Tomatoes in a greenhouse for sale. The technology of growing tomatoes in a greenhouse as a business or industrial cultivation of tomatoes

The value of homemade vegetables grown without the use of chemical preparations is constantly growing all over the world - every consumer knows this. Such products are bought with pleasure by shops and restaurants, offering an attractive price for it. Therefore, now is the time to establish its production in order to have time to win your own - albeit a small, but permanent part of the market.

I will share my experience of growing tomatoes in greenhouses and in the open field, as well as the further sale of the crop. The initial costs will be beaten off in the very first season, since both retail consumers and wholesale buyers will be happy to buy your tomatoes.

Business Benefits

So, why I chose this particular business, and why it can suit you:

  • wide opportunities for the sale of goods - not only retail consumers willingly buy tomatoes of good quality, but also cafes, procurement bases, supermarkets and canneries (these are salads, juice, preservation, tomato pastes, sauces and ketchups);
  • organizing your own farm for growing tomatoes does not require large investments, especially if you already have a plot of land;
  • growing tomatoes with innovative technologies– very cost-effective occupation due to the incredibly high yield (profitability is at least 60%);
  • at first (on a small scale), caring for tomatoes does not require a large number of workers, and therefore it is possible to engage in this type of business at first without state registration.

If planned open a large farm, then most of the money will be spent on renting land and premises. The room can be residential or be a small vegetable store. If hired workers work on the farm, you will have to pay them wages. Transport will be needed to sell vegetables. It can be a truck or a car.

Choosing a place for growing tomatoes and registering with the tax office

If you would like to organize Own business for growing tomatoes, then first of all you need to decide on the size of the future farm. This may be a small subsidiary farm, which can be organized on your land. At the same time, it will not be necessary to register with the local tax service and obtain various permits for the right to engage in entrepreneurial activities.

If you are planning create a large vegetable farm, then you first need to register with the local tax office by paying state duty. Then you need to collect some documents. If, in addition to the land, a room is being built, for example, for storing vegetables, then permits from the sanitary and fire services will be required.

It is advisable to locate the farm outside the city or in the countryside. There should not be other farms of this type nearby, this is very important due to the high competition. If your land is small, then you need to rent additional land. It is very important that there is a source of water nearby, as tomatoes require periodic watering, especially during periods of drought.

Necessary equipment and personnel

Business on tomatoes does not require large initial investment. All that I needed, except for the land, was equipment for watering plants, containers for harvesting and storing crops, greenhouses, several packs of tomato seeds, and appropriate gardening tools. It is advisable to build one or more greenhouses to grow seedlings, as well as early tomato varieties. The number of workers depends on the size of the land. If a large farm is opened, then, of course, one cannot cope here, it will take several people.

Choose a plot

Choosing a plot for growing tomatoes for sale

For tomatoes, well-lightened areas with even relief are best suited. Avoid waterlogged, low places. If there is no other choice, then in such areas, tomatoes are grown on ridges or on ridges.

The best soils to obtain high yields of tomatoes - light sandy or loamy, well drained, with a finely cloddy structure, well warmed up, with a pH close to Mitral (6.0-7.0), rich organic matter. Tomatoes do not like acidic soils, so give preference to areas where compost, ash, and lime were previously introduced. In selected areas, it is desirable to carry out a soil analysis to determine the nutrient content, soil pH and humus content. The humus content should be within 2-2.5%. My advice: try to grind a lump of earth in your hands - it should crumble easily.

You can not place tomatoes after nightshade crops ( , ). I return tomatoes to the same area no earlier than in 3-4 years. This is due to the accumulation of diseases and pests in the soil.

The best predecessors for tomatoes: legumes, early and medium, cereals.

Growing tomatoes all year round

For growing tomatoes in greenhouses, there are 3 types of planning schemes for year-round cultivation. Below are their features.

Scheme No. 1. Extended turnover

The plant is planted at the end of the previous or at the beginning of the new year. The first harvest is in the spring (late March - early April). The collection continues until autumn (October - early November). Then, after preparation, a new landing is carried out. With this system, during the growing process, after collecting one or two brushes, plants should be lowered every week. During the growing season, the length of the stem reaches 10 meters. This system is less suitable for growing in very hot summers and therefore I advise you to go to the second rotation with a transplant (3 scheme).

Scheme No. 2. Replanting young plants

The quality and yield of the old crop deteriorates after several months of harvest, especially in very hot weather. In order to obtain a sufficient harvest, young plants are planted on old plants. The tops of old plants are pinched off to stop their productivity. But when using this system, it is necessary great experience and knowledge. This scheme, with sufficient illumination in winter, allows you to get a year-round crop.

Scheme No. 3. 2nd autumn-winter turnover

I actively use this scheme in recent times. Replace old plants with new ones summer time, which guarantees good quality and productivity in the autumn. This is followed by a gap in the harvest, lasting 2 months and usually falling on July-August, when the market keeps low prices due to the abundance of tomatoes in the open field. With this system, peak yields occur in March-June and September-October.

The main problem with this system is that young plants have to be planted during the hottest period of summer. This can lead to a violation of the growth and quality of the first fruits. Based on this, it may be necessary to whitewash greenhouses with chalk In order to protect young plants from too a large number light for the period from planting seedlings to tying the first brush, I advise artificially shading greenhouses during the hottest time of the day (from 11 am to 4 pm).

I will give a table, according to which I plan to grow tomatoes.

Preparing the soil for planting tomatoes

Soil preparation begins immediately after harvesting the predecessor and is carried out in two stages.

Autumn work in the garden:

  • single-double disking or peeling to grind plant residues;
  • application of phosphogypsum, phosphate and potash fertilizers;
  • deep plowing - 25 - 30 cm;
  • soil planning.

Spring soil preparation:

  • early spring harrowing to cover moisture.
  • pre-sowing cultivation to a depth of 4-5 cm.

If the soil is saline, I carry out gypsuming, at the rate of 5 t / ha of phosphogypsum. In terms of the active substance, 3.5 tons of CaS04 must be added. This operation is carried out in the fall, before plowing. This helps to get rid of soil crust and reduce soil salinity. At a pH of more than 8, I advise you to carry out gypsum for 3-4 years.

Preparing the soil for planting tomatoes


For right choice system from the autumn in the area reserved for tomatoes, take soil samples for agrochemical analysis for nutrient content and pH, as I did. Based on the soil analysis data, an accurate calculation of the doses of mineral fertilizers is made.

organic fertilizers do not apply directly under the tomatoes. I introduce them in the fall as a sub-predecessor, normally 30-40 t / ha of fresh manure (for cucumbers) or humus (other crops).

In this case, the nutrients are used most optimally. Potash and phosphorus fertilizers are best applied in the fall under the main tillage.

potash fertilizers I apply fractionally - 50% is applied from autumn for plowing, the rest during the growing season according to the needs of plants in terms of growing.

Phosphate fertilizers I apply in full dose in autumn before plowing or in spring before cultivation. This is due to the fact that basic phosphate fertilizers are sparingly soluble in water, and soluble complex fertilizers are expensive. Of course, it is optimal to use complex fertilizers, which are selected for certain groups of crops and are balanced in terms of nutrient content. To reduce the cost of production, cheaper fertilizers are used.

I use a chlorine-free complex fertilizer Yield NPK 3-14-22 at a dose of 850-900 kg/ha. Thus, tomato plants are fully provided with phosphorus and potassium for the entire period of growth and development, and I simultaneously introduce about 25 kg / ha of ammonium nitrogen into the soil.

nitrogen fertilizers I apply during the growing season according to the needs of the plant. I recommend top dressing with each watering, in which case the nutrients are used most optimally. During the period of mass flowering and laying the crop, the application of complex fertilizers such as Terra, Crystalon is more effective.

If for some reason it was not possible to apply the full rate of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers since autumn, I recommend applying the complex fertilizer Harvest NPK 6-13-20 at a dose of up to 900 kg/ha to pre-sowing cultivation. I compensate for the missing part of nitrogen with top dressing during the growing season.

When growing tomatoes, I pay great attention to the use of microelements. They are best used with foliar top dressing. Foliar top dressing with complex fertilizers is used.

Calcium is an important element for growing tomatoes

With a lack of calcium, the fruits are affected by blossom end rot. On soils with an insufficient calcium content, I recommend applying fertilizers with its retention (calcium nitrate) in the norm: on soils with a high salt content, where gypsum has not been carried out - 40-50 kg / ha; on soils with a low salt content - 20-30 kg / ha .

Also, one of the important elements is magnesium. However, it should be used only on soils where there is a lack of this element. On soils where the magnesium content is insufficient (sandy and sandy loamy soils), it is necessary to apply 20-40 kg/ha of MgO.

Choosing varieties of tomatoes

When choosing varieties and hybrids for cultivation, I advise you to focus primarily on sales markets. I prefer released varieties and hybrids that are suitable for both processing and fresh use. Hybrids allow you to get higher and more stable yields compared to varietal tomatoes, but they require a high level of farming culture and full compliance with all agrotechnical measures. Due to the high cost of seeds, hybrids are recommended to be grown in seedlings.

Common varieties of tomatoes

The most common varieties of tomatoes:

  • rio fuego,
  • rio grande,
  • Peto 86 - "Semenis",
  • redhunter,
  • Superstrain B - Nunams.
  • Inkas,
  • Classic,
  • Tristar - Nunems
  • Lerika,
  • Brixi - Sengenta
  • sunrise,
  • Sunstart,
  • celebrity,
  • Kaspar - "Semenis".

These varieties and hybrids are used both for processing and for fresh sale.

For recycling varieties showed themselves well: Maryushka, Lark "NASCO". These are high-yielding varieties, but completely unsuitable for transportation.

For whole canning I use hybrids Solerosso, Amiko - "Nunems".

  • Santiago - Syngenta
  • Volume,
  • Shady Lady,
  • Skif - "Nunems",
  • Elko - "Klaus"
  • Richie
  • Ronko - "Beyo".

These hybrids are used for both processing and fresh look. They are distinguished by the attractiveness of the fruit, good new qualities, high content of solids. Dry matter is the content of soluble sugars, organic acids, fiber, cellulose, pectin, starch and ash substances in fruits. This indicator is determined as a percentage of the total weight of the fetus and averages 5-7%. The content of solids is determined by the method of processing fruits with subsequent evaporation of moisture. The amount of substances remaining after this, as a percentage of total weight fruits and serves as an indicator of dry matter content. The higher this indicator, the more such varieties and hybrids are suitable for processing.

Varietal tomatoes in a greenhouse in winter must be resistant. The taste of the tomato is considered secondary. Only F1 tomato seed hybrids (King of the market 8, Sprinter, Etude NK, Rhapsody NK, Nocturne NK, Blagovest, Marfa) have such characteristics.

The best varieties of greenhouse tomatoes recognized as indeterminate, or tall, capable of reaching several meters. They form liana-like bushes and are distinguished by a longer fruiting period (until late autumn), which means a more abundant harvest.

However, the advantages of tall tomatoes does not at all mean that undersized (determinant) ones should be forgotten. This group includes plants with a low stem, which often bear fruit before their giant brothers. From undersized tomatoes I opted for such varieties: "Ballerina", "Seagull", "Riddle", "Mit", "Eleanor", "Pink Honey", "Lady", "Asteroid".

In terms of suitability for long term storage I advise you to use the varieties Smilyansky, Masterpiece-1, Masterpiece-2, CX-1, CX-2, CX-3, CX-4, bred by the breeder A.P. Rudas at the Cherkasy Experimental Station. Special genes have been introduced into hybrids Masterpiece-1 and Masterpiece-2 that delay the process of fruit ripening; they can be preserved until March-April of the next year under appropriate conditions of humidity and air temperature. The Long Keeper variety belongs to the same type - with the corresponding gene, light, transportable.

tomato seeds

How to choose seeds

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of seed material. Recently, a lot of falsified seeds have appeared on the Ukrainian market, which, in terms of their qualities, do not at all meet the requirements of agricultural technology. Therefore, I advise you to purchase seeds only in company stores with quality confirmation by a certificate.

How not to make a mistake when buying tomato seeds

How not to be deceived and buy planting material of the expected quality? I adhere to the following rules when buying tomato seeds:

  • do not take seeds from random sellers in the markets; the packages they sell from a trusted manufacturer may contain the cheapest seeds bought by weight;
  • be sure to pay attention to the packaging of seeds; it must be indicated on it: the name of the crop and variety, the designation of the standard, the lot number, the germination and the number of seeds, - the period of their implementation (indicated by a purple stamp on reverse side packaging), manufacturer and its coordinates. Please note that the sale period for seeds in paper bags is until the end of the year following the year of packaging, in bags with a layer of foil or polyethylene - a year longer. Pay attention to whether there is a GOST. It is GOST, not OST or some kind of international standard;
  • seeds of the first class have a germination rate of at least 95%, of the second - 80%. For tomatoes of the first class of protected ground, out of 100 grains, 95 should sprout, that is, germination rate is 95%, and for open ground, 85 is enough. This information is also presented on the package.

In the next article, you will learn: how to prepare seeds for sowing, about growing and planting seedlings,

as well as: about watering a tomato, care and pest control;

harvesting and selling it.

With regular visits to supermarkets, it is easy to notice the constant fluctuations in prices for fruits and vegetables from season to season. However, if in season the products have excellent taste when low prices, then in the off-season, the quality of their taste and smell drops, while the price of products, surprisingly, grows. Why does this paradox, unpleasant for the consumer, occur? The reason is that large producers are usually more concerned with the quantity of products grown for sale, rather than their quality. Therefore, for the cultivation of the same tomatoes (tomatoes), nitrates are often used, and not genuine fertilizer. Which, of course, has the worst effect on the consumer performance of tomatoes.

However, there is a plus in this - conscientious manufacturers who do not want to deal with chemical additives have the opportunity to sell their natural and tasty goods quite successfully - even out of season.

Organization of growing tomatoes in a greenhouse

Let's make a reservation that growing tomatoes is impossible without a land plot. On it, you first need to build a greenhouse. It will come in handy even in summer, because without being protected from strong hail, the crop may die. If you can’t make a greenhouse for tomatoes on your own, you can order a ready-made one - from polycarbonate it will cost 15 (or more - depending on the size) thousand rubles. For year-round cultivation of tomatoes in a greenhouse, stable maintenance of optimal conditions for them is necessary. Those. you can not do without the air conditioning, heating and water supply system inside the greenhouse.

Be sure to purchase exclusively natural, high-quality fertilizer, having calculated the required amount for the area of ​​\u200b\u200byour greenhouse.

Tomato seedlings can be considered ready for planting when the sprouts reach 20 cm in height. Make wide, 10-centimeter deep holes in the soil in which to place seedlings of tomatoes grown in pots. Tomatoes should be planted at a distance of 50 cm from each other.

A two-meter trellis is installed along the beds, to which plants will be tied that need support due to their high growth rate and the severity of the tomato fruits. For the first two weeks, you should not water the tomatoes, so that they do not grow. 1.5 months after planting, the lowest leaves are removed (3 leaves per week) to avoid infections. Expect the first harvest of tomatoes in more than 2 months. FROM square meter usually harvest 10-20 tomatoes.

Sales of tomatoes

When you have hundreds of healthy, ripe tomatoes in your hands, get down to implementation. You can sell them to supermarkets and vegetable outlets in the city, however, these establishments will buy your product at small, wholesale prices - keep this in mind. It’s better to sell tomatoes at your own rented point on the market, because people know that it is most likely that goods grown by themselves are sold here. Another option is to sell tomatoes by subscription. Those. you recruit a number of "tomato subscribers" who subscribe to one box of tomatoes, say, in 2 weeks and pay in advance. As a result, you will send 2 boxes to subscribers every month, being sure that your tomatoes are on sale. Well, subscribers will know: from now on, tomatoes will be regularly on their table!

Thanks to breeders, there are various varieties of tomatoes that can be grown outdoors, under film shelters, in greenhouses and even on balconies. Early varieties grown on their own beds in late spring - early summer are especially valued, since during this period imported tomatoes dominate the store shelves, which, as a rule, are grown in a greenhouse way, they are expensive, but the taste, as the hero of Arkady Raikin said - "specific". Therefore, at this time, local tomatoes have absolutely no competition, and the average price on the market allows you to make good money, but you can also make money on tomato seedlings. The main thing is to know the way accelerated cultivation tomatoes.

A tomato is a berry. Biologists consider tomatoes to be berries. Since it has all the characteristic features - juicy pulp, thin skin, many seeds inside the fruit.

In early spring, as soon as the last frosts pass and warming sets in, all gardeners have an acute question about how to plant tomatoes. Tomato is a heat-loving crop and requires a lot of knowledge and effort to grow. However, the success of a good harvest begins with the right choice of site, soil preparation and, most importantly, the process of planting seeds. Let's take a step-by-step look at a universal technique on how to quickly grow tomato seedlings without much effort.

The right choice of site is the key to successful seedlings.

First of all, in early spring, the right area for sowing is selected. Like any heat-loving crop, the tomato loves the open sun. Therefore, the owners of even the smallest land will have to allocate the sunniest area for tomatoes if they ultimately want to get an excellent harvest. At first, ten square meters will be enough to get seedlings from seeds, since at the beginning of spring it is strongly recommended to plant seeds in a greenhouse in order to avoid the death of crops from unforeseen cold snaps or frosts.

Soil preparation for sowing

The site is carefully dug up with a bayonet shovel, simultaneously mixing ashes from burned firewood into the ground. To simplify the process, it is recommended to initially sprinkle the earth with ashes and then start digging, turning the shovel with the earth upside down.

This will enrich the chernozem with a large number of missing trace elements. The dug up area is loosened with a rake, and all large pieces of soil are broken. Now it is possible to outline the boundaries of the future greenhouse and with the help of a shovel, it is necessary to finally level the landing area, while slightly compacting the surface. This is necessary for the subsequent creation of furrows in which seeds will be planted.

After the final leveling of the soil, we proceed to the creation of planting furrows. To do this, you need a metal pipe the entire length of your site with a diameter of 2.5 cm or a wooden lath of the same size. The pipe is placed on the surface of the earth along the length of the section at one of the edges and is pressed into the soil to the depth of its diameter, that is, so that it is flush with the ground.

Then the pipe is removed and the necessary furrow remains in the ground. In the same way, the remaining grooves are made with an interval of 10 cm.

Tomato is a vegetable. Ushakov's dictionary calls a tomato a vegetable, as it grows in the garden and is eaten. But, this statement does not violate the classification of botanists. The fruit of a tomato is a berry. And the tomato itself is a vegetable, because this term is culinary.

When the furrows are ready, they should be strewn with a thin layer of ordinary sand, as shown in the photo. Sand in the future will provide better penetration of air and moisture to the roots, thereby increasing the flow of nutrients.

Seed planting technique

Now it is worth explaining how to grow seedlings by planting seeds in the resulting furrows. First of all, the mounting groove must be moistened with a small amount of water ( in the best way This is what a kettle is for. In a moistened furrow, they begin to spread one seed at a time with an interval of 5 cm, pressing them into the ground with little effort.

We plant the seeds in moistened furrows, the interval is 5 cm

The laid out seeds are covered not with clean earth, but with black soil, previously mixed with a small amount of humus compost and sawdust, as can be seen in the following photographs.

The compost in this mixture contributes more nutrients for seed growth, and the sawdust acts as a soil aerator, providing better oxygen penetration to the roots.

This procedure is done with the rest of the furrows, filling them up without a slide, flush with the ground.

At the final stage of sowing, the entire planted area is sprinkled with a small layer (up to 5 mm) of simple sawdust, which will create a kind of air gap over the sowing.

Such a layer will serve as additional protection from the cold, and will also create a special microclimate, keeping moisture in the soil longer. Then the sprinkled area is watered with a small amount of water from a spray bottle or watering can. The main thing is not to overdo it with water to avoid blurring the furrows and washing out the seeds.

Summer greenhouses or greenhouses are often installed on personal plots. They are suitable for protecting plants during frosts, accelerate fruiting allow the cultivation of particularly heat-loving varieties. Such greenhouses can be built on a wooden or metal frame and covered with foil. The greenhouse requires annual reconstruction, but is quite cheap. Suitable only for seasonal cultivation in the ground.

For year-round tomato cultivation capital buildings needed equipped with a heating system. Such greenhouses are erected on a durable metal frame with an anti-corrosion coating. Glass or polycarbonate is used as a coating.

The latter is suitable for arched greenhouses, sheets can be bent and cut without fear of damage. In regions with cold climates double glazing recommended. The air between the layers of glass or polycarbonate creates the effect of a thermos, which reduces heating costs.

For year-round cultivation, greenhouses with a pitched roof are more convenient. Sizes vary from 100 to 500 sq. m. Industrial greenhouses are even larger, with an average size of around 1,000 square meters. m.

Such structures involve cultivation using hanging technology, hydroponic or aeroponic. A significant drawback of tomatoes grown in a nutrient solution is a recognizable watery taste and lack of a characteristic aroma.

The ideal greenhouse for tomatoes should be high enough. The north wall can be laid out with cinder blocks or timber. A blank wall will protect the planting from the wind and help keep you warm. A pitched roof structure is preferred, on which snow does not linger.

Business pros and cons

Growing tomatoes indoors has many benefits. Among them:

  • high demand for tomatoes, increasing in the autumn-winter season;
  • heated greenhouses allow you to take several crops a year;
  • there are many varieties designed specifically for greenhouses;
  • tomatoes stored long enough, which minimizes losses;
  • the harvested crop can be sold independently, through retail outlets on the market or the Internet, and also sold through retail chains, catering and wholesale buyers.

Despite good prospects for entrepreneurs, business has some disadvantages.

Among the most significant:

  • high costs for heating the greenhouse in the cold season;
  • growing tomatoes on an industrial scale should only be done by people with experience in crop production;
  • to work with retail registration required legal entity and getting veterinary certificate for products;
  • in summer, competition from owners of farms growing tomatoes in the open field increases.

Choosing a variety for closed ground

In a greenhouse, it is preferable to grow hybrids specially created for closed ground. It is better to choose tall branched varieties. On such a bush many fruits ripen at the same time, which increases the productivity of greenhouses. Tall bushes can be combined with smaller, planted around the perimeter. This arrangement will allow optimal use of scarce space.

Both early and late varieties are suitable for closed ground. AT middle lane it is not recommended to plant especially sweet hybrids of the southern selection, they are very sensitive to temperature fluctuations and can be affected by pests.

When choosing the right variety, it is worth considering:

  1. yield. Multiple varieties will significantly increase income.
  2. fruit ripening time. The shorter the growing season, the more profitable the business.
  3. disease resistance. The best hybrids are not affected by pests and do not require constant treatment with insecticides.
  4. The taste of tomatoes. Consumers prefer more fleshy fruits with a bright sweet taste and pronounced aroma.
  5. Fruit size and color. Medium-sized tomatoes of rich red, pink or yellow color are in great demand among buyers.
  6. It is advisable to choose varieties with fruits that tolerate storage and transportation well.

Among the most popular, industrial varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses can be noted:

  1. Early and mid-ripening varieties: Gift, Aksinya, Cherry, Evpator, Kostroma. Palenque.
  2. Hybrids with a shortened growing season: Verlioka, Rhapsody, Caspar, Sprinter, Etude, Farmer.
  3. Fruits with a particularly rich taste: Honey Spas, Pink Honey, Orange King, Asteroid, Lady, Ballerina.

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Having chosen the right variety, it is worth concentrating on it. Industrial cultivation of tomatoes in a greenhouse focused not on experiments and to increase productivity. Professionals usually grow no more than 2-3 types of tomatoes at a time.

Greenhouse equipment

In small farm greenhouses, it is better to grow tomatoes in the ground. Their taste qualities are much higher, which allows them to sell products at a good margin.

greenhouse must be equipped with a ventilation system and automatic drip irrigation. Tomatoes are sensitive to moisture levels, but do not like stagnant water in the soil. On hot days, shading is required with the help of special curtains, which close the south side of the greenhouse.

The heating system may be different. Industrial greenhouses heated with built-in boilers and underground pipes. Farm structures can be heated with heaters, stoves, potbelly stoves and even bonfires. The use of biofuel from a mixture of rotted manure and straw will also help.

To maintain the desired microclimate in the winter, open tanks with mullein are installed in the greenhouse. Vapors activate the process of photosynthesis necessary for good fruiting.

Tomatoes in a greenhouse need light, nutritious soil, to which complex mineral fertilizers are regularly applied. top dressing from a mixture of superphosphate, potassium salt and ammonium nitrate deposited every two weeks. Lack of nutrients slows down the formation of ovaries and fruit ripening.

How to calculate profitability?

Before you start growing tomatoes, it is important to draw up a detailed business plan. It will help to correctly calculate the profitability of the future business and accurately take into account all upcoming costs. The consumables include:

  • lease of a piece of land or its purchase;
  • construction and equipment of the greenhouse;
  • purchase of seeds or seedlings;
  • purchase of fertilizers and agricultural equipment;
  • registration of a legal entity and registration of certificates for products;
  • transportation finished products to the point of sale.

Useful video:

Profit depends on the volume of sales and method of implementation. Most profitable optionsale of tomatoes through retail chains or catering establishments.

Cafes and restaurants need not so much cheap as quality products. It is also possible to sell the crop to wholesale buyers, but in this case the margin is significantly reduced.

Substandard can be handed over for processing(production of sauces, pastes, juices).

Much depends on the time of sale. In winter, the mark-up increases by 1.5-2 times. This is due to a decrease in supply and an increase in the cost of production. Before starting winter cultivation, estimate heating costs.

In particularly cold regions, the high cost of electricity can significantly reduce profitability. Many farmers prefer to extend the growing period of tomatoes until November, and suspend production in winter.

Marketers estimate that the average business profitability for the industrial cultivation of tomatoes in a greenhouse varies from 50 to 70%.

In lean years, it can increase, in a period of great competition from household plots, it can decrease. The expansion of greenhouse facilities and distribution channels will help increase profitability.

Other popular crops for greenhouse business, which you can learn more about on our website: berries, flowers, herbs, cucumbers and other vegetables.

So that growing tomatoes in a greenhouse as a business does not go bankrupt, it is important to carefully calculate the costs and future income. You can start work with one small greenhouse, gradually increasing momentum. It will help to attract loans and subsidies, possible when registering a legal entity.

Growing tomatoes in a greenhouse as a business is a great solution for aspiring entrepreneurs with experience in agriculture. The greenhouse makes it possible to harvest even in winter, when the markup on fresh vegetables increases significantly. At proper organization the investment will pay off in 1.5-2 years, after which the business will begin to generate a stable income.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

Tomato is one of the most popular vegetables eaten. Cucumbers can compare with it in popularity. But man began to grow tomatoes relatively recently, if we take Western culture, of course. Tomatoes, along with potatoes and chocolate, were adopted by Europeans from the Indians, in particular from the Aztecs, who for a long time cultivated those plants that were known in Europe, but were not used in cooking. The word tomato itself is Aztec, showing the origin of this juicy red fruit. The word tomato used in colloquial speech refers to the fruit of the tomato plant (and is translated from Italian as "golden apple"). In general, calling a tomato a vegetable is not entirely correct; from a botanical point of view, its fruits are berries.

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This crop is a perennial plant (although there are also annual varieties) of the Solánum lycopérsicum species, which is actually grown only for its fruits. Tomatoes used to be considered generally poisonous, but today they are considered an important part of the diet. But people eat them primarily due to their taste, so a quality tomato should be not only healthy, but also tasty. To establish the production cultivation of huge quantities of tomatoes, you need to build special greenhouses that are set up to maximize the yield of the plant (often to the detriment of quality characteristics), but first you can organize a tomato growing business in your backyard. If a farmer is already working with several crops, then tomatoes will fit perfectly into a diversified farm and become a small source of income. The advantage is that it is not difficult to find distribution channels, tomatoes are not only an ingredient in many dishes, but also the basis of many products, such as: juices, ketchups, sauces.

A good product will always be sold, and today it is especially important to offer the consumer directly good product, because most of the agronomists are engaged in increasing productivity. Nitrogen fertilizers have a good effect on the growth of tomatoes, they increase the size of the fruits and their number. But at the same time, nitrates accumulate in them, which people do not want to eat with tomatoes. If you can grow tasty and free harmful substances tomatoes, you can get competitive advantage to many manufacturers. The main thing in this case will be to convince the consumer that the grown tomato is really safe.

If tomatoes become the first cultivated crop, then for their sale in large quantities registration of a business entity is required. Tomatoes in small batches can be sold without taxation by registering your personal subsidiary plot (PSP). But this is not an entrepreneurial activity and has significant restrictions on the volume of goods sold and profits. In fact, even when running a personal subsidiary plot, you can make significant profits, because registering a peasant farm, which is already a business entity, is mandatory only if the use of one hectare of agricultural land is exceeded. And on one hectare you can grow a very large number of tomatoes. And even get a good income. At the same time, there are no significant differences between industrial and subsidiary cultivation of tomatoes; areas, capacities, amounts of investments and, accordingly, profits are increasing. The code of activity, surprisingly, is not exactly indicated in the classifier, it is best suited (OKPD 2) 01.13.3 Other vegetable fruit crops. Thus, the tomato is considered precisely as a vegetable crop, without taking into account its botanical features.

Usually summer residents grow tomatoes on several acres, but as an industrial reference Agriculture need to use several hectares. Together with a tomato, radishes are sometimes planted on the same land at the same time in order to increase income from one meter of land. If you don’t have your own land, then you can rent it, the highest price is 3.5 thousand rubles a year for one hectare with black soil. If you do not take the southern regions, then the cost of an annual lease can be only 2 thousand rubles, or maybe even less. If intensive cultivation of tomatoes with high yields is planned, then very fertile soil is needed, which in a few years will be very depleted.

It has already been noted that today it is better to bet on a quality product, losing in the number of fruits. There are two types of growing tomatoes: outdoors and indoors, that is, in greenhouses and hotbeds. For doing business, greenhouse cultivation is preferable, although in summer and during the warm season it is generally better to temporarily dismantle greenhouses. You can simply grow part of the crop in the open field, but only at the right time of the year, doing the rest of the plants year-round and in greenhouses.

Thus, your plot can be divided into two parts, one of which is allocated for the construction of greenhouses and growing crops at any time of the year, and the second (smaller) for summer cultivation of tomatoes and seasonal sales. The fact is that it is relatively cheap to grow tomatoes outdoors, so in the summer you should not miss the chance to get a little more profit. It is also important to decide on plant varieties, since tomatoes have a huge variety of them, and each variety is adapted to certain climatic conditions. You can also highlight some "elite" varieties that give either good yields, or fruits with excellent taste, or both. But the seeds of such plants cost the corresponding money, while selling a huge amount of expensive tomatoes may not always work out. It is much easier to sell fruits that are simple, familiar to use and have a democratic price.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Important criteria for choosing seeds are the type of growth of the bush, the time of ripening and the way the fruits are consumed. Thus, deterministic and indeterminate plants are distinguished, the former are limited in their growth, the latter grow without restrictions; fruit can ripen different time up to late autumn (in the case of greenhouse plants, everything, of course, is different); and they use tomatoes not only as fresh fruits, but also subject them to conservation or processing. All this is important to know and, based on known data about the intended distribution channels and the climatic conditions of your region, you can choose the best tomato variety.

The soil for these plants is prepared a year before planting. In order for the plant not to accumulate nitrates, you need to use only organic fertilizers. The technologies of such cultivation are already known to experienced agronomists, so you can consult a knowledgeable farmer who will tell you the right care. An excess of nitrogen is also bad because it is the green parts of the plant that begin to grow first of all, and not the fruits, that is, in order to get really many large beautiful and juicy fruits from one bush, you need to apply huge amounts of nitrogen fertilizers. That is why a large number of its compounds (nitrates in the first place) accumulate in the plant. This does not mean that nitrogen must be completely excluded when fertilizing the soil, it is necessary during certain periods of the plant's vegetation (like phosphorus and potassium, they are also needed in different quantities at different times). The tomato has a fibrous root system that goes deep into the ground, while it is sufficiently branched to effectively absorb the substances the plant needs. In this regard, the tomato is quite unpretentious to soil conditions, but it is best to sow it after onions, corn or cucumber.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Since the tomato belongs to the nightshade, it cannot be cultivated on land previously occupied by plants of this genus - diseases and pests specific to such plants can clearly appear. Also, the tomato survives very poorly in the event of weeds being added to it, so they need to be constantly destroyed. But for good growth, this crop needs a lot of sun, but at the same time, the absence of drought. The tomato loves sunlight, but not heat, and therefore there should be relatively much moisture. This plant should be watered regularly to avoid drying out. It cannot be called very whimsical, the tomato will yield a crop even in case of poor care for it, but it will be an order of magnitude smaller than with proper cultivation.

In order to sow the plot with tomatoes, you will need a special seeder. It can be rented for the duration of the work or purchased as a property - depending on the available budget. In a diversified economy, as a rule, it is available. Tomatoes are very often planted in seedlings, that is, young seedlings are preliminarily prepared in warm places (for example, in greenhouses) even in the cold season, in order to subsequently transfer them to the soil when climatic conditions improve. This method is practiced almost everywhere, and only in the south-west of Russia is it possible to grow tomatoes not by seedlings, but by sowing. Preparing seedlings is a rather laborious task, but it can significantly reduce the consumption of seeds, because seedlings during seedlings give a much larger number of them. Savings can sometimes be more than double. So, for seedlings, on average, about 300 grams of seeds per hectare are needed, for sowing - 600 grams. Farmers are forced to grow seedlings, as tomatoes ripen long enough and in open ground conditions they may not complete the fruit formation process due to the onset of cold weather. Seedlings are also sown in greenhouses, optimally choosing the time for transferring the plant to the soil. In general, about 40 thousand plants should eventually fit on one hectare. The price of one kilogram of seeds varies greatly depending on the variety (ranging from 500 rubles to several thousand). The average price can be called 4 thousand rubles per kilogram. Vegetable growers have to spend much less money on the purchase of seeds than cereal farmers.

And if there are no particular difficulties with growing tomatoes in the open field, then when organizing the cultivation of plants in greenhouses, many parameters must be taken into account. It is very important that gas, electricity and water are supplied to the site. This is necessary for the correct and productive functioning of the greenhouse complex. Tomatoes need water all the time, light should also be in abundance, and gas serves as a fuel for space heating.

Today, greenhouses with a metal frame with a film stretched over it are already considered inefficient. Such greenhouses not only do not provide normal conditions for plants, but also have an increased vulnerability to bad weather, for example, a film is not able to protect the crop from hail. Today, more and more farmers are buying polycarbonate greenhouses, which cost no more than classic designs, but provide better plant care. The cost of a greenhouse with dimensions of 625 square meters (25x25) is 60 thousand rubles. Exactly 16 such greenhouses will be required per hectare. These are practically the largest standard greenhouses manufactured, but they can be made independently or made to order. But you need to remember that in a huge room it is more difficult to maintain a microclimate, so it is better to make several greenhouse complexes.

Ready-made ideas for your business

960 thousand rubles will be required for 16 greenhouses, but this is not the whole amount for improvement. We need heaters for each greenhouse at the rate of one heater per 40 m 2 worth 4 thousand rubles each. Ready-made foundations for greenhouses, air vents for regulating air intake, irrigation systems and phytolamps are also sold. All this is purchased at the personal request of the farmer, but all possible additional devices not only make life easier for the vegetable grower, but also increase productivity by obtaining good conditions in a greenhouse. Seedlings for the greenhouse are prepared already in winter, so that after the plants grow up, transplant them into it.

Reports of the activities of some vegetable growing enterprises indicate a yield of up to 40 kilograms per square meter. Hypothetically, this is possible if you follow only the idea of ​​a large number of fruits, introducing any fertilizers for this, including harmful ones. You also need to remember that such figures can be obtained in the case of several harvests per year, but in many regions of Russia it is very difficult to achieve this even in greenhouses. Therefore, a yield of 5 kilograms per square meter will be considered quite normal. The main thing is that the tomatoes are of high quality. To confirm this, you can contact the phytosanitary service (Rosselkhoznadzor) to obtain a certificate of low content of harmful substances in grown fruits. This will allow, when selling, to convince the buyer that the tomato he buys is not harmful to health.

It turns out that from one hectare you can harvest up to 50 tons of crops. The price of a kilogram of tomato fruits is very different in summer and winter (which is natural), and therefore, in the warm season, tomatoes can be sold at 30 rubles per kilogram, and in winter - at 200 rubles. Of course, for good varieties and simply very tasty fruits, this price is much higher. But even if we take into account only the "summer" price, the income will be about one and a half million rubles. But in the first year, this amount will be fully used to cover the costs associated with organizing the entire business, primarily for the construction of greenhouses.

In subsequent years, spending will be much less due to the absence of not only the need to build greenhouse complexes, but also due to the presence of our own seed fund. A large number of greenhouses will allow growing different varieties, and if successful, even start breeding new varieties. All this will significantly increase profits and turn your farm into a source of considerable income.

We can say that the cultivation of tomatoes in this country is quite profitable and perspective view agriculture. Aspiring entrepreneurs can first learn how to cultivate this plant on small personal subsidiary plots, so that later, having registered in the manner prescribed by law, they can begin to conduct a full-scale entrepreneurial activity. Tomatoes are consumed by people in large quantities, and the absence of a large number of competitors who care about the quality of their products makes it possible to enter this market with less risk. You can sell tomatoes not only through intermediaries (and thus losing a significant percentage of income), but also by opening your own outlet in the nearest market.

If this type of sales is not suitable, then it is quite possible to establish partnerships with grocery stores who will buy goods in large quantities and at the best price. Finally, you can go to large chains grocery minimarkets and supermarkets, but for them, as a rule, it is the presentation of the fruit and the presence of packaging that are important. On the other hand, if the tomatoes are beautifully packaged, then with insignificant expenses for this, you can get a significant increase in price, that is, make a larger markup on the cost. Therefore, there should be no problems with the sale, especially if tasty and healthy fruits were grown.

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