Current production control is carried out for the period. Production management: what is the secret of successful leadership

Basically, in production, the process of converting objects of labor in the program is carried out.

To conduct it in each shop, workers, employees, specialists are united in the appropriate teams. Here there is a combination of the process of production and information.

The manufacturer is the productive labor of people, which is aimed at creating products.

information process- development of management decisions:

1. Which provide a clear organization production process;

2. Provides coordinated interaction between shops, sections, workplaces, develops regulatory documentation (all sorts of norms and standards).

These decisions form the basis of production management. And their purpose is to influence groups of people to achieve the goals set for the enterprise.

Direct production management is carried out on the basis of:


Organizations of work (management),

Coordination of actions;

Activity motivations labor collectives;

Control over the implementation of decisions made.

Manufacturing plants operate and develop in accordance with certain goals. The goal is the motivating motives of production, which determine the nature, systemic nature of the activities of the team.

The enterprise as a whole is characterized by a global or main goal, which is realized in the form of an established assortment, output volume, and product quality. To realize this goal, we need a team of workers and appropriate resources.

The task can be represented as end result, goal - as a quantitative and qualitative indicator of the enterprise, its workshops, sections.

Qualitative goals are more vague and reflect the tasks that are set for the month, quarter, year. The qualitative goals include the improvement of the organizational structure of production:

1. Retraining of employees of functional services;

2. Selection of personnel;

3. Their qualification in order to increase the level of management efficiency;

4. elimination of non-production losses of working time.

Tasks may be different for each department, but the main managerial goal remains the same for all these divisions. And this goal is the unconditional implementation of a given production program at minimal cost (material, labor, financial).

Principles and processes of production management

The production management process can be represented as a set of successive actions of managerial personnel. At the beginning, these actions are associated with the definition of goals for all management objects, then with the assessment of actual results based on the registration and processing of relevant information, and then making decisions that are technically, economically justified, related to deviations of goals. The sequence of these actions is in accordance with the principles of management.

Management principles:

1) A clear division of labor.

2) Hierarchy of management levels.

3) The presence of systems of generalized formal rules and standards.

4) Formal depersonalization of officials in the performance of duties.

5) Implementation of hiring in strict accordance with the technical, qualification requirements.

Each workshop in a certain period is characterized by a certain production situation. This situation affects the implementation of the goals and objectives. It is impossible to ignore the situation. In the process of management, the main factor is the assessment of the technical situation of production at each site, workshop. In accordance with this, tasks specific to each workshop are determined.

Practical implementation processes is expressed in periodically repeating works. These works are connected with the formation of production programs, the development of operational shift-daily tasks and continuous monitoring of their implementation. The first part of the work relates to planning. The second part has to do with control. Control is not the final stage of management. Control gives only information. And in the process of control, tasks are compared with actual results, and the causes of deviations are analyzed. All this is necessary in order to regulate the production process.

The necessary information:

About pre-production,

About the goals and objectives that each unit faces,

About the state of the production process (this information is variable and is recorded during the production process itself).

The complexity of registering information at the places of its occurrence (in workshops and other subdivisions) lies in the fact that information is diverse in form and content and usually grows like an avalanche. These procedures are carried out either documented or with the help of computer science(BT). It is advisable to use BT not only for registration, but also for information processing and systematization.

Control functions

In the process of production, certain production relations and management are established between the shops of the enterprise. At this level, implementation Team work all participants in the production process.

In order to rationally implement this interaction both in space and in time, it is necessary to implement the functions and methods of management and develop a rational management structure.

The functions of production management are diverse and affect all aspects of the enterprise.

It is important to classify them according to their characteristics:

1. By managed object




2. According to the principle of activity:





Scientific research;

Preparation of production;

operational management production;


Sales of products;

Personnel management.

4. By the nature of the tasks:




The control;

5. With the frequency of decision-making:

One-time solutions;

Decisions that are repeated after a certain period of time.

Main functions of production management:

1. Organization - this function is related to the management system, to the definition of the structure and composition of the management system, as well as to the organization of work on the implementation of each management function.

Speaking about the perfection of the organization of production, we are talking about the perfection of the management system.

2. Rationing is the process of developing scientifically based calculated values, which establishes both a quantitative and qualitative assessment of various elements of the production process. The regulation organization includes:

Establishment of norms for material and fuel and energy resources;

Rationing of time costs, i.e. determination of the duration of production cycles, batch sizes, backlogs;

Definition of standards that determine the mechanical level of products. This is the development of standards and conditions.

Planning is central to all organizations because establishes the goals and objectives of the operation of the facility, the improvement of its structure, scientific, technical and production bases.

The tasks of planning include the development of calendar - planning standards for the nearest future in the activities of each unit.

1. The coordination function allows you to achieve a coordinated, well-coordinated work of all participants in the production process.

2. The function of motivation has a direct effect on the team of workers in the form of incentive motives.

3. The control function is a generalization and then an analysis of the results of the activities of each department of the service based on information on the progress of the implementation of planned targets.

4. The function of regulation is the closure of the organization of coordination and control.

Elements of a production management system

The production management system is a set of interrelated structural elements such as information, bureau, the relationship between these special functions, methods and processes of management. These elements, with coordinated interaction, ensure the performance of the relevant tasks by the production units. Despite the fact that the main content of the enterprise is the production of products, in accordance with this, the main work for the performance of the work is the development of plans for the production of products. The plan is developed as a whole for the enterprise, its individual services, workshops, sections. The second job is related to ensuring the implementation of the plan. The work of both planning and ensuring the implementation of the plan is repeated after a certain period of time. Production programs are developed using targeted information by management personnel: both on the progress of production, and on changes in equipment and technology, on changes in contracts, orders that occur during this period. Personnel, information, computers are used in the management process. Between them there are certain connections and relations of control.

TOPIC 4. Organizational structure of enterprise management and its structural divisions (OSU)

Specific OSU industrial enterprise must meet the goals and objectives of this organization, respond to the impact of internal and external factors(internal and external environment enterprises).

The group of signs and factors includes:

1) initial information, i.e. during development should find out the characteristic control object, material connections, composition of management tasks.

2) the group of influencing factors includes a description of the technology, the qualification of personnel, the scale of production, the chosen strategy of action, the existing structure of the enterprise (if the enterprise is operating).

3) signs of structure development; functional purpose of individual services, departments; served group of consumers, served process and product.


Determining - allowing you to choose the management structure: the number of levels, the number of departments, subordinates, the distribution of responsibilities, information flow routes, the degree of automation of work;

Estimated costs consist of certain costs for the maintenance of the management system, for establishing the information load on the manager and executor.

Units of measurement: labor intensity and information processing time, response time to a production failure, to operational issues, to a solution managerial tasks and the number of errors.

Variants of the organizational structure of the enterprise

Chief Engineer performs two sets of functions: administrative and engineering. The engineering complex includes those. development of the enterprise, its prospects, reconstruction, introduction of new equipment, technology. To address these issues, the headquarters of Ch. specialists, TsZL and lab. automation, mechanization of production processes. Ch. the engineer submits to Ch. design department and tech. department of the enterprise, which also solve the issues of long-term development of the enterprise, develops power balances, the introduction of technology. Administrative functions ch. engineers are in planning, operational regulation of production, control over the progress of production, analysis of TEP.

The second version of the organizational structure of enterprise management is to regulate production processes, control over the implementation of tasks and compliance with technological discipline are transferred to the head of the production department, cat. is the second deputy. In submission to his production department and Ch. factory control room.

The Deputy for Economics manages the economic activities of the enterprise. The planning and economic department, the economic laboratory, and the strategic planning department are subordinate to him.

The Deputy for Labor and Personnel, through the departments subordinate to him, manages the organization of labor, the organization of wages, training, retraining of personnel. The department of labor and wages, the department of those are subordinate to him. training, personnel department.

The deputy for transport manages the organization of transportation within the enterprise through the management railway transport, shop of motor transport.

Deputy for supply or for the commercial and financial part, to whom two blocks are functionally subordinate: supply of the enterprise,

▪Sale of products and receiving financial resources, part of which is for the purchase of raw materials and fuel. It is carried out through the department of supply of raw materials and fuel, the sales department, the marketing department.

The Deputy for Construction is in charge of organizing work on new construction and expansion of existing facilities. He is subordinate to the management of Capt. construction.

The deputy for TB organizes work on the safe maintenance of those. processes. OTB is subordinate to him.

The chief accountant manages the accounting of all material and Money, bears equal responsibility with the director of the enterprise for the safety and correctness of the expenditure of material and monetary resources.

The financial department may be subordinate to the deputy for whom. and financial matters.

The chief mechanic is responsible for the operation of the entire mech. equipment, organizes work on its repair, both mechanical and electrical parts.

Chief Power Engineer organizes the work of the energy departments of the enterprise and the supply of energy resources.

The Department of Foreign Economic Relations may be subordinate to either the Director or the Deputy for Economic Affairs.

The production department conducts inter-shop production planning and deals with the preparation of production, solves current operational issues.

The dispatching service, which is part of the department, facilitates the implementation of shift and workshop work schedules for workshops and units.

The technical department develops and implements, together with the factory laboratory and technical services of the workshops, measures to improve equipment, technology, automation and production processes, improve product quality, measures for the rational use of raw materials, development technical instructions. All studies are carried out by the Central Laboratory of Laboratory or Automation Laboratory.

The design department develops technical projects, working drawings, introduction of new equipment and technology for process automation, equipment modernization.

The technical information department forms information base. Department of Strategic Planning together with the Department of Ch. engineers develop plans for the enterprise for 10-12 years ahead.

The planning department conducts technical and economic planning, operational and statistical accounting of the implementation of the plan, together with the economic laboratory analyzes the actions of shops and enterprises and develops prices for manufactured products.

Department of Labor and wages considers the issues of technical regulation, the implementation of the introduction of rational forms of labor, plans the expenditure of wages and analyzes the deviations of wage payments from the plan.

The technical training department improves the qualifications of employees.

The Human Resources department is hiring.

UZHDT - plans and carries out transportation around the enterprise, repairs rolling stock and its accounting.

The raw materials and fuel department contacts direct suppliers, develops and signs contracts for the supply of raw materials with legal department, controls their implementation, finds out the reasons for the deviation.

The sales department controls the shipment of finished products in accordance with the concluded contracts.

Financial department - controls the receipt of funds for shipped products, draws up financial documents, controls the costs of purchasing raw materials and fuel.

The Department of Capital Construction deals with the organization of capital works, the supply of equipment, and the organization of installation work.

Organizational structure of shop management

At the head - the head of the shop. His first deputy and deputy for production, to whom the shift supervisors or senior foremen of sections (spans), foremen and foremen are subordinate.

The Deputy Head of Production deals with and oversees the issues of production planning, providing production with everything necessary.

Assistants for equipment (mechanical, electrical and crane) are subordinate to the head of the workshop. If the workshop consumes a large amount of electricity, then the energy assistant. The equipment assistant must ensure the smooth operation of the equipment, develop, together with the department of the chief mechanic of the enterprise, plans for all types of repairs.

The energy deputy is in contact with the chief power engineer, with the department of the chief power engineer. The task is to provide production with all the necessary energy resources.

Subordinate to the equipment assistants are senior foremen for equipment groups.

The energy assistant is subordinate to the senior foremen of the energy sections.

The shop management apparatus includes a number of bureaus: technological, planning and distribution, economic, labor organization and wages.

Tasks of the technological bureau: together with the technical department, the development of technical instructions, technical maps and bringing all the information to specific performers.

The planning and distribution bureau is under the jurisdiction of both the head of the site and his deputy for production. Tasks: development of operational plans, work schedules in accordance with the established task of the shop.

The economic bureau is subordinate to the head and functionally relates to the planning and economic service of the enterprise. Tasks: development of estimates, production costs, comparison of planned with actual indicators, establishment of deviations.

The Bureau of Organization of Labor and Wages reports to the foreman, functionally reports to the Department of Labor and Wages. Tasks: organization and rationing of labor, development of work organization maps, planning of the pay fund, comparison of planned and reporting data on payments, analysis and identification of the reasons that caused the deviation.

Workshop accounting: a report on the actual expenditure of material and labor resources.

Information support of the production management system

The efficiency of the production management system is directly dependent on the efficiency of the process of collecting, accumulating, storing, searching and transmitting information for economic purposes. The components of the information system are a data bank and the corresponding databases - all this is a repository of information in a common information system for automated control.

A data bank is a complex that includes the structure of information organization, programming and technical means that provide both receipt, updating and correction.

The database is special. storage of information elements. Consists of data and their description. The database is created in the enterprise data bank to solve the problems of production management at the intershop level. In each workshop, the corresponding databases are formed, which include those. processes, operating and labor standards, prices for materials and PF, planned information on the nomenclature, quantity, timing, cost of VP, calendar and planning standards for the movement of production, notification and marriage, economic information. The knowledge base contains information about the accumulated practical experience of a specialist.

In the overall system, several information flows can be distinguished. These base streams are formed into various structural divisions and departments of the enterprise. Each stream includes a bank and a database, a knowledge base.

One of the streams is preparation of production is used in those. departments, in the unit, in the planning and economic department and planning and dispatching services of the enterprise. It is implemented during the development of new types of products, including both technological preparation of production and settlement functions.

Organization of production management

In the management structure of the enterprise, a management process takes place, which is expressed in the movement of information, the adoption of management decisions in accordance with the functions that are possible for a certain department, bureau, laboratory.

The management structure can be seen as a form of division and cooperation of management activities. The exchange of information is carried out in order to achieve cash or established results for a given period. Management functions complement each other, penetrate each other and make up the management cycle. The management cycle reflects the daily managerial activity in each specific area.

Next, we will consider management in the production subsystem. Management in this subsystem traditionally begins with the designation of goals and objectives for a given control object. Then they proceed to the development of more precise production plans or production programs, which indicate the volume of output, the periods of production of specific types of products. The function of organizing work on the implementation of the production program is being implemented, in the cat. includes providing everything necessary for the production process (material, labor resources, organization of repairs, distribution of tasks for specific units, sections, workshops, development of operational plans, and other aspects of organizational work).

The next stage is the coordination of work in the process of their implementation. This is done by the dispatching service of the enterprise and the dispatching service of the department. They coordinate the work of shops, sections, units, ensuring minimal downtime, loss of time.

The next function is the motivation of human activity in the sphere of production using all possible aspects of motivation (possible for given production conditions).

All functions have the most active influence on the object - the production process. The result of the production process is the release of finished products or semi-finished products. Finished products and the production process are accountable. The volume of output, the consumption of material and labor resources, the deadline are taken into account.

The next function is to control the execution of the production program. In the process of control, the indicators of the production plan are compared with operational accounting data.

The next function is the analysis of production activities. As a result of the analysis, the causes that cause deviations from the specified parameters of the production process are identified.

Once the cause has been established, stage-regulation of the course of production. It is necessary to adjust the plan or production program and make changes to the goals and objectives of the control object.

The enterprise as a whole is characterized by a special functioning of the subsystem, which can include a subsystem for the development and improvement of production, subsystems, preparation for production, production, marketing of products, etc. Each subsystem has special functional units that form organizational structure enterprise management. In each subsystem, a control cycle is implemented according to a scheme similar to production control. The most basic subsystem is the production management subsystem. For its functioning, a management apparatus is organized, both at the level of the enterprise and each workshop. Since the production management subsystem is decisive for the implementation of the goals and objectives of the enterprise, almost all functioning subsystems are directly related to it.

At the workshop level, 4 main functioning subsystems can be distinguished, which are interconnected:

one). Management of economic activity;

2). Management of technological preparation of production;

3). operational management of production;

4). Production maintenance management.

Implementation of managerial decisions in subsystems is carried out by the management apparatus both at the shop level and at the enterprise level. The activities of the administrative apparatus are organized in accordance with certain functions. They are varied and specific. The resources of each worker in the sphere of management are limited. In this regard, there is a problem of rational distribution of powers and responsibilities. The scope of authority and responsibility varies depending on the level of management. The top level or senior managers usually set the goals of the enterprise, allocate strategic resources, form the organizational structure of management and manage profits. The level of top managers form a gene. director, director, his deputies and chief specialists.

Middle-level managers - heads of shops, departments and their deputies - are usually busy with planning, forming or developing tasks, monitoring and coordinating work, recruiting and training them.

Level 1 managers, which include heads of workshop bureaus, group leaders, senior foremen, foremen. Usually they are assigned powers related to the coordination of the activities of subordinates or employees and production issues within the competence and work with subordinate personnel.

» » Operational production management

Operational production management

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The main indicators of the efficiency of the production process at the enterprise are:

High level of rhythm and synchronization of production;
full loading of equipment and workers;
rational stocks of raw materials, materials, components;
turnover acceleration;
saving material and;
high quality manufactured products.

The complexity of the production process and the need to achieve the goals of the enterprise require a comprehensive linkage of all individual operations in the course of production, synchronization of the actions of all elements of this process with continuous changes in external and internal conditions. This is achieved through the functioning of an integrated system of operational management of production, which provides a clear solution to the problems of rational organization of the work of all departments for the timely and high-quality manufacture and release of products (products) in the prescribed quantity and range with a uniform and most rational use production resources; observance of production discipline and obligatory fulfillment of contractual obligations for the supply of products.

Operational production management (OUP) is characterized by the decision-making by management personnel in a real emerging or existing production situation and is carried out through direct control actions on the control object.

This is its main difference from the strategic and tactical control, which is carried out through indirect resource management to move towards the goal.

In addition, the methods of PMO differ from the methods of strategic and tactical management and other features:

1) they take into account the technical, technological and organizational specifics of the control object to the maximum extent;
2) they are carried out in conditions of a relatively stable organization of production and management and are not associated with its irreversible changes;
3) the period from the moment the decision is made to the prevention or elimination of the existing disturbance and the elimination of its consequences is relatively short.

As part of the PMO system, the following main functions inherent in management as a whole are performed:

operational planning;
organization of work on the PMO;
operational coordination;
operational accounting;
operational analysis;
operational control;
operational regulation (dispatching).

Operational planning is the specification of planned targets for the production program of an enterprise in time (within a certain operational planning period), in space (by enterprise divisions: workshops, sections, teams, jobs) and taking into account the specific features of technology and production organization. Operational planning is the final stage of in-plant planning, immediately preceding the executive activities in the workplace. The dominant role in it is played by the deployment of a plan for the execution of work in time, or, in other words, the preparation calendar plans-graphs. As a result, operational planning is also called operational scheduling (OCP).

OKP should be carried out taking into account the following requirements:

1) ensuring the rhythmic work of all links of production and creating conditions for the uniform implementation of the plan;
2) ensuring the reduction of interruptions in the movement of objects of labor at individual stages of production and thereby minimizing the duration of the production cycle;
3) ensuring uniform loading of equipment and production areas;
4) the presence of sufficient flexibility, i.e. it must quickly and clearly respond to technological and nomenclature changes in production. These features of the OKP predetermine the difficulties of solving the problems of compiling schedules in various production conditions.

Organization of work on the implementation of production programs and tasks - a set of measures related to the regulation of the actions of the management personnel of the enterprise for the timely and high-quality logistics of the work of shops, the mobilization of available resources, as well as their redistribution for the unconditional implementation of production programs. The basis for performing work on planning, control, analysis and regulation (dispatching) is the operational accounting of the results of production activities of all departments of the enterprise for a certain period of time. Operational accounting is designed to obtain a related set of indicators, the values ​​of which are then compared with the planned ones, i.e. expected. The main role in the preparation of information necessary for making and justifying decisions on regulating the course of production is played by operational analysis - a comprehensive assessment of the functioning of the control object, the reasons for deviations from the planned level, the identification of production reserves, and the identification of possible alternatives for management decisions implemented during regulation.

Operational control over the course of production is aimed at identifying deviations from the established planned targets and calendar schedules production, mismatches in the work of various departments and services of the enterprise. At present, the main method of control in the PMO is control by the deviation of the specified parameters from the planned values. This method is characterized by a significant delay in the decision-making process. More promising is the method of control by disturbances: here the rate of change of a given parameter is controlled and thus the forecast of parameter deviations from the given values ​​for the nearest period of time is carried out.

Operational regulation is the final stage of the PMO, at which the process of developing and implementing solutions to prevent deviations and failures in the course of production, and in case of their occurrence, to eliminate them immediately, is carried out. This achieves the unconditional fulfillment of production programs and operational plans. Prevention or elimination of deviations and failures is possible through the use of available reserves: material (interchangeable equipment, workers, materials, blanks, parts, tools); temporary (organization of overtime work, additional shifts, etc.); organizational (redistribution of resources between departments).

The quality of the generated control actions and their effectiveness to a very large extent depend on the timeliness and completeness of the information characterizing the state of the control object. Late processing operational information deprive it of practical value due to the rapid change of production situations and turn it into an analytical material that can only be used to assess the progress of production, and not to regulate it.

Operational coordination is carried out in order to ensure the coordinated work of those involved in the implementation of planned, functional and production tasks. Coordination in practice, basically, comes down to clarifying the distribution of responsibilities and duties between managerial employees, eliminating deviations that have arisen during production. However, they cannot be identified. The boundaries of operational regulation and organization, both in terms of controlled parameters, methods used, and in terms of the composition of performers, are wider than coordination. Regardless of the type of enterprise, PMO is carried out mainly at two levels: plant-wide (inter-shop) and intra-shop.

Factory-wide (inter-shop) operational management consists in setting plan targets for the main production shops, coordinating their activities during the period of operational management, as well as in accounting, analysis, control and regulation of the implementation of these tasks. The objects of the intershop PMO are the control systems of the main production shops.

Intra-shop operational management consists in setting plan targets for the period of operational management of sections, shifts, teams, breaking them down by deadlines and jobs, based on the requirements of inter-shop management and the specifics of shops, as well as operational accounting, analysis, control and regulation of the production process. The objects of the intrashop PMO are the elements of the production process that directly implement it.

The relationship between inter-shop and intra-shop PMO is carried out due to the fact that the output data of inter-shop operational planning are master for intra-shop, and intra-shop operational accounting contains the necessary information for inter-shop operational accounting, which is advisable to carry out in real time (as the production process is carried out), in shift, daily and monthly modes.

PMO at the enterprise is carried out, as a rule, by employees of the production and dispatching department (PDO) and line personnel (heads of workshops, shifts, sections, foremen, etc.). The organizational structure of PDO depends on the type, nature, structure and scale of the enterprise. On the large enterprise PDO may report to the production director (deputy director). All day-to-day work on PMO at the plant level is carried out by the dispatch service within the PDO, for example, a central dispatch office headed by a chief dispatcher. It is in charge of dispatching groups that interact with various structural divisions to ensure the smooth running of production. The central dispatching bureau may include dispatching groups for procurement (foundry, forging, stamping), machining, assembly production, auxiliary production, sales and production preparation services.

Shop managers control and ensure: fulfillment of shop plans according to the nomenclature, labor intensity; completeness of output; use of production capacities; uniformity and rhythm of delivery of parts, assembly units (ASU), products; condition of inventories, etc. At the intrashop level, employees of planning and dispatching bureaus (PDB) calculate operational plans for the delivery of DSE by sections of the shop in the nomenclature for a day, a month; draw up reports on the implementation of planned targets by sections, on the state of backlogs. Heads of sections, foremen ensure that operational plans are brought to workplaces, organize control over their implementation, determine the state of backlogs at the site, etc.

PMO methods differ significantly depending on the organizational type of production, due to the nature and stability of the range of manufactured products, the range and labor intensity of manufacturing DSE, the level of specialization of jobs. Such parameters and indicators are calendar-planned standards (CPT). The development of the CIT system precedes the formation of production targets at all levels, since without them it is impossible to carry out the above calculations, achieve their high quality and perform the functions of the PMO.

According to the combination of these features, mass, serial and single types of production are distinguished:

Mass production is characterized by a high level of concentration and narrow specialization enterprises producing a small but relatively stable product range in large quantities and for a long time. This allows you to specialize workshops, sections and jobs. Each workplace is assigned one operation, which is performed continuously without readjustment of equipment. The PMO here should be aimed at the continuous course of the technological process in accordance with the rhythm of the output of finished products specified at a given time. The main planning and accounting unit for procurement and processing shops is a part, an assembly unit (ASU), a set, and for assembly shops - a finished product in physical terms (pieces). Operational management in mass production is based on the following CIT: the parameters of production lines and the assembly line, the dimensions of intra-line, inter-line and inter-shop backlogs.

In serial production, a wider range of products is produced, in which there is a constant, but not mass demand. At the same time, during the planned period, products are produced in relatively uniform batches. A series is the number of structurally identical products launched into production simultaneously or sequentially, but without interruption. The launch of products in series at certain, rhythmically repeating intervals leads to the need to coordinate the sequence of transfer of products from one workplace to another in time. Depending on the scale, range of products, the size of the series and the frequency of their repetition, the level of specialization of jobs, mass production is divided into large-scale, medium-scale and small-scale.

Large-scale production in terms of its technical and economic parameters is close to mass production: a relatively narrow range of products produced in large, repeating series.

Small-scale production specializes in the production of products in small quantities, but relatively extensive and quite different range.

Medium-scale production combines the features of large-scale and small-scale types of production.

Operational planning in mass production plays the role of a stabilizer of the rhythm of production output in accordance with the optimal batches of starting parts for processing during the calendar period with optimal values ​​of work in progress for individual types of products. Drawing up an operational-calendar plan for the launch and release of parts for mass production shops is a complex, time-consuming work that requires a preliminary in-depth analysis of the actual production conditions in each shop, and is one of the most important and main stages in the preparation of the OKP. In serial production, the nomenclature, quantity and timing of the release of assembly units, leading parts, the state of stockpiles of blanks, parts, the degree of complete provision of assembly work are controlled.

A single type of production is designed to specialize in the production of an extensive and inconsistent range of products, the need for which is calculated in units. These are mainly enterprises manufacturing turbogenerators, high-capacity excavators, rolling mills, etc.

They are characterized by: the manufacture of dozens of products of various designs in limited quantities, incomplete loading certain types equipment and workshops; many executed orders are not repeated, jobs have a technological specialization and are loaded with various operations at different intervals without observing a certain alternation. Operational planning is carried out based on the timing of orders. Therefore, a single end-to-end schedule for the production of products is drawn up, taking into account the duration of the production cycle of manufacturing, ahead of the work of procurement shops in relation to processing and assembly, in order to ensure the smooth operation of all shops.

It should be noted that the presence of only one of the types of production is rare at machine-building enterprises. As a rule, there is a combination of them, respectively, and the methods of PMO may differ in the stages of production.

The experience of the functioning of the PMO system at enterprises allows us to reveal its shortcomings, the main of which are:

Discrepancy between planned and accounting data due to the lack of operational adjustment of plans and calendar and planning standards;
- loss of efficiency and relevance of information on the state of production due to the gap between the actual indicators of the progress of production and the transfer of this information for control and regulation; redundancy and duplication of accounting information;
- insufficient availability of computer technology, which significantly increases the complexity of intrashop planning, reduces its accuracy and quality.

One of the most important areas for improving the efficiency of PMO is the automation of management based on the use of modern information technologies covering all objects interconnected in time and space that perform the functions of providing, servicing the production process, manufacturing and selling products. In the US, such systems are called "CIM - Computer Integrated Manufacturing" - integrated automated production. In the 1980s, in Japan, and then in the United States, the concept of “Just-in-time” (JIT) management appeared.

For the system to work effectively, production must have the following characteristics:

Uniform flow of materials;
- regular cyclic final assembly schedule;
- marginal level of stocks between operations;
- effective system notifications from the recipient;
- reliable production process of high quality;
- quick adjustment of equipment; exclusion of overplanned production (the so-called "seven zeros").

The difficulty of applying it to mass production enterprises is to reproduce these characteristics of a continuous flow in the manufacture of products in batches. To do this, you can use group technologies.

In enterprises of a single type of production, to reduce the level of stocks, you can use a reduction in the time for setting up equipment and improving the quality of products; more frequent and smaller deliveries of raw materials, materials, components. For the first time this concept was implemented in Japan in order to reduce cash inventory in enterprises and was called "Kanban". The system does not require information about the timing of the start of production. Using two types of kanban cards, one to authorize the start of production and the other to notify of the need for ACS, each production site requests parts when they are needed.

The supply of materials and their processing according to the Kanban system provides a tremendous effect by reducing inventories in the production of products. Thus, for the production of 11 million cars a year, the stocks of materials, semi-finished products and parts in the Japanese automobile industry amount to about 800 million dollars, while in the USA - 8.5 billion dollars. Such a system provides the maximum reduction in the duration of the production cycle, which at Toyota is 4-5 times shorter than at US car factories.

Kanban is an enterprise management system based on the principle of "zero production reserves". From a practical point of view, it is very difficult to implement. Enterprises receive parts and assemblies daily or even several times a day. If at an American enterprise, inventories are updated 10-20 times a year, then at enterprises using this system, 50-100 times.

The Kanban system is almost impossible to implement without the simultaneous implementation of an integrated system

3. Organization and management of the production process

3.2. Production cycle

The production cycle for the manufacture of a particular machine or its separate unit (part) is the calendar period of time during which this object of labor goes through all stages of the production process from the first production operation to the delivery (acceptance) of the finished product inclusive. Reducing the cycle allows each production unit (workshop, section) to complete a given program with a smaller volume of work in progress. This means that the company gets the opportunity to accelerate the turnover working capital, fulfill the established plan with lower costs of these funds, free up part of working capital.

The production cycle consists of two parts: from the working period, i.e., the period during which the object of labor is directly in the manufacturing process, and from the time of breaks in this process.

The working period consists of the time of execution of technological and non-technological operations; the latter include all control and transport operations from the moment the first production operation is completed until the moment the finished product is delivered.

The structure of the production cycle (the ratio of its constituent parts) in various industries mechanical engineering and at different enterprises is not the same. It is determined by the nature of the products, the technological process, the level of technology and the organization of production. However, despite the differences in structure, the opportunities for reducing the duration of the production cycle are inherent in both the reduction of working hours and the reduction of break times. The experience of advanced enterprises shows that at each stage of production and at each production site, possibilities can be found for further reducing the duration of the production cycle. It is achieved by carrying out various activities, both technical (design, technological) and organizational.

The implementation of production processes is closely related to the methods of their implementation. There are three main types of organization of the movement of production processes in time:

  • sequential, characteristic of single or batch processing or assembly of products;
  • parallel, used in the conditions of in-line processing or assembly;
  • parallel-serial, used in conditions of direct-flow processing or assembly of products.

With a sequential type of movement, a production order - one part, or one assembled machine, or batch of parts 1 (a series of machines 2) - in the process of their production goes to each subsequent operation of the process only after the processing (assembly) of all parts (machines) of this batch is completed ( series) in the previous operation. In this case, the entire batch of parts is transported from operation to operation at the same time. At the same time, each part of a batch of a machine (series) lies at each operation, first waiting for its turn of processing (assembly), and then waiting for the end of processing (assembly) of all parts of machines of a given batch (series) for this operation.

A batch of parts is the number of parts of the same name that are simultaneously launched into production (processed from one equipment setup). A series of machines is the number of identical machines simultaneously launched into an assembly.

On fig. 1 shows a graph of the sequential movement of objects of labor for operations. The processing time for a sequential type of movement of objects of labor Tpos is directly proportional to the number of parts in the batch and the processing time of one part for all operations, i.e.

Tpos \u003d Et * n,

where Et is the processing time of one part for all operations in minutes; n is the number of parts in the batch.

With a parallel type of movement, the processing (assembly) of each part (machine) in a batch (series) at each subsequent operation begins immediately after the end of the previous operation, regardless of the fact that the processing (assembly) of other parts (machines) in the batch (series) at this operation not finished yet. With such an organization of the movement of objects of labor, several units of the same batch (series) can be simultaneously processed (assembled) at different operations. The total duration of the processing (assembly) process of a batch of parts (series of machines) is significantly reduced compared to the same process performed sequentially. This is a significant advantage of the parallel type of movement, which can significantly reduce the duration of the production process.

The processing (assembly) time for a batch of parts (series of machines) with a parallel type of movement Tpar ​​can be determined by the following formula:

Tpar \u003d Et + (n - 1) * r,

where r is the release stroke corresponding in this case to the longest operation, in minutes.

However, with a parallel type of movement, in the process of processing (assembling) a batch of parts (machines) at some workplaces, downtime of people and equipment may occur (Fig. 2), the duration of which is determined by the difference between the cycle and the duration of individual operations of the process. Such downtime is inevitable if the operations following one another are not synchronized (not aligned in their duration), as is usually done on production lines. So practical use parallel type of movement of objects of labor turns out to be certainly expedient and economically beneficial with a streaming organization of the production process.

The need to equalize (synchronize) the duration of individual operations significantly limits the possibility of widespread use of the parallel type of movement, which contributes to the use of the third - parallel-sequential type of movement of objects of labor.

The parallel-sequential type of movement of objects of labor is characterized by the fact that the process of processing parts (assembly of machines) of a given batch (series) at each subsequent operation begins earlier than the processing of the entire batch of parts (assembly of machines) at each previous operation is completely completed. Details are transferred from one operation to another in parts, transport (transfer) parties. The accumulation of some parts in previous operations before starting sodium processing in subsequent operations (production reserve) avoids downtime.

The parallel-sequential type of movement of objects of labor can significantly reduce the duration of the production process of processing (assembly) in comparison with the sequential type of movement. The use of a parallel-sequential type of movement is economically feasible in cases of manufacturing labor-intensive parts, when the duration of process operations fluctuate significantly, as well as in cases of manufacturing low-labor-intensive parts in large batches (for example, normals of small unified parts, etc.).

With a parallel-sequential type of movement of objects of labor, there can be three cases of combining the duration of operations:

1) the previous and subsequent operations have the same duration (t 1 = t 2);

2) the duration of the previous operation t2 is greater than the duration of the subsequent t 3 , i.e. t 2 > t 3 ;

3) the duration of the previous operation t3 is less than the duration of the subsequent t 4, i.e. t 3< t 4 .

In the first case, the transfer of parts from operation to operation can be organized piece by piece; for reasons of convenience of transportation, the simultaneous transfer of several parts (transfer batch) can be applied.

In the second case, a subsequent, shorter operation can be started only after the processing of all the parts in the previous operation included in the first transfer batch is completed. On fig. 3 it has mine in the transition from the first operation to the second.

In the third case (in Fig. 3 - the transition from the 3rd to the 4th operation), there is no need to accumulate details on the previous operation. It is enough to transfer one part to a subsequent operation and start processing it without any fear of the possibility of downtime. In this case, as in the first case, the transfer party is installed only for transport reasons.

The moment of starting work at each next operation (workplace) is determined according to the schedule or by calculating the minimum displacements c.

The minimum offset from 2 is determined by the difference between the durations of the previous larger t 2 and the subsequent smaller operations t 3 , namely:

c 2 \u003d n * t 2 - (n - n òð) * t 3,

where n tr is the value of the transfer (transport) batch, which for the second case of combining the duration of operations is determined from the ratio ñ 1 / t 1 (ñ 1 is the minimum offset of the first operation), in all other cases - from the conditions of ease of transportation.

The minimum design offset is included in the total process time T in the combination of activity times related to the second case. In the first and third cases, the minimum offset is set equal to the time required for the formation of the transfer batch.

When determining the total duration of the production process with a parallel-sequential type of movement of objects of labor, one should take into account the estimated value of the displacement E with:

T pl \u003d E c + n * t k,

where t k is the duration of the last (final) operation in this production process.

Example. Determine the total duration of the process of processing a batch of parts when various types movement, if the number of parts in the batch n = 40, and the processing time of one part (in minutes) for operations is: t 1 = 1.5; t 2 = 1.5; t 3 \u003d 0.5; t4 = 2.5; exhaust stroke r = 2.5 min.

A. In conditions of a sequential type of movement of parts

E t \u003d t 1 + t 2 + t 3 + t 4 \u003d 1.5 + 1.5 + 0.5 + 2.5 \u003d 6.0;

T pos \u003d E t * n \u003d 6.0 * 40 \u003d 240 min \u003d 4 h.

B. In conditions of a parallel type of movement of parts

T steam \u003d E t + r * (n - 1) \u003d 6.0 + 2.5 * (40 - 1) \u003d 103.5 minutes, or 1.725 hours.

B. In conditions of a parallel-sequential type of movement of parts

T p.p = E s + n * t = 65 + 40 * 2.5 == 165 min == 2.7 h.

First you need to determine the value of E with . Assuming the size of the transfer batch, convenient for transportation, n tr = 10 pieces, you can find the minimum offsets for operations:

s 1 \u003d n tr * t 1 \u003d 10 * 1.5 \u003d 15 min;

s 2 \u003d n * t 2 - (n - n tr) * t 3 \u003d 40 * 1.5 - (40 - 10) * 0.5 \u003d 45 min;

s 3 \u003d n tr * t 3 \u003d 10 * 0.5 \u003d 5 min.

To determine the sum of offsets E c, it is necessary to know the number of transport lots when transferring parts from the second to the third operation, which will be equal to

k \u003d ñ 2 / (n òð * t 2) \u003d 45 / (1.5 * 10) \u003d 3;

then the sum of the displacements will be E c = 15 + 45 + 5 = 65 min.

Thus, the use of parallel and parallel-sequential types of movement of objects of labor makes it possible to reduce the duration of the production process, or, in other words, reduce the production cycle for the manufacture of an object of labor.

Organizational measures are aimed at improving the maintenance of workplaces with tools, blanks, improving the work of the control apparatus, intrashop transport, warehouse management, etc. Restructuring production structure plant, workshop, for example, the organization of subject-closed production sites, which helps to reduce the time of interruptions in the production process by reducing the time of interoperational soaking and transportation, leads to a reduction in the duration of the production cycle; the introduction of in-line forms of organization of the production process gives a particularly significant economic effect.

Reducing the duration of the production cycle is one of the most important tasks of organizing production in an enterprise, on the proper solution of which its efficient, cost-effective operation largely depends.

operational management of production; dynamic "rulepriority” of launching parts for processing; control, regulationthe course of production.

Place of operational control

in the production activities of the organization

The concept of “operational management”, which has been established in the practice of production management, is related to the final stage of this process.

The operational management of production is characterized byby management personnel decisions in a real emergingor current work situation. Under these conditions, the developed plan assignments or decisions of the heads of production units should ensure a strict and clear in time order for the implementation of the planned work. This corresponds to the development operational calendar plans(schedules of launch-release parts) and shift-daily tasks at the level of workshops, sections (teams) and workplaces.

At the intershop level, operational management is carried out to address the fundamental issues of removing, replacing products put into production, including new products in the production program, ensuring external supplies of components, using internal material, labor and financial resources.

For the operational management of production in the shops, strict regulation of the execution of work in time for each item of the production program and the nomenclature-calendar plan is characteristic, depending on the actual production situation. Works on the operational management of production are carried out in real time, which does not allow interruptions in the process of manufacturing parts and assembling products. Efficiency time horizon management for the workshop as a whole can be within a month, for sections (teams) and jobs - within the interval of a week-shift. For the interdepartmental level, this interval expands from a month to a year.

At present, operational management procedures are increasingly intertwined with technology and regulation (dispatching) of production. The functions of operational accounting, control and analysis of the production progress, which are routinely performed by management personnel, are the basis for developing options for regulatory impacts on the production progress.

Thus, the operational management of production is carried out on the basis of continuous (everyday) monitoring of the progress of production, providing a targeted impact on the teams of shops, sections (teams), workers to ensure the unconditional implementation of approved production programs.

This is achieved:

    strict distribution of work for short periods of time (a decade, a week, a day, a shift) in workshops, at production sites (teams) - in detail and nodal sections, and for workplaces in a detail-by-operational form;

    a clear organization of the collection and processing of information on the progress of production;

    complex use of computer technology for the preparation of options for management decisions;

    daily analysis and possession by management personnel of the production situation in each link of the enterprise;

    timely decision-making and organization of work to prevent violations during production or to quickly restore it in case of deviations from the planned control trajectory.

Methodological provisions for the development of operational calendar plans

Development featuresoperational calendar plans

The operational calendar plan (OKP) determines, in accordance with the production program, the list and timing of the launch-release of each batch of parts for short planning periods. Its compilation is a complex, time-consuming work that requires a preliminary in-depth analysis of the actual production conditions in each workshop, the identification of characteristic features and rational elements in the existing planning system.

This is especially true for the workshops of serial production of DSE, which determined the consideration of the question posed on the example of these workshops.

There are parts in mass production shops, the production of which in each of the planned months may not always be stable. This means that the launch and release of each batch of parts will be subject to certain requirements - either the assembly of the product, or the conditions for maintaining circulating and insurance reserves at the standard level in the workshop storerooms and the central warehouse of finished parts of the JSC, enterprise, etc.

This implies the need to identify the features and establish the main factors that determine the process of developing the most rational variant of the OKP for the launch-release of parts. Let's dwell on some of them.

  1. In mass production, for each batch of parts, the frequency of its launch for processing or, equivalently, the number of launches, is determined. Obviously, for each batch of parts in a given planning period, the number of launches can be different: equal to either one, or two, three or more launches. If the number of launches of individual batches of parts is more than one, then in the OKP the release of each such batch of parts should be alternated with the correspondingly calculated launch-release frequency, achieving equal time intervals between releases of a batch of parts of the same name.

    An important criterion for the effectiveness of the OKP is the availability of a full load of machine tools, and especially the employment of workers, for which multi-machine maintenance is widely used. As a result, downtime for workers is kept to a minimum. Thus, in order to avoid downtime for workers, where necessary, it is recommended to provide for them to work on different machines.

    Workpieces can be divided into leading parts and components. Leading parts differ from all other parts in the longest technological processing cycle and serve as the basis for the assembly of individual large assembly joints and products. Therefore, it is always necessary to strive to ensure that the processing of the leading parts and their supply to the assembly are carried out in a timely manner, without delay. This means that the processing of such parts should open the "green light".

4. In order to determine the timing of the start of processing of each batch of parts, it is necessary to know the sequence of their launch. It depends on the state of the backlog in the warehouse and the need of the workshop (site) for these parts for the entire time until the next batch of parts is released from processing. Thus, the fewer finished parts in the backlog and the longer the remaining production cycle, which reflects the time required to process a batch of parts of this item in an operation at the time of drawing up the schedule, the higher the priority of this part for launch for processing, and vice versa. The expression of the launch order can be taken as a series of numbers, each of which characterizes the availability of the assembly of the product with this part in days by the time the next batch exits processing. Each of these numbers reflects the order in which a batch of parts is started for processing. The definition of priority indicators is one of the main elements of the development of the CCP. In addition, it is necessary to take into account a number of other factors, such as, for example, the availability production materials, fixtures, tools, terms of exit from the repair of unique and highly accurate equipment, etc.

5. The operational schedule is developed on the basis of a detailed production program and, in essence, is a schedule of work by day of the week, in which each batch of parts has specific dates for launching into processing and release from processing. Operational calendar plans can be developed with varying degrees of detail: enlarged in the context of batches of parts in accordance with the estimated cycles of their processing and the frequency of launch; differentiated, i.e. in the operational context for each batch of parts.

6. The development of a plan is a very complex matter. The defining moment in the OKP is not the deadline for completing each operation, but the so-called control operations for processing parts: launching for the first operation, release of a batch from an intermediate operation for transferring it to a thermal, galvanic or other workshop related to the technological process, release in the last operation, release a leading part, a set of parts for transferring them to the assembly, etc. Hence, it becomes necessary to develop an OKP in the context of each batch of parts, indicating the deadlines for performing those operations that must be controlled by planners and foremen and which must be strictly adhered to.

7. The operational calendar plan is developed before the start of the next planning period, as a rule, for one to two weeks. By the time it is compiled, certain batches of parts are always in the production process. At the same time, in each planning period, it is necessary to launch new batches for processing. Thus, before determining the timing of the launch-release of a new batch of parts, it is necessary to establish the specific dimensions of batches of parts already started for processing, identify what operations they are in, and initially determine for them, the timing of the exit from the last operation on the technological process. Consequently, the development process of the OKP consists of determining the order of launching batches of parts for processing and the calendar dates for launching and releasing batches of parts.

Consider the methodological aspects of the work on each of these stages.

Determination of the order and calendar dates for the launch-release of batches of parts

The sequence of launching parts for processing is one of the most important and main stages of work on the preparation of schedules. In fact, we are talking about the current distribution of work, which is the final stage of planning. When deciding to start processing a particular batch of parts, the dispatcher, planner, foreman are guided by principles that must be clearly defined and meet working conditions of the workshop for which the operational calendar plan is being drawn up.

These principles are called "priority rules". The rules are elementary heuristic techniques based on the use of the accumulated practical experience in solving problems of this class.

In the "rules of priorities" there are those that allow you to purposefully and rationally establish the order of processing parts. This provision applies, for example, to a queue with a "dynamic priority rule". "Dynamic priority rule" refers to queuing systems. Meaning of this rule boils down to the fact that for each batch of partsthe urgency index is calculated - (priority index),which determines the required start time for processing dependingdepending on the actual number of finished parts in stock and in the process of production. A distinctive feature of this rule is the continuous (every shift, in the process of compiling a calendar plan on a computer) recalculation of priority indicators in connection with a changing situation in production.

It is typical for all parts that before the final exit from processing, they must go through the rest of their cycle - the residual cycle . It reflects the time required to process the considered batch of parts at a given operation until it exits from the last operation. If a batch is started for the first operation, then the residual cycle is always equal to the full processing cycle of this batch of parts.

To ensure the continuous assembly of products, it is necessary to monitor the residual cycle of processing parts that are in the production process every shift, daily, and number of days, during which the assembly is provided with parts of this item.

If these two values ​​are compared with each other, then it is possible to determine the corresponding index of urgency, or the indicator of the order in which parts are started for processing. The value of the priority indicator for each item name is determined by the formula where the availability of assembly parts in days is the residual cycle in days; the number of parts needed daily to assemble products.

The priority index for each batch of parts can take the following three values: currently subject to processing. This is due to the fact that by the time a batch of parts leaves processing, the working reserve has been completely exhausted. The value characterizes the planned moment of launching the batch for processing.

With the actual backlog, it allows you to postpone the launch of the considered batch of parts for processing for days. With a batch of parts, you need to urgently start processing. If measures are not taken to immediately launch it and ensure the priority of passing through the workplaces of the workshop in accordance with the technological process, then before the batch exits processing, the turnover reserve for this part in the workshop pantry will be exhausted and the assembly of products will go at the expense of the insurance reserve. Absolute value K in In this case, it shows how many days the batch of parts is late in release since the last operation, if it is started for processing at this point in time. It follows that the greater the absolute value K co minus sign, the higher the priority of this part for its first start in processing.

Determining the calendar dates for the launch-release of parts is the final stage in the preparation of the OKP. In essence, this work comes down to distributing batches of parts for processing to individual workplaces of the workshop (section) and specifying the specific dates for their launch and release.

The timeliness of the processing of parts is ensured by including them in the calculation based on the values ​​of the priority index. If the priority index has a negative value, then the parts must be processed in the first place, and certain types of work for them are performed in parallel on several machines (workplaces).

The operational schedule includes complete information about the processing of each batch of parts. This allows you to print several types of planning documents with varying degrees detailing: directly OKP with the timing of the launch of batches of parts for the first operation and the release from the last, information on the loading of equipment, the timing of the launch of parts for processing in adjacent shops, etc. They can be used both for direct management of the production process, and as reference materials that allow you to predict the operation of sections and workshops, as well as effectively regulate the production process.

Basic provisions for compiling shift-daily tasks

The development of a shift-daily task is the final stage of operational production planning. It specifies for the next day (in shifts) the tasks of the operational calendar plan for launching parts into production.

    Shift-daily tasks are developed by sections in the context of a shop shift, and within each shift for individual workplaces, taking into account the minimum number of equipment changeovers during the shift.

    The preparation of shift tasks should be aimed at eliminating the backlog in the manufacture of individual parts, performing operations and leveling the progress of production in accordance with operational calendar plans.

    When including each subsequent part or operation in shift-daily tasks, it is necessary to check the performance of previous operations according to the operational accounting of the production progress.

    In order for shift-daily assignments to be real and to be of organizational significance, they must be drawn up taking into account the level of development of standards actually achieved by different workers.

    A shift-daily assignment is a document on the basis of which a complete and timely operational preparation of production should be carried out, which consists in monitoring the provision and supply of materials, blanks, tooling, drawings, etc. to the workplace. On its basis, the preparation of the necessary Vehicle for inter-sectional and inter-operational transportation.

The task is developed by the shop planner and transferred to the site foreman for execution. It provides information about the order number, part, operation, machine, batch and its size, start-up time of parts, their quantity, working conditions and number of workers, the number of accepted good parts, marriage. Having received the task, the shift foreman gets acquainted with the content of the planned work and proceeds to its implementation: issues to the workplace technical documentation, conducts the necessary briefing of workers on the implementation of the technological process, safety precautions and other issues that ensure high-quality and timely completion of tasks.

Organization of work on the implementation of production programs and tasks

The organization of work as a management function is understood as a set of measures related to the regulation of the actions of managerial personnel for the timely and high-quality logistics of the work of shops (production as a whole), the mobilization of available resources and reserves, as well as their redistribution for the unconditional implementation of production programs.

The main goal of the organization of work is to ensure the launch of products, DSE into production with all the necessary materials and subsequent continuous monitoring of the movement of DSE in the course of their manufacture. In this case, one should be guided by the scheme of movement of material flows at the enterprise, linking in space and time (in accordance with the nomenclature and calendar plan) the transfer of materials, blanks and DSE to each of the workshops based on the established technological route (Fig.).

Rice. Scheme of the movement of material flows in the process of manufacturing products

At the intershop level of production management, the specific organization of the work of the shops is reduced to providing the shops with design and technological documentation;

    timely issuance of production programs and tasks;

    providing shops with raw materials, materials, metal, components, semi-finished products;

    organization of timely supply of tools and fixtures to the workshops;

    ensuring timely repair of equipment in accordance with the schedule of preventive maintenance, transport inter-shop maintenance, etc.

In the workshops, the function is implemented, as a rule, at the production sites of the workshops (in teams) by foremen (foremen) and planners who ensure timely preparation and efficient performance of work by each worker according to the principle - when, who and how should perform them. This is achieved through the rational organization of service jobs. This includes on-the-job training; providing documentation and technical information, blanks, component materials (products); adjustment, delivery, replacement of tools and fixtures; repair of tools, equipment; transport services etc.

In addition, when distributing work, it is necessary to take into account working conditions, its content, the correct alternation of work, breaks (regulated), rest.

Work should be distributed in such a way that workers can communicate, feel the spirit of a single team; no need to destroy informal groups if they do no damage; it is necessary to create conditions for the social activity of workers; provide them with positive feedback; to encourage the results achieved; involve workers in setting goals and making decisions; to give workers such work that it required from them full return; to develop the creativity of workers.

Coordination of work on the implementation of production programs and motivation of employees

. Work coordination

Coordination is carried out in order to ensure coordinated and well-coordinated work of the production and functional divisions of the JSC involved in the manufacturing process of products. This work in the joint-stock company is performed, as a rule, by a group of managers and specialists of PDO for production management at the intershop level, and within each shop - by the PDB.

In AO, the intervention of managers in production processes becomes minimal if the shops are completely or relatively independent. It is replaced by the coordination of the process of functioning of interconnected shops, which consists in coordinating the interaction of all shops and services of the JSC, a clear presentation of the goals and scope of work for them, and adjusting programs in accordance with the current situation.

At the interdepartmental management level, this work includes:

    taking measures to ensure a uniform course of production and eliminate bottlenecks due to a mismatch in the timing of the supply of materials, components, technological equipment, etc.;

    coordination of interdepartmental transfers of DSE in the established quantities, nomenclature and terms;

    tracking the state of backlogs of DSE in the warehouses of JSC;

    systematic control over the manufacture of the most complex assembly joints and assemblies;

    coordination of terms of production of products in accordance with contractual obligations to customers.

At this level of management, operational coordination of work is carried out, which includes:

    clarification of the reasons for deviation from planned targets;

    determination of the composition of additional work and production tasks for their implementation;

    determination of the composition of the reserves allocated to JSCs for the performance of additional work by workshops;

    clarification of the distribution of duties and responsibilities between managers at the interdepartmental management level, designed to eliminate deviations that have arisen during production;

Taking measures to eliminate possible deviations. Operational coordination of work to a certain extent coincides with the regulation (dispatching) of the production process. An effective remedy To achieve the coordinated work of the shops is the holding of meetings of managers, at which their activities for maintenance, material support of production, etc. are coordinated. The advantages of meetings are the relative simplicity of their organization, the possibility of representing the interests of services of various levels of management, an informal approach to solving emerging production problems. Under the conditions of joint-stock companies and the independence of subdivisions, the role of these meetings has decreased at the highest level of management, while inside them it has remained the same.

In joint-stock companies, relations between departments are built on the basis of contracts, therefore, there is liability for deviations from the agreed deadlines for the supply of blanks, parts, assembly units (fines, sanctions, etc.).

The management of the JSC is responsible for the timely and complete provision of the joint production of products by the workshops with everything necessary and the coordination of their activities in terms of the timely release of products.

Labor motivation

Labor motivation is the impact on the performance factors of managers, production management specialists, as well as workers directly, and based on its assessment of the use of appropriate incentives.

To improve production efficiency, first of all, a quantitative assessment of the quality of labor (estimated indicator) of managers and specialists who make decisions in the process of operational production management should be given.

The estimated indicator of the quality of work of a manager, a specialist depends mainly on the indicator of irregularity unit work for whose activities he is responsible, and the degree of his guilt in this. The indicator is determined by deviations from the operational calendar plans (schedules) for the movement of the entire range of products and from the planned state of work in progress within the unit. This takes into account all the links of production and the range of products for which operational-calendar planning, accounting, control and regulation of its release are organized.

The initial information for calculating the estimated indicator is:

    the magnitude of deviations from operational calendar plans (schedules) of output;

    the magnitude of deviations from the standards of work in progress;

    the share of guilt of the manager, specialist in the deviations that have arisen.

First of all, it is necessary to take into account deviations that have increased to an alarming situation, when a higher-ranking leader had to intervene to take measures to eliminate deviations and eliminate the causes that caused them. An alarming situation should be considered such a situation in which to eliminate the deviation that has arisen by the end of the planning and reporting period, there are not enough reserves at the disposal of this and lower managers.

An assessment of the quality of work of a manager, a specialist in operational management of production should be taken into account in the systems of material and moral incentives operating at enterprises based on the results of work for planning and reporting periods.

For direct performers (production workers), the main factors motivating their work are: enrichment of labor, diversity of work, growth and expansion of professional qualifications, satisfaction from the results obtained, increased responsibility for the work performed, the possibility of showing initiative, exercising self-control, etc.

Interesting work, a creative approach to its implementation, professional growth are the most important values ​​for motivating the work of employees. Motivation can be expressed in the praise of the leader, bonuses, promotions, etc.

Tasks and contentoperational accounting of production

Control (accounting and analysis) and regulation (scheduling) are the final stage of the production management process. The basis for the performance of these works is the operational accounting of the results of the production activities of workshops and their divisions.

In the process of developing production programs, operational calendar plans and shift-daily tasks, information about the current production progress is used. This information, reflecting the results of the work of workshops, warehouses (storerooms) for the past shift, day and other periods of time, is continuously accumulated at collection points, periodically processed and finally formed by the beginning of each new planning period in the form of appropriate summary data.

Timely, complete and accurate accounting of deviations allows not only to control, but also to quickly regulate the course of production, directing it in accordance with the developed plan. These conditions can only be ensured with the rational organization of the operational accounting system on the scale of the entire joint-stock company based on the integrated use of modern computer technology and peripheral devices.

It follows from this that the main task of operational accounting is to obtain information about the results of the work of production shops and their divisions for a certain period of time in order to use it to control and regulate the current course of production. In a synthesized form, this information is used for the purposes of planning production in each of the shops for longer periods of time: a month, a quarter, etc.

Production management requires a certain list of data characterizing the results of the work of each workshop and its divisions, their registration on the appropriate technical media and transfer to the computer center for further processing.

Information on the course of production contains the following data: production of products, CE, parts by year, broken down by quarters and months by assembly, processing and procurement shops; receipt of finished parts and CE non-central warehouse and their issuance assembly shops; the receipt of processed parts in the storerooms and their issuance to the assembly areas; the movement of parts, CE and products according to the operations of the technological process, indicating the time of issuing the task and completing the work performed; movement of backlogs of parts at workplaces; transfer of parts and CE between workshop sections and workshops; marriage of all kinds; the receipt of materials, blanks, equipment and tools in the shop pantries and their issuance to workplaces; operating time and equipment downtime; exit of equipment for repair and out of repair; consumption of electricity, fuel, water, steam, fuels and lubricants, emulsions, etc.

In order to organize and carry out work on registering information at the places of its appearance in workshops, in warehouses (storerooms), information collection points are created, at which information is not only registered on the results of the production activities of the workshop, but also its preliminary processing. The types and quantity of peripheral equipment that information collection points are equipped with are determined based on the volume and complexity of the work performed.

The following procedure for registration and processing of information is provided for:

    registration of primary information characterizing the state of production in numerical form, i.e. fixing information in the primary planning and accounting documents or directly in the computer complex (VC) of the shop;

    accumulation and transfer of primary information (documents or machine media) from the place of its formation to the VC of the shop;

    carrying out calculations in the VC of the shop according to algorithms that determine the course of information processing for the purposes of consolidated accounting and management;

    transfer of summary (final) information to the CC and the relevant services of the AO (Fig.).

Rice. Scheme of registration, processing and transmission of operational information on the progress of production in the processing shop

Production control

This process is aimed at identifying deviations from the established plans and production schedules, malfunctions in the work of various divisions and services of the JSC,

In the process of control at the level of JSC and workshops, the following is checked:

    implementation of the nomenclature plan for the release of products;

    transfer to units of the DSE and blanks;

    the state of backlogs of DSE and blanks;

    state of operational preparation of production;

    providing production with technological equipment, materials, etc.

In addition, in the course of production, the work of lagging sections and workshops, unique equipment, and the fulfillment of unscheduled urgent tasks are monitored.

AT single production the objects of control are the schedules of operational preparation of production and the timing of the most important work on individual orders. Control over the state of backlogs is carried out in sets to order, and over the preparation of production - for especially important positions.

AT serial production the nomenclature, quantity and timing of the release of assembly units, leading parts, the state of warehouse stocks of blanks, parts, the degree of complete provision of assembly work are controlled. The control over the fulfillment of planned tasks, depending on the type of production, is carried out in shifts, according to the calendar plans-schedules for the release of parts, by order as a whole. Backlogs are controlled in the context of parts and in group sets.

For mass production the objects of control are the cycle of work of production lines (conveyors) and backlogs at all stages of the production process. Control of the release of products is carried out in time in accordance with the established tact, the state of the backlog is checked in a detailed section, the backlog of parts is strictly controlled.

In the process of control, a comprehensive assessment of the functioning of production is carried out. Objective characteristics of the course of the production process are economic indicators. Each specific indicator has a qualitative and quantitative form. Quantitatively, the indicator can be expressed as an absolute, relative or average value. There are natural (piece, kilogram, kilowatt-hour), cost (ruble) and labor (man-hour, standard hour) units of measurement. Two groups of indicators can be distinguished:

    indicators reflecting the results of production, i.e. characterizing the quantity and quality of products;

    indicators characterizing the availability and use of production resources (material and labor).

To first group include indicators such as the volume of production (in physical, cost and labor units), the level of implementation of the plan for the nomenclature (range) of products, specific gravity products accepted by the technical control department from the first presentation, etc. second group include such indicators as the production cost of commercial products, the number of workers, output per worker (in physical, labor and cost units), equipment downtime, equipment load factor, etc.

There are two stages in the control process:

    comparison of the actual values ​​of controlled indicators with the planned level;

    determination of the significance (significance) of deviations in case of their occurrence.

On the first stage the actual values ​​of indicators obtained in the course of operational accounting or calculated on the basis of operational accounting data are compared with the planned values, absolute and relative deviations are determined, and the information is sent to the heads of production units or managers of functional management services.

On the second stage it is determined how admissible the detected deviations are, i.e. in practice, the manager makes a decision about the need to intervene in the course of the production process. A deviation is considered acceptable if it is revealed during the execution of the planned target and is guaranteed not to lead to a breakdown in the final indicators of the planned target.

Analysis of production activities

In the process of analyzing production activities, a comprehensive assessment of the functioning of the control object is carried out, the reasons for deviations from the planned level and production reserves are identified, and possible alternatives for management decisions implemented at the stage of regulation are determined.

There are the following stages of the analysis:

First stage- determination of the causes and perpetrators of deviations in the course of production from the planned level, identification of production reserves. During the execution of the production program in each workshop, deviations occur due to the impact on the course of production of random disturbances. All disturbing influences can be divided into two groups: external, independent of the activity of the control object (adjustment of the planned task, power outage, delay in the supply of materials by an external supplier, etc.), and internal, dependent on the activity of the control object (equipment downtime, absence of workers, violation of resource spending standards, etc.).

When deviations are detected in the operation of the control object (in the process of production control), it is necessary to find out what disturbances they are the result of and what are the causes of disturbances, i.e. specific circumstances that lead to deviations from planned indicators. In each case, it is necessary to establish the root cause and determine the culprit of the deviation, responsible for the losses resulting from the violation of the course of production, in order to present valid claims.

Second phase - establishing cause-and-effect relationships that arise during the production process, determining the factors affecting the indicators of production activity, and changing the strength of their influence. Here under factor is understood as a permanent and significantly affecting the course of production perturbing effect (or the reason for the change in the indicator).

In order to take into account the reasons that affect the value of certain indicators of the functioning of production, and to identify factors that can be used to influence the course of production in order to achieve the planned level, it is necessary to build cause-and-effect model, arising between partners in the production process.

Third stage- preparation of analytical information necessary for making decisions on the regulation of the production process. Each decision regarding the introduction of additional resources into production or their redistribution must be analyzed from the standpoint of production efficiency. Such an assessment is based on the use of methods of operational forecasting of the course of production within the planning period.

When making a decision decision maker (DM), uses analytical information about the reasons that led to deviations in controlled indicators, the availability of production reserves and resources, as well as the factors that can be controlled to eliminate deviations from the planned course of production.

Regulation of the production process

Regulation is the final stage of production management,on which the process of development and implementation of the solution is carried outmeasures to prevent deviations and failures in the course of production, and inin case of their occurrence, to eliminate them immediately. This achieves the unconditional fulfillment of production programs and operational plans.

Prevention or elimination of deviations and failures is possible through the use of reserves - material, temporary and organizational.

To material reserves include: the availability of interchangeable equipment, materials, blanks, parts and tools.

temporary reserves are used due to the organization of overtime work, additional shifts.

Organizational reserves are the ability to redistribute resources between workshops and sites.

The operational regulation process includes:

    information preparation for decision making;

    development and decision-making;

    implementation of the decision and control of its execution. information preparation consists in the processing of information that can be presented in the form of documents: handwritten and typewritten; verbal orders, instructions; video, audio and other signals.

Stage of development and decision-making includes: formation of alternative solutions; setting deadlines for their implementation; choice of performers; processing additional information; coordination and approval of deadlines and executors; approval of the solution; allocation of resources to implement the solution.

Necessary conditions to implement a solution for regulationvanity are: resource provision of the solution, which means the availability of resources at the disposal of persons responsible for implementation; organizational support, which implies the availability of instructional materials with clear instructions on how to act in a given situation; information support, the need for which lies in the ability to carry out coordinated actions of all performers.

The regulation of the production process must meet the following requirements:

    rely on a clear organization of operational planning of production, of which it is a direct continuation;

    assume continuity of control and monitoring of the course of production;

    carry out the mandatory quick and accurate execution of the instructions of the management;

    be based on clear responsibility and continuity of operational management of production.

All current work on the management of production on the scale of the joint-stock company lies with the personnel of the production and dispatching department (shift dispatchers and operators), which is subordinate to the chief dispatcher of the association.

The organizational structure of the dispatching apparatus of the joint-stock company depends on the type, nature and scale of production, the production structure of the association. In a large JSC, the dispatching service may be subordinate to the production director. The structure of the PDO of a joint-stock company, as a rule, includes a central dispatch office headed by a chief dispatcher. It is in charge of dispatching groups that interact with various structural divisions to ensure the rhythmic progress of production. The central dispatching bureau includes a dispatching group

on procurement production(foundry, forging, stamping), dispatching groups for mechanical assembly, processing shops, auxiliary production, as well as for sales and production preparation services.

The chief dispatcher service performs the following main functions: controls the progress of the production program for the main types of products and takes measures to eliminate the backlog from the plan for procurement and DSE; takes measures to prevent interruptions in the course of production resulting from disruptions in the operation of technological equipment, untimely provision of tools, materials and semi-finished products; monitors compliance with the norms of backlogs for technological transitions (blanks, DSE) in the main production shops; performs accounting and analysis of intra-shift downtime of equipment.

The dispatching apparatus of shop production units controls and regulates the production of products of the entire range assigned to the unit, and performs the following main functions:

    concentration of all information about the progress of production coming from the sites and other services of the shop;

    receiving messages from production sites about problems and individual delays in production that interfere with the fulfillment of planned tasks for the current day or shift;

    management of the daily tasks and the operational schedule for the manufacture of parts;

    monitoring the complete and timely supply of sites with materials and tools based on reports from sites and other department services;

    issuance of operational orders and instructions to the sections and services of the workshop to eliminate delays in production and control over the implementation of these orders;

    regulation of the release of scarce materials to areas and control of their receipt in the workshop based on the data of the warehouse of materials;

    control of the work of services that carry out the preparation of production, in terms of the timely provision of the main production with everything necessary for the sections of the workshop to fulfill current tasks;

    information from the workshop management and the head of the PDB about problems that require their direct intervention. Carrying out systematic dispatching meetings on the implementation of current tasks by sections;

    drawing up dispatcher reports on the progress of daily tasks;

    control over the timely exit from equipment repair based on the repair schedule.

The effectiveness of the dispatching service largely depends on the organization of the relationship and interaction of the central dispatching service with other functional divisions of the JSC, providing and servicing the main production:

    with the departments of technical preparation of production - when making changes to the design of manufactured products aimed at modernizing individual DSE; in the event of various kinds of difficulties in the course of production; in the event of deviations from the established technology due to failure technological equipment and taking measures to organize a temporary technology of the production process;

    with the department of the chief mechanic and the chief power engineer, the relationship is carried out in terms of monitoring the organization of the repair of technological equipment, as well as to take the necessary measures in the event of an accident or equipment failure;

With the logistics department, the relationship with the dispatching service consists in monitoring the uninterrupted supply of metal, materials and components to the production, as well as monitoring the maintenance of the stock level established by the standards in its warehouses. A special place is occupied by the relationship of the dispatching apparatus with the operational management of production. Both of these services are part of a single body for the operational management of the main production - in the PDO of the joint-stock company.

In the process of monitoring and analyzing the progress of production, the chief dispatcher daily receives from the Computing Center of JSC the necessary information on the results of work over the past day in the appropriate forms.

The relationship between these services is not only informational in nature, but also consists in making joint decisions on operational issues in connection with deviations in production. Variants of these solutions are developed on the basis of automated processing of operational accounting data, the results of monitoring and analysis of the production progress at the workstations of the management personnel of the workshops and in the AO Computing Center.

Most effective work dispatching personnel is achieved on the basis of the functioning of an automated control and analysis system in the JSC, expert systems in combination with an integrated automated control system (IACS), providing a comprehensive solution to all production management tasks.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Nizhny Novgorod State

technical university. r.e. Alekseeva

Faculty of Economics, Management and Innovation

Department of Management

Course work

by discipline " Production management

on the topic Operational production management.


student group: 06-MENC


Golubushkin L.M.

Job protected

rated ____________

/ _____________/

Nizhny Novgorod 2008


1. Operational production management

1.1. Methodological provisions for the development of operational calendar plans

1.2. Basic provisions for compiling shift-daily tasks

1.3. Organization of work on the implementation of production programs and tasks

1.4. Coordination of work on the implementation of production programs and motivation of employees

1.5. Tasks and content of operational accounting of production

1.6. Control and analysis of the production progress

1.7. Regulation of the production process


2. Organization of production and development of car service


2.1 Legal form of the enterprise

2.2 The purpose of the work and the structure of enterprise management

3. Strategic decisions

3.1 Product strategy

3.2 Production costs and supply planning

3.3 Process strategy

3.4 Location strategy

3.5 Placement strategy

3.6 Human resources strategy

4. Tactical decisions.

4.1 Inventory management tactics

4.2 Quality tactics

4.3 Reliability and repair

4.4 Work schedules

5. Approximate economic assessment




an important role in the development of the economy in present stage plays an increase in the scientific level of planning and further improvement of its systems. This equally applies to both national economic and sectoral and intra-factory planning, the final stage of which is operational planning.

The purpose of this course work is to reveal the essence, determine the tasks of operational regulation of the course of production, namely:

What is the meaning and content of the operational management of production, at the level of organization, workshop, site, workplace;

What is the essence of coordinating the work of the divisions of the joint-stock company and motivating the work of employees;

What are the tasks and content of operational accounting of production;

What are the main goals and objectives of monitoring and analyzing the progress of production;

For what purposes is the operational-calendar plan for the launch-release of the DSE and its main content being developed.


The concept of “operational management”, which has been established in the practice of production management, is related to the final stage of this process. Operational management of production is characterized by the adoption by management personnel of decisions in a real emerging or existing production situation.

Under these conditions, the developed planned buildings or the decisions of the heads of production units must ensure a strict and clear time order for the implementation of the planned work. This corresponds to the development of operational calendar plans (schedules for the launch-release of parts) and shift-daily tasks at the level of workshops, sections (teams) and workplaces.

At the intershop level, operational management is carried out to address the fundamental issues of removing, replacing products put into production, including new products in the production program, ensuring external supplies of components, using internal material, labor and financial resources.

For the operational management of production in the shops, strict regulation of the execution of work in time for each item of the production program and the nomenclature-calendar plan is characteristic, depending on the actual production situation. Works on the operational management of production are carried out in real time, which does not allow interruptions in the process of manufacturing parts and assembling products. The time horizon for the efficiency of management for the workshop as a whole can be within a month, for sections (teams) and jobs - within the interval of a week - a shift. For the interdepartmental level, this interval expands from a month to a year.

At present, operational management procedures are increasingly intertwined with technology and regulation (dispatching) of production. The functions of operational accounting, control and analysis of the production progress, which are routinely performed by management personnel, are the basis for developing options for regulatory impacts on the production progress.

Thus, the operational management of production is carried out on the basis of continuous (everyday) monitoring of the progress of production, providing a targeted impact on the teams of shops, sections (teams), workers to ensure the unconditional implementation of approved production programs.

This is achieved:

Strict distribution of work for short periods of time (decade, week, day, shift) in workshops, on production sites(teams) - in the detail and nodal sections, and for jobs in the detail-by-operational form;

A clear organization of the collection and processing of information on the progress of production;

Integrated use of computer technology for the preparation of options for management decisions;

Daily analysis and possession of the management personnel of the production situation in each link of the enterprise;

Timely decision-making and organization of work to prevent violations during production or to quickly restore it in case of deviations from the planned control trajectory.


Features of the development of operational calendar plans .

Drawing up an operational calendar plan (OCGT) for the launch and release of parts, considered in this section, for mass production shops is a complex, time-consuming work that requires a preliminary in-depth analysis of the actual production conditions in each shop, identifying characteristic features and rational elements in the existing planning system .

In contrast to large-scale production shops with a stable range of parts, here we are dealing with parts whose production in each of the planned months may not always be stable; this means that the launch and release of each batch of parts will be subject to certain requirements either for the assembly of the product, or for the conditions for maintaining circulating and insurance reserves at the normative level in the workshop storerooms and the central warehouse of finished parts of the joint-stock company, enterprise, etc.

This implies the need to identify the features and establish the main factors that determine the process of developing the most rational variant of the OKP for the launch-release of parts. Let's dwell on some of them.

1. In serial production, for each batch of parts, the frequency of its launch for processing or, equivalently, the number of launches, is determined. Obviously, for each batch of parts in a given planning period, the number of launches can be different: equal to either one, or two, three or more launches. If the number of launches of individual batches of parts is more than one, then in the OKP the release of each such batch of parts should be alternated with the correspondingly calculated launch-release frequency, achieving equal time intervals between releases of a batch of parts of the same name.

2. It is known that during the transition from the processing of one batch of parts to another, a certain time is spent on the readjustment of equipment. This time ranges from several minutes to several hours. The total time spent on readjustment in one shop only within a month can reach tens and even hundreds of hours. Such costs are unproductive, since at this time the machines (and sometimes workers) are idle, production stops. Therefore, the changeover time should be kept to a minimum. This is achieved by strictly assigning parts (selected according to the same mounting dimensions and machining diameters) to the same machines in order to achieve a one-time set-up time. Sometimes, in order to reduce the downtime of the machine, it is advisable to establish a certain order of supply of parts for processing, replacing setup with sub-setup.

3. An important criterion for the effectiveness of the OKP is the provision of a full load of machine tools and employment of workers. As already mentioned, the results of calculating the loading of equipment show the degree of loading of each group. If we proceed from the fact that one worker will be assigned to each machine, then some of them will not be provided with work during the estimated planning period. In practice, many machine operators have experience working not on one, but on several, even different, machines, and therefore they can alternate work during the shift. In addition, multi-machine maintenance is usually widely used in enterprises. As a result, downtime for workers is kept to a minimum.

Thus, in order to avoid downtime for workers, where necessary, it is recommended to provide for them to work on different machines.

4. If all or the main types of processing of parts are performed in the workshop, then, obviously, the parts can be divided into leading and component parts. Leading parts differ from all other parts in the longest technological processing cycle and serve as the basis for the assembly of individual large assembly joints and products. Therefore, it is always necessary to strive to ensure that the processing of the leading parts and their supply to the assembly are carried out in a timely manner, without delay. This means that the processing of such parts should open the "green light".

5. In the conditions of a stable nomenclature, the planning of the production of parts is organized according to the principle of supplying them to the pantry of the workshop, and in some cases directly to the central warehouse of finished parts of the plant.

In order to determine the timing of the start of processing of each batch of parts with the specified planning system, it is necessary to know the order of their launch. It depends on the state of the backlog in the warehouse and the need of the workshop (site) for these parts for the entire time until the release of the next batch of parts for processing. Thus, the fewer finished parts in the backlog and the longer the remaining production cycle, which reflects the time required to process a batch of parts of this item per operation at the time of drawing up the schedule, the higher the priority of this part for launching into processing, and vice versa.

The expression of the launch order can be taken as a series of numbers, each of which characterizes the availability of the assembly of the product with this part in days by the time the next batch exits processing. Each of these numbers reflects the order in which a batch of parts is started for processing. The definition of priority indicators is one of the main elements of the development of the CCP. In addition, it is necessary to take into account a number of other factors, such as, for example, the availability of materials, fixtures, and tools for production, the timing of the repair of unique and highly accurate equipment, etc.

6. The operational schedule is developed on the basis of a detailed production program and, in essence, is a work schedule for the days of the week, in which each batch of parts has specific launch and release dates from processing.

This plan informs the planners of the workshop, as well as the foremen, about the order (sequence) of launching and releasing parts and can be used by planners as the main document for drawing up work plans for the next week and developing daily shift tasks.

Operational calendar plans can be developed with varying degrees of detail: enlarged in the context of batches of parts in accordance with the estimated cycles of their processing and the frequency of launch; differentiated, i.e., in the operational context in relation to each batch of parts.

7. The development of a plan is a very complex matter. At the same time, it should be taken into account to what extent the plan is provided with everything necessary for its immediate implementation. Serial production workshops are equipped with universal and partially semi-automatic equipment. The workers serving it, in fact, ensure the normal (according to the schedule) course of the production process. As a result, there are many objective and random deviations from the planned course of production. This circumstance forces planners and foremen to make operational decisions during the production itself to align it and ensure that it is carried out. deadlines release of parts.

The determining moment in decision-making is not the deadline for each operation, but certain so-called control operations for processing parts: launching for the first operation, release of a batch from an intermediate operation to transfer it to a thermal, galvanic or other workshop related to the technological process, release in the last operation , production of a leading part, a set of parts for transferring them to the assembly, etc. Hence, it becomes necessary to develop an OKP in the context of each batch of parts, indicating the deadlines for performing those operations that must be controlled by planners and foremen and which must be strictly adhered to.

This provision greatly simplifies the process of developing schedules and makes it possible to use heuristic rules in computer calculations that take into account rational methods in solving a problem that have been worked out at enterprises and make it possible to draw up effective and realistic planning tasks for workshops and sections. The operational calendar plan is developed before the start of the next planning period. By the time it is compiled, certain batches of parts are always in the production process. It should be kept in mind that some of these parts may have been processed in the size of the standard lot and passed through the operations of the technological process without dividing the lot into smaller parts.

Part lot sizes are not always constant for all process steps. In many cases, they change from operation to operation - most often they are disaggregated. This is caused by technological organizational reasons, production necessity, etc. Such batches of parts in separate operations can be re-combined in the amount of standard size or end with processing in parts. In addition, for various reasons, more or less parts can be processed in the first operation than required by the standard. At the same time, in each planning period, new batches must be launched for processing.

Thus, before determining the timing of the launch-release of a new batch of parts, it is necessary to establish the specific dimensions of the batches of parts already launched into processing, identify what operations they are in, and initially determine the timing for them to exit the last operation in the technological process: To implement this process, it is necessary to form batches at intermediate operations, determine their residual cycles, the order of launch, and only then - the final dates for exiting processing. The sequence of launching such batches and the timing of their exit from processing must be determined simultaneously with the same calculations for batches of parts of the same name launched into processing.

So, the development process of the OKP consists of determining the order of launching batches of parts for processing and the calendar dates for launching and releasing batches of parts.

Consider the methodological aspects of the work on each of these stages.

Determination of the order in which batches of parts are started processing .

The sequence of launching parts for processing is one of the most important and main stages of work on the preparation of schedules. In fact, we are talking about the current distribution of work, which is the final stage of planning. When deciding to start processing a particular batch of parts, the dispatcher, planner, foreman are guided by certain principles that reflect the actual course of production and, ultimately, as a result of the implementation of the decisions made, ensure its efficiency. In the conditions of using a computer to determine the order of starting parts, such principles must be clearly defined and correspond to the production conditions of the workshop for which the schedule is being drawn up.

These principles are called "priority rules". Rules are elementary heuristic techniques based on the use of accumulated practical experience in solving problems of this class. There are many different “priority rules” applied to the conditions of the current work allocation problem. Most of them reflect a single, strictly defined goal without connection with other features, no matter how important they may be for a given workshop. This is where some of the rules fall short.

At the same time, there are those in the “priority rules” that allow you to purposefully and rationally establish the order of processing parts. This provision applies, for example, to a queue with a "dynamic priority rule". The “Dynamic Priority Rule” refers to queuing systems: The meaning of this rule is that for each batch of parts, an urgency index is calculated - Kjocher (priority indicator), which determines their planned start time for processing depending on the actual number of finished parts in stock and in the process of production. hallmark This rule is a continuous (every shift, in the process of compiling a calendar plan on a computer) recalculation of priority indicators in connection with a changing situation in production.

The methodological essence of this rule lies in the fact that by the time the OKP is compiled, certain details are always in the process of processing. Some of them underwent only the first operation, for others a significant part of the work has been completed, while others are at the final stage of processing. Characteristic of all these parts is that before the final exit from processing, they must go through the remainder of their cycle - the residual cycle Tsost. It reflects the time required to process the considered batch of parts from a given operation until it exits from the last operation. If the batch is launched for the first operation, then the residual cycle is always equal to the full processing cycle of this batch of parts Тцi, i.e. Тцiost = Тцi. The data on the residual cycles allow you to judge the time the parts exit from processing.

To ensure the continuous assembly of products, it is necessary to monitor the residual processing cycle of parts in the production process every shift, daily, and the number of days during which the assembly is provided with parts of this name.

If these two values ​​are compared with each other, then it is possible to determine the corresponding index of urgency, or the indicator of the order in which parts are started for processing. The value of the priority indicator for each item name (Kiocher) is determined by the formula:

Kiocher= Wi -Tuirest= - - Tuiorest

where Tuiost is expressed in days, ?i is the number of parts required daily for the assembly of products, Wi is the supply of assembly with parts in days.

The priority index Kiocher for each batch of parts can take the following three values:

Kiocher = 0, Kiocher > 0, Kiocher< 0

The value Kiocher = 0 indicates that the batch of parts in question is currently subject to processing. This is due to the fact that by the time a batch of parts leaves processing, the working reserve has been completely exhausted. The value Kiocher > 0 characterizes the planned moment of launching the batch for processing.

When Kiocher > 0, the actual backlog allows you to postpone the start of the considered batch of parts for processing by K days.

When Kiocher< 0 партию деталей требуется срочно запустить в обработку. Если не принять меры к ее немедленному запуску и обеспечению первоочередности прохождения по рабочим местам цеха в соответствии с технологическим процессом, то до выхода партии из обработки будет исчерпан оборотный задел по этой детали в цеховой кладовой и сборка изделий будет идти за счет страхового задела. Абсолютное значение К в этом случае показывает, на сколько дней партия деталей опаздывает в выпуске с последней операции, если запустить ее в обработку в данный момент времени. Отсюда вытекает, что чем больше абсолютное значение К со знаком минус, тем выше приоритет данной детали для ее первоочередного запуска в об­работку.

Thus, before determining the sequence of launching into processing each batch of parts formed at the previous stage of calculations, it is necessary to calculate their residual cycle.

Determination of calendar dates for the launch-release of batches of parts .

Determining the calendar dates for the launch-release of parts is the final stage in the preparation of the OKP. In essence, this work comes down to distributing batches of parts for processing to individual workplaces of the workshop (section) and specifying the specific dates for their launch and release. Certain goals must be achieved, showing the effectiveness of such distribution, the main of which are the timely exit of parts from processing, ensuring the continuity of the assembly of products; maintaining the stock of finished parts at the established regulatory level; the most complete loading of equipment allocated in the workshop (on the site) to perform the work.

The timeliness of the processing of parts is ensured by including them in the calculation based on the values ​​of the priority indicator. If the priority index has a negative value, then such parts must be processed first, and certain types of work for them are performed in parallel on several machines (workplaces).

In the process of solving the problem, it is necessary to continuously monitor the movement of finished parts that are in stock, and as they are spent on assembly, timely set the start date for processing the next batch of parts. It is necessary to strictly monitor the frequency of launching a batch for processing, comparing the estimated and planned dates for the exit from processing of the next batch of parts.

Calculation of the load of the equipment installed in the workshop (on the site) carried out with the help of a computer makes it possible to determine exactly how much and what type of equipment must be used to carry out the production program. If for any group of equipment there is a shortage of a certain number of machines or several of them will not be loaded, then before starting to draw up a work schedule, such a discrepancy must be eliminated. With an insufficient number of machines, a calendar plan cannot be drawn up, and with an excess of them, long downtimes are formed not only for machines, but also for workers.

The direct determination of the calendar dates for the launch-release of parts with the help of a computer and thus the preparation of the OKP can be performed different ways. Careful selection of them is very important, as this affects the quality of the planned schedule, and if the method is unsuccessful, then artificially created equipment downtime and accumulation of parts in work in progress occur.

The operational schedule includes complete information about the processing of each batch of parts. This allows you to print several types of planning documents with varying degrees of detail: directly OKP with the timing of launching batches of parts for the first operation and release from the last, information about loading equipment, about the timing of starting parts for processing in adjacent shops, etc. They can be used both for direct management of the production process, and as reference materials, allowing to predict the work of sections and workshops, as well as to effectively regulate the course of production.


The development of a shift-daily task is the final stage of operational production planning. It specifies for the next day (by shifts) the tasks of the operational calendar plan for launching parts into production, taking into account:

Unforeseen equipment failure;

absenteeism of workers;

Non-receipt of materials, blanks, semi-finished products, parts, components on time;

Untimely implementation of technological preparation of production; .

Receipt by the workshop of operational pre-scheduled tasks, etc.

1. Shift-daily tasks are developed by sections in the context of a shop shift, and within each shift for individual workplaces, taking into account the minimum number of equipment changeovers during the shift.

2. When compiling shift assignments, backlogs in the performance of individual operations should be eliminated and the course of production should be leveled in accordance with the OKP.

3. When including in the shift-daily tasks of each subsequent operation for the manufacture of parts, it is necessary to check the performance of previous operations according to the operational accounting of the production progress.

4. In order for shift-daily assignments to be real and to be of organizational significance, they must be drawn up taking into account the level of development of standards actually achieved by different workers.

5. A shift-daily assignment is a document on the basis of which a complete and timely operational preparation of production should be carried out, which consists in monitoring the provision and supply of materials, blanks, equipment, drawings, etc. to the workplace. On its basis, the preparation of the necessary vehicles for inter-sectional and inter-operational transportation.

The task is developed by the shop planner and transferred to the site foreman for execution. It provides information about the order number, part, operation, machine, batch and its size, start-up time of parts, their quantity, working conditions and workers, the number of accepted good parts, marriage. Having received the task, the shift foreman gets acquainted with the content of the planned work and proceeds to its implementation: issues technical documentation to the workplace, conducts the necessary briefing with the workers on the implementation of the technological process, safety precautions and other issues that ensure high-quality and timely completion of tasks.


The organization of work as a management function is understood as a set of measures related to the regulation of the actions of the management personnel of the JSC for the timely and high-quality logistics of the work of the shops (production as a whole), the mobilization of available resources and reserves, as well as their redistribution for the unconditional implementation of production programs.

First of all, the main goal of the organization of work is to ensure the launch of products, DSE into production by all necessary materials and subsequent continuous monitoring of the movement of DSE in the course of their manufacture. In this case, one should be guided by the scheme of movement of material flows at the enterprise, linking in space and time (in accordance with the nomenclature and calendar plan) the transfer of materials, blanks and DSE to each of the workshops based on the established technological route.

At the inter-shop level of production management, the specific organization of the work of the shops is reduced to:

To provide workshops with design and technological documentation;

Timely issuance of production programs and tasks;

Provision of workshops with raw materials, materials, metal, component parts and semi-finished products;

Organization of timely supply of tools and fixtures to the workshops;

Ensuring timely repair of equipment in accordance with the schedule of preventive maintenance (PPR), transport inter-shop maintenance, etc.

On the progress of the tasks of the production program by the main workshops (preceding each in terms of the technical process), tool and mechanical repair shops, supply depots (in terms of external supplies of raw materials, materials, components);

Complete completion of the planned works by the workshops;

Measures taken to regulate and maneuver the reserves of the enterprise in case of deviations from the planned course of work.

In the workshops, this function is implemented, as a rule, at the production sites of the workshops (in teams). The organization of work on the site is carried out by a foreman (foreman) and a planner, who ensure timely preparation and efficient performance of work by each worker according to the principle - when, who and how should perform them. This is achieved by a rational organization of workplace maintenance: production briefing, documentation and technical information, provision of blanks, component materials (products), adjustment (tools and fixtures), delivery, replacement, repair of tools, equipment, transport, etc.

In addition, when distributing work, it is necessary to take into account working conditions, its content, the correct alternation of work, breaks (regulated), rest.

It is also necessary to plan work in advance, assign homogeneous parts and assembly units to the workplace, separate the main work from the service, maintain a uniform pace in work, use each employee in accordance with his abilities and qualifications.

Work should be distributed in such a way that workers can communicate, feel the spirit of a single team; do not break up informal groups if they do not cause damage; create conditions for social activity of employees; provide them with positive feedback; to encourage the results achieved; involve workers in setting goals and making decisions; to give workers such work that it required from them full return; to develop the creativity of workers.


Coordination is carried out in order to ensure coordinated and well-coordinated work of the production and functional divisions of the enterprise involved in the process of fulfilling the planned targets. This work in the AO is usually performed by a group of managers and specialists from the department of intershop management or PDO.

In AO, the intervention of managers in production processes becomes minimal. It is replaced by the coordination of the process of functioning of interconnected workshops, which consists in coordinating the interaction of all workshops and services of the joint-stock company, a clear presentation of the goals of the enterprise and the scope of work for the joint production of products, and adjusting programs in accordance with the current situation.

This work at the interdepartmental management level includes:

Taking measures to ensure a uniform production process and eliminate bottlenecks due to a mismatch in the timing of the supply of materials, components, technological equipment, etc.;

Coordination of interdepartmental transfers of DSE in the established quantities, nomenclature and terms;

Tracking the state of backlogs of DSE in the warehouses of JSC;

Systematic control over the manufacture of the most complex assembly joints and assemblies;

Coordination of terms of production of products in accordance with contractual obligations to customers.

Operational coordination of work consists of the following stages:

Finding out the reasons for the deviation from the planned targets;

Determining the composition of additional work and production tasks for their implementation;

Determination of the composition of the reserves allocated to JSCs for the performance of additional work by workshops;

Clarification of the distribution of duties and responsibilities between managers at the interdepartmental management level, designed to eliminate deviations that have arisen during production.

Operational coordination of work to a certain extent coincides with the regulation (dispatching) of the production process. An effective means of achieving coordinated work of the shops is to hold meetings of managers, at which their activities for maintenance, material support of production, etc. are coordinated. The advantages of meetings are the relative simplicity of their organization; the possibility of representing the interests of services of various levels of management; informal approach to solving emerging production problems.

Under the conditions of joint-stock companies and the independence of subdivisions, the role of these meetings has decreased at the highest level of management, while inside them it has remained the same.

In joint-stock companies, relations between departments are built on the basis of contracts, therefore, there is material liability for any deviations from the agreed terms for the supply of blanks, parts, assembly units (fines, sanctions, etc.).

The management of the JSC is responsible for the timely and complete provision of the joint production of products by the workshops with everything necessary and the coordination of their activities in terms of the modern production of products.

Labor motivation is the impact on the performance factors of the work of managers, production management specialists and based on its assessment and the use of appropriate incentives.

To improve production efficiency, first of all, a quantitative assessment of the quality of labor (estimated indicator) of managers and specialists who make decisions in the process of operational production management should be given.

The estimated indicator of the quality of work of a manager, a specialist depends mainly on the indicator of the irregularity of the work of the unit for whose activities he is responsible, and the degree of his guilt in this. The indicator is determined by deviations from the operational calendar plans (schedules) for the movement of the entire range of products and from the planned state of work in progress within the unit. This takes into account all the links of production and the range of products for which operational-calendar planning, accounting, control and regulation of its release are organized.

The initial information for calculating the estimated indicator is:

The magnitude of deviations from the operational calendar plans (schedules) of output;

The magnitude of deviations from the standards of work in progress;

The share of guilt of the manager, specialist in the deviations that have arisen.

First of all, it is necessary to take into account deviations that have increased to an alarming situation, in which a higher-ranking leader had to intervene to take measures to eliminate deviations and eliminate the causes that caused them. An alarming situation should be considered such a situation in which to eliminate the deviation that has arisen by the end of the planning and reporting period, there are not enough reserves at the disposal of this and lower managers.

An assessment of the quality of work of a manager, a specialist in operational management of production should be taken into account in the systems of material and moral incentives operating at enterprises based on the results of work for planning and reporting periods.

For direct performers (production workers), the main factors motivating their work are: enrichment of labor, diversity of work, growth and expansion of professional qualifications, satisfaction from the results obtained, increased responsibility for the work performed, the possibility of showing initiative, exercising self-control, etc.

Interesting work, a creative approach to its implementation, professional growth are the most important values ​​for motivating the work of employees. Motivation can be expressed in the praise of the leader, bonuses, promotion at work, etc.


Control (accounting, control, analysis) and regulation (dispatching) are the final stage of the production management process. The basis for the performance of these works is the operational accounting of the results of the production activities of workshops and their divisions.

In the process of developing production programs, OKP and shift-daily tasks, information about the current production progress is used. This information, reflecting the results of the work of workshops, warehouses (storerooms) for the past shift, day and other periods of time, is continuously accumulated at collection points, periodically processed and finally formed by the beginning of each new planning period in the form of appropriate summary data. The timeliness of information receipt at collection points, its completeness and reliability directly affect the quality of the developed programs and tasks, therefore these factors are accepted as criteria for creating an operational accounting system at the enterprise.

Information about the progress of production is not only used in planning, but at the same time is the basis for effective control and regulation of production processes. No matter how stable the workshop production programs and operational tasks for sections or individual workers are, changes and deviations inevitably occur in the course of production, requiring adjustments to previously drawn up plans. These include the absence of materials, blanks, finished parts, fixtures, tools or the occurrence of mass defects in the warehouse or in the pantry of the workshop, the absence of workers, absenteeism in comparison with the schedule of machines from repair, etc.

Timely, complete and accurate accounting of the listed deviations allows not only to control, but also to quickly regulate the course of production, directing its flow in accordance with the developed plan. These conditions can be ensured only with the rational organization of the operational accounting system on the scale of the entire joint-stock company based on the integrated use of modern computer technology and peripheral facilities.

It follows that the main task of operational accounting is to obtain information about the results of work production shops and their divisions for a certain period of time in order to use it to control and regulate the current course of production. In a synthesized form, this information is used for the purposes of planning production in each of the shops for longer periods of time: a month, a quarter, etc.

The implementation of this task, subject to the timeliness of receipt, completeness and reliability of the information taken into account, can be carried out by creating a comprehensively automated system of operational accounting at the enterprise.

Such a system must meet the following requirements:

Possess high efficiency in collecting and processing information;

Eliminate duplication in the work of each link of the system;

Ensure preliminary processing of information at the points of its collection for the purpose of using the results of processing at the places of its occurrence;

Eliminate the transfer of redundant information to the AO CC;

Provide the possibility of synthesizing the information received in the sections necessary for management;

Eliminate and Minimize manual labor when filling out the primary accounting documentation;

Be cost-effective in comparison with the current operational accounting system.

The implementation of these requirements is possible provided that all divisions of the joint-stock company are saturated modern means peripheral and other office equipment, providing the maximum possible mechanization and automation of the processes of registration, preliminary processing and transmission of information to the computer center. At the same time, a very important condition is strictly informed choice peripheral devices in terms of their technical capabilities, reliability and ability to ensure that the specified requirements of the operational accounting system are met.

Production management requires a certain list of data characterizing the results of the work of each workshop and its divisions, their registration on the appropriate technical media and transfer to the computer center for further processing. When determining the list of recorded data, it is necessary to strive for its minimum value and, at the same time, to provide a solution on a computer more tasks for management purposes.

One of the most important factors in minimizing the recorded data is keeping records not for all parameters approved and implemented in workshops, departments, warehouses of work plans, but only for deviations. This reduces the amount of peripheral equipment used at data collection points and the time spent on data logging.

Below are the main recorded data and tasks solved in the operational accounting system for production management.

Registered data. Planned information is a product range planned for release in quantitative and cost terms; changes in the product release program; receipt of applications for the manufacture of products.

Information on the course of production: production of products, CE, parts by year, broken down by quarters and months by the assembly, processing and procurement workshops of JSC; receipt of finished parts and CE to the central warehouse of JSC; and their issuance to assembly shops; the receipt of processed parts in the storerooms and their issuance to the assembly areas; the movement of parts, CE and products according to the operations of the technological process, indicating the time of issuing the task and completing the work performed; movement of backlogs of parts at workplaces; transfer of parts and CE between workshop sections and AO workshops; marriage of all kinds; the receipt of materials, blanks, equipment and tools in the shop pantries and their issuance to workplaces; operating time and equipment downtime; exit of equipment for repair and out of repair; consumption of electricity, fuel, water, steam, fuels and lubricants, emulsions, etc.

In joint-stock companies and directly in workshops, the tasks of accounting for the following indicators are solved: implementation of production programs at sites, in workshops and in the organization as a whole for a month, quarter, year in quantitative and cost terms; expenditure of the wage fund for shops and sections; the rhythm of the course of production, work in progress, the residual labor intensity of manufacturing a product (order); marriage in quantitative and value terms; production and wages for all categories of workers; capital productivity and capital intensity, cost, hours worked; execution of production programs and tasks by sections and workshops per shift, day, week; execution of export orders; implementation of the plan for spare parts and repair kits; intershop transfers of parts, movement of parts (blanks) in production warehouses and pantries; the actual remains of parts; complete set of the production process; lagging (leading) parts, etc.

To organize and carry out work on registering information at the places of its appearance in workshops, warehouses (storerooms), information collection points are created, at which information is not only registered on the results of the production activities of the workshop, but also some preliminary processing is carried out.

The types and quantity of peripheral equipment that information collection points are equipped with are determined based on the volume and complexity of the work performed.

The following procedure for registration and processing of information is provided for:

registration of primary information characterizing the state of production in numerical form, i.e. fixing information on primary planning and accounting documents using technical means on machine media or directly to the computer complex (VC) of the shop; accumulation and transfer of primary information (documents or machine media) from the place of its formation to the VC of the shop; carrying out calculations in the VC of the shop according to algorithms that determine the course of information processing for the purposes of consolidated accounting and management;


Control over the course of production is aimed at identifying deviations from the established planned targets and production schedules, malfunctions in the work of various divisions and services of the JSC.

In the process of control at the level of JSC and workshops, the following is checked:

Implementation of the nomenclature plan for the release of products;

Transfer to units of the DSE and blanks;

The state of backlogs of DSE and blanks;

The state of operational preparation of production;

Providing production with technological equipment, materials, etc.

In addition, in the course of production, the work of lagging sections and workshops, unique equipment, and the fulfillment of unscheduled urgent tasks are monitored.

In unit production, the objects of control are the schedules of operational preparation of production and the timing of the most important work on individual orders. Control over the state of backlogs is carried out in sets to order, and over the preparation of production - for especially important positions.

In mass production, the nomenclature, quantity and timing of the release of assembly units, leading parts, the state of stockpiles of blanks, parts, the degree of complete provision of assembly work are controlled. The control over the fulfillment of planned tasks, depending on the type of production, is carried out in shifts, according to the calendar plans-schedules for the release of parts, by order as a whole. Backlogs are controlled in the context of parts and in group sets.

For mass production, the objects of control are the cycle of work of production lines (conveyors) and backlogs at all stages of the production process. Control of the output of products is carried out by the hour of the day in accordance with the established cycle, the state of the backlog is checked in a detailed section, lagging parts are strictly controlled.

Production control requirements:

Efficiency in identifying the facts, causes and magnitudes of deviations from calendar plans (schedules) and intra-shift rhythm in the performance of production tasks, the facts of non-fulfillment of operational decisions to regulate the movement of material flows and orders of the dispatcher;

Control of deviations from calendar plans (schedules) should be organized at all stages of the main production process, from the receipt of raw materials, blanks, semi-finished products, components to the shops and ending with the delivery of finished products to the warehouses of the sales department.

The main role in the preparation of the information necessary for making and justifying decisions on regulating the course of production is played by analysis. In the process of analysis, a comprehensive assessment of the functioning of the control object is carried out, the causes of deviations from the planned level are analyzed, production reserves are identified, and possible alternatives for management decisions implemented at the stage of regulation are determined.

The assessment of the functioning of the production process in the course of control and analysis is carried out on the basis of technical and economic indicators that reflect the degree of efficiency in the use of certain types of means and objects of labor, as well as working time. These indicators are objective characteristics of the production process. There are two groups of indicators: indicators that characterize the quantity and quality of products, and indicators that indicate the availability and use of production resources. There are natural (pieces, kg, kWh), cost (rubles), labor (man-hour, standard hour) units of measurement of indicators.

Indicators characterizing the quantity and quality of products: the volume of production (in physical, cost and labor units), the level of fulfillment of planned targets for the nomenclature (range) of products (%), the share of products accepted by the Quality Control Department (Technical Control Department) from the first presentation (%). Indicators characterizing the use of material and labor resources: the cost of production (rubles), the number of workers (persons), output per worker (in natural, labor and cost units), equipment downtime (hour); equipment load factor (%), etc.

All indicators can be divided into two large groups: simple and complex. The quantitative values ​​of simple indicators are recorded and accumulated in the process of operational accounting of the progress of production. Simple indicators include such indicators as production in physical terms, the number of workers, equipment downtime, etc.

Complex indicators are calculated on the basis of simple indicators, in most cases using norms and standards for resource expenditure. Examples of complex indicators are: production in labor and value terms, average output per worker, wages of workers, cost of commercial products, etc.

In each case, it is necessary to carefully select indicators, their composition should be minimal and at the same time comprehensively reflect the object of control. Indicators should not duplicate each other. It is impossible to strive for total control, since the costs of its implementation will significantly exceed the volume useful information required for analysis and regulation.


Regulation is the final stage of production management, at which the process of developing and implementing solutions is carried out to prevent deviations and failures at the input of production, and in case of their occurrence, to eliminate them immediately . This achieves the unconditional fulfillment of production programs and operational plans.

Prevention or elimination of deviations and failures is possible through the use of reserves: material, temporary and organizational.

Material reserves include: the availability of interchangeable equipment, workers, materials, blanks, parts and tools.

Temporary reserves are used due to the organization of overtime work, additional shifts.

Organizational reserves consist in the ability to redistribute resources between workshops and sites.

The operational regulation process includes:

Information preparation for decision making;

Development and decision making;

Implementation of the decision and control of its execution.

Information preparation consists in the processing of information that can be presented in the form of documents: handwritten and typewritten; verbal orders, instructions; video, audio and other signals.

The stage of development and decision-making includes: formation of alternative solutions; setting deadlines for their implementation; choice of performers; processing additional information; coordination and approval of deadlines and executors; approval of the solution; allocation of resources to implement the solution.

The necessary conditions for the implementation of a regulation solution are:

Organizational support of the solution, which means the availability of resources at the disposal of those responsible for implementation;

Organizational support, which implies the availability of instructional materials with clear instructions on how to act in a given situation;

Information support, the need for which lies in the ability to carry out coordinated actions of all performers.

The regulation of the production process must meet the following requirements:

Rely on a clear organization of operational planning of production, of which it is a direct continuation;

Assume continuity of control and monitoring of the progress of production;

To carry out the mandatory quick and accurate implementation of the instructions of the management;

Based on clear responsibility and continuity of operational management of production.

All current work on the management of production on the scale of the joint-stock company lies with the personnel of the production and dispatching department (shift dispatchers and operators), which is subordinate to the chief dispatcher of the association.

The organizational structure of the dispatching apparatus of the joint-stock company depends on the type, nature and scale of production, the production structure of the association. In a large JSC, the dispatching service may be subordinate to the production director. In the PDO of a joint-stock company, as a rule, there is a central dispatch office headed by a chief dispatcher. It is in charge of dispatching groups that interact with various structural divisions to ensure the rhythmic progress of production. The central dispatching bureau includes a dispatching group for blank production (foundry, forging, stamping), dispatching groups for mechanical assembly, processing shops, auxiliary production, as well as sales and preparation services.

The main dispatcher service performs the following main functions:

Controls the progress of the production program for the main types of products and takes measures to eliminate the backlog from the plan for procurement and DSE;

Takes measures to prevent interruptions in the course of production resulting from disruptions in the operation of technological equipment, untimely provision of tools, materials and semi-finished products;

Monitors compliance with the norms of backlogs for technological transitions (blanks, DSE) in the main production shops;

Performs accounting and analysis of intravenous equipment downtime.

The content of the activities of shop dispatching services has some differences depending on their purpose; In the foundry divisions, the functions of the dispatching service are reduced to monitoring the operation of the molding and core departments, monitoring the correct operation of the model warehouse and timely sending of suitable castings to the central billet warehouse. In the workshops of the procurement phase - forging, thermal, stamping, blanking, welding, which are large consumers of metal, the main functions of the dispatch service are focused on the timely provision of production sites with metal and on monitoring compliance with the launch-release schedule of parts. Special objects of supervisory control in the forging and stamping shops are the timely fulfillment of schedules for the changeover of dies for the production of parts in accordance with the schedule for their launch-release. In the workshops of mechanical assembly production, the functions of the dispatching apparatus are focused on monitoring the provision of subdivisions with blanks and semi-finished products for all the nomenclature assigned to the workshop.

The dispatching apparatus of shop production units controls and regulates the production of products of the entire range assigned to the unit, and performs the following main functions:

Concentration of all information about the progress of production coming from the sites and other services of the shop;

Receiving messages from production sites about problems and individual delays in production that interfere with the implementation of the planned tasks of the current day or shift;

Management of the daily tasks and the operational schedule for the manufacture of parts by the workshop;

Monitoring the complete and timely supply of sites with materials and tools based on reports from sites and other workshop services;

Issuance of operational orders and instructions to the sections and services of the workshop to eliminate delays in production and control over the implementation of these orders;

Regulation of the release of scarce materials to areas and control of their receipt in the workshop based on the data of the warehouse of materials;

Control of the work of the services that carry out the preparation of production, in terms of the timely provision of the main production with everything necessary for the sections of the workshop to fulfill current tasks;

Information from the workshop management and the head of the PDB about problems that require their direct intervention;

Carrying out systematic dispatching meetings on the implementation of current tasks by sections;

Drawing up dispatcher reports on the progress of daily tasks;

Monitoring the timely exit from equipment repair based on the repair schedule.

The effectiveness of the activity of the dispatching service largely depends on the organization of the relationship and interaction of the central dispatching service with others. functional divisions Joint-stock companies providing and servicing the main production:

With the technical preparation of production - when making changes to the design of manufactured products aimed at modernizing individual DSE, in the event of various kinds of difficulties during production, in the event of deviations from the established technology due to failure of process equipment and taking measures to organize temporary technology production process;

Interaction is carried out with the department of the chief mechanic and the chief power engineer in terms of monitoring the organization of the repair of technological equipment, as well as to take the necessary measures in the event of an accident or equipment failure;

The relationship between the dispatching service and the logistics department is to control the uninterrupted supply of metal, materials and components to the production, as well as to control the maintenance of the stock level established by the standards in its warehouses.

A special place is occupied by the relationship of the dispatching apparatus with the operational management of production. Both of these services are part of a single body for the operational management of the main production - in the PDO of the joint-stock company.

In the process of monitoring and analyzing the progress of production, the chief dispatcher daily receives from the Computing Center of JSC the necessary information on the results of work over the past day in the appropriate forms.

The relationship between these services is not only informational character, but also consists in making joint decisions on operational issues in connection with deviations in production. Variants of these solutions are developed on the basis of automated processing of operational accounting data, the results of control and analysis of the production progress at the workstations of the management personnel of the workshops and in the AO Computing Center.

The most efficient work of the dispatching personnel is achieved on the basis of the functioning of an automated control and analysis system in the JSC, expert systems in combination with an integrated automated system management (IASU), providing a comprehensive solution to all problems of production management.


As a result of this course work, the aspect of the application of operational production management at the enterprise was considered in detail, its stages and areas of application were determined.

Operational production management is an indispensable and integral part of the production organization process, the most important lever of daily management production activities enterprises.

Operational management involves the detailed development of plans for the enterprise and its divisions - workshops, production sites, teams and jobs for short periods of time - a month, a decade, a five-day period, a day, a shift. At the same time, the task of developing a plan is organically and functionally combined with the organization of its implementation.

2. Practical part of the course work


Today, there is a clear trend towards an increase in the share of foreign-made cars in the Russian car market. Unfortunately, the Russian automotive industry is inferior in a number of parameters to foreign companies, which is precisely the result of such a large number of foreign cars on our roads.

Sales of foreign-made passenger cars in Russia are increasing every year. So, for example, for the last year, 2007, sales of foreign cars grew by 66.4%, and for incomplete 2008 by 38-40%. In the future, according to forecasts marketing agencies growth in sales of foreign cars will continue, but will gradually decline.

Nevertheless, at the moment, a huge number of foreign-made cars are already in operation in Russia. According to some estimates, the number of foreign cars is approaching 50% of the entire car fleet. In connection with this situation, it is obvious that the services of repair and maintenance of foreign-made cars are in demand and the demand for them will not subside in the future, but, on the contrary, will only increase. Thus, as the topic of the course work, I think it is quite justified to consider the process of creating and organizing the work of such an enterprise as a car service center specializing in the repair and maintenance of foreign-made cars.

2 . 1 Organizational and legal form of the enterprise.

A car service is a small business founded and owned by one person - its owner. Therefore, it is most expedient to choose individual entrepreneurship as the organizational and legal form.

In this case, individual entrepreneurship has a number of advantages over other forms: it does not require drawing up constituent documents(charter, for example); simplifies the procedure for registration and registration with the relevant state bodies; subject to the conditions specified in the tax legislation, it is possible to switch not to the main, but to one of the alternative taxation systems created to support small businesses by facilitating the method of paying taxes; in addition, if it is later necessary to terminate the activities of the enterprise, the liquidation procedure, as well as registration, will require less time than under other regimes.

The creation of an organization, the registration of individual entrepreneurship is as follows: firstly, the person creating the enterprise and being its owner must be registered in the relevant government agency as an individual entrepreneur - for this purpose, an application of the established form is submitted, in which, passport data are indicated, a certificate of payment must be attached to the application state duty for registration. Simultaneously with filing an application for registration, you must apply for registration with the tax authority (the decision on registration must be made within five working days after registration). It is also necessary to register with state non-budgetary funds: Pension, Medical Insurance Fund, State Social Insurance, Employment. In addition, you need to open a bank account and make an individual seal.

When registering with a tax authority, an entrepreneur must choose a taxation regime, otherwise it is automatically assigned common mode, which may not be beneficial. The tax system of the Russian Federation provides for special taxation regimes established for organizations and individual entrepreneurs with certain types of activities or with incomes that do not go beyond those specified in the legislation in relation to a specific regime.

In the case under consideration, i.e. when organizing a car service, UTII is established - a single tax on imputed income. UTII is valid for certain types of activities. The organization of a car service can be classified as “the provision of services for the repair, maintenance, washing of vehicles”, and therefore just refers to the UTII regime.

2.2 The purpose of the work and the structure of enterprise management.

The obvious goal of any commercial organization is to obtain and further maximize profits. Achieving this goal is possible with a good organization of the enterprise, i.e. with proper management.

But besides this goal, in my opinion, any healthy organization, created not for a short time solely for the enrichment of its owners and co-owners, must have other, deeper goals. There are such concepts as the vision and mission of the organization - these are, in their own way, super-goals, guidelines for development. In relation to a car service, perhaps, setting a mission and a vision will sound too loud, but still I would like to designate one more goal - it is not commercial, but it seems to me just as important. It reads as follows: "To help motorists in the repair and maintenance of cars, to perform work at a high level and within a clearly defined time frame for the convenience of customers."

The management process of a car service, like any other enterprise, is aimed at achieving the optimal ratio work force, material and financial resources. The goal of management is to create best conditions in all areas of the enterprise's activity, this includes the production and sale of finished products of its own manufacture and possibly purchased products, as well as ensuring the proper level of quality of both the services provided and the organization's activities.

The car service management structure is a set of interrelated organizational units that directly interact during the work of the workshop. A car service is a small business, and therefore there are a minimum number of organizational links in it: in fact, this is a director who is the direct owner and registered as an individual entrepreneur and his deputy.

The main functions of the director:

Defines the strategy, goals and objectives of the organization;

Determines the principles of formation and use of the property of the organization;

Makes decisions on all major issues of the organization;

Solves administrative, financial issues;

Carries out hiring and dismissal of employees;

Defines official duties workers;

Plans, coordinates and controls the activities of employees;

Encourages and stimulates the initiative of employees;

Concludes agreements and other transactions, ensures the implementation of concluded agreements and other transactions;

Determines the tax policy of the organization;

Combines the functions of the head of the organization and the accountant;

Prepares annual report and annual balance sheet;

The deputy director performs the official duties established by the director (naturally, if they do not contradict employment contract and Russian legislation), also due to the fact that the organization is small, the deputy is also an account manager and performs the relevant functions.

3. Strategic decisions.

3.1. Product strategy.

Defining a strategy for a product (or service), which will subsequently be the main focus of the organization, is one of the key points in creating an enterprise. Having a clear idea of ​​what the final product will look like, you can immediately calculate most of the parameters associated with it - decisions on production costs, quality, human resources.

The main activity of the car service center is the repair and maintenance of cars, mainly of foreign production. Priority direction activity is the repair and maintenance of vehicles of European production. The choice of this direction is due to several factors: firstly, in Nizhny Novgorod and the region, approximately 23% of foreign-made cars are of European origin - the owners of these cars are potential customers. Secondly, according to the forecasts of statistical agencies (for example, ABARUS Market Research), in the current and next year, the market share of the cars in question will increase by another 15-18%. Thirdly, in Nizhny Novgorod, the industry of car services for the repair and maintenance of foreign-made cars is not yet too developed - of course, there are already a significant number of competitors, but still, the demand for this type of service still exceeds supply. Fourthly, spare parts and components required for the repair and maintenance of foreign cars are now not difficult to find in Nizhny Novgorod - there are a fairly large number of companies supplying components and consumables.

In addition to car repair and maintenance, in my opinion, it is advisable to carry out some car tuning work, because. the direction of "tuning" has now become widespread and, one might say, is at the peak of fashion, which means that it is profitable to engage in this type of activity. Tuning is a rather specific and time-consuming activity, so in the format of a car service it is worth doing the simplest of the types of tuning - art tuning.

Art tuning will be represented by the following works: installation of lighting, xenon, LED technology, tachometers, dashboards, seat upholstery and installation of seats of a different sample, installation of light alloy wheels, installation of aerodynamic body kits and elements. A separate item should be highlighted painting and airbrushing.

I will give a list of services provided by a car service without indicating the cost of these works and services, because it is for informational purposes only. In addition, I will provide art tuning services.

List of car services:

Scheduled vehicle maintenance

Diagnostics and repair of the running gear of the car

Computer diagnostics of the engine and electronic systems

Flushing the injector

Engine maintenance and overhaul

Repair of automatic transmission

Tire fitting, wheel balancing up to R22

· Computer wheel alignment

Repair of electronic and electrical systems of the car

Repair of injection pump and injectors

Body repair

· Stacking works

Restorative repair of bumpers and plastic cases

Installation of security systems and alarms

Installation and maintenance of starting heaters

Diagnosis, installation, repair and refueling of air conditioners

Anti-corrosion treatment

Art car tuning:

Installation of dashboards

Additional sensors



Fuel gauges

Installation of on-board computers, GPS-navigators

Installation of an alarm

Installation of additional lighting



Seat upholstery

Installation of fairings

Installation of aerodynamic body kits

Installation of plastic kits - extensions

Installing alloy wheels

Studded tires

Standard tires

Sports shock absorbers

Sports suspension

Installation of a stereo system

Computer selection of car enamel

Preparation and painting in the chamber


3.2. Production costs and supply planning.

The costs of organizing a car service are significant, but if you have a bank loan, they are not too heavy. In addition, it is advisable to lease the equipment, because. high-quality auto-special equipment is very expensive. Initial capital is approximately 500 thousand rubles. This amount takes into account the cost of renting the premises (payment is made monthly), the purchase of some equipment and the payment for leasing the rest, and the wages of employees in the first months. Naturally, payments in the following months of the workshop will be paid from the profits of the organization.

Here is an estimate of the main costs of organizing production:

Boxing rental - 28 thousand rubles / month.

Equipment (the main positions are given):

Wheel balancing stand (automatic) with LCD monitor for wheels 9 "-22", wheel weight up to 65kg., 380V - 83000 rubles.

Stationary hoist 4-post, single-engine, chain, capacity 3.5t for wheel alignment - 93550 rubles.

Stationary garage compressor with automatics (receiver 500 l, 1 m3/min, 10 atm., 11 kW/380 V) - 50,200 rubles.

Press hydraulic force 60 tons - 79500 rubles.

airbrushing, i.e. is a designer and artist, as well as a specialist in working with car enamels and paints. The master of airbrushing is the most highly paid of the auto service specialists, which requires the installation of a non-salary salary system for him, because. this will reduce production costs.

Universal masters are needed by a car service due to the fact that car repair and maintenance work requires knowledge of the entire process as a whole. The quality of repair can be ensured only if the technology is observed, i.e. with proper performance of each of the required operations.

The cleaner is needed to clean the premises from the pollution that occurs during the work. Since some technically complex and time-consuming work is carried out in a car service, cleaning must be carried out carefully and carefully so as not to damage the work items.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that all workshop workers, not only masters, must understand technical matters related to cars.

4. Tactical decisions.

4.1. inventory management tactics.

Supply planning has already been covered in the section strategic decisions. The following can be added to the above: in addition to concluding contracts for the supply of necessary spare parts from wholesalers, it is necessary to consider a schedule for these deliveries. The specifics of the work of the organization requires the rapid delivery of the necessary parts to complete a specific order, so supply management is an important part of the work of a car service. In this regard, it is no coincidence that the director, who is the owner of the workshop, is in charge of the entire supply chain - it is he who is primarily interested in the correct management of supplies and stocks. Stocks are some of the types of spare parts most commonly used in the process of car repair and maintenance, as well as various consumables that are stored in warehouse. It is not required to make significant stocks, because again, the volume of work of a car service is not too large, and the safety stock is quite enough based on the performance of three orders.

4.2. Quality tactics.

The quality of work performed in a car service directly depends on the skill of workers, the state of the material and technical base and the quality of the materials used. Thus, it is necessary to choose special-purpose vehicles of the required quality, hire qualified specialists (possibly conduct additional training, internships) and provide car service with supplies of high-quality spare parts and consumables. Checking the quality of the work performed is carried out at each stage in order to avoid errors that may lead to the impossibility of performing all further work. At the final stage, the result is checked on the diagnostic stand.

The diagnostic stand is a diagnostic device with sensors and a computer with a special program that monitors the diagnostician's readings.

The program cannot be changed, so that the entire strictness of the check is observed - if the readings for some parameters do not agree with the permissible norms, the work is recognized as of poor quality and must be redone. The quality of car repair work is very important, because. not only the profit of the organization, but also, first of all, the safety of the driver of the repaired car may depend on the quality.

4.3. Reliability and repair.

The quality check of the work is carried out, in particular, at the diagnostic stand and directly by the senior auto mechanic responsible for this area. The check is carried out for the fulfillment of certain norms and standards prescribed at the world's leading factories for the production of cars and not exceeding the established limits.

Our work is guaranteed for 1 year (provided that during the repair work the spare parts and materials provided by the car service were used and the operation of the car was correct and permissible). emergency situation the company resorts to the help of auto experts and independent expertise.

4. 4 . Schedulesworks.

The workshop should work all week, seven days a week. The work schedule should be such that customers can contact our car service at a convenient time for them and our specialists can advise and help in solving the problem that has arisen - the car service works from 9:00 to 22:00 in the evening. For car service workers, it is necessary to draw up an individual flexible work schedule, taking into account shift work and the wishes of employees. In addition, a payment system should be developed overtime- most likely, at the initial stage of the development of a car service, it will be in demand due to a small staff.

5. Approximate economic assessment

Let's make an approximate economic calculation of a car service with an area of ​​​​280 sq.m., in which there are:

Customer reception area (hall), it is also located here workplace security guard - 12 square meters

Lounge - 20 sq. meters

Restroom - 10 sq. meters

The office of the chief auto mechanic, where everything is also installed necessary equipment- 12 sq. meters

Auxiliary premises (warehouse, director's office, staff rest room, etc.) - 36 sq. meters

Boxes - 192 sq. meters.

Monthly income of a car service (rub.)

Personnel pay

Total operating costs

Net profit per month 413750 rubles (excluding taxes), per year - 4965000 rubles


The paper considered the key stages of creating a car service and organizing its work. The product of the work of a car service, in fact, is a service for repairing or servicing a client’s car - thus, despite the fact that the activity of a car service is very similar to material production, it still represents the provision of services.

Each step on the way to creating an enterprise is at the same time difficult, time-consuming, but also interesting. In my opinion, it is very important to consider this process by creating a project, which, with some assumption, is just course work. Thus, considering in detail the main elements of the enterprise's activities in my work, I gradually form my idea of ​​the activities of real-life organizations with which I will have to work in the future.


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