What part of the population is considered labor resources. Economically active population

The most important component of socio-economic statistics is labor statistics. Its indicators characterize the number, composition, regional distribution and use of labor resources; use of working time; the level and dynamics of labor productivity; labor costs, wages, conditions, protection and safety of labor and other phenomena and processes. The issues of labor statistics are considered in full in the sectoral statistics course. In this topic, indicators of the number of labor resources and working hours are considered.

The main tasks of labor market statistics are:

  • collection of information on the number of employed and unemployed as two components of the labor force;
  • study of the state and trends in the Russian labor market with the help of indicators of the level of employment and unemployment;
  • study of the composition of the employed and unemployed by different characteristics (gender, age, industries and sectors of the economy, by regions of the country and other characteristics) in order to regulate the labor market, develop programs to increase employment, employ the unemployed, retrain them, etc.

Employed and unemployed

The entire population of the country can be divided into two groups: economically active and economically inactive population.

- This is the part of the population that offers its labor for the production of goods and services.

The economically active population (also called the labor force) includes two categories - employed and unemployed.

Employed persons include persons of both sexes aged 16 years and older, as well as persons of younger ages who, during the period under review:

  • performed work for hire for remuneration, money or paid in kind, as well as other work that generates income;
  • temporarily absent from work due to: illness or injury; days off; annual leave; various types of vacations, both with pay and without pay, time off; vacations at the initiative of the administration; strikes and other reasons;
  • did work without pay in a family business.

When classifying or not classifying a person as employed, the criterion of one hour is used. In Russia, when surveying employment, the number of employed includes persons who worked one hour or more in the surveyed week. The use of this criterion is due to the fact that it is necessary to cover all types of employment that may exist in the country, from permanent to short-term, casual and other types of irregular employment.

The unemployed include persons aged 16 and older who, during the period under review:

  • did not have a job (or an income-generating occupation);
  • looking for a job;
  • were ready to start working.

This definition is in line with the methodology of the International Labor Organization (ILO). When classifying a person as unemployed, all three criteria mentioned above must be taken into account.

This is the population that is not part of the labor force. This includes: pupils and students; pensioners; persons receiving disability pensions; persons engaged in housekeeping; persons who have stopped looking for a job, having exhausted all the possibilities of obtaining it, but who are able and willing to work; other persons who do not need to work regardless of the source of income.

- ensure the supply of labor in the labor market for the production of goods, performance of work and provision of services. That is, they want to work, but at the same time they can both work and look for work. In accordance with this, the economically active population is divided into two categories: the number of people employed in the sectors of the economy and the number of the unemployed.

The economically active population is part of the labor force. The number of economically active population changes in individuals in relation to a certain period of time.

Number of people employed in sectors of the economy is an indicator that characterizes the demand for labor in the labor market. The higher the demand for labor, the higher the employment rate in the economy. Every economy strives for population indicators.

Number of unemployed is the excess of supply over demand for labor in the labor market. Usually, the supply exceeds the demand for labor, which objectively determines the availability. This does not exclude the opposite situation in certain sectors of the labor market (regional, by type of activity).

Economically inactive population

Economically inactive population- these are persons capable of work (they are included in the labor force), but they cannot be attributed to either to or to.

Economically inactive population is the population that is not part of the work force. This includes: pupils and students; pensioners; persons receiving disability pensions; persons engaged in housekeeping; persons who have stopped looking for a job, having exhausted all the possibilities of obtaining it, but who are able and willing to work; other persons who do not need to work regardless of the source of income.

The categories of economic activity of the population considered above do not imply that once having got into any group, a person remains there forever. The labor market has a highly dynamic nature, so one should consider not only the size of each group for a certain period of time, but also the movement (flows) of people between different groups. The diagram below illustrates the dynamic model of the labor market.

In a market economy, the possibility of unemployment of the able-bodied population is allowed. The reasons for the economic passivity of this part of the population are social status, material security, housekeeping, raising children, or the futility of employment. In Russia, this category of the population has several million people. The primary task of statistics is to study employment, that is, the degree of satisfaction with the supply of labor. The number, composition, territorial distribution and reasons for economic passivity are also subjected to research.

Employment and level indicators are among the main characteristics of the socio-economic situation of the country and the state of the labor market.

In the 90s. in the Russian labor market there was a decrease in the supply of labor, the largest decline was in 1998. The number of economically active population, despite a slight increase in 1999 and 2000, did not reach the level of 1992, was less by 3.3 million people. On a large scale, there was a decrease in the demand for labor. The number of people employed in the economy over this period decreased by 6.4 million people, or 9%. There was a release of labor from state enterprises and organizations due to a decline in production, the redistribution of labor between sectors of the economy, the transition from the state to the private sector, but in general, with a decrease in the number of employed, the number of unemployed systematically increased. The unemployment rate (the proportion of the unemployed in the economically active population) reached 13.2% in 1998 and remained at a high level until 2000.

Economic activity rate

It is the ratio of the economically active population to the total population.


The number of economically active population in Russia in November 2009 amounted to 72.8 million people

  • number of employed 65.0 million people
  • total population - 144.9 million people.

Find the number of unemployed, the coefficients of economic activity, employment and unemployment.

The economically active population includes both the employed and the unemployed, therefore,

  • The number of unemployed = 72.8 - 65 = 7.8 million people.
  • Economic Activity Rate = (72.8 / 144.9) * 100% = 50%
  • Employment rate = 65 / 72.8 = 0.9
  • = 7,8 / 72,8 = 0,1


  • Average annual population: 148300 thousand people
  • Total employed in the economy: 67100 thousand people.
  • Number of unemployed: 6410 thousand people

Find: the number of economically active population (EAP), the coefficient of economic activity of the population, the employment rate and the unemployment rate of the population.

  • EAN \u003d 67100 + 6410 \u003d 73510 thousand people.
  • EAN coefficient = 73510 / 148300 = 0.5
  • Employment rate = 67100 / 73510 = 0.91
  • Unemployment rate = 6410 / 73510 = 0.09


The number of employed and unemployed on the dates was:

Find: the average number of employed, unemployed, economically active population for the year, employment and unemployment rates for this period.

1. We calculate the average number of employed and unemployed using the simple average chronological formula.

2. The economically active population is the sum of employed and unemployed.

  • EAN \u003d 718 + 73.25 \u003d 791.25

3. To employment = 718 / 791.25 = 0.91
4. Unemployment K = 73.25 / 791.25 = 0.09

Economically active population

Based on the materials of sample surveys of the population on employment problems: 1992, 1995. - at the end of October; 2000-2007 - at the end of November. Since 2006 - including data for the Chechen Republic.

Thousands of people

- Total 75060 70740 72332 72421 72835 72909 73811 74156 75046
employed in the economy 71171 64055 65273 66266 67152 67134 68603 69157 70813
unemployed 3889 6684 7059 6155 5683 5775 5208 4999 4232
Men 39197 37338 37499 36997 37206 37079 37511 37627 37967
employed in the economy 37161 33726 33754 33709 34199 34177 34710 34996 35702
unemployed 2036 3613 3745 3288 3007 2902 2801 2631 2264
Women 35863 33401 34833 35423 35629 35831 36300 36529 37079
employed in the economy 34010 30330 31519 32557 32953 32958 33893 34161 35111
unemployed 1853 3072 3314 2866 2676 2873 2407 2368 1968

As a percentage of the total

active population
- Total
100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
employed in the economy 94,8 90,5 90,2 91,5 92,2 92,1 92,9 93,3 94,4
unemployed 5,2 9,5 9,8 8,5 7,8 7,9 7,1 6,7 5,6
Men 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
employed in the economy 94,8 90,3 89,8 91,1 91,9 92,2 92,5 93,0 94,0
unemployed 5,2 9,7 10,2 8,9 8,1 7,8 7,5 7,0 6,0
Women 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
employed in the economy 94,8 90,8 90,5 91,9 92,5 92,0 93,4 93,5 94,7
unemployed 5,2 9,2 9,5 8,1 7,5 8,0 6,6 6,5 5,3

Human Resources - this is the part of the population that, due to the combination of physical abilities, special knowledge and experience, can participate in the creation of material wealth or
work in the service sector.

The criteria for the allocation of labor resources from the population are the boundaries of working age, which are established by the state and depend on the social system, life expectancy of people, other social and economic factors, and on the official state adopted in connection with this. acts. In Belarus, the working age for men is from 16 to 60, for women - from 16 to 55 years.

The labor force includes:- able-bodied population of working age; - working teenagers (under 16); - population older than working age, taking part in social production.

The working population includes people at working age, with the exception of non-working disabled people of groups I and II, as well as persons who retired on preferential terms earlier than the working age established in the general procedure.

The labor force is divided into the following categories:- employed in social production; - self-employed; - those who are studying with a break from work; - employed in household and personal subsidiary farming; - military personnel.

Labor resources have quantitative and qualitative characteristics. The former include indicators of numbers and composition (age, gender, social groups, etc.); the second - indicators of the educational level, professional qualification structure, etc.

Age groups: youth aged 16-29; persons from 30 to 49 years; persons of pre-retirement age (men 50-59 years old, women 50-54 years old); persons of retirement age (men aged 60 and over, women aged 55 and over).

Sexual structure of work. resources is characterized by the ratio of the number of men and women. Determined by the population of working age. In Belarus, the proportion of men is 47 %, women - 53%. This ratio is considered normal for the economy of developed countries.

By level of education: the level of general, special and higher; by social groups.

The ratio of employees by type of activity and skill level characterizes the professional and qualification structure of labor resources. Professions are determined by the nature and content of labor, the specifics and conditions of functioning of individual sectors of the economy. Within the framework of general professions, specialties are distinguished. Depending on the complexity of the work, highly qualified, skilled and unskilled workers are distinguished.

When determining the ratio of labor resources by categories of personnel, workers and employees, including managers, specialists, etc. are taken into account.

The basis for the formation of labor resources is the reproduction of the population, which is carried out through a change of generations as a result of the birth and death of people, i.e. with an increase in the birth rate and life expectancy, there will be an increase in the population and, consequently, in the labor force. The Republic of Belarus belongs to the group of countries with an extremely low birth rate, there are 14.5-17.3 births per 1000 people.

Population migration plays an important role in the formation of labor resources.

An important problem is unemployment. Unemployment is a social and economic phenomenon, expressed in the fact that a certain part of the able-bodied population cannot realize their labor potential.

According to the definition of the International Labor Organization (ILO) and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the unemployed are persons who are able and willing to work, actively looking for work.

In Belarus, the unemployment rate in 2000 was 2%. At the same time, the share of hidden unemployment is high.

Labor resources - part of the country's population, which, in terms of physical development, acquired education, professional and qualification level, is capable of engaging in socially useful activities. The labor force includes the entire working-age population aged 16 to 54 for women and 16 to 59 for men, as well as persons older and younger than working age actually employed in the national economy (working pensioners and schoolchildren).

Labor resources statistics is necessary in the formation of a base for the assessment, analysis and implementation of labor and socio-economic potentials in order to determine a policy to increase the efficiency of the use of labor resources, develop tools for increasing employment, incomes of the population, and developing a competitive labor market.

The tasks of labor resources statistics are to develop and improve the system of indicators, the methodology for their calculation and analysis in order to comprehensively study labor resources, identify patterns of their formation and movement. In particular, they include:

  • - characteristics of the availability, composition and structure of labor resources and the economically active population;
  • - studies of employment and unemployment;
  • - characteristics of the natural reproduction of labor resources;
  • - study of migration and the factors that determine it;
  • - calculation of the prospective number of labor resources;
  • - assessment of the state and development of the labor market, supply and demand, conjuncture and tension in the labor market.

Sources of statistical information are current reporting on labor, population censuses, sample surveys and specially organized observations on employment problems conducted by state statistical bodies.

For analysis, planning, accounting and management of labor resources, taking into account domestic and world practices, the composition of labor resources is distinguished, shown in fig. 12.1.

Rice. 12.1.

The employed population includes persons working at enterprises of various forms of ownership, including those engaged in individual entrepreneurial activities, as well as employees of religious cults.

The unemployed are people of working age who are not currently working, are looking for work and are ready to start working at any time. Persons who have reached the age of 16, are studying off-duty, pensioners, disabled people are counted among the unemployed if they were looking for work, i.e. applied to employment services, employers, etc., and were ready to start it.

The total number of employed and unemployed constitutes the category of the economically active population.

The population of working age, schoolchildren, full-time students, persons engaged in raising children, housekeeping, conscripts belong to the group of economically inactive population or to the mobile reserve.

The number of labor resources is calculated by two methods: demographic (according to the sources of formation) and economic (according to actual employment).

Using the demographic method, the labor force is calculated as the sum of the population of working age, minus disabled people of groups I and II and adding the number of working adolescents under the age of 16 and working persons of retirement age.

When calculated by the economic method, the labor force represents the aggregate of the entire population actually employed, including those employed in personal subsidiary plots, farms, persons of working age, household and childcare workers, out-of-work students over 16 years of age, the unemployed and other unemployed persons. at working age.

The number of labor resources changes under the influence of natural and mechanical movement.

The natural movement of labor resources consists of:

  • 1) from the natural replenishment of labor resources at the expense of persons who have reached the age of 16, as well as at the expense of the population of retirement age and adolescents under the age of 16 involved in economic activity;
  • 2) natural retirement of labor resources due to:
    • a) persons who have reached retirement age,
    • b) persons of working age who have become disabled,
    • c) persons belonging to the labor force who died during the analyzed period,
    • d) working persons of retirement age and teenagers who have finished taking part in social work;
  • 3) natural increase (loss) of labor resources, which is calculated as the difference between the natural replenishment and retirement of labor resources.

Under the natural replenishment of labor resources is understood the number of those who entered the working age, and under the natural retirement - the number of those who died at working age and reached retirement age, as well as those who received disability groups I and II.

The ratio of the natural increase in labor resources to the average number of labor resources is called the coefficient of natural increase in labor resources.

The mechanical movement, or migration, of labor resources consists of:

  • 1) from the mechanical replenishment of labor resources - the number of persons belonging to the labor resources and arrived for permanent residence in this settlement;
  • 2) mechanical retirement of labor resources - the number of retired persons accounted for in the composition of labor resources;
  • 3) mechanical increase (loss) of labor resources, defined as the difference between the arrivals and departures of persons related to labor resources.

The ratio of the mechanical growth of labor resources to the average number of labor resources is called the coefficient of mechanical growth of labor resources.

The sum of the coefficients of natural and mechanical growth of labor resources is the coefficient of the total growth of labor resources.

One of the most important tools for analyzing modern processes that are taking shape in the labor market is the balance of labor resources. It is compiled on the basis of materials not only of labor statistics, but also of other branches of statistics. The balance reflects the sources of the formation of labor resources, the direction of the use of labor resources in the system of social division of labor. It is necessary to obtain a comprehensive picture of the formation of the labor potential of the country, the creation of a labor market, the study of employment and unemployment, the structure of the employed by sectors of the economy, forms of ownership, regions and other areas; identification of labor reserves for the country as a whole, sources of replenishment and directions of disposal and other issues. The balance of labor resources is of great importance for studying the social structure of society, forecasting supply and demand in the labor market.

The balance of labor resources includes two interrelated sections. The first section characterizes the availability and reproduction composition of labor resources. The second section of the balance sheet characterizes the distribution of labor resources by spheres and types of activity.

These balances make it possible to calculate a number of indicators that characterize the working capacity and employment of the population: the working capacity coefficients of the entire population, the population of working age; employment rates of the entire population, the population of working age, the employment rate of labor resources, the coefficient of economic activity of labor resources.

The number of labor resources can be determined on any specific date or on average over a certain period.

The average number of labor resources is calculated using the formulas of the arithmetic mean (when data is available only at the beginning and end of the reporting period) or chronological average (if population data are available at the beginning of each period for equal periods of time). If there is information for unequal time intervals, then the chronological weighted average formula is applied.

Calculation example: the number of labor resources of the region (thousand people) amounted to 948 as of January 1; May 1 - 956; September 1 - 958; November 1 - 952; January 1 next year - 950.

The average number of labor resources is equal to:

The system of indicators of labor resources statistics includes the calculation of working capacity coefficients.

The working capacity coefficient of the entire population is equal to the ratio of the working-age population of working age to the total population.

The working capacity ratio of the working-age population is calculated by dividing the working-age population by the total working-age population.

The pension burden ratio is determined by dividing the population of retirement age by the population of working age, the result is multiplied by 1000 (per thousand people).

The labor force replacement rate is equal to the ratio of the population of pre-working age to the population of working age, the result is multiplied by 1000 (per thousand people).

The total load factor (coefficient of efficiency of the age composition) reflects the degree of load of the population of working age by the population of all non-working ages. It is determined by the sum of the pension burden factor and the labor force replacement rate.

A shrinking and aging workforce is unfavorable for the labor market

Demoscope has repeatedly written about the unfavorable demographic changes that await Russia in the coming decades. They were mentioned, in particular, where it was about the inevitability of a reduction in the country's population and its aging.

Demographic changes have, among other things, huge economic consequences that cover all the main areas of the economic field: the labor market, the consumer market and the service market, the savings market, affect the investment climate, social spending and, accordingly, the system and size of taxation, financial flows.

At present, these consequences have not been sufficiently studied, which limits the possibilities of strategic planning in conditions when significant and far from always favorable demographic changes await the country.

The natural decline in the population is an extreme and, in principle, not an obligatory manifestation of the deep demographic changes that all countries are now experiencing. Its appearance, and especially its significant scale in Russia, is a consequence of the particularly unfavorable conditions in which demographic processes common to all have unfolded in our country over the past hundred years.

However, another consequence of demographic change - the aging of the population - cannot be avoided under any circumstances. Demographic changes, generally progressive, automatically lead to a change in the shape of the age pyramid; it will never return to its previous form. Another thing is that in Russia the evolutionary process of the natural restructuring of the age pyramid was superimposed by all sorts of social upheavals, which greatly deformed its outline.

The evolutionary aging of the population already gives rise to considerable economic problems, since it significantly increases the burden on the able-bodied population by people of the elderly and advanced ages. Perturbative deformations of the age pyramid can seriously aggravate these problems, which is what is happening now in Russia.

Due to the same features of the age pyramid that make natural population growth impossible, in the coming years the country will face a decline in the working-age population (numerous generations born in the 1950s are dropping out of it, and the labor force includes small generations born in 1990). years).

The difference is very big. Until recently, the working-age population increased annually by about half a million to a million people, this growth is being replaced by an even greater annual decline. As was shown in, it will be possible to get out of the hole no earlier than in 15 years, and then only under the most favorable circumstances, for which the optimistic "high" version of the Rosstat forecast is calculated. Only in this case will a small increase in the population of working age begin. And according to other forecast options, this will not happen either, the annual decline will become smaller, but will not disappear.

Simultaneously with the decline in the population of working age, its rapid aging will occur, i.e. an increase in its composition of older people and, accordingly, an increase in the average age of potential employees. This process has been going on for a long time. In 1970, the population of the younger working-age group (16-29) was 1.9 times the size of its older group (45-54 for women and 45-59 for men). By the early 1990s, this ratio had dropped to about 1.5 times and remained stable for some time. But since the beginning of the 2000s, aging has resumed and will now continue unabated. In the second half of this decade, the younger and older groups of the population at working ages will become equal, and then the younger group will for the first time yield in size to the older one, and by 2025 the ratio of the younger group to the older one will be 0.8 (Fig. 1). The average age of a potential worker, which was 34.5 years in 1970 and has now reached 36.3 years, will exceed 38 years by 2025.

Figure 1. The average age of the working-age population and the ratio of the population aged 16-29 years to its population aged 45-54 years (women) and 45-59 years old (men)

It is interesting that the size and proportion of the middle group of working age - from 30 to 45 years old - does not show a tendency to directional changes, but experiences strong fluctuations, which can also have significant consequences.

The general picture of changes in the age composition of the working-age population is shown in Fig. 2.

Figure 2. The ratio of the three groups of the working-age population, million people and %

Human Resources- this is the part of the population with physical development, mental abilities and knowledge that make it possible to work. The labor force includes the population both of working age (with the exception of non-working disabled people of labor, war, childhood and non-working people of working age who receive old-age pensions on preferential terms), and older and younger than working age, employed in the labor process.

A decisive role in the labor force is played by the able-bodied population of working age.

Working-age population- this is a set of persons, mainly in working (able-bodied) age, capable, according to their psychophysical data, to participate in the labor process. The legislation of the Russian Federation establishes the following interval of working age; for men - from 16 to 59 years, for women - from 16 to 54 years. In any society the working-age population consists of two groups: economically active and economically inactive population.

Economically active population- This is the part of the population engaged in labor activities that bring her income.

Distinguish between general and professional performance. General ability to work implies that a person has physical, psychophysical, age and other data that determine the ability to work that does not require special training, that is, the ability to do unskilled work.

Professional ability to work is the ability for a specific type of work that requires special training, that is, the ability for skilled work.

Important aspects of the qualitative composition of labor resources are the educational level and professional skills. A special role in the problem of labor resources is played by the change in the natural movement of the population, mortality and fertility. The sex ratio of the population also occupies an important place in the characteristics of labor resources.

Labor market. The most important sphere of the economy, the labor market, according to its basic principles of functioning, is a market of a special kind. It largely depends on the capital market, means of production, consumer goods, etc. The regulators in the labor market, in addition to macro- and microeconomic factors, are also socio-psychological factors.

In a regulated market economy, the labor market includes the following elements and systems:

  • a legal framework that reflects the basic principles of state policy in the field of wages, labor and social and labor relations;
  • state system of employment and unemployment reduction;
  • personnel training system;
  • recruitment system;
  • contract system;
  • system of retraining and retraining of personnel;
  • labor exchanges; employment fund.

In the labor market, supply and demand are opposed to each other. During this confrontation, there are:

  • labor force assessment;
  • determination of the conditions of her employment, including wages, working conditions;
  • assessment of educational opportunities;
  • exploring the possibility of professional growth;
  • consideration of job security;
  • the study of labor migration, as well as human needs in the field of labor relations and related areas.

In market conditions, it is difficult and almost impossible to achieve a balance between labor supply and demand. In most cases, there is a surplus of labor and a shortage of jobs needed for a rational employment structure. So, for some construction specialties, an increased supply of labor and a limited demand for it are characteristic. The task of national importance, the goal of labor resources management is the desire to balance the number of jobs and the workforce. This is also the purpose of the state employment policy.

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On employment in the Russian Federation" employment- this is the activity of citizens related to the satisfaction of personal and social needs, which does not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation and, as a rule, brings them earnings, labor income. Employment can be full-time, part-time, part-time and hidden.

All citizens who are not recognized as employed citizens in accordance with this Law can be legitimately classified as unemployed. In turn, from the unemployed population, one can single out a category called unemployed citizens.

The economic literature highlights the following types of unemployment:

  • friction;
  • technological;
  • structural;
  • stagnant (voluntary);
  • regional.

Along with this gradation, there is a characteristic of unemployment according to age (youth unemployment), gender (women's unemployment), as well as educational or professional grounds.

For a number of objective reasons, many people in the process of life change their place of residence with a change in their place of work. This movement is called migration.

The growth of unemployment, the difference in levels of development between countries determine the close connection between migration and the problem of employment of labor resources. In the CIS countries, the intensification of migration processes is also due to the political and socio-economic consequences of the liquidation of the USSR and the further decline in living standards in the newly formed states.

Foreign economists subdivide migration into three types: spontaneous, limited, individual.

Based on purely temporary characteristics, migration can be divided into permanent, temporary, seasonal, and pendulum.

According to the forms of implementation, migration is divided into organized and unorganized.

The further development of science and technology causes changes in the technology of influencing the subject of labor, which, in turn, changes the content of labor activity, makes high demands on the composition and quality of the workforce.

There is a growing need for computer literacy, the multifunctional use of an increasing number of workers, the elimination of economic illiteracy, especially in the field of production and management of organizations.

All this requires skillful regulation of the processes associated with the formation and use of labor resources. On a national scale, there is a system for managing the labor resources of the Russian Federation. The practice of recent years confirms the need to find a management mechanism that provides the closest to optimal conditions for the formation, use and reproduction of the labor force.

In general terms, the human resource management system within the country can be represented as a set of three organically related and interacting subsystems: the formation of labor resources; state management of the country's labor resources; management of labor resources of the enterprise (organization).

Any system of labor resources management is aimed at improving the efficiency of the use of labor.

The long-term development of an organization should include the task of forming and functioning of a labor management system, which is extremely important for achieving high competitiveness, and therefore for ensuring a strong position of a particular business entity in the goods (services) market.

The human resource management system in an organization includes three interrelated blocks:

  • formation of labor resources;
  • development of labor resources;
  • improving the quality of the working period of life.