Business plan for growing algae treatment facilities. Sample business plan for growing fish in uzv

Farming fish in artificial reservoirs as a business attracts many entrepreneurs. Fish farms are able to bring good profits, however, they require not small capital investments. The state actively supports such projects, as food production ensures the country's food security.

Starting investments: from 850 000 rubles The number of employees: 3
Planned income per month: from 350 000 rubles Market competition: low
Estimated monthly expenses: from 170 000 rubles Payback: from two years

Fish farming as a business is accessible even to a beginner. The advantage of fish farming is that it does not depend on seasonal and weather conditions and is practically not subject to risks.

Fish farming as a business involves one of the following farming methods:

  1. Cage breeding in rivers and reservoirs is suitable for growing large fish species.
  2. Basin farming is best used for the production of salmon, pike, perch or carp.
  3. Breeding in bathtubs or barrels is suitable for novice businessmen with a modest starting capital. Breeding fish at home as a business brings the first profit, which can become a source of fish production development.

Trout and carp are in stable demand on the market. These are unpretentious species in the process of growing, in addition, they are less susceptible to various diseases than others, and quickly gain weight.

Silver carp are also often grown under artificial conditions. This is due to its ability to quickly gain weight, it is unpretentious, and also gets along well, for example, with carp.

Tench cultivation is not very popular with farmers. At the same time, it has excellent taste characteristics, is resistant to various diseases, actively grows and is undemanding to itself in the process of growing.

Instructions on how to open and what is needed for this

Breeding fish in artificial reservoirs requires the following steps.

Stage 1 - registration and preparation of documents

This area of ​​activity is characterized by particular difficulties in paperwork to get started. Business legalization can take about a year.

  • Private entrepreneurship must be registered in the form of an individual entrepreneur or an LLC is suitable.
  • It will be necessary to obtain permission from the veterinary control and the sanitary and epidemiological station to operate the farm.
  • To arrange a lease of a reservoir, you will have to collect a fairly large package of various documents and spend a lot of personal time. The organization of artificial pools simplifies this process.
  • A scientific and biological justification must be obtained before the release of fry into the reservoir.

Aspiring entrepreneurs who decide to open a fish farming business can seek advice from professional specialists.

Stage 2 - finding a room

As a rule, novice entrepreneurs are advised to rent a ready-made pond at the start of their activities.

The main requirements for the reservoir:

  1. The optimum depth of the pond is at least 1.5 meters.
  2. The bottom should not be muddy or contain peat impurities.
  3. Vegetation should be in the reservoirs.
  4. Along the coast it is desirable that there are shrubs and trees. They will provide shade.
  5. Water quality must comply with current regulations.

Since the care of large ponds requires a substantial amount of money, beginners should limit themselves to small ponds. The optimal size is 30–50 sq.m.

Stage 3 - purchase and installation of the necessary equipment

  • Artificial water supply is carried out using a drainage system with a pump (from 10 thousand rubles).
  • Filters (from 80 thousand rubles).
  • Compressor for saturating water with oxygen (from 80 thousand rubles).
  • An ultraviolet sterilizer prevents water from blooming (from 60 thousand rubles).
  • Other equipment. Its set depends on the type of fish farming method, its scale and types of farmed individuals.

Stage 4 - recruitment

To successfully breed fish, you will need qualified personnel. At the initial stage, you need to hire a livestock specialist, as well as several auxiliary workers. In the future, you should hire a sales manager.

Stage 5 - promotion and advertising

Sales of the bulk of products can be organized through chain stores, hypermarkets and restaurants. In addition, a branded website of the company should be created, informing buyers about the products of the farm. New business fish farming requires special measures for product promotion. At the initial stage, advertising on the Internet (contextual and banner on thematic sites) and local newspapers is suitable.

Financial plan

If you are planning to organize a small fish farm, then your starting costs (from 850 thousand rubles) will consist of:

  • the cost of renting a pond for the year ahead (from 300 thousand rubles);
  • purchases of fry (from 30 thousand rubles);
  • purchases of feed (from 50 thousand rubles);
  • marketing expenses (from 50 thousand rubles);
  • purchase of equipment and inventory (from 250 thousand rubles);
  • other expenses (from 70 thousand rubles).

Monthly expenses include the cost of:

  • feed (from 40 thousand rubles);
  • new fry (from 20 thousand rubles);
  • salary of employees (from 70 thousand rubles);
  • salary accruals (from 20 thousand rubles);
  • other expenses (from 20 thousand rubles).

It should be remembered that you can get the first profit only in a year or two, when the fish grows and becomes marketable. The size of the fish will depend on the breeding plan.

Possible risks

This business is associated with the following risks:

  1. In winter, the fish lose weight.
  2. The risk of destruction or reduction of the fish population due to non-compliance with the technology of rearing, malnutrition and disease of individuals.
  3. Force majeure circumstances.

A large number of people in our country want to work and make a profit from their activities, do interesting things for themselves and be independent. More and more appears individual entrepreneurs(IP) and various LLCs, the state, local authorities pay more attention to businessmen. Banks reduce interest rates when issuing loans to LLCs and individual entrepreneurs. The type of activity - fish farming in artificial reservoirs, as a type of business, is becoming more and more popular.

Fish is a useful food product that can be used in various types: boil, fry, smoke, salt, dry, preserve. Mostly fresh frozen fish. The one who is engaged in the supply of food to the market is never a loser. Fish is in especially high demand, for this reason alone, the business should be profitable. There are several directions for the development of fish farming: pond, cage and pool - breeding fish in artificial reservoirs. We will consider it in detail in the review.

Fish farming in artificial reservoirs is a modern, progressive method of intensive development of fish farming. An artificial reservoir is also a dug pond. For its device, a pit is needed. The pond is profitable, but its creation process is very laborious. The main thing is that the bottom should be even. The presence of holes can cause waterlogging of the soil. As an insulating material at the bottom are used: clay, asbestos, concrete, sand. Large farms usually have several ponds with different purposes: spawning, for fry, for wintering, feeding.

Business organization

Breeding fish as a business, practically does not depend on bad weather conditions, seasons. With the skillful organization of your activities, you can quickly begin to receive a stable income.

When organizing a business, you must first consider:

  • high-quality planting material is needed - growing fry;
  • for individual entrepreneurs, it is advisable to purchase, grow young animals, bring them to marketable weight;
  • it is useless to do it alone or with the whole family;
  • great success will not be ensured in the absence of qualified specialists.

Pros and cons of this business

The main advantage is profitability - the possibility of obtaining stable income(up to 20% on average). Sometimes profitability reaches 40% in large farms.

Profit can be obtained in the following cases:

  • marketing of fish has been established;
  • the issue of transporting fresh fish has been resolved. Sufficiently high market price with the possibility of transporting it over long distances.
  • the possibility of breeding, selling sales on the spot with a small number of competitors is a particularly profitable business.

The advantages include:

  • low cost to start a business;
  • fish care requirements are significantly lower than in other industries Agriculture;
  • rapid growth of fish when using advanced rearing methods. Malek carp in a year can reach a marketable weight (one to two kilograms)

Main cons:

  • significant funds are spent in organizing their business;
  • not a quick return on investment (requires 2 - 2.5);
  • possible marketing difficulties. Not even all supermarkets have pools for keeping fish;
  • in summer it is difficult to store and transport fresh fish;
  • in hot weather, the fish grows well and feeds. In cold weather it feeds poorly and does not grow;
  • ecology and related fish diseases are important;
  • seasonality in the sale of fresh fish. A higher price for fish in summer, but at this time it is still scarce. In the autumn, mainly, the fish acquires marketable weight, its bulk is sold, and as a result, the price decreases.

Species of fish for expedient rearing

Among the variety of fish species, it is necessary to choose species that are not whimsical to feed, quickly gaining weight, resistant to diseases, and in stable demand. Many experts advise starting fish farming with carp and trout, which are in high demand.

Please note that more profitable breeding namely carp. Feed costs are somewhat less, care is easier. It is important to remember that carp do not tolerate shallow water.

Growing trout is a more time-consuming and complex process. However, its breeding attracts many businessmen. This is due to excellent taste, relatively lower habitat requirements compared to other salmon species, high prices. Many farmers breed silver carps. They quickly gain weight (up to 30 kilograms of weight and up to a meter in length).

Experts advise to pay attention to the little-mentioned fish - tench. Fish with excellent taste, not whimsical, requires minimal care, resistant to diseases. The main thing is that it perfectly tolerates the lack of oxygen, which is often insufficient in water in artificial small reservoirs.

Ways to breed fish for a profitable business

For a business to be profitable when using pools, you must:

  • have a large area of ​​land. At the same time, various approvals, certain conditions are not required;
  • apply new technology closed water exchange (RAS). It does not require the lease of large areas of land. When using RAS, it is recommended to choose sturgeon or salmon for cultivation - delicacy fish varieties. Because expensive equipment for water purification and exchange increases the cost of cultivation by approximately 1.5 times.

Large fish farms have several hangars with pools at a very high density of fish (from 40 to 400 kg of fish per 1 m³). The process of automatic feeding with dry kibble is provided, which contributes to speed dial fish weight. The applied purification system allows removing contaminants, saturating water with oxygen.

It is also important that it is possible to choose any volume, shape of the pool, material that does not require careful maintenance, is durable. The pools can be used all year round.

Modern technology has obvious advantages:

  • no reset Wastewater;
  • saving water resources;
  • ease of excretion of waste products of fish;
  • reduced care time;
  • management of the process of breeding fish - the ability to automatically adjust the temperature of the water and its saturation with oxygen, regulate the feed supply. The only, but significant, drawback of RAS is the high cost of the system;
  • the process of growing fish must be continuous.

When planning a business, the land in the country is clearly not enough. You may need to lease land.

Business plan

For profitable management economic activity You need to develop a business plan. It will help to avoid unnecessary expenses and many mistakes.

When investing heavily in organizing a business, everything must be well thought out, calculated, and then strictly carried out as planned. A business can only be profitable with proper planning. It is important to take into account the scale of the project, the region where the businessman operates, the fish for breeding, the technology used, and a number of other factors.

To reduce the payback period of your project, reduce costs, you need to contact specialists and pay for their services. When drawing up a business plan for a large company, it is necessary to involve specialized specialists.

Breeding fish in small pools will require practically no costs, usually does not require a business plan.

How to succeed in business?

You can increase your profitability in the following ways:

  • organize the cultivation of fish, sale in the area of ​​​​residence;
  • comply with the recommendations of business experts;
  • organize normal conditions for the existence of fish. It is important to monitor the condition of the pools, your own pond (clean it in a timely manner, monitor the water temperature);
  • organize your own processing if it is impossible to sell the fish in full (freeze, smoke, make canned food);

Please note that demand is not always stable, sales need to be debugged. It takes some time to acquire a reputation as a reliable supplier to shops, restaurants, bars.

  • Don't forget to pay special attention to quality advertising. Buyers, customers should inquire about the availability of fresh fish sold by favorable price. It is necessary to place advertisements on the Internet, at fish shops, supermarkets, on city websites, in local newspapers, in flyers and magazines about fishing. The method is effective, relevant, will allow you to quickly start making big profits;
  • in the presence of a large artificial reservoir, it is also possible to allow fishing for a small fee.

Business registration

To start any activity, business registration is required. At the same time, the estimated volume of fish breeding and its sale (how and where to sell) is important. When creating an artificial reservoir, it is much easier to register your activity than in a natural reservoir. This requires an epidemiological conclusion of the fishery and does not require permits. It is necessary to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC with the OKVED code "Fish farming" in the classifier "Types of economic activity".

When making wholesale deliveries, it is necessary to register as an LLC - legal entity. AT wholesale deliveries intermediaries, fish shops, supermarkets are interested. They prefer to do business with LLC. This is the most profitable, fastest, easiest way to sell products. It is also possible to organize self-delivery.

Individual entrepreneurs who do not have a legal address have to independently take care of the marketing of their products, without the possibility of wholesale deliveries. They can open outlet, rent a place in the market. This entails additional costs associated with organizing transportation, paying for a trading place, arranging a place to store fish that were not sold on the same day.

LLC registrations

For registration you need:

  • provide in tax office package of documents;
  • choose a name for the company. It should convey to the consumer information about the products;
  • choose a taxation system for calculating taxes and fees;
  • register with the United state register(Unified State Register of Legal Entities) and obtain a Certificate of registration of LLC;
  • the enterprise is registered in the pension, medical, social funds.

IP registration is also carried out by the tax service. For taxation, a simplified tax payment system is usually chosen or a patent is issued.

Initial capital

"Starting" capital can be purchased:

  • in a banking institution. However, despite the constant reduction in interest rates on loans for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs, experience shows that this is not the best option for acquiring capital.
  • A businessman will start receiving income from his activities no earlier than 2-3 years. At the same time, the minimum period for which a loan is required must be at least three years. In the form of interest for the use of bank funds, you will have to pay a significant amount of money;
  • it is much more profitable to organize a business on shares;
  • borrow money from friends or relatives.

Someone can borrow money at a certain percentage, which will be much lower than that of the lender bank. Or they can give money with the prospect of buying fresh fish in the future at a better price.

The most common misconceptions of young farmers

Most often, novice farmers do not consider the following:

  • it is impossible to start activities with a large volume of production. Despite the rather simple technique of rearing fry, experience and knowledge in the industry is required. Growing fry is the most difficult, important and responsible activity in breeding fish. Elementary mistakes can lead to the loss of all fry at once. Even with proper care for fry, sometimes up to 10% of them die.

First, you need to master the basics, get the necessary skills to care for fry, positive results, and then increase production volumes;

  • you can’t buy an unreliable, makeshift tank for growing fry. In case of failures in cleaning, enriching water with oxygen, pumping water, all the fry in the pool can not die - the loss of funds will be huge. Breeding fish is a profitable business, but the main thing is not to chase big profits and rush to get it;
  • in the absence of experience in the manufacture of the pool, its construction should be entrusted to professionals - masters of their craft. The cost will pay off if done right. And having spent significant funds on the independent construction of the pool and having lost the first failures, you can lose interest in your offspring, stop the almost unstarted commercial activity;
  • the need to conduct financial calculations of the costs incurred and the profits received, consultations with economists and experienced businessmen. With a large volume of production, they can help to make significant profits and avoid losses.


More and more businessmen are engaged in fish breeding, and for many it brings not only tangible benefits, but also pleasure from their activities. To start a business, not large investments are required, and income can be received regularly and significant with the skillful management of your household, using the advice of specialists.

The guarantee of success is the use of modern technology of closed water exchange, automation of processes. It is important for a successful business to create normal conditions for growing fish, optimal conditions for the sale of fresh fish, and try to sell products in bulk in your area. It is advisable to organize your own fish processing, pay more attention to advertising your products.

Fish is one of the most important products in human nutrition and its cultivation cannot, with proper business management, not be profitable and not bring a significant permanent income.

Fish is a wonderful product, especially valuable for its nutritional value. Since ancient times, mankind has loved it for its high taste and nutritional qualities.

Fish is an excellent supplier of animal proteins necessary for the proper growth and functioning of all cells and organs of our body. Unlike meat products, fish protein contains much less connective fibers, so it is much easier to digest and digests fairly quickly. In addition, fish contains much fewer calories than the same meat, which is why it is suitable even for those who are struggling with being overweight. In terms of quality indicators, fish protein is in no way inferior to meat protein, it contains the same essential acids, among which there is tauric acid, which prevents the development of nervous and cardiovascular diseases.

Another important advantage of fish is the large amount of useful fatty acids in it. Thanks to them, all lovers of such food are, as a rule, the owners of excellent vision, strong nerves, a healthy heart and low cholesterol. In addition, tumor diseases are very rarely found in them, and they live an order of magnitude longer than meat-eaters.

Pond fish farming in its structure and content is not much different from animal husbandry. The pond is the same farm. The only thing that distinguishes a livestock farm from a fish farm is the environment.

Pond fish farming as a traditional form of fish farming is one of the sources of marketable products in the form of live and fresh fish. The further development of pond fish farming is facilitated by its high economic efficiency. An increase in fish production can be achieved not only through further intensification of pond fish farming in existing areas, but also through the construction of new reservoirs on small rivers.

It is known that pond fish, which has a low cost, but is not inferior in quality to sea and ocean fish, will be able to replace the latter, which will additionally create conditions for improving the nutrition structure for the population. Carp, tench, crucian carp, white carp, silver carp, pike, and pike perch are well bred in backyard ponds.

Carp breeding.

Carp is the most common fish in ponds. It is prolific, grows rapidly, has good taste (proteins up to 16%, fats - up to 15%). Fry from spawning ponds are transplanted into nursery ponds, where they grow until autumn. Their standard weight should be at least 20-30 g by autumn. After wintering, they are transplanted into feeding ponds for growing marketable fish and kept for up to 2 years, which usually ends the production cycle.

Breeding Carp.

Crucian is a typical pond fish. There are golden crucians (in ponds), silver crucians (in flowing reservoirs). They differ only in external coloration and some morphological features. It should be noted that crucian carp are one of the most valuable fish species when bred by amateur fish farmers in small water bodies, since they are not very demanding on the oxygen regime. However, at the same time, it is necessary to constantly regulate their reproduction in order to prevent overpopulation of the reservoir and grinding of the mass.

Golden crucian is a strong competitor to carp in nutrition, so it is not recommended to grow them in the same pond. For co-cultivation, it is better to take silver carp.

Breeding of the White Amur.

White carp is a typical herbivorous fish. An adult individual eats different aquatic vegetation of ponds - 30-70 kg. per 1 kg. growth. The fry feed on crustaceans and rotifers. If there is little vegetation, it can compete in nutrition with carp, even eating compound feed. Therefore, they are planted in overgrown ponds at the rate of 100-300 pieces per hectare of the water surface.

Maturity occurs at 6-8 years. Spawning in natural conditions is not marked - this is a fish of artificial reproduction. To obtain offspring, producers are kept in special ponds or pools with warm water. After fertilization, the eggs are washed with clean pond water and placed in incubators for 18-32 hours. The embryos hatched from the eggs fall by gravity into special traps-cages. They are in the apparatus until the transition to mixed feeding. In the future, they go to the ponds for rearing or sale.

Breeding Silver carp.

There are two types - white and motley, differing in color, growth, method of nutrition.

The silver carp feeds exclusively on microscopic algae, and the motley one also feeds on zooplankton. The growth of the white silver carp is somewhat less than its counterpart. There are motley silver carps weighing up to 28, and white ones - up to 16 kg.
Bighead carp forms hybrid forms with white carp. The release rate per 1 ha of a feeding pond is 500-1000 yearlings, depending on the food supply.

Pike breeding.

Pike is of great benefit in reservoirs overpopulated with small weedy fish, destroys sick fish, which prevents the spread of certain diseases. It is also one of the factors for the best growth of fish: by accelerating, it increases their appetite, they feed and grow better. The nutritional value of pike is high: at the age of two, three, the meat contains 18-19% of proteins. Pike is especially rich in potassium, phosphorus and magnesium. In addition, it helps us to stay young and cheerful.

Breeding catfish.

Compared to other predatory fish (pike, pike perch), catfish has a number of important advantages. Catfish do not need extensive water bodies and can successfully feed in small ponds, pits, canals, quarries with a good hydrochemical regime. Due to the tendency to hibernation, the wintering of catfish is greatly simplified - there is no need to keep fish in ponds to feed it, as when wintering pike and zander.

In Russia, there are all conditions for the rapid development of various areas of aquaculture. The country has significant water resources. The total area of ​​inland water bodies exceeds 25 million hectares, including the area of ​​lakes is 20 million hectares, reservoirs - 4.5 million hectares, complex-purpose reservoirs and ponds - about 1 million hectares. A large number of fish pond farms and industrial fish farms, a well-established system of artificial reproduction, proven technologies for various directions cultivation of aquatic organisms, the availability of qualified specialists - all this is the basis for effective development aquaculture in Russian Federation. In analyzes of the current state and future of freshwater aquaculture in Russia, pond fish farming in the past and at present stage, in terms of production volume and efficiency, among other areas of commercial fish farming, such as industrial, lake and pasture, it occupies a leading position. In the total production of marketable fish in freshwater aquaculture, the share of pond fish farming currently exceeds 63%.

There are more than 900 ponds and reservoirs in the Tambov region. About 90 ponds are leased from legal entities and individuals who use them for fish farming in accordance with the Water Code of the Russian Federation.

In 2015, a little more than 500 thousand tons of fish products were imported to Russia, which is more than 2 times less than in 2014. Basically, fish is brought from China, Korea, the Netherlands, as well as from Japan and Belarus.

The All-Russian Association of Fisheries Enterprises sees nothing wrong with reducing fish imports, as this plays into the hands of domestic companies.

According to Tambovstat, 11.9 thousand tons of fish and fish products were produced in the Tambov region. Based on the rate of consumption of products of this type recommended by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (24 kg per year per 1 person), the annual production volume for the self-sufficiency of the region should be at the level of 25.2 thousand tons. Based on this, the deficit in the production of fish and fish products in the region is 52.7%. This indicator can be calculated based on the consumption of basic foodstuffs by the population of the Tambov region. According to the officially published data of Tambovstat, consumption for the fish and fish products group is at the level of 11.3 kg. per year per 1 person, which is 47% of the norm recommended by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, so the production deficit is also at the level of 53%.

Based on the analysis of the current market trends, the marketable fish production segment has sufficient capacity. The products planned for production in the KFH are in good demand among the population of the Rzhaksinsky district and the Tambov region as a whole.

Due to the introduction of retaliatory sanctions, the import of fish products to Russia has decreased by 2 times over the past four years, and the growth of domestic production has amounted to about 20%. Therefore, fish farming has become an attractive type of business that is actively developing and brings owners good income.

In world practice, aquaculture, or growing fish in artificial ponds and other water bodies, provides about 50% of all consumed products. In Russia, this figure is almost 10 times lower, but the situation is rapidly changing towards growth. It is stimulated by the State Program and the law No. 148-FZ on fish farming adopted in 2013.

According to economic calculations, the cost of one ton of fish products is 2.6 times lower than that of large meat cattle, and 1.5 less than birds. On average, the profitability of fish breeding is about 15%. To create profitable business, it is necessary to carry out certain work:

  1. to identify the demand of the local market for fish products;
  2. choose the type of fish and the method of cultivation;
  3. draw up documents for activities and a reservoir;
  4. purchase equipment, fry, feed, medicines;
  5. organize work with wholesale suppliers.

Consumers prefer fish products from local farms. Imported fish, as a rule, is more expensive due to logistics, transport and trade markups. In addition, its quality leaves much to be desired. The weight of the goods often increases due to ice, the shelf life is unknown, the taste deteriorates from repeated freezing and thawing.

Where and what kind of fish are bought more

According to a VTsIOM study conducted in September 2018, more than 80% of Russian residents regularly buy fish. Moreover, many consumers would do it more often if she had more high quality. At the same time, 73% of older people (45–59 years old) prefer fresh fish that they can cook on their own.

As a result of the survey, "fans" of fish were revealed, most of them in the Volga, North-Western and Siberian districts. "Rational" buyers prefer it because it is healthy and cheaper than meat. There are many of them in Siberia, and in the European part, especially in villages and small towns. Finally, in the capital and St. Petersburg, where the most capricious consumer, they choose expensive types of fish and make high demands on its quality.

With regard to the "noble" breeds, the VTsIOM data show a stable demand for frozen and chilled trout and salmon (57%). Smoked and salted products account for 23-28% of purchases. Fish market experts believe that the current structure of consumer demand is formed on the basis of supply. In other words, people buy what they find on the shelves. In the regions of developed fish farming, local freshwater fish are in demand: carp, carp, pike perch.

How to start farming fish

There are five types of aquaculture in total: pond, pasture, industrial, recreational and mariculture. The first three relate to commodity production. Mariculture in our country is poorly developed, it is mainly the cultivation of various animals: shrimp, mussels, and seaweed. Recreational, or simply - the organization of paid fishing gives a tangible additional income from the fish farming business.

The first question for a novice entrepreneur is the choice of a reservoir for breeding, its arrangement from scratch greatly increases the level of investment in the business. Depth, water characteristics and the local climate determine which fish to breed in the pond and the technology of its rearing. Everything is easier if there are role models in the nearest district. If the case is started for the first time, it will not be superfluous to order a fish-breeding and biological examination of the pool at the nearest research institute.

Commercial fish farming methods

  • Pasture breeding technology involves the release of fry, the cultivation of fish in the natural conditions of the coastal marine area, rivers, reservoirs, followed by the withdrawal of products. It is little used, since stocking is carried out according to an act with the participation of the state inspection (since last year it has not been required for ponds), a quota is set for the catch.
  • Industrial aquaculture is gaining momentum. This is the rearing of fish in cages in a dedicated fish breeding area, or without its allocation - in pools (cages) using warm water from energy facilities and rearing equipment such as RAS (recirculating water supply installations).

  • Of all types of commercial production of fish in our country, the most popular is artificial breeding and rearing of fish in a pond. This technology requires the least investment, including the purchase of fish seed, the minimum amount of feed, and easier processing. It accounts for about 70% of our production volume.

Industrial is the most expensive way of fish farming in terms of investments; noble species are grown on it: sturgeon, sterlet, trout. The cost of their production is twice as high, but also commodity value product is three times the price of pond fish. Thus, the final solution is determined by demand and economic feasibility.

industrial technologies

Two of them are most widespread in fish farming: artificial breeding of fish in cages and with the use of RAS. Simple cage technology is relatively inexpensive, but depends on the location and type of fish. It is widely used for growing trout, Chud whitefish, salmon in lakes and the sea area of ​​the northwestern regions of the country.

Arrangement of cage lines, pontoon approaches, constant control over temperature regime and hydrochemical composition of water. In our country, equipment is produced at the Tobolsk, Kipetsk plants, you can also buy imported equipment (Germany, Norway). Many entrepreneurs use their own technical developments. Cage technology is flexible and is used in many different ways in pond fish farming.

An example is the Fedorenko trout farm, organized on Lake Onega in Karelia. Trout is grown on two fish farms in a 3-year cycle. Marketable weight of fish from 2.5 to 5 kg. The output of products in 2017 amounted to 1.5 thousand tons.

Industrial installations (RAS) are expensive. Thus, the cost of the project for breeding trout in the Irkutsk region in the farm "Veliky Istok" amounted to 200 million rubles, the planned capacity is up to 300 tons of fish per year. They include a large set of equipment: fish tanks, cleaning, disinfection, water filtration units, temperature and oxygen saturation regulators.

In central Russia, beluga, sturgeon, and sterlet are bred with the help of RAS. Often, reservoirs are used for this - discharge channels, coolers of the state district power station and other hydraulic structures. Sometimes a complex method is used: trout is grown in winter, sturgeon species of fish are grown in summer.

The main disadvantages of industrial fish farming technologies are large initial investments, the need to attract qualified specialists. In addition, for this it is necessary to have the right to carry out activities within a specially allocated water area.

How to get a fish farm

Suitable forms of doing business:,. Registration takes place within 3 days.

Unlike ponds, in reservoirs, rivers, lakes and within the marine area, it is possible to breed fish only within the boundaries of the fish breeding area. You can get it in two ways.

  1. Take part in the auction held by the Federal Agency for Fisheries and its territorial bodies. Information about current tenders is available on the website of the Federal Agency (

  1. To create a fish breeding site in a new place, you will have to draw up a lot of documents:
    1. select the coordinates of its boundaries;
    2. submit an application with the scheme to the Federal Agency for Fishery;
    3. a tender will be held for the formed site;
    4. a water use agreement is concluded with the winner;
    5. coastal land is leased.

Since most start-up entrepreneurs start small, we will dwell in more detail on the features of growing fish in a pond. In this case, the choice is usually between carp and trout.

Classic pond technology

According to temperature conditions, 6 fish breeding zones are distinguished on the territory of Russia. The southernmost is the Astrakhan region, on its territory for almost 150 days a year the water temperature is 15 ⁰C and more. Areas where it lasts 120 days a year belong to the 4th zone (Voronezh region). The Moscow region is located in the 1-2 zone.

In the south, the profitability of fish farming is high, in the north it is less. The reservoirs are frozen (they freeze in winter), which means that the main output falls on the autumn period. In the southern regions, the fish reaches a weight of 0.5 kg in two years; in the north, a 3-year method of cultivation is usually practiced with cultivation to a marketable weight of 1.3–1.5 kg. Successful business in artificial breeding of fish, several conditions must be met.

  • The fish pond must have permanent sources of water replenishment, not polluted by industrial and sewage waste (streams, springs, melted snow).
  • There must be a gravity water supply or a mechanical water intake is necessary so that a full descent of water and a fish catch can be made.
  • The pool should be disease-free, and the cultivated species should correspond to the climatic zone.
  • An entrance for transport is required to the pond, equipped platforms for loading are on the shore.
  • We need a stable source of fish seed or our own nurseries, cages for viviparous species.

Excavation work may be required to strengthen the banks, avoid the risks of insufficient groundwater and critical pond shallowing. An area of ​​1 ha is considered optimal; reservoirs of 3–5 ha are often used. The average size of the water table in the southern peasant farms is about 40 ha. A significant expense in such fish farming is the periodic cleaning of the pool. So, for an area of ​​15 hectares, its cost is about 30 million rubles.

What kind of fish to breed in the pond

The main object of breeding in pond farms is carp and its closest "relatives": grass carp, silver carp. Also for artificial breeding is used carp, bream, roach. The depth of the reservoir for cyprinids can be small - up to 2 m. These are herbivorous fish species that almost do not require feeding. However, the addition of feed at the rate of 2.5-4 kg per 1 kg of growth makes it possible to increase the yield of marketable fish from 200 kg to 2 tons per hectare. The cost of fish feed is low, up to 10 rubles/kg. Farms, where they are simultaneously engaged in crop production, use grain processing waste for this.

Trout requires a lot of trouble and expense. First of all, it is necessary to provide a water temperature of 16–17 ⁰C for it, which is possible at a depth of at least 4 meters, or using cooling systems. For breeding this fish, artificial ponds (flooded quarries) with an influx of cold spring waters (or with the help of artesian wells) are more often used. Fish are kept in cages, which increases costs. For her, imported feed is purchased, the price of which reaches up to € 1.5, but the consumption is less: up to 1 kg per 1 kg of weight gain. The commercial weight of the fish reaches the third year.

In recent years, more expensive fish species have been successfully grown in artificial ponds and natural fresh water bodies: whitefish, peled, muksun, as well as sturgeons (sturgeon and sterlet). In addition, the popularity of the clariid catfish, which was launched into the lakes of the southern Urals (Chelyabinsk region) and ponds of the Krasnodar Territory, is rapidly growing. In the Kuban, when breeding catfish from 1 ha of a pond, 11 tons of products are obtained in 4 months.

How to rent a pond

To avoid confusion, let's immediately define the terminology. According to the law, all water bodies in the Russian Federation belong to the state, with the exception of ponds and flooded quarries (artificial ponds). The latter may be owned if they are not flowing, and are located inside a land plot owned by a private owner. Second important point: in quarries and ponds, including water-retaining ones, fish-breeding plots are not allocated (clause 3, article 4 of law No. 148-FZ, changed from 2017).

In most cases, the owner of the lands and, accordingly, the water bodies located on them, is the state or municipality. This is where you need to go to get a pond for rent. The easiest and most reliable way is to conclude a contract for the lease of the land where it is located.

To do this, the site must be mapped and assigned a cadastral number. First you need to conduct "reconnaissance" in the land management committee, the land must have an agricultural purpose. Complicated moments:

  • if the site is not allocated, you will have to contact the administration with a request to allocate it;
  • it is possible that you will have to carry out cadastral work at your own expense;
  • the land can only be leased with an auction (you may be the only participant).

This approach has many advantages. On the adjacent land, you can have any utility rooms, enclose it and get rid of poachers. There is nothing to stop you from using the pond for fish farming, you do not need to obtain any permits for this. Including, on your land you can freely build a camp for paid fishing.

You can grow fish in a pond by renting a pond without land. According to paragraph 4 of the Order of the Ministry of Agriculture dated 04/06/2015, this does not require a water use agreement, and for stocking - a permit. However, it will not be possible to prohibit free access to the pond, in order to use the water area for sport fishing, you will still have to draw up a water use agreement (with a tender), the adjacent plot of land for the construction of houses will have to be rented.

Artificial pond on your land

Is it possible to build a new fish pond from scratch on your land? Yes, if it is for agricultural purposes. At the same time, the dig must be closed, and its boundaries cannot go beyond the boundaries of the land. A building permit is not required, but it is necessary to legalize land management work. To do this, the project is coordinated in the committee on land management and architecture. The excavated artificial pond is the property of the landowner.

Since 2017, changes have been made to the law on aquaculture, according to which ponds include, among other things, water bodies created with the help of water-retaining structures. However, in practice there are many problems with this. Strictly speaking, the river and stream remain federal property, despite the fact that the entrepreneur has built a dam on his land for the purpose of breeding fish. On leased land arbitrage practice develops in such a way that the created pond becomes the property of the lessor.

Business profitability

The advantage of a business on artificial breeding of fish is a reduced tax rate. This is an agricultural type of activity, the tax is paid in the amount of 6% of income minus expenses. However, it should be borne in mind that the first marketable products can be obtained in the third year. With successful business management, it justifies the invested costs and gives a small profit. The payback period of projects is on average 3-4 years.

The table below shows an example of a calculation for the cultivation of cyprinids in a pond with an area of ​​3 hectares (Astrakhan region, 4th fish breeding zone). Prices for planting material and the wholesale price of the sale - according to the Fishretail portal. The remaining expenses of the entrepreneur depend on specific conditions. This is the most economical way to breed fish in the presence of a ready-made pond and no additional food. As we said above, adding it at times increases the yield finished products.

As for trout, the costs are much higher here. With a 3-year turnover, marketable fish weighing more than 2 kg can only be obtained using high-quality stocking material and good feed. Both of these are produced in Russia in small quantities. Therefore, fry are often imported from Germany, Poland, Finland, or bred in domestic nurseries, again from imported fertilized caviar.

The average yield depends on the growing technology:

  • when breeding fish in ponds: 5–20 kg / m 3;
  • when using cage technology: 30–35 kg/m3;
  • intensive pool method with RAS: 50–75 kg/m 3 .

The stocking density of fish depends on the breeding technology and the size of the stock. In cage technology, fry weighing 4–5 g are used, the piece price is about 15 rubles. When growing trout in a pond, it is better to choose already grown fish, the cost of two-year-olds weighing 100–150 kg is about 480 rubles. In this case, from a pond of 500 sq. m. with a stocking density of 150 ind./m 3 in the third year, with good organization, you can get 25 tons of trout, and its wholesale price fluctuates around 170-180 rubles per kilogram. Total revenue will be about 4.4 million rubles. Of course, the profit will be less due to the cost of purchasing material, fish feed, arranging water exchange, and carrying out sanitary measures.

Where to look for distribution channels for products

The marketing component for perishable goods is always a challenge. Fish is sold live, frozen, processed into semi-finished products (salted, smoked). Non-standard products are sold to fur farms, for the production of fishmeal. Distribution routes depend on the volume and type of products.

  • With a small production, they organize temporary points of sale in winter, and in autumn they transport fish in glass tanks to residential areas.
  • Delivered to branded fish, and other catering establishments, children's and school institutions.
  • They organize their own fish processing workshops, conclude contracts with a processing plant.
  • sell wholesale companies supplying fish to large retail chains. Ordering the transportation of small consignments on your own is too expensive.

You can find buyers for fish products using specialized portals on the Internet. For example, on the Fishretail site, they place ads for the sale and purchase of live, frozen fish, as well as offer packaging, storage and logistics of goods.

Risks in artificial breeding

Like any agricultural production, raising fish in a pond, both natural and artificial, carries with it many risks. And if carp breeding does not require special knowledge, then the same cannot be said about trout. It is necessary to study many technologies in order to choose the appropriate one from the financial and organizational side.

And yet, despite certain risks, inevitable in any entrepreneurial activity, aquaculture is on the rise today, and even in vogue. According to the Federal Agency for Fisheries, out of 4491 allocated fish breeding sites, 3151 have already been leased. The total volume of marketable fish for the first half of 2017 increased by 12% compared to the same period last year.

The number of fish ponds is growing every year, and tourist fishing is developing especially fast. Only in Moscow and the Moscow region there are more than 350 reservoirs, where they offer to go fishing for a fee of 1,000 to 3,000 rubles per day. The ticket includes the cost of caught fish, for example, 2 kg of sterlet, or 4 kg of trout, 8 kg of pike or carp. If desired and a competent approach, fish farming can bring good profit, both from commodity production and in the field of recreation.

What business idea to opt for? Let's try to find an answer to this question. Many of us do not think about how food gets to our dinner table. We are not interested in where and how they were grown or produced, the main thing is final result. We want to always consume fresh and high-quality products. Live fish has always been and will be in great demand among the population.

It's no secret that many men love to sit with a fishing rod by the pond, relax, fish, and making this hobby their business is a dream for many that can come true if you set a specific goal.

Fish business from scratch

It is possible to make fish farming a business, but before making a final decision, you need to study all the subtleties and pitfalls of this business.

Russia is a great country in which fisheries are highly developed. To be honest, several decades ago our fish farms were among the best in the world. Unfortunately, many of them went bankrupt unable to withstand the competition. foreign companies. Those that still continue to exist are unable to provide the population of the country with the growing needs for live fish. Therefore, fish farming can be a good solution to the issue of supplying your region with these products.

The ideas of growing fish in artificially created reservoirs are not new, but they do not lose their relevance even today.

There are several directions in modern fish farming:

Artificial fish pond

Choosing a suitable site

The site where you can make a fish pond may be located not only in small settlements or beyond, but also in a big city on their own plot of land (if any). If it is not possible to dig a pond or pool, you can make a container out of sheet iron.

A reservoir for breeding and raising fish should be suitable for this purpose. The depth of the pond must be at least 150 cm. Its bottom should be free of impurities of peat or silt. Vegetation must be present in the reservoir, but within reasonable limits.

The business will be economically profitable only if the reservoir, in all respects, is suitable not only for keeping fish, but also for its cultivation, selection of caviar and incubation of young animals.

Arranging a fish pond

When creating a pond for breeding fish, you should not focus on its sophistication and decor items. Don't forget that it the main objective– creation of comfortable conditions for keeping fish.

When constructing fish ponds, the following should be taken into account: rules and guidelines:

  • small ponds will require serious maintenance, and large ponds will cost you a lot. Based on this, it follows that the optimal dimensions are within 30 - 50 square meters. meters;
  • one of the sections of the pond should be in the shade. In addition, it is worth knowing that in order for the pond not to be flooded during spring floods, it should not be located in low areas;
  • the bottom relief is complex, with alternating shallow water with deep water areas, with rapids and ledges of various sizes;
  • for breeding different types fish will need a variety of soil.

For example, let's take a farm that plans to breed carp. Expenditure part of the business plan:

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