Selling women's clothing is profitable or not. How to open your own clothing store from scratch - a sample business plan

Clothing designer, fashion designer, cutter, tailor - all these professions, whose names sound in the masculine gender, can be combined with one female concept "modiste". This word may be a bit old-fashioned, but it very accurately reflects the essence of the profession.

This is not an easy craft - to make women beautiful, to anticipate their desires, to give advice on choosing the style of outfits. A spectacularly dressed woman is never left without attention. Let's talk about the secrets of creating beautiful, stylish, exclusive women's clothing with a virtuoso of his profession, the owner of a small home atelier, a modern fashionista Svetlana Skopova.She is very popular among Caucasian fashionistas. Mineralnye Vody who want to have in their wardrobe outfits sewn for them by the hands of the Master.

The main theses of the interview with Svetlana Sokolova, the owner of her own atelier

  • Type of activity: atelier at home
  • Occupation before start entrepreneurial activity: seamstress, merchandiser
  • Starting date of business activity: 2000
  • Organizational and legal form of doing business: individual entrepreneur
  • The amount of initial investment: 100,000 rubles.
  • Source of initial capital: loan funds
  • Return on investment: about 6-8 months
  • Initial income: 10-12,000 rubles. per month.
  • Success formula: "My business is my life"

Svetlana, answer as a professional and practicing milliner: “What does a beautifully dressed woman mean?”

Is it not easy to convince a woman to accept your version of the future outfit?

It happens differently. There are women who immediately and unconditionally agree with my proposal, trust the choice of style, fabric, accessories. And there are ladies who stubbornly defend their point of view. But I don’t want the client to be disappointed as a result, even with her decision. Then I try to demonstrate her choice as clearly as possible, often the reaction is similar to shock. Most often, eloquence and reality win, the lady capitulates, and I sew her outfit according to my vision, based on experience and intuition.

A beautifully dressed woman is always on top

Spectacular blue dress with an open back

Was it difficult for you to choose your craft? How did you start your business?

Perhaps my choice was born and grew with me. As long as I can remember, probably from the age of 5, I constantly sewed something, invented, dressed up my dolls. Then she began to sew for herself, for her mother. But it was an amateur stage, I came to the profession later. Despite my passion for sewing, I considered it only as a pleasant pastime, a hobby. And she dreamed of becoming a lawyer, getting the profession of a lawyer.

But mothers know us better. It was she who at one time took me by the hand and led me to educational institution related to sewing. Now it is not known whether the lawyer corps has lost a great professional in my person. But it is clear that my mother was right.

What kind of education did you receive?

I have a secondary technical education. She graduated from the Voronezh Industrial Pedagogical College in 1997. By profession, I am a sewing production technician, a master of industrial training.

What was the most difficult thing about starting a business? What barriers had to be overcome?

The first barrier is to buy a good sewing machine. 10-12 years ago it was quite problematic. I wanted good equipment, but there is nowhere to buy it. A big deficit was high-quality sewing accessories, special fabrics. The choice of good matter was also limited. I had to work with what I had and what I had.

Sewing machine - the main tool

But even on a simple sewing machine, from unpretentious fabrics, without special devices, it was possible to sew good outfits. I have always had clients, the lack of orders has never become a barrier in business.

Overlock machine

Do you want to learn how to open a tailoring workshop? We suggest that you familiarize yourself with.

Every business starts with start-up capital. How much did you start with and, if not a secret, where did you manage to find it?

There is no secret. When I decided to seriously engage in business, I took a loan from a bank. It was an amount of 100 thousand rubles. I used it to buy equipment. But if you open such a business today, you will need b about more amount. You can calculate:

  • The purchase of a good, multifunctional sewing machine - 45-50 thousand rubles.
  • Overlock purchase - 15-20 thousand.
  • You definitely need a steam generator - 18-20 thousand.
  • Large mirror - 2-5 thousand.
  • Mannequin - at least 1 piece, this is 6-7 thousand.
  • Hangers-silhouettes - 2 pcs. 3 thousand rubles each.

Mannequin and hangers-silhouettes

Various little things (threads, scissors, centimeters, pins, crayons, etc.) - 5-10 thousand.

It turns out the amount of about 100-120 thousand rubles. To it you need to add the costs of paperwork for starting a business and a financial reserve in order to pay bills for electricity and other utilities for the first time. Let's add the payment for the rent of the premises, but this is in the event that it is rented. If you work at home, then you can meet the amount of 150 thousand to start working.

If clients appear and there are financial inflows, then this money will quickly return (in about 6-8 months), and you will begin to make a profit and satisfaction.

The machine is always at work

Working on an order

How much has your income grown since you started? Did the forecasts and expectations come true?

In the first months independent work my income did not exceed 10-12 thousand per month. It was 10 years ago. I planned to receive 5 times more. After 2-2.5 years, I was already easily earning this amount. But time goes by, desires and needs grow. New frontiers and projected revenues are emerging. Now I set myself the goal of reaching the 100,000 mark. But so far this is not a close prospect. The crisis had a painful effect on my business.

Today, not every woman will allow herself such a luxury as individual tailoring of outfits. Pleasure is not cheap, and the competition is great. Now there are almost as many women's clothing stores as grocery stores. In them, things are cheap and affordable, you don’t need to go to try on. And the exclusive takes time and imagination.

If we talk about forecasts, they came true. And expectations are very ephemeral. Something comes true, is carried out, but a fresh idea, a dream comes. And you are waiting for new realizations, incarnations. The main thing is to have the desire to make dreams

Workplace. Everything is at hand.

How is the price of your work formed today?

The price for the work consists of several components. For example:

  • order lead time,
  • model complexity;
  • electricity costs (it takes a lot: it's work sewing machines, steam generator, good lighting is required for sewing);
  • rent and taxes.

Each region of the country has its own price list for sewing services. I use average statistics for the CMS region. They can be viewed on the Internet. There are a lot of points, all types of work performed on tailoring the model are taken into account.

If you name a specific price for tailoring products, then I can name the following amounts:

  • tailoring a skirt will cost the customer in the amount of 1.5 to 2 thousand rubles;
  • dresses - from 3 to 5 thousand;
  • trousers - from 2 thousand;
  • evening dress - from 7 thousand rubles, this category is the highest paid, the cost of tailoring a product can reach large double-digit numbers (for example, sewing a wedding dress that is not the most complicated will result in 20 thousand rubles).

Evening Dress

What form of business and taxation have you chosen?

I . Taxation system - UTII. All their financial questions I decide myself.

The best way to manage tax accounting for small companies, is the Internet accounting "My business". With help this service any entrepreneur can independently and at the same time without any problems keep accounting records at his enterprise.

Do you consider it a plus that you are a sole trader? Has this moment affected the payback period of investments in the business?
Of course it did. Since I work alone, I do not need to pay salaries to employees, make contributions to the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund. I only pay tax to the FIU as an individual entrepreneur and tax to the IFTS.

Plus, I see that I myself am responsible for my work. As the saying goes, if you want a job done well, do it yourself. The whole process of creating an outfit: from the selection and purchase of accessories, and, if necessary, fabric, to finished product I prefer to lead myself. Only in this way can I fully vouch for the quality of the product.

Completed order on a mannequin

Do you have to deal with regulatory authorities? With firefighters, SES?

Since I work at home, the inspection bodies do not bother me. I myself have a vested interest in keeping my home clean and safe. Well, if suddenly they want to visit me - please. We will solve all questions!

Of course, it is more difficult to please a woman than the inspectors! Have you ever tried to change your occupation, to do something less troublesome? After all, your work is not easy, and sometimes very ungrateful.

Yes, there was such a fact in my working biography. I wanted to work "like everyone else" - in the morning to work, in the evening from work, 2 days off and annual vacation. For a year she worked as a merchandiser in a huge supermarket. But still, it's not for me. Again I returned to sleepless nights over the implementation of urgent orders, communication with customers, finding the right materials, choosing styles, joys, disappointments, the throes of creativity and happiness from success.

Of course, this is not easy and requires a certain type of character. I am an unshakable optimist, and there is also such a word: vocation. Someone is called upon to defend the Motherland, someone to teach, someone to heal. And I'm sewing!

One very famous couturier calls himself a tailor. He is proud of this and emphasizes that not a single idea of ​​the most ingenious fashion designer, not a single perfectly tailored model will come true if it is sewn incorrectly. It is the tailor who ultimately creates those products that we admire when we see them in a picture or on a catwalk. The tailor sews suits and dresses in which women look amazing. I also call myself a “tailor” and am also proud of this title.

What is your business for you? What part of life does he occupy?

My business is my life. It is so filled with it that, even while doing other things, I constantly think about my work. Fortunately, my family understands and supports me. We are happy to discuss prospects, plans for the future, styles of outfits with our daughter. She especially likes to choose models for herself. She is almost a bride, she is 14 years old.

You have many regular customers. Who are they?

There are many customers. And it's not just individuals. I take orders for the so-called extras. This is tailoring of costumes for groups. Among my customers are the Helios dance group, the Kazachok children's choir, and the theater studio. I sew costumes for city events, for example, for the 2013 meeting, she designed and sewed a snake costume. It turned out to be a real masterpiece. And how many Santa Clauses and Snow Maidens are sheathed - do not count.

But I love custom tailoring. Here you can really create, create outfits that you can then be proud of. It's really great to see how a woman has changed in a dress sewn by your hands. How stylish and harmonious she looks.

Suit for Santa Claus

Snake Costume

Children's choir in costumes from Svetlana

Dance ensemble costumes

Dance Ensemble Helios

In such suits only to win!

What do you mean by "style"? What should a stylish woman look like?

Style is a broad concept. I have a VKontakte group, which is called

The clothing store is a promising type of business with a high margin on goods, profitability is ~ 20% with a payback period of 1.5 years. According to the “MarketMasters” agency, the turnover rate retail clothing in Russia annually increases by 3%. Moscow accounts for ~40% of all purchased clothes! In the article, we will consider how to open a clothing store from scratch step by step with an example of a business plan with calculations.

Advantages and disadvantages of opening a clothing store

Main the target audience clothing store: women of any age, men aged 18 to 40 and children. Consider the key advantages and disadvantages of creating a clothing store.

More than 50% of stores in Moscow are franchised! For the clothes sold, you need

Shop types Peculiarities
Second hand Sale of used clothes from Europe. Attracts visitors with low prices. There is a possibility of a quick start, since large initial investment. It is recommended to open in small towns with low purchasing power of the population. Margin on goods ~200%
Stock The store specializes in selling clothes from last season. The main factor in attracting visitors low prices. Margin on goods ~300%
Multibrand Selling clothes from many different brands. It is more difficult to organize sales and staff training than in the first two cases. Orientation to the middle class of the population. Margin on goods ~400%
Monobrand Orientation to one brand (often opened by franchise) and to a specific visitor. Margin on goods ~500%.
Boutique Sale of expensive exclusive clothes for wealthy buyers. Requires maximum cost to open. Margin on goods ~1000%.
Special shop Sale of narrowly focused clothing: clothing for workers, for medical personnel, for the military, for firefighters, for schoolchildren, for children. (cm. " ")

The sale of clothing refers to impulse goods, i.e. is often bought spontaneously, therefore, to stimulate sales, it is recommended to organize sales, promotions, savings cards with discounts, bonuses for several purchases.

According to Gomkomstat, the leader in clothing turnover is the Central Federal District (~50%) and, in particular, Moscow (~40%). The retail turnover of clothing in St. Petersburg amounted to ~3%.

Main production capacity are located in the Central region of the country (~40%), the North-Western region accounts for ~19% and the Volga region ~18%. If the production of clothing is considered, it is recommended to organize in districts with maximum capacities.

Opening a clothing store: the general concept

Opening a clothing store is possible in two ways: purchase a franchise (ready-made solution), or open it yourself. Both methods are characterized by their disadvantages and advantages. If you decide to open a store on your own, then in order to quickly understand the basic business processes of the store, it is recommended to get a job as an administrator in one of the existing.

How to open a clothing store from scratch: business registration

To register in the tax clothing store, an individual entrepreneur or LLC is created. The table below analyzes the main benefits as well as required list documents for each form of business. When registering for OKVED, choose the main activity: 52.42 "Retail trade in clothes", 52.42.1 - "Retail trade in men's, women's and children's clothing", 52.42.8 - "Retail trade in clothing accessories (gloves, ties, scarves, belts, suspenders and etc.)”.

Form of business organization Benefits of using Documents for registration
IP ( individual entrepreneur) Used to open a small clothing store (50-80m²). Number of staff 3-5 people
  • receipt of payment of the state duty (800 rubles);
  • certified application by a notary in the form No. P21001;
  • application for the transition to UTII or USN (otherwise it will be OSNO by default);
  • copy of all pages of the passport.
OOO ( limited liability company) Used to open big store clothes (>80m²), attraction of additional financing, scaling, capital construction
  • application in the form No. Р11001;
  • charter of LLC;
  • a decision to open an LLC or a protocol if there are several founders (partners);
  • receipt of payment of the state duty (4000 rubles);
  • copies of the founders' passports certified by a notary;
  • application for the transition to UTII or USN.

According to law authorized capital LLC cannot be less than 10,000 rubles!

The best choice of taxation system for a clothing store would be UTII(single tax on imputed income), in order to switch to this system, there must be municipal law on the possibility of using UTII (up to 100 employees and the cost of fixed assets up to 100 million rubles). The interest rate is - 15%. The advantage of this tax is its linkage to the physical data of the store: area, number of employees, etc. When opening a large store, this is beneficial.

If the simplified tax system is chosen when organizing a company, then it is recommended to choose the accrual of income tax with an interest rate of 6%.

Search for suppliers for a clothing store

Main clothing suppliers: Turkey, China, Europe, Russia. Goods from China and Turkey are attractive due to their low price, which allows for a markup of 200-300%. For example, for a women's skirt on taobao costs ~ $ 8 (500 rubles), on domestic market can be sold for 1500 rubles.

To search for suppliers in China via the Internet, use,

Clothing Store Business Plan: Finding a Premises

When creating a store, the key point is to find a place and premises. Locations are a key success factor in offline business. It is necessary to locate the store in close proximity to the traffic of visitors.

For a children's clothing department and a lingerie store, a room with an area of ​​​​12-20 m² is sufficient. This is enough to accommodate a warehouse, shop windows, a fitting room and a cash register. A fur shop or a bridal dress shop will require ~25-70 m². The specificity of the goods here is such that it will be necessary to increase the trading floor and storage facilities.

In megacities (Moscow, St. Petersburg) rent of 1 m² starts from 1500 rubles. Renting a small department of women's clothing (about 20 m²) will cost 30,000 rubles. On the periphery, rent starts from 1,000 rubles / m², a similar store will require about 10,000 rubles.

The most expensive rental of premises is in shopping centers (SCs), as they are the place where the maximum traffic of people accumulates. The cost of rent in the shopping center for 1 m² reaches 20,000 rubles.

Master class: “How to open a clothing store from scratch”

Estimating the cost of commercial equipment

We estimate the type of equipment required and financial costs. When purchasing showcases and racks, the concept of the store, the type of clothing (fur clothing and underwear require different equipment), and traffic are taken into account.

Consider a set of equipment for the store:

  • Cash register - 12000-30000 rubles. (price depends on modification). Additional costs: device registration and maintenance.
  • Shelving - refer to the main furniture trading floor, one rack costs 1000-20000 rubles. A store needs 4-10 shelving.
  • Showcases - will be needed for displaying accessories or expensive items. Prices start from 2000-3000 rubles. A showcase with an exclusive design and lighting can cost up to 22,000 rubles. For a boutique, you need 2-6 showcases.
  • Shelves or brackets - from 600 rubles. for simple models.
  • Mannequins - from 1500 rubles, 10 mannequins in the trading floor will be enough.
  • Hanged - 2500-9000 rubles. (depending on size). Some shops use hangers almost as the only trade software. The need for them is up to 15 pieces. Hangers are sometimes supplied with hangers, but usually hangers are ordered separately. 100-150 pieces will be enough.
  • Mirrors - necessary in fitting rooms and the trading floor. The cost of a floor mirror is about 3000 rubles. It is also necessary to purchase wall mirror panels (several pieces).

The cost of purchasing equipment will be ~ 100,000-500,000 rubles.

In some types retail stores additionally needed: a cashier counter, banquettes in fitting booths, etiquette guns. In bridal salons, a sewing machine is needed to fit the dress.

The most famous equipment suppliers: Tritix, Play, Uno, Style, Market, Joker, Primo. Most of them, in addition to selling ready-made solutions, offer to order the creation of individual trading systems.

Personnel costs

For an average store, the total number of staff will be 4-6 people. The team will have 2-3 sales consultants working in shifts. Hall employees simultaneously perform the duties of an administrator and / or cashier, cleaner of premises. To reduce the cost of wages to an accountant, bookkeeping is transferred to outsourcing companies. This allows you to reduce costs ~ 25,000 rubles. per month!

The best criterion for the salary of employees is the average level of wages in the industry. The average level of wages for workers can be found on the website Usually, staff earnings are piecework-bonus (fixed salary + percentage from sales). The average salary of a salesperson/consultant is 14,000-25,000 rubles. Sellers need to be trained in how to communicate with buyers. A smile and an attentive attitude increases sales.

The entrepreneur creates a payroll fund (PF), which takes into account the amount given to the staff.

An approximate calculation of payroll for the year:

4 sellers x 12,000 rubles = 48,000 rubles / month

48000 rub. x 12 months = 576,000 rubles. (FOT for the year).

Additional expenses of the entrepreneur: payments to the Pension Fund (PFR), the Social Insurance Fund (FSS) and the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund (FOMS). The interest rate of the PFR is 22%, the FSS is 2.9%, the MHIF is 5.1%. As a result, the cost of social security is 30%.

Revenue and net profit of the business

To calculate revenue for the year, the average revenue from 1 client (average check) is calculated. The average check, equal to 800 rubles, is a good indicator. It is planned to visit the store by 10 customers, the amount of daily revenue will be ~ 8000 rubles.

Annual revenue will be ~ 2,700,000 rubles. If at the opening the costs amounted to about 1,400,000 rubles, then the payback is achieved after 1.5 years. It may take 1-2 years to achieve a stable profit, which is a good indicator.

Evaluation of the attractiveness of a business by a magazine website

Business Profitability

(3.5 out of 5)

Business Attractiveness


Project payback

(3.0 out of 5)
Ease of starting a business

(3.5 out of 5)
The clothing store is promising business in large cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Yekaterinburg. The payback period for initial costs is ~1.5-2 years. The business has sales seasonality (August-October, April-June), which will require additional staff and stocks. Key Factors business success is: the location near the traffic of visitors, and the possibility of markups on goods over 300%.

One of the most popular ideas for women's business - opening their own clothing store. This type is attractive in that it does not require special equipment and complex legal registration. He does not need highly qualified personnel and special knowledge. At the same time, the sale of clothes is always in demand and brings consistently good profits, even with high competition. Let's figure out how a woman can open her own business - a clothing store.

We were somewhat cunning when we said that opening a clothing store does not require any special knowledge. You need to know the mechanism of retail trade, at least in theory. You will also need to understand fashion trends, know the basics of the laws of demand, merchandising, pricing and other specific trade factors. But, the most important thing in this business is the definition of the store concept, the choice of the sales mechanism and the price range of your product.

How to choose a store concept

In this case, the concept means, first of all, that you will sell clothes - the choice is great - children's, adult, women's, men's, underwear, sportswear, clothes large sizes, hosiery, clothes for pregnant women and other areas.

You also need to choose the price segment of your future store - from economy to premium segment. And you should think about the type of store: multi-brand, stock, second-hand, boutique, franchise store.

The most promising areas in the clothing trade are children's and women's clothing. Despite the crisis in these segments, demand is stable. This is not surprising - children grow up quickly and require large-sized clothes, and women, despite financial hardships, always want to be beautiful and clothes are the main means. The only thing that is possible is that demand has moved to the economy and mid-price segment.

Own store or franchise store?

Having decided on your business idea - opening a clothing store from scratch, you need to choose a way to implement this idea. You can open own shop under your own brand or purchase a ready-made franchise.

Franchise shop

The best and most affordable option for "beginners" - entrepreneurs with no experience in this area. Franchise Seller - franchisor- will be your guarantee of success. Since he is primarily interested in making your store under his brand successful and profitable. It is on this that the material stability and success of promoting the franchisor's business on the market depend. Of course, he cannot do all the work for you and protect you from all risks, but thanks to him, following his recommendations, you can reduce all the risks that arise in your store by an order of magnitude.

It is worth noting that the franchisor, usually at his own expense: helps to find a suitable premises in your city, provides a free design project for this premises, trains your staff, provides an initial analysis and calculation of the market profitability, provides ready-made advertising materials and marketing strategies promotion, fully takes over wholesale supply goods to your store and much more.

This approach allows you to reduce the cost of opening a clothing store, as you save on the development of a design layout for a store, promotional materials, and staff training. You also do not waste time looking for wholesale suppliers and delivery methods. The brand owner will provide you Better conditions on delivery and guarantees uninterrupted supply of goods.

Of course, when opening a franchise store, there are several disadvantages - in the case of working under a ready-made brand, you cannot deviate from its rules, you also obey the general policy of the enterprise and cannot implement something of your own.

Cost of "start" this business- from 500 thousand rubles, payback period - up to 2 years.

Own store under own brand

Suitable for an entrepreneur with experience, for example, gained by working as a franchise store. Because in this approach all risks, all searches for goods, suppliers and methods of implementation - completely fall on the businessman. However, if you open your own clothing store under your own brand and know all the intricacies of this business, payback periods and profits are noticeably different from a franchise store. and differ in better side. So, the payback period takes up to 1 year. And the profit is much greater, due to the fact that you can always change the purchased assortment and methods of its delivery, which allows you to spend smaller amounts on purchases.

The cost of "starting" this business is from 1 million rubles.

Business plan for opening a clothing store

To open a store, you will need permission from the SES and the territorial property management. If you rent the area for the store, then you do not need permission from the fire inspectorate, the landlord is responsible for this.

After selecting the premises and obtaining all the necessary permits, if necessary, it is necessary to carry out a cosmetic repair of the premises. If you open an independent store with your own brand in the middle or premium price segment, then you need to think about the author's design of the premises and the development trademark. Since this is what will “sell” your product in the first place, since your target audience is quite selective and chooses primarily not with a wallet, but by external perception.

If you decide to open a small shop with everyday commodity, then you will not need anything other than cosmetic repairs and a small sign.

While repairs are underway, you should think about finding suppliers of the selected product and brands, in case you are not working on a franchise. After that, when the store is ready, the goods are laid out, and the staff is hired, you can launch advertising campaigns to promote your store.

Clothing store in relative numbers

  • Space rent - from 15 to 100 thousand rubles,
  • Repair, taking into account the design - from 50 to 500 thousand rubles,
  • Advertising material and trademark development - from 10 to 300 thousand rubles,
  • Purchase and delivery of goods - 300 thousand rubles,
  • Equipment, legal support - up to 300 thousand rubles,
  • The salary fund is 150 thousand rubles.

In any case, no matter what choice you make - to open your own store under your own brand or "franchise" - the clothing trade is a very profitable undertaking, where everyone can realize themselves. Although we wrote at the beginning of the article that a clothing store is a women's business, however, men also find their realization in this business.

♦ Capital investments – 1,500,000 rubles
♦ Payback – 1.5−2 years

The conventional wisdom is that people will always buy clothes, shoes and food.

That is why entrepreneurs make out an individual entrepreneur or LLC and begin to look for detailed information about how to open a clothing store or grocery.

Oddly enough, but it is the ready-made dress stores that lead two completely opposite ratings: the easiest startups to start from scratch and those that go bankrupt most often.

And this is no coincidence.

It’s not enough just to say to yourself: “I want to own a clothing boutique.” It is necessary to think over all the nuances, backing up the idea with sufficient capital investments.

Such businessmen are expected to succeed, not financial collapse.

How to open a clothing store: choose a business concept

If you are tired of sitting at home or suffering from a low-paying job and decide to go into business, then probably the first thought that occurred to you was: why not open a store.

According to statistics, women most often open clothing stores (commission or boutique), men - grocery or specialized (construction, household, auto, etc.).

If you belong to the first category, then you should start by thinking through the concept of your future store.

This is very important and necessary in order to build up a customer base as quickly as possible and stand out from competitors.

And then it is worth starting to implement all the other stages, including the purchase of equipment.

The most promising options for business today are:

  1. Boutique of high-quality foreign clothes of popular brands.
    Quite a lot of people who will become your customers are ready to purchase even fewer clothes, but better ones.
    For such clients, it is necessary not only to bring well-known brands (Zara, Next, Mango, etc.), but also to open new brands.
  2. Thrift store or .
    Used but in good condition, quality clothing is in demand among buyers.
  3. Market selling clothes of domestic manufacturers.
    More and more domestic fashion houses are beginning to sew beautiful and high-quality clothes, so you can safely choose just such a startup to launch.
  4. Luxury brand store.
    This is often opened by non-poor fashionistas right at home: going abroad for shopping, they take more clothes than they need, and then sell the surplus.
    And no expenses for opening an individual entrepreneur, purchasing equipment or renting.
  5. Inexpensive clothes.
    Yes, it's not very high quality, but if you set low prices to attract customers, you can make your store profitable.
  6. Single brand store.
    Such a business can be opened by franchise, having received financial assistance, smart advice, equipment, documents ready for registration, etc.
  7. original startup.
    For example, you collaborate with a talented designer and sell in your store clothes that he sews at home. We also accept custom orders.
    For example, the client liked the model, but did not like the color.
    For a fee, you are ready to provide him with the dress of his dreams.

How to open a clothing store: advertising

Whatever type of clothing store you open, including commission, you need to think of a good advertising campaign so that in the first month after opening you will be visited by many customers who would turn from random into regular ones.

First of all, you need to come up with a name for the clothing store.

The name should be short and bright, look good on promotional products and be easy to remember.

Foreign names make a good impression on buyers, which seem to hint that luxury clothes are sold here.

Do not spare money for a sign: it should be large, easy to read and be seen from afar.

  1. Outdoor advertising: all kinds of announcements, banners, posters and more.
  2. Flyers to be handed out in the most crowded place in the area near your boutique.
  3. Announcements on radio and television.

Free, but quite effective ways of advertising include social media and city forums.

How to open a clothing store: calendar plan

Interesting fact:
In the Middle Ages, a fine could only be imposed for the fact that a person is dressed better than a person of higher ranks. Clothes that were considered “illegal” in those days were simply confiscated.

Experienced businessmen have no doubts where to start launching any business: from writing a financial plan with specific calculations in order to understand how profitable a startup is.

And rightly so, but in addition to the financial plan, you also need to draw up a calendar plan that will help you understand how long it will take to implement the idea.

To open a clothing store from scratch (including a commission) it will take from 3 months - up to six months.

Working with the premises
Purchase of equipment
Team Search
First purchase

How to open a clothing store: a phased launch of a startup

The success of a business directly depends on the entrepreneurs themselves:
  • how carefully they approached the opening of the business;
  • were you able to choose the right concept ( commission shop or selling new clothes);
  • how long did it take to complete all the documents;
  • did you manage to save at the initial stage, for example, on the purchase of equipment;
  • whether they found a passage place to open a clothing store;
  • whether the assortment was reasonably formed and pricing policy;
  • and even from the choice of the form for registration: individual entrepreneur or LLC.

Doubt where to start?

Of course - from the registration procedure and the choice of suitable premises.


You should start dealing with the registration procedure by choosing the form of the future business: sole proprietorship or LLC.

Remember that the area of ​​your store must be up to 150 square meters, otherwise you will need to open an LLC.

Yes, you don’t need a market larger than 150 square meters to open a clothing store from scratch - it’s too risky a startup.

By registering as an individual entrepreneur, you can choose a simplified form of taxation, for example, UTII. After that, you register with the Pension Fund, presenting all registration documents.

And you definitely need to take care of the legalization of your outlet.

It is desirable to issue documents before the purchase of equipment and the delivery of goods.

To legalize a point, you will have to:

  1. Register with the Chamber of Commerce.
  2. Create a Buyer's Corner.
  3. Set up a cash register.
  4. Obtain permission from the Fire Service and SES.
  5. Sign contracts for garbage collection and more.

Even more difficult, because you also have to conclude a contract for each accepted unit of goods, so it makes sense to still open a new clothing store, and not a commission.


You can not open a business, motivated only by cheap rent.

With the same success, you can start opening a clothing store at home in the hope that suddenly customers will still find you.

Climbing far to the outskirts, you must understand that you will have to spend a lot of money on an advertising campaign and create such attractive competitive advantages, for example, low prices so that customers are not too lazy to get to you so far.

The choice of a place with high traffic plays a really important role in opening a clothing store (and it doesn’t even matter if you are running a commission or not market).

The ideal place is:

  1. Shopping center.
  2. Premises on the ground floor of a high-rise building in the city center.
  3. A sleeping area where houses of people with a decent income are located.

Also, you need to make sure that:

  1. There were no direct competitors nearby.
  2. It didn't take long to find your clothing store (it's located on the main street, not somewhere in the yards).
  3. Equip parking. If you open an elite boutique, then you should draw up documents so that only your customers can park their cars in this parking lot, and not everyone who wants to.


To open a clothing store from scratch, you will have to spend a lot of money anyway (only for the first purchase you need at least 400,000 rubles, plus equipment, plus rental costs, etc.), so it’s better to find a room that does not need major repairs.

The size of the room depends on how big a clothing store you decide to open, but it is better not to rent a room with an area of ​​​​less than 50 square meters, as you will create inconvenience for yourself and customers.

The interior of the room depends on the concept of your business:

  1. Use bright colors for decoration.
  2. An elite boutique should amaze with luxury.
  3. Designer fashion house - creative ideas.
  4. For an inexpensive clothing market, it is enough to do everything neatly, while choosing discreet colors.
  5. But if you decide to open a thrift store, then the interior is not too important, the main thing is the right assortment and prices.


The cost of purchasing equipment directly depends on the size of your future store.

If your market area is large and you are focused on wealthy customers, then you will have to shell out a large amount to purchase everything. necessary equipment and fully stock your clothing store.

But even a small boutique (area - 50 squares) involves the purchase of the following commercial equipment:

Item of expensesAmount (in rubles)
Total:250 000 rub.
Racks and shelves
30 000
Showcase for accessories (jewelry, etc.)
20 000
Racks and hangers
20 000
Equipment for two fitting rooms
20 000
10 000
Cash register
10 000
25 000
Bathroom equipment
15 000
Service room equipment
40 000
Other60 000


Naturally, any store needs sellers who will:
  • polite, helpful, smiling;
  • have a good understanding of the product that is being sold;
  • have strong nerves and are indulgent about the shortcomings of clients, such as nervousness, impatience, tactlessness, etc.

Today, it is rare that clothing stores work, closing for the weekend, so form two shifts of sellers at once.

The number of consultants on one shift directly depends on the size of your store and the range of goods in it.

If we are talking about a modest corner in mall, then one employee is enough.

If the area of ​​the trading floor is more than 25 squares, then it is better to hire 4 sellers at once (2 per shift).

To incentivize your consultants to sell better, don't put them on a bid. This scheme of work is more effective: a small rate (for example, 5,000 rubles) +% of sales.

In addition to salespeople, you need to hire 1-2 cleaners (if you want your clothing store to always be clean, it’s better to hire two cleaners so that they also work in shifts) and an accountant (an alternative is an agreement with an outsourcing company).

If you decide to open a large clothing store from scratch and are not too limited in funds, then you can hire a manager who will help you figure out all the nuances of a new business.

Or you can manage on your own if you feel like you can handle it.

For the salary of the staff, you expect the following monthly expenses:

As you can see, salary costs will not be the same every month due to the fact that sellers do not have a fixed rate, their earnings depend on the amount of sales made.

How to open a clothing store: expenses

Naturally, entrepreneurs who decide to open a ready-made dress market are interested in the question “How much does it cost to open a clothing store?”.

You will receive an exact answer to this question only when, with an indication of specific amounts for equipment, rent, repairs in the premises, depending on its condition, etc.

Before making such a plan, study the pricing policy in your area in order to operate with exact, not indicative figures.

If we talk about opening a store of 50 square meters on the ground floor of a multi-storey building in the central part of the city with a population of 300-400 thousand people, then the costs will be approximately as follows:

This amount will increase due to financial plan you will have to pay the costs of running a clothing store until your monthly income covers these costs.

For supporting normal operation boutique, you need at least 150,000 rubles a month.

That is, in order to open a clothing store from scratch, it is desirable to have 1.5 million rubles.

Opening a clothing store - is it profitable or not?

Both financial analysts and experienced entrepreneurs, answering the question: “Is it profitable to open a clothing store?” say: “It is profitable if you choose the right place for business, sell quality goods at affordable prices and constantly remind customers of yourself with sales and interesting promotions.”

The average payback of this business is 1.5-2 years.

Let's try to explain how the numbers work with a specific example.

Let's say you sell 4 items worth 8,000 rubles a day.

Let's immediately subtract the % of sellers who persuaded customers to make a purchase, let's say it's 10%, that is, we have 7,200 rubles left. For a month, the profit of a clothing store (already minus the% of the consultant) will be over 200,000 rubles.

Remember that the amount of mandatory monthly expenses is 140,000 rubles (we take the minimum amount, because we have already deducted% to the consultant), that is, you are left with 76,000 rubles of profit.

At least 20% of this amount should be set aside for the next purchase.

Little is left?

Then you have to attract more clients so that your personal income as a boutique owner is even higher.

Now you know almost everything about how to open a clothing store.

It remains only to collect the amount of start-up capital and think through all the nuances of launching a startup in order to avoid disappointment.

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Women's clothing is always in demand. All representatives of the fair half want to look stunning, so they update their wardrobe quite often. This natural desire of women to be seductive can make good money if you open a women's clothing store from scratch. But in theory simple idea in practice, it leads to a dead end with the question: “Where to start?”.

Stages of creating your business

Don't assume: I'm the only one so smart, so the boutique will immediately begin to bring good profits". It must be remembered that if a women's clothing store is a profitable type of business, a newcomer here will have to face a high level of competition. But this is not an obstacle in order to open your business from scratch and make it successful, overtaking competitors. Why is it necessary:

  1. Make a market analysis within the city, locality, a district where it is planned to open a women's clothing boutique.
  2. Based on the analysis, form an assortment (this must be done before opening a store).
  3. Create a cost estimate, including an advertising campaign.
  4. Find staff, premises, buy equipment.
  5. Prepare documents, open IP.

Now we need to consider each of the stages in more detail.

Qualitative analysis - 50% success

To the question: “How to start a business?” an adequate answer would be: "From market analysis." This is especially true if the business sector provides for a high level of competition, which will main feature women's clothing segment.

Opening a store quickly without preparation is dooming yourself to losses.

Starting a business is a big step requiring maximum concentration, composure, rationality.

The analysis should begin with determining the number, at least an approximate number, of outlets that sell women's clothing. It is best to go through them yourself and get acquainted with the assortment and pricing policy.

It is necessary to control and monitor the opening of new women's clothing stores. Adopt creative techniques of future competitors. Please note that it is necessary to remove price tags and shop windows very carefully, otherwise problems with staff and security may arise.

Actually, a deep analysis of the assortment will help attract women, girls and make them regular customers. Everything is extremely simple here - clothes that are not available or few in other stores will be in demand.

Attention! The deeper the analysis is carried out, the higher its effectiveness. This is painstaking work, which will subsequently give a good result with a serious approach.

Many women's clothing stores, especially large ones, try to create a universal assortment for all age categories. The result - the presented clothes are of little interest to customers. The reason is that with an overall impressive selection, individual segments contain very few models. It is necessary to bet on diversity within the framework of relatively narrow specialization, for example, open a plus size clothing boutique.

You can also think about second hand store opening. This type of business is no less profitable with the right approach.

Formation of the assortment - pitfalls

Before you open a women's clothing store, you should decide on the assortment. But what to do if all the niches are already occupied by competitors and new clothing collections are only relevant for the first week or two? Do not despair, panic and do absurd actions:

  • try to order everything at once;
  • try to stand out from the general mass of stores by ordering expensive, extravagant models that will narrow the female consumer audience as much as possible;
  • work on a template.

Attention! To open a women's clothing store from scratch and promote it, you need to look for your individual style in work. Everything is important here: knowledge of the laws of the market, psychology, ingenuity, ingenuity.

No less important will be the knowledge of the pitfalls. One of these is youth-oriented clothing, mainly styles: sport, street, underground. The problem is that the youth audience is not so numerous, much more than middle-aged customers.

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In addition, it should be remembered that online commerce is actively developing and a certain part of the youth audience prefers to purchase clothes through the network, which reduces the purchasing potential of the audience. Therefore, the boutique loses customers already in the theoretical calculation. That is why opening a women's clothing store requires a deep analysis.

What to play if not creative ideas regarding the formation of an assortment of women's clothing? Then practical methods are used, one of the effective ones is dumping - lowering the price. But how to do it in such a way that it doesn’t burn out and work for the future. Very simple, there are 2 options:

  • reduce staff costs, premises - to conduct a regime of austerity;
  • put the cost of promotion in the estimate before opening the store - let it work for a while at a loss after opening in order to attract customers.

And if not everyone can afford the second option, then the first is quite real.

The hackneyed, but no less important ratio - price-quality will help the entrepreneur. The buyer always chooses products more than High Quality, and with its identical indicators, the product that costs less wins, women's clothing is no exception.

Opening an individual entrepreneur is quite simple and cheap, you only need to pay a state duty - 800 rubles. Many advise getting a status legal entity, open LLC, OJSC, PJSC. But this is true if it is planned to open a network, and not just one women's clothing store. You need to start simple, especially for newcomers to the business.

Collect documents for obtaining status individual entrepreneur will not be difficult - this is a standard package, the contents of which can be found on the official website of the Tax Inspectorate.

About, how to start a sole proprietorship in 2020, we told in the corresponding article.


It consists of the following articles:

  • Premises - it all depends on the area and its geographical location. On average, rent will cost 250-400 rubles per 1m 2. Despite the fact that it is tentatively necessary to open a store with an area of ​​​​50m 2, it turns out that the rent will cost 12,500–20,000 rubles per month. Plus, you need to lay down about 30,000–60,000 rubles for the repair of the premises. Lighting is important for a women's clothing store, you can't save on it. You can also add payment here. utilities, on average it is 6,000–12,000 rubles;
  • Equipment: trempels, mannequins, chairs, furniture (rack for cash register, utility room for staff). Depending on the scale, 60,000–120,000 rubles are needed;
  • Wage personnel. It should be remembered here that good specialists will not work for a pittance. Salary is adjusted according to economic indicators region. Accordingly, wages in the capital are higher than in the provinces. On average, this figure ranges from 18,000 to 32,000 rubles. The minimum staff of a women's clothing store is 5 people: 4 sales assistants and an accountant. Accordingly, it is necessary to spend 90,000–160,000 rubles on a monthly salary. Staff must be recruited before the store opens, not after;
  • The purchase of goods is the most controversial item of expenditure. Everything here is individual and depends on the entrepreneur. You can give only one piece of advice in order to get promoted well and not burn out - you should not buy large quantities of clothes and the prepayment should not exceed 50%. You should first work out a scheme of cooperation with suppliers, and then go to large volumes.

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The calculation of the final cost of the goods should be carried out taking into account the costs of personnel, premises. Usually, a double markup of the purchase price is obtained. A novice entrepreneur should not cheat more than 3 times. A well-established women's clothing store or chain can afford to multiply the starting cost of clothing by 5 times.

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It turns out that in order to open a store, you need not such a large amount - 100,000–200,000 rubles, including the purchase of goods, it can increase to 200,000–300,000 rubles. But subsequently, the maintenance of the boutique will require monthly laying out from 110,000 to 190,000 rubles, which corresponds to half of the initial costs.

And this is just a rough calculation without taking into account the cost of advertising. Therefore, before you open a women's clothing store, you need to carefully calculate everything, whether it will be profitable to engage in such a business.

Attention! Opening a store has a lower spending limit, but no upper. You can spend several million, and they will not bring profit later, they will be spent nowhere.

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