The subject and main problems of management psychology. Object, subject, goals and objectives of management psychology

Management activity is quite important in organizing the work of any enterprise or organization. A special section of practical psychology, which received the name, is engaged in the study of the basic principles and patterns of this direction.

It is based on a comprehensive analysis of the existing conditions and the determination of the characteristics of activities in order to achieve high efficiency of the work of the labor or social team. Like any kind of scientific work, management psychology singles out the subject, object, tasks and methods that allow you to build a regular structure.

Subject and object of management psychology

When considering this issue, we mean, first of all, the problems of a person (manager), as a member of the team in the implementation of managerial activities. It should be noted that the effectiveness of the management system in this case depends on the personal characteristics of the leader, which determine his ability to perform diagnostics and, as well as motivate the latter to successfully achieve their goals.

Thus, the subject of management psychology can be called a complex of psychological relations between a boss and a subordinate or a team, which includes the mechanism of interpersonal interaction, problems and conflicts of labor activity, social and professional relations.

Under the object of psychology of management, first of all, one should understand the object of study, namely, the very activity of a person (manager), aimed at the formation of material and social factors in the team. In some cases, this role may be played by a specific situation or circumstances that need to be considered and analyzed to identify errors or, on the contrary, positive factors causing it.

Objects of study of management psychology can be divided into three separate groups:

  • The personality of the leader, as well as the process of its development as a result of managerial activities
  • The activities of the manager and its implementation scheme from the standpoint of efficiency and effectiveness
  • Processes taking place in a social or labor collective

Tasks, principles and methods of management

For any type of activity, goals and main tasks can be identified. If we talk about the psychology of management, it is quite obvious that the priority guidelines are the increase in performance and what can be achieved through the application of certain methods and schemes.

Based on this, the main task of management psychology is the formation of various methods of leadership, based on the identified patterns between the tactics of the boss and the reaction of subordinates.

At the same time, modern psychology distinguishes two basic methods of studying:

  • Observation is an analytical method based on the process of perceiving a real situation formed in natural conditions. In this case, the study and search for effective principles of interaction between the team and the leader is carried out in a passive form, by fixing the reaction, opinion and result.
  • An experiment is an active form of searching for effective schemes of interaction between a boss and a subordinate by artificially creating certain conditions, in the presence of which it is required to identify the negative and positive aspects of various management tactics. Compared to observation, an experiment allows one to obtain more extensive information, sometimes of a unique nature, but it is more difficult to put it into practice, since in this case there arises a moral responsibility to the participants in the experiment.

In practice, management psychology faces a number of problems that can be closely related to the characteristics of the team of subordinates. Since the latter is a combination of the personal qualities of its members, which are reflected in the overall reaction and effectiveness of managerial decisions, the end result of applying a single one may differ.

There are the following types of problem groups:

  • Paranoid. Every management decision causes mistrust and fear.
  • Depressive. Lack of motivation, negative attitude towards the work itself and disbelief in obtaining positive results.
  • Forced. Performing work only within the framework of the instructions given, without showing any initiative.
  • Dramatic. Active demonstration of activities and execution of instructions, playing for the public, regardless of performance.
  • Conflict. A team that breaks into several separate groups that refuse to interact with each other to maintain a sense of power over the situation and the rest of the employees.

In the psychology of management, the problem of the correspondence of an employee to an organization, the problem of selecting people for an organization and their orientation in relation to the characteristics of this organization, is relevant.

In the psychology of management, in contrast to the social psychology of labor, the object of study is not just the relations of people in a team or social group, but the relations of people in an organization, i.e. in conditions when the actions of each participant in joint activities are given, prescribed, subject to the general order of work, when the participants are connected with each other not only by mutual dependence and mutual responsibility, but also by responsibility before the law.

The object of study of management psychology is people who, in financial and legal terms, are part of independent organizations whose activities are focused on corporately useful goals.

Approaches to understanding the subject of management psychology are diverse, which to a certain extent indicates the complexity of this phenomenon. The subject of management psychology is a set of mental phenomena and relationships in an organization, in particular: psychological factors for the effective activity of managers; psychological features of making individual and group decisions; psychological problems of leadership; - problems of motivation of behavioral acts of subjects of managerial relations and more.

The subject of study of management psychology organically includes traditional socio-psychological phenomena (leadership, psychological climate, communication psychology, etc.), psychological problems of work activity (mental states in the framework of work activity, for example), general psychology (psychological theory of activity, theory personality, development theory), and other applied areas of psychology.

Among specialists in the field of management psychology, unity has been achieved regarding the idea of ​​the most relevant psychological problems for the organization. These include the following: increasing the professional competence of leaders (managers) at all levels, i.e. improving management styles, interpersonal communication, decision-making, strategic planning and marketing, overcoming stress and more; increasing the efficiency of methods of training and retraining of managerial personnel; search and activation of human resources of the organization; - assessment and selection (selection) of managers for the needs of the organization; assessment and improvement of the socio-psychological climate, rallying personnel around the goals of the organization.

Management psychology as a science and practice is designed to provide psychological training for managers, form or develop their psychological management culture, create the necessary prerequisites for theoretical understanding and practical application of the most important problems in the field of management, which include: understanding the nature of management processes; - knowledge of the basics of the organizational structure; a clear understanding of the responsibility of the manager and its distribution by levels of responsibility; knowledge of ways to improve management efficiency; knowledge of information technology and communication tools necessary for personnel management; the ability to express one's thoughts orally and in writing; competence in relation to people management, selection and training of specialists capable of leadership, optimization of service and interpersonal relationships among employees of the organization; the ability to plan and predict the activities of the organization using computer and computer technology; the ability to evaluate one's own activities, draw the right conclusions and improve one's skills based on the requirements of the current day and expected changes in the future; a developed understanding of the features of organizational behavior, the structure of small groups, the motives and mechanisms of their behavior.

3. Psychological patterns of managerial activity

As you know, management is carried out through the interaction of people, so the leader in his activities must take into account the laws that determine the dynamics of mental processes, interpersonal relationships, group behavior. Such regularities include the following.

The law of response uncertainty. Another formulation of it is the law of the dependence of people's perception of external influences on the difference in their psychological structures. The fact is that different people and even one person at different times can react differently to the same impact. This can lead and often leads to a misunderstanding of the needs of the subjects of managerial relations, their expectations, the peculiarities of the perception of a particular business situation and, as a result, to the use of interaction models that are inadequate neither to the characteristics of psychological structures in general, nor to the mental state of each of the partners at a particular moment in particular.

The law of inadequacy of the reflection of man by man. Its essence is that no person can comprehend another person with such a degree of certainty that would be sufficient for making serious decisions about this person.

This is due to the super-complexity of the nature and essence of man, which is constantly changing in accordance with the law of age-related asynchrony. In fact, at different moments of his life, even an adult of a certain calendar age can be at different levels of physiological, intellectual, emotional, social, sexual, motivational-volitional decisions. Moreover, any person, consciously or unconsciously, is protected from attempts to understand his features in order to avoid the danger of becoming a toy in the hands of a person prone to manipulating people.

Even the circumstance that often the person himself does not know himself fully enough is important.

Thus, any person, whatever he may be, always hides something about himself, weakens something, strengthens something, denies some information about himself, substitutes something, attributes something to himself (invents ), emphasizes something, etc. Using such defensive techniques, he shows himself to people not as he really is, but as he would like others to see him.

Nevertheless, any person as a private representative of the objects of social reality can be known. And now the scientific principles of the approach to man as an object of knowledge are being successfully developed. These principles include, for example, principle of universal talent(“there are no incapable people, there are people who are not busy with their own business”); principle of development(“Abilities develop as a result of changes in the living conditions of the individual and intellectual and psychological training”); principle of inexhaustibility(“no assessment of a person during his lifetime can be considered final”).

The law of inadequacy of self-esteem. The fact is that the human psyche is an organic unity, the integrity of two components - the conscious (logical-thinking) and the unconscious (emotional-sensory, intuitive) and these components (or parts of the personality) correlate with each other like the surface and underwater parts of an iceberg .

The law of splitting the meaning of management information. Any management information (directives, resolutions, orders, instructions, instructions) has an objective tendency to change meaning in the process of moving up the hierarchical ladder of management. This is due, on the one hand, to the allegorical possibilities of the natural language of information used, which leads to differences in the interpretation of information, and on the other hand, to differences in education, intellectual development, physical and, even more so, the mental state of the subjects of analysis and transmission of managerial information. The change in the meaning of information is directly proportional to the number of people through whom it passes.

The law of self-preservation. Its meaning lies in the fact that the leading motive of the social behavior of the subject of managerial activity is the preservation of his personal social status, his personal viability, self-esteem. The nature and direction of behavior patterns in the management system are directly related to whether this circumstance is taken into account or ignored.

The Law of Compensation. With a high level of incentives for this work or high requirements of the environment for a person, the lack of any abilities for a successful specific activity is compensated by other abilities or skills. This compensatory mechanism often works unconsciously, and the person gains experience through trial and error. However, it should be borne in mind that this law practically does not work at sufficiently high levels of complexity of managerial activity.

The science of management, of course, is not exhausted by the above psychological laws. There are many other patterns, the honor of discovery of which belongs to a number of prominent specialists in the field of management psychology, whose names are given to these discoveries. These are Parkinson's laws, Peter's principles, Murphy's laws and others.

3. 2. Psychological approach to control theory

An analysis of world socio-economic processes with inexorable logic makes it clear that the problems of modern management are no longer solved on the basis of rigidly differentiated disciplinary approaches, that the old style of management no longer even gives satisfactory results.

The outgoing management paradigm (model) dominated for several hundred years. It was based on the belief that in order to understand the dynamics of the behavior of any complex system, it is enough to study the properties of its parts. The new paradigm requires an understanding of individual elements based on an analysis of the dynamics of the system as a whole.

The traditional model of management focused the manager's attention almost exclusively on economic goals. The new model, reflecting the growing integration of economic and social processes, puts the focus of attention, introduces social tasks into the circle of managerial goals - employment, humanization of working conditions, increased participation in management, and more.

The old system of thinking operated on the principles of unlimited growth, which was understood in purely quantitative terms - as the maximization of profits and an increase in the gross national product. The new system of thinking operates with the concept of "balance", i.e. such a state of society in which the satisfaction of present needs should not reduce the chances of future generations for a decent life. The manager operating within the framework of the new concept of thinking will examine the impact of any action in terms of their consequences for the state of equilibrium.

But first of all, we need to answer a few questions. Which question best reflects reality? by whom or how manager manages? Who does the manager have in mind first of all - individuals or groups? It is difficult to unequivocally answer this question, but maybe both are true?

In many manuals on management, books on management, personality was not previously the subject of presentation, since all attention was paid to planning, economics, marketing, and the organizational and technical side. And only later, after realizing the role of groups and their constituent members in the labor process, they began to actively study the main characteristics of groups, the human factor, and individual behavior.

The greatest merit of many researchers of management was the study of a person, his personal qualities. Many managers and entrepreneurs, in turn, used the discoveries and achievements of psychology in the study of personality in their activities.

The new approach to management is increasingly based on the recognition of the priority of the individual over production, over profit, over the interests of the enterprise, firm, institution. It is this formulation of the question that now constitutes the culture of management. That is why one cannot do without psychological knowledge about personality. The well-known American manager Lee Iacocca believed that the knowledge of personality psychology that he received while attending the medical faculty of the university at the same time helped him a lot in his world-famous career. Now, intuition alone, personal interest is not enough, because the manager needs scientific knowledge about the personality of the employee, a professional approach to working with personnel. That is why in a number of large firms it is considered necessary to have not a personnel department, but a human resource management service, a whole personnel management system. So, in the 70s, the personnel service at US enterprises was transformed into the "Human Resource Service". The essence of these changes is that people - persons, individuals - are considered as a competitive wealth of the company, which must be created, protected and multiplied. Evaluation centers are being created and exist in which employees are subjected to a thorough study precisely as individuals. It is no coincidence that the slogan of the famous Matsushita company is: "The company first produces qualified people, and then products."

The personality of a person has always been and remains one of the most intriguing mysteries that has excited and excites not only outstanding minds. For example, the famous Russian philosopher N.A. Berdyaev wrote: “The origins of man can only be partially understood and rationalized. The secret of personality, its uniqueness, is not fully understood by anyone. The human personality is more mysterious than the world. She is the whole world. Man is a microcosm and contains everything.

Without pretending to reveal this secret, we can still cite some generally accepted provisions.

First, perhaps, it is necessary to show the difference between the concepts: "man", "personality", "individuality".

Man - this is a generic concept that indicates (from a materialistic point of view) the relation of a being to the highest stage of development of living nature - to the human race. Man is a specific, unique unity of biological and social. As a biological being, he is subject to biological and physiological laws; as a social being, he is a part of society and a product of social development.

Personality - this is the most important thing in a person, his most important social attribute. If a person is a carrier of a variety of properties, then personality is his main property, in which his social essence is manifested. Personality expresses the relation of a person to a certain society, a certain historical era, culture, science, etc.

Individuality - it is the unity of the unique personal properties of a particular person. This is also the originality of his psycho-physiological structure (type of temperament, physical data, mental characteristics), intellect, worldview; a combination of family, household, production and social functions, the originality of life experience. Individuality is an indispensable and most important sign of personality. At least, we can talk about four axioms: 1) personality is inherent in every person; 2) personality is what distinguishes man from animals that do not have a personality; 3) personality is a product of historical development, i.e. arises at a certain stage in the evolution of a human being; 4) personality is an individual distinctive characteristic of a person, i.e. that which distinguishes one person from another. Communicating with people, we first of all focus on the characteristics of their personal make-up.

In general, the structure of personality can be - theoretically - represented by the following scheme, which, of course, is very conditional: 1) general human properties (sensations, perceptions, thinking, memory, will, emotions); 2) socio-specific features (social attitudes, roles, value orientations); 3) individually unique features (temperament, combination of roles, self-awareness).

The problem of personality has been and remains the subject of close attention of social scientists. So, psychologists have created many of their theories of personality. The most famous and applicable for management are the theories of three main schools:

1) psychoanalysis 3. Freud (this school was passed by Carl Jung, Alfred Adler, Karen Horney, Harry Sullivan, Erich Fromm and other prominent psychologists);

2) the theory of learning, or the behavioral school (whose theorists include I. P. Pavlov, American psychologists John B. Watson and B. F. Skinner);

3) growth theory, or "humanistic psychology" (whose prominent representatives are the American psychologists Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers).

For a manager, psychoanalytic theory does not offer specific methods for solving certain practical problems, but it will help to understand why people behave the way they do. The incorrect behavior of a person or his stubborn resistance to something can be explained by his protection from something, a disproportionate thirst for recognition or pride. The behavior of employees is not always logical and reasonable, and the people themselves cannot always explain their impulses and desires, so the manager must be able to see, recognize and hidden motives.

The concept of positive and negative learning makes it possible to explain many behavioral reactions, help the manager in contacts with people, and establish a system of rewards and punishments.

We note the contribution of domestic scientists to the understanding of personality problems. In domestic psychology, there are four main theories of personality:

theory of relations (A. F. Lazursky (1874-1917), V. N. Myasishchev (1892 - 1973)]);

activity theory [L. S. Vygotsky (1896 - 1934), A. N. Leontiev (1903 - 1979)];

communication theory [B. F. Lomov (1927 - 1989), A. A. Bodalev, K. A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya];

installation theory (D. N. Uznadze (1886 - 1950), A. S. Prangishvili). You can get acquainted with them with the help of the manual “Social Psychology. Texts of lectures” (under the editorship of E. V. Rudensky. Novosibirsk: NINKh, 1993. P. 92 - 100), which summarizes the main ideas of our scientists.

For management, many other concepts of domestic researchers of personality are also of significant importance. Thus, it should be noted the attempt of V. A. Yadov to construct an integrative theory of personality, which would combine the sociological, socio-psychological and general psychological characteristics of a person. He put forward and substantiated the dispositional concept of personality.

Its essence is briefly as follows. A person, finding himself in any typical situations of interaction with the macro- and microenvironment, in the course of self-knowledge, with their repeated repetition, develops his own methods of action, takes his position, forms his attitudes. In another similar situation, he already has a kind of readiness for a certain course of action. Gradually, a person develops a whole hierarchical system of behavior, at the top of which is the general orientation of the personality, generalized social attitudes, and a system of value orientations. "Below" there are also dispositions, but they are situational, relatively independent, more mobile and help the personality adapt to new conditions while maintaining the stable integrity of its general dispositions.

3. 3. Motivation as a personality management factor

In order to connect a person to the solution of a particular problem, one must be able to find the motivation that would prompt him to action. And only with appropriate motivation can inspire people to solve complex and super-complex tasks.

The motivational approach has long been developed in foreign and domestic psychology.

In relation to the management of economic activity, the problem of motives and incentives was first posed by Adam Smith, who believed that people are controlled by selfish motives, the constant and indestructible desire of people to improve their financial situation. But A. Smith primarily understood the motivation of the entrepreneur, as for the motivation of workers, participants in the production process, A. Smith was not at all interested in it.

This gap was filled by the American organization theorist F. W. Taylor. The creator of the scientific organization of labor (NOT) argued that workers are controlled only by instincts to satisfy needs (of a physiological level, so they can be “activated” with the help of elementary incentives. According to Taylor’s deep conviction, labor is not provided for by the biological nature of man, therefore everyone works only according to Necessity. Everyone strives to work less and get more, to which the entrepreneur must respond with a policy of "pay less and demand more." The coercive power of the administrator is the main engine of production and the main motivation for work. systems of instructions-prescriptions, norms for the development and justification of motivation through hourly wages.Time wages do not allow the employee to manage his time, while the administration sets the pace of work, prohibiting unauthorized stops and breaks.Excess labor force, underemployment of the population were a powerful incentive for increase in labor productivity and, of course, influenced the motivation of employees.

This continued until the 1950s and 1960s, when this method exhausted itself in a market economy. Separate studies of motivation, mainly within the framework of psychology, did not have a decisive influence on the managerial practice of entrepreneurs. The situation began to change when the humanistic direction in management that arose in the 30s in the United States (Mary Parker Follet and Elton Mayo with his famous Hawthorne experiments) was enriched by the studies of A. Maslow, G. Allport, K. Rogers and others. management, management and social changes in society stimulated the development of theories of motivation and research on motivational mechanisms. A kind of recognition of this was the inclusion of motivation as one of the most important functions of management, management in numerous manuals on entrepreneurship and management.

The most popular of the motivation theories in manuals and works on practical management is the concept of A. Maslow (1908 - 1970). He was the first to propose a classification of needs and the relationships between them, building a kind of hierarchy in which the highest demands do not come to the fore. until the lower needs are satisfied. This hierarchy can be represented by the following diagram.

According to Maslow's theory, there are five main groups
needs (Fig. 1)

Physiological needs necessary for survival
human: in food, in water, in rest, in sex, etc.

Needs for safety and security
future) - protection from physical and other dangers from
the world around and confidence that the physiological
needs will be met in the future.

The need to belong to a social group
social environment, in dealing with people, a sense of "elbow" and
support from work colleagues.

The need for respect, recognition of others and the desire for
personal achievements.

The need for self-expression, i.e. the need for self-growth
and in realizing their potential.

Maslow's needs theory is one of the most famous theories.
motivations. It shows how certain needs can
influence a person's motivation for activity, and how to provide
a person to satisfy his needs.

Thus, according to Maslow, all needs form a hierarchical structure, which, as a dominant, determines human behavior. Physiological needs, for security, called primary, lower-level needs, serve as the basis for satisfying higher-order needs - social, success, self-expression (self-actualization). Higher-level needs do not motivate a person until the lower-level needs are at least partially satisfied.

Along with the hierarchy of needs proposed by A. Maslow, modern management manuals use those additions that McClennand and Herzberg made to his classification. The first supplemented it by introducing the concepts of needs for power, success and belonging to a group; the second singled out hygienic factors (wage rates, interpersonal relations and the nature of control by the immediate superior) and motivating factors (sense of success, promotion, recognition from others, responsibility, growth of opportunities). In addition to these approaches, the Russian entrepreneur is also invited to be guided by the following theories of motivation: procedural, the theory of expectation, justice, the Porter-Lawler model of fair remuneration.

Based on the analysis and generalization of research by Herzberg and others, two English scientists M. Woodcock and D. Francis built an interesting table that helps to better use the ideas of motivation to stimulate effective labor behavior. It is useful to compare this table with A. Maslow's scheme (see above). She seems to continue to explain why they will not give the desired effect.

Motivation Regulators

1. Working environment

2. Reward

3. Feeling safe

Workplace Noise level Background music Ergonomics Dining room Design Amenities Cleanliness Physical working conditions

Salary and other benefits Holidays Additional benefits Health care systems Social problems

Fear of becoming superfluous A sense of belonging to the company Respect and approval of others Acceptable management style Relationships with others Awareness of how the company treats employees

Main motivators

4. Personal development

5. Feeling of belonging

6. "Interest and challenge"

Responsibility Experimentation New experiences Learning opportunities

Ownership of information Consultation Shared decision-making Communication Representation

Interesting projects Developing experience Increasing responsibility Feedback on progress towards the goal

"Main motivators", if not resolved with the "regulators of motivation", i.e., not satisfying the needs of the lower levels, as a rule, there is nothing to think about including the higher ones in the active state. We now give some commentary on the blocks in the Woodcock and Francis table.

1. The work environment has a powerful effect on the worker, so

organizations should spare no expense and effort to create a favorable environment for workers.

2. Remuneration now usually includes not only a salary, but many other payments, as well as holidays and especially additional benefits: housing, personal health insurance, personal cars, paid meals, etc.

3. Feeling of security. This feeling is associated with the presence of work, with the lack of uncertainty about the future, with the recognition and respect of others, belonging to a group, etc.

4. Personal development and growth. Now there is (as already mentioned) the evolution of the views of managers on the attitude towards the individual. If earlier the main attention was paid to improving the skills of workers, now it is the development of human resources, and appropriate services are being created in firms and enterprises. It is recognized that the contribution to the personal development of employees has both economic and humanitarian significance.

With this in mind, it is necessary to say about the emergence of a new science - acmeology(t Greek "akme" - the highest degree of something), studying the state of the highest rise of the individual. Natural giftedness, the experience of a lived life, a margin of physical strength allow a person to reach at some point the heights of his abilities.

Acmeology, analyzing the totality of the characteristics of a mature person, also studies the moment he reaches the level of mastery. High professionalism is not only a bright development of abilities, but also deep and broad knowledge of the relevant activity, non-standard thinking and, of course, a strong and stable motivational and emotional charge to carry out this particular activity and achieve extraordinary results in it.

5. A sense of belonging to a common cause is inherent in every employee, he wants to feel his "need" for the organization, therefore, managers should, if possible, give employees full information, have well-functioning feedback, and know their opinion on the fundamental issues of production.

6. "Interest and challenge." Woodcock and Francis write that most people are looking for jobs that are "challenge," that require skill, and that aren't too easy. Even purely performing works should be turned into interesting, satisfying ones.

Factors 1, 2 and 3 can act as demotivators if employees are not satisfied with them, factors 4, 5 and 6 can increase employee engagement and provide the organization with major achievements.

So, considering personality as an object of control, many researchers and practitioners recognized the complexity and insufficient knowledge of this phenomenon. Here are given only the most well-established ideas about the personality, about some ways of activating its behavior in the labor process. But it must be remembered that a person often does not want to feel like an object of anyone's influence, deliberate influence, that a person usually strives to be not a passive participant in joint activities, but a conscious and active being, creating both the world and himself. Is it correct and can the process of managing an enterprise or one of its departments be likened to the process of driving a car? Give examples in which the subject of public administration uses the principle of situational management by deviation

The understanding of management as a profession based on various achievements of the interdisciplinary field of scientific and practical knowledge occupies a strong place in modern society. Currently, it is believed that a leader at any level is called upon to solve two interrelated tasks:

  • · master the theoretical foundations of rational management, i.е. management science;
  • · to be able to creatively apply the provisions of this science, that is, to master the art of management. The first task is solved in the process of learning, the second - in the process of practical activity.

The activities of leaders (managers), implemented in the performance of basic management functions, this is the subject of management psychology.

The subject of management psychology is the psychological aspects of the management process of various types of joint activities and interpersonal communication in organizations, i.e. psychological aspects of managerial relations. A specific manifestation of the subject of management psychology can be represented in the following levels of psychological and management issues:

  • 1. Psychological aspects of the leader's activity:
    • * psychological features of managerial work in general, its specificity in various fields of activity;
    • * psychological analysis of the leader's personality, psychological requirements for the personal qualities of the leader;
    • * psychological aspects of making managerial decisions;
    • * individual management style of the head and problems of its correction.
  • 2. Psychological aspects of the organization's activities as a subject and object of management:
    • * the possibility of using psychological factors to solve managerial problems;
    • * patterns of formation of a favorable socio-psychological climate in the organization;
    • * patterns of formation of optimal interpersonal relationships in the organization, the problem of psychological compatibility;
    • * formal and informal structures of the organization;
    • * motivation of members of the organization;
    • * value orientations in the organization, management of the process of their formation.
  • 3. Psychological aspects of the interaction of the leader with the members of the organization:
    • * problems of creation and functioning of the communication system in the process of interaction;
    • * problems of managerial communication;
    • * optimization of relationships in the link "leader - subordinate";
    • * Awareness as a factor in improving effective management.

The fundamental attention of managers is paid to making decisions on all principal and strategic tasks, coordinating the work of executors, selecting and educating personnel.

The main task of the manager is the overall management of the process of functioning and development of the management system.

Under the management system, understand as a holistic organizational association, characterized by:

  • * functions and goals of activity;
  • * a specific set of components that are in subordination;
  • * the regime of external relations (subordination, coordination, contractual relations, etc.);
  • * legal regulation of the structure, connections, powers, activities of the management system as a whole and its elements.

A survey of many managers showed that under the subject of managerial activity they mean both managerial decisions, and teams, and personnel, etc.

The subject of management psychology can also be the subject of administrator's work - information. The manager receives information both about the system as a whole and about individual processes or subsystems. Then he transforms it, giving the information a qualitatively different character. The transformation of information is focused on subsequent points in time, on the near or distant future, i.e. on the system of models: static (fixing some ideal pattern) or dynamic (fixing the pace, temporal aspects of the functioning of the system). The information coming from the manager (what is commonly called a managerial decision) has an incentive function. Thanks to this, the solution is implemented through the activities of the performers. The result of this entire cycle should be a change in the state of the managed system.

The subject of management psychology is the activities of officials who lead teams, and management psychology is a complex system of knowledge related to the following aspects of management activities:

  • * psychological factors that ensure the successful and effective activities of the manager;
  • * psychology of motivation of people in the course of their activity;
  • * features of group behavior and interpersonal relationships;
  • * psychological aspects of leadership, features of decision-making;
  • * psychology of power and organization;
  • * issues of the psychological climate in the team;
  • * psychological conflictology.

The psychology of management deals with the specifics of the psychological factors of joint activity, the method of its psychological organization.

In addition, managerial psychology provides psychological training for managers and leaders. We can talk about two parameters of the effectiveness of the work of the head, manager:

  • * non-psychological (we can talk about the profitability or unprofitability of the enterprise, its competitive prospects, etc.);
  • * psychological (in this case, the degree of satisfaction of people working in the organization, the quality of communication, the motivation of their behavior, etc.) are taken into account.

Obviously, both of these parameters are interrelated: the effectiveness of organizations, i.e. the ability to solve the problems facing them in the best or optimal way increases if an appropriate psychological climate is created in them. And the knowledge gained by managers as a result of studying the psychology of management helps to competently manage people, avoid unnecessary conflicts, understand the psychological nature of management processes, effectively solve the problem of recruiting personnel for the organization, analyze and improve the psychological climate in the team, and correctly evaluate their own activities.

Thus, management psychology seeks to facilitate the work of managers and make it more effective with the help of knowledge about the psychological characteristics of a person, about the various manifestations of the psyche, its functional, changeable nature.

Tasks of management psychology:

  • * psychological analysis of the activities of specialist managers;
  • * study of the mechanisms of mental regulation of labor activity in normal and extreme conditions;
  • * study of the mental characteristics of leadership;
  • * development of psychological recommendations on the use of psychological knowledge in the management process, in conflict resolution, changing the psychological climate in organizations;
  • * study of the processes of group interaction;
  • * study of the mechanisms of human motivation.

Psychological analysis of the activities of specialist managers. In order to competently manage a team and successfully perform work, you need to be able to analyze your actions, on which the adoption of the right decisions depends.

The study of the mechanisms of mental regulation of labor activity in normal and extreme conditions. In order to make an adequate decision in any situation, it is necessary to study the mechanisms of labor activity.

Study of the mental characteristics of leadership. Leadership is a process by which one individual influences the behavior of others and organizes their activities in accordance with the relationships established by the organization. Leaders differ in their individual style and approaches to management. One of the key differences is how much managers direct their subordinates, i.e. the extent to which they tell subordinates how their work should be done. Another difference is the measure of their autocriticality or democratic nature in the decision-making process, i.e. to what extent they allow subordinates to participate in this process, for this it is necessary to study the mental characteristics of leadership.

Development of psychological recommendations on the use of psychological knowledge in the management process, in conflict resolution, changing the psychological climate in organizations. Attitudes towards work and colleagues are stable feelings, expressed in beliefs and types of behavior, they are directed to production activities, to members of their working group, and to the organizational environment. Job satisfaction is the most important indicator of attitude to production activity.

An important aspect of the manager's activity is the resolution of conflicts arising in the organization. A conflict is an intractable contradiction, accompanied by acute emotional experiences, a clash of oppositely directed goals, interests, positions, and opinions. The main methods of conflict management are a deal, the development of common goals, clarification and clarification of the mechanisms of responsibility and authority, mediation and arbitration. It is necessary to develop recommendations so that the organization has a stable psychological climate.

The study of the processes of group interaction. People unite in groups for reasons of security, prestige, self-respect, strength to meet needs and achieve goals. A group is two or more individuals united by a common activity in such a way that each of them influences the other or others. To competently manage a group, you need to study the behavior of people and their interaction in a team.

Study of the mechanisms of human motivation. Motivation - a set of processes that guide and support human behavior, encourage the achievement of significant goals, determine the activity of the individual. To increase the level of motivation, it is necessary to resort to the development of responsibilities and the preparation of tasks. The manager-practitioner should be aware that motivation requires taking into account the characteristics of the employee's personality and setting specific, measurable, realistic, consistent and time-bound goals. In order to solve them, it is necessary to study the mechanisms of motivation.

Thus, the main task is to study and solve the problems of managerial activity, which is carried out with the help of psychological knowledge and theories.

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

higher professional education



Mining Faculty

Department of Open Mining

Discipline abstract

"psychology of management",

on the topic: "Subject, object of management psychology"




Psychology of management provides knowledge that can be used in solving the problem of managing the activities of the workforce.

A feature of management psychology is that its object is the organized activity of people. Organized activity is the activity of people united in one organization, obeying the rules and norms of this organization and performing the joint work assigned to them in accordance with economic, technological, legal, organizational and corporate requirements. Socio-psychological relations act as relationships between people, mediated by the goals, objectives and values ​​of joint activities, i.e. its real content. Managerial relations constitute an organized joint activity, make it organized.

In social psychology, the individual worker acts as a part, as an element of a social group, outside of which his behavior cannot be understood.

In the psychology of management, both the individual worker, and the social group, and the team act in the context of the organization to which they belong and without which their analysis in terms of management is incomplete.

1. Definition of the concept of "management psychology"

The concept of "management" has entered our lives so firmly that we sometimes do not think about its exact meaning. When it comes to managing people united in an organization, the psychological aspect joins many other aspects of managerial activity, therefore a new subject has appeared and is successfully developing in psychological science - management psychology.

For any science, an exact definition of its subject matter is important. Understanding the subject of management psychology is still debatable, since in modern society this topic is more relevant than ever. To understand what management psychology is, let's turn to such concepts as "psychology", "management".

Psychology is the science of the patterns of development and functioning of the psyche as a special form of life. More precisely - an objective science of subjective mental phenomena.

Management is a set of a system of coordinated activities aimed at achieving significant goals of the organization.

Modern German researchers of management problems W. Siegert and L. Lang give the following definition of management: "Management is such a management of people and such use of funds that allows you to complete the tasks in a humane, economical and rational way."

In its most general form, management is understood as an element, a function that ensures the preservation of a certain structure, organized systems, maintaining the regime of their activities, the implementation of their programs and goals.

Until the beginning of the 20th century, management was not considered an independent field of scientific research. However, with the appearance of F. Taylor's book "Management" or "Factory Management" in 1911, the basic principles of managerial work were identified.

In the 20s. the famous French engineer A. Fayol proposed a consistent system of management principles. Thanks to A. Fayol, management began to be considered a special, specific activity. In this regard, a special applied interdisciplinary science arose - "management psychology".

The purpose of management psychology is to develop ways to improve the efficiency and quality of life of organizational systems.

The subject of management is the carrier of subject-practical activity, the source of management activity aimed at a specific object of management. The subjects of management can be both a separate individual and a social group.

The object of management may be a part of the objective reality, which is directed by the management impact. The object of control can also be an individual or a social group.

Between the subject and the object of management there is a dialectical interaction and mutual influence. At the same time, an important condition for the effectiveness of management is the compliance of the subject of management with its object.

Management psychology intersects with various areas of psychology. So, for example, general psychology, just like management psychology, studies motivation, personality, will, emotions and feelings, etc. But, unlike general psychology, in which the main problem is the problem of personality, in management psychology it is considered in the applied aspect: as a subject and object of management.

Its connections with general, social, engineering psychology, ergonomics, economic psychology, as well as with other sciences, such as philosophy, sociology of organizations, are well known. Among the psychological disciplines, the psychology of management is an independent section of psychology, but management is impossible without an appropriate economic context, i.e. without using knowledge of economic theory, ergonomics, management, ethics, culture and psychology of business communication, etc.

Thus, management psychology is an interdisciplinary applied branch of psychology, the main task of which is to study and solve problems of management activity with the help of psychological knowledge and theories.

From all of the above, it follows that management psychology is a branch of psychological science that combines the achievements of various sciences in the field of studying the psychological aspects of the management process and is aimed at optimizing and increasing the efficiency of this process.

2. Subject and object of management psychology

The understanding of management as a profession based on various achievements of the interdisciplinary field of scientific and practical knowledge occupies a strong place in modern society. Currently, it is believed that a leader at any level is called upon to solve two interrelated tasks:

· master the theoretical foundations of rational management, i.е. management science;

· to be able to creatively apply the provisions of this science, that is, to master the art of management.

The first task is solved in the process of learning, the second - in the process of practical activity.

The activities of leaders (managers), implemented in the performance of basic management functions, this is the subject of management psychology.

The subject of management psychology is the psychological aspects of the management process of various types of joint activities and interpersonal communication in organizations, i.e. psychological aspects of managerial relations. A specific manifestation of the subject of management psychology can be represented in the following levels of psychological and management issues:

1. Psychological aspects of the leader's activity:

Psychological features of managerial work in general, its specificity in various fields of activity;

Psychological analysis of the leader's personality, psychological requirements for the personal qualities of the leader;

Psychological aspects of making managerial decisions;

Individual management style of the head and problems of its correction.

2. Psychological aspects of the organization's activities as a subject and object of management:

Possibilities of using psychological factors to solve managerial problems;

Patterns of formation of a favorable socio-psychological climate in the organization;

Patterns of formation of optimal interpersonal relationships in the organization, the problem of psychological compatibility;

Formal and informal structures of the organization;

Motivation of work of members of the organization;

Value orientations in the organization, management of the process of their formation.

3. Psychological aspects of the interaction of the leader with the members of the organization:

Problems of creation and functioning of the communication system in the process of interaction;

Problems of managerial communication;

Optimization of relationships in the link "leader - subordinate";

Awareness as a factor in improving effective management.

The subject of management psychology can also be the subject of administrator's work - information. The manager receives information both about the system as a whole and about individual processes or subsystems. Then he transforms it, giving the information a qualitatively different character. The transformation of information is focused on subsequent points in time, on the near or distant future, i.e. on the system of models: static (fixing some ideal pattern) or dynamic (fixing the pace, temporal aspects of the functioning of the system). The information coming from the manager (what is commonly called a managerial decision) has an incentive function. Thanks to this, the solution is implemented through the activities of the performers. The result of this entire cycle should be a change in the state of the managed system.

The subject of management psychology is the activity of officials who lead teams, and management psychology is a complex system of knowledge relating to various aspects of management activity.

The object of study of management psychology is people who are part of

financial and legal relations in independent organizations,

whose activities are oriented towards corporately beneficial goals.

3. Basic methods of management psychology

psychology management head

Management psychology as a science relies on various psychological methods, the main of which are observation and experiment.

Observation is a complex objective psychological process of reflecting reality. Its complexity is due to the fact that it is carried out in the natural environment of the functioning of the organization, in which the place and role of the researcher as an observer has a certain influence and impact on the observed, on the one hand, and on the selection and generalization of information, on the other. In addition, in most cases, the role of the researcher is passive, since he only fixes the opinion or attitude of people towards processes, facts and phenomena.

The experiment is one of the most peculiar and difficult to master methods of collecting information. The implementation of the experiment makes it possible to obtain very unique information, which is simply not possible to obtain by other methods. For example, in order to increase labor productivity, the enterprise decided to use a number of new forms of moral and material incentives. However, it is not clear whether this will lead to the desired result or, on the contrary, will entail negative consequences, reduce the effect of the previously introduced and established forms of encouragement for conscientious work? Here, an experiment comes to the aid of the leader, which, due to its capabilities, is able to “lose” a certain situation and “give out” valuable information. The main purpose of its implementation is to test hypotheses, the results of which have direct access to practice, to various management decisions.


At the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, management psychology is undergoing intensive development, its ideas and practical recommendations become relevant for various sciences. It was during this period that many books on psychological and managerial issues appeared. This period is characterized by a number of features:

Applied nature of the developed problems of management psychology. Most of the literature published during this period is, in fact, a desktop for managers at various levels;

Integration of psychological and managerial knowledge, going by combining the achievements of various branches of science. Figuratively speaking, the psychology of management is just beginning and only the first steps in this direction have been taken;

The main emphasis is placed on the consideration of the features of management in the field of business and business relations, relatively less attention is paid to other branches of knowledge. Attempts are being made to reduce the psychology of management to the psychology of management.

The more complex management, the more attention is paid to the subject and tasks of management psychology. Every year, the requirements for mental processes and mental abilities of a person are growing, ranging from perception and attention to responsibility for human lives. These are the tasks that managerial psychology solves.

List of used literature

1. Petrovsky A.V. Psychology is about each of us. M., 2002.

2. Rozanova Paradoxes and contradictions of management // Personnel management.-1998.-№1.

3. Siegert W., LangL. Leader without conflict. M "2003.

4. Ershov A. A. A psychologist's view of human activity. M „20007.

5. Maslow A. Self-actualization // Personality Psychology: Texts. M 1999.

6. Petrovsky A.V. Psychology is about each of us. M., 2005.

7. Sventsitsky A.L. Social psychology of management. L „2008.

8. Types of leaders - management styles / Comp. N. A. Nekrasov,

Novosibirsk, 2008.

9. Yadov VL Social psychology / Ed. E. S. Kuzmina, V. E. Semenova. L „2007.

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