Technological processes of automated production in mechanical engineering. Automation and mechanization of mechanical engineering

Depending on the size of the production program, there are 3 main types of production: single, serial, mass.

In mass production with a constant output, as a rule, high-performance special equipment is used, combined with automatic transport and loading mechanisms of periodic action, which in combination is a rigid AL.

Large-scale production is characterized by a limited production time, a certain period of its obsolescence. Preparation of such production should be carried out in short time. Under these conditions, the main and auxiliary equipment is required to have high productivity and over-ti, readjustment and reconfiguration in relatively easy ways. Reducing the cost of pre-production depends on meeting these requirements. These requirements are met by automatic and semi-automatic equipment and, above all, modular machines and CNC machines, which can be combined with the help of PR into reconfigurable non-synchronous flexible AL.

Serial multi-product production, in which the duration of the production of parts of the same type ranges from several days to several weeks, until recently, had a fleet of equipment from reconfigurable and wide-purpose machines with manual control.

The task of automation was solved by using copy machines and quick-change semi-automatic machines with cam mechanisms. Currently, there are various trends in the automation of this production:

    The use of reconfigurable aggregate machines combined into reconfigurable AL with flexible connection (non-synchronous).

    Creation of reconfigurable AL for group processing of parts with interchangeable adjustments. (ECs are beneficial only with sufficiently large series)

    Creation of AL with program management CNC machines.

    Creation of automated productions from CNC machine tools with computer control at the middle and upper levels.

The last two directions seem to be the most promising, because. they lay the prerequisites for the implementation of a qualitatively new level of production. (GPS).

One of the ways to effectively solve the complex automation of mass production is the creation of standard automated technological complexes (ATC) distinguished by appointment. to perform the most common operations in MS, including procurement and assembly. Such complexes must meet the requirements:

    Ensure reliable operation with a high level of automation.

    Cover the main TP MS production including procurement and assembly operations.

    Have the ability to dock with each other and with standard transport systems with different layouts of automated sections and AL.

    Provide wide adaptability to changing production conditions. Technological complexes should provide the possibility of choosing the level of automation that is economically justified.

Promising for the automation of medium-sized and small-scale production is the creation of standard robotic complexes and GPM.

Small-scale production, requiring readjustment within the limits of the lowest level of labor productivity and automation of software.

In small-scale production, the range of parts assigned to the machine can be quite wide, so automation in such production should be developed through the expansion of batch processing methods and the creation of RTK and GPM, programmed by the 1st part and processed further.

Individual production - the basis of universal machines with manual control. There may be separate automation tools. Wide versatility and high flexibility, i.e. the possibility of quick changeover are the main advantages of such machines. Their main drawback is low productivity and the execution by the worker of the entire necessary control cycle, the operation of the machine.

And production is not an easy specialty, but a necessary one. What does she represent? Where and on what can one work after receiving a professional degree?

general information

Automation of technological processes and industries is a specialty that allows you to create modern hardware and software tools that can design, research, conduct technical diagnostics and industrial tests. Also, a person who has mastered it will be able to create modern systems management. Specialty code of automation of technological processes and production - 15.03.04 (220700.62).

Based on it, you can quickly find the one you are interested in and see what they are doing there. But if we talk about it in general, then such departments train specialists who can create modern automated objects, develop the necessary software and exploit them. This is what automation is

The specialty number was given earlier as two different numerical values ​​due to the fact that a new classification system was introduced. Therefore, first it is indicated how the described specialty is designated now, and then how it was done earlier.

What is being studied

The specialty "automation of technological processes and production of free software" is during training a set of tools and methods that are aimed at implementing systems that allow you to manage ongoing processes without direct human participation (or the most important questions remain for him).

The objects of influence of these specialists are those areas of activity where complex and monotonous processes are present:

  • industry;
  • Agriculture;
  • energy;
  • transport;
  • trade;
  • the medicine.

The greatest attention is paid to technological and production processes, technical diagnostics, scientific research and production tests.

Detailed information about training

We examined what is being studied by those wishing to receive the described specialty, in general. And now let's detail their knowledge:

  1. Collect, group and analyze the initial data necessary for the design of technical systems and their control modules.
  2. Evaluate the significance, prospects and relevance of the objects that are being worked on.
  3. Design hardware and software complexes of automated and automatic systems.
  4. Monitor projects for compliance with standards and other regulatory documents.
  5. Design models that show products at all stages of their life cycle.
  6. Select software and automated production tools that the best way suitable for a particular case. And also systems of tests, diagnostics, management and control supplementing them.
  7. Develop requirements and rules for various products, their manufacturing process, quality, conditions of transportation and disposal after use.
  8. Perform and be able to understand various design documentation.
  9. Evaluate the level of defects in the created products, identify its causes, develop solutions that will prevent deviations from the norm.
  10. Certify developments, technological processes, software and
  11. Develop instructions for the use of products.
  12. Improve automation tools and systems for the execution of certain processes.
  13. Maintain process equipment.
  14. Set up, adjust and regulate automation, diagnostics and control systems.
  15. Improve the skills of employees who will work with new equipment.

What positions can you expect

We have examined how the specialty "automation of technological processes and production" differs. Work on it can be carried out in the following positions:

  1. Apparatus-operator.
  2. Circuit engineer.
  3. Programmer-developer.
  4. Systems Engineer.
  5. Operator of semi-automatic lines.
  6. Engineer of mechanization, automation and automation production processes.
  7. Computing system designer.
  8. Instrumentation and automation engineer.
  9. Materials scientist.
  10. Electrical Technician.
  11. Developer of an automated control system.

As you can see, there are quite a few options. Moreover, it should also be taken into account that in the process of studying, attention will be paid to a large number programming languages. And this, accordingly, will provide ample opportunities in terms of employment after graduation. For example, a graduate can go to a car factory to work on an assembly line for cars, or to the field of electronics to create microcontrollers, processors and other important and useful elements.

Automation of technological processes and production is a complex specialty, implying a large amount of knowledge, so it will need to be approached with all responsibility. But as a reward, you should accept the fact that there are ample opportunities for creativity.

Who is this path best for?

Those who have been doing something similar since childhood are most likely to become successful in this field. For example, he went to a radio engineering circle, programmed on his computer, or tried to assemble his own 3D printer. If you haven't done any of this, then you don't need to worry. There are chances to become a good specialist, you just have to make a significant amount of effort.

What you need to pay attention to first

Physics and mathematics are the basis of the described specialty. The first science is necessary in order to understand the ongoing processes at the hardware level. Mathematics, on the other hand, allows you to develop solutions for complex problems and create models of non-linear behavior.

When getting acquainted with programming, many people, when they are just writing their “Hello, world!” Programs, it seems that knowledge of formulas and algorithms is not necessary. But this is an erroneous opinion, and the better a potential engineer understands mathematics, the greater heights he will be able to achieve in the development of a software component.

What if there is no vision for the future?

So, training course passed, but there is no clear understanding of what needs to be done? Well, this indicates the presence of significant gaps in the education received. Automation of technological processes and production - a specialty, as we have already said, is complex, and we hope that everyone necessary knowledge will be given at the university, it is not necessary. A lot of things are transferred to self-study both in a planned mode and implying that a person himself will become interested in the subjects studied and devote enough time to them.


Here we have considered in general terms specialty "automation of technological processes and productions". Reviews of specialists who have graduated from this area and are working here say that, despite the difficulty initially, you can claim a pretty good job. wages starting from fifteen thousand rubles. And over time, having gained experience and skills, an ordinary specialist will be able to qualify for up to 40,000 rubles! And even this is not the upper limit, because for literally brilliant (read - those who have devoted a lot of time to self-improvement and development) people, it is also possible to receive significantly larger amounts.

Main features of the program


Code and name of the direction of training

15.03.04 Automation of technological processes and production

What is the name of the educational program (profile)

15.03.04 Automation of technological processes and production in mechanical engineering

How many budget / paid places in the 2018/2019 academic year

Target budget places

What exams need to pass

Mathematics (profile), physics, Russian language

Why add extra points?

Olympiads for schoolchildren from the list of the Ministry of Education and Science in specialized subjects:

Passing score for the budget in 2017

How much does it cost to study on a paid basis in 2017-18

130 000 rubles/year

Order No. 12-13-1102 dated May 31, 2017

Form of study

Full-time education

What are the compulsory languages ​​we study

English language

What additional languages ​​are we learning?

The program does not provide free study of additional. languages. Offers for studying them on a paid basis are posted on the website:

Which partner companies support the program and sample projects (if any)

Dalpribor OJSC, Progress PJSC, as well as the Institute of the Far Eastern Branch took an active part in the development of the educational standard, independently established by FEFU, on the basis of which this program was developed Russian Academy Sciences – Institute of Marine Technology Problems

Where and in what positions did graduates of past years find jobs?

Graduates successfully work on modern enterprises machine-building profile: Varyag OJSC, Dalzavod Ship Repair Center JSC, Dalpribor OJSC, Izumrud OJSC, Progress PJSC, Transneft Kozmino Port LLC, Askold OJSC, as well as at the institutes of the Far Eastern Branch Russian Academy of Sciences (Institute of Automation and Control Processes, Institute of Marine Technology Problems). In addition, graduates are employed in manufacturing enterprises small and medium business.

Who to contact for additional information

Yurchik Fedor Dmitrievich, head educational program«Automation of technological processes and productions, Ph.D. tech. Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Technology industrial production.


Automation of production processes is the main direction in which manufacturing is currently moving forward around the world. Everything that was previously performed by man himself, his functions, not only physical, but also intellectual, are gradually moving to technology, which itself performs technological cycles and exercises control over the production process. The role of a person in many industries is already reduced only to identifying reserves effective work automatic devices.

Further development of the industry of the Far East requires the creation of a high-tech machine-building complex. It is based on enterprises equipped with modern machines with numerical control (CNC), automated systems for supplying raw materials, unloading parts and automatic control of technological processes.

During the learning process, you will master English language at a level not lower than INTERMEDIATE to work with colleagues from other countries and easily be included in international and global projects.

You will understand the difference in the devices of machine tools with numerical control for any purpose.

This will allow you to earn on service and repair different types automated devices, invent and propose improvements to existing devices, and even introduce the latest components and systems automatic control technological equipment engineering production.

Bachelors of direction 15.03.04 "Automation of technological processes and productions" have unique opportunity continue studying at the Department of Industrial Production Technologies of the FEFU School of Engineering in the magistracy and postgraduate studies.

Educational-scientific-industrial laboratories of the department are equipped with the most modern equipment, including multi-coordinate CNC laser and EDM machines, 3D printers, 4D automated measuring systems and other complexes.

Postgraduate students and employees of the Department of Industrial Production Technologies of the FEFU School of Engineering are developing a promising technology for manufacturing the body of the K-62 helicopter, the most anticipated novelty of the Arsenyev Aviation Company Progress.


working on weekdays from 9.00 to 17.00

📍Address for sending documents and letters: 690922 Primorsky Krai, Vladivostok, n.p. Russian Ostrov, 10 Ajax, FEFU campus, building C (for the admission committee)

FEFU applicants in contact.

Qualification - technician

Specialty code: 15.02.07

The level of education: specialist

Automation is a natural process of production development,
which no business can do without.

Relevance of training

In the age of automation and mechanization, technical education becomes relevant. Already in the 17th century, the West realized the need for engineering specialists. This was due to the construction of the first roads and bridges. In Russia, Peter I was fond of technical sciences.

Currently, there is an acceleration in the pace of development in all areas human activity. Enterprises are increasingly finding themselves in conditions of small-scale production. Intense competition forces them in a short time and with minimal cost adjust to release new products according to market demands.

The factory automation program is proving to be a reliable tool leading not only to the adaptation of enterprises to new socio-economic conditions, but also to a significant number of technological advantages that provide a significant increase in surplus value products. In addition, the automation of production processes helps to perform many previously unimagined tasks. accessible to man, technological operations. Thus, the introduction of automation contributes to the overall technological progress of society.

At modern enterprises, specialists with this level of education can work as technicians, while:

The technician must know:

  • the structure of the design and technology departments;
  • rights and obligations of the designer and technologist;
  • the scope of work performed in workshops, departments for the operation, repair and adjustment of automation equipment;
  • main technological parameters, methods for their measurement, sources of errors and ways to eliminate them;
  • rules for organizing installation, adjustment, repair, maintenance and operation of automation systems;
  • basic rules for constructing drawings and diagrams;
  • parameters and characteristics of typical automation systems;
  • software in the field professional activity;
  • rules and regulations of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

The technician must be able to:

  • develop and execute design and technological documentation;
  • enjoy computer technology during construction;
  • maintain automation systems;
  • fulfill functional responsibilities duplicated engineering and technical workers of the workshop, site, laboratory, etc.;
  • have the skills of soldering, drawing up and reading design documentation;
  • have a good knowledge of measuring equipment and be able to use it;
  • calculate the parameters of various electrical circuits;
  • organize work in compliance with safety regulations;
  • draw up design, technological and other technical documentation in accordance with the current normative documents;
  • perform verification, installation and adjustment of measuring and automation instruments, repair and maintenance of automatic control systems;
  • calculate the main technical and economic indicators of the site, workshop;
  • evaluate the effectiveness of production activities.

A technician for automating technological processes and production needs to navigate the very structure of the enterprise where he works. He must know the production technology of a particular enterprise, the requirements of development and patent research. Naturally, the work of a specialist in this field does not take place without computer technology, communications and communications. Before introducing new means of automation and mechanization into production, the technician studies it. economic efficiency. The field of automation and mechanization of production processes does not stand still, but is constantly developing. Advanced domestic and Foreign experience constantly reinforced by new knowledge and developments. And this is the merit of the profession of technician for the automation of technological processes and production.

The profession associated with technology and mechanisms does not tolerate a familiar attitude to work. Responsibility and accuracy of all actions are important here. Even meticulous work, at times, requires stress resistance. The responsibility and attentiveness of a specialist will help him avoid mistakes in his work.

Medical restrictions for the technician:

  • Visual impairment (severe myopia);
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Diseases of the lungs, blood vessels and nervous system.


Base Term
Form of study
Automation of technological processes and production (by industry)
Qualification - technician
based on 9 classes 3 years 10 months Full-time education

State educational standard in the specialty "Automation of technological processes and production" for the training of a specialist in this profile provides study of many professional and special disciplines:

  • Engineering graphics.
  • Electrical engineering.
  • Technical mechanics.
  • Occupational Safety and Health.
  • Materials Science.
  • Economics of the organization.
  • Electronic equipment.
  • Computer Engineering.
  • Electrical measurements.
  • Electric cars.
  • Management.
  • Life safety.
  • Technology for the formation of automatic control systems for typical technological processes, measuring instruments, simple mechatronic devices and systems.
  • Methods for the implementation of standard and certification tests, metrological checks of measuring instruments.
  • Theoretical basis control and analysis of the functioning of automatic control systems.
  • Theoretical foundations of the organization, installation, repair, adjustment of automatic control systems, measuring instruments and mechatronic systems.
  • Theoretical foundations of maintenance and operation of automatic and mechatronic control systems.
  • Theoretical foundations for the development and modeling of simple automation systems, taking into account the specifics of technological processes.
  • Theoretical foundations for the development and modeling of individual simple modules and mechatronic systems.
  • Theoretical foundations for ensuring the reliability of automation systems and models of mechatronic systems.
  • Technology for monitoring the compliance and reliability of devices and functional blocks of mechatronic and automatic devices and control systems.

As a rule, practice is organized at machine-building plants and large industrial enterprises.

Future professions:

Employment prospects

In the field of industrial automation, there is currently a shortage of highly qualified specialists.

A technician for automation of production and technological processes is in demand both in mechanical engineering and in various enterprises where there is automated systems production management.


In details

The field of professional activity of graduates in the specialty "Automation of technological processes and production": organization and performance of installation, repair, maintenance devices and instruments for measurement, control, testing and regulation of technological processes.

The objects of professional activity of the graduate are:

  • Technical means and automatic control systems, including technical systems, built on the basis of mechatronic modules used as information-sensor, executive and control devices, the necessary software and algorithmic support for systems management;
  • Technical documentation, technological processes and production apparatuses;
  • Metrological support of technological control, technical means ensuring reliability;
  • Primary labor groups.

Advantages of the specialty:

Technician getting ready the following types activities:

Control and metrological support of automation means and systems:

Organization of works on installation, repair and adjustment of automation systems:

Operation of automation systems:

  • Perform work on the operation of automatic control systems, taking into account the specifics of the technological process.
  • Monitor and analyze the functioning of system parameters during operation.
  • Record and analyze instrument readings.

Development and modeling of simple automation systems, taking into account the specifics of technological processes:

  • Conduct an analysis of automatic control systems, taking into account the specifics of technological processes.
  • Choose devices and automation tools, taking into account the specifics of technological processes.
  • Draw diagrams of specialized nodes, blocks, devices and automatic control systems.
  • Calculate parameters typical schemes and devices.
  • Evaluate and ensure the ergonomic performance of automation schemes and systems.

Carrying out analysis of characteristics and ensuring the reliability of automation systems:

  • Monitor the quality parameters of automation systems.
  • Analyze the reliability characteristics of automation systems.
  • Ensure that the condition of automation facilities and systems meets the requirements of reliability.