In production cooperative firms, decisions are made. Opportunities to do business through a production cooperative

Part 1


1) Write down the text from dictation

2) Find in the text a sentence with homogeneous predicates. Write out this sentence and underline the homogeneous predicates in it.

3) Write out the highlighted sentence from the text.

  1. Underline the main terms.
  2. Above each word write what part of speech it is.


Part 2


4) Say the words below, put the stress mark in them over the stressed vowels.

Means, we repeat, the driver, accepted.

5) In the sentence below, find a word in which all consonants are voiced. Write out this word.

The orchestra began to play a familiar tune.

Read the text and do tasks 6-16.

(1) We were given a young squirrel. (2) She very soon became completely tame. (3) She knew us guys well. (4) As soon as you enter the room, the squirrel will jump from the closet right on your shoulder, rubbing its muzzle against your cheek. (5) It means asking for sugar or candy.

(6) Sweets and sugar in our dining room, in the buffet, lay, they were not closed, because we did not take anything without asking. (7) One day my mother called us and showed us an empty candy bowl. (8) And the next day the sugar from the buffet was gone, but no one confessed that he had taken it. (9) At this point, my father got angry, deprived us of sweets for a week.

(10) Once I sat quietly in the dining room and read. (11) Suddenly I see: the squirrel jumped on the table, grabbed a crust of bread in its teeth - and on the floor, and then on the cabinet. (12) A minute later I look: again I climbed onto the table, grabbed the second crust - and again on the cabinet. (13) I set up a chair, looked at the closet and saw an old hat, under which lay sugar, sweets, and stale crusts of bread ... (14) I showed the cache to my father. (15) He said that our squirrel does this for the winter, apparently, even a tame squirrel has a squirrel instinct.

(According to G. Skrebitsky)

7) Make and write down a three-point text plan. You can use combinations of words or sentences in your answer.

8) Ask a question on the text that will help determine how accurately your classmates understood the content of the text. Write down your question.


9) How do you understand the meaning of the word “vase” from sentence 7? Write down your explanation.

10) Replace the word “angry” (sentence 9) with a similar word. Write down this word.

11) In sentence 2, find a word whose composition corresponds to the scheme: root + suffix + ending. Write out the word and label its parts.

12) Write out from sentence 7 all nouns in the form in which they are used in the sentence. Specify the gender, declension, number, case of one of the forms of the noun (optional).

13) Write out from sentence 13 all forms of adjectives with a noun to which they refer. Indicate the number, gender (if any), case of one of the forms of the adjective (optional).

14) Write out all the pronouns from sentence 3. Indicate the person and number of one of them (optional)

15) Write out from sentence 11 all the verbs in the form in which they are used in the sentence. Specify the conjugation, tense, person (if any), number, gender (if any) of one of the forms of the verb (optional)

16) Imagine that you wrote (wrote) a letter to a peer from England in English, but you are not sure (not sure) that you did not (did not) make mistakes in the letter. Be polite to your teacher of English language with a request to check your letter. Write down your request.

Option 9

Part 1


Part 1

Read the text fragment below and complete tasks B1-B4; C1-C2.

In the room, which was separated only by a short corridor from Ilya Ilyich's office, there was heard at first like the grumbling of a chained dog, then the sound of feet jumping off from somewhere. It was Zakhar who jumped off the couch, on which he usually spent his time, sitting immersed in a slumber.

An elderly man entered the room in a gray frock coat, with a hole under his arm, from which a piece of shirt stuck out, in a gray waistcoat with copper buttons, with a skull bare as a knee and with immensely wide and thick, fair-haired with gray sideburns, "of which each would become for three beards.

Zakhar did not try to change not only the image given to him by God, but also his costume, in which he walked in the village. The dress was sewn for him according to the pattern he had taken out of the village. He also liked the gray frock coat and waistcoat because in this semi-uniform he saw a faint recollection of the livery that he had once worn when seeing the late gentlemen to church or on a visit; and the livery in his memoirs was the only representative of the dignity of the Ob-

Nothing more reminded the old man of the lordly, wide and quiet life in the wilderness of the village. The old gentlemen have died, the family portraits have remained at home and, tea, are lying around somewhere in the attic; the legends about the ancient way of life and the importance of the surname all fade away or live only in the memory of the few who remained in the village as an old man. Therefore, for Zakhar, a gray frock coat was dear: in it, and even in | some signs preserved in the face and manners of the master, reminiscent of his parents, and in his whims, to which, although he grumbled, both to himself and aloud, but which, meanwhile, he respected inwardly as a manifestation of the master's will, master's right, he saw he is a faint hint of obsolete greatness.

Without these whims, he somehow did not feel the master over him; without them, nothing revived his youth, the village that they left long ago, and the legends about this old house, the only chronicle kept by old servants, nannies, mothers and passed down from generation to generation.

The Oblomovs' house was once rich and famous in its area, but then, God knows why, it became poorer, smaller, and finally imperceptibly lost among the old noble houses. Only the gray-haired servants of the house kept and passed on to each other the faithful memory of the past, cherishing it as a shrine.

That is why Zakhar loved his gray coat so much. Perhaps he valued his sideburns because in his childhood he saw many old servants with this ancient, aristocratic decoration.

(I. A. Goncharov. "Oblomov")

Determine the genre of the work.

Artistic time and space are the most important characteristics of the author's model of the world. What traditional spatial landmark does I.A. use in this fragment? Goncharov to create an image of a symbolically saturated enclosed space?

Which simplest form a trail, which is a comparison of one phenomenon with another on some basis, I.A. Goncharov uses to give the picture action

more specificity and brightness? (“In the room, which was separated only by a small corridor from the office of Ilya Ilyich, heard at first like a grumble chain dog, then the sound of feet jumping from somewhere.)


AT 4

What term is used to designate vocabulary that is outside the literary norm? (“The old gentlemen died, family portraits remained at home and, tea, wallow where- somewhere in the attic...”)


To complete tasks CI-C2, use the answer sheet No. 2. First write down the task number, and then give a coherent answer to the question in the amount of 5-10 sentences.

C1 In what compositional part of the novel, to characterize the social environment that shaped the characters of several generations of Oblomovites, is a detailed description of “the lordly wide and quiet life in the wilderness of the village” given?
C2 What is the originality of the pair "Oblomov - Zakhar"? Who else from the Russian writers of the XIX century. creates pairs of images "master - servant"?

C1. We know many literary examples when an episode of a dream becomes a means of revealing the ideological and artistic content of a work, the character of a hero, and often turns into the plot of a whole work. This episode gives a detailed description of "the lordly wide and quiet life in the wilderness of the village."

The tenth chapter of the novel by I.A. Goncharov - "Oblomov's Dream" - has an independent meaning, since it was published earlier than the entire work. In the novel Oblomov, the dream takes on an important symbolic meaning. The author explains to the reader the reasons that determined the character of the hero, considers the origins of "Oblomovism". Before us is not only a dream-memory of the hero's childhood, but also a dream-dream about the ideal of local life. Labor in Oblomovka is seen as a punishment, death seems to be an imperceptible transition into eternal sleep, time is frozen, like in a fairy tale. The main concern is the kitchen and lunch. The mothers and nannies do all the work for Ilyusha, the time of departure to the gymnasium is delayed as much as possible. Oblomov's existence becomes for the hero a model of happiness and contentment with life.

C2. Oblomov and Zakhar are two closely related figures of the novel: “Just as Ilya Ilyich could neither get up, nor go to bed, nor be combed and shod, nor dine without the help of Zakhar, so Zakhar could not imagine another gentleman, except Ilya Ilyich " . Each action of the master begins with the call of the servant. Looking at Zakhar, Ilya Ilyich bitterly states: “Well, brother, you are even more Oblomov than I myself.” The gentleman among the servants, Zakhar is clumsy, clumsy, always drops dishes and small things, is known as a gossip (attributes to Oblomov a non-existent affair with a widow), never goes beyond the circle of duties outlined once and for all. But, despite the shortcomings, it has one indisputable advantage - devotion to the master: he would not even consider giving his life for Oblomov as a feat. With the death of Ilya Ilyich, Zakhar turns into a poor old man who does not want to go far from the master's grave. Unlike Savelich, the caring uncle of Pyotr Grinev ("The Captain's Daughter"), Gerasim with his inability to disobey the order of the mistress ("Mumu"), Oblomov's servant becomes his master's double.

There is an opinion of literary critics, according to which Osip in N.V. Gogol "The Government Inspector" and Dunyasha in the play by A.P. Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard".

Option 9 PART 1 Listen to the text and complete task C1 on a separate signed sheet. First write the task number and then the text summary . C1. Listen to the text and write a concise summary. When completing this task, keep in mind that you must convey the main content of both each microtopic and the entire text as a whole. Remember that when writing a concise statement, you should replace the specific and separate with a generalizing one, and also exclude the inessential. The volume of presentation is not less than 90 words. Write a presentation in accordance with the logic and intent of the author. PART 2 Read the text and complete tasks A1-A7, B1-B14. (1) I remember how once, when I was at my parents' house, I couldn't sleep. (2) It was late autumn, heavy rain was pouring outside the window, iron was pounding on the roof. (3) I simply could not sleep from the longing that approached my heart, rolled over, tormented me, from the aching thought that all of us, people, are unhappy. (4) Yes, we are unhappy, because we do not know what we are doing, what we want, hoping to live on earth forever. (5) At such moments, you think about some kind of hopelessness ... (6) It was already the first hour of the night when I went into the kitchen to calm down. (7) And the light was on in the kitchen, because there was a father who was writing another article. (8) Father often worked at night, and now he went to the window to smoke. (9) Leaning on the windowsill, my father looked at the rain, at the stained glass, and when he heard my steps, he straightened up and turned around. (10) His face seemed to me so pale, old, helpless, the wrinkles were so tired that I almost thought of the worst. (11) Maybe he is sick and will die soon? (12) I felt unimaginably sorry for him, and I said, barely holding back tears: (13) - Here, dad, you and I cannot sleep, and both of us are unhappy. (14) - Unhappy?! he repeated in surprise. (15) And then the father blinked his kind eyes, looked at me, seemingly not understanding anything. (16) - What are you, dear! (17) 0 what are you, Nadezhda? .. (18) Everyone is alive, there is no war, everything is assembled in my house - so I'm happy! (19) I sobbed, and he hugged me like a little one. (20) All he needs is for us to be all together. (21) And he is ready to work day and night for this, to work tirelessly. (22) And when I left for my apartment, lonely, cold, they, mother and father, stood on the landing, and cried, and waved, and repeated after me: (23) - We love you, we love you! (24) It warmed my heart. (25) How much and little a person needs for happiness! (According to Yu. Bondarev) A1. Which sentence of the text contains the answer to the question: “Why couldn’t the heroine fall asleep?” 1) 7 2) 2 3) 3 4) 10 А2. How do you understand the heroine's phrase: "It warmed my heart" (sentence 24)? 1) Hope was convinced that nothing bad would happen to her father. 2) Hope finally felt happy. 3) The heroine was delighted to meet her mother. 4) Nadezhda was glad to return to her house. A3. How does the information contained in sentences 16-18 characterize the father of Nadezhda? Indicate the correct continuation of the phrase: The narrator's father... 1 1) does not seek to understand his daughter. 2) believes that life's difficulties you have to be able to resist. 3) sure that self-pity deprives vitality. 4) considers happiness the opportunity to be close to loved ones, to love them. A4. Indicate the meaning in which the word “turned around” is used in the text (sentence 9). 1) turned 2) went 3) looked back 4) wrapped himself A5. In which answer option is the content of the second sentence opposed to the content of the first? 1) (2) It was late autumn, heavy rain was pouring outside the window, iron was pounding on the roof. (3) I simply could not sleep from the longing that came to my heart, from the aching thought that all of us, people, are unhappy. 2) (13) Here, dad, you and I cannot sleep, and both of us are unhappy. (18) Everyone is alive, there is no war, everyone is assembled in my house - so I'm happy! 3) (19) I sobbed, and he hugged me like a little one. (20) All He needs is for us to be all together. 4) (10) His face seemed to me so pale, old, helpless, the wrinkles were so tired that I almost thought of the worst. (11) Maybe he is sick and will die soon? A6. Choose the correct continuation of the answer to the question: “Why does the father call the heroine not Nadenka, but Nadezhda!” This form of the name speaks ... 1) about the seriousness of the problem posed by the heroine. 2) about the excessively strict attitude of the father towards the heroine. 3) about a significant difference in the age of the father and the heroine. 4) about the difference in the social position of the hero and the narrator. A7. Indicate what means of speech expression is used in the sentence: "And he is ready to work day and night for this, to work tirelessly." 1) epithet 2) personification 4) phraseologisms 3) syntactic parallelism Perform tasks B1-B14 on the basis of the read text. Write down the answers to tasks B1-B14 in words or numbers, separating them, if necessary, with commas. IN 1. Replace the word KNOWN from sentence 4 with a stylistically neutral synonym. Write this synonym. IN 2. From sentences 1-3, write out words with an unpronounceable consonant at the root of the word. AT 3. From sentences 11 - 15 write out a word with an invariable prefix, in which, during pronunciation, the pair is likened in terms of deafness / voicedness of the consonant to the subsequent sound (voicing). AT 4. From sentences 1-3, write out the words in which the spelling of the suffix is ​​determined by the fact that this suffix in the 1st person singular of the present or simple future tense does not alternate with -u(u), -u(u). AT 5. In the sentences below from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write down all the numbers that indicate commas when referring. - Here, (1) dad, (2) you and I can’t sleep, (3) and both of us are unhappy. - Unhappy?! he repeated in surprise. 2 And then my father blinked his kind eyes, (4) looked at me, (5) as if not understanding anything. - What are you, (6) dear! What are you talking about, (7) Hope? .. Everyone is alive, (8) there is no war, (9) everyone is assembled in my house - so I'm happy! I sobbed, (10) and he hugged me, (11) like a little one. All he needs is (12) for us to be all together. And he is ready to work day and night for this, (13) to work tirelessly. And when I left for my apartment, (14) lonely, (15) cold, (16) they, (17) mother and father, (18) stood on the landing, (19) and cried, (20) and waved , (21) and repeated after me: - We love you, (22) we love you! and now he went to the window to smoke. Leaning on the window sill, (6) my father looked at the rain, (7) at the stained glass, (8) and hearing my steps, (9) straightened up and turned around. His face seemed to me so pale, (10) old, (11) helpless, (12) wrinkles so tired, (13) that I almost thought of the worst. Maybe (14) he is sick and will die soon? AT 6. In the sentences below from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write down the number(s) denoting the commas between the parts of the compound sentence. AT 9. Write out the grammatical basis of sentence 5. I sobbed, (1) and he hugged me, (2) like a little one. All he needs is (3) for us to be all together. And he is ready to work day and night for this, (4) to work tirelessly. And when I left for my apartment, (5) lonely, (6) cold, (7) they, (8) mother and father, (9) stood on the landing, (10) and cried, (11) and waved , (12) and repeated after me: - We love you, (13) we love you! Warmed up in my heart. How much and how little a person needs for happiness! AT 11. Among sentences 6-15, find sentences with a separate circumstance (s). Write the numbers of these Offers. AT 7. In the sentence below, from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers denoting commas between parts of a complex sentence. AT 8. Replace the phrase IN THE HOUSE OF THE PARENTS (sentence 1), the control built on the basis of the connection, with a synonymous phrase with the connection agreement. Write the resulting phrase. AT 10 O'CLOCK. Among sentences 12-18, find a sentence with homogeneous members. Write the number of this offer. AT 12. Indicate the number of grammatical bases in sentence 1. Q13. Among sentences 1-5, find a complex non-union sentence. Write the number of this offer. B14. Among sentences 1-6, find a complex sentence with parallel subordination of subordinate clauses. Write the number of this offer. It was already the first hour of the night, (1) when I went to the kitchen, (2) to calm down. And the light was on in the kitchen, (3) because there was a father there, (4) who was writing another article. Father often worked at night, (5) 3 PART 3 Using the text from part 2, complete ONLY ONE of the tasks: C2.1 or C2.2 on a separate signed sheet. Before writing an essay, write down the task number: C2.1 or C2.2. Check out Anton and Kirill's opinion on the role of punctuation in writing. Find and give 2 examples from the read text that are illustrations for different sections of spelling. When giving examples, use citations. You can start an essay with a phrase belonging to Anton, or with your own statement. You can write work on your own behalf or on behalf of Anton. The essay must be at least 50 words. Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting. C2.2. Write an essay-reasoning. Explain how you - understand the meaning of the last phrase of the text: "How much and how little a person needs for happiness!" In your essay, give two arguments from the read text that confirm your reasoning. When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations (avoid overquoting). The essay must be at least 50 words. Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting. C2.1. Write an essay-reasoning "Why do we need spelling?" Considering the answer to the question, read the text of Y. Bondarev again. 4 Answers option No. 9 Part 1 No. the answer of the task 3 A1 2 A2 4 A3 3 A4 2 A5 1 A6 4 A7 Part 2 No. the answer of the task we do not know B1 late, heart, unhappy<поздний, к В2 сердцу, несчастный>holding back OT tormented, rolled B4 1, 2, 6, 7 B5 1 B6 1, 2, 3, 4, 13 B7 in the parental house B8 think B9 15 B10 9, 12, 15 B11 3 B12 2 B13 3 B14 5


1 OPTION 9 Part 1 The answers to tasks 1-25 are a number (number) or a word (several words), a sequence of numbers (numbers). Write down the answer in the answer field in the text of the work, and then transfer it to the ANSWER FORM: M 1 to the right of the task number, starting from the first cell, without spaces. commas and other additional characters. Write each letter or number in a separate box in accordance with the samples given in the form. Read the text and complete tasks 1-3. (1) Dialects, or folk dialects, were formed under the influence of many factors, for example, migration, trade or cultural relations with neighbors, features of the natural landscape. (2) Depending on the dialect features, the territory of Russia can be divided into three large parts: northern (Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Kostroma regions, etc.), southern (Ryazan, Kursk, Tula, Smolensk, Bryapsk regions, etc.) and Central Russian (Moscow , Yaroslavl, Nizhny Novgorod, Pskov, Vladimir, etc.). (3) The study of dialects has theoretical and practical implications: many linguistic features of dialects developed in ancient times,<... >the study of such phenomena makes it possible to better comprehend the individual facts of the modern literary language. 1. Indicate two sentences in which the HOME information contained in the text. Write down the numbers of these sentences. 1) Folk dialects were formed under the influence of many factors, and the territory of Russia can be divided into three large parts: northern, southern and Central Russian. 2) The dialects formed in ancient times under the influence of many factors, the features of which make it possible to divide the territory of Russia into northern, southern and Central Russian parts, contribute to a better understanding of certain facts of the modern literary language, and the importance of their study is connected with this. 3) Many factors: resettlement, trade and cultural ties with neighbors, features of the natural landscape - had a serious impact on the formation of dialects, or folk dialects, common throughout Russia. 4) The study of the dialects that developed in ancient times under the influence of many factors, the features of which determine the division of the territory of Russia into northern, southern and Central Russian parts, helps to better understand certain facts of the modern literary language. 5) Dialects are folk dialects that were formed under the influence of many factors, for example, migration, trade or cultural relations with neighbors, features of the natural landscape. ~" --~-~ 2. Which of the following words (combinations of words) should be in place of the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text? Write out this word (combination of words). 72

2 or so as.and if for 3. Read the fragment of the dictionary entry, which gives the meanings of the word COMPLETE. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the third (3) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry. fold, fold, fold; owls. 1) Compose, form from individual elements, parts; form. A collection of paintings gradually developed. The palace and park ensemble finally took shape by the end of the 18th century. Looks formed. 2) Organize, create (about a team, a group of people). The theater has a strong troupe. 3) Created in the process of creativity, mental activity. There was a song. There was a story. There was a phrase. 4) Take this or that turn, flow. That's how the circumstances came about. 4. In one of the words below, a mistake was made in setting the stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel was highlighted INCORRECTLY. Write out this word. giving away the darkly bent one created more beautiful 5. In one of the sentences below, the highlighted word is WRONGLY used. Correct the lexical error by choosing a paronym for the highlighted word. Write down the chosen word. As is known, during a certain period of the development of natural scientific knowledge, its GUMA NITARY component was rapidly declining. The word "rubusha" in local dialects refers to a basket made in haste from a SINGLE sheet of birch bark. In the PREDATORY aquatic plant pemphigus, growing in our reservoirs and swamps, the underwater parts are dotted with trapping bubbles. Russian physiological science has accumulated a huge amount of ACTUAL material based on an experimental study of the functions of the central nervous system man and animals. A LUCKY hunter is surrounded by universal honor: there is no greater honor than to feed the whole village with meat. 6. In one of the highlighted words below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly. fashionable FAN A for about an hour and a half, a pair of SOCKS around THEM SHOULD snow 73

3 7. Establish a correspondence between grammatical errors and sentences in which they are made: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column. GRAMMAR ERRORS A) a violation in the construction of a sentence with a participial turnover B) a violation in the construction of a sentence with a participial turnover C) a violation in the construction of a sentence with homogeneous members D) a violation in the construction of a complex sentence E) an error in the formation of the prepositional-case form of the noun SENTENCE 1) Thanks to the stability and convenience of the velomobile, it can be used by people of all ages and the most diverse physical fitness. 2) The passion for exploring the world around us is characteristic not only of man, but also of many animals. 3) Heraclitus of Ephesus, who lived at the turn of the 6th and 5th centuries, don. e. wrote that the world is full of contradictions and volatility, but time flows invariably. 4) In the IV century BC. e. Aristotle wrote that "arranging signs in the works of Heraclitus is a great work, because it is not clear what refers to what." 5) As if emboldened and becoming more and more determined, the wind mercilessly tears the tree foliage, ruthlessly crushes and bends the field cereals to the ground. 6) Having wiped off the dust, the photograph was taken by the mother from the wall, and, smiling proudly, the woman handed it to us. 7) Recall that one of the first astronomical discoveries of Galileo Galilei was connected precisely with the Moon. 8) Thanks to his speeches and rhetorical and philosophical works, Cicero became the creator of classical Latin fiction. 9) Researchers suggest that the ability to recognize starchy tastes may explain why people enjoy eating carbohydrate-rich foods so much. Write in the table the selected numbers under the corresponding letters. A B c d e 8. Determine the word in which the unstressed alternating vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter. ingr.. dient szh.. mother pr.. tendent och.. refining to.. lonnada 9. Identify the row in which the same letter is missing in both words. Write these words out with the missing letter. e.. communicated, e.

4 10. Write down the word in which the letter I is written at the place of the pass. peterburg. abandoned .. this meeting .. other (field) invisible .. my .. l (game) endured .. sh 12. Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is written CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word. Writers, by the power of their talent, created (NON) STANDARD, memorable literary images, and books began to live. own life capturing the imagination of readers. Park roses even in conditions middle lane Russia (NOT) NEED winter shelter and at the same time bloom profusely for a long time. Good opposes evil, courage and skill - thoughtless power, and let (NOT) ALWAYS good take over, but it purifies a person. Robinson Crusoe stood for a long time on the seashore waiting for the ship, (NOT) taking his eyes off the horizon. The listeners asked the lecturer to repeat (UN) HEARD because of the suddenly sounded phone call melody of the definition of concepts. 13. Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words. (DARK) Makar's BROWN hair was still quite thick; the look was extremely kind, but AS (IF) windy and playfully mocking. Our visiting guest THAT (SAME) argued extremely skillfully, SO (WHAT) everyone saw that he was arguing, but meanwhile no one was offended. The squadron drove around the infantry, SO (SAME) trying to go faster, went downhill and approached ANY (THAT) deserted village. Dersu (C)NA CHALA sat, indifferently resting his chin on his hand, but LITTLE (SLOW) his severe features softened. (ON) AT THE HOME, the path of the friends lay across the plain, and (3A) THAT they found themselves at the foot of high mountains, from which stormy water streams flew, sparkling in the sun. 14. Indicate all the numbers in the place of which NI is written. The territory surrounded (l) by the modern (2) Boulevard Ring was once a fortified (3) district: from the end of the 16th to the middle of the 18th century, a wall of white stone was located on the site of the boulevards. 15. Arrange punctuation marks. Write two sentences in which you need to put ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences. 1) Such amazing roses, camellia lilies and tulips of such a variety of colors Kovrin did not happen to see anywhere else. 75

5 2) The rushing wind tore off the white cover of hoarfrost from the birches and the darkened silhouettes of the trees leaned towards each other in the approaching twilight. 3) Dolphins either dived or jumped out to the surface of the water with amazing force. 4) Raskolnikov's closet was under the very roof of a high five-story building and looked like a closet. 5) Around Seliger, mixed forests and coniferous forests stretch for many tens of kilometers. (s). Rising (1) among low shrubs (2) the old linden glistens in the rays of the setting sun (3) as if doused from protruding roots to a spreading crown (4) with liquid gold Place all the missing punctuation marks: indicate the number (s) in place of which ( -s) the sentence must contain a comma(s). Gardens of medicinal plants in all countries of the world belong (1) undoubtedly (2) to the number of the oldest park complexes, it was from them (3) that, according to some scientists (4), the development of garden art began. 18. Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number (s) in the place of which (s) in the sentence should (s) be a comma (s). Any historical heritage consists of grains (1) each (2) of which (3) individually may not have great independent significance (4) but in combination they create a single picture of the past Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number (s), in the place of which (s) in the sentence should (s) be a comma (s). Attempts to decipher the cuneiform text on the Phaistos disc with its icons (1) which are typical for Egyptian hieroglyphs(2) did not lead to any meaningful result (3) and (4) although the design of the icons resembles hieroglyphs (5) even experienced Egyptologists were unable to understand them. 20. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by eliminating the extra word. Write out this word. The Department of Labor and Employment of the Population provides a free service to those who are looking for a job: after filling out an electronic questionnaire, you can get acquainted with the list of vacancies that exist on the labor market Read the text and complete the tasks where everything was at hand: hunting, fishing, mushrooms, and berries. (2) And so that there would certainly be reserved silence - without these forced street radio speakers, which in a rare village now do not rattle from early morning until late at night, without this iron roar of cars, which I was fed up with in the city. 76

6 (3) A village with seven houses, on a large river, and around the forest - deaf spruce forests with upland game, cheerful mushroom pine forests. (4) Walk - do not be lazy. (5) True, I was not lucky with the weather - it rarely rained on a rare day. (b) but I did not lose heart. (7) I found one more occupation - the master's house. (8) Oh, what a house it was! (9) There were only four living quarters in it: a hut, a hut-ladder, a tower with a carved balcony, and a side room. (lo) and besides them there was also a bright canopy with a staircase to the porch, and a crate, and a lead of seven fathoms in length - they used to drive on it on a pair, and below, under the wind, a yard with various benches and barns. (ll) and now, when there were no owners at home (and during the day they are always at work), for me there was no greater joy than wandering around this amazing house - wandering barefoot, slowly. (12) Waddle. (13) So that not only with the heart and mind, but also with the soles of the feet, feel past times. (14) Now, with the arrival of the old mistress, it was necessary to put an end to these revelry around the house - this was clear to me. (15) And in my museum studies - as I called the collection of old peasant utensils and dishes scattered throughout the house - I also have to put an end to it. (16) In the evening, I sat for a long time in a boat stuck to the shore. (17) The fog had already tightly covered the river, so that the fire lit on the other side, in the owners' house, looked like a muddy yellow spot, the stars had already poured out in the sky (yes, everything was suddenly - both fog and stars), but I sat and sat and inflamed himself. (18) My name was. (19) 3val Maxim, called Evgenia, and I bit the bit and - not a word. (20) And so I sat like an owl in a boat and waited. (21) I was waiting for the fire to go out on the other side. (22) So that at least for a while, until tomorrow, until morning, to postpone the meeting with the old woman. I'm chilled - (23) I don't know how long my seat in the boat lasted. (24) I was hungry, from dampness, from the night cold, and in the end I took up the oar. (25) 0 the drive on the other side has done me an invaluable service. (26) Focusing on him, I quite easily, without wandering in the fog, moved across the river, then just as easily along the path, past the old bathhouse, I climbed up the garden to the house. (27) In the house, to my considerable surprise, it was quiet, and if it weren’t for the bright fire in the window, one would think that everyone was already sleeping there. (28) I stood, stood under the windows, listening, and decided, without going into the hut, to go up to me. (29) But I still had to go into the hut. (30) Because, opening the gate, I rattled the iron ring so that the whole house trembled from the ringing. -(31) Found out? - I heard a voice from the stove. - (32) Well, thank God. (33) And I lie and think everything, at least everything was fine. (34) It seems that never in my life have I been so ashamed of myself, of my reckless irascibility, and I, not daring to raise my eyes up, to where the old woman was lying on the stove, left the hut. (35) In the morning I woke up early, as soon as the owners started walking downstairs. (36) But today, despite the fact that the old wooden house hummed and trembled with each of its logs and each of its ceilings, I forced myself to lie down until eight o'clock: even if today there will be no my guilt in front of the old man, who naturally wants to rest from the road. (37) But what was my surprise when, descending from the tower, I saw only one Evgenia in the hut - the young mistress! - (38) And where is Milentyevna? - (39) Mom, you know, left behind her lips. - (40) 3a lips! (41) Did Milentyevna leave for mushrooms? - (42) Why? (43) It was not yet five when she left. (44) As soon as it began to get light. -(45)0day? (46) I imagined how somewhere out there, across the river, in this damp and cold fog, old Milentievna was now wandering with a box, and ran to the barn to chop wood. (4 7) In case you have to flood the bathhouse for a chilly old woman. (48) I ran out to the river three times that morning, and Evgenia probably ran out the same number of times, and yet we did not guard Milentievna. (49) She appeared suddenly. (50) I don’t know, whether it was because the gate on the porch was not locked, or whether Evgenia and I talked too much, but only suddenly the door leaned back, and I saw her 77

7 - - - tall, wet, with a hem tucked up in a peasant way, with two large birch bark boxes in their hands, full of mushrooms. (51) Evgenia and I jumped out from the table to take these boxes. (52) And Milentievna herself, not stepping very firmly, went to the counter by the stove and sat down. (53) 0not tired, of course. (54) This was evident both from her thin, thin face, washed to paleness by the current plentiful fogs, and from her noticeably trembling head. (55) But at the same time, how much blissful satisfaction and quiet happiness was in her blue, slightly covered eyes ... (56) The happiness of an old man, well, who worked hard and again and again proved to himself and to people that he was not in vain in this world lives. (According to F. Abramov *) * Fedor Alexandrovich, Abramov (gg.) - Russian Soviet writer, literary critic, publicist. 21. Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Give the answer numbers. 1) The village where the narrator stayed was small, with seven houses, located on a large river surrounded by spruce and pine forests. 2) Milentievna was the hostess in the house where the narrator spent the summer. 3) The narrator assumed that the arrival of Milentievna would interfere with his solitude, the established daily routine, and the study of peasant life. 4) Milentievna expected that the narrator would gladly go with her early in the morning to pick mushrooms. 5) When the hostess came with mushrooms, the narrator, continuing to feel awkward, left so as not to catch her eye. 22. Which of the following statements are true? Specify the answer numbers. 1) Sentence 3 contains a description of the place. 2) Sentences 9-10 clarify sentence 8. 3) Sentences 27 and 28 are contrasted in content. 4) Sentences contain a narrative. 5) Sentence 56 contains a consequence of what is said in the sentence From the sentences, write out one phraseological unit. 24. Among the sentences, find one (s) that is (s) connected with the previous one with the help of demonstrative and possessive pronouns. Write the number(s) of this offer(s). Read a fragment of a review compiled on the basis of the text that you analyzed while completing the tasks. This fragment examines the language features of the text. Some terms used in the review are missing. Fill in the gaps (A, B, C, D) with the numbers corresponding to the numbers of the terms from the list. Write in the table under each letter the corresponding number. 78

8 Write the sequence of numbers on the JVO ANSWER FORM 1 to the right of the task number 25, starting from the first cell, without spaces. commas and other additional characters. Write each number in accordance with the samples given in the form. 25. (4Fyodor Abramov describes the life of the northern village with great love. The narrator's style is concise, close to the conversational style. It is no coincidence that the text is filled with various lexical means of expression, among which (A) (<склеть», <споветь» в предложении 10; <сза губами >in sentences 39, 40) and (B) (<споставить крест >in sentences 14, 15), helping the author to recreate the situation, convey the local color and express his attitude to the upcoming changes. The narrator gives an assessment of his behavior, reflecting the dissatisfaction experienced, with the help of such a trope as (B) (<скак сыч» в предложении 20). Синтаксическое средство - (Г) (в предложениях 55, 56) - помогает писателю полнее передать чувства, испытываемые Милентьевной, и истоки этих чувств». Список терминов: 1) эпитет 6) синонимы 2) сравнение 7) антонимы 3) фразеологизм 8) олицетворение 4) диалектизмы 9) восклицательные предложения 5) ряды однородных членов А Б в г Не забудьте перенести все ответы в БЛАНК ОТВЕТОВ JVO 1 в соответствии с инструкцией по выполнению работы. Часть2 Для ответа па это задание используйте БЛАНК ОТВЕТОВ JVO Напишите сочинение по прочитанному тексту. Сформулируйте одну из проблем, поставленных автором текста. Прокомментируйте сформулированную проблему. Включите в комментарий два примераиллюстрации из прочитанного текста, которые, по Вашему мнению, важны для понимания проблемы исходного текста (избегайте чрезмерного цитирования). Сформулируйте позицию автора (рассказчика). Напишите, согласны или не согласны Вы с точкой зрения автора прочитанного текста. Объясните почему. Своё мнение аргументируйте, опираясь в первую очередь на читательский опыт, а также на знания и жизненные наблюдения (учитываются первые два аргумента). Объём сочинения - не менее 150 слов. Работа, написанная без опоры на прочитанный текст (не по данному тексту), не оценивается. Если сочинение представляет собой пересказанный или полностью переписанный исходный текст без каких бы то ни было комментариев, такая работа оценивается нулём баллов. Сочинение пишите аккуратно, разборчивым почерком. 79

Russian language. Grade 9 1 Instructions for the performance of work 4 hours (240 minutes) are given to complete the examination work in the Russian language. The work consists of 3 parts. Part 1 includes 1 task (C1) and presents

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Option 9

Part 1. The answers to tasks 1–24 are a word, a phrase, a number or a sequence of words, numbers.

Write your answer to the right of the task number without spaces, commas or other additional characters.

Read the text and do tasks 1-3.

(1) Getting into such environmental conditions in which continuation life processes impossible, some organisms can fall into suspended animation, that is, a state characterized by a sharp decrease or even temporary cessation of metabolism. (2) ______ suspended animation is an important adaptation of many species of living beings to adverse environmental conditions. (H) Deep freezing of eggs of especially valuable farm animals for long-term storage and subsequent wide use - an example of the use of suspended animation in practical activities of people.

1. Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the MAIN information contained in the text?

1. In the process of practical activity, people have learned to use the state of suspended animation, which is characteristic of some organisms.

2. The state of anabiosis allows some species of animals to adapt to adverse conditions in which the continuation of life processes is impossible.

3. People in their practical activities can use the state of suspended animation, which allows some animals to adapt to adverse living conditions.

4. The state of anabiosis is caused by the entry of organisms into such conditions under which the continuation of life processes is difficult or impossible.

5. The state of anabiosis, which allows some animals to adapt to adverse environmental conditions, can be used in practical human activities.

2. Which of the following words (combinations of words) should be in place of the gap in the second (2) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).

1. Despite this,

3. So

5. Because

3. Read the fragment of the dictionary entry, which gives the meaning of the word CONDITION.

Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the first (1) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

CONDITION, -i, cf.

1. The circumstance from which sth. depends. Self-demanding - success.

2. A claim made by one of the contracting parties. State your terms. Armistice terms.

3. An oral or written agreement about something, an agreement (outdated). Conclude, break the terms.

4. pl. what. The rules established in some areas of life and activity. On preferential terms. Conditions of residence in the hostel.

5. pl. The setting in which something happens. Good conditions for work. natural conditions. Living conditions. Operate under favorable conditions.

6. usually pl. Data, requirements from which to proceed. Conditions of the problem.

4. In one of the words below, a mistake was made in setting the stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel was highlighted INCORRECTLY. Write out this word.


EXPERTISE 5. In one of the sentences below, the underlined word is WRONGLY used. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

1. Yakov Podkova - the instigator of the fight - was the first to leave the yard.

2. Idle way of life was the cause of the death of not only individuals, but also entire states.

3. The greatness of the landscape is given by CENTURY-OLD spruces and firs.

4. Bringing out the fire is the most IMPRESSIVE moment of the ceremony.

5. By the end of school, my parents gave me a MEMORABLE gift.

6. In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the form of the word. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.


pack of PASTA


Driving forces

LEG on back

7. Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) misuse

case form of a noun

with a pretext

B) build error

sentences with homogeneous members

C) violation in construction

proposals with inconsistent application

D) violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate

D) violation in construction

adverbial sentences


1) When reading art books, my father made notes in the margins.

2) Having visited the mountains once, we have explored many interesting places.

3) Many who did not know about the habits of our cat, at first tried to caress and stroke him.

travel to the Caucasus.

5) Thanks to amazing perseverance and self-discipline, Andrei received a diploma with honors.

6) The peasantry for many centuries fought against the landlords.

7) The cards prepared by scientists are intended for the catalog of the Institute of Linguistics.

8) Since ancient times, not only riddles have been fun game mind and imagination, but also a serious test.

9) Work on the poem "Dead Souls" by N.V. Gogol began on the advice of A.S. Pushkin.

8. Determine the word in which the unstressed alternating vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.


watch9. Find a row in which the same letter is missing in both words. Write these words out with the missing letter.

with ... zmala, take ... mother

and ... spend, ra ... burn able, pr...miracle

s ... river, in ... general

monkey ... yana, in ... it turns out10. Write down the word in which the letter I is written in place of the gap.


zakle... vyotcha... ny hovered... lava hung... ny11. Write down the word in which the letter E is written in place of the gap.

Hall...Damn...shvydel...shnezavisited...myhating...whoever12. Indicate the sentence in which NOT with the word is written CONTINUOUSLY. Write out this word.

1) Raisky considered himself by no means (not) a backward person.

2) In his dreams, he discovered yet (un)explored lands

3) Even a stone (not) processed by the master struck with an original pattern.

4) The depth of the idea in the novel is (in)extricably combined with artistry.

13. Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

1) (DURING) DURING the trip, we got a lot of vivid impressions, (FROM) THAT everyone was in a great mood.

2) (TO) THE TOP of the tent was attached a red flag, and (B) BOTTOM, at the entrance, a soft rug was spread.

3) (AT) THE BEGINNING of summer the weather was rainy, (FOR) THEN a real drought began.

4) You THAT (SAME) rested in the Crimea and (FOR) THIS know these places so well?

5) We sailed (FOR) LUCK, AS (AS) the darkness after the lightning seemed even thicker.

14. Indicate all the numbers in the place of which N is written.

It was overcast and windy(1)o. Foam (2) waves rolled onto a long (3) sandy (4) shoal. All around the curtain (5) about the veil of rain.

15. Arrange punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1. The deep silence in nature was broken only by a monotonous noise and the buzzing of insects.

2. After long rains, the leaves and grasses and flowers were full of moisture.

3. The shore and the sky were reflected in the pond and the sun's rays sparkled.

4. For many years I have not been to my homeland, and each new visit fills my heart with joy and sadness.

5. Twilight was approaching and we had to hurry home.

16. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers where commas should be in the sentence.

Soon (1) embarrassed (2) he was sitting in front of me (3) looking at the floor (4) and (5) nervously tapping the table with his fingers.

17. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers where commas should be in the sentences.

Mom (1) of course (2) began to beg her grandmother to tell fortunes. She denied for a long time (3), but (4) finally (5) agreed.

18. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers where commas should be in the sentence.

The river wound in a wide ribbon (1) among the high banks (2) along (3) which (4) there were thickets of thorns.

19. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers where commas should be in the sentence.

When we lived in Koktebel (1), my father devoted all his time to drawing (2) and (3) when the weather allowed (4), he disappeared for days with an easel on the shore.

Read the text and complete tasks 20-25.


(1) He flew to his mother's funeral. (2) The flight to his plane has already been postponed several times. (3) And other flights were pushed back. (4) The airport was overcrowded with passengers.

(5) He walked and walked between sitting and scurrying passengers for several hours. (6) Now, when he began to earn decently and could already full force help her mother, she fell ill and died. (7) He thought that no one in the world would ever know about the dedication of his mother, about her great patience, love, about her incredible efforts to raise her children alone. (8) And now, having put everyone on their feet, almost suddenly she died, instead of fading away long and quietly, caressing her grandchildren and feeling the grateful love of her adult children.

(9) Mother is a short holiday on Earth.

(10) These words of a poet unknown to him now rang in his head. (11) What an injustice! (12) And no one will ever understand what she was for her loved ones, and there is no way to retell it, because her love and selflessness were in the thousands of details that his heart kept, and it cannot be expressed in words, and there is no person, who would like to hear and understand all this. (13) “What an injustice,” he thought, walking and walking between people sitting on benches and scurrying around the airport hall.

(14) Mother is a short holiday on Earth.

(15) Suddenly, his attention was attracted by a woman of about thirty, obviously a peasant woman in clothes, sitting with bundles at her feet. (16) His attention was attracted by the expression of extraordinary sorrow on her face, and then he noticed a boy of about six years old sitting next to her. (17) A monstrous tumor the size of a pigeon's egg blushed over the boy's eye. (18) The boy's face was serene, it was clear that he did not experience any pain, especially since his hands were constantly moving, he was busy with a toy car.

(19) He stopped, struck by the face of this woman. (20) Of course, the expression of grief on her face was associated with the illness of this boy. (21) Of course, she flew to Moscow to show him to the doctors. (22) What did they tell her? (23) Hardly anything comforting. (24) Otherwise, why such grief on her face?

(25) He looked and looked at the ordinary face of a Russian woman. (26) In the ordinary sense, it was neither ugly nor beautiful. (27) But now it was unusual. (28) She silently looked into some exorbitant distance, and her face shone with quiet, uncomplaining grief.

((29) It contained all the sorrow of the world, and he felt that it contained the sorrow for his mother, as if he knew no worse than him about her selflessly courageous, patient life. (30) And he remembered that all life sorrow was the main expression on his mother's face, but he was so used to this expression that he did not understand it. (31) And only now did he understand. (32) And this woman, who was much younger not only to his mother, but also to himself , suddenly seemed to him like his mother.

(33) In his life, he saw a lot of pretty, sweet, beautiful female faces. (34) And only now, shocked, he realized that for the first time he saw a beautiful face.

(35) And he suddenly wanted to fall on his knees in front of this woman and kiss her hand in gratitude, to tell her everything that he did not have time to tell his mother. (36) However, he did not move, but only looked at her face. (37) He knew that even if the airport was empty and there was not a single witness, he would not have fallen on his knees in front of her. (38) He was the son of his time, and shame before the frankness of reverence prevented him from doing this.

(39) And he looked and looked at this face glowing with sorrow, turned into an exorbitant distance. (40) And for some reason it became easier for him, more enlightened. (41) “In this world, everything beautiful mourns,” he thought, “and everything that mourns is beautiful.”

(42) And he suddenly realized with absolute certainty that only sorrow is beautiful and only it will save the world. (43) And is it by chance that the face of the Mother of God is always sad? ..

(44) And a boy with a monstrous tumor above his eye played serenely with his typewriter.

(According to F. Iskander *)

* Fazil Abdulovich Iskander (born March 6, 1929) - Soviet and Russian prose writer and poet. Fame came to the writer in 1966 after the publication in the "New World" of the story "Constellation of Kozlotur". The plot of many of his works takes place in the village of Chegem, where the author spent a significant part of his childhood.

20. Which of the statements contradict the content of the text? Specify the answer numbers.

1. The attention of the hero was attracted by a woman with an expression of extraordinary grief on her face.

2. The boy's face was contorted in pain.

3. The woman at the airport was much older than the hero.

4. Throughout his life, grief was the main expression on the face of the hero's mother.

5. The hero knelt down in front of the woman and kissed her hand.

21. Which of the following statements are false? Specify the answer numbers.

1. Sentences 1-3 present the narrative.

2. In sentences 11-13, reasoning is presented.

3. Sentence 31 clarifies the content of sentence 30.

4. Sentences 26-28 provide a description.

22. From sentences 19-26 write out antonyms (antonymic pair).

23. Among sentences 13-17, find one that is related to the previous one with the help of lexical repetition and forms of the same word. Write the number of this offer.

24. Read a fragment of a review based on the text that you analyzed while doing tasks 20-23. Fill in the gaps (A, B, C, D) with the numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list. Write in the table under each letter the corresponding number.

“Fazil Iskander creates the image of a woman-mother with special reverence. The main device organizing the text is (A) _____ (“sorrow” in sentences 20, 24, 29, 39, etc.) The author also uses (B) _____ (“pretty, sweet, beautiful” in sentence 33) and (C ) _____ (proposition 11). With the help of (D) _____ (sentences 22, 24, 43), the writer invites us to think together on the problems posed.

List of terms:

1) an oxymoron

2) lexical repetition

3) metaphor

4) gradation

5) parceling

6) one-part sentences

7) comparison

8) rhetorical questions

9) rhetorical exclamation

Write an essay based on the text you read. Formulate one of the problems posed by the author of the text. Comment on the formulated problem. Include two examples in a comment-

illustrations from the read text that you think are important for understanding the problem in the source text (avoid overquoting).

Formulate the position of the author (narrator). Write whether you agree or disagree with the point of view of the author of the read text. Explain why. Argue your opinion, relying primarily on the reader's experience, as well as on knowledge and life observations (the first two arguments are taken into account).

The volume of the essay is at least 150 words.

A work written without relying on the text read (not on this text) is not evaluated.

If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite of the source text without any comments, then such work is evaluated by zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

Answers to tasks of part 1

2) thus3) 5

4) wholesale

5) impressive

6) pasta

8) reject

9) monkey curls 10) seal

11) hated

12) inextricably

13) also therefore14) 145

22) ugly beautiful or beautiful ugly 23) 16

Approximate range of problems

1. The problem of the mother's role in human life. (What is the role of a mother in a person's life?)

2. The problem of grief. (Why do people mourn?)

3. The problem of attitude to the mother. (What should be the attitude towards the mother?)

4. The problem of true beauty. (Why is sorrow beautiful?)

1. A mother is a spiritual support for her children. A true mother is always ready to be patient and

make incredible efforts to grow them.

2. Sorrow is one of the manifestations of spirituality, without which a person is inconceivable, therefore grief is beautiful.

3. A person should appreciate every minute spent next to his mother. The death of a mother is an irreparable loss that generates grief.

4. A grieving face is beautiful because in suffering

manifests the living human soul.