the department in which the employee serves writes a memo addressed to the head of the organization, which sets out the reasons for the promotion and gives general characteristics employee. This is followed by an order from the head to increase pay and draw up an additional agreement to the employment contract.

Salary reduction

Reduction of payment occurs only in case of serious grounds. Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation determines that the terms of an employment contract can be changed due to organizational or technological working conditions. Also this can be:

  • changes in equipment and production technology (for example, the introduction of new equipment, which led to a decrease in the workload on the employee);
  • structural reorganization of production (exclusion of any stage production process, which also led to a decrease in load);
  • other transformations of organizational or technological working conditions that reduce the intensity or complexity of the worker's work

In this case, the procedure is more complicated. A mandatory step will be to notify the employee within two months of the reduction in wages. This period is necessary for the employee to decide whether to continue labor Relations with the employer in the new conditions. If the employee does not agree to work in the new conditions, a document is issued on the termination of the employment contract. If you agree - an additional agreement to the employment contract in terms of remuneration.

Rules for drawing up an order and storage periods

The order to change wages, a sample of which you will find below, does not have a unified form, therefore, it can be drawn up in an arbitrary manner, indicating the reasons for the changes.

We issue an order to change the salary of employees

Let's analyze the compilation step by step.

Step 1. The immediate supervisor of the employee prepares a memo addressed to the management of the organization.

Step 2. If the management agrees with the increase, based on the note, the personnel department makes changes to the staffing table and prepares an appropriate order. The document indicates the date from which the employee will receive an increased or reduced salary, and the size of the new one (a description of the notification procedure in the event of a decrease in monetary allowance is described above).

Step 3. The employee is introduced to the order under the signature.

Order to change the wage system, sample

Order retention periods

In accordance with the List of typical administrative archival documents that are formed in the course of the activities of state bodies, bodies local government and organizations, indicating the periods of storage, approved by order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated August 25, 2010 No. 558, the order to change wages is stored for 75 years.

Although the current labor law does not contain a direct requirement for the employer to issue any administrative document for an increase or decrease in salary, it is used by some structural divisions such as accounting. It should be remembered that it does not replace a written agreement with the employee, which is mandatory and is drawn up in the form of an additional agreement to the employment contract.

When does the salary change?

Increasing or decreasing wages of employees public sector occurs, as a rule, in connection with indexation, changes in the structure of the employer and are introduced by regulatory legal acts of the relevant executive authorities.

It can be:

  1. Orders of the Government of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Ministry of Health of Russia, etc.)

    Sample letter of change in salary

  2. Decrees of the executive authorities of the subjects of the Federation.
  3. Decrees of the Administrations of municipalities.
  4. Letters and memos from higher authorities of the company.

Wage reduction can be initiated on the basis of Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation - only for reasons related to new organizational or technological working conditions. The list of grounds is closed.

The employer is obliged to notify the employee in writing of the upcoming changes, as well as the reasons that caused the need for innovations, no later than two months in advance. The amount of increase, its frequency, minimum and maximum wages are established by the relevant body state power, local government or employer (at the same time, it cannot be lower than the minimum wage).

Change in salary and staffing

In most cases, if innovations concern all personnel, and the organization maintains a staffing table (ShR), the employer draws up changes in the form of SHR. Amendments to it are made in accordance with the order of the head of the organization or a person authorized by him. You can find a sample SR below.

If the changes affect only part of the staff, it is more expedient for the employer to draw up an order to change salaries in a free form. To do this, use our sample.

At the same time, it should be remembered that if the organization has an SR, a new salary is assigned to the position. Therefore, if it is occupied by several employees, and only one of them needs to increase the salary, a new position will have to be introduced.

Unified form T-3

Sample order for the approval of SR

Sample order to change salary, unified form

Sample letter to change salary

Basis for change order

The registration process is initiated directly by a memo from the responsible person, an order from the head of the employer, an order from the parent company, orders and resolutions of executive bodies, etc. - depending on organizational structure and subordination of a particular company, rules documentation support. However, the basis for issuing personnel document is a written agreement with the employee and only it.

Who makes the order

All documents that relate to personnel records management, as a rule, are personnel workers, employees of the department of labor and wages.

Compilation rules

Since the order and rules are not regulated by law, it can be drawn up in any form. At the same time, in institutions and organizations of the public sector, the document must contain a reference to the main administrative document of the parent company (or central office), the regulatory legal act-foundation.

The registration rules do not differ from any other managerial personnel document, namely: the order must contain all necessary details- date of compilation, date of entry into force, describe in detail the circle of persons to whom it applies, have the necessary visas and approvals.

An employee's immediate supervisor asks for an increase in salary. He draws up a memo. As for the reduction in official salary, then the desire of the line manager is not taken into account. It is possible to reduce the amount of salary only for reasons related to changes in organizational or technological working conditions (Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). These can be changes in engineering and production technology, improvement of jobs based on their certification, structural reorganization of production. The main thing is that the position of the worker does not worsen in comparison with the conditions collective agreement, agreements. Otherwise, if the employee goes to court, the change in salary will be declared illegal.

Based on the memo, an order is being prepared to amend the staffing table, which notes how the salary changes: increases or decreases.

Speaking about the increase and decrease in the official salary of an employee, we must not forget that the conditions of remuneration (including official salary) are mandatory conditions of an employment contract (Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If you need to change a mandatory condition of the contract, the employee and the employer must conclude an additional agreement in writing.

The process of salary reduction should be analyzed in more detail. About the upcoming change unilaterally mandatory condition of an employment contract, the employee must be notified in writing no later than two months in advance (Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). It's by general rule. There are two exceptions to it. Employer to an individual the threshold is set at 14 calendar days (Article 306 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Advice 1: How to draw up an order to change the official salary

A religious organization is given 7 calendar days for this (Article 344 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The employee is given a notice, which he receives against signature. If the employee does not agree to work in the new conditions, the employer is obliged to offer him another job in writing. It could be like vacant position or a job corresponding to the qualifications of the employee, and vacant lower position or lower-paid work that an employee can perform taking into account the state of health (Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). To do this, the employee is given a list of suitable vacancies for him (with an indication of the amount of official salaries) against signature.

So, an additional agreement to the employment contract on changing the official salary has been signed. Next, you need to prepare an order. The difficulty is that there is no unified form for such a case. Therefore, the order is drawn up in a free form. This order completes the process of changing the official salary of the employee. Then the personnel officer acquaints the employee with the order, gives a copy of it to the accounting department for payroll, files Required documents in a personal matter, etc.

How to get a pay rise

An increase in wages for state employees is necessarily accompanied by the issuance of an order. The law obliges the employer to issue it for reasons:

  • increase in the minimum wage (art.
  • changes in working conditions (Art. 74, 146 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • indexation (Article 134 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • transfer of an employee to another job with an increase in salary (Articles 72.1 and 72.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Since 2013, unified requirements for personnel documentation have been canceled, so it is possible to issue acts on wage increases in any form or based on a template developed by the organization itself.

How to issue an order to change salary: 9 rules

It is only important to comply with the rules of office work regarding the structure of the document and the rules of the Russian language.

What is the difference between salary and salary

These terms are close in meaning, but not identical. Both relate to the economic component of the worker's labor. But there are fundamental differences between them.

Salary is the basic part of the salary that is not subject to change, which is prescribed in the employment contract or annex to it. Salary is a system of accruals of various kinds, including:

  1. Salary.
  2. Allowances for harmful production.
  3. Percentage of sales.
  4. Prizes.
  5. Bonuses.

deducted from wages insurance payments for an employee in off-budget funds. If its size increases, as a rule, all its structural elements increase simultaneously.

What is the difference between salary increase and indexation

The decision to increase remuneration is made by the head of the budgetary organization. It can refer to one employee or to a specific group.

Indexation, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, is a mandatory measure. Every employer should do it. During indexation, the salary part of wages is increased, and for all employees without exception. The purpose of this procedure is to increase the income and purchasing power of employees. Due to rising inflation, the latter regularly falls.

How often and for what reasons can you increase your salary

The employer independently decides which employees are worthy of a salary increase. Usually the selection criteria are related to overfulfillment production standards, good sales results, exceeding plans. The frequency of payments and specific amounts of remuneration are also appointed by the head of the organization. They can be very different, depending on the current financial position enterprises.

Who writes the order to increase wages

Drawing up is usually assigned to the employee who prepares the administrative papers. As a rule, this is:

  • employee of the HR department / personnel department;
  • secretary/office manager;
  • legal adviser.

Whoever draws up the document, it must be signed by the director of the organization. Without a signature, the paper will not be legally binding.

Basis for the order

The memo of the head of the structural unit can serve as the basis.

In addition, the document must have a justification, that is, reasons (for example, high labor productivity, long work experience at the enterprise, overfulfillment of the norm).

Registration procedure

Such a document can be drawn up in any form. If your organization has adopted an internal template, it is best to use it.

The paper must include a heading that contains the name of the organization, the name of the document, its number, place and date of compilation.

The requirements for the main part are more extensive, it must specify:

  • substantiation of the document;
  • the essence of the order (to whom it is intended, by what amount the salary is increased);
  • an order to the accountant to recalculate the salary and familiarize the employees with the decision;
  • reference to the basis for the order (memo, etc.).

To appearance there are no special requirements for paper, as well as for its form. It is allowed to write the order both on the letterhead of the enterprise and on a blank sheet of paper. You can type text on a computer or write by hand. The only requirement is the presence of a “live” signature of the head and all persons responsible for the execution of the order.

It is not necessary to certify the paper with a seal, unless otherwise specified in the organization's regulations.

Sample letter for salary increase

Sample letter for salary increase for all employees

How long and how to store

The order should be kept in a separate folder with other administrative papers. The storage period is established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and may be regulated by local acts. As a rule, in budget organizations this period is not less than five years. After the documents are disposed of.