Compilation of working hours. Timing of working hours: sample filling

"The time tracking system educates a person"
G. Altshuller, I. Vertkin "How to become a genius"

Almost no training and no time management manual is complete without mentioning such a thing as timing. What is it?

Timekeeping is the continuous recording of time, tracking any, even the most insignificant, actions that we perform during the day. Each lesson is taken into account, "stealing" more than 3-5 minutes. On average, it takes about 4 weeks of conscientious practice to get positive results.

Why is timekeeping needed?

Timing is considered one of the most effective time management techniques and performs several important functions at once. I propose to consider what is its "usefulness".

  1. Of course, its main purpose is to find, where is our time spent. Sometimes even after only 1 or 2 days it is difficult to remember what we did. And after 1-2 weeks, we, most likely, will not be able to describe even half of the working day. Keeping timekeeping allows you to identify all the cases that distract attention.
  2. Timing teaches be more economical with time. After all, by analyzing the schedule, you can identify such "holes" that you did not suspect. To paraphrase a well-known Russian proverb, one would just like to say: “A minute saves an hour.” And timekeeping will teach you to cherish every minute. For example, you always leave 1.5-2 hours to prepare for a meeting, although in practice this lesson takes no more than an hour. Thus, you waste the remaining time, believing that you deserve a rest, having coped prematurely.
  3. Keeping timekeeping helps competently redistribute work time . If you notice that insignificant tasks take up the lion's share of the day, and there is no time left for more important tasks, then it's time to adjust your schedule, putting everything important and urgent in the first place.
  4. Timing Helps develop a sense of timing. In a few days you will know exactly how much the road home takes, and how much time it takes to compile financial report or writing a letter.
  5. Timekeeping helps set life priorities. You will be able to notice how much time you devote to your family, how much to training and development, and how much to work. And if it turns out that the result obtained does not coincide with real values, you can adjust the schedule by increasing the amount of time spent with your family, or, conversely, allocating a few more hours a week to your favorite work.
  6. Keeping timekeeping can be useful for those who have to report on work done higher authorities. This will help you not to forget anything, even if you write such a report once a week.
  7. Timing Helps plan your time properly. Knowing for sure that it takes 20 minutes to write a letter, and an hour to meet with counterparties, making a plan, you will allocate exactly that much for these cases, and not more or less.
  8. Finally, timing helps know yourself see your strengths and weaknesses.

Opponents of timing and their arguments

Despite the obvious benefits that timekeeping can bring, there are people who oppose it. Let's look at the arguments they are trying to prove their case.

  1. Opponents of timekeeping believe that it takes too much time. However, with the right approach, timing should not take more than 15 minutes. Note that this is the maximum allowable limit, on average, it takes 5-7 minutes daily to keep time. Those who spend more on it are advised to apply reductions.
  2. Many opponents of timekeeping are actually just afraid…. Afraid to realize that a huge part of their time is wasted, afraid to admit that today time is not subject to them, afraid to face difficulties that may arise in the process of mastering the "art" of time management. Subconsciously, they understand that there is a problem, but fear prevents them from admitting their failure and starting to correct the situation.

Small Conclusions

Timing is the most effective time management tool that gives reliable results. It not only helps to find your mistakes, but also makes it possible to gradually get rid of them.

To keep timekeeping daily or resort to it from time to time, everyone decides for himself. But even 2 weeks of timekeeping per year will help you make your working day more fruitful. You will learn to feel the time, and, consequently, to distribute it correctly.

Timekeeping is an easy way to become more successful. Take advantage of it!

Each enterprise, both newly created and long-standing in the conditions of competing firms, strives to efficient use of production resources to achieve the highest labor productivity, profitability of the company.

Only a strict accounting of the funds spent, an analysis of the ongoing actions of everyone involved in the implementation of their professional duties employee, will allow achieve good results. This is done by a separate group of employees working in the division for the organization of labor and wages. They explore rational use time to workers for a specific operation using timekeeping.

Experts seek solutions to problems:

  • reveal the fact of productive functionality of employees;
  • the amount of time spent on a particular task during a shift.

Often, some specialists analyze the work of others and give an opinion on the functioning cycles of the organization, identify shortcomings to eliminate them.

The need for and purpose of compiling

The main goal of the head of the company in conducting the timing of work procedures is increasing the efficiency of production processes, economical involvement of personnel.

With the help of a specialized source, specialists record a wide range of information, allowing you to regulate production functions. To do this, a competent employee records the actions performed by the employee in a certain area, describes their content, duration.

During the holding period, a specific task is assigned to the worker, during which:

  • study time costs;
  • measure the duration of the action performed;
  • determine what the time is spent on;
  • identify a period that is not busy with business, increasing the time for production;
  • find a useful time reserve.

Having received the information employer can evaluate:

  • the degree of workload of the equipment;
  • implementation management decision on a separate site, will correct the need for additional mechanization;
  • performance of work by both an individual and a team in percentage terms;
  • amount of wasted time.

Timing perform an inventory of the working temporary space, identify quantitative production and management indicators.

After choosing the purpose for which the monitoring of the cyclic, preparatory work is carried out, they are determined with the appointment of the implementation of activities:

  • find out how long certain operational actions last, taking into account the techniques and movements;
  • calculate the application of the norms;
  • identify the possibility of using the best method and training of all employees.

From here do findings, which method of analysis is better to apply, with object observation:

  • with individual timekeeping examines the time spent on the actions of an individual, this method allows you to evaluate the skill of the performer and maximize the detail of the work;
  • via group research reveals the result of performing one volumetric operation, rationally distributes the alignment of forces involved.

You can get the effective values ​​of the work done with the help of two independent timekeepers, so that at the end of the study, check the measurements. Practitioners are advised to choose the most appropriate for the current moment, used in production chronometric view:

  • solid measurement to study all production operations;
  • selective research is used for a specific element;
  • cyclical the measurement reveals the time spent on individual techniques, lasting up to 4 seconds, they are grouped, measured again to determine the duration of each grouping.

Methods help to determine the head of the department the time spent on manufacturing products manual labor, preparation and the final part of this production, the cost of the workplace.

Timekeeping is carried out using digital or combined records. Observations carried out to determine the best or superfluous movements of an employee are carried out by photographing, graphic recording, stopwatches are used.

The specialist monitors the actions of the employee and the arrow of the device, enters the readings into the chronocard.

Before the operation, the observer gets acquainted with it, describes the phased implementation, fills in the front of the form according to:

  • artist's data;
  • actions taken;
  • the equipment used;
  • data of tools and materials;
  • the state of the place and the enterprise.

Preparatory stage and subsequent work consists of dividing the observation into following details:

  • familiarity with the subject under study;
  • identification of moments of fixation;
  • definition of workflow elements;
  • providing conditions for the selected type of observations;
  • card entries.

To perform sequential actions it is necessary to combine certain requirements with the rules:

  • the current specialist must have sufficient qualifications, he will be able to share, describe in detail the process, conduct an assessment;
  • be located in such a way as to facilitate the performance of work without interfering with the employee, have easy access, a visual representation of the procedure;
  • avoid side conversations.

Supervisory actions are not held secretly, the personnel are warned about timing in advance when and for what it will be performed. Necessarily ensuring absolute safety at workplaces, regardless of their specialization.

In order to prepare an acceptable form for records, the observer is required to decide on following points:

  • how much work is subject to direct timing;
  • choose measuring unit, the size of which reflects a certain activity over a time period.

For example, an office employee object is selected, which means that the map indicates:

  • the work of a specialist with the help of a computer program;
  • telephone conversations;
  • electronic messages;
  • call to a meeting or planning meeting;
  • rest at lunchtime.

During the observation, every little thing is recorded up to the personal changing of the employee and waiting for the computer to reboot.

If the check for the duration of actions is relatively technological process, then measure the time for:

  • loading and unloading of commercial products;
  • assembly of parts;
  • quality reconciliation;
  • release of the finished product.

The unit with which to calculate the observations, the specialist chooses the most convenient for this case:

  • minutes;
  • seconds;
  • clock;
  • weeks.

The choice depends on the purpose of the event, what the management wants to achieve: effective management or performance.

Implementation of data collection

The timekeeper can perform his observational task manually or automatically by filling out the most appropriate form. The observer uses the device, monitors the actions of the worker, takes measurements and enters data into the table.

The application of the method and additional devices depend on object which is being tested. If the management is trying to find out the speed of the work of specialized specialists, they use automated time recording. The parallel program will perform these actions and return data on the frequency of software requests.

What is automatic timing of working time, you can learn from this video.

Interpretation of results

The transfer of the valid meaning of the collected information to the chronocard is carried out through:

  • visualization of working functions;
  • comparative analysis of actual movements;
  • dependence of indicators reflecting the actions of the employee and the result obtained in the form of marketable products.

Timing from the collected values ​​​​by two specialists will be more effective, this allows you to get more accurate information. On its basis, they carry out the movement of personnel, publish methods with recommendations.

Examples in practice

According to the completed table, we can conclude about the abilities of one of the workers who cuts metal blanks.

Completed workDuration of operations by datesAverage amount
Total180 180 195 197 186 189 207 199 191,62
1.02 2.02 3.02 4.02 5.02 6.02 7.02 8.02
1. Got an outfit30 25 20 35 28 23 25 33 27,37
2. Brought material to the workshop20 22 23 24 21 28 30 25 24,12
3. Prepared the working area15 16 18 17 13 20 22 21 17,75
4. Set up cutting equipment20 25 30 25 28 33 40 25 28,25
5. Made the markup35 30 40 35 38 30 36 39 35,37
6. Cut according to the drawings of the part60 62 64 61 58 55 54 56 58,75

The execution of the work of one sample occurred in seconds, in a production mode with a rolling schedule.

To determine the hours you need:

191.62 / 60 / 60 = 0.053 person/hour

Since the week of work consists of 8 days, the duration of each shift is 5 hours according to the standard, it follows:

5 / 0.053 = 94 pcs

An employee per week will be able to cut on average 94 details. In order to accurately calculate the productivity of a turning, locksmith or repair team, you need to make an observation of several people of different preparedness and professionalism, take into account the exit for a smoke break, lunch and other absences, since a person cannot be at the machine for 5 hours.

Carrying out observations at a certain production site takes place at the direction of the head in the order. Personnel acquaint all participants and interested persons with the order.

It states management's decision regarding:

  • the department in which the measurements will take place;
  • establishing a commission responsible for monitoring;
  • deadlines for the implementation of activities;
  • appointment of observers who will be responsible for the execution of the order.

When the time comes for the execution of the order, the performers go to the facility and carry out all the measures required by the requirements, the data is entered into the time card.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of observing and fixing work processes, identifying weaknesses that hinder productivity growth- all this speaks of the benefits of performing timing work.

But not all enterprises have taken root, people have lost the habit of manually filling out documentation. With reliability, too, not everything is going smoothly in this area, no one has yet canceled the human factor and peace agreements that negatively affect the facts.

If the manager competently manages his staff, it means that it will not be possible to increase the fictitious working capacity of employees, and he will find out the real picture of the state of his enterprise.

A video on how to run the timing is shown below.

A lot has been written about time management: books, articles, and various recommendations with detailed methods. Time management schools again opened trainings, seminars and master classes of time management gurus ... But in practice, often the efforts spent on time management do not pay off with a real increase in the efficiency of organizing working time, turning rather into another mysterious ritual, like Friday reports or singing the corporate anthem in the morning.

Why is this happening? Why is a reasonable, at first glance, the idea of ​​​​clear planning of working time and its effective organization turns into a waste of time and hidden resistance of employees? What is going wrong?

For example, after the end of the Second World War, while restoring the industry of Japan, American specialists faced an unexpected problem: the usual methods that worked well in America to ensure High Quality products for some reason in Japan did not give results.

The techniques were revised, the famous Japanese quality circles were organized, which made the inscription "made in Japan" an international quality mark. But when, in the 1980s, American industry tried to re-export “quality technology” from Japan, the problem recurred: what worked great in Japan refused to work in the United States.

And this is not a curious exception. Virtually any cultural transfer of management techniques is almost certain to fail. Italians will not be able to work according to American standards, Latin Americans - according to Asian ones, and "what is good for a Russian is death for a German."

But for starters, it would be nice to understand what time management is.

So what is time management?

According to a strange stereotype, in practice, time management is understood only as a small and far from its main part, namely: timing and strict planning.

Timing- a rather tedious occupation, distracting from work, and necessary, by and large, only for analyzing the starting conditions for the transition to time management, for two to three weeks, and even then, mainly for those unable to independently analyze their activities.

Strict planning well suited to the Western cultural tradition, the so-called monoactive culture: tasks are solved sequentially, in a unit of time - one task. But it is extremely difficult to take root in polyactive cultures, to which we Russians belong. As a result, very soon the costs, for example, of keeping the plan up to date become comparable to the costs of the main activity and begin to interfere more than help.

The basic idea of ​​time management

So what is the main idea of ​​time management? It's simple: working time management is the organization of working time in such a way that the efficiency of its use increases. Exist general principles, or stages through which time management is carried out:

  • Goal setting. Definition and formulation of the goal(s).
  • Planning and prioritization. Development of a plan to achieve the set goals and the allocation of priority (primary) tasks for implementation.
  • Implementation - specific steps and actions in accordance with the planned plan and procedure for achieving the goal.
  • Monitoring the achievement of goals and the implementation of plans.

But exactly how planning or monitoring of results takes place is a creative process in which it is necessary to take into account specific conditions and existing opportunities.

Common time management techniques

Several techniques that implement the basic principles of time management are most widely used in setting work time management:

  • Prioritization Technique, the use of which allows you to highlight important and significant cases and decide what to do with the rest.
  • Pareto Principle, or the Pareto Law, or the 20/80 principle - an empirical rule introduced by the sociologist Vilfredo Pareto, in the most general view is formulated as "20% of efforts give 80% of the result, and the remaining 80% of efforts - only 20% of the result." When applied to time management, this rule sounds like this: 20% of the cases (and the time spent) give 80% of the results; 80% of the tasks (and the time spent) give 20% of the results. In this regard, you should first select those 20% of cases that give the maximum result, and start with them.
  • Gantt Chart- This is one of the most convenient and popular ways to graphically represent the execution time of tasks. Each line in the diagram represents one process overlaid on the timeline. The tasks and subtasks that make up the plan are placed vertically, and the time scale is set horizontally. The start, end, and length of the segment on the timeline correspond to the start, end, and duration of the task. As a result, a simple and very visual tool appears for time management, which in some ways has even become a symbol of time management.
  • Timing- a method of studying the time spent by fixing and measuring the duration of the actions performed, which allows you to "audit" and "inventory" time, identify "time sinks" and eliminate them.

Time Management Toolkit

Well, a few words about the choice of instrument. The tool can be anything, the main thing is that it is convenient and allows you to reduce the time spent on management, and not increase them. And the main thing with any tool is the head of the leader. No time management technique will bring results if there is no adequate leadership, if there is not the same time manager concerned with the rational management of working time.

For more clarity, consider specific example how without special knowledge you can start managing time using only the common sense available software and basic ideas about time management.

Time management by example

Initial data and typical control problems

Suppose there is a certain working group whose performance needs to be improved.

Photo of a working day or timing: what to choose?

The group is working on a project where there are a number of tasks that overlap in time, work on which is carried out by different employees at different stages, and issues periodically arise that require prompt management intervention.

What problems are most likely to arise if all management is in the head of the leader?

1. If there are more than two employees, and more than three tasks that are being worked on, then the manager will have difficulties with the picture of what is happening. And if at the same time work is carried out on several projects, and there are about a dozen employees, then operational management will begin to absorb a significant part of the working time of both the manager and employees. As a result, downtime while waiting for a response from management, underloaded or overloaded employees; various planning meetings and five-minute meetings take more and more time, and their effectiveness is lower and lower. In general, all the signs of inefficient time management are on the face.

2. The complexity of setting and maintaining the relevance of priorities. The performers, with all their desire, do not see the whole picture, the leader under a heap of turnover forgets to keep the priorities up to date. The classic problem of time management, when in conditions of lack of time due to errors in managing working time, scarce resources are spent on secondary tasks, and the overall work is even more inhibited.

3. Periodically there are conflict situations due to misunderstanding, misunderstanding or unfair evaluation of activities. This means that working time is spent on non-constructive showdown, and the general negative atmosphere in the team reduces work efficiency.

4. Repeatedly have to do the same job. For example, once in order to make changes in the course of work, the second time - to understand conflict situation, the third - to prepare a report on the progress of work, etc. Time after time, the time manager has to delve into the same situation.

5. Complexity of processes formalization. Too much is stored in the minds, passing from mouth to mouth with inevitable distortions, delays and losses. As a result, the time spent when transferring a task to another performer increases sharply, and the introduction of a new employee can significantly delay the completion of the project.

6. As a result, the analysis of the progress of the project implementation will turn out to be difficult and often biased, which means that the likelihood of repeated mistakes and exceeding the project deadlines increases, as well as an increase in losses due to inefficient management, including working time.

And what is the result? As a result, it is performed a large number of unnecessary work, while the time spent on constructive activities can be even lower than on maintaining the workflow. In such circumstances, a head-on attempt, without eliminating the causes of inefficient waste of working time, to introduce a time management procedure will most likely only complicate the situation. The time spent on management will become even greater, and the forces for productive activity will become less.

On the other hand, even an attempt to identify and eliminate bottlenecks in management will give a noticeable effect, enhanced by the basics of time management. As a result, in accordance with the Pareto rule, by spending 20% ​​of the effort, the overall efficiency can be raised to 80%.

Application of @Management for effective management

Let's illustrate with an example how a similar effect can be obtained by using the basics of time management and the @Management task management system as a tool. So:

1. The manager distributes tasks among subordinates, setting priorities and dividing them into projects. So, there is no need to keep everything in your head; modifications are simple and there is an up-to-date version of what is happening at any given time.

If necessary, the manager clearly sees both the progress of the project and the workload of a particular employee. As a result, the time of all parties, but especially the manager, is significantly saved, and the efficiency of work is increased.

2. When the overall picture is clear and visible, the quality of prioritization and reprioritization improves, which means that less unnecessary work or work done at the wrong time is done.

3. The entire history of the work is saved automatically, which means that the analysis and analysis of the conflict situation requires a minimum of time and is objective for both parties.

4. Once entered information can be used repeatedly. For example, in one form - to determine the progress of the project, in the other - to analyze the workload of employees, in the third - to prepare reports on the project.

As a result, time for unproductive work is reduced, and more resources are left for the project itself.

5. The introduction of the simplest regulations for entering and presenting information on the project, as well as the history automatically accumulated by the system in the course of work, make it easy to switch employees between tasks, reduce or increase the number of performers.

In this context, time management will work, for this you do not need to complete special courses or invite consultants. With a little common sense, a little bit of order, and the right tool, time management becomes an everyday reality from an academic discipline.

download @Control

Tags: time management, time management, time management, gantt chart

What helps to properly track and record the employee's working time

Time card. Form 5

Approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of November 26, 2004 N 134

Form 5 ——————————————————————— ¦ Time Card N ¦ Sheet 1 ¦ +———————————————— -+—————-+ ¦ Organization ¦ +——————————————————————+ ¦ Workers ¦ +——————————— ————————————+ ¦ Surname ¦ Profession ¦Rank ¦ Experience ¦% ¦Age,¦ Sex ¦ ¦ I.О. ¦ ¦ ¦ work¦ performance¦ years ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ norms ¦ ¦ ¦ +————+————+——+——+———-+———+——-+ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ +————+————+——+——+———-+———+——-+ ¦ Operation name ¦ +———————— ——————————————+ ¦Information about the subject of labor ¦ +————————————————————————+ ¦Equipment ¦ +— —————————————————————+ ¦ Name ¦ Specifications¦ +——————+————————————————+ ¦ ¦ ¦ +——————+—————————————— ———+ ¦ Tool ¦ Tools ¦ +——————————-+———————————-+ ¦ ¦ ¦ +——————————- +———————————-+ ¦Workplace maintenance procedure ¦ +———————————————————————+ ¦Workplace organization scheme ¦ +——————————————————————+ ¦Other information ¦ ——————————————————————— — ——————————————————————— ¦ Time Card N ¦ Sheet 2 ¦ +—————————————————— ——+———+ ¦N ¦Name- ¦Fixer-¦Index¦N of measure- elements +———+——-+——+—+—+—+—+—+—+—+—-+———+ ¦1 ¦ 2 ¦ 3 ¦ 4 ¦ 5 ¦6 ¦7 ¦8 ¦ 9 ¦10¦11¦ 12 ¦ 13 ¦ +—+———+——-+——+—+—+—+—+—+—+—+—-+———+ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦T min ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ sec ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ +—+———+——-+——+—+—+—+—+—+ —+—+—-+———+ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ P ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ —-+———+——-+——+—+—+—+—+—+ —+—+—-+———- ——————————————————————— ¦ Time card N ¦ Continued ¦ ¦ ¦ sheet 2 ¦ +——— ——————————————-+————-+ ¦N ¦ Sum of time ¦Stability coefficient ¦Average ¦ ¦p/n¦measurements, s ¦series ¦duration, ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦s ¦ ¦ +—————+—————————+———— ——-+ ¦ ¦acti- ¦after ¦norm- ¦acti- ¦after ¦acti- ¦after ¦ ¦ ¦checal ¦better-¦tive ¦chec ¦better- ¦chekal ¦better- ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦niya ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦chrono- ¦ ¦ ¦chrono- ¦ ¦chrono- ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦series ¦ ¦ ¦series ¦ ¦series ¦ +—+——-+——-+———+——— +———+———+———+ ¦ 1 ¦ 14 ¦ 15 ¦ 16 ¦ 17 ¦ 18 ¦ 19 ¦ 20 ¦ +—+——-+——-+———+———+— ——+———+———+ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ +—+——-+——-+———+———+———+———+——— + ¦ Observer's remarks about defective measurements ¦ ————————————————————————


T - current time,

P is the duration of the operation element execution.

Document page source:

Working day photography is a way to continuously monitor the work process in the enterprise to study the use of all working time, as well as measure the time spent during each shift.

Sample photo of a working day

The purpose of this observation is to increase labor productivity.

A photo of a working day is necessary for solving some tasks:

  • determination of the rate of production during 1 production shift;
  • determining the balance of the use of time spent on work;
  • definition possible causes loss of working time;
  • determination of time provided for rest, time for maintenance of the workplace, as well as time for final work.

Photos of the working day depend on the purpose of their holding and therefore may be various kinds: individual, brigade, route, etc.

The enterprise independently develops the form of this document. It involves filling in all the details that are necessary for further analysis. These include:

  • the date of this observation;
  • name of the department;
  • Document Number;
  • information about the employee (last name, first name and patronymic, specialty, profession, name of the work performed by him at the enterprise);
  • characteristics of the workplace;
  • the name of a specific work, its code, current time (in hours, minutes), duration of work (in minutes);
  • time spent on preparatory and final work;
  • time spent on maintenance of the workplace;
  • operational time;
  • time allotted for breaks in work (regulated and unregulated);
  • surname, name and patronymic of the head of the unit, as well as his signature;
  • artist's signature.

Stages of taking a photo of the working day:

  1. Preparation process.
  2. The process of monitoring. On the this stage it is necessary to record all the actions (consecutive) of workers, as well as the costs of working time for the manufacture of a unit of output.
  3. Analysis of the obtained results.
  4. Development of measures aimed at eliminating the loss of working time. To do this, it is advisable to calculate the coefficients of working hours.

A photograph of a working day makes it possible to analyze the use of working time, identify outdated or erroneous norms, determine the volume of production per hour, as well as for the work shift as a whole.

Timing of working time is an increase in the personal efficiency of the manager and employees, a time management system and its distribution during the working day.

Probably, many managers are familiar with the situation when the team is actively working, but for some reason the results of their work are not visible. There are many reasons, of course. However, first of all, it is worth evaluating how effectively each employee in Moscow or any other city does his job. In this case, it is necessary to carry out the timing of the working time. Such an example of a study not only makes it clear how and where employees use their working time, but also points to the reasons for their inefficient work.

Timing of the working day: the essence of the concept

Documenting the training of employees is the timing of the working day. To obtain the true results of the study, the fixation of events must be carried out for at least one to two weeks. Based on the data obtained, it is necessary: ​​1. carry out a complete analysis of the information; 2. identify which operations of surrounding employees take a lot of time, but do not give any effect; 3.

Work time tracking and how to use it?

develop innovations; 4. implement the desired changes.

In most cases, timekeeping is used as an important tool to find out why intensive work does not produce the expected results. Timing of working time helps to determine whether there is an effect of the work of the team and what it is.

How to keep track of time

How to keep timekeeping of working time, everyone decides for himself, the main thing is that absolutely all classes are recorded reliably and truthfully. To fix classes, you can use the classic version of the journal in paper form, or keep your observations and record everything in a spreadsheet on a computer. If we are talking about a paper form, then the following indicators will be mandatory points for fixing: 1. the time the employee started work; 2. the time when the employee finished his work; 3. the name and essence of the work that he performed for a certain time.

Why paper timekeeping is rarely used today

The classical paper form of timekeeping of working time has significant disadvantages: 1. First, the recording process is laborious and time consuming. In the classical understanding of this process, three constant indicators are involved: paper, pen and timer.2. Secondly, there is an impact on the overall operation of the company. If you instruct a colleague to make the timing of his working day on his own, then he will be more distracted by recording than by work. If you allocate a separate employee for this occupation, then perhaps due to lack of competence in a particular issue, he may give an incorrect assessment of the work of his ward.3. Thirdly, mass computerization of labor. An ordinary office worker spends the whole day at a computer, so it is very difficult to assess how efficiently he works with a particular task. As you can see, there are more minuses from such work than pluses.

How to track working time among office employees

In the era of mass use of computers, both for personal use and when there is a worker process, it is advisable to carry out automated timekeeping using the Yaware.Online time tracking service. Why such a system is effective for analyzing a modern office: 1. accurate records of everything that the employee was doing on the work computer (literally up to 1 minute); 2. fixing the moment when an employee switches to another business. This result helps to evaluate the ability of an employee to focus on one thing. Indeed, in order to return to the previous task, after a pause, it will take at least 15 minutes of working time; timekeeping is carried out around the clock; 3. The user-friendly interface of the program allows you to record all indicators in the background, which will not distract employees from their normal work. Already after the first two weeks of observation, it will be possible to see the effectiveness of each of the employees of the company.

In addition to the above methods for analyzing the cost of working time, you can use another approach - timing and photography of the working day. Perhaps many perceive these two similar concepts as synonyms, but in fact there are significant differences between them.

Differences in timing and photos of the working day:

1. for timing, a self-selected period of time is used, i.e. timing of working time, for example, a day, a week, a month. Photography of working time is a more formal event, since the employer often acts as the organizer, and not you yourself; 2. during timekeeping, you have the opportunity to independently choose the option of recording data (paper or automated) and the method of analyzing the received data. The photograph provides predetermined options in the form of a table, protocols or forms. Thus, the whole process is regulated by procedures approved by responsible persons. As you can see, in fact, the timing and photography of the working day are two completely different processes. For correct organization, the entire study period is divided into a number of stages: 1. Preparatory stage: study specifications conducting, determining the timing of the study, determining the object and the order of "photographing" .2. Stage of photographing: the date of the beginning of the procedure is issued by order, the staff is notified and briefing is carried out.3. Data analysis stage: identifying the most costly operations, the longest periods of inactivity or downtime, determining those actions that are currently in short supply.4. The optimization stage involves the development of solutions aimed at eliminating the defects identified in the process of research in the use of working time.

Part 1. Watches with the function of auto-tracking of Internet activity and applications

Mastering ManicTime is not necessary to start after starting the program. This can be done after enough data has been collected for analysis. The application runs in the background without distracting from the main business, and statistics are continuously recorded on the timeline.

The features of ManicTime will be discussed below in tab order.


In the "Date" section, in the first tab, any day is available for selection, including the current one, with viewing statistics on the timeline.

The timeline is divided into four parts:

  • Tags: Tags are used to group applications. They simplify the analysis of statistics by allowing you to group data into various directions: For example, you can specify a project or a customer. Labels are entered separated by commas, so you can set the nesting depth: "level 1, level 2 ... level n".
  • Computer usage: the scale indicates the presence or absence of the user at the computer. If the user does not perform any actions for a long time, when returning, he can add a label that explains the reason for the absence. It should be noted that subsequent participants in the review, as a rule, also have this opportunity.
  • Applications: a scale with information about the work of applications - thanks to it, in particular, you can track changes in window titles.
  • Documents & Internet: Web browsing statistics as URLs.

In order to protect private information, you can temporarily stop monitoring, for this purpose the Stop watch button is intended.


The Russian localization of ManicTime is replete with errors, and by “schedule” you need to understand the time sheet, which in the original sounds like “timeline”. In this section, the user can group the tags of interest assigned in the "Day" section to calculate the time spent on a particular task. The pivot table is quite flexible in setting (say, tags can be nested), with the ability to sum up by days and weeks.


ManicTime statistics is divided into several sections-tabs. "Daylength" allows you to find out how long the user was at the computer on a certain day of the week, when the session was started and ended, how long the period of activity lasted.

This is followed by the sections "Applications", "Documents and the Internet", "Top tags". Top in each section allows you to find out which applications, sites took the most time, in hours - information is available in the form of graphs, charts and tables. The statistics are grouped into different time intervals and, in general, give a very clear idea of ​​the time spent. It is also easy to export the necessary information to CSV format.

ManicTime contains a small number of settings. From the Pro version of the program, we expected more functionality in terms of working with statistics. In fact, it does not even have the option to compare by tags and categories.


ManicTime is a full-featured timekeeping program with the ability to build graphs, pivot tables, collect statistics on work with applications and Internet surfing. The simple interface makes ManicTime an understandable and convenient tool for working in single-user mode.

[+] Simple interface
[+] Good functionality
[-] Restrictions when plotting graphs
[-] Localization flaws

Motivate Clock

Motivate Clock is a free chronometer for analyzing activity while working with programs and on the Internet.

First, it is proposed to choose the mode of operation - project or non-project (aka basic). In the first case, Motivate Clock calculates how much time is spent on work and rest when working on a project. The user defines the list of "working" applications independently. All programs that are not related to the project will be classified in the statistics as "Recreation". In the basic, non-project mode, time is calculated when manually switching between applications.

Statistics are available in the main window of the program. Here you can find information about visited sites, open applications. It is easy to distinguish project applications from non-project applications by the color of the timestamps.

With one click, the generated document is exported in PDF format. The output file contains information about the creation time, activity (total elapsed time) of the project. The data is conveniently structured: the links at the top of the document navigate to the desired date. Unfortunately, there are no settings for statistics, as well as visualization or other display options.

The program interface is successful in that, firstly, it does not distract from work and, secondly, that all important options are at hand (pause, switching between projects, settings).


One of the best user-friendly ("friendly") time tracking programs - free, functional, easy to use and equipped with concise documentation. Motivate Clock has commercial potential, and if not in the free, then at least in the paid version of the product, I would like to see more features related to statistics, as well as online synchronization. Unfortunately, the program has not been updated for about a year.

[+] Functionality
[+] Project mode of operation
[+] Convenient compact interface
[-] Unconfigurable statistics

Time Doctor

Time Doctor is a web service designed for multi-user time tracking, program monitoring, and Internet activity. Thanks to these features, you can get detailed information about the use of tools for a project, user, company through a web interface.

The service uses a remote timing method, and at the same time, it integrates perfectly with the Desktop using a special client. To install, you need to download it from the page, after registering account on the same site.

The first impression of Time Doctor is similar to an organizer task manager. Therefore, it is easy to understand how a todo list, a project, is created. By selecting the desired task from the list and pressing the "Start!" button, you can start timing.

The lower part of the window displays the current task and various statistics: the time spent on the task, statistics for a certain period (day - month), including rest time.

An activity bar is displayed on top of the windows, which plays not so much an informational role as it serves as a reminder: what the user is currently working on. In addition to this panel, in the absence of activity, a dialog appears that is designed to control the work.

A significant advantage of the program is that all information is stored on the server - accordingly, the synchronization issue has been resolved, as well as remote access closes many questions. So, the project manager can control the quality of the work of employees by looking at the screenshots taken during the user's work. The snapshots correspond to the name of the task, it is not possible to set a specific filter for applications (like TimeSnapper). However, screenshots provide clear evidence that the application or site was used for its intended purpose and not during an unplanned vacation, or vice versa.

The productivity scale is available in the Productivity section. Here is published a list of employees, working hours, hour scale. Data can be grouped by days and weeks.

Using the Reports section, you can get all sorts of information about the user's activities: misuse of time, rest time, for a specified period, web activity, etc. Each type of report, after it is generated (Generate Report), can be printed in a readable form using browser. Data export to CSV/XLS possible

If you combine the functionality of a screen recorder with a timer, you can get a powerful tool for analyzing the time spent on projects and tasks. For example, if there is a need to control the work of another user, the time tracking program should have the function of taking "control" screenshots. In the description of TimeSnapper on the developer's website, you can find arguments and recommendations for using the program: recovering lost text from screenshots, bug testing, monitoring computer use by other users, etc.

Most importantly, TimeSnapper can record user activity within specified applications. For these purposes, you can set up a filter for specific applications, for example, within a project. As a result, it is possible to "reproduce" the user's working day with a given accuracy, depending on the interval for taking screenshots.

Performance evaluation is available in the Play/Browsing day section. The principle of counting is easy to imagine: the ratio of time spent in programs related to work (Productive applications) to the time of "rest" (activity in other applications).

In addition, you can get information about the activity of any application in a specified period of time. To do this, use the search capabilities of TimeSnapper (section Find).

Detailed statistics are available directly in the Reports section. Here you can get acquainted with the time spent at the computer or applicable to each application, compare productivity over different periods, learn about changes over a selected period of time.

For commenting on statistics, it is convenient to use flags in TimeSnapper, indicating the user, project, tags, comments and other information that will help not only the record participant to navigate the data, but will also be suitable for third-party analysis.

A noticeable disadvantage of TimeSnapper is that Internet activity remains "behind the scenes" - there is no information about visited sites in the statistics. And the second point - the report data is displayed in the form of lines, and this is not very convenient for printing or displaying statistics without scrolling.


With the help of TimeSnapper, you can not only analyze your own activity, but also control the quality of work from the outside. Capturing screenshots inside favorite apps details the statistics. This feature distinguishes TimeSnapper among time trackers.

[+] Convenient search, filters
[+] Taking screenshots for the specified programs
[-] Lack of Internet activity analysis
[-] Limited modes of displaying statistics

Timekeeping is a way of studying time costs by measuring and fixing the duration of actions to be performed. Timing allows you to "inventory" and "audit" time.

Timekeeping of working time consists in describing the work system, especially the production technology, method and working conditions, as well as determining the relative quantity, influence parameters, degree of effectiveness and actual time for individual stages of the work process. The actual time is then estimated to determine the required time for certain steps in the process.

Scheme 1. Standard timing program

Along with other methods of studying the workflow ( photograph of working time), timing very much depends on both the type of work tasks studied and the purpose of the study. So, for example, if the planned time determined by the results of timekeeping should be used in the wage system (to determine wages), then the requirements for timing will be different from the case when the time data is determined in order to calculate the level of utilization of capital goods. It is also important to consider the frequency of use of the received data (single or multiple).

Other options for timing working time depend on the following conditions:

  • timekeeping defines time relative to a person;
  • the time determined as a result of timing should be used for control, incl. control, and determination of wages;
  • timing must be planned in such a way that it is possible to use its results to calculate the planned time.

The result of the observation is recorded. To this end, the person responsible for data collection generally has at his disposal a time measuring device and time sheets.

The following is important: The timing protocol, i.e. the data entered on the timing sheet must be reproducible. The concomitant circumstances under which the measured times were obtained must also be taken into account as parameters for the influence of the times. If the data recorder is tasked with working time timing, then he should be able, with the help of these data, to compile a new work system that delivers comparable results, comparable to those recorded in the observed work system. If this condition is met, then we can say that the timing is an illustration of the observed working system, that is, reproducible.

These requirements are important primarily to answer the questions:

  1. what conditions of the working system should be taken into account and how detailed the steps of the process should be described, as well as
  2. what time values ​​for each process step should be measured.

When determining the purpose of use, in addition to the possibilities mentioned many times (planning, control, monitoring, payroll), it must first be determined whether the timing system is to be evaluated to determine planned times or not. In addition, in many cases, the timing of working time makes sense only if the process under study is organized in such a way that it will occur in the future with the same mode of production, the same method of labor and under the same working conditions.

You can find the practical experience of Russian and world companies in the use of timekeeping in Almanac "Production Management"

When timing is carried out, various regulations must be observed, for example, the relevant persons must be informed. Further, before conducting, it is necessary to determine the method of measuring time and the instruments used for measuring time, timekeeping sheets. These issues at the enterprise can be resolved in advance. At this stage, the preparation of the timing sheet begins, and its front side is filled in. In serial operation, the individual process steps are described on the reverse side, for which the time values ​​must ultimately be determined.

Rules and requirements for timing

When conducting timekeeping of working hours, there are a number of basic rules and requirements:

  1. The observer must be skilled enough to be able to separate and describe the process. He must also master the timing technique and, if necessary, be able to assess the degree of effectiveness.
  2. The observer should be located in such a way as to have the least possible impact on the observed worker and interfere with him as little as possible; on the other hand, he must be able to good review the entire workflow.
  3. In order to ensure the continuity of timing, discussions with the persons being monitored and third parties should be avoided whenever possible.
  4. Conditions must be met collective agreement, and, if necessary, the company's regulations regarding informing the management and other production services about timing.
  5. Timing cannot be carried out without the knowledge of the observed employee. Therefore, workers who will be monitored must be informed of the purpose of the study before they begin.
  6. The timing sheet is a document; therefore, it should not contain corrections; entries must be made using a technique that does not allow corrections.
  7. Safety requirements must be met.

Each step in the measurement process begins primary and ends end event. The final event of the measured stage is, at the same time, the initial event of the next one. The start event of each process step is given by the start of the first process element (for example, step: hold part; start event: take part). The end event of a process step is specified by the end of the last element of the process (for example, release a fixed part). The point of time measurement is always the final action of a process step; it is characterized by a process element. The exception to this rule is the start of the timing, which coincides with the start action of the first step in the process.

If earlier the results of timing were read and entered into the corresponding sheets manually, today, as a rule, electronic devices for measuring time are used for the same purposes.

There are the following types of such devices:

  • time measuring devices that measure the time of the studied stages of the process directly during the observation;
  • image storage devices that record the process as a film, allowing then to process it and determine the time.

Regardless of the type, the instruments must meet the following criteria:

  1. Good design ergonomics: size, weight, body, interface.
  2. The device should contribute to the concentration of the observer on the implementation of his main task - monitoring the processes.
  3. The device must provide a certain level of measurement accuracy: turning it on and off should not affect the accuracy.

To ensure the operation of electronic devices for measuring time, the following technical requirements must be met:

  1. The device must provide the ability to work in the mode of hundredths of a minute.
  2. The storage capacity and power supply of the device must allow continuous measurements for at least one shift.
  3. The instrument must have a low power warning function. In the event of an interruption in instrument operation due to lack of power, data already acquired must not be lost.
  4. The device must allow installation and use in workplaces with " harmful conditions labor" (dust, humidity, oily surface, electric and magnetic fields, high and low temperatures, etc.).

The capabilities of the device must correspond to production costs, supply costs. It is also advisable to have functions for conducting multi-moment observations and, if necessary, analysis using systems of set time values.

Currently, electronic time measurement systems are most widely used. Measurement, registration and evaluation of time data is carried out using electronic systems, which makes it possible:

  • clear ordering of time and performance data by process steps,
  • self-storage and preparation of these data during the assessment process and at its completion,
  • fast interim estimate (statistical confidence region) and graphic representation the most important results are already in the measurement process,
  • quick and error-free evaluation of the received data according to predetermined criteria,
  • follow-up support in the development of the planned time system.

Also, many systems provide support for a distributed time timing system in group work, and support for multi-moment observations.

The timing technique involves identifying the following conditions: general requirements for timing technique; determination of the measuring point; measurement method; devices for measuring time; prioritization production process; work with the timing form.

Requirements for the technique of measuring working hours

The general requirements for the time measurement technique are as follows:

  • The observer must be qualified;
  • The location of the observer should provide a view, but at the same time not interfere with the worker;
  • Avoid discussions with the employee;
  • Comply with the regulations established by the enterprise;
  • Inform the employee about the purpose of the study;
  • Issue timekeeping forms without corrections;
  • Compliance with safety regulations on the part of the observer;

time point is always the final action of the process step being measured; it is characterized by some element of the process, for example, release the hand from the part, press the switch button, etc.

The variety of devices for measuring time is shown in Scheme 2. If earlier the results of timing were read and entered into the corresponding form manually, today electronic devices for measuring time are used for the same purpose.

Scheme 2. Devices for measuring time

There are 2 ways of measuring time: by progressive time or by unit time. Progressive time (F) is the time from the start of the timing to the end event of a particular process step. With a single measurement, a new countdown starts at each measuring point and thus each process step is measured separately.

The structure and recording of data in the timing forms depends on priority measurable stages of the process, which are divided into:

1) Processes no cyclic repetition stages; these processes are typical for unit production, usually under conditions of individual labor. The division of the process, the description of its stages, the determination of measurement points and the consideration of the relative quantity and parameters of influence is carried out during timing.

2) Processes with cyclic order stages; after the unit of the product passes through all stages (cycle), the same process is repeated with respect to the next unit. The separation and determination of the moments of measurement measurements is carried out before timing.

3) sequential order process; measurements of single time values ​​are carried out first for all units of products at one stage of the process, only after that the next stage is performed.

4) rolling order process when the specified sequences of steps are combined. This may occur regularly after a certain number of cycles (for example, every 5 cycles), or may be irregular.

The types of process sequences and their corresponding REFA timing forms are presented in the table in Figure 3.

Scheme 3. Use of timing forms for different sequences of processes.

Process Priority




Process without cyclic repetition of stages

Process with repetition of sequences of steps

Serial production, individual work

Process with irregular repetition of separate series of steps for one worker

Single production, individual labor

Process with equal and different series of steps involving several people or means of production

Group work, multi-site work

Timing example. Timing of time measurements of 10 cycles of the workflow “Completely mount the part” was carried out. Progressive Actual Time data entered into a stringF , calculated unit time data - to stringt i , data on the degree of effectiveness - in a lineL (degree of effectiveness). Required lap timet defined by the formula

, where HM is the unit of time, equal to one hundredth of a minute; 100HM= 1min.