Rewriting exchanges for beginners. Rewriting - what is it? Rewriting for beginners

Sergey Arsentiev

Copywriting and rewriting exchange - which text exchange to choose

The text exchange for a beginner copywriter is the easiest way to start earning your first money with your writing skills. Because any novice copywriter needs to start by finding customers for his talent.

But you need to know where to look. Start "fishing" where you have to - waste your time, earn nothing, spit and be disappointed in copywriting in particular and making money on the Internet in general.

Generally speaking, the places inhabited by potential clients quite a bit of. However, most customers are on specialized Internet exchanges (or "freelance exchanges" or "text exchanges").

What are text exchanges.
In fact, these are ordinary sites on which, after registration, clients have the opportunity to place a task, and the contractor can see and submit his application. Thus, the client usually receives a lot of applications from performers and he makes his choice in favor of one or another candidate who completely satisfied him, for example, by price or by some other parameters.

To date, there are a couple of dozen such freelance exchanges in Runet, ranging from eminent ones to almost unknown half-finished projects. Below I will give my thoughts on the account of certain exchanges, and I will advise you on good options for starting.

Where to create an account?

I will give you free advice, on which you will save a lot of time and money: do not mess with very cheap highly specialized copywriting and rewriting exchanges, like,, textsale, etc.

I feel sorry to see so many worthy copywriters who are bogged down in this swamp called “15 rub. for 1000 characters, need in an hour".

However, if you are attracted to a specialized "text" exchange, then register on, at least that's where I'm looking for performers at the moment. This is the most advanced text exchange to date.

Naturally, any text exchanges are not the ultimate dream and you have a lot of money on them. you won't earn. But 30,000-50,000 Russian. rubles a month, working 4-5 hours a day, you can even earn money from text exchanges. True, not with any.

Make accounts exclusively on the most serious copywriting exchanges and download them there. What will it give you:

  • On such exchanges, prices are usually higher: this is due to the “diversity” of the goals and objectives of clients (someone needs extremely cheap texts, and someone wants to get an interesting article and is ready to pay more for it).
  • Usually there is no nervousness and haste that reigns in cheap highly specialized text exchanges.
  • 99.9% of all customers of cheap exchanges are outbids (by definition, it is unprofitable to work with them).
  • There is a development on serious text exchanges, and a versatile one: if after some time you decide not only to write texts, but also master design, translations, abstracts, content management, layout, or something else, then you will not need to start everything from scratch, start another account, earn reviews - you will be judged by the existing serious account, and you will save years and thousands of dollars!

Of the minuses of serious freelance exchanges for beginners, only the monthly fee can be noted. But usually she "fights back" for a week of work. There is no need to be afraid that this money will not be returned to you. If you follow my 5 Steps to Getting Started and 5 Steps to Making Money (in fact, 10 articles in total), you will definitely succeed.

The first month I invested $5 and made $100 with some of the best . So feel free to buy an account on the copywriting exchange and start normal work.

Create accounts on several exchanges
Now about the most popular exchanges in more detail.

Very important point is the blocking of too cheap projects by site moderators. Therefore, on Weblancer you will not find projects: “Rewrite for 7 rubles”, the moderator simply will not let them through. At the time of this writing, the minimum cost of rewriting was 25 rubles. for 1000 characters.

I recommend creating accounts with the same nicknames on these three freelance exchanges. Until you start looking for clients, your money accounts will not “eat”, but they will get older. And in 2, 3, 6 months or even a year, when you start looking for clients not only on one exchange, but also on another, it will be very useful for you, because, with other equal conditions a client is more likely to order a copyright from a freelancer who has been on the exchange for a year than from someone who created an account the day before yesterday.

Video course from me for free!

Here I have a free video course about. It was with the help of these methods that I once entered the TOP-10 among the copywriters of the international Weblancer exchange, leaving behind more than a thousand competitors. See and act

So active search customers, it makes sense to start with and You can try your hand at Free-lance ( if you have a natural writing talent with a distinct style of your own, or even better if you have a serious portfolio that includes several high-quality personal publications in offline publications. In this case, there is a chance, by setting a price lower than that of the "old men", to take a good order. Otherwise, the risk of losing $20 and wasted time is too great.

Video which exchange to choose for a beginner

Let me remind you, you can watch the full video course.

If you, like me once, want to start with a simple order for regular texts for websites or for rewriting with a minimum financial risk, then start learning Weblancer .

By the way, maybe you know some promising copywriting or rewriting exchange for beginners, which already has solvent customers? Write, I will be grateful.

If you are considering ways to make money on the Internet, then you certainly will not pass by such an option as rewriting. What does this mean and can it be useful for you? In this article, we will look at this way of earning, rewriting techniques, as well as how much you can earn and how to get money.

Freelancing as a chance

The development of the Internet as a virtual world with endless possibilities has given the opportunity to earn money without leaving home. If ten years ago “making money on the Internet” was synonymous with the words “another scam”, today this is really a chance for many to receive stable income. After all, someone creates a virtual space, fills it with articles, photo and video materials, films, books that are interesting for users.

It takes a whole army of "servants" of the Internet to encourage people to visit their favorite sites again and again. These ministers are called freelancers, which means "civil employees" in English. Freelancing abroad is much more developed than in our country, and they earn many times more there. If you are fluent in a foreign language, then you can earn money “abroad”, that is, on sites hosted on foreign domains, since there are no borders on the Internet. But we, in the vastness of Runet, have an opportunity for those who are ready to work.

What is a rewrite

To most accurately imagine what the essence of rewriting is, remember the assignment from the literature lessons called "statement". You read a short text several times, after which you try to write the same thing, but in your own words. Rewriting is the same presentation, but according to special rules. Firstly, you can not invent from yourself what is not in the original article.

You can not insert your opinion or comments on what is written into the text. If there are quotes, then their preservation is negotiated with the customer of the rewrite. And, of course, no grammatical or lexical errors are allowed. The word "rewrite" is formed from the English word "write", which means "to write", and the prefix "re-". The resulting word means "rewrite", which, in fact, is the meaning of rewriting.

Who Should Consider Rewriting?

The good thing about working online is that you can try any kind of freelancing and see if it suits you. In ordinary life, it is impossible to try out the work of an economist, a hairdresser and a pizza maker in a couple of days. But the Internet has its own rules.

Before considering rewriting as a money-making opportunity, answer the following questions:

  1. Do you have a mathematical or humanitarian mindset? Rewriting on the Internet is not suitable for people who consider themselves more mathematicians than humanists. After all, the basis of activity is the ability to quickly state the text in your own words.
  2. Did you like language and literature at school? Can you say that writing is your forte? If not, then you should not even consider rewriting as a way to make money. This kind of work will bring you not money, but constant frustration and headache.
  3. Do you have a good vocabulary? If you admit you don't, then it's also not worth spending time learning about rewriting. After all, the essence of this work is to rewrite the original text in other words and at the same time your version will turn out to be quite literary and easily perceived by readers.
  4. Do you write well? If your literacy is lame, then you will not succeed in becoming a successful rewriter. The computer checks spelling, but the trouble with artificial intelligence is that it is less perfect than any person. Even texts edited in Word will in any case not be as good as those written by a literate and erudite person.

Who needs these services?

Rewriting (what kind of work is this, you already have general idea) can be mastered by almost anyone. But who needs these rewritten texts? As we have already said, new “building blocks” are needed to create a virtual space, and fresh articles are just such necessary elements.

The fact is that search engines are designed in such a way that on the first pages, in response to a user's request, sites with unique content are issued. "Unique content" means that the information for a given search has not been previously published on any of the sites.

The owner of any site is interested in having new visitors. To do this, it is necessary to constantly fill the site with information that is interesting for potential customers of the owner. But he does not always have a high style in order to create interesting texts himself. In this case, why not turn to people who will create unique articles or rewrite ready-made texts? To search for such employees, there are rewriting and copywriting exchanges.

Where to find a job as a rewriter

If you decide to try your hand at rewriting, then there is no better place to start than special exchanges. These sites are located, of course, on the Internet and are a place where customers and performers come together. Customer - a person who needs the services of a rewriter or copywriter. Contractor - one who is ready to fulfill an order on the terms set by the customer, such as the amount of text (measured in characters), terms, specifications(use of certain words in the text, headings, etc.).

Any exchange is an opportunity for a beginner to try out rewriting. Earnings at first, albeit small, but you can get the necessary experience.

What can you count on?

Let's move on to the most interesting part of the article - how much can a person engaged in this type of activity earn? Before answering this question, think how much an engineer can earn. Of course, it all depends on the qualifications of the specialist, the place of work and what exactly the person is working on. For example, a safety engineer in a small provincial firm will earn several times less than a specialist working on the design of a rocket.

If rewriting is your thing, then starting a career with a penny income, you can become a very successful and well-known specialist on the Web. But, of course, you will have to start with inexpensive orders. As mentioned above, payment is made according to the volume, the unit of measurement is 1,000 characters.

Modern rates

Rewriting for beginner freelancers in in large numbers can be found on the stock exchange. You may not have qualifications and ratings (on each exchange it is awarded according to the work performed and customer reviews), so for starters, do not refuse the most inexpensive offers.

You can start from 5-10 rubles for 1,000 characters. When you have the first positive comments, and your rating starts to increase, it's time to move on to more expensive orders. average cost rewriting on domestic exchanges - 30-40 rubles per 1,000 characters. However, this is not the limit. While you are working on such orders, you have the opportunity to prove yourself, get to know customers and, possibly, get a job that is more interesting and, accordingly, more expensive.

Withdrawal of earned money from the system

Since the Internet has long been a separately existing world, its own payment systems naturally appeared in it. Most often, copywriting and rewriting exchanges in Runet use Yandex.Money and Webmoney. By registering in such a system, you will receive your own “purse”, where you can transfer what you earn on the exchange. After that, the money can be withdrawn to a regular bank card.

It is worth mentioning the fact that you will have to pay a small commission to the exchange (for bringing you to the customer and providing the opportunity to choose a job) and the payment system (for the ability to withdraw money). That is, rewriting is a job in which you also need to pay small deductions.


What kind of work is rewriting, you already have a general idea. Retell the originally proposed sample text in your own words, competently, readable and literary. Such rewriting is easy for beginners in this field of freelancing. If you feel confident in this field, you can move on to rewriting, which is valued higher and paid more.

SEO rewriting is the rewriting of given texts, taking into account optimization. This means that you not only need to beautifully retell the text, but also insert the given words and phrases (“keys”), headings and subheadings into it. Such orders are placed by specialists who promote websites on the Web and optimize texts for the needs of visitors. 100-200 rubles for 1,000 characters - this is the average price for SEO rewriting. That this is a pretty good income, it is clear to everyone.


Turning to rewriting, you will immediately encounter the concept of synonymization. A few words about rewriting techniques:

  1. Rewriting the text with the replacement of words with similar meanings is called synonymization. Many people use programs that will readily give out suitable synonyms for words. However, abuse leads to the fact that the text can become unreadable.
  2. Substitutions for paragraphs and sentences. Unlike simple synonymization, a deeper rewriting is already being carried out here. Such a text will be more interesting to the customer, but more skills and abilities will be required from you.
  3. Rewriting as presentation. Rewriting professionals do not look at the original text when writing their version. They read the passage, and then completely rewrite the text in their own words, keeping the main idea.

Try your hand at regular synonymization. If rewriting is your thing, then you will naturally move on to other techniques.

Copywriting and rewriting: the difference between the concepts

When you talk about the difference between rewriting and copywriting, the phrase "party and Lenin" comes to mind.

A novice freelancer tries his hand at rewriting and, if he succeeds, begins to write texts himself, on given topics, thus moving directly to copywriting. People who are easily given such "writing" are not serious about rewriting. Well, absolutely wrong. By rewriting texts, you learn to play with words, to highlight the important from a given text, to change the composition without changing the meaning. This is a very good exercise for freelancing beginners as well as those who have been working in the field for a long time.

Benefits of a rewriter

Let the initial earnings be ridiculous, but later, lacking stars from heaven and very expensive orders, you will be able to receive from 15 to 30 thousand rubles a month, which is comparable to the average earnings of many of our compatriots. Unlike office workers, freelancers do not have a clear daily routine, the need to sit in the office from call to call or communicate with superiors, who are rarely beloved.

Rewriting at home also allows you to minimize the cost of travel, the dress code adopted by the company and other costs that are well known to everyone working for the "uncle". Freelancing is a real salvation for moms or those who cannot work in the usual way.

However, you don't have to work from home. If you have a “sedentary” job, like a janitor or an administrator, then rewriting will be a way not only to kill work time, but at the same time earn some money.

The advantages of rewriting can also be attributed to the constant expansion of horizons. Today you are rewriting an article about cellular communication, tomorrow - about bank loans, the day after tomorrow rewrite reviews of films. You may not become a deep specialist in every topic, but you will become much more aware of many areas of life.

Don't be afraid to take orders on topics you don't find interesting. The fact is that, for example, book reviews are paid lower than rewriting on specific topics, such as construction or medicine. Read articles on your own, develop and become a pro in a certain (and well-paid) field. These are unconditional advantages that you get access to by mastering rewriting. That this is a good income, we hope you understand from this article.

I note right away that this article is unlikely to be useful to experienced rewriters. Moreover, to a professional, it will certainly seem banal, and the tips indicated in it are too simple. Maybe the fact is that people tend to forget the mistakes they made at the dawn of their careers? The only way I can talk about common blunders is through working with a few rookie rewriters. I am writing on fresh tracks.

How to start rewriting an article

From reading the text. For an experienced rewriter, this sounds impossibly trite, but, as it turned out, it is with this item that beginners most often have problems. They choose the “read the sentence → rewrote the sentence → read the new sentence” method. The result is almost the same as in the original, and often the new text seems to be just a weak parody of the original article.

Yes, it can be argued that the simplest superficial rewriting also has the right to life. Of course it is. But, firstly, such work is very cheap, and after all, the goal of a novice freelancer is to gradually move on to more significant earnings (otherwise why do it at all?) And secondly, according to some of my colleagues, this method of writing articles makes them feel like dogs on a chain. You have to suffer, dodge, trying to remake every sentence. Working with text as a whole is often much more convenient.

Try to act differently. Read the article in full. Highlight key facts. If you can't remember, write them down. And then retell the article in your own words. If there is direct speech in the text, rewrite it, and do not insert quotes. With the permission of the customer, you can also change the structure and style of presentation.

Example? Please.

Let's say we have this text:

“We have learned that the wonderful restaurant “Take it out and put it down” will soon cease to exist. This was announced by Zinaida Artemovna Nechaino herself, the director of the institution. When asked about the reasons for such a sad event, she replied: “Unfortunately, a sharp jump in the price of pasta and shrimp forced me to take such a step. The cost of the restaurant's signature dish has increased almost 10 times. As a result, the flow of customers has dried up, people began to order less than before, there is no more profit. Almost all of our regular customers now go to the fish barbecue, which is literally 20 meters from my restaurant. It's a shame, you know." Fortunately, this sad event has a bright side. Zinaida Artemovna announced that she was opening a new institution - Kindergarten for vegan kids. Since there are still few establishments of this orientation, former director restaurant expects to soon join the list of billionaires.

Let's also suppose that we need to rewrite the text, writing the news in a dry, restrained style. After reading the article, we can easily highlight the main facts and even be able to form paragraph topics:

  • The restaurant "Take it out and put it down" is closed. The reason is the rise in prices for pasta and shrimp.
  • The former director of the institution opens a kindergarten for vegetarians.

Remove direct speech, change the style, and we get something like:

“Zinaida Artemovna Nechaino, director of the Vyn-da-pozh restaurant, announced the closure of the institution. According to her, the reason was a decrease in both the number of customers and the average check. Profits plummeted after a price spike in shrimp and pasta forced the director to increase the cost of the signature dish "Take it out and lay it down" by almost 10 times.

Zinaida Artemovna also announced her intention to open a kindergarten for vegetarians. She has bet on an unoccupied niche and is confident that the profits will be colossal.”

Rewriting is not synonymous with you

There is a widespread myth among beginners that the technical uniqueness of the text is enough to please the search engines. And if there is no difference, why work harder? Shouldn't we just replace all the words with synonyms? They wrote instead of “In our company you can buy red wallpaper”, the phrase “In our company it is allowed to buy scarlet materials for wall decoration” and everything is wonderful. No, seriously, I have seen such examples. Using a simple synonymizing technique, people turned even high-quality articles into complete slag.

There is a worse option. At one time, I had a chance to talk with a freelancer who was sure that if we replace the characters “a, c, e” and others from Cyrillic to Latin, then this will be rewriting. And yes, he really handed over the resulting texts to customers, wondering why other freelancers consider it insufficient to pay 10-15 rubles for 1000 characters - work for five minutes.

This approach is absolutely unacceptable.

I understand what pushes novice rewriters on the path of hack-work - low prices. Many beginners type slowly, with one or two fingers, and even for 7-8 hours of work they can write only 10-12 thousand characters. As a result, their earnings average 100-300 rubles. in a day. Surviving on such an “income” is almost impossible, unless the freelancer lives with relatives who give him money for food and clothing. But that doesn't mean there's no point in trying. On the contrary, by improving, you can gradually increase the cost of work. The rewriting price will grow from 15-30 to 150-200 rubles or more for 1000 characters, but only if you write texts better and better. So try, develop, move forward and everything will work out!

Improve original articles, but without fanaticism

By rewriting text, you can significantly improve the source material. This does not mean that every article you have to rewrite should be flawed. However, if you see bad turns, a huge amount of “water”, or notice incoherent presentation, correct these shortcomings when you write your text. For example, from a text devoted to the care of garden roses, you can safely throw out the following paragraph (do not read for the faint of heart):

“As everyone and everyone in our modern world, roses are very beautiful and wonderful flowers that are liked by men and women different ages. This is just a wonderful, wonderfully smelling plant, which every person who has his own garden or at least a summer cottage must plant. Every gardener, without exception, is simply obliged to learn all the rules for caring for these delightful flowers, because, as we said above, they are simply wonderful, amazing, and everyone loves them.

Alas, such texts, in which there is not a gram useful information actually meet. Worse, novice rewriters diligently rewrite them and thus learn to pour a liter of “water” into the article for every grain of meaning. Don't repeat such mistakes. If you can improve the text, do it.

But without fanaticism! There should not be any conjectures and attempts to express a personal opinion on the topic in the article, unless the customer asked for it. Let me explain with an example that we have already taken. Let's return to the news about the closure of the restaurant and imagine that the rewriter would offer the customer this option:

“The public has become aware of the closure of the Take-yes-Polozh restaurant. The director is in despair - there has been no profit for several months, he had to fire half of the employees and get into debt. To get rid of creditors, Zinaida Nechaino even hastened to open a new kindergarten for vegetarians - apparently, she was prompted by the fact that her own son was allergic to chicken. Personally, I'm glad the restaurant closed because the shrimp was disgusting. True, I think that the kindergarten will be no better than a restaurant.

It is important for novice rewriters to remember: there should not be any speculation in the text, because they only mislead the reader. Rely only on the facts that are in the original article. And be careful with your words. For example, if the original says “Instead of washing machine No. 1, the factory will produce model No. 2,” this is not a reason to write “Washing machine No. 1 has been discontinued.” Don't distort the facts.

This article about rewrite I want to dedicate it not only to novice bloggers and optimizers, but also to those who are constantly engaged in rewriting and earn money on it. In this article, I want to touch on how general issues, regarding rewriting, as well as some specific moments of creating high-quality rewriting, which I use in the practice of sites.

What is a rewrite?

Rewrite - this definition is borrowed from in English, which means rewriting or altering existing text. Thus, rewriting differs from copyright in that the text does not need to be created from scratch, but only the existing text needs to be uniqueized.

Why is rewriting necessary?

If a site or even an online store has a certain theme, then in order to accumulate an array of keywords on the site, it is necessary to periodically add a certain amount of SEO-optimized text for relevant key queries in the form of articles or product descriptions. Of course, if the topic of the site is highly specialized, then it becomes difficult to constantly write new articles on the same topic, even if you know this topic very well. Moreover, the question of the uniqueness of the text in the form of product descriptions is especially relevant for online stores, the products in which are functionally simple, similar and numerous.

If you are a would-be blogger or a moneymaker, and your imagination is especially tight to write an article on your own, but you don’t want to post an outright copy-paste. Although, a good rewriting is also not an easy task, especially for those who have a vocabulary of no more than 100 words.

Filling with quality content is one of the conditions for increasing the trust of the site. In this regard, the SEO services market is represented by rewriting offers as well.

In such a situation, a quality rewrite comes to the rescue. As you can see, the scope of rewriting is very wide.

The principle of operation of automatic services and programs for rewriting text.

To date, a certain number of programs have been created to uniqueize the text. The main programs known to me are WordSyn, synmaster, and so on. Also, there are online services. I will not do a detailed review of each of them, in view of their general uselessness. I will only say that they all have one thing in common - this is the algorithm of their work. It consists in synonymizing the text using different dictionaries.

Such synonymized text is absolutely useless. For the user, it is usually not readable, because. looks like a meaningless jumble of words. It is clear that the visitor runs from such a page or site. For search engines such text is not unique, since the uniqueness of the text is based on shingles. They, with a certain step, overlapping each other, are encoded into a certain checksum. Even if certain words are changed to synonyms, the checksum remains the same. Which, in turn, speaks of the non-uniqueness of the text.

As a result, such a rewrite cannot be called high-quality and useful, but on the contrary, it is harmful. After all, it happens easily and quickly from the evil one ...

How to make a quality rewrite?

Now you understand, no program will give you a quality rewrite of the text except yourself! And now, below are my recommendations for creating a high-quality rewrite:

1. use synonyms- Contrary to the above, this recommendation does not harm the quality of the rewrite. However, it is not isolated - you need to use different synonyms with other recommendations.

2. do a paraphrase- by and large, the same sentence can be written in different versions without losing or changing its essence. From a practical point of view, this may look like a rearrangement of parts of the sentence.

3. add additional words- by additional or diluted words, I mean various prepositions, adverbs, epithets and other words that can be added without harming the semantic load of the sentence.

4. change overall structure proposals- here I mean splitting long sentences into shorter ones. Or combining several short sentences into one.

5. change the structure of articles- if the article consists of several paragraphs or paragraphs, try to swap them, without compromising the meaning, using all the other methods of content uniqueization listed above.

How to check the quality of a rewrite?

There are two simple ways. You can take any long phrase or sentence from the text, copy it and enter it into the search. If the search results contain phrases or sentences with a very strong match, then we can assume that the rewriting of the content is very bad. The risk of sanctions for copy-paste is very high.

The second option, which I use more often, is the content uniqueness check service. We enter the text from the rewrite up to 3000 characters, press the "Check" button and wait a few minutes. This service makes it possible to measure the uniqueness of content in%. Personally, I advise you to do a rewrite with a quality of at least 95% uniqueness, although many say that rewriting with a uniqueness of 80% will also fail...

Today you will learn what a real rewrite is, at least as it is seen by the vast majority of users of the modern Russian Internet. That is, we will talk specifically about the fastest, easiest, unfortunately often not of very high quality, but of course the cheapest way to write unique articles for sites on the Internet and make money on them, about fast and cheap rewriting.

And I advise the owners of their own sites to try to post the highest quality content, unless of course you create your sites for the purpose of their further development and promotion, and not for the purpose of making money on them for several months, and then again making a new site, and so on ad infinitum.

Well, in the next article, finally completing this topic on writing a rewrite, you will learn about all the remaining unusual ways of high-quality rewriting, and of course, we will additionally discuss how to learn how to do it.