Resume is an example of writing about yourself sample student. Resume without work experience: samples

Job hunting is always stressful, especially when it happens for the first time. Applicants who are just entering the labor market are afraid and embarrassed by the lack of experience and necessary skills. However, many employers are looking for new employees, ready to train and educate them. The task of each new applicant is to present himself competently so that he is noticed and invited to work. In this article - expert advice for those who are going to look for a job for the first time.

senior consultant at international recruiting company Hays

Stick to an established resume structure

Remember that the purpose of your resume is to show the employer that you are the best fit for the job. Your resume must contain the following sections.

Name, contacts and other basic information

Indicate only relevant data: phone number and email, which you check daily, as well as the address of the place of residence (street, district or metro station). If you think that a page on social networks can enhance the positive effect and make a good impression on a future employer, link to your page.

Personal information (section "About me")

This section is optional. Fill it out if you want to stand out from other applicants. Do not write general phrases and patterns about sociability and stress resistance. Write what you want to achieve in your future position and what exactly you can offer the employer. In the same section, indicate information about participation in case championships or volunteer projects, note if you were the head of the course, participated in some student activities. A student union or council is a great example of initiative and willingness to take on additional responsibility. Companies always welcome people who are ready to take on new tasks, explore new areas and constantly learn, even if no one asks them to. You can also enter your GPA.

key skills

The employer must clearly understand what you offer and what he will get if he hires you. Make a short list of skills that match each specific job. And do not forget to indicate where and how you acquired these skills. Mark if you know how to work with programs such as Excel, PowerPoint, 1C, SAP, etc. Write information about where you purchased them in the “Additional education” column. Here you can list courses, seminars or trainings - this will certainly be a plus in the eyes of a future employer.

work experience

This section needs to be considered in more detail. List all experiences in reverse chronological order. Remember all your practices, internships and temporary projects, including foreign ones. It is important for the employer to know what events you took part in organizing. Check the volunteer programs you have been involved in. This item in the resume will undoubtedly attract attention, as it will show your desire to develop and the ability to live in multitasking mode.

If you have had experience in companies, please indicate their full name, the position you held, as well as the exact time of work, even if it was a short-term internship of a few weeks. Write down exactly what your responsibilities were. Do not limit yourself to one sentence, for example, “assistance to the manager,” but write a little more: “answered calls and e-mails of the manager, assisted in meetings, prepared minutes of the results of meetings.”

Education and training

Specify the mean and (if available) higher education, as well as all additional courses, lectures, seminars and webinars that have improved your skills and helped you improve your skills.


Only if your interests help you improve professional sphere. Do not write about religious or political preferences, make sure that your interests do not contradict the position and corporate policy of the company you want to work for..

It is considered normal to write on your resume: “Recommendations will be provided upon request.” Do not include friends or relatives who are not related to your field of activity in the list of people who recommend you.

Keep your resume short and concise

The volume of the resume should not exceed 1-1.5 pages, try to avoid italics and underlining. Indicate only the important potential employer information and don't go into details. If the employer wants to know the details, you can tell about it at the interview.

Please note that it must be in business style. Photography is not required, but encouraged. This makes it easier to recognize when meeting, and also shows your responsible attitude towards your future career and corporate style of the company.

Check your resume for literacy before sending. Upload your resume to Word and automatically check for errors and typos. Ask people you know to read your resume, as you may not notice any mistakes yourself. In my practice, there are candidates who in the "About me" section indicate such a quality as "literacy", but at the same time they write with big amount errors. This, of course, repels a potential employer.

Compose a cover letter

May attract the attention of a recruiter or potential employer. Some companies specifically require a cover letter, and resumes without one will not be considered. It should be individual and compiled for each specific vacancy.

It is better to make the letter short: it should take no more than 15-30 seconds to read it. Do not duplicate template letters - this is disrespectful to the future employer. Don't retell your resume - focus on what makes you different from other candidates. Briefly state what position you are applying for, how you heard about it, why you are applying for the position, what skills you have, and also show your desire to take a specific position in this company.

Specify your salary expectations

If you are looking for a salary minimum and are not ready to consider offers below it, be sure to indicate this in your resume. This way you won't get irrelevant job offers. It is important to understand: this is a figure in Net (on hand) or Gross (before deducting 13% income tax). Employers indicate in vacancies in different ways: sometimes in Gross, sometimes in Net.

In conclusion, I will definitely say: a well-written resume is the face of the candidate. If you want to land your dream job, think about what a resume should look like for her and get started!

To find jobs on the site that do not require experience, check the "No Experience" option in the "Experience Required" section.

Writing a resume for a person without work experience is much more difficult than for someone who already has experience behind them. And it's not just about writing. There are no problems at all here. It's all about the effect!!!

When you do not have work experience or a quality education, it is more difficult for you to hook an employer. It's like fishing. Imagine that 2 fishermen are sitting. One has fat worms on which the fish willingly peck, and the second has only bread, which the fish pecks without much pleasure.

The fish worm is a delicacy. And you will not surprise her with bread. Also with the employer. If you do not have work experience and life achievements, which are a delicacy for a recruiter, then he will give his preference to someone who already has them.

But we all start somewhere. Do not give up if you have no work experience, right? And everything that I described above about fishing and feeding is done in order to give you a direction.

If you carefully read the article above, you will understand why delicacies are needed. We place them in the most prominent place of our resume, which will be the very bait that employers will peck at.

Therefore, the first thing to ask yourself is: what achievements do I have that may be of interest to my employer?

At the same time, achievements do not have to be related to your future work. For example, if you want to get a job as a sales manager, but you have no experience in this field, then the achievement can be information about how you successfully sold your used car or old computer.

By the way, it will be even more interesting than if you wrote a standard phrase in your resume, like: “... at my previous job, I managed to increase sales by 30% ...”

Recruiters read these types of offers many times a day. They have already developed immunity. Therefore, it makes sense to distinguish yourself from the background of competitors with something non-standard.

We'll get back to achievements and worms, but now let's take a look at the beginning of your resume:

When compiling a resume, there are certain rules that we cannot ignore. First of all, you need to indicate your name, the position for which you are applying, your contact details.

Then, you need to hook your potential employer with something. What will be placed under your contact details will also determine whether your resume will be read to the end or not.

Remember that the job of a resume is to sell you as an employee. You must sell your knowledge, your experience. And even if you don’t really have them, then you must show your POTENTIAL.

I deliberately highlighted the word “potential” in the previous paragraph in large print.

This word should be deposited in your head in bold. The fact is that there are things that you will not be taught in any institute, in any school. These things are difficult to acquire with experience. I am now talking about your inner energy, about the fire that lives inside you and that burns in your eyes.

Think about who your employer needs? A person who knows a particular area thoroughly is a professional the highest category? No. Your employer needs a person who WANTS to work! Trite? Expected to hear something else. Let me explain something to you...

You understand what the problem is… the mentality of a Russian person is such that he does not want to do anything, but at the same time he wants to have everything. Moreover, this difference is especially felt between people who do not have work experience and those who have such experience.

When you are young and fresh, and your whole life is ahead, then you have so much interest, a thirst for knowledge. Young people are less demanding

Over the years, comes some awareness of their own importance. You're already starting to sort through the options. You don't like it, they pay little here, there is no social package and all that. There is no longer that valiant enthusiasm and desire to take on any job, if only they would pay money in order to be independent from their parents.

And employers understand this. Yes, with young people there is more trouble in terms of training. However, they work much more energetically, more accommodatingly, and can be more useful than a more experienced person who will try to stretch out his work, cheat, evade, etc.

All this foreplay was needed in order to convey your advantages to you. If these lines are read by a young student or just a young person with no work experience, who does not know how to write a resume, who does not see his own merits and advantages, then here they are in front of you ... Take it to your health)

Write these lines in the "My Benefits" section! But only if it's really yours!

If you do not feel in yourself everything that I wrote about above, if you are not ready for any job, if you are not ready to move mountains, then it is better not to write this in your resume.

To confirm my words, I will give an example from own life. There was a time when I had no work experience, and knowledge. There came a period in my life when I urgently needed a job. I think a lot of young people go through this.

There was a period when I did not want to work. I liked to go out, have fun, chat with friends, hang out with girls, sleep until dinner. And I didn't want to work. Especially since my parents paid for everything.

But the time has come when parents are tired of it

They saw a healthy forehead that sits on their neck and does not want to work. At first they began to talk to me about it cautiously. Then more and more forcefully. And the time came when our coexistence became unbearable. My parents dripped about it every day and just blew my mind.

Then I decided to go get a job. Naturally, for employment, a resume was necessary, in which I could not write more than three sentences.

That is why I tried not to fax my resume. I brought it in personally and tried to immediately communicate with the employer

If you have read up to this point, you must have noticed that so far very little has been written about writing a resume for a student with no work experience. But if your head works well, then you should have caught something else, which I have been leading you to all this time.

So, the point is that a person without work experience does not need to rely on his resume. If you have nothing to write there, then this is your big minus, which you urgently need to compensate for with something.

Here you can work in two directions:

  • It is urgent to create for yourself vital achievements that compensate for the lack of experience and knowledge.
  • Try to personally communicate with the employer to impress him.

For a better understanding, let's go back to my example. As I wrote above, when I just got my first job, I tried to personally communicate with the employer, because I understood that my resume would not make any impression on them.

But at a personal meeting, I could already try to somehow convince them. And I will talk about this in more detail below. Now I want to draw your attention to the fact that then I did not have the understanding and knowledge of how to write a punchy resume that catches any recruiter. This knowledge came to me later, over the years.

And that's why I'm writing this now. so that you understand why I did not go the first way, namely, did not create for myself vital achievements that I could reflect in my resume.

After reading this note, you will save YEARS! And get invaluable knowledge for free!

I want to draw your attention to the fact that at that time I was already a fairly mature specialist. Behind my shoulders was work in several large companies, though in ordinary positions. The total work experience was about 5 years:

In the list of the most important achievements in life and career, I included some items that are completely not related to my labor activity. For example, once I participated in the local competition “Golden Future of Yugra”, which was held by the city administration.

The purpose of the competition is to encourage young people to be creative, to identify socially active youth, as well as interesting projects, invented during the competition.

The first places were then awarded to participants who proposed projects in the oil industry. I got 3rd place. However, I was handed a beautiful letter signed by the mayor of the city. And I always took this gratitude with me to interviews as confirmation of my words.

Another example is participation in a competition held by the Khanty-Mansiysk Bank

I accidentally found out about this competition when I went to their website. I remember that at that time I was looking for a profitable investment. But in the end I saw a link to this competition in the news.

I have prepared three topics, the names of which can be seen in the picture above. It was not difficult, although time consuming. It was earlier summer outside, everyone was walking, enjoying the warmth. Someone rode bikes, someone rollerbladed, someone drank beer) And I was sitting at home at the computer and preparing topics.

Do you get the idea? Here is mine competitive advantage, which I then put pressure on the employer. Can you do the same? Will your willpower force you to sit at home and write boring papers while your friends go out and enjoy their youth? Only a few are capable of this.

For these works, by the way, I won a DVD player, received another diploma, and, of course, I added an advantage to my resume.

This is what you can do right now!

If you have no work experience, no knowledge and achievements - create them! Right now, set yourself the goal of researching the site of the local government in order to find some kind of competition.

Ponder over what can be done in your situation to create a life achievement for yourself to add to your resume.

If you are a student, then find out what competitions you have. Maybe some kind of olympiads, as we had at school.

Try to get a job as a freelance correspondent in some newspaper and write a few articles on your profile of activity. If you are a future lawyer, then find a law magazine and offer your services.

Writing articles is the easiest way to improve your professionalism in a particular field.

It is best to come to the publisher's office than to call or send an email. But even if none of the above works, then just create a blog and write a dozen articles on your topic there. Then, in the Achievements section, indicate that you are the author of dozens of articles on the topic ...<вставьте сюда вашу тему>…

This will already significantly distinguish you from competitors, even those who have experience and a good education.

Feel free to add even something incredible. For example, you conquered the summit of Everest as part of a tourist group, or ran a 40-kilometer marathon on May 9th. If you don't have anything, then this will do. The main thing is to competently beat your achievements.

For example, you indicated that you ran a 40-kilometer marathon. Next, bring this achievement to your professional activity. For example: “Participated in a 40-kilometer race, dedicated to the holiday May 9. In his future work, he is ready for even greater achievements. I will be able to show all my fighting qualities in order to complete the work assigned to me on time and in the best possible way.

I think now you understand what is at stake. So let's close this question the fact that you stop reading right now and think about what you can do to stand out from the competition.

This thought should sit in your head constantly. Be curious and observant. You should constantly notice everything that in one way or another can help you achieve your goals.

Now let's move on to the next step, or rather, we will continue to talk about personal communication with the employer. Remember above, I wrote that I always tried to get a personal meeting, during which I could convince my potential employer.

To be honest, I found my first job without a resume at all. I just went to the offices and asked if they needed anyone. Once I went to one big store household appliances and met a friend there. He told me that two guys were fired that day and most likely they would take someone in their place.

I immediately went to the store manager. True, he was not there, but I was able to talk with the deputy. This was one of the key moments. I asked for a job. I draw your attention to this. I asked for a job. I said that I really need a job. I told everything as it is. I have no education, no experience. But I am ready to compensate for all this with diligence.

Notice, in that situation, all I could do was promise

But everything depends on how convincingly you will do it! At that moment, I was really ready for any job. I clearly realized that I needed to cling to something, to start somewhere.

Then, in the office of the deputy director, I took the initiative. This was not a standard communication, when the employer asks you questions and you answer. In that situation, I led the conversation, I asked, persuaded, argued, and so on.

Naturally, no one took me right away. A week has passed and no one has called from this store. I had already lost all hope and decided to get a job with the oilmen. True, for this I had to take training in short courses. I even found such courses, signed a contract and made a small contribution.

But when I went out with the documents in my hands, it was as if something pulled me inside

I don't know why, but I got on the bus and went to this shop. To be honest, there was resentment inside me. I was hurt that I was not hired there.

I saw those two guys who were fired the day I came to work for the first time. They were real jerks. I knew that a hundred times better than them. And when I went there the second time, I wanted to say exactly that. I wanted to tell them how much they lost by not hiring me.

And when I went up to the office of the deputy, I did not have time to say a word. I opened the door, but the deputy asked me to wait a minute and took the phone. She called the director and said the following: “The guy we were talking about came…”

Then I ended up in the principal's office. I was filled with conflicting feelings. I didn't understand what was happening. In the end, I was offered a job there. Moreover, it was a completely new position in one of the departments. It was actually created for me. More precisely, with my activity and pressure, I gave them the idea of ​​a new position.

I recommend that you do exactly the same. A resume will not help you much if there is nothing to write there.

In any case, use all the recommendations from this article. Be sure to work on your achievements, but always bet on personal communication. If I didn’t have a job now, as well as experience and knowledge, and started everything from scratch, I would not write a resume in a standard way.

I would use standard resume blocks, but fill them in with my own words, and in such a way as to hook the employer.

How and what to cling to depends on the vacancy for which you are applying. But it is important to remember the common meaning for any resume - this is an interview. After reading your resume, it should interest the employer so much that he immediately invites you for an interview.

What building blocks are we talking about?

  1. Position I am applying for
  2. Contact details
  3. The most important achievements in life and career
  4. work experience
  5. Education
  6. Courses and trainings
  7. Foreign languages ​​and computer skills
  8. Additional Information
  9. Recommendations

Let's take a quick look at these blocks. But first I want to warn you about readability. Remember that recruiters are people too, and if you make it easy for them, you will significantly increase your chances of success.

How to write a resume for a student without work experience (sample, example)

Recruiters have to deal with dozens of resumes every day. Organize your resume in a way that makes it easier for them to find the right section and the right data.

Now back to resume blocks. What to write in the first four paragraphs, I think, no need to explain.

In the fifth block work experience you still need to write something, even if there is nothing to write there. It is best to write the truth, but in a light favorable to you. So write that there is no work experience, but you are ready to compensate for this shortcoming in any way.

I would write that I am ready to stay in the evenings or go out on weekends in order to master the necessary skills as soon as possible and start independent work faster

The next block Education". Here you describe where you studied, or where you study now.

Further in the block “ Courses and trainings” Write what you went through additionally, which could help you in your work. If I were filling out my resume now, then I would have several A4 pages for this section.

Writing a resume without work experience can seem like a daunting task. The most important thing that interests the employer is experience, achievements; what to write about in a resume if there is no experience?

If you have to fill out a resume without work experience, do not rush to get upset. Thousands of young professionals face the same problem every day, successfully solve it and find a job.

Graduate resume example with no work experience

Copywriter, SMM specialist

FULL NAME. Dmitriev Igor Vasilievich

Date of Birth: 1.06.1993

City of residence: Tula

Tel.: [phone]


Family status: not married, no children.

Purpose of search:

permanent full-time job in middle or big company, which is actively developing in the market, as a content manager, copywriter, social network manager.


2010 - 2015 – Russian State University for the Humanities

Specialty: "Romano-Germanic Philology", master's degree, diploma with honors. Day form of education.

Additional education

Course "Fundamentals of website promotion".

Online intensive "SMM-manager: promotion in social networks".

Course "Content Strategy for Professionals: Engaging Audiences" (with certification)



Extra skills

English: written, spoken - fluent.

German: written - fluent, spoken - intermediate level.

MS Office package, Fotoshop - free.

work experience

January 2015 - June 2015, copywriter, editor, social media manager(remote work during training)

Online magazine "Strategy" (edition for entrepreneurs, circulation 25,000 copies, 50 pages, regularity - once a month)


July 2015 - January 2016,English teacher

Children's boarding school No. 12 (Moscow). On a volunteer basis.

Tasks: teaching English to boarding school students.

Personal qualities:

  • striving for improvement professional level, fast learner,
  • easy adaptation to changing conditions, new tasks,
  • interest in in-depth study of foreign languages,
  • friendliness, loyalty to colleagues,
  • self-discipline, striving for independent search decisions, while working productively in a team.

Additional information:

March 2012 - May 2015 - Member of the student council of the university.


  • active participation in the public life of the university,
  • development and implementation of activities for organizing students' leisure, organizing internships and work practices,
  • mentoring assistance to first-year students in adapting to student life, establishing relationships with classmates, teachers;
  • assistance in arranging the life of students living in a hostel,
  • interaction with the administration of the university, lobbying the interests of students.

Comments for example:

  • Pay attention to the final block. Description of social activity is not relevant to professional tasks, but emphasizes the activity of the applicant, his developed communicative and leadership qualities.
  • Do not forget to mention participation in social activities in your resume - this will increase your importance in the eyes of the employer.
  • Another good move in our example is the portfolio link. If your profession involves the presence of samples of work, it is desirable that there are examples, and that they are organized in a structured whole - for example, in a portfolio.

What does a “quality resume” mean?

To begin with, take note that a high-quality resume is a document that meets certain requirements. You cannot make a resume in any form you like - an employer is unlikely to consider such an option. Yes, there are creative resumes - most often in the form of infographics - but in any case, the applicant must have a “classic” resume: compiled in accordance with the generally accepted structure, well-formatted, presented in text format.

One more important point. Be patient and tailor your resume to each job or to a group of jobs with almost identical requirements (this is possible if the requirements are typical). The mass nature of the mailing reduces your chances of getting a job. Carefully read the requirements for the vacancy, correlate your skills with them, focus on the skills that are important for a particular employer. By the way, the same can be said about the cover letter. Each text must be done “manually” - that is, it must be unique, “tailored” for a specific vacancy and employer.

Resume structure


This is your specialization (specialization in which you are currently looking for a job). For example: "Logistics Specialist", "Economist, Accountant", "Project Manager".

Contact Information

Enter your city of residence here. e-mail and phone number where the employer can contact you. You can indicate the area in which you live if this is important for the vacancy: for example, the employer indicated in the ad that they are looking for an employee who lives in a certain area.

Purpose of job search

This section is considered optional, but if you already have career goals set, and you know in which area you want to find a job and grow professionally, you can reflect this on your resume. There is an advantage to setting a goal: the more clearly you understand your aspirations, the sooner you will find “your” employer.

If we were to make a sample resume with no work experience, a section on the purpose of the search, we would formulate it like this:

"Find a job in international company, with the opportunity to implement 10 years of experience in sales of consumer goods in a team of professionals.”

"Find a part-time job in the field of translation from / into English, German, Chinese, mainly legal texts."

"Become part of a young, ambitious team of professionals working in the field of business process optimization."


In a standard resume, the block on education is the penultimate one; it is located after the block about skills and work experience. But for a graduate, education is one of the main criteria for his competence, so the corresponding block is located immediately after the goal.

In this block, indicate information about your education (secondary special and higher): educational institution, specialty, form of education, qualification (bachelor, specialist, master). If you have an honors degree, this is worth mentioning.

Additional education

Because for young specialist it's not so much experience that matters, but skills, it is important to give the employer as much information as possible about your training. In the block about additional education you need to list the courses, trainings in which you improved your skills.

Emphasis should be placed on those training events that have given you skills that are useful for this particular job. That is, if you apply for the role of a secretary, the employer is unlikely to be impressed by your training in vocal courses. It's a different matter if you're applying for an event manager job: both voice and public demeanor are important for this specialty, so mentioning such a learning experience is appropriate.

You can list online courses that are relevant to your specialty. And do not forget to list all the certificates, diplomas, diplomas that you received during additional training.


This is the block of the resume that the employer will study most carefully. Education is important, but in the end, skills are key for the employer - what you know how to do, what tasks you can solve, what areas of work you can be trusted with and with what result.

The list of your skills should be complete: include in it all the skills that you possess (while not forgetting that each line in the resume should carry information that is directly related to the vacancy).

In addition to specialized ones, include universal skills in your resume - skills that are related to work, profession, but are not typical for a particular specialization, but for many areas of activity.

For example, communication skills (the ability to communicate, coordinate the actions of other people, convince, maintain contacts) are characteristic of all intellectual fields of activity, whether we are talking about design, sales or programming.

Here is a list of versatile skills that you can use if you are faced with the task of writing a resume without work experience.


  • public performance,
  • business correspondence,
  • participation in negotiations,
  • producing a presentation,
  • moderation of events (brainstorming, round tables, conferences).

Coordination activities:

  • office work, paperwork,
  • preparation of orders, regulations, orders,
  • organization of team work (distribution of duties, control, ensuring interaction),
  • effective time management.

Analytical skills:

  • ability to work with large volumes of information, information search skills,
  • the ability to see the whole as a system, to understand the interaction of elements,
  • Ability to visualize data (draw graphs, charts, infographics).


  • the ability to see new approaches to solving old problems,
  • unconventional way of looking at things
  • the ability to generate new ideas.

Leadership Skills:

  • the ability to motivate colleagues, to cultivate a common interest in the group,
  • the ability to inspire the team, direct the efforts of colleagues to achieve common goals,
  • the ability to maintain discipline in the working group, a positive attitude, focus on results.

work experience

Most young professionals actually have experience. You will be convinced of this if you look at job sites for examples of resumes without work experience written by other young specialists (this, by the way, is useful to understand the level of competitors). At a minimum, each student industrial practice. This is your experience. Volunteering, part-time jobs while studying at a university, activities in public organizations, internships are all sources of work experience that you need to talk about in your resume. If you had obvious achievements, be sure to mention them.

Personal qualities

For the employer, not only your knowledge, skills and experience are important, but also your personal characteristics - after all, the manager and colleagues will communicate with a person, and not with a set of useful functions.

The employer is interested in the following points:

  • how easily you can fit into the team,
  • how productively you build relationships with your manager, colleagues, partners, clients,
  • can you be entrusted with responsible tasks,
  • are you ready, if necessary, to move your personal plans to the background - in the interests of the company, team,
  • How receptive are you to criticism?
  • how easily you adapt to changing conditions,
  • what motivates you at work.

Taking into account the interests of the employer, you must fill out the appropriate section of the resume. Which qualities to indicate depends primarily on the vacancy.

So, honesty, the ability to perform routine tasks (working with numbers) for a long time, accuracy in working with documents, and a scrupulous attitude to details are important for an accountant. For a project manager, discipline is important, intrinsic motivation and focus on results, a tendency to analyze (seeing the big picture), to structure information, goodwill and empathy. For a designer, it is important to have a developed imagination, a penchant for aesthetics, a non-standard look at familiar things.

Finding a job is the first major challenge you must overcome as you enter adulthood. But how to find a decent and well-paid job, if the resume consists of only a few lines? Before you start writing a resume, you need to clearly understand what it is. A resume is by no means a short biographical story or a piece of paper with your contact details, but an official document that should contain the most important information for a potential employer. Like any business documentation, a resume should be written taking into account the basic rules:

  1. Informative and concise. The summary should contain only important and necessary information, presented in a concise manner. The optimal size of a resume without work experience is 1 page of A4 format;
  2. Structured. Information must be presented in a logical sequence. A resume must be attractive. appearance and be easy to understand;
  3. Objectivity and truthfulness. Do not knowingly provide false information. At the interview, you should be ready to justify everything that you have indicated in the resume;
  4. Literacy. Before you apply for any position, re-read your resume several times and carefully check it for errors. Feel free to give your creation to parents or a more experienced friend to read. Perhaps they will see something that you did not notice and will be able to give some valuable advice.

How to write your first resume?

Even without work experience, every person has something to write about in a resume. It only at first glance seems that you have nothing to interest the employer. In fact, you have the main thing - youth, enthusiasm and the desire to conquer career heights. Any employer is well aware that although it may take more time to train a young specialist, he will work with more diligence, zeal and dedication than an experienced professional who knows his own worth. So, you already have one advantage, it remains only to write a resume correctly and competently:

  • Full Name. This is the first thing you need to include in your resume. Do not abbreviate first and middle names to initials. The employer must know how to contact you correctly in case of interest in your candidacy. Do not write the abbreviated name, for example, Julia, instead of Julia. Information must be submitted as indicated in the passport;
  • Position. After your full name, clearly indicate the position for which you are applying. Don't list multiple positions, focus on one. The employer must see your interest in a particular job. A keen interest on the part of the applicant and the desire to learn increases the chance of getting a vacancy, even if professional quality the candidate is a little short of the required level;
  • Personal and Contact Information. In this box, please indicate your marital status, age, residential address, telephone and e-mail. Pay special attention to the name of your email address. It should not contain obscene language, consist of only numbers or carry a negative meaning. Strange as it may seem, but HR managers pay special attention to such trifles and, in their opinion, the e-mail of an applicant applying for a serious position should be appropriate. It is best if your email address will consist of a first and middle name or a first and last name;
  • Education. Indicate the name of the university, the year of admission and graduation. Do not list all the "crusts" that you have managed to collect over the years. It is also not worth mentioning that you were the head of a group or stream, ran the fastest in physical education classes, or sang in a choir. In this column, it is worth mentioning only the information that is directly related to the position that you want to receive. For example, if you are applying for a job as a translator, you can mention that you participated in the Olympiad in foreign language, attended a conference or went abroad on an exchange and practiced for several months with native speakers.
  • Work experience. Feel free to list your little experience, even if it's only a few months. It is clear that as a student, you could only work part-time, and not work full-time. Therefore, no one will be surprised and will not repel your insignificant work experience. In the same chapter, you can display information about the practice or internship that you took from your university.
  • Skills and abilities. Depending on the vacancy, your advantages may be: knowledge of languages, office programs or programming languages, the ability to write beautifully, draw, edit images, etc.
  • Personal qualities. When talking about yourself, try to avoid banal and common phrases: assiduous, purposeful, attentive, responsible, etc. Most of the applicants indicate these qualities in their resumes. Try to hook the recruiter with an understanding of the specifics of the job. Think about what traits and qualities are really important to fill the position you are applying for. The employer is looking for not only a good and disciplined person who knows how to work in a team, but also an excellent specialist who is able to make progress and achieve high results.

Drawing up a resume without work experience is an even more complex and painstaking process than describing extensive work experience and invaluable life experience. Nevertheless, with the right approach to business, such a resume can be of interest no less than any other. Good luck!

Work experience is an important part of a resume. Almost the entire job search questionnaire is based on this information. But experience is not the only way to attract an employer.

A few site tips - how to find a job without experience. Suitable for both graduates and experienced professionals who decide to change their profession.


1. Send out a blank resume. More often, the profile of a novice specialist looks sad. Full name, contacts, some information about education, from skills - punctuality and learning ability.

2. False and unnecessary information. The second sin of a newcomer to the labor market is the desire to fill the voids of the resume with invented and superfluous biography facts. For example: “I didn’t work as a developer, but I won Mortal Kombat 20 times in a row.” Although we would be amused by such a summary :)

3 . Respond to all vacancies in a row. Remember, that's not how it works. If you want a good promising work, rather than "sitting out" a couple of years for experience, the resume should be aimed at one position.

4 . Don't write a cover letter. When there is nothing special to brag about professionally, you need to write a letter both before and after. In general, get an employer and get feedback in any way.

How to

But a resume without experience is still different. Here the whole emphasis is on the cover letter and the “About Me” column. This the only way to impress and hook the employer.

Many mistakenly perceive this part of the resume as a formality, write standard replies about sociability and the deadly “please consider my candidacy for the position ...”.

  • Transmittal letter

The cover letter should answer 2 questions - Why us (motivation to work)? Why are you (motivation for the position)?

It is quite simple to explain the desire to work in a company - study social media company and employees, official website. Emphasize the similarity of opinions, views and opportunities for development. Motivate the desire to become part of the team with corporate values ​​and sympathy for the company's brand as a whole.

Then tell us why you chose this position and decided to work in this direction. Don't forget to focus on what you already know and what you plan to learn in the near future.

  • About myself

You can not write an autobiography, talk about hobbies, list personal qualities that are not applicable in a professional environment.

Here you need to talk about relevant non-work experience. For example: participation in events, olympiads, competitions, organizations, interest clubs - which have something in common with the position.

In this part of the resume, you can tell in more detail why the profession and field are interesting, how you are developing in the chosen direction, where you see yourself in 5 years, what you are striving for.

At the end, list the profile books and courses that you have studied, as well as personal qualities that are useful in the profession.


If you still have work experience, but not suitable, or you have done internships, be sure to write about it in your resume. Move the main focus not to the field of activity and place of work, but to duties and competencies that are useful in a particular case.

For example: a math teacher has completed training and is looking for a job as a PHP programmer - below is an option how he can talk about his work experience, focusing on skills that are useful in the field of development.

Sample resume for a professional with no work experience

Created an example of a resume that an employer will definitely like. Don't forget the cover letter - all the details and subtleties