Public speaking on the benefits of travel. What does travel provide? What does traveling actually give a person?

Every person at least once in his life went on a journey, leaving his native walls, wanting to get new emotions and impressions. But what makes people pack their backpacks and suitcases and go beyond new horizons? The answer to this question can be found in this article, which will reveal the secrets of such a pleasant and exciting "addiction".

What are the benefits of traveling for a person?

It is probably impossible to list all the advantages of traveling, since there are really a lot of them, so it’s worth dwelling on some of them:

  1. personal growth - no doubt, any adventure can reveal new unexplored facets in a person, which are “blunted” by familiar living conditions, comfort zone, etc. Unknown human possibilities open up when the traveler is faced with unplanned and unexpected situations for himself;
  2. new people - while traveling, new interesting personalities appear on the way, who can teach something new, make the rest more extraordinary, fun and varied;
  3. broadening one's horizons- travel allows you to gain new knowledge, see various sights, get acquainted with the history of cities and countries, the traditions of peoples and nations;
  4. health improvement– visiting new spaces, a person inevitably feels positive emotions, which form endorphins (hormones of happiness). Thus, well-being improves, the likelihood of stress is minimized, the body is literally filled with energy and strength;
  5. d mental enrichment– when you encounter the spiritual culture of other nations and peoples, your soul is filled with peace and tranquility, even if you yourself do not belong to any religion. Apparently, therefore, every year more and more people go to pilgrimage places to find peace of mind.

Are there any contraindications to travel?

In principle, there are no prohibitions, with the exception of one - personal unpreparedness. Its cause can be both psychological unpreparedness and physical ailment.

What is the benefit of being alone?

  1. The best way to evaluate your own capabilities.
  2. Attitudes towards disturbing and dangerous situations are changing.
  3. The point of view on external circumstances and life in general is corrected.
  4. A person opens up to the world, starting not just to see it, but to feel it.

Each person decides where to go on vacation, taking into account exactly what emotions and impressions he wants to receive. The main thing is that the trip could light a fire in the soul and excite the mind with a fun and rewarding pastime.

Traveling together - what is remarkable about such a pastime?

Reasons to travel: we analyze the pros and cons

Traveling is the most enjoyable way to develop, learn new things and learn about yourself while traveling, relieve stress, acquire new skills, get to know new people and cultures... It seems that in the song of the Bremen Town Musicians it was not for nothing that they sang "There is nothing better in the world... ". We constantly tell you a lot of interesting things: we offer, advise, inspire you, tell you about convenient ones, show you, but we never talk about the disadvantages of tourism. Let's see what are the advantages of tourism and what are the disadvantages (if any).

The best reason to travel is the travel itself. ©


I want to travel: pros

  • Meeting new people

Traveling is the surest way to meet new people. You can meet new interesting people among the same tourists as you, in a hostel, in the market, on the street - yes, anywhere. Local people in any country are usually responsive and can tell a lot of interesting things to tourists. It is in their own interests to show their country in the best possible way.

What travel gives: meeting new people ©

  • Development

Visiting new places is a great way to broaden your horizons. Travelers are well-read and inquisitive people. After all, it is always interesting to get acquainted with new cultures, traditions, dishes and learn a new mentality for yourself.

What travel gives: development ©

  • New impressions

The purpose of each trip is to learn something new, get out of the routine, refresh your emotions. Unknown sights, new activities that you can explore - all this affects your internal state. Breaking out of your usual life means giving yourself a large amount of endorphin.

What travel gives: new impressions ©

  • New Skills

Perhaps, until recently, you could not open a can, but when you travel, you gain new experience. Today you can already pitch a tent, cook a delicious three-ingredient meal and speak Polish or Turkish. Another important quality that is acquired while traveling is the skill of planning. When you need to do a lot in a short period of time, you learn to appreciate every second.

What travel gives: new skills ©

  • Fighting fears

Whatever phobia you suffer from: flying or contact with animals, you are afraid of heights or depths... Being in a new atmosphere for you, in an unusual environment, it is much easier to do what you used to be afraid of - skydiving, swimming with dolphins or make 3 flights to get to some extreme point. Traveling is new emotions, you want to catch as much as possible.

What travel gives: the fight against fears ©

  • Memories

You always have something to remember. How did you get lost in a small village in Cambodia or how delighted were you at the sight of balloons in Cappadocia, wild animals in Africa or Party full moon in Thailand. It's interesting with you, you are drawn to the same interesting people and longing for new adventures.

What travel gives: memories ©

I want to travel: cons

To be honest, I really tried to find even the slightest disadvantages of tourism, but I could not. Well, what could be the disadvantages of traveling if you get the most important thing - harmony and happiness?

If we talk about possible infections that you can catch, for example, in some river in Africa, then get ready. Experienced travelers will know in advance which vaccinations to take and what threats there are.

A change of scenery is a great emotional release! In this article, we discuss the benefits of traveling!

The benefits of travel.

Improvement, self-development, broadening of horizons, new acquaintances and many others. etc. - all this is given to us by travels that fall on the life path of many people. Someone likes to constantly leave the boundaries of their native city, and someone is forced to do this for work or for another purpose. One way or another, but any trip is displayed in our memory and brings certain memories that affect our destiny.

What are the benefits of travel?

The influence of travel on a person is individual for each person, but it is still possible to single out the main points:

  • New acquaintances with people and new territory. You can meet many new acquaintances on any journey. Of course, to some extent this factor depends on your communication skills, but new discoveries will not hide from you in any city. Traveling, you can find not only new friends and a soul mate, but even new job, which will entail a change in the usual place of deployment.
  • Personal growth. Traveling, regardless of the scale, can reveal new facets in ourselves. Any comfort zone has a positive effect on consciousness, on the psyche, and on health in general. Not in vain, caring mothers and fathers try to allocate time and money to send the child on vacation during the holidays or to the sea in summer time. We may not even be aware of our capabilities until we start traveling, because moving far from home, we are already instilled with love for our native threshold, which so recently we were tired of to death.
  • Spiritual enrichment. Regardless of your spiritual affiliation, everyone wants to develop, and travel provides such an opportunity to the fullest. You can get acquainted with new religions and new traditions, find out interesting historical events - and all this will definitely have a beneficial effect on your state of mind. It is not necessary to make a pilgrimage to holy places, because sometimes it is enough to meditate in a forest clearing or visit some ancient temple, chat with old people, etc.
  • Expanding horizons. If you set out to travel, it means that you will learn a lot of new things, because on the way there will be a lot of interesting things that will attract your attention even in the slightest. Even easy communication with the local population can enrich the spiritual world, not to mention visiting the sights and getting acquainted with the traditions of another country.
  • Recovery. Travel will bring not only new experiences, but also play a role in the release of endorphins, which will save the body from premature aging and improve the general condition. Those. endorphins are peculiar elements of stress prevention, because they are able to subconsciously tune in to a general positive state.

Long walks and availability a large number sunlight or, conversely, fresh frosty air can fill any human body with energy and give tides new strength. Traveling alone or in a company does not play a special role, and if a person is afraid of traveling alone, then this is his personal moral unpreparedness. Sometimes it's even more beneficial to travel alone, because. in this way, one can drastically change the attitude to disturbing situations and rebuild the point of view on the world around. Thanks to solo travel, you can restore adequate self-esteem and gain confidence in your abilities. They often travel in pairs - lovers thus want to retire from the public world and spend time alone somewhere under the sun or in the mountains. Traveling is a medicine that can dispel any negative thoughts, especially if they are firmly entrenched in the head.

Do not sit in one place friends! Travel and take care of yourself!

“We live in a wonderful world full of beauty, charm and adventure. In this world, adventures are endless if we keep our eyes open for them."

Jawaharlal Nehru

Travel is different. Someone likes to go to resorts, someone travels to historical places, and someone goes "savage" to nature. Any trip is a change of scenery, relaxation and rest. But what else is travel useful for?

1. Creativity awakens.

Creativity is a potential that is always within us, but most often in a "sleeping" state. Our daily routinesreduce the ability to generate new ideas and solutions, preventing creativity from “waking up” .

Trips awaken feelings and activate the creative part of the brain . We see, hear, feel, try something that we have not encountered before. As a result, new ideas, thoughts, solutions and inspiration appear.

2. Cognitive processes improve.

The new environment encourages ususe more brain resources than usual . We:

  • study maps and new routes;
  • planning and organizing trips and excursions;
  • notice new nuances and details around.

As a result, an increaseability to concentrate and awakens spatial intelligence .

3. Flexibility of thinking appears.

Studies have proven that those who travel occasionallysolve problems and cope with various difficulties 20% more efficiently .

Travel and travel"discover" the ability to find non-standard solutions and compromises in Everyday life. Also new environmentexpands your comfort zone and helps to cope with some fears .

4. The number of neural connections in the brain increases.

New impressions and experiences that you get while traveling,create new neural connections in your brain . This increases the content of dopamine and serotonin, improves cerebral circulation.

Trips - one of the best sources of energy for the brain , which not only activates new cells. Fresh air and natural scenery also in a unique wayrefresh the senses and improve memory .

Research results published in the journal Environmental Psychology have shown that memory improves even when viewing images of natural scenery. And, of course, the effect is enhanced when you are physically in nature, and not just looking at the photos :).

5. Reduces stress levels.

It doesn't matter if you are going on vacation for a few weeks or just for a picnic in the country. In any case, these impressionsrelax and reduce stress levels . Moreover, the process “starts” already when you are just starting to plan a trip.

Traveling increases cortisol levels in the body and lowers the stress hormone. A change of scenery helpsto see the world brighter and more saturated, and this makes us happier.

I have great news for you :). Soon you will be able to experience all the benefits of travel and “meaningful vacations”. After all, I invite you to visit me, in sunny Italy :).

M We will conduct ThetaHealing courses inMontecatini Terme- in a historic resort town in the province of Tuscany.

Montecatini Terme is one of the most famous spa towns in Italy.

Montecatini Terme is one of the most famous "resort" towns in Italy. It is located between Florence and Pisa, which makes it possible to enjoy all the beauties of Tuscany and visit its best places - medieval villages, picturesque landscapes, objects of art.

And this is what you can enjoy in Montecatini Terme, in the evenings after :

  • thermal springs. Thermal waters are the "treasure" of Montecatini. They improve the digestive system, cleanse the body of toxins, restore metabolism. Montecatini Terme is famous for its centers offering a variety of spa treatments from therapeutic mud baths to rejuvenating beauty treatments.
  • fountains. The fountains of Montecatini are real masterpieces of art located on the streets and central squares cities.
  • medieval village of Montecatini Alto. The village can be reached in 5 minutes by car or 10 minutes by funicular railway operating since the late 1800s. In the village you can enjoy visiting historical churches, town halls, monasteries and chapels.
  • much more.

Funicular Railway to Montecatini Alto.

We will conduct the courses in a cozy room in the very center of Montecatini Terma. The group will be small, and you still have time to join the participants.

- this is a great option"rest with meaning". You will gain valuable knowledge and enjoy all the benefits of traveling!