The second category of professional suitability. On the approval of the rules of professional psychological selection for service in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation



On approval of the Rules for professional psychological selection for service in the internal affairs bodies Russian Federation

Document as amended by:
(Official Internet portal of legal information, March 13, 2015, N 0001201503130029).

In accordance with Part 5 of Article 9 of the Federal Law "On Service in the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Russian Federation and Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation" The Government of the Russian Federation


Approve the attached Rules for professional psychological selection for service in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation.

Prime Minister
Russian Federation
D. Medvedev

Rules for professional psychological selection for service in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation

1. These Rules establish the procedure for organizing and conducting professional psychological selection for service in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the service).

2. Professional psychological selection of a citizen for service (hereinafter referred to as psychological selection) is carried out to determine the ability of the specified citizen (hereinafter referred to as the candidate), according to his personal and business qualities, to perform job responsibilities an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, as well as to identify risk factors for deviant (socially dangerous) behavior (hereinafter referred to as risk factors).

3. In the process of psychological selection, the categories of professional psychological suitability (hereinafter referred to as professional suitability) of candidates are determined.

4. Determining the categories of professional suitability is carried out by conducting psychological and psychophysiological studies (examinations), testing, medical examinations (with the exception of studies (examinations), testing specified in Part 6 of Article 17 of the Federal Law "On Service in the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Russian Federation and Making amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation"), including with the use of specialized technical devices that do not harm the life and health of people and do not cause harm environment, as well as medical devices (hereinafter referred to as comprehensive examinations).

5. The criteria for determining the categories of professional suitability are the level of development of personal and business qualities candidates necessary to perform the official duties of an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as personal and business qualities), the presence or absence of risk factors.

6. Personal and business qualities to be studied in the course of comprehensive surveys are:

a) the level of general intellectual development, abilities for logical judgments and conclusions, as well as for a clear presentation of information in oral and written forms;

b) emotional stability, balance, control of one's behavior and external manifestations of emotions, emotional maturity;

c) the level of volitional regulation of behavior, endurance, courage, determination, perseverance, purposefulness, efficiency;

d) internal organization, diligence, discipline, responsibility for the task assigned;

e) the level of legal awareness and moral convictions, honesty, adherence to principles, observance of the norms of public morality;

f) the maturity of the individual, the ability to take responsibility for their decisions, actions and deeds, the ability to determine priorities and sequence in solving problems, independence, self-confidence and the level of self-criticism;

g) self-esteem, features of the motivational sphere of the individual.

7. Risk factors to be identified in the course of comprehensive surveys are:

a) abuse of alcohol or toxic substances;

b) consumption of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances without a doctor's prescription;

c) participation in illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances;

d) unlawful contacts with persons who have an unexpunged or outstanding conviction;

e) participation in the illegal circulation of weapons;

f) participation in the activities of prohibited public associations;

g) commission of criminally punishable acts (except for criminally punishable acts specified in other subparagraphs of this paragraph);

h) concealment or distortion of personal data, information about income, property and obligations of a property nature;

i) an attempt to enter the service in the interests of the activities of prohibited public associations, criminal and other organizations;

j) propensity to abuse official powers;

k) propensity to commit suicidal acts.

8. The methodology for checking the personal and business qualities of candidates, the methods for identifying risk factors (with the exception of the risk factors specified in subparagraphs "a", "b" and "l" of paragraph 7 of these Rules), as well as the criteria for evaluating the results of a comprehensive survey aimed at study and identification of personal and business qualities and risk factors are approved by the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. The methods for identifying the risk factors specified in subparagraphs "a", "b" and "l" of paragraph 7 of these Rules, as well as the criteria for evaluating the results of a comprehensive examination aimed at their identification, are approved by the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in agreement with the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation .

9. When conducting comprehensive surveys of candidates who do not have seniority, experience of state or municipal service on the day of these surveys, the risk factor specified in subparagraph "k" of paragraph 7 of these Rules is not checked.

10. To conduct a psychological selection in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, psychological selection commissions (hereinafter referred to as commissions) are formed.

11. The composition of the commissions includes specialists from personnel departments and medical organizations of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation who have a higher & nbsp psychological or medical education in the specialties "Psychiatry", "Functional Diagnostics", as well as those with other higher medical or Teacher Education, provided they pass professional retraining(advanced training) in the relevant specialty (hereinafter referred to as specialists). The study of personal and business qualities specified in paragraph 6 of these Rules, as well as the identification of risk factors specified in subparagraphs "c" - "j" of paragraph 7 of these Rules, is carried out by specialists of personnel departments using specialized technical devices that do not harm life and health people and do not harm the environment. The identification of risk factors specified in subparagraphs "a", "b" and "l" of paragraph 7 of these Rules is carried out by specialists of medical organizations of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation using medical devices.
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 6, 2015 N 201. - See previous edition)

12. The procedure for the formation of commissions and the approval of regulations on commissions, as well as model provision on the commission are approved by the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

13. A comprehensive examination is carried out with the written consent of the candidate. The written consent of the candidate is issued on the day of submission of the application with a request for admission to the service.

14. The candidate on the day the written consent is issued by the personnel department is issued a referral for a comprehensive examination (hereinafter referred to as the referral), which indicates the date, time and place of this examination.

15. The form of the referral and the sample of the written consent of the candidate are approved by the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

16. A comprehensive examination is carried out within 30 days from the moment the candidate appears in the commission to undergo the specified examination.

17. The members of the commission in each case of conducting a comprehensive examination must verify the identity of the candidate by checking the document (passport, military ID, military identity card) and referral. When performing a medical examination, a prerequisite for such an examination is the informed voluntary consent of the candidate for medical intervention based on the complete information provided by the specialist in an accessible form about the goals, methods of medical examination, the risk associated with such an examination, possible options for medical intervention, as well as its consequences. and expected results. When refusing medical intervention, the candidate must be explained the possible consequences of the refusal.

18. On the basis of the comprehensive examination, taking into account its results, the members of the commission, having come to a common opinion, draw up and sign a conclusion on the professional suitability of the candidate (hereinafter referred to as the conclusion) in the form approved by the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

In case of disagreement between the members of the commission, each of them (the member of the commission who does not agree with the others) draws up a report, which is attached to the conclusion and serves as its integral part. The member of the commission who made the report does not sign the conclusion.

19. The conclusion must contain information about the candidate (last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth), the results of a comprehensive examination indicating the methods (methods) and means used, an assessment of the results obtained, risk factors (if any), the date of the conclusion, its number, as well as one of the following outputs:

20. The first category of professional suitability includes candidates who do not have risk factors and have a high level of development of personal and business qualities, which allows them to quickly acquire professional knowledge, skills and abilities, successfully fulfill the duties of an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, including in special conditions of activity.

21. The second category of professional suitability includes candidates who have no risk factors and have an average level of development of personal and business qualities, which allows them to deadlines to acquire professional knowledge, skills and abilities, to successfully fulfill the official duties of an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation.

22. The third category of professional suitability includes candidates who have no risk factors and have a level of development of personal and business qualities below the average, allowing them to master the necessary minimum professional knowledge, skills and abilities, satisfactorily perform the official duties of an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation in normal conditions, but not ensuring the successful performance of duties in special conditions of activity.

This category of professional suitability can also include candidates who, with a high or medium level of development of personal and business qualities, have one risk factor. Decisions on the professional suitability of such candidates are made taking into account the content of the risk factor, the level of development of their personal and business qualities, as well as other data.

23. The fourth category of professional suitability includes candidates who have a low level of development of personal and business qualities, which does not allow them to acquire the necessary minimum of knowledge, skills, abilities and perform official duties of an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation in a timely manner, or a risk factor has been identified ( except for the cases provided for in paragraph 22 of these Rules).

24. The conclusion is sent to the relevant personnel department within 5 days. The information contained in the conclusion is confidential information (official secret).

25. The conclusion is valid for 6 months from the date of determining the category of professional suitability. The day of determining the category of professional suitability is the day of drawing up the conclusion.

26. A re-determination of the category of professional suitability before the expiration of the period specified in paragraph 25 of these Rules is carried out if it is required to determine the category of professional suitability of a candidate for a service in a different direction than during the previous comprehensive examination.

27. The conclusion is taken into account by the head (chief), endowed in the established manner with the right to consider documents submitted by the candidate (hereinafter referred to as the head), when making decisions provided for by Part 4 of Article 19 of the Federal Law "On Service in the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Russian Federation and Amendments to Certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation", and is attached by the personnel department to the personal file of the employee (materials of the study of this candidate).

28. The candidate has the right to familiarize himself with the conclusion. Familiarization is organized by the relevant personnel department in compliance with the legislation on the protection of state or other secrets.

29. To resolve disagreements on issues related to the application of these Rules, a central commission for psychological selection (hereinafter referred to as the central commission) is formed in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

30. The central commission includes qualified employees of the central office, territorial bodies, educational, scientific and medical organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, representatives of other federal bodies executive power, government agencies, institutions and other organizations (as agreed), having a higher psychological or medical education in the specialties "Psychiatry", "Functional Diagnostics" and having the necessary professional experience in the field of psychological (psychophysiological) diagnostics.
(Clause as amended, put into effect on March 21, 2015 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 6, 2015 N 201. - See previous edition)

31. The regulation on the central commission and its personal composition are approved by the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

32. In case of disagreement with the conclusion, the candidate has the right to apply in writing to the central commission, and in case of disagreement with its decision - to the court.

33. In case of disagreement with the conclusion or receipt by the personnel unit of the conclusion containing the report specified in paragraph 18 of these Rules, the head shall send to the central commission the documentary materials received in the process of psychological selection with explanatory note reflecting the essence of disagreement with the conclusion or disagreement between the members of the commission.

34. Decisions by the central commission are made within 30 days from the date of receipt of the candidate's application or materials specified in paragraph 33 of these Rules.

35. If, based on the results of consideration of the candidate’s application or the materials specified in paragraph 33 of these Rules, violations of the established procedure for conducting psychological selection are revealed in the activities of the commission, the central commission decides to cancel the conclusion and appoints a new comprehensive examination, which is conducted by a commission determined by the central commission within 10 days. A new comprehensive examination cannot be entrusted to a commission whose activities revealed violations of the established procedure for psychological selection.

36. Receipt, processing, storage, transfer and any other use of information about the professional suitability of candidates is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Revision of the document, taking into account
changes and additions prepared
JSC "Kodeks"

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 6, 2012 N 1259
"On approval of the Rules for professional psychological selection for service in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation"

In accordance with paragraph 5 of Article 9 federal law"On service in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation and amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation" The Government of the Russian Federation decides:

Approve the attached Rules for professional psychological selection for service in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation.

professional psychological selection for service in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation
(approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 6, 2012 N 1259)

With changes and additions from:

1. These Rules establish the procedure for organizing and conducting professional psychological selection for service in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the service).

2. Professional psychological selection of a citizen for service (hereinafter referred to as psychological selection) is carried out to determine the ability of the specified citizen (hereinafter referred to as the candidate), according to his personal and business qualities, to perform the official duties of an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, as well as to identify risk factors for deviant (socially dangerous) behavior (hereinafter referred to as risk factors).

3. In the process of psychological selection, the categories of professional psychological suitability (hereinafter referred to as professional suitability) of candidates are determined.

4. Determining the categories of professional suitability is carried out by conducting psychological and psychophysiological studies (examinations), testing, medical examinations (with the exception of studies (examinations), testing specified in Part 6 of Article 17 of the Federal Law "On Service in the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Russian Federation and Making amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation"), including the use of specialized technical devices that do not harm human life and health and do not harm the environment, as well as medical devices (hereinafter referred to as comprehensive examinations).

5. The criteria for determining the categories of professional suitability are the level of development of the personal and business qualities of candidates necessary to perform the official duties of an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as personal and business qualities), the presence or absence of risk factors.

6. Personal and business qualities to be studied in the course of comprehensive surveys are:

a) the level of general intellectual development, abilities for logical judgments and conclusions, as well as for a clear presentation of information in oral and written forms;

b) emotional stability, balance, control of one's behavior and external manifestations of emotions, emotional maturity;

c) the level of volitional regulation of behavior, endurance, courage, determination, perseverance, purposefulness, efficiency;

d) internal organization, diligence, discipline, responsibility for the task assigned;

e) the level of legal awareness and moral convictions, honesty, adherence to principles, observance of the norms of public morality;

f) the maturity of the individual, the ability to take responsibility for their decisions, actions and deeds, the ability to determine priorities and sequence in solving problems, independence, self-confidence and the level of self-criticism;

g) self-esteem, features of the motivational sphere of the individual.

7. Risk factors to be identified in the course of comprehensive surveys are:

a) abuse of alcohol or toxic substances;

b) consumption of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances without a doctor's prescription;

c) participation in illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances;

d) unlawful contacts with persons who have an unexpunged or outstanding conviction;

e) participation in the illegal circulation of weapons;

f) participation in the activities of prohibited public associations;

g) commission of criminally punishable acts (except for criminally punishable acts specified in other subparagraphs of this paragraph);

h) concealment or distortion of personal data, information about income, property and obligations of a property nature;

i) an attempt to enter the service in the interests of the activities of prohibited public associations, criminal and other organizations;

j) propensity to abuse official powers;

k) propensity to commit suicidal acts.

8. The methodology for checking the personal and business qualities of candidates, the methods for identifying risk factors (with the exception of the risk factors specified in subparagraphs "a", "b" and "l" of paragraph 7 of these Rules), as well as the criteria for evaluating the results of a comprehensive survey aimed at study and identification of personal and business qualities and risk factors are approved by the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. The methods for identifying the risk factors specified in subparagraphs "a", "b" and "l" of paragraph 7 of these Rules, as well as the criteria for evaluating the results of a comprehensive examination aimed at their identification, are approved by the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in agreement with the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation .

9. When conducting comprehensive surveys of candidates who do not have seniority, experience of state or municipal service on the day of these surveys, the risk factor specified in subparagraph "k" of paragraph 7 of these Rules is not checked.

10. To conduct a psychological selection in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, psychological selection commissions (hereinafter referred to as commissions) are formed.

11. The composition of the commissions includes specialists from personnel departments and medical organizations of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation who have a higher psychological or medical education in the specialties "Psychiatry", "Functional Diagnostics", as well as other higher medical or pedagogical education, provided that they pass a professional retraining (advanced training) in the relevant specialty (hereinafter referred to as specialists). The study of personal and business qualities specified in clause 6 of these Rules, as well as the identification of risk factors specified in subparagraphs "c" - "j" of clause 7 of these Rules, is carried out by specialists of personnel departments using specialized technical devices that do not harm life and health people and do not harm the environment. The identification of risk factors specified in subparagraphs "a", "b" and "l" of paragraph 7 of these Rules is carried out by specialists of medical organizations of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation using medical devices.

13. A comprehensive examination is carried out with the written consent of the candidate. The written consent of the candidate is issued on the day of submission of the application with a request for admission to the service.

14. The candidate on the day the written consent is issued by the personnel department is issued a referral for a comprehensive examination (hereinafter referred to as the referral), which indicates the date, time and place of this examination.

15. The form of the referral and the sample of the written consent of the candidate are approved by the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

16. A comprehensive examination is carried out within 30 days from the moment the candidate appears in the commission to undergo the specified examination.

17. The members of the commission in each case of conducting a comprehensive examination must verify the identity of the candidate by checking the document (passport, military ID, military identity card) and referral. When performing a medical examination, a prerequisite for such an examination is the informed voluntary consent of the candidate for medical intervention based on the complete information provided by the specialist in an accessible form about the goals, methods of medical examination, the risk associated with such an examination, possible options for medical intervention, as well as its consequences. and expected results. When refusing medical intervention, the candidate must be explained the possible consequences of the refusal.

18. On the basis of the comprehensive examination, taking into account its results, the members of the commission, having come to a common opinion, draw up and sign a conclusion on the professional suitability of the candidate (hereinafter referred to as the conclusion) in the form approved by the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

In case of disagreement between the members of the commission, each of them (the member of the commission who does not agree with the others) draws up a report, which is attached to the conclusion and serves as its integral part. The member of the commission who made the report does not sign the conclusion.

19. The conclusion must contain information about the candidate (last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth), the results of a comprehensive examination indicating the methods (methods) and means used, an assessment of the results obtained, risk factors (if any), the date of the conclusion, its number, as well as one of the following outputs:

20. The first category of professional suitability includes candidates who do not have risk factors and have a high level of development of personal and business qualities, which allows them to quickly acquire professional knowledge, skills and abilities, successfully fulfill the duties of an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, including in special conditions of activity.

21. The second category of professional suitability includes candidates who do not have risk factors and have an average level of development of personal and business qualities, which allows them to acquire professional knowledge, skills and abilities in a timely manner, and successfully perform their official duties as an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation.

22. The third category of professional suitability includes candidates who have no risk factors and have a level of development of personal and business qualities below the average, allowing them to acquire the necessary minimum of professional knowledge, skills and abilities, to satisfactorily perform the official duties of an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation under normal conditions , but not ensuring the successful performance of duties in special conditions of activity.

This category of professional suitability can also include candidates who, with a high or medium level of development of personal and business qualities, have one risk factor. Decisions on the professional suitability of such candidates are made taking into account the content of the risk factor, the level of development of their personal and business qualities, as well as other data.

23. The fourth category of professional suitability includes candidates who have a low level of development of personal and business qualities, which does not allow them to acquire the necessary minimum of knowledge, skills, abilities and perform official duties of an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation in a timely manner, or a risk factor has been identified ( except for the cases provided for in paragraph 22 of these Rules).

24. The conclusion is sent to the relevant personnel department within 5 days. The information contained in the conclusion is confidential information (official secret).

25. The conclusion is valid for 6 months from the date of determining the category of professional suitability. The day of determining the category of professional suitability is the day of drawing up the conclusion.

26. A re-determination of the category of professional suitability before the expiration of the period specified in paragraph 25 of these Rules is carried out if it is required to determine the category of professional suitability of a candidate for a service in a different direction than during the previous comprehensive examination.

27. The conclusion is taken into account by the head (chief), endowed in the established manner with the right to consider documents submitted by the candidate (hereinafter referred to as the head), when making decisions provided for by Part 4 of Article 19 of the Federal Law "On Service in the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Russian Federation and Amendments to Certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation", and is attached by the personnel department to the personal file of the employee (materials of the study of this candidate).

28. The candidate has the right to familiarize himself with the conclusion. Familiarization is organized by the relevant personnel department in compliance with the legislation on the protection of state or other secrets.

29. To resolve disagreements on issues related to the application of these Rules, a central commission for psychological selection (hereinafter referred to as the central commission) is formed in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

30. The composition of the central commission includes qualified employees of the central office, territorial bodies, educational, scientific and medical organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, representatives of other federal executive bodies, state bodies, institutions and other organizations (as agreed), having a higher psychological or medical education in the specialties "Psychiatry", "Functional diagnostics" and having the necessary professional experience in the field of psychological (psychophysiological) diagnostics.

31. The regulation on the central commission and its personal composition are approved by the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

32. In case of disagreement with the conclusion, the candidate has the right to apply in writing to the central commission, and in case of disagreement with its decision - to the court.

33. In case of disagreement with the conclusion or receipt by the personnel department of the conclusion containing the report specified in paragraph 18 of these Rules, the head sends to the central commission the documentary materials received in the process of psychological selection with an explanatory note reflecting the essence of disagreement with the conclusion or disagreements between members of the commission.

34. Decisions by the central commission are made within 30 days from the date of receipt of the candidate's application or materials specified in paragraph 33 of these Rules.

35. If, based on the results of consideration of the candidate’s application or the materials specified in paragraph 33 of these Rules, violations of the established procedure for conducting psychological selection are revealed in the activities of the commission, the central commission decides to cancel the conclusion and appoints a new comprehensive examination, which is conducted by a commission determined by the central commission within 10 days. A new comprehensive examination cannot be entrusted to a commission whose activities revealed violations of the established procedure for psychological selection.

36. Receipt, processing, storage, transfer and any other use of information about the professional suitability of candidates is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

To get into the service in the internal affairs bodies, you need to go through a professional psychological selection. Rules for its implementation are regulated.

The objectives of such selection are to determine the ability of a citizen, by his personal and business qualities, to perform the official duties of an internal affairs officer; identify risk factors for deviant (socially dangerous) behavior.

Candidates undergo psychological and psychophysiological studies, tests, medical examinations (including using specialized technical devices). In the course of selection, such qualities as general intellectual development, emotional stability, endurance, courage, perseverance, purposefulness, efficiency, diligence, discipline, responsibility are studied. They evaluate the candidate's level of legal awareness, his honesty, adherence to principles, personality maturity, self-criticism, as well as other personal and business qualities.

Professional psychological selection helps to identify risk factors: alcohol abuse, drug use, illegal contacts with convicted citizens, a tendency to abuse official powers, the possibility of suicidal acts, etc.

Special commissions are created for selection in the Department of Internal Affairs. They include medical professionals and psychologists.

All studies are allowed only with the written consent of the candidate. According to their results, 1 out of 4 categories of professional suitability is assigned. The 1st category includes candidates who do not have risk factors and have a high level of development of personal and business qualities. They are recommended for employment in the first place.

The conclusion of the commission is an official secret. It is valid for 6 months. The candidate has the right to familiarize himself with it and appeal against it to the central commission of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and if he disagrees with its decision, to the court.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 6, 2012 N 1259 "On approval of the Rules for professional psychological selection for service in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation"

This resolution enters into force 7 days after the day of its official publication.

This document has been modified by the following documents:

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 6, 2015 N 201

The changes come into force 7 days after the day of official publication of the said resolution.

Based on the results of the psychological study of the candidate, the psychologist of the unit issues a conclusion with the conclusions “recommended as a candidate for service in the Department of Internal Affairs” or “not recommended as a candidate for service in the Department of Internal Affairs”.

    At the main stage of the professional psychological selection of the State Center for Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the Center for Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, the Department of Internal Affairs of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and their branches conduct an examination of the professional psychological suitability of candidates for service and study in educational institutions of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

    In the absence of the CPD in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation or the city, district and linear internal affairs bodies, units of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia are significantly remote from it, the examination of professional psychological suitability according to the examination program in the CRC is carried out by psychologists of the territorial divisions of the internal affairs bodies and internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, recommended by the regional Council and approved by orders of the heads of the internal affairs bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation or districts of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

    Examination of professional psychological suitability in the CPD of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and their branches is carried out by conducting a comprehensive psychodiagnostic examination, including the study of the psychological and psychophysiological qualities of candidates for service and study, and an expert assessment of its results.

    When conducting a psychodiagnostic examination, one should use the established set of basic and additional methods and techniques, observe the standards for the use of techniques (unified instruction texts, stimulus material, conditions and methods of testing, methods of processing results).

    Mandatory examinations are subject to:

    Candidates for service in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation entering the units and activities assigned to 1, 2, 3 and 4 destination groups 4 ;

    candidates entering higher and secondary educational institutions vocational education systems of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;

    Candidates for service after completing the passage probationary period(initial training), referred to the "risk group" 5 according to the results of the study of psychophysiological qualities.

    The conclusions for personnel departments should contain a detailed psychological description of the candidate and one of the following conclusions about his professional suitability for a particular type of activity, indicating the position, assignment group, the candidate's belonging to the "risk group" and the code of risk factors:

    Conclusion "highly recommended" is issued in relation to candidates whose experts have identified individual characteristics that provide optimal adaptation to the conditions and nature of the forthcoming activity, including extreme situations. For these individuals, the success of the service and a low probability of developing deviant (abnormal) behavior or occupational diseases are predicted. The efficiency and reliability of their operational activities are mainly determined by the level of professional training.

    Conclusion "recommended" issued to candidates who have individual characteristics can make it difficult (lengthen) the period of adaptation to the service in the most critical or extreme situations. However, after the adaptation is completed, the professional activity of these individuals is predicted to be quite effective and reliable. For this category of candidates, an important point in the prevention of adaptation disorders or deviant behavior in extreme situations is the development of sustainable professional skills.

    Conclusion "recommended conditionally" are issued for candidates whose individual characteristics do not allow one to reliably predict the success of service in the intended position or training, even with high-quality professional training.

    Even with high motivation to serve in the internal affairs bodies or study in educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the effective activity of such candidates over a long period is usually impossible due to the rapid depletion of functional reserves due to constant overstrain.

    Disturbance of adaptation, disease states or deviant behavior in these individuals can manifest themselves even in regular situations. This is especially true for candidates who have identified markers due to episodic use or abuse of psychoactive (narcotic) drugs. Such candidates, in most cases, belong to the "risk group" and they should be denied admission to an internship in this position immediately upon completion of the examination of professional psychological suitability. If the fact of episodic use (1-2 times in a random company) is revealed, with a pronounced shortage of personnel replenishment, they can be accepted as interns, but with active supervision during the internship period by the psychologist of the unit and the employee of the personnel apparatus, as well as the obligatory conduct of corrective , individual psychohygienic work. At the same time, after the end of the probationary period, before making a decision on enrollment in the service, they must necessarily undergo a second psychodiagnostic examination at the CPD of the relevant Ministry of Internal Affairs, Central Internal Affairs Directorate, and Internal Affairs Directorate.

    Conclusion "Not recommended" is issued in relation to candidates with pronounced signs of maladaptation with a high probability of developing diseases, with unsatisfactory motivation for service, negative personal characteristics and antisocial forms of behavior, including addictive behavior. These candidates may develop a state of maladaptation in normal situations.

    This category also includes persons with a low level of professionally significant psychological and psychophysiological qualities, reduced reserves functional systems, due to the unfavorable prognosis of their professional success.

    These conclusions are advisory in nature and should take into account the degree of compliance of the individual psychological and psychophysiological qualities of the candidate with the criteria of psychological suitability for the main activities or training in the system of internal affairs bodies, as well as the presence of signs of mental maladaptation (neuro-psychic instability) or predisposition to destructive ones, including including addictive behaviors.

    The conclusion of the TsPD of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and their branches, is transferred to the personnel apparatus of the unit or component of the internal affairs body that sent the candidate for examination of professional psychological suitability.

    For persons entering an educational institution, the conclusion is drawn up for specialists of the GPO of educational institutions, psychologists of departments. It reflects the candidate's psychometric data in all tests of a comprehensive psychodiagnostic examination, the degree of his professional suitability for the proposed position or training, as well as the presence or absence of mental maladjustment, the candidate's belonging to the "risk group" and risk factor codes. To the conclusion section Additional Information» it is necessary to indicate the revealed facts (markers) of the use or abuse of psychoactive (narcotic) drugs.

Conclusions for psychologists, drawn up according to the form, are sent to the psychologists of the subdivisions with the exception of the possibility of familiarizing themselves with its content by the subject himself. The content and conclusions of the conclusions of the centers of psychophysiological diagnostics are confidential information not subject to disclosure, especially for the examined persons and their relatives.

    The final stage of the professional-psychological selection of candidates for service, employees during the movement is carried out by psychologists of departments of internal affairs bodies.

    The psychologist of the division of the internal affairs bodies, if necessary, conducts an additional examination of the candidate. After analyzing the conclusions of the medical examination in the military medical commissions of the internal affairs bodies, the examination of professional psychological suitability in the CPD of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and their branches, the results of the social and legal study of the candidate, the psychologist of the unit makes proposals to the leadership of the unit of the internal affairs bodies on the appropriateness of his appointment to a position as an intern, on the duration of the probationary period, on measures aimed at the socio-psychological adaptation of the candidate in the internal affairs bodies.

Candidates during the probationary period are under the supervision of the psychologist of the unit. At the same time, the immediate supervisor should be informed by the psychologist of the unit about the positive and negative personal qualities of the trainee, about the features of individual educational work with him.

At the end of the established probationary period, the unit psychologist makes proposals to the unit management on the advisability of appointing an intern to a position or relocating an employee. If necessary, the psychologist of the unit sends the trainee for a second examination at the JRC. He also draws up an opinion on the trainees, conditionally recommended by the JRC, which is sent to the JRC along with the performance report. The conclusion is drawn up for candidates for service at the end of the internship (passing the probationary period), employees when moving with the conclusions: “recommended” (meets the requirements of the intended position); “not recommended” (does not meet the requirements of the intended position).

After passing the re-examination at the JRC, the trainee is issued the same types of conclusions as during the initial examination, but only with the following conclusions:

These stages define the main methodological approaches to the expert assessment of the candidate's suitability for service in a particular position or training in an educational institution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and provide for the disclosure of the meanings of constitutional, social, psychogenic and somatogenic characteristics for the development of states of mental maladaptation; identification of the conditions conducive to the emergence and formation of these disorders.

The tests used to study individual qualities and personality traits are based on the following approaches.

Analysis of objective indicators of the successful implementation of professional activities or models adequate to it (expert assessments of the results of the internship). Analysis of the information reported by the subjects themselves when describing their behavior in certain situations. This information is drawn from numerous and varied personality questionnaires. Questionnaires, as a rule, consist of a set of statements, regarding which the subject makes judgments using an alternative choice of answers (closed-type tasks). One psychological variable is usually represented by a group of items (scale). Items can be direct (referring to the experience of the subject) or indirect (referring to the opinion, judgment of the subject).

Projective methods of studying the candidate's personality are also used. The stimulus material is presented in an indefinite, weakly structured form and acquires meaning only in connection with personal experiences and the meaning attached to the situations of the test tasks being examined. In projective methods, as a rule, there are no restrictions in the choice of answers (tasks of an open type), in which personal needs, features of perception and interpretation, and characterological features of the individual are manifested.

The basis for distribution is the results of professional selection, which includes the following types selection:

1) social;

2) medical (military medical expertise);

3) professional psychological;

4) educational (by general and professional readiness);

5) according to physical fitness.

The data of a medical examination (selection) are of the most significant importance in professional selection, according to the results of which the conscript is assigned the appropriate category of fitness for military service, professional psychological (according to its results, categories are also assigned) and educational selection. Professional psychological selection in the armed forces is a set of measures aimed at achieving high-quality recruitment of military positions on the basis of ensuring that the professionally important socio-psychological, psychological and psycho-physiological qualities of citizens called up or voluntarily entering military service and military personnel meet the requirements of the military professional activity. The organization and procedure for conducting events for professional psychological selection are regulated by Order of the Russian Ministry of Defense dated January 26, 2000 No. 50 "On approval of the Guidelines for professional psychological selection in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation."

Measures for professional psychological selection with citizens subject to conscription for military service are carried out in stages:

During the initial registration of citizens for military registration;

In the period from the initial registration of citizens for military registration until their appearance at a meeting of the draft commission.

In the period from the initial registration of citizens for military registration until their appearance at the meeting of the draft commission, the non-staff group of the professional selection of the military commissariat:

Carries out activities for the military professional orientation of citizens for the acquisition of civilian professions (specialties) related to the military, training in military specialties in public associations and training in military educational institutions in the relevant specialties;

Continues the socio-psychological study of citizens subject to conscription for military service, in order to clarify the conclusions made during the initial military registration on their professional suitability;

Conducts an additional psychological and psychophysiological examination in order to clarify the level of neuropsychic stability of citizens subject to conscription for military service;

Participates in the selection of citizens for training in military specialties in public associations and the preliminary selection of citizens for admission to military educational institutions;

Analyzes the results of measures for the professional psychological selection of citizens for training in military specialties in public associations and training in military educational institutions.

Data obtained in the course of professional psychological selection on citizens subject to conscription for military service, as well as information clarified before conscription on the presence of civilian specialties, military registration specialties obtained in public associations and educational institutions of primary vocational and secondary vocational education, and additional information from territorial centers for professional orientation of youth and psychological support of the population are taken into account when making conclusions about their professional suitability for military service in military positions (by classes of basic similar military positions). Activities for professional psychological selection are carried out using the methods of socio-psychological study, psychological and psycho-physiological examination.

Socio-psychological study provides for an assessment of the conditions for the upbringing and development of the individual, his military-professional orientation, organizational abilities, features of communication and behavior in a team, educational and professional readiness. Socio-psychological study is carried out using the following main methods: study of documents, observation, survey (conversation, questioning). Psychological and psychophysiological examination allows assessing cognitive mental processes (sensation, perception, memory, thinking), attention, psychological characteristics of a person (abilities, character, temperament), properties of the nervous system (strength, mobility, lability, balance, dynamism), psychomotor and nervous - Mental stability.

The main method of psychological and psychophysiological examination is a professional psychological test (testing), including using technical means professional selection. Based on the results of professional psychological selection, one of the following conclusions is made on the professional suitability of citizens and military personnel for training (education) in military registration specialties and military service in specific military positions:

Citizens and military personnel belonging to this category, in terms of the level of development of professionally important qualities, fully comply with the requirements of a military position (military positions), which allows them to master a military registration specialty in a timely manner, to have predominantly excellent grades based on the results of inspections, final, control checks and final exams , get classy qualifications;

Citizens and servicemen belonging to this category, in terms of the level of development of professionally important qualities, basically meet the requirements of a military position (military positions), which allows them to master a military registration specialty in a timely manner, to have predominantly good estimates;

According to the level of development of professionally important qualities, citizens and military personnel classified in this category minimally meet the requirements of a military position (military positions), hardly master a military registration specialty in a timely manner, and, based on the results of inspection, final, control checks and final exams, mostly satisfactory grades. Are allowed to study or professional activities in case of a lack of candidates;

Citizens and servicemen belonging to this category, in terms of the development of professionally important qualities, do not meet the requirements of a military position (military positions).
When making conclusions about the professional suitability of citizens, the level of their neuropsychic stability is also taken into account.

Assessment of neuropsychic stability is carried out at 4 levels:

High neuropsychic stability;

Good neuropsychic stability;

Satisfactory neuropsychic stability;

Unsatisfactory neuropsychic stability or neuropsychic instability.

Persons with neuropsychic instability belong only to the 4th category of professional suitability for training and service in military positions of classes of basic similar military positions established by the Psychological Classification of military positions filled by soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen. Data on persons with neuropsychic instability are submitted to commissions for the registration of citizens for military registration, draft commissions, commissions of associations, formations and military units for the distribution of young replenishment, commissions of military commissariats for the selection of candidates entering military service under a contract, and attestation commissions military units, which take into account:

Specialist doctors (psychiatrist, neuropathologist) - when determining their fitness for military service for health reasons;

Specialist doctors and psychologists of formations and military units - to carry out with them the necessary treatment-and-prophylactic and psycho-corrective measures.

Citizens and military personnel who have the 4th category of professional suitability cannot be:

Sent for training in military specialties in public associations and training military units;

Sent to study in military educational institutions;

Accepted for military service under a contract for the corresponding military positions.

Citizens and military personnel who have the 4th category of professional suitability for classes of basic similar military positions are appointed to military positions that do not require special professionally important qualities (other military positions) established by the psychological classification of military positions filled by soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen . Other restrictions that take into account the categories of professional suitability when appointing soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen to military positions related to the specifics of military service are established by the General Staff. The results of a socio-psychological study, a psychological and psycho-physiological examination, conclusions on professional suitability and other data on citizens and military personnel are entered in the appropriate sections of the recruit's study sheet, the recruit's registration card and the professional psychological selection card.

Responsibility for the completeness and quality of carrying out activities for professional psychological selection with citizens and military personnel is borne by military commissars, commanders of formations and military units, heads of military educational institutions and schools. The heads of divisions (specialists) of professional selection bear personal responsibility for the validity and reliability of conclusions about the professional suitability of citizens and military personnel. The order of the Russian Ministry of Defense of October 2, 2007 No. 400 "On measures to implement the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 11, 2006 No. 663" reflects some features of the distribution of recruits by types, branches of the armed forces, other troops, military formations and bodies, military positions (according to military specialties), taking into account the assessment of psychological qualities and taking into account the education and professional readiness of conscripts.

Let's pay attention to a number of nuances related to the distribution of conscripts:

Twin brothers, if they are called up for military service at the same time by one draft board, should be sent for military service, as a rule, to one military unit;

When assigning car drivers, it is necessary to take into account the level of their vocational training and features of the operation of vehicles in the respective regions. The most trained drivers are selected and sent, first of all, to automobile military units and subunits constantly engaged in the transportation of personnel and the supply of materiel;

Conscripts with unsatisfactory neuropsychic stability are not sent to regime and training military units, but to training military units - assigned to the IV category of professional suitability in relation to military positions (military specialties) for which training is carried out in these training military units .

The decision on the assignment of a conscript to a branch, branch of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies for military service in military specialties in military positions is taken by the draft commission by a majority of votes based on the results of a medical examination, data from professional psychological selection, educational and special (professional) training, as well as the proposal of the military commissar on the preliminary assignment of the conscript. This also takes into account the need for the accumulation of military specialists in reserve for manning troops according to the mobilization plan. The organization of sending to military units, organizations of the armed forces and other federal executive bodies, in which the law provides for military service, certain categories of recruits, including those with scarce specialties, is carried out by the General Staff (Main Organizational and Mobilization Directorate).

The federal law "On Military Duty and Military Service" (Article 36) provides that citizens undergo military service on conscription in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, border agencies and in the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Citizens are sent to other troops, military formations and bodies for military service by conscription in accordance with the decree of the President of the Russian Federation after staffing military positions filled by military personnel undergoing military service by conscription in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops and bodies. Conscripts recognized by the military medical commission as fit for military service or fit with minor restrictions, but not fit for military service in a specific military specialty, are appointed to military positions, the duties for which they can perform, taking into account the state of health. If there are no such military positions in the military unit, then the military personnel are subject to transfer to other military units.

Military personnel undergoing military service on conscription, having sick and retirement age parents who, during the period of military service, have the right to conduct it near the place of residence of the family, on the basis of an opinion approved by the military commissar of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, with the conclusion of an authority public service medical and social examination of the parents' need for constant outside care (assistance, supervision), certified by the seal of this institution, and copies of the pension certificate, certified in the prescribed manner, can be transferred to a new place of military service for family reasons.

Within the framework of the Federal Law of July 12, 1999 No. 161-FZ "On liability"military units" refers to military command and control bodies, associations, formations, military units, ships, organizations, military educational institutions vocational education, in which, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, military personnel undergo military service. Training military unit - a military educational institution of primary military professional education, designed to train sergeants (foremen) and soldiers (sailors) - specialists. Includes several training units for cadets, support and maintenance units. Training military units (companies, battalions, regiments, centers, brigades, detachments, teams, schools of junior specialists, etc.) are available in all branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, combat arms (forces) and special forces.
Linear military units - military units that form the basis of close linear combat formations, which, as a rule, are in a state of constant combat readiness (shooting, driving, tactics). In the Russian army, the linear units included units guarding the fortified border lines and the state border.

A security military unit is part of security facilities, which, according to Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 30, 1995 No. 1203 "On Approval of the List of Information Classified as State Secrets", include facilities where work is carried out using information constituting a state secret, and for which special security measures are in place. Military encyclopedic Dictionary The Russian Ministry of Defense classifies military and special facilities, military units, enterprises, organizations, institutions, military educational institutions or their individual elements as sensitive facilities, where work is carried out using information constituting a state secret and for the operation of which special security measures are established. So, for example, depending on the degree of secrecy and the volume of work carried out, the number of people directly involved in their implementation, the sensitive facilities of the Strategic Missile Forces (RVSN) are divided into especially sensitive, especially important and sensitive, the lists of which are established by the Government and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation .

Professional psychological selection is one of the types of professional selection and is a set of measures aimed at achieving high-quality recruitment of military positions based on ensuring that the professionally important, socio-psychological, psychological and psycho-physiological qualities of citizens voluntarily entering military service meet the requirements of military professional activity .

Activities for professional psychological selection are carried out by regular or non-staff units of professional psychological selection and specialists in professional psychological selection using the methods of socio-psychological study, psychological and psycho-physiological examination.

Socio-psychological study provides for an assessment of the conditions for the upbringing and development of the individual, his military-professional orientation, organizational abilities, features of communication and behavior in a team, educational and professional readiness.

Psychological and psychophysiological examination allows assessing cognitive mental processes (sensation, perception, memory, thinking), attention, psychological characteristics of a person (abilities, character, temperament), properties of the nervous system (strength, mobility, lability, balance, dynamism), psychomotor and nervous - Mental stability.

Socio-psychological study is carried out using the following main methods: study of documents, observation, survey (conversation, questioning).

The main method of psychological and psychophysiological examination is a professional psychological test (testing).

Based on the results of professional psychological selection, one of the following conclusions is made on the professional suitability of citizens and military personnel for training (training) in military registration specialties:

a) it is recommended first of all - the first category. Citizens and servicemen belonging to this category, in terms of the level of development of professionally important qualities, fully comply with the requirements of military positions, which allows them to master a military registration specialty in a timely manner, to have predominantly excellent grades based on the results of inspections, final, control checks and final exams, and to obtain class qualifications. ;

b) recommended - the second category. Citizens and servicemen classified in this category, in terms of the level of development of professionally important qualities, basically meet the requirements of military positions, which allows them to master a military registration specialty in a timely manner, to have predominantly good grades based on the results of inspections, final, control checks and final exams;

c) conditionally recommended - the third category. Citizens and servicemen classified in this category, in terms of the level of development of professionally important qualities, minimally meet the requirements of military positions, with difficulty master the military registration specialty in a timely manner, and, based on the results of inspection, final, control checks and final exams, mostly satisfactory grades. They are allowed to study if there are not enough candidates;

When making conclusions about the professional suitability of citizens, the level of their neuropsychic stability is also taken into account. The assessment of neuropsychic stability is carried out at four levels:

high neuropsychic stability;

good neuropsychic stability;

satisfactory neuropsychic stability;

unsatisfactory neuropsychic stability (neuropsychic instability).

Persons with neuropsychiatric instability belong only to the fourth category of professional suitability for training and service in military positions.

Citizens and military personnel who have the fourth category of professional suitability cannot be sent to study at military educational institutions and accepted for military service under a contract for the corresponding military positions.

Personal responsibility for the validity and reliability of conclusions about the professional suitability of citizens and military personnel is borne by the heads of subdivisions (specialists) of professional selection.

The conclusion on the category of professional suitability of candidates on the basis of their socio-psychological study, psychological and psycho-physiological examination is completed no later than one day before the end of the professional selection of candidates.

Candidates assigned to the fourth category of professional suitability (“not recommended”) are informed about the conclusion made individually. If necessary, individual psychological counseling is carried out with these candidates, during which explanations and recommendations are given.