Fast food open your business. How to start a fast food business

Openingfast fooda- the most profitable and quite profitable type of business, especially for people who do not have large finances to start. Fast food establishments have long been in high demand, especially among urban residents, whose busy schedule does not allow them to devote too much time to their food.

Important questions for opening a profitable fast food business

Small cafe, stall or fast food with hot food are available on every corner in the modern city. How to become competitive among this abundance, quickly make a profit? Developing your own concept, a well-chosen menu, regular market analysis, and a responsible approach to solving tasks will help you achieve positive results.

Fast food from scratch: real?

Given the difficult economic environment, every aspiring entrepreneur dreams of quick profits with minimal investment. It is difficult to accomplish such tasks without minimum investment. But if there is a great desire, then open fast food Today you can use the services of a franchise company. As a rule, such companies offer participation in the business structure of an already promoted, well-recognized brand.

Business plan for the future of fast food

This issue must be given maximum time to become the most successful among hundreds of pizzerias, bakeries, fast food cafes. Such a plan should include the most important issues, among which it is worth noting:

  1. Description of the company, enterprise and its legal form. The solution to this paragraph will require registration entrepreneurial activity in the field of public catering, obtaining a permit in the sanitary and epidemiological station, registration in tax office. At first, it is best to choose a simplified taxation system.
  2. Location of the enterprise. It is necessary to find a suitable room for rent in the busiest place. It can be railway stations, city parks, schools, universities, places of mass gatherings of people.
  3. Services to be provided fast food. These are hot pies, pancakes, sandwiches, drinks. The choice of the appropriate equipment will depend on the approximate menu.
  4. Detailed analysis of the competitive market. When choosing a busy place, you need to remember about high competition. It is necessary to analyze the activities and pricing policy competitors to become the best. If the solution to this issue seems difficult, then it is better to think about changing the location.
  5. Promotion. Cooking delicious meals is not enough. It is necessary to loudly declare them, this is already advertising. Mandatory outdoor in the form of billboards indicating the menu and prices, flyers, leaflets. The presentation system on the opening day works great.
  6. production tasks. Having a rough start menu, you can decide on equipment and personnel. At the first stages, to open fast food, you can limit yourself to a microwave oven, a converter oven, a meat grinder, refrigeration equipment, a pancake maker or a cheburechnik. You will also need a coffee machine, a display case, disposable tableware.
  7. Financial questions. They affect the acquisition of the necessary equipment, the repair and rental of premises, the remuneration of employees, advertising digging, the purchase of raw materials and the resolution of issues how to open fast food in government structures.
  8. Attendance. It is not worth betting on too much attendance. At the very beginning, it is ideal if about a hundred people visit the establishment every day and buy at least one pie. But where there is coffee and hot delicious pastries, this amount is guaranteed to be higher. You can change this item in the business plan at any time.
  9. Income. Having an accurate business plan, you can calculate the estimated income. If the first month shows a big profit, it is easy to change the plan by adding new items to it at your discretion.
  10. Risks or force majeure situations. This is something that is difficult to predict. But the solution of such problems must always have a certain amount of money.

Format and type of future fast food

The solution to this problem depends on the sum start-up capital. It can be a large network of mini-cafes or a small hot bakery near the bus station.

Important! If the question is, how to open fast food, it is safe to say that it will be a profitable enterprise. Few people will be satisfied with the aroma of hot pastries and coffee. But whether the person will return again depends only on you.

For this to happen in this way, you should not be limited to the range. Even in a small space, you can offer several options for pastries and a large assortment of coffee.

Fast food equipment

wondering how to open fast food, it is necessary to think not only about its opening, but also about the constant expansion. This forces them to purchase more equipment and hire new employees. Such a positive trend is possible if these issues were thought out at the first stages. The larger the range of dishes, the greater the flow of visitors and turnover. Therefore, to start, it is important to purchase:

  • coffee machine;
  • converter oven for baking;
  • grill;
  • fryer;
  • pancake;
  • juicer;
  • vegetable cutters;
  • potato peeler;
  • meat grinder;
  • refrigeration and preferably heating equipment.

It makes no sense to explain the purpose of each type of such equipment. One has only to recall the thermal equipment that will help demonstrate to visitors the process of cooking. The sight of a beautiful crisp on a chicken carcass or bright baked pies will leave few people indifferent. This is the advice of leading marketers, which is actively used by successful fast food businesses.

It is not difficult to choose equipment, but it is advisable to do this after a carefully thought-out menu. So the entrepreneur can independently decide what he needs first of all to carry out his activities.


Not less than important question that require care. Well, if the future fast food should become family business. So, the first month, you can not count on the salary for the staff. But if you have to recruit people just from the street, then this must be done very carefully. It is desirable that before opening a fast food business, an entrepreneur already has a person with relevant experience. Such people help with very wise advice.

Important! It is better to hire workers with experience. Teaching beginners at the first stage is extremely unprofitable

In addition to experience, these should be people who can be completely trusted with the enterprise. The basis of a successful restaurant business is:

  • established technology;
  • quality equipment;
  • rich assortment and high quality products;
  • close-knit, friendly team.

Failing to implement these important points, count on the success of the future fast food do not have to. It can simply collapse without starting, bringing the entrepreneur complete disappointment and big losses.

In a small, zest is important

Any entrepreneur wants as many people as possible to know about his business. Therefore, a chain of cafes or a small fast food must have some flair. This can be an original exclusive dish or a bright, recognizable logo. But it is most beneficial to implement these two tasks.

If designing a logo is a difficult task, then you can seek help from marketers or an advertising company. A bright, recognizable logo should be present on the menu, on advertising flyers, on price tags, on napkins, on packaging and even on dishes. This is all difficult to foresee in the first month, but later such a marketing plan will significantly increase profits.

Exclusive dish. If a person with extensive professional experience is hired as a cook, he will help to realize this task. These can be pies with a unique filling, pancakes that cannot be found in any establishment, a dessert whose taste can surprise the client. There are many ideas, and the more successful it will be fast food, the more of them will appear in the head of the entrepreneur.

Force Majeure

An unpredictable event that can destroy any business can happen in any enterprise. Let this never happen, but it is worth insuring your enterprise against a possible unforeseen circumstance. To protect yourself from possible troubles, you can simply take out insurance. The contract must specify which situations should be considered force majeure. This is:

  • fire;
  • the flood;
  • disaster;
  • quarantine;
  • sanctions.

Discuss all points of the future contract with the insurance company and take into account the most important points, best with an experienced lawyer who is not an employee of the selected insurer. Fast food is provided with a large amount of expensive equipment that can cause damage due to another power surge or simply burn. To restore knowledge, equipment, return money to the business, postpone payment obligations for a while, it is precisely a well-thought-out contract with both an insurance company and raw material suppliers that will help.

Documentary Issues

These are the points that need to be addressed before how to open fast food. The list is quite impressive, but without its implementation it is simply impossible to carry out one's activities.

  1. Entrepreneurial and tax certificates.
  2. Official lease agreement for premises, kiosk with a copy of the technical passport attached.
  3. Contract for services with utilities (electricity, gas, water).
  4. Permission for this type of activity or passport for MAF from the sanitary station.
  5. Certificates for the supplied raw materials indicating specifications and GOSTs.
  6. Documentation and certificates for equipment.
  7. Sanitary records for all employees.
  8. Permit from the fire department.

Many entrepreneurs do not just ignore some of these points before open fast food. In the future, this approach will lead to unexpected costs in the form of fines or to the closure of the enterprise. It is clear that the solution of many of them will entail some financial costs, but this guarantees the smooth implementation of their activities. It is best to resolve this even before the opening of the enterprise. Then no inspection body will have claims to this type of activity.

Business seasonality

Most experienced restaurateurs are sure that fast food is a seasonal business. There is a perfectly reasonable explanation for this. With the onset of cold weather, sales may decline. These are difficulties to be considered. For example, on summer period you can increase the range of ice cream and cold drinks, in winter - expand the number of hot dishes. And then your business will not have losses, making a profit at any time of the year.

If you experience difficulties, you can consider the service of delivering hot meals to offices, to your home. It will require a little more money, but such a service justifies itself. Additional purchase to be made vehicle and the relevant employee. Also, if the delivery service is mastered during the implementation of activities, then it can be promoted in social networks or through advertising.

Catering, and even more so quick service, is a very profitable business. After all, with the modern rhythm, eating outside the home has long become the norm. Fast food means providing the population with delicious food with prompt service.

With the right approach, a fast food cafe will be a good way to invest. Despite the lengthy process of registering a business, lengthy preparations for opening, high competition, opening a cafe of this type can be called a very profitable business.

Market analysis

Before starting, you need to analyze the market and identify target audience. The more accurately the potential clients, an analysis of competitors was carried out and a strategy for the development of the institution was developed, faster business will start generating income.

You can monitor competitors on your own, simply by visiting their cafe and studying the range of dishes and prices. Compile a comparative table with evaluation parameters (advantages and disadvantages of the cafe, what is missing).

Another option is to conduct a survey of the target audience. This can be done on the street or via the Internet, in various forums and groups.

The target audience of the cafe-bistro is young people aged 17-25, students, office workers, taxi drivers, couriers. If the client likes the food and service, then the next day you can count on a whole group of his friends, colleagues, classmates who came on the recommendation.

Based on the analysis, you need to prepare a list of criteria for choosing a cafe. The main advantages of this type of institution are:

  • close proximity to work or school;
  • speed of service;
  • assortment of dishes;
  • acceptable cost.

Basic principles of work

The bistro cafe is a small establishment with an extensive selection of dishes at a low price and very fast service. Initial capital a bistro needs a much smaller one than other cafes. It will also take a little time to prepare the institution for opening, and the first income can be received within 2-3 months after the start.

For the fastest payback, the cafe should work actively from the first day and serve as many visitors as possible. Success in this business depends on a large turnover.

The bistro must meet the following requirements:

  1. Various dishes. It is important to develop the right menu with a variety of dishes and drinks.
  2. Operational service. Employees must quickly serve the visitor, if necessary, provide assistance in choosing dishes, place an order and receive payment.
  3. Delicious, prepared in compliance with all the rules. "Fast food" is no longer considered an eatery. To receive maximum profit customers need to be offered only quality food.
  4. Low cost meals. Savings do not occur through the use of low-quality and cheap products. In such cafes there are no waiters and extra staff.

Where to begin?

First you need to resolve the issue with the format of the institution. It could be:

  1. Franchise, that is, the purchase of an already well-known brand with proven technologies for starting a business, rules for making dishes.
  2. Own business idea.

Both options have their merits. When buying a well-known brand, you do not need to spend time and money on developing a unique menu, corporate style and promotion. The brand is recognizable and trusted. Creativity is excluded here, you must strictly follow the rules that are developed by the franchise owners.

Your own business idea is already a creative approach. The owner himself makes the menu, develops a corporate style, but you will also have to promote the establishment on your own. How profitable will new idea Only time will tell and it will be possible to sum up only in a year.

It may take a lot of time to start a business from scratch, but in the end you will be able to make much more profit than with a franchise, because you do not have to share with anyone.

Legalization of business

Different cafe formats will require different forms registration. For a small establishment, you need to prepare documents, submit them to the local branch of the tax authority, and in a few days receive the status of an individual entrepreneur. Next, you need to register cash register and you can get to work.

It is worth considering the following points:

  1. Individual entrepreneurs are not entitled to sell strong alcohol, only beer, cider, poire, mead. The license for stronger spirits is issued only to legal entities.
  2. Registration is easier and cheaper. An individual entrepreneur can use the patent taxation system, provided that the cafe premises are no more than 50 sq. m and employs no more than 15 people. Such a system exempts from filing tax return which makes it easier to do business.

To get started, an entrepreneur must have:

  • lease agreement for the premises where the cafe will be located;
  • approval of the cafe project in state institutions.

Business features

Every business has its pros and cons, which should always be followed. This will allow you to understand whether this activity option is suitable or if you need to focus on something else.

Among the advantages of a bistro cafe are:

  • high profitability;
  • quick payback;
  • constant demand among residents.

There are also disadvantages:

  • high competition;
  • serious initial investment;
  • human factor;
  • high costs for rent and purchase of equipment.


In the room where the cafe will be located, there should be a kitchen and a hall. Depending on the task, it can be either a small pavilion with an area of ​​30 sq.m. or a room of about 150 sq.m. A room of about 40 sq.m., located in a shopping center, is suitable.

The premises must meet certain conditions:

  • the cafe should have several zones (warehouse, kitchen, hall, utility room);
  • the entrance to the cooking area is separate from the main one;
  • There are emergency exits in case of fire.

The interior should be simple with the expectation of a mass visitor, but comfortable and cozy. The color scheme should increase appetite.

The furniture is selected simple, but beautiful and modern. Do not buy cheap plastic furniture. There are attractive posters and menu signs on the walls.

Cafe assortment

Delicious and inexpensive food is offered to customers. Among the main dishes - light salads, hot sandwiches, pastries, drinks. The institution is designed for a wide audience, the main visitors are the middle class.

The menu can include Russian and European cuisine, as well as several popular oriental dishes (noodles, sushi):

Kitchen equipment

For a fast food outlet importance has a quality professional equipment. The kitchen should have all the necessary appliances and devices for operational work. The equipment is selected depending on the dishes offered in the cafe. It is advisable to purchase the following devices:

  • electric stove - 55 thousand rubles;
  • refrigerator - 40 thousand rubles;
  • deep fryer - 5 thousand rubles;
  • refrigerated showcase - 5 thousand rubles;
  • dishwasher - 7 thousand rubles;
  • a device for cutting vegetables - 3 thousand rubles;
  • potato peeler - 2.5 thousand rubles;
  • washing - 3 thousand rubles;
  • scales - 2.5 thousand rubles;
  • water filter - 1.5 thousand rubles;
  • electric kettle - 1.5 thousand rubles;
  • microwave oven - 3.5 thousand rubles;

TOTAL 130 thousand rubles

Thus, the purchase of equipment for a medium-sized cafe will require 130,000 rubles. The estimate should also include the cost of dishes, trays, food packaging that customers will take with them, furniture and textiles. It will still take about 100,000 rubles.

Depending on the menu, the kitchen can be equipped with a crepe maker, waffle maker, juicer. Still required detergents, disposable gloves. To prepare drinks, it will not be superfluous to buy a coffee machine, a juice cooler, a thermo pot. AT trading floor you need to install a cash register. Investments in the purchase of equipment for cafes will average 230 thousand rubles.


For a small cafe, many employees are not required. 5 people will be enough:

  • manager;
  • auxiliary worker;
  • cook;
  • seller-cashier;
  • cleaning woman.

To account for expenses, salary indicators will be required. Let's take the average salaries for the regions.

The staff will be 9 employees with a shift schedule. Salary expenses will amount to 80 thousand per month. Additional costs will be the cost of legalizing the business, rent, menu development, purchase of products, payment for designer services. On average, the cost of this will amount to 250,000 rubles.

Final total amount initial capital for opening a cafe-bistro - 500,000 rubles. and 89,000 rubles. to pay employees for the first month. These investments should pay off in 2-3 months.

Video. How to open a fast food cafe

Summing up

The main tasks facing the future owner of the cafe are to organize the preparation of delicious, varied, inexpensive food and quick service for visitors. Pupils, office workers, students become clients of this type of catering. It is advisable to locate a cafe in a shopping center with good traffic, student campuses.

To advertise the institution, you can use the budget method - distribute leaflets next to the cafe. The most important thing is to attract a large number of visitors, quickly and quality service, good quality food. If you manage to leave a good impression about yourself, then customers will come more than once.

Video. Street fast food as a business idea

How to open a fast food and build your business on services Catering.

In this article, we will consider the option of opening a small street fast food outlet in the take-away format with placement in a mobile stall or in a stationary kiosk, pavilion. As practice shows, this is the most profitable format of the institution with relatively small financial investments.


Fast food as a business.

Street fast food has always been and is one of the most profitable types of catering business. Quick and inexpensive snack for a student, office worker, and any person who is in a hurry, it's just a necessity, fast food is an opportunity to eat almost on the go. Therefore, if you place such a catering point near the university, office center, market, or other busy crowded place, you can count on a quick return on investment and profit.

The fast food business is certainly profitable, but such street outlets are not very welcome by the SES, and it is not easy to obtain official permission to operate. The main reason for the refusal is the lack of a centralized water supply and sewage system in the stall, and where does it come from, so it turns out a vicious circle.

But this is only at first glance, quite often you can see street fast foods quietly working without running water and sewerage. The issue of water supply can be solved by installing a water tank with a built-in heater and a sink with a storage tank for draining. This option is used by most street fast foods, in this case it is a way out of the situation.

If we talk about the presence of a toilet for the seller, then this option is possible, if there is a toilet nearby, for example, on the territory of a market, a food base, then this option can also suit the SES.

Most street fast foods operate with an incomplete set of documents (SES), it is quite difficult to get all the permits right away. But in order to avoid problems and possible fines, from the very beginning of the opening, it is imperative for the SES to comply with all sanitary standards, to make technological map, obligatory sanitary books for sellers and a work uniform, certificates for purchased products, other documents can be issued already in the process of work.

According to the law, after the opening, you notify Rospotrebnadzor (SES) of the opening, and work calmly. If you comply with sanitary standards, and none of the clients writes a complaint against you, then the SES will not check anything for the first time. During subsequent checks, if there are minor violations, you will get off with a small fine, with significant violations, the point can simply be closed.

Fast food equipment.

The set of equipment depends on what you plan to trade. For french fries you will need a deep fryer, for various big macs, cheeseburgers, hamburgers - a stove for heating semi-finished meat products and a stove for warming up buns.

If you plan to sell mini pizzas, you will need an oven to heat up frozen pizzas.

For shawarma, you need a skewer with a shade, for pancakes - a pancake maker, for hot sandwiches - a microwave, etc.

Refrigerator showcase for soft drinks, coffee machine and kettle for making tea.

Since vegetables and meat can only be stored in separate refrigerators, you will need two refrigerators, for cutting vegetables and meat you will need separate tables and, accordingly, a separate cutting board for each table.

New equipment is not cheap, so it would be quite justified at first to purchase a used one.

So, the fast food opening sequence.

Registration of sole proprietorship or LLC.

Rent or purchase of premises - a kiosk, pavilion or basement.

Necessary repair of the premises (painting, installation of signs, etc.).

Installation and configuration of equipment.

Installation cash register(may not be necessary, depending on the tax system).

Menu compilation.

Making a shopping list of groceries.

Conclusion of agreements with product suppliers and obtaining certificates for products from suppliers.

Hiring two sales assistants to work in shifts schedule 2/2.

Beginning of work.

How to open fast food: documentation and permissions.

You can register a business as an individual entrepreneur or LLC, the taxation system is preferably UTII (a fixed tax and a cash register are not needed).

OKVED codes for catering establishments - 52.11, 52.12, 52.27, 51.70, 51.39, 55.30, 55.40, 63.12.

After the conclusion of the lease agreement for the premises, it is necessary to register the object with the tax office within 10 days.

You will need to obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor (SES) and Rospozharnadzor.

We receive a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion from Rospotrebnadzor, for this you need to provide the following package of documents:

  • Copies of the state certificate IP registration, certificates of registration for tax accounting(INN).
  • Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
  • A contract for the lease of premises or a certificate of ownership.
  • Technological map of production.
  • Equipment list.
  • Project documentation, BTI plan, (not always required).
  • Contract for garbage collection, deratization and disinfection.
  • Product range.

When opening a fast food outlet, there should always be photocopies of documents, a book of complaints and suggestions, labor Code and obligatory sanitary books of sellers. In sanitary books, seals must be updated every 3 months.

As for the firefighters, if the premises have already been used as a retail outlet, then all issues with the fire inspectorate have usually already been settled. Periodically 1 - 2 times a year they will visit you, if there are no gross violations, then the issues that have arisen can be resolved on the spot.

Fast food business profitability.

At the moment, there is a fairly large variety of so-called fast food - hot dogs, hamburgers, big macs, sandwiches, cheeseburgers, chicken burgers, shawarma, sandwiches, french fries, noodles, mini pizza, pizza horn, spring rolls and without, omelettes with bacon, salads, desserts, drinks. Food is served in a paper bag or in a cardboard box, you can serve it in disposable dishes, a paper napkin comes in addition.

You need to select several positions and focus on them, you should not grab everything at once, especially since you will need a lot of equipment that requires a place to place it. Let's say for starters, it will be quite enough to cook several varieties of burgers and sandwiches, french fries, in addition to tea, coffee and chilled drinks.

For the preparation of fast food, semi-finished products are used, which are quickly prepared, some require only heating. For example, to cook a hamburger, you need to warm up a bun, heat up a beef patty, add pickled cucumber, mustard and ketchup. Ready, the hamburger must be served to the client in a paper bag and put a paper napkin.

The cost of preparing burgers is usually half the selling price, the cost of french fries, pancakes, omelettes is about a third of the final cost, the markup is quite good and this is the appeal of fast food.

You can talk about the profitability of a business only if the point is located in a good crowded place - near a university, market, train station, near the embankment, in an amusement park in various crowded places. If you open fast food in such places, then you will always have customers, and the business will be profitable.

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Gives his advice on starting a fast food business CEO company "Kroshka-potato", Andrey KONONCHUK.

For this business The location of the van plays a huge role. 100 meters to the right or to the left - they matter. It happens that the difference in revenue between two points that are located within sight is 50%. Therefore, it is necessary not only to determine the very “good place”, but also to get the right to take it. Now it is very difficult to obtain permits in Moscow.

Before you start investing in this business, find trading place and determine whose it is. If this is municipal land, look for the right official and arrange everything accordingly. As for shopping centers, it is now simply impossible to agree on the placement of a retail outlet near them for less than $500. For a novice entrepreneur, this is unprofitable and impractical.

The initial investment in this business is really low. An equipped auto buffet costs 10-15 thousand dollars, a grill - about 8 thousand. This should also include the cost of developing a corporate style. Further costs will be associated with the payment of salaries to employees and the purchase of products.

But don't expect big profits right away. Your product should be relatively inexpensive (more expensive than grandma's, but cheaper than McDonald's). The turnover of one non-stationary point of "Crumbs-potatoes" is up to 500 dollars per day.

It is not so important to determine what exactly from a wide range of fast food you will trade. Today, there are many outlets offering a variety of dishes, ranging from potatoes and pancakes to exotic Korean snacks.

Your choice is up to you. The only thing to consider is the location of your van. So, in "sleeping" areas or new buildings, grilled chickens are sold better, they are bought so as not to cook at home. But in passing places, such chickens will be much less popular - there are few people who want to eat chicken on the go, pouring grease on their hands (where to wash them afterwards? And it’s easy to get clothes dirty!). And, on the contrary, it is absolutely inexpedient to set up tents of other fast food in the areas of new buildings, even near the metro. It is unlikely that anyone will buy fast food if there are a few meters left to the house and a hot full dinner is waiting there. Set up your tents near the metro, entertainment areas, and central squares.

If you plan to organize a round-the-clock operation of a point, choosing a place becomes a doubly important task. It is very difficult to find a place where a continuous flow of customers at any time would be guaranteed. But a constant stream ... cars can be found. It is better to have such a round-the-clock buffet near the road. Customers are guaranteed day and night. At the same time, paradoxically, parks turn out to be a "dead place" - people appear there only in the evening, and even then - in the summer.

A beginner should know that if after the end of peak demand not a single buyer comes to you within an hour, the outlet will become unprofitable.

Practice shows: if you place your autobuffet next to "Baby Potato" or "Russian Pancakes", then the revenue will not only not decrease, but probably even increase. The trick is that a certain “food zone” is being formed, where people go specifically to eat. Eating one potato every day is boring, but if there is a choice, it always attracts customers. The existing "food zone" will attract additional visitors.

Everyone knows that the level and quality of a restaurant depends on its management, which, in turn, directly affects the ordinary staff. It depends on the level of service. But in this business, auto buffets are scattered throughout the city and you can’t assign a separate manager to each one. It turns out that abuse in our system is much more likely than in the case of a stationary cafe.

There are especially many problems with "weight" fast food, where the product is superimposed with a measuring spoon. It is really difficult to clearly put the prescribed portion, but you can “make a mistake” on purpose, “undergive” two or three customers, and put the saved portion to your regular client, and put the money in your pocket. So for the shift you can collect an amount equal to the daily profit. This is the main scourge of street trading. In this regard, piece trade is much more profitable.

Of course, you can arrange general checks. But you can’t do this during peak hours, buyers may be indignant. You can arrange unexpected inspections, test purchases. But this requires an increase in staff, and start-up entrepreneurs can hardly afford it right away.

I advise you to hire older women. Older women, unlike younger ones, have something to lose, which means they work more responsibly.

Salary is highly dependent on performance. In the summer, if the point is in a good location, the salary can reach (and even exceed) $ 50 per shift. And in winter, in frost, it decreases. But there is a stipulated minimum - the seller cannot receive less than 250 rubles for a shift that lasts 24 hours.

Beginning entrepreneurs should think about developing their own corporate identity at an early stage. By doing so, you position yourself as a company that takes business seriously. If you spend money on design and decoration, then you can no longer afford to shrug off issues of product quality.

Try to add some zest to the process of cooking fast food. In the case of "Baby Potato" it is the process of turning a hot potato pulled out of the oven into a puree.

"Street" has its advantages - such trade is very cost-effective. Moreover, if the autobuffet is on wheels (that is, it can be moved at any moment), there is no need to draw up a land allocation for it, which means that running costs will be minimal, usually no more than $ 500-700 per month. The profit from some similar points in the summer is even higher than that of stationary catering establishments.

The only negative is the constant communication with the SES, tax, trade, gas technical inspections, with firefighters ... With a stationary institution, this is easier - you get permission from the SES once. But without a well-developed and cost-effective street network, it is almost impossible to build a sufficient number of stationary points. A stationary point is 5 times more expensive than a street point, the cost of its creation will be about 60 thousand dollars. Yes, and rental rates in some shopping malls reach about 8 thousand dollars a month (for comparison: an auto buffet costs from 50 to 100 dollars a month). But sales volumes are almost identical. But hospitals are the future. "Kroshka Potato" already has stationary outlets in IKEA, Auchan, Ramstore stores and other places.

Set yourself up for success. A self-confident person is more likely to convince potential partners. It is best to start with three auto buffets. It is not advisable to open one point - the same hassle to open, but the profit is much less. But also large quantity- four or five - already requires additional investments: the purchase of cars, the search for new personnel.

In general, think big and plan your network right away. It will definitely pay off.

Based on materials from an interview with Olga Koleva for Business magazine

If you want to start a business without being able to invest a lot of money in it, this business is for you. Fast food - cafe, fast food restaurant. Today, fast foods are in great demand among all age categories. Before you legally register your business, you need to draw up a business plan, calculate the costs, possible additional costs, turnover, possible situations risks.

How to open fast food from scratch?

An enterprise that has a specific target audience is called a diner. The location of your fast food should be where there is a high traffic of people. For example, near educational educational institutions, shopping malls, station area.

The room must be suitably equipped. Create a pleasant, cozy atmosphere in your cafe. Focus on the quality of customer service, the room should be clean. The room needs tables and chairs, your visitors will be people of different age categories, they should feel comfortable. Additionally, design a bar counter for serving drinks, because some people prefer to have a snack on the go.

In order for your business to pay off as quickly as possible, you need to understand that the quality of the food you offer must be high. If your food is delicious and you good service- the consumer will definitely return. Introduce yourself, this will help you get regular visitors.

Description of the enterprise.

The best option for the legal form of your business is individual entrepreneurship (IP). With a registered individual entrepreneur, a simplified taxable system will be enough.

To open fast food, a cafe, a snack bar, you need to obtain permission from the SanEpidemStation, the tax office, as well as permission from Rospotrebnadzor.

Market analysis.

It is very important where your fast food will be located, choose the right place, calculate all the points. The main category of your visitors are students, drivers of vehicles and minibuses, bus passengers, buyers in shopping centers or markets.

Find out if there are fast food cafes in the nearby territory, what assortment they offer and at what price. You should not be placed where there is a lot of competition, it is better to choose another place, but if there is a lot of competition, you should think about the menu, offer visitors something new that other cafes do not have. Hamburgers various kinds, vegetarian, or an unusual combination of ingredients. You can diversify desserts, unusual puff pastries, cheesecakes of various flavors, etc.

Business promotion.

Your business needs competent promotion, advertising will help you with this. Use outdoor advertising, you can order various booklets, leaflets. Submit ads on the Internet, the media. Banner with your logo and menu. Organize a small presentation during the opening, agencies can help you with this outdoor advertising, BTL agency.

Description of services.

Create a menu for your cafe.

Sample menu.

  1. Hamburgers with cutlet, chicken, fish
  2. Sandwiches hot and cold filling for them can be any
  3. Steaks, cutlets, serving with different sauces
  4. Pies with meat, fish.
  5. Pies with sweet filling
  6. Drinks: tea, coffee, juices, cocktails, fresh juices.

Fast food production plan.

Consider the list of equipment needed for cooking your cafe. Refrigerated showcase, coffee machine, microwave, meat grinder, dishes, can be ceramic, paper, disposable plastic, also purchase containers for packing food with you to customers.

You will need working staff. Which includes the Seller to receive orders, a cook to fulfill them, a cleaning lady to maintain cleanliness in the hall, a dishwasher, a technical worker.

Fast food financial plan.

Your income depends more on the number of visitors than on the value of your assortment.

You will have 2 types of expenses:

Initial investment costs;

Monthly expenses.

The initial investment will require the cost of repairs in the premises will be fifty thousand rubles, the purchase of equipment, furniture, inventory will be seventy thousand rubles, the cost of registering a business will be ten thousand rubles, advertising promotion is also ten thousand rubles

With monthly expenses, the cost of necessary food products will be one hundred thousand rubles. Wage working personnel will be sixty thousand rubles. Fifty thousand rubles should be allocated for hiring and maintaining the premises.

The total amount of expenses will be 350 thousand rubles. of which for the initial 140 thousand rubles, for monthly 210 thousand rubles.

The average revenue per month will approximately be from 240 thousand rubles, the estimated profit is about 30 thousand rubles, the daily income will be from 8 thousand rubles.