The structure of the production of public catering facilities. Production structure of a catering enterprise

In more detail, the types of products manufactured by the cafe "Yaranga", the range, structure, assortment are presented in the appendix.

1.4 The production structure of the enterprise, its composition and purpose

1.4.1 Organization of production

The essence of the organization of production is to create conditions that ensure the correct conduct technological process cooking.

To successfully express the production process in catering establishments, it is necessary to:

1. Choose a rational production structure;

Production facilities should be located along the technological process in order to exclude oncoming flows of incoming raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products. Thus, the blank shops should be located closer to the storage facilities, but at the same time have a convenient connection with the pre-preparation shops;

2. Ensure the flow of production and the sequence of the implementation of technological processes;

3. Correctly place the equipment;

Provide workplaces with the necessary equipment, inventory, tools;

4.Create optimal working conditions;

Production facilities should be located on ground floors and oriented to the north or northwest. The composition and area of ​​industrial premises are determined by the Building Code and Design Rules, depending on the type and capacity of the enterprise.

The area of ​​industrial premises of the cafe "Yaranga" provides safe working conditions and compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements. The area consists of the usable area occupied by various technological equipment, as well as the area of ​​passages.

The area norms are accepted, in square meters: for the hot shop - 7-10; cold-6-8; for blank shops-4-6.

The height of industrial premises according to the standard is not less than 3.3 m. The walls to a height of 1.8 m from the floor are lined with ceramic tiles, the rest is covered with light adhesive paint.

In the premises of the cafe "Yaranga" the walls are lined with light ceramic tiles to the full height, which improves the conditions for sanitization.

The floors are waterproof, have a slight slope towards the ladder, they are covered with metlakh tiles that meet sanitary and hygienic requirements.

An optimal microclimate has been created in the production premises of the Yaranga cafe. Microclimate factors include temperature, humidity and air velocity. The microclimate of the hot and confectionery shops is also affected by thermal radiation from the heated surfaces of the equipment. The exposed surface of a hot plate emits rays that can cause heat stroke to a worker.

The optimum temperature in the blank and cold shops is within 16-18C, in the hot and confectionery shops 23-25C. relative air humidity in workshops is 60-70%.

An important condition for reducing the fatigue of workers, preventing injuries in the cafe "Yaranga" is the proper consecration of production facilities and workplaces. There must be natural consecration in the workshops. The illumination coefficient is not less than 1:6, and the remoteness of the workplace from the windows is not more than 8m. Production tables are placed so that the chef works facing the window or the light falls from the left.

For artificial consecration, fluorescent lamps or incandescent lamps are used. When selecting lamps, they comply with the norm - 20 watts per 1 m2 of workshop area.

Production facilities have hot and cold water supply to washing - bathtubs, electric boilers, digesters.

Sewerage ensures the removal of wastewater during the operation of bathtubs, digesters.

Noises occur during the operation of mechanical and cold equipment in production shops. Permissible noise level in industrial premises is 60-75 dB. Noise reduction in industrial premises is achieved through the use of sound-absorbing materials.

1.4.2 General production structure of the enterprise

The structure of the catering enterprise is influenced by all the functions that the enterprise performs, the range of products and production volume, the level and forms of specialization. The general production structure of the cafe "Yaranga" can be conditionally represented in fig. one.

Rice. 1. Production structure of the enterprise

Warehouse group of premises - designed for the reception and storage of food raw materials and includes rooms with a low temperature (refrigerators) and ordinary, dry, well-ventilated rooms for storing "dry" products.

Production group - includes industrial premises for the processing of raw materials (workshops) - vegetable, meat, fish, culinary, confectionery, hot (workshop for the production of all hot dishes) and cold (for the production of cold dishes and snacks).

The trade group is represented by premises for recreation and customer service. This includes: lobby, entrance hall, trading floor. Special requirements are placed on the level of comfort.

The amenity group combines premises that provide on-farm activities of the enterprise and includes showers, toilet rooms, linen rooms and rooms for psychological unloading.

Technological services (ventilation, switchboard, heating unit) ensure the smooth and uninterrupted operation of all groups of premises.

The company is headed by a director (administrative service). The production manager organizes the process of production of culinary products and dishes. The administrator (head waiter) organizes work in the hall for visitors. Cooks of various qualifications, confectioners, bartenders, waiters, hall cleaners and other personnel are employed in the production.

The structure of the production of the cafe "Yaranga"

Distinguish between enterprises with shop and non-workshop structure of production.

The shop structure is organized in enterprises operating on raw materials, with a large volume of production. Workshops are divided into procurement (meat, fish, poultry, meat and fish, vegetable), pre-cooking (hot, cold), specialized (flour, confectionery, culinary). At catering establishments working on semi-finished products, a semi-finished products refinement shop, a greenery processing shop are organized.

Technological lines are organized in each workshop. A production line is a production site equipped with necessary equipment for a specific technological process.

The workshopless structure of production is organized at enterprises with a small volume production program having a limited range of products at specialized enterprises (snack bars, barbecue, dumplings, dumplings, etc.)

The shop structure of production is organized in the cafe.

1.4.3 Characteristics of the workshops of the cafe "Yaranga"

The following workshops are located at the enterprise:

Harvesting - meat and fish.

Pre-cooking - hot, cold.

Specialized - confectionery.

Features of the work of the meat and fish shop.

Meat and fish workshops are organized at medium-capacity enterprises with a full production cycle. These workshops provide for the processing of meat, poultry, fish in one room.

Taking into account the specific smell of fish products, the company has organized separate flows of meat and fish processing. In addition to separate equipment, tools, containers, cutting boards marked for processing fish and meat can be distinguished separately.

On the meat processing line, a bath for washing meat, a cutting chair, a production table for deboning meat, cooking, a meat grinder, and a scorching cabinet for processing poultry are installed. In addition, a refrigerated cabinet for storing and cooling semi-finished products is installed in the workshop.

Poultry can also be processed at meat processing sites.

A bath for defrosting frozen fish, tables for cleaning and gutting fish are located at the fish processing area. Gutting the fish on the production table manually using a small knife of the chef's troika. Non-food waste is collected in a special tank. A separate workplace is organized for the preparation of portioned semi-finished products. For the preparation of minced fish, a meat grinder is used, which is not used for the preparation of minced meat.

Organization of the work of the hot shop.

Hot shops are organized in enterprises that perform a full production cycle. Hot shop is the main workshop of the enterprise Catering, in which the technological process of cooking is completed: heat treatment of products and semi-finished products, cooking of broth, preparation of soups, sauces, side dishes, second courses, as well as heat treatment of products for cold and sweet dishes. In addition, the workshop prepares hot drinks and bakes flour confectionery products (patties, pies, kulebyaki, etc.) for clear broths. From the hot shop, ready-made dishes go directly to the dispensing rooms for sale to the consumer.

The hot shop occupies a central place in the cafe. The hot shop has a convenient connection with the blank shops, with storage facilities and a convenient relationship with the cold shop, distribution and sales area, washing kitchen utensils.

The microclimate of the hot shop. According to the requirements of the scientific organization of labor, the temperature should not exceed 23. ° С, therefore, supply and exhaust ventilation should be more powerful (air speed 1-2 m / s); relative humidity 60-70%. To reduce the effect of infrared rays emitted by heated frying surfaces, the stove area is 45-50 times smaller than the floor area.

The mode of operation of the hot shop depends on the mode of operation of the enterprise (trading floor) and the forms of release of finished products. Hot shop workers, in order to successfully cope with the production program, begin work no later than two hours before the opening of the trading floor.

The hot shop is equipped with modern equipment: thermal, refrigeration, mechanical and non-mechanical: stoves, ovens, cooking pots, electric frying pans, electric fryers, refrigerated cabinets, as well as production tables and racks.

The hot shop is subdivided into two specialized departments - soup and sauce. In the soup department, preparation of broths and first courses is carried out, in the sauce department - preparation of second courses, side dishes, sauces, hot drinks.

Organization of the work of the cold shop

Cold shops are designed for preparing, portioning and decorating cold dishes and snacks. The assortment of the cold shop includes cold appetizers, gastronomic products (meat, fish), cold dishes (boiled, fried, stuffed, jellied, etc.), lactic acid products, as well as cold sweet dishes (jelly, mousses, sambuki, kissels, compotes and etc.), cold drinks, cold soups.

The cold shop is located in one of the brightest rooms with windows facing north. When planning the workshop, a convenient connection with the hot workshop was provided, where the heat treatment of products necessary for the preparation of cold dishes is carried out, as well as with the distribution of washing tableware.

When organizing a cold shop, its features were taken into account: the products of the shop after manufacturing and portioning are not subjected to secondary heat treatment, therefore, it is necessary to strictly observe sanitary rules when organizing production process, and cooks - the rules of personal hygiene; cold dishes should be made in such quantity that can be sold in short term.

The cafe "Yaranga" has organized universal workplaces, where cold dishes are consistently prepared in accordance with the production program.


Description of the enterprise

1 Characteristics of the enterprise

2 Definition of type, enterprise class

3 Personnel management methods

4 Personnel policy

5 Recruitment and selection of personnel

Organizational structure Cafe

Characteristics of the industrial premises of the restaurant




Restaurants, cafes and bars occupy the main place among public catering establishments. They also play a significant role in organizing the recreation of the population. Visitors come to a bar or restaurant not only to have a tasty meal or drink an original cocktail, but also to spend business meeting, a pleasant evening with friends, celebrate some event in your personal life, and finally just relax and throw off the hustle and bustle of the working day.

The level of comfort in restaurants and cafes depends not only on its material and technical base and successful management, but also on the professional skills of those who are called upon to create an atmosphere of cordiality and hospitality, primarily from head waiters and waiters.

Welcomingly meet, properly and beautifully serve guests, quickly and tasty feed, in general, create all conditions for a good rest - there are the main task employees of these enterprises. To create such an atmosphere for visitors, some kind of service culture is needed.

Service culture is one of the main criteria in evaluating the activities of public catering workers. This concept includes various forms and methods of work of personnel, the use of progressive forms of service (set meals, buffet service, etc.), a high level of training of all personnel from a kitchen worker to a director, constant updating of services, while , without completely abandoning the old ones.

The professionalism of the kitchen staff, not as noticeable as well-known (... at the beginning of the 20th century, chefs were known by sight and highly respected), should be at the level of the institution and no less. After all, the quality of dishes is also a determining factor in assessing the work of public catering establishments. The most important human wealth - health - depends on the correctness of the cooking process, compliance with all sanitary standards and, most importantly, on the quality of raw materials.

In general, this is the culture of service at public catering establishments, and it doesn’t matter whether it is a restaurant or a cafe, everything must be done to organize people’s recreation and they will certainly remain grateful, which is the best reward for employees.

1. Description of the enterprise

IP Pyannikov I.V. LLC Café Luigi is a cafe with exclusively homemade cuisine of northern Italy, the atmosphere of a place where you want to return with friends and family. In a nutshell about the cuisine: the dishes on the menu are prepared almost entirely from products of Italian origin. Hereditary pizzaiolo prepares twenty types of pizza, fragrant, with a crispy thin crust, which is sent to the table, accompanied by the best Italian wines.

The menu of the cafe always has homemade pasta, amazing Sicilian olives, traditional Tuscan appetizers, cheeses and salads, Mediterranean seafood, freshly baked bread and a wide variety of desserts.

You will be pleasantly surprised by the value for money, and the taste of the prepared dishes will impress even the most sophisticated gourmet. At the same time, in the cafe you can hold a business meeting, organize a romantic date and just have a good time with friends.

1.1 Characteristics of the enterprise

Cafe "LuiGi", located at the address: Russia, Moscow Region, Korolev, st. Silikatnaya, 17.

Opening hours: From 12:00 to 01:00.

No weekends or lunch breaks.

Cuisine: Italian.

Main tasks: offering quality products at an affordable price, creating a cozy atmosphere in Italy.

1.2 Definition of type, enterprise class

An enterprise class is a set of distinguishing features of enterprises of a certain type, characterized by the quality of services provided, the level and conditions of service (GOST R 50762-2007).

Café Luigi is a middle-class catering establishment designed to organize the leisure of the population, specializing in the production and sale of culinary products: providing consumers with wide range of Italian dishes of simple cooking, as well as wine and vodka, and confectionery.

Visitors are served in the restaurant by waiters, head waiters, bartenders who have passed special training. Meals and drinks are prepared by highly qualified chefs. The service staff in the cafe has uniforms and shoes of the same sample.

The cafe organizes service not only for individual visitors, but also for congresses, conferences, official parties, receptions, family celebrations, banquets, theme parties.

1.3 Personnel management methods

In the organization LLC IP Pyannikov I.V. Cafe "LuiGi" mainly uses organizational and administrative methods - methods of direct influence, which are of a directive and mandatory nature. They are based on discipline, responsibility, power, coercion, normative and documentary consolidation of functions, deviation from which is punished. Partially economic methods are also applicable, since there are financial incentives and sanctions.

1.4 Personnel policy

cafe personnel certification validation

The personnel policy of the enterprise includes the following areas of activity:

Recruitment and selection of personnel,


job descriptions,

Personel assessment,

staff development,

Creation personnel reserve.

1.5 Recruitment and selection of personnel

The successful implementation of its activities depends on the staff that works in the cafe, and each position contributes both to the functioning of the restaurant and to the perception of the image of the Daphne restaurant in the eyes of visitors.

Regarding the sources of personnel search, the general director resorts to internal search quite rarely, and mainly, this applies to moving to related positions, for example, if a new bartender is required, then the selection is first among the waiters, if a new dishwasher is required, then the selection can be carried out among cleaners. Sometimes, in the absence of one of the subordinates, for example, an acting administrator, the most responsible employee among the waiters or cloakroom attendants can replace him, since they have an idea how to communicate directly with restaurant customers, smooth out conflict situations, etc.

Regarding the means of external recruitment, the search is implemented as follows: publishing advertisements in newspapers and professional magazines, publishing advertisements on Internet sites, searching for personnel working in other institutions of this kind, contacting employment agencies. Also allowed is the option of searching through already working personnel, with the involvement of their acquaintances.

Reception of candidates:

The initial interview with candidates for a vacancy is carried out by the cafe administrator - to determine mutual interests, work experience, check the work book, and identify potential admission opportunities. Definition (based on staffing) departments and positions in which the applicant could work.

The methodology for the initial interview with the candidate is presented as follows:

) The administrator inquires about the purpose of the candidate's stay

) Finds out the place of residence, place of work / former place of work, the amount of wages received at the previous place of work;

) Clarifies the reason for dismissal from the previous place of work;

4) Looks through documents - passport, work book, military ID, diploma; on the this stage it is important to pay attention to the frequency of job changes (including the reasons for dismissal);

) Finds out what he did specifically on previous work what types of work performed;

) Find out from the candidate what he wants in terms of work and pay;

) Talks about working conditions and wages, about social benefits and the benefits of working in a restaurant.

After the initial interview, the Administrator issues an application form and a sample application to the applicant. Next, the Administrator submits the completed candidate questionnaire to the General Director, also gives his own assessment of the applicant and talks about the results of the initial interview, after which he directs the candidate for an interview with CEO.

At the secondary interview, the CEO asks the questions of most interest to him, as a rule, they relate to experience in the service sector and the reason for leaving the previous job. The dominant advantage of a candidate for a job at Louis G's cafe, as noted by the General Manager, is a friendly attitude, the ability to maintain a conversation in a positive way. Sometimes questions of an unexpected nature are used to test the candidate's stress resistance, can also be simulated conflict situation, the solutions of which the applicant will have to offer.

After the secondary interview with the candidate, the final decision on hiring is made, the candidate writes an application for employment. Verification of primary documents - passports, work books, diplomas, other documents (for those liable for military service, a military ID and registration certificate). Registration of an employee takes place in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. If necessary, for managers and specialists hired for work related to liability, a written or oral reference is requested from the previous place of work. A draft order for admission is being prepared; the applicant signs the familiarization on the order, a draft is drawn up employment contract.

After the employee has entered the performance of his duties, he will have an adaptation period. Personnel adaptation is an important component of the personnel management system. In order to increase the efficiency of an employee's adaptation to new working conditions for him, a cafe uses such a tool as mentoring.

Mentoring looks like this: a more experienced employee teaches a new employee what he himself can do. Mentoring is aimed at acquiring by a new employee the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary in his future work. By advice, personal example, or something else, the mentor conveys his experience to the ward. This approach has been practiced for quite a long time in the LouisGi cafe, as it has proven itself very well. Indeed, an experienced employee knows a lot and can do a lot, he knows all the subtleties and nuances of the work performed. Of course, it will be just great if he shares his knowledge with a beginner. When appointing a mentor, it is necessary to take into account not only his professional quality but also human. The mentor must evoke empathy and, in addition, he himself must be able and willing to work with people. The mentoring process is organized in such a way that the activity of the employee as a mentor does not affect his main job in any way. Otherwise, a system of adaptation based on mentoring may lead not to an increase, but to a decrease in overall productivity.

Personel assessment:

In solving the problems of restaurant personnel management, the assessment of the activities of employees is of great importance, which is expressed in:

knowledge assessment (attestation);

a system for monitoring and evaluating the work of each employee.

In the cafe "LouieGee" certification is a method of evaluation and direct impact on each of its participants, since both those who conduct certification and those who participate in it as examiners are involved in this process for a long time.

The certification procedure has been developed and implemented in the practice of personnel management for a long time. It is carried out in accordance with the norms of labor legislation and includes several stages, which were mentioned above.

Café LuiGee conducts certification using the ATP (Attestation Written Test) methodology and validation.

The ATP method is the completion by staff of a written test on special test forms with closed questions(i.e. with answer options). The tests have a total of three levels of staff assessment: required knowledge (one star), sufficient knowledge (two stars) and professional knowledge above average (three stars). These levels have a hierarchy, i.e. if the next level is passed, and the previous one is not passed, then the test is considered not passed (for example, for waiters, the necessary knowledge includes knowledge of the menu, and sufficient knowledge - knowledge of service techniques; if the waiter passes sufficient knowledge, but does not pass the necessary knowledge - test considered unaccounted for). The test is administered either directly by the General Manager or by the Restaurant Administrator.

After passing the ATP, validation or practical assessment of the work of personnel in real time is carried out. To do this, the Administrator takes a form of a validation sheet, which lists the real moments of work (for waiters, for example, table setting, orders, etc.) and tracks certain situations in the work of an employee (forms are filled out for each employee), noting in the form whether this employee correctly or incorrectly organized a specific moment of his work. After the validation, each employee is evaluated.

2. Organizational structure of the cafe

The rights and obligations of the administration of the enterprise are determined by special instructions and rules internal regulations.

The director is responsible for organizing the entire trade and production activities enterprises. He carries out economic and financial activities, controls the culture of serving visitors in the trading floors of cafes, the quality of products, the state of accounting, control and safety of material assets, the selection and placement of personnel; compliance with labor laws, orders and instructions of higher organizations.

In this regard, the director has the right to dispose of material and monetary resources, acquire property and inventory, conclude contracts and agreements, relocate, dismiss (in accordance with labor legislation), encourage employees, impose disciplinary action.

The director must ensure the implementation of a clear supply of the enterprise with raw materials, products, semi-finished products, items of material and technical equipment; create the necessary conditions for the safety of inventory items; control the work of all participants in the enterprise, as well as compliance with the rules of sanitation and hygiene, safety precautions.

Production manager (chef) full responsibility for the production activities of the enterprise, under the leadership of which control is exercised over compliance with recipes for dishes, technologies for their manufacture, verification of finished products, timely supply of production with raw materials, tools, inventory, etc.

The chef must make a menu every day, taking into account the available products and the assortment minimum; ensure compliance with the rules of sanitation and hygiene, labor protection and safety at work, provide timely reports on the use of inventory items.

The production manager has been given the right to: require workers to strictly comply with the rules for the technology of preparing culinary products and sanitary rules, arrange workers in accordance with production requirements and their qualifications, and, if necessary, move workers within production.

The administrator supervises all the work of waiters, bartenders, cloakroom attendants, cleaners of halls, toilets.

The administrator is obliged to: supervise the staff in compliance with the rules for servicing cafe visitors, internal regulations, personal hygiene, wearing uniforms, etc. The administrator establishes the procedure for the receipt, exchange and delivery of dishes and other serving items by the waiters, ensures the preparation of the hall for the opening of the cafe.

During the day, the administrator must be in the hall, monitor the maintenance of cleanliness and order and the correct table setting. Before opening a cafe, instruct waiters on the order of work on a given day, check their readiness for service, familiarize them with the menu; meet guests and help them in choosing places, entrusting further service to the waiters.

At the end of the working day, the administrator is obliged to monitor the cleaning of the halls, the delivery by the waiters to the cash desk of the proceeds, the delivery of dishes, appliances, and linen. The administrator organizes the work of waiters, drawing up their schedule for going to work in case of violation by the waiters, bartenders of the rules of service, do not allow them to work or remove them from it, informing the cafe management about this; in case of incorrect release or preparation of the finished dish, return it to production, demand a replacement also if the visitor did not like the ordered dish, garnish or sauce, as well as the exit schedule of other employees of the hall and controls its implementation; distributes waiters to separate sections of the hall and assigns a certain number of tables to serve them; provides a clear connection between production and the trading floor; monitors the correctness of the release of ready-made dishes and their design.

For all employees of the cafe, the Rules of work are established, job descriptions and labor protection instructions for workers and employees.

Periodically, medical examinations are carried out by all the staff of the cafe in strict accordance with normative documents. Personal medical books all employees have.

The head chefs are the chef, followed by the sous chef. Their work schedule is 5 through 2, 6 through 1, depending on the day of the week, the workload of the hall, ordered banquets. Mostly they work together, sometimes only one, but required condition so that either a chef or a sous chef is present in the kitchen every day. Then follow certain chefs of each workshop.

Hot Shop: Four chefs (schedule 2 through 2; 3 through 2), plus a chef and sous chef who are considered employees of the main hot shop. Cold shop: four cooks (schedule 2 through 2). Preparation shop: two cooks (schedule 2 through 2).

Uniform is intended for cooks: trousers, shirt, apron, cap and shoes. Sewn to order, from a special material. After each shift, the uniform is rented to the laundry, which is located in the basement.

Financial responsibility is assigned to each cook in his workshop. That is, all shortages of products based on the results of the audit are deducted from the salary of cooks in a particular workshop. The same applies to equipment (breakdown due to the fault of workers).

Waiters: 12 people, clearly divided into two shifts, that is, 5 waiters and one head waiter per shift (schedule 2 through 2). At the beginning of the day, waiters are assigned to a specific hall (based on the schedule in which the queues of the halls are scheduled, in alternation, for a month). Two waiters work in some hall (usually judged by workload). And the senior waiter, who is not specifically assigned to any hall, but serves tables only as needed (if the waiter does not have time), also monitors the work of all the waiters.

One Senior Manager (Schedule 5 through 2).

Bartenders: two people (schedule 2 through 2).

Hostesses: three people (chart 2 through 2; 3 through 3).

Waiters: twelve people (schedule 2 through 2).

3. Characteristics of the industrial premises of the restaurant

Cafe as an enterprise producing culinary products has production shops, specializing in the processing of certain types of raw materials and manufactured products: meat, fish, vegetables, hot, cold, confectionery. In addition, there are other services: warehousing and commodity management.

In this regard, the production premises of the cafe are divided into: procurement (meat, fish, vegetable shops); pre-cooked (hot, cold shop and); specialized (flour products, confectionery shop); auxiliary - distributing, bread slicer.

In the procurement workshops, the enterprise performs mechanical processing of raw materials - meat, fish, poultry, vegetables - and the production of semi-finished products to supply pre-cooking workshops with them.

In the pre-cooking workshops, the technological process of production of products and their sale in the halls of the restaurant and bars is completed.

When organizing procurement and pre-preparation workshops of any capacity, the following conditions must be observed: ensuring the flow of production and the sequence of technological processes; minimal technological and transport cargo flows; ensuring the requirements of sanitation and measures for labor protection and safety.

A hot shop is being designed at all catering establishments where there are halls for serving consumers, and the Louis Gy cafe is no exception, where there is a hot shop. In the hot shop, various dishes and culinary products are prepared for sale in the hall of the enterprise.

The hot shop is located on the same level as the hall. The shop has a convenient connection with the cold shop, as well as with other premises: distribution, washing, meat and fish and vegetable shops, with premises for storing raw materials. The hot shop has a direct connection with the washing of kitchen utensils. The hot shop, in accordance with the first and hot second courses produced, is conditionally divided into soup and sauce departments.

Soup section. The technological process of preparing first courses in the soup department consists of two stages: preparing broths (bone, meat, fish, etc.), vegetable, fruit broths and cooking soups (filling, dairy, sweet).

For portioning meat, poultry, fish for soups, a cutting board, table dial scales and a container for stacking portioned products are placed on the production table.

The cafe sells soups in small quantities, so stove-top boilers are used for their preparation. At the distribution of the soup department for the implementation of the complexes, mobile boilers KP-60 are installed.

Sauce section. This compartment is designed for preparing second hot dishes, side dishes, sauces. In the sauce department of canteens, three technological lines are provided, on which workplaces are organized for frying, boiling, stewing, poaching, baking; preparation of side dishes, sauces and hot drinks; preparation of culinary products (cheesecakes, cabbage rolls, vegetable cutlets, etc.).

The cold shop is designed for preparing, portioning and decorating cold dishes and snacks. The range of cold dishes depends on the type of enterprise, its class.

In a 1st class restaurant, the assortment of cold dishes must include at least 10 dishes daily. The range of products of the cold shop includes cold appetizers, gastronomic products (meat, fish), cold dishes (boiled, fried, stuffed, aspic, etc.), lactic acid products, as well as cold sweet dishes (jelly, mousse, sambuki, kissels, compotes and etc.), cold drinks, cold soups.

The production program of the cold shop is compiled on the basis of the range of dishes sold through the cafe hall.

The cold shop is located in one of the brightest rooms with windows facing north or northwest. When planning the workshop, a convenient connection with the hot workshop is provided, where the heat treatment of products necessary for the preparation of cold dishes is carried out, as well as with the distribution of washing tableware.

When organizing a cold shop, it is necessary to take into account its features: the products of the shop after manufacturing and portioning are not subjected to secondary heat treatment, therefore, it is necessary to strictly observe sanitary rules when organizing the production process, and for cooks - the rules of personal hygiene; cold dishes should be produced in such quantities that can be sold in a short time.

Given that the cold shop produces products from products that have undergone heat treatment and from products without additional processing, it is necessary to clearly distinguish between the production of dishes from raw and boiled vegetables, from fish and meat. Café LuiGi organizes multifunctional workplaces where cold dishes are consistently prepared in accordance with the production program.

The cold shop uses mechanical equipment: universal drives P-I, PX-06 with interchangeable mechanisms (for cutting raw, boiled vegetables, for mixing salads and vinaigrettes, for whipping mousses, sambuca, cream, sour cream, for squeezing juices from fruits); machine for cutting boiled vegetables MROV. These machines perform all sorts of operations - cut raw and boiled vegetables, mix salads and vinaigrettes (when they are cooked in large quantities), beat, rub, squeeze juices. In small workshops, these operations are mainly performed manually.

The cold shop is equipped with a sufficient amount of cold equipment. For storage of products and finished products, refrigerated cabinets (SHKh-0.4, ShKh-0.8, ShKh-1.2), production tables SOESM-2 with a refrigerated cabinet, SO-ESM-3 with a refrigerated cabinet, a slide and a container are installed for salad, low-temperature counter for storage and dispensing of ice cream. Washing vegetables, herbs, fruits is carried out in stationary or mobile baths, or for this purpose a sectional modulated table with a built-in washing and bath is used.

Hot shop.

The work is very diverse, there must be cooks of various qualifications. The following ratio of cooks in the hot shop is recommended: VI category - 15-17%, V category - 25-27%, IV category - 32-34% and III category - 24-26 %.

The production team of the hot shop also includes kitchen utensils washers, kitchen auxiliary workers.

The chef and sous-chef are responsible for organizing the technological process in the workshop, the quality and compliance with the yield of dishes. He monitors compliance with the technology of cooking and culinary products, prepares portioned, specialty, banquet dishes.

The 5th class cook prepares and decorates dishes that require the most complex culinary processing.

The cook of the IV category prepares the first and second courses of mass demand, passivates vegetables, tomato puree.

A cook of the III category prepares products (cuts vegetables, cooks cereals, pasta, fries potatoes, cutlet mass products, etc.).

The work of the shop is headed by the head of production.

Cold shop.

The operating mode of the cold shop is set depending on the type of enterprise and its mode of operation. Opening hours of the cafe "Louis" 11 hours or more. Shop workers work on a two-team or combined schedule. The general management of the workshop is carried out by the chef or sous-chef.

He organizes work on the implementation of the production program in accordance with the menu plan. In the evening, labor-intensive dishes are prepared: jellies, aspic dishes, etc.

The time for preparation of work at the beginning of the working day is used to select dishes, inventory, receive products in accordance with production task. With a good organization of production, the time to prepare the work should be no more than 20 minutes. Chefs receive assignments according to their qualifications. The foreman monitors compliance with the rules for the technology of preparing cold and sweet dishes, the schedule for their release in order to eliminate interruptions in serving visitors.

At the end of the work shift, the cooks report on the work done, and the foreman or responsible cook draws up a report on the sale of dishes per day to the trading floor, buffets and branches.

The number of employees in production, in shops can be determined: according to time standards (per unit of hourly production): according to production standards, taking into account the working time fund of one employee for a certain period and the production program of the shop for the same period.

4. Menu

The visiting card of each cafe or restaurant is called the menu, i.e. a list of snacks, dishes, drinks (with indication of price, exit) available for sale during the entire time of work.

The menu is compiled taking into account the assortment minimum and the program of the enterprise.

In restaurants, cafes, bars, the menu indicates the name of dishes, snacks and other products, the output in grams and the price.

Basic requirements for the menu:

The ultimate clarity for the visitor in the names of dishes, drinks, etc., he must know exactly what is offered to him, in what volume, at what cost.

All dishes on the menu are listed in the sequence corresponding to the order of eating. Signature and a la carte dishes in the general menu are allocated in a special section. The order of listing dishes should correspond to the assortment minimum - a certain number of dishes and drinks that should be on sale every day.

Cold appetizers:

Bruschetto with tomatoes 150g. 210 rub.

Assorted Italian cheeses 150g. 410 rub.

Assorted Italian sausages 150g. 390 rub.

Lightly salted salmon 150g. 310 rub.

Salmon tartar 170g. 385 rub.

Antipasti Carne 200gr. 540 rub.

Hot appetizers:

Pancakes with caviar 120g. 290 rub.

Pancakes with salmon 120 gr. 240 rub.

Camembert in batter 170 gr. 254 rub.

Burger "Luigi" 350 gr. 275 rub.

Croissant with salmon 130 gr. 180 rub.

Shrimps with lentils 170 gr. 490 rub.

Squid rings in batter 170g. 280 rub.

Tiger prawns in batter 170 gr. 390 rub.

Baked eggplant 200 gr. 260 rub.

Caesar with chicken 200g. 390 rub.

Caesar with shrimps 200g. 470 rub.

Caesar with salmon 200gr. 420 rub.

Salad "Nice" 200g. 340 rub.

Tomatoes with red onion 200g. 280 rub.

Salad "Italiana" 200g. 365 rub.

Arugula al Formaggio 200g. 470 rub.

Greek 200gr. 460 rub.

Vegetable 200gr. 320 rub.

Salad with chicken liver 200g. 330 rub.

Chicken fillet salad 200g. 350 rub.

Minestrone 300 gr. 220 rub.

Chicken broth with quail egg 300 gr. 220 rub.

Soup-puree from porcini mushrooms 250 gr. 270 rub.

Tomato 300 gr. 290 rub.

Gazpacho 300 gr. 230 rub.

Hot meat and poultry dishes:

Meat platter 250 gr. 470 rub.

Grilled chicken 350 gr. 430 rub.

Pork baked 200 gr. 410 rub.

Rack of lamb 200 gr. 990 rub.

Chicken skewers 200 gr. 320 rub.

Pork in Italian 180 gr. 380 rub.

Grilled vegetables 200 gr. 230 rub.

Mashed potatoes 150 gr. 100 rub.

Potatoes fried with spices 160 gr. 130 rub.

Pizza with salami 400g. 350 rub.

Pizza with mushrooms 400 gr. 430 rub.

Vegetarian pizza 400 gr. 470 rub.

Pizza with Briasala 400 gr. 470 rub.

Pizza "Caesar" 400 gr. 420 rub.

Pizza with ham and mushrooms 400 gr. 470 rub.

Pizza "Margherita" 400 gr. 350 rub.

Pizza with spinach and ricotta 400 gr. 390 rub.

Juices in assortment 200 ml. 150 rub.

Coca-Cola 250 ml. 100 rub.

Fanta 250 ml. 100 rub.

Sprite 250 ml. 100 rub.

Desserts and sweets:

Classic cheesecake 150 gr. 283 rub.

Strudel "Apple" 150 gr. 182 rub.

Strudel "Cherry" 150 gr. 182 rub.

Berry tartlet 120 gr. 230 rub.

Chocolate mousse with berries 150 gr. 250 rub.

Raspberry soup with ice cream 200 gr. 320 rub.

Creme brulee with berries 120 gr. 210 rub.

Yogurt cake 120 gr. 220 rub.

Ice cream:

Chocolate 60 gr. 80 rub.

Strawberry 60 gr. 80 rub.

Creamy 60 gr. 70 rub


As a result of passing the introductory industrial practice in IP Pyannikov I.V. LLC cafe "Luigi" I consolidated the theoretical knowledge gained at the institute, gained practical knowledge and skills in "Personnel Management", skills in interviewing and selecting personnel. The organization and functions of society were studied with limited liability"Daphne". Recommendations have been developed to improve the work of the organization.

During the internship, I was able to attend the interview and conduct an interview, conduct research and collect information for writing a report.

It was also possible to identify the "weak points" of the organization, develop recommendations for their elimination.

It can be summarized that the personnel of the organization and its management should always remember the importance of a positive moral and psychological climate in the team, consciously build their behavior and choose the most optimal team management style to increase the efficiency of the work process and the profitability of the entire enterprise. And subordinates strove for innovations and improvements, there was a desire to work and be in demand.


1. Regulatory documents for the restaurant business. Directory. - M.: Publishing House"Restaurant Vedomosti", 2004. - 247 p.

2. Blank I.A. Vocabulary financial manager. - K .: "Nika", 2005.

Sanitary and epidemiological rules and norms " Hygiene requirements food safety and nutritional value. SanPiN 2.3.21078-2001. M.: Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, 2001.-26 p.

Kreinina M.N. Financial management. - M.: "Business and service", 2006.

Lobanova E.N. Financial management. - M.: "Infra-M", 2005.

Perar O.N. Financial management. - M.: "Finance and statistics", 2007.

Polovinkin S.A. Enterprise financial management. - M.: "FBK-Press", 2005.

Teplova T.V. Financial management. - M.: GU HSE, 2007.

Trenev N.N. Financial management. - M.: "Finance and statistics", 2006.

Shokhin E.I. Financial management. - M.: "FBK-Press", 2005.

GOST R 50762-2007 “Catering services. Classification of public catering establishments.

Characteristics of catering establishments
Public catering enterprise is an enterprise intended for the production of culinary products, flour confectionery and bakery products, their sale and organization of their consumption.
Depending on the nature of trade and production activities, public catering enterprises are divided into restaurants, cafes, bars, buffets, snack bars, canteens, etc. Enterprises with a full production cycle process raw materials, produce semi-finished products and finished products, and then they themselves sell it in the halls, buffets, culinary shops. Depending on the type, location, degree of material and technical equipment and volume of services provided to consumers, catering establishments are divided into types and classes.

The main types of catering establishments
Enterprises with characteristic features of service, the range of culinary products sold and the range of services provided to the consumer are divided into types of PPP.
On the basis of production and trade (taking into account the performance of functions for the preparation and sale of food), public catering enterprises are divided into procurement and pre-cooking.

Procurement enterprises mechanized enterprises designed for the centralized production of semi-finished products, as well as culinary and flour confectionery products. These are factories for culinary products and semi-finished products, culinary factories, kitchen factories, factories for quick-frozen dishes, specialized workshops for the production of semi-finished products, etc.
The largest mechanized enterprises designed for the manufacture of semi-finished products and their integrated supply of pre-cooking enterprises and culinary shops are factories culinary products and semi-finished products . They are equipped with high-performance equipment - flow-mechanized and automated lines, automatic machines. Factories have a storage facility, including various specialized pantries, refrigerators and freezers to ensure the appropriate modes of storage of raw materials and finished products.
culinary factory manufactures dishes by the industrial method, packs them in aluminum or plastic trays, flexible film, bags. Culinary factories, as a rule, have a high level of mechanization - flow-mechanized and automatic lines, continuous equipment.
factory kitchen is a large mechanized enterprise that produces products of its own production, culinary and confectionery products.
Frozen food factory specializes in the production of ready-made meals, which are then delivered in packaged form or in blocks to pre-cooked enterprises.
Specialized workshops for the production of semi-finished products supply pre-cooking enterprises and culinary shops with meat, fish, vegetable semi-finished products.
Power plant - a large association, which includes a procurement factory, a widely branched network of pre-cooking enterprises (canteens, restaurants, cafes, snack bars), and culinary shops. The food factory can also produce semi-finished products for other enterprises and retail culinary shops.

Pre-preparation enterprises - small enterprises operating on semi-finished products of a high degree of readiness and ready-made chilled meals that come from prepared public catering enterprises. These include canteens-distributors, dining cars, cafes, snack bars.

Main classes of catering establishments
The class of public catering enterprises is a set of distinctive features of enterprises of a certain type, characterized by the quality of service provision, the level and conditions of service.
"Cookery of catering establishments" provides for five types of catering establishments restaurant, bar, cafe, canteen, snack bar.
When determining the type of enterprise, the following factors are taken into account
range of products sold, diversity and complexity of preparation
technical equipment (material base, engineering and technical equipment and equipment, composition of premises, architectural and planning solutions, etc.)
service methods
personnel qualification
quality of service (comfort, communication ethics, aesthetics, etc.)
Classes of the luxury enterprise, the highest and the first - are assigned to restaurants and bars. Cafes, canteens and snack bars are not divided into classes.

Class luxury in accordance with the above-mentioned standard, it is assigned to restaurants and bars that meet such requirements as sophistication of interiors, a high level of comfort, a wide range of services, an original assortment, exquisite custom and special dishes, products for restaurants, a wide selection of custom and special drinks, cocktails.
Higher the class is given to restaurants and bars that have original interiors, a wide range of services, comfort, an assortment of original, gourmet custom-made and specialty dishes, as well as complex drinks (for restaurants), as well as simple drinks and cocktails, including custom-made and branded (for bars).

Restaurant - a public catering establishment with a wide range of complex dishes, including custom-made and branded, wine and vodka, tobacco and confectionery products, with an increased level of service in combination with recreation.
Restaurants are located mainly on central, busy streets, railway and bus stations, airports, marinas, ships, ships, floating holiday homes, hotels, motels, as well as places of public recreation.
Visitors are served in the restaurant by waiters, head waiters, bartenders who have undergone special training. Meals and drinks are prepared by highly qualified chefs. Service personnel in restaurants have uniforms and shoes of a single sample.
Restaurants organize service not only for individual visitors, but also for congresses, conferences, official parties, receptions, family celebrations, banquets, theme parties.
In the restaurant, visitors are provided mainly lunches and dinners, and when serving participants in congresses, meetings, conferences - a full ration.
In the luxury restaurant, in addition to custom-made and signature dishes, they accept orders for the preparation of dishes not included in the menu. The assortment of purchased goods should include chocolate, sweets (in assortment), fruits, berries, citrus fruits. Crockery and cutlery are made to order, or selected taking into account the peculiarities of the cuisine and service.
First class restaurants use metal utensils and stainless steel cutlery, porcelain dishes, white or colored tablecloths and napkins.
The top-class restaurant has a banquet hall, a bar, a cocktail lounge with a bar counter. The premises should be beautifully decorated, designed in a certain style, corresponding to the name of the restaurant.
Menus in luxury and high class restaurants must be typed. When serving foreign guests, the menu is printed in three languages ​​(English, French, German).
In luxury and high-class restaurants, performances by an orchestra, instrumental or vocal ensemble, and a concert program are provided.
Restaurants vary:
- according to the range of products sold - fish, beer, with national cuisine or cuisine of foreign countries
- location - city, station, at the hotel, in the recreation area, restaurant car, etc.

Bar - a specialized company with a bar counter, intended for the sale of mixed drinks in a wide range. The bar also sells meals, snacks and pastries. The purpose of the bar is to provide visitors with an opportunity to relax in a cozy atmosphere, listen to music, watch the performance of variety artists, and a video program.
Bars, depending on the assortment, are divided into beer, wine, dairy, cocktail halls, and cocktail bars.
Bars are located in administrative, cultural and shopping centers, in microdistricts, at restaurants, cafes, hotels.
Depending on the location in the building, bars are vestibule (serve as a place for meetings and conversations), auxiliary (on the floors of hotels), banquet (in banquet halls), mini-bars (in guest rooms of hotels).
Bar menus contain both mixed drinks and natural strong alcoholic drinks.
The most common snacks in bars are cheese sticks, canapes, tartlets, olives, olives, salted almonds, pistachios. Confectionery offered in bars has a narrow range of small cakes, chocolate, sweets, candied fruits.
All bars should have stereo sound reproducing equipment, TVs, VCRs, slot machines.
There were varieties of non-alcoholic bars. These include salad bars, fruit bars, milk bars, disco bars, express bars, snack bars.

Cafe - an enterprise for catering and recreation of consumers with the provision of a limited range of products compared to a restaurant.
The cafe is intended for the production and sale of branded, custom-made dishes of simple preparation in a limited assortment, as well as a variety of hot (coffee, tea, cocoa) and cold (juices, water) drinks, fermented milk products, flour confectionery, sweet dishes. Fried eggs, sausages, sausages, pancakes and pancakes are served as second courses of simple cooking. Of the first courses, there can only be broths.
Depending on the range of products and the contingent of consumers, cafes are divided into two groups:
- according to the range of products - ice cream parlor, confectionery cafe, dairy cafe
- according to the contingent of consumers - cafes for youth, children, etc.

Cafeteria organized mainly in food or large non-food stores. Cafeterias sell hot drinks, milk, dairy products, sandwiches, confectionery and other goods that do not require labor-intensive operations to prepare them for sale. The sale of alcoholic beverages in cafeterias is not allowed.

Dining room - a public catering establishment that serves a certain contingent of consumers and produces and sells dishes in accordance with a menu varied by day of the week.
The canteen is the most common type of catering establishment. The main purpose is the preparation and sale to the population of mainly products of own production. Canteens serve take-out meals, take pre-orders, and sell culinary and semi-finished products.
Canteens vary:
- according to the range of products sold - general type and dietary
- served contingent of consumers - school, student, etc.
- location - public, at the place of study, work.

Diner - a catering establishment with a limited range of simple dishes prepared from a certain type of raw material, designed to quickly serve visitors.
The range of eateries - cold and hot dishes, snacks of mass demand and simple cooking (sausages, sausages, dumplings, dumplings, scrambled eggs), as well as drinks (tea, coffee). In addition, sour-milk and confectionery products, sweets, and chocolate should be on sale. The sale of alcoholic beverages is prohibited.
Eateries have a high throughput. They are placed in busy places, on the path of intense customer traffic.
Eateries are divided according to the range of products sold - general and specialized. Specialized eateries are dumpling, varenichnaya, barbecue, pancake, patty, cutlet, sausage, sandwich, etc.

Buffets (internal and external) are intended for the sale of culinary products, semi-finished products, various related products, as well as for the preparation and distribution of hot drinks for mass demand.
All canteens (except canteens at schools and colleges) must sell tobacco products.
Buffets are placed at hotels, entertainment enterprises, sports facilities, railway stations, river and sea vessels, industrial and transport enterprises, construction sites, and institutions.

Takeaway food company is intended for the preparation, home leave and sale of products of own production, culinary and confectionery products and semi-finished products, as well as for the fulfillment of pre-orders for these products.

Culinary shops sell various culinary and confectionery products, semi-finished products, and some related products to the population. The stores provide consultations on the preparation of various dishes, confectionery, the use of semi-finished products, new types of raw materials, table setting. They accept pre-orders for products sold. AT big stores cooking can be organized cafeteria with the sale of hot drinks, confectionery.
Cooking shops are usually located in blocks with residential buildings, in separate buildings on busy streets. They serve as branches of restaurants, canteens and other businesses.

Tea room sells a wide range of tea and flour confectionery products. The menu of tea houses includes main dishes of meat, fish, eggs, beef in a pot, fish baked in a pan, natural scrambled eggs, with sausage, ham.

coffee house - a specialized institution offering visitors a wide range of coffee drinks. The menu includes the most popular drinks known all over the world, such as natural coffee, cappuccino coffee, Lutz coffee, Corretto coffee, Warsaw coffee, Turkish coffee, espresso coffee.
In the coffee shop, visitors can also drink other drinks that are an alternative to coffee, from juices to strong alcoholic drinks. One of the alternative items on the menu may be tea - black, green, herbal.
Snacks in a coffee shop can be the same as in a restaurant or cafe, i.e., in fact, even include whole meals.


Menu plan for the day

on dining room No. 35 on February 25, 2011

no./p. Name of dishes output, g



Breakfast Pilaf

Tea with lemon


250 g.

50 g.



Dinner Borscht with cabbage and potatoes

Liver stewed in sauce with mashed potatoes

Dried fruits compote

Rye bread

500 g.
50/50/150 g.


100 g



Dinner Cheese casserole

Kissel from fresh apples



40 g.


Head production:


no./p. Breakfast gross, g net, g

1 2

Pilaf No. 403
Rice groats
tomato puree
Mass of stew
Mass of garnish


87 68


74 68


1 2

Tea with lemon №629
Tea brewing №627


- -

50 150


1 2

Tea brewing №627
Dry tea 1st grade


- -


1 54


no./p. Dinner gross, g net, g

1 2

Borscht with cabbage and potatoes No. 110
Cabbage fresh or sauerkraut
Parsley (root)
tomato puree
cooking oil
Vinegar 3%
broth or water


100 50/43


80 40/30



Liver stewed in sauce №408
beef liver
or lamb, or pork, or poultry
Wheat flour
Semi-finished product weight
Animal fat, rendered edible
Mass of stewed liver
Garnish №463, 470, 472, 474, 477
Sauce No. 553, 555


86 81


71 71


1 2

Sour cream sauce №553
Sour cream
Wheat flour
Broth or decoction
Weight of white sauce


12,5 -

12,5 -


1 2

Mashed potatoes №472
table margarine


162,8 22,5

122,1 21,4



Dried fruit compote №588
Apples, pears, prunes, apricots, dried apricots, raisins, etc.
Citric acid


20 20

50 20


no./p. Dinner gross, g net, g

1 2

Cheese casserole
Cottage cheese
or wheat flour
table margarine
Sour cream
Weight of finished casserole
Sour cream


141 10
1/10 pcs.

140 10


1 2

Kissel from fresh apples
fresh apples
Potato starch
Citric acid


51,2 24

45 24



Head production:

Organization of supply of catering establishments

Sources of supply for catering establishments
The rational organization of the supply of public catering enterprises with raw materials, semi-finished products, products and material and technical means is the most important prerequisite for the efficient and rhythmic work of production.
The following requirements are imposed on the organization and food supply of public catering enterprises: ensuring a wide range of goods in sufficient quantity and proper quality throughout the year; timeliness and rhythm of the delivery of goods, subject to the delivery schedule; reduction of links in the promotion of goods; the optimal choice of suppliers and the timely conclusion of contracts with them for the supply of goods.
The main sources of food are manufacturers.
Manufacturers food products of various forms of ownership: state food industry enterprises, joint-stock companies, associations, private firms manufacturing food products. Public catering enterprises can purchase products in markets, wholesale markets, shops, and private traders.
Many types of products are supplied to enterprises through intermediaries - wholesale depots.
The need to resort to the services of intermediaries arises in cases where the accumulation of products is required and the enterprise has the conditions necessary for storage. In these cases, the intermediary must take over the functions associated with the promotion of goods from the manufacturer to the consumer.
Wholesale bases purchase goods from manufacturers for their subsequent sale to retail trade enterprises and public catering enterprises.
output bases placed directly at large industrial enterprises. They organize wholesale sales in large quantities to wholesalers and retailers.
Trading bases located at the point of consumption. They purchase goods from manufacturers, outlets, merchants and other intermediaries and sell them to retailers and food service establishments.
Brokers and sales agents can act as intermediaries between the manufacturer and the consumer.
The supply contract is the main document that defines the rights and obligations of the parties for the supply of all types of products. If you intend to conclude a contract, you should clearly know what goals you need to achieve during its implementation, and clarify the most important points related to its execution, signing and execution.
The contract usually has four sections:

    Preamble (or introductory part),
    subject of the contract,
    Additional terms of the contract
    Other terms of the contract.
Organization of supply. Forms and methods of delivery
At catering establishments, regardless of the type of ownership, supply departments are created, in small enterprises an employee is appointed responsible for organizing the supply.
To provide the enterprise with food products, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:
- what to buy;
- how much to buy;
- from whom to buy;
- under what conditions to buy.
In addition, you need:
- enter into a contract;
- control the execution of the contract;
- arrange delivery;
- organize warehousing and storage.
A list of potential suppliers should be formed in catering establishments. Which is constantly updated and supplemented.
The compiled list of suppliers is analyzed on the basis of special criteria. Often they are limited by the price and quality of the supplied products, as well as the reliability of supplies.

Each enterprise must improve the efficiency of product distribution.
Merchandising is the transport of goods from their places of production to their places of consumption.
Basic principles of commodity circulation:
-optimal links of commodity circulation;
- effective use Vehicle;
- effective use of trade and technological equipment;
- Reducing the number of operations with goods.
There is such a thing as a warehouse link, i.e. through how many warehouses a product passes on its way from the producer to the consumer. For example: the goods from the manufacturer's warehouse are transported to the warehouses of the output bases, then to the trading and purchasing bases, then the goods are transported to the warehouses of the trading bases, then to the consumer's warehouses. With this scheme, the goods pass through at least four warehouses, which can lead to a deterioration in the quality of the goods. This form of supply is called warehouse.

Topic 2. Organization of production activities of public catering enterprises

The essence and content of the organization of production

Production activity in catering is one of the fundamental functions, the purpose of which is to create their own products.

Production activity- a set of technological methods and techniques for converting raw materials into finished products (semi-finished product, dish, product) using labor resources and optimal forms of organization of production.

Depending on the range of products produced, simple and complex forms of production are distinguished.

At simple form production, homogeneous products are made from the same raw materials (semi-finished products from vegetables, meat, fish, etc.).

complex shape production involves a wide range of products of varying degrees of complexity; batches focused on meeting the diverse needs and tastes of consumers; the use of a large range of equipment, tools, fixtures, inventory and utensils; attracting specialists of various qualifications, knowledge and experience.

For the implementation of production activities, production units (production, workshops, departments, sections) are organized, which form the production structure. It defines the relationship of these units involved in the implementation of one or more technological processes.

Production- this is part of the technological process of public catering enterprises, where several homogeneous and interconnected workshops can be combined, for example, vegetable, meat, fish, etc.

Manufacturing process- this is a purposeful impact of the subject of production on the object of labor in order to obtain products of a certain type or other useful results. It consists of main and auxiliary processes.

Core Processes- these are technological processes during which the main raw material is subjected to physical, chemical and mechanical influences in order to change its properties, consistency, appearance etc.

Helper Processes designed to maintain and ensure the continuity of the main processes. Auxiliary processes are usually divided into control, maintenance and moving. They do not make any changes to the object of labor, but create the necessary conditions for its processing.

Manufacturing operation- this is the primary element of the production process, which is carried out by one or a group of workers at a separate workplace on one or more objects of labor using the same tools. The production operation is characterized by a constant composition: labor force; workplace; the subject of labor; labor tool. With a change in at least one of these components, a new production operation arises.

According to the purpose, production operations are divided into:

· technological;




According to the degree of technical equipment or the method of execution, operations are distinguished:

manual, performed without a tool or using a simple and mechanized tool;

machine-manual, carried out with the help of machines, but with the direct and continuous participation of the worker;

machine, performed using machines with limited participation of workers;

automatic, proceeding without the participation of the worker or only under his supervision on machines and automatic lines;

Hardware, which is a kind of machine and automatic. (They are characterized by the performance of operations in special units. The participation of the worker is reduced to loading and unloading the unit, as well as to general observation over the course of the technological process in it and its regulation).

According to the degree of mobility of the workplace, operations are distinguished:

· with a stationary workplace;

· with a mobile workplace.

The structure of the production of a public catering enterprise.

At each public catering enterprise, in accordance with the technological process of production, production units are organized that form its production infrastructure, which is understood as the composition of its production units (sections, departments, workshops), forms of their construction, placement, production relations.

production- these are larger units compared to the workshops, which are created on large enterprises where it is necessary to combine several homogeneous or interconnected workshops. In turn, the main and auxiliary production are divided into workshops, departments, production sites, jobs.

Shop- a technologically isolated part of production (enterprise), in which any completed process of the main or auxiliary production is carried out. Depending on the nature of the technological process and the amount of work, workshops may have production sites, departments or production lines.

Branches- larger production units that can be created in large workshops. For example, soup and sauce departments can be created in the hot shop.

Production area- part of the workshop where the completed stage of the production process is carried out.

Workshops, departments, production sites are divided into workplaces.

Workplace- a part of the workshop in which the labor process is carried out by one or a group of workers performing certain operations.

Distinguish enterprises with workshop and non-shop structure.

shop structure organized at enterprises operating on raw materials, with a large volume of production. Workshops are divided into procurement (meat, fish, poultry and offal processing, meat and fish, vegetable), pre-cooking (hot, cold), specialized (flour, confectionery, culinary). At public catering establishments working on semi-finished products, a semi-finished products refinement shop, a greenery processing shop are organized.

Shopless structure production is organized at enterprises with a small volume of the production program, which have a limited range of products, at specialized enterprises (snack bars, barbecue, dumplings, dumplings, etc.).

The composition of the premises of catering establishments and the requirements for them are determined by the relevant SNiPs. The following main groups of premises have been identified:

warehouse group;

Production group (preparation and pre-preparation workshops), specialized workshops (confectionery, culinary, etc.) and auxiliary premises (washing, bread slicer, etc.);

Commercial Premises Group ( trading floors with handouts and buffets, culinary shops, a lobby with a wardrobe and bathrooms, etc.);

Administrative and household group of premises (director's office, accounting, staff wardrobe with showers and bathrooms, etc.);

Technical premises (engine room of refrigeration chambers, heating point, switchboard, ventilation chambers).

All groups of rooms are interconnected:

The mutual arrangement of the main groups of premises should provide the shortest connections between them without crossing consumer flows and service personnel, clean and used dishes, semi-finished products, raw materials and waste;

It is necessary to strive for a compact structure of the building, providing for the possibility of redevelopment of premises in connection with a change in production technology;

The layout of all groups of premises must meet the requirements of SNiPs, sanitary and fire regulations;

All production and warehouses must be impassable, entrances to production and household premises- from the side of the utility yard, and to retail premises - from the street; they must be isolated from entrances to residential premises;

The layout of retail premises is made in the direction of movement of consumers; the possibility of reducing their movement and ensuring the evacuation of people in case of fire is envisaged.

The essence of the organization of production is to create conditions that ensure the correct conduct of the technological process of cooking.

At each enterprise, in accordance with the technological process of production, production units are organized that form its production infrastructure.

The production infrastructure of an enterprise is understood as the composition of its production units (sections, departments, workshops, productions), the forms of their construction, placement, and production relations.

The production structure of the enterprise is influenced by various factors: the nature of the products, the features of the technology of its manufacture, the scale of production, the forms of production relations with other enterprises.

Production is a large division that unites workshops.

A workshop is a technologically isolated part of an enterprise in which a complete production process takes place. Depending on the nature of the technological process and the amount of work, workshops may have production sites, departments or production lines.

The production site is the part of the enterprise where the completed stage of the production process is carried out.

The production stage is the technologically completed part of the production process.

In workshops, departments, production sites jobs are organized.

A workplace is a part of an enterprise where the labor process is carried out by one or a group of workers performing certain operations.

Distinguish between enterprises with a workshop structure and non-shop.

The shop structure is organized at enterprises operating on raw materials, with a large volume of production. Workshops are divided into procurement (meat, fish, poultry, meat and fish, vegetable), pre-cooking (hot, cold), specialized (flour, confectionery, culinary).

At catering establishments working on semi-finished products, a semi-finished products refinement shop, a greenery processing shop are organized.

Technological lines are organized in each workshop. A production line is a production site equipped with the necessary equipment for a specific technological process.

The non-workshop structure of production is organized at enterprises with a small volume of the production program, which have a limited range of products at specialized enterprises (snack bars, barbecue, dumplings, dumplings, etc.).

The composition of the premises of catering establishments and the requirements for them are determined by the relevant SNiP. There are five main groups of premises:

  • - warehouse group - designed for short-term storage of raw materials and products in refrigerated chambers and unrefrigerated storerooms with appropriate storage modes;
  • - production group - designed for the processing of products, raw materials (semi-finished products) and the release of finished products; part production group includes the main (harvesting and pre-cooking) workshops, specialized (confectionery, culinary, etc.) and auxiliary (washing, bread slicer);
  • - trading group - intended for the sale of finished products and the organization of their consumption (trading rooms with distribution and buffets, culinary shops, a lobby with a wardrobe and bathrooms, etc.);
  • - administrative and household group - designed to create normal working and recreational conditions for employees of the enterprise (director's office, accounting, staff wardrobe with showers and bathrooms, etc.).

All groups of rooms are interconnected.

The implementation of the production process at the enterprise (organization) is carried out in the main, auxiliary and service industries. The production process is a set of actions, as a result of which raw materials and semi-finished products are converted into finished products that correspond to their purpose. The nature of the production process (continuous, discontinuous with a full and incomplete production cycle, automated, etc.) is determined by the essential characteristics of the product, its production technology. The latter determines the set of relevant production elements (basic and auxiliary production, its maintenance and management). Their various combinations represent the production structure of the enterprise, which determines the movement of the product: starting with raw materials and materials and ending with the output of the finished product.