What is presenter mode in office powerpoint. Understanding PowerPoint Views

Hello dear blog readers! I have often seen many showcase their presentation in slide editing mode. That is, slides on the right side, and thumbnails on the left side. But this is not the right demo as there is neither animation nor full screen mode, which is somewhat inconvenient for the presenter. And one of the most popular questions for beginners is how to run a powerpoint presentation in full screen.

How to make a presentation in full screen

You can do this in several ways:

  1. by pressing the F5 button on your computer keyboard,
  2. by pressing the Start button on the Slide Show tab (or Slideshow in recent versions)

On a laptop the presentation starts when you press a key combination Fn+F5 from the first slide and to exit the full-screen demo mode, press the Esc key.

Slide Show tab in Microsoft PowerPoint

If you want to start the show from a specific slide, not from the first one, then select the desired slide in the thumbnail panel and options are also possible here:

  1. by clicking the From Current Slide button on the Slide Show tab, or by using a keyboard shortcut Shift+F5(or Slideshow in recent versions)
  2. In the lower right corner of the editor, click the "Slide Show" icon
Bottom edge of presentation editor screen

By the way, to show the presentation in a separate window go to the tab slide show in Demo Settings and set the radio button to "User Controlled (window)". This way you can control the size of the demo window. Perhaps this option will also be useful to someone.

Work in slide show mode

There is no interface or dragee mouse pointer visible. The transition to the next slide can be done with the control buttons, moreover, in several ways:

  • press the left mouse button on the keyboard,
  • down arrow right arrow
  • space or Enter

To go back one slide: up or left arrow or backspace button.
The "Home" button will take us to the first slide, and the "End" button will take us to the last one.

Keyboard shortcuts for navigating slideshows

  • Change slide or transition to a new effect - left click, spacebar, "N" key, "Enter", "Page down", right arrow, down arrow
  • Show the previous slide or animation effect - "P", "Page Up" or "Backspace" key, left arrow, up arrow.
  • Jump to the specified slide - a number, then the enter button.
  • Dimming and Restoring - "B" or "." (dot).
  • Lightening and restoration - key "w" or "," (comma).
  • Completion of the show - the key "Esc"

If you move the mouse down to the left corner, a cursor and several buttons appear. The left and right arrows allow you to flip through the slides again. The next button is in the form of a pencil. Clicking on it will open small list additional tools. With their help, you can make notes on the slide during the demonstration.

Keyboard shortcuts for handwritten notes

  • Ctrl+P - replace the pointer with a pencil
  • Ctrl+A - Change the pointer to an arrow
  • Ctrl + E - replace the pointer with an eraser
  • Ctrl+M - show or hide handwritten notes
  • E - screen cleaning

Sometimes during the demonstration it is necessary to focus the attention of the audience on any element. You can point it with the mouse arrow, and if you press the "Ctrl" key together with the left mouse button, you will get the effect of a laser pointer.

Presenter View in PowerPoint

Above was an example of showing a presentation on one monitor or on two in duplication mode. If you are showing a presentation through a projector, then it is more appropriate to use the presenter mode in this case.

Here, the slide show is displayed on the projector, and on your monitor you also get the opportunity to see thumbnails of all your slides, notes for the slide being shown, the current time and a timer for your presentation time.

Monitor screen in speaker mode

You do not have to remember what should appear on the next screen, and you will be able to clearly control the timing of your speech.

AT latest version Microsoft Word for on-screen viewing, you can launch Presenter Mode with a keyboard shortcut Alt+F5. It does not require a projector or a second monitor.

To enable this mode during your presentation, on the Slide Show tab, in the Monitors group, check the box and select the second monitor mode (marked with a red frame below in the figure)

Enable presenter mode

This mode can be enabled if an additional projector or another monitor is connected to the computer.

I hope that the last feature will greatly simplify your public speaking. And listeners will be satisfied. I wish you successful performances.

PS: Interesting Facts to create a presentation

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Working with video is very similar to working with audio files, but there are some differences.

When transferring a presentation from computer to computer, you must also transfer the video file, because it is not embedded in the presentation, but is placed using a link.

Possible causes of video failure in presentation:

    Video files are missing. As mentioned above, they are not embedded in the presentation, but are stored separately from it. Without video files, displaying video on a slide is not possible. Store and transfer your presentation file and video files in the same folder.

    The required codecs are missing on someone else's computer. For example, you are using video in AVI format, but there is no such codec on your computer. You can use WMV video because Windows Media Video codecs are included with Windows.

Setting up a presentation slide notes

To do this, in the tab View you must choose Structure mode

A window will appear at the bottom of the screen to notes, in which you can enter text that accompanies the slide.

In addition, you can use the Notes Page:

This mode is suitable for printing slides with notes.

Presenter mode

In order not to print the text of the report, but to see it in front of you, there is Presenter mode. If you have two monitors (or a monitor and a projector), you can set up the presentation so that the audience only sees the presentation slide, while the presenter can see the slide, its notes, and the next slide.

If you do not have two monitors, then the speaker mode can be viewed on one: by pressing Alt + F5.

Setting the slide transition time

If the presentation does not require the presence of a speaker, then you can set up an automatic slide change. To change slides by time, use the tool on the tab Transitionsslide change. You must specify the time after which the change is carried out (for each slide or for all slides of the presentation).

There is another tool for organizing presentation time settings: Time setting.

In this mode, you can record the time of the slide change in accordance with the time of the report.

Note: In real life, you should not use this tool to set up a presentation for a live speaker. In case of any failure in the report: if you were asked a question from the audience or a cat suddenly appeared on the stage, you will not be able to adjust the slide change time when the presentation is running.

Report recording

Another thing is when the report with sound is recorded in a single file and the presence of the speaker is not required.

You can record a presentation with an accompanying report using the tool Recording a slide show.

Make sure you have a microphone connected to your computer.

PowerPoint has a wonderful tool that, for some reason, is rarely used. Perhaps the fact is that this tool is more suitable for large presentations and is designed to be shown from a projector, and not from a monitor screen. This is about mode PowerPoint speaker .

PowerPoint Presenter View adds some very useful features to your presentation, including:

  • Emphasis of the audience's attention on individual elements of the presentation.
  • Notes invisible to viewers for yourself or an assistant.
  • The ability to control the order in which the slides are shown is, again, invisible to the audience.

Switching to speaker mode is easy: just use the keyboard shortcut: Alt+F5.

Everything is arranged here simply, explanations require only two elements: tools and notes.

Notes are more needed if switching presentation slides, as well as highlighting its individual elements, is carried out not by the author of the presentation, but by his assistant. In this case, the note will be a guide to action. However, as a reminder, they are also useful to the author, because being a developer tool, they are not displayed when showing a presentation in front of an audience and serve exclusively for internal use.

To add a note, go to the View tab and in the Display group, click Notes to display the panel. Pressing the button again will hide the panel.

Let's switch to presenter mode and find our note to the right of the main slide.

The first button Pen and laser pointer"contains three similar tools at once:

  • Laser pointer
  • Selection

A laser pointer is simply a bright circle simulating a pointer, tied to the movement of the mouse cursor. It is intended for the audience (and, unlike notes, is visible to it) - mouse movements on the host computer with the presenter mode turned on are also displayed on the presentation screen.

Pen and Selection - allow you to draw directly on the slider in the "pencil" and "highlighter" mode. Just like with a pointer, drawings made with them will be visible to the audience.

Next tool: View all slides"displays images of all slides in the presentation with the ability to quickly jump to the desired one. The audience does not see these movements.

« Enlarge slide” allows you to enlarge an arbitrary fragment of the slide being shown and show it to the audience in an enlarged form.

« Black or normal screen» - the color of the stub screen displayed when there are no slides.

« Options”- everything is clear here without explanation.

If you are using PowerPoint 2013 or later new version, just plug in your monitors and PowerPoint will automatically set up Presenter Mode. In this mode, you can view your notes during the show, and viewers will see only the slides. (You will find notes on the right side of the application window under the slide thumbnail in the section Next slide).

Show start

Slide show in a group Start Slideshow press the button First.

If you're using PowerPoint on one monitor and want to switch to Presenter view, use the Slide show in the lower left corner of the Controls panel, click the icon, and then select Show Presenter View.

Using Presenter View Controls

You can use PowerPoint on your smartphone as a remote control to show slides and view speaker notes. additional information(and video) can be found in the articleUsing a laser pointer on a smartphone while presenting a PowerPoint presentation.

Switching Monitors Designed for Presenter View and Slide View

To manually choose which screen displays your notes in Presenter View and which displays only the slides themselves, on the taskbar at the top of the Presenter View window, click Display Options and select command Switch between presenter view and slideshow.

How notes look in presenter view

When a computer is connected to a projector, the slideshow on your screen is in Presenter mode and only the slides are displayed on the projector screen. In this mode, you can view your notes during the show, and viewers will see only the slides.

The notes appear in the area on the right. Text wraps automatically and a vertical scroll bar appears when needed. You can change the size of the text in the notes area using the following two buttons in the lower left corner of this area:

To resize areas in Presenter View, hover over the vertical line that separates them, then click and drag.

Turn off presenter mode

To turn off Presenter View while a presentation is in progress:

Slide show tape uncheck Presenter mode.

Presenter view overview

Using two monitors allows you to run other programs that are not intended for audience viewing, and also provides access to Presenter View. Presenter view lets you use the following tools to make the presentation process easier.


  • You can use the thumbnails to select slides from the available slides and create a presentation specifically for that audience.
  • Text preview allows you to determine what will appear on the screen the next time you click, whether it's a new slide or the next item in a bulleted list.
  • Speaker notes are displayed clearly at a large scale, allowing them to be used as a presentation script.
  • You can dim the screen during a presentation and then continue showing from the same point. For example, you can choose not to show slide content during a Q&A break or pause.

The presenter mode icons and buttons are large enough to make it easy to navigate even when using an unfamiliar keyboard or mouse. The illustration below shows the various tools available in Presenter View.

  1. Slide thumbnails that you can click to skip a slide or return to a slide shown previously.
  2. The slide currently being shown to the audience.
  3. An End Show button that you can click at any time to end the presentation.
  4. Dimming button that can be pressed to temporarily dim the audience screen. Clicking again will display the current slide.
  5. The Next area, which displays the next slide to be shown.
  6. Buttons that you can press to move forward and backward through the presentation.
  7. Slide number (for example, "Slide 7 of 12").
  8. The time (in hours and minutes) since the presentation started.
  9. Speaker notes that can be used as a presentation script.

Requirements for using Presenter View

To use Presenter View, follow these steps:

  • Make sure your presentation computer supports multiple monitors. Most desktop computers require two graphics cards to support multiple monitors, while many laptops have built-in multi-monitor support.
  • Enable support for multiple monitors.
  • Turn on presenter mode.

Enabling Multiple Monitor Support


  • Although your computer may support more than two monitors, PowerPoint only supports using two monitors for a presentation.
  • To disable multiple monitor support, select a second monitor, and then clear the Extend my desktop onto this monitor check box. For more information about this procedure, see. in Microsoft Windows Help.
  1. On the Slide Show tab, in the Monitors group, click the Show Presenter View button.
  2. In the Display Properties dialog box, on the Settings tab, click the icon for the monitor you want to use as the presenter's monitor, and then select the Use this device as my primary check box.

If the Use this device as primary check box is selected and unavailable, this monitor is already selected as the primary monitor. Only one primary monitor can be selected at a time. If you click the icon for another monitor, the Use this device as primary check box will be deselected and re-enabled.

ADVICE.You can also present in Presenter View on a single monitor, usually the first monitor.

  1. Click the icon for the monitor you want to use as the audience monitor, and then select the Extend my desktop onto this monitor check box.

Conducting a presentation on two monitors in Presenter View

After setting up your monitors, open the presentation you want to give, and then follow these steps:

  1. On the Slide Show tab, in the Setup group, click Show Setup.
  2. In the Presentation Setup dialog box, select the options you want, and then click OK.
  3. To start your presentation, on the View tab, in the Presentation Views group, click the Slide Show button.