It refers to signs of joint activity of people. Main signs of joint activity

Philosophical and methodological substantiation of psychological analysis joint activities was given to S.L. Rubinstein. Developing the foundations of the general psychological theory of activity in the early 1920s, he pointed out that activity as a philosophical category is initially not the activity of one subject, but always the activity of subjects, i.e., joint activity.

Joint activity from individual, first of all, is distinguished by the presence of interaction between the participants of the activity, which transforms, changes their individual activity and is aimed at achieving a common result. Such interaction is observed in cases where the actions of one person or a group of persons determine certain actions of other people, and the actions of the latter are able to influence the actions of the former, etc.

There are four key points in the question of the relationship between individual and joint activities. First, individual activities are constituent elements or parts of a holistic joint activity, therefore, their relationship with each other should be considered as the relationship of parts and the whole. Secondly, in a completely isolated form individual activities does not exist, in reality it is always included in the structure of joint activities. Thirdly, joint activity is not a simple sum of individual activities that make it up, but exists as a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts (this is achieved precisely through interaction, i.e., building social relations). Fourth, the component composition of individual activity included in joint activity is preserved, but changes qualitatively but in content. Thus, the scheme for describing the components of the psychological structure of joint activity is similar to the scheme for individual activity.

It includes:

  • 1. The purpose of the activity: an ideally presented future result that the subject of joint activity (team, team, crew or other similar community of people) seeks to achieve.
  • 2. The motive of the activity: what induces the group to carry out the activity together. This does not mean that, while performing joint activities, its participants are deprived of individual motives. The ratio of group (i.e., common to all) and individual motives in joint activity is a variable value. As the group develops, the share of individual motives decreases and the importance of common motives increases.
  • 3. Actions: joint actions necessary for the implementation of the objectives of the joint activity. These actions can be presented both in the form of group means, methods, techniques, and in the form of individual, but subordinate to the general goals of the activity.
  • 4. The result of the activity, completing its structure. Distinguish between an objective result and its subjective representation. A subjective assessment of the result of joint activities is both an assessment of each member of the group and a collective assessment.

Common to all structural components of joint activities is the following: the most important condition for the implementation of joint activities are the processes of distribution, association (integration), harmonization (coordination) and management of individual goals, motives, actions and results. These processes underlie any component of the structure of joint activities. They also determine the originality of joint activities, as they are processes that ensure the interaction of participants in joint activities.

Psychologists operate with the concept of activity developed in philosophy and filled with dialectical content. For philosophers, any activity is joint, since it is social. To solve the problems of psychological research, it is necessary to concretize the actual psychological content of the concept of joint activity. The operational concept of joint activity includes a number of parameters, or features that distinguish it from individual activity.

The main features of joint activities include:

  • the distinction of a single goal for all participants involved in the activity;
  • the motivation to work together, i.e., in addition to individual motives, a common motivation should be formed;
  • division of activities into functionally related

components, i.e., the distribution of functions between members of the group;

  • integration of individual activities, interconnection and interdependence of individual participants in the activity;
  • harmonization and coordination of functionally distributed and integrated individual activities;
  • the presence of management;
  • single final result;
  • unified spatio-temporal functioning of the participants in joint activities.

In order to make sure that all of the above signs are the necessary characteristics of a joint activity, it is enough to imagine the team of a fishing trawler, a team of builders or any other really operating group. Such a group always has a common goal, common motives, its activities are based on the processes of integration and, at the same time, functional distribution. Someone must lead this group. She achieves a common result that cannot be achieved alone. In psychology, such a group is defined as a collective subject of activity (the characteristics of the collective subject of activity are described in more detail in the third section of the textbook).

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation AOU VPO "Leningradsky State University named after A.S. Pushkin"

Department of Socio-Cultural Service and Tourism

Abstract work on the course

Management in

socio-cultural service and tourism

Topic: “Types of joint activities according to L.I. Umansky"

3rd year full-time students

Faculty of Natural Science, Geography and Tourism

Umanskaya Maria Igorevna

St. Petersburg


1.2 Strategies behavior and types of interaction

2. Types of joint activities in Umansky




The study of human relations, which, according to prominent scientists, has become the “problem of the century,” is for social psychology key issue. Modern level production development and major changes in economic and social spheres society place higher demands on the individual in his professional activity. Including joint activities. The significance of the social consequences of human decisions is growing.

When analyzing various theoretical approaches to the study of joint activity, attention is drawn to the fact that, postulating its most important significance in the development of other processes and the mutual influence of the psychological phenomena of joint activity, most authors, in principle, do not discuss the question of the psychological essence of the latter. Analysis of specific texts of descriptions of experimental procedures and interpretation of their results shows that at the level of empiricism, researchers study actually different realities, united only common name"cooperative activity". This leads to the formation of a very mosaic picture, in which individual studies of joint activity, instead of deepening, developing and supplementing each other, for the most part coexist independently, having practically no points of intersection. Although it is obvious that if the initial foundations of joint activity are not revealed and indicated, then the question of the comparative effectiveness of different types of its organization, as well as the influence of various psychological factors on it, largely loses its meaning.

In this regard, it becomes clear that the issue of studying joint activities and factors affecting its effectiveness is quite relevant.

1. The concept of joint activity

The main factor generating and determining the content and process of joint activity is the communication of people.

There are various concepts of joint activity. It depends on what side of a person's life this term affects. In accordance with civil law, a joint activity is an agreement in accordance with which the parties undertake to act together to achieve a common goal. Under a joint activity agreement, the parties (participants) undertake to act jointly by combining property and efforts to achieve a common economic or other goal that does not contradict legislative acts Russian Federation Monetary or other property contributions of the parties to the agreement, as well as property created or acquired as a result of their activities, are their common shared property. A participant in a joint activity agreement is not entitled to dispose of a share in common property without the consent of the other participants in the agreement, with the exception of that part of the products and income from this activity that is at the disposal of each participant. The participant who is entrusted with the conduct of common affairs acts on the basis of a power of attorney issued by the other parties to the agreement. The property united by the participants in the agreement for joint activities is recorded on a separate (separate) balance sheet for that participant who, in accordance with the agreement, is entrusted with the conduct of common affairs of the participants in the agreement. The data of a separate (separate) balance sheet shall not be included in the balance sheet of a participating enterprise conducting common business. The distribution of profits, losses and other results between the parties to the agreement is carried out in the manner prescribed by the agreement. Each participant includes his share of the profit received as a result of joint activities in the composition of non-operating income when forming financial results.

From a psychological point of view, joint activity - organized system activity of interacting individuals, aimed at the expedient production (reproduction) of objects of material and spiritual culture. The hallmarks of collaboration are:

1) spatial and temporal co-presence of participants, creating the possibility of direct personal contact between them, including the exchange of actions, the exchange of information, as well as mutual perception;

2) the presence of a single goal - an anticipated result of joint activity that meets the common interests and contributes to the realization of the needs of each of the individuals included in the joint activity,

3) the presence of organizational and management bodies, which are embodied in the person of one of the participants, endowed with special powers, or distributed between them;

4) division of the process of joint activities between the participants, due to the nature of the goal, means and conditions for achieving it, the composition and skill level of the performers. This implies the interdependence of individuals, which is manifested either in the final product of joint activity, or in the very process of its production. If in the first case individual operations are carried out in parallel and do not depend on the sequence of actions of others, then in the second they are interdependent (specialized and hierarchized), since they must be implemented simultaneously as functionally different components of a complex operation or in a strict sequence, when the result of one operation serves as a condition for the beginning another. An example of a highly specialized joint activity is a collective scientific activity, which involves an extensive system social roles its members;

5) the emergence of interpersonal relations in the process of joint activity, which are formed on the basis of subject-specific functional-role interactions and acquire a relatively independent character over time. Being initially conditioned by the content of joint activity, interpersonal relations, in turn, have an impact on its process and results. In social psychology, joint activity is considered as the main condition for the socio-psychological integration of the individuals included in it. Joint activity objectively has a multi-purpose character, which is due to its intra- and inter-system links. The fact that acts of individual activity are a condition for the existence and reproduction of both the individual himself and the processes of group activity as a whole indicates the interpenetration and mutual enrichment of individual and joint activity, the interaction of individual motivational and social normative conditions for joint activity.

1.1 Signs and structure of joint activities

Signs - distinctive features.

Signs of collaboration include:

The common goal of the participants in the activity;

General motivation;

Combining individual activities (formation of a single whole);

Division of the activity process into separate functionally related operations and their distribution among the participants;

Coordination of individual activities of participants (strict sequence of operations). It is achieved by managing

- management (an important feature of joint activities);

Single end result;

Single space and simultaneity of individual activities.

Psychological structure of joint activity

common goal is the ideally represented common result towards which the community of individuals aspires. The general goal is divided into private and specific tasks;

A common motive is a force that impels individuals to joint activity;

Joint actions - elements of activity aimed at the implementation of current tasks;

Overall result.

1.2 Behavioral strategies and types of interaction

In a joint activity, three typical strategies for the behavior of its participants are used:

Contribute to the goals of other participants;


Avoidance of interaction.

Types of interaction:




Unidirectional promotion (1 contributes, the other evades);

Unidirectional counteraction (the first counteracts, the other evades);

Contrasting (1 contributes, the other counteracts).

1.3 Properties of the subject of joint activity

There are 6 properties of the subject of joint activity, which are interconnected:

a) the purposefulness of the group subject of activity (the community of individuals) - the desire for the main goal;

b) motivation - an active, interested, effective attitude to joint activities;

c) integrity - the internal unity of the community of individuals. Estimated parameters:

Density of functional connections - frequency and intensity of contacts;

The level of functional interconnectedness is the ratio of the number of jointly performed operations to their total number;

d) structuring - clarity, strictness of the mutual distribution of functions, rights, duties.

Joint activity - an organized system of activity of interacting individuals, aimed at the expedient production (reproduction) of objects of material and spiritual culture. The hallmarks of collaboration are:

1) spatial and temporal co-presence of participants, creating the possibility of direct personal contact between them, including the exchange of actions, the exchange of information, as well as mutual perception;

2) the presence of a single goal - an anticipated result of joint activity that meets the common interests and contributes to the realization of the needs of each of the individuals included in the joint activity,

3) the presence of organizational and management bodies, which are embodied in the person of one of the participants, endowed with special powers, or distributed between them;

4) division of the process of joint activities between the participants, due to the nature of the goal, means and conditions for achieving it, the composition and skill level of the performers. This implies the interdependence of individuals, which is manifested either in the final product of joint activity, or in the very process of its production. If in the first case individual operations are carried out in parallel and do not depend on the sequence of actions of others, then in the second they are interdependent (specialized and hierarchized), since they must be implemented simultaneously as functionally different components of a complex operation or in a strict sequence, when the result of one operation serves as a condition for the beginning another. An example of a highly specialized joint activity is a collective scientific activity, which implies an extensive system of social roles for its participants;

5) the emergence of interpersonal relations in the process of joint activity, which are formed on the basis of subject-specific functional-role interactions and acquire a relatively independent character over time. Being initially conditioned by the content of joint activity, interpersonal relations, in turn, have an impact on its process and results. In social psychology, joint activity is considered as the main condition for the socio-psychological integration of the individuals included in it. Joint activity objectively has a multi-purpose character, which is due to its intra- and inter-system links. The fact that acts of individual activity are a condition for the existence and reproduction of both the individual himself and the processes of group activity as a whole indicates the interpenetration and mutual enrichment of individual and joint activities, the interaction of individual motivational and social normative conditions for joint activity.

Signs of collaboration include:

The common goal of the participants in the activity;

General motivation

Combining individual activities (formation of a single whole); - division of the activity process into separate functionally related operations and their distribution among the participants;

Coordination of individual activities of participants (strict sequence of operations). It is achieved by managing

- management (an important feature of joint activities);

Single end result;

Single space and simultaneity of individual activities.

Psychological structure of joint activity

A common goal is an ideally presented common result towards which a community of individuals strives. The general goal is divided into private and specific tasks;

A common motive is a force that impels individuals to joint activity;

Joint actions - elements of activity aimed at the implementation of current tasks;

Overall result.

Types of joint activities in Umansky

Professor of psychology Lev Ilyich Umansky (1921-1983), devoted himself to the study of the psychology of organizational activity. The professor proposed a typology of joint activities

Under the type of joint activity or the form of organization of joint activity, it is customary to understand the way of interaction between the participants in the group solution of problems or problems. According to L.I. Umansky, three types of joint activity can be classified as basic: joint-interacting, joint-sequential and joint-individual.

1) The jointly interacting type of activity is characterized by the obligatory participation of everyone in solving a common problem. At the same time, the intensity of work of performers, as a rule, is approximately the same, the features of their activities are determined by the leader and, as a rule, are not very variable. The effectiveness of the group equally depends on the contribution of each of its members (Fig. 5.5.). An illustration of such a variant of the organization of joint activities can serve as a joint movement of weights.

Rice. 5.5. Collaborative type of activity

2) The joint-sequential type of activity differs from the joint-interacting type by the time distribution, as well as the order of participation of everyone in the work (Fig. 5.6.). The sequence assumes that at first one participant is included in the work, then the second, the third, etc. The peculiarity of the activity of each participant is set by the specifics of the goals of the joint transformation of the feedstock into the final product.

A typical example of a joint-sequential type of interaction is a conveyor, when the product of the activity of one of the participants in the process, passing to another, becomes an object of labor for the latter.

Rice. 5.6. Joint-sequential type of activity

So, for example, in the manufacture of boards, first someone cuts down a tree, then someone transports it to the factory, then Someone separates the trunk from the branches, then someone measures the trunk and calculates how many and what size boards can get and what there should be a sawing scheme, and only then the trunk goes for sawing.

3) The joint-individual type of activity differs in that the interaction between labor participants is minimized (Fig. 5.7). Each of the performers performs its own scope of work, the specifics of the activity are set individual features and professional position of each. Each of the participants in the process presents the result of labor in the agreed form and in a certain place. Face-to-face interaction may be almost non-existent and take place in indirect forms (for example, via telephone, computer networks etc.). What unites different performers is only the subject of labor, which each of the participants processes in a specific way. Examples of this type of activity are the individual carrying of weights or the independent analysis of different aspects of the same phenomenon by different specialists.

Rice. 5.7. Joint-individual type of activity

IN Lately Specialists single out a special type of joint activity - joint-creative. This type of organization of collective activity originated in the fields of science and art, where participants in scientific or creative project created something completely new, often unique, that could not be created according to the existing rules and technologies. In these collectives, a special type of activity is created - co-creation, when each participant in the process is an equal creator of something new. The laws of creativity require taking into account each, even the most “crazy” vision, because in the cauldron of a general discussion from the very absurd idea opening may appear. This type is characterized by the special activity of each of the participants in the interaction process, namely: activity in terms of increasing their own professional competence through participation in collective activities. On the one hand, the features of the joint-creative type of activity enable each participant to try different ways activities, to be enriched by the ways of work inherent in other specialists and areas of work, and on the other hand, the synergistic (mutually enriching) effect gives a powerful impetus to the development of the group itself that performs the activity. However, in this type of activity, the “traces” of the individual contributions of the participants are fundamentally indistinguishable.

Members of such a team get the opportunity to work in completely different professional positions and perform various collective roles depending on the task facing the group. Therefore, these groups usually have high flexibility, variability in both composition and internal structure, depending on the tasks set and the conditions for their implementation. This is how they work creative teams in which everyone is given a full opportunity for their own self-expression and nevertheless the goal of the group as a whole is achieved - the creation of a new, culturally valuable work or product.

People in a situation of jointly interacting activity are characterized by a high orientation towards collective goals, commitment to the authority of the leader, orientation towards group morality (norms and values), as well as traditional ways of behavior. A member of an organization with this type of technology is characterized by a high commitment to the group, and the most severe punishment will be expulsion from the group of his own kind.

Employees of an organization with a joint-sequential type of activity are characterized by high technological discipline, adherence to the norms and rules formulated in instructions, regulations and other normative documents. Such technologies are typical for complex industrial production, manufacturing industry.

Participants in the process of joint-individual activity are characterized by high initiative, passionarity, orientation to results and individual achievements. Such specialists put their own goals and values ​​at the forefront, tend to independently develop ways to achieve the goal, and are able to operate effectively in a situation of intra-organizational competition. Such technologies are typical for modern science-intensive industries, complex technologies that require very high training. At labor collectives working in this technology, there may be problems of organization general activities between various specialists who know their own business well, but are little oriented towards understanding the peculiarities of the work of colleagues, concentrating rather on the problems of their own activities than on the problems of the organization as a whole.

Participants in joint creative activity are characterized, as noted, by a special orientation - an orientation towards professional development. It is fundamentally different from the aspirations of participants in joint-individual activities, in this case it is not so much about deepening within the framework of one problem, specialty, but about working in border areas human activity. A professional, unlike a specialist, is able and even strives to go beyond his specialty and work using the tools of other specialists, which allows him not only to find something new, but also to deepen his understanding of the problems.

Thus, participants in the joint-creative type of activity have a pronounced orientation towards cooperation with specialists from different fields, the flexibility to change positions, and an orientation towards individual development. For teams working in this type of activity, the main value is the achievement of new knowledge, the creation of conditions for individual development, respect for the rights of each participant. In contrast to the joint-interacting type of activity in organizations of the joint-creative type, it is impossible to solve problems by a majority of votes and introduce the dictatorship of the majority. Problems should be solved by consensus, and the final decision in without fail should leave the possibility of realizing the legitimate interests of the minority, their rights can never be violated.

Psychological features of the joint life of the group A.L. Zhuravlev (from the source indicated by her, here the story is mainly)

Development of the concept of joint activity in modern domestic psychology

Over the past 40 years in our country,

but a large number of psychological studies on the problem of joint activity, which have made a certain contribution to the formation of the corresponding concept, which has become one of the most common groups and collectives in psychology, especially labor collectives This problem was formulated differently not only in different periods of its development, but also by different researchers. First of all, such terms as “group activity” are associated with its formulation. group activity”, “group interaction”, “collective activity”, “joint activity”, etc. Despite some differences in the formulation of the problem, as well as changes as a result of its natural development, the problem of joint activity is still in the focus of attention of researchers, primarily social psychologists, labor and management psychologists.

in accordance with civil law joint activities without the creation for this purpose legal entity carried out on the basis of an agreement between its participants. Under an SA agreement, the parties (participants) undertake to act jointly by combining property and efforts to achieve a common economic or other goal that does not contradict the legislative acts of the Russian Federation. Cash or other property contributions of the participants in the agreement, as well as property created or acquired as a result of their S.d. are their common shared property. Party to the agreement on S.d. is not entitled to dispose of a share in the common property without the consent of the other parties to the agreement, with the exception of that part of the products and income from this activity, which is at the disposal of each participant. The participant who is entrusted with the conduct of common affairs acts on the basis of a power of attorney issued by the other parties to the agreement contracts. The data of a separate (separate) balance sheet shall not be included in the balance sheet of a participating enterprise conducting common business. Distribution of profits, losses and other results of S.D. between the parties to the agreement on S.D. carried out in the manner prescribed by the contract. Each participant includes his share of the profit received as a result of S.d. in the composition of non-operating income when forming financial results. See also. SIMPLE PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT.

in social psychology) - an organized system of activity of interacting individuals, aimed at the expedient production (reproduction) of objects of material and spiritual culture. Distinctive features of D. with. are: 1) spatial and temporal co-presence of participants, creating the possibility of direct personal contact between them, including the exchange of actions, the exchange of information, as well as mutual perception; 2) the presence of a single goal - the anticipated result of the D. s., which meets the general interests and contributes to the realization of the needs of each of the included in the D. s. individuals. As a prototype of the result of D. s. and at the same time, its initial moment, the goal is a constitutive sign of D. with .; 3) the presence of organizational and management bodies, which are embodied in the person of one of the participants, endowed with special powers, or distributed between them; 4) separation of the D. process with. between the participants, due to the nature of the goal, the means and conditions for achieving it, the composition and skill level of the performers. This presupposes the interdependence of individuals, which is manifested either in the final product of the dynamic system or in the very process of its production. If in the first case individual operations are carried out in parallel and do not depend on the sequence of actions of others, then in the second they are interdependent (specialized and hierarchized), since they must be implemented simultaneously as functionally different components of a complex operation or in a strict sequence, when the result of one operation serves as a condition for the beginning another. An example of highly specialized D. with. is a collective scientific activity, involving an extensive system of social roles of its participants; 5) emergence in the course of D. of page. interpersonal relations formed on the basis of subject-specific functional-role interactions and acquiring a relatively independent character over time. Being initially conditioned by the content of D. s., interpersonal relations, in turn, have an impact on its process and results. In domestic social psychology, D. s. is considered as the main condition for the socio-psychological integration of the individuals included in it, as the fundamental basis for the formation and development of interindividual ties. Being a necessary moment in the implementation of D. s., these connections cannot be fully understood in isolation from its meaningful and structural and functional characteristics. A holistic system of activity of interacting individuals acts as a way to implement D. s., and the group itself - as an aggregate subject of a certain type of D. s. in the context of historically specific public relations. Socially determined patterns of implementation and reproduction of D. s. and lead to the emergence of the group as a socio-psychological community. Acts of individual activity are a condition for the existence and reproduction of both the individual himself and the processes of group activity as a whole, which testifies to the interpenetration and mutual enrichment of the individual and D. s., to the interaction of individual motivational and social normative conditions of D. s. A.I. Dontsov


in social psychology - an organized system of activity of interacting individuals, aimed at the expedient production, reproduction of objects of material and spiritual culture. Distinctive features of joint activity:

1) spatial and temporal co-presence of participants, creating the possibility of direct personal contact between them - the exchange of actions, information, as well as mutual perception;

2) the presence of a single goal - an anticipated result of activity that meets the common interests and contributes to the realization of the needs of each of the participants; as a prototype of the result and, together, the initial moment of activity, the goal also belongs to the constitutive features;

3) the presence of organizational and management bodies, embodied either in the person of one of the participants, endowed with special powers, or distributed;

4) division of the process of activity between the participants, due to the nature of the goal, means and conditions for achieving it, the composition and skill level of the performers; this implies the interdependence of individuals, manifested: a) either in the final product of activity - in this case, individual operations are performed in parallel and do not depend on the sequence of actions of others; b) either in the very process of its production - in this case, individual operations are interdependent (specialized and hierarchized), because they must be performed simultaneously as functionally different components of a complex operation, or in a strict sequence, when the result of one operation serves as a condition for starting another;

5) the emergence in the course of activity of interpersonal relations - on the basis of subject-specific functional-role interactions and acquiring a relatively independent character over time; initially conditioned by the content of activity, they themselves influence its process and results. In domestic psychology social activities joint was considered as the main condition for the socio-psychological integration of its participants, as the fundamental basis for the formation and development of interindividual ties. As a necessary moment in the performance of joint activity, these connections cannot be fully understood in isolation from its substantive and structural-functional characteristics. A holistic system of activity of interacting individuals acts as a way to implement joint activities, and the group itself - as an aggregate subject of its specific type, in the context of historically specific social relations. Socially conditioned patterns of performance and reproduction of joint activities lead to the emergence of a group as a socio-psychological community. The social activity nature of the process of group formation is especially clearly revealed in the analysis of the collective activity of labor - the genetically initial form of any joint activity. Joint labor activity in all manifestations has a social character. The bearer of the need that generates it is not so much the group that implements this activity, but the interests of the development of a wider social community. The subject of joint labor activity, which directs the activity of individual individuals, becomes a motivating force for them not as a result of the exteriorization of their own actual needs, but as a result of the internalization of the social significance contained in it. This predetermines a change in the psychological structure of individual activity - the separation of its goal and motive, the connection of which begins to act as a joint activity and is realized by its participants through relationships. Joint activity has a multi-purpose character, which is due to its intra-system and inter-system connections. The fact that acts of individual activity are a condition for the existence and reproduction of both the individual himself and the processes of group activity as a whole indicates the interpenetration and mutual enrichment of individual and joint activities, the interaction of individual motivational and social normative conditions for joint activity.