Artistic photographs of famous photographers. The best photographers in the world and their famous works

We have already talked about people's predilection for deriving all sorts of ratings and top lists, on the "best", "great", "famous", etc. We talked about and. Today we will talk about the most, in our opinion, the most influential photographers of all time. Let's talk about ten photographers who have had the greatest influence on the development of photography as an art.

10 Most Influential Photographers of All Time - Richard Avedon

In the first position of influential photographers is an American photographer - Richard Avedon (Richard Avedon). Avedon is an American fashion and portrait photographer who defined the American style, image, beauty and culture of the second half of the 20th century with his work. Avedon was the epitome of a modern photographer - charming and elegant. He easily mixed photographic genres and created successful, commercial, iconic, memorable images. He was the first to take a wide-format portrait, against a stark white background, using two images in one shot, allowing the portrait story to be told in one shot.

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10 Most Influential Photographers of All Time - William Eugene Smith

American photojournalist William Eugene Smith continues the list of influential photographers. Smith was obsessed with his work, he refused to make any professional compromise. He went down in history with truthful, cruel and compromising black and white photographs of the Second World War. Member of the photo agency "". During the Second World War, he worked as a military photojournalist and correspondent. The author of amazing reportage black-and-white photographs.

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10 Most Influential Photographers of All Time - Helmut Newton

On the third position, already known to us the German "seller of sex" Helmut Newton (Helmut Newton). Newton had an undeniable influence on the development of erotic photography, creating a powerful image of a woman. With his work, he defined the main canons of fashion photography. He was the first to use ring flash for fashion photography.

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10 Most Influential Photographers of All Time - Irving Penn

This is followed by an American fashion photographer, portraitist Irving Penn (Irving Penn). It is believed that every photographic portrait or symbolic still life owes something to Pen. He was the first photographer to make the most of the simplicity of black and white in photography. Considered a leading genius photographer for Vogue magazine.

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10 Most Influential Photographers of All Time - Guy Louis Bourdin

On the fifth position is the French photographer Guy Bourdin (GuyLouis Bourdin). No fashion photographer has been more copied by others than Bourdain. He was the first photographer to create storytelling complexity in his work. Many epithets are needed to characterize the work of a photographer. They are sensual, provocative, shocking, exotic, surreal, sometimes sinister. And Bourdain brought all this to fashion photography.

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10 Most Influential Photographers of All Time - Henri Cartier-Bresson

The ten influential photographers are continued by the founder of the greatest photographic agency "", a French documentary photographer, the father of documentary photography and photojournalism, in general, the greatest. One of the first who began to use 35 mm film when shooting. Creator " The Decisive Moment", the so-called "decisive moment". He believed that a real photograph cannot be subjected to any change. He worked on the creation of the "Street photography" genre, in which he defended the principles of sudden, non-staged photography. He left behind a great photographic legacy, which today is educational material for anyone who wants to become a professional documentary filmmaker and photojournalist.

10 Most Influential Photographers of All Time - Diane Arbus

The only female photographer on our list is an American photographer. During her short, fast-paced life, Arbus was able to say so much that her photographs are still the subject of controversy and discussion. She was the first to pay close attention to people outside the norm, per se.

10 Most Influential Photographers of All Time - Elliott Erwitt

This is followed by French advertising photographer, documentary photographer Elliott Erwitt. Elliott is one of Henri Cartier-Breson's "decisive moment" masters. Member of the photographic agency Magnum Photos. Has an unsurpassed sense of humor with which he approaches the creation of each photo Everyday life. Master of documentary street photography. Big dog lover.

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10 Most Influential Photographers of All Time - Walker Evans

On the ninth position of our influential ten is an American photographer, known for a series of works dedicated to the Great Depression - Walker Evans (Walker Evans). Considered a chronicler American life, which through the composition created order and beauty in the frame.

10 Most Influential Photographers of All Time - Martin Parr

Rounding out the top 10 most influential photographers is British photographer and photojournalist Martin Parr. A member of the photographic agency Magnum Photos, Martine Parr had a major influence on the development of documentary photography in the late 20th century. Unlike classic black and white genre photography, Parr uses intense colors, thereby elevating the ordinary everyday shot to the level of art. Considered the leading chronicler of daily life in England.

AT this section presented in a large number of portfolios of famous, creative and best photographers of our time.

12-03-2018, 22:59

We offer you a selection of amazing works, after viewing which you will definitely have an idea about the shooting process and realism. A photographer named Mikhail Zagornatsky first picked up his own camera in 2011. I was self-taught in the process of learning photography. The main directions are conceptual and fine art photography. In recent projects, there are absolutely no elements of Photoshop.
The master likes to create his creations in real time, without piece additives. Before a new project, it takes a lot of time to prepare the right props and draw up a creative plan. The camera lens shows only true beauty.

7-03-2018, 20:14

If you ever visit Gloucestershire, be sure to visit the picturesque village of Bybury. A famous artist and singer named William Morris called this place the most amazing English village. Many tourists agree with this opinion to this day. The scenery of the village can be seen on the inside cover of a British passport.
The total population of the village is about six hundred people. For many centuries, an authentic atmosphere has been maintained, even despite the frequent arrivals of tourists. Baybury is a typical English village. Now the population is about 600 people. The river Koln flows through the territory of the village.

5-01-2018, 18:25

Today we want to present the work of a talented female photographer named Ann Guyer. Recently, she presented her original photo series. The main source of inspiration was pets and charming autumn leaf fall.
Ann began to be interested in the art of photography as a child. The girl watched her father, a photographer, who created interesting work. But the final infatuation began about seven years ago. The primary source of inspiration was Cindy's first dog. You can see more amazing photos thanks to our today's article.

15-12-2017, 22:16

Today we will introduce you to the work of a young but very talented photographer named Craig Burrows. He photographs various flowers and plants using state-of-the-art UVIVF technology. All the subtleties of the process of creating new works are not exactly known. The master highlights the fluorescent glow in his work with the help of UV light. During the shooting process, UV radiation is blocked in the lens.
At the moment, Burrows has only individual flowers and plants in his arsenal, but his immediate plans similar works with whole gardens. For major works 100-watt floodlights will be used. detailed photos look in today's materials!

15-12-2017, 22:16

Today's selection of photos will tell all the secrets of Patty Waymire's journey to an island called Barter. This area is located off the coast of distant Alaska. The main goal was to photograph wonderful polar bears in a snowy area. But after arriving at the site, Patty did not find the expected snow, even before the sea ice began to form. The conceived ideas for photographs had to be put aside, and the local owners of the sea ice lay serenely on the sandy shore. Such a sad picture should serve for each of us as a clear example of the impact of mankind on the surrounding atmosphere. Look for more photos in the materials of our today's article.

23-06-2017, 12:45

Our today's material will tell about the work of a self-taught photographer named Daniel Zhezhiha. In his works he uses the technique of minimalism and classic black and white photography. It is in these shades that all the subtleties of photography are transmitted. Daniel comes from the small town of Krupke, which is located near Teplice. Throughout his childhood, he was very fond of traveling and the surrounding nature. The first passion for photography began precisely in various travels, in which the boy took pictures on a soap dish.
The first thought about professional photography came in 2006, after which a Pentax camera was bought. Since then, Zhezhiha has been completely immersed in the world of filming!

22-06-2017, 12:18

A professional photographer named Elena Chernyshova works in the documentary genre. Originally from Moscow, but currently lives and works in France. Initially, Elena graduated from the Faculty of Architecture, but after working in her specialty for a couple of years, she decided to do something else. The idea to become a photographer came about after a bicycle trip from Tula to Vladivostok, she covered such a huge distance in 1004 days.
Many of Cheshnyshova's works can be seen in world famous publishing houses. She dedicated her new series called "Winter" to the chic beauty of the Russian winter. In each of the works, the whole atmosphere of this wonderful time of the year is very subtly conveyed.

21-06-2017, 10:14

A clear starry sky is becoming a rare phenomenon for the inhabitants of modern megapoles, and the night starry sky has always been a great mystery for man, and man has always wanted to know what is there above the sky, in the universe strewn with myriads of stars. Finnish photographer Oskar Keserci is fond of photographing the starry sky. Most of the year in Finland are cold. At night, the temperature drops to 30 degrees below zero.
The blue hues of the photographs are just right to convey the feeling of frosty Finnish nights, says Oscar. It is on a starry night that you can experience special sensations that will immerse you in a fantasy world. A series of photos of the master is presented in our review!

See also - ,

David Barnett has been a photojournalist for 40 years. His camera is not hunting beautiful landscapes and seals - it is aimed at important events that become symbols of the era. David's photographs allow you to look at the world from the outside. His works are a living textbook of history, which, instead of dry facts, demonstrates the bright events of our time.

I like David. While other pros are buying their own, he's wearing an ancient 60 year old Speed ​​Graphic camcorder. Of course, he has expensive professional equipment. But, apparently, he understands perfectly well: an expensive camera - nice bonus, but not mandatory condition for a good picture. A real master can make a good shot even with a "soap box" for 30 bucks.

  • A simple example: in 2000, David won the Eyes of History competition by taking a picture with a cheap $30 Holga plastic camera.

When Helmut was a teenager, the Gestapo arrested his father. Newton fled Germany and moved to Australia, where he served in the Australian army until the end of the Second World War ... This seems to be the way to write a description if you were bitten by a Wikipedia moderator.

The biographies of talented people often look too flawless, like a VIP chamber in private clinic- the same sterile clean and far from real life. German-Australian photographer, worked for Vogue magazine, sometimes shot in the nude genre ... This sparse retelling does not give any idea of ​​who Newton Hellmuth was.

And he was a sincere snob without delusions of grandeur, who loved the glitter of high society. He preferred to shoot rich people and stay in luxury hotels. And he spoke honestly about this, considering himself a rather superficial, but truthful person.

Until he suffered a heart attack in 1971, Hellmuth smoked 50 cigarettes a day and could party for a week. But a heart attack revealed an incredible truth to the 50-year-old photographer: it turns out that a rampant “youthful” lifestyle can end very sadly with age.

Having been on the verge of death, Helmut quit smoking, began to lead a more measured life and promised himself to shoot only what was interesting to him.

Helmut Newton on things he hates:

  • I hate good taste. This is a boring phrase, from which all living things suffocate.
  • I hate it when everything is inside out - it's cheap.
  • I hate dishonesty in photography: pictures taken in the name of some artistic principles are fuzzy and grainy.

Yuri Arkurs is one of the most successful stock photographers in the world. Instead of photographing sunrises and fog in a city park, he photographs what is for sale: happy families and pills, money and students. And on special sites called photo stocks, all this is sold and bought. And in this area, Arkurs became a real guru who showed by personal example how you can earn, achieve heights and even enjoy doing commercial stock photography.

Yuri was born and raised in Denmark. He began to earn money on photo stocks in his student years in order to pay for his studies. At that time, the only model he could shoot was his girlfriend. But soon additional income became the main one for Yuri: in a few years, in 2008, he was earning up to $90,000 a month on photo stocks.

Today this guy is selling his work large companies: MTV, Sony, Microsoft, Canon, Samsung and Hewlett Packard. His shooting day costs $6,000. And this whole story has become a real fairy tale about Cinderella for freelancers with a camera.

How realistic is it to repeat such a path to success? Who knows. We can only state that today Yuriy Arkurs is one of the most successful stock photographers.

Irvin Penn liked to take pictures, but did not attach much importance to this hobby. His main job was art design: Irwin designed magazine covers and even got a job as an assistant art editor at the popular Vogue magazine.

But cooperation with eminent photographers of this publication did not work out. Penn was constantly dissatisfied with their work and could not explain to them what he needed. As a result, he waved his hand and took up the camera himself. And how he took it: the pictures were so successful that the authorities persuaded him to retrain as a photographer.

Irwin was the first to shoot models on a white or gray background - there was nothing superfluous in the frame. Incredible attention to every detail earned him a reputation as one of the best portrait photographers of his day. This allowed Penn to shoot various celebrities, including Al Pacino and Hitchcock, Salvador Dali and Pablo Picasso.

Gursky inherited his love for photography from his father: he was an advertising photographer and taught his son all the intricacies of his craft. Therefore, Andreas did not hesitate with the choice of profession: he graduated from the school of professional photographers and the State Academy of Arts.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about this because I've got the wiki moderator syndrome back on track. It's just that Andreas is one of the few photographers from our rating who thoroughly approached this occupation, and did not shoot by chance.

After completing his studies, Gursky began to travel the world. Experimenting and gaining new experience, he found his own style, which is now his hallmark: Andreas takes huge pictures, the dimensions of which are measured in meters. Looking at their reduced copies on a computer screen, it is difficult to appreciate the effect that they produce in full growth.

Whether Gursky shoots a panorama of a city or a river landscape, people or factories, his pictures are striking in their scale and peculiar monotony of details in the photo.

For most of his life, Ansel Adams has photographed nature in the Western United States. He traveled a lot, photographing the wildest and most inaccessible corners of national parks. His love for nature was expressed not only in photography: Ansel actively advocated the preservation and protection of the environment.

But what Adams did not like was pictorialism, popular in the first half of the 20th century, a method of photography that made it possible to take photographs that looked like paintings. In contrast, Ansel and a friend founded the f / 64 group, which professed the principles of the so-called “straight photography”: shoot everything honestly and realistically, without any filters, post-processing or other bells and whistles.

Group f/64 was founded in 1932, at the very beginning of Ansel's career. But he was true to his convictions, so he retained his love for nature and documentary photography until the end of his life.

  • You must have seen the screensaver on your desktop, which depicts the Teton Range and the Snake River against the backdrop of the setting sun:

So, Adams was the first to capture this landscape from this angle. His black-and-white photograph was included in 116 images that were recorded on the Voyager gold plate - this is a message from earthlings to unknown civilizations sent into space 40 years ago. Now the aliens will think that we do not have color cameras, but there are good photographers.

I like Sebastian's biography. This is a natural evolution that happens to any idealist throughout life.

Salgado himself told this story in an interview when he visited Moscow in February 2016. At 25, he, along with his wife, moved from Brazil to Europe. From there, they planned to go to the Soviet Union and enter the Peoples' Friendship University in order to build a society without social inequality. But in 1970, their dreams were destroyed by a friend from Prague - the Czechs tasted plenty of communism in 1968.

So, this guy dissuaded the spouses, explaining that in the USSR no one is building communism. Power does not belong to the people, and if they want to fight for the happiness of ordinary people, they can stay and help immigrants. Salgado listened to his friend and stayed in France.

He trained as an economist, but quickly realized that this was not his. His wife, Lelia Salgado, had a more creative profession - she was a pianist ... but she was also disappointed in her occupation and decided to become an architect. It was she who bought their first camera to shoot architecture. As soon as Sebastian looked at the world through the viewfinder, he immediately knew that he had found his true passion. And after 2 years he became a professional photographer.

According to Salgado himself, economic education gave him knowledge in the field of history and geography, sociology and anthropology. A huge store of knowledge opened up opportunities for him that are inaccessible to other photographers: an understanding of human society in various parts of our planet. He has traveled to over 100 countries, taking an incredible amount of documentary photography.

But do not think that Sebastian photographed exotic beaches and funny animals while relaxing on tropical islands. His travels are completely different. Initially, an idea is born: "Workers", "Terra", "Renaissance" - these are just some of the names of his albums. After that, preparations for the trip begin and the trip itself, which can take several years.

Many of his works are devoted to human suffering: he photographed refugees in African countries, victims of famine and genocide. Some critics even began to reproach Salgada for presenting poverty and suffering as something aesthetic. Sebastian himself is sure that the matter is different: according to him, he never took pictures of those who look pathetic. Those he photographed were in distress, but they had dignity.

And it would be fundamentally wrong to think that Salgado was "promoting" on someone else's grief. On the contrary, he drew the attention of mankind to those troubles that many did not notice. The situation when Sebastian completed Exodus in the 1990s is indicative: he was filming people who had escaped the genocide. After the trip, he admitted that he was disappointed in people and no longer believes that humanity can survive. He returned to Brazil and took some time off to recover.

Fortunately, this story has a happy ending: the old idealist regained his faith in beauty, and is now busy with another project, photographing the untouched corners of our planet.

If you start typing in a search engine , then Google will display a drop-down box with the option "Steve McCurry Afghan Girl". This is rather strange, because McCurry is too mustachioed for a girl, albeit an Afghan one.

In fact, the "Afghan Girl" is Steve's most famous photograph to feature on the cover of National Geographic magazine. Even the Wikipedia article about this guy starts with a story about this:

  • “Steve is a mustachioed American photojournalist who photographed an Afghan girl”. (Wikipedia)

Most articles about this photographer begin with a similar phrase, including our story about him. One gets the impression that he is a one-man actor, like Daniel Radcliffe or Macaulay Culkin. But it is not so.

Steve's career as a professional photographer began during the war in Afghanistan. He did not travel around the country in a Hammer, hiding behind the backs of the military, but stayed among ordinary people: he got local clothes, sewed rolls of photographic film into them and traveled around the country like an ordinary Afghan. Or as an ordinary American spy disguised as an Afghan - someone could consider this option. So Steve took a risk, but thanks to him, the world saw the first photos of that conflict.

Since then, McCurry has not changed his approach to work: he wandered around the world, taking pictures of different people. Steve captured many military conflicts and became a true master of street photography. Although in fact McCurry is a photojournalist, he managed to blur the line between documentary and art photography. His photographs are bright and attractive, like a postcard, but at the same time truthful. They do not require any explanations or comments - everything is clear without words. To create such photos, you need a rare flair.

Annie Leibovitz is a real specialist in portrait photography of stars. Her photographs graced the covers of the most popular magazines, causing stormy emotions and discussions. Who else would have thought to take a picture of Whoopi Goldberg grimacing in a bath of milk? Or a naked John Lennon cuddled up against Yoko Ono in a fetal position? By the way, this was the last picture in his life, taken a few hours before Chapman's fatal shot.

Annie's biography looks quite smooth: after studying at the San Francisco Art Institute, Leibovitz got a job at Rolling Stone magazine. She worked with him for over 10 years. During this time, Annie has earned a reputation for being able to photograph any celebrity in an interesting and creative way. And this is quite enough to achieve success in modern show business.

Having gained some fame, Annie moves to New York, where she opens her own photography studio. In 1983, she began working with Vanity Fair magazine, which sponsored her subsequent outrageous celebrity shots. Shooting naked Demi Moore at the last stage of pregnancy or smearing with clay and exposing Sting in the desert is quite in the spirit of Leibovitz. Like forcing Cate Blanchett to ride a bike or forcing a goose to take pictures with DiCaprio. No wonder her work is so popular!

Who else can boast that he photographed the Queen of England, Michael Jackson, Barack Obama and many, many other celebrities? And, mind you, he didn’t shoot as a paparazzi, hiding behind a bush, but arranged a full-fledged photo shoot? That is why Annie Leibovitz is considered, if not the best, then the most successful contemporary photographer. Although somewhat poppy.

1. Henri Cartier-Bresson

Craving for art Henri inherited from his uncle: he was an artist and got his nephew hooked on painting. This slippery slope eventually led him to a passion for photography. What did Henri do that made him different from hundreds and thousands of other photographers?

He comprehended a simple truth: everything must be done honestly and for real. Therefore he refused staged photos never asked someone to play a prank certain situation. Instead, he kept a close eye on what was going on around him.

In order to remain inconspicuous during the shooting, Henri sealed the shiny metal parts on the camera with black electrical tape. He became a real "invisible", which allowed him to capture the most sincere feelings of people. And for this, it’s not enough not to attract attention - you need to be able to determine the decisive moment for a photo. It was Henri who coined the term, "the decisive moment," and even wrote a book with that title.

To summarize: Cartier-Bresson's photos are distinguished by lively realism. For such work, some professional skills are not enough. It is necessary to sensitively understand the nature of a person, to capture his emotions and mood. All this was inherent in Henri Cartier-Bresson. He was honest in his work.

Don't be a snob... Repost!

A collection of iconic photographs from the past 100 years that showcase
the grief of loss and the triumph of the human spirit...

An Australian kisses his Canadian girlfriend. Canadians rioted after the Vancouver Canucks lost the Stanley Cup.

Three sisters, three "lengths" of time, three photos.

Two legendary captains Pele and Bobby Moore exchange jerseys as a sign of mutual respect. FIFA World Cup, 1970.

1945 Petty Officer Graham Jackson plays "Goin' Home" at President Roosevelt's funeral on April 12, 1945.

1952. 63-year-old Charlie Chaplin.

Eight-year-old Christian accepts the flag during a memorial service for his father. Who was killed in Iraq just a few weeks before he was due to return home.

A veteran near the T34-85 tank, on which he fought during the Great Patriotic War.

Romanian child hands balloon police officer during protests in Bucharest.

Police Captain Ray Lewis arrested for participating in the Wall Street protests in 2011.

A monk next to an elderly man who died suddenly while waiting for a train in Shanxi Taiyuan, China.

A dog named "Leao" sits for two days at the grave of his owner, who died in terrible landslides.
Rio de Janeiro, January 15, 2011

African American athletes Tommy Smith and John Carlos raise their black-gloved fists in solidarity. Olympic Games, 1968

Jewish prisoners at the time of their release from the camp. 1945

The funeral of President John F. Kennedy, which took place on November 25, 1963, the birthday of John F. Kennedy Jr.
Footage of JFK Jr saluting his father's coffin was broadcast around the world.

Christians protect Muslims during prayer. Egypt, 2011.

A North Korean man (right) waves from a bus to a weeping South Korean man after a family reunion at Mount Kumgang October 31, 2010. They were separated by the 1950-53 war.

The dog met with his owner after the tsunami in Japan. 2011.

"Wait for me, daddy" is a photograph of a march by the British Columbia Regiment. Five-year-old Warren "Whitey" Bernard ran from his mother to his father, Private Jack Bernard, yelling "Wait for me, Dad." The photograph became widely known, was published in Life, hung in every school in British Columbia during the war, and was used in war bond issues.

Priest Luis Padillo and a soldier wounded by a sniper during an uprising in Venezuela.

A mother and son in Concord, Alabama, near their home, which was completely destroyed by a tornado. April, 2011

A guy looks at a family album he found in the rubble of his old house after the earthquake in Sichuan.

4-month-old girl after the Japanese tsunami.

French citizens at the entrance of the Nazis to Paris during World War II.

Soldier Horace Greasley confronts Heinrich Himmler while inspecting the camp in which he was imprisoned. Surprisingly, Greasley left the camp many times to meet the German girl he was in love with.

A fireman gives water to a koala during wildfires. Australia 2009.

Father dead son, at the 9/11 memorial. During the tenth annual ceremonies, on the grounds of the World Trade Center.

Jacqueline Kennedy at the swearing-in of Lyndon Johnson as President of the United States. Immediately after the death of her husband.

Tanisha Blevin, 5, holds the hand of Hurricane Katrina survivor Nita Lagarde, 105.

A girl, who is in temporary isolation to detect and clean up radiation, looks at her dog through the glass. Japan, 2011

Journalists Yuna Lee and Laura Ling, who were arrested in North Korea and sentenced to 12 years hard labor, have been reunited with their families in California. After successful US diplomatic intervention.

Meeting mother with her daughter, after serving in Iraq.

Young pacifist Jane Rose Casmere, with a flower on the bayonets of the Pentagon guards.
During a protest against the Vietnam War. 1967

"The Man Who Stopped the Tanks"...
An iconic photo of an unknown rebel standing in front of a column of Chinese tanks. Tiananmen, 1989

Harold Whittles hears for the first time in his life - the doctor has just installed a hearing aid for him.

Helen Fisher kisses a hearse carrying the body of her 20-year-old cousin, Private Douglas Halliday.

US Army troops making landfall during D-Day. Normandy, 6 June 1944.

World War II prisoner released by the Soviet Union meets his daughter.
The girl sees her father for the first time.

A Sudan People's Liberation Army soldier during a rehearsal for the Independence Day parade.

Greg Cook hugging his lost dog after he was found. Alabama, after a tornado in March 2012.

Photo taken by astronaut William Anders during the Apollo 8 mission. 1968

Take a closer look at this photo. This is one of the most remarkable photographs ever taken. The baby's tiny hand reached out from the womb to squeeze the surgeon's finger. By the way, the child is 21 weeks from conception, the age when he can still be legally aborted. The tiny pen in the photo belongs to a baby who was due to be born on December 28 last year. The photo was taken during an operation in America.

The first reaction is to recoil in horror. Similar to close-up some terrible incident. And then you notice, in the very center of the photo, a tiny hand grasping the surgeon's finger.
The child is literally grasping for life. Therefore, this is one of the most remarkable photographs in medicine and a record of one of the most extraordinary operations in the world. It shows a 21-week-old fetus in the womb, before the very spinal surgery that was required to save the baby from severe brain damage. The operation was performed through a tiny incision in the mother's wall and this is the youngest patient. At this time, the mother may choose to have an abortion.

The most famous photograph that no one has ever seen,” is how Associated Press photographer Richard Drew calls his picture of one of the victims of the World Trade Center, who jumped out of the window to her death on September 11
“On the day that was captured on camera and film more than any other day in history,” Tom Junod later wrote in Esquire, “the only taboo by common consent was taking pictures of people jumping out of windows.” Five years later, Richard Drew's "falling man" remains a terrible artifact of that day that should have changed everything but didn't.

Photographer Nick Yut took a photo of a Vietnamese girl running away from the exploding napalm. It was this picture that made the whole world think about the war in Vietnam.
A photo of 9-year-old girl Kim Fook on June 8, 1972 went down in history forever. Kim first saw this picture 14 months later in a hospital in Saigon, where she was being treated for terrible burns. Kim still remembers running from her siblings on the day of the bombing and can't forget the sound of the bombs falling. A soldier tried to help and doused her with water, unaware that this would make the burns worse. Photographer Nick Yut helped the girl and took her to the hospital. At first, the photographer doubted whether to publish a photo of a naked girl, but then he decided that the world should see this picture.

The photo was later named the best photo of the 20th century. Nick Yut tried to keep Kim from becoming too popular, but in 1982, when the girl was studying at a medical university, the Vietnamese government found her, and since then Kim's image has been used for propaganda purposes. “I was under constant control. I wanted to die, this photo haunted me,” says Kim. She later managed to escape to Cuba to continue her education. There she met her future husband. Together they moved to Canada. Many years later, she finally realized that she couldn't run away from this photo and decided to use it and her fame to fight for peace.

Malcolm Brown, a 30-year-old photographer (Associated Press) from New York, received a phone call and was asked to be at a certain intersection in Saigon the next morning, as something very important is about to happen. He went there with a reporter from the New York Times. soon a car drove up, several Buddhist monks got out of it. Among them is Thich Quang Duc, who sat in a lotus position with a box of matches in his hands, while the rest began to pour gasoline on him. Thich Quang Duc struck a match and turned into a living torch. Unlike the weeping crowd watching him burn, he didn't utter a sound or move. Thich Quang Duc wrote a letter to the then head of the Vietnamese government asking him to stop the repression of Buddhists, stop the detention of monks and give them the right to profess and spread their religion, but did not receive a response

On December 3, 1984, the Indian city of Bhopal was hit by the largest man-made disaster in human history. A giant poisonous cloud, released into the atmosphere by an American pesticide factory, covered the city, killing 3,000 people that same night, and 15,000 more in the coming month. In total, more than 150,000 people were affected by the release of toxic waste, and this does not include children born after 1984.

Surgeon Jay Vacanti of Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston is working with microengineer Jeffrey Borenstein to develop a technique for growing artificial livers. In 1997, he managed to grow a human ear on the back of a mouse using cartilage cells.

The development of a technique that allows culturing the liver is extremely relevant. In the UK alone, there are 100 people on the waiting list for transplants, and according to the British Liver Trust, most patients die before they get a transplant.

A picture taken by reporter Alberto Korda at a rally in 1960, in which Che Guevara is also visible between a palm tree and someone's nose, claims to be the most widely disseminated photograph in history

The most famous photograph of Steve McCurry, taken by him in a refugee camp on the Afghan-Pakistani border. Soviet helicopters destroyed the village of a young refugee, her whole family died, and before getting to the camp, the girl made a two-week journey in the mountains. After being published in June 1985, this photograph becomes a National Geographic icon. Since then, this image has been used everywhere - from tattoos to rugs, which turned the photo into one of the most replicated photos in the world.

At the end of April 2004, the CBS program 60 Minutes II aired a story about the torture and abuse of inmates at the Abu Ghraib prison by a group of American soldiers. The story showed photographs that were published in The New Yorker a few days later. This became the loudest scandal around the presence of Americans in Iraq.
In early May 2004, the leadership of the US Armed Forces admitted that some of the methods of torture were not in accordance with the Geneva Convention and announced their readiness to publicly apologize.

According to the testimony of a number of prisoners, American soldiers raped them, rode them, forced them to fish food from prison toilets. In particular, the inmates said: “They made us walk on all fours like dogs and yelp. We had to bark like dogs, and if you didn't bark, then you were beaten in the face without any pity. After that, they left us in the cells, took away the mattresses, poured water on the floor and forced us to sleep in this slush without removing the hoods from our heads. And all this was constantly photographed”, “One American said that he would rape me. He drew a woman on my back and forced me to stand in a shameful position, to hold my own scrotum in my hands.

Poland - Teresa, a girl who grew up in a concentration camp, draws a "house" on the blackboard. 1948 David Seymou

The terrorist attack of September 11, 2001 (often referred to simply as 9/11) was a series of coordinated suicide terrorist attacks that took place in the United States of America. According to the official version, the Islamist terrorist organization Al-Qaeda is responsible for these attacks.
On the morning of that day, nineteen terrorists, allegedly related to Al-Qaeda, divided into four groups, hijacked four scheduled passenger airliners. Each group had at least one member who completed basic flight training. The invaders sent two of these liners to the towers of the World shopping center, American Airlines Flight 11 to WTC 1 and United Airlines Flight 175 to WTC 2, causing both towers to collapse, causing extensive damage to adjacent structures.

White and colored
Photo of Elliott Erwitt 1950

The photograph of an officer shooting a handcuffed prisoner in the head not only won a Pulitzer Prize in 1969, but also completely changed American attitudes towards what was happening in Vietnam. Despite the obviousness of the image, in fact, the photograph is not as unambiguous as it seemed to ordinary Americans, filled with sympathy for the executed. The fact is that the man in handcuffs is the captain of the Viet Cong "revenge warriors", and on this day he and his henchmen shot many unarmed civilians. General Nguyen Ngoc Loan, pictured left, has been haunted by his past all his life: he was refused treatment at an Australian military hospital, after moving to the US, he faced a massive campaign calling for his immediate deportation, the restaurant he opened in Virginia, every day was attacked by vandals. "We know who you are!" - this inscription haunted the general of the army all his life

Republican soldier Federico Borel Garcia is depicted in the face of death. The picture caused a huge uproar in society. The situation is absolutely unique. During the whole time of the attack, the photographer took only one picture, while he took it at random, without looking into the viewfinder, he did not look at all in the direction of the “model”. And this is one of the best, one of his most famous photographs. It was thanks to this picture that already in 1938 the newspapers called the 25-year-old Robert Cap "The Greatest War Photographer in the World"

The photo, which depicted the hoisting of the Banner of Victory over the Reichstag, spread around the world. Yevgeny Khaldei, 1945

By the early summer of 1994, Kevin Carter (1960-1994) was at the height of his fame. He had just received the Pulitzer Prize, job offers from famous magazines poured in one after another. “Everyone congratulates me,” he wrote to his parents, “I can’t wait to meet you and show you my trophy. This is the highest recognition of my work, which I did not dare to dream of.

Kevin Carter won the Pulitzer Prize for his photograph "Famine in Sudan" taken in early spring 1993. On this day, Carter flew to Sudan specifically to shoot scenes of hunger in a small village. Tired of shooting people who died of starvation, he left the village in a field overgrown with small bushes and suddenly heard a quiet cry. Looking around, he saw a little girl lying on the ground, apparently dying of hunger. He wanted to take a picture of her, but suddenly a vulture vulture landed a few steps away. Very carefully, trying not to startle the bird, Kevin chose the best position and took a picture. After that, he waited another twenty minutes, hoping that the bird would spread its wings and give him the opportunity to get a better shot. But the damned bird did not move, and in the end, he spat and drove it away. In the meantime, the girl apparently gained strength and went - more precisely crawled - further. And Kevin sat down near the tree and cried. He suddenly terribly wanted to hug his daughter ...

November 13, 1985. Eruption of the volcano Nevado del Ruiz - Colombia. Mountain snow melts, and a mass of mud, earth and water 50 meters thick literally wipes everything in its path from the face of the earth. The death toll exceeded 23,000 people. The disaster received a huge response around the world, thanks in part to a photo of a little girl named Omaira Sanchez. She was trapped, up to her neck in slush, her legs trapped in the concrete structure of the house. Rescuers tried to pump out the dirt and free the child, but in vain. The girl held on for three days, after which she became infected with several viruses at once. As journalist Christina Echandia, who was nearby all this time, recalls, Omaira sang and talked with others. She was frightened and constantly thirsty, but she was very courageous. On the third night, she began to hallucinate.

Alfred Eisenstaedt (1898-1995), a photographer working for Life magazine, strolled around the square photographing the kissers. He later recalled that he noticed a sailor who “rushed around the square and kissed indiscriminately all the women in a row: young and old, fat and thin. I watched, but the desire to photograph did not appear. Suddenly he grabbed something white. I barely had time to raise the camera and take a picture of him kissing the nurse.”
For millions of Americans, this photograph, which Eisenstadt called "Unconditional Surrender", became a symbol of the end of World War II...

In the modern world, photography is a popular and very widespread branch of art, which continues to actively develop and delight with new discoveries and creations. It seems to be where so much enthusiasm comes from around an ordinary photograph, can it be compared with a picture in which the artist puts a large number of time, soul and strength?

But not everything is so simple, talented photographs can hardly be called “simple”, in order for the frame to come out really bewitching, the master must be a true connoisseur of the moment, be able to catch beauty where it remains invisible to an ordinary person, and then present it in such a way that it becomes accessible to the wide the masses. Is this not art?

Today we will talk about the most talented and famous fashion photographers who managed to turn the familiar world of photography, bring something new, and also get recognition from the whole world.

These people collaborate with the most famous glossy publications in the world, the most famous advertising campaigns leading firms of our time, the most famous and wealthy people on the planet strive to get to their shootings. Isn't that enough to cause everyone's admiration?

  1. Annie Leibnovitz

Our top 10 is opened by one of the highest paid and most sought after craftsmen, Annie Leibovitz. Each of her works is a recognized work of art, which is admired by even the most ignorant viewers.

While Annie is a master of portraiture, she excels in many other genres. Music stars, famous actors, models, as well as members of her family visited her lens, while everyone who was there became a part of something perfect and extraordinary.

Among them are Queen Elizabeth II, Michael Jackson, George Clooney, Uma Thurman, Natalia Vodianova, Angelina Jolie, Johnny Depp and many others.

  1. Patrick Demarchelier

One of the most famous and sought-after French photographers, who started shooting back in the distant 80s and quickly managed to achieve success. Very soon, his pictures began to appear in Glamor, Elle, and a little later - Harper's Bazaar and Vogue.

To get into his lens is the dream of any model, and cult fashion houses from all over the world fought for the right to get a meter to shoot the next advertising campaign. At one time he was the personal photographer of Princess Diana, he photographed a very young Kate Moss, Cindy Crawford, Claudia Schiffer and more than once worked with Madonna, Scarlett Johansson and other stars of modern Hollywood.

  1. Mario Testino

One of the most famous British photographers, is the winner of many prestigious awards. An interesting fact is that Mario became a photographer, in principle, by chance, his family was far from the world of art, and the path that he had to go through to achieve success turned out to be very thorny. But it was worth it!

Today, Testino's work can be found in almost every glossy publication, he has worked with most of the most famous and popular models, became the favorite photographer of Kate Moss, and is also known for his magnificent photographs of the royal family.

  1. Peter Lindberg

Another world celebrity, winner of many awards and just a talented person. Peter, to a greater extent, became famous as a master of black and white photography, an opponent of the worldwide passion for Photoshop, and therefore prefers to look for perfection in imperfection.

  1. Stephen Meisel

Considered one of the most popular fashion photographers, he is known for his unique photo shoots for Vogue magazine, as well as a series of very provocative shots for Madonna's book. His works cause a very wide resonance in the public world, however, most of his works continue to be published in fashion publications.

  1. Ellen von Unwerth

A popular German photographer known for her passion for erotic and staged subjects. Particular success came to Ellen after shooting Claudia Schiffer for Guess. After that, offers poured in, and her work constantly appears in publications such as Vanity Fair, The Face, Vogue and many others.

  1. Paolo Roversi

In the fashion world, he is known as one of the most mysterious and inaccessible personalities. Few people know this photographer by sight, but many know his signature style, and his work is strikingly different from the typical magazine “stamping”.

His extraordinary long-exposure work is one of the finest and most magnificent images produced in the last century.

  1. Tim Walker

British photographer who gained his popularity thanks to the fabulous style in which most of his work is created: the directions of surrealism and rococo. As the author himself says, he is often inspired by literary heroes and fairy-tale characters, which is probably why each of his photographs is a whole story.

It is also noteworthy that Walker does not like photoshop, and therefore, to create his unique works, he tries to use real props and the game of lighting.

  1. Mert and Marcus

One of the most famous and best photo duets, whose work is always recognizable and in demand no less than the work of their older colleagues. Known for their bright, shocking and often provocative photographs, all the most beautiful divas of our planet lit up in their lenses: Kate Moss, Jennifer Lopez, Gisele Bundchen, Natalia Vodianova and many others.

  1. Inez and Vinood

Another talented photo duet, whose members are employees and have been creating masterpieces for over 30 years. Like most of the above colleagues, they collaborate with the most fashionable glossy publications, shoot advertising campaigns for Isabel Marant and YSL, and are also one of Lady Gaga's favorite photographers.