This service is what. Bosch Auto Service is one of the largest networks of independent service stations in the world.

We talked with a young and ambitious newcomer to the IT Park Business Incubator - the REPUTATION project. The guys have been developing a service that helps protect business from unscrupulous companies for several years now. During the interview, the founder of the project, Pavel Klimov, spoke about how the service works, about his competitors, about his plans for the future, and shared useful life hacks.

- Can you tell us more about your service?

Our project is called REPUTATION and is a web service with which you can check the counterparty for reliability online. REPUTATION analyzes information from official sources: tax services, arbitration courts, bailiffs, unified state register legal entities, unified state register individual entrepreneurs etc. The data is updated daily. Based on these data, the program calculates whether it is worth working with the company or whether it is better to refuse cooperation. The service will not help increase profits, but it will keep what you already have, minimizing financial risks companies.

- How to become a user of the web service?

The user only needs to register on the site And to get access to the demo version for one day and personally get acquainted with the capabilities of the service, you must enter your phone number.

- Does the service have competitors? What is the innovative component of the project?

Of course, we have competitors, including Interfax, SPARK, Kommersant KARTOTEKA and SKB Kontur. One of the advantages of the REPUTATION project, in comparison with other services, is profitable price and a simple interface that provides fast, convenient and intuitive access to information for the average user. Another advantage of REPUTATION over other services is the availability of a special option that allows you to get " historical reference about company".

By the way, as practice shows, clients usually use two similar services at the same time, which makes it possible to minimize the likelihood of an error. Now you do not need to be a security officer to check the counterparty for reliability!

- What is the probability of error?

In all organizations that provide us with information, people work, so we do not exclude the possibility of errors. We came up with a solution when all the necessary information is linked to the company using the TIN and PSRN.

- What kind information bases You are using?

We work with the tax service, with open data from the bailiff service and the arbitration court. The user can be sure that the information he will receive through the use of the "REPUT" service will be true and reliable.

If a person independently checks his counterparty, then it will take a lot of time and effort, especially if it is necessary to obtain information about a large corporation. It will be quite laborious for the layman to process such a large amount of data accumulated over the long history of the company, and when reconciling information, he may make a mistake or miss something.

In our service, searching and generating information about a company takes literally seconds: you just need to enter the name, TIN or OGRN of the counterparty in the search box and wait for the result.

- Have there been regular users of the service?

There are a lot of regular users. We sell a license for a period of one year. But there are also those who use the free "REPUTATION" options, such as: "mass director", "founder" or "disqualified person". Often it is enough to understand whether it is worth working with this organization.

- Have there been situations in your practice when you were asked to correct discrediting information?

We periodically receive calls from all over Russia from companies that want to remove information from our service. For example, this applies to those who once went bankrupt, and now leads new business and would not want today's clients and partners to know about his past mistakes. We believe that if such a precedent took place in the life of an entrepreneur, then it must be displayed in the service. I want to note once again that our information is always up-to-date and is updated automatically.

- Tell us the history of the project?

- The idea of ​​creating the REPUTATION project came to me in 2012. Then I started doing cargo transportation in Russia and ran into two unscrupulous companies, because of which I got into debt and could lose my business. After this situation, I began to carefully study the issues related to due diligence of companies and eventually decided to try to create my own product.

Now the company has 11 people. We have been developing the product for over 5 years. At this stage, we faced a lot of problems: from personnel issues to disagreements about how the service itself should look like, synchronizing such a volume of information.

- How did your path to the IT park begin?

We applied for selection to the Business Incubator twice. Only with time do you understand your past mistakes and why the project did not reach the in-person selection: an incorrectly presented presentation, an incorrectly chosen business model, etc. We took into account all the mistakes and passed the 25th anniversary selection, and today we proudly bear the title of a resident of the IT Park Business Incubator.

- Were your expectations justified?

The IT park provides a huge amount of new knowledge for newcomers to the business world. All the information that we received here would have been simply necessary for us at the stage of establishing a business. We have received these competencies in a practical way, spending a lot of time, effort and money on it.

Also, the technopark has excellent support in terms of information support project. Our product is useful and easy to use, but it is quite difficult to explain and show its value to users. And we came to the conclusion that it is time to carry out an educational program and bring the goods to a wider audience, in which the IT park helps us.

- What are your plans for the future?

Thanks to constant monitoring of competitors, interesting options appear in the service that distinguish it from other verification systems. But working in the field of high technologies, we understand that it is not easy to surprise users. It should also be noted that any innovation sooner or later appears among competitors.

- What successes can you already boast of?

In principle, we are only now beginning to reap the fruits of the work of previous years. After successfully passing the selection, we began to put all the information we received on the shelves and create a project along the route that the mentors of the Business Incubator helped us to draw up. Now it remains to follow him and pump your product. At the moment we are developing the sales department.

- Did you have a negative experience with your service?

In arbitration cases, the name of the company can be incorrectly indicated, and this fact can create many problems. But since we work with many verified official sources, we provide users with only the most accurate information. The advantage of our service is the ability to immediately study all necessary materials. But I do not rule out that the information found may affect the reputation of the company both positively and negatively. I note that there have not yet been any precedents related to the errors of our service.

- Can you formulate life hacks for working with the service?

  1. First of all, you should take into account how many companies are registered on a person and what condition they are in. If there are closed ones, then it is worth looking at how they were closed, for example, abandoned or reorganized. It is important to see if the company is left with debts. And if a potential counterparty has debts, then you should think that he can do the same with you.
  2. It is also worth thinking about working with a company that has different types details that are not related. For example, one company sells fish, creates IT projects, and sells chemicals. In such cases, scammers can work.
  3. Pay attention to the life of the company. If a company has been in business for half a year - a year, then you need to be extremely careful.

And I can give a couple more life tips: you should not work with friends. In such situations, you trust and do not consider it necessary to check. And at this time, an acquaintance will never tell you that he is doing badly, and you should not work with him anymore. Try to lead contractual relationship with "doubtful" business partners so that in case of danger, the partner risks more than you and your company.

- Does the application have a function to see who checks you?

We do not have such a function, but there is an opportunity to observe the company you are interested in. This is even more important than checking the counterparty. Yes, you have checked the company, yes, it has performed well now, but in 2-3 weeks it may start to have problems.

- What is the probability of running into an unreliable contractor today?

Today it is very important, because despite such a number of services, law firms companies providing similar verification services, it is still possible to suffer from an unreliable contractor.

We constantly measure and monitor user requests on this topic. Over the past 3 years, the number of counterparty verification requests has tripled. I hope that soon, with the help of such services, it will be difficult for companies to hide their "dark" past and present in business.

Customer service is an integral part of any company. Sometimes the buyer prefers to purchase a product or service for a considerable price, but in a place where a higher level of service awaits him.

You will learn:

  • What is customer service and why does your company need it.
  • What is a customer service system?
  • How is customer service management possible?

Target customer service- strengthening the competitive advantages of the company by improving the level of customer service.

The organization of customer service in the company will entail:

  • arrival of new customers;
  • increase in the number of regular customers.

A customer-centric business aims to gain recognition and customer loyalty.

Probably all successful managers know that it is much easier and cheaper to retain a customer than to attract a new one. Almost all well-functioning companies receive the bulk of their income from regular customers. Therefore, the development of customer service should include a set of actions to preserve and increase the number of regular customers for successful work.

There are many reasons that can turn random buyers into permanent ones:

  • well-chosen assortment of goods;
  • optimally designed bonus system;
  • professional consultations of specialists;
  • attractive interior, etc.

However, the creation of a permanent client base cannot be based only on the proposed system of discounts or other banal promotions. Give customers more - good attitude. According to research, increasing professional qualities staff increases sales by 7-20%, and customer service training can increase turnover by 50%.

The customer service of the store consists of well-structured relationships between the consumer and the seller before the transaction, during its completion and after.

Examples of customer service that inspire

  • Dancing waiters

The spectacle, when a restaurant visitor calls the waiter to repeat the order, and he begins to dance in front of the client, could only be seen in some musical film before. Now such paintings are available in some cafes. The waiter approaches the visitor, but instead of placing an order, he throws back the tray and does dance steps or acrobatic tricks right next to the table. Bartenders, cooks and other waiters join him. It's a synchronized dance.

After the end of the music, all the staff, without uttering a word, disperse to their workplaces. And such a spectacle can be observed not somewhere abroad, but here in Russia (in Murmansk).

  • Free shipping

A client of one of the firms, while traveling in the United States, did not take her favorite Zappos shoes with her. There was no similar pair of shoes on the store's website, and the woman decided to contact the retailer's customer service center.

The Zappos employees didn't have the right model in stock, but they bought the shoes from another store and delivered them absolutely free.

Another equally interesting story happened to a client who wanted to order a pizza, but she did not succeed, because it was already very late. She decided to jokingly call Zappos support in a completely different locality. Imagine the extent of her surprise when the customer service operator did not even mention that they do not provide such services, but dictated the addresses of 24-hour pizzerias in her area.

  • generous gifts

Following the cancellation of Starbucks' 10% guaranteed discount for its Gold Starbucks loyal customers, there have been complaints from consumers and efforts to sort things out. Instead of standard explanations, Starbucks customers were not only explained the current situation, but also transferred $50 to each interested buyer for new discount cards.

  • Changed plans for Harry Potter

A family of four bought a holiday to Mauritius from the award-winning travel company Trailfinders. But almost immediately after the transaction, the release date of the new Harry Potter book became known. Children from this family wanted to receive it exactly on the day the sales began. Parents had no choice but to refuse the trip. To prevent this, the workers found book store in Mauritius, received confirmation that the book would go on sale the same day as in England, and booked one copy. Parents were delighted with such a service and shared their impressions with many friends and acquaintances.

  • All employees participate

The award-winning Yarra Valley Water utility decided to reduce the number of customer complaints and optimize the time it takes to process them. For this, a committee was organized, whose members met once a month to identify the causes of complaints. Having determined what actions caused the claim, the committee decided to appoint new responsible persons who were to take action on this situation, provide a report on the causes of its occurrence and make proposals for its elimination. As a result, all departments of Yarra Valley Water were included in the work to solve the difficulties that arose in the process of serving customers. The company appreciated the importance of a strategic approach to customer requirements, the introduction of which contributed to a decrease in the number of claims. Pat McCafferty, Yarra Valley Water's general manager of client services, who is responsible for implementing this program, noted that the effectiveness of this method is that all employees involved in the organizational process were involved in the problem-solving process. The company's management realized that the customer service program cannot function properly if there is no support from departments that affect the quality of services provided.

General Motors and Amazon Service Principles You Can Implement in Your Company

John Shoal delivered customer service to Wimm-Bill-Dann, Amazon, General Electric. Especially for the readers of the Commercial Director magazine, the service guru adapted his system to the needs of a Russian client. Suitable even for a small company.

What is a customer service system?

  • Proper selection of personnel

The complexity of selection in the service sector is very high, because the service sector is developing faster than the potential of the labor market. It is for this reason that employees are often hired without relevant work experience and recommendations, and additional efforts have to be made to train staff to provide quality service.

  • Staff adaptation

During the period of accustoming a new employee to the team, a psychological contact is established between the new employee and the management. The opinion formed in the first working days will influence his future behavior. If an employee has the wrong idea at the very beginning of his career, then, most likely, he will have to forget about good service. Therefore, it is very important to immediately explain to the employee what “quality of customer service” is, and how important loyalty to visitors is.

  • Company values

It is essential that every employee believes in the mission of their company. The employer is obliged to publish a document that will spell out the goals, objectives of the company, the customer service program, its standards. The director must be consistent. If you convince employees to respect all customers, but at the same time ask them not to take the goods back for anything, the staff will soon understand your true intentions and become dismissive of customers.

  • Training

Even if an employee understands that he must serve his customers at the highest level, this does not mean that he will really provide them with quality service. Therefore, do not forget to pay attention to staff training. Training should be focused on making the employee aware of the relationship between training and regular everyday duties, so that his knowledge "turned" into skills.

  • Assessment and indicator

The quality of service must be assessed and analyzed simultaneously with the control over economic indicators. This is usually done by the line manager. He can organize surveys, play situations of communication between a consultant and a buyer, check their work skills. Personnel assessment will help solve such problems as motivating employees to work productively, identifying those employees who have the potential for further advancement, etc.

  • Corporate values ​​that many leaders underestimate

How to write customer service standards

Customer service standards are those rules and regulations that a firm establishes to ensure High Quality visitor service. These requirements are created in accordance with the specifics of the organization's activities, as well as its policy of interaction with consumers.

These principles apply to the following tasks:

  • maintaining the loyalty of existing customers and attracting primary ones;
  • creation of a common vision and understanding of the sales department employees of the tasks and goals of interaction with consumers.

It is quite difficult to keep the service at the same appropriate level. To achieve this, you need to go through the following steps:

Stage 1. Development common standards client service

It may seem that the process of developing standards is quite simple, but it is not at all the case. To create a rule and put it into action, it is necessary to determine what the customer service program and the concept of the organization will become, what will be offered and to whom.

Stage 2. Introduction of uniform standards into action

On the this stage it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

  • train staff to work in accordance with corporate standards;
  • explain to managers the importance of following the approved rules of interaction.

To solve these problems, it would be optimal to carry out corporate trainings where managers have the opportunity to put into practice the principles of the developed standards. At this stage, you need to be prepared for possible resistance from the staff and be able to explain to employees that the implementation of those basics will help them achieve high results.

Stage 3. Control of compliance with standards

The outcome of this step should be mandatory application standards by all employees in practice.

How customer service is managed: white, gray and black methods

2. Response teams

This method implies that you yourself will search for reviews on the Web, working through the negative ones.

Work in this direction is impossible without monitoring the media space. The easiest way is to search blogs and posts.

  • Proactive working methods

This implies that you will take action to build your reputation before any unpleasant stories and claims arise. Such activity is especially relevant if you need to correct a negative opinion that has already arisen by default.

This method can be seen in the example of a Russian smartphone manufacturer whose products are perceived as poor quality only because the country of production is Russia, or a few years ago the company had some problems, and although the situation has changed, people's opinion is difficult to change.

Of course, the solution of such issues should be decided already at the level of formation marketing strategy. The most important thing is to enable consumers to quickly and easily get up-to-date information. The main nuance is that this information should be unobtrusively conveyed to those who are not looking for it at all. Because if the client is a priori against this company (for example, because of past scandals with the environmental friendliness of products), then it is unlikely that he himself will look for refuting information.

1. Proactive work with opinion leaders.

Gather a group of people who have authority and respect among your potential customers, invite them to come to the factory, offer to test pre-released products, allow them to publish live, honest reviews, expressing their opinion on everything they have seen or tried.

You should not ask for writing "artificial" reviews that a person accidentally purchased your product and was completely delighted with it. This will irritate both the reviewer himself and the audience, which will easily recognize insincerity. Additional doubts will appear, the opinion about your company as a whole will deteriorate.

2. Content Marketing

Content marketing works to attract customers and build trust without the use of promotions. A content marketer writes interesting, informative texts without including direct advertising, unobtrusively offering a product.

Briefly state the main idea this method you can do this: select the target audience, determine its values, interests, what you can offer, and start putting it into practice, gaining credibility and trust.

  • "Gray" methods of work

There is still an opinion in the media space that the influence of agents is a great job of improving reputation. "Agents of influence" are artificially created virtual characters on behalf of which reviews are written and advice is given to consumers on the Web. The information supposedly comes from a real person, but, in fact, it turns out to be a computer program.

Reviews are sometimes invented, and sometimes real ones are used (left, for example, on the official website). But there is a difference - reviews published on the site, or reviews sent to forums or social networks under fictitious names. People will resent the arrogance and arrogance of your company. This is more likely to alienate customers than attract new ones.

  • Black methods of work

Such methods include the following ways to increase the popularity of the company:

  • development of fake sites discrediting the reputation of a competitor;
  • sending fake negative feedback about a competitor's product.

What are the disadvantages of gray and black methods?

  • this is unethical (although performers and customers usually do not think about it);
  • it is inefficient (but it is in the interests of the performer to remain silent about it);
  • there is a high probability of exposure, which will cause disastrous reputational damage.

Organization of customer service: step by step instructions

Each buyer sooner or later faces some difficulties or questions about the product - it is at this moment that the client can be lost. To correct the current situation, restore and strengthen consumer loyalty, the customer service department (or support service) will help. For proper creation, the following steps should be taken:

Step 1. Choose a communication channel

To create a help desk, you need to decide on a way to communicate with consumers. Depending on the specifics of the work, you can choose: telephone, WhatsApp or Viber, email, a separate window on the site.

The chat on the site, already familiar to everyone, where people leave most of the messages, has become the most optimal way of communication. Don't give up on your phone either. The older generation will prefer this option. Consider other alternative communication methods as well.

The following situation is possible. Support specialists are slowed down due to the lack of visual capabilities. They have to spend time explaining what would become clear after viewing the corresponding picture. Interaction with the client is difficult. You can send the necessary screenshot by e-mail, but for this you would have to interrupt the communication. There is a way to solve this problem by organizing, for example, a video consultation. Now it is available with the help of various gadgets and programs for free. So you can combine a live consultation and a visual solution to the problem.

Step 2. We hire employees in the department

The support staff is very important. It is important that the customer service specialist is responsive and ready to help people. Knowledge and professional skills also have a role, but this is secondary.

As for the specific skills that you need to pay attention to in the resume, here it is worth starting from the requirements for the project and the working conditions. If the project is international, the manager must know several foreign languages ​​in order to be able to be useful to more clients and provide them with the best customer service. In other projects, it is not necessary to be a polyglot, but technical skills are important.

Step 3. Distribute the load

Often, support specialists provide advice on various issues. One person may help the consumer with registration first, and later try to solve a technical problem. But as experience and audience grow, the realization gradually comes that it is necessary to segment all tasks.

In multilingual projects, the division occurs according to linguistic characteristics, in other cases - according to industries. As a rule, this is done informally, based on the personal preferences and skills of employees. Some find it easier to provide financial advice, while others find it easier to solve technical problems. Each head of customer service must determine for himself what distribution according to which criteria will be more effective.

Also, the service can be divided into groups of consumers, doing it in different ways. For example, segment by customer class (from ordinary to VIP), individual services or corporate offers, one-time purchases or ongoing cooperation.

But in all cases, whether support is segmented or not, there is a “hot” time when the customer service center cannot cope with the influx of calls and messages. The season can also have an effect. For example, in educational project the greatest activity occurs in the autumn, and the summer will be calm at times. If this did not happen before, then it is at the height of the season that an understanding arises of how important universal answers are, without which the development of customer service is impossible. That is why it is recommended to create a FAQ section, in which the client can independently find standard answers to many questions.

Step 4Setting up privacy

Sometimes for people who contacted the customer service department, the secrecy of communication is very important. Often the specifics of the site suggests that people will send copies of documents, diplomas, passports, data bank cards and other confidential information. Many of the users are afraid of a network failure, after which information may fall into unscrupulous hands.

If it is possible to do without sending documents, use this. Let this option be left to the visitor's choice.

But if official paperwork is still required for the operation of your customer service, pay attention to data protection. For example, after reviewing a diploma and verifying it, the file is automatically deleted from the system. This will prevent your data from being passed on to third parties. It is not recommended to store personal documents of consumers unless absolutely necessary.

Step 5. Quality Control

Customer service is evaluated according to several key indicators efficiency (KPI). We regularly check the speed of response and the degree of subscriber satisfaction according to the consumer loyalty index (NPS). In order for the quality of customer service not to decrease, it is necessary to constantly hold meetings both within the team and with other teams (for example, product developers). This will help in the training of staff, and in improving their skills.

Some firms use a system of punishments and rewards in their activities, but many directors are skeptical about fines. It is better not to go to extremes, mercilessly putting forward sanctions for the slightest flaw in the work, but to rely on the consciousness and responsibility of employees. Although there are organizations in which such methods work effectively. If more than 100 people participate in the project, then fines help to regulate and control the productivity of the staff. It is not necessary to refuse punishments, but you should not treat them as the most important tool for managing a team.

As for encouragement, this is a great way to show that quality work employee is highly valued.

Expert opinion

I personally care about the quality of customer service

Alexey Zvir,

director of ZEVS LLC, Uryupinsk, Volgograd region

In Uryupinsk, there is very high competition among grocery stores both network and small kiosks. We need to look for ways to attract consumers, improve customer service.

For example, almost all buyers are car owners, which means they will prefer to shop in a store where there is a convenient and spacious parking lot. Therefore, our company rented a plot of land next to the outlet and organized parking there.

Next is the entrance to the store. It is good if the doors open with minimal effort. I have them sliding, and the buyer with a stroller or with bulky packages does not have to free his hand to open them.

Store employees must meet a number of requirements. The seller will not be admitted to the buyers if he is not well versed in the goods. This is stated in our customer service standards. We train beginners, we regularly check those who have been working for a long time. They should be able to answer all customer questions: country of origin, shelf life and expiration dates, taste and other characteristics. The buyer can read the information on the price tag himself, this is not a hint for the seller or the administrator of the trading floor. Cashiers must not only punch through purchases, but also put them into packages.

In order for the customer service of the store to be at a high level all the time, it is necessary to know the moods and preferences of customers. We conduct surveys and surveys. So, for example, at the end of summer, girls with questionnaires. After processing the results, it turned out that buyers are satisfied with the service and assortment. About interesting products I take care of myself, I bring exclusive products that cannot be bought in a chain store. For example, I buy Swiss chocolate at METRO Cash & Carry. Taking into account the responses of the buyers, I will adjust the work of the organization for the better, and in November I will conduct another survey.

More customers will come if the store is open around the clock. You can take your time, because our store is always waiting for you!

How to evaluate the level of customer service in a company

  • Handling complaints

As a rule, if everything is pleasant, the client pays money and comes again, if something is wrong, he will most likely go to a competitor next time. It is very rare that only the most responsive and conscientious people help improve your service by talking about shortcomings. The book of complaints, reviews in social networks and a request to call a senior are the main material for evaluating the service. If you take action to fix problems after reading a negative review, then there is a chance to retain many customers who will no longer face an unpleasant situation.

  • Mystery shopper

Everyone knows, but also an effective way. Ask people you know to call your customer service center and ask prepared questions. This will help you understand how your employees communicate with consumers. Save the recording, sort out the mistakes at the meeting, tell us about your wishes about the conversation. Give a little training, let the employees practice, and after a while repeat the test call.

  • Field work

It will be a tremendous experience if a manager works on a par with subordinates a couple of times a month. For example, as a front office manager. The boss, having penetrated the environment, will be able to understand how to improve both the work of the staff and customer service in general, as well as allocate money for the proposed optimization.

  • Statistics

pay attention to financial indicators. The departments of advertising and marketing count how many new consumers came in a certain period. And how many of them went away during the same period, rarely anyone counts, although attracting primary buyers is much more expensive than maintaining existing ones. If you keep regular records, you can draw conclusions about the productivity of the customer service department or think over a loyalty program for existing customers with a competent compensation system.

  • Working out points of contact

There are approximately 100 points of contact between the consumer and your firm. But few people, even the leader, can name at least 10-15 of them. The product itself, packaging, information leaflet, website - that's what most often comes to mind. But it is quite possible that the only reminder of your store for the client will be a rude cashier or an incompetent sales floor employee. Make a mind map with points of contact to analyze the quality of customer service at all stages of interaction with your company.

  • Questionnaires

This is a great way to evaluate customer service. The following rules should be followed when conducting surveys: conduct infrequently, but maintain regularity, measure the same indicators to track dynamics, do not include too many questions, and thank clients for their time. But most importantly, you need to process information, and not put it off indefinitely. Most of all, people are annoyed if they filled out the paper, contacted you, and then faced the same problems.

  • Competitor analysis

Usually they do not like competitors. But try not to ignore them, but try to understand what they are doing better than you. This will help you figure out what can be corrected, and what, on the contrary, should be introduced into your activities. SWOT analysis will help you with this.

  • Fan poll

These are your regular, dedicated customers, your 20% Pareto law. If you periodically remind them of your appreciation and gratitude for many years of interaction, you will hear what they lack, what they have wishes.

  • Communication with departed clients

Not everyone maintains a database of former clients, but if it exists, work can be done upon their return.

Some just once, the first and last time dealt with your company. Why did it happen? It is important. In the next interaction, it is necessary to convey the following thoughts to the consumer:

  1. Apologize ("We are very sorry, we apologize that we disappointed you and did not provide the proper quality of service").
  2. Find out the reason for the break in communication (“What influenced the decision? Why are you no longer our client?”).
  3. Who are you collaborating with now? What do you like? What are your comments?"
  4. “Thank you for your time with us. We will be glad if you decide to return to us.
  • NPS Index

NPS (Net Promoter Score) is an index of consumer loyalty to secondary purchases. This indicator is well suited for those who love accuracy. The loyalty index shows how willing customers are to recommend your company and products to their friends. You can start to figure this out with one question: "On a scale of 1 to 10, how willing would you be to recommend this product to your friends?"

  • Customer Loyalty Index (NPS): how to increase it competently

Expert opinion

How to conduct an NPS survey

Andrey Voynov,

Marketing Director of Invitro LLC

Target. A survey of patients was conducted to obtain feedback and clarify the stage at which difficulties appear. To do this, all those who visited the clinic (this is more than 7,500,000 people annually) were asked to answer questions posted on the official website. 900 thousand people (12%) take part in the survey, which makes it possible to guarantee the reliability of the answers received and the conclusions formulated on their basis. The survey helps to see how the patient evaluates the company's customer service, what they like, and what, on the contrary, needs to be changed. This method helps to quickly identify the most vulnerable areas of the clinic. Sometimes it turns out that these things, at first glance, are completely elementary. For example, the visibility of a sign in a particular medical center. And the leader might not even think about it. After identifying the problem, you can easily fix it - make the sign brighter or move it to a more convenient place.

How the tool works. Patients receive test results via e-mail. In each letter, we invite you to take part in a survey to evaluate customer service and the work of the company itself. If the consumer clicks on the "Feedback" link, then it appears in the section of the site with questions developed by marketers.

Most often, when calculating NPS, organizations are interested in how ready a client is to recommend a brand to their friends, and ask them to rate the work as a whole. But if a person puts a low score, it is difficult to understand what specifically he did not like. We appeal to consumers with a request to evaluate the points of contact with the company on a 10-point scale: the convenience of the location of the office, the convenience of the reception, the work of the medical staff, etc.

In the case when the patient evaluates the indicator by 9-10 points, this means that he is satisfied and ready to recommend the medical center to his relatives (the so-called "promoter"). If the patient rated this or that characteristic by 7-8 points, then he is not completely satisfied (“passive”). But such a client is quite easy to transfer to the “promoters” group, correcting what they lack in your client or professional service. However, in the case when the consumer puts 1-6 points, the service does not suit him completely (“critic”), it is recommended to correct the situation within 24 hours.

This program automatically reloads all received estimates into a single file so that marketers can analyze the results. Immediately after receiving a low score (from one to six), the information is transferred to the customer service department so that employees can contact the dissatisfied visitor and clarify his claims. The work of customer service specialists does not end there, they begin to solve the problem. If a negative review was left during the day, then the managers contact the patient within two hours, and if in the evening, then within 12 hours.

Example 1 We strictly monitor the quality level of laboratory tests, service when taking biomaterial. But it turned out that they did not pay attention to a very important nuance for patients - they did not conveniently arrange the area for putting on shoe covers. It was tight for visitors to wear shoes, which led to a low assessment of this point of contact with the organization. But after identifying the problem, the clinics began to correct the situation - they allocated more space, put large quantity armchairs. The decision lay on the surface, and in fact initially we could not even realize the reason for the dissatisfaction of patients. After all the activities carried out, people stopped complaining about this indicator and began to evaluate it 1.5 times higher.

Example 2 The client brought the child to the clinic, where, due to a malfunction in the logistics, there were no consumables for taking a certain analysis from the baby. The patient had to go to another department and order the study there. After receiving the results by e-mail, the girl clicked on the survey link and left a negative review. Customer service employees called her, apologized and refunded the cost of the taxi ride. After that, audits and proceedings were already carried out within the company. It turned out that consumables were not brought due to a disruption in delivery. We have changed the procedure for checking consumables and we no longer receive complaints about this.

Result. The number of negative reviews has halved. We fixed every mistake, over the next 3-6 months we changed NPS from two points to nine, getting satisfied regular customers.

Improving Customer Service: 7 Elementary Ways

1. Changing the picture of the world

Correcting customer service for the better begins with a change in outlook, ideas about service. It is necessary to expand the concept as much as possible quality service. This is not only the interaction of the buyer and the cashier. The client encounters the service at every point of contact with the company: while searching for a product, while parking near the store, while browsing in Yandex necessary products And so on. Provide comfort to the buyer throughout the entire period of interaction with you. Each next step when purchasing a product should be obvious and simple.

What to do. Watch the employees of Sberbank PJSC, analyze the changes that have taken place. Think back to the bank branch you visit regularly just three years ago. Call them hotline. Could you imagine such changes? Try to imagine what a tremendous amount of work had to be done to change this organization so radically. This example will help you to believe in yourself and understand that it will be much easier to improve customer service in your company.

2. Knowing your statistics

As a manager, you should be aware of the following information:

  • A satisfied customer will bring nine people.
  • Disappointed will take away 18 people.
  • The client will tell five friends about a successful purchase.
  • About a bad purchase - 10 friends.
  • A thousandth blogger will tell all his subscribers about you (1000 or more potential consumers). Subsequent reposts will be a plus. Among your consumers there may be trainers, consultants, information businessmen who may have more than 100 thousand subscribers.
  • According to research, 68% of consumers leave because of a rude attitude.

Knowing how much it costs to attract a new consumer, what profit it will bring, it is easier to think about improving customer service. Gathering statistical information will help you understand at what stage a business is malfunctioning.

  • If there are very few potential consumers, then this may be due to the fact that they cannot find your company or they are simply uncomfortable looking for you. Change the advertisement, place a more understandable route map.
  • If there are enough potential consumers, but few purchases are made, the problem here is poor product layout, prices, and employees. It turns out that people are uncomfortable or unpleasant to buy.

By thinking in this direction and correcting mistakes in customer service, you can raise both business and service to a higher level.

What to do. Try to calculate the firm's conversion rate. This is done by installing a visitor counter (its cost is from 4500 rubles, there are also automatic models). You can find out how many potential buyers came, and you already know the number of purchases and the average check.

Then you can build a sales funnel. Count how many people pass by your outlet and how many directly enters. The totality of these numbers will give an idea of ​​the quality of advertising, attractiveness appearance shop, accessibility. The ratio of the number of those who made a purchase to the number of those who just came in will indicate the convenience of purchasing, the quality of the display of goods, the length of the queue at the checkout, etc. Knowing these indicators, you can plan the further development of the company.

3. Positive Communication

Nobody likes gloomy salespeople. Set the tone for the work so that the spirit of optimism is maintained in the organization. People involuntarily gravitate toward the benevolent, energetic, and successful. This should especially apply to those who directly interact with people - sellers, employees of the trading floor.

Politeness, respect for etiquette and courtesy also help win over others.

What to do. Start with yourself. Be smiling, easy to make contact. Try to show genuine interest in people. Recommend subordinates to read the books of Dale Carnegie and periodically test employees for knowledge of the basic techniques described by this psychologist.

4. Reach out to the customer more often

Be flexible in dealing with people. Many problems can be avoided if you approach them outside the box. Don't create conflict over trifles, and a satisfied customer will bring you more profit later on.

Stress resistance will help you in difficult situations. In the midst of a tense conversation, nothing helps more than a clear mind and calm, confident speech.

What to do. Give subordinates the order to resolve disputes in favor of the consumer, for example, within 150-200 rubles.

5. Take the initiative

If it becomes clear to you that delivery deadlines are being missed, do not wait until the last. Call the supplier as soon as you find out about the problem, offer a couple of ways to solve it. This will make your counterparties value you as a professional and your firm as genuinely interested in customer satisfaction and caring about partners.

What to do. Try to follow the course of events a few steps ahead. This will help you get out of difficult situations with dignity. Playing ahead of the curve is something without which the best customer service is impossible.

6. Keep your word

There are very few people in business today who keep their word. If you prove yourself as responsible and keeping your promises, you will be trusted, you will be equal. And this is the key to success and an effective method for improving customer service.

What to do. Start small. For example, at the request of customers, you can open a store 10 minutes before the official opening, and close 10 minutes later than the time indicated on the sign. This will show that you keep your promises and increase the goodwill towards you and your company.

7. Don't stop there

Creating high-level customer service is like growing a garden. At first, this is hard, thankless work with no visible results: it is necessary to clear the site, level the soil, plant and fertilize trees. Then follows the stage when the first fruits appear, they can be eaten, they bring pleasure to everyone. But to get a stable harvest, you need to regularly care for it, water it, cut dry branches. So it is in customer service: first, you need to make serious efforts to create a system. Then the first results will appear. The final goal is to achieve a permanent effect, to create such a system that it works without failures, and the staff knows the exact direction of development.

What to do. Develop a plan for implementing customer service. Don't grab everything at once. Do step by step work. For example, start with greetings and smiles to customers. Thus, gradually the whole company will begin to follow this. And then move on to the next step. After a while, reread this article again.

It would seem that simple rules together give an excellent result. But there is one caveat: all of them must be applied systematically, regularly, not sparing yourself and not postponing the matter to another day. The best customer service is the sum of all the little things that increase customer loyalty to your company.

  • Managing stress in an organization: what a leader should know

Expert opinion

Low Cost Ways to Improve Customer Service

Ekaterina Prikhodko,

CEO OOO "Ledokol", Krasnodar

To date, firms spend all more money to improve customer service, marketing strategy, customer focus. In industries where there is fierce competition, costs can be 50-70% of the level of trade. But don't ignore inexpensive ways to improve customer loyalty and the number of sales. Here are a few options for how you can do this.

Controlling SMS. One radio station in Siberia offered its customers a kind of SMS control of commercials. So, five minutes before the start of the broadcast of the video, a message was sent to the client with a reminder to listen to it. The next message came after to confirm the release of the advertisement. This method created the image of a worthy counterparty for the radio station, which is attentive to its customers.

Warming SMS helps expand the client flow. One photography services company used a very unusual marketing ploy. In the event that it is not possible to conclude an agreement with a potential customer, an SMS is sent to him: “Dear (consumer name), we are sure that your wedding will be the most stylish and unforgettable.” The attention and the shown care inclined the client to cooperation with this firm.

National Features. One firm located in the North Caucasus offered buyers of standard kitchens the installation of a second or third for free.

Rating of client emoticons. One restaurant printed five emoticons on their checks, ranging from the most dissatisfied to the most satisfied. Outraged visitors were given a 10% discount, a little upset - 5%, those who remained indifferent could not leave a tip, and the most satisfied customer service and cuisine were offered to leave a tip of 5-10% (at their discretion). This approach pleasantly surprises visitors, and also stimulates staff to serve better.

Blog Show. On the Vladivostok market of components for trucks very high competition. One firm organized a whole blog show. To begin with, the client's call to the service was recorded verbatim. Then the problem was diagnosed and the appropriate repair work was carried out. After that, photographs were taken so that the whole process was clearly visible from the moment of contact to the completion of the repair. All this information was posted on the corporate blog. Reports like these increased customer traffic by almost 10%.

Discount for friends. Firm in Volgograd organizing business trips, launched a promotion - additional discounts and bonuses if family members or colleagues travel with the client. Consumers quickly shared the news with their contacts, allowing the group to travel two weeks before the scheduled date.

Client Seminars. One large organization, working in the field of furniture fittings, holds client seminars every three months. At the event, communication with regulatory authorities and consumers takes place, issues of hiring employees and so on are discussed. This firm managed to increase the average amount of contracts by almost 27% in a year.

Information about experts

Alexey Zvir, director of ZEVS LLC, Uryupinsk, Volgograd region. OOO "ZEVS" Year of creation: 2008. Number of stores: 2. Area: 100 and 200 m2. Staff: 30 people. Turnover and profit: not disclosed.

Ekaterina Prikhodko, CEO, Icebreaker, Krasnodar. Certified Business Sales Coach. Specialization: sales. On sale since 1999. An expert in the field of sales, building sales systems, trade and marketing technologies. Author of projects for the sales departments of Bodrisar, Chernomorskaya finance company"," Stucco decorations.

Andrey Voynov, marketing director of Invitro company. "Invitro"- the largest private medical clinic in Russia. Founded in 1995. Field of activity - medical research. The company's retail network includes more than 800 offices in Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine.

The service management system in large and medium-sized companies consists of 5 key elements: service responsibility center, service standards, service evaluation and control system, service HR and PR processes, cyclical management (goal setting, planning, summarizing, etc.). permanent basis), in some cases working with the resistance of managers and front line employees. The goal of any service management system is a high and stable level of service. However, it is impossible to improve the service without evaluating and monitoring it. How to understand that the service has become - competitive advantage for a business that customers are satisfied and will choose the company again and again? It is necessary to choose several service tools and systematically, consistently, consistently evaluate your company and competitors.

High service: how to understand that a bright future has come

The quality of service has become a fashionable topic: they write about it in the media, discuss it on social networks, books, trainings, master classes, strategic sessions and a significant part of budgets are devoted to it. The tone is often contrasting, from affective complaints about queues to rave reviews of friendly staff.

Therefore, the topic of service evaluation and control is extremely important. How to understand what the Clients really think about the service, how well the service standards and procedures are followed? Often a single complaint, spread across social network, changes the idea of ​​the service of the head or PR manager. But was the precedent of bad service so noticeable for target audience, has the service changed in the eyes of the Client? Only a well-built system measurement of service quality can answer this question. But first you need to decide what is a service in general?

In a broad sense, the service includes all parameters of the client's perception of the company. According to the most popular Servqual service quality model in the world, service includes physical parameters, reliability, competence and responsiveness of the business, the ability to guarantee quality, timing and accuracy, as well as empathy of employees).

In a narrow sense, service is understood as personal contact with a client in a location or by phone. Service assessment often includes parameters such as:

  • Cleanliness in the location, interior
  • Service speed (time, availability of a queue)
  • The work of all categories of personnel (meeting, consulting, work with questions, farewell, transaction processing, etc.)
  • Promotions and loyalty programs, additional services
  • The atmosphere of the location (music, air temperature)

We call such a set of parameters that are important for customers the attributes/criteria/ingredients of the service. Service attributes depend on the industry, country, target audience.

It is on attributes valuable to the client that service standards should be built. The weight of each service attribute should be proportional to the impact on customer loyalty. For example,

Cleanliness and speed in a restaurant chain can be determinant, mandatory, basic. They do not make the guest happy, but without them the guest will leave disappointed and angry. At the same time, music, smell, candles, a compliment from the chef, fresh flowers may not be mandatory, but attractive parameters of the service. The guest does not expect them, but receives them. This creates the effect of exceeded expectations, and the guest recommends this cafe, comes with friends. Both groups of parameters are important: basic and attractive. You should not choose between them: it is necessary to provide, first of all, the basic ones so that the service does not fall "below the waterline", but also systematically, step by step, look for attractive ones, and persistently implement them. You also need to remember that the “chips” in the service today will become the requirements of the guest tomorrow. Therefore, one should responsibly choose a new one and be ready to always provide it to the client in the future.

Service research and evaluation tools

The challenge for every business is to create its own cocktail of tools, depending on the purpose, taking into account the industry, employee relations and customer service model.

Each business creates its own set of studies by combining different types. Often the financial sector prefers quality ones - they like to meet with clients, discuss issues with staff, etc. Retail companies, especially with a branch and/or franchise network, emphasizes mass assessments and surveys, comparing service performance with other KPIs. But it is always appropriate to expand the choice of tools depending on the goals, industry or market situation, etc.

Service research may be necessary at all stages of working with it. At the initial stage, research is needed to search for service attributes and evaluate their impact on customer loyalty. Focus groups, interviews, observations of the service process help to create a picture of the basic and ideal expectations of the client, as well as to include the opinions of employees, experts, competitors' practices in the service picture.

A project to improve the quality of service at the first stage may consist of the following studies:

  • To search for service attributes that are significant for the client, it is necessary to conduct qualitative research (focus groups, in-depth and expert interviews, working meetings with staff, etc.).
  • But the list of ideas and proposals is not enough to decide what service the company and customers need. Therefore, after qualitative research, a series of quantitative studies are carried out: customer surveys, expert assessments, satisfaction and loyalty measurements.
  • Often two types of research are combined: it is not enough for companies to know that the client is dissatisfied, it is important to understand: dissatisfied with what, why and how to change it.
  • At the final stage, the data of all studies are combined and analyzed, new service models are modeled, tested, and then put into operation.

Case. The network of city cafes decided to revise the standards of service. Five years have passed since their development and implementation, during which time the company has grown significantly, the number of cafes exceeded 60 throughout the country.

The first stage of work included a series of focus groups with guests and employees. In groups, guests were asked what they think the service consists of, and what they like about the service so much that guests come more often and / or buy more. And the employees were interested in what actions of the staff can lead to customer loyalty and satisfaction.

After the research, the ideas were collected and included in the service standards; on their basis, checklists of observations for waiters and questionnaires for evaluating the service of secret guests were developed. After a year of systematic evaluation and feedback to each employee, the quality of service across the network has increased by 8%, at the same time the average check and the average tip increased.

The second important period in service assessment comes when the service management system (strategy, standards, HR and PR processes) is built and needs an objective assessment of the situation in the fields, a daily assessment of the “state of the troops”. Control comes to the fore.

At the start, most companies use one or two evaluation tools. Often these are inspections, surveys or meetings with clients. As the customer base grows, the set of tools should be expanded.

A combination of different methods will make it possible to make the assessment objective, not to miss important service components, not to succumb to the temptation of analyzing only complaints or own inspections.

Quantitative assessment tools - service measurements that become reliable only after a sufficient number of assessments (sample per location, geographically, by brands, etc.). It is also important to take into account the demographic profile of evaluators (gender, income, age) and create the correct tools (questionnaires, questionnaires).

Types of quantitative research that are popular in service management:

  • Mystery Shopping (mystery shopping; an ordinary consumer who has been instructed and visited, then enters the results of his assessment in a report available to management)
  • Net Promoret Score (survey of consumers whether they are ready to recommend the company to their friends)
  • Customer satisfaction surveys (Customer Satisfaktion Research)
  • Customer Efforts Score: A method introduced in 2010 that focuses on evaluating a customer's efforts to receive a service. According to researchers, the less effort a customer spends, the higher his loyalty.
  • Internal views research, such as inspections, certification of personnel, etc.

The value and power of quantitative research lies in the digital meaning of the service. Through data collection and processing, companies can reliably assess the level of compliance with standards and employee satisfaction. The digitized service indicators can be compared with other company performance criteria, for example, with the level of employee loyalty, the dynamics of the average check, the effectiveness of promotions, and others directly related to the service.

The disadvantages of quantitative research are also visible: the situation is not visible behind the numbers. Questionnaires and reports often do not show the reasons for “failures” in the service, even if there are comments from the evaluators, they are not enough to understand the weak areas. We need quality information.

Qualitative service research serves to collect deep, detailed information about the service, the perception of the service by the consumer, and the assessment of the level of service. Qualitative research allows you to involve the consumer and employee in the creation of new service standards or WOW techniques, as well as to test ideas and innovations before implementation.

Types of qualitative research that are popular in service management:

  • Focus groups (group meetings with clients from the target audience, gender-separated, with professional moderation and focus on the service process)
  • In-Depth Interviews(individual meetings with clients when group meetings are not possible, for example, rare experts (doctors, architects), top managers)
  • Expert groups and interviews with employees (in practice, it is best to gather the best, loyal, efficient employees to collect and disseminate best practices, etc.)
  • Client clubs (regular meetings with clients to discuss questions, suggestions, quality feedback)
  • Working groups with staff on problematic issues (works great with staff resistance)
  • Brainstorming and other types of face-to-face meetings with clients or employees.

These types of research are classic in marketing. However, there are differences in the conduct of service research. For example, a service focus group - focuses on collecting service ideas, on a palette of emotions and customer opinions from the service. Especially interesting are the projective groups, when customers fantasize about the ideal restaurant or gas station. Sometimes, while expressing their expectations, clients may suggest future wow standards.

If quantitative research is carried out in a company all the time, then qualitative research is carried out every six months / year, as a source for updating, searching for new ideas and wow-standards.

For example, these may be ideas for adapting service standards to new market conditions, customer expectations or competitors' offers. Often the only question that can be asked to a group will be the projective question, “How should the staff behave in order for you to want to return to this establishment?” In some cases, companies conduct testing focus groups on ideas about interiors, speed, or cleanliness in locations, or gathering ideas on Terrible Service to insure themselves against mistakes in the service area.

Such studies provide valuable information for companies, but their disadvantage is that they cannot be digitized and linked to business KPIs.

Combined studies. This group can combine all types of studies that contain qualitative and quantitative information. These are the types of research:

  • Analysis of spontaneous and structured feedback from customers (information can come through a "hot line", a feedback book, as a result of customer surveys, etc.)
  • Processing of complaints and complaints, with subsequent changes in processes
  • Analysis of data from the Internet and other open sources

Both quantitative and qualitative research can be conducted both with employees and with clients, that is, they can be internal and external. Most companies are very sensitive to the opinion of the client about the service, but neglect the role of employees in the formation of quality service.

but the best companies still focus on internal measurements of the service.

For example, internal qualitative research with staff is the focus of the group, working meetings. They help to collect information "from the fields" and "let off steam" to those employees who have accumulated difficult questions. If companies do not use this tool, then this can lead to the accumulation of staff resistance. Regular staff surveys, systemic Feedback"from the field" allow you to compile a staff loyalty index, which is directly related to the level of service.

Quantitative internal research can be very beneficial because the company spends at the expense of its resources. For example, laboratories for measuring fuel are popular in the network of filling stations, in retail - merchandising specialists (check the compliance of the calculation with standards). In the hotel business, these are experts in evaluating internal processes, tasters in restaurants.

Also internal checks are important for objectivity and comparison with external results. Sometimes location managers do not trust the evaluation of external auditors, mystery shoppers, etc. In this case, their own evaluation often helps to see the real picture, and even to be more critical of their own service.

Integral indicator for service

It is possible to organize individual studies (both qualitative and quantitative). But often the challenge for a company is to combine indicators, to combine all the data into one “service diagnosis”, an integral index. It is convenient to associate it with the financial, marketing, HR indicators of the company, to evaluate the effectiveness of investments in the service.

For example, a large non-grocery retail chain derived a formula to evaluate the service, where the integral indicator for the service consisted of 3 components:

  • Evaluation of the manager in the process of participant observation of the work of employees in trading floor (40% )
  • Mystery shopper ( 40% )
  • Grievance handling target ( 20% )

Some companies consider the Net Promoret Score as an integral indicator, as the final customer feedback on the service. Others do not agree with this, because. NPS does not always take into account the standards and requirements of the business. Each company is looking for its own answer and formula.

The role of the integral indicator is great, it combines various tools estimates and allows you to track service dynamics. In this case, there are no universal solutions, everyone should look for their own solution.

Each type of research can provide value. but best solution is the choice of a set of tools that is optimal for each business, and constant, systematic work with it.

A common mistake many businesses make is to say, "This tool doesn't work." It's hard to agree with this. A shovel can be useful in digging holes, but useless when cleaning an apartment. The second mistake is premature disappointment. Already after six months of working with one or another tool, some top managers abandon the project and switch to another, more modern one. However, the results may not have come in time. Therefore, consistent work with the right tools is the goal of any company that implements service-oriented principles and strategy.

Did you know that... Bosch Car Service is one of the largest networks of independent service stations in the world with more than 15,000 service stations in over 150 countries. Now 179 Bosch Auto Services are open in Russia.

The Russian market of car services for post-warranty cars is very saturated with car services of any size and format. On the other hand, when the car owner has a need for repairs, finding a suitable car service takes a lot of time, and word of mouth takes first place.

The problem that makes it difficult to quickly choose the right car service is that most businesses do not inspire confidence. When searching on the Internet - an unattractive website, a slurred answer on the phone, a terrible appearance of the building and employees. Has car service changed in the last 20 years?

Not too much. But the requirements of the consumer to the service sector have changed a lot. In countries where the market economy has been going on for many decades, it is almost impossible to find a car service that is not a member of any network. These are either networks of suppliers of oil and technical fluids, or large suppliers of spare parts and equipment, or manufacturers of spare parts.

Working in the network, the car service receives standards of external and internal design, some network providers provide customer service standards, and training, both technical and business training for salesmen and managers. Thus, the network car service receives an additional influx of new customers, the ability to maintain a customer base, and focus on the core business instead of experimenting in an area in which it is not a specialist, such as marketing.

The Russian car service is trying to go its own way: a huge number of enterprises cannot make a profit due to an imperfect structure, lack of correct processes, low qualification of employees at all levels. Despite the fact that in the current economic situation it is obvious that post-warranty car services should receive an additional influx of customers who left the dealer, at least every tenth car service in Russia was closed in 2015.

There are still very important aspect affecting the ability of a car service to survive in our difficult time: the breadth of the list of services. An analysis of the work of the most successful Bosch Auto Services shows that it is necessary to consider not the profit on a specific work order, but the profit that a particular car brings during its entire service life. From such calculations, it can be seen that the main profit is earned on a run of 100-200 thousand km. - this means that the list of car service services should be “from bumper to bumper”, which is the philosophy of the Bosch Auto Service concept.

Innovative diagnostic systems for professional diagnostics

All Bosch Auto Service stations have at their disposal the most modern diagnostic equipment and Information Systems. The presence of this combination guarantees a systematic approach to car diagnostics and qualified repair work.

Dear customer, the installation procedure is determined by your manufacturer.

Our job consists of recovering location information about speed cameras and creating a manufacturer's instructions file to work with each GPS device.

In an attempt to make the job of the installation procedure easier for the client, we have prepared documentation that can be read on our website.

Installation information is provided to us from your manufacturer.

Therefore, it is the decision of the GPS manufacturer to pay the mandatory use of a computer to make this installation.

This is not our choice.

We do not sell GPS devices.

We only provide speed camera location information.

As for our responsibility, if you look at our website, once you choose a GPS device, buy speed camera database, you can see the installation instructions on the right side of the web page.

So, in this way, we inform you about the procedure, you must do, and then, you can make a choice to complete the purchase or not.

Also, in order to make things easier for many clients, some email readers have problems showing links for very long time.

Because of this, we have chosen to include in the email an attachment that contains the same information as when using a link.

The purpose of our service is to provide a file with updated camera speed information.

The information is formatted and prepared for each GPS device.

In an attempt to make life easier for the customer, we also provide our customers with the information that each manufacturer provide us to know how to make the installation of speed cameras.

But, as you understand, the installation procedure is not included in our guarantees, since it is not defined by us.

This is specifed and determined by the manufacturer.

Therefore, we try our best to help you complete the installation, but if you have problems with the way your GPS device works you should contact the manufacturer.

Our files are wrong and that's what we sell.

We hope you understand it.

Our job consists of formatting and preparing the files that your GPS device needs.

We turn our speed camera database into the format required for every GPS device.

So, we are responsible for the files we sent you when you shop.

As explained before the installation order set by the GPS manufacturer is not our responsibility.

If you have any questions about when the GPS should read our files and you get some kind of error, you should send the error back to us and our technical team will evaluate if the problem concerns our files or not.

If the fault is ours, we will package a new file for you to correct the error.

If for some reason, after analyzing the error, we consider our file to be at fault, and we cannot provide you with a new file, then we will refund your money.


*** It will not accept any return request related to the content of our files.

If you want to get a look at the content of our files before buying, you can view our maps on the main page, where you will find all the information contained in our database, updated up to the last moment.

Purchase from mobile speed cameras are an option.

You will be able to purchase a mobile speed camera when you see this option.

If this option is not displayed, it means there is no additional data for the particular device and you will only be able to purchase fixed speed cameras.

Most installations require the use of a computer, sometimes from an SD memory card reader, or from a USB memory stick, and sometimes it is necessary to use software third party provided by the manufacturer, and usually included in the original CD, from the GPS product.

We cannot foresee that said software is because most of the time they are protected by law and are the copyright of the GPS manufacturer.

So if you are late for the original software, you have to ask it to the manufacturer, or search it online for a specific topic.

Fixed speed cameras are devices, usually hidden from view by the driver, allowed to take a picture when the driver has covered a greater speed limit on the road.

Depending on the local legislation of each country, these devices must be declared to the driver or not.

So, having a GPS device with camera speed support will help you know where they are located.

Mobile speed camera devices are usually hidden from the eye of the driver, so the police change their location to make it impossible to know where they are.

These devices may be on the road, or they may be inside a police car or camouflage car.

Information about those places are added to our database according to the frequency reported in the same place.

Remember, your GPS device is only able to show static points of interest, so mobile speed camera information, even dynamic information, is static as soon as you download it to your device.

Because of this, you need to update your speed camera database at least once every 6 months.

Our files contain information about speed camera locations.

This way you don't need to use any other special devices to detect or obstruct the radar waves.

Our files are installed in the GPS device.

The GPS device reads the imported data and alerts you when you are approaching the speed camera.

This method of use is 100% current compatible in all European countries and the rest of the world.

According to the new law approved in France, we provide the customer with the original speed camera database file with the original speed limit icons.

But we will also have an image set containing only the danger icon instead of the speed limit icon.

If you want, you can replace these images with the original ones.

In this case, the GPS will show the danger icon instead of the speed limit icon.

This icon replacement feature may not be available for some GPS devices.

This is because in many GPS devices, speed limits are part of the map details.

Therefore, in this case, it will be part of the manufacturer's responsibility to update the device's firmware to make it fit for the law.

If you are a new customer, you must purchase for the first time from our home page.

After purchase, you will have the option to upgrade your recent purchase and convert it to an annual subscription within the first seven days of purchase.

After purchasing for the first time, you will receive a username and password to access your customers' private area.

There you will be able to download your updates and update your purchases.

One of the most common problem is the memory limit of GPS devices.

Our database is continuously changing.

Sometimes it grows and sometimes it doesn't.

Depending on the coverage you decide to purchase, it has a size or others.

And because of this, you may face any issue while trying to import data into your GPS device.

If during the installation process, the progress bar stops, or after the import is completed, you cannot see the speed of the camera, it means that your device probably cannot manage all the information.

To fix this, you can log in to the clients area, Client Control Panel and set up your database coverage.

You can do this when you buy a region.

For example, Europe, Western Europe, etc.

This means that a number of countries

Keep in mind that not all devices allow you to use the setup tool.

If you don't see this feature in your customer area it means it's not available for your device.

Yes, as of late May 2013 it is possible to make more than one purchase for different devices, and manage all of them from the customer control panel with the same account.

This means using only one email to manage all purchases.

So you can shop for a friend or any member of your family.

When you access the control panel, you will be able to see under orders, a new drop-down list where you can select the purchases you want to manage each time.

On the top right side of the page, you will see an image like this one: .

Click on the image and you will be redirected to the customer login page.

The user login is your own email address used in your purchase.

After you confirm your purchase, you will receive a new email with a random password generated by our system.

This is the password you will have to use for the first time.

Once logged in you can change the password if you wish.

If you lose the email that contains the password, or you don't remember it, you can request for a new one at the bottom of the customer login page.

After the purchase, you will have to receive two letters.

Usually the file you need is already attached in the email, so you don't need to use the download link.

Therefore, you can use the file attached to the email.

The second email you will receive contains the credentials required to access the customer login page.

If for any reason you do not receive emails, they may be located in your spam folders.

If not, go to the customer login page.

Request a new password using the same email address you used to make purchases as your login.

When you receive a new password by email, you will be able to access the customer page.

You will see something like this: