The most profitable business. Priority areas for small business

Many of our citizens are interested small business things to do And they already know how to develop their business. At present, as sad as it sounds, unique and indeed original ideas practically gone. But why show miracles of creativity when the main thing for us is to get our well-deserved profit and retire with a solid profit?

15 small business ideas

We will not delay too much with the presentation of the most profitable and simple ideas for your own business with a small initial capital:

  1. Coffee house.
  2. Online store.
  3. Sale of sports nutrition.
  4. Tutoring.
  5. Consultations.
  6. sex shop.
  7. Home soap making.
  8. Sale of hand-made goods.
  9. Pizzeria or small cafe.
  10. Accounting Services Agency.
  11. Sale of T-shirts and sweatshirts with original prints.
  12. A stall or a small tobacco shop.
  13. Buying a franchise.
  14. Support for a local music group.

Some ideas may not seem very fresh, others may not be very profitable. But they all have the right to exist and each of them has proven its viability.

To verify this, just go to any street in your city or surf the Internet for a bit.

Small Business Resale

Since we have decided to invest little and receive a lot, consider the most money ideas. Remember, we are still talking about small businesses. The age-old option for making a profit is to buy something cheaper, and sell it much more expensive.

The top three in this indicator will include coffee shops, sports nutrition and intimate goods, surprisingly. The cost of coffee is not so high, the main mark-up is for the brand, the area rented by the coffee shop and for the salary of the working staff.

The owner, of course, must also have something left. Having just opened your establishment, you can not hope for maximum margins and solid profits, but selling a cup of coffee 10-15 times higher than its cost price will work without problems.

For sports nutrition we are treated with some distrust, some even put it on a par with steroids and anabolics. The situation is especially neglected in small towns, it is there that you can get good profits with small starting investments. And the best part is that you know your target audience and there should not be any special problems with distribution. If the soil was also "probed" in advance.

A few words must be said about Sex-Shops:

  • There are not so many of them, given the number of potential customers.
  • The quality and range of products often leaves much to be desired.
  • All this makes it possible to raise prices at your discretion.
  • The hypocrisy and curiosity of people will again allow you to make good money.

We advise and provide services

The next category includes options that require some specialized knowledge. It will be about tutoring, consulting and accounting services.

All this is more like not your own business, but an ordinary wage labor, only at a higher level. In fact, if you cooperate with several of the same specialists or even hire them to work, things will take a different turn.

But before you start, do your research, at least on your own. Are the services offered in your city relevant, is there a sufficient number of clients to provide work for all employees at least for a year? What about the competition in this segment, do you need expensive advertising, where can you find customers at all?

If you are going to work independently or with a group of like-minded people, you will have to limit yourself to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity in which you really understand. Would you like to feel like an employer, since capital allows, and the business looks promising?

It's better to choose what you have at least general ideas. This will help you get up to speed faster.

This video will talk about several ideas for business in small towns:

We make money with our own hands

In addition to theoretical knowledge, there are also practical skills. Soap making, hand-made and prints offer the opportunity to do what you love and to make a profit. If you are thinking about any of the above, you probably have a corresponding hobby.

  • Think in advance if you are going to waste money by giving in to the desire to just do what you love. After all, not always a hobby can become a full-fledged source of income, and if you also have to invest a decent amount in this, the matter takes an unpleasant turn.
  • About arrived- here everything is a little more complicated. T-shirts with original images can be sold for much more than cost. If you or your subordinates have design talent, it would be a sin not to start monetizing this business.
  • But do-it-yourself crafts often take too much time and require expensive materials. Here we will already talk about the recognition of their creative successes and purely moral satisfaction.

However, one cannot exclude the possibility that you have a real talent that will help you both get satisfaction and get rich.

Pizza, tobacco or books - which is more profitable?

When it comes to movable property, the amount of required start-up capital is somewhat higher. And if you also need to obtain a license to sell tobacco products, everything becomes more complicated.

  • In trade the main thing is to choose the location of your store or stall in order to find your target audience. Depending on that and production to pick up, and the prices to establish. Get ready for the fact that at first you even have to work at "0" or a slight minus.
  • And here wholesale trade can immediately begin to bring good profits.
  • Pizzeria- an expensive option, but with a quick payback. If there are not so many competitors and large network establishments in the city, you can decorate the premises under the original youth style and get your share of customers.
  • Paper books back in fashion. Not for the first time in the last few decades. But, even having filled all the shelves with “fashionable” publications, one can not hope for exorbitant profits or the rapid growth of the business.

Rather, a small hobby that will later bring its share of the profits to the family budget. Or it will become a "black hole", the maintenance of which will constantly leak funds.

We buy franchises and help young talents

Came to our market just a couple of decades ago, but this option began own business liked by many. Without going into details, for a certain entry fee you get the opportunity to represent trademark in your region.

Along with this right Comes with a developed business plan, basic guides, recommendations and technologies. All risks are calculated by professionals, this is on the one hand.

On the other hand, professionals have already received an entry fee from you and know perfectly well that you will take risks own funds rather than company capital.

About support for musicians and other creative personalities - it sounds romantic and absolutely penniless. This is not entirely true if you get really high-quality performers for whom you can provide a certain level of PR, advertising and support, in In the future, this may result in decent dividends..

But only if you are concerned about concluding contracts on favorable terms for yourself. However, the investment may not pay off.

No one knows the teams that have not achieved anything, much more than the stars, at least on a local scale.

Once you open your small business, what to do in the next couple of years, you will not ask. Own business brings discipline and makes you spend a lot of personal time on work, sometimes too much.

AT modern Russia small and big business. This includes cafes, restaurants, shops, cinemas. And some of these establishments are owned individual entrepreneurs which brings them income. The most popular small business destination right now is outlets, services and maintenance, entertainment, farming, online store.

The main goal of any businessman is to earn income, rarely anyone does it for pleasure.

Another cost-effective option is the sale of seasonal goods, such as ice cream, kvass, Christmas trees, flowers. Even a beginner can handle it here.

Also, such a business will show you well whether entrepreneurship is right for you and whether it is worth continuing.

At the same time, it must be borne in mind that opening such small points will not bring large profits, but if you do not have large finances, then this will be a good option.

You can turn your attention to opening a business to provide services. Here you also need to draw up a business plan, calculate all costs.

To get started, you may need a small office, tools for the job, and most importantly your skills and abilities.

For example, it can be beauty salons, manicure studios, hairdressers, ateliers for tailoring or cleaning things, and more.

Also today in Russia, pheasant dishes are popular in expensive restaurants, and some entrepreneurs earn income by breeding this bird.

Profitable business options in the countryside and small town

In the countryside, the organization of small farms will turn out to be profitable, there are even support programs and investments for them.

Here it is important to choose a direction and draw up a clear business plan, thought out to the smallest detail.

small farms can prove to be a very lucrative and profitable business in rural areas. Because now there is a popularity to buy ecological and clean products.

Increased demand is observed for such products as farm vegetables, butter, cottage cheese and sour cream, milk, eggs, various meats, fruits, honey, pickled vegetables.

The popularity of such products is due to the fact that people need such products, especially at an adequate price, especially since the quality is much higher than that of mass-produced products.

In order for the income of such a small agricultural business to be significant, several directions need to be developed. That is, to breed and sell products not only of cows, but also of goats, geese, chickens, pigs.

Also, in this way, you can insure yourself if one of the directions becomes unprofitable, another area will allow you to receive profit.

Now there is a trend that a profitable business can be if you breed unusual animals. It can be such animals as chinchilla, mink, sable and arctic fox, which are valuable for their fur.

It is important to understand that even the most cost-effective business options can be risky, so it is important to analyze all the points and nuances before starting a project.

The list of areas for activity is huge, but conditionally, the following large niches can be distinguished:

  1. Resale of goods;
  2. Provision of services;
  3. Production of goods;
  4. The property;
  5. Internet business.

Let's discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

Trade in consumer goods

Public is the sale of consumer goods. Its principle is to purchase goods in one place for low prices and selling it in another.

Stable income is brought by trade in what is used daily: food, clothing, footwear, household chemicals and cosmetics. It was on the trade in consumer goods that large MLM companies (Avon, Herbalife, Mary Kay and others) earned millions.

When choosing a product, you should focus on demand and the state of the economy. If there is a crisis in the country, then it will not be possible to build a business selling luxury cars or jewelry. You can take advantage of the fact that buyers during a crisis seek to save.

During such a period, the idea of ​​creating a stock store with branded clothing wins. After all, they sell quality products at an affordable price, which will ensure an influx of customers.

The sphere of trade is vast and constantly updated, it is always possible to find an unoccupied site in it. The only drawback is the complexity of the business launch mechanism itself: the purchase of goods, the search for premises for storage and sale, the establishment of logistics, and so on.

Provision of services

Today you can sell not only material things. Well-executed services are equally popular, but finding buyers for them will be more difficult.

It is easier to start work in the field in which you already have skills.. Try starting an accounting office and working with a few small businesses, a notary agency, or a private dental office.

You can organize events, decorate banquet halls or design interiors.

If there are no special skills, then study the market and identify the most promising niches in my city. good example is the creation of printing centers, which provide thermal printing services on clothes and dishes, design term papers, text editing services.

Do not forget about such simple projects as opening a cafe or restaurant. Franchising is a promising direction in this area. when a well-known brand sells the right (franchise) to produce its products, as well as ready business-plan.

That is, it is a kind of rent of a brand name. This right is used by the world-famous network fast food McDonald's.

Production of goods

Previously, the production of goods was considered complex and monopolized by large manufacturers. After all, to start your product, you needed a large investment, which might not pay off.

Thanks to the advent of new technologies and automation processes, it has become easier and cheaper to produce goods.

But here the question arises: what to produce? Naturally, what is in demand. So, in Russia there is a bad situation in the food market.

Trying to get maximum profit, some manufacturers neglect quality, which results in a decrease in demand for goods of a particular brand. You can take advantage of this by organizing a business that produces only quality products.

The property

If you have a large initial capital, we recommend that you engage in real estate trading. This is a very conservative area, based on the psychology of communicating with the buyer and observing the market.

When working in this niche, you need to be prepared for periods of rising and falling prices, the whims of customers and other troubles.

Internet business

Setting up your business online is easy. After all, you do not need to look for special equipment, a place for an office, invest a large number of of money. Enough to have Personal Computer and a desire to work.

Here you can implement any business idea: from writing texts and organizing an online store to maintaining client companies contextual advertising.

One of the most promising areas is Internet marketing. Beginners are frightened by the high level of competition in this area, but with due zeal, you can always find a free niche. Free courses and webinars make the journey easier, as well as communication with experienced colleagues on thematic forums.

So what is the most promising business?

To organize your business, it is important to understand that success rarely comes immediately. Therefore, you need to develop without hesitation in the chosen direction and not despair at moments of failure.

And it's impossible to answer the question definitively. Ready recipes success does not exist!

In this material:

When it comes to setting up a business in Russia, this is intimidating for many. Excuses with a hint of corruption, bureaucracy and excessive state influence on entrepreneurs are very much in vogue. Entrepreneurs who have created successful businesses, on the contrary, call Russia, Moscow, St. Petersburg the best place to start a business. If many people managed to create a business in Russia, it means that doing their own business is justified and profitable!

What business areas are relevant in Russia today?

Consider business ideas that will help both experienced and novice entrepreneurs realize their potential.

Service business

Business in the service sector captivates with its simplicity.

In Moscow alone, there are more than a thousand different businesses that provide services rather than sell goods.

  • Salon . This is not a new, standard business that does not require any special sophistication. People always need to cut their hair. To open your own barbershop, you will need a room, several employees and inexpensive equipment. A hairdressing salon is a very profitable business, as it does not require the purchase of expensive equipment and high salaries for staff.
  • Beauty saloon . If a person, and especially a woman, came to you in order to preen, then it is foolish to let her go without offering additional services. And on additional services you can earn a lot more. A haircut is ordered every couple of months, but nails, eyebrows, eyelashes have to be done every week or at least twice a month. You should have noticed that Soviet-style barbershops are gradually disappearing, and numerous beauty salons are appearing in their place. This is a logical development of the service with the expansion of the range of services provided.
  • Smartphone repair. Smartphones regularly fail - fall, glass breaks, firmware is required operating system. A smartphone repair service will be in high demand, especially if located at a crossroads or in mall. All you need is a point, a master and inexpensive equipment.
  • Software Development. According to statistical studies, Russians believe that being a programmer is better than being an entrepreneur. What is the demand from the programmer? No tax audits, no bureaucracy, he sits at a computer, writes code and receives a salary of more than one hundred thousand rubles. That's right, but such high salaries are formed due to the fact that development customers pay ten times more. small firm for the development software spends several million rubles on salaries and earns several tens of millions a month.

Home-based business

The dream of many is a profitable small home business.

A few ideas:

  • At home, the production of some products is being established. These can be handmade products, weaving furniture from wicker, making slippers from linen, or making homemade cakes. The main thing is to find a market. It is worth doing advertising yourself, social networks are perfect for this, another option is to conclude an agreement with the nearest store or outlet.
  • It is not necessary to produce a product, the alternative is to provide a service. A few decades ago it was difficult to imagine how to earn some money while sitting at home. It was only the lot of composers and writers. Many Russians are into copywriting, video editing, making videos for YouTube channels, and earn much more than they could earn in “real” life.
  • Your apartment can be converted into an office and provide makeup, massage or stylist services. For example, to work as a massage therapist, you will need to purchase a massage table and inexpensive oil for five thousand rubles. A half-hour massage session in Moscow brings more than a thousand rubles. This business is good because every modern resident needs a massage. Clients are in social networks, and among neighbors, just place an ad at the entrance to the entrance.

Internet business

Such is the peculiarity of a Russian person that he is not very attracted to a business at home, which involves the production of goods. I want to work on the Internet - look at the monitor, press the keys on the keyboard, move the mouse and earn income.

Well, that's also possible. A few ideas for a person who has no skills and can not boast higher education in IT sphere:

  • Vkontakte community- excellent business. It is enough to choose a certain niche, for example, the psychology of interpersonal relationships, and publish updates regularly. It turns out to earn up to one hundred thousand rubles a month, and more. Complete anonymity is allowed: no one will know who the group belongs to and who earns on it. The situation is similar with other social networks, but Facebook is not so popular in our country.
  • YouTube channel. It would seem that it is so difficult to film your life on a video camera or smartphone and regularly upload these videos to the Internet? There is nothing complicated, and the numbers that students and even schoolchildren earn are simply amazing. YouTube channel obviously - profitable business. It does not require any investment, and attracts an audience to you for free. If you create a channel in a commercial niche, you can monetize the audience by selling trainings to your subscribers or advertising products from the affiliate network for which you will receive royalties.
  • Online store. Be that as it may, the biggest money is earned on the Internet through sales. Entrepreneurs make money on the banal resale of Chinese goods purchased from wholesalers. Purchasing platforms are most often Aliexpress or Alibaba. It is easy to find anything on these sites. The margin on trinkets can be hundreds of percent.

The most demanded business in Russia

Starting your next online store or opening a grocery store is a good idea, but it won't surprise anyone. It is good to create a business, focusing on demand, because compliance with this principle guarantees demand, and where there is demand, there is money.

Russia traditionally lacks quality service. For example, travel agencies- a dime a dozen. They race to offer cheap tours to exotic countries, but the VIP tourism market is almost empty. In order to relax in the Maldives, customers have to book charter flights and use the services of foreign travel companies.

The situation is similar with car service. Not everyone wants to save money when replacing summer tires with winter ones. Many people care about the speed of service and quality.

Almost empty is the investment niche. The Russians do not know where to invest their money. While Americans are actively investing in the stock market, thereby supporting their economy, Russians are buying apartments, inflating the national residential real estate market.

The niche of investing in precious metals is practically empty. In India, China, Germany, the US, South Africa and other rich and poor countries, people are buying physical gold. It is almost impossible to do this in our country. If there are still tools for sale (Sberbank branches), then it is almost impossible to sell a metal ingot or a gold coin.

It is possible to fill this market, but, of course, active cooperation with government agencies will be required.

There are more than a thousand cities in our country. Most residents would like to go somewhere else, the alternative is to look at their provincial status from the other side.

  • Farming can become a very profitable and profitable business, especially if you position yourself as a manufacturer of organic harmless products. This trend is popular in Western countries and every year it becomes more and more approved with us, however, it is almost impossible to buy homemade eggs or farm dairy products. Many suburbanites who live in private homes and work agriculture, just like hot cakes. They are met even from trains!
  • Breeding pets- thoroughbred and highly profitable business, which can be organized even in an ordinary city apartment. The offspring of some thoroughbred dogs costs hundreds of thousands of rubles. Just imagine: the puppy has not yet been born, and you already have an order for its sale. There is no need to even talk about profitability here, because the costs of organizing such a business are just animal feed.
  • vending business. Have you noticed vending machines in retail chains, dropping a bill into which you can buy water, chips, a chocolate bar and other products? This is a vending machine. Such devices do not require expensive maintenance or protection (since they are located inside protected facilities). You also don’t have to spend money on advertising, because their very idea is to provide additional service those who have already come to a particular institution in order to spend money.

Most cost effective

Before talking about profitability, it is necessary to understand the term. Profitability is commonly understood as the efficiency of using resources or money.

Options for profitable business in Russia:

  • Thrift store. uneasy economic conditions do not allow millions of Russians to throw away spent household appliances or used items in the trash, they would not mind selling them. Social networks or message boards are used. But not everyone has the skills of an advertiser in order to write an ad, and almost all message boards now require a fee for use. Commission shop- a great business that would connect sellers of used equipment and used items and buyers.
  • Selling healthy food to lovers healthy lifestyle life. There is a trend in the world: more and more people are becoming vegetarians, vegans, such types of nutrition are gaining momentum that no one had heard of a decade ago, for example, a raw food diet. You can open the production of yeast-free bread, buy from farmers or resell homemade dairy products, organize a delivery service drinking water. Demand for such services is still small, but businesses in this area are characterized by excessive customer attachment. If the buyer liked your flax seed bread, he will most likely become your regular customer, plus he will also bring friends.
  • Pharmacy . Statistics show that the number of sick people in our country is increasing every day. A pharmacy is not only a profitable, but also a highly profitable business. You can open your outlet on a franchise basis and become a small unit of a large pharmaceutical family. Actual business in times of depreciation of the national currency, it may be the opening of a pharmacy of a low price range.

Franchise business: pros and cons

Entrepreneurs, especially beginners, are often frightened by a business plan and organizational issues. What can we say, the thought of the tax is shuddering! Is there a way to avoid all these organizational issues, franchise.

What is a franchise? Imagine you have opened your own private kindergarten. You have an author's program, children like it, parents are delighted. Time to open the second one. No sooner said than done. Then the third, fourth, and then in other cities. And then comes the moment when you realize that money is made by sharing your successful experience.

For this purpose, a franchise is being sold, that is, already ready business plan, which calculates all operating costs, describes what kind of staff is needed, what are the associated costs, and so on.

Will such an offer be in demand if potential novice buyers are burning with the idea of ​​creating their own business, and a successful businessman appears in front of their eyes, not just selling another information product, but inviting them to become part of a large company?

The franchise is very popular in our country, but it has its pros and cons.

Franchise benefits:

  • Market research, sociological surveys, deciding whether a business idea will work is the concern of other people. Already thought up, painted and offered on a plate.
  • Lack of entrepreneurial experience is not a problem at all. If there is no official income, the bank will most likely refuse to provide a loan, but the franchisor (franchise seller) will come to the rescue and act as a guarantor.
  • You can immediately see what profit you can count on, and what possible losses. Often, when starting a business, these values, although they are written in the business plan, have nothing to do with the numbers that you have to observe in your accounting statement.

Cons of a franchise:

  • Entry threshold. A franchise is not a gift. No one will give you money to start. The first question a franchise seller will ask is whether you have start-up capital. Not? Go, earn, collect.
  • Part of the profits will have to be paid. Royalty is an integral part of any franchise. This is fair, but if two or three years have passed, doing everything yourself, it may be tempting to stop regular contributions to business strategy developers. It will not work: the contract obliges!
  • You have to work. Many start-up entrepreneurs mistakenly believe that a franchise is an opportunity to successfully invest in an existing business project. This is far from the truth and does not intersect with classic investments that are used to generate passive income. A franchise involves hard, entrepreneurial work that comes with risks, disadvantages, and idiosyncrasies.

Relevance, profitability, payback of a business are not the main characteristics that you should pay attention to when creating a business. The main thing is still your competence and how much you like and how much this or that idea ignites you.

Order a business plan

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Decided to develop your own project, but got lost in an endless supply of ideas and tips? We'll help you figure it out! This article only actual directions work. Find out what kind of business and why it is profitable to do business in 2017.

What kind of business is profitable to do in Russia: we are studying promising areas

Here you will not find a list of 100% successful and profitable business. But we will honestly tell you: what is profitable to do in small business now. Our mini-rating includes different areas of activity. Choose the one that suits you.

Private kindergarten

This is a sought-after business that can be managed without special knowledge in the field of pedagogy. The most common set of services is often the most advantageous. The idea of ​​a kindergarten is simple and not new, but competent advertising you can quickly develop a client base. After that, they will come to you according to the recommendations.

Constant control, small groups, comfortable premises and attentive staff are the key criteria for success. If you are new to this business, don't make it difficult for yourself by trying to implement complex developmental techniques. Often the most common set of services is the most advantageous.

The main thing is to control all work processes. Install a video system that will broadcast what is happening in real time. This function is also in demand among parents, who can at any time check what the child is doing.

What you need to start a business:

  • Rent and renovate premises
  • Purchase furniture and equipment
  • Hire qualified caregivers
  • Run ads

The main difficulty is to obtain permits and coordinate the opening of a kindergarten in the regulatory authorities. If you doubt your abilities, consult with a lawyer. He will tell you where and how to get the necessary documents.

Farm Products Store

Trade is one of the types of small business that is now profitable to engage in. However, choosing the “right” product for sale is not easy. It is risky to open destinations that were in demand just a couple of years ago. So, in 2015, cases for gadgets were at the peak of popularity. Vaping products exploded in 2016. Be careful with trending products: sometimes the demand for them falls as sharply as it appears.

Open a farm grocery store. Milk, cottage cheese, eggs, meat products - the demand for such products is growing every year. The most important thing is to find suppliers, the rest is details.

The volume of investments at the first stage depends on the range of products. You will need:

  • Rent a department or space for a shop
  • Hire a seller
  • Organize the supply of products

Additional costs may be required for the development of your own company logo, the creation and printing of banners, flyers, etc.

Outsourcing companies

Many firms outsource employees to minimize the cost of doing business. At the same time, it is much easier and more convenient to use the services of a specialized organization, rather than looking for a specialist on your own.

By creating an outsourcing firm, you become an intermediary and select personnel for a specific type of activity. Most often required:

  • Accountants
  • Lawyers
  • financiers
  • IT specialists

Demand for the services of consulting firms is growing, while competition in the market is minimal.

What you need to start a business:

  • Rent an office (optimally - in the city center)
  • Find specialists for outsourcing work
  • Hire employees in the state: personnel managers, customer service managers, accountants, etc.
  • Set up ads (best online)

Bet on the quality of services. If an outsourced specialist does not work well enough, look for another one. Control the quality of tasks - only in this way you will form a positive image and get large customers.

Delivery of groceries and ready meals

A new direction in the service sector - food delivery to your home and office. Demand is growing in 2017, while there are not many competitors in the market of St. Petersburg and Moscow.

The food delivery service finds clients - restaurants and retail chains interested in courier services. You pick up fresh products or ready-made meals and bring them to the customer's home or office.

To work, you will need to find suppliers and agree on the delivery of products. At the first stage, these may be small stores, for example, selling useful products. Also need a car to transport orders. The business is easily scalable through new partners and an increase in the fleet of vehicles.

What kind of business is now profitable to do in Russia: the choice is yours

We reviewed interesting and promising business areas in 2017. Remember that even the most successful idea is important to properly present and develop. Before opening, make a plan and try to follow it.

Calculate when and how much profit the business will bring. If at a certain stage the income differs from the expected, try to change advertising strategy or find new supply and distribution channels.

If you want to start not from scratch, but to have some kind of base, choose a ready-made business. The company has been on the market for several years, it already has a proven scheme of work and regular customers. So, the first step in a new area will be easier to take. Buying an existing store or project in the service sector will help you quickly turn a profit and recoup your investment.