Advice Awards. Chief of Staff of the Regiment Army vertical of power

Army vertical of power

The army is an organization with a strictly regulated control system. All military personnel of all military units and institutions, regardless of any local conditions, desires or opinions of higher leaders, have precisely and strictly defined duties and job titles in the relevant legislative documents (charters, manuals). Moreover, all this was established by the Minister of Defense, and not a single subordinate chief has the right to change anything here.

In the same documents it is precisely defined - to whom and to what extent this official is subordinate, and who and to what extent is subordinate to him; what rights this or that chief has in relation to subordinates.

In the language of modern "democratic" Russia, the army has a well-ordered vertical of power.

Power in the army is impersonal; there cannot be such a situation in the army when, due to the absence of one or another official at the workplace (vacation, illness, business trip, etc.), this range of duties is not performed by anyone or is postponed until the employee returns, and no one is responsible for the situation cases in this area of ​​work.
For the majority of leadership positions, there are deputies who automatically take the place of their boss in his absence, even for a short time, bearing full responsibility and using the full power of their boss.
For those positions for which there is no full-time deputy, the charter provides that the performance of duties in the absence of the chief is automatically assigned to his closest subordinate, and so on down the chain.

Figuratively speaking, even when only one soldier and one corporal survive from the entire regiment, the latter is considered the commander of the regiment with all his rights and duties in relation to a single soldier.

It is impossible to describe the entire vertical of power in the army within one article or even a whole series of articles due to the complexity and diversity of the army structure.

In this article, the army vertical of power is described at the level of a motorized rifle (tank) regiment. Approximately the same vertical exists at higher levels (division, corps, army, front), of course, with its own characteristics, due to a wider range of tasks solved by a division, corps, army, front than by a regiment.

This scheme was drawn up on the basis of the Charter of the internal service of the Armed Forces of the USSR, the states of motorized rifle (tank) regiments. It is somewhat simplified and brought only to the level of battalions and companies. But in this way it is easier for a person who did not serve in the army or served as a soldier to understand the system of subordination.

The division of the scheme into levels is purely conditional, introduced by the author to facilitate understanding of its essence. The location of the rectangles (positions) within each level is not in the same horizontal line, but in steps, not done by chance. It reflects the degree of importance of this official in his level.

The level itself indicates the staff ranks of the positions at that level. Level 0 is colonel, levels 1,2 and 3 are lieutenant colonels, level 4 majors, level 5 captains, level 6 senior lieutenants and lieutenants, levels below are ensigns, sergeants and soldiers.

The author, for obvious reasons, was forced to give the names of the positions in the scheme in abbreviated form. Here is the decryption:
* head of air defense - head of the regiment's air defense;
* early artillery - chief of artillery of the regiment;
* ZKT - deputy regiment commander for logistics;
* deputy commander - first deputy regiment commander;
* chief of staff - chief of staff of the regiment;
* ZKHR - deputy regiment commander for political affairs;
* ZKV - deputy commander of the regiment for armaments;
* com ZADN - commander of the anti-aircraft missile division;
* com ADN - commander of the artillery battalion;
* Kom MSB - commanders of motorized rifle battalions;
*kom TB - commanders of tank battalions;
* NIS - head of the engineering service of the regiment;
* NHS - head of the chemical service of the regiment;
* NMS - head of the medical service of the regiment;

* Partor - Secretary of the Regimental Committee of the Communist Party;
* prop - propagandist of the regiment;
*НР - head of intelligence of the regiment;
* NS - chief of communications of the regiment;
*Dir - conductor of the regimental orchestra;
*ZNSh - deputy chief of staff of the regiment;
* PNSh - assistant chief of staff of the regiment;
*NFPiS - head of physical training and sports of the regiment;
* US - head of the automotive service of the regiment;
* NRAV - head of the regiment's rocket and artillery weapons service;
* NBTS - head of the armored service of the regiment;
* ZKB - deputy battalion commander;
* ZKD - deputy division commander;
*NShB - chief of staff of the battalion;
*NShD - chief of staff of the division;
* ZKBT - deputy battalion commander for logistics;
* ZKDT - deputy commander of the rear division;
* ZKBV - deputy battalion commander for armaments;
*ZKDV - deputy division commander for armaments;
* ZKBHR - deputy battalion commander for political affairs;
* ZKDPHR - deputy division commander for political affairs;
* KRMO - commander of a material support company;
* NGSM - head of the regiment's fuel and lubricants supply service;
* NPFS - head of the food and feed supply service of the regiment;
* NVS - head of the clothing supply service of the regiment;
* NKES - head of the housing and maintenance service of the regiment;
* NFS - head of the financial service of the regiment;
* com bat - battery commander;
* com mouth - company commander;
* NMP - head of the regimental medical center;
*NKLB - head of the regimental club;
* KRR - commander of a reconnaissance company;
*KRS - communications company commander;
* KISR - commander of an engineering company;
* Komsomol organizer - secretary of the regimental organization of the communist youth union (VLKSM);
* KREMR - commander of a repair company;
* KVHZ - commander of a chemical protection platoon.

By the way - pay attention to the place in this hierarchy of the chief of intelligence of the regiment. If the chief of engineering, chemical, financial, medical services and even the conductor of the orchestra are directly subordinate to the regiment commander, then the chief of intelligence is only to the chief of staff of the regiment, i.e. his official position is lower than these chiefs. Even a propagandist and party organizer are of greater importance than a scout.
Exactly the same position was occupied by scouts in the structure of a division, corps, army, district (front). This is me as an illustration to the book by V. Suvorov "Aquarium".

It should also be noted that this diagram shows only a straight line of military power. In addition to it, there are auxiliary, additional verticals.

For example, the regimental commander is the body of inquiry, i.e. he has the right to initiate criminal proceedings against all personnel of the regiment, to conduct an investigation and to refer criminal cases to a military tribunal. For the direct performance of the tasks of the investigation, the regiment has five positions of military interrogators and one position of a senior military interrogator. However, the duties of military interrogators are assigned by the regimental commander to six senior officers (from a major and above) of the regiment. Those. these officers perform two positions - their own in the state and additionally as a military interrogator. These interrogating officers report to the senior interrogating officer, and he, in turn, directly to the regiment commander, regardless of his state subordination. For example, the chief of staff of the artillery battalion was appointed senior military interrogator, and the head of the regiment's air defense was appointed one of the interrogators. According to this legal line, the air defense chief of the regiment is subordinate to the chief of staff of the artillery battalion, and he is directly subordinate to the regiment commander.

Second example. The positions of secretaries of party organizations in battalion party organizations, company party organizations are also additional positions performed by officers or ensigns in parallel with their main ones. On this party line, they all report to the secretary of the regiment's party organization.

Third example. Each company has a medical instructor, the battalion, division has a medical center. These servicemen are subordinate respectively to the commanders of their companies, the commanders of their battalions. But on medical issues, they, in addition, report to the head of the medical service of the regiment.

Fourth example. The battalion commander in his official position is higher than the head of the chemical service of the regiment, but on issues of chemical property, training of personnel in defense against weapons of mass destruction, and on the measures of this protection, the instructions of the chemical chief. regiment for the battalion commander are required.

Fifth example. The commander of one of the tank companies has an additional position of chairman of the financial and auditing commission. Although the head of the financial service of the regiment, in his official position, is higher than the company commander, however, in the field of checking the finances of the regiment, he is subordinate to this company commander.

Sixth example. All military personnel of the regiment, including the deputy commander of the regiment, are obliged to follow the orders of the head of physical training and sports of the regiment in the field of their personal physical training and their subordinates. Figuratively speaking, at the stadium, sports ground, the captain can also order the lieutenant colonel.

There are still quite a few such additional verticals of power in the regiment. It is impossible to list them within the framework of this article.

Sources and literature.

1. The staff of the motorized rifle regiment No. 12 / ХХХХ.
2. The staff of the tank regiment No. 12 / ХХХХ - A
3. Charter of the Internal Service of the USSR Armed Forces (Approved by the Decree of the Presidium of the Armed Forces of July 30, 1975). Military publishing house. Moscow. 1975
4.B. Suvorov. Aquarium. AST. Moscow. 1995
5. Combat Charter of the Ground Forces of the USSR Armed Forces (division-brigade-regiment). Military publishing. Moscow. 1980

One day, the regimental commander called me and offered me the position of deputy chief of staff of the regiment. At the same time, he assured that I would fly once a week with one of his deputies. He commented on the position of deputy chief of staff as follows: work depends on how you work on it. He gave examples: Major Pavlov worked, he sat day and night and did not have time; and another officer worked, he worked until dinner, and after dinner he told jokes, and things went on.
I took one day to think.

I was not allowed to fly into the front cockpit even from the second New Year, when flying from the rear cockpit there are no prospects for growth. The rear cabin infringed on my pride - why did I graduate from the academy.

I understood that to go along the line of ZNSH means to change the whole direction of official activity. But supersonic aviation was already firmly on the threshold, which at my age would not be imprisoned, and the Yak-25m was outliving its days.

After such reflections, I agreed to the ZNSh with the obligatory condition - to fly.
The regimental commander discussed the issue of my nomination with the deputy for political affairs, Davydov, who was a good political worker, but we were sometimes struck by his excessively conciliatory policy. As soon as the regiment commander said his decision, Davydov immediately picked up and said: "That's right, that's right."

When I had already matured the decision to go to the post of ZNSh, Davydov met me in the corridor and repeated what the regiment commander had suggested to me. As soon as he started like this: “So the commander and I decided to offer you the position of deputy chief of staff, how do you look at it?”
About Davydov, it is appropriate here to cite one anecdotal incident that the head of the guard, sergeant, told me. At that moment I was on duty in the regiment - I checked the guard.

The head of physical training and sports, captain Vasiliev, having received the command to equip a place for swimming on the Kokshaga River, selected the soldiers and went to the place of work. By the end of the day, Davydov and the chief of staff of the regiment Naumov A.M. went to check the place equipped for swimming. The chief of staff (I will tell about him later) was laconic, strict, expressed categorical decisions, did not curry favor with anyone, did not fawn.

It so happened that Davydov was the first to ask Vasiliev what he had done. And the captain showed, along with other structures, a bridge for jumping into the water. Davydov immediately approved, said: “Well, Vasilyev, that’s right. Let the soldiers dive and develop their lungs.” Here he made a mistake in being the first to express his opinion.
Naumov kept silent, and then went up to the bridge and in a tone that could not stand objections, said: “Vasiliev, remove this. The soldier dives, drowns, he will have to answer. Immediately Davydov picked up: “Well, Vasiliev, that’s right. After all, he will dive and drown, and we will answer.
Those who built this structure, including my narrator, grinned, and they had no choice but to pull out the stakes of the bridge and let this simple structure go with the flow.

So, I gave my consent to the regimental commander. I was sent on vacation in January, and when I returned from it, there was already an order for my appointment to the post of Deputy Chief of Staff (22.02.66). The regiment commander immediately, as promised, gave the command to send documents for conferring me the next military rank of "major".
I will not describe the duties and roles of the ZNSh in the regiment, but I will say figuratively that the ZNSh is the brain and mirror of the regiment. He leads the planning of all activities of the regiment, keeps records and sends all reporting forms to the higher headquarters, and there they evaluate the work and affairs in the regiment.
In addition, the deputy chief of staff is the regiment's chief of intelligence. He himself must know the potential enemy well, keep an eye on his weapons and bring all this to the personnel of the regiment. And first of all to the flight crew.

In the new position, all my notes and knowledge gained within the walls of the academy came in handy. They began to call me unusually for me by my first name and patronymic. That was the staff ethic. The most offensive was that, as the regiment commander promised me, they did not let me fly.
Here the chief of staff played a role. He, using his rights, proved to me that I would not be able to deal with papers and fly. I argued the opposite, and then soon the regiment commander and chief of staff brought to me the decision of the army aviation commander that he did not allow me to fly. I realized that this decision was not for me to jump over, and I set about a new business for me.

Basically, the chief of staff was the initiator of the ban, since he himself did not fulfill the position of the ZNSH, did not know it and was afraid of my reporting figures. Even when I went on vacation, I prepared reports in advance, wrote down what and where to send. And then after my return, I found some reports in a confused and neglected state.

For two years I have not yet handed over my flight uniforms. And then our regiment began to retrain for new supersonic equipment, which required fighter experience, youth, enthusiasm, and I calmed down on staff activities.
I soon realized that staff work in a regiment requires knowledge, good health, the ability to lead people, and for this you need to know what they are doing in order to help, prompt, and spur them on time.

If you write according to the statutory canons, then the headquarters is an executive body, that is, the commander commands, and the headquarters puts his commands into practice. But the function of the headquarters is much broader, it is well described in Shtemenko's book "The General Staff during the Great Patriotic War" (second book).

But even earlier, from my peasant years, I made friends with the proverb: I took up the tug - do not say that it is not hefty. When performing work related to agriculture, it was sometimes used in the literal sense. The horses of the war years, on which I had to work, were weak from unbearable loads, and then my father and I had to firmly grasp the tug of the collar and pull the cart with all our might, helping the horse. The horse is a smart animal. Seeing and feeling help, she strained her last strength and overcame difficulties ...

I served in the position of ZNSH for several days, when my chief of staff fell ill. The regiment commander did not want to let him go to the hospital, but, looking into the office, he saw the following picture: the chief of staff was sitting with his head bowed low and holding his heart. The regimental commander jumped into my office and said: "Go to the NSH quickly and take care of things." And instantly signed him a referral to the hospital.

I went to the chief of staff. He slowly, quietly, clearly began to tell me what to do, what to pay attention to and how to deal with whom. Then he called me two more times, and at the end he quietly said: “But can you tell me everything ... You yourself will understand what to do.” And he left for the hospital.

So I, in the rank of captain, yesterday's pilot-operator, ended up at the helm of the regiment under such a strict, demanding commander. The main thing in my work was organizing regimental flights and directing them from the command post, conducting formations, organizing training days, organizing combat duty, monitoring the daily outfit, guards and a host of other affairs and affairs.

The regiment is a solid organization: about two hundred officers, more than a hundred soldiers, many ensigns, a command post, buildings and structures, barracks, headquarters, territory. The regiment commander made me understand that I must do his will, and there can be no two opinions in the regiment, but only his opinion.
I had to learn a lot and learn on the go. It must be said that in the Army, having put an officer in a position, they begin to strictly ask him, they don’t give days to build up - do it as you know.

At the beginning there were difficulties with the command post. I knew the theory, but practically faced it for the first time. The difficulty was that among the officers of the command post I was the only one with a higher education. Separate officers even tried to substitute a “leg” so that I stumbled, they say, you are an academician, so think about it. The process of mastering the role is complex, and you cannot express the whole gamut of experiences, learning, emotions, etc. on paper.

I quickly figured out all the schemes, connections and worked for 12-14 hours every day, because in addition to leadership, control, I had to draw up a lot of documents, diagrams, and graphs myself.

Shortly after my appointment to the post, the regiment commander ordered that documents be sent for conferring the next rank of "major" on me. This can complete the story that, playing the role of the chief of staff of the regiment with the rank of captain, I passed the exam. Military rank in the army plays a big role for leadership. I had to command majors and below.

In order to better master the command post, I went on duty at the command post as an operational duty officer - deputy chief of staff for combat control.

Staff work was much more difficult than flight work. The pilot is his own master in the cockpit, and his whole flight, his success depends mainly on himself. The deputy chief of staff often remains in charge of the NSh of the regiment, and here he has to direct the entire life and activities of the regiment. The success of the regiment and its main figure - the regiment commander, appointed by order of the Minister of Defense - depends on the work of the headquarters. They move faster in position and military rank. Staff members grow more slowly, they are in no hurry to move, since order and stability in the regiment depend on them.

Deputy NSh in the flight fighter regiment is the head of intelligence. I liked this position more, I did it with a twinkle. I made a map in my office, where I noted all the data about potential opponents. I had to conduct a lot of reconnaissance training and teach all regimental categories of officers and below. Accordingly, it was necessary to constantly work on oneself, since any audience tolerated a knowledgeable teacher and forced them to prepare for classes in all seriousness.

To supplement the significance of the figure of the chief of intelligence in the regiment, I will cite the following fact. When one of the first downed American pilots in Vietnam and taken prisoner was asked what he would do if he returned to his own, he answered without delay: “I would shoot the intelligence chief - he did not say that there were Russian missiles here.”

In the summer of 1966, I received another military rank of major. In the same period, an important event took place in the family - our son was born. I was informed by phone, and I jumped out of joy onto the balcony and announced to the world with a joyful cry: “I have a son!” It just so happened that the husband in the family is always more waiting for the birth of his son. I informed my father about this in Boromlyu by telegram.

In the summer the regiment left for the camps, I remained in winter quarters, endowed with the authority of the regiment commander. My duties included repairing all regimental quarters and preparing for winter. There was a lot of work. I made a plan and started implementing it. The remaining personnel began to smoke and violate military discipline. I had to exercise the fullness of the power given to me, using the guardhouse for this. Discipline improved, and we began to implement the plan.

During this period, the chief of staff of the unit, a certain Colonel Kalinichenko, visited the winter quarters. It so happened that he himself walked around the regimental facilities. He had the uniform of an artilleryman, no one reported to him, no one introduced himself, he became furious and appeared at the headquarters, where he was supposed to start. He gave me a tremendous overclocking, the like of which I did not receive either before or after this situation.

The first time I repented that I moved to the headquarters. I understood very well that a superior officer should welcome the transition of the flight personnel to staff work, but here it turned out the other way around. True, if it were an officer in flight uniform, and here in front of me was a “gunner yashka”. Infantry laws were different. They do not understand the soul of a pilot; they have never taken to the air in a manned aircraft. In their ranks there was an order of "unterprishibeevs".

In the evening he called me to his place again. I firmly decided that if he did not moderate his ardor, then I would tell him everything frankly about his tactlessness. Much to my surprise, this time he was in good spirits. And at the end of the conversation, he even patted me familiarly on the shoulder, saying, they say, work hard, things are going well.
By the way, because of the abuse of power, this colonel was soon demoted, and his finish was sad.

In the autumn of the same year, our "monarch" I.I. Chernyak, without waiting for the post of general, left, as he put it, for a quieter service, but also as a colonel. The struggle for the post began in the regiment, but Moscow sent us Colonel N.N. Avramchik from the East. For a long time he fought for a replacement in the central regions, wrote complaints to all authorities, and his request was granted.

He began to command the regiment from the age of 32, was a participant in the war, had Olympian calm, prepared to retire for a well-deserved rest. He ruled our regiment, carelessly. My teacher, the chief of staff of the regiment Naumov, brought up by Chernyak in the spirit of not making any decisions without him, faced great difficulties.

Avramchik could often leave with or without reason, and the regiment's activities did not stop - the chief of staff had to make decisions himself. I saw the torment of Naumov, it was surprising that he was still looking for Avramchik to make a decision.
In the future, already in the role of chief of staff, I often had to make decisions for the regiment commander, for the head of the garrison, and I looked at it more simply, I was bolder in my decisions.

Avramchik had extensive experience in commanding a regiment, but he was tired of everything, and he only thought about being transferred to the reserve. And the fact that he had experience, says such an episode. Our regiment took part in regular exercises. The exercises were complex, they practiced interaction with the ZRV by zones, as well as the actions of fighter aircraft at the distant lines of interception.

The mediators in the regiment were demanding and competent. I had to play the role of chief of staff. Avramchik jokingly called me "Chief of Staff of the entire Mari Republic", because Naumov was often sick, and accordingly I remained behind him.
We repulsed the raid during the day, and at night by morning it was necessary to display all this on the map, the regiment commander to make decisions on the restoration of battle formations (we had "losses") and on the further conduct of hostilities.

Nikolai Nesterovich Avramchik became interested in playing "shishi-beshi" with the navigators of the command post during the pauses, and the fact that they would hear him in the morning did not bother him at all. He was imperturbably calm.
For the rest of the night, I gathered my deputies, the commanders of the supporting units, listened to them, and by morning the decisions for the regiment commander were printed textually and displayed on the map. Avramchik did not even take the text in his hands. I began to worry about his Olympian calmness, I thought that they would slap us with a low mark ...

Great was my surprise when, in front of a higher commander and intermediaries, Avramchik clearly (according to my preparation), articulately, in commanding language, without stumbling, reported what had been done, what had been restored, and his decisions on the further conduct of hostilities. There were no questions from the intermediaries and the unit commander. So, the regimental commander covered everything necessary.
I beamed - aviation did not let us down, it was clear to me that Nikolai Nesterovich had a lot of experience, he knew how to navigate on the move.

The second was heard by the commander of the anti-aircraft missile regiment. He had a solid appearance, a mustache and two rhombuses on his chest. But he reported weakly compared to Avramchik, by about 3 points. A lot of questions rained down, he began to report on them vaguely. In general, their headquarters let us down.
Avramchik, even before the second raid, set to work on "shishi-beshi". We also repulsed the second raid. I had to stay awake for 3 nights, but we accounted for the exercises in all respects.

But the weakness of the leadership on the part of the regiment commander soon made itself felt ...

Years of war: 1942 [Notes of the chief of staff of the division] Rogov Konstantin Ivanovich

Chapter 4 Service at the headquarters of the 24th reserve army. Senior Assistant Chief of Operations, Army

Service at the headquarters of the 24th reserve army. Senior Assistant Chief of Operations, Army

Parting with the 255th Infantry Division

The divisional commander returned from the headquarters of the front, where he met with the commanders of the front, Lieutenant General R. Malinovsky, his old colleague. Upon arrival, I. T. Zamertsev offered me to take temporary command of the 968th Infantry Regiment.

Here Dmitriev can handle it, - said Ivan Terentyevich, and I suspected that it had been decided to release me and not now! But the fact that the divisional commander decided to part with Denisov, I knew about this ahead of time, from him!

And the commander of the only battalion operating in the regiment, that is, a completed battalion, was appointed adjutant divisional commander Shalaput, who had already become a captain.

Although I was upset by what had happened, I, of course, had to command the regiment, to be the “master”, who independently made the decision to fight and carried out his plan.

A.P. Dmitriev, as the chief of staff of the division, brought me to the regiment, and soon left. I felt alone in the regiment. The regimental commissar was seriously ill, and there were no deputies and assistants yet. Including the chief of staff. In addition, four captains, assistants to the chief of staff, it occurred to someone to evict from the house they occupied in order to settle me. The captains were offended. I learned about this only a few days later from the eldest daughter of the hostess Maya (Moti), the wife of a pilot from Borisoglebsk. So there was a void around me.

Of course, Alexei and Rita did not forget to visit me. And, one day, Lisa Shvets, who was sent away to spend the night with her neighbor Maya (Motya), almost defiantly.

I saw that the training of reinforcements in the Battalion of Shalaput Petr Fedorovich was not going well. Company and platoon commanders themselves had to be taught the art of teaching. Captain Shalaput tried, but he himself did not have enough practice either. It was bad with the sergeants, they simply did not exist! General Zamertsev saw that combat training was not going well. But thanks to him, I understood the situation.

I did not stay long in Alexandrovka. By the end of May, Ivan Terentyevich came for me, along with Chief of Staff Dmitriev. Dmitriev was the first to jump out of the car and whispered to me:

Will woo a regiment, do not agree!

Yeah, so I'm a temporary worker!

I, Rogov, am thinking of leaving you as regimental commander,” said the divisional commander. - You will command the regiment, and in two months I will take you as a deputy. Or you will go to the army headquarters as a senior assistant to the chief of the operations department. Well, how?

The matter has become quite clear. They take me to the army headquarters, and the division commander, if I agree, can leave me as regimental commander. Because there is a regulation for this. The regiment commander is the main figure organizing the battle directly on the battlefield, special attention is given to him, he is given special rights, he has an increased allowance (from 1300 rudders to 1800), no one has the right to prosecute (arrest) him without the permission of the Council of People's commissioners! The latter was especially important, since the NKVD bodies, represented by the Special Departments (counterintelligence "Smersh"), easily carried out this procedure on their own, sometimes I do not consider it necessary to inform even the division commander. They usually arrived at night, without the sanction of the prosecutor, put me in a car and, without saying anything to anyone, took me away.

But, trusting A.P. Dmitriev, I did not accept the proposal of the division commander:

I, comrade general, am used to staff work, and if that's the case, it's better for me to go to army headquarters.

Sorry, sorry! And I was sure that you would agree. Going along the command line is more promising. Well, yes, it's up to you, we will assume that you handed over the regiment to the commissar, take your things and let's go. And tomorrow Dmitriev will take you to the army headquarters, to Novo-Svetlovka. You've been assigned as Senior Assistant Chief of Operations.

I didn’t know then that the 24th Reserve Army was also being formed, and the army chief of staff was staffing his apparatus. With the then shortage of trained personnel, there were too many two “academicians” at the division headquarters, which is why they took me away.

Packing up your "things" was a matter of one minute. When I got into the car, Ivan Terentyevich began to say goodbye to the whining Shaloput, and he:

Comrade General, what is it, everyone is leaving, but should I stay?

Nothing will happen to you! People need to be taught, not the general's boots to clean. It can do even less.

You always come up with something wonderful! - the captain was completely offended.

Then, when they drove off, Ivan Terentyevich explained:

Now he has nothing to beat the thumbs in front of me, let him work, the benefit of the regiment and his practice.

I spent my farewell evening in my former apartment, but closer to the threshold. Dmitriev settled in the front corner. They gathered to see me off: the military commissar of the headquarters, K. V. Shipulin, Major Shchiglik, Captain Melnik, Rita, and several other people with whom I became closer.

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Appendix 1. Extract from the political report of the head of the political department of the 37th Army on March 3, 1944 ... By decision of the Military Council of the 37th Army, on February 20, a special forces detachment was formed under the command of the chief of operations, the army headquarters department (head of the department

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An Enemy Spy at the Headquarters of the Red Army The work of the Special Section was at first based mainly on verbal statements and letters from the working people. Every morning the duty commandant of the special department brought 20-30 letters, from which I learned about the enemy actions of the persons leading

From the book Mutiny author Sysoev Alexander Alexandrovich

Military service I served in the army from the fall of 1980 to the fall of 1982. My mother had a good calligraphy handwriting, and from time to time she worked part-time at the military registration and enlistment office, filling out forms and military tickets. Taking advantage of her closeness at work to the members of the draft board, she

From the book The White Movement and the Struggle of the Volunteer Army author Denikin Anton Ivanovich

Chapter III. The inner life of the Volunteer Army: traditions, leaders and warriors. General Romanovsky. Cuban sentiments. Financial situation. Formation of the army It was also difficult to organize the internal life of the troops. The principle of volunteerism, involving in the army elements of persistent and

From the book Soldier until the last day. Memoirs of a Field Marshal of the Third Reich. 1933-1947 author Kesselring Albrecht


From the book My Streltsy Universities author Isaev Alexander Petrovich

11. Service in the army As a second-year student of an agricultural school, I passed the draft board and received a summons from the city military registration and enlistment office to arrive at the recruiting station on June 9, 1952. I reacted calmly to the call to the army, even with some expectation of new changes. Simultaneously draft

From the book Soldier of the Three Armies author Winzer Bruno

In the reserve army, I almost did not hear the Sound of the gap, but a huge fountain of mud, which brought down fragments, sand and stones on me, haunted me in nightmares for a long time. My wounds, or rather bruises, were fairly harmless. Protracted inflammation of the frontal sinus, which began

From the book Years of War: 1942 [Notes of the chief of staff of the division] author Rogov Konstantin Ivanovich

Chapter 2 Service at the Headquarters of the 57th Army 2.1 The Road to the Headquarters of the 57th Army In the morning, after having breakfast for the last time in the canteen of the South-Western Direction, and saying goodbye to their only staff acquaintance, lieutenant colonel of aviation, we set off on the road. The beginning of the road was in the carriageway

From the author's book

4.2 Service in the headquarters of the 24th reserve army The headquarters of the 24th reserve army was located in the small village of Novo-Svetlovka, which was located not far from Voroshilovgrad (Lugansk), to the southwest. A gravel road led to Novo-Svetlovka. It was kept in good condition. BUT

From the author's book

Chapter 7 At the headquarters of the 10th Guards Corps. Head of the Operations Department 7.1 An unexpected suggestion from Major General Zamertsev. Roads of the Caucasus. To Grozny Only in the afternoon the order was ready and I was warned that I could leave. But Kozlov and I have been for a long time

From the author's book

8.5 Allegorical conversation with the Deputy Chief of Staff of the Army G. O. Lyaskin. Conclusion of the 89th Infantry Division to the reserve. Arrival of the Commission Days passed, and I still could not find a way to send a report about what was happening in the division to the army headquarters. As a sin, no one from there

95. The chief of staff of the regiment in peacetime and wartime is responsible for: organizing and maintaining the management of the regiment's units; for the combat and mobilization readiness of the regiment and the successful completion of combat missions by the regiment; for planning combat training; for the training of the headquarters and units providing command and control of the regiment; for the organization of guard and internal services in the regiment; for education, military discipline and the moral and psychological state of the personnel of the headquarters and directly subordinated units, their provision with weapons and military equipment; for the state of accounting for personnel, weapons, military equipment and ammunition of the regiment. The chief of staff of the regiment reports to the commander of the regiment, is his first deputy and the direct chief of all personnel of the regiment.

When implementing the decisions of the regiment commander, the chief of staff has the right to give orders to persons subordinate to the regiment commander on his behalf. The chief of staff reports to the regimental commander on all the most important orders given.

96. The chief of staff of the regiment is obliged:

Organize the work of the headquarters and manage it on a daily basis, coordinate the work of the heads of military branches and services;

Constantly know the true position and condition of the units of the regiment, as well as monitor the progress of the tasks assigned to them;

Conduct classes with officers of the regiment headquarters, supervise the training of the headquarters of the battalions and units that ensure the management of the regiment;

Develop and implement a combat and mobilization readiness plan for the regiment and measures to protect against nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, manage mobilization work in the regiment;

Develop a combat training plan for the regiment, a plan for checking the status of units and services by officials directly subordinate to the regiment commander and staff officers, a vacation schedule for the regiment's military personnel, and monitor their implementation;

Know the business and moral-psychological qualities of each officer and warrant officer, as well as all staff sergeants and units directly subordinate to him, constantly work with officers on military education and improvement of professional training;

Distribute the replenishment arriving in the regiment among the units;

Organize communications in the regiment, check the status and combat readiness of communications equipment, develop covert control measures and monitor their implementation, introduce control automation tools;

Organize the timely and correct communication of all orders of the regiment commander and senior commanders (chiefs) to units and services, as well as verification of their implementation; personally transmit the most important orders and check their implementation;

Organize the proper storage and maintenance of the Battle Banner of the regiment and orders, as well as honorary banners, signs, pennants and documents for them;

Organize and at least once a week check the preparation and performance of guard and internal services in the regiment, as well as the maintenance of those arrested (in custody) in the guardhouse;

Instruct the regiment duty officer, his assistant, the duty officer at the checkpoint and the officer on duty at the headquarters of the regiment, as well as the commanders of units (heads of teams) departing on business trips, before entering the outfit, and check the availability of these units (teams) with everything necessary;

Constantly know the presence of people, the presence and condition of weapons, military equipment and other materiel, as well as daily manage the maintenance of their records in the regiment;

Keep records of combat training, as well as crimes, incidents and disciplinary offenses;

Keep the historical record of the regiment;

Organize and at least twice a year check the availability and condition of weapons, military equipment and other materiel, as well as the procedure for their storage in units directly subordinate to him, control the quality of classes with military personnel in compliance with safety requirements in classes and work;

Timely submit the necessary reports to the higher headquarters.

Backup Document

For our Soviet Motherland!

Soldier with a "float", or How the potential of soldiers with higher education is used in the service

Let the current commanders and kermanychs learn (a new Ukrainian word for the major civilian leaders of independent Ukraine. - Approx. Yu.G.), how to appreciate people with higher education. Soviet colonels, day and night preparing troops for a deadly battle with NATO, understood more than the current ones. Maybe that's why the world was saved from a new massacre ...

“A sailor with a rhombus (“float”), i.e. with a higher education, is not just a professionally well-trained person, but also a more politically and intellectually developed member of the sailor team. It will help a colleague understand some difficult educational issue and prepare for a political lesson.”

“The data show that there are significantly fewer cases of violations of military discipline in those teams where there are more people with higher education, and among sailors and foremen who graduated from universities, the number of violations is several times less than the average data. And that's natural too."

« A special commission of officers of the Headquarters of the Fleet registers sailors of young replenishment with a higher (incomplete higher, i.e., those who have completed 3 or more full courses of a university; sometimes those who have completed 2 courses slip. - Approx. Yu.G.) education and distributes them taking into account the needs of ships and units for combat training. Priority is given to the most complex and responsible combat specialties.».


In general, they selected from the young "cream" - the most educated people (with higher and incomplete higher education) to staff:

S T A B o c


Coastal institutions

and the rest - on ships and submarines, incl. and nuclear submarines!

And they sit importantly in numerous Headquarters, starting with the Headquarters of a division of nuclear-powered ships or the Headquarters of a brigade of surface ships, and there are also Headquarters of a division, squadron, flotilla, fleet; there are numerous Directorates: the Mine-Torpedo Directorate of the Primorskaya Flotilla is not a Headquarters, this Directorate is part of the Flotilla Directorate. So it is written: Management and Headquarters of the Flotilla. Division commander, deputy commander - this is the Division Directorate. And already coastal services, starting with the largest Leningrad naval base, Naval crews and half-crews, Training detachments and ending with MIS (marine engineering service - an analogue of KEU and KECh), cannot be counted at all.

Scribes, clerks, draftsmen, screwing their academic badges onto the front "flanks" with pins (just like officers), proudly sat down at the tables, not getting up (!) when even senior officers appeared, with piles of papers at the field and not only field telephones. At the same time, the vast majority of this army are on ships and submarines, incl. and senior positions. If a ship or boat makes a long trip, then the clerk is officially, on completely legal grounds, awarded one of the most prestigious awards in the fleet: token "For a long trip on a surface ship (submarine)". How else, one order for the entire personnel of the ship (submarine) is written. And the clerk is the same personnel.

By the way, this award was so popular in the Navy that this badge was attached to the chest by all and sundry. So, in the aviation "training" of the Air Force of the Fleet on Okeanskaya in Vladivostok, this sign was pinned (screwed on, who could get such a rarity) by junior commanders, going on vacation and demobilization. At the same time, two-year-old aviators (the military personnel of the Air Force of the Navy served for 2 years and had army ranks. - Approx. Yu.G.) also sewed on black shoulder straps. The most cunning of the "participants" of the heroic campaigns that they made - distant for vodka to nearby shops and ultra-long to young educators from a neighboring pioneer camp - using an acquaintance in the combat unit (our clerk will always do it for magarych!), Made the appropriate entry, certified by the official seal , on the 9th page of the military ID.

Who doesn't know: after the return of the ship (submarine) to the base, the commander submitted to the headquarters of the formation (navy, squadron, flotilla, etc.) a certified extract from the navigation log, indicating that this exit to the ocean (sea) complies with the concept of "long voyage" and a list of personal the composition of the ship that entered the DP. On the basis of these documents, the commander of the association issued his order on the presentation / awarding of this personnel and instructed the issuance of the appropriate number of tokens to the commander of the unit. The personnel in the military ticket made an entry about the presentation of the token "For a long march" indicating the date and number of the order and the date, the token was issued at the formation in a solemn atmosphere. Numbered ZDP tokens did not occur in nature (in the 80s!).

The ranks of foremen (sergeants in the army) our clerk, of course, also receives on time, and one step higher than the regular one (legal action. - Approx. Yu.G.). And the same staff chief of the clerk awards the victorious badge “Excellence in the Navy” in the first place (yesterday he, drunk, dragged him on himself and put him to sleep on chairs, and not on the floor; this is valued and not forgotten; it’s just right and a medal reward!) The clerk could not distinguish himself in this way - and it is not necessary. He will reward himself (he will write his last name in the order in the same handwriting and ink). The commander will always sign a multi-page order - will he check hundreds of names? Does he remember them? Does he have time for this?

In parts 1st Guards Proletarian Moscow-Minsk motorized rifle division,"court" division of the Red Banner Baltic Military District, guided similar, a decades-old approach.

Who doesn't know: in 1932-1941 - the best division of the Red Army; was called: 1st Proletarian Moscow Rifle Division; was a "court", parade-demonstration division of the Moscow military district. Now the "court", demonstration-ceremonial division of the Order of Lenin of the Moscow Military District is 2nd Guards Taman motorized rifle division.

Almost all soldiers and sergeants with university diplomas 1st Guards Proletarian Moscow-Minsk motorized rifle division settled in the management and headquarters of the division and 6 of its regiments. As draftsmen, clerks, clerks, freelance adjutants. A private of the Guards was appointed to the position of clerk of the technical unit ... As a clerk (regular category "sergeant") is a doctor of the Guards private ... And subordinate to the senior assistant chief of staff (SPNSh) of one of the Guards motorized rifle regiments of the Guards, Major N. turned out to be immediately ... two clerks in the presence of one (!) position (the senior clerk of the combat unit in those states had the full-time category "sergeant") - Senior Sergeant of the Guard ... and Guards Sergeant ...(look at what gorgeous titles! - Approx. Yu.G.).

Even the head of the Political Department of the division of the Guards, Colonel ... could not resist taking a soldier called up from the student bench to the Political Department.

The approach, proven by many years of practice, is simple: the best - for yourself!

Thus, in the Directorate of the 1st Guards Motorized Rifle Division, there were 7 people with higher and incomplete higher education: 14 - in units subordinate directly to the chief of staff of the division (commandant's company of the division, company of protection and support of the division headquarters, orchestra, OBS, battery of the chief division artillery, etc.), 2-3 soldiers each - at the headquarters of the regiments, in the platoon of the chief of artillery of the regiment, in the department of the chief of air defense of the regiment, as a full-time clerk of the technical unit - in general, where is it.


(there were 24 types of states in the Soviet Army)

- Chief of staff;

- ZNSH- Deputy Chief of Staff - so-called. mobist;

(deputy for mobilization work; head of the mobile department with 2-3 officers subordinate to the wartime staff);

- SPNS- senior assistant to the chief of staff (combat unit and personnel; in wartime states "A" or "B" has 2 full-time assistants - re-enlisted);

- PNSh- assistant chief of staff - mobist (at ZNSh);

Head of the secret unit (ensign);

Encoder (sergeant);

Commandant of the headquarters (ensign; he is also the commander of the commandant's platoon of the regiment);

2 full-time clerk sergeants: one sits at the ZNSh, the other at the SPNSH.

The technical part of the regiment, the service of the RAV (rocket and artillery weapons), the armored service of the regiment, the auto service of the regiment and other services - all this is the command of the regiment. The artillerymen of the regiment stood apart: their clerks were stationed in the art. division of the regiment and in control platoons art. batteries. The same is true for the air defense regiment. The top of the "steepness" is the platoon of the regiment's artillery chief and the regiment's air defense chief's squad.

In the headquarters of a larger regiment, for example, brigades, training centers, air bases, there is also the position of deputy. early headquarters for the regime of secrecy - OFFICER, so-called. "octagon", i.e. head of the 8th department; subordinate to him: head of the secret unit, early. secret warehouse, secret library. Deputy early headquarters is the head of the mob. departments and peacetime staff. Training centers also had training departments.

NOTE: in the headquarters, as well as in the management services of the regiment and in the political department of the regiment, there were still a lot of "snowdrops" at the expense of the units: freelance clerks, adjutants; are listed in the communications company of the regiment or an ordinary motorized rifle company, and perform the duties of a staff servant.

HQ motorized rifle battalion

Chief of staff;

PNSh - assistant chief of staff (senior lieutenant);

Clerk (clerk in other states); (full-time, lives in the communications platoon of the battalion).

It is impossible to legally remove what is illegally legalized!

Updated 04 Dec 2013. Created 19 Apr 2012