How to be a newbie at work. Basic rules of conduct for the driver of a vehicle

At least half of your success in a new job will depend on how quickly you learn the rules. corporate culture accepted in the company, and how well you will be able to play by its rules.

In established companies where individual people are responsible for culture, it is usually complex and multi-layered. Sometimes newcomers to the company are given a whole course about the history of the enterprise and how, given all this heritage, one should behave at work. Corporate history may include legends about ancestors and ruling descendants, sayings and aphorisms, mottos, slogans and symbols. All this is worth knowing, and not because it is supposed to be, but because one day understanding the company's strategy will help you think in the same vein. Rationalization proposal in the spirit of the founding father, in the eyes of management will weigh more than just ideas.

Rule #1: Keep the company's stated strategy in mind and believe in it. Seize the opportunity to align your actions with corporate values.

Understand the rules of the game

Corporate culture is everywhere, even where people don't know about it. This is what is called "this is how it is with us" and applies to everything - from the manner of having lunch at work, ending with common holidays. In fact, it should not matter for an employee whether it is about buckwheat in a thermos, or about lunches with a fork and knife in a bright dining room in full view of the authorities - it is his job to accept the routine, and the sooner he learns the principles of corporate culture, the faster will become his. You can, of course, swim against the current, and instead of going to the dining room with everyone else, nibbling the sandwiches brought dry. But this is the first step towards being branded as an outsider.

Come to new workplace with its charter is definitely not worth it. And even ask questions, wait - you can hurt fragile corporate hearts. In one very famous company at the time of its heyday, in every office there were portraits of the creator, and now living. A very worthy applicant had the imprudence to ask why this was necessary, and jokingly compared the owner with the leader of the world proletariat. The deeply offended HR manager did not appreciate the humor, and after a dry conversation with the girl, he immediately sent her documents to the trash.

Rule number 2: From the first minute, look, listen, draw conclusions and play the same game.

Learn to relax corporately

Another important part of corporate culture is leisure. Everyone loves to relax, but everyone does it differently. Therefore, in one company, holidays are natural and joyful, in another, employees are forced to "have fun" and painfully look at the clock. Miss corporate parties highly discouraged, immediately pass for "unincorporated", and this sometimes costs a reputation. In one company, managers decided to celebrate the birthdays of employees with obligatory holidays - with balloon cakes, an individual gift, a concert performed by employees, but, most importantly, that everyone should be there! As a result, each such birthday (and they happened almost every week) turned into torture. He suffered, blushing with shame, the birthday man. Employees were languishing from the tension of the event, and even agreed to read any verse, so that only the holiday would end sooner. It seems that only the leaders rejoiced, who each time realizing their hidden pedagogical talents, tired the whole team with the entertainer "Come on, children, stand in a circle." But be that as it may, everyone who regularly attended birthday parties was in favor with the leadership.

Rule #3: Don't shun the community and the opportunity to showcase your sociality.

To adopt a corporate culture means to become adequate to the company and its established procedures. Those who do not meet the principles and norms of the organization sooner or later leave it. So, if you want to live in a new family happily ever after, you will definitely have to learn its cultural (even if not very) values.

When moving from one place of work to another, most employees have difficulty communicating in a new team. An established company is also reluctant to accept a newcomer.

As a result, a person loses the desire to appear in a new community, but one has to do it for the sake of earning.

Practical and effective advice from psychologists will help you cope with anxiety and join in new company, subsequently becoming a full-fledged participant in the work process.

To learn how to behave new job, you need to deal with work tasks, interaction with other employees and new acquaintances.

First day

The official acquaintance of a new employee with colleagues occurs with the help of a leader - he introduces a colleague to the whole society on the first day. This rule applies to small firms.

If you are planning to enter large corporation, then the newcomer on the first day gets acquainted only with the department, and later the person independently interacts with other employees on working moments.

A few secrets of behavior:

  • Good remember the names of each of the employees - if you can’t remember, write them down.
  • If a someone's name is accidentally forgotten - it must be asked again immediately.
  • Firm has its own group in social networks Or are they chatting? Keep an eye out for additions to this community.
  • In the presence of of the department's work regulations, it is necessary to inquire about the list of working policies.
  • ask with colleagues, where the dining room is located or where it is better to have lunch.

It is easier for men to join the women's team, because women are always good-natured towards the opposite sex at work.

To make the first friendships, you need to communicate with colleagues more often and show interest in them, talking not only about work.

Basic Rules

To become "one's own among strangers" it is necessary to pay attention to a number of effective rules behavior in the new team.

They will help you quickly adapt and make a number of useful and lasting acquaintances:

  1. Find common language with colleagues. Don't act like you've been working in a new place for a long time.

    It is better to understand the rules of behavior in a new place in advance, study their principles, foundations and try to enter into them.

  2. Don't be nervous. Stop worrying about everything - fully integrating into a new society can take weeks or months.

    Here it is not the worker who plays the role, but psychological aspect and the ability to get along with people.

  3. Appearance and human qualities. The professionalism of the new colleague will be assessed later, but now it is recommended to wear not too bright clothes.

    In addition, in male or women's team It is worth adhering to the principle of "talk less - listen more."

  4. Define team leader. This rule is one of the most important, it will help in the future to enlist support from a person to whom all colleagues listen.

    Such an acquaintance will subsequently make the newcomer respected.

  5. Gossip. In the vast majority of teams, there are always two groups of people weaving intrigues and gossip around colleagues.

    Over time, they will try to pull the newcomer to them, which should not be allowed.

It is better to remain neutral or find a person with a similar ideology and become friends with him. But this does not mean at all that it is worth starting to weave intrigues against others with him.

Important! The best place for networking is the dining room, where employees dine.

To brighten up the excitement in a new place, try to properly equip your desktop by arranging accessories and decor elements the way your colleagues do.

If this technique does not bring positive results, it is worth turning to psychology - experts know what to do when attempts to join the team fail.

The advice of psychologists will help you adapt even in an unfriendly team, because adhering to simple rules, you can feel like a well-established employee of the company in a week.


Advice Description
Smile and kindness A pleasant smile on his face and good nature will be appreciated by anyone new colleague: with such a person you always want to start a dialogue
Keeping your distance The first day is not the right time to talk about domestic problems and personal life. Also, do not impose questions on another person.
little surprise Spend some time and some money to please new colleagues: buy some candy or cookies for lunch tea
Display of professionalism It is necessary to show oneself as a good specialist from the first labor day– then the assessment of colleagues will increase significantly
clothing Men and women should not go against the rules of a business dress code. Girls are advised to wear a strict blouse, pencil skirt or straight trousers.

A man's suit must contain a shirt and trousers

Common Mistakes

It is the first days that are considered the most crucial period at the beginning of work at the company. Most employees make a lot of common mistakes on their first meeting.

In order not to arouse hostility among colleagues from the first day, refrain from the following mistakes:

  • Passivity- too much information on the first day causes confusion for a beginner, it may seem to colleagues that he is indifferent.
  • familiarity- you should not wedge into the conversation of colleagues without an invitation, it is better to wait for the right moment.
  • Evasion from the rules- if colleagues notice that a newcomer is ignoring the unspoken rules of the team, they will initially be biased towards him.
  • Public comparison- it is not recommended to openly compare working conditions at the previous and current place.
  • Creation false uniqueness - the work of a beginner is appreciated only when it is demonstrated.

Also, do not impose innovations on management and employees: if they were accepted “with a bang” at the previous company, then the chances of such a perception in a new place are small.

It will be much easier for a person who has already been the boss at the last place of work. It is more difficult for a novice in this field, who first came to a managerial position, to a new company.

  1. Adaptation. To begin with, you should get acquainted with each employee of the department where the person is appointed as a manager.
  2. Orientation. Become familiar with the new responsibilities and policies of the firm immediately.
  3. Actions. It is important to prove yourself as a boss already on the first day, based on interpersonal relationships with subordinates.
  4. Execution of functions. At this stage, problems may arise: the sooner they are resolved, the sooner the adaptation process will end.

Do not forget about the heads of other departments and maintain good relationships with them. The responsibility of the new leader necessarily includes attending meetings of managers.

Important! Full adaptation a new leader will occur no earlier than 1-1.5 months from the start of work at the company.

Guided by the suggested tips, you can quickly and effectively join the company as an employee, as well as a boss in a new place.

The main thing is to try to be friendly and responsive: then the connections will improve by themselves.

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"Komsomolskaya Pravda", expert driving instructors and St. Petersburg celebrities give advice to those who have just got behind the wheel

Photo: Timur Khanov

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Summer. Petersburgers go on vacation, free time appears. Someone is resting abroad, someone is in the country. Many spend hot summer days not on barbecues and sunbathing, but ... on painstaking classes in driving schools. Not only because there is a lot of free time, but also because, they say, it is easier to study in the summer.

One way or another, but in summer period more and more newcomers appear on the roads. Things, as you know, change a person, and most of all, a machine. This is a new life in which you need to learn a lot of new rules. Failure to comply with them is fraught with consequences. Sometimes tragic...

At the beginning of June, I worked on several accidents, in which people who had just got behind the wheel took part, - said traffic police officer Alexei Irvindt. They always blinked in surprise. I, they say, did not turn right here, because I was confused, and in general I recently began to drive a car. I was wondering what they teach in driving schools?

The rules of behavior on the road are both vowels, which are necessarily taught in driving schools, and unspoken, which are followed by experienced drivers.

Spare no money

Many beginners, and even experienced drivers, are advised to take extreme driving courses.

There are many such activities. Everyone promises to teach both extreme sports, and a counter-variant, and almost how to fly to the moon. According to experts, this is the right thing to do. But each individual driver needs an individual approach.

It is important for me to identify the level of driving a student, - says instructor Ivan Chuzhmar. - It is necessary to make an individual program.

Classes in a group, of course, also have value, but individual ones are much more effective. All attention is paid only to you.

And you can join the group a little later, - Chuzhmar assures. - Now, after all, the main thing is your result, and it is difficult to notice it in the group. Other participants hide mistakes.

On the other hand, studying in a group makes it possible to observe other drivers, - they say in one of the St. Petersburg extreme driving schools. - You can celebrate their successes and learn from their mistakes. The purpose of repeating the exercises is to form a "memory of the body" in order to react not with the brains, but with reflexes at the subconscious level in a real dangerous traffic situation.

Exclamation mark help?

All drivers with less than two years of driving experience must affix a yellow exclamation mark to the windshield of their car. For other members traffic understood - in front of them a newcomer. And they gave way, and did not beep once again. It's all in theory. In reality, as a rule, it happens differently.

There are a lot of people on the road who seem to have problems with their heads. Noticing an exclamation point, they begin to “cut off”, honk and make you nervous in every possible way, - a driver with three years of experience shares his experience Vera Anisimova. - I experienced all these horrors on myself. I was advised to unstick the sign, and everything returned to normal.

However, road experts still advise mounting it on the rear window.

It's for normal people. They will understand and forgive. After all, you warned them, - says Ivan Chuzhmar. - Any person was born a pedestrian in the first place, and only then became a driver. Although there are individuals who claim otherwise.

According to the instructor, there will always be a driver who will not endure and scare a beginner or “cut” if something does not suit him in your behavior. Such cases, they say, will definitely happen. It's worth being prepared for this. To notice such reckless drivers is taught in specialized driving schools.

This is a whole science. Can't explain in two words. But it is quickly understood by everyone and applied in life. I always treat the participants with the sign on the glass with respect. If I meet such people in the parking lot, I will definitely offer my help. As a rule, people respond with a smile and agreement.

Rights to the machine

Soon on the roads of St. Petersburg, and throughout Russia, unusual graduates of driving schools may appear. Last fall, the State Duma adopted a bill related to road safety. Changes are coming - both minor and dramatic.

The document does not provide for self-training of drivers to obtain the rights of categories "A" and "B" - the so-called "passing exams externally." Driving school is a must.

Soon, driving schools will have to acquire cars with automatic transmission. The public got it.

Why learn to drive on the mechanics, if later you will change to the “automatic” anyway?

The traffic police supported the initiative. Moreover, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin approved the proposed innovation last summer.

Driving school students who pass the exam in a car with an "automatic" will receive a corresponding driver's license. With special note. Passed on the "automatic" - on the "automatic" and go. But from the mechanics to the "automatic" it will be possible to transfer without problems. This is logical. After all, the experience gained while driving a car with a manual transmission cannot be replaced by anything.

The driver training program will also change, - says the head of the main department for ensuring road safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Viktor Nilov.

According to experts, such a decision is also the prevention of accidents. Especially among those who just got behind the wheel.

Innovations will clearly reduce the level of corruption among traffic police officers, ”Artur Khromov, an instructor at one of the St. Petersburg driving schools, told a KP correspondent. - A number of examination exercises, for example, starting from a standstill on a hill, which costs inexperienced drivers huge nerves, is really elementary in a car with automatic transmission. "Automatic" is installed on foreign cars that have power steering. It spins fine. Imagine how difficult it is for a beginner to frantically turn the Zhiguli steering wheel, which barely turns. But it is on these exercises that the examiners bring down the passers. An arbitrary choice of transmission, I think, should solve some of these problems.

The best prevention of accidents for those who will drive an “automatic” is to study and pass on the rights in a car with automatic transmission, - says Nadezhda Gerasimova, a graduate of this year's driving school. - I spent the lion's share of the time during the training period not to confuse gears and not stall at traffic lights. Better not to bother with it. And train to drive through difficult sections. For example, in a driving school we were taught to overcome roundabouts only in theory. In practice, they never went. And in the first two months on the way to work and back roundabout (Revolution Highway and Energetikov Avenue) I literally drove with tears in my eyes.

Forget about phones

Now few people can do without a phone. People talk on mobile phones everywhere - in the elevator, on the street, in public transport, at work. Including driving a car. People who have just sat down at the wheel should be extremely careful.

You can get so used to your cell phone that you will reach out to it out of momentum to answer. And you will hold the steering wheel with one hand, - says psychologist Nikolai Rodossky. - All these things that you used, being exclusively a pedestrian, it is better to forget. Because you will lose concentration on the road, especially considering that you are not so experienced.

For those who need to be always in touch, there are several alternatives: firstly, if the call is very important, then it is better to stop. In addition, there are sets of headsets that will allow you to speak without taking your hands off the steering wheel. But do not forget that this is not a panacea. It's not about how you hold the steering wheel, but that you focus on the conversation. Motorists with experience advise: for the first trips, mobile phones should be completely turned off.

The same applies to radio. Also, at first, ask your passengers not to talk. A car with an inexperienced driver is not the best place for chatting.


There are rules that you won't find in any textbook. Those laws that are developed over time only by experienced motorists:

When driving a front-wheel drive or four-wheel drive car, do not turn the steering wheel all the way when turning, but always leave a reserve. Otherwise, the CV joints, or "joints of equal angular velocity", wear out quickly, and you will have to change them regularly.

It is always better to park the car in reverse, so it takes up less space, is easier to maneuver and has fewer problems getting out of the parking lot.

For owners of cars with a manual (manual) transmission: do not drive in neutral. When descending a steep hill, the steering wheel and wheels may lock, resulting in loss of vehicle control. This is especially dangerous in winter on slippery roads. When approaching a traffic light, brake with the engine and shift to a lower gear. Do not constantly depress the clutch, even during short stops, shift to neutral. Otherwise, the release bearing wears out very much.

Do not leave the car for a long time on the handbrake, it is better to leave it in gear. Otherwise, you will have to tighten the handbrake cable very often, and in winter you won’t be able to start at all, the brake pads will freeze to the drums.

Carefully run over the speed bump. Reduce speed a few meters before the obstacle, slow down, and before the obstacle itself, sharply release the brake. At the same time, your car will deftly slip through the obstacle, and the suspension will not suffer from holes.

Check the air conditioner. Turn it on regularly so that the coolant does not leak out and the pipes do not dry out. Repair will be expensive

In order to protect the car from skidding, brake intermittently. By vigorously and quickly depressing the brake pedal

And finally, drive the car in good mood, without haste, only in this way you will reach your destination on time.


How did Petersburg celebrities learn to drive?

Showman and TV presenter Dmitry NAGIEV:

On the second lesson in a driving school, I realized that it was not mine. Someone is given to be a driver, and someone is a simple pedestrian. But despite all the difficulties, I got the rights. You don't have to drive fast on the roads. For example, I am a calm driver, despite the fact that I won several survival races. And I can give advice to beginners: do not react to boors. There are a lot of them on the roads, they can be confusing. And in general, because of rudeness, there are too many accidents in our country.

Actress Evelina BLEDANS:

It can be said that I learned to drive on the road, and memorized the Rules of the Road already on the go. After some time, I realized that I needed a driving instructor. I found a coach, and for some reason he began to teach me how to drive a manual gearbox. I swore a lot, as I pressed hard on the gas and did not squeeze the clutch. A couple of classes, and the coach ran away from me, saying that he did not need any money for training and that he did not need gray hair at his age. I thought, okay. Anyway, in my first car, the Gelendvagen ji 500, there was an automatic gearbox. And my advice to beginners, I would give this: do not be afraid of anything. You need to be brave and go into battle, be confident in yourself and your abilities.

Singer Tatyana BULANOVA:

I got my license back in 1994. In general, to be honest, I do not like to drive. The eternal problem with traffic jams and parking. Driving in circles looking for a parking space is not my thing. I can easily get on and go by public transport, I often take a taxi or a trolley bus, why not? I want to give advice to beginners: first of all, do not be afraid. Force yourself to get behind the wheel and drive. That's how I taught my brother to ride. If it wasn't for me, he still wouldn't drive.

Actor Alexander TYUTRYUMOV:

I have been licensed since 1979. Then I attended the military department, and we had such a specialty as an officer of the automobile service. It so happened that I learned the whole process of driving inside and out. The most important thing is not to be afraid and not to panic, to overcome all fears in yourself. Be attentive, notice the signs. And the head should be able to rotate 380 degrees.

Composer Igor KORNELYUK:

I learned to drive a car ... you won't believe it, at the age of seven! It was in Brest. My father bought a Zaporozhets. I looked at dad and dreamed of getting behind the wheel myself as soon as possible. And then one day, when my father asked me to go somewhere with him, I answered him that I would go on the condition that he would let me steer. He agreed. At first I went in first gear. Then dad allowed me to go to the second one. A few days later - on the third. I grew up, bought myself a BMW and got my license easily. And my friends were surprised how I could get behind the wheel and drive right away, they didn’t know my childhood story. I advise all beginners to learn the Rules of the Road. I travel around St. Petersburg and have the feeling that no one has read them.


Driving physics teacher Ivan CHUZHMAR:

Summer is the holiday season. As a rule, most people have a little more free time. And most importantly, it's not so slippery. This puts many students at ease. Although there is an opinion among some students that if you studied at a driving school in the winter, then everything will be easy for you.

I do not agree with this opinion. Both winter and summer roads have their own characteristics. And to learn all the subtleties in one full season is simply impossible. Therefore, when asked when it is better to go to study, I answer this way: you are scared in the winter, then take the exam in the summer. But in order to drive even in winter, you need to learn the features of winter driving.

I have several students who have been coming to classes throughout the year for several years. On the circuit, we remember many moments with them, both in summer and in winter. And in the city I work with them to pay attention to the change in their driving behavior. You know how our "experienced" people drive. It is enough to look at the accident of experienced drivers and it becomes scary for beginners.


The road for the pedestrian and for the driver are two different things.

You have walked more than once, for example, to the subway or to the store. The path seems to be familiar. However, the same route for a motorist may be different. There are also one-way roads or, for example, parking at the destination will be prohibited. Or even the roads will be under repair. You will literally get lost.

There will be many such surprises, - motorists share their observations. - To avoid such situations, you need to study the route of movement in detail before the trip.

Get maps and atlases, and ideally a GPS navigator. On the most important routes for you - to work - ride several times. Good knowledge of the road is the key to success for beginners.

How to behave "newbies"? How not to turn future colleagues against yourself? To whom to turn for help and is it not shameful to seek support from the leadership? HR managers of Moscow firms and enterprises, consultants of the weekly heading "Personal question" will tell about it.

Head of Sales Network Development Department at Renaissance Life:

I would advise beginners to become a "sponge" at first - to carefully absorb everything that the leaders say. This is the key to future success. From the bosses or colleagues, you should find out who in the team is the leading specialist, the leader. Further, I advise you to get acquainted with the methods of work of these people. In no case should you conflict, even if your colleague, as you think, is not quite right - you need to be flexible, always, not only at work.

Another necessary feature is communication skills, without it you can’t go anywhere - and even more so in our profession. Don't be jealous of your colleagues. Very undesirable phrases like: “well, yes, he climbed career ladder he's lucky. And here I am…”. You will immediately be perceived as a loser and a pessimist. And such people are usually not liked at work. It is not worth talking about your own personal life, and even more so about the personal life of strangers in a new place. Maybe later, and then only to those employees with whom you really make friends.

Lyudmila Vasilievna LEBEDEVA,
Head of HR Department, Baltimore-Stolitsa LLC:

We have a special adaptation program for newcomers at the enterprise, which is set out in a number of company documents. All employees of the team carry out an unspoken installation of a loyal attitude towards new employees.

We immediately make it clear to the newcomer that he can approach any colleague at any time, ask a question, and they will definitely answer him. All experienced employees, and especially the heads of departments, constantly approach the newcomer, are interested in his official affairs, and ask if he needs help. We require only one thing from a new employee - a reciprocal loyal attitude towards the company and employees. None of the company's employees will ever refuse to help a newcomer if a problem arises.

And, if there is a desire to take the initiative, to take on a part of some common work, there is always the opportunity to make suggestions and discuss this not only with your immediate supervisor, but also with CEO companies! In our company initiative employees are highly valued. In addition, be sure to be a sociable person. Well, in general, we always have a good, friendly atmosphere in the team. Colleagues, as far as possible, help not only newcomers, but also each other!

Yanina Vitalievna MOLCHANOVA,
HR Manager, ZAO Tomilinskaya Poultry Farm

In my opinion, very important point it is necessary not to miss when the "newcomer" has not yet become a beginner, namely, at an interview with company representatives. I would advise you to carefully analyze all the information received during the meeting. You can pay attention to the style in which the interview is conducted, how employees of the company communicate with each other, how detailed they are about job responsibilities, about future prospects. This information is important for further preliminary assessment of the corporate culture of this company.

Naturally, all organizations are different, each with its own internal structure, values ​​and stereotypes of behavior. And it will be great if the future newcomer tries to catch all these moments and correlate them with his wishes for the future place of work. This will help him a lot in the future.

If an employee has already found himself inside a new team, then first of all, it is important to be able to listen to other people, thank them for their support and help. In addition, the beginner will have to isolate important working information and analyze it.

Secondly, it is great if a new employee has his own opinion in solving professional issues. It becomes clear that the work process is meaningful, that the employee will be able to show initiative and independence where necessary in the future.

This impresses and gives rise to respect in the team. True, there are some pitfalls here - one must be careful not to go too far and not be seen in the eyes of the team as an elementary debater, ready for anything, just to defend his own opinion - even if it is wrong. chief assistants in this issue should be tact and respect for colleagues at work.

Speaking directly about our company, we are trying to do everything to new employee felt comfortable enough. We talk about the history of the enterprise, that in our Palace of Culture there is a council of veterans, circles and studios, a library, a chess club.

All information is given as part of the New Employee Onboarding program. The onboarding program is a specially designed and documented procedure for the introduction of a new employee. The procedures include a detailed acquaintance with the team and new responsibilities, a gradual introduction to the position.

Our enterprise is diversified, in each structural unit has its own specifics of work, so we try to attract young professionals, and our adaptation program is individual for graduates (or employees with no work experience) and for employees with work experience.

A mentor works with a young specialist, as a rule, this is the most experienced and qualified employee.

Well, in the end, I would advise a potential newcomer to look at this situation from the inside. Determine for yourself what a new place of work is new stage in life, new people, new ideas and opportunities. And never treat a new job as a stressful situation!

The long search for a suitable job and interviews are finally over. It would seem that having acquired the coveted position, you can forget about the experiences. However, you constantly worry about how your first day at work will go. This excitement is understandable, but do not be too afraid. Careful preparation, self-control and advice from psychologists will help you make a good impression on new colleagues.

Start preparing early

If, following the results of the interview, you were hired, you should not immediately run away, crumbling in gratitude, and rush to celebrate your victory with friends and relatives. Take a deep breath, pull yourself together and ask a few important issues leader. To make your first day at work as easy as possible, please provide the following information:

  • who you will meet, who will oversee your work and who you can turn to for help and advice;
  • specify the work schedule;
  • be sure to ask if the organization has a dress code;
  • make a list of documents that you need to have with you for registration;
  • find out with what software products you will have to work to study them properly at home;
  • be sure to write down all the information in a notebook so as not to forget anything.

It never hurts to additionally go through the official website of the organization in which you are going to work. There you can find Additional information, and also to fix in memory already received information.

What to do the day before

At a new job, this is definitely a lot of stress. To minimize the experience, you should carefully prepare the day before. It is best to spend this day at your leisure - go to the cinema with friends or go to nature with your family. You must get the most positive emotions to leave no room for excitement. Be sure to go to bed early.

In order not to forget anything in a hurry, in the evening you need to do the following:

  • decide on your work wardrobe and prepare all things so that in the morning you only have to get dressed;
  • make a list required documents and immediately put them in a bag;
  • make a script of actions for the morning, so as not to get confused;
  • plan how you will get to work, taking into account everything to avoid being late.

Never put off getting ready for the morning. Believe me, you will not be up to it. It is better to sleep an extra half an hour, cook a delicious breakfast and take the time to do your hair or make-up.

Everything new is stressful, and even more so when it comes to work. You will have to get comfortable in an unfamiliar team and quickly figure out your responsibilities. Naturally, an unprepared person can become confused or even lose his temper. That is why it is worth taking an extremely responsible approach to such an event as the first day at work. How to behave, psychologists will tell you:

  • Throw aside unnecessary experiences. Everyone goes through a difficult process Tune in to the fact that every day it will be easier for you.
  • Treat colleagues with the utmost respect. At the same time, your face should radiate friendliness. So you quickly establish contact with employees and find friends.
  • Be involved. Empathy for failures and joy for the successes of colleagues is an important point in networking. However, there is no need to be overbearing.
  • Your problems and troubles should not be made public. In addition, in no case do not demonstrate to colleagues.
  • In no case do not host in someone else's workplace. Even if it’s in the order of things to use someone’s phone, stapler or printer at the company, you shouldn’t do this on the first working day.
  • Don't talk too much about yourself, don't brag about your skills and talents. First of all, you should show interest in the work.
  • Spend your first day at work observing. This applies not only to the work process, but also to the behavior of colleagues. Knowing their character traits, it will be easier for you to adapt in the team.
  • Don't wait for your superiors to call you to make a remark. At first, it is better to report to management on your own in order to control the correct execution of work.
  • Drive away negativity and despondency. Imagine what success you can achieve today, in a week, in a month, in a year. Thoughts are material, and therefore they must be positive and bright.
  • Use the status of a beginner and do not strive to immediately show brilliant results. To get started, try to delve deeper into the details of the work.

The main rule to follow when starting a new business is a positive mood. Enter the office with smiles and wishes for a successful working day. It is very important to do this sincerely. If you are not in the mood, then there is no need for forced grimaces. Enough to confine ourselves to a polite greeting.

What Not to Do

On the first day at work, many make mistakes that can prevent further adaptation in the team. To get to know colleagues smoothly, in no case should you do the following:

  • be late (even if it happened through no fault of yours, in the eyes of colleagues and superiors you will be a non-punctual person);
  • forget names (it would seem that this is a trifle, but it can offend, so write it down if you are not sure of your memory);
  • flatter both superiors and employees;
  • show off (it is better to prove your superiority with excellent work);
  • talk about your previous work(perhaps colleagues will listen to you with interest, but the authorities may not like it);
  • establish their own rules in the office; taking on too many obligations both in terms of work and in terms of personal relationships with colleagues;
  • insist on something if you do not understand the issue;
  • advertise friendship or kinship with superiors or high-ranking officials (especially if you got a place under their patronage);
  • immediately impose their friendship or closer relationship.

Of course, no one is immune from mistakes, but at first it is better to keep yourself under control. If you manage to establish yourself well and become a valuable employee, then over time you will be forgiven for some mistakes.

What to do on the first day

The first day at a new job is a big test. Nevertheless, you need to drop the panic and turn on rational thinking. In order to make work easier for you in the future, on the first day you need to complete the following minimum program:

  • Take the initiative to meet colleagues. Remember that you are in an already established team, and in order to occupy a certain niche in it, you need to make an effort.
  • Get organized right away. In the future, you may simply not have time for this. In addition, this way you can create the impression of an active and hardworking person.
  • Try to delve as deeply as possible into all the features of working in this team and understand its atmosphere. Be observant.
  • Understand the specifics of your work, as well as the features of the regime. Gather and study all documentation that contains information about your rights, obligations and other material conditions.

If you are a department head

Sometimes it is much more difficult for a boss to adapt to a new workplace than for an ordinary employee. If you are the head of a department, then on the first day and in your future work, you should be guided by the following rules:

  • never criticize a subordinate in the presence of his colleagues;
  • keep your personal impression of a person to yourself - you have the right to speak only about his professional qualities;
  • clearly and specifically express your thoughts by giving instructions or making comments;
  • criticism should contribute to the improvement of performance, and not be a means of self-expression;
  • in informal communication with subordinates, be polite and friendly;
  • be attentive to your employees - always inquire about their well-being, and also congratulate them on the holidays.

Work after vacation

The first day at work after a vacation can be a real torture. Even inveterate workaholics at the end of a well-deserved rest can become depressed from the need to start their routine duties again. As psychologists assure, this condition is quite normal and passes with time. Nevertheless, it is better to prepare in advance for the end of the vacation.

Plan your vacation in such a way that the rest ends 2-3 days before going to work. At this time, it is worth adjusting the sleep pattern - getting used to going to bed early and waking up early again. But you should not plunge headlong into household chores, because you are still in legal leave.

It is worth noting that it is quite difficult to sustain a full after rest. That is why try to plan your vacation so that you can start your duties, for example, on Wednesday or Thursday. So, you will have time to join the working rhythm before the weekend and not have time to get too tired.

To make the first day at work after the holidays easy and calm, follow these recommendations:

Signs and superstitions

For many people, the phrase "First day at a new job!" is both desirable and intimidating. Signs and superstitions are widespread not only in everyday life, but also in offices. Sometimes, wanting to achieve the location of the authorities or raise salaries, employees of reputable companies can resort to the help of psychics, fortune-tellers, and even perform magical rites.

Of course, brewing miraculous potions or making or making a director's voodoo doll is not worth it. So that the first day at a new job brings you good luck, remember some office signs:

  • place coins in the corners of your office to attract a raise or bonus;
  • so that computers do not freeze, and the printer does not chew paper, communicate with technology politely and affectionately, thank you for your work (if you are shy in front of colleagues, then do it mentally);
  • try not to start work on the 13th;
  • on the first day, you should not leave the office until the end of the working day, either on personal or official business (this is for dismissal);
  • do not keep the office door open, otherwise you will receive a lot of assignments;
  • on the first day, do not order business cards, a badge or signs on the door, otherwise there is a risk that you will not last long in this job.

Features of the adaptation process

Work in a new team certainly begins with the process of adaptation. And it is important to understand that this applies not only to a beginner. The team must also get used to the emergence of a new link and help it to integrate into the work process in every possible way. There are four successive stages that make up adaptation:

  • To begin with, a new employee is assessed in terms of professional and social skills. Based on the data obtained, an adaptation program can be drawn up. It should be noted that the easiest way to join new team those employees who have experience in a similar position. Nevertheless, even such a person does not immediately get used to the new conditions and daily routine.
  • Orientation involves familiarizing the newcomer with his job responsibilities, as well as the list of requirements that are put forward for both his professional and personal qualities. For this purpose, talks, special lectures or preparatory courses can be held.
  • Effective adaptation occurs at the moment when the employee begins to join the team. He can prove himself both in work and in communication. We can say that during this period the employee puts into practice the acquired knowledge.
  • The stage of functioning implies the transition to stable execution official duties, in accordance with the established schedule. Depending on how the work is organized in the enterprise, this stage can last from a few months to a year and a half.


The first day at work brings a lot of experiences and new impressions. In a short time, you need to have time not only to understand the work, but also to get to know the employees and win their sympathy. The main thing is not to panic in case of difficulties and to perceive criticism objectively. It is worth noting that the first day of work of a new employee is a turning point, but far from a decisive one. Even if everything went smoothly, you still have a long period of adaptation.

It is worth noting that in Western practice it lasts about six months. During this time, you need not only to show your knowledge and skills, but also to adapt to the new team. At domestic enterprises, a newcomer is given no more than two weeks for this (in rare cases, a month), and therefore you need to prepare for the first working day in advance. Try to learn as much as you can about the organization, and read the recommendations of leading psychologists. To give yourself extra confidence, follow folk signs.