Job description of a food merchandiser. What should a merchant know? Responsibilities of a catering clerk

The profession of a merchandiser is multifaceted and, as its name implies, a specialist in this field “manages the goods”. He is responsible for the goods, both to the buyer and to the head of his enterprise. Some merchandisers are engaged in the formation of assortment and prices, others organize the purchase of goods and check the quality of products or are responsible for its high-quality storage.

Places of work

Representatives of this profession are most in demand in shops, supermarkets, trading enterprises and warehouses. Also, commodity experts are required in product quality control centers, licensing organizations, agricultural enterprises, pawnshops and in institutions that control trade and consumer rights.

History of the profession

The profession of a merchandiser originated in ancient times, the works of ancient Roman scientists such as Columella, Varro and Cato the Elder, who described the methods of processing and storing crops, as well as methods for assessing the quality of products, have come down to us. However, the profession became most widespread in the early 20th century. At that time, the competitiveness of enterprises reached a new level and the demand for merchandisers increased significantly.

Responsibilities of a merchandiser

The main job responsibilities of a merchandiser include:

  • acceptance of goods in terms of quantity and quality, as well as verification of accompanying documentation;
  • organization of the removal of goods from utility rooms to the trading floor;
  • control and maintenance of stocks of goods in the warehouse;
  • placement of products in the warehouse;
  • carrying out inventory and audits of goods;
  • maintaining order and cleanliness in the warehouse.

If necessary, the duties and functions of the merchandiser include organizing the write-off and return of products, as well as preparing funds for collection.

Requirements for a merchandiser

The position of a merchandiser covers quality control, sales and supply of various products. That is why the requirements for representatives of this profession may vary depending on the specifics of the enterprise. Basic requirements for a merchandiser:

  • secondary specialized or higher education;
  • At least 2 years of experience in trading;
  • knowledge of the rules of trade;
  • availability of skills of acceptance of goods to the warehouse;
  • the ability to organize the activities of the warehouse, storage conditions and transportation of goods;
  • PC proficiency and knowledge of the 1C program.

If a merchandiser works in an international company, knowledge of English at a conversational level is welcome.

sample resume for merchandiser

How to become a merchant

Do you want to become a merchant? To do this, you must at least unlearn at an institute, technical school or university with a degree in merchandising. You will also need experience in the field of trade and an understanding of its specifics and nuances. Depending on the specifics of the organization, knowledge in the field of economics, merchandising, logistics and methods of peer review of products may be required.

Merchandiser salary

The salary of a representative of this profession depends on the experience and location of the enterprise. The average salary of a merchandiser is 30,000 rubles a month. However, a specialist without experience can receive 10 thousand rubles. The maximum salary of a merchandiser was found in the Moscow region - 100 thousand rubles.

1. General Provisions.

The merchandiser-seller is an employee of the store, reports directly to the director of the store, is accountable and controlled by him. In his activities, he is guided by this job description, instructions for working with the Warehouse program, for using the order formation program, price tag formation, other orders and instructions received from the store director and other managers, as well as trade rules, legal requirements regarding the quality of goods at retail outlets, etc. The merchandiser-seller must know and comply with the internal labor regulations, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the rules and norms of labor protection, safety and fire protection, the norms of industrial sanitation and hygiene.

2. Purpose.

The purpose of the work of the merchandiser-seller is to ensure maximum sales through high-quality accounting, maintenance and supply of the entire declared range and product quality control.

3. Interaction with services.

In his work, the merchandiser-seller must interact and resolve current issues with the department for working with transit documents of the branch, with the sales departments or sales representatives of local supplier companies, with the department of goods distribution of the branch, with the ATZ of the branch, with the RAO of the branch, with the personnel manager of the branch , with the director and all the staff of the store.

The Department for Work with Transit Documents of the branch solves issues of conducting invoices and invoices for goods received from local suppliers through the main base and paying them, has complete information on the assortment of goods and stock balances, on changes in prices for goods due to their change from suppliers.

Sales departments or sales representatives of local suppliers handle the issues of taking orders and supplying goods of local production or local distribution, return or exchange of defective or expired products of these suppliers.

The distribution department of the branch solves issues related to the delivery of goods to the store, the return of containers from the store to the DC, the delivery of returns and defects to the DC.

ATZ of the branch resolves issues related to the import of store account documents, store orders to the warehouse base, timely forwarding of internal movement documents, product directories, and warehouse balances.

The RAO of the branch resolves issues related to reconciliation of incoming and outgoing documents, payments, data correction, confirmation of acts of underdelivery of goods, and audits.

The personnel manager of the branch resolves issues of admission, dismissal, certification, disciplinary sanctions, training and other personnel procedures.

The director resolves issues on the work schedule, on interaction with inspecting and auditing organizations.

4. Main responsibilities.

4. Organization of inventories and proper accounting of goods.

5. Carrying out verifications of the correspondence between the databases of the store and the office.

6. Control of the presence of barcodes for goods in the database.

7. Organization and conduct of trainings with sellers on knowledge of the range and quality of goods.

8. Performing, if necessary, the duties of any employee of the store.

5. Description of work.

1. Drawing up and sending orders for the goods of the company.

The merchandiser-seller orders the goods of the company according to the established schedule, based on the data on the sales of the goods, the norms of the stock of the goods and the remaining goods in the store.

The order is made using the "Order Formation Program" in accordance with the instructions for its use and the price list with the rest of the goods.

After the formation and adjustment of the order, it is sent by the specified time by e-mail to the branch in the form of an electronic file.

2. Drafting orders from third parties.

The order of goods received from third-party organizations is carried out on the basis of data on the discreteness of deliveries, expiration dates and capacity of equipment, as well as the withdrawal of goods, their stock rates and balances. The order is submitted to a sales representative of a third-party organization on a paper form, or transferred to the sales department by phone orally.

3. Acceptance of goods in terms of quantity, quality and timing of implementation. Control of the presence and quality of the necessary accompanying documents.

The commodity manager-seller receives in electronic form invoices for internal movement and reference books of goods, imports invoices and reference books into the database

Upon arrival of the vehicle with the goods, he organizes unloading. In the car, the goods must be on pallets in boxes or in boxes, sealed in a film. Unloading should be carried out with the help of a rokhla, if it is not possible - in trolleys for buyers.

The merchandiser-seller receives documents for the goods from the driver. Checks the availability of all necessary supporting documentation (quality certificates, certificates, etc.)

After the machine is completely unloaded, the merchandiser-seller organizes the process of accepting goods in terms of quantity, quality and expiration dates. The quantity of the actually delivered goods must correspond to the quantity indicated in the waybill. When evaluating the quality of the goods, the merchandiser-seller evaluates the integrity of the packaging, the absence of mechanical damage to the goods, etc. When evaluating the shelf life of a product, it is necessary to pay attention to the release date and the expiration date indicated by the manufacturer on each product.

After the end of the acceptance, the merchandiser-seller controls the correct placement of the goods on the shelves and the readiness of the trading floor for work.

After acceptance, the merchandiser-seller draws up acts of underdelivery (deletions in invoices). Corrected waybills (and acts of underdelivery) are transferred to the driver of the vehicle on the next arrival of the goods.

In case of acceptance of goods from third parties:

The merchandiser-seller organizes unloading and accepts the quantity, quality and timing of the sale of goods from third-party organizations. Checks the availability of all necessary supporting documentation (quality certificates, certificates, etc.). If goods are accepted from several suppliers at once, the merchandiser-seller determines the order of unloading and those responsible for acceptance from among the sellers.

Acceptance of goods is carried out in the presence of a representative, responsible person of the supplier. In case of underdelivery, transportation, low-quality goods, the corresponding act is drawn up in two copies, one is transferred to the supplier, the second is filed with the incoming invoice.

Documents for payment for goods from third-party organizations are transferred to the office according to the rules specified in the "Instructions for the purchase of goods from local suppliers".

4. Organization of inventories and proper accounting of goods.

The merchandiser-seller organizes the inventory in accordance with the "Instructions for conducting inventories in the stores of CJSC" _____ ":

On the eve or before the inventory, the merchandiser-seller generates and prints statements for recalculating the goods.

Immediately before the recalculation, he transfers the statements to the store employees involved in the recount, indicating the name and signature of the employee.

During the recalculation, the merchandiser-seller enters the results of the recalculation into the database, receiving statements with the balances recorded as a result of the recalculation from the participants in the recalculation.

After the recalculation is completed, the merchandiser-seller independently recalculates positions with large discrepancies and corrects the results in the database.

After making all the changes, the export file of the inventory results is sent to the office.

5. Carrying out verifications of the correspondence between the databases of the store and the office.

On a weekly basis, the merchandiser-seller reconciles the database of the store and the office for payments, inventories, receipts, and expenditures. Reconciliation is carried out with the auditor of the branch.

6. Control of the presence of barcodes for goods in the database.

Every day, having received data from sellers about inappropriate or missing barcodes on a product, the merchandiser-seller enters these codes into the database.

Twice a week, the merchandiser-seller generates a report “By missing barcodes” and, based on its results, enters barcodes into the database.

Upon receipt of a new product, the merchandiser-seller, after accepting it, enters new barcodes into the database.

7.Organization and conduct of trainings with sellers on knowledge of the range and quality of goods.

With newly hired sellers and cashiers, the merchandiser-seller conducts training during the first month of work at least 2 times a week.

8. Fulfillment, if necessary, of the duties of any employee of the store.

During the absence of the director, the merchandiser-seller performs his duties in accordance with the job description of the director.

If necessary, the merchandiser-seller performs the duties of the seller related to the display of goods, sticker price tags, control of the safety of goods, customer service at the checkout, etc.

6. Optional.

The merchandiser-seller should strive to fulfill his immediate job duties efficiently and quickly in order to devote the maximum possible time to helping the sellers in the hall.

7. Pay.

The remuneration of the labor of the merchandiser-seller is made in accordance with the current staffing table and the “Regulation on bonuses for employees of the stores of ZAO ________”.

8. Responsibility.

The merchandiser-seller bears collective financial responsibility for the safety of the goods in the store.

In addition, the merchant-seller is responsible for:

Maintaining an optimal inventory of the entire declared range

Correctness and timeliness of drawing up, and timeliness of sending orders

Quality acceptance of goods

Timely transfer to the office of documents for goods purchased from third parties

Terms of sale of the goods sold

The correctness of the results of the recalculation during the inventory

Professional training and labor discipline of salespeople

Timely introduction of barcodes on goods

Timeliness of reconciliations

The presence in the store of all accompanying documents for the goods.

In case of violation of this job description, disciplinary sanctions, up to and including dismissal, are applied to the merchandiser-seller.

9. Rights.

The merchant-seller has the right:

Make suggestions for improving store inventory

Submit offers for the store

Negotiate with suppliers of "local goods" to improve the quality and terms of supply.

Other instructions in the section:

  1. The merchandiser belongs to the category of specialists.
  2. For the position:
    • a merchandiser is appointed a person who has a higher professional education without presenting requirements for work experience or secondary vocational education and work experience in positions filled by specialists with secondary vocational education, at least 3 years;
    • category II merchandiser - a person with a higher professional education and at least 3 years of work experience as a merchandiser;
    • merchandiser of the 1st category - a person who has a higher professional education and work experience as a merchandiser of the 2nd category for at least 3 years.
  3. Appointment to the position of a commodity specialist and dismissal from it is carried out by order of the director of the enterprise upon presentation
  4. The merchant must know:
    1. 4.1. Decrees, orders, orders, other governing and regulatory documents of higher authorities related to the logistics and marketing of goods at trade enterprises.
    2. 4.2. Market methods of managing.
    3. 4.3. Standards and specifications for goods, their main properties and quality characteristics.
    4. 4.4. The procedure for concluding business contracts.
    5. 4.5. Methods of accounting for goods, calculating the need for them.
    6. 4.6. Forms of accounting documents and the procedure for compiling reports.
    7. 4.7. Organization of warehousing and marketing of goods.
    8. 4.8. Terms of delivery, storage and transportation of goods.
    9. 4.9. Instructions for the acceptance of goods in terms of quality, quantity and completeness.
    10. 4.10. Current price lists and price lists.
    11. 4.11. Stock standards.
    12. 4.12. The nomenclature and assortment of goods sold by the enterprise.
    13. 4.13. Fundamentals of economics, organization of labor and management.
    14. 4.14. Labor legislation.
    15. 4.15. Internal labor regulations.
    16. 4.16. Rules and norms of labor protection, safety measures, industrial sanitation and fire protection.
  5. During the absence of a commodity specialist (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed in the prescribed manner. This person acquires the appropriate rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

II. Job Responsibilities


  1. Determines the requirements for goods, as well as the compliance of their quality with standards, specifications, concluded contracts and other regulatory documents.
  2. Carries out control over the control over the fulfillment of contractual obligations, the receipt and sale of goods.
  3. Participates in the preparation of data for the preparation of claims for the supply of low-quality goods and responses to customer claims.
  4. Controls the availability of goods in warehouses.
  5. Communicates with suppliers and consumers and draws up documents for the shipment and receipt of goods in accordance with approved plans.
  6. Participates in the development and implementation of rules for logistics, marketing, quality control of goods, organization of their transportation and storage.
  7. Maintains records of receipts and sales of goods.
  8. Controls the timeliness of the shipment of returnable packaging.
  9. In necessary cases, conducts a search for non-arrived goods.
  10. Participates in carrying out inventories, studies the reasons for the formation of excess excess material resources and "illiquid assets", takes measures to implement them.
  11. Monitors compliance with the rules for storing goods in warehouses, preparing goods for sale.
  12. Prepares the necessary documents related to the supply and sale of products, draws up reports in accordance with established forms.

III. Rights

The merchant has the right:

  1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the enterprise regarding its activities.
  2. Submit proposals for improvement of the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction for consideration by the management.
  3. Within the limits of his competence, report to his immediate supervisor about all the shortcomings identified in the course of his activities and make proposals for their elimination.
  4. Request personally or on behalf of the management of the enterprise from the heads of departments and specialists information and documents necessary for the performance of his duties.
  5. Involve specialists from all (individual) structural divisions in solving the tasks assigned to him (if this is provided for by the regulations on structural divisions, if not, then with the permission of the management).
  6. Require the management of the enterprise to assist in the performance of his duties and rights.

IV. A responsibility

The merchant is responsible for:

  1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - to the extent determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
  2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

What the merchandiser should know is indicated in his job description. What, according to her, does a merchandiser need to know? Let's figure it out.

Merchandising is a profession in demand. Such a person is a generalist who must have extensive knowledge about the product that the organization deals with (goods acceptance, implementation, quality control, and much more).

What does a merchant need to know?

This specialist needs to be a professional in various issues, which ones? This will be described in the job description of the merchandiser (JD) when he gets a job in the staff of a certain organization.

The job description of a merchandiser is a document that is developed either by individual specialists in an organization, or by direct management, which is subsequently approved for each specialist in the state.

For a commodity specialist, as for a specialist of a special category, a separate DI is being developed.

What a merchandiser needs to know in each case depends on where he works. Below are a few job descriptions that differ by the place of work of a specialist. In particular, such places of work as a warehouse and a grocery store are considered.

Warehouse merchandiser job description

What should such an expert know? Warehouse clerk responsibilities include:

  • Knowledge of the required standards, as well as additional documents that are accepted in the organization.
  • Maintaining the required level of order in the warehouse.
  • Identification and setting of requirements for products with which the merchandiser works. Promptly inform management of violations of such requirements and take appropriate action.
  • Product quality check.
  • Monitoring the receipt and availability of products in stock, timely purchase of missing products.
  • Formation of claim documentation for the supply of low-quality products, interaction with the supplier in order to analyze and solve the problem.
  • Negotiating with customers and suppliers.
  • Shipment and movement of products according to the company's plan.
  • Accounting for products and the formation of relevant documentation.
  • Operational search for missing products.
  • Making suggestions for optimizing processes in the company in terms of working with goods in the warehouse.
  • Carrying out inventory work in the warehouse.
  • Checking compliance with the rules for handling products.

The job description of a warehouse merchandiser, given above, is basic, but depending on the specific organization and its policy, it can be expanded and differ from the one presented.

Job description of a grocery store merchandiser

This specialist has slightly different terms of reference from the specialist listed above, and works with a different category of goods.

The job description for a grocery store clerk includes the following:

  • Management of instructions and normative documentation adopted in the organization.
  • Active interaction with the services of the organization (for example, the sales department).
  • Offer your options for interaction in order to optimize processes.
  • Interaction with suppliers and tracking the receipt of goods in the company at the right time.
  • Acceptance and quality control of goods, preparation of relevant documentation.
  • Formation of goods accounting.
  • Trainee training.
  • Timely informing management of negative incidents.
  • Work in special computer programs.
  • Continuous professional development.
  • Maintaining an archive of goods.
  • Ensuring the safety of goods in the trading floor.
  • Carrying out collection.
  • Formation of the necessary documentation.

The job description for a grocery store merchandiser, given above, is also basic. Each organization may have its own amendments and it can be expanded or narrowed down to specific actions of a commodity specialist.

An instruction is a basic document that not only describes what a commodity manager should know, but also what rights, and not just duties, he is endowed with. This is a document and it is subject to the requirements of the law, imposing obligations on both the employee and the employer.

At the same time, the job description of a merchandiser may differ, depending on the place of work and the specifics. So, in the warehouse, the merchandiser will have his own duties, and others in the grocery store. Duties will also differ in, for example, a clothing store or when working as a merchandiser-appraiser.

Before employment, the instruction must be read and signed by the candidate for the position, and its strict observance is direct evidence, on the one hand, of high-quality, and on the other hand, of professional work.