Grilled chicken marinade recipe for fast food establishments. Ready-made business plan for grilled chicken What you need to open a grilled chicken

Despite the fact that in Lately many street food offerings have appeared, krill chicken is still popular among the population. This is delicious and fast food, which is readily taken both home and in offices. Therefore, it is worth taking a closer look at the grilled chicken business plan.

Legal Issues

To organize your business, it is desirable to officially register. Registration is justified individual entrepreneur on a single tax on imputed income (UTII).

In addition to the registration certificate, you must obtain the following documents:

  • agreement for the removal of solid waste and cleaning of the territory;
  • passport for vehicle;
  • sanitary passport;
  • the conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor and the assortment list of the products offered;
  • gas registration certificate technical inspection, as well as a contract for the maintenance of a gas-cylinder installation;
  • permission from the fire department;
  • coordination of the object with local authorities.

To place a retail outlet, you need to rent a place. These issues are coordinated with the local municipal authorities.

Point location

As always, the success of your enterprise will largely depend on the chosen location in which sales will be conducted. Look for a place with a high flow of people. Grilled chicken is a product that is bought not only purposefully at some point of sale, but often spontaneously. Therefore, it is desirable to place a point near:

  • entrances and exits from the city;
  • territories near various institutions;
  • recreation parks;
  • intersections of through streets;
  • markets.

A point located near enterprises that employ a lot of people will work well. When choosing a place, pay attention to the fact that it is possible to connect electricity to the pavilion.

Equipment selection

Equipment must be selected according to certain parameters. First of all, you need to decide how many chickens you plan to sell per day. From here, a grill of a certain capacity is selected.

In addition, the grill is electric and gas. Which one to choose depends on what kind of trade your point is designed for. For stationary objects, it is better to take an electric one and connect it to the local power grid. For outdoor trade, the optimal solution is a gas grill. According to the method of preparation, it can be skewer or carousel.

If you have to buy a kiosk for a stationary point, then for a mobile one you need to purchase a tonar - a trailer in the form of a kiosk, which can have a different number of windows for issuing. In principle, it can also be used for stationary sales.

Equipment can be purchased separately, or you can purchase the entire required kit at once.

Set for stationary trade

A common option is a grill for 16 chickens, which is connected to a household electrical outlet. It costs about 35 thousand rubles. It is offered additional equipment worth 75 thousand rubles. The kit includes:

  • counter;
  • hood;
  • fan;
  • freezer;
  • scales.

It is also offered tonar for one dispensing window. The cost of the entire configuration is about 282 thousand rubles.

Universal kit

For universal trade (stationary and traveling), you can purchase a gas skewer grill worth 45 thousand rubles. In addition to additional equipment similar to the previous option, it will be necessary to install a gas main and a gas compartment at a cost of 38 thousand rubles. Together with the toner, such equipment will cost about 330 thousand rubles.

Chicken cooking technology

Since the competition in the sales of grilled chicken is high, it is extremely important to win the trust of the buyer not only with a fresh, but also with a tasty product. The taste of chickens depends on the quality of the equipment used, as well as on the recipe by which the carcasses are marinated. Finding a recipe is easy - there are tons of options on the Internet. But you can choose your unique one only by experience.

The general principle of cooking chickens is as follows:

  • preparation of marinade with spices;
  • exposure of chickens in the marinade for at least 1.5 hours;
  • grilling for an hour and a half (depending on equipment).

Sale of related products

To optimize the work of the outlet, it is advisable to offer for sale not only grilled chicken, but also related products that are often bought for such food. These include:

  • bakery;
  • pita;
  • hot bread;
  • salads (usually spicy, like cabbage or carrots in Korean);
  • sauces and ketchups;
  • chips, drinks, chocolate, chewing gum and other products.

The margin can be set at the level of 50%. As a rule, the average check is 250 rubles.

Business Case

If you purchase equipment of a universal type, as already mentioned, it will take at least 330 thousand rubles to purchase it. The purchase of raw materials (chickens and consumables for the marinade) will require another 10 thousand rubles. The same amount should be allocated for registration and other related costs. In total, about 350 thousand rubles are needed to start.

On the day, a point with an established trade sells about 40 chickens. This is approximately 52 kg of meat with an average carcass weight of 1.3 kg. The retail price of a kilogram of meat is 160 rubles. That is, you can receive about 8.4 thousand rubles a day, and about 250 thousand rubles a month. After paying all the necessary deductions, 50 thousand rubles remain. That is, the business will pay off in about seven months.

  • 2 Equipment for grilling chicken
  • 3 Competitive advantages of your business
  • 4 Business organization and preliminary calculations

Everyone loves grilled chicken with a delicious crust and aroma of spices, and cooking it can be a good idea for a business. Imagine the situation: a hard working day is ending. There is no supper, the refrigerator is empty, and I don’t feel like cooking at all.

But a tent with grilled chickens was recently opened at a neighboring house.

In such a situation, it is difficult to resist buying a delicious and satisfying dinner. Let's figure out how to start this business and how much you can earn.

Not so long ago, outlets for the preparation and sale of grilled chickens were found at almost every step - near metro entrances and exits, public transport stops, in supermarkets, on crowded streets, etc.

Now the situation has changed. Fast food restaurant chains have expanded - McDonald's, Burger King, KFC, etc., where among a wide range products must have chicken dishes. In tents near railway stations and train stations, shawarma is most often sold.

Grilled chicken can be bought in supermarkets, but you need to go there specifically. But it is very convenient when a stall with freshly cooked chickens is located, for example, on the way home. The seller in branded clothes packs a hot fragrant chicken in foil, puts it in a bag and hands you an almost ready dinner ... And if a kiosk with grilled chickens is located near the office, it’s not easy to refuse a piece of delicious chicken for lunch, especially if there is none nearbycanteensor other places with the opportunity to dine on a budget. But besides grilled chicken, other dishes can be offered there.

The grilled chicken business, even in changing market conditions, is quite competitive and can bring good profits. You just need to figure out what is important to the consumer. But first, think about who he is - your client? It all depends on where and in what format it is planned to open a retail outlet. There are many options.

Here is where you can open a tent:

  • in a residential area with big amount solvent population;
  • near the office center, enterprise or educational institution;
  • near a shopping center or store;
  • near the market;
  • at the entrance/exit of the city.

It can be stationary or mobile. a store.

A stationary point is a stall, a tent or a small cafe, for which you will have to rent a room. - a specially equipped van truck or kiosk trailer.

The advantage of mobile outlets is that it is easy to change their location at any time. For example, in the morning you can park the van at the entrance to the city, by lunchtime you can move to office center or an enterprise where a lot of people work, and in the evening stay in a residential area.

If you are serious about building a grilled chicken business, consider combining stationary and mobile sales of your products. A small cozy cafe can be combined with production shop semi-finished products.

Even if it is not planned to open a cafe, a workshop will still be needed.

In him:

  • will accommodate freezers for storing chickens that arrived from the supplier;
  • there will be various spices for making marinades;
  • you can prepare various compositions for marinating poultry;
  • chickens will be defrosted, prepared for further processing, marinated.

The stationary workshop is good because it can be connected to the mains and water supply - this will allow you to strictly observe all the technologies for storing and defrosting (defrosting) chickens. Customers should have no doubt that the carcasses are properly washed and processed before rubbing with spices. In mobile points and / or stationary kiosks, chickens are only grilled.

Grilled chicken equipment

Grilled chicken equipment is:

  • gas;
  • electrical.

It is also divided into:

  • carousel;
  • shampoo.

Approach to the choice of equipment must be thorough. What to consider:

  • productivity - the number of chickens that can be cooked at the same time. The price of the device depends on this parameter;
  • a gas grill is suitable for any outlet, it involves the purchase of a gas-balloon design;
  • an electric grill is used for fixed points, if there is a permit for connection to the mains and / or an autonomous power supply;
  • the carousel grill is designed for cooking whole chicken carcasses (they fit into special cradles). If you plan to cook chicken parts (legs, wings, breasts), it is better to buy a skewer version of the grill.

In addition to the grill itself, each outlet will need additional equipment:

  • scales;
  • refrigerated chest;
  • fan;
  • hood;
  • counter.

You will need some items for arranging workplaces, for example, wardrobe lockers for the needs of staff, shelving, etc.

Competitive advantages for your business

Main competitive advantage any business - quality. The quality of the product, the quality of service - in the food business, this is especially important.

  1. The taste of the chicken. How tasty your product will be depends, firstly, on the quality of the chicken itself, and secondly, on the recipe for preparing the marinade.
    It is very important to find a good supplier. There are options here - to conclude an agreement with a poultry farm or contact farmers.
    How to marinate grilled chicken for sale? Choosing a marinade recipe, most likely, will have to be experienced. If there is a workshop for the production of semi-finished products, you can prepare several pickling compositions. The carcass is placed in the marinade for 1.5-2 hours, the meat should be well soaked. After that, the grilled chicken is cooked for an hour and a half, depending on the equipment used. Try different recipes marinades. Arrange a tasting. In choise better taste friends and/or clients can help.
  2. Assortment of related products. Analyze what your customers want to buy besides chicken. It can be drinks, chips, chocolates, cookies. It's good if you can offer salads to customers. If you have a semi-finished products workshop, this will not be a big problem. Friends and/or customers can also help you choose your product range.
  3. Quality of service. The most important thing is perfect cleanliness and order in everything! Particular attention should be paid to putting in order the equipment for frying chickens. The oven must be cleaned of grease regularly. And skewers should be put in order after each cooking cycle. On the Internet, you can find a lot of information about the dangers of grilled chickens, but if you look closely, it becomes clear that this harm comes from poorly washed equipment. The remains of fat on skewers become a source of carcinogens. If your outlets are kept clean, customers have nothing to fear - they can only enjoy the excellent taste of chicken.
  4. Think about what else you can offer your customers. You can consider shipping finished products. Many working customers will benefit from having hot chicken delivered directly to their home. This service can be provided from a retail outlet in residential areas. You can come up with promotions for regular customers like: buy 9 chickens - the tenth one is free!

Business organization and preliminary calculations

Now that you present the main points of the grilled chicken business, we will write down the stages of organization and calculate what start-up capital this will require.

  • Business registration. Suitable . Suitable OKVED codes:

47.11: "Retail sale primarily of foodstuffs, including beverages, and tobacco products in non-specialized stores;

47.81: "Retail trade in non-stationary trade facilities and markets in food, beverages and tobacco products";

56.10: Restaurant activities and food delivery services;

56.29: "Activities of enterprises Catering for other types of catering.

  • Obtaining licenses and permits. You will need a license to trade, the conclusion of the SES, medical book. You also need to complete the following documents:
  • a contract for garbage collection and janitor services;
  • passport of the vehicle that you will use for work;
  • permission of the SES to trade in food products;
  • the conclusion of firefighters about the safety of your point;
  • an activity permit agreement agreed with local authorities;
  • in the case of using gas equipment, you will need a certificate of registration by the technical inspection of the gas installation and an agreement for its service and repair.
  • Premises for rent for the workshop for the production of semi-finished products. Here you can organize a stationary outlet. Permits are required for connection to the electrical network and water supply. Consider purchasing a stand-alone power supply.
  • Buying or renting a truck and kiosk van. It is better when you have a truck and a van separately. Then you can deliver the van to the place of trade and leave it, while the truck can be used for other purposes at this time. For example, to deliver a batch of chickens from a supplier.
  • Purchase of the necessary equipment.
  • Supplier search.
  • Personnel search. Decide how many workers you need. It depends on how many and which outlets you plan to open. You can start with a workshop combined with a retail outlet and one kiosk trailer.

The monthly expenses include the following:

  • purchase of chickens and related products;
  • rental of premises;
  • taxes and utility bills;
  • employee wage costs;
  • advertising costs. If you are planning to create a point for the sale of grilled chickens in a residential area, use the opportunities contextual advertising, for example, YAN, with geolocation. Start the video, which will show the entire process of cooking grilled chicken. This will attract customers to you;
  • expenses for gasoline and vehicle maintenance, equipment maintenance, etc.

Attention! The free business plan provided for download below is an example. Business plan, the best way corresponding to the conditions of your business, you need to create with the help of specialists.

Who doesn't love delicious food? The answer is obvious, everyone loves delicious food, and especially if it is tasty, fragrant and hot grilled chicken.

Accordingly, a business built on this constant human need promises to be successful. But do not make hasty decisions and rush into the pool with your head.

In any business, there are pitfalls and in order not to stumble upon them, you need to carefully think through everything in advance. Any business requires a serious approach, because how you organize it will depend on its profitability, and, accordingly, your income.

To match expectations with reality, you will need a well-thought-out and calculated business plan, the presence of which already guarantees you success to some extent.

Grilled chicken business plan

In order to build your own grilled chicken business, you will need:

  • register an enterprise;
  • draw up all the necessary documents, namely, obtain a license, obtain permission from the sanitary and epidemiological supervision;
  • rent a room, or purchase it as a property;
  • purchase or rent all the necessary equipment;
  • periodically purchase all the necessary raw materials;
  • staff the staff;
  • design and implement marketing activities.

Let's start in order, in the organization of the enterprise and the design of all required documents for the sale of food, lawyers will be happy to help you.

Therefore, you should not delve into it with your head, but it is better to entrust this task to people who know their business. The situation is quite different with the search for premises.

Here the choice is yours, it may be a place in grocery store, or a small stall on the street. In any case, it should be a place with a high traffic of people.

An important point in organizing a chicken business is the purchase of equipment.

The most suitable option would be to buy a carousel-type grill, it is he who allows the chicken to fry evenly and so attracts the attention of passers-by.

Appetizing smells coming from the grill will also attract the attention of passers-by, so you should not save on raw materials and fragrant seasonings.

The chicken should be fresh and pleasant to look at, check the goods with each delivery. Buy goods only from trusted suppliers.

The staff in this business will be minimal, just one cook-seller is enough, or two, depending on the mode of operation, who will cook chickens and sell them directly.

An employee in this position must have a sanitary book.

Business plan for opening a grilled chicken kiosk on campus.

How much money do you need to start a business

According to preliminary calculations, it will be necessary to invest about 915,000 rubles to open a business:

Product Description

The trade kiosk will sell the following products:

  • hot grilled chicken
  • pita
  • salads (carrots and cabbage in Korean)
  • sauces and ketchups
  • shawarma
  • hot bread
  • bakery
  • other goods (chips, chocolate, drinks, hot tea and coffee).

The average trade margin will be 50%. The average check, according to preliminary calculations, will be equal to 250 rubles. The trade kiosk will be open seven days a week from 9:00 to 20:00.

Marketing plan

Key to success this business is the choice of location for a kiosk selling grilled chicken and shawarma. When choosing a place, we will take into account the following important points:

  • The presence of high traffic of hungry people returning from work or educational institution.
  • When choosing a land plot, preference will be given to places near universities, bus and railway stations, hospitals, student dormitories, and so on.
  • Convenient access roads
  • Not a high rental rate
  • Ability to connect electricity

Currently, negotiations are underway on the lease of a land plot at the bus stop at the campus. This place has a very high traffic for both students and local residents (about 10 thousand people). The main methods of promotion will be used bright advertising on a trailer, advertising on flyers, high quality products and excellent customer service.

Step by step plan to start a business

  1. Business registration
  2. Renting a land plot for a shopping kiosk
  3. Purchase of a kiosk and necessary equipment
  4. Obtaining permission from Rospotrebnadzor
  5. Hiring workers
  6. Purchase of raw materials and materials
  7. Enterprise launch

Which taxation system to choose for a kiosk

As organizational form it is planned to register individual entrepreneurship with the local tax service. The taxation system is a single tax on imputed income (UTII).

What documents are needed to open a business

  • The conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor with the application of the assortment list;
  • Contract for the removal of solid waste and cleaning of the territory;
  • Sanitary passport and vehicle passport;
  • Coordination with fire supervision;
  • Registration certificate of the gas technical inspection and a contract for the maintenance of a gas-cylinder installation;
  • Coordination of the object with local authorities.

The land will be leased from the municipality. Location - a large bus stop in the campus. The leased area will be 75 sq. m. The rent will be 8 thousand rubles per month.

What equipment to choose for a grilled chicken kiosk

As commercial equipment it is planned to purchase a mobile (mobile) trading trailer from KUPAVA. Trailer dimensions m: 3.9 x 2.1 x 2.1. Gross weight 1500 kg. This trailer is equipped to install a gas grill for two jobs.

The following items will be purchased for the trading trailer: an autonomous water supply system, an electrical panel, an on-board inlet, a gas compartment, a wardrobe locker, thermal insulation, shelving, a gas grill, a 400l refrigerated chest, a shawarma machine, an electric meter, advertising sign with the name of the kiosk. The grill will be of the carousel type. This is a convenient device, unlike a skewer grill, since the chickens are placed in cradles, and not mounted on skewers. This saves a lot of time for the worker. The total cost of purchasing a trailer and equipment will be 630,000 rubles. Products and ingredients for cooking (shawarma and grilled chicken) will be purchased from local suppliers and agricultural enterprises (poultry farm).


Three sales assistants (with the duties of a cook) will be hired as staff of the trade kiosk, to work in shifts 2/2. 2 people will work at the same time. Wage will be salary + percentage of daily earnings.

Financial plan

Fixed monthly expenses

  • Salary + insurance deductions (3 people) - 80,000 rubles.
  • Security — 10,000 rubles.
  • Accounting (outsourcing) — 8,000 rubles.
  • The cost of maintaining the kiosk (gas cylinders, water supply, electricity) - 45,000 rubles.
  • Taxes (UTII) - 7,000 rubles.
  • Other expenses - 20,000 rubles.

Total - 170,000 rubles

How much can you earn on kiosk products

The break-even point of sales at a trade margin of 50% will be equal to 510,000 rubles. With a monthly revenue of 918,000 rubles. profit will be 408,000 rubles.


  • The average check is 250 rubles.
  • Trade margin — 50%
  • Income from one sale - 84 rubles.
  • The number of buyers per day - 130 people.
  • Income per day - 10,920 rubles, per month - 327,600 rubles.

Hence the net profit: 327,600 - 170,000 = 157 600 rubles per month. Return on sales will be 16%. With such indicators, the return on investment will come in 8-10 months (taking into account the period for business promotion).

This is a complete finished project which you will not find in the public domain. The content of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of the project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

OKVED for a point of sale selling grilled chicken and shawarma

For this direction commercial activities, according to all-Russian classifier(from latest changes), the code is suitable - OKVED 55.30 (activities of cafes and restaurants).

MS Word Volume: 41 pages

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    Grilled chicken business plan

    Unexpectedly for me, it was really possible to download a real business plan. Very useful BP. I hope to implement it soon. Thank you very much for accessing these projects.

    Julia, thank you for your feedback! It's nice to receive such an assessment of our work. We wish you successful implementation of your plans. Good luck!

    Grilled chicken business plan

    Thank you, it was hard to decide to start your own business, but now I know where to start.

    Julia, thank you for your feedback! Indeed, it is difficult to take the first step, but having at hand detailed instructions to action, more confidence. We wish you good luck in your business!

    Grilled chicken business plan

    You helped me a lot with your business plan, especially by explaining in detail how to get all the permits. It was this stage of organizing a business that I feared the most. But everything went pretty smoothly and I'm so glad! Thank you!

    Maria, indeed, there are quite a few obstacles in organizing a business, which a business plan helps to successfully overcome, it is not in vain that it is the main one on which the whole business is built. Continue to develop your business, open new points and increase profits, we are sure that you will succeed and succeed.

The main thing about the business plan of grilled chickens

The aroma of freshly grilled chicken can drive a hungry passerby crazy. Yes, and quite well-fed people passing by a window with appetizingly fried birds immediately experience increased salivation. The owners of stalls and tents count daily income, which remains stable regardless of the time of year.

A business such as grilled chicken does not require significant investment, but it can bring quite substantial profits. A tent in which grilled chickens are fried from morning until late at night can become a source of good income, of course, subject to the successful placement of the outlet.

Grilled chicken business is quite affordable for any entrepreneur. All you need to start trading is to buy the tent or stall itself, equipment for grilling chicken, and, most importantly, to obtain a trade permit. And from those wishing to purchase your products, most likely, there will be no end. It is enough to remember your own feelings when you pass by such a tent.

appetizing chicks

Before you start trading and open a kiosk with grilled chickens, you need to get all the necessary documentation from the regulatory authorities: this is the most troublesome procedure for an entrepreneur. You must have permission to retail obtained from Rospotrebnadzor, as well as a certificate of registration of the enterprise. Required condition– availability of a quality certificate for all meat products.

When choosing a place for a retail outlet, decide in advance where you will be selling chickens - in an ordinary open tent or in a closed stall, a Kupava-type container. The second option, of course, is more expensive, but you can trade all year round regardless of weather changes. The purchase of special equipment is another significant cost item. When buying, pay attention to factors such as the quality of the grill and its capacity. Do not try to buy the cheapest models, they tend to last much less and often fail.

Choose a product supplier - chickens must always be fresh, and the seller must provide you with a quality certificate for each batch of goods. Only a quality product will guarantee that buyers will definitely return to you for a new purchase. The payback of grilled chickens today is quite high, which attracts even beginner entrepreneurs. Moreover, it is not necessary to have any special knowledge for this. You will find all the necessary information in a professional grilled chicken business plan, which describes the sequence of all steps to create a business. If you follow this document, you will never have serious problems.

Ready-made grilled chicken business plan from scratch with examples of opening calculations

We offer a business plan for grilled chicken - an undertaking that has been in demand in our country over the past 10 years. Grilled chickens are tasty and nutritious, and if they are cooked in the right conditions, from the highest grades of chicken, then the output is a fragrant product that you just want to buy. Please note that in order to implement this enterprise, it is necessary to purchase the appropriate equipment: installations for the preparation of chickens, and also, you should think about suppliers of fresh broiler poultry. Do not forget about seasonings and herbs that will definitely make the chicken even tastier, tender inside and with a crispy baked crust.

This grilled chicken organization document will allow you to calculate the profit from the sale of each unit finished product Plus, grilled chicken cooks quickly, and you can meet the needs of hundreds of people during the day if you expand production. You should also carefully consider the selection of staff who will prepare this excellent and tasty dish. Such work requires physical endurance, neatness, the ability to get along with people and decency.

Using a document to calculate the sale of shawarma, you will not lose, despite some negative reviews, this dish also continues to be in demand and often these two types of goods are sold in one place. It is quick to prepare, affordable in cost and can quickly satisfy hunger. It is only necessary to strictly adhere to sanitary and epidemiological standards when preparing shawarma. Your point of sale should be equipped in a crowded place: in mall or in a modern tent, to which uninterrupted water supply must necessarily be carried out. Catering establishments are always in demand among buyers, do not forget to just calculate the risks and follow the points of the document that was developed for this undertaking.

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