The amount of the state fee for registration IP registration costs

Each future individual entrepreneur, when planning the start of his business, must take into account that a certain amount is needed to register an individual entrepreneur and be able to perform certain activities. So how much does it cost to open a sole proprietorship?

How much does registration cost

First of all, we immediately divide the cost of opening an IP into two components:

  • the cost of registering an individual entrepreneur;
  • the cost of other costs when opening an IP.

How much it costs to register an individual entrepreneur depends on whether you yourself undertake the execution of all documents and the procedure, or contact a specialized agency.

It is clear that if you are going to act independently, then the costs will be minimal. In this case, the list of what you need to open an IP includes:

  • state duty for registration of IP - 800 rubles. (can be paid at any branch of the bank);
  • payment for notarization of the signature on the application and copies of documents - approximately 1500 rubles. (required if you plan to submit documents not in person, but through an authorized representative or by mail).

IP creation cost

Other expenses - what else needs to be done

In addition to the state duty, there are several other cost items that are not mandatory, but the full-fledged activity of an entrepreneur without them is either difficult or impossible. Without mentioning them, the answer to the question of how much it costs to make an IP will not be complete.

These additional costs include:

  • registration of a bank account - 700-800 rubles;
  • making a seal - the simplest seal costs from 300 rubles, with a coat of arms Russian Federation– from 3000 r. (special permission is required to use such a seal, otherwise everything may end up in a fine).

Summing up a simple calculation, we come to the conclusion that when opening an IP on your own, the cost of expenses ranges from 800 to 3400 rubles. (with a seal with the coat of arms of the Russian Federation - up to 6000 rubles).

If you use the services of specialized legal agencies, then the price of opening an IP will be slightly higher. But, in addition to registration, creating a bank account, making a seal and registering in funds and EGRIP, employees of such agencies will consult for you, and, if necessary, they will prepare an application for switching to a simplified form of taxation.

Very often, interested parties, along with the question of how much it costs to register an individual entrepreneur, also ask how long the process takes. So, the regulations of the Federal Tax Service allocate 3 working days for this procedure.
If you look at life realistically, calculate in advance all possible scenarios, we add that the minimum cost of closing an IP is 160 rubles. state duty, and this process takes 6 working days from the date of application.

How to register an IP: Video

In order to register an individual entrepreneur, it is necessary to provide a receipt for payment of the state duty to the tax service.

Information on the amount of the state duty for registering an individual entrepreneur is contained in the Law of the Russian Federation "On State Duty". Upon completion of registration as an individual entrepreneur, the receipt of payment of the state duty is non-refundable.

Requirements for the execution of documents that are submitted to tax office, are clearly spelled out in Decree of the Government of Russia No. 439 dated June 19, 2002 (“On approval of forms and requirements for the execution of documents used for state registration legal entities, as well as individuals as individual entrepreneurs»).

Why is the state duty for registering an individual entrepreneur introduced?

The answer to this question is found in federal law No. 127 of November 2, 2004 (Article 333.33, Chapter 25.3) “On Amendments to the Tax Code”: the state duty for registering an individual entrepreneur is interpreted as a special tax fee, which is levied in favor of the state from citizens who applied to the Federal Tax Service in order to register as individual entrepreneurs ".

How can I get a receipt for payment of state duty?

You can get a receipt for payment of the state duty for registering an individual entrepreneur in several available ways:

  • in the tax service (by filling out the receipt manually without errors!);
  • using the Internet (download and fill out a receipt);
  • through the terminal at the tax office (in this case, a commission is charged);
  • with the assistance of an intermediary (who will help you fill out the receipt correctly and make the payment as soon as possible).

Details of the state duty for registration of an individual entrepreneur, necessary for filling out, can be taken from the Federal Tax Service.

Receipt of payment of state duty for registration of IP

Since April 1, 2007, a new form No. PD-4sb (tax) has been in force.
Features of the new version:

  • in the BCC field, it is possible to enter 20-digit budget classification codes;
  • the fields “payment by due date”, “penalty”, “fine”, “total payable” are not used;
  • instead of cells for numbers, there are now rulers (which makes it somewhat more difficult to fill in manually).

The amount of the state duty for registering an individual entrepreneur, starting from January 29, 2010, is 800 rubles. The state duty for registering an individual entrepreneur in 2018 is the same - 800 rubles.

Filling out a receipt for payment of state duty for registration of IP

You have the opportunity to apply for registration of IP using the Internet. The amount of the state duty is 800 rubles. You can pay at Sberbank or via the Internet.
In Moscow and St. Petersburg there are special terminals (with a commission) in the tax services through which you can make a payment.

Consider how to fill out a receipt for payment of the state duty for registering an individual entrepreneur using the Internet.

  1. Go to the website of the Federal Tax Service (FTS) and select the service "Payment of state duty" in the menu. IFTS code, if you do not know it, you can skip it. Click next.
  2. Follow the prompts and fill in the fields: region; area; city, etc.
  3. Select required view payment - "State duty for state registration an individual as an individual entrepreneur, the amount of 800 rubles. (Important! The status of the person will be determined automatically).
  4. Enter identification code TIN, full name Click Next.
  5. Select the payment method - "Cash". Click "Create PD".

The receipt will be available in PDF format. You have the option to print it (or save it). Be sure to sign the receipt and notice. Enter the completion date.

How is the state duty paid for registering an individual entrepreneur via the Internet?

  1. Fill out a receipt for payment of the state duty for registering an individual entrepreneur (as described above). Be sure to enter your TIN
  2. Select the payment method: "Cashless payment".
  3. Select the desired bank or credit organization(in the proposed list).

Sample receipt for payment of state duty for registration of IP

New administrative regulations for the registration of individual entrepreneurs and legal entities

On December 17, 2016, a new administrative regulation for the registration of enterprises and individual entrepreneurs came into effect. The document provides for a reduction in the deadlines for providing public service registration of sole proprietorship and LLC.

From 12/17/2016, in case of state registration of a legal entity and individual entrepreneur, the period for the provision of public services should not exceed three working days from the date of submission of documents to the inspection. This means that now, not in five working days, but in three working days, the inspection must issue a certificate of state registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC. The decision to refuse registration of a newly created organization or individual entrepreneur must also be made by the inspectorate no later than three, and not five working days.

Please note that if the documents for registration of an individual entrepreneur were accepted from you, but after their consideration you received a refusal to register, then the documents and the receipt of payment of the state duty will not be returned. Consequently, you will have to re-prepare documents and re-pay a fee of 800 rubles. To avoid repeated costs, do not submit documents for registration and a receipt for payment of the fee until the tax inspector checks the correctness of filling out the application for registration of IP.

The material was edited in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation on 12/15/2017

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State duty for opening an IP in 2019

Please note: since 2019, the fee for registering an individual entrepreneur is not charged if the documents are sent to the Federal Tax Service, certified by an enhanced qualified EDS.

What is the amount of the state duty for opening an IP in 2019? It is assumed that when the IP registration is completed, the state duty has already been paid. After all, paying the state fee, the entrepreneur pays for the services of acceptance and verification registration documents tax authority.

The amount of the state duty for registering an individual entrepreneur in 2019 is 800 rubles.

How to pay the state duty for registration of IP? There are several payment methods:

  1. In one of the branches of Sberbank or any other bank.
  2. At the post office that makes the payment.
  3. In a special terminal in the Federal Tax Service.
  4. Payment via online banking.
  5. Online through the service of the Federal Tax Service.

We will tell you what the procedure for paying state duty online through the service of the Federal Tax Service is. It is this method that most individual entrepreneurs choose for themselves, guided by the obvious advantages:

  • this is the official service of the Federal Tax Service;
  • there is no commission for the service;
  • an up-to-date receipt for payment of the state duty for registration of IP 2019 is formed.

How to pay the state duty for registering an individual entrepreneur online - instructions

Remember: if you decide to pay online, the state duty must contain the details of the Federal Tax Service, to which you plan to submit documents for registration of IP. The necessary information is available on the tax website.

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So, let's start paying through the service of the Federal Tax Service for the payment of state duty:

  1. We choose what kind of state duty you need to pay (type of payment) - for registering an individual as an individual entrepreneur. We proceed further by clicking the appropriate button.

  2. Enter payer details. Enter the TIN, full name and address of residence (in the pop-up window). TIN can be omitted, but then the possibility of non-cash payment of state duty will not be available.

    When the address is filled in, click the OK button (the pop-up window will close and the data will be saved). Click the Next button.

  3. Check the entered data and proceed further by clicking the Pay button.

  4. Make a choice in favor of one of the payment methods: whether it will be cash or bank transfer. In the first case, a receipt for payment will be generated, in the second case, you will be able to pay for the service online. When choosing a cash payment, click the "Create a payment document" button to receive a receipt for the IP state duty.

    A pdf file created according to your data will open. You can save it or print it right away.

    When choosing a non-cash payment, the service will ask you to select a bank to proceed to payment.
  5. Next, you will be redirected to the online bank for payment.

Sample filling and form of receipt for payment of state duty for registration of IP

The receipt can be filled out by hand, the main thing is to indicate all the necessary data in it:

Before submitting a package of documents to the tax office, necessary for registering an individual as an individual entrepreneur, the state duty for registering an individual entrepreneur is paid first. After payment, the receipt is pinned to the package of documents. Payment can be made both at the branches of Sberbank (or another bank), and via the Internet.

The amount of the state fee for is 800 rubles. You can pay for it both in Sberbank and via the Internet. However, in any case, you will need payment details, since the bank itself does not know them. The easiest way to pay via the Internet or to generate a receipt is to use. Let's look at an example of how to do this.

How to generate a receipt for payment of state duty for registration of IP

1. Choose the type of payment

2. We enter personal data

  • TIN (you can not enter if you pay in cash according to the receipt).
  • Registration index.
  • Completely without abbreviations - last name, first name and patronymic.
  • Registered address.

Important! When paying the fee, you definitely need to generate a receipt with your details, and not use the example. Thus, the code and details of the payee are generated based on the address you entered.

If you are going to pay via the Internet, the system will require without fail indicate TIN. If payment is made in cash through a bank, then it is not necessary to enter the TIN.

After the data is entered and verified, click "Next".

3. We form a receipt for payment in cash

In order to generate a receipt for payment of the state fee, you must select "cash", then press the button "Create a payment document". The receipt will be generated in a Pdf file, which can either be saved to a computer or printed on a printer. The finished receipt can be submitted to any bank and payment can be made.

The receipt will need to put two signatures - in the notice and in the receipt.

4. How is the state duty paid for registering an individual entrepreneur via the Internet

In order to make a payment via the Internet, you must select "Cashless payments", then select a bank from the proposed list.

To receive a payment receipt in this case, you need to print a check that will be generated immediately after your payment and submit it to your bank.

Registration of an individual entrepreneur begins with a state duty. In 2018, the tax authority and the MFC will not accept documents until you present a receipt for payment. There are several payment methods, some significantly save time and money.

The amount of the state duty for registration of IP

The issue of payment is regulated by article 333.33 of the Tax Code (TC) of the Russian Federation "Amounts of state duty for state registration." Individual pays a state duty of 800 rubles. When opening a business online on the official website of the Federal Tax Service (FTS) or the public services portal, making a cashless payment, you are entitled to a 30 percent discount. As a result, the amount of the fee will be only 560 rubles.

Disabled persons of group III, as well as the unemployed who applied to the employment center to receive subsidies for opening an individual entrepreneur, are exempted from paying the duty. A draft law has been submitted to the State Duma, exempting from the payment of state duty from 2019 when registering legal entities and individual entrepreneurs when submitting documents electronically.

Methods of payment of the state fee

There are several ways to pay the fee:

  • at the bank branch
  • through Sberbank terminals,
  • on the public services portal (,
  • on the official website of the Federal Tax Service "" (

Payment at a bank branch or through a terminal implies a receipt. You can get it at the tax office or form it yourself without leaving your home. We will tell you how to do this below.

How to generate a receipt for payment of duty at home

Go to the website. In the "Electronic Services" section, find the "Fill in a payment order" subsection.

Follow these steps:

  1. Select the type of taxpayer - FL, the type of settlement document - payment order.
  2. Type, name, type of payment. The corresponding fields will open. Choose the appropriate option from the drop-down list. The top line (KBK) will be filled in automatically.
  3. Definition of the IFNS code. To do this, you need to find the address. Select region, district, city, locality(if necessary), fill the street. You can enter it yourself or enter the first letters, select the one you need from the drop-down list. Click "Next".
  4. Entering payer data. Fill in the fields: TIN, full name.
  5. Payment method. Choose cash.
  6. Formation of the payment document. You can save the receipt for payment of the fee or immediately send it for printing.

Payment of the fee for opening an individual entrepreneur in the terminal of Sberbank

To pay the fee, follow these simple steps:

  1. Click "Payments", choose "Pay by cash" or "Pay by card".
  2. Several directions of payments will open. Select "traffic police, taxes, state duties."
  3. Select a supplier - the Federal Tax Service, then click "Search and payment of taxes by the Federal Tax Service."
  4. Select the service "FTS (payment by arbitrary details)". Enter the BIC, account number, TIN of the recipient specified in the details on the payment receipt.
  5. Check that you have entered the data correctly and indicate the purpose of the payment "State duty for registration of IP". Click next.
  6. Enter OKTMO - the details are indicated in the form.
  7. The basis of payment is 106. It is indicated under the OKTMO column.
  8. Tax period - 107. Specify the date of payment.
  9. In the payer's TIN field, enter your TIN number.
  10. The status of the payer is indicated in the very top column of the receipt. For IP - 13.
  11. Enter the middle name in full (if available) and click "Pay".

After that, the message “Operation completed successfully” will appear on the screen.

Payment of the fee for registration of IP in public services and ""

Those who have an electronic digital signature. For the rest, the procedure takes place as usual - at the MFC or the Federal Tax Service.


  • Go to Personal Area. If it doesn't exist, register. To do this, you will need: TIN, SNILS, passport, phone number, email. The process will take up to 10 minutes.
  • From the list of services, select "Registration of a sole trader as an individual entrepreneur", then "Register online" and "Get a service".
  • Fill out an electronic application. Before doing so, confirm your consent to data processing. Enter your address in the contact details Email. A report on the stages of processing the application and documents will be sent to your email. Specify the type of activity that the IP will carry out. Put a qualified EDS.
  • Choose one of three ways to receive documents: personally by the applicant at the Federal Tax Service or the MFC, your official representative (you will need a notarized power of attorney) or by e-mail.
  • Pay the fee by selecting the option "Cashless payment".