Business plan for canning vegetables. Technical equipment of the production workshop

If someone thinks that opening a mini cannery is a hopeless project, then he is deeply mistaken. By carefully studying all aspects of this type economic activity it becomes quite clear that this business has excellent chances not only to become profitable in short time, but also has large-scale prospects for development in the future.

Perspective business ideas

The main advantage of this type of activity today is the fact that absolutely all farmers who grow vegetables experience an acute shortage of sales markets. If, for example, any root crops, including potatoes, carrots or beets, can be sold for a long period of time, then the bulk of vegetables have a shorter shelf life and, accordingly, should be sold as early as possible. Therefore, many farmers are forced to take completely extreme actions, they either completely refuse to grow such perishable products as tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, or are limited to only very small areas for these crops. But if you give such farms a stable market, which any cannery can do, then things will be completely different.

At the same time, the mini cannery will also be fully provided with raw materials. And it will be quite cheap raw materials, since at the peak of productivity the prices for such agricultural products are minimal.

Another plus of the business idea follows from the above - today the cannery will have practically no competition on the market. There is no need to worry that you will not be able to compete with such giants of the market as Baltimore or Bonduelle, because you don’t have to do this at all. The fact is that these well-known brands work in our market according to the following scheme: only 4 months a year they are manufacturers, and the rest of the time they act only as importers. And this circumstance is quite realistic to use.

How to do it:

  • In the winter season, it is necessary to establish the production of exclusive products, including various pickled vegetables with sauces in the form of ready-made snacks (mushrooms, eggplant, cucumbers, etc.), stews, lecho. The assortment in this case is limited only by the imagination of the manufacturer and the peculiarities of the national cuisine.
  • In the cold season, you can retrain for the manufacture of ready-made canned meals, including cereals with vegetables, various salads.

Important. Companies that specialize in the production of salads make the most profit during the winter seasons. But your company will have a significant advantage here too, because “salad” companies produce their products with a minimum shelf life (no more than 3-4 days), while your products will have a shelf life of up to 6 months.

As you can see, such a business has very real prospects, and therefore we can safely proceed to planning the implementation of this idea in life.

Raw material base

Before starting to resolve issues with equipment for the plant, it is necessary to create a reliable raw material base, that is, to conclude cooperation agreements with suppliers and farms.

The first thing you should pay attention to is the quality of vegetables. Different vegetables require different processing approaches in the canning process, and, based on this, their quality characteristics must be carefully considered. So, for example, vegetables such as cabbage, carrots, peppers do not require preservation of integrity during cooking, since they are amenable to mechanical operations such as chopping, boiling, grinding. Whereas green peas, corn, beans and some other crops that are cooked as a whole must retain their shape during heat treatment.

Therefore, an entrepreneur must make sure that farms provide him with only high-quality products and prescribe these conditions in supply contracts. For farmers, such contracts will mean only one thing: a more serious attitude to own business, renewal of the technical park, development of new technologies for processing agricultural crops and new varieties of vegetables. And you, as the main buyer of such products, must convince the farmer that his investments will definitely pay off with higher prices for high-quality raw materials and a stable sales market in your face.

Another major problem associated with the raw material base is seasonality. In the climatic conditions of Russia, many crops cannot grow in winter even with greenhouse cultivation, for example, this applies to crops such as peas or corn. However, they are quite convenient to store frozen.

A related question immediately arises: if vegetables are stored frozen, then their cost increases significantly due to the purchase of refrigeration chambers and electricity costs. Will the new costs completely offset all the profits from the sale of products?

Of course not. Selling value of corn in season and in winter period time is two big differences. If during the harvest period 1 kilogram of corn grains can be sold for a maximum of 25-30 rubles, then in winter frozen corn can be sold without problems at a price of 100-120 rubles per kilogram.

If we are talking about products that have a long shelf life (potatoes, carrots, beets), then everything is even simpler here. To store these products, you can rent a vegetable store and make basic purchases during the harvest season, when the price of products on the market is minimal. Experts do not recommend considering the construction of your own vegetable store, since such an undertaking requires large investments and will pay off only years later.

Competitiveness and sales of products

Second important point The success of the canned vegetable business lies in the presence of stable distribution channels. And here there are two options: creating your own trading network or sale of products in supermarkets and large retail outlets.

The most acceptable and effective option is cooperation with large trading companies that operate on the market not only in a certain region, but also in all cities of Russia, which greatly expands the possibilities of any entrepreneur. But, unfortunately, breaking into such a market is almost impossible. Such companies themselves often act as importers of various canned goods, so in fact you will act as a competitor for them, and not a profitable partner. And with all this, they work in the lowest price segment.

But, no matter how strange it may sound, it is quite possible to turn such obvious disadvantages into fat pluses.

What can be done:

  • Invite companies to sell your product under their brand name. Buying them from a domestic manufacturer, that is, from you, will be five times more profitable than from foreign companies, so profitability will certainly be the final argument in your favor, especially if the product you offer is really high quality.
  • To exclude competition with the products of the company itself, offer a range of products that will differ from those already on the market, but based on the characteristics of the national cuisine of the Slavs. To implement such a task, you will need to hire a professional technologist who will develop new recipe canned goods, but such expenses will quickly pay for themselves.

Factory equipment

The complex for processing vegetables for a mini plant must have the following technical characteristics:

  • processing capacity of raw materials - not less than 100 kg/h, preferably up to 500 kg/h;
  • the area of ​​the premises for the installation of the production line is about 100 square meters. m.;
  • electricity consumption - up to 70 kW / h, water - up to 1 cu. m/hour;
  • state service personnel– about 10-16 people.

A packaging line is also needed. As packaging should be used: glass jars with cork lids, glass bottles, vertical bags, plastic cups, trays.

Packing volume from 0.06 to 10 liters.

Product range

The following list of products should be considered as a range of products.

But at the same time, it is worth immediately making a reservation that, as already mentioned above, an entrepreneur, when choosing an assortment, should focus solely on his personal experience, the state of the market, the presence of imagination.

  • canned vegetables, including vegetable caviar, salads, lecho, sliced ​​and stuffed vegetables in tomato sauce;
  • ready-made dinners from vegetables with the addition of meat;
  • semi-finished products that must be heated before use (stuffed cabbage, meatballs);
  • vegetable purees;
  • sauces and vegetable pastes;
  • smoothies from fruits and vegetables with the addition of nuts and cereals;
  • dried fruits;
  • candied fruit, etc.

The cost of a production line for processing vegetables on the market is about 3.5 million rubles.

Production costs and operating income

It is best to calculate expenses and income from activities, taking into account the fact that the main production cycle is 4 months in the warm season, because when calculating income from additional types of earnings (making salads and ready meals) in the winter period, you can get distorted and not quite exact information.

For the basic unit of profit in specific example we will take 1 kilogram of frozen peas.

Costs for one production cycle:

  • Peas (or any other vegetables) - 120 tons (1 ton of products is processed per shift, 30 tons per month, respectively, 120 tons per 4 months). The purchase price is 2.4 million rubles (the price of 1 ton is 20 thousand rubles).
  • Electricity - 30 thousand kW (per shift - 250 kW, per month - 7.5 thousand kW, for 4 months - 30 thousand kW). The cost of electricity is 96 thousand rubles (the price of 1 kW / hour is 3.2 rubles).
  • Wage Fund - 1.5 million rubles for 4 months.
  • Rent of production space - 1.2 million rubles (100 thousand rubles per month * 12 months).

Total expenses: 5.2 million rubles.

Income from activities:

  • The cost of selling 1 ton of peas is 100 thousand rubles.
  • The income from the sale of 120 tons of frozen peas is 12 million rubles.

Net profit: 6.8 million rubles.

Return on investment: during the first season of operation (the first 4 months of the season).

Profitability of production: about 40 percent.

Cannery mini-factory is a very profitable business. And the example we have considered is just one more evidence in favor of this statement, so if you have all the necessary prerequisites for putting this idea into practice, it is not possible to doubt the prospects.

Production business plan- this is a real document that passed the credit committee of the bank and ensured the receipt of the necessary loan for the release of canned food, in this case.
And not one loan, actually.

Unfortunately, the document turns out to be quite voluminous and poorly perceived by search engines, but this is exactly what a real business plan should look like.
You can simply substitute your numbers and names - and the golden key is in your pocket.
If you mechanically "write off" - follow the indicated dates.
2107 - 2112 can be safely changed to 2017 - 2022 and so on.
Nothing will change in the economy, unfortunately...

Business plan for organizing canning production

  1. Business plan goals and business objectives
  2. The company and its products

2.1. Location and ownership of the enterprise

  1. Market analysis

3.2. Market analysis of raw materials

  1. Investment plan
  2. Production plan

5.1. Turnover calculation

5.2. Cost calculation

5.3. Calculation of profit and profitability

  1. Marketing and sales strategy
  2. Financial plan. Loan repayment schedule
  3. Risk analysis and efficiency calculation
  4. Conclusion


The objectives of the business plan are:

  1. Justification of the profitability of the chosen type of activity - the production of meat and meat and vegetable canned food on their own production facilities and sales in the domestic and foreign markets;
  2. Identification of market conditions and sales forecast finished products when increasing production capacity during the investment period;
  3. Evaluation of the expected financial results of the business and building financial strategy enterprises in settlements with the bank for borrowed funds.

The tasks of the enterprise in the investment period are:

  • to carry out the reconstruction of the enterprise in order to prepare production for ensuring a closed technological cycle for the production of canned food based on purchased block meat of beef and pork, the production of pates and canned poultry meat;
  • carry out technical re-equipment of the supporting infrastructure, upgrade the fleet of refrigeration and ventilation equipment, purchase and install the necessary technological equipment for the production of up to 50,000 cans per day;
  • to gain a foothold and expand the managed segment of the canned meat sales market on the basis of direct contracts with sales organizations;
  • implement agreements of intent and strengthen export sales channels;
  • to ensure the accumulation of a mass of profit from the production and sale of finished products sufficient to satisfy personal consumption and implement the second phase of production development.
  • The chosen type of activity is combined with regional and state programs for the development of the agricultural sector of the economy and increasing the provision of the population with essential products.


    2.1. Location and ownership of the enterprise

    The proposed business project provides for the organization of canning production, with a production capacity of 50,000 cans per day, based on existing enterprise"Company ".

    The enterprise is located in the industrial zone of the city of Verkhneplyuisk and is a business entity of the Russian Federation.

    Enterprise "Enterprise" is located in a two-story building with a total area of ​​2500 sq.m. The adjacent territory has an area of ​​8 thousand sq.m. The territory is fenced, provided with access roads for heavy vehicles. The building of the enterprise is owned (certificate No. 0000000 of the Russian Federation).

    The production is connected to the city water supply and sewerage networks, has its own electrical substation with an installed capacity of 500 kW and the possibility of increasing up to 1 MW and a boiler house. The adjacent territory is equipped in accordance with the veterinary and sanitary rules and regulations, as well as with the requirements customs authorities for the organization of customs temporary storage warehouse for all types of cargo. The area of ​​the territory allows to install several marine refrigerators as warehouses for raw materials and finished products.

    The first floor of the building has been repaired and equipped in accordance with veterinary and sanitary rules and regulations. Fully complies with the requirements of ISO -2000 and HASP for the meat processing industry. The production is provided with the necessary set of main production, auxiliary and amenity premises. The building is equipped with a ventilation system with differentiated temperature settings in different rooms and a system of appropriate filters. On the second floor, it is possible to arrange a deboning and trimming of half carcasses (when using them as raw materials), with the subsequent supply of raw materials to the first floor.

    In the reconstruction of the enterprise, the purchase of the building and the long-term lease of land,

    currently invested $1,987,563. Estimated cost is $2,300,000 (Conclusion on real estate appraisal is attached).

    To master modern technologies and organization of canning production requires the purchase and installation technological equipment.

    2.2. Technology and products of the enterprise

    The main activity is the production and sale of meat and meat and vegetable canned food with a long shelf life.

    Canned meat- Meat products sealed in tins or glass jars and subjected to high temperatures to kill microorganisms and make the product shelf-stable. Canned food is used for the preparation of first and second courses, they are also consumed without prior cooking. They are convenient for hiking and expeditions. The energy value of canned food is higher than the energy value of meat, since they do not contain bones, tendons, cartilage, but canned food is inferior to fresh meat in taste and vitamin content.

    Canned food is produced from chilled or thawed mature beef, lamb, pork, offal, fresh benign sausages, ham, minced meat and other products (cereals, legumes, edible melted fats, pasta).

    After deboning, trimming and sorting, the meat is portioned, blanched or fried, chopped (for pates). Meat, salt, spices are placed in clean sterilized jars. To improve the taste of canned meat, sodium glutamate is added to them. To remove air from canned food, they are heated to 80-95 ° C or the contents of the jars are poured with hot broth, sauce. If the cans are not rolled up on vacuum-sealing machines, then the canned food is checked for leaks by immersing it in hot water at a temperature of 85 ° C for 1 minute. In this case, all the air contained in the banks comes out. This is the preparatory phase of the production of canned meat. Next in the process is sterilization or pasteurization, depending on the final destination of the product.

    Sterilization- heating canned food in autoclaves at 113-120°C for 75-130 minutes to kill microorganisms and their spores. During sterilization, proteins coagulate, collagen passes into glutamine, organoleptic properties change and appearance canned food. Some of the extractives pass from the meat to the broth (their amount decreases) and fat, more than half of the vitamins B 1 are destroyed, up to 10% of the vitamins B 2 and PP, 20-30% pantothenic acid, 10-15% of the amino acid arginine.

    Partial cleavage of proteins during sterilization causes an increase in the amount of polypeptides, amino acids, ammonia, carbon dioxide, mercaptans. The liberated hydrogen sulfide forms compounds with the metal in the form of black or bluish-violet films of tin sulfide, which do not affect the quality of canned food.

    Absolute sterility of canned food is achieved only when sterilized at a temperature of about 180°C. However, due to undesirable changes in taste, smell, texture, meat color and loss of nutrients, the product becomes unsuitable for food. Therefore, when processing canned food, the most sparing heat treatment modes are selected in order to increase the nutritional value and ensure the possibility of long-term storage of canned food.

    Modern technological lines allow to produce up to 6000 cans of canned food per hour. The most common canned food is in cans of 325, 338g and 545g. Accordingly, the planned production volume is 18-20 tons of finished products per day.

    The technological cycle of production is no more than five days, which significantly increases the profitability of the activity. The average period of implementation until the return of money for the shipped goods does not exceed 45 calendar days. Long shelf life of products (from 3 to 6 years) reduces the risk of losses and smoothes out seasonal and crisis fluctuations in demand.


    3.1. The state of the market for finished products

    Canned meat products include traditional beef and stewed pork; beef and pork in its own juice, in jelly, poultry meat in its own juice, cereals, delicacies (tongue, ham, etc.), as well as a pate group, which includes a wide variety of pates - both traditional and with various additives: mushrooms , prunes, paprika, herbs, etc.

    According to the Institute for Commodity Flow and Wholesale Market Research (ITKOR), the volume of the Russian canned meat market is increasing by an average of 3-7% per year. Market growth in the Verkhnepluisky region is below the Russian level and is approximately 2-5%.

    Last year Russian market canned meat, according to the marketers of the Stavropol cannery, was represented by 80% domestic products and 20% imported products. The capacity of the canned meat market during this period increased by 30% compared to 2007 and is now estimated at 250-270 thousand tons per year.

    The meat preservation market has its own specifics. The state order is still preserved here, and the largest consumers are the State Reserve, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, GUIN, etc., the so-called corporate sector, which is the main consumer of canned meat. The share of the population consuming canned meat, according to experts, is no more than 25-30%. According to ITKOR, the largest Russian producers supply the corporate sector with 5 to 100% of their own canned meat production. Canned meat for the corporate sector must necessarily comply with GOST. Manufacturers distribute the rest of the canned meat products between large and small wholesalers, retail chains (including own stores, trading houses, etc.) a smaller part is sent. “The largest suppliers of canned meat to the corporate sector are a number of Russian meat processing plants,” says ITKOR expert Maria Brzezinskaya. - Prodresursy and the Serpukhov meat processing plant supply the corporate sector with the entire volume of meat canning products produced, Narofominsk and Borisoglebsk meat processing plants - 70%, Stavropol - 60%, Buryatmyasoprom - 50%, "Glavprodukt" and "Gipar" - 40% each of the volume production of canned meat. In real terms, the largest suppliers of canned meat products to the corporate sector are Buryatmyasoprom, Borisoglebsk MPK, Glavprodukt, Stavropol MKZ, Prodresursy and Serpukhov MPK.

    After a certain period of storage of canned meat, the corporate sector sells the unused part of the products through wholesalers.

    The canned meat market is divided into segments according to such parameters as composition, price, and packaging.

    According to ITKOR, canned meats are divided into five main groups according to their composition: from beef, made in accordance with GOST 5284-89, protein-free and with the addition of protein; from pork, made in accordance with GOST 697-84, protein-free and with the addition of protein; meat and vegetable; from poultry meat; pâtés with and without additives.

    Meat preservation includes canned food, for the manufacture of which no plant components are used (stewed beef, stewed pork, liver, heart), or canned food made according to specifications (sterilized ham, tongue in jelly, offal, minced meat in jelly). Canned food products according to GOST (first and highest grade) are high-quality products, which include large (at least 30 g) pieces of natural fibrous meat, bay leaf, pepper, salt. Shelf life from 3 to 6 years. Products made according to specifications(TS), as a rule, is made from lower quality components (for example, from offal, frozen pressed meat, soy surrogate). At a cost, such stew is 1.5-2 times cheaper, this product is aimed at buyers with low and medium incomes. Shelf life does not exceed two years.

    Meat-and-vegetable canned food is made with the addition of raw materials of plant origin to the laying of meat: first courses (soups, cabbage soup, borscht), cereals with meat, main courses (stuffed cabbage rolls, peppers, meatballs, etc.). Soy canned food is also considered meat and vegetable. Minced preservation and pates can refer to both meat and meat and vegetable preservation, depending on the composition and production technology. Often, this conservation is considered as a separate segment due to certain features, which include consumer preferences, seasonality, and liquidity. According to Hame specialists, today the volume of the segment of canned pate (without stew and other canned meat) is about 20 thousand tons per year. The growth of the pate segment is estimated by the company's specialists at about 5% annually.

    In each of the segments, 3-4 positions can be distinguished, which are most in demand by consumers. IN Lately we can safely talk about GOST stewed beef as a vivid example of canned meat, which has its own “separate market”, pricing and demand. This is a highly liquid position that is constantly in demand.

    Beef, made in accordance with GOST, occupies about a third of the canned meat market. Pork produced in accordance with GOST - a little more than 10% of the market. Other types of canned meat have market shares from 6 to 8%. The growth of the beef canned meat segment is slower than that of the pate and poultry segments. The annual growth in sales in the Verkhnepluisky region of canned meat from beef is 2%, from pork - 1.5-2%, for meat and vegetable canned food - 2-3%, for the pate group - 13%, for the canned poultry meat market, growth reaches twenty%. True, on the scale of Russia, the share of individual segments and their dynamics may be different, since they are formed by a different consumer demand.

    The structure of consumption is determined primarily by already established consumer preferences. Despite the gradual change in habits and tastes, for a certain part of the population of our country, naval pasta and potatoes with meat remain their favorite dishes. Stewed beef is the most acceptable and familiar to the consumer in many quality indicators. As part of the all-Russian study of lifestyle and consumption level "TGI-Russia", the company "KOMKON" provides data on the share of consumers various kinds canned meat in comparative dynamics for the first half of 2007 and for the same period of 2008. Thus, on the whole in Russia in the first half of 2008, 41.8% of families used canned meat and canned meat, 35.4% bought meat and liver pates, 8.7% of households used canned ham for food (in the first half of 2007, respectively - 37.7, 29.1 and 8%). Consumption of canned food was on the rise. In Moscow, the number of families buying pate increased and amounted to 44.8% (35.3% in the corresponding period of 2007), stew and canned meat appeared on the tables of 40.3% of families (in 2007 they were 34.7% ). But the number of families using canned ham in Moscow in 2008, albeit slightly, nevertheless decreased and amounted to 9.3% (9.6% in 2007). Within the groups, in some individual segments, there is a trend towards a decrease in market volumes. This is primarily due to the redistribution of consumption: the consumer replaces some canned food with others in his diet. For example, instead of canned meat from beef or pork produced in accordance with specifications with or without the addition of vegetable protein, canned meat produced in accordance with GOST is beginning to be in the greatest demand.

    Sales of canned goods are subject to seasonality. The most difficult time for the sale of canned food is December-February. The main share of consumption falls on spring-summer. During this period, canned meat is used as a fast food product. According to ITKOR, the level of sales in the summer months exceeds the level of sales in other seasons: by 23% compared to the level of sales in the winter months, by 22% - in the autumn, by 15% - in the spring months.

    On the market, canned poultry meat and pates are in increasing demand. These products, according to consumers, are more in line with a healthy diet, as these products are more easily absorbed by the body. In the last year, there has been a noticeable increase in the consumption of canned poultry meat, by about 20% per year (according to ITKOR).

    The growth in consumption volumes in the meat pate market is primarily due to the growth in the consumption of pates with various additives that have an original and peculiar taste. In the pate market, growth rates reach up to 15% per year, in the pate market with additives, volumes increase by 20-25% per year.

    The segment of delicacies and stews of the premium segment will also develop.

    Packaging and appearance of canned food play a significant role in product positioning. The composition of canned food in a tin, the most common package, is not visible to the consumer, which means that preference for one or another can cannot be given according to the content, and the buyer is forced to make a decision based on the information available on the label. Replacing a traditional label with a full color one lithography increases the consumer attractiveness of canned food. Convenient packaging beautiful decoration, design, reliable information about the composition, layout in point of sale- all this determines the choice of the consumer. At present, most manufacturers use tinplate for the production of tin cans.

    With the full development of the designed capacities, with the release of 16,000 thousand cans (5.4 thousand tons) per year, the company's share in the selected market segment will be about 1.8%.

    The forecast volume of production and sales of canned food is calculated based on:

    · maximum production capacity of the canning line - 5000 cans per hour;

    · coefficient of continuous operation per day - 12;

    · utilization factor - 0.85;

    · the average weight of a can is 338g.

    Then, the maximum volume of production in physical terms will be: 5000x12x0.85 = 51,000 cans per day, or 17238 kg of canned food, which is more than the predicted 5400000 kg/year, therefore, characterizes the output forecast with a high probability of the desired outcome.

    The sale of canned meat is planned to be carried out in full for export (to the Russian Federation) according to the offers received from the Verkhneplyuisk enterprises and according to the agreements of intent (copies are attached). The main requirement for the stew on the part of buyers is its quality. The enterprise meets these requirements, as modern automated equipment, high-quality raw materials and initial compliance ISO-2000 and HASP requirements for meat processing enterprises give high technological and consumer characteristics of products.

    The previous experience of the enterprise in the marketing of meat products allowed the staff to acquire the necessary qualifications and complete the technological equipment in accordance with the requirements of the standard for products sent for export.

    The maximum volume of production in physical terms (16,000 thousand barrels per year) is less than the confirmed demand (17,500 thousand barrels per year) and is a sign of guaranteed sales of products in the investment period.

    3.2. Market analysis of raw materials

    The raw material base of the production of the enterprise are:

    · supplies of imported block meat of pork and beef;

    · chilled pork and beef P/t produced in Russia;

    · carcasses of broiler chickens (chilled and frozen) of local production;

    According to established contractual relations with suppliers of raw materials from Poland and Germany, the enterprise purchases the bulk of raw materials for industrial production using the advantages of the Free Economic Zone (FEZ). That is, without quotas and duties, due to which significant savings on purchases are achieved, providing the initial advantages of this enterprise in comparison with similar industries in the industry.

    The established price of 1 kg of beef in Russia at the time of analysis was 3.8 - 4.1 $/kg. In the SEZ, the cost of similar raw materials is about 2.65 - 3.0 dollars per kg.

    With an average annual output rate of 5400 tons of products, the enterprise will need about 4050 tons of raw materials in the amount of $ 11,540,000 per year. Taking into account the turnover of funds on average for 1.5 months, the amount of necessary working capital is $1,450,000, plus $275,000 for spices and materials.

    The market for meat raw materials and prices on it can be considered well-established, and the channels of receipt are proven and reliable for the entire investment period.


    This business plan is focused on substantiating the conditions for the development of an enterprise and preparing production for the production of canned products.

    Table 4.1
    Objects and directions of investments

    Investment objects for the first stage of development (50% of capacity) are (see Table 4.1):

    · reconstruction industrial premises;

    · purchase of equipment and machinery;

    · purchase of components, raw materials and materials for production.

    The amount of project investments is $2283.0 thousand, of which $368.0 thousand is allocated for reconstruction, re-equipment and production start-up, and $1915.0 thousand is needed for the purchase of raw materials and materials, permits and technological documentation, and life support.

    Projected 100% production capacity - 1,200,000 cans per month.

    Accepted technology system with two-shift work and a 5-day working week provides for the possibility of maintenance and reconstruction of fixed assets, which is taken into account in the operational work schedule (see Table 4.2).

    The investment schedule is shown in Table 4.3.

    In accordance with the investment plan of the enterprise for . At the pre-project stage of production, contracts of intent are concluded for the export of canned meat and the supply of raw materials.

    Preliminary development of design and estimate documentation for the reconstruction of industrial premises and the performance of construction, repair and capital works is provided at the time of receipt borrowed money, about which there is an agreement with the relevant contractors.

    Table 4.2
    O surgical investment period schedule


    Investment periods

    1st year

    2nd year

    3rd year

    1. Conclusion of contracts for the sale of canned food

    2. Conclusion of contracts for the supply of raw materials

    3. Lending

    8. Reconstruction and construction

    9. Supply of equipment and machines. Settlements with suppliers

    10. Purchase of raw materials and materials

    11. Exit to production capacity 50%

    12. 100% production capacity

    13. Settlements with creditors

    Delivery and installation of technological equipment and machinery is carried out in parallel with the reconstruction of premises and refrigeration units. The second stage of lending is associated with the purchase of raw materials and components .IN At the end of the investment period (year 3), the modernization and re-equipment of technological equipment and the repair of production facilities are being completed (see Table 4.2).

    In addition, part of the borrowed funds is reserved to ensure the sustainability of development and their subsequent investment in raw materials and equipment after production reaches 100% capacity (see Table 7.1).

    Calendar plan for the organization of production

    capital working capital

    investments funds

    1. Coordination. Conclusion of contracts

    2. Launch of design work.5-10 thousand $

    - technological project

    - construction project

    - environmental project

    - sanitary project

    3. General construction works25-30 thousand $

    5. Order of the main equipment70-100 thousand $

    8. Life support15 thousand $

    (staff, public Utilities etc.)

    1. General construction works25-30 thousand $

    2. Preparation of TU, ​​TI, recipes 5-10 thousand $

    3. Coordination of projects and

    technological documentation

    4. Life support15 thousand $

    1. Payment for finished equipment $100-150 thousand

    2. Installation of finished equipment20 thousand $

    1. Project coordination and

    technological documentation

    4. Life support15 thousand $

    1-3 0 April

    1. Payment for finished equipment 10 - 20 thousand $

    2.Installation of finished equipment$10 thousand

    3. Project coordination and

    technological documentation10-$15 thousand

    (calculation for projects)

    4. Purchasing auxiliary 5 -10 thousand $


    5. Recruitment and training of personnel $5-10 thousand


    materials$5 thousand

    7. Life support15 thousand $

    1-3 1 May

    1. Final purchase and installation10 thousand $


    2. Delivery of projects 10 - 15 thousand $

    3. Receipt technological 5 - 10 thousand $


    4. General construction and finishing 1 0 - 15 thousand $


    5. Development of packaging and advertising

    materials$5 thousand

    6. Purchase of auxiliary materials

    and accessories75-100 thousand $

    7. Recruitment and training of personnel $10-20 thousand

    8. Life support15 thousand $

    1. Purchase of raw materials and materials250-300 thousand $

    2. Putting the object into operation20 - 30 thousand $

    3. Development of a post new party

    4. Putting products into production

    5. Miscellaneous 1 0-15 thousand$

    7. Life support20-25 thousand $

    1. Start of production in Belarus

    2. Obtaining a permit for the Russian Federation

    3.Working capital for the purchase of raw materials $300-350 thousand

    5. Life support20-25 thousand $

    1. Start of production in the Russian Federation (50% capacity)

    2.Working capital for the purchase of raw materials $350-400 thousand

    4. Life support20-25 thousand $

    Total at the first stage of production launch (output at 50% capacity)

    main costs - 350 - 500 thousand $

    working capital1165 - 1600 thousand $

    Total1515 - 2100 thousand $. Part of the funds in the amount of $250,000 to $750,000

    Reserved to bring production to 100% capacity.

    The variation in the amounts of specific investments depends, first of all, on the situation on the equipment market. It is possible to purchase almost new equipment at a reduced price from the closing enterprises of Eastern Europe.

    The amount of working capital allocated during this period is highly dependent on the prices of raw materials in the meat market and the speed of promotion and sale of the finished products of the enterprise.

    After reaching full capacity, the enterprise, in terms of its financial capabilities, is able to continue capital construction, purchase raw materials and process equipment.


    5.1. Turnover calculation

    Initial data:

    · The capacity of the enterprise is 1.200.000 conditional cans per month.

    · Products: main - beef and pork stew, canned meat and vegetable.

    · The production cycle for canned meat is 5 days.

    · The implementation cycle is 45 days, from the moment of purchasing raw materials to receiving money for the delivered goods.

    · Average market price for canned food (GOST B/C class)

    Beef GOST V/S-38-41 rub(338 g)

    Pork GOST V/S-37-40 rub(338g)

    · Average price of raw materials (ex-stock seller Poland, Germany)

    Beef 1 grade-3.27 $

    Pork P/w- 3.25 $

    Raw cost of stew GOST B / C:

    With almost the same prices for raw materials (beef and pork), it is enough to calculate the cost of beef stew to assess the profitability of the entire product range of the enterprise. Especially that canned beef and create the bulk of sales.

    The composition of the stew of the highest grade according to GOST 5284-84:

    1.5. Canned food " Stewed beef" Must be produced according to the recipe indicated in Table. one.

    Table 1

name of raw materials

Mass fraction of components, by grades





Raw beef fat



Peeled chopped onion






Ground black pepper



Bay leaf



1. It is allowed to use melted beef or bone fat in the same amount.
2. It is allowed to use dried onions in the period from March to August at the rate of: 1 kg of fresh - 0.25 kg of dried.
3. In the production of canned food, instead of 87.0% trimmed beef and 10.5% raw fat, it is allowed to lay in the recipe 97.5% trimmed beef with a fat content of 6 to 14%.

Accordingly, the raw material cost of 1 kg of canned food, according to GOST without replacements and modern technologies, is about 104.05 rubles. for 1 kg. in current prices, which is 35.17 rubles. for a can of 338

When using technologies with massaging meat and modern complex spices, the yield of meat raw materials increases to 1.35 - 1.4, which leads to a decrease in the cost of up to 78.11 rub for 1kg or 26.4 rubles. for 338, without deterioration in quality.

Putting into the technological cost the costs of cans, containers, labels, etc. we get the real cost of about 32.35 rubles. for 338

Marginal income reduced to a conditional bank is obtained not less than 6 rub for 1 can of top grade stew (18.5%).

Annual production plan:

Total turnover of the company per month:
1200000 x 38 = 45600000 rub (1500000 $)

Which will amount to about 550 million rubles. per year ($ 17 - 19 million), taking into account the seasonal decline in the winter.

5.2. Calculation of production costs

1. Material costs.

The cost of purchased raw materials and materials:

· wholesale price - 115 rubles / kg .;

· the cost of purchasing raw materials for the implementation period: 54 million rubles rub($1.8 -1.9 million); (for 45 calendar days)

· the cost of spices and materials will additionally be about 7-7.5 million rubles. (200-250 thousand $)

total annual costs for raw materials and materials will amount to 432 million rubles. ($13-13.5 million).

2. Payroll costs:

· monthly salary of one worker -12,000 rubles;

· monthly salary of an employee of the administrative apparatus - 17,000 rubles;

· workers per year (32 people): 12,000x 12x32 = 4,600,000 rubles;

· device per year (7 people): 17000x12x7 = 1428000 rub;

Total for s / P per year: 6,036,000 rubles.

3. Costs for fuel, energy, utilities per year:

· electricity consumption 200 kW per hour = 3,500,000 rubles. in year;

· water and sewerage = 1,500,000 rubles. in year

· other services = 800,000 rubles. in year;

Total utility costs per year: 5,800,000 rubles.

4. Services of third parties per year: 3,000,000 rubles / year.

4. Depreciation (5% of the cost of fixed assets):
71750000 rubles x 0.05 = 3587500 rubles

Total annual costs: RUB 450,423,500

Calculation of profit and profitability

1. The volume of turnover is 550 million rubles;

2. Income from turnover 99.5 million rubles;

3. Costs 18.4 million rubles;

4. Interest payment for the loan 16.8 million rubles. (based on 24% per annum)

5. Profit 64.3 million rubles;

Excluding taxes, charges and additional costs, about 51 million rubles remain. for distribution per year (about $ 1.7 million net)


The enterprise organizes the sale of finished products as the volume of production increases and the channels for the sale of products expand.

In the event of an unfavorable market situation for the sale of canned meat (falling profitability of the population, a sharp jump in the supply of imported meat, the unpredictable appearance of competing firms), the enterprise has determined the strategy of "price discrimination" of competitors as a commercial strategy. An enterprise can afford such a move in the struggle for the sales market by reducing the share of profit in the price due to the significant margin of financial strength of the business due to the advantages of the SEZ, as well as the possibility of varying the range of products.

As planned distribution channels (preliminary negotiations have already been held), such consumers as LLC "TK" (food base in Verkhneplyuysky), LLC "Erd" (wholesale points in small wholesale markets and fairs in Moscow), AUCHAN chain stores , "REAL" and "SPAR".

Being practically the only specialized enterprise for the industrial production of canned meat in the region, the enterprise is able to maintain the planned market share of 1.3 - 1.5% through an expanding network of distribution channels, as envisaged by the business plan.

Sales of canned meat High Quality the company plans to post-investment period to export. The demand of Russian consumers of canned meat is currently (and is projected for 3-5 years) being met by canned goods supplied by factories of low quality.

Under these conditions, the enterprise is focused on the supply of its high-quality product to the Russian Federation for 3-4 years. Prices in this segment of the Russian market are higher than those offered by the company, so sales of the company's products seem stable for the forecast period.


The financial plan of the enterprise is drawn up based on the schedule for the phased commissioning of capacities (50%, 100% - see Operational work schedule - Table 4.2), and the accepted order of capital investments (see Table 3.2).

The financial plan (see Table 7.1) reflects the movement of cash flows during the investment period. The 3rd year is estimated based on the planned production volumes for the second year of the project (see Table 7.2).

Table 7.1
Financial plan

(thousand $)

2110cap .investments working capital salesincomenet profit

January140150 0 0

February40150 0 0

March170150 0 0

April55300 0 0

May501400 0 0







december0 0 90015075


January0 0 90015075

February0 0 100017090

March0 0 1500240150

April0 0 1500240150

May0 0 1500240150

June0 0 1500240150

july0 0 1500240150

August0 0 1500240 150

September0 0 1500240 150

October0 0 1200200 120

november0 0 1200200 120

december0 0 1200200 120


It follows from the presented plan that by the end of 2111, the net profit from the production and sale of canned goods is comparable to investments in equipment and working capital, i.е. will be about half of the total investment. Based on 2110 - 2111, it is possible to plan income levelenterprises (taking into account inflation, etc.) for 2112, in the region 2680 - 2730 thousand dollars.

From 2112, production should reach a stable volume of 1200000 - 1300000 conv.. cans per month. At the same time, the level of fixed costs and costs for the development and promotion of products is somewhat reduced, which leads to an increase in the share of net profit to be distributed to the founders. By the end of 2112 net profit to be distributed will be at the level of 1650 - 1750 thousand dollars per year.


This business plan was developed in order to justify the timeliness and completeness of the return of loan funds and loan payments at the expense of profit from the production and sales activities of the enterprise - the initiator of the project.

A positive factor for the lender is a value comparable to the amount of borrowed funds own investments to the enterprise produced before the start of this investment project.

Ceteris paribus, the projected profitability of the type of activity under the project assumes a short period of accumulation of net profit sufficient to repay the loan and maintain a large margin of financial stability.

In general, the real payback period of the enterprise is the end of 2112.

A business idea with the production of canned vegetables may seem unpromising at first glance. It is difficult to compete with such business sharks as Bonduelle, Baltimore, whose products fill the shelves of supermarkets and small shops. However, on closer examination of the idea, it turns out that this is not required at all. There is a free space in the canned food market, and the business can bring a decent profit.

  • Production of canned food - promising business
  • How to start the production of canned food?
  • Purchase of raw materials for canned food
  • What equipment to choose?
  • What kind of room is needed for the production of canned vegetables
  • Recruitment
  • Realization of canned vegetables
  • Requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological service
  • How much can you earn in the production of canned food?
  • Risks

Canned food production is a promising business

The main advantage of the business is the lack of a market for agricultural products. Small farms, owners of private land will be happy to give the grown products at an affordable price. One has only to decide on the type of raw material. When concluding an agreement, you can discuss the scope of delivery in advance.

The competition is quite high. However, if you understand large companies produce products in in large numbers only 4 months a year, in the rest of the period they supply lots of limited quantities. You can take advantage of the situation by offering your farm products to the market. In addition, an increasing number of buyers now prefer natural products, without GMOs, dyes, flavor enhancers and other chemicals. Even if this is not indicated on the label, it is not very hard to believe in their absence. There will be increased interest in “home-made” canned food.

How to start the production of canned food?

Canned products are in great demand. This is confirmed by the long-standing habit of women to make preparations for the winter. However, for various reasons, not everyone is engaged in this process. The urban part of the population, for example, does not have such an opportunity, and someone simply prefers to buy a finished product. What to release?

Canned vegetables are of several types:

  • Natural. Grated, chopped, whole vegetables marinated with salt, sugar.
  • Marinades. The same vegetables, but marinated with vinegar. Longer stored. Consist of 1 vegetable or several.
  • Eateries. Ready main courses - salads, stews, cereals, stuffed vegetables. As a rule, they are stewed in tomato sauce.
  • lunch dishes. Full-fledged second, first courses - vinaigrette, fried mushrooms in sour cream sauce, stewed eggplant, cabbage rolls. Everything that fantasy is capable of. According to the recipe, meat is added.
  • Tomato products. Prepared from tomatoes with spices. As a result, pastes, sauces, ketchups, mashed potatoes appear.
  • Juices, smoothies. Prepared from fruits and vegetables.

To achieve greater profits, to beat competitors, you can change the type of products produced throughout the year.

Purchase of raw materials for canned food

You can buy raw materials by concluding agreements with large farms, or owners of individual private lands. Remains open question- where to store it. For potatoes, carrots, cabbage, beets, you will need a cellar, a basement. Onions are kept indoors. Beans - in fabric bags, closed containers. Vegetables such as peas, corn are considered seasonal. But you can store them in the freezer. Products frozen in summer will cost several times more in winter.

What equipment to choose?

It is not necessary to invent special equipment for a mini-factory. The line for the implementation of the production of canned vegetables is sold ready-made. The cost is different, depending on the power, performance, configuration.

The line for the production of a variety of domestically produced canned vegetables includes:

  • washing bath;
  • equipment for cleaning vegetables;
  • cutting device;
  • boiler;
  • device for processing, washing containers;
  • closure equipment;
  • dispenser;
  • autoclave and device for its loading;
  • Desktop;
  • trolley for transportation;
  • steam generator;
  • sticker equipment;
  • air compressor;
  • film packaging machine.

The productivity of the equipment is 1100 cans with a capacity of 650 ml per 1 shift. The room must be at least 40 sq. m. To ensure operation at full capacity, 4 workers will be needed. The production line will cost from 2 million rubles. up to 5 million rubles

In advance, you should consider the nuances with the packaging in which the products will be produced - bags, glass jars, bottles, plastic cups, trays, tin containers.

What kind of room is needed for the production of canned vegetables

The production of canned vegetables requires a room with a total area of ​​at least 300 square meters. m. Such a territory is enough to accommodate production equipment, vegetable stocks of 500 kg per shift. This is a mini-factory, where it is actively used manual labor. The capacity of the production workshop is on average 1000 kg per hour. Given that most of the processes are automated.

The plant should consist of the following premises:

  • administrative;
  • household;
  • warehouse;
  • auxiliary;
  • manufacturing facility;
  • refrigeration.

To ensure the full operation of the plant, there must be a fire and security alarm, a video surveillance system.


The shift of work provides about 12 people. With such a number of employees, production will reach the results of 80 tons per month.

  • Foreman;
  • technologist;
  • sales manager;
  • storekeeper;
  • loader;
  • machine operators - 7 people.

The role of the head of the plant is assigned to the founder.

Realization of canned vegetables

One of the most important issues is to find a market. The most promising option is to create your own own network. Homemade products can be sold on the market, offered to local restaurants, cafes. To increase competitiveness, you can come up with exquisite recipes for Slavic cuisine, oriental, etc.

Requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological service

It's not hard to guess - they are serious.

Staff. Each employee must have a sanitary book, duly filled out, with permission to work with vegetables. All of them are required to undergo a medical examination within the specified time frame. Personnel must work in special suits and gloves.

Workshop room. The location of the premises for the manufacture of canned food should be at least 500 m from the nearest residential building. The presence of sewerage, pipelines is mandatory. Free transport accessibility must be provided. Raw materials must be brought in, waste must be taken away. Walls and floors are recommended to be tiled. This way they are easier to wash. The production of canned vegetables involves disinfection every day.

How much can you earn in the production of canned food?

Production of canned vegetables involves drawing up a business plan, carefully considering every little thing. You can calculate the costs and expected profit with a plan in hand. Without it, you can get average values ​​that are taken from the analysis of the industry as a whole. The maximum sales volume can be traced from November to March. For a month, revenue can be from 700 thousand rubles. up to 3 million rubles Investments for the opening of the plant - within 15 million rubles. Payback period 3 years.


Entrepreneurship always comes with risks. They must be taken into account to the maximum when drawing up a business plan.

  • Failure to meet production plans. This happens if the plans are too high already at the beginning of the activity. It is necessary to set the indicators to a minimum, then increase the speed.
  • Competition. New competitors may appear at any moment. It is always necessary to monitor the quality of products, expand the production range, and hold events to attract customers.
  • Decreased purchasing power. The unstable situation in the country leads to unstable purchasing power of the population. You can keep buyers with promotions, so-called sales, holding lotteries.
  • Increase in purchase prices. You can avoid the situation by concluding long-term contracts with a fixed price.

According to statistics, the volume of canned food for 2007-2011 increased by 12%. From 2012 to 2019, sales have grown by 4% annually. In general, the trend is favorable, the state is interested in the development of this product market.

Today, the canned food market is gradually shrinking. This is due to several factors. First, sales volumes strongly depend on the well-being of the population. Due to the unstable economic situation and the decline in purchasing power, they began to buy canned food noticeably less. Secondly, the desire of the population to healthy lifestyle life forces him to refuse such products. However, the industry is undergoing a certain transformation and is not going to give up its part of the market.

  • natural;
  • marinades;
  • dining;
  • natural juices;
  • filling stations;
  • concentrated tomato;
  • eateries.

The types of canned vegetables produced affect how raw materials are prepared for seaming: they are cut, closed whole, one or several types of vegetables are used, spices and seasonings are used or not, and so on. For the preparation of canned snacks, the raw materials are pre-fried in oil, for the manufacture of mashed potatoes they are crushed.

Tomato puree and paste is prepared by evaporating the moisture from tomatoes that have been separated from the skin and seeds. In this case, vacuum devices are used for manufacturing. For pickled products, fresh vegetables are used, which are poured with solutions of sugar, acetic acid with the addition of spices.

Different types of canned vegetables provide for a different technology for their preparation. Accordingly, in each case, you need your own specific equipment. It depends on the amount of investment in the business.

Demand for canned goods

The question logically arises, for which canned vegetables there is the maximum demand today. We must understand that so far industrial production experiencing high competitive pressure from home-made products. This should be taken into account in the quality standards of their products and when choosing the type of canned food. Accordingly, the most popular purchased canned vegetables are:

  • caviar from zucchini and eggplant;
  • vegetable salads;
  • bell pepper;
  • pickled tomatoes;
  • green pea;
  • pickles;
  • corn;
  • beans;

At the same time, the greatest demand for this product is observed in large cities, where people mainly lead an active business lifestyle, which does not allow them to waste time on independent harvesting of vegetables. At the same time, high incomes allow them to allocate funds for the purchase of canned food.

Raw materials for production

The main advantage of the business is that for your plant for the production of canned vegetables, there will be no problem with raw materials. Today in the suburbs you can find many farms that specialize in growing different cultures. In addition, perishable fruits are usually sold at the lowest possible prices, which significantly reduces the cost of your production.

You can optimize the process of purchasing raw materials and ensure the production of consumables if you conclude futures contracts with farmers. Confident that their harvest will be redeemed, they will readily work on its quality.

If you find conscientious farmers in the area where your production is installed, you can save on logistics.

Features of processing raw materials

Before choosing equipment and premises for the plant, the business plan should determine what type of canned food your production will focus on, and how raw materials will be processed. As already mentioned, the type of equipment depends on the production technology.

The production of canned food most often occurs using the following processing methods:

  • with added sugar or table salt;
  • with the addition of vinegar;
  • by drying.

Drying can be carried out in a natural way or in special devices. These devices are different way actions: vacuum, roller, convective, spray and others.

The use of vinegar refers to the chemical method of preservation. It allows you to preserve the product for a long time, but at the same time it greatly affects its original taste. Too much vinegar in the product can be hazardous to human health. All these nuances must be taken into account when deciding on what to build the production of canned food at your plant.

Factory room

To open a canning factory, you will need an area of ​​at least 300 sq. m. On such an area it is possible to place equipment with a capacity of approximately 500 kg of vegetables per shift. The area must be divided into the following zones:

  • manufacturing facility;
  • household premises;
  • administrative;
  • warehouse;
  • refrigerating chambers;
  • auxiliary premises.

All of them must be equipped with a fire alarm, security, and a video surveillance system. Sanitization of all premises should be carried out regularly, taking into account the norms of Rospotrebnadzor.

Raw material processing workshop

The production of canned food takes place in several stages. In accordance with them, it is necessary to zone the premises of the production workshop of the plant. The plan-scheme of such a workshop should provide for the following zones:

  • Place of primary processing of raw materials. Here, a washed product is obtained, which is either packaged for sale in its raw form, or enters the next stage of processing.
  • Place of secondary processing. In this zone, vegetables are cleaned, cut and distributed in containers. If the production of salads is envisaged, they are mixed and laid out in jars also at this stage.
  • Place of deep processing. At this stage, the raw material is cooked and preserved.

It is believed that the production of vegetables up to 500 kg / hour is a small business that actively uses manual labor. The average capacity of the workshop is 500-1000 kg/h, at which most of the processes are automated. With a capacity of more than 1000 kg / h, automatic or semi-automatic lines for the production of canned food are installed.

Equipment in the workshop

In accordance with the chosen method and raw materials, equipment for the plant is selected. As a rule, entrepreneurs stop at using a saline solution with the addition of an antiseptic or processing raw materials at high temperatures, followed by hermetic packaging. To do this, the business plan must include the purchase of such equipment:

  • blanchers;
  • cutting machines;
  • autoclaves;
  • washing equipment;
  • jar sterilizers;
  • dosing and filling machines;
  • markers;
  • sealing and capping automatic machines And so on.

There is a huge offer of equipment on the market, which differs not only in performance, but also in quality, respectively, and in price. The business plan may provide for the purchase of each of the devices separately, or the purchase of a finished production line.

If you plan to purchase a line for the plant for preparing, packing and seaming vegetable salads, then equipment for 1100 cans of 650 ml per shift will cost about 1.5 million rubles. The price does not include delivery, installation, debugging of equipment and staff training.

If your business plan is designed for large-scale production, you can buy universal equipment with a capacity of up to 500 kg / hour, which can cook several types of canned food, which will cost more than 3 million rubles. It will require an area of ​​​​about 120 square meters. and 8-15 service personnel.


One shift of your plant should be serviced by approximately 12-15 people. These include:

  • machine operators;
  • Foreman;
  • storekeeper;
  • loader;
  • technologist;
  • sales manager;
  • director of company.

This staffing plan will ensure the production and marketing of approximately 80 tons of product per month. Please note that the personnel involved in the production must have sanitary books. If they are not, the business plan should include the costs of their execution.

Sales of products

It is most profitable to sell products through large regional and federal retail chains. But it is extremely difficult for a novice manufacturer to get into them. In addition, their shelves will have to compete with personal trademarks these chains that offer similar products 20-30% below the market average. Therefore, a novice entrepreneur who has not yet gained credibility in the market is advised to establish contacts with food markets and small retail outlets.

Possible income

When compiling a business plan, one must take into account that today the profitability of such production has fallen to 20%. The maximum volume of sales is observed from November to March. The average monthly revenue can be from 700 thousand rubles. up to 3 million rubles depending on the scale of production and season. The business plan must allocate at least 15 million rubles for investments to open production. Based on these indicators, the payback period of the enterprise is 2-3 years.


Like any other entrepreneurial activity, the production of canned vegetables has its risks, which must be taken into account when forming a business plan. The main risks of this project include the following:

  1. Non-fulfillment of the set production plans. This situation arises, as a rule, due to incorrect initial calculations. Therefore, it is important at the very beginning to lay down the minimum dimensions of performance.
  2. Sharpening competition. It may be due to the emergence of new operators in the market, as well as a decrease in purchasing power or consumer interest in the product. The impact of this risk can be mitigated by high quality products, expanding the product range, and carrying out activities to attract customers.
  3. Increase in purchase prices for raw materials. The economic situation is unstable and prices can rise quite quickly. The only way out is to conclude futures contracts.

The very first stage in organizing a cannery is to study the technology and analyze the work of competitors in your region. The bulk of potential buyers live in big cities. It is impossible to count on high demand in small settlements.

After that, you should start searching for suppliers of raw materials and conclude preliminary contracts. It is most profitable to buy fruits and vegetables from large farms. Although there is a common practice of buying crops from farms through exit points. If you have firmly decided to start organizing the production of canned vegetables and fruits, have clear plans for the volumes of various types of products, it is worth agreeing with farms on the preliminary volumes of purchases of various types of raw materials. Your suppliers will be able to calculate which types of agricultural products to focus on next season.

An excellent option is to start the operation of the enterprise during the harvest season. The first berries can be purchased from mid-July. In order to make the most of this period, it is important to draw up a clear business plan and consider fallback options in the event of a disruption in the opening of production. For example, you can first install a line for freezing fruits and vegetables.

Main risks

Break into the big wholesale markets almost impossible. This is due to the high competition between large brands. This should be taken into account in the process of developing a marketing strategy.

Significant risks are associated with weather conditions. Purchase prices for raw materials and the cost of your products depend on the harvest.


Experts recommend looking for premises for organizing a business as close as possible to suppliers of raw materials. So, you should rent a room in the district center or a small town. This location is also beneficial in terms of rental costs. Wage in small settlements, the order is not lower than in the metropolis. Transportation costs for the delivery of finished products are more than covered by these factors.

The area of ​​the production workshop must be at least 120 m². It is also necessary to rent vegetable stores to create a stock sufficient to ensure the operation of production in the winter and spring period before the next crop. Warehouses for storage of finished products must have a minimum area of ​​100 m². Warehouse for storing raw materials required for 1-2 shifts.

To increase profitability, it is recommended to equip chambers for freezing and storing frozen berries. Even with limited start-up capital, it is highly desirable to find additional funds for their arrangement. During the period of active harvest and low prices for a certain type of raw material, your capacities may not be able to cope with its processing. Freezing allows you to work in normal mode and store raw materials in the proper form. An additional argument is the opportunity to make money on frozen fruits and vegetables. Example: the wholesale price of 1 kg of corn kernels at harvest time is 20 rubles, in winter you can sell them frozen for 100 rubles. Even with additional energy costs, the availability of additional areas for freezing and storing this type of product is very beneficial.

You should know in advance the requirements of the fire department and SES. For Food Industry clear standards have been drawn up, they must be taken into account even in the process of finding a room. In many cases, entrepreneurs see a benefit in the construction of new, rapidly erected buildings.


For effective work and a quick start, it is important to purchase production lines that ensure the production of the maximum a wide range. You can assemble equipment piece by piece or purchase a universal line. An example is a complex from the Ukrainian manufacturer Inagro. It is designed for the production of a wide range of canned products:

  • Salads, chopped and stuffed vegetables, caviar, vinaigrettes.
  • Tomato paste and sauces.
  • Vegetable and fruit purees.
  • Lunch dishes of meat and vegetables.
  • Heated semi-finished products.
  • All types of smoothies.
  • Dried tomatoes.
  • Candied fruit.
  • Sauces, ketchups and mustard.

The packing line allows you to pack canned food in containers from 0.06 to 10 kg/l. Types of containers:

  • Plastic trays and cups.
  • Glass lids with twist-off lid.
  • Glass bottles for PET and CPP.
  • Vertical packages Doy-Pack, retort, Bag in Boxing.


The area of ​​the premises is 120 m².
Productivity – from 100 to 500 kg/h.
Power - 30-70 kW / h.
Water consumption - 0.3-1 m³ / h.
Water drain - 0.5 m³ / h.
Service staff - 8-16 people.
The cost of such a complex is 3,300,000 rubles. For delivery and installation, it is worth planning at least another 200,000 rubles.

At least 600,000 rubles will have to be invested to purchase at least one car, containers for transporting finished products, a minimum set of inventory.


Most main man in production - technologist. He controls all processes and monitors compliance with technology. To service the Inagro complex, 8-16 people are needed, depending on the selected production volumes. Also, you will need warehouse workers. Their number depends on the season. In summer and autumn, during the active purchase and processing of raw materials, seasonal workers will have to be hired. In winter and spring, such a large staff is not needed.

Separately, it is worth talking about the marketing department. The search for new buyers must be very active. Many enterprises open their own representative offices in big cities. At the start, when a new venture is experiencing a constant shortage of funds, it is still necessary to invite at least one experienced customer service specialist.

Documents and licenses

Size start-up capital and the complexity of organizing a canning business involves registration legal entity. The scheme for obtaining permits is standard, but as for any other area of ​​the food industry, it is associated with a number of nuances and difficulties. The best option is to sign a long-term cooperation agreement with law firm specializing in this industry. In the future, you will also need her services.

The production of canned vegetables and fruits is not subject to compulsory licensing. But you can't do without certificates. This requires certificates from vendors. Your enterprise should have a mini-laboratory that determines the quality of raw materials and controls the quality of products. To obtain certificates, conclusions of the SES and other regulatory bodies are needed. It is also necessary to develop and register technical specifications and technical specifications for production.


In order to break into large wholesale markets, many enterprises offer their products to large trading companies at a lower price and transfer the right to sell it under the client's trademark. Benefit - a guarantee of implementation and reliable distribution channels.

The second option is the active promotion of the brand through the creation of its own marketing network. Small shops, local markets, active work with potential buyers via the Internet.


It is extremely difficult to make accurate forecasts for this business. With proper organization, 70% load and an active marketing policy, you can return the initial investment literally within the first year of operation.


The organization of a canning shop will require significant capital investments. But this direction is highly profitable and is very promising.