Famous Russian entrepreneurs. The most famous entrepreneurs of the world and Russia

In the 19th century, the business world of the country changed significantly. The reforms were the reason for the success of representatives of the estates, previously limited in the right to conduct entrepreneurial activity. This is the time of the rise of the Vtorov, Morozov, Vogau, Ryabushinsky dynasties, the formation of the business of talented engineers N.I. Putilov and N.S. Avdakov, the heyday of other famous families. Implementing their projects, they did not disregard either the interests of the state or the needs of the people.


The 19th century holds a special place in history Russian entrepreneurship. The state conducts legislative activities, trying to create favorable conditions for the development of the economy. By the end of the century, the system of guilds, established in the time of Peter the Great to systematize and regulate entrepreneurial activity, protect the rights of merchants and create estate privileges, had exhausted itself.

The reform of trade taxation in 1898 fixed the enterprise as the object of taxation, and not the personality of the entrepreneur, as it was before. Increasing competition in trade has caused business people to turn to the industrial production. Transformations in the field of joint stock business established the limitation of liability and provided the opportunity to participate in commercial enterprises representatives of different classes.

The changes led to the fact that business circles were replenished with people from peasants, philistines, nobles, foreigners and employees. Due to large-scale entrepreneurship, by the beginning of the 20th century, about 1.5 million people lived in the country.

The names of famous Russian entrepreneurs of the 19th century are still well known today: representatives of the surnames are famous for the introduction progressive technologies, charity, participation in political life.


Savva Vasilyevich Morozov (1770 - 1860) - the founder of the dynasty - comes from the serfs of the village of Zuyevo, Bogorodsky district, Moscow province. He achieved his success thanks to his personal qualities: diligence and business acumen. Having started work as a weaver in a factory, after his marriage, he organized a small production where he himself worked with his wife and sons. Savva sold silk fabrics and openwork ribbons created in the workshop in Moscow. The income allowed the entrepreneur and his family to buy out from the landowner in 1820. Savva's family had five sons: Elisha, Zakhar, Abram, Ivan and Timothy. An entrepreneurial streak is characteristic of many of Savva's descendants: the family is considered to consist of several branches, whose representatives became known in the textile business and other areas. In 1842, the Morozovs received hereditary honorary citizenship, which eliminated the restrictions imposed on peasants and urban dwellers.

Over time, the Morozovs bought land, built new factories for the production of silk, woolen and cotton fabrics, introducing modern technologies and mechanisms into production.

The first of Savva Vasilyevich's enterprises grew into the Partnership of the Nikolskaya Manufactory "Savva Morozov's Son and Co." pleated production.

The name of the manufactory is associated with the "Morozov strike" of 1885 in the village. Nikolsky. Workers protested against low wages and high fines for violations. The speech was suppressed, some of the participants were arrested by the authorities, but the event had positive consequences for the workers. Under the leadership of Savva Timofeevich, new English equipment was installed, working conditions and the life of workers were improved.

The company of the Bogorodsko-Glukhovskaya manufactory was founded in 1830 and transferred by Savva Vasilyevich to his son Zakhar, who gave life to the Zakharovichi branch. The enterprise became the first enterprise in the form of a partnership in the central region of the country. It included spinning, weaving, dyeing, bleaching, thread production and peat extraction.

The eldest son of Savva Morozov, Elisey, having separated himself, organized his own manufactory, which later acquired the name "The Association of Manufactories of Morozov Vikula with Sons." Vikula Eliseevich played an important role in the development of the enterprise and took over the reins of government from his retired father. This branch of the Morozov family is named after him - "Vikulovichi".

Under the control of the "Tver" Morozovs - the descendants of Abram - there was an enterprise created by Timofey at the request of his father. The Tver manufactory produced about thirty types of cotton fabrics, which were in constant demand at Russian fairs, and were also exported. Abram and David Abramovich led the production.

Social infrastructure grew up around Morozov's enterprises: shops, baths, hospitals, schools, almshouses, stadiums. The legacy of the dynasty of manufacturers can still be seen today on the streets of Orekhov-Zuev, Noginsk, Zheleznodorozhny and others settlements near the capital.

Researchers note various reasons for the success of the dynasty's ventures, including:

  • active entrepreneurial position;
  • striving for the mechanization of labor, stake on a high technical level of production;
  • continuous modernization of production facilities;
  • rejection of foreign specialists and support for domestic education and recruitment of graduates of Russian educational institutions;
  • creation of laboratories to combine theoretical and experimental science with production;
  • a two-stage management model that eliminated the exclusive authoritarian influence of owners through the involvement of qualified hired management personnel;
  • gradual awareness of social responsibility to the personnel of enterprises.

In addition to textile production, the family participated in the activities of other institutions. Timofei Morozov was one of the founders of the Volga-Kama Bank, established in 1870 and holding a leading position in the country until the end of the century. In the period 1868-76, he also served as chairman of the Moscow Exchange Committee, which cooperated with the state in matters of legislative activity in the field of trade and industry, regulated exchange trading, issued certificates and conclusions on trade matters. David Ivanovich built a railway line away from the main line Moscow - Vladimir, ending with the station "Zakharovo", named after his grandfather and still existing.

Representatives of the family did a lot of charity work and supported the culture of the country. With the financing of the Morozovs, the Alekseevskaya psychiatric hospital, the Morozovskaya children's hospital, the Cancer Institute and other medical institutions were built. With the participation of the Moscow Merchant Society of Mutual Credit, whose founders included T.S. Morozov, financed the newspapers "Moskvich" and "Shareholder", the magazine "Bulletin of Industry". Varvara Alekseevna, the wife of Abram Abramovich, donated funds to set up a free Turgenev library-reading room in 1895, supported the Russkiye Vedomosti newspaper, and took part in creating the technical base of many educational institutions, for example, the Imperial Technical School. Sergei Timofeevich provided assistance to the artist Levitan, Savva Timofeevich did not leave the Moscow Art Theater without the support. In a word, in pre-revolutionary Moscow it was difficult to find a charity event or a social institution that remained outside the attention and support of the Morozovs.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the fortune of the Morozov family, according to Forbes magazine, amounted to over 500 million dollars in the modern equivalent, which puts them in fourth place in the list of the richest Russian entrepreneurs of their time.

On the eve of the October Revolution, according to historians, about 60 families of the descendants of Savva Vasilyevich lived in Moscow. After October 1917, the life of the Morozovs developed in different ways: some immigrated (Nikolai Davidovich, Sergei Timofeevich, Pyotr Arsenievich and others), but the majority remained in their homeland, where a time of trials and losses awaited them.


The founder of the dynasty is the peasant Mikhail Yakovlev, who in 1802 arrived in Moscow from the Kaluga province, acquired a shop and joined the merchants of the third guild. Subsequently, the family surname was changed according to the name of the founder's native settlement. The interests of the entrepreneur lay in the field of the textile industry: in 1846 he acquired the first weaving production. The middle son, Pavel Mikhailovich, brought the family business of the Ryabushinskys to the wide road, who sold the old father's manufactories and acquired the factory, equipping it with the latest technology.

In 1887, the family business was transformed into the "P. M. Ryabushinsky Manufactory Partnership", the fixed capital of which amounted to 2 million rubles. The company owned a paper-spinning, weaving, dyeing, finishing, and finishing factories in the Tver province. By the beginning of the 20th century, the capital of the enterprise had grown to 5 million rubles; in general, the family's fortune was estimated at over 20 million rubles.

After the death of Pavel and his wife, the business was headed by their eldest son, Pavel Pavlovich, whose name is more often associated with social and political activities, however, it was under his leadership that the Ryabushinsky business continued to flourish at the turn of the century. Pavel, like his brothers, was educated at the Moscow Practical Academy of Commercial Sciences - an institution of secondary education for the training of businessmen, which is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Finance. Four of the eight brothers worked with Pavel: Sergey, Vladimir, Stepan and Mikhail. Entrepreneurs established themselves in the linen industry, invested in sawmilling, and were engaged in paper production.

The family owned the Ryabushinsky Brothers Banking House, which was later transformed into the Moscow Bank with the support of entrepreneurs involved in the textile industry. The Ryabushinskys recruited graduates of the academy where Pavel studied; village children were trained for the positions of junior staff, who, in addition to school, were trained at the expense of entrepreneurs in trading evening classes.

The well-known plans of the Ryabushinskys characterize the brothers as far-sighted entrepreneurs who relied on investments in promising technologies.

So, during the First World War, Sergei and Stepan established the Moscow Association of the Automobile Plant - an enterprise that was transformed into ZIL in Soviet times. A year after the laying, the plant was supposed to produce the first batch of trucks under the license of the Italian company FIAT. The equipment was created, although in violation of the deadlines, but the plant was not fully completed due to the events of 1917. The projects for oil exploration at the Ukhta fields and for the creation of machine-building enterprises in the Urals remained unrealized.

In the financial sector, the brothers' plan to create a "world-wide" bank is known through the merger of the Moscow Bank with other large institutions: the Volga-Kama and Russian commercial and industrial.

Pavel Pavlovich, in addition to managing family affairs, was passionate about socio-political processes, took an active part in the life of the country, consistently defending his position:

  • collaborated with the "Union of October 17", with which he later broke off relations due to disagreement with the policy of P. Stolypin;
  • published the newspapers "Morning", "Narodnaya Gazeta", "Morning of Russia", where he set out his vision of the prospects for the development of the state.

The entrepreneur saw the path of the country's development in combining the Old Believer traditions of pre-Petrine Russia with the institutions of Western capitalism, and warned the intelligentsia against being carried away by socialist ideas. Ryabushinsky fully supported the events of February 1917, because he believed that they opened up the opportunity for merchants and industrialists to influence the political life of the country.

After the revolution, the brothers emigrated, the descendants of the daughters of Pavel Mikhailovich live in Russia.


Alexander Fedorovich Vtorov came from the Kostroma townspeople, lived in Irkutsk and, being a merchant, conducted wholesale trade in manufactured goods, furs, gold, and was engaged in financial transactions. Success in business allowed him to move to the 1st guild in 1876, and in 1897 to move with his family to Moscow and receive hereditary honorary citizenship. Alexander Alexandrovich remained to conduct business in Irkutsk, without stopping interaction with his father and brother. The elder Vtorov's brother, Pyotr Mazhukov, worked in Chita. Alexander Fedorovich successfully married off his daughters, becoming related to wealthy Moscow families.

Together with his son Nikolai, Alexander Fedorovich established an enterprise, which later became known as the “A.F. Vtorov and sons”, which:

  • traded in textiles and tea;
  • supplied raw materials for the production of smokeless powder to the treasury;
  • owned commercial real estate in the cities of Siberia and the Urals;
  • carried out manufactory production;
  • conducted foreign trade operations in Mongolia.

Nikolai Alexandrovich was distinguished by extraordinary thinking and chose promising industries and enterprises for investments, the effectiveness of which allowed him to increase his father's fortune.

At the end of the century, Nikolai Alexandrovich focused his interests on gold mining, but did not disregard other areas of activity: he expanded the list of textile enterprises, military uniforms and ammunition were made at his factories, created the Moscow Industrial Bank, was engaged in the production of dyes, and worked in other industrial industries. Founded by the Second Partnership on Equity "Elektrostal" became the first such plant in Russia and gave birth to the city of the same name.

In the management of some enterprises, Nikolai Aleksandrovich was assisted by his son, Boris. The result of fruitful work was the largest fortune in the country, which exceeded the wealth of other famous families and was estimated at over 700 million modern dollars.

Nikolai Alexandrovich was killed in 1918, his family moved to France. Alexander Vtorov left Irkutsk in 1917.


The founder of the business, Philipp-Max von Wogau, arrived in 1827 from Germany. Despite his noble origin, he was poor, was forced at first to serve "on parcels." Having no prospects in his homeland, he takes Russian citizenship and seeks a better life in Russia. The reputation earned here in 1839 gives Maxim Maksimovich the opportunity to marry the daughter of a textile manufacturer F. Rabenek. Since that time, the Vogau dynasty of Russian entrepreneurs has been counting down.

With the participation of the brothers Friedrich and Karl, Maxim Maksimovich opens an office that first sells tea, household and household chemicals, and then switched to the import of sugar, yarn and cotton. The enterprise has grown trading house"Wogau and Co", which until the October coup was under the control of the family. In addition to the brothers, their sons-in-law Erwin Schumacher and Konrad Banza, nephew Mark Moritz, Max's sons Otto and Hugo took part in the family business. The company reached its peak of development during the management of Hugo Maksimovich, the son of the founder of the dynasty.

In addition to conducting large-scale foreign trade operations, the family invested in financial sector and industry:

  • with the participation of Vogau, the Moscow Accounting Bank, Russian for foreign trade bank”, “Riga Commercial Bank” and insurance company “Anchor”;
  • the family controlled enterprises in various industries, the circle of interests included ore mining, metal smelting, cement production, chemical and textile production;
  • together with Knop, they searched for deposits of platinum and oil in the Urals and copper in the Caucasus.

The way of life of the family was usual for the German bourgeois: they professed Lutheranism, lived in the neighborhood, preserved the traditions of their people. In 1900, five of the eight members of the board of the company remained German citizens, so with the outbreak of war, Wogau found himself in a difficult situation. Part of the enterprises suffered from pogroms, government supervision was established over the activities of the company. The family was forced to sell the leading businesses.

Hugo took part in the financing of the founded P.P. Ryabushinsky of the newspaper "Morning of Russia", which criticized government policy in the economic sphere and was closed by the authorities "due to harmful direction".

The fortune of the Vogau family, acquired over 90 years in Russia, was comparable to the wealth of the Morozovs and, according to Forbs, amounted to about 500 million dollars in modern terms.

After 1917 most of the Wogau emigrated from Russia. Today, the descendants of Hugo's son, Maxim, who has been a member of the CPSU (b) since 1919, live in the country.

Entrepreneurial engineer N.S. Avdakov

Nikolai Stepanovich was born in 1847 in the family of a military doctor assigned to the Kurinsky regiment stationed in the Caucasus. Avdakov's ancestors lived in the Vladimir province and, for the most part, were clergymen. Nikolai was educated at the Petersburg Mining Institute, from which he graduated in 1873. The Main Mining Directorate sent Avdakov to work as a mine engineer in the Rutchenko coal company, located in the Yekaterinoslav province and created with Belgian capital.

The driving force of the modern economy, as well as the reason for improving the welfare of society, are entrepreneurs who, playing with competition among themselves, trying to earn more money unwittingly have a positive impact on society. Successful entrepreneurs are also role models for many individuals, as they thanks to their incredible efforts, daily work, some of them become owners of large sums of money. We have compiled a rating of 9 famous US entrepreneurs (because this country is the source market economy and competition), which can be called a model of success.

On the first place is undoubtedly Bill Gates, one of the founders of the famous company Microsoft. From an early age, Bill tried to win in various competitions and promotions. At a young age, Bill Gates began writing his first programs for amateur computers. Thanks to hard work, as well as a considerable share of luck, Bill Gates created operating system Windows, which the whole world uses today. Thanks to the constant demand for his product, Bill Gates has become one of the richest entrepreneurs in the world (he has more wealth than many countries). Due to the fact that Bill Gates was able to become the richest entrepreneur from a simple Harvard student, he is at the top of the ranking.

Second the place is occupied by the well-known Steve Jobs , founder of Apple. He can be called a truly great US entrepreneur, because. thanks to his company, the first user computers appeared. Throughout his career, Steve Jobs was haunted by failures, difficulties before which he did not lose heart. Thanks to their determination, tablets and smartphones of Steve Jobs are the most popular and in demand today. Even after his death, devices created by Apple do not lose their popularity.

John Rockefeller ranks in our ranking third a place. An American entrepreneur who lived in the 19th century built his business on oil. Using the time of the American Civil War, when both sides were happy to buy oil from John, he rose to a high level, having more than 3 percent of the entire US GDP during the oil rush.

On the fourth location is Mark Zuckerberg, a well-established popular social network on the Internet - Facebook.com. From early childhood, Mark was engaged in programming - he created the simplest games. As a student, Mark wrote a user taste recognition program for a music player (Microsoft offered $2 million for it). Also, at this time, Mark created a prototype of the social. networks - a site where students could upload their photos and vote for photos of friends. Today, the site Facebook.com is one of the leaders in terms of traffic.

Fifth the place is occupied by an entrepreneur from the USA Thomas Alva Edison, who improved telephones, telegraph, film equipment, under his leadership the first commercial incandescent lamp (sample) was developed. It was Thomas who first suggested using the word "Hello" when picking up the phone.

sixth takes place Solomon Price, founder trading companies"FED-MARCH" and "PRICE CLUB", was recognized as the father wholesale trade. Price was a talented leader - he was impatient, did not like idleness and bad work, he always tried to move forward, which, of course, allowed him to get to the 6th line of our rating.

On the seventh location is Ted Turner- a well-known billionaire who built his fortune on entertainment stations: TBS, CNN, etc. Due to his determination, as well as incredible hard work, Ted Turner can be attributed to the list of the greatest US entrepreneurs.

eighth the place is in the hands Oprah Winfrey, which earned its capital with the help of TV shows. She went down in history as the first female billionaire. Thanks to the fact that Oprah was not afraid of difficulties, and decided to take risks in order not to become a simple TV presenter, her life is now described in entrepreneurship schools around the world.

Fred Smith, the head of the well-known company "Fedex", takes 9 a place. The company is the first of its kind to provide express delivery services. Fred has come a long way to his successful fortune, but in the end, we can call him one of the great entrepreneurs in the United States.

It has always been difficult to do business in Russia, but success stories still happen. Sometimes former serfs turned into magnates due to their tenacity and entrepreneurial streak. "Secret" tells about five entrepreneurs from the time of the Russian Empire, who managed to build a big business.

Alexander Chichkin

The merchant of the first guild Alexander Chichkin changed the dairy market of his time. Before he opened the Moloko store on Bolshaya Dmitrovka, the product was sold exclusively on the streets and markets. Within a few years, he managed to build a network. In 1914, he had 91 stores, two dairy plants and a curd and sour cream branch, 40 butter stations. The plant processed 100–150 tons of milk per day. In the firm "A.V. Chichkin" employed 3,000 people.

The entrepreneur paid a lot of attention to marketing: all the shops were lined with snow-white tiles, the clerks were dressed in snow-white uniforms, there were never-before-seen cash registers in the hall, which guaranteed an honest attitude towards customers. Every evening, fresh milk in cans was ceremonially brought into the stores, and yesterday's product was publicly poured into the sewer in the street in the morning.

By 1917, the fixed capital of the enterprise was more than 10 million rubles. After the revolution, Chichikov's entire business was nationalized. He could not avoid exile: he had to spend two years in northern Kazakhstan until he was rescued from there by Molotov and Mikoyan. Then Chichkin became an ordinary Soviet pensioner, but still participated in the development of plans and projects for the development of the dairy industry in the USSR.

Stepan Abrikosov

The ancestor of the surname Stepan Abrikosov was a serf, his family supplied sweets to the master's table - marshmallow and apricot jam (hence the surname). In 1804, the 64-year-old Stepan received his freedom and soon opened an artel family production in Moscow. Sweets were bought here for parties and weddings, and soon they managed to open a fruit and confectionery shop. The popularity of the Apricots grew.

In 1820, after the death of Stepan, the production was transferred to his sons Ivan and Vasily. But the pace set by the father, they failed to maintain. After 20 years, they lost their production due to debts. It seemed that the well-known family business ceased to exist, but by that time Stepan's grandson, Alexei, had grown up. He was a capable young man, with a particular interest in bookkeeping. He decided to revive the family business and organized home production: the Abrikosovs again made jam, made sweets and baked gingerbread. To reduce the cost of production, he began to buy fruits in the Crimea, and later he was the first to establish year-round fruit supplies to Moscow. His goal was to make the production really big. As a result, after 30 years, by 1872? Alexei had 40 confectionery workshops, which employed 120 workers. In total, 512 tons of sweets were produced per year.

The sons of Alexei continued the work. They formed a partnership and built a factory. By the beginning of the 20th century, the Abrikosov business had become one of the leaders in the country's confectionery market. His annual turnover amounted to 2.5 million rubles.

After the revolution, the family's enterprises were nationalized. In 1922, the factory was named after the Bolshevik Pyotr Babaev, but for several years the name of the Abrikosovs remained on the labels to attract attention. Some family members managed to escape abroad, but others failed to escape arrest.

Pyotr Smirnov

Pyotr Smirnov was from a family of serfs who brewed and sold wine on holidays. Having received freedom, father and uncle Petra decided to make the wine business their main business. Peter worked in this area since childhood: first he became a clerk for his father, and then he founded a small winery.

The business of Peter Smirnov developed rapidly: the number of cellars, factories, warehouses, shops increased, brand awareness grew. The secret of success lay in the impeccable reputation of the entrepreneur and his good connections in the trade sector. He worked with relatives who did not dare to let him down or deceive him, and used only high-quality raw materials: spring water, alcohol from cereal grains (not from beets), good fruits and berries.

Peter himself looked for the latter: he traveled to regional farms, extracting unknown varieties. The Smirnov firm produced wine, liqueurs, tinctures, vodka and liqueurs - more than 400 items in total. The technical equipment of its factories was constantly updated, the enterprise quickly became the largest in the world and received international recognition. Smirnov became a supplier to the imperial court and received the right to place the coat of arms of the Russian Empire on labels (now the quality of his products was guaranteed by the state). He also supplied alcohol to the court of the King of Sweden, opened branches in London, Paris and New York.

At the end of the 19th century, Smirnov's income fell sharply: the state decided to take control of the alcohol market and introduced a "wine monopoly". He was still a very rich man, his fortune was estimated at almost 9 million rubles, but difficulties in business crippled his health, and in 1898 he died. Peter's son, Vladimir, fled the country after the revolution and created the Smirnoff brand. In Russia, the brand was revived only after the collapse of the USSR.

Grigory Eliseev

Grigory Eliseev was born into a wealthy family. His great-grandfather also sold expensive foreign goods in Russia: wines, tropical fruits, oysters and truffles. For their delivery, the company had its own merchant fleet: four sailboats and a steamer. At 32, he inherited a trading empire with a fixed capital of 3 million rubles. He established the Eliseev Brothers Trade Association and began to manage the business at his own discretion. In the first year of operation, the company's turnover amounted to 64 million rubles.

Once Eliseev came up with a bold idea: to arrange an exhibition of fine wines in Paris. It is difficult to surprise the French with wine, but the young entrepreneur succeeded. He was even awarded him the Order of the Legion of Honor. The furore strengthened Eliseev's position in the market.

Two more years later, the entrepreneur bought a house on Tverskaya and instructed the best specialists to turn it into a miracle of architecture. The work was completed by 1901, when the "Eliseev's Store and cellars of Russian and foreign wines" were solemnly opened. Gastronomic luxury was sold here: wines, fruits, sweets, colonial groceries, crystal. Everything was fresh, clean and high quality. It was the country's first general food store.

The most famous product of "Bure" was gift watches, which the emperor gave to diplomats, officials and cultural figures. It is known that during the reign of Alexander III, 3,477 gift watches worth 277,472 rubles were presented, the vast majority of them were from the Bure company.

In addition, the company produced prize products for the officers of the Russian army, as well as simple watches: they could be bought in a store at a reasonable price. The brand has become very recognizable. In the writings of Chekhov alone, the expression "watch "Bure"" occurs more than 20 times. To maintain recognition at the same level, Pavel Bure and his descendants put a lot of effort into participating in exhibitions, where their products won medals many times. By the beginning of the 20th century, the company occupied 20% Russian market watch products.

Business did not cease to exist with the revolution. He was saved by the fact that the production was in Switzerland. The company "Bure" still exists.

Cover photo: Sergey Prokudin-Gorsky public domain, Wikimedia Commons, Library of Congress

Today I decided to tell you the stories of billionaires who did not give up and found their place in life: billionaires without education, the youngest billionaires, billionaires after 40

We all want to succeed, but many of us need those who, with their experience and example, can infect with the desire to reach the same heights. Sometimes at moments when hands give up, when it seems that nothing will work out and everything is lost, when patience and determination run out, it is enough to look at those who were in the same situation, but did not give up and still managed to realize their dream and find your place in life. In this review, you will learn about the lives of billionaires who were able to reach their goal without getting an education, who were able to earn capital only after 40 years, about the youngest billionaires and philanthropists.

Everyone dreams of becoming successful and finding their place in life, but not everyone succeeds. Someone underestimates the risks and loses money, someone lacks patience, someone chooses the wrong path. There are many reasons for failure, but there is one interesting fact: many people tend to blame circumstances and others for their failures, but not themselves. But it is precisely the analysis of one's own mistakes that is the key to success. Examples of those who were able to achieve success are clear proof of this.

    ten billionaires without higher education;

    the ten youngest entrepreneurial investors who made a billion on their own;

    "It's never too late to start" - investors who became billionaires after 40 years;

    the most generous philanthropist investors.

Each of them deserves special attention and each of them is unique in its own way.

Part I - Ten Non-Collegiate Billionaires

Each of the participants in this rating has its own special unique destiny. Someone thought that studying is boring and dreamed of creating their own business. Someone had a difficult moneyless childhood and had to forget about education in principle. Someone left the university in the middle of the way, and someone did not even finish school (not to mention higher education). According to statistics, about 37% of billionaires did not graduate from a university, about 24% do not have any educational documents at all. However, this did not prevent them from realizing their dream and breaking into the TOP of the richest people in the world. Agree good example to emulate.

1. Joe Lewis (born 1937) ($5 billion)

Can you call Lewis lazy? Interest Ask. After all, at the age of 15 he left school, preferring the family business. At that time, his father was engaged in catering and Lewis began to help him. When the business completely passed into his hands, it no longer made sense to get an education - he already had a very good practical entrepreneurial experience. He would later sell the business and move into foreign exchange and investing. And he will even be forced to flee from tax prosecution in the Bahamas. Today he owns more than 120 restaurants and the Tottenham Hotspur Football Club. The billionaire is also known for being a partner with George Soros in an attack on the Bank of England.

2. Richard Branson (born 1950) ($5.1 billion)

Until the age of 8, the most famous billionaire in the UK could neither read nor write, suffering from dyslexia. Already in childhood, Branson showed with all his actions that he was not eager to learn. Almost finished his studies, at the age of 16 he leaves school. The director of the school then looked into the water: "You will either become a rich man, or you will go to prison." After dropping out of school, he founds his first business, Student magazine. To interest readers, he began publishing free articles by John Lennon, Mick Jagger and other stars. He then opened a record company, calling it Virgin. Today, Virgin is a brand that brings together about 400 companies of various profiles, ranging from air travel and telecommunications to space tourism and the creation of video games.

By the way, here it would be worth mentioning another rich resident of the UK, Roman Abramovich, with a fortune of about 9 billion pounds. He also does not have a higher education due to a lack of desire to study. But he owes his fortune more to connections with Russian oligarchs and politicians, as well as gray business schemes.

3. Paul Allen (b. 1953) (net worth $20.1 billion)

Allen was born into a family of a teacher and a military man, and from elementary school he became interested in technology and electronics. He began to study programming from the 6th grade and later this will become a decisive factor - after studying for 2 years at the University of Washington, he leaves the university and becomes one of the co-founders of Microsoft.

He began to show his first entrepreneurial abilities at the age of 12. Working during the holidays at the post office, he realized that new residents of the area were more willing to subscribe to newspapers, after which he created a kind of network of informants - friends who informed him about new arrivals. After entering the University of Texas, he planned to become a doctor, but left it and founded a small computer assembly company. Today, the Dell corporation he created is one of the largest in the world in this segment.

5. Li Ka-shing (born 1928) ($33 billion)

In March 2018, the 89-year-old billionaire, one of the richest people in Asia, announced that he was leaving the business, sort of ending his career. And he has much to be proud of. Born into a poor teacher's family, he lost his father at the age of 14 due to tuberculosis and was forced to drop out of school. Working at a factory for the production of plastic flowers, in 7 years he was able to save money, which was enough to open a similar small production. Success was brought to him by transactions with real estate that fell in price against the backdrop of political instability in Hong Kong. Today, the billionaire's two main companies account for about 15% of Hong Kong's stock market capitalization. Kashin also invests in logistics, retail, biotechnology, engineering, and telecommunications.

6. Francois Pinault (born 1936) ($33.8 billion)

All that the French billionaire has from his education documents is a driver's license. He did not like studying since childhood, besides, he was forced to endure the bullying of classmates because of his low birth. His father was a timber merchant, an idea that Pino took over. At the age of 27, successfully married, he founds his first company (although the marriage did not last long). Then he met Jacques Chirac, who would later help him. In addition to wood and paper production, Pino was involved in the supply of cars and medicines to Africa. Today, he also owns the Christie's auction house and the Rennes football club.

7. Larry Ellison (born 1944) ($57.4 billion)

Allison tried twice to get higher education both times unsuccessfully. First, he was forced to drop out of the University of Illinois after 2 years of study. Then he studied for a semester at the University of Chicago. Both times he was forced to leave the university by circumstances. However, this did not stop him from founding a software and database development company, which today we know as Oracle.

8. Mark Zuckerberg (born 1984) ($77.6 billion)

After the advent of the Internet era in the early 2000s, hundreds of technology startups began to appear. True, apart from a beautiful cover, they could not offer anything, and in 2000 most of them ceased to exist after the collapse of dot-com. Zuckerberg didn't stop. The idea of ​​creating a social network has become a kind of dream of a future billionaire. And even if for the sake of its implementation I had to quit Harvard University, after 2 years the network became available to every Internet user.

9. Amancio Ortega (born 1936) ($96.4 billion)

The childhood of the future billionaire was not easy. His father worked on the railroad, his mother was a servant and the family was sorely lacking money. At the age of 13, Ortega was forced to say goodbye to school and look for work. Having settled down as a messenger in a shirt shop, he gradually began to adopt the experience of tailoring and selling clothes. Later, he opens a factory for sewing bathrobes and lingerie, but almost goes bankrupt after a large customer refuses a batch of goods. Then Ortega decides to sell clothes in own network stores, creating what we know today as the Zara brand. Today, Amancio also invests in real estate.

10. Bill Gates (born 1955) ($93.3 billion)

Like Paul Allen, Bill chose to forego his studies at Harvard University in order to devote himself full-time to Microsoft. Some subjects were definitely not given to him, and after 2 years he was expelled from the university. And as it turned out, it was only for the best.

Also, the billionaire from the United States of Armenian origin Kirk Kerkonian (1917-2015) should be added to this list. Born into an immigrant family, after the 8th grade he was forced to drop out of school and become an auto mechanic. During the war, he ferried bombers from Canada to the British Isles, earning start-up capital. First big business was the trade in aircraft and the opening of charter flights, which at that time were rare.

Part II - It's Never Too Late to Start - Billionaire Investors After 40

We continue our motivational rating with a list of people who have earned their first billion after 40 years. Not everything is given at once, often it is patience, perseverance and determination that bring the very result, which turns out to be almost the meaning of life. Someone from today's rating only by the age of 40 found his place in life, catching a wave of success. And someone persistently built a business empire for more than half of his life, systematically bringing ideas to life. The example of these people shows that it is never too late to find yourself and start doing what you love.

1. Ray Kroc (1902-1984).

The father of the future billionaire died early enough, according to one version, without experiencing a nervous shock after bankruptcy during the Great Depression. And Ray himself hardly thought that he would become famous. By the age of 50, he had diabetes and arthritis, partially removed the thyroid gland and gallbladder, and the work of a traveling salesman (selling paper cups and mixers) did not bode well. In 1952, he met two brothers who ran a fast food restaurant and got the idea to develop this direction. In 1955, he opens the first McDonald's restaurant, in 1961 he fully buys the rights to it and creates a whole network.

2. Henry Ford (1863-1947).

The company of the same name founded by him at the dawn of the automotive industry produced the cheapest cars. Ford was one of the first to launch an assembly line at his plant in 1913, becoming an innovator in this industry. But it all started hard. In 1879, Ford proposed a design for a car that was never built. In 1903, a copyright infringement lawsuit was initiated against Ford, which lasted 8 years, but ended in Ford's victory. Only in 1908 with the release of the Ford T model did success come to the company.

3. Michael Bloomberg (b. 1942).

At 24, the future billionaire and mayor of New York gets a job at Solomon Brothers, where he worked as a trader for 15 years. After the company acquired a new owner, it was reduced, but did not give up. In 1981, he created the Bloomberg news agency, which analyzed the state of financial markets online. The "chip" of the agency was in the use of computer technology, which few people heard about at that time, which made it possible to occupy a niche in this sector.

4. Sam Walton (1918-1982).

It is unlikely that Walton suspected that he would be engaged in entrepreneurship. Until 1942, he worked in small positions: selling magazine mailings, raising rabbits for sale, working as a manager. In 1942, he enters the US Army and after the end of the war he realizes that he needs to live somehow, and the system of the world has already fundamentally changed. He tries his hand at retail, renting a shop in a small town. Here he begins to apply his own sales technologies: wholesale direct (without intermediaries) purchase of goods, promotional discounts, work on weekends. Walton opened his first store in 1962 at the age of 44. In 1979, there were already more than 220 stores, and today this network is known to us as Wal-Mart.

5. Reid Hoffman (b. 1967).

He dreamed of the Internet for a long time and even at its first appearance he created SicialNet.com at the age of 30 - an analogue, a prototype of social networks, a dating site. The project turned out to be unprofitable and in 1999 Hoffman left it. But he didn't stop. Until 2002, he worked at PayPal, being a director before the takeover of eBay. Only in 2002, he was able to realize his idea of ​​​​a social network, literally 2 years ahead of Mark Zuckerberg, but later becoming one of Facebook's investors in its early stages of development. Today we know this project as one of the first business social networks LinkedIn.

6. George Soros (b. 1930).

You can criticize this person for as long as you like, but this does not detract from the fact that he was able to achieve a lot. And in what way (remember the same attack on the Bank of England) is the second question. George got into the sphere of investment relatively late - at the age of 26, but even then he was able to offer interesting idea earnings on international arbitration. Only at the age of 39 did Soros become a fund manager, and only in 1973 did he create his own Quantum Fund. Today he is one of the richest people in the world.

7. "Colonel" Garland Sanders (1890-1980).

As a child, this man had everything, but he chose to become a volunteer in the army. Until the age of 40, Sanders worked in many areas: a fireman on the railroad, a farmer, a miner. It wasn't until he was 40 that he started making chicken dishes, which he sold to those who stopped at his local gas station. A unique recipe that allows you to cook chicken faster than in a frying pan becomes Sanders' passport to the big financial world. In 1950, he begins to form the famous image: Aristocratic white suit, signature mustache and goatee. This image will become the face of his company KFC, which was waiting for serious tests and which it passed with honor.

8. Momofuku Ando (1910-2007).

According to one version, a survey was conducted in Japan in 2000: respondents were asked to name the main Japanese invention of the 20th century. Strange as it may seem, but the 1st place in the poll was taken by... Instant noodles! And it was Ando, ​​at the age of 48, who was able to offer the technology for its production.

9. Amancio Ortega (b. 1936).

The billionaire already participating in the previous rating earned the first big capital only after 40 years. His childhood was difficult, because it was not easy to find start-up capital. Being engaged in the production of knitwear, Amancio did not have competitive advantage and therefore could not increase production. His first factory appeared when he was 37 years old (in 1972). And only in 1975 did he succeed with the creation of his own sales network, which at that time was an innovation.

10. Mary Katherine Wagner (Ash) (1918-2001).

One of the few female entrepreneurs who was able to build an entire business empire. In 1939, she became a sales manager (sales representative), seeking to increase sales of household goods through presentations. At 45, tired of wage labor, she begins to create own business by buying a recipe for skin care lotions. Her customer-centric business philosophy, sampler idea, and interesting marketing gimmicks allow the business to grow into an entire corporation. Today Mary Kay has more than 200 cosmetic products and more than 1,200 people at the company's headquarters alone.

Part III - The 10 youngest self-made billionaire entrepreneurs

Many billionaires have become so thanks to their parents, who left them money by will or gave them a share in the business. These people basically continue the business started by their parents with rare exceptions (for example, Tom Persson, who chose the career of an actor, or DJ Julio Mario Santo Domingo III). But there are also those who managed to earn their first billion on their own before the age of 40. And their experience deserves respect.

Back in 2015, Theranos was valued at $4.5 billion. USA. Elizabeth Holmes was 31 at the time. The ideological inspirer, she was engaged in the development of drugs. It is not known how long her company would have continued to exist if it were not for an unfortunate incident, as a result of which it turned out that most of the test results were lies. The SEC immediately removed Holmes from management, and Theranos is now virtually on the verge of bankruptcy. The rest of the participants in our rating are more successful.

1. John Collison (age 28, $1.1 billion)

"Irish genius" - this is the name of Collison, who at the age of 17 earned $ 5 million. USA on the sale of Auctomatic, which develops tools for eBay. In 2010, with the support of Elon Musk and Peter Thiel, he founded Stripe, a company developing solutions for receiving and processing electronic transactions. In 2016, Collison was recognized as the youngest billionaire in the world to earn a billion dollars. USA myself.

2. Bobby Murphy (age 30, $3 billion)

Another young billionaire who has taken the path of a technological breakthrough. After gaining experience while studying at the university in relation to the creation of small projects, he, together with Evan Spiegel (net worth about 2.1 billion US dollars), creates the Snapchat messenger. It is intended for the exchange of photo and video information, but its trick is that the information is available to the recipient for a short time, after which it is deleted automatically. The idea quickly caught on.

3. Drew Houston (age 35, $3.2 billion)

And again, a person becomes a billionaire who, at the peak of the popularity of platforms, services and applications, creates a unique product that instantly becomes in demand. In 2007, Houston developed Dropbox, a workspace for storing and processing data that allows you to organize your work and quickly find the files you need.

4. Nathan Blecharczyk (33), Joe Gebbia (36) and Brian Chesky (36) - $3.8 billion USA for everyone.

But these guys can be safely called the exception of this rating. In 2008, they offered the world a platform to connect tenants and landlords around the world with Airbnb. The idea was immediately appreciated by travelers and those who are forced to urgently look for housing in other cities and countries. For 10 years, billionaires have attracted about 3.4 billion dollars. USA investments, during the same time the site was visited by about 150 million people, about 30 million used its services, there are about 1.5 million offers of houses, apartments for both long-term and short-term rent in the database.

5. Jack Dorsey (41, $4.8 billion).

The idea of ​​creating Twitter came to him while studying at the Missouri University of Science and Technology. Working as a programmer in the dispatch service, he realized the need for instant messaging. In 2000, Dorsey created a platform for sending couriers and taxis over the Internet. And in 2008, his main service, Twitter, was launched. It is noteworthy that initially Dorsey dreamed of launching his line of jeans and in his youth was considered an irresponsible and frivolous person.

6. Robert Pera (age 40, $5.1 billion).

Comparing Apple to his ambitions, Pera said that Apple is an outstanding company, but he would like to do better faster. His corporate experience allowed him to quickly grasp the promise of wireless technology. In 2009, the sale of his model of autonomous systems for organizing wireless communications begins. Today, his company Ubiquiti is one of the leaders in the production of wireless equipment, which is distinguished by its approach to organizing the process of selling goods. Robert's goal is to be as successful as Cisco and Huawei.

7. Travis Kalanick (41, $6.3 billion).

Having sacrificed his studies, in 1998 Kalanick created the Scour file hosting service. In 2000, under pressure from lawsuits regarding copyright infringement, he declares the project bankrupt. In 2001, he makes a second attempt to create a peer-to-peer file-sharing network, which he successfully sells in 2007. In 2009, he creates the third serious project - Uber, which brings him fame. True, due to a series of internal conflicts in 2017, Kalanick is forced to leave the post of head, but the task has already been completed: he is a billionaire.

8. Jan Koum (42, $7.5 billion).

The future billionaire was born in Kyiv and emigrated with his parents to the United States in 1992. He never graduated from university, preferring to work at Yahoo, where he worked from 2000 to 2007. In 2009, he creates one of the most popular instant messengers WhatsApp, which for $ 19 billion. US buys Facebook in 2014. Until April 2018, Jan Kum continued to develop the messenger, but after that he was forced to leave due to disagreements with the management.

9. Dustin Moskowitz (age 34, $15.6 billion).

His fortune brought him participation in the development of the social network Facebook, where until 2008 he played the role of a second person. The desire to create his own working project prompted him to leave Facebook (albeit retaining a small share of the shares) and create Asana, a company operating in the technology and innovation market (creating applications for project management in small companies).

10. Mark Zuckerberg (age 34, $77.6 billion).

This person has already been briefly discussed in a previous article. By betting on the development of social networks and sacrificing his studies for this, Zuckerberg did not lose. Although Facebook is in a fever in 2018 and competitors are on the heels, Mark remains a billionaire.

Part IV - The Most Generous Philanthropist Investors

What does a person who has everything he wants need? What does a person who already has billions, real estate, yachts, islands and even free time need? For people managing their billion-dollar fortune, it makes no fundamental difference whether they have 5 billion more or less, they need fame, recognition and respect. Every person wants people to remember his good deeds, every person wants to be useful to society.

1. Gordon and Betty Moore(289 million US dollars).

The co-founder of Intel and his wife have been supporting various areas of science for several years, investing approximately the same amount annually (adjusted for inflation) for more than 15 years. According to the total amount of donations, the Moore couple is in the TOP-10 of the most generous investors in the world. Most of the money is allocated to science, environmental protection, and staff training. Also, at their expense, the largest telescope in the world is being built.

2. James Simons(293 million US dollars).

Mathematician, academic, trader who made his money managing hedge funds - in his 80s he continues to invest in educational and medical projects different countries. He rarely gets into the TOP, giving preference to individual interesting projects.

3. Paul Allen(341 million US dollars).

The co-founder of Microsoft has been a top philanthropist in the world since 2011. The priority direction of financing is scientific research and, first of all, neurology. He created an institute for the study of the brain, where he invested about 500 million dollars. USA only at the time of creation.

4. Walton family(454 million US dollars).

The Wal-Mart founder family opted for a narrow funding profile. In 2011, thanks to them, the Museum of American Art appeared, where about 1.3 billion dollars were invested at the start alone. USA.

5. Charles (Chuck) Feeney(482 million US dollars).

"A billionaire without a billion" - this is the name of the founder of Duty Free Shoppers, one of the few who gave money to charity during his lifetime. He continues to receive passive income, but immediately gives it away. According to him, he only needs as much money as he can spend. He travels all over the world to select charitable objects, getting personally acquainted with each project that requires a grant.

6. George Soros(531 million US dollars).

His Open Society Foundation, for the most part, is engaged in supporting education, issuing grants to scientists, students, and researchers. Another direction of the fund is the financing of organizations that defend the rights of people. Soros is often criticized for supporting the media under the guise of protecting free speech and transparency, but in fact buying them.

7. Michael Bloomberg(600 million US dollars).

The former mayor of New York and owner of a news agency has donated money to more than 850 organizations, with priority given to health and environmental projects.

8. Bill and Melinda Gates(2.142 billion US dollars).

In 1999, thanks to Gates, a charitable foundation appeared, which at an early stage supported various kinds of technological developments (platforms, startups). Later, the fund will finance medical developments, help third world countries cope with hunger (humanitarian aid), etc. In 2010, together with Buffett, he created a kind of “Giving Pledge” club, whose members undertake to give at least 50% of their money to charity.

9. Warren Buffett(2.861 billion US dollars).

Has friendships and partnerships with the Gates family, supporting their foundation. Already transferred in the amount of more than 30 billion dollars. United States and wrote a will in which he promised to give charitable foundations 99% of his fortune.

Interesting fact. Not all billionaires and millionaires are eager to join the Giving Oath, not everyone wants to part with their money. Mark Zuckerberg, Carlos Slim also periodically got into the rating of the most generous philanthropists, but almost every year the list of the most generous billionaires does not change.

In conclusion, I want to say a well-known truth: Millionaires and billionaires are not born - they are made. So keep it up :)

Although it will not be easy to break through to the top of Olympus without an entrepreneurial streak, determination, flexibility and the ability to establish contacts remain decisive factors. It happens that it takes more than a dozen years to find your place in life. But what one person started, his children can continue. A family business eventually grows into huge corporations, but there is another way. It is enough to be a few steps ahead: to see promising directions, not to be afraid to take risks within reasonable limits and be able to find something that will be interesting to people. I sincerely wish you to find your place in life, find your favorite occupation that would bring you profit. And if you've already achieved some success, share your experience in the comments!

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Opportunities for the rapid transformation of production and trade were opened by the peasant reform of 1861, which freed many workers. The demand for manufactured goods grew in the country. The government of the Empire stimulated and supported domestic industrialists, bankers, merchants, striving to accelerate the development of the economy through its legislative acts.

In 1863-1865, the government passed laws that gave the right to "trade and other crafts to persons of all classes without distinction of sex, both Russian subjects and foreigners." Members of merchant guilds, urban aristocracy and local nobles, peasants, colonists in their places of settlement, Jews in the Pale of Settlement gained freedom of enterprise and received certificates for industrial and commercial activities.

The new commercial and industrial legislation gave a tremendous impetus to the rapid development economic activity in the country. Well-known domestic economist L.I. Abalkin wrote: "The class of industrialists was replenished by all strata of society, the former serf could become "innumerable rich", his yesterday's owner-landowner-exchange tycoon, nobleman-officer, state institution has grown to the managing director of a bank or a joint-stock company.

Indeed, towards the end of the nineteenth century. Petersburg, 35 merchants, 2 nobles, 69 burgesses, 35 peasants owned textile enterprises, and 45 merchants, 18 nobles, 257 burgesses, 192 peasants owned metalworking factories.

The affairs of those who were engaged in the production of sugar were rapidly going uphill: among the largest landowners, representatives of noble families - the Baryatinsky, Yusupov, Bobrinsky, Pototsky, Shuvalov, and recent merchants, newly minted nobles, such as the famous sugar refiners Tereshchenko and Kharitonenko.

The most industrial and oldest industrial class, the merchant class, also changed dramatically, gradually turning into a commercial and industrial bourgeoisie. The great Fyodor Chaliapin vividly and figuratively described the upward path traditional for the Moscow merchants: “A Russian peasant, having escaped from the village from a young age, begins to cobble together his well-being as a future merchant or industrialist in Moscow itself. oil on buckwheat, his comrade shouts merrily and cunningly observes the stitches of life with a slanting eye, how and what is sewn up and what is sewn to what. in a cheap tavern, he drinks tea with brown bread. He is cold, cold, but always cheerful, does not grumble and hopes for the future. He is not embarrassed by what kind of goods he has to trade, trading in different ones. Today icons, tomorrow stockings, the day after tomorrow amber, otherwise and books. In this way he becomes an economist. And there, look, he already has a shop or a small factory. And then, go ahead, he is already a merchant of the 1st guild. the son is the first to buy the Gauguins, Picasso, the first to take Matisse to Moscow. And we, enlightened ones, look with nasty gaping mouths at all the Matisses, Manets and Renoirs that have not yet been understood and say in a nasally critical way: - Tyrant. Meanwhile, petty tyrants, meanwhile, quietly accumulated wonderful treasures of art, created galleries, museums, first-class theaters, set up hospitals and shelters throughout Moscow.

Merchants created family and joint-stock partnerships, firms, trading houses, expanded markets for wholesale trade. They also participated in railway and steamship construction, owned large machine-building and repair plants.

Many large and small industrialists came out of the peasantry. Even in the pre-reform period, the most enterprising peasants, working at the enterprises of their owners, invested money in profitable business through figureheads. Having made a capital, they bought "free", and then acquired small factories and factories. The rich "capitalist peasants" eventually signed up as merchants, became honorary citizens. Former peasants Alekseev, Ryabushinsky, Krestovnikov, Soldatenkov laid the foundation for the largest and most famous entrepreneurial dynasties.

The grateful memory of posterity will forever remember the names of Moscow merchants-entrepreneurs who presented the city and the country with excellent collections of paintings (the Tretyakov brothers, Shukins, Morozov, Mamontov), ​​founded the world's first Theater Museum (Bakhrushin), the Art Theater (Morozov), the magazines "World of Art "," Golden Fleece "," Blue Rose "(Diaghilev, Ryabushinsky).

They, occupying honorary positions in the city, improved it: gas, and then electric lighting, pavements, water supply, sewerage, and a tram appeared in Moscow. Manufacturers, seeking to keep in their enterprises skilled workers, built housing for them, created a network of social service institutions.

In 1900, the owner of the Trekhgornaya manufactory, Nikolai Prokhorov, was awarded the French Order of the Legion of Honor, and his enterprise received the "Grand Prix" of the international Paris exhibition for technical equipment. Trekhgornaya manufactory was awarded two gold medals - for training workers in a six-year technical school for 250 students and for taking care of the life of workers. At the manufactory there were a nursery, a kindergarten, a maternity hospital, an orphanage, a hospital, a nursing home, free public library, evening and Sunday classes.

Morozov dynasty

At the beginning of the 20th century, two and a half dozen families made up the top of the Moscow merchant class - seven of them bore the surname Morozov. The most eminent in this series was considered the largest chintz manufacturer Savva Timofeevich Morozov.

The exact size of Morozov's capital today can only be guessed at. "T-vo Nikolskoy manufactory Savva Morozov, son and Co" was one of the three most profitable industries in Russia. One salary of Savva Ivanovich (he was only a director, and his mother was the owner of the manufactory) was 250 thousand rubles a year. For comparison: the then Minister of Finance Sergei Witte received ten times less (and even then Alexander III paid the "irreplaceable" Witte more from his own pocket).

Savva belonged to the generation of "new" Moscow merchants. Unlike their fathers and grandfathers, the ancestors family business, young merchants had an excellent European education, artistic taste, diverse interests. Spiritual and social issues occupied them no less than the problem of making money.

The family business was started by Savva's grandfather and namesake - the economic man Savva Vasilyevich Morozov.

"Savva son Vasiliev" was born a serf, but managed to go through all the steps of a small producer and become the largest textile manufacturer. An enterprising peasant in the Vladimir province opened a workshop that produced silk lace and ribbons. He worked on the only machine tool himself and himself walked to Moscow, 100 miles away, to sell goods to buyers. Gradually, he switched to cloth and cotton products. He was lucky. Even the war of 1812 and the ruin of Moscow contributed to the increase in income. After several factories in the capital burned down in the capital, a favorable customs tariff was introduced, and the cotton industry began to rise.

For 17 thousand rubles - huge money for those times - Savva received "freedom" from the nobles of the Ryumins, and soon the former serf Morozov was enrolled in the Moscow merchants of the first guild.

Having lived to a ripe old age, Savva Vasilievich did not overcome the letters, but this did not prevent him from doing excellent business. He bequeathed to his sons four large factories, united by the name "Nikolskaya Manufactory". The old man took care to arrange for his descendants even in the next world: next to his grave at the Rogozhsky cemetery stands a white-stone Old Believer cross with an inscription, already faded from time to time: “At this cross, the family of the merchant of the first guild Savva Vasilyevich Morozov is supposed.” Today, four generations of Morozov lie there.

The Morozov family was Old Believer and very rich. The mansion in Bolshoy Trekhsvyatitelsky Lane had a winter greenhouse and a huge garden with gazebos and flower beds.

The future capitalist and freethinker was brought up in the spirit of religious asceticism, in exceptional severity. Priests from the Rogozhskaya Old Believer community served daily in the family chapel. The extremely pious mistress of the house, Maria Feodorovna, was always surrounded by hosts. Any of her whims was the law for the household.

On Saturdays, underwear was changed in the house. The brothers, the elder Savva and the younger Sergei, were given only one clean shirt, which usually went to Seryozha, his mother's favorite. Savva had to wear the one that his brother took off. More than strange for the richest merchant family, but this was not the only eccentricity of the hostess. Occupying a two-story mansion with 20 rooms, she did not use electric lighting, considering it to be demonic power. For the same reason, she did not read newspapers and magazines, she shied away from literature, theater, and music. Afraid of catching a cold, she did not take a bath, preferring to use colognes. And at the same time she kept her family in her fist so that they did not dare to rock the boat without her permission.

Nevertheless, changes inexorably invaded this firmly established Old Believer life. The Morozov family already had governesses and tutors, children - four sons and four daughters - were taught secular manners, music, and foreign languages. At the same time, tried and tested "forms of education" for centuries were used - for poor academic success, the young merchant growth was mercilessly beaten.

Savva was not distinguished by special obedience. In his own words, while still at the gymnasium, he learned to smoke and not to believe in God. His character was paternal: he made decisions quickly and forever.

He entered the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Moscow University. There he seriously studied philosophy, attended lectures on the history of V.O. Klyuchevsky. Then he continued his education in England. He studied chemistry at Cambridge, worked on his dissertation and at the same time got acquainted with the textile business. In 1887, after the Morozov strike and his father's illness, he was forced to return to Russia and take charge of the affairs. Savva was then 25 years old.

Until 1918, the Nikolskaya manufactory was a joint venture. The main and main shareholder of the manufactory was Savva's mother Maria Fedorovna: she owned 90% of the shares.

In matters of production, Savva could not help but depend on his mother. In fact, he was a co-owner-manager, and not a full owner. But "Sava the Second" would not have been the son of his parents, had he not inherited from them irrepressible energy and great will. He said about himself: "If anyone gets in my way, I will cross and not blink."

I had to sweat, - Savva Timofeevich later recalled. - The equipment at the factory is antediluvian, there is no fuel, but here there is competition, a crisis. It was necessary to rebuild the whole thing on the go.

He posted from England latest equipment. The father was categorically against it - it was expensive, but Savva broke his father, who was behind the times. The old man was disgusted by his son's innovations, but in the end he gave in: fines were changed at the factory, prices were changed, new barracks were built. Timofey Savvovich stamped his feet on his son and scolded him as a socialist.

And in good moments, very old, he used to stroke me on the head and say: "Oh, Savvushka, you will break your neck."

But the realization of the disturbing prophecy was still far away.

Things were going well for the Association. The Nikolskaya manufactory ranked third in Russia in terms of profitability. Morozov products displaced English fabrics even in Persia and China. At the end of the 1890s, 13.5 thousand people were employed in the factories, about 440 thousand poods of yarn and almost two million meters of fabric were produced here annually.

Secretly, Maria Fedorovna was proud of her son - God did not deprive him of either intelligence or mastery. Although she got angry when Savva first ordered in his own way, as he saw fit, and only then approached: "Here, they say, mama, let me report ..."

And here is what one of the engineers of the Nikolskaya manufactory recalled about Savva Timofeevich: “Excited, fussy, he ran hopping from floor to floor, tested the strength of the yarn, put his hand into the thick of the gears and pulled it out unharmed, taught teenagers how to tie a broken thread He knew every screw here, every movement of the levers. Engineers, foremen, workers approached him, asked about something ... he gave orders, wrote notes, pointed somewhere with his hands, patted the workers on the shoulder and treated them to cigarettes from a large leather cigarette case.

Wealthy Fabricant Varvara Alekseevna Morozova

Entrepreneurship in Russia has traditionally been considered a male occupation, but it happened that women also achieved success in it. One of the brightest and most successful representatives of the business world was Varvara Alekseevna Morozova, nee Khludova, a merchant's daughter and wife. Her first husband was A.A. Morozov, a poorly educated and mentally ill person who passed away early. The brother of Varvara Alekseevna-Mikhail Khludov also died in a psychiatric hospital. An outstanding nature, a champion of education, a capable actress (she played in charity performances in favor of the starving), V.A. Morozova, having become a widow, took over the management of the Tver cotton fabric manufactory and coped with it quite successfully.

Her sister-in-law, M.K. Morozova, recalled: "Varvara Alekseevna was a well-educated person. At the same time, she was very businesslike and practical, she knew how to navigate commercial affairs well." She was valued and respected in the commercial environment. Varvara Alekseevna served as a prototype for the heroine of P.D. Boborykin "China Town" - Anna Serafimovna Stanitsina.

A charming woman with an attractive smile, large dark eyes and "sable" eyebrows, she was "a classic type of progressive Moscow philanthropist", modest in everyday life and generous in kindness to people. The famous playwright Vladimir Nemirovich-Danchenko said about her: "The type is wonderful in its own way. A beautiful woman, a wealthy manufacturer, kept herself modest, never flaunted her money anywhere." She raised five children, actively participated in public life.

One of her first charitable undertakings was the construction of a psychiatric clinic in Moscow on Devichye Pole. Over time, a large educational medical center grew up there. The Tver manufactory had a hospital, a maternity hospital, a pharmacy, a sanatorium, an orphanage, a nursery, a school, a needlework school, and a library.

In her house on Vozdvizhenka, Varvara Alekseevna opened a literary salon, which was visited by famous writers and poets. Among them are Alexander Blok, Valery Bryusov, Andrei Bely, Vladimir Solovyov.

At the expense of Morozova, almost the first free Turgenev library-reading room in Russia was built and opened in 1885. Designed for 100 visitors, it had a rich book fund and received periodicals. Readings were held here; Literary novelties and current events were discussed with the participation of the color of Moscow professors. Following Turgenevskaya, libraries-reading rooms of Ostrovsky, Gogol, Pushkin appeared.

Morozova laid the foundation for another type of institutions important for Russia - in 1873 she opened an elementary school, and in 1877 she founded craft classes for children from the poorest families. The boys who graduated from the vocational school received the title of master in plumbing and carpentry. In 1901 Varvara Alekseevna handed over the school to the city.

Putilov Nikolay Ivanovich

breeder and entrepreneur, pioneer of rail rolling in Russia, metallurgist, builder, inventor and expert in military gun production; came from an old Novgorod noble family; was brought up (since 1830) in the naval company of the Alexander Cadet Corps, in 1832 he was transferred to the Marine Corps, from where he was released (December 23, 1837) as a midshipman and left in the officer classes of the Marine Cadet Corps (then - the Nikolaev Marine Academy). Finishing the course in 1840, he drew attention to himself with an article published in the Mayak magazine (1840, No. 3) about the error of the famous French mathematician Cauchy in his course on integral calculus; the article of the young midshipman aroused the interest of the famous Russian mathematician Academician M. V. Ostrogradsky, who invited Putilov to be his assistant in the study of certain issues of external ballistics; the results of their joint work were later published in the Notes of the Imperial Academy of Sciences. At the end of the course in officer classes, Putilov was promoted to lieutenant and left at the Corps, where from 1841 to 1843 he taught mathematics, astronomy and navigation to midshipmen; in addition, he taught courses in mathematics and for those entering higher educational establishments. In 1843, due to poor health, P. had to leave for a warmer climate, for which he entered the service in the Southern (VI) district of the corps of engineers of military settlements, who was then in charge of all building part in the south of Russia, and in practice he studied the construction business. After retiring in 1844, P. returned to St. Petersburg in 1848 and here, as an official for special assignments under the director of the Shipbuilding Department, he got acquainted with marine engineering. In 1854, during the Eastern War, when the combined fleets of England and France blockaded Kronstadt, P. was, by the Highest order, appointed authorized by General-Admiral Vel. Book. Konstantin Nikolaevich for the construction of a gunboat flotilla and corvettes; thanks to the activities of Putilov, during the year 67 gunboats were built, with approximately 100 steam forces each, and 14 corvettes with 250 steam forces each, armed with 397 large-caliber guns, 3 floating docks and a workshop were built to repair the flotilla; in addition, he also provided assistance in the construction of 14 floating batteries and built 6 gunboats in Riga. At the same time, with the highest permission, Putilov published (in 1854-1859) 37 volumes of the "Collection of news relating to the war of 1853-1856". Appointed in 1855 as a senior official for special assignments of the Shipbuilding Department, and in 1857 he was dismissed with the rank of coll. adviser, P. turned to the enterprises of the mining industry in the north of Russia and, supported by Vel. Book. Konstantin Nikolaevich and the head of the Naval Ministry Krabbe, for the first time organized in Finland the production of iron from cast iron smelted from lake ores, and for this purpose he built there, in the area of ​​​​the Saima water system, in the period 1857-1868, 3 plants that annually smelted up to 400,000 pounds cast iron and up to 200,000 pounds of iron and steel. In 1864, in partnership with Obukhov and Kudryavtsev, Putilov began to build a steel plant on the Neva, near St. Petersburg, called Obukhovsky; for the first time in Russia, armor-piercing shells began to be manufactured at this plant and guns of the largest calibers were prepared, both for land and naval military departments. On January 12, 1868, Putilov bought an iron and steel plant (Putilovsky), the original foundation of which dates back to 1801, and which, having been in the hands of the treasury, in private sole and comradely possession, since 1864 was under the control of the administration. This purchase could be realized only because Putilov secured an order from the treasury for 2,800,000 pounds of rail, at a price of 1 r. 88 k. per pound. On January 20, 1868, the rolling of rails, which were cheaper than foreign ones, began at the new plant; bought by Putilov from railways worn out, old rails; with the help of this material, rails with steel heads, famous in their time, were produced according to the method invented by Putilov; puddling iron and steel were produced on the spot; the activity of the plant expanded rapidly, its productivity soon reached 2 million poods a year, the number of workers increased to 2,000 people, and the gross production of rails in Russia was ensured. In 1869, an order was accepted by the treasury for the conversion of 10,000 old-style guns to a new one. In the same year, Putilov began to realize the dream of his youth, a project that he never changed, namely, the construction in St. Petersburg, on the seaside near Ekateringof, a commercial port where three trade routes were to be connected - sea, river and railway. The grandiose project, however, only in an insignificant part reached completion: work was begun on digging a sea canal from Kronstadt to St. Petersburg, pools and warehouses were built, and the Putilov railway was built. a road to connect the future port with all Russian railway lines (at present it is a port branch of the Nikolaevskaya railway); for the implementation of all these enterprises, a joint-stock company was formed with Putilov at the head. But the work was interrupted by the death of Putilov, which followed on April 18, 1880. As for the factories, since 1870 they produced cast steel and manufactured artillery shells that competed with Krupp's, various tools, parts of locomotives and wagons were manufactured. After the approval, on October 24, 1872, of the charter and formation, in 1873, of the aforementioned joint-stock company (which many considered fictitious, since Putilov himself was in fact the owner of all the shares), a new plant was built near the old one, with mechanical workshops, with Siemens and Pernod ovens, with Bessemer apparatus, for the preparation of 1000 railway cars annually. The following year, the Putilov factories received an order for the manufacture of 4 million pounds of steel rails, and the production of steam locomotives and complex machines began. But in reality, hidden from the majority, the factories did not live up to expectations with their actual productivity, and there was a lot of obscurity in their activities, in their reports and in the management of resources. Since 1876, the State Bank, which lent to society for working capital up to 5 million rubles, already owned approximately 4/5 of the entire share capital of the Putilov Plants Company. Compared with the real value of the whole business, the debts of the Society were not so great, however, since 1877, the State Bank became the real owner of the factories; and both the management of business, and the factories with all the buildings and land - everything left Putilov. Meanwhile, by 1880, the production of steel rails alone began to exceed 3 million poods at the plant, in 1880 it reached 12 million poods, and by the centenary of the plant (in 1901), its annual turnover was more than 20? million rubles and the number of workers on it extended to 12? thousands of people. Be that as it may, the initiative in the matter, which had reached such a tremendous development, belonged to Putilov, although he could not cope with it. Unprecedented until that time in Russia, the case was staged and launched thanks to the energy, perseverance, diligence, enterprise and ability of P., who was distinguished by the courage and breadth of his commercial views and plans and great organizational talent. Putilov was a man with an extremely expressive face, his character was lively, receptive, his mind was active, carried away and versatile. He died in action. Art. advice. To the very seaside, where they were assigned a place of burial, Putilov's body was carried on a stretcher by factory workers, who gathered several thousand; the funeral service was delivered by the rector of the Theological Academy Yanyshev; the public was greatly impressed by the speech at the grave of V. A. Poletika, a friend of Putilov; This speech provoked a controversy in the newspapers, which covered Putilov's personality and activities in a very heterogeneous way. In technical production, Putilov made several remarkable inventions for refining and decarburizing metals, for their splicing and for stamping artillery shells; he also owns a method of building buildings from old rails.

Putilov Alexey Ivanovich (1866-1929)

Chairman of the Board of the Russian-Asian Bank. Coming from a poor noble family of the Novgorod province, A. Putilov (he was a distant relative of the famous industrialist N.I. Putilov, the founder of the Putilov factory in St. Petersburg) graduated from the law faculty of St. Petersburg University, in 1890 he entered the service of the Ministry of Finance.

On the eve of the First World War, Putilov set a course for the all-round attraction of domestic capital to the Russian-Asiatic Bank. By 1917, the bank controlled over 160 joint-stock companies, including such famous enterprises as the Putilov Plant, the Nevsky Shipbuilding, the Russian-Baltic Shipbuilding, Oil Trust and others

Contemporaries were struck by Putilov's ability to instantly make decisions on cases under discussion and accurately predict the outcome of complex, multi-way combinations. His performance was legendary. Putilov was very unpretentious in everyday life and even at high meetings, it happened that he appeared in a shabby jacket.

After the revolution of 1917, all the property of the banker was nationalized, he himself emigrated to France.

RYABUSHINSKY Pavel Pavlovich (June 17, 1871, Moscow - July 19, 1924, Cambo-les-Bains, France)

From an Old Believer family of cotton and paper manufacturers.

Graduated from the Moscow Practical Academy of Commercial Sciences (1890).

Since 1900, he headed the Association of Manufactories P.M. Ryabushinsky with his sons, from 1901 chairman of the board of the Kharkov Land Bank, from 1902 co-owner of the Ryabushinsky Brothers banking house and chairman of the board of the Moscow Bank organized on its basis (since 1912).

Since 1906, he was a foreman (since 1915, chairman) of the Moscow Exchange Committee, a member of the Council of Congresses of Representatives of Industry and Trade, since 1909, chairman of the Society of Cotton and Paper Manufacturers of the Moscow Region.

Since November 1905, a member of the Central Committee of the "Union of October 17", in October 1906 Ryabushinsky, who did not agree with the policy of the Octobrist leader A.I. Guchkov, moved to the Party of "Peaceful Renovation", a policy of rejection of revolutionary ideas and uprisings, in 1912 one of the initiators of the creation of the Progressive Party, a member of the Central Committee and chairman of its Moscow Committee.

He promoted his political views in the newspapers "Morning" (1907) and "Morning of Russia" (1907, 1908 - 17), headed the editorial committee of these publications and financed them.

Participated in the movement of the Old Believers for the equalization of their rights with other religions. Since 1905, he was a deputy chairman of the council of the Congress of Old Believers. At the beginning of the First World War, he was authorized by the infirmary, created at the expense of the Moscow merchants in the army.

In May 1915, at the 9th Commercial and Industrial Congress, he called on entrepreneurs to organize military-industrial committees, and since June he has been chairman of the Moscow Military-Industrial Committee.

In September, he was elected to the State Council (from trade and industry).

In November, on the initiative of Ryabushinsky, a "working group" was created at the Moscow Military Industrial Committee to unite the workers around the military industrial committees and convene an All-Russian Workers' Congress.

During the February Revolution of 1917, one of the initiators of the creation of the Moscow Committee public organizations. At the 1st Congress of the All-Russian Union of Trade and Industry convened on the initiative of Ryabushinsky on March 19-22, he called for "the unity of all social forces" in view of the ongoing war, for the support of the Provisional Government until the convocation of the Constituent Assembly, proceeded from the idea of ​​the inviolability of capitalism in Russia, arguing: " The moment has not yet come to think that we can change everything by taking everything away from some and giving it to others, this is a dream ... we still have to go through the path of developing private initiative."

He opposed the participation of representatives of the socialist parties in the Provisional Government, on July 19 he published in the newspaper "Utro Rossii" a declaration of the council of the All-Russian Union of Trade and Industry, which accused the "socialist ministers" and leaders of the Soviets of the RSD that "social reform went uncreative, but in a destructive way and threatens Russia with famine, poverty and financial collapse. Reflecting the dissatisfaction of business circles with the economic policy of the Provisional Government (including the grain monopoly introduced on March 25) and the revolutionization of the masses, in a speech on August 3 at the 2nd All-Russian Trade and Industrial Congress, he noted that "at the moment, the commercial and industrial class to influence the leading persons cannot,” and predicted a financial and economic failure, stating: “What I am talking about is inevitable. But, unfortunately, the bony hand of hunger and popular poverty is needed to grab the false friends of the people, members of various committees and councils by the throat so that they come to their senses"
In the Bolshevik press and among the workers, Ryabushinsky's phrase was interpreted as an appeal to the bourgeoisie to strangle the revolution with the "bony hand of hunger."

Ryabushinsky advocated the elimination of dual power, "a radical break in power with the dictatorship of the Soviets" (Morning of Russia, 1917, July 19), provided financial support to the Union of Army and Navy Officers, participated in the Meeting of Public Figures in Moscow on August 8-10, was elected to the Standing Committee Member of the State Conference in Moscow.

After the suppression of the Kornilov speech, he retired from political activity, was treated in the Crimea for tuberculosis, in mid-September he was arrested by the decision of the Simferopol Soviet as an "accomplice in the conspiracy", released by order of A.F. Kerensky.

In 1919 he emigrated to France.

Honorary Chairman of the Trade and Industry Congress.

Prokhorov dynasty

The Prokhorov dynasty, the founders and owners of the Trekhgornaya Manufactory, a large industrial enterprise in Russia in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Performances in the commercial and industrial field of the third generation of the Prokhorov family.

The next period of Manufactory's life was a turning point in its production.

The Prokhorov brothers were forced to sacrifice weaving, to give it a secondary place in production. They clearly saw that the further development of their production in this direction in the future did not open up broad prospects and that it was time for them to begin the production of chintz by mechanical means. Huge sums for those times go to the construction of stone buildings and imported equipment of the factory. Now, having a printing press and two platforms, using steam and a steam engine to work in the factory, the Prokhorov brothers already had the opportunity at any time to significantly increase their production.

Expanding the factory, the brothers decided to strengthen the commercial and industrial enterprises they created. Now each of them began to grow up children, and therefore a purely domestic, family, way of doing business became not entirely convenient. On May 8, 1843, the Prokhorovs concluded a notarial agreement between themselves on the formation of the Trade
Houses under the firm "Br. I., K. and Y. Prokhorovs”.

The Moscow Manufactory Exhibition of 1842 brought great help both to the Prokhorovs and to the Russian manufacturing industry in general. On it, Russian manufacturers saw a lot of new machines and apparatus that contribute to the improvement and reduction in the cost of their production.

The Prokhorov factory made the best possible use of everything that the exhibition prompted.

Bleaching, steam room, finishing departments at factories br.

Prokhorovs after the exhibition are arranged completely anew. Production itself in many respects begins to take a different direction, it moves away, as it were, away from the “manufactory” proper. New methods began to be applied to the development of goods.

Installation of a shearing machine, a device for scorching goods, new, more advanced bleaching equipment have been reduced in price and improved own production and put the firm in a position independent of other firms.

Provincial factories were in more profitable economic conditions, Yakov Vasilyevich Prokhorov than the capital's factories. As a result of 1804 - 1858. As a result, most of the Moscow cotton-printing factories were forced to close. Only those of them survived that stood out for their equipment and the quality of their products.

The main circumstance that retarded the development of the manufacturing industry in Moscow were political reasons and the related question of fuel.

To all sorts of restrictive regulations on the part of the government for factory work, there was added a complete ban on the use of firewood in factories and factories. For steam boilers of fuel, a more “notable” amount was required.

The Prokhorov brothers were the first in Moscow to come up with the idea to take up the development of peat bogs. Thus, in the second half of the forties, the development of peat and its application to the furnace of steam boilers and even to the heating of residential buildings began.

Arranging the factory on new principles, the Prokhorov brothers were very concerned that all parts of their factory should be headed by “fundamental owners”. To this end, the brothers themselves The Prokhorovs, tried to supplement their knowledge with the latest information on the cotton business, and their main concern was to give their sons a thorough technical training corresponding to modern requirements factory equipment.

The trading affairs of the Prokhorovskaya manufactory in the mid-fifties revived significantly and could have gone brilliantly, but there was a loss in capital and labor: Yakov Vasilyevich began to show painful heart attacks more and more often; Konstantin Vasilyevich, heartbroken due to the loss of two adult sons, dropped his hands at work, and he began to indulge in religious affairs. As a result, trade affairs could not go on as confidently and calmly as before, and to top it all off, in 1857, Vasily Ivanovich's nephew and his stepmother had to be separated from the company.

Thus, in this difficult time, the only able-bodied owner turned out to be one 22-23 year old Ivan Yakovlevich.

In December 1857, Konstantin and Yakov Vasilyevich received permission to conduct their commercial and industrial affairs under a new firm:

“Br. K. and Y. Prokhorovs”. In general, the new treaty was close to the treaty of 1843. Paragraph 9 is completely new, by which the contracting brothers, in the event of the death of both, granted the right to Ivan Yakovlevich to become the full owner of all the affairs of the company. In order to streamline the entire internal structure of factory life in general, Ivan Yakovlevich, with the consent of his uncle, in the same 1858 organized the “Prokhorovs’ Economic Committee” at his factory. The terms of reference of this Committee included issues related to the economic, administrative and social structure of the life of the factory and its entire population. This ordering at the factory was quite modern: it coincided with the movement of industrial and commercial affairs that manifested itself in 1855-57, and especially at the end of the Eastern War.

The success of the case inspired Ivan Yakovlevich, gave him great courage and confidence in business. The severe world crisis in the manufacturing industry in 1857 could not but affect our industry.

Despite the general stagnation, the affairs of the Prokhorovskaya manufactory were going satisfactorily, although there was a slight decline. New times have arrived...

Despite all the concerns of Ivan Yakovlevich about improving the goods produced by his factory, the forward movement towards expanding production had to stop. The revival of our manufacturing industry, caused by the Crimean Campaign and then supported by the Great Reform of 1861, under the influence of the world crisis, began to give way to a lull in our country. By the end of 1862, things at the factory of the Prokhorov brothers were very bad. 1863 was worse than its predecessor, and 1864 was very bad. Until November, the factory worked quietly, then the Prokhorovs stopped the factory. The company was in complete ruin.

Despite the hopelessness of his situation, Ivan Yakovlevich did not succumb to temptation, he retained the factory and soon he received a significant order, and an urgent one at that. Factory business began to improve.

After all that Ivan Yakovlevich had to endure in the mid-sixties, he was going to breathe more freely, but fate was preparing new trials for him. His hopes that Konstantin Konstantinovich would completely lead the technical business at the factory did not come true.

On October 12 of the same year, it was finally concluded home condition about separation from the firm of K. V. Prokhorov.

From 1843 to 1874, the year the Partnership was founded, the firm Br.

Prokhorov took part in industrial exhibitions; and every time the successes of the manufactory were favorably noted in Russia and abroad.

1) In 1848, the factory was given the opportunity to depict the state emblem on its products.
2) In 1851, at the World Exhibition in London, the factory received a medal.
3) In 1861, at the All-Russian exhibition in St. Petersburg, the right to depict the state emblem.
4) In 1862 at the world exhibition in London - a gold medal.
5) In 1867 at the world exhibition in Paris - a silver medal.
6) In 1870, at the All-Russian exhibition in St. Petersburg, the right to depict the state emblem.
7) In 1873 at the world exhibition in Vienna - a silver medal.

V. Transformation of the trading house “Br. Ya. and K. Prokhorov” in the “Partnership of Trekhgornaya Manufactory”. Activities of Ivan Yakovlevich Prokhorov and his sons: Sergei and Nikolai Ivanovich.

After Konstantin Vasilyevich and his son left the factory, the burden of all worries, both technical and commercial, fell entirely on Ivan Yakovlevich alone. The completely independent factory and industrial activity of Ivan Yakovlevich did not begin in brilliant conditions. Factory buildings were cramped and dilapidated, workshop equipment in most cases turned out to be outdated. In order to raise the production of the company to the appropriate height, a great effort was required on the part of the owner and the expenditure of significant funds for new buildings and the refurbishment of workshops.

Having adjusted the technical side of his factory and the course of his commercial affairs and raised the annual output of goods at the factory, Ivan Yakovlevich decided to strengthen his firm, that is, to put it in the position of a legal entity so that it could exist without much hesitation even at those moments, Ivan Yakovlevich
Prokhorov when 1836-1881 a single leading force will not be at the head of its affairs. With such an expansion of production, which the factory adopted in the mid-seventies, it already became difficult for him alone to keep everything in his hands, to enter into all aspects of a vast business. There was a need for assistants who were interested in the business, as its owners.

At the family council, Ivan Yakovlevich, his wife Anna Alexandrovna and his brother Alexei Yakovlevich came up with the idea of ​​establishing a partnership on shares. Among the founders, they invited two persons from experienced employees, Nikita Vasilyevich Vasilyev, who was in charge of the commodity part, and Vasily Romanovich Keller, who had been the chief accountant since 1868.

At the end of 1873, a draft charter was drawn up for the “Partnership of the Prokhorov Trekhgornaya Manufactory”, which was approved by the Highest on March 15, 1874. Ivan Yakovlevich attached great importance to the establishment of the Partnership; he pinned great expectations that the matter will be further strengthened and developed. At the very beginning of its activity, the Partnership found itself in unfavorable conditions: 1875 was marked in Russia by a poor harvest, 1876 was no better commercially than its predecessor. In 1876, the partnership of the Prokhorovskaya Tryokhgornaya manufactory was forced to reduce its production, although not to the same extent as other manufactories.

This decline in industrial affairs continued until 1877.

The declaration of war with Turkey immediately revived and raised domestic trade. Money appeared among the masses, and with it an increased demand for manufactured goods.

Many of the manufacturers during these two years have made a great fortune. The affairs of the Prokhorovskaya manufactory were unusually successful.

There were a huge number of orders. The partnership at this time began to show special concern for the expansion of its factories by increasing the territory, constructing buildings, setting up new machines.

In March 1877, the Partnership made a very useful acquisition: it bought the neighboring cotton-printing and dyeing factory of M. K. Balashova.

Unfortunately, the Prokhorovskaya manufactory, which was preparing to expand its business widely, had to suspend its activities for some time: on the night of December 22-23, all of its factory buildings, located along the banks of the Moscow River, burned to the ground. Both cars and goods perished in the flames. As a far-sighted and experienced industrial figure, Ivan Yakovlevich decided at all costs not to interrupt business until the construction of new factory buildings, but set about finding an equipped factory for himself. Such, fortunately, was soon found. It was Ignatov's factory in Serpukhov, which had closed shortly before.

At the beginning of January 1878, the purchase of the factory took place. Industrial affairs were good. It was necessary to hurry with the device of the purchased factory; The board, employees and craftsmen put great effort into this; Ivan Yakovlevich spared no expense. The result of joint efforts was that the Serpukhov factory began to produce finished goods in early March. The Serpukhov factory worked around the clock.

Having arranged things at the Serpukhov factory, Ivan Yakovlevich began to develop a project for a new cotton-printing factory in Moscow. This project was designed according to modern conditions cotton business.

The location of all parts of the factory was designed so that the harsh goods, having arrived at one end of it, gradually moving from one department to another, would come out completely ready at the other. In the winter of 78-79, the construction of a new factory on the Three Mountains began. The device of the Trekhgornaya factory was rapidly moving forward. In October 1881, the final transfer of workers from Serpukhov to Moscow began, but the opening of a new factory was somewhat slowed down due to a very important event in the life of the Partnership - on October 23, the main founder of the Partnership, Ivan Yakovlevich Prokhorov, suddenly died in Serpukhov.

Ivan Yakovlevich at that time was only forty-five years old. In his person, one of the most energetic representatives of the manufacturing industry, a man of broad initiative in industrial affairs, went down to the grave. He successfully endured on his shoulders all the burdens of the transitional time in the history of Russian industry, Russian public and state life, as well as the difficult moments that befell the Trekhgornaya manufactory.

In addition to maintaining a school, a hospital at the factory, a response during the Russian-Turkish war by building a large infirmary for the wounded, the organization of the Board of Trustees for the parish poor deserves to be noted.

After himself, Ivan Yakovlevich left to his successors a well-established and well-organized commercial and industrial enterprise; at the same time, he bequeathed to them the traditions that he himself inherited from his ancestors: vigilantly follow all the improvements and discoveries in technical matters and treat cordially those whose hands create the well-being of the company.

Prokhorovskaya factory, starting from the 80s, received a slightly different direction than before. The partnership begins to blaze new trails, draws up a definite program and tries to organize things more rationally. This turn, outlined by Ivan Yakovlevich, was accepted by his successors, sons Sergei and Nikolai Ivanovich.

A. Ya. Prokhorov, remaining in 1881 the head of the manufactory, handed over the management of all affairs, commercial and technical, to his nephews, but left only general supervision for himself. His ill-health prevented him from working as actively as he worked with his brother, and now he took part in the conduct of business mainly by way of advice, directing young manufacturers. Brothers Sergei and Nikolai were almost the same age.

Everything - both in activity and in the character of Sergei Ivanovich suggests a parallel with his remarkable ancestor Timofei Vasilyevich. Here is a thirst for useful knowledge, and courage in action, and a broad initiative, and a kind, sympathetic heart to all. Both the one and the other were more public, statesmen in the industrial field, rather than industrialists in the narrow sense of the word. They always put their personal interests in the background in relation to the interests of the state or public.

In 1882, Sergei Ivanovich founded a scientific chemical-analytical laboratory at his factory. First of all, the Prokhorov factory laboratory set itself the task of finding scientifically substantiated methods for determining the merits of those products that entered the factory.

The largest work of the chemical laboratory is the bleaching of cotton fabrics on a purely scientific basis and under the control of the chemical laboratory.

Among the outstanding works of the Prokhorov laboratory of that time, it is impossible not to mention the production of colored etching by Sergey Ivanovich Prokhorov according to the black-aniline 1858 - 1899 plus. The honor of this remarkable discovery in the cotton business belongs to Nikolai Gavrilovich Volchaninov, who worked for more than thirty years at the factory of the Association of the Prokhorov Trekhgornaya manufactory. This method, borrowed from N. G. Volchaninov from the Prokhorov factory by Mr. Prudhomme, soon became the common property and for more than a quarter of a century was used almost everywhere both in Russia, as well as in Europe and America.

The brothers Sergei and Nikolai Ivanovich, according to the interests of the business and personal inclinations, divided the labor of doing business among themselves.

Sergei Ivanovich concentrated in his hands the technical side of production. Nikolai Ivanovich, for his part, having taken charge of the commercial side of the affairs of the Partnership, gradually began to radically transform them. Trading activity The partnership began to expand: it opened wholesale warehouses and Retail Stores not only in the center of Russia, but also on its outskirts, as well as in Persia.

The brothers decided to expand their production beyond the calico business. Namely: to attach paper-weaving and paper-spinning business to cotton-printing business.

Modestly started in 1799 by V. I. Prokhorov and F. I. Rezanov, the chintz and shawl-printing factory, after 100 years, grows into a huge business. The equipment of the factory, which cost only hundreds of rubles, becomes ten millionth. Turnovers grow from tens of thousands to tens of millions of rubles. The output from a few hundred pieces at the time of its transition into the second century of existence rises to 1,351,000 pieces of just stuffed and painted goods.

Expanding and improving the production of its factories, the Partnership, faithful to the precepts of the founders of the company and his immediate successors, constantly baked about improving the material, spiritual and moral life of its workers, sparing no funds for this. Concern for the improvement of the life of workers has never been relegated to the background by the owners of the Manufactory, this has always been done not out of coercion or duty, but out of heartfelt attraction. The philanthropic activity of the Partnership is enormous: it is a school for artisan students, and a manufacturing and technical school, and classes for workers, and music classes, and religious and moral readings, and a factory theater, and a Consumer Society, and medical assistance, and hostels for workers, and almshouses.

After the partnership was formed, Prokhorovskaya Manufactory took part in six exhibitions: in Paris (1886), in Antwerp (1887), in Chicago (1893) she was awarded gold medals, at All-Russian exhibitions in Moscow (1882) and Nizhny Novgorod (1886), she acquired the right to be depicted on the products of the State Emblem.

Such was the examination of the Manufactory at the Russian Exhibition at the end of its centenary existence.

VI. Factories of the Association of the Prokhorov Trekhgornaya manufactory.

The entry of the Prokhorovskaya Trekhgornaya Manufactory into a new century of life was marked by its great success with participation in the Paris World Exhibition of 1900. For the success of the Manufactory in the technical field, the Partnership was awarded the highest award “Grand Prix”.

The growth of the Manufactory in the 20th century was not limited to the expansion of the cotton print business. Paper spinning and weaving have expanded equally in the last decade, but this expansion has taken a somewhat different direction. For reasons of an economic nature, the Partnership decided in the future to increase its Moscow paper-spinning and weaving factories and move part of its industrial activity outside of Moscow.

In 1907, the Partnership acquires a significant part of the shares of the Yartsevskaya Manufactory, located in the Smolensk province.

The rise in oil prices at the beginning of the twentieth century put the manufacture in a difficult position; not wanting to remain dependent on the market in this regard, the Partnership decided to acquire an estate with coal deposits in the south of Russia. The partnership, in its mines, arranged on its own estate, as well as on leased lands, annually mined up to 240 thousand tons of first-class anthracite.

The future expansion of the coal business turned out to be useful not only in the interests of our own business, but also in the interests of the state.

In 1905, the factory was threatened with the same fate as during the French invasion. The December events, which swept like a formidable wave throughout Russia, everywhere left heavy traces of destruction behind them. Many factory buildings were pierced from the outside by artillery shells, and in some places there was a lot of internal damage. Prokhorov's factories were stopped for a period no longer than what it was in other industrial enterprises at that time.

During the First World War, the Association of Prokhorovskaya Trekhgornaya Manufactory organized three infirmaries at the factories, for which the owners ceded one of their houses, part of the hospital and one of the dormitories. In addition, the Association took care of the families where the breadwinners were called up for war. As a purely Russian institution, immediately after the declaration of war, Manufactory directed a significant part of its production to meet the needs of wartime. Prokhorovskaya Manufactory was the first in Russia to start the production of hygroscopic cotton wool. In addition, the factory carried out huge commissariat orders for waterproof shawl and suit fabrics on time. For the performance of these works, both employees and workers spared no effort.

After 1917, after the October Revolution, when the Bolsheviks came to power, the factory was nationalized. Many of the descendants of the Prokhorov family shared the fate of the Gulag prisoners.

It must be said that her prosperity in years favorable for industry and a stable balance in years of trials were not by themselves, not by chance, but were the result of the unceasing, energetic and loving work of four generations of the Prokhorov family. All of them looked at their work - the work of a manufacturer, not only from a personal point of view, but saw in it, to a large extent, serving the state interests.

Botkin family

In the tragic July 1918, together with the royal family, Dr. Evgeny Sergeevich Botkin was shot. The last Russian life physician, he was one of the representatives of a large merchant family that played a prominent role in history and culture. Russia XIX- the beginning of the 20th century. Such families are the "golden fund" of the Russian nation.

The Botkins were from the townspeople of the city of Toropets, Tver Region. In the old days Toropets prospered. It lay on the way from Novgorod and Pskov to Moscow, to Kyiv, to the Volga and further to the eastern countries, where Russian merchants went with caravans. However, after the founding of St. Petersburg, the town fell into disrepair. Trade people sought to move out of it to more developed areas. So, in 1791 Konon Botkin and his sons Dmitry and Peter moved to Moscow. At that time they had their own textile factory, and textile production has always been the economic profile of Moscow.

However, in the capital city, the Botkin family business suddenly turned in a different direction. Moscow at that time was fond of tea. The history of Russian tea business began at the end of the 17th century, when a trade agreement was signed with China. For a century, tea was very expensive, and therefore little was drunk. But since the end of the 18th century, tea consumption has steadily increased. A. Suvorov himself was among his ardent admirers. Young Pyotr Kononovich Botkin guessed the "tea prospect" in Moscow and, having enrolled in the Moscow merchants, in 1801 founded a company that was engaged in wholesale tea trade. To reduce the price of goods, he opened his own buying office in Kyakhta and bought tea from the Chinese in exchange for his textiles, since China recognized only barter. Soon his company became the largest and most famous supplier of Chinese tea in Moscow. The Botkins, like the Perlovs, were among not only the richest, but also the oldest tea merchants in Moscow, while their eminent competitors - the Gubkins, Popovs, Vysotskys - began their tea business much later.

"Tea kings" Botkins mastered new frontiers of tea, not holding on to the "old fashioned". When in the middle of the 19th century the government decided to import English tea through the western borders of the empire, the Botkins set up their own buying office in London and were among the first to bring to Moscow outlandish Indian and Ceylon tea, mastered by the British. The experiment was risky, because Moscow has always preferred Chinese tea. Soon all sorts of fakes poured onto the tea market, but Botkin tea always remained tea of ​​the highest quality. Ivan Shmelev cites a joke with which elite Botkin tea was served: "To whom - here they are, and for you - Mr. Botkin! To whom it's steamed, but for you - master's!"

The "tea well-being" of the Botkins made it possible for all members of this huge family to get on their feet. From two marriages, Peter Kononovich had nine sons and five daughters. After Patriotic War In 1812, he bought a mansion at 35 Zemlyanoy Val. This house miraculously survived, and now it is decorated with a memorial plaque in memory of the fact that it was here in September 1832 that Sergei Petrovich Botkin, the luminary of Russian medicine, was born. It is interesting that another great Russian doctor, Nikolai Pirogov, the future teacher of Dr. Botkin, was born and spent his childhood in the same region. He even went to Verkhnyaya Syromyatnicheskaya Street to the same Kryazhev school, where Vasily Botkin, Sergei Botkin's elder brother, later studied. And the parish church of the Botkins was probably the Trinity Church in Syromyatniki, near the Kursk railway station, demolished by the Bolsheviks.

In the same 1832, shortly after the birth of his son Sergei, who was his eleventh child, Peter Kononovich bought a large new estate in Petroverigsky Lane, 4 - a real family nest. The Botkins managed to catch the legendary Petroverigsky Church, which left the name of the lane. The wooden temple was founded in 1547 by order of Ivan the Terrible, in memory of the day of his wedding to the throne, which took place on the feast of Adoration of the honest chains of the Apostle Peter. The boyar I.D. Miloslavsky built a stone temple with his own kosht in 1669, since the wedding of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich with his daughter Maria Miloslavskaya was also celebrated on that day. The ancient church survived the invasion of Napoleon, but was abolished in 1840. And the parish church of the Botkins became the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Pokrovka - the favorite church of F.M. Dostoevsky.

And the house itself, which Botkin bought, was already a historical landmark of Moscow. At the beginning of the 19th century, the family of Ivan Petrovich Turgenev, a distant relative of the writer and director of Moscow University, lived here. Zhukovsky and Karamzin visited him. His sons also remained in the memory of Russian history: Nikolai Turgenev, one of the first Russian theoretical economists, better known for his participation in the Decembrist movement; Alexander is an archeographer and archivist, a close friend of A.S. Pushkin, who had a difficult fate to accompany the body of the late poet to the burial place - to the Svyatogorsky Monastery.

But back to the Botkins. As in most strong merchant families, the first attention was paid to the religious education of children in the Botkin family. And it has borne fruit. The Botkins were major benefactors and organizers of churches. Pyotr Kononovich himself donated a lot to churches, to orphanages, received the Order of St. Vladimir and the title of honorary citizen. The children followed the example of their father.

By the way, none of the Botkins became a revolutionary. Even the well-known publicist, "Westernizer with a Russian lining" Vasily Petrovich Botkin, who won the friendship of V. Belinsky and A. Herzen, personally acquainted with Karl Marx, was a fierce critic of the "wild" socialist doctrine and opponent of the introduction of Marxism into the Russian working environment.

In this deeply religious family, the moral principles of philanthropy, compassion, helping one's neighbor, diligence and respect for other people's work were laid down. Yes, and the father himself showed enough respect for his children, being harsh, but, in essence, kind person. The merchant of the old school did not think about universities for his children, but he gave them to prestigious boarding schools and did not contradict the further choice of profession.

Under the influence of his son Vasily, the father "tolerated" meetings of intellectuals in the house, which is why the Botkin house was not only ranked among the "most educated merchant houses", but also became one of the centers of Moscow culture. People of diametrically opposed views and beliefs stayed here: N.V. Gogol (whom one of the Botkin brothers, Nikolai Petrovich, subsequently saved his life), A.I. Herzen, I.S. Turgenev, L.N. Tolstoy, actors M.S. Shchepkin, P.S. Mochalov. Here V.G. had his last Moscow apartment. Belinsky, friend of Vasily Botkin. The learned word aroused respect in Pyotr Kononovich, and he expressed his respect for science in a very peculiar way: when the historian T.N. Granovsky, the old merchant, went on Easter to congratulate his lodger with a hat in his hand, although he had never "broke his hat" before scientists, and the lodger was also much younger than he was.

After the death of Pyotr Kononovich in 1853, the older brothers provided for all family members who were not involved in the tea business, and together allocated 100 thousand rubles of dowry for sister Maria, who in 1857 married A.A. Feta: with this money, the poet bought an estate in the Oryol province. Their other sister, Ekaterina Petrovna, became the wife of the manufacturer Ivan Vasilyevich Shchukin, so that the famous collector of French impressionism Sergey Ivanovich Shchukin and the great collector of Russian antiquities Pyotr Ivanovich Shchukin were the grandchildren of Pyotr Kononovich Botkin.

The actual head of the tea company was Pyotr Petrovich Botkin, a born merchant and a very pious person. He was a diligent warden of his parish church of the Assumption on Pokrovka, monitored the state of the church building and satisfied all its material needs. And after the consecration of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, he also became its headman: this position was traditionally occupied by wealthy merchants who had the opportunity to provide the temple with everything necessary at their own expense and maintain it in good order. Contemporaries remembered how Pyotr Botkin Jr. honored the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God and always went to the Assumption Cathedral on the way to bow to her.

He helped build Orthodox churches even in... Argentina. In 1887, the Orthodox residents of Buenos Aires, among whom were immigrants from Russia, turned to Alexander III with a request to arrange an Orthodox church for them. The request was fulfilled over time: Nicholas II himself with the Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna made a donation to this temple, and P.P. was among other benefactors. Botkin.

All this contributed to the success of the tea trade: the Botkin company prospered. P.P. Botkin had a very rare feature: he did not wear a mustache and beard - the main merchant sign, but the most patriarchal merchants willingly dealt with him.

Dmitry Petrovich Botkin, one of the eldest sons of Peter Kononovich, was also distinguished by piety. Having married Sofya Mazurina, the granddaughter of the famous Moscow mayor, he acquired and own house, in which every year they brought the miraculous Iberian icon and the image of the Savior from the Kremlin chapel at the Spassky Gates for prayer. Dmitry Petrovich donated funds for the beautification of the Korsun-Bogoroditsky Cathedral, the main temple of the city of Toropets, native to the Botkins. His shrine - the Korsun Icon of the Mother of God - was presented to Toropets by the Polotsk princess in memory of her wedding with Alexander Nevsky. Dmitry Petrovich himself collected paintings, one of the first in Russia to be carried away by the painting of Corot, Courbet and Millet. Being friendly with Pavel Tretyakov, he often helped him in the selection of paintings. And his brother Mikhail Botkin himself discovered the ability to draw and entered the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, where he studied with F. Bruni (who painted the Cathedral of Christ the Savior), received the title of academician of historical painting and in 1882 was appointed a member of the Commission for the restoration of the Annunciation Cathedral in the court of the Kremlin.

From merchant. families. Graduated from Law. Faculty of Moscow. un-ta (1909), sinks. Commercial in-t (1913). From 1912, he headed the A.V. Buryshkin Trade Association for Manufactory Goods. Member Council of Ros. of the Mutual Insurance Union, member of the Audit Commission of the North, Insurance Society and Receiving Department of Car Washes. Kupech. about-va mutual credit. Since 1912, a member of the Council of Congresses of representatives of industry and trade, elected Moscow. exchange about-va, foreman of the Nizhny Novgorod Fair Exchange Committee, in 1915 foreman of the Moscow. Exchange Society, one of the organizers of the Society of Manufactory Wholesalers. He was a member of the so-called group. young capitalists led by P.P. Ryabushinsky; member editorial to-ta gas. "Morning of Russia," participated in its financing. Since 1912, the vowel washes. Gor. thoughts. From the moment of formation (November 1912) he entered the Moscow. branch of the Central Committee of the Progressive Party. To the 1st world. head of war control department at Ch. to-those Vseros. Union of cities (1914-17). In 1915-17 member. Center, and Moscow. Military-Industrial who in. In his Moscow house he opened an infirmary for the wounded.

After Feb. Revolution of 1917 was elected in April. comrade sinks mountains head, in March, one of the organizers of the All-Russia. Trade-Prom. union. He joined the Cadets (at the municipal elections in June he was on the Cadet list), after the victory of the Socialist-Revolutionaries in the elections, he was again re-elected to the post of comrade. sinks mountains heads. He was a member of the Committee of Societies, Organizations of the City of Moscow. After the resignation of AI. Konovalov from the post of min. trade and industry pr-va book. G.E. In May, Lvov offered Buryshkin to take this post (Buryshkin refused because of solidarity with Konovalov), in con. Aug - early sept. negotiations with Buryshkin on the same occasion were conducted by A.F. Kerenkim; were interrupted due to opposition from the entrepreneurs. circles, who believed that Buryshkin "does not represent the interests of the org.-industrial class" as participating in the "SR" mountains. administration (OPI GIM, f. 10, op. 1, D. 41, l. 69). Wash participant. State. meetings (Aug.): 13 Aug. as part of the "org.-industrial group, he participated in a meeting in Moscow of General L.G. Kornilov. On September 15, as part of a delegation of Moscow representatives of the cadet circles, he negotiated with Kerensky on the formation of a coalition. cabinet on the condition that individual cadets enter it. Oct. headed the trade and industry group in the Provisional Council of the Russian Republic (Pre-Parliament).

After receiving a message about Oct. armed restore one of the organizers of the K-ta societies, rescues at car washes. Gor. Duma, which united the anti-Bolsheviks. societies. forces. In the spring of 1918, he participated in the "Right Center" in Moscow, then in the "National Center", in the summer he left Moscow for the south of Russia. In 1919 min. finance in Kolchakovsky pr-ve. In January 1920, he emigrated through the USA to France, and joined the councils as an emigrant. org-tions. Published memories of sinks. merchants.

Buryshkin's son Vladimir (1911-68) - an active participant in the French. Resistance to the 2nd world. war, headed the organization for the rescue of the downed over France English. pilots, awarded the highest. military orders of France.