Download a presentation on the classification of professions. Presentation "Choice of profession. Types of professions"

Classification -

meaningful order

things, phenomena, their separation

on varieties for some

important features.

Profession -

genus labor activity,

requiring special

training, knowledge and experience.

IN XVIII century, V.N. Tatishchev proposed his own classification of professional activity:

  • Required sciences (education, healthcare, economics, law);
  • Useful sciences ( Agriculture, physics, biology, mathematics);
  • dandy or pleasure sciences (literature and art);
  • Vain sciences (alchemy, astronomy);
  • Harmful sciences (witchcraft).

  • Man is technology
  • Man is man
  • Man is nature
  • Man is a sign system
  • Man is an artistic image

Professions type "Man-Technology" are related:

  • FROM creation, installation, assembly of technical means:

from professionals design and build

technical systems, devices,

develop processes for their manufacture.

From individual parts, assemblies,

blocks are assembled by machines,

mechanisms, devices,

devices, controls and

mend them.

(Assembler, electrician, turner, carpenter)

  • With the operation of technical devices :

specialists work on machine tools, manage transport, self-propelled machines and mechanisms, various processes, production lines, automatic systems

(Driver, crane operator, machine tool adjuster, seamstress-minder, weaver)

  • With the repair of technical means:

specialists identify and recognize faults technical systems, machines, mechanisms, devices, devices. Repair and fix them.

(mechanic for the repair of machinery and equipment, equipment)

Professions type "Man-man" are related:

  • with education, training
  • with education, training
  • with education, training

(educator, teacher, sports coach, master of the school)

(doctor, paramedic, nurse, nanny)

(salesperson, hairdresser, waiter)

(librarian, long-distance telephone operator, tour guide, lecturer)

(lawyer, policeman, inspector, soldier)

Professions type "Man-nature" are connected:

  • microorganisms.
  • with animals, conditions of their growth, life; plants, conditions of their growth, life; microorganisms.
  • with animals, conditions of their growth, life;
  • plants, conditions of their growth, life;
  • microorganisms.

Experts in this field have :

  • To study, investigate, analyze the state, living conditions of plants and animals;

(agronomist, livestock specialist, hydrobiologist, agrochemist, microbiologist)

(arborist, flower grower, vegetable grower, poultry breeder, livestock breeder, gardener, field grower, beekeeper)

(quarantine service doctor, plant protection agronomist, veterinarian)

Professions type "Man - a sign system" are related:

  • with texts in native and foreign languages

(editor, proofreader, typist, clerk, typesetter, telegraphist)

(programmer, computer operator, economist, accountant, statistician)

(designer, process engineer, draftsman, copyist, topographer, surveyor)

(radio operator, stenographer, telephone operator, sound engineer)

Professions type "Man - an artistic image" are related:

  • with the creation, design, modeling of works of art

The specialist creates a project, a sketch, an idea for a work of art, embodies it in combinations of lines, shapes, colors, sounds, movements

(writer, artist, composer, fashion designer, architect, sculptor, journalist, choreographer)

the specialist recreates the artist's intention,

introducing elements of his own


(jeweler, restorer, engraver, musician, actor)

  • FROM reproduction, copying, reproduction of works of art in mass production

A specialist produces works of art according to a given sample.

(master of porcelain painting, stone and crystal grinder)


according to the purpose of work


Purpose of work: recognize, recognize,

determine, evaluate, understand,



Purpose of work: convert, process

arrange, arrange, arrange

influence, serve, move.


Purpose of work: invent, invent

find a new way.



by tool of labor

  • Manual and mechanized tools and means of labor are used: scissors, screwdrivers, a scalpel, an electric drill, a planer, a paint sprayer, etc.

Professions related to the use of manually operated machines

Cars, machine tools, diesel locomotives, airplanes,

tractors, combines, etc.

Professions related to the use of automated and automatic systems, devices

Management of automatic machines, automatic

lines, power grid or chemical production.

Professions in which the functional means of the body predominate

These are attributes of human behavior and speech: pronunciation

sounds, phrases, semantic intonations, gestures, pause,

facial expression.


according to working conditions

Work in a normal (domestic) microclimate

Representatives of these professions work in conditions

favorable for the body: normal physical

load, optimal microclimate, no noise,

dust, vibration, etc.

Outdoor work with sudden changes in temperature

When working in professions of this group on the body

temporarily affected by unfavorable conditions or

factors of production (low or high

temperature, high humidity).

slide 2

II block "What do I know about the world of professions?"

"Flowers" On the flowers, write (keeping anonymity): "What would you like to know about professions?"

slide 3

Classification of professions

The game "Name the profession" Participants take turns calling the profession, without repeating. Who repeated or could not name within 3 seconds, is eliminated from the game. The last one remaining wins.

slide 4

By place of work Degrees of autonomy Speed ​​of promotion By industry

slide 5

Classification of professions according to Tatishchev

necessary sciences (education, health care, economics, law), useful sciences (agriculture, physics, biology, mathematics), smart or amusing sciences (literature and art), futile sciences (alchemy, astrology), harmful sciences (witchcraft).

slide 6

Klimov's classification

In accordance with this classification, all professions can be divided into five subjects, three goals, four means and four conditions of work. Goals of labor Subject of labor Means of labor

Slide 7

The subject of labor is the first level of classification

Slide 8

Slide 9

Task 1. In hot pursuit.

List the objects according to Klimov's classification. Task 2. Klimov's pyramid. Fill in all four floors of the pyramid, writing down the abbreviated name of the objects of labor on the first level, the goals of labor on the second, the means of labor on the third, and the working conditions on the fourth.

Slide 10

Labor goals

  • slide 11

    Means of labor - the third level of the pyramid

  • slide 12

    Working conditions - the fourth level of the pyramid

  • slide 13

    Let's repeat

    1. The basis of the "Klimov pyramid" is: a) working conditions; b) the subject of labor; c) means of labor; c) the purpose of work. 2. The subject of the driver's labor is: a) equipment; b) a person; c) nature; d) artistic image. 3. The teacher works: a) at home; b) outdoors; c) in unusual conditions; d) in conditions of increased responsibility. 4. There are: a) about 10 thousand professions in the world; b) more than 100 thousand professions; c) about 40 thousand professions; d) 23,198 professions. 5. Hand tools are necessary in the work of: a) a surgeon; b) an astronaut; c) an actor; d) driver.

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    slide 1

    slide 2

    slide 3

    slide 4

    slide 5

    slide 6

    The presentation on the topic "Classification of professions according to E.A. Klimov" (Grade 11) can be downloaded absolutely free of charge on our website. Subject of the project: Social science. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you keep your classmates or audience interested. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the appropriate text under the player. The presentation contains 6 slide(s).

    Presentation slides

    slide 1

    slide 2

    Subject of labor Technique

    Artistic image

    Nature Sign Man

    slide 3

    Working conditions

    Work in a normal microclimate

    Work in unusual conditions: under water, under

    Labor with increased moral responsibility for the health, life of people, for great

    Outdoor work with

    sudden changes in temperature, humidity

    earth, in hot shops, etc.

    social, material values.

    slide 4

    Means of labor

    Professions related to the use of manual labor

    Professions associated with the use of semiautomatic devices, automatic machines, automatic lines, robotic complexes

    Professions related to the use of manually operated machines

    Professions associated with the use of functional means, tools.

    slide 5

    Purpose of labor

    Investigator, sanitary doctor, literary critic, controller, merchandiser, expert

    Driver, painter, teacher, parquet floorer, locksmith, tailor

    Cutter, marker, breeder, designer

    Gnostic: recognize, discern, appreciate, test

    Transformers: process, move, organize, transform

    Refining: invent, invent, find new version, construct

    slide 6

    Tips on how to make a good presentation or project report

    1. Try to involve the audience in the story, set up interaction with the audience using leading questions, the game part, do not be afraid to joke and smile sincerely (where appropriate).
    2. Try to explain the slide in your own words, add additional Interesting Facts, you don’t just need to read the information from the slides, the audience can read it themselves.
    3. No need to overload your project slides with text blocks, more illustrations and a minimum of text will better convey information and attract attention. The slide should only have Key information, the rest is better to tell the audience orally.
    4. The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information provided, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to make out at least something, or completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
    5. It is important to rehearse your report, think over how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, how you will finish the presentation. All comes with experience.
    6. Choose the right outfit, because. the speaker's clothes also play big role in the perception of his speech.
    7. Try to speak confidently, fluently and coherently.
    8. Try to enjoy the performance so you can be more relaxed and less anxious.

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    Slides captions:

    According to E.A. Klimov Classification of professions

    domestic micro-climate B according to working conditions (groups of professions) open air O unusual conditions N increased moral responsibility M professions of manual labor R by means (tools) of labor (departments of professions) professions of mechanized labor M professions of automated labor A professions with functional tools F gnostic G by the purpose of labor (classes of professions) transforming P surveying And man - nature P on the subject of labor (types of professions) person - technology T person - person H person - sign system Z person - artistic image Х

    Leading objects of labor in types of professions Type of professions Leading objects of labor Person - person social systems, communities, population groups, people different ages(salesman, teacher, doctor, hairdresser, etc.) Man - technique technique or inanimate nature (locksmith, technician, engineer, etc.) Man - sign system natural and artificial languages, numbers, symbols, formulas, etc. e. various sign systems (programmer, translator, draftsman, linguist) Man - nature plant and animal organisms and the conditions of their existence (agronomist, livestock specialist, veterinarian, microbiologist) Man - an artistic image of the phenomenon, facts of artistic reflection of reality (artist, artist, tuner of musical instruments )

    Subtypes of professions such as “man-to-man” Trade and service maintenance. Treatment. Training, education, cultural and educational work. Protection of rights and security. Organization and management.

    Professionally important qualities of professions (PVK) are those qualities of personality, character, features of the cognitive sphere of a person that are necessary for the successful development of this profession.

    PVC professions such as “man-to-man sociability; excerpt; tact; good memory etc.

    Subtypes of professions such as "man-technician" Assembly and adjustment of equipment. Repair of equipment. Development, creation of technology. Machine management. Material processing.

    PVK professions such as "man-technique" good coordination of movements, accuracy; certainty of action; high performance discipline; accuracy; advanced technical thinking; high performance, etc.

    Subtypes of professions of the "man-sign system" type Editing. Calculations and calculations. Processing and analysis of information. Making drawings. Reception and transmission of signals.

    PVC professions such as "man-sign system" abstract thinking; sustained attention; good memory, imagination; equilibrium; concentration, perseverance; literacy.

    Subtypes of professions such as "man-nature" Growing and caring for plants. Work on landscape design. Working with animals. Working with microorganisms. Search for natural resources. Processing and processing of natural resources.

    PVC professions such as "man-nature" love for nature; observation; persistence; excerpt; autonomy in thought and behavior.

    1 Subtypes of professions of the type "man-artistic image" Visual activity. Musical activity. Literary and artistic creativity. Acting and stage activities. Creation of beauty.

    PVC professions such as "man-artistic image" creative imagination; creative thinking; talent; diligence, etc.