Find a business partner. Partnership Offers

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Commercial partnership

Anyone commercial enterprise reliable mutually beneficial business relationships are needed. Effective economic interaction is one of the main conditions for successful functioning within the framework of an integral economic process.

Today it is becoming very important to focus on getting new partners and permanent search for the most effective partnerships. They allow for the reorientation of activities based on market changes, as well as strengthening competitive advantages firms.

Therefore, partnership in business should be considered a type of economic relations based on the collective actions of the parties aimed at achieving common purpose and obtaining a common benefit. In other words, commercial cooperation is a set of ways and methods of organizing relationships between business partners.!

Good day! Today I am writing an article for one of the subscribers of my VKontakte group " Business secrets for a beginner”, but I am sure this topic will be useful to many who are engaged in business or are just planning to do it. The topic of the article is partnership in business and how to find a business partner.

Before writing the article, of course, I briefly looked through the articles on this topic that the Internet search offers. The articles turned out to be the so-called rewrite (that is, rewritten from each other, changing expressions and words so that the uniqueness of the article was more than 90%), as I understand it, these webmasters simply have nothing to say on this topic and personal business partner search experience almost none of them had.

I strongly disagree with more than half of the information. And now I will dispel these misinforming materials.

And so, we begin to analyze the topic of partnership in business:

Business partnership

I'll start by refuting some points that are recommended for those who are looking for business partners:

  1. Doing business alone is difficult and undesirable. On the contrary, I would recommend running your business without involving partners, if you have enough of your own resources, then you do not need a partner. If it will be difficult for you to run a business alone, you can simply hire a director or boss who will be responsible for a certain direction (possibly several). All the money earned by the business will be yours and there will be no need to share it with anyone;
  2. Consider relatives or friends as partners. In no case!!! Whoever wrote this is out of business. If you do not want to spoil family ties and lose friends, you should not even offer them to become partners. You can borrow money from them for business, but in no case should you take it as a partner. I have been in business since 2003 and during this time I have seen enough of how friends stop communicating precisely because of business, just like relatives actually do. The business partner must be a complete stranger;
  3. Community of entrepreneurs in the city. Until you become a full-fledged businessman firmly standing on your feet, no one will even talk to you and you will not find any partners here;
  4. Participation in exhibitions, conferences and business meetings . What can be discussed here? You are still nobody and there is no way to call you. Only representatives of real companies can find business partners in this environment. existing business and that partnership will be of a completely different nature, for example, the purchase of some product;
  5. Search for business partners on the forums. Another misconception, despite the fact that there are potential business partners on these forums, it is unlikely that anyone will enter into a partnership with you. Do not forget that on the forums people from all over our vast Russia, and being in Vladivostok, a person obviously will not enter into partnerships with future partners from, for example, Voronezh.

These are the main proposals for finding business partners that are not feasible and highly undesirable.

Let's now consider what a business partner should be and the terms of partnership:

  • The business partner must understand the topic. The person to whom you propose to become a partner must definitely understand the topic of the business that you have or that you are just about to open. It is desirable that he even had experience in this business;
  • for a full and honest partnership in business. Required condition for a full-fledged partnership and protection from the so-called “scam”, business partners must be legally protected. This is possible in the opening of a society with limited liability, the Charter will spell out the rights of both business partners as founders with an equal part of the business;
  • CEO OOO. The head of the organization should be one of the partners of the business that you open;
  • Distribution of functions of partners in business. Usually, people who have ideas, and possibly a future business are looking for partners for their business ( in simple words need a partner investor). In such cases, the partner who is looking for an investor takes on all the other functions of opening and running a business. That is, one simply invests his money, and the second is already creating a fully functioning business, which is quite honest.

Where to find a business partner

It is best to look for a business partner in your city - this is an ideal option.

You can also consider nearby cities, preferably no further than 60 km. from your city.

How to find a business partner:

  1. City newspapers. Look through newspapers of your city in which there are private announcements. Usually after the heading “Job” comes the heading “Business partnership”, perhaps you will immediately find a business partner there. If none of the offers from this section suits you, then place your ad in it with brief requirements for a business partner, the cost of the ad is 80 rubles per issue;
  2. Online classifieds sites. Place the information that you are looking for a business partner on the city Internet bulletin boards + city forums should not be forgotten. You can also use the all-Russian platform for online ads AVITO, just place it for your city. The good news is that the ads here are free;
  3. TV ticker. Each cable television has channels on which there is a running line, often there are several of these channels. It can also be cable not one but 3-4 for an average city. Give a running line on all channels that you can. The ad should be capacious like “I am looking for a partner for the toilet paper business tel. 66-66-66".

These options are the best for finding a business partner. It is difficult to say how long it will take to find a partner for your business - it can happen the next day or a month later.

In any case, the information should go until it is found, I understand that you will have to invest money (especially in the running line), but you have a business at stake, so it's not such a big cost to find a business partner .

And in the end, I want to give advice, you should not immediately start a business with the first person who is interested. You should have a choice, so you can meet to talk, discuss possible nuances, but not immediately give an answer. It's almost like when applying for a job, only with more serious criteria and conditions.

And ideally, if, of course, opportunities allow, then it is better to work on your own, without business partners, but this is purely my personal opinion.

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That's all! If you still have questions, you can ask them to my group - the link at the beginning of the article or in the comments.

Good luck finding a partner for your business! Bye!

It is rare that a person constantly conducts business alone. Sooner or later, you will need a reliable partner or even several. But it is not always possible to find it in close surroundings. Yes, and on the street to approach a stranger with the question “Would you like to become my partner?” pretty stupid. But where to find a business partner? We will now try to give you the answer to this question.

Every partnership starts with yourself.

There is a very smart idea. It says: "To find a great business partner, you must first become one yourself." And it doesn't make sense at all. Thinking about finding a reliable person, think about what you yourself can give him in return. Look at yourself from the outside and honestly answer if you yourself would like to become a partner of such a person. If something doesn't suit you, fix it. Partnership implies mutual benefit, so you must clearly understand whether you are ready for an equal return. Only parents and perhaps friends are willing to love you unselfishly.

Is there a formula for a successful partnership? You can take the opinion of the famous American investor and businessman Robert Kiyosaki into service. Describing an example of his profitable partnership, he deduced three main factors that make this cooperation so successful:

  • First, the partners have a common investment philosophy. it important point. Your opinions on how and where to invest money should clearly match. Otherwise, frequent disagreements and conflicts await you.
  • Secondly, it is ideal if your experience and knowledge complement each other. The fewer gaps in information in your chosen field, the higher your efficiency.
  • Thirdly, partners should adhere to a common strategy. It needs to be developed at the very beginning in order to understand where the team should move. This will allow you to work in a single direction, without exchanging for unnecessary movements.

Partnership can be compared to marriage. To find that one companion, you will have to "start relationships" with different people.

Another important point - you always need to think over a retreat strategy. In the West, and in rare cases in our latitudes, it is customary to conclude a marriage contract before a wedding. Especially if one of the spouses is much richer. So before you enter into a partnership, you should think about it. Reinsurance in case the ideal companion suddenly turns into a frog at first.

Where strategically important acquaintances are made

Today, many are interested in the question of how to find a business partner on the Internet. In the age of the dominance of computer technologies and their deep implementation in life, this is not difficult. In the partner network, you should look for it on specialized sites (for example, the Russian site, on forums and even on social networks. As for the latter, it is best to go to work, not entertainment. For example, on LinkedIn - social network for business communication. Although the project is Western, there are enough Russian-speaking users registered here. However, in social networks like Vkontakte or Facebook there are chances to find the right person. If it's good to search and create your own page with thematic content. Oddly enough, you can find a partner on a free bulletin board. Yes, yes, they not only sell new and used things there, but also make contacts. Another option is online diaries. With their help, you can also get on the trail of a potential companion. In the end, you can just contact the person directly if you are interested in him.

And how are things in real life? How to choose a business partner, and where to look for him? Offline, too, a large selection of options for a variety of purposes. So, let's begin.

  • Clubs. Not at night, of course. Rather, interest clubs, in particular, on the topic of business. In recent years, this movement has become quite popular in the post-Soviet space. They meet there in order to exchange experience, to find money for the implementation interesting idea and vice versa, find a good companion. True, it is usually difficult to get into real ideological business clubs. There are certain stages of verification and filters, so there are no "left" people there. And in them the ability to pay membership fees is not a fundamental selection criterion. In those where only money is needed to join, and the rules are simpler, and the audience.
  • Schools. Here, too, we will not talk about secondary education. This item includes all kinds of trainings, seminars, master classes, meetings with business gurus. There you can chat with interesting people and make very useful acquaintances. Yes, and learn something new at the same time. Of course, such training meetings cost money, but in most cases it all pays off in the future when you find the right partners or clients.
  • It is impossible not to remember thematic events . The same conferences at various levels, business summits, forums. In such places, many specialists of the same segment gather at the same time. You can get to know each other, make connections, exchange preliminary agreements and even, in some cases, immediately conclude a contract. This is a great opportunity, because in everyday life with each of them you need to look for an opportunity to meet separately. And so, in one or several days, you will immediately meet dozens of potential companions.
  • "Savor and hobby. Sometimes it's much easier to make connections in an informal setting. These can be receptions, balls and even meetings related to hobbies. Of course, you are unlikely to find a business partner in an embroidery mug, but in a golf or yacht club this is quite real. Who knows, maybe that youthful man over there aiming a club at the ball is the director big company in the industry you are interested in.
  • Charity and other good deeds. Today it is quite a popular activity among serious people. As, however, and a couple of centuries ago. Who knows who will be next to you at the planting of sakura in the botanical garden or painting the walls in a boarding school for disabled children.
  • Specialized business party, presentations and parties. People initially come to them with a specific purpose, so get to know each other and find interesting people it will be quite easy.
  • Shouldn't be discarded everyday life . It also happens that the most suitable partner is in a close environment, it’s just that there hasn’t been a chance to prove himself yet.
  • Another very original way - " quick business acquaintances". Everyone knows about speed-dating, when a couple has a few minutes to tell the most interesting things about themselves. But such acquaintances are also held for business people. Although, of course, you should not wait for large businessmen and owners of corporations here. But aspiring entrepreneurs and startups often take the opportunity to make new connections that can be useful in the future.

A few rules for successful dating

We have learned where to look for a potential partner, what we ourselves should be like. But there are a few more rules and tricks that will help smooth out sharp corners and avoid unpleasant situations.

  • Determine for yourself which audience is your target. And in this regard, select places and specific events. Determine with whom you can potentially conclude a contract, and who can become an "intermediary" to enter the level of interest.
  • Be sure to prepare your presentation in advance. It should take a couple of minutes. The so-called elevator pitch principle, that is, "presentation in an elevator." Often people get lost and cannot clearly and clearly state what they are doing. In this case, the interlocutor may quickly lose interest.
  • You should not immediately sell your services in the first minutes of acquaintance. And yes, the first meeting. The first thing to do is to connect with the person. And obsession can only push away a possible partner.
  • Help make friends with others. This way you will gain favor and support, and next time someone will set you up with the right person.
  • If you're targeting a specific person, try to find out as much as you can about them beforehand. About her interests, manner of communication, style of work. This will help you find the right tone at the time of dating.

And do not expect that the first contact will promise a deal. It is better not to initially set yourself up for this, otherwise you can either be disappointed or behave too persistently. And this, as we have already said, will only repel the interlocutor.

What should you pay attention to when choosing an event?

There are a few points that will save you from wasting time. Depending on the characteristics, this or that event attracts different people. From this and build on when you decide where to find a partner for business.

  • For example, the more expensive the event, the fewer guests it has. But the audience itself will be of a higher level.
  • Evenings and weekends are less frequent for business owners and top managers. They prefer short lunch or morning meetings.
  • The theme of the event will determine who will come from a particular company. It is the one who deals with the solution of relevant issues. The CEO won't drop by for a supply meeting, for example.
  • The audience depends on the location. The more status it has, the higher the contingent.
  • It is worth paying attention to the organizers. There are always those whose events are consistently interesting, with excellent speakers.

Suggest franchise or affiliate program? Perhaps you have special offer for your customers, special conditions for the delivery of your goods, exclusive services that will easily interest the business audience? Let all interested companies know about it in our "Partnership" section. Your proposal for cooperation in any area will be seen by the entire audience of our site, you will only have to consider the responses of your potential partners and choose best deals!

Do you want to start your own business, but don't know how to start your own business from scratch? To open your own business, you can offer ideas, everything else can be found with the help of Finatica!

Hundreds, maybe thousands of companies and businessmen are looking for business partners every day. Finatica is a unique database of business offers that you create yourself. The search on it is organized in such a way that you can choose not only the direction of the search ("I'm looking for" - "I offer"), but also a specific category of partnership, industry and region of interest to you. For example, you can select categories such as "Looking for a manufacturer", "Looking for an agent, representative", Franchising, "Looking for a distributor, dealer", "I offer myself as a contractor / contractor", etc.

For those who have not yet decided on a specific direction for the growth of their business, we recommend subscribing to the mailing list of new affiliate programs and offers from companies in your area, or view the list of ads in the "Partnership" section more often. Perhaps a particularly advantageous offer is waiting for you! The section can publish both proposals of companies and individual entrepreneurs and individuals.

The search for partners is a difficult topic for Russia, where they are used to negotiating "in a friendly way", and not using legal terms. Russian businessmen are just learning how to draw up multi-page contracts, meticulously write down obligations and penalties for their non-fulfillment. Sometimes an agreement is concluded informally, based on the fact that in Russia it is still impossible to foresee all the nuances.

Before choosing the type of cooperation with a business partner, you first have to find it. To this end:

  • search among relatives, acquaintances, work colleagues;
  • attend events where you can meet potential investors and people ready for cooperation;
  • resort to searching for offers on the Internet;
  • they are looking at hired employees of other commercial structures - someone is invited to the business as a full co-owner.

Business partnership: the most important nuances

Both formal and informal joint commerce agreements will fail if certain rules are not followed. First of all, determine for yourself the main motives for cooperation with another person. It is important to answer 3 questions:

  1. what exactly is meant by partnership (investments, free premises, land, fresh ideas, working hands);
  2. what I will offer to another person as a partner;
  3. how to document a future agreement, protect yourself from risk and dishonorable behavior on the part of a partner.

Partnership means different types cooperation. Partners in Russia are called investors, suppliers, marketers, sales representatives. Therefore, before you advertise on a site with offers of cooperation, decide who exactly is needed and for what. What kind of "baggage" should a potential co-owner have: money, knowledge, experience, information, ability to sell. Is the territory important or will cooperation be remote. Think about what you offer in return. This side of the deal is often forgotten, but a partnership "works" if it benefits both parties. Otherwise, serious people are unlikely to be interested in the announcement.

It's important to know! Partnership involves joint participation in the affairs of the company, investment of capital and joint decision-making. It imposes restrictions and obligations. Sometimes it is easier to hire a person as an employee or to borrow money from him at interest. Relationships are formalized if equal injections into the business are expected from both sides (both in money and some amount of joint work).

How and where to find a business partner in Russia

Before you advertise on the Internet site, it is useful to look around. As a rule, future partners work in related industries, revolve in the same areas, are interested in similar topics and find each other “in step-by-step proximity” - within the sphere of their interests: at the institute, at courses, at work, in the sports section. Business partnership on the Internet is also possible, but practice shows that it is better to keep the company under control directly. It's also easier to check on a person who lives in the same geographic location if you've already met and have mutual acquaintances.