Reference materials on the geography of the world economy. The main stages in the development of the world economy

The world economy is a historically established set national farms all countries of the world connected with each other world economic relations based international geographical division of labor.

National farms - any country is a combination of individual sectors of the production and non-production spheres, historically formed as a result of the social division of labor.

In national economies and in the world economy, territorial and sectoral structures are distinguished.

Territorial structure of the economy is a set of mutually located territorial elements in a certain way that are in complex interaction with each other. Such elements are economic (industrial) regions and centers (the most economically developed territories), recreational zones, transport routes, etc. In the world economy, there is always a significant difference in the socio-economic development of economic centers and peripheries.

Sectoral structure of the economy- is associated with the division of the entire economy into its component parts (industries), which historically arose as a result of the social division of labor. The sectoral structure of the economy reflects the economic proportions between sectors. It is expressed as the share of individual industries and sub-sectors in the total volume of all production (in terms of the cost of production). The sectoral structure can also be judged by the structure of employment of the economically active population.

When studying the sectoral structure, three of its levels are distinguished: macro-, meso-, and micro-level. Accordingly, one speaks of macrostructure, mesostructure and microstructure.

macrostructure reflects the largest and most important proportions:

Between the main sectors of the world economy (industry, agriculture, construction, transport, services).

Between production and non-production spheres;

Between the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors of the economy.

The regularity of the formation of the sectoral structure was the transition from the primary branches of production ( Agriculture), to secondary ones that arose during the industrial revolution (industry, construction, transport). Nowadays, a tertiary (service sector) sector of the economy and even a quaternary (information) sector are also singled out.

Depending on the ratio of the main industries, a country's belonging to an agrarian, industrial or post-industrial type of economy is determined.

mesostructure reflects the main proportions emerging within the main sectors of the world economy.

The microstructure reflects shifts in certain types of production, primarily industrial

Economic relations is the relationship between people in the process of production, distribution, exchange and consumption of goods and services. World Economic Relations are economic relations between all countries of the world. At the heart of world economic relations is world market exchange of goods and services between countries.

"The international geographical division of labor" is the most important concept of economic geography. To consider it, you first need to understand what the "geographical division of labor" is.

Geographic (territorial) division of labor- this is the specialization of territories in the production of any products or services and their further exchange with other territories. This specialization can occur both within one country (within national economies) and on an international scale with the international exchange of goods and services (international division of labor).

In this way, international geographical division of labor (MGRT) is expressed in the specialization of the economies of individual countries in the production of certain types of goods and services and in their subsequent exchange with other countries.

The result of the international geographical division of labor is international specialization of individual countries. For example: Japan - cars; Saudi Arabia - oil; Canada is grain. For the emergence of international specialization, certain conditions are necessary:

    A country must have certain advantages, such as resources, over other states in the production of relevant products, and these advantages must be maintained for a long time.

    There must be countries in need of these products.

    The cost of production and delivery of products to the consumer should be lower than in other countries.

    The country must produce more of this product than it needs.

As a result of the fulfillment of the above conditions in the country, branches of international specialization oriented to the export of products and defining the "face of the country" in the MGRT.

This video tutorial is dedicated to the topic "World Economy". During the lesson, you will get acquainted with the terms "world economy", "international geographical division of labor". In addition, from the lesson you will learn about the features of international trade and the world market, about the patterns of development of the world economy. The lesson will give answers to the main questions concerning the world economy in the spatial (geographical) aspect.

Topic: Scientific and technological revolution and the world economy

Lesson:world economy

The world economy took shape at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries.

world economy- this is a historically established set of national economies, as a result of the social division of labor, individual sectors of the economy, interconnected by a system of international division of labor and international economic relations.

The main stages in the development of the world economy:

1. Pre-industrial stage of production - the end of the XVII century. The world economy arose at the pre-industrial stage of production with the emergence of international trade.

2. Beginning of the 18th - mid-19th centuries. It is characterized by the further development of the production of goods, the growing mass of which enters the regular exchange between countries, the development of national economies.

3. Late XIX - early XX centuries. During this period, the formation of the world economic system based on large-scale machine production was completed.

4. The end of the 20s - the middle of the 80s of the XX century. After the First World War, the process of qualitative changes in the system of the world economy began, which ended with the fall of the colonial system. The world economy has split into two main systems - socialist and capitalist.

5. Late 80s - early 90s of the XX century. This period is characterized by the growth of integration processes in production, the development of their organizational and economic forms associated with the production of goods and components in different countries. The development of the world economy was influenced by new countries (post-socialist).

6. The beginning of the 90s of XX is our time.

In general, the world economy at the end of the 20th - beginning of the 21st century, while maintaining diversity, a large number of contradictions and diverse trends, is still more holistic, integrated and dynamic than in the middle of the 20th century, and is becoming global. New economic ties and relations became characteristic of it, customs and political unions expanded. Integration processes play an important role in the development of the world economy.

Geographic division of labor- specialization of individual countries and territories in the production of certain goods and services and subsequent interchange. For example, in the international market, the main specializations of the United States are: engineering, chemical industry, mining, etc., in France - perfumery, engineering, light and food industries, Japan - various directions mechanical engineering (including electronics, robotics), Germany - the chemical industry, mechanical engineering, Nigeria - the mining industry (oil and gas), etc. That is, each country specializes in what it does better (it is its “calling card”), and subsequently exchanges produced goods and services.

Over time, the processes of formation of the geographical division of labor and the world economy become more complicated, capturing the whole world, and international integrations are formed. International economic integration- the process of developing deep and stable relationships between individual groups of countries, based on the implementation of a coordinated international policy by them.

International economic integrations are usually of two types:

1. Regional.

2. Industry.

3. Other types (national, customs, military unions).

The largest integration groupings of countries:

1. European Union. It is an economic and political association of 27 countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Hungary, Great Britain, Germany, Greece, Denmark, Ireland, Spain, Italy, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Czech Republic, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania , Slovakia, Slovenia, Finland, France, Sweden, Estonia.

Rice. 1. EU flag

2. Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). Member countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Philippines, Brunei, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, Cambodia.

Rice. 2. ASEAN Flag

3. Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC).

Participating countries

The date of entry



The Republic of Korea

Papua New Guinea

New Zealand


Chinese Taipei

People's Republic of China


Hong Kong, China


4. North American Free Trade Area (NAFTA). It consists of 3 states: USA, Canada, Mexico.

5. Latin American Integration Association (LAI).

In addition, major integration groups are: the CIS, the Common Economic Space, the African Union, NATO (military bloc), OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) and others.

Transnational corporations (TNCs) are of great importance in the world economy. TNK- the largest companies (corporations) that own production units in several countries. The world's largest TNCs include: Exxon, Dell, Coca-Cola, BP, Toyota, Apple Inc., BASF, IBM, IKEA, Microsoft, McDonald's, Google, General Motors, General Electric and others.


Topic 4, Item 2

1. What is the world economy?

2. Give examples of TNCs.



1. Geography. A basic level of. 10-11 cells: Textbook for educational institutions / A.P. Kuznetsov, E.V. Kim. - 3rd ed., stereotype. - M.: Bustard, 2012. - 367 p.

2. Economic and social geography of the world: Proc. for 10 cells. educational institutions / V.P. Maksakovskiy. - 13th ed. - M .: Education, JSC "Moscow textbooks", 2005. - 400 p.

3. Atlas with a set of contour maps for grade 10. Economic and social geography of the world. - Omsk: Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Omsk Cartographic Factory", 2012. - 76 p.


1. Economic and social geography of Russia: Textbook for universities / Ed. prof. A.T. Khrushchev. - M.: Bustard, 2001. - 672 p.: ill., cart.: tsv. incl.

2. Shchepotiev A.V. Forced economic integration / Collection of articles of the III All-Russian scientific and practical conference "Social and economic development Russia in the XXI century. Penza: Privolzhsky House of Knowledge, 2004. - p. 19-22.

Encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books and statistical collections

1. Geography: a guide for high school students and university applicants. - 2nd ed., corrected. and dorab. - M.: AST-PRESS SCHOOL, 2008. - 656 p.

Literature for preparing for the GIA and the Unified State Examination

1. Geography. Tests. Grade 10 / G.N. Elkin. - St. Petersburg: Parity, 2005. - 112 p.

2. Thematic control in geography. Economic and social geography of the world. Grade 10 / E.M. Ambartsumova. - M.: Intellect-Centre, 2009. - 80 p.

3. The most complete edition of typical variants of real USE assignments: 2010. Geography / Comp. Yu.A. Solovyov. - M.: Astrel, 2010. - 221 p.

4. The optimal bank of tasks for preparing students. Single State exam 2012. Geography: Textbook / Comp. EM. Ambartsumova, S.E. Dyukov. - M.: Intellect-Centre, 2012. - 256 p.

5. The most complete edition of typical options for real USE assignments: 2010. Geography / Comp. Yu.A. Solovyov. - M.: AST: Astrel, 2010. - 223 p.

6. State final certification of 9th grade graduates in a new form. Geography. 2013: Textbook / V.V. Drums. - M.: Intellect-Centre, 2013. - 80 p.

7. Geography. Diagnostic work in the format of the Unified State Examination 2011. - M .: MTSNMO, 2011. - 72 p.

8. USE 2010. Geography. Collection of tasks / Yu.A. Solovyov. - M.: Eksmo, 2009. - 272 p.

9. Tests in geography: Grade 10: to the textbook by V.P. Maksakovskiy “Economic and social geography of the world. Grade 10 / E.V. Baranchikov. - 2nd ed., stereotype. - M.: Publishing house "Exam", 2009. - 94 p.

10. The most complete edition of typical options for real tasks of the USE: 2009: Geography / Comp. Yu.A. Solovyov. - M.: AST: Astrel, 2009. - 250 p.

The geography of the world economy for a long time remained a purely auxiliary discipline in the circle of socio-geographical sciences, where the leading place was first occupied by general economic geography, and then by the geography of population and cities. A few books and reference books on the geography of the world economy contained purely descriptive materials on the location of its main industries in countries, regions and around the world as a whole. The division of the planet into two main camps adopted in our country in Soviet times inexorably led in the end to the narrowing of the scope of research to the framework of the world capitalist market. Even in those industries where the share of the socialist camp was significant, in fact, only data on developed capitalist and developing countries were analyzed.

In addition to ideological reasons for such a limitation of the geography of the world economy, there were also objective reasons. First, most of the information on the distribution and volume of production in the socialist states, especially in the USSR, was not available to the public. The secrecy began in the 1930s. from strategic industries - non-ferrous metallurgy, many types of mechanical engineering and chemistry, and then the closeness covered almost all divisions of the economy, including the agricultural sector. Secondly, in the same years in the Soviet Union, and later in other socialist countries, their own systems of prices, national accounts, and national wealth calculations were formed.

The price system rested on low wages and correspondingly low prices for basic consumer goods and services, as well as on a large role public funds consumption. In calculations of the gross national product (GNP), a distinction was made between "production" and "non-production" spheres. At the same time, according to the theoretical views of D. Ricardo and K. Marx, when assessing GNP, only the production sector should be taken into account, and when calculating national wealth, it is illegal to include the cost of land resources, etc. in it. Without going into the essence of political and economic discussions on such topics, we note the obvious incompatibility of the basic calculations for capitalist countries, on the one hand, and socialist countries, on the other, otherwise - for states with market and centrally planned economies, respectively. Long-term work of the UN statistical services and various other international and national organizations, in particular the Central Statistical Bureau of the USSR and the Institute of World Economy and international relations Academy of Sciences of the USSR, could not, in our opinion, overcome these two cardinal moments.

Equally profound differences in the determination of the exchange rate of national currencies are associated with fundamental differences in pricing systems. They were not convertible in the socialist countries, and in the calculations of trade turnover between the latter, the “transferable” ruble was used, and the exchange rate in relation to the currencies of the developed capitalist countries had a purely official, formal meaning. The paradox is not accidental when, after the introduction of the internal convertibility of the ruble, it turned out that the value of the export of the Russian Federation exceeded the estimates of its GNP as a whole.

The volatility of cost calculations enhances the role of much more stable parameters of the world economy - its territorial and sectoral structures. A detailed description of these structures, primarily the main ones - agriculture, industry, transport and the service sector - is the main content of this study guide. This, to a certain extent, paid tribute to the long-established geographical tradition and ensured the connection of the study with other, more scientifically advanced disciplines of the socio-geographical cycle.

These characteristics are preceded by a large section in which the author's attempt is made to identify the distinctive features of the world economy as a global economy. geographic system. Using the modern apparatus of system analysis, the most important concepts aimed at finding patterns of localization of economic phenomena and objects at different territorial levels are considered, such as the theory of comparative advantages in the international division of labor; minimization of costs when locating production, population and service sector; dissemination of innovations in geographic space. All these theoretical constructions have a deductive basis and mathematical expression, which puts them on a par with scientific concepts in other disciplines.

The extensive block devoted to agriculture differs fundamentally in its content from the standard descriptions, being focused on a structural-problem approach to the industry, which retains its leading position in most countries of the world. At the same time, historical and geographical themes are highlighted, since for many centuries it was agrarian activity that determined the economic face of the planet. Thus, it turned out to be possible without significant losses to abandon an independent historical and geographical essay, which would have made the whole work more difficult and would have excessively expanded its scope.

Increased attention in the textbook is paid to transport and the service sector, which is due to the complex and contradictory trends of post-industrial development. To trace these trends, which are still poorly understood in geography, seems relevant and important matter because they lead to decisive changes in many fundamental areas of society. At the same time, they have a most direct impact on the economic map of the world, allowing many countries that until recently were economically backward to join the ranks of the advanced.

The section devoted to industry remained the most traditional, the material of which is grouped in the generally accepted way - according to the leading branches of industrial production.

From the circle global problems that are acutely facing humanity, two are singled out - food and environmental, requiring a response from the world economy.

The textbook is based on the results of many years of theoretical and empirical research on the geography of world economy sectors, as well as country studies, also carried out for many years in the laboratory of world economy geography and country studies of the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The authors took into account that the culturological and ideological functions of geography and geographical knowledge, usually from works that embrace a specific reality in its diversity, either completely displaced theoretical constructions, or left them as separate provisions that were not connected into a single whole. At the same time, the positions of geography as fundamental science, and the huge factual material on individual countries, regions, industries did not reveal many internal connections and did not help to understand the patterns of development. The book attempts to overcome these shortcomings. The basic knowledge accumulated by the geography of the world economy as a science is of particular relevance in the context of the market reforms carried out in Russia and the conceptual and practical significance understanding of modern global economic processes.

but) educational: test knowledge, skills and abilities key points topics, basic concepts and terms; to teach to prove your point of view, to argue the answer, to discuss problems.

b) developing: develop geographical thinking, oral speech, the ability to apply existing skills in search of solutions to problem situations in the context of new educational tasks; to form practical skills, skills in working with additional literature, maps and other sources of geographical information.

in) educating: increase interest in the subject; to form responsibility, independence, the ability of a collective decision and the ability to work in pairs; develop ecological thinking.

Equipment: wall political map of the world; atlases, c / c, task cards, maps, tables, diagram, lesson plan, presentation, laptop, multimedia projector, video disk, individual assessment sheet.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

II. Message about the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Today we have a traditional generalization and consolidation of knowledge, skills and abilities on the topic "Geography of branches of the world economy."

Why do you think geography studies this topic?

Why is it necessary to study the branches of MX?

(The geography of MX industries has been formed over a long period of time under the influence of various factors. It continues to change even today. It is very important to know the MX industries, because the economies of countries, and in particular our lives, depend on them.)

Why this topic particularly relevant in recent decades?

(This topic is relevant, since in recent years the MX industry has undergone serious changes. I believe that the main factors that caused these changes include: scientific and technological revolution, integration processes, raw materials, energy and general economic crises, as well as the aggravation of global problems of mankind, in in particular, demographic, ecological, food, military-strategic, etc.)

(In my opinion, a very important element in the development of the modern world and MX industries is a significant strengthening of economic and non-economic ties between countries or groups of countries, continents. Today, not a single even the most developed country can equally effectively produce the entire range of modern products, and even the meaning it doesn't.)

Why do you think so?

(Why does each country need to produce all types of products, if we know that there are many forms of international economic relations and ties. Among them are foreign trade, the export of capital, scientific and technical cooperation, offset transactions, credit and financial relations, the provision of various kinds of services, for example , servicing ships calling at ports, as well as joint cooperation has recently become more relevant. Russia can serve as an example, in particular, our Novomoskovsk Chemical Azot cooperates with the American Procter & Gamble.)

Having embraced all countries of the world, MX and the international division of labor in recent years began to develop not in breadth, but in depth, i.e. economic relations are becoming more complex, acquiring new forms. And it was precisely the deepening of international specialization and exchange that led to a particularly close merging of the national economies of a number of countries.

Thanks! You proved the relevance of this topic, and therefore the purpose of our lesson is to summarize and consolidate the leading ideas of the topic, to draw a conclusion on the branches of MX.

We will work with you according to the plan-scheme, following each stage. Each stage includes questions and tasks of various levels of complexity, and therefore I want to see the activity in the lesson of each of you.

(On a magnetic board a poster of a plan-scheme)

Geography of branches of the world economy.

III. Work in stages.

STAGE 1. Geographic dictation.

1. A radical qualitative revolution in the productive forces of mankind, based on the transformation of science into a direct force in society. (scientific and technological revolution)

2. Association of countries into economic unions, allowing to receive the maximum benefit from the division of labor and from the sale of products and services. (economic integration)

3. The ratio of the value of goods imported into the country and exported from it in one year.

(trade balance)

4. The first leading branch of material production. (industry)

5. Agro-industrial complex, including the cultivation of agricultural products, processing, storage, transportation and marketing, production of agricultural machinery, fertilizers and chemicals. (agribusiness)

6. An intergovernmental monetary and credit organization created to streamline monetary and financial relations between countries, support exchange rates and provide foreign exchange assistance to countries in need of it. (International Monetary Fund)

7. Transformation of agriculture based on modern agricultural technology.

(green revolution)

8. Transportation of piece goods in special metal containers, (containerization)

(Mutual check: 0 err. - "five"; 1-2 osh. - "4"; 3-4 osh. - "3"; 5 or more - "2")

STAGE 2. Individual work.

1. Crossword solution, (II level)" Sectors of the World Economy.


1. A country with large reserves of uranium ores. (Australia)

2. Culture related to Shrovetide. (sunflower)

3. Mode of transport that is "involved" in the depletion of the ozone layer. (aviation)

4. The primary branch of the forestry and woodworking industry



1. Culture native to Central America and Mexico (corn)

2. The type of animal husbandry that prevails in countries with extensive pastures. (sheep breeding)

3. The country leading in the generation of electricity at nuclear power plants. (France)

2. Work at the blackboard.

1) Solution of a geographical problem.

Assignment: solve the g / problem with a short note.

A country with a population of 250 million produces 10 million cars a year. Export is 2 million cars. What is the required amount of car imports with a trade demand of 0.05 cars per person per year?

Solution progress:

1.10 million - 2 million = 8 million cars

Number - 250 million. Produced - 10 million cars. Export - 2 mln. Demand - 0.05 vehicles / hour

Find: Import value - ?

In the domestic market.

2. 0.05 car/h x 250 million hours = 12.5 million ed. - Demand in the domestic market.

3. 12.5 million - 8 million = 4.5 million cars - the required amount of imports.

Answer: the need to import 4.5 million cars a year.

2) Building a bar chart.

Task: Using the data of the table "Dynamics

of the world transport network in 1950 -1995", build a bar graph, analyze it and draw conclusions. "Dynamics of the world transport network in 1950 -1995."

Network length, thousand km.

Types of transport 1950 1995
Railways 1320 1180
Car roads 15 540 24 000
Navigable rivers and canals 560 550
oil pipelines 175 680
gas pipelines 185 1100
Airways 8500
TOTAL 21080 36 010

STAGE 3. Did you know? (work in pairs; video questions)

1. Why did a particularly large territorial gap arise between the areas of oil production and consumption?

2. How to explain the leadership of mechanical engineering in the structure of the branches of the world economy? What branches of engineering are losing their importance?

3. Why is the use of the Trans-Siberian Railway for the transportation of goods from Japan to Western Europe economically beneficial?

4. Why does Norway have more income from fishing than from agriculture?

5. Why has pipeline transport not been developed in Japan?

6. Why do many firms in developed countries open their branches in developing countries? Give an example.

Video questions:

1. In which countries is geothermal energy widely used and power plants of this energy have been built? (video clip about geothermal power plants)

2. To Paris or Berlin? Where to go? Maybe in Madrid. What is your opinion, why exactly to Madrid? (video clip about Spain - the main region of international tourism)

3. What are the features of Japan's transport? (video clip about transport in Japan)

STAGE 4. Project assignments (by groups). Protection of mini-projects.

1. Imagine that you have been given the task of managing the creation of an intermediary firm for the purchase of tea for Russia.

The project of creating a company should determine the area of ​​activity, the location of representative offices in countries, the requirements for future employees of representative offices, among which is the knowledge of the language necessary to work in each of the representative offices.

Suggest a project

2. You work for a large travel company and you need to develop routes that would take into account the interests of the following groups of tourists:

1) interested in research and production complexes and new technology;

2) great football fans;

3) lovers of castle architecture;

4) lovers of multi-day hiking over rough terrain;

5) those who are fond of spearfishing;

6) lovers of exotic and travel related to overcoming difficulties;

7) lovers of ultra-comfortable rest;

8) wishing to attend noisy and colorful holidays.

Develop similar routes, accompanying them with a map (routes are designed in advance).

STAGE 5. Branches of the world economy and the environment.

At this stage, we will talk about how the industries of the world economy affect the environment. Pollution environment man has a long history. Even the inhabitants of Ancient Rome complained about the pollution of the waters of the Tiber River. The inhabitants of Athens and Ancient Greece were worried about the pollution of the waters of the port of Piraeus.

QUESTION 1: How does industry affect the environment at present?

(MX industries provide Negative influence on OS. This is due to the entry into the environment of substances and compounds unknown to nature, created, first of all, by the industry of organic synthesis. As a result, pollution of geographic shells occurs, such as the lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, biosphere.)

QUESTION 2: Briefly name the causes of pollution of geographic shells.

(Causes of pollution of the lithosphere:

1) change chemical composition soils due to emissions of metals and their compounds, pesticides, radioactive substances;

2) household waste;

3) destruction of the soil cover.

Causes of pollution of the hydrosphere: 1) discharge of industrial and agricultural, domestic wastewater; 2) oil pollution.

Causes of air pollution: emission of solid and gaseous particles as a result of industry, transport, various furnaces.)

QUESTION 3: By whom and when was the first law on environmental protection created?

(The edict of the English king Edward I, adopted in 1273 and prohibiting the use of coal for heating the dwellings of London, can be considered the first law on the protection of the OS. According to the customs of that time, the death penalty was due for violation of the edict. And under King Edward III in 1338 passed a law forbidding dumping garbage into the Thames. At the beginning of the 15th century, a similar decree was issued by the French king regarding the Seine. And according to the decree of Peter I, all those who dumped garbage into the Neva were punished.)

QUESTION 4: What is the environmental situation in the Tula region?

(The most unfavorable ecological situation is developing in the region in comparison with other subjects of the federation of the Central District. For decades, powerful economic complexes such as the military-industrial complex, metallurgical, chemical, machine-building, mining, fuel and energy, road transport, agro-industrial complex, which played a huge role in creating a highly intensive technogenic load on the natural environment and man as part of nature.

In addition, the ecological situation in the region deteriorated as a result of radioactive contamination of the territories of 18 districts of the region, in particular our Kimovsky district, with cesium-13 7, which was the result of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.)

QUESTION 5: What are the ways to solve environmental problems today?

(Ways of environmental protection at the present stage:

1) creation treatment facilities or their replacement;

2) development and application of a fundamentally new environmentally friendly production technology, transition to low-waste and waste-free production processes;

3) rational placement of "dirty industries".)

STAGE 6. Practical tasks.

(work with thematic maps and statistical material)

1. Explain on the map the directions of the main oil cargo flows.

2. Explain on the map the directions of the main world cargo flows of natural gas.

3. Based on statistical data, determine the world's leading countries in grain harvesting.

4. Explain on the maps the directions of the main cargo flows iron ore.

5. Explain on the map the directions of the world's main cargo flows of coal.

STAGE 7. Russia in the world economy.

(comparison of Russia with other countries in economic terms)

1. Where is the Russian Federation in the world in terms of steel and aluminum smelting?

2. What place does Russia occupy in the world in terms of the length of railways?

3. How much fish and seafood is harvested in Russia?

4. How much electricity is generated in Russia and where is our country in terms of electricity generation?

5. Where is Russia in terms of the gross harvest of grain crops?

6. Where is our country in terms of extraction of the main fuel resources?

IV. Test control. (self-examination and assessment of their knowledge)

V. Completion of the assessment sheet by students. Self-analysis of the student.

VI. Generalization, summing up.

VII. Homework.

1) individual task cards;

2) using the maps of the atlas, to characterize the economy of individual countries and display on the c / c the industrial specialization of large cities. Show on k / k agricultural specialization:

1c. - Scotland and England, 2nd c. - northern and southern Italy

1 - UK variant

"BUT. V. Khokhlov Reference materials on the geography of the world economy 2011 ISSUE FIRST STATISTICAL COLLECTION AV Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world ... "

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Consulting company "Vlant"

A. V. Khokhlov

Reference materials

by geography of the world economy



What's new?

Noticed errors and typos

Important Notes!

General indicators

International trade

Ferrous metallurgy

Non-ferrous metallurgy

Chemical industry

mechanical engineering

Timber industry complex

Light industry

food industry

Other industries



Economy of China

US economy

Economy of Russia

From A… The reference book on the geography of the world economy publishes data on individual industries and agriculture, the level of economic development of countries and international trade.

When compiling the collection, various foreign and domestic sources are used: electronic resources, official reference books, periodicals. Information from them is subjected, if possible, to careful analysis and processing, after which tables are compiled on its basis, the purpose of which is to display certain aspects of the development of the world economy.

As one saying goes, there are lies, there are big lies and there are statistics, but its true meaning is clear only to those who deal with statistics professionally, and it lies in the fact that with the help of skillfully selected statistical calculations, you can prove and disprove the same statement. . But this in no way testifies to the "falsehood" of statistics, but only emphasizes the role of the human factor, the idea with which statistics are addressed. In our work, we tried to show the statistical picture of the world economy as it really is, without intending to prove or disprove anything.

It is obvious that it is impossible to collect, process and present in a qualitative form all interesting and important statistics, even if they are mostly freely available, with the help of a small team. Therefore, we decided to concentrate our efforts on the minerals, metals and paper products that are closest and most familiar to us, as well as agricultural products and foreign trade.

The section "General indicators" is compiled according to the data of the World Bank (World Development Indicators, mode of access:, section "Foreign trade" - mainly according to WTO data ("International Trade Statistics", mode of access: statis_e.htm).

Tables of foreign trade in certain goods and product groups, present in most sections, are compiled on the basis of information from the United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics Database - COMTRADE, mode of access: with the addition their data from foreign trade statistics of leading countries and industry sources (for example, the report “ world trade and international cargo flows in 2009” consulting company"Vlant").

Tables for the fuel and energy complex are compiled on the basis of British Petroleum data

(“BP Statistical Review of World Energy”, mode of access: and U.S. Energy Information Administration (“International Energy Statistics”, mode of access:, supplemented by materials from other specialized sources.

The sections "Ferrous metallurgy", "Non-ferrous metallurgy", "Chemical industry" and "Other industries" are based mainly on data from the US Geological Survey ("Minerals Yearbook", "Mineral Commodity Summaries", etc., mode of access: http:// and the British Geological Survey (World Mineral Production and others, mode of access:, as well as World Steel Association (mode of access: and other industry research organizations.

The statistics for the "Timber industry" section are based on data from the FAO Forestry Service (FAOSTAT Forestry, mode of access: as of July 2010.

The Food Industry and Agriculture sections are based on FAO data as of September 2010.

The "Transport" section is formed on the basis of UNCTAD data ("Review of Maritime Transport". mode of access:

In addition to the sectoral sections, statistical materials are provided on the PRC, which every year increasingly determines the state of world industry and agriculture, significantly changing the geographical picture of a particular industry, and Russia, whose economic development is most interesting to us.


A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition) World economy in 2004–2007. was on the rise. All leading countries showed high growth rates: both developed (USA, EU, Japan) and, especially, developing ones (PRC, India, Brazil, countries of Southeast Asia, etc.).

One of the key factors that determined the dynamics of the development of the world economy was the depreciation of the dollar against world currencies. This led, on the one hand, to changes in the ratio of the competitiveness of goods from different countries, and on the other hand, to a significant increase in indicators in dollar terms (nominal GDP, foreign trade turnover, etc.), which did not change so significantly in comparable prices.

Another major development factor was the rapidly increasing demand for various raw materials, which is most associated with the dynamic growth of consumption in the PRC. Average growth rates of international trade in many types of raw materials and semi-finished products in the 2000s. many times outpaced the growth of the world economy, and the physical volume of their trade over the specified period increased by 1.5–2 times. Intensified competition for resources caused a significant increase in prices for them, which helped to strengthen the economic position of the countries exporting raw materials, and the influx of additional capital to them generated additional demand for consumer and investment goods, which was largely satisfied by the countries exporting industrial products. As a result, there have been significant shifts in the geography of many industries and in the direction of international trade flows.

In 2008–2009 Almost all countries (to varying degrees) have felt the consequences of a large-scale financial crisis, which began in the United States at the end of 2007 and then spread to the whole world, thus turning into a global financial and economic crisis. In 2009, for the first time in post-war history, world GDP contracted, and the volume of international trade fell significantly. The crisis has had different impacts on industries, regions and countries. Thus, among the branches of industry, ferrous metallurgy, transport engineering, industry building materials, partly - the timber industry and the chemical industry. Industrialized countries (especially the USA and Canada) and CIS countries were characterized by a significant decline in production indicators, while many developing countries, primarily those with large, growing domestic markets, were able to strengthen their positions in the world, to the greatest extent this applies to China. The current and next issues of the "Materials" will be devoted, first of all, to the impact of the crisis on various sectors of the world economy.


A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition) In the reference book "Materials-2011-1" ... The section "Foreign trade" was completely updated with data for 2009. The tables "International commodity trade", "Geographical structure of exports of regions" and " Geographic structure of regional exports”. Previously published indicators of the leading countries in terms of exports and imports of goods and services for 2008-2009. clarified. In the tables on trade, the reporting years instead of 2000 and 2008 became 2007 and 2009 as the most important product groups. The series of tables “Commodity structure of foreign trade of individual countries in 2000” was excluded.

In the "Foreign trade" section, instead of brief tables on trade in chemical products and ferrous metals in 2008, tables "World trade in chemical products" and "World trade in ferrous metals" with 2 reporting years and lists of leading exporters, importers, net exporters and net importers.

Indicators have been corrected and refined in brief tables on trade in the most important types of products in physical terms.

In the “Fuel and Energy Complex” section, the tables on the electric power industry have been updated with data for 2008; in the short tables, 2003 became the first reporting year instead of 2000.

In the sections "Ferrous metallurgy", "Non-ferrous metallurgy", "Chemical industry" and "Other industries", estimates of the extraction of mineral raw materials and the production of individual products for 2010 have been added.

In the "Ferrous metallurgy" section, the indicators in the tables on steel trade were specified, the table "Production of ferroalloys" was updated.

Section "Chemical industry". In the table "World trade in inorganic compounds"

the indicators of Belgium, Great Britain, the Netherlands, France (previously, trade in radioactive materials was not taken into account) and Trinidad and Tobago (exports were given according to underestimated official data) changed significantly.

The "Transport" section has been updated with data for 2010.

The PRC Economy section has been significantly changed and updated with data for 2009–2010. The table "Production of the most important types of industrial products" was transformed into the table "Production of the most important types of products" with the addition of indicators for agriculture and the expansion of the number of industrial indicators. Added tables "Commodity structure of exports", "Commodity structure of imports". Improved tables on foreign trade in goods.

Added "US Economy" section with tables "Exports to Major Countries", "Imports from Major Countries", "Commodity Structure of Exports", "Commodity Structure of Imports", "Exports of Major Goods", "Imports of Major Goods".

The Russian Economy section has been significantly modified and updated with data for 2009–2010. In most tables, the number of reporting years has been reduced, but the number of indicators has been increased. Added new tables "Commodity structure of exports" and "Commodity structure of imports". Improved tables on foreign trade in goods.

In the reference book “Materials–2010-2”… Section “General Indicators” has been updated with data for 2009, data for 2008 has been corrected.

In the "Foreign Trade" section, indicators of the leading countries in terms of exports and imports of goods and services have been added. in full, 2000 - 2007 to 2003 - 2008 in brief.

In brief tables on trade in the most important types of products in physical terms, 2008 became the reporting year instead of 2007.

In the model tables on trade in the most important types of products present in the sectoral sections, data for 2008 have been updated for a number of countries.

The section "Fuel and energy complex" (except for most of the tables on the electric power industry) was supplemented with data for 2009, data for 2003-2008. clarified. Improved tables on oil and gas reserves


A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first issue) and coal. The tables “Oil refining”, “Refinery loading” and “Uranium production” were expanded for 2 reporting years.

A subsection “Leading countries in fuel trade” has been formed, where, in addition to the existing tables on trade in oil, oil products and coal, tables have been added for trading gas by pipeline and liquefied natural gas.

Sections "Ferrous metallurgy", "Non-ferrous metallurgy", "Chemical industry" and "Other industries"

supplemented with reporting data for 2008. Data for 2003–2007. completely revised, and in some cases there have been significant changes.

In the "Non-ferrous metallurgy" section, the tables "Cobalt mining", "Cobalt production", "Antimony mining", "Tungsten mining" were reduced by 1 reporting year.

In the "Chemical Industry" section, standard tables "Production of mineral fertilizers" (alternative), "Production of nitrogen fertilizers", "Production of phosphorus fertilizers" were added.

In the "Engineering" section, standard tables "Automobile production" (extended), "Passenger car production", "Production trucks and buses”, the data in the group of tables “World trade in vessels” has been specified.

The section "Timber industry complex" was supplemented with data for 2008 and preliminary data for 2009. The table "Production of wood pulp" was replaced by the table "Production of chemical pulp".

The sections "Food industry" and "Agriculture" are supplemented with data for 2008 and preliminary indicators of individual countries for 2009. Data for previous reporting years have been clarified, the most significant changes are in the indicators of Australia, India, Iran, Spain, Russia, the USA, Ukraine.

In the "Food industry" section, standard tables "Powdered milk production" and "Raw sugar production" have been added.

In the "Other industries" section, the tables on fishing have been completely changed.

In the "Agriculture" section, standard tables "Fleet of grain harvesters" and "Production of cotton fiber", a series of tables "Head of livestock and poultry in leading countries" have been added. The table "Fleet of agricultural tractors" has been extended for 1 reporting year. Table "Area of ​​agricultural land" updated with data for 2007.

The “Transport” section has been updated with data for 2009. Model tables “Tonnage of the controlled merchant marine fleet” and “Registered merchant marine fleet” have been added.

In the PRC Economy section, data on industrial production in 2008–2009 have been specified and supplemented. Data for 2009 has been added to the tables on foreign trade, the list of reporting positions has changed somewhat.

In the "Economics of Russia" section, indicators for 2009, less often for 2008, have been specified, and some previously missing data have been added. The tables of foreign trade by goods have been completely changed: the list of positions has been significantly expanded, the list of reporting years has been changed, all data have been revised and unified.


A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition) In the reference book "Materials-2010-2" ... Section "Foreign Trade". In the table "Import of goods" in the column "2006" Germany's indicator should read "907" instead of "1697".

Section "Fuel and energy complex". In the table "NPP power" in the column "2000" in the last row (in 10th place) should not be Spain (7.5), but Sweden (9.5).

Section "Ferrous metallurgy". In the 1st footnote to the table "Iron ore mining", the beginning of the 3rd line should read "2003 - 122.7 million tons" instead of "2003 - 108.8 million tons".

Section "Non-ferrous metallurgy". In the table "Lead mining" in the column "2008" omitted Bolivia (82 thousand tons), which should take the 8th place.

Section "Non-ferrous metallurgy". In the table "Gold mining" in the column "2008" Canada's indicator should read "95" instead of "65", respectively, it will take not 10th place, but 7th.

Section "Non-ferrous metallurgy", subsection "Leading countries in trade in non-ferrous metallurgy products in 2008". In the table of exports of titanium ores and concentrates, Canada (0.9 million tons, our estimate) is missing, which should take 3rd place.

Section "Non-ferrous metallurgy", subsection "Leading countries in trade in non-ferrous metallurgy products in 2008". In the table of exports of copper ores and concentrates, Brazil should take the 5th place (0.6 million tons).

Section "Non-ferrous metallurgy", subsection "Leading countries in trade in non-ferrous metallurgy products in 2008". In the table on imports of nickel ores and concentrates, Australia is missing (2.5 million tons, our estimate), which should take 3rd place.

Section "Non-ferrous metallurgy", subsection "Leading countries in trade in non-ferrous metallurgy products in 2008". In the nickel export table, Australia is missing (75 thousand tons, our estimate), which should take the 4th place.

Section "Chemical industry". In the tables on fertilizer production (except the first one), instead of "PRC" one should read "China", instead of "Asia without China" - "Asia without China".

Section "Chemical industry". The tables on fertilizer production (except for the first one) do not take into account the indicators of Austria, Belgium, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan (there is no data in the original source).

According to the International Fertilizer Association, in 2008 these countries produced 2.8 million tons of fertilizers.

Section "Chemical industry", subsection "Leading countries in trade in chemical industry products in 2008". In the nitrogen fertilizer export table, the Netherlands (4.3 million tons, our estimate) is missing, which should take 4th place.

Section "Chemical industry", subsection "Leading countries in trade in chemical industry products in 2008". In the nitrogen fertilizer imports table, France (4.9 million tons, our estimate) is missing, which should take 3rd place.

Section "Chemical industry", subsection "Leading countries in trade in chemical industry products in 2008". Iran (0.5 mln t, our estimate) and France (0.4 mln t, our estimate) are omitted from the table on imports of phosphate fertilizers, which should occupy 2nd and 4th positions, respectively.

Section "Chemical industry", subsection "Leading countries in trade in chemical industry products in 2008". In the table of potash imports, China should be ranked 3rd, while Brazil should be 2nd.

Section "Chemical industry", subsection "Leading countries in trade in chemical industry products in 2008". In the table for the export of mixed fertilizers, Norway (2 million tons, our estimate) is missing, which should take 4th place.


A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition) Section "Chemical industry". In the table "World Trade in Inorganic Compounds", the indicators of Belgium, Great Britain, the Netherlands and France are given without taking into account trade in radioactive materials.

Section "Engineering". In the tables on the production of automobiles, instead of "China" should read "China", instead of "Asia without China" - "Asia without China".

Section "Agriculture". In the table "Collection of onions" in the column "2008" The 10th place should be occupied by Japan (1.27 million tons).

Section "Agriculture", subsection "Leading countries in agricultural trade in 2008". In the barley export table, Germany should take the 5th place (1.7 million tons).

Section "Agriculture", subsection "Leading countries in agricultural trade in 2008". In the table on wool exports for the UK, an erroneous (incomplete) figure is given, the correct one is 31 thousand tons.

Section "Agriculture", subsection "Leading countries in agricultural trade in 2008". In the wool import table, the 5th place should be occupied by Great Britain (43 thousand tons).

Section "Economy of the People's Republic of China". In the table "Imports from the main countries", due to a technical error, the shares are incorrectly calculated. The corrected table is given in this handbook.

Section "Economy of the People's Republic of China". The table "Exports of the most important goods" contains an erroneous series of data for other audio equipment. The correct row looks like this (in million pieces):

Section "Economy of Russia". The table "Exports of the most important goods" contains an erroneous series of data on the export of alcoholic beverages. The correct series looks like this (in million dollars):

Section "Economy of Russia". The table "Imports of the most important goods" contains an erroneous series of data for other audio equipment. The correct row looks like this (in million pieces):

… – 0.83 – 6.57 – 0.51 – 071 – 0.85 – 0.57 – 0.85 – 1, Section “Russian Economy”. The table "Imports of the most important goods" gives an erroneous figure for landlines for 2000 - instead of "4.6" should read "1.6".

Section "Economy of Russia". Footnote 2 to the table "Imports of the most important goods" should read "Excluding imports from Belarus".

In the reference book "Materials-2010-1" ... Section "Foreign Trade". In the table "Import of goods" in the column "2006" Germany's indicator should read "907" instead of "1697".

Section "Foreign trade". The table of leading net exporters of industrial products for Mexico shows the figures for its net imports. Instead of this country in the column "2000" the Philippines must be present ($5.9 billion), in the column "2008" - Israel ($11 billion), while Mexico should be included in the list of leading net importers for 2000 ($11.2 billion) instead of Venezuela.

Section "Fuel and energy complex". In the table "Oil reserves" in the column "2008" Venezuela should follow Iraq.

Section "Ferrous metallurgy". In the subsection "Leading countries in trade in ferrous metallurgy products in 2007" an erroneous figure is given for the import of ferroalloys to the United States. According to US foreign trade statistics, it was 1.6, not 1.1 million tons.

Section "Non-ferrous metallurgy". In the subsection "Leading countries in trade in non-ferrous metallurgy products in 2007" given an erroneous figure for the export of titanium ores and concentrates from Australia. According to our estimates, it amounted to 1.8, not 0.82 million tons.


A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition) Section "Chemical industry". In the subsection "Leading countries in trade in chemical products in 2007" given an erroneous figure for the export of phosphates from Syria. According to our estimates, it amounted to 2.3, not 1.7 million tons.

Section "Chemical industry". In the subsection "Leading countries in trade in chemical products in 2007" 5th place in the export of potash fertilizers should be occupied by Israel (3 million tons, according to our estimate), and not Jordan (1.7 million tons).

Section "Agriculture". In the table "Collection of flax fiber" in the column "2003" in the last line, Lithuania (9.9 thousand tons) should be indicated instead of Egypt (9.0 thousand tons).

Section "Agriculture". In the note to the table "Collecting natural rubber" in the 1st line, instead of "results in the collection" one should read "results in the collection".

Section "Agriculture". In the subsection "Leading countries in agricultural trade in 2007" countries were not sorted by apple imports; country figures are correct.

Section "Economy of the People's Republic of China". In the table "Imports from the main countries", due to a technical error, the shares are incorrectly calculated. The indicators have been corrected in the reference book "Materials 2011-1".

Section "Economy of the People's Republic of China". The table "Exports of the most important goods" contains an erroneous series of data on the export of metal products. The correct series looks like this (in billion dollars):

8.7 - 11.8 - 20.9 - 27.4 - 35.5 - 46.1 - 54, Section "China Economy". In the table "Exports of the most important goods", the data on the export of computers and components also includes the export of computer parts, which forms the basis of supplies for the item "parts computer science". The correct series looks like this (in billion dollars):

11.0 - 20.1 - 59.9 - 76.3 - 93.0 - 93.5 - 105, Section "Russian Economy". In the table "Main indicators of the development of the economic complex" for the series "Building bricks" the unit of measurement instead of "million pieces." should read "billion pieces".

Section "Economy of Russia". In the table "Main indicators of the development of the economic complex", the collection of fruits, taking into account the results of the agricultural census in 2000-2007. brought without grapes.

The correct series looks like this (in million tons):

2.97 - 2.61 - 2.86 - 2.79 - 2.85 - 2.73 - 2.17 - 2, Section "Russian Economy". In the footnote to the 5th part of the table "Main indicators of the development of the economic complex", on the 3rd line in the second sentence, instead of "it did not start in 2008" should read "began not in 2008".

In the reference book "Materials-2009-2" ... Section "Fuel and Energy Complex". In the table "Oil reserves" in the column "2008" Venezuela should follow Iraq.

Section "Fuel and energy complex". In footnote 1 to the table “Proven gas reserves”, the beginning of the 5th line should read “obtained” instead of “obtained”.

Section "Ferrous metallurgy". In the table " international trade steel products in 2007” instead of "EU-25" it should read "EU-27".

Section "Non-ferrous metallurgy". In the table "Cobalt mining" in the column "2000" Canada should follow the DRC, followed by Australia.

Section "Non-ferrous metallurgy". In the first note to the table "Silver Mining" in the 1st line, instead of "undifferentiated given" should read "undifferentiated given".

Section "Chemical industry". In the "World trade in inorganic compounds" group of tables, Russia's import indicators should read "0.65" instead of "1.41" for 2002 and "1.06" instead of "2.91" for the "Agriculture" section. In the table "Collection of flax fiber" in the column "2003" in the last line, Lithuania (9.9 thousand tons) should be indicated instead of Egypt (9.0 thousand tons).

Section "Agriculture". In the table "Head of large cattle” in the columns “2003” and "2007" China should follow the US.


A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition) Section "Russian Economy". In the table "Main indicators of the development of the economic complex" for the series "Building bricks" the unit of measurement instead of "million pieces." should read "billion pieces".

Section "Economy of Russia". In the table "Imports of the most important goods", the column "Fabrics made of man-made fibers" should read "Fabrics made of man-made filaments".

In the reference book "Materials-2009-1" ... Section "Fuel and Energy Complex". In the table "Electricity losses in the network in 2006" (in absolute terms) omitted Iran, whose figure is 40.2 billion kWh (8th place).

Section "Non-ferrous metallurgy". In the table "Production of refined copper" the indicator of Poland in 2006 should read "557" instead of "577".

Section "Timber industry complex". In the table "Manufacture of fibreboard" in the column "2003" instead of "Italy" should read "France".

Section "Economy of Russia". In the table "Main indicators of the development of the economic complex" for the series "Building bricks" the unit of measurement instead of "million pieces." should read "billion pieces".

Section "Economy of Russia". In the tables of exports and imports of major commodities, the column “New tires” should read “Tires”, because the given data also includes the trade in used tires (their share is 1–2% in exports and up to 15% in imports).

Section "Economy of Russia". In the table "Export of the most important goods" in the column "Precious metals and stones, products from them" the figures for all years except 1994 and 2000 are given without taking into account trade with Belarus.

Section "Economy of Russia". In the table "Imports of the most important goods", the column "Fabrics from man-made fibers" should read "Fabrics from chemical filaments", the indicator for 2004 is "399" instead of "635", the indicator for 2005 is "337"

instead of "579", the figure for 2007 is "481" instead of "873".

For errors and misprints in other editions of the "Materials" can be found in previous editions of the guide.


A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition) Tables are compiled on the basis of information from the basic source, with the replacement of non-representative indicators with data from other sources, and in some cases with our own estimates and calculations, world results are also adjusted.

Our estimates are in italics in the typical tables.

Data for recent reporting years are most often preliminary. Data for previous years, where possible, are updated in comparison with previous issues of the Materials.

In typical tables of industry sections, as a rule, several insignificant territories remain outside the regional breakdown: Greenland, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Bermuda, and Antarctic territories.

The use of the name China in a number of tables means that the total indicators of the PRC, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau are indicated there; this approach is used, in particular, by FAO.

DRC: Democratic Republic of the Congo, PNG: Papua New Guinea, CAR: Central African Republic.

Considering the world results of foreign trade and the performance of individual countries, it is necessary to remember several important points:

International organizations that are part of the UN structure often do not publish and do not take into account data on Taiwan, because. This country is only recognized as a province of the People's Republic of China. This leads to significant discrepancies between world exports and imports, for example, certain types electronic products, where Taiwan is a major net exporter. In this paper, unless otherwise noted, Taiwan's performance A number of countries act as transit points, a kind of distribution centers for goods in a particular region, importing large quantities of them for subsequent re-export. This is most true for Hong Kong, whose imports for consumption account for approximately 10% of total imports, and exports of goods own production– 7–8% of the total export volume. Singapore, Belgium, the Netherlands, the UAE have a large share of re-export and re-import (not counting oil trade).

The value of the goods is usually determined at the border of the exporting or importing state (respectively, FOB and CIF bases). Thus, a product exported by one country, upon arrival in another, becomes more expensive in terms of shipping costs and other costs associated with its transportation. This causes the excess of world volumes of imports over exports. This is most noticeable for inexpensive types of raw materials and semi-finished products, as well as for some consumer goods that have a small volumetric value (furniture, shoes) - for these products, the share of transportation costs can exceed 15%.

A significant increase in fuel prices and tension in the global freight market in the mid-2000s. led to an increase in the contribution of transport costs to imports.

The next issue of "Materials" is expected in the III quarter of 2011.

All the latest issues of the "Materials" are presented on the website

The Materials project is non-commercial and open to new ideas and participants.

Please send your comments and suggestions, as well as any questions regarding our guide to [email protected]


A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition)


GDP in national currency, converted into dollars at the average annual rate.

The international dollar is an arbitrary unit of currency used for international comparisons.

1 international dollar has the same purchasing power as 1 US dollar in the US.

Data for 2008

Data for 2007


A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition)


World Data for Gulf states, small countries and territories are not available for all years.

Data for 2007

2009 estimate. Updated data for countries.

Data for 2007-2008

Data for 2008

Note. The tables do not reflect the performance of Taiwan, taken into account in the world totals.


A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition)


Methodological explanations for the tables on this and 3 following pages.

The tables are based on WTO statistics (International Trade Statistics 2010).

The data is based on export statistics and does not include Hong Kong re-exports.

Exporters Note. For reference, the value of intra-regional trade is indicated in parentheses.


A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition)


Exporters Note. For reference, the value of intra-regional trade is indicated in parentheses.

Share of goods flows in world trade, % Exporters Geographical structure of interregional exports Exporters Geographical structure of interregional imports Exporters


A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition)


China exporters


A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition)


China exporters


A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition)



1. Export of Hong Kong's own goods was (in billion dollars): 2000 - 24, 2003 - 20, 2006 - 23, 2008 - 17, 2009 - 17.

2. Export of Singapore's own goods was (in billion dollars): 2000 - 79, 2003 - 86, 2006 - 143, 2008 - 176, 2009 - 138.


1. Imports for consumption by Hong Kong were (in billion dollars): 2000 - 72, 2003 - 61, 2006 - 86, 2008 - 99, 2009 - 91.

2. Imports for consumption by Singapore were (in billion dollars): 2000 - 79, 2003 - 86, 2006 - 143, 2008 - 157, 2009 - 114.


A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition)



A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition)


Without re-export - 17 billion (-0.7%).

Without re-export - 138 billion (-21.4%).

Import for consumption - 91 billion (-8.3%).

Without taking into account the cost of delivery to the country.

Import for consumption - 114 billion (-27.5%).

Export of partner countries.


A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition)


The tables are based on WTO statistics (International Trade Statistics 2010 and Time Series Database).

The data was not corrected.

Venezuelan and UAE import data for 2007 and 2009 appear to be underestimated. (especially for consumer goods), Saudi Arabia data for 2009 is incomplete, with the exception of fuel trade, Nigeria's import data tends to be inflated (the country's foreign trade statistics are inconsistent).

EU data reflects trade with non-Community countries.

Data for some countries (Russia, India, Saudi Arabia, etc.) include WTO estimates.

Data for imports from Australia, Brazil, Canada, Mexico and South Africa are given on an FOB basis (i.e., excluding the cost of shipping goods to the country).

Data for Hong Kong and Singapore reflect exports of goods of own production and imports for consumption calculated by the WTO as total imports minus re-exports. The nominal indicators of these countries are significantly higher, because in Hong Kong, re-export transactions account for more than 90% of the total trade, in Singapore - 45%.


A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition)


World trade in industrial products, billion dollars

Note. Industrial products do not include non-ferrous metals, lumber, pulp, chemical fibers, weapons and ammunition.


A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition)


World trade in chemical products, billion dollars


A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition)


World trade in automotive equipment and components, billion dollars


A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition)


World trade in electronic components, billion dollars

Too much excess of imports over exports (24% instead of the normal 5-7%) is due to the specifics of the data for China.

The PRC receives goods produced in special processing zones of this country on a large scale; the basis of such imports are electronic components. In exports, deliveries of these products are either not taken into account, or are characterized by much more low prices, reflecting not the full cost of the goods, but only the cost of completion.

World trade in computers and office equipment, billion dollars

World trade in telecommunications equipment, billion dollars


A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition)


World trade in threads, yarn and textiles, billion dollars








"VLANT" Other agricultural products include live animals and plants, fodder, tobacco, vegetable resins and extracts, cork and cork products, weaving materials, wickerwork, bristles, hair, bone, etc.

Various industrial products include furniture, toys, sports equipment, printing products, stationery, costume jewelry, lighting equipment, musical instruments, umbrellas, etc.

A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition)



2. Recoverable tar sands oil reserves are estimated by BP at 23.3 billion tons for Canada and 10.5 billion tons for Venezuela.

In some years, these volumes are added to the usual indicators of countries; they are not reflected in the table.

Note. Data on OPEC are given according to its actual composition for the reporting year.

Calculated from barrels per day with a typical ratio of 1 bbl. per day = 49.8 tons per year.

Previously, the capacity was determined at 269 million tons per year.

In the "BP Statistical Review of World Energy" for 2008 and earlier, the capacity was determined at 114-116 million tons per year.

According to our estimates, the capacity amounted to approximately 160 million tons per year.

Including fuel ethanol and biodiesel.


A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition)


Europe Calculated from barrels per day with a typical ratio of 1 bbl. per day = 49.8 tons per year.

Including Turkey.

Europe Including Turkey.

Proven coal reserves for 2009, billion tons India South Africa In the early 2000s reserves were estimated at 74.7 and 72.7 billion tons, respectively, in the mid-2000s. - in 92.4 and 90.1 billion tons.

In the early 2000s reserves were estimated at 55.3 billion tons.


1. Reserves are at the time of publication of the data and do not take into account subsequent retrospective adjustments.

2. Compared to 2008, data on reserves have not changed.

3. About 20 billion tons are coal reserves in the republics of the former Yugoslavia, mainly in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia; more than 95% of them are brown coal.


A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition)


In 2003, the estimate of gas reserves in Qatar was raised to 25.8 trillion m, but this value seems too large for the country's only North (North) field, which has a continuation in Iran - the South Pars field.

Taking into account physical characteristics these and similar deposits, the previous estimate seems more realistic.

Note. Reserves are at the time of publication of the data and do not take into account subsequent retrospective adjustments.

The tables on production and consumption of natural gas for Russia use official data from Rosstat.

The original source ("BP Statistical Review of World Energy") gives lower values, but no explanation could be found for this, and the lack of a stable correlation with Russian data indicates that the reason for the discrepancies lies not in the accounting features.

It should be noted that the British Geological Survey in its publications provides data that correspond to Russian statistics.

Based on the adjusted data, the world totals and tables on energy consumption were recalculated.


A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition)


Consumption of primary commercial energy resources, mtoe Notes.

1. Primary commercial energy resources include oil, natural gas, coal, hydroelectric power and nuclear power.

2. Toe - tons of oil equivalent.

Note. Shares are given for countries with a production volume of more than 5 billion kWh. The total volume of world trade amounted to 615 billion kWh.


A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition)



A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition)


Indicators of the leading countries in 2009 and growth by 2008

Approximately 40 Mtoe was consumed in Vietnam.


A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition)


In addition to hydroaccumulating.

Excluding wood and biomass fired stations included in "other".


A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition)


Net generation does not include electricity consumed in power plants.

Excluding wood and biomass fired stations included in "other".


A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition)


Specific net electricity generation in 2008, thousand kWh per 1 kW of power For countries where electricity generation exceeded 5 billion kWh.

Excluding wood and biomass fired stations included in "other".

For countries with the production of electricity at stations of this type, more than 5 billion kWh.

For countries with the production of electricity at stations of this type, more than 2 billion kWh.


A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition)


Structure of net electricity generation in 2008

Except those working on wood and biomass, included in "other".

Note. The countries in which electricity production in 2008 exceeded 35 billion kWh are indicated.


A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition)


International trade in oil and oil products in 2007, million tons Exporters International trade in oil and oil products in 2009, million tons Exporters


A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition)



A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition)


PRC The PRC data reflects the extraction of crude ore with an average iron content of 30-35% (typical in other countries - 55-65%).

UNCTAD gives the following estimate of production in comparable global average quality:

2003 - 122.7 million tons, 2006 - 276.4 million tons, 2007 - 332.3 million tons, 2008 - 366 million tons.

The USGS and the British Geological Survey estimate production in Iran in 2007-2008. in 30-35 million tons, however, these data are more likely to refer to raw ore.

According to the US Geological Survey, the leaders in the extraction of iron ore in terms of metal in 2008 were (in million tons):

China - 270, Brazil - 236, Australia - 209, India - 142, Russia - 58, Ukraine - 40, USA - 34, South Africa - 31, Canada - 20, Sweden - 15.5.

World production amounted to 1130 million tons.

According to the US Geological Survey, in 2010 the world production of iron ore amounted to 2.4 billion tons, incl. (in million tons):

China - 900, Australia - 420, Brazil - 370, India - 260, Russia - 100, Ukraine - 72, South Africa - 55, USA - 49, Canada - 35, Iran - 33.

Kazakhstan The table reflects the extraction of ore of commercial quality, with a manganese content of 30-55%.

Indicators of countries producing low-quality ore have been recalculated for better comparability.

The International Manganese Institute estimates crude ore production as follows: 2004 - 8.5 million tons, 2006 - 11 million tons, 2007 - 14 million tons.

Ore mining, according to official data, amounted to: 2003 - 2533 thousand tons, 2006 - 2246 thousand tons, 2007 - 2390 thousand tons, 2008 - 1975 thousand tons.

Concentrate production (30-40% Mn). Ore extraction (not more than 15% Mn), according to official data, amounted to:

2003 - 2361 thousand tons, 2006 - 2524 thousand tons, 2007 - 2453 thousand tons, 2008 - 2477 thousand tons.

According to the US Geological Survey, the leaders in the extraction of manganese ore in terms of metal in 2008 were (in thousand tons):

South Africa - 2900, Australia - 2320, China - 2200, Gabon - 1600, Brazil - 1380, India - 960, Kazakhstan - 600, Ukraine - 490, Ghana - 400, Mexico - 170. World production amounted to 13.3 million tons.

In 2010, global production is estimated at 13 million tons, incl. (in thousand tons):

China - 2800, Australia - 2400, South Africa - 2200, Gabon - 1400, India - 1100, Brazil - 830.

According to the US Geological Survey, in 2010 the world production of chromites amounted to 22 million tons, incl. (in million tons): South Africa - 8.5, India - 3.8, Kazakhstan - 3.4.


A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition)


According to preliminary data, in 2010 the world production of pig iron amounted to 1031 million tons, incl. (in million tons):

China - 590, Japan - 82.5, Russia - 48.5, India - 38.5, Republic of Korea - 35, Brazil - 31.5, Germany, Ukraine - 28.5 each, USA - 27, France - 10.

According to preliminary data, in 2010 the world steel production amounted to 1414 million tons, incl. (in million tons):

China - 627, Japan - 110, USA - 80.5, India, Russia - 67 each, Republic of Korea - 58.5, Germany - 44, Ukraine - 33.5, Brazil - 33, Turkey - 29.

Note. Steel here refers to semi-finished products, rolled products, pipes, fittings, wire, rails, railway wheels and castings.


A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition)


Use of final steel products.


A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition)


Indicators of the leading countries in 2009 and growth against 2008, mmt


A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition)


International trade in steel products in 2005, million tons Importers Note. Other Europe also includes Turkey.

International trade in steel products in 2008, million tons Importers Note. Other Europe also includes Turkey.


A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition)


Leading countries in trade in iron and steel products in 2008


A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition)


ferroalloys and steel products (including pipes).

World exports of ferrous metals amounted to:

in 2005 - 315 billion dollars, in 2008 - more than 580 billion.

World exports of metal products amounted to:

in 2005 - more than 215 billion dollars, in 2008 - 345 billion.


A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition)


Note. Indonesia increased exports of aluminum ores and concentrates to China from 0.4 million tons in 2004 to 16 million tons in 2008.

According to official data, bauxite production in the country remains at the same level - 1.5 million tons per year. The US Geological Survey sticks to the official data, while the British publishes estimates based on exports. Perhaps Indonesia is mining a different kind of aluminum ores.

According to the US Geological Survey, in 2010 the world production of bauxite amounted to 211 million tons, incl. (in million tons):

Australia - 70, China - 40, Brazil - 32, India - 18, Guinea - 17.5, Jamaica - 9, Kazakhstan - 5.5, Russia - 4.5, Suriname - 3, Venezuela - 2.5.

According to the US Geological Survey, in 2010 the world produced 41.5 million tons of primary aluminum, incl. (in million tons):

China - 16.8, Russia - 3.9, Canada - 2.9, Australia - 2.0, USA - 1.7, Brazil - 1.6, India, UAE - 1.4 each, Bahrain - 0.9 , Norway, South Africa - 0.8 each.

South Africa Canada Produce titanium slags, which have a higher content of titanium dioxide than concentrates (80-95% versus 50-70%).

According to the US Geological Survey, in 2010, 6.3 million tons of titanium dioxide were produced in the world, incl. (in million tons):

Australia - 1.35, South Africa - 1.25, Canada - 0.7, China - 0.6, India - 0.45, Vietnam - 0.4, Mozambique, Ukraine - 0.35 each, Norway - 0.3 , USA - 0.2.

According to the US Geological Survey, in 2010 the world production of titanium sponge (excluding the USA) amounted to 132 thousand tons, incl. (in thousand tons): China - 53, Japan - 30, Russia - 27, Kazakhstan - 15, Ukraine - 7.

Production in the US, according to our estimates, before the crisis was 10-12 thousand tons per year.


A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition)


According to the US Geological Survey, in 2010 the world's copper production amounted to 16.2 million tons, incl. (in million tons):

Chile - 5.5, Peru - 1.3, China - 1.15, USA - 1.1, Australia - 0.9, Indonesia - 0.85, Zambia, Russia - 0.75 each, Canada - 0.5 , Poland - 0.45.

According to the International Copper Research Group, in 2009 the world production of refined copper amounted to 18.2 million tons, incl. (in thousand tons): China - 3790, Chile - 3060, Japan - 1540, USA - 1280, Russia - 860, Germany - 690, India - 660, Republic of Korea - 530, Poland - 525, Australia - 500.

According to the US Geological Survey, in 2010 the world production of molybdenum amounted to 234 thousand tons, incl. (in thousand tons):

China - 94, USA - 56, Chile - 39, Peru - 12, Canada - 9, Mexico - 8, Armenia - St. 4, Russia - approx. 4, Iran - 3.5, Mongolia - 3.


A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition)


According to the US Geological Survey, in 2010 the world's zinc production amounted to 12 million tons, incl. (in million tons):

China - 3.5, Peru - 1.5, Australia - 1.45, India - 0.75, USA - 0.7, Canada - 0.65, Mexico - 0.55, Kazakhstan - 0.5, Bolivia - 0.45, Ireland - 0.35.

According to preliminary data from the International Lead and Zinc Research Group, in 2010 world zinc production amounted to 12.8 million tons, incl. in some leading countries (in thousand tons):

China - 5160, Canada - 690, Republic of Korea - 660, Japan - 570, Australia - 500, Mexico - 340, Kazakhstan - 320.

According to the US Geological Survey, in 2010 the world production of lead amounted to 4.1 million tons, incl. (in thousand tons):

China - 1750, Australia - 620, USA - 400, Peru - 280, Mexico - 185, India - 95, Bolivia, Russia - 90 each, Canada, Sweden - 65 each.

According to preliminary data from the International Lead and Zinc Research Group, in 2010 the world production of lead amounted to 9.4 million tons, incl. in some leading countries (in thousand tons):

China - 4200, USA - 1240, Canada, Japan - 270 each, Mexico - 250, Rep. Korea - 220, Australia - 210.


A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition)


According to the US Geological Survey, in 2010 world nickel production amounted to 1.55 million tons, incl. (in thousand tons):

Russia - 265, Indonesia - 230, Canada, Philippines - 155 each, Australia, New Caledonia - 140 each, China, Cuba - 75 each, Colombia - 70, Brazil - 65.

The amount of recoverable cobalt in ores, concentrates and other products from local raw materials.

According to the US Geological Survey, in 2010 the world production of cobalt amounted to 88 thousand tons, incl. (in thousand tons):

DRC - 45, Zambia - 11, China - 6.2, Russia - 6.1, Australia - 4.6, Cuba - 3.5, Canada - 2.5, New Caledonia - 1.7, Brazil, Morocco - by 1.5.

Manufactured by Umicore, which includes production at a plant in the PRC, not included in the figures for that country.

Increase in indicators in the 2000s mainly due to the expansion of production in China.

According to the Cobalt Development Institute, in 2009 the world production of cobalt amounted to 60 thousand tons, incl. (in thousand tons):

China - 23.1, Finland - 8.9, Canada - 4.9, Australia - 4.1, Norway - 3.5, DRC - 3, Russia - 2.4, Belgium - 2.2, Morocco - 1, 6, Zambia - 1.5.


A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition)


Indonesia There is a large-scale illegal mining of tin in Indonesia, its value is estimated differently by different sources.

In addition, it experiences significant fluctuations depending on the policies pursued by the authorities.

The World Bureau of Metal Statistics gives the following data on total tin production in Indonesia:

2003 - 64 thousand tons, 2006 - 117.5 thousand tons, 2007 - 102 thousand tons, 2008 - 96 thousand tons.

According to the US Geological Survey, in 2010 the world production of tin amounted to 260 thousand tons, incl. (in thousand tons):

China - 115, Indonesia - 60, Peru - 38, Bolivia - 16, Brazil - 12, DRC - 9, Vietnam - 3.5, Australia, Malaysia - 2 each.

Estimates are often revised by 20-30 thousand tons. Estimates are often revised by 10-20 thousand tons in one direction or another.

USGS estimate 2010 USGS estimate 2010

world production of antimony amounted to 135 thousand tons, world production of tungsten amounted to 61 thousand tons, incl. (in thousand tons):

including (in thousand tons): China - 120, Bolivia, Russia, South Africa - 3 each, China - 52, Russia - 2.5, Bolivia - 1.1, Austria, Portugal - 1 each.

Tajikistan - 2.


A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition)


Russia World According to the IAC "Mineral", the extraction of gold from the bowels amounted to: 2003 - 201 tons, 2006 - 213 tons, 2007 - 201 tons. In addition, the total unaccounted for illegal and artisanal mining is up to 100 tons.

According to the US Geological Survey, in 2010 the world gold production amounted to 2500 tons, incl. (in t):

China - 345, Australia - 255, USA - 230, Russia, South Africa - 190 each, Peru - 170, Indonesia - 120, Ghana - 100, Canada, Uzbekistan - 90 each.

Russia Extraction from the bowels, according to IAC "Mineral", for 2008 - our estimate. Commercial production is likely to be 10-20% less.

In the publications of foreign research groups, either one or the other indicator is usually given in an undifferentiated way.

The US Geological Survey estimates production in Russia as follows:

2003 - 700 tons, 2006 - 1250 tons, 2007 - 1200 tons, 2008 - 1300 tons.

According to the US Geological Survey, in 2010 the world's silver production amounted to 22.2 thousand tons, incl. (in thousand tons):

Peru - 4, Mexico - 3.5, China - 3, Australia - 1.7, Chile - 1.5, Bolivia, Russia - 1.4 each, USA - 1.3, Poland - 1.2, Canada - 0 .7.


A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition)


Leading countries in trade in non-ferrous metal products in 2008


A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition)


Morocco Including Western Sahara.

According to the US Geological Survey, in 2010 the world production of phosphates amounted to 176 million tons, incl. (in million tons):

China - 65, Morocco, USA - 26 each, Russia - 10, Tunisia - 7.5, Jordan - 6, Brazil - 5.5, Egypt - 5, Australia, Israel, Syria - 3 each.

In terms of K 2O.


1. Salts used for deicing roads and sidewalks, which is widely practiced in Russia and Germany, are not taken into account.

2. More than 95% of the extracted salts after enrichment become potash fertilizers. Both those and others are taken into account by the content of K 2O.

According to the US Geological Survey, in 2010 the world production of potash salts amounted to 33 million tons, incl. (in million tons):

Canada - 9.5, Russia - 6.8, Belarus - 5, Germany, China - 3 each, Israel - 2.1, Jordan - 1.2, USA - 0.9, Chile - 0.7, Brazil, Great Britain , Spain - 0.4 each.

China Currently, 63% of sulfur is recovered in elemental form in the process of refining oil and natural gas (approximately equally), 25% - in the form of sulfuric acid in the processing of sulfide ores of non-ferrous metals and cleaning off gases in the ferrous metallurgy, 9% is mined in pyrites and only 3% comes directly from sulfur ores.

The US Geological Survey gives a significantly lower estimate: 2003 - 6.50 million tons, 2006 - 7.76 million tons, 2007 - 8.46 million tons, 2008 - 8.61 million tons.

According to the US Geological Survey, in 2010 the world production of sulfur amounted to 68 million tons, incl. (in million tons):

USA - 9.9, China - 9.4, Russia - 7.1, Canada - 7, Germany - 3.8, Japan - 3.4, Saudi Arabia - 3.2, Kazakhstan, UAE - 2 each, Mexico - 1.7.


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1. The production of common salt in the world is at least 15-20 million tons higher, since for a number of countries there are no data on the extraction of salt for industrial and technical purposes (usually extracted in the form of brine).

In particular, they are not available in Russia, where the total production is estimated at 8 million tons per year.

2. In the US, 40% of salt consumed is used to de-ice roads and sidewalks.

Significant volumes of salt consumption in this area are also characteristic of Canada and European countries.

According to the US Geological Survey, in 2010 the world production of table salt amounted to 270 million tons, incl. (in million tons):

China - 60, USA - 45, Germany - 16.5, India - 16, Canada - 14, Australia - 11.5, Mexico - approx. 9, Brazil - 7, Chile - 6.5, France - 6.

In terms of 100% nitrogen. Industry statistics are more often conducted by the natural weight of ammonia (82% nitrogen).

The data appears to be somewhat overestimated. According to our estimates, production was 4-4.5 million tons.

According to the US Geological Survey, in 2010 the world production of ammonia amounted to 131 million tons, incl. (in million tons):

China - 42, India - 11.5, Russia - 10.5, USA - 8.5, Trinidad and Tobago - 5.5, Indonesia - 4.5, Canada - 4, Ukraine - 3.5, Germany, Saudi Arabia - 2.5 each.


A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition)


Based on 100% nutrient content according to the International Fertilizer Association.

The following tables for the production of mineral fertilizers are based on FAO data. All values ​​are given on a nutrient basis. Production in Austria, Belgium, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan is not taken into account, which, according to our estimates, produced 2.9 million tons of fertilizers, incl. 2.4 million tons of nitrogen and 0.45 million tons of phosphorus.

Potash fertilizers accounted for almost the entire reduction, but according to other sources, their output decreased by only 0.5 million tons.

According to our estimates, production was about 4.5 million tons.


A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition)


According to the USGS, in 2010 the world production of barite According to the USGS, in 2010

amounted to 6.9 million tons, incl. (in thousand tons): China - 3600, India - 1000, USA - 670, borate production in the leading countries was (in thousand tons):

Morocco - 460, Iran - 250, Turkey - 150, Mexico - 140, Kazakhstan - 100, Turkey - 1200, Argentina - 800, Chile - 650, Russia - 400. Based on imports of bromine-containing products from Jordan, production in this country can be estimated about 40 thousand tons per year.


A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition)


Leading countries in trade in chemical products in 2008


A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition)


in 2005 - about 250 billion dollars, in 2008 - 335 billion.

World trade in inorganic compounds, billion dollars

World exports of inorganic compounds amounted to:

in 2005 - more than 60 billion dollars, in 2008 - more than 115 billion.


A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition)


World trade in plastics and their products, USD billion

World exports of plastics and products from them amounted to:

in 2005 - 340 billion dollars, in 2008 - 472 billion.

World trade in pharmaceutical products, billion dollars

in 2005 - 273 billion dollars, in 2008 - 416 billion.


A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition)


The tables on this page are compiled according to the Organization Internationale des Constructeurs d "Automobiles (OICA).

A small number of cars (0.2-0.6 million units) were counted twice: in the country of production of the vehicle kit and in the country of assembly.

People's Republic of China In 2003, cars were allocated in accordance with the classification of the National Bureau of Statistics of the People's Republic of China, in 2007-2009. - in accordance with the methodology of the China Automobile Industry Association.

According to the Statistical Bureau of the People's Republic of China, the production of passenger cars amounted to: 2007 - 4.94 million units, 2008 - 5.08 million units, 2009 - 7.49 million units.

PRC In 2003, trucks were allocated in accordance with the classification of the National Bureau of Statistics of the PRC, in 2007-2009. - in accordance with the methodology of the China Automobile Industry Association.

According to the Statistical Bureau of the People's Republic of China, the output of trucks and buses amounted to: 2007 - 4.09 million units, 2008 - 4.28 million units, 2009 - 6.34 million units.


A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition)


World trade in passenger cars, billion USD

in 2005 - 487 billion dollars, in 2008 - 634 billion.

World trade in trucks, billion dollars

World exports of trucks amounted to:

in 2005 - 90 billion dollars, in 2008 - 134 billion.


A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition)


car assembly kits and tractor spare parts.

World exports of auto components amounted to:

in 2005 - 235 billion dollars, in 2008 - about 310 billion.

World trade in railway equipment, mln USD

parts of locomotives and wagons (wheels, axles, etc.), track equipment.

World exports of railway machinery and equipment amounted to:

in 2005 - 16.5 billion dollars, in 2008 - 26.5 billion.


A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition)


This product group includes ships of all types (except military), offshore platforms and other watercraft (dredges, lighthouses, buoys, etc.). Statistics on the import of ships from many countries do not reflect the real World export of ships and other watercraft amounted to: their customs borders. This was most typical in 2005 - more than 74 billion dollars, in 2008 - 148 billion for the "flag of convenience" countries. We have tried to eliminate this shortcoming.

world trade aircraft, billion dollars


A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition)


World trade in power equipment, billion dollars

nuclear reactors, steam and electric generators, parts to them.

World exports of power equipment amounted to:

in 2005 - 253 billion dollars, in 2008 - 370 billion.

World trade in devices and tools, billion dollars

World exports of appliances and tools amounted to:

in 2005 - 216 billion dollars, in 2008 - 316 billion.


A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition)


China More than 2 million m3 is harvested outside China.

According to preliminary data, in 2009, 3,250 million m3 of wood were harvested in the world, incl. (in million m):

USA - 345, India - 330, China - 290, Brazil - 255, Russia - 150, Canada - 110, Indonesia, Ethiopia - 100 each, DRC - approx. 80, Nigeria - St. 70.

China About 2 million m 3 are harvested outside the PRC.

A significant increase is associated with the account of the forest shaft by hurricanes; such wood is not fully involved in economic use.

According to preliminary data, in 2009, 1,430 million m3 of industrial wood was harvested in the world, incl. (in million m):

USA - 305, Brazil, Russia - 115 each, Canada - 105, China - 95, Sweden - 60, Germany - 50, Chile - 40, Indonesia, Finland - 35 each.

China About 0.2 million m 3 is harvested outside the PRC.

According to preliminary data, in 2009, 1820 million m3 of fuel wood were harvested in the world, incl. (in million m):

India - 310, China - 195, Brazil - 140, Ethiopia - approx. 100, DRC - 75, Indonesia - 65, Nigeria - St. 60, Mexico, Russia, USA, Uganda - 40 each.

The figures for fuelwood felling in many countries, primarily in developing countries, cited by the FAO in the 2000s, seem to be highly overestimated. In the study "Modern shifts in the territorial-organizational structure of the world timber industry complex", carried out by A. V. Khokhlov in 2008, these indicators were adjusted taking into account previous FAO estimates, data from other sources, as well as information about the state of the forest resources of countries.

As a result, the estimate of fuelwood harvesting in the world in 2006 decreased from 1870 to 1565 million m3, incl. for some countries (in million m):

Algeria - from 7.8 to 0.8, Bangladesh - from 27.6 to 2.8, Burkina Faso - from 12.1 to 6.0, Burundi - from 8.7 to 0.9, Ghana - from 33 0 to 16.5, Egypt - from 17.1 to 0, Kenya - from 20.7 to 14.5, China - from 203.5 to 185.2, Niger - from 9.0 to 0.1, Pakistan - from 26.1 to 13.1, Russia - from 46.0 to 30.0, Rwanda - from 9.4 to 0.9, Somalia - from 11.1 to 7.8, Uganda - from 37.3 to 11.2, France - from 35.5 to 2.9, Ethiopia - from 95.7 to 28.7.


A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition)


China Outside China, production was (in million m): early 2000s - 1.0, mid-2000s - 0.75.

According to preliminary data, in 2009 the production of wood-based panels in some leading countries was (in million m3): USA - 29, Germany - 14.8, Canada - 11, Russia - 8.6, Poland - 7.8, Turkey - 5.5.

Outside the PRC, production was (in million m 3): the beginning of the 2000s. - 0.7, mid-2000s - about 0.5.

According to preliminary data, in 2009 plywood production in some leading countries was (in million m3):

USA - 8.8, Malaysia - 4.2, Canada, Russia - 2.1 each, Chile - 1.0, Finland - 0.8.

China About 0.1 million m3 is produced outside China.

According to preliminary data, in 2009 the production of chipboard in some leading countries amounted to (in million m3):

USA - 13.5, Germany - 9.3, Canada - 7.1, Poland - 4.7, Russia - 4.6, Italy - 2.7, Great Britain, Turkey - 2.4 each.

China About 0.05 million m3 is produced outside China.

According to preliminary data, in 2009 fiberboard production in some leading countries amounted to (in million m3):

USA - 6.4, Germany - 4.9, Turkey - 3.0, Poland - 2.6, Thailand - 1.8, Russia - 1.6, Canada - 1.3.


A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition)


China Outside China, production is 0.1-0.2 million m3.

Data for 2005. According to our estimates, in 2006 production amounted to about 17 million m3.

According to preliminary data, in 2009 sawnwood production in some leading countries was (in million m): USA - 62, Canada - 33, Germany - 20, Russia - 19, Sweden - 16, France - 9, Austria - 8.5 .

Without taking into account soluble cellulose, the world production of which is 3.5 million tons per year, and the leaders are the USA (0.9 million tons), South Africa (0.5 million tons), Canada, India (0.25 million tons each), Brazil, Norway, Russia, Sweden (0.15-0.2 million tons each).

Approximately 0.3 million tons are produced outside the PRC.

Note. In addition to chemical pulp, the following primary fibrous semi-finished products are produced in significant quantities:

1. Wood pulp ordinary (mechanical). World production - 30-35 million tons per year.

The leaders are Canada (10-11 million tons), Finland (4.5 million tons), USA (4 million tons), Sweden (3.5 million tons), Germany, Norway, Russia (1.5 million tons each).

2. Semicellulose (highly processed wood pulp - chemical-mechanical, thermomechanical, etc.).

World production - St. 10 million tons per year. The leaders are the USA (3.5 million tons), China (approx. 3 million tons), Canada, Russia, Finland (0.5 million tons each).

3. Non-wood pulp (from herbaceous plants, agricultural waste, etc.). World production - 19 million tons per year.

The leaders are China (more than 13 million tons), India (2 million tons), Spain (about 1 million tons), Vietnam, Pakistan (0.4 million tons each).

According to preliminary data, in 2009 the world produced 120 million tons of chemical pulp, incl. by country (in million tons):

USA - 40, Brazil - 13, Canada - 8.5, Sweden - 8, Japan - 7.5, Finland - 5.5, Indonesia - 5, Russia, Chile - 4.5 each, China - 3.

China Incl. Taiwan - from 4.4 to 4.8 million tons per year.

According to preliminary data, in 2009 the production of paper and paperboard in some leading countries amounted (in million tons): USA - 72, Japan - 26, Finland - 13.5, Canada - 13, Sweden - 12, Republic of Korea - 10, 5, Brazil - 9.5, Italy - 8.5.


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A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition)


The tables are not based on our adjustments to the total production of paper and paperboard in Indonesia and Turkey.

For some countries, data may be incomplete due to insufficiently accurate breakdown of manufactured products into types.

Data for 2004

Outside China, 0.8 million tons of writing and printing paper, over 3 million tons of packaging and 0.3 million tons of sanitary paper are produced annually.

Data for 2001


A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition)


World trade in wood and wood products, billion dollars

This commodity group includes roundwood, wood chips, waste, sawn timber, plywood, wood-based panels and wood products.

World exports of wood and products from it amounted to:

in 2005 - more than 101 billion dollars, in 2008 - 118 billion.

World exports of paper and paperboard (including products made from them) amounted to:

in 2005 - 138 billion dollars, in 2008 - 179 billion.


A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition)


World clothing exports amounted to:

in 2005 - 290 billion dollars, in 2008 - about 385 billion.

World footwear exports amounted to:

in 2005 - 66.5 billion dollars, in 2008 - 90.5 billion.


A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition)


According to preliminary data, in 2009 more than 19 million tons of cheese were produced in the world, incl. (in million tons):

USA - 4.9, Germany - 2.0, France - 1.8, Italy - 1.1, Netherlands - St. 0.7, Poland - approx. 0.65, Egypt - 0.6, Russia - 0.55, Canada - 0.4, Australia, Argentina - 0.35 each.

According to preliminary data, in 2009 the production of animal oil in some leading countries amounted (in thousand tons): USA - 715, Pakistan - 630, Germany - 455, New Zealand - 440, France - 410, Russia - 270, Poland - 175, Australia - 150, Turkey - 145.

According to the data international organization in terms of sugar, in the 2007/08 agricultural year (October-September), world sugar production amounted to 167 million tons, incl. (in million tons):

India - 28.9, Brazil - 26.8, EU-27 - 17.8, China - 16.1, Thailand - 8.1, USA - 7.4, Mexico - 5.8, Pakistan - 5.1, Australia - 4.8, Russia - 3.4.

In the 2008/09 agricultural year, according to preliminary data, production amounted to 153 million tons, incl. (in million tons):

Brazil - 24.8, India - 16.1, EU-27 - 15.5, China - 13.5, Thailand - 7.5, USA - 6.9, Mexico - 5.2, Australia - 4.8, Pakistan, Russia - 3.8 each.


A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition)


10 main types: palm, soybean, rapeseed, sunflower, peanut, palm kernel, cottonseed, coconut, olive, corn, which together account for over 95% of the world production of vegetable oils. Of the above countries, India (20-25%), Nigeria (10%) and China (6-7%) have the largest share of other oils in production.

The production of vegetable oils by main types is distributed as follows:

Palm - St. 40 million tons per year. The leaders are Indonesia, Malaysia (17-18 million tons each).

Soya - St. 35 million tons per year. The leaders are the USA (9 million tons), China (7 million tons), Argentina, Brazil (6 million tons each).

Rapeseed - approx. 20 million tons per year. The leaders are China (4.5 million tons), Germany (2.5-3 million tons), India (2-2.5 million tons), Canada, France (1.5 million tons each).

Sunflower - 11 million tons per year. The leaders are Russia (2.5 million tons), Ukraine (2 million tons), Argentina (1.5 million tons).

Peanut - St. 5 million tons per year. The leaders are China (about 2 million tons), India (1.5-2 million tons), Nigeria (0.7-0.8 million tons).

Palm kernel - St. 5 million tons per year. The leaders are Indonesia, Malaysia (2 million tons each), Nigeria (0.6 million tons).

Cotton - 5 million tons per year. The leaders are China (about 2 million tons), India (0.8 million tons), Pakistan (0.45 million tons), USA (about 0.4 million tons).

Coconut - 3.5 million tons per year. The leaders are the Philippines (1.5 million tons), Indonesia (about 1 million tons), India (about 0.5 million tons).

Olive - 2.5-3 million tons per year. The leaders are Spain (1 million tons), Italy (0.6 million tons), Greece (over 0.3 million tons).

Cornmeal - ok. 2.5 million tons per year. The leaders are the USA (more than 1 million tons), China (0.25 million tons).

According to preliminary data, in 2009, 137 million tons of 10 main types of vegetable oils were produced in the world, incl. (in million tons):

Indonesia - 21, Malaysia - 20, China - 17.5, USA - 11, Argentina - 7.5, Brazil, India - 6.5 each, Germany - approx. 4.5, Russia - St. 3, Ukraine - 3.

Note. Barley beer accounts for 93% of the world's beer production. The production of beer based on other cereals (sorghum, corn, millet) is approximately 7% of the world, such beer is produced mainly in African countries (South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, etc.), as well as in Canada.

According to preliminary data, in 2009 the world produced 168 million tons of barley beer, incl. (in million tons):

China - 35, USA - 23, Russia - 11, Brazil - 10.5, Germany - 10, Mexico - 8, Great Britain - 4.5, Spain, Japan - 3.5 each, Poland - St. 3.

According to preliminary data, in 2009, 27 million tons of wine were produced in the world, incl. (in million tons):

Italy - 5.0, France - 4.6, Spain - 3.3, USA - 2.3, China - 1.6, Argentina - 1.2, Australia, South Africa - 1.1 each, Chile - 1.0 , Germany - 0.95.


A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition)


Indicators of the leading countries in 2008 and growth by 2007

New Zealand


A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition)


World trade in fruits and vegetables, billion dollars

This commodity group includes vegetables, fruits and nuts in fresh and canned forms and products of their processing.

World exports of fruits and vegetables amounted to:

in 2005 - 114 billion dollars, in 2008 - 170 billion.

World trade in meat and products from it, billion dollars

World exports of meat and products from it amounted to:

in 2005 - 74 billion dollars, in 2008 - 113.5 billion.


A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition)


According to the US Geological Survey, in 2010 the world production of gypsum amounted to 146 million tons, incl. (in million tons): China - 45, Iran - 13, Spain - 11.5, USA - 9, Russia - 1000, China - 350, Brazil - 270, Thailand - 8.5, Mexico, Japan - 6 each, Italy - 4, Australia, Canada - 3.5 each. Kazakhstan - 230, Canada - 100.

According to the US Geological Survey, in 2010 the world production of cement amounted to approximately 3.3 billion tons, incl. (in million tons): China - 1800, India - 220, USA - 64, Turkey - 60, Brazil - 59, Japan - 56, Iran - 55, Vietnam, Spain - 50 each, Russia - 49.

In terms of the cost of mined diamonds, Botswana leads the world, approximately 1.5 times ahead of Russia, which, in turn, is significantly ahead of South Africa and Canada, which share the 3rd and 4th places.

The approximate ratio of stones of technical and gem (including near-gem) quality in the total volume of diamond production, according to estimates by the US Geological Survey, is (in%): world - 45 and 55, Russia - 40 and 60, Botswana - 25 and 75, DRC - 80 and 20, Australia - 98 and 2 (previously - 25 and 75), Canada - 0 and 100, South Africa - 60 and 40, Angola - 10 and 90, Namibia - 0 and 100, China - 90 and 10, Guinea - 20 and 80.

According to the US Geological Survey, in 2010 the world's diamond production amounted to 129 million carats, incl. (in million carats):

Russia - 33, Botswana - 28, DRC - 18, Australia, Canada - 11 each, Angola - St. 8, South Africa - 5.5, Guinea, Namibia - 2.5 each.


A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition)


Catch in natural habitats.

Catch of artificially bred fish.

Catch in natural habitats of turtles, crustaceans, molluscs, algae, etc.

Catch of artificially bred turtles, crustaceans, mollusks, algae, etc.


A. V. Khokhlov. Reference materials on the geography of the world economy - 2011 (first edition)


This product group does not include medical furniture.

World furniture exports amounted to:

in 2005 - 97.5 billion dollars, in 2008 - 136 billion.

CITY ELECTRIC NETWORKS RD 34.20.185-94 Approved by: Ministry of Fuel and Energy Russian Federation 07/07/94, Russian joint stock company Energy and Electrification of the UES of Russia 05/31/94 The instruction comes into force on 01/01/95 instead of the Instructions for the design of urban and rural electrical networks, VSN 97-83 .... "

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