Private kindergarten monthly income. How to open a private home kindergarten? Organizational Business Plan Private Kindergarten

If you have friends with small children or you yourself are a young parent, then you probably know how difficult it is to arrange your child in a good Kindergarten conveniently located in relation to your home or place of work.

The lack of gardens forces parents to enroll their baby in a group immediately after his birth, often - to give bribes so that someone else does not take this place.

All this suggests that owning a garden can become a good private business, and yet, not all entrepreneurs want to open a private kindergarten and are in no hurry to invest in these projects.

And there are good reasons for this, because although owning a preschool can be a lucrative business, starting one comes with a lot of hardships.

Capital investments - 500,000 rubles.
Payback - 1-2 years.

Benefits of opening a private kindergarten

Before moving on to the difficulties associated with this type of business, I would like to say about a number of advantages that a person who decides to open his own private kindergarten will receive:

  • With the right approach, this type of business does not require big investments.
    In addition, there are a number of factors on which you can save without harming your wallet.
  • There are not so many private kindergartens in our country, so if you create good conditions for kids and do not overprice, you can build a profitable business.
  • There are still too few public gardens in every city to cover the needs of the population.
  • Public preschools do not always meet the requirements of parents, so you can compare favorably with them.
  • Opening a private kindergarten does not require you to have special knowledge or skills.
    Pedagogical or medical education- an additional trump card, not a prerequisite.

Who needs to open a private kindergarten?

This type of business is feminine, like opening a beauty salon or a florist shop.

Men prefer simpler types entrepreneurial activity. And this is good, because it automatically reduces the number of your competitors.

And yet, even among the fair sex, there are those who simply by all means should open their own private kindergarten:

  1. Young mothers with small children.

    You can combine raising a child with making money. You will not have to give your child into the wrong hands, but get the opportunity to surround him with your care and attention every day.

  2. Women who have a medical degree in pediatrics or a kindergarten teacher diploma.

    So you can save on the salary of either a teacher or a doctor, without which opening a kindergarten is simply impossible.

  3. People who have their own private house with good yard.

    In this case, you can open a kindergarten right at home, having fulfilled all the sanitary and fire conditions, significantly saving on renting a suitable room.

    You can, of course, try to open an institution right in your apartment, but it will be much more difficult to do this.

Difficulties associated with opening a private kindergarten

Of course, any type of business is associated with certain difficulties that will have to be overcome in the course of work, but opening a private kindergarten has unique difficulties that scare those who think about this type of entrepreneurial business:
  1. Large initial investment that is disproportionate to future earnings.
  2. The need to negotiate with many state inspection bodies: a sanitation station, a fire service, red tape associated with obtaining a license, etc.
  3. Problems with lending in modern crisis time especially when it comes to money-back guarantees as risky as a new deal.

    This means that you need to have your own solid start-up capital, which is hardly possible, given the average income of our citizens.

Solving the difficulties associated with opening a private kindergarten

And yet there are no hopeless situations. Each of the above difficulties is completely solvable.

  1. If you sit down and at least roughly calculate how much money you need to open a private kindergarten, you get a truly frightening amount: about half a million rubles.

    But the estimated earnings are much more modest, so you can return the initial investment no earlier than in a few years, and even then, with the right approach to business.

    To reduce the amount of initial investment, you need to understand what you can save on:

    • on food for children (your kindergarten may work part-time, or you can even agree with parents to give food trays to children from home);
    • on the health worker(hire a part-time doctor to come a couple of times a week or sign a contract with a medical service);
    • on the premises (by opening a kindergarten at home), etc.
  2. Dealing with public services means experiencing all the delights of the bureaucracy and corruption that are blooming in our country. There are three ways to avoid all this:
    • having a well-connected lawyer among friends or relatives who will save you from having to run around the offices of officials and organize everything himself in the best possible way;
    • working illegally, but in this case you will not be able to dial large group children, hire staff to help or openly advertise your institution, although this option is not bad as a way to earn money;
    • calling the institution you opened not a kindergarten, but a development center, then you will not have to obtain a license, fulfill the requirements public services regarding the premises, etc.
  3. Today, banks are very reluctant to give loans to start a new business.

    Finding investors who would like to invest in such a risky and not promising business as a kindergarten will also not be easy.

    If you don't have enough own funds to open a kindergarten, you can look for like-minded people, for example, the same young mothers who do not trust state kindergartens, but do not want to isolate their child from communication with peers.

Step-by-step instructions for opening a private kindergarten

In order to open your kindergarten according to the state model (several groups, three meals a day, a full set of staff), you will need a lot of money, which you are unlikely to ever return.

The financial condition of even middle-income parents does not allow them to pay huge sums for pre-school education of their children.

This step-by-step instruction will show how to open a small private kindergarten (2 groups of 10 people: 2–4 years old, 4–6 years old), which does not require huge investments, doing everything according to the law so as not to be afraid of the tax and be able to formalize the staff of the institution. The institution will not be opened in its own apartment, but in a rented room.

Registration of an enterprise and obtaining state certification

If you want to open a kindergarten, then first you have to study the federal law“On Education”, to understand what can and cannot be done.

Educational organization - non-profit institution, so you need to draw it up at the Ministry of Justice. The term is 30 days (sometimes more).

If you already have a suitable premises, then you will be spared the problem of what legal address your kindergarten will have. Otherwise, you will have to consult with lawyers about which legal address you can use, perhaps even your home address will do.

After you register your non-profit organization, pay all mandatory fees, you should register it with the tax service and with the Authorities state statistics. The state inspector must confirm that the premises you have chosen meet all standards, issue you a document that you have passed the certification and can start working.

What else needs to be done when registering a private kindergarten:

  • .
    It is worth immediately setting a condition for parents so that they pay for the stay of their children in a private kindergarten by bank transfer. This will save you the trouble of putting cash register at home.
  • Choose a taxation system.
    You are entitled to a simplified preferential taxation system.

You should not deal with the registration procedure for a private kindergarten on your own if you do not have the relevant experience. It is better to spare no expense and hire a good lawyer who will take care of all the nuances and speed up the launch of your business.

It's hard to say how much all of the above costs, but get ready for the fact that you will need at least 30,000 rubles.


This is perhaps one of the most difficult and important tasks that a person who wants to open a private kindergarten faces.

Leave the idea of ​​​​organizing a preschool in your apartment on legal grounds, since such premises do not meet fire and sanitary standards.

It is better to use the following options:

  1. Rent or buy a private house.
    It should have a sufficient area (at least 150–200 sq. m.), 4–5 large rooms + a kitchen / dining room and a good garden plot where you can make a playground for outdoor games.
  2. Rent the premises of the old kindergarten.
    Here, of course, repairs will have to be made, but the building will have all the necessary infrastructure, because it was built to work with children.
  3. Rent part of the room from the nursery non-profit organization, for example, former House pioneers, the Youth Palace, etc.

If you do not have your own private house in order to open a private kindergarten there, then get ready to pay for the rent of one square meter from 400 rubles. This amount may be higher if you wish to open your establishment closer to the center or the price of renting one square meter in your city is too high.


For a private kindergarten for two groups, you will definitely need the following staff:

If you want to provide children with three meals a day, you will also have to hire a cook, but it’s better not to take on such obligations, but to agree with the parents that they will give the kids food in trays with them, and you will only warm it up at lunch.

They can have breakfast and dinner at home. And afternoon snacks can be organized as simple as possible: tea / packaged juice, cookies, ready-made curds, yogurts, fruits.

In addition, part-time employees will have to be hired who will come to classes for children 2-3 times a week:

You can reduce this item of expenditure if you conclude a contract with a private medical service that you will call them only in case of emergency.
If you can take on one of the above private kindergarten staff responsibilities, you are already saving one of the rates.

Arrangement of a private kindergarten

You will need many different things, but the basic shopping list looks like this:

Quantity Salary (rub) Total (rub)
Total:250 000 rub
Cribs20 15 000 30 000
Tables and chairs40 1000 40 000
Carpets5 2000 10 000
Toys for boys and girls of different ages20 500 10 000
Linens40 1000 40 000
Arrangement of the gym 30 000 30 000
Music center, TV, DVD, washing machine, laptop, printer 50 000 50 000
Additional expenses 40 000 40 000

Get ready for the fact that the additional costs of opening a private kindergarten may be much more than indicated in the table.

Stages of opening a private kindergarten

Stage Apr. May June July Aug. Sept.
Business registration and certification+
Room rental and renovation +
Purchase necessary equipment, furniture, etc. +
Purchase of toys, equipment and other +
Recruitment +
Advertising + + +
Opening of a kindergarten +

It takes about six months for the kindergarten to start working.

Table of expenses for opening a private kindergarten

Item of expenses Amount (in rubles)
Total:500,000 - 600,000 rubles.
Company registration30 000 – 40 000
Premises for rent (150–200 sq.m.)60,000 - 80,000 (per month)
Premises renovation50 000 – 100 000
Arrangement of a kindergarten250 000
Employee salary44,000 - 50,000 (per month)
Advertising10 000
Additional expenses50 000

And that's not counting taxes and other unplanned expenses.

to open a private kindergarten.

How much can you earn by opening a private kindergarten

Talking about how much you can earn per month is quite difficult. It all depends on whether your private kindergarten will operate full-time or only half a day. In addition, much depends on the popularity of the preschool educational institution.

Agree, it’s stupid to overprice if no one is in a hurry to sign up for you.

The average cost of visiting a private kindergarten for one child is 10,000 rubles.
If you have 20 kids, then the monthly income is 200,000 rubles.

Not too much to start with, but by making your establishment popular, you can raise prices and expand, for example, by making 3-4 groups instead of 2.

As you can see, in order to open a private kindergarten, decent funds are needed, and the payback of such a project is a long-term matter. You can significantly cut costs if you open a garden at your home, but in this case, you should be prepared for the fact that the income will be even less, and there will be no problems with the tax if they decide to check you.

And yet semi-legal, organized in apartments, private kindergartens are successfully functioning. Choose for yourself how you want to do it.

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An increase in the birth rate, huge queues for a place in a state (municipal) kindergarten, and a general improvement in the quality of life of Russians lead to the fact that opening a private kindergarten as a business is becoming a very promising area.

In addition, this is a great opportunity for a woman to start her own business. After all, finding a job today for a mother “on maternity leave” is not at all easy. In million cities this service is becoming more and more popular. Gradually "pull up" and smaller cities.

Benefits of opening a private kindergarten as a business idea

In addition to private kindergartens, designed in accordance with all the rules and licensed to provide educational services There are also home kindergartens. Such institutions operate, as a rule, semi-legally. In an apartment in which only a few rooms are given over to a garden.

To create such a kindergarten, you only need to register your activities as an individual entrepreneur. However, legally commercial activities not allowed in a residential area. This is punishable by the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and a fine of 10 to 15 minimum wages (1000-1500 rubles).

Opening a private kindergarten is great.

For parents and their children, the advantages of a private kindergarten over a home one are obvious:

  • safety of children (own fenced area for walking, security);
  • legality (the state, issuing permission to the kindergarten, thereby takes part of the responsibility for its activities).

How to open a private kindergarten?

Kindergarten - Preschool educational institution, the creation and operation of which is regulated by the law of the Russian Federation "On Education", the norms of SanPina. The activity of a preschool institution is subject to compulsory licensing.

At home, in an apartment

The organization of a private kindergarten in an apartment is not a completely legal matter. It is allowed to engage in commercial activities, according to the law (Article 17 of the LC RF), in premises classified as non-residential.

In addition, bring the apartment in full compliance with the norms. fire safety and SanPina (for children preschool institutions) almost impossible.

More than 6 - 8 children cannot be accommodated in standard apartment dimensions. Including games room, bedroom and dining area.

If, nevertheless, it is decided to create a kindergarten in the apartment, then it is necessary to register as an individual entrepreneur. Rent a large 3-4 room apartment. Think over the fire safety system to the smallest detail. Make a good repair. Purchase the necessary furniture, toys and other equipment. good example such a garden can be seen in this video:

A practical and correct decision would be to organize a private kindergarten at home. In such an institution, several groups can be brought up at once, total strength 40-50 people. Not a very large private house or cottage is quite suitable.

The most cost-effective filling of a private kindergarten is considered to be 3 groups of 10-15 children each.

The necessary conditions

The premises of the future kindergarten must meet all the standards of SanPin and Gospozhnadzora provided for preschool institutions. So, for each child, according to the norms, a minimum of 4 square meters is provided. m. Must be:

  • a separate room for sleeping;
  • a separate room for games and activities;
  • a separate room for physical education and outdoor games, music lessons;
  • various teaching aids, toys;
  • laundry room with washing machine;
  • catering from all over necessary inventory for cooking and eating;
  • equipped medical office;
  • bathroom.

For the functioning of the kindergarten, you will also need staff:

  1. A director who must have good organizational skills (if you do not plan to manage the kindergarten on your own).
  2. Educator. More precisely, two educators per group and a nanny.
  3. Methodist. Must be well versed in modern early development techniques.
  4. Psychologist.
  5. Kitchen and laundry workers.
  6. Cleaners.

Permits and documents

To obtain a license for the right to engage in educational activities, you need to collect a certain package of documents:

  • charter of a private kindergarten;
  • a document confirming the registration of the institution;
  • a lease agreement for premises (or a contract of sale);
  • conclusions from the SES and the State Fire Supervision Service that the premises meet all the necessary requirements;
  • certified educational program;
  • a document confirming the completeness of all the necessary educational and methodological literature;
  • information about the accepted personnel and the number of groups.

Calculation of approximate investments for starting a business

  1. Room rental - 35-500 thousand rubles per month, depending on the region and other conditions.
  2. Repair - from 100 thousand rubles.
  3. Alarm and fire fighting equipment - 130-150 thousand rubles (installation plus maintenance).
  4. Payment for utilities - about 80 thousand rubles.
  5. Security (PSC) - 1 million rubles per year.
  6. Meals (children and employees) - about 200 thousand rubles.
  7. Salary to employees - 1.1 million rubles (plus taxes and deductions).
  8. Advertising - about 100 thousand rubles.
  9. Other expenses - about 60 thousand rubles per month.

Competition assessment

SWAT analysis. Strengths:

  • lack of queues for admission;
  • individual approach to each child;
  • not a large number of children in the group;
  • quality and varied food;
  • rich educational programs developed on the basis of popular methods of early development;

We must not forget that only highly qualified employees work in a private kindergarten, it is well equipped with educational and play materials.

An important advantage is the provision of the most comfortable conditions for children to stay in the kindergarten (a room for games, sleep, feeding) and
flexible work schedule.

Weak sides:

  • entrance fee for a place in the kindergarten;
  • high monthly fee for a child;
  • low profitability of the business;
  • increased level of social responsibility;
  • long payback period of the project (3-5 years).

The organization of business in this area opens up such opportunities as drawing the attention of the state to the problems of children preschool education, maintaining and improving the level of qualification teaching staff, providing jobs with more high pay labor.

It also ensures the expansion of the range of educational services provided, the active involvement of innovations in educational process, building a competitive kindergarten brand. However, it is important to take into account the instability of the economic situation in the country, the negative trends in the functioning of the family institution.

Where to start a business?

In order to organize a private kindergarten at home, you first need to register as an individual entrepreneur or register a kindergarten as a NOU. This takes about a month.

  1. Produced registration of D / C for tax accounting, (TIN is assigned).
  2. Produced registration in pension fund , MHIF, FSS and Goskomstat to obtain OKVED and OKPO codes.
  3. Suitable premises are selected and a long-term lease or purchase agreement is concluded.
  4. Rented or purchased the premises are being renovated. It is brought into line with the norms of SanPin and Gospozhnadzor.
  5. Kindergarten equipped with furniture, toys, literature, etc.
  6. Employees of the SES and the Fire Department are invited, which issue the appropriate conclusions on compliance with all necessary standards.
  7. The charter is created a new institution, employees are hired, a staffing table is written.
  8. Advertising is given, customers are being sought.

At the final stage, a kindergarten that has passed all the “tests” is issued a license that gives the right to engage in educational activities.

Kindergarten at home is an alternative to existing state institutions, which are often overcrowded and no longer meet the specific conditions of children's stay in it. Such a garden can be organized by a parent who has her own child and, of course, parenting experience or a teacher-psychologist who works with non-traditional methods of developing children.

Such a garden does not require a special license. The conditions for creating such an object are described in the business plan for a home kindergarten. This project can be created with the aim of obtaining financial profit through the provision of services for the education and development of preschoolers or as a social business.

Premises and equipment

Based on 5-10 children, the room can be your own apartment, at least two-room, preferably three-room and more, or a private house. For each child, at least 6 square meters are recommended. meters.

In an apartment or in a house, the rules of sanitary standards and the availability of amenities, all communications must be observed. A separate room for rest and sleep, a bed and two sleeping sets for each baby, as well as places for change and outer clothing, lockers or high chairs.

The game room is separate with tables for games and activities, a rug or a warm rug on the floor, lockers for educational materials and toys. For eating, the presence of a sufficient number of dishes, to comply with the rules of hygiene, individual household items.


For a home kindergarten, in addition to the teacher, it is enough to have an assistant who will cook food and help look after the children, cleaning the house can be distributed among themselves.

It is good if you have basic medical knowledge of first aid.

In the event that one of the staff falls ill, it is necessary to have an appropriate person on hand for a temporary replacement.

Features of this activity

When considering a business plan for a home kindergarten, you need to pay attention and take into account such features as the initial one-time financial investment in your business, which will be discussed below.

Also be prepared for an irregular working day, the need to deliver children home, individual work with children as needed or for an additional fee, walks and city tours, organizing holidays and entertainment programs.

Approximate calculation of expenses and income for a month up to 10 children

  • Rent of a 3-room apartment - 40 thousand rubles.
  • Communal payments- 10 thousand rubles.
  • Household goods - 4 thousand rubles.
  • Food - 18 thousand rubles. (if for 1 child 90 rubles).
  • Tax of a private entrepreneur - 6 thousand rubles.
  • The teacher's salary is 25 thousand rubles.
  • Nanny's salary - 12 thousand rubles.

Total: expenses - 115 thousand rubles.

Income: payment for a child - 15 thousand for one, 150 thousand for 10 people.

Profit - 35 thousand per month.

In Russia, there is a deficit in the number of vacant places in municipal kindergartens. Not being able to organize a full-fledged child care, parents often choose private kindergartens. Since such a need still exists, it means that the kindergarten will always be able to find its customers. Nevertheless, the domestic system did its best to make the opening of this kind of business a real test of the entrepreneur's motivation and willpower.

The reason is simple - far from every businessman, not to mention private entrepreneurs, can afford to organize the legal work of a kindergarten.

But this is a business, which means that it will develop anyway.

Features of the business of a private kindergarten

The sphere of private institutions of preschool type is characterized by an almost complete absence of competition. It is extremely difficult to find a legal kindergarten that is prestigious.

Mini-establishments of a semi-legal type often do not adhere to sanitary and other requirements. In addition, there are very few qualified staff who can provide the right approach to children.

But given the demand for quality service provision, the demand for services provided by private gardens has increased markedly over the past few years. The middle class takes seriously the issue of the quality of their children's education.

Accordingly, it is possible to form such a conclusion - a private kindergarten will be profitable. But do not expect that it will be very large, because here you will have to constantly spend money.

Depending on the mode of operation, level, location and other criteria, the cost of studying in such an institution can vary from 200 to 1000 dollars per month.

In the process of opening this kind of business, an entrepreneur is guaranteed to face the following problems:

  1. Obtaining a full package of permits and licenses.
  2. Accumulation start-up capital or looking for investors.
    A private kindergarten is a kind of business that makes a profit only after the opening is held.

    At the same time, a lot of money needs to be invested in it.

Development of a business plan, study of laws

When developing a business plan, you need to pay attention to the following costs:

  1. Registration of a non-profit organization or individual entrepreneur.
  2. Obtaining certificates from fire and sanitary services confirming the safety of the selected premises.
  3. Rent of real estate for the organization of a kindergarten.
  4. Cosmetic or complete renovation inside.
  5. Connection to water, sewer, electrical and other types of networks.
  6. Purchase of accessories, equipment, toys, educational materials and so on.

The exact amount of initial investment required to open such a business depends on a large number of factors. These are, for example, the cost of renting a room, the quantity and level of reliability of purchased materials, the amount of repair work.

You can't do without fixed costs.

  1. Deductions to tax services, payment wages staff.
  2. phone payment, utilities, internet.
  3. Monthly rental fee.
  4. Daily delivery of fresh food.
  5. Updating textbooks and other materials.

In the process of developing a business plan, you must first think about how to correctly name your type of activity from a legal point of view. In fact, in domestic legislation there is no such form of activity as a private kindergarten.

Therefore, they are usually called "child development centers", "children's leisure centers" and so on.

It is also important to pay attention to the indication economic type activities. Here you can specify the code of the main activity - 80.10.3 (" Additional education children") or 80.10.1 ("Preschool and Primary Education Services").

It will not be superfluous to first familiarize yourself with the legislation. You will need to get a license. There are several reasons for this.

Firstly, in this case, the business owner will not work as an individual teacher - in any case, he needs the help of certified educators.

Secondly, a private kindergarten does not fall under the description in the “Regulations on Licensing Educational Activities”, since it refers to institutions that provide services for organizing leisure, educational and developmental activities. Many people often rely on arguing that childcare activities are not licensed.

Unfortunately, this is not the case in the present case.

Starting capital, what benefits and support from the state and local authorities can be obtained

As stated above, there are only two sources for obtaining start-up capital:

  1. Equity.
  2. Private investors.

However, not every entrepreneur has enough money to organize his own garden. There is an alternative, third option - a loan.

The complete list of documents to obtain it must first be specified at the financial institution itself, since different credit organizations offer their lists of papers. Practice shows that the effectiveness of going to the bank is affected by the correctness of the business plan.

Independently, it is unlikely that it will be possible to correctly issue it from the point of view of the law. Therefore, you will need to seek the help of lawyers.

Another question that aspiring entrepreneurs ask is is it possible to take advantage of certain benefits from the local municipality or government services? Unfortunately, on the territory Russian Federation a standardized program aimed at supporting private kindergartens has not been developed and implemented.

Accordingly, benefits and subsidies are completely absent. The bank can improve the conditions for granting a loan if the client draws up a good business plan. Support may also come from private investors.

To fully optimize the activities of the kindergarten, it is recommended to provide parents with a large number of options for additional services. It will be very good if parents are offered to take their children to a weekend group, a sports section, a creative circle, and so on.

Learn how to open a private kindergarten from the video.

Registration and choice of taxation system

According to the current legislation, to carry out educational activities maybe individual entrepreneur or legal entity. In the latter case, you must register using the code 80.10.1 or 80.10.3.

Please note that registration of a kindergarten must be carried out exactly as an institution, and not as a “kindergarten”, “school”, and so on. Entity must be registered in a non-commercial form.

The registration procedure is carried out at the representative office of the Federal Registration Service of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. Legislation limits the period for consideration of the application - it is one month from the date of filing.

After the application is submitted, you will have to agree on the specifics of the activity with the authorities, go through the procedure for registering with the tax service, the representative office of state statistics, as well as off-budget funds. There are three of the latter at once - compulsory and social, medical insurance, and also pension.

An important point: for a full-fledged opening, you will have to obtain a special license. The Department of Education, in cooperation with the local municipality, will help with this.

It’s worth clarifying right away that obtaining a license is a troublesome and lengthy task. However, this task is mandatory.

Educational activities carried out without proper permission are illegal. This is subject to criminal liability.

For entrepreneurs who want to speed up the procedure as much as possible, there is one trick. In this case, the institution can be positioned as a training or developmental children's center.

No license is required to perform such activities. But do not rejoice - any check from the relevant authorities (SES and so on) can cause a number of problems.

Indeed, in practice it will be difficult to explain why children's beds and other attributes of the garden are installed in the training center. It is noteworthy that the check comes to the place without prior notice.

In any case, such a solution to the problem of licensing activities is highly undesirable.

As far as taxes are concerned, experts argue that the patent/simplified system is the best option.

To switch to it, you must go through the following stages:

  • open a new account in any bank;
  • register with the tax authority, whose representative office is located at the location of the garden;
  • register an LLC or individual entrepreneur with the FSS and the PFR;
  • choose a taxation system. For example, a patent.

Required documents to open a private kindergarten: license, permits

Let's start with the license.

To obtain it, you must submit the following documents:

  • premises lease agreement;
  • the results of the inspection carried out by the sanitary and fire services, in which it is written that the room fully complies with the requirements for kindergartens;
  • certificate of registration;
  • charter of LLC;
  • educational program;
  • documentation confirming the availability of specialized literature for training;
  • information about the number of children, teaching staff, and so on.

As for the documents that allow you to proceed to the direct registration of an institution, in this case the list may differ.

In the list below, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with those papers that will definitely be needed during this procedure:

  1. Licensing documentation.
  2. Official permission from Rospotrebnadzor to organize a kindergarten.
  3. Conclusions of sanitary and epidemiological inspections of Rospotrebnadzor for safety.
  4. The production control program, which includes checking the effectiveness of compliance with sanitary standards and the fulfillment of tasks set by Rospotrebnadzor.
  5. Conclusion of contracts related to planned sanitary services - disinfestation, disinfection, deratization, waste disposal, and so on.
    A complete list of contracts will be indicated when submitting documents.
  6. Intraorganizational and accompanying documentation.

Considering that the full package of documents can be drawn up on an individual basis, you need to immediately prepare for the fact that the collection of all necessary conclusions, contracts and other papers will be delayed for long time. It will not be superfluous to seek help from lawyers who can help collect all the papers as quickly as possible.

Premises for opening a private kindergarten, its arrangement

The search and further preparation of premises for a kindergarten is a difficult stage on the way to organizing a business. SNiP provides for a number of requirements for preschool institutions, which must be observed.

For example, each student must have at least six square meters own area. The garden should also contain at least three rooms - a dining room, a bedroom and a playroom.

However, from a practical point of view, many more rooms will be required - a locker room, a gym, a catering department, a manager's office, and so on.

The walls must be covered with moisture-resistant paint, the floors must be heated. In theory, a kindergarten can be opened in a country house or apartment.

But the most optimal solution is to rent a public kindergarten. The reason is simple - all the rules and requirements are met here.

It is prohibited to purchase such premises. The municipality is usually ready to hand them over for short term- from one to three years. The lease agreement can be extended in the future.

Kindergarten Recruitment

For the full functioning of the kindergarten, the following specialists are required:

  1. Health worker.
  2. Babysitters.
  3. Educators.
  4. Head.
  5. Cook.
  6. Cleaning woman.

If you want to create an elite institution, you will additionally need a psychologist, a driver with transport, a coach, and security guards. The main focus is on the qualifications of teachers.

According to market analysis, in most establishments of this kind, the owners focus on proprietary methods for development and education. As a result, the correct selection of a team is almost the most important step, because even if all the required documents are available, the institution will not work properly.

Professionals must ensure the quality level of training of children.


The organization of the correct diet should be carried out by appropriate specialists. To obtain the most effective results, you can conclude an agreement with catering establishments.

However, you need to make sure that all products are approved for consumption by children.

You can also discuss the diet with the cook who will work in the kindergarten.

On decision this issue usually takes a few days. Having made any - even the smallest mistake, you risk creating serious problems for your institution.

After all, representatives of Rospotrebnadzor can achieve the termination of the garden as a whole.

Attracting potential customers

The potential profit directly depends on the number of children who will attend the kindergarten. The strategy for attracting customers is being worked out even during the preparation of a business plan. Its implementation begins from the moment the kindergarten is opened and the appropriate license is obtained.

The most effective ways to attract customers are as follows:

  1. Distribution of leaflets to residents of the district or microdistrict in which the educational institution is located.
  2. Advertising in children's clinics, leisure sites, children's stores and so on.
  3. Contextual advertising on the Internet.
    It will be most effective if the display is focused on specialized thematic portals.
  4. Advertising in the media.

Costs, income, risks

All items of expenses, income and risks are indicated in the business plan. Depending on the class of the institution, from one client you can demand from 200 to 1500 dollars.

Expenses go to pay wages, utilities, rent of premises, repairs in it, arrangement. The main risk is the lack of the required number of children.

However, they can be minimized by regular promotions and constant advertising on special sites.

A tour of the home kindergarten is shown in the video.

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Over the past decade, the number of newborns in Russia has increased dramatically. And immediately there was an acute problem of lack of places in public kindergartens. Young parents are probably aware of the problems of placing a child in a kindergarten - for this you need to queue up immediately after birth and wait 2-3 years to get to the coveted free place. And in big cities you can not get a kindergarten at all. Therefore, the only way out is to enroll the child in a private kindergarten.

What it is

Private kindergartens are a good way out if all the places in municipal institutions are occupied in your area. It can also be considered private kindergarten as a business. Moreover, the business is very efficient and ideal for a family. A private kindergarten is an educational institution that provides social services not at the budget expense, but at the parent's money.

Private kindergarten is a great solution for parents

Kindergarten responsibilities include:

  1. Upbringing and primary education for the baby.
  2. Quality health care and prevention.
  3. Child care from an early age, looking after him at the specified time.
  4. Educate parents on child care.

Such establishments work for off-budget funds. This means that the money for the operation will be allocated not from the city budget, but from sponsors or parents.

Advantages and disadvantages

Let's look at the main advantages and disadvantages of this phenomenon. The advantages include:

  1. Small groups. Usually their occupancy is no more than 10-15 people. An indisputable plus is that the teacher will devote time and monitor all the kids, so they will never be left without attention. In small groups, children learn better, get more attention, and hone their communication skills. There are practically no conflicts with such a number of babies.
  2. professional educators. For the owner of a private kindergarten in the apartment it is a complete business. Therefore, he chooses for himself exclusively qualified personnel who will satisfy all the needs of children and parents.
  3. A wide range of additional services and programs. In a private kindergarten with your baby, they can study foreign languages, prepare him for admission to the best schools and lyceums, teach him to swim, play musical instruments, ride bikes and horses. Programs in such institutions are much more interesting - children are happy to go to classes.
  4. Homemade food. In municipal kindergartens, they are prepared from products imposed by the education department through a tender. At home, everything is prepared from fresh products purchased the day before. Here the child will be offered a balanced diet, they will treat him with fruits and vegetables, they will give a supplement without any problems, they will exclude a product that causes allergies from the diet, or they will prepare a diet food.
  5. The actual absence of a queue. In most private gardens, you can sign up after the start of the "season". You don't have to wait a few years to enter kindergarten.

Main cons

Such establishments also have certain disadvantages - they must be known and borne in mind:

  1. Relatively high cost of "training". On the other hand, both dad and mom can work, so it’s more profitable to send the baby to kindergarten, and not sit at home with him around the clock.
  2. Lack of a dedicated area for walking. However, this applies only to kindergartens in apartments. Now there are many private gardens in houses - they have their own high-quality playgrounds, fenced off from strangers.
  3. The complexity of opening this type of business. It is very difficult to start working - you will have to equip the premises, draw up a lot of paperwork and go through various approvals.

Organizing a small home kindergarten in an apartment is a profitable solution

Is it worth it to start?

You should correctly calculate your strengths and capabilities. Kindergarten is more like family business than a get-rich-quick scheme. Usually it is opened by mothers with small children, they are also educators, and dads are engaged in servicing and resolving all issues. Nevertheless, you can consider the garden and how profitable business. Especially in large cities - there are always a lot of newborns and there is often an acute shortage of places in municipal institutions. In small towns, the level of wages of the population is not very high, so not everyone will be able to afford such services, although situations are different.

Note:There is practically no competition in this type of business, so with the right approach, your investment will definitely pay off. It will also be possible to offer parents additional programs for a fee.

It is also important to develop good program and the overall concept for the institution. Original name, convenient location, modern programs, author's methods, additional classes, round-the-clock work - all this increases your attractiveness and motivates parents to come to you, and not to the municipal garden.

Registration process

It should be understood that working with children requires strict adherence to all standards and norms. Therefore, you will have to spend a lot of money on the equipment of the premises.The registration process begins with obtaining an IP patent non-commercial form. To do this, you will need to contact the Federal Registration Service of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation and submit an application. When registering, you inform the specialist about the chosen field of activity, after which he indicates this specificity in the documents according to the all-Russian classification. Applications are usually processed within 30 business days.

A variety of activities are possible in a private kindergarten

If approved, please contact:

  1. To the tax office.
  2. To a pension fund.
  3. To the social and health insurance fund.
  4. to the state statistics authorities.

In parallel with registration in the above services, you will need to contact the authorities local government(mayor's office) and the department of education to coordinate the opening of the institution. You will also need a bank account, a license from the Department of Education and accreditation from the local authorities.

Document set

To open you need the following list of documents:

  1. Agreement on the ownership of the premises or lease agreement.
  2. The conclusion of the sanitary and epidemiological station on compliance with the standards.
  3. Conclusion of the fire inspection on compliance.
  4. Document on assignment of TIN status.
  5. Charter of the educational institution.
  6. Detailed educational program approved by the Department of Education.
  7. List of training materials and methodical literature.
  8. Every teacher's job.
  9. An accurate list of all children (preferably with phone numbers and names of parents).

Note:engage in business without a license and educational programs is strictly prohibited - criminal liability is provided for this. But you can cheat and arrange an organization for a short visit by preschoolers (up to 4 hours a day).

In this case, you do not need a license - your company will be registered as a training or development center. Programs are drawn up in any case - they are made even for circles and sections.

Kindergarten requirements.

Increased requirements are put forward for the premises in which the institution will be located. All norms are regulated by SanPin, subject to changes from 04/04/2014. Carefully study them before choosing a room and starting to repair it. Of the key requirements:

  1. 6 m2 for every child.
  2. Different rooms are needed for eating, sleeping and entertaining.
  3. Mandatory availability of a nurse's office with medicines for first aid.
  4. Mandatory presence of the manager's office.
  5. Premises for "interest clubs". Roughly speaking, these are rooms in which children can do choreography, fine arts, sports (gym with equipment), communicate with a psychologist.
  6. Mandatory presence of a separate catering unit.
  7. Special toilet rooms for children. Can be combined with washbasins. They should be equipped with special lockers in which towels and personal hygiene products (soap, toothbrushes, etc.) will be stored.
  8. Room for storing clothes. Wardrobes in which children hang outerwear should not be in the bedroom or dining room - they are located in the hallway.
  9. Every room should have a working fire alarm.
  10. Every room should have natural and artificial lighting.
  11. The temperature in the rooms should not be lower than 22 degrees.
  12. The walls are painted with moisture resistant red.
  13. Beds and dishes must have quality certificates.

You will need to purchase children's toys and sports goods


If you have the appropriate education, then you can start working on your own. But if you are wondering about how to open a private kindergarten and where to start, then, most likely, you are far from raising children. In this case, you need to find good caregivers. Doing this is not as easy as it seems. Personnel should be selected not only on the basis of experience and availability various categories, and, first of all, by personal qualities and love for children. For a full-fledged kindergarten, you will need to hire at least a couple of educators, a nanny, a cook, a health worker, and a cleaner. You also need a manager who will keep order and communicate with parents on all issues. You will also need other specialists if you are going to offer any Additional services. For example, a teacher in English language or choreographer. They do not have to be hired - you can simply conclude an outsource contract for conducting classes.

Selection of children

When you have done and organized all of the above, you will want to recruit children of any age, just to recoup the investment. But you can't do that. In one group there should be children of approximately the same age (plus or minus a year). According to the program, teachers will work with children in drawing, learning letters, and developing logical thinking. Tasks should be completely different, because you can’t read the same thing to a three-year-old baby and a six-year-old. Therefore, either one group of approximately identical children, or several of different ages.

When enrolling a child in a kindergarten, parents must sign an agreement with you for the provision of educational services. It must describe as much as possible all the points and possible situations. In principle, you can find a standard contract on the net and adjust it to fit your realities.

Small groups in a private garden give more freedom to children and caregivers

Family Kindergarten

Above, we described what is needed to open a private kindergarten. But you can go the path of least resistance and create a family garden. Even an ordinary apartment or house will do for this. Children are in the institution part-time (we wrote about this above), so a license is not needed. Also, the requirements for premises and personnel are greatly simplified, which allows good savings. But usually 3-7 kids are engaged in such kindergartens - this is more of an interest club than a full-fledged kindergarten. Nevertheless, this is a great outlet for young parents and quite good decision for a family business.

Business plan

Now let's look at what all this will result in and how profitable it is to engage in similar business. First, let's calculate what you need before opening an institution:

  1. Registration will cost 7-10 thousand.
  2. Renting space varies from region to region. But, on average, a suitable room will cost you 30-40 thousand rubles.
  3. Utilities cost about 5-10 thousand per month.
  4. Repairs in the building, equipping a bedroom, bathroom, playroom, medical room, etc. Here, the amount can be very serious - from 100,000 to a million rubles.
  5. Advertising at the initial stage - at least 5,000 rubles per month.

On average, it takes about 500,000 rubles to open a modern kindergarten with video surveillance for several groups of people. If you save money, you can fit in 200,000 rubles, but it will be just one group.

Now we need staff, various household chemicals, stationery, toys, educational materials. On average, with a staff salary of 20 thousand and taking into account current expenses, the cost of a visit for a child will be about 20-25 thousand rubles a month. This is the minimum figure, taking into account the fact that the kindergarten will be attended by 12-15 children. An increase in their number leads to an expansion of groups and personnel. Download detailed private kindergarten business plan you can on the Internet - there are specially calculated options for different attendance and cities.

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