Booklet memo recommendations for youth on employment. Youth Councils on Employment Issues Completed by


(individual map of the lesson)

Lesson plan:

    Labor market

    Causes and types of unemployment

Task 1. Using the text of the paragraph, define the terms:

Labor market - type of market that characterizes the system of social and labor relations.

Wage - this is the form financial reward hired workers for work during a certain period of time.

minimum wage - the minimum wage.

Living wage - the level of income necessary to satisfy basic human needs.

Employment - activities of citizens related to the satisfaction of personal and social needs.

Unemployment - socio-economic phenomenon, expressed in the fact that a part of the economically active population who wants to work cannot find a job.

Employment - system of events held government bodies, public organizations and special enterprises, to assist the population in finding a job, referral and placement in it in accordance with the vocation, abilities, vocational training, education and social needs.

Task 2. Make a cluster on the item - the labor market.

Task 3. Fill in the tables:

types of unemployment

Types of unemployment






Dependence of unemployment on the season.


When there are vacancies, but the employer does not bring information to the applicant.

Public policy in employment

Policy type

Funds for



Task 4. Working with the document p. 113.

Task 5. Develop a leaflet "Councils for youth employment." Try to take into account regional peculiarities of the labor market.

Task 6. Using the memo, make a resume.


    Applicant's personal data

Contact information (address, telephone, Email). Current city. It is also advisable to indicate the age - in the event that it speaks in your favor (despite the legislative prohibition of discrimination by sex, age, etc., many employers are wary of "age" candidates). Photographs may also be personal information. Place a strong color photograph on your resume. This is especially important for positions where appearance plays an important role: director, office manager, sales consultant, promoter.

87% of employers prefer a resume with a photo.

    Wishes for future work

The title of the position you are applying for (the same as stated by the employer). If you are interested in several vacancies, you need to write a separate resume for each of them. You can specify the desired minimum salary level, and be sure to mention that this is a starting salary.

    work experience

List in reverse chronological order (last at the top of the list) all jobs. Indicate the period of work, the name of the company, the scope of its activities, position held, terms of reference and, if available, achievements. If the length of service is too long, limit yourself to 3-4 last jobs or describe the most meaningful experience. When describing accomplishments, use action verbs such as developed, increased, saved, or reduced. The use of numbers and percentages stand out in a resume. For example, he increased sales by 25%, fulfilled a sales plan of 300,000 rubles.


The more time has passed since graduation, the less space this item should take in the resume. First of all, indicate the education that allows you to apply for the specified position. Information about additional education(courses, trainings) are relevant only if they are related to the vacancy.

    Professional skills

This block summarizes everything you have learned while working or studying at a university. Separately indicate the degree of computer proficiency and foreign languages, while it is important to specify: instead of “I know a computer” - write what programs you own. Also with languages ​​- clarify what exactly you can - speak fluently, read technical literature or conduct business correspondence. Less flattering self-assessments: “ great experience work, and the ability to work in a team. It is desirable that the manager himself draws the conclusions you need from the resume. When describing skills in particular and writing a resume in general, use the mirror method: look at the job posting and use the same keywords in your resume as the employer in the job description.

    additional information

This column mentions the possibility of moving to another city, readiness for business trips or overtime work. If appropriate, write about the presence of a driver's license, the ability to use a personal car for business purposes, a passport, marital status and hobbies. Can be included in this section brief description their personal qualities, for example: sociable, responsible, proactive, etc. Here you can also indicate the possibility of providing recommendations.

Although the saying: “Youth is the only drawback that quickly disappears on its own” is true, it is still very difficult to be a young specialist. Everywhere you look, experienced workers with “at least 5 years of experience”, achievements in professional field and so on. And even after they managed to find a young specialist, most likely, difficult times await - his career is just beginning. Recruitment agency specialists analyzed the situation on the labor market, collected comments from representatives of the largest companies and compiled youth employment advice that will help recent students to do.

Tip #1 - Start working while studying

Practical work experience, albeit not in the specialty, is a very useful thing. Even while you are still studying, you can earn extra money during the holidays or on weekends. Communication with buyers and clients, new acquaintances, useful skills, the ability to strictly control your time and adhere to labor discipline- all this will definitely come in handy for you in the future.

Tip #2: Prepare carefully for your interview

The first thing to remember is that a potential employer is unlikely to appreciate a job applicant who shows up for an interview in a stretched sweater and wrinkled jeans. Dress as if you have already taken the desired position. In addition, during the interview, since you cannot boast of experience, focus on your knowledge, report completed courses, knowledge of a foreign language, etc. Focus on the desire to work and the ability to learn, the willingness to learn from experience. Recruiters emphasize that such qualities of a candidate as sociability, activity and responsibility are especially valued. Try to prove that you possess them to the fullest.

Tip Three - Be Prepared for an Internship

Often large companies accept former students as . Do not think that this is wasted time and you will have to play the role of "errand boy". Yes, interns are usually not overly pampered with praise and attention, but if the employer takes good care of their staff, you have every chance of getting a permanent job in the company you already know in the future.

Tip Four - Excessive self-confidence is inappropriate

Any advice to young people on employment can be nullified due to too high self-esteem. Many employers note that former students often immediately apply for key positions and high salaries. Such excessive self-confidence causes bewilderment and even irritation - yesterday from school, but there too! Do not overestimate the importance of your, albeit red, diploma, remember that before the position CEO you still grow and grow. The big name of your university will also not guarantee employment, and even more so a high position at the first stage of a career. No less important at the first stage successful career and knowledge of business ethics, business communication, business culture. Our employment advice for young people, a memo for beginners and the knowledge gained will help you build relationships with the employer and the new team, show your best side.

Terekhova Yana Nikolaevna
master student of the faculty "State, municipal management
and economics of the national economy"
Oryol branch of the RANEPA
Email: [email protected]

Annotation: The article is devoted to the problems of youth employment. The problem has a special specificity associated primarily with the characteristics of this socio-demographic group: age, lack of work experience, lack of additional skills, special interests and values, etc.

Keywords: youth employment, employment, youth labor market, employment problems.

The importance of the problem of youth employment is difficult to overestimate. Youth is the most dynamic part labor resources. This age category has increased mobility, potential ability to learn quickly, and out-of-the-box thinking. At the same time, young people are also one of the most vulnerable groups, which is associated with a rather low level of competitiveness in the labor market.

Many factors can be attributed to the main reasons for difficulties in finding employment for young people. First of all - lack of necessary experience. The employer is not interested in hiring an inexperienced specialist, because he wants to receive from work force instant payoff at the lowest cost. In addition, the employer often stops the fact that a young specialist, in parallel with work, plans training, which is inevitably associated with separation from the work process.

Another reason for the difficulty of finding employment for young people is the discrepancy between the acquired specialty and the real situation on the labor market, as a result of which a graduate who has received a diploma remains unclaimed. Psychological barriers are also a great difficulty, often preventing them from applying for help to state employment agencies.

It is impossible not to mention the situation on the labor markets in many constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which are faced with such a problem when the supply of labor exceeds the demand for it, in other words, the number of vacancies is many times less than the number of potential employees. Under these conditions, the chances of finding a job with a young specialist without work experience are significantly reduced.

We must not forget about the part of the youth who do not have vocational education. Persons who have not reached the age of majority can be singled out as a separate group - they do not have a specialty, are not oriented in the situation on the labor market, and are not familiar with labor legislation.

According to the data at the end of 2015 - beginning of 2016, the unemployment rate of people aged 15-19 years old averaged 35% of the economically active population (which is 4.9% higher compared to September 2015). Among the age group of 20-24 years, the unemployment rate was 15% (which is higher compared to September 2015 by 0.7%), among people aged 25-29 years - 6.9%.

The consequences of unemployment among young people are the deterioration of the social situation of young families, a decrease in the birth rate, an increase in the number of street children, a decrease in patriotism, psychological problems, a decrease in motivation to further search for work, loss of qualifications, an expansion of the shadow sector of the economy, an outflow of young specialists, and an aggravation of the criminal situation.

All this testifies to the need for an integrated approach that combines measures for a detailed study of the theoretical and methodological issues of youth employment.

Promote right choice the future specialty should be professional orientation of schoolchildren, determination of inclinations to study certain disciplines.

One of the most effective measures is internships in organizations for graduates. Due to this, the young specialist will be able to gain the necessary practical skills. A prerequisite should be the assistance of the state. Maybe, effective tool may be the introduction of quota measures that oblige the employer to have a certain percentage of young specialists in its staff. Support for entrepreneurs and organizations that assist in the employment of young professionals can give good results.

A necessary condition for stabilizing the situation on the youth labor market is the formation of a state order for training in professions that are in demand at the moment.

State support, among other things, should be aimed at creating flexible schedules and work modes for people who combine work with study in educational organizations.

One of the options for youth employment may be to apply to employment services. Necessary measures are the establishment of links between employment centers and employers, assistance in maintaining a dialogue between potential employer and an employee. Young professionals who are poorly versed in labor legislation and have neither work experience nor experience in communicating with the employer are in dire need of this kind of assistance.

Employment policy should be adjusted, reviewed the legislative framework, to introduce measures to introduce additional benefits for regions with a high level of youth unemployment.

A prerequisite should be the functioning of centers for social and psychological assistance for young people, the cooperation of authorities, employment centers with youth organizations and movements.

To increase the level of youth employment, political and economic stability and an integrated approach to solving the problem are needed. Only joint actions of all levels of government can give tangible results.


  1. Volonina N.A. Youth unemployment // Economics, entrepreneurship and law. - 2012. - No. 1. - P. 14.
  2. Employment and unemployment in Russian Federation in September 2015 [Electronic resource]. Access mode: (Date of access 20.07.2016)
  3. Aidarova I.A. Problems of youth employment in the labor market. [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: http://view-source: (date of access: 07/19/2016)

Lecture #2

Topic: Problems of youth employment.

Lecture plan:

1. Employment of youth.

2. Job search algorithm.

3. The process of employment.

Employment - is a human activity associated with the search the right job that satisfies personal and social needs, does not contradict laws and regulations international law and generates income (labor income).

Employment is a process that requires no less systematic and organized approach than the work itself. It is for this reason that it is not so easy to find a good job: at some stage, a person begins to feel that he is wasting his time studying offers, searching for and collecting information about possible vacancies. It is important to remember that effective employment is primarily your task and no one else's. Write short announcement with the heading " looking for a job"- this is already the first step, but far from the most important and not the one that guarantees you that your resume will be noticed by a potential employer. It just so happened that even without the crisis, many employers were "spoiled" by the attention of applicants, students, graduates, interns. Therefore, they are used to the fact that job seekers find them themselves, and not they scour the market in search of " the right people". Accordingly, it will take a little more effort than just putting together an announcement that you are currently looking for a job. An effective job search can be called a job search that is planned and organized in accordance with the tasks and goals that you set for yourself. If you are looking for a job with high pay work, be prepared for high competition for a vacant position, significant requirements and a significant workload if you are accepted for this position. Never assume that an employer is interested in hiring you because you made a good impression on him: there are dozens of people who made a good impression on him during a series of interviews, but this does not mean at all that a pleasant interlocutor in terms of competence and required skills and the ability to navigate the situation ideally meets the requirements of the employer.

Always in the process of looking for a job, do not divide the information received into “important” and “unimportant”: often details, trifles, additional nuances in the selection of candidates, in the submission of documents or other aspects of the admission of applicants and passing probationary period or primary selection are of no small importance for the employer to make the final decision whether to accept this job seeker or not. Therefore, make the search for a job your first priority, so that you and only you control the number, timing and circumstances of interviews, the choice of an employer or the decision on a particular offer of cooperation.

So, let's look at the key points on how to get a job. young specialist:

1. Decide for yourself what position you would like to work in at the current time period, in a permanent or temporary job, in a specialty or area partially related to your specialty, etc.

2. Carefully compose a resume for this vacancy in accordance with generally accepted requirements. In the summary, it is worth emphasizing precisely those positive points that are in contact with future work. For example, specify the subject of your thesis or emphasize that they have already worked for some time in a related field.

3. Collect as much information as possible about this company through the Internet or through acquaintances. It's good to know in advance official duties chosen profession, to find out the opinions of employees working in this field about the advantages and disadvantages of this work.

4. Set up a phone interview. You need to go to the interview in appropriate clothes - pressed trousers, shirt, polished shoes, etc. You must exude confidence and leave a good external impression on the employer. Speak calmly, in a polite manner. Answer questions clearly, without being afraid to embellish a little about your positive qualities. Consider in advance the answers to the employer’s standard questions, namely “why did you come to this particular organization” and “are you ready to give all your best at work”.

5. When talking to an employer, focus on the job itself rather than the pay. Show that you came to the organization to prove yourself, your knowledge in this area and achieve concrete success. Money is only an integral part of any work. Set up a positive attitude of the employer towards you with your openness, confidence and readiness to work from today.

Following simple tips on how to get a job, a young graduate will undoubtedly achieve the task. And if your dream is to become a director of a large company, then start from the first step as a manager, climbing confidently up the career ladder.

Employment through recruitment agencies should not be your primary goal if you already have sufficient experience and highly qualified. In such cases, it is better to contact recruiting companies for employment issues. Cooperation with state center employment will be useful to you if you are focused on finding a job in the field budget organizations, state enterprises or privatized large enterprises that used to be in state form property. Never buy into offers to make big money “easy and fast” using only your skills, buying some product, conducting trainings, selling products and the like: remember that easy and fast income with a multi-digit number of zeros in the sum earnings - either a scam, or implies some illegal actions. In any case, you run the risk of being left without money, with problems, without work, and even "having trouble" with law enforcement agencies.

And finally, “working for oneself” in the format of a business entity, an entrepreneur, a business owner can become an effective employment option. Here, too, there are risks and disadvantages that must be taken into account when making the final decision to become an entrepreneur.

Unemployed citizens aged 18 to 20 from among the graduates of institutions of primary and secondary vocational education, looking for work for the first time and duly registered with the employment service, are given the opportunity to take part in temporary employment activities at enterprises (organizations) of the city that have created additional temporary jobs for the purpose of their financial support on the basis of the Law of the Russian Federation of April 19, 1991. No. 1032-1 "On employment in the Russian Federation".

Work participants

Unemployed citizens aged 18 to 20 from among the graduates of institutions of primary and secondary vocational education can take part in temporary employment activities, job seekers first.

Main types of work

Temporary jobs for unemployed citizens aged 18 to 20 from among graduates of primary and secondary vocational education institutions looking for work for the first time include jobs provided in accordance with the profession or specialty received.

Order of organization of work

The Center for Employment of the Population, the Center for Youth Employment and employer organizations participate in the organization and conduct of temporary work by concluding relevant agreements. The employer determines the types, volumes and terms of work, provides appropriate jobs and concludes with employees sent by the Center to participate in temporary jobs, fixed-term employment contracts in accordance with the requirements of labor and social insurance legislation.
A fixed-term employment contract between a citizen and an employer defines the rights and obligations of the parties, the types and volumes of work, working conditions, working time, days off, wages and additional benefits, providing necessary equipment, conditions for imposing a fine for non-fulfillment of labor obligations and termination of the contract.
Urgent labor contract on the participation of a citizen in temporary work may be terminated by him ahead of schedule when applying for a permanent or temporary job.

Financing and payroll

When participating in events, unemployed citizens aged 18 to 20 from among graduates of primary and secondary vocational education institutions who are looking for work for the first time receive:
  • wages established and paid by the employer for the time actually worked (work performed) in accordance with Labor Code the Russian Federation, which, taking into account the amount of material support, should not be lower than the minimum wage in the city of Moscow, established by the Agreement on the Minimum wages in the city of Moscow between the Government of Moscow, Moscow associations of trade unions and Moscow associations of employers for the next year*;
  • financial support*;
* at the expense of funds provided in the form of subventions from the federal budget to the budget of the city of Moscow for the implementation of the delegated powers of the Russian Federation in the field of employment promotion, including the costs of exercising these powers. In an amount not less than the minimum unemployment benefit and not more than one and a half times the minimum unemployment benefit, established by law Russian Federation, for the actual number of days of participation in these activities, including periods of temporary disability;
* at the expense of the budget of the city of Moscow in the amount of not more than 80% of the subsistence minimum for the able-bodied population of the city of Moscow (at the time of the conclusion of the contract) for the actual number of days of participation in these activities, including periods of temporary disability.

Advice on the services of the Youth Employment Center

For your convenience, we will conduct a consultation about the services of the Youth Employment Center online, by phone or in our office for free.
Our staff includes only highly qualified specialists with practical experience work, which allows them to find an answer to almost any question related to the activities of the Center for Health and Mobility.
Thanks to the opportunity free consultation and different ways receiving it (online, by phone or in our office), you will significantly save time searching for the information you need about the activities of the Center for Health and Mobility.
All our specialists understand the "subtleties and nuances", which allows us to provide only high-quality services.

Participation in job fairs and training jobs

GKU TsZM of the city of Moscow "Center for Youth Employment of the City of Moscow" is pleased to offer you the opportunity to take part in job fairs and training jobs.
A unique platform for employers and educational organizations, where you can present yourself to the widest possible audience, employ suitable candidates online, and also get contacts of potential partners that will be useful to you and your professional activity.
Job fairs and training jobs are fundamentally different from the usual job fairs.
We present a unique site in the city center, which provides sufficient traffic for the target audience.
Our events are actively covered by the media, and press and post-releases are posted on Internet portals with an audience of over 1 million people.
Preparation for the fair will be as comfortable as possible for you, as at each stage you will be accompanied by a personal manager of the center.
The result that you will get when working with us is to increase the recognition of your organization, solve the personnel issue, increase loyalty from your internal and external customers.

Permanent job

Every person finds himself in a job search situation throughout his life. Job search has its own difficulties and peculiarities. Specialists of the Youth Employment Center will help you overcome difficulties, offer open vacancies, help you quickly navigate the labor market and correctly assess your strengths and capabilities.
The Youth Employment Center implements new approaches to the issue of employment:

  • individual approach and personal supervision by a specialist of the Center during the entire period of receiving services. You will be prepared for a meeting with the employer, they will help you write a resume that most fully reflects your professional strengths and achievements, and you will know how to successfully pass the interview;
  • accompaniment at the workplace for three months after employment (during the probationary period). We help to adapt to a new workplace during the entire trial period and keep feedback for the candidates we have hired.

Your resume will remain in our database, if an interesting vacancy appears, we will be able to consider you as a potential candidate. We will help make the job search process clearer, easier, faster. With us you will find the job of your dreams.

Building a professional career

Planning for your future achievements is an important skill that you need to develop in yourself in order to build professional career. Career (from Italian carriera - life path, field, run) is the result of a person's conscious behavior in labor activity associated with official or professional growth. the main objective career planning - to find such an application for your abilities that will lead to tangible success and the implementation of your plans. People who are conscious of their professional path get more enjoyment out of life and work. It is they who are more likely to find a job with the conditions they want, and it is these employees who become the most valuable and effective.
The start of professional activity largely depends on plans for the future. It is important to be able to set goals, develop action plans and implement them.
The Youth Employment Center conducts special classes and trainings aimed at assisting young people in building a professional career, choosing the most promising direction for professional development, and increasing satisfaction from professional activities. To determine the most suitable areas for your professional career development, you can go through in-depth psychodiagnostic testing on hardware and software systems and talk with a psychologist-professional consultant.

Professional self-determination

A significant place in the life of every person is occupied by his professional activity. The concept of "profession" comes from the Latin professio, which means " public speaking". In the days of Ancient Rome, this was the name of the occupation to which a person devoted himself and which he declared publicly.
AT modern society Under the profession, as a rule, they understand such an activity of a person that requires special training, practiced by a person regularly and serves as a source of income. This profession is different from a hobby. If a hobby is an activity done by a person for his own pleasure, then a profession helps to earn a living. According to famous businessman Henry Ford, "the most good job It's a high-paying hobby." Is it possible to find such a job, and how not to make a mistake when choosing a profession?
First of all, when choosing a field of activity, you need to ask yourself a few important issues. What do I want to achieve in life, and what am I really interested in? What type of character do I have, and what is really important to me? What am I good at and what am I not good at?
Assistance in professional self-determination may be required not only for students and graduates of general education educational institutions, but also to well-established specialists who want to master the new kind activities. Specialists of the Youth Employment Center provide career guidance services to all categories of youth. Anyone can get an individual consultation of a psychologist-professional consultant or attend trainings and seminars on the topic of choosing a profession. In the process of counseling, special tests and hardware-software psychodiagnostic complexes are used, with the help of which it is possible to identify not only professional inclinations, but also determine the degree of readiness for organizing entrepreneurial activity.

Psychodiagnostic testing

At the Youth Employment Center you can get advice on all issues related to the choice of a field of activity and professional self-realization. Our psychologists will offer you to undergo in-depth computer testing in a specially equipped room using modern hardware and software psychodiagnostic complexes
The psychodiagnostic complex is indispensable if it is necessary to identify a person's professional preferences, psychological barriers that prevent employment or career building. Often a person who works in the wrong place shifts responsibility for the lack of success in professional field to the team or management. Psychologists of the Career Guidance and Psychological Support Department will help a person to get an idea of ​​their natural inclinations and character traits, to determine the level of formation of professionally significant qualities that affect successful professional implementation in a particular field of activity.

Resume writing

A resume is one of the most effective job search tools. The main purpose of the resume is to attract the attention of employers, create a favorable impression of yourself and get an invitation to a personal meeting.
The basic rules for compiling a resume are brevity, accuracy, truthfulness and literacy. The effectiveness of a resume can be measured by the number of responses received from employers. At the Youth Employment Center, you can get help in compiling a resume and posting it on the website of the Youth Employment Center.
In addition to consultations on writing a regular resume, group classes are held during which you will learn how to create a business card website and prepare to record your own video resume. Classes are held in a modern computer room. After attending the class, you will be able to record and post a video summary on our website.

Job search strategy

Finding a job is not an easy task and you should be prepared for it. You don't have to take the time to find her. Remember that time is against the applicant, and you have to fight to get a good vacancy. It is necessary, first of all, to navigate the labor market, set a specific goal, outline an action plan to achieve it and undertake active steps for the desired job. As a rule, the wider the search circle, the higher the probability of success.
The Youth Employment Center conducts special classes aimed at teaching methods self search work, time management techniques, ways to effectively spend own resources, setting life priorities and values. The participants of the classes have the opportunity to form the skills of self-presentation and successful negotiations with the employer, discuss with the specialist issues related to preparing for entering the new job, adaptation in the team, consolidation in a new workplace and career planning.
Our experts will help you to identify the reasons that impede the construction of effective communications and will provide the necessary consulting support at all stages of the job search and employment.

Legal advice on organizing your own business

Do you have a dream to open your own business? Like it or not, even the most successful and promising idea cannot turn into a successful business if you are not accompanied by success. However, do not forget that if you decide to start your business from scratch, then you should have a large stock of knowledge, including in the field of jurisprudence.
What is the best form of business organization to choose? This is one of the important questions to consider before deciding to start a firm. It all starts with the registration of a citizen as individual entrepreneur(IP) or registration of a legal entity.
For small business with a minimum of employees, many prefer to carry out entrepreneurial activity by registering as an individual entrepreneur. Key issues include registration with the tax authorities and the choice of a taxation system, the procedure for submitting reporting documentation, and others. It is also important to make a decision on the need to use cash register and opening a checking account.
The simplest and most common organizational and legal form legal entities- society with limited liability(OOO). The procedure for opening an LLC is important information for those who plan to develop their business. Before establishing an LLC, it is necessary to responsibly and competently evaluate necessary costs and their opportunities, to choose the right system of taxation.
A newcomer who wants to do business, contacting the Youth Employment Center, will receive answers to their questions within the framework of a free individual legal consultation.

Legal advice on labor and employment issues

The work of young people is often beneficial to commercial structures, which thus have the opportunity to avoid additional costs associated with taxation, with the social insurance of the employee, as well as manipulate wages. The young specialist, being a "temporary" worker, does not pay due attention to this side of the matter.
This is just one of the situations that can be a source of discrimination against young people in the labor market. This situation will continue until the young worker is armed with knowledge of the legal norms in the field of labor law and legislation on employment.
Prompt contact with a lawyer labor law will help to avoid serious consequences in case of disagreements between employees and employers. That is why our Center provides an opportunity to receive qualified consulting assistance in the application of labor legislation.
The Youth Employment Center provides legal support on employment issues, permits labor disputes, consults parents if their minor child wants to work.