Specialized types of advertising and propaganda. Requirements for the language and style of information and advertising documents

PR is the art and science of achieving harmony through mutual understanding based on truth and full awareness (Sam Black)

PR is the art and social science of analyzing trends, predicting their consequences, advising the management of organizations, and implementing pre-planned programs of action that serve the interests of both the organization and the public (Assembly of Public Relations Associations, Mexico, 1978).

Propaganda (from lat. propaganda - subject to consideration) - the spread of political, philosophical, scientific, artistic and other ideas in society. In a narrower sense, political or ideological propaganda with the aim of forming a certain worldview among the masses.

Marketing is a process that consists in predicting the needs of potential buyers and in satisfying these needs by offering appropriate goods - products, technologies, services.

PR General Advertising
1. Uses both paid and free media space 1. Uses methods based on perception stereotypes 1.Controlled method of paid information (paid material)
2. Not measurable. Focuses mainly on positions in society, in the social environment 2. The same principles: regularity, informativeness, a clear structure and tactics have been developed 2. Rigidly calculated and predictable
3. Communicates that the firm is not only seeking to make a profit, but to be a correct member of society 3. Focus on target audiences, definition of common goals 3. Sells
4. Information is not associated with a paid promotion 4. Must complement each other, as integrated strategies that increase efficiency 4. The bias of communications serves as a defense against the bias of his communications.
5.Managed image 5. Sales of goods and services
6. Typical environments: media, PR techniques and PR campaigns 6. Different kinds advertising
7. Task setter: head of the company, guarantor of the region 7. Division of the company
8. Object: image, style, reputation, fashion, brand and so on 8. Product or service
9.Working characteristics: continuous and systemic 9. Discrete

Tab. 2 PR and propaganda

Tab. 3 PR and marketing

General PR Marketing
1. Use one source (analytical forecasts, data processing, statistics and segmentation) 1. Theoretical basis: social psychology and sociology 1. Economics and psychology of consumer behavior
2. Attract the same things to create a positive image of goods and services 2. social focus: the public in the broadest sense 2. Only consumption
3. Some management processes (research, analysis, planning, implementation, evaluation of results) 3. Responds to the demands of the social environment, establishes understanding and dialogue 3. Explores how people can be exposed to advertising and other media
4. Recognize important job with people 4. Has a persuasive effect 4. Strive to subordinate the needs of goods

Let's look at some of the major differences between these two forms of communication. They are based on the fact that PR is not a form of advertising and in fact it is a much broader type of activity. PR is concerned with all communications throughout the organization, while advertising, although it can cost more than PR, is mostly limited to the marketing function, with a few exceptions such as hiring employees or financial advertising. Until you understand this fact well, you will not get a complete picture of PR.

Public relations is neither free advertising", nor "advertising for which they do not pay." There is nothing “free” in PR: this line of work requires a lot of time, and time is always money. This money is either wage personnel, or fees of external consultants. If an article appears in a news column or newsletter, its value cannot be calculated by advertising rates for newspaper space or airtime, since editorial column or radio or television program time is invaluable.

The organization may not use advertising, but any organization is somehow involved in public relations. For example, the fire brigade, of course, does not advertise fires or even advertise their services when they occur, but they have established relationships with a large public.

Public relations covers everyone and everything, while advertising is limited to specific sales and purchases, such as promoting the sale of goods and services, purchasing materials and components, hiring staff, or announcing results. PR has to deal with all the communications that take place in an organization, and therefore this activity is more extensive and comprehensive than advertising. From time to time, PR may use advertising, although, again, PR is neither a type of advertising nor part of it.

In the commercial world or the private sector of the economy, PR and advertising are closely related to marketing. While marketing is one of the functions of a business, PR interacts with both financial and production functions. Therefore, PR can be used in relation to all components of the marketing mix, in which advertising is just one component. The marketing mix includes all the components (see Figure 2.1) that make up a marketing strategy (to name just a few: packaging, research, pricing, sales, distribution, and after-sales services). Each of these types has a certain relation to communications and reputation (goodwill). Market education can be the main contribution of PR, on which the success of the subsequent advertising campaign will largely depend.

Propaganda is another form of communication that is often misunderstood as PR. However, hardly anything can be more different than these two activities. In order for PR to be successful, it must be believed, while propaganda in any case arouses suspicion or at least dissent. The problem is that sometimes it is difficult to distinguish between propaganda and PR components in the information transmitted by government structures. Propaganda is aimed at keeping the government in power, and the goal of PR is to ensure that citizens understand the essence of the services that government provides, and teach them how to properly use these services.

Advertising and marketing are two concepts that are inseparable from each other, although advertising arose long before marketing1. According to the American Marketing Association (AMA), advertising is any form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, services, paid for by precisely identified customers, and serves to attract attention. potential consumers to the object of advertising, using the most effective techniques and methods, taking into account the specific situation.

Depending on the venue, there are advertisements on domestic market(local - local advertising, nationwide - national advertising) and international advertising (international advertising). International advertising has its own characteristics, but in general, the goals, principles and means of advertising goods in foreign markets are in many cases the same as in the domestic market. This is especially true for branded goods. However, exporters, carrying out advertising, must know not only the specifics of each overseas market, but also the requirements of both wholesalers and individual consumers.

The content and direction of advertising also depend on whether the product is intended for the domestic or foreign market. There are separate requirements for advertising of export goods. It should be maximally adapted to the peculiarities of the economic, cultural and living conditions of the countries to which it is directed. For example, advertising in developing countries should take into account the peculiarities arising from economic structures, the material standard of living, the degree of literacy of the vast majority of the population of these countries, historically established national customs and religious beliefs. National customs may limit the use of advertising. For example, in some Asian and African countries there are restrictions on the use of advertising media that do not correspond to the religion practiced in these countries. One of them is the prohibition to depict people in the drawings, in general, all animals or some of them. In countries where the vast majority of the population is illiterate, advertising must be visual and easy to remember, because the image of the item often becomes the name of the product for buyers.

The global market is characterized a wide range competing products and their supply exceeds demand. One of the largest marketing specialists, S. Madzharo2, draws attention to the fact that the difficulties of advertising activities arise at a time when a company operating simultaneously in several markets is trying to achieve a high level of efficiency. This statement is true when advertising activities are carried out on an international scale in very different markets in different countries.

The problem of advertising unification is exacerbated by the emergence of many unexpected and even paradoxical situations. For example, the national specificity of the audience is often not determined by geographical boundaries. When developing advertising campaigns that aim at the future entry of goods and services into the EU markets, firms seek to create, in contrast to traditional unique selling propositions (USP)3, uniform European selling propositions (ESP)4.

When conducting complex international advertising campaigns, much attention is paid to their coordination, that is, coordination in time, geography of coverage and targeting of individual events that make up the complex. Such coordination is carried out between the advertiser, its affiliates and commercial agents in various countries and regions, the advertising agency serving the advertiser, and other organizations involved in the campaign. All participants are interested in coordination.

The manufacturer of the product needs competent and timely support for the advertising campaign from its commercial agents in countries, regions and sales areas, and commercial agents and sub-agents, respectively, spend less on advertising in local markets, because as a result of nationwide campaigns, consumers are to some extent already prepared for new products.

Each company, organizing a sufficiently large-scale international advertising campaign, seeks to reduce commercial risk. Almost always, a trial stage is provided, the task of which is to familiarize the participants with the features and concept of the event, get their assessment, and make amendments taking into account the characteristics of individual markets or links. sales network. Practice sessions are held with the experts involved in the campaign, where they receive information about the timing of the campaign and recommendations on how to ensure support for the new product during this trial phase.

Western firms seek to find progressive organizational forms and optimal system financial control advertising activities of commercial agents. They assist them in preparing and distributing promotional materials and cooperate with them in organizing campaigns. Such a policy allows for the maximum mobilization of local resources and knowledge and at the same time monitors developments, actively intervening at the first threat of unreasonable dispersion of funds.

In industrialized countries, the practice of coordinating and cooperating during advertising campaigns has been developed both technically and legally. The practice of commercial advertising in the capitalist countries makes it possible to establish certain General requirements for the content of advertising1:

Advertising began to develop especially rapidly from the beginning of the 50s. This, in particular, is evidenced by the huge increase in advertising spending in most industrialized countries, as a result of which advertising has become one of the leading sectors of the economy.

The legal basis for the implementation of advertising activities in the world market is the International Code of Advertising Practice, published by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) in Paris (June 1987)1. The International Code of Practice for Advertising is in line with the ICC's voluntary commitment to maintain high ethical marketing standards within national laws and international rules. The International Code of Advertising Practice became the basis for the Russian Code of Advertising Practice, adopted on January 21, 1992 at a meeting of members of the Association of Advertising Workers2.

AT modern conditions development of market relations in our country, there is a process of renewal in political, economic and social spheres public life. Packages of laws and regulations have been adopted that contribute to the development of market relations, as well as stimulate and regulate the activities of organizations and enterprises, including those in the foreign economic sphere. Under these conditions, the role of advertising is growing, especially in foreign markets. An urgent need for a solution social problems, the growth of quality and the expansion of the range of products requires an increase professional level advertising specialists, as well as solving many organizational problems in this area.

To date, a number of necessary legislative acts have been adopted in Russia to promote the development of advertising practice. These include: the federal law"On Advertising" dated July 18, 1995 No. 108-FZ (adopted State Duma June 14, 1995)3; Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On Guarantees of the Right of Citizens to Health Protection in the Distribution of Advertising" dated February 17, 1995 No. 1611; Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On the protection of consumers from unfair advertising" dated June 10, 1994 No. 11832 etc.

Changes in stereotypes in methods and forms foreign economic activity led to a rethinking of the importance of advertising in the activities of domestic exporters. They are forced to look for “niches” not occupied by competitors, to organize and conduct advertising campaigns more professional. In this regard, the need for advertising centers has increased, providing the customer with a full range of high-quality advertising services, as well as in qualified promotional products in media mass media(MEDIA).

In order to more fully meet the demand of foreign consumers for advertising information, it became necessary to use more widely the means, methods and forms of advertising that are still insufficiently developed in domestic practice. In particular, the following is required: improving the packaging of goods and increasing its information content; development of services for the use of direct advertising (direct mail advertising), including through personalized postal distribution of promotional materials; improving efficiency and scaling up use outdoor advertising, audiovisual means. The time has come to carry out the computerization of advertising activities, to join the international networks of computerized advertising information.

It seems possible to successfully solve numerous problems in the field of foreign economic advertising only if the vast experience accumulated by foreign countries in the field of advertising is studied, comprehended and competently applied in specific domestic conditions. Moreover, the world advertising market is ultimately the environment where domestic foreign economic (international) advertising activities are carried out.

Their tasks can be reduced to one - the coordination of real and communicative reality.

Social phenomenon, has a wide context. It can operate in the economic, political, ideological field, in the sphere of cultural and religious relations. It has a multifaceted impact on a person, on his behavior, values. Provides behavioral ideals, lifestyle. It also has an indirect effect - it forms a mass representation, stereotypes.

informs about the product;

Solving the problem of increasing profits.

implements other strategic goals manufacturers and sellers;

not only inspires the need to buy something, but also forms the necessary associations;

· formation of mass consciousness, stimulation of consumption.


(from lat. propagare.)

In the 17th century - a congregation for the preaching of the faith, the fight against heretics, the propaganda of the faith.

The basic principles were laid down in the 20th century, the century of the totalitarian regime.

Propaganda- a set of methods of psychological impact on the population. The main function is the value regulation of consciousness.

Based on the psychological mechanisms of comparison and evaluation. Type of advertising activity

Distinguish the following types propaganda:

- political(propaganda ideas);

- ideological(ideological concepts).

There are many negative assessments of competitors in political propaganda. Goods - opinion, ideas, images of politicians and states, parties.

There are two types of propaganda influence:

· belief;

suggestive influence (suggestion, impact on the emotional-sensory side).

· sale;

Formation of the belief that this is his own opinion.

G.S. Melnik.

Propaganda differs in functions:

1) propaganda as education;

2) propaganda = informing;

3) propaganda = communication;

4) propaganda = suggestion;

5) propaganda = socialization.

Political propaganda is a one-way process, meeting the needs of the customer.

Propaganda is the art of forcing people to do what they would not do if they had a full set of knowledge. (USA)

Advertising convinces to buy a specific thing or service. Propaganda provides information that does not refer to specific things, but to other information. The basis is not real phenomena, but other information, opinions, worldview of other people, whose opinion is authoritative. Propaganda works more crudely, with cruder manipulations.


S. Black rejects any possibility of PR intersecting with advertising and propaganda. In the case of PR, it is only about truthful information. (In fact, most often only segments of the truthful information are provided, which often generates a different result).

PR works with symbolic information. Truth is one of the parameters of phenomena that need to be displayed. It is really necessary to display diverse phenomena with the help of a minimum of words, therefore, each element of a communicative solution must have the significance of symbols in order to reflect the big in a small way.

Communicative truth is one of the tasks of PR.

F. Jeffkins: "Advertising may not be used by an organization, but every organization uses PR" ... "PR concerns everyone and everything, advertising coordinates the sale and purchase relationship" ... "Sometimes PR can use advertising, but PR is not its form or part."

PR goes to the general public, and not to a narrow circle of potential consumers (like advertising). PR may have more clearly defined goals and objects in relation to which the public needs to be informed (as opposed to propaganda).

PR - consults, analyzes, monitors, plans.

No. 7 Regulation of activities in the field of public relations

v Organization - Process

v An organization is a group of people whose work is coordinated to achieve common purpose(commercial, non-commercial, educational, public, financial) it is necessary to have a common goal, a clear structure, joint work, an open system of communication with the external environment.

(External environment)<=>(products and resources)<=>(organization)

The most important is information and communication support of the organization's activities

PR is key

PR functions

2) Formation of a positive image

Coordination and planning are needed, PR is needed at all stages

Management Process




The control

Management is the process of implementing the interconnection of actions for the formation and use of resources to achieve the goal.

All stages involve working with different groups of the public in the internal and external environment of the organization.

Control system

Ø Structural functional subsystem

Aggregate governing bodies, departments, performers using various methods of managerial influence, the task of reducing communication noise.

Ø Information behavioral subsystem

Includes management ideology, values, orientation of the management system, behavioral standards of participants.

Information Support communications in the management system (management ideology, the level of development of communications, relations between employees).

Sometimes a self-development subsystem is distinguished (usually in very developed organizations)

PR - should be in every subsystem

PR - part general management, top management

PR– specific forms, methods and technologies of work with different groups of the public (should be reflected in the structure and functions of the organization)

PR- principles of building relationships with the external and internal environment of the organization;

Formation of management ideology, taking into account the interests of different social groups;

Impact on public opinion.

Management and its forms

Operational- Orientation to the current activities of the organization, short-term, medium-term planning.

An object - internal environment(primarily)

Contractor - representatives of departments

The criterion of efficiency is profitability, rational use capacity

The main tool is the mission of the organization, which reveals its purpose

strategic– connection with long-term prospects and plans (PR works more efficiently here)

An object - external environment(search for new opportunities)

Performer - top management

Performance criteria - adequacy and timeliness of response

PR finds itself in a vision - a PR text that reflects the future of the organization, and the results of PR activities in the long term.

The organization acts both as an object and as a subject of PR activities

Object - as efforts are directed to it

Subject - because it is also the customer, defining goals, objectives and content.

As an object - with quasi-institutional subjects

As a subject - interacts with PR organizations

The main goal of PR activities is to create favorable conditions for the organization to achieve its goals.

Objectives should be sufficiently developed, should focus on certain groups of the public, and aim at a certain result.

3 levels of implementation of PR tasks:

1) Cognitive - awareness, public attention is attracted, it is necessary to understand and remember these appeals

2) Emotional - recognition of efforts, interest, a certain attitude

3) The level of conscious aspiration - the intended action in relation to the PR agent

Mission of the organization- the purpose of the organization, can answer the question: "Why was the organization created?"

Vision of the organization- these are dreams, a description of the desired state of the company in the future, in a few years (2-3, 5-10)

Strategy– a way to achieve a strategic vision

Mission– a pragmatic definition of what the company is called upon to do; direction of activity.

Vision- an emotionally sensual definition of a dream, an ideal state of the company in a few years; target state of the company.

№8 The main directions of modern PR activities and services in the PR market

The external functions of PR are the creation of a positive image among external groups, the reaction to negative news. Organization of Marketing (products, contracts, transactions, loans, guarantees, prices and services)

General (management elections, conferences, exhibitions, awards)

Current messages (organizational achievements, statistics, introduction of new technologies, analysis of economic conditions, financial statements)

Internal functions - creating and maintaining corporate responsibility among employees (maintaining reputation, favorable climate within the team, maintaining interest in administration affairs)

(S. Black. "PR Functions")

1) General opinion, relationships, life

2) Industrial communications, financial and international relationships

3) Consumer relations

4) Information, statistics, research

6) Government Relations

Functions of the PR department in the organization

1. Control over information in the media (about goods and services, representation of the organization)

2. Organization of briefings (press conference on 1 issue)

3. Publication of press releases ( Announcement for the press)

4. Making various activities

5. Organization of public and charitable activities

6. Participation in exhibitions, fairs, etc.

7. Working with the audience (consumers, shareholders, communities, competitors, etc.)

8. Management consulting

Required Knowledge

The art of communication, several areas of psychology), sociology, political science, economics, fundamentals of management, law, knowledge and experience in studying public opinion, analysis of social problems, experience in relations with the media, experience in publishing material, preparing reports and presentations, developing various programs, social politics.

Management and regulation

Determination of goals, plans and tasks, budget planning, recruitment (requirements for employees), fundraising, establishing a favorable climate with investors.

Typical professions

Public Relations Manager;

press secretary(conveys information to the public, communicates the opinion of the organization);

spin doctor adjusts media coverage of events;

Crisis Specialist(crisis, stressful situations for the organization) to bring the public out of stress, to return the ability to manage the situation;

speechwriter- writing a speech for a speech, announcement, press release.

№9 Pr in various spheres of public life.

The PR institute is included in almost all spheres of life: spiritual and ideological, political, cultural, etc.

· socio-economic sphere pr: Marketing and production.


Formation and promotion of the image;

Contacts with different audiences;

Implementation Support marketing strategies;

Prompt reaction of the company to changes in the market;

decline marketing activities from competitors.


Overcoming perceptions of potential threats;

Work with employees;

Interaction with suppliers of raw materials, etc.;

Interaction with state control bodies.

pr in political sphere

The emergence or disappearance of certain political entities

Rise or fall in the popularity of a political leader

Changing political course and tactics

Formation and dissolution of political institutions

Changing the principles of state construction (change of political regime)

political functions pr

The exercise of political power

Ensuring the Democratic Process

Support for the political institutions of democracy (electoral pr, one who works in elections)

Personal pr (formation of the political elite)

An individual can become a full-fledged member of the political elite only by becoming a political leader.

Pr performs the role of spokesman for public opinion

Pr helps resolve political conflicts

pr in the spiritual and ideological sphere

Influences the process of perception of spiritual values. Pr-means of communication between ideologists and the public.

· pr in the cultural environment

The cultural-creative role of PR is focused on the formation of ethical and aesthetic ideas. PR becomes a conductor of business activity.

The result of this activity may be a change in the cultural policy of the state.

Changing media activities

Formation or change of cultural traditions

Formation of the cultural elite

Transformation of stereotypes and behavioral practices in the sphere of culture.

When studying the basic provisions of the text theory, the features of the text organization of the advertising text, the main focus of the researchers is on such parameters as integrity and coherence.

Large encyclopedic Dictionary defines the concept of text in general terms as a coherent and complete sequence of characters. Solodovnikov S.Yu. Big encyclopedic dictionary: philosophy, sociology, religion, esotericism, political economy. Minsk, 2002, p. 821.

In turn, various authors point to such phenomena as the text: D.N. Likhachev - on the existence of its creator, who implements a certain plan in the text; O.L. Kamenskaya - on the fundamental role of the text as a means of verbal communication; A.A. Leontiev - on the functional completeness of this speech work. In conclusion, I.R. Galperina gives the following definition of a text: “a text is a product of a speech-creative process that has completeness ... having a certain purposefulness and pragmatic attitude". Galperin I.R. Text as an object of linguistic research. M., 2007. S. 18.

As we can see from the many definitions, the text is a holistic, complete and unified language structure in which the language plays a dominant role and can have its own styles.

The language of advertising develops on the basis of the text theory and is a product of the speech-creative process, obeying the laws of completeness of the speech act, the language game, and the laws of stylistics. Advertising texts successfully use elements of various functional styles. The task of the editor is to assess the correctness of the author's choice of "intonation" of the text, the appropriateness of using certain language means of different styles in advertising this product. The use of elements of conversational style should be considered in more detail. Indeed, the advertiser all the time, as it were, turns to an invisible interlocutor - a potential buyer, argues with him. That is why expressions with the pronoun “you” are an indispensable accessory of advertising texts: “Do you know ...”, “You can ...”, “We offer you ...”. Despite the apparent simplicity, this aspect, this style feature requires increased attention, because it is easy to get "out of tune" with the interlocutor, either telling him banal truths or asking questions on his behalf that he would never have asked. Kokhtev N.N. Advertising. The art of the word. M., 2004. S. 18.

by mail (“direct mail”);

· in newspapers;

· in mass magazines;

in special magazines;




· posters;

leaflets, postcards, calendars and other types of printed materials.

· a television;

large-sized posters drawn by the artist;

electrified (or gaslight) panels;

free-standing showcases with goods.

shop windows;

Signboards, signs, tablets in trading floor;

packaging (boxes, cases, paper with names and trademarks advertiser).

Busy with preparing advertising texts a large number of specialists in industry, trade, specialized advertising agencies and media advertising departments. The art of advertising depends on their qualifications, culture, exactingness.

The content of advertising texts in PR campaigns is diverse: these are materials about the activities of various industrial and trade enterprises who seek to sell their products, want to find partners for joint activities, and materials of financial institutions involved in banking, investment and other financial activities seeking to attract Money enterprises and the public and the provision of lending services, offering brokerage places selling shares, etc. In a special group, you can combine materials provided by educational institutions in order to attract listeners, as well as materials from medical, cosmetic, household institutions, leisure and tourism agencies, etc. A separate group should include materials that relate to advertising of printed products (books, magazines, newspapers, etc.). Their peculiarity lies in the fact that advertising of printed products is able to have a social and moral impact on a potential consumer. Aksha R. Creation effective advertising. M., 2003. S. 29.

It is difficult to overestimate the role of advertising in the development of foreign economic and, above all, export activities (especially the role of non-commercial, prestigious advertising). Such advertising - bearing in mind, of course, the sale of goods as a result of advertising work - says almost nothing directly about the product. Its goal is to form positive emotions in relation to the firm. One of the strongest means of such advertising is a corporate brochure. The usual sections of a company brochure: company history (often in connection with the historical development of the country), most prestigious clients and products, geography of trade, dynamics of commercial development, service network, results of international tests (attestation) of goods, other information that serves as evidence effective work. The need to influence the consumer, demand, the formation of a favorable public opinion about the company, about the product it produces, forces commercial structures to conduct active advertising activities.

Any advertising message must comply with the International Code of Advertising Practice, adopted by the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris in 1987, as well as with the legislative restrictions existing in the country. Failure to comply with these requirements can lead to major complications. Therefore, it is important to have a good knowledge of the basic principles and norms of the Advertising Code.

For the first time in 1937, some rules of conduct for advertising producers were formulated and published, which are known as the “Code of Advertising Practice of the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris”.

The Code establishes ethical standards that must be followed by all those involved in advertising, including advertisers, advertising performers, advertising agencies and the media (communications).

Here are excerpts from some articles of the "Code" in the 1987 edition.

No advertising message should undermine public confidence in advertising, which consistently meets the generally accepted norms of the Advertising Code. Publication of the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris 1987, Translated by N.V. Genina and V.E. Demidov, electronic edition www.reklamist.com.

4. Truthfulness. The advertising message should not contain any statements or images that, directly or indirectly, through omission and ambiguity, as well as exaggeration, could mislead the buyer, especially with regard to:

a) compliance with the purpose and scope, place of production and country of origin of the goods;

b) consumer properties of the goods and current prices;

c) delivery, exchange, return, repair and maintenance;

f) official recognition or approval, awarding with medals, diplomas, prizes.

6. Objectivity. Comparison of the merits of products must be fair and evidence-based. It must comply with the principle of competition.

7. Evidence. The advertising message must not contain evidence and evidence that is doubtful or unrelated to the qualifications and experience of the person who gives such evidence, and should not contain references to such evidence and evidence.

9. Responsibility. The advertiser, the performer of the advertising message or advertising agency, publisher, media owner or other participant in the advertising process must bear full responsibility for what they offer to society. In the same place, the section "norms".

The main requirements that the advertising text must meet are as follows:

When working on the text, the editor should keep in mind that the effectiveness of an advertising message is actively increased by evaluative clichés - the so-called "keywords" that evoke emotions in a person and contribute to the formation of positive attitudes towards the object of advertising. The adjectives “new”, “reliable”, “convenient”, “efficient”, “universal”, etc. are most often used as evaluative clichés. The keywords themselves do not have an expressive coloring, but due to their semantics they create the effect of a positive assessment in the context.

The editor needs to find out what the client should remember after getting acquainted with the advertising material, whether the scheme of the client's action is clear.

So, in advertising of goods, the definitions “peculiar”, “specific” say little to the consumer, do not contain specific information. Even the epithets “delicious”, “appetizing”, in relation to products, do not sufficiently reveal their properties. It is better to use definitions that characterize, for example, the color, taste, smell, shape of the product, which the reader can clearly imagine. Nazaikin A. Practice of advertising text. M., 2003. S. 54.

4. When choosing words, it is recommended to use more verbs that encourage action, make the text dynamic, as well as specific nouns. Analyzing grammatical side advertising text, the editor must take into account its semantic features - the ultimate concretization and, at first glance, a semantic primitive, since it refers to very specific objects. From a morphological point of view, the language of advertising is characterized by a higher proportion of nouns in comparison with other parts of speech. This phenomenon is also characteristic of the syntactic structure of the advertising message. The text, as a rule, consists of simple, often nominal sentences, simplified grammatical constructions.

In order to attract the attention of consumers, to make important elements expressive, various expressive means are used in the syntax of advertising texts, stylistic devices - turns of speech, syntactic constructions used to enhance the expressiveness of the statement. For example, inversion is used, which allows highlighting the main idea of ​​an advertising message, attracting attention with an unusual construction of a phrase. The most common are:

antithesis, which allows you to emphasize the merits of the advertised item, highlight it positive traitsSimple Solutions complex tasks”, “Wide screen at a low price”);

Parallelism (“You win - the sport wins”);

Anaphora and epiphora - the repetition of the initial or final word or phrase in each parallel element of the text ("New solutions, new opportunities»),

· lexical repetition (“Problem with a foreign language? No problem” - an advertisement for foreign language courses).

5. In mass advertising, special terminology should not be used, although the specifics of the lexical material used in modern advertising, first of all, its growing terminology. Advertising publications also necessarily contain nomenclature names, which, as a rule, also include terms.

7. Interrogative sentences and appeals can be used in the text - they help create the necessary emotional mood among readers (“How to study foreign language Houses? Enter ESHKO).

9. The text must be literary literate. The most common stylistic errors in advertising are associated with inaccurate word usage, violation of lexical compatibility and form formation, incorrect sentence construction, poor word order, violation of coordination and control.

10. In the text of the advertisement, those numerous figurative and expressive means of the language that are characteristic of the language in general are actively used. They are designed not only to emphasize the merits of the advertised product, but also to form a certain “image” of this product in the mind of the reader. When evaluating them, the editor must make sure that the emotional and semantic stress falls precisely on the advertised objects and does not "obscure" each other.

Such figurative and expressive means of the language include:

ambiguity - played out various meanings the same word and expression: “Without glasses - a hundred points” - an advertisement for an ophthalmological clinic;

· epithets: "Excellent quality from the best manufacturers plus excellent service in company stores";

Comparisons: "Our silk fabrics are as light as air";

metaphors: "More stars than in the sky";

Pronouns: "Peace to your home";

hyperbole: “A sea of ​​possibilities, an ocean of fantasy” (furniture advertisement);

· Paraphrase: “The one who knows how to save money buys a car from us”.

In addition, phraseological turns are used that create new semantic shades (“How much in this connection! Or seven main reasons to buy a GSM-900 cell phone”); proverbs, sayings, catchphrases, words from songs, poems (“Youth ... you won’t strangle, you won’t kill” (about young participants in a computer exhibition). Creators and editors of advertising texts need to have the ability to understand various techniques of the language game. It is also important for legal regulation and ethical evaluation of advertising. Nazaikin A. Advertising text in modern media. M., 2003. S. 34.