Bathhouse from kung gas 66. Business idea: how to make big money by building a bathhouse on wheels

The autobath is gaining more and more popularity in our country. The highlight of such a bath is its mobility, as it is performed on the basis of trucks(GAZ 66, ZIL 131, URAL, KAMAZ, as well as other vans. Taking a steam bath in nature near a river or lake is just bliss and an unforgettable feeling. A positive charge of emotions and additional health are guaranteed to you. A real offer for those who want to start their own business The steam room itself and the rest room are arranged inside the kung of the car. water with automatic supply to the shower room.Individual approach to interior arrangement a steam room and a rest room. Alteration is carried out within 5-6 weeks, depending on the kung and your wishes. There is a possibility of selecting a car from conversion for conversion. Call and I will always answer your questions.

Far from civilization, it can be difficult to perform basic hygiene procedures. In such a situation, it comes to the rescue on wheels, which can drive to any point, having covered a considerable distance. We offer to deal with the features of such objects, their varieties and the procedure for self-production.

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Areas of application for baths on wheels

Despite the large number of stationary objects, those who want to buy on wheels are:

  • enjoys fishing;
  • spends a lot of time hunting;
  • likes to travel;
  • constantly lives in the city, loves a bath, but does not have;
  • wants to earn.

The area of ​​use is much wider. Every steam lover can take advantage of this opportunity and visit the sauna on wheels.

Mobile bath on wheels: advantages and disadvantages

Outdoor bathing has a number of advantages. She:

The disadvantages include the inability to place a tank of water. As a result, water for washing is taken either from the nearest natural source, or carried with them on an additional vehicle. There are also increased requirements for the reliability of the structure and the characteristics of the material used in construction and subsequent finishing.

What you need to organize a bath on wheels as a business: important points

The popularity of the bath Lately has increased significantly. If earlier it was only a place where you can wash, now it is considered as a recreation area. Many decide with its help to have a good rest in the company of friends and improve their body. Considering on wheels as a business, you should know that opening your own business is carried out in the following sequence:

  • the base on which the structure will be located is selected. Most often, the choice is made in favor of ZIL 131, GAZ 53 and other equipment with sufficient reliability and good maneuverability. You can buy a GAZ 66 for a bath on wheels. Featuring good cross-country ability, this technique will allow you to equip a steam room for 6 people;
  • a project of the future structure is being developed and its layout is being worked out. It is advisable to provide not only a steam room, but also a rest room;
  • registration of activities for the provision of services. Most are formatted as individual entrepreneurs. For commissioning, you will have to prepare a certain package of documents, including permission from the SES, traffic police, firefighters;
  • an advertising campaign is being carried out;
  • business starts.

Advice! Make a business plan to assess the risks of opening a bathhouse on wheels.

Baths on wheels, placed on bases of various types, with photo examples

If you decide to become the owner on wheels, photos of completed projects can be used as an idea for subsequent implementation. We offer to see mobile buildings erected on various bases.

Bath on wheels on a trailer for a passenger car

If we are not talking about our own business, you can consider this option. For personal use, a trailer with a bath on wheels is best suited. When designing it, it is important to take into account the carrying capacity of a passenger car. Additional supports will help to avoid swinging of the structure during operation.

Such buildings usually include a steam room and dressing room. Due to the limited carrying capacity, they can only be operated near water bodies. We have prepared a photo for you so that you can appreciate how these steam rooms look like.

Mobile sauna on wheels on all-terrain vehicles

Deciding to get busy own business, it is worth considering using ATVs/trucks as a base. Such a mobile sauna on wheels will be able to get to places where other vehicles cannot go.

Mobile sauna on wheels on a platform frame

Practical and concise. Such a mobile bath on wheels is in demand, as it can be loaded and removed as needed.

Outdoor sauna on wheels in buses and minibuses

If you need a large steam room and a relaxation room, you should consider a bus as a base. Often, an exit bath on wheels is made on the basis of Ikarus. In such a bathhouse, up to 15 people can wash at the same time. It includes:

  • steam room for 5 - 7 people;
  • shower room
  • dressing room;
  • rest room;
  • toilet;
  • kitchenette.

A gazelle bath has a smaller capacity, however, it is still in demand among consumers.

Making a bath on wheels with your own hands

If you decide to become the owner of a mobile building, we suggest you learn how to make it on wheels yourself. Knowing the sequence of actions and the main stages, you can do everything yourself. A bath on wheels in this case will fully meet the requirements for it and have suitable characteristics.

Design and layout

Before the assembly of the future structure begins, it is necessary to develop a project. You can sketch a sketch by hand or use a special one. The latter option is preferable, as it allows you to evaluate the proportions of the future and accurately calculate the required amount of material. We take into account the price of materials for a bath on wheels to be bought. At the design stage, the following is calculated:

  • total weight of the structure;
  • required power .
  • A comment

    Head of the team of the repair and construction company "Dom Premium"

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    " When designing, special attention should be paid to the center of gravity in order to avoid collapse of the building during transportation. As a counterweight to the stove and the shelf, you can use the step and the floor grate.


    A photo of a do-it-yourself kung bath can be used as a basis for planning the interior space.

    Frame assembly

    To assemble a bathhouse on a trailer or a frame with your own hands, follow this sequence of steps.

    Illustration Action Description
    All elements of the future design are cut to size. All wood is treated with special compounds to prevent premature decay. For outdoor, use a composition that allows you to protect the wood from precipitation, and for indoor - from steam.

    We start by assembling a blank wall and from. Boards should be placed vertically, and power jumpers horizontally. Jumpers should be cut before assembly.
    At the ends of the formed circles, we install furniture ties to increase the rigidity of the structure. We form holes.

    We mount the door. We install the platbands while the ends are in a horizontal position.
    We collect all the elements in a single design.

    Thermal insulation device

    The work must be of very high quality. The thickness of the heat-insulating cake should be about 15 cm. The work is carried out in the following sequence:

    • crate is mounted;
    • vapor barrier and mineral wool are laid;
    • foil is attached;
    • all foil knocks are carefully glued with adhesive tape;
    • a counter-lattice is mounted, to which the facing material will be attached in the future.

    Stove installation

    The firebox should be placed outside. This will make the design safer and allow for more rational use of the internal space. Preferably with a water tank or a heater, under which a platform is pre-arranged. You can heat the mobile steam room up to +60°С. In the stones used to generate steam, it is worth drilling holes and connecting them with wire. This will prevent an accidental fall when the wheel hits a bump.

    Interior decoration

    For after completion of thermal insulation work. It is worth giving preference to a lining made of alder, aspen or linden. It is acceptable to use ordinary processed boards or a block house. For finishing the dressing room, you can use conifers. Shower walls are often tiled. One on the floor in any case should be boards.

    Attention! All decor items and furniture must be securely fixed in order to prevent their displacement during the movement of the car.

    Outer skin

    For finishing the outer wall, you can use high-quality or wood. This will add the similarity of a mobile structure with a stationary one. The door should open.

    Advice! Carved wooden steps, beautifully decorated windows will make the bathhouse more charming.

    Installation of a bathhouse on wheels at the location

    The installation begins with the fact that they unhook the bathhouse on wheels and cars. To ensure sufficient stability of the bath-trailer, a leg-support is fixed, as well as three additional supports. After that, the side leans back, and the ladder descends. To install a steam room based on a truck or bus, it is enough to find a relatively flat area and simply turn off the engine.

    In order for the mobile bath to last as long as possible, certain recommendations should be followed during its operation. Should:

    • to separate in time the movement on the road and being in the steam room. This will avoid accidental falling and burns;
    • disconnect transport from the bath for the entire period of operation;
    • arrange the bath as a vehicle so that there are no difficulties when driving on the road.

    Bath care on wheels

    To increase the life of the building, you should properly care for it:

    • after each procedure, the crates and shelves made of wood should be taken outside and dried. Before natural drying, they should be washed well;
    • dry the interior well. To do this, heating, you should open the door.

    Overview of prices for an hour of using a sauna on wheels

    The price of a barrel bath on wheels may seem too high to many. Many refuse to buy, as there is a stationary design. If you want to spend time with friends in nature, then you can simply rent it.

    What will be the price for an hour of a sauna on wheels will depend on the rental period and the place where it needs to be delivered. On average, for the first 3 hours you will have to pay at least 3,000 rubles per hour. For the fourth and fifth - 2,500 rubles each, for the next 2,000 rubles. After 10 o'clock the rent will be reduced to 1,000 rubles / hour. If you decide to buy or order a bath on wheels, share in the comments which option you preferred and why.

    What could be better than relaxing with friends on a fishing trip and a sauna right on the river bank? Recently, this seemed still completely impossible, but recently in Russia a mobile bathhouse and a sauna on wheels have become common.

    You can find mobile steam rooms on wheels in many large cities, but the price per hour is 800-1000 rubles per hour. In this article, we will tell you how you can make a mobile steam room that can be used both at home and on a hike, or rent it out.


    Choose a base for construction, draw a drawing and calculate the load on the wheels, total weight and oven power. Another important factor to consider is the center of gravity. It should not be that all the weight is concentrated on one side, otherwise it will be easy for the car to roll over.

    We convert a car booth into a bathhouse

    Even old cars can be used as the basis for a car bath. The most popular Soviet army vehicles with kung - GAZ 66 or ZIL 131, they have high cross-country ability, but high fuel consumption. Also, mobile saunas are made on the basis of conventional trailers for cars.

    The kung has a large area, so its capacity can reach up to 6 people. Additional insulation will allow you to use it all year round. The photo shows examples of a mobile, dressing room, dressing room, sunbed, folding table and bench.

    For an ordinary wood-burning stove, a baby. If you order this option from the masters, then turnkey conversion will cost you at least 140 thousand rubles.

    In terms of performance, mobile baths built on the basis of GAZ 66 will not differ much from the classic types: on average, the transported volume of water is 700 liters, and there is enough firewood for the whole day of heating. This is enough for 15-20 people to rest, so many people began to open a similar business.

    Furnace installation

    For convenience and saving space, the firebox goes outside.

    The surface around the oven inside and outside must be finished with a non-flammable heat-resistant material.

    In order not to accidentally fall out while riding, they can be sewn into beads with wire in advance.
    Since their weight can reach 300 kg, to reduce the load, they can be completely removed while driving in another car.

    Exterior decoration of the bath

    • To get beautiful appearance, on the outside of the wall, you can trim the block house.
    • It is better not to make windows, as a lot of heat will be lost through them. If you decide to make windows, try to reduce their area and use 3-layer double-glazed windows with glass at least 6 mm thick.
    • The door must open outward.
    • To save space, the woodcutter and water tanks are mounted outside in boxes under the bottom of the kung.

    Interior decoration

    Inside, exactly the same wall insulation is done as in a conventional sauna.

    Instructions for interior wall decoration:

    • A crate of bars impregnated with an antiseptic every 60 cm is attached to the walls. In kungs, they are attached directly to the walls, and in trailers, a metal welded frame is preliminarily made and sheathed with wood.
    • The first layer of waterproofing is attached. To do this, you can use a vapor barrier membrane, such as Isospan. On the one hand, it will not allow moisture to pass through, and on the other, it removes steam, preventing it from accumulating inside.
    • Then, mineral wool insulation is placed tightly to each other in the cells of the frame. Additionally, it is recommended to attach it with dowels-umbrellas to the walls.
    • From above, the insulation is covered with the same vapor barrier. Heat-reflecting aluminum foil can also be used instead. Insulation joints must be glued with aluminum tape.
    • To maintain the ventilation gap under the skin, an additional counter-lattice 2-3 cm thick is screwed onto the bars.
    • Then the frame is sheathed with clapboard or block house.
    • Particular attention should be paid to fixing furniture and stoves so that they are securely fixed during movement.
    • To save space, you can use folding shelves, a folding table and benches.
    • Lighting is done from a 12 volt car battery, or a separate 220 volt generator is used.

    For lighting, you need to use moisture and heat-protective lamps, and the wiring must be heat-resistant.
    Ordinary wires cannot withstand temperatures above 50 degrees, and in a bathhouse it can exceed 150 degrees in some areas.


    The right insulation pie will take you 15-20 cm from each wall. This is the only way you can warm up the temperature in the bath to 80-90 degrees in just an hour. At the same time, you can start heating the stove on the go, so that it has time to warm up the bath before arrival. Having made such a mobile sauna with your own hands, you can steam right on the lake, in a deep forest or even in the city center.

    The video in this article will show you how a sauna on wheels was made from an ordinary PAZ.

    The thought of how useful a bath on wheels would be is visited by everyone who has to work for weeks away from the simplest benefits of civilization. The opportunity to take a steam bath and wash off fatigue would be very useful in conditions of outdoor activities, fishing, hunting. In the latter case, an exit bath is considered almost an indispensable element of hunting equipment.

    Autobahn on wheels: advantages

    Folk wisdom claims that any material is suitable for making a steam room, from a canvas awning of a tent to a wooden booth of an old refrigerator. The main thing is to properly and safely equip the stove with a heater and make high-quality thermal insulation of the room. These are all temporary options. For a good autobahn on wheels, they are not very suitable, and are almost never used even by fans of relaxation in the steam room.

    Modern mobile baths on wheels in terms of comfort differ little from stationary options. Of the shortcomings, only a limited amount of space for the washing department can be cited; it is most often sacrificed in favor of the steam room and dressing room. In all other respects, the autobahn soars and heals no worse than a hospital.

    There can be several reasons for building or buying a mobile sauna on wheels:

    Advice! Possibility to relax and take a steam bath in the sauna on the trailer in the evening, after construction works during the day under the summer sun solves half of everyday problems.

    Especially if there is nothing on the site but a pit and a water well, and a team of builders hired to work in an open field will always require acceptable living conditions. For the winter or at the end of the season, a trailer with a sauna can be towed to the parking lot to the house or to the garage, and the autobahn with a steam room can be used even in urban areas.

    Exit bath on wheels: types

    Of course, there are a lot of options for a bath in a car or on a trailer, and they are all very different. There are options for industrial-made mobile steam rooms.

    In addition to an expensive factory assembly, you can buy a bath on a GAZ 66 handicraft alteration small firms. There are many models of mobile steam rooms based on residential trailers, kungs, buses, old repair shops and single-axle trailers for a passenger car simply converted into a bathhouse. The autobath can differ in price and give a completely different level of comfort for bath procedures.

    Bath on a trailer

    For the average user, the best choice would be an autobahn on a two-axle carriage. In the simplest version, this can be a variant of a mobile bath - a trailer on wheels with a two-axle configuration. It is also called trailer for low ground clearance and good stability. The autobahn on a trailer rarely exceeds 2.5-2.8 m in length and 180 cm in width.

    The maximum weight does not exceed 700 kg. In the design of the trailer bath, metal siding is used under a beam or log. It is impossible to leave OSB or plywood uncovered from the wind; when moving, the oncoming wind flow, and even with rain, very quickly makes the wooden surface unusable.

    The advantages of a bath on a trailer include:

    • Compactness, a car with a mobile steam room will be able to drive on any tracks and roads, without restrictions;
    • Permits are not needed to re-equip the carriage for a bathhouse - a trailer, the main thing is that the axle load and external dimensions do not go beyond the permitted limits;
    • A small price and the ability to build a mobile bath with your own hands. The average estimate for the conversion of a trailer is 40% of the construction of a stationary version of the steam room.

    For your information! For a mobile steam room, it is recommended to use two-axle trailers, since on one pair of wheels the mobile autobahn is unstable, even if it is attached to the tow bar of a car.

    The most luxurious baths are made on the basis of a trailer or semi-trailer for a truck tractor. In fact, this is an ordinary autobahn installed on a car platform. The price of a 3.4x8 m bath on a three-axle trailer is 8-9 thousand dollars.

    The best mobile baths are made from full-size travel trailers and vans. A simple used Hobby Prestige-type trailer will cost 2-2.5 thousand dollars. Another 300-400 dollars for the equipment of the steam room and installation of the stove, and the mobile autobahn will be able to serve for another twenty years.

    Bath on the bus

    Of course new house on wheels costs twice as much as any bath. For example, a good Mc Louis 2000 manufactured by Fiat Ducato is estimated at 10-12 thousand dollars, but this is no longer a trailer, but rather a full-fledged bus equipped with everything necessary for living. You can equip it with a steam room, and the mobile autobahn will be able to perform three functions at once:

    Moreover, in contrast to the bulky trailer, the bus bath already has a factory-built toilet, shower, refrigerator, stove with a gas bottle. It remains only to separate part of the space and convert it into a steam room.

    PAZ 3205 buses are being successfully converted into a bathhouse, photo.

    Thanks to the use of a domestic base, such an autobahn is even cheaper than a trailer or trailer of a similar class, about 5-6 thousand dollars.

    There is also an autobahn based on Ikarus and LIAZ, but city buses are not very suitable for arranging a comfortable steam room. Carriage proportions and a heavy metal frame quickly cool the room.

    Bath on the basis of GAZ 66

    Of all the existing auto versions of a mobile bath, a lawn-based steam room is rightly considered one of the best, especially if room comfort and high vehicle traffic are required.

    Bath on wheels GAZ 66 will pass through any off-road, in fact, the "lawn" is best suited for conversion into a mobile steam room:

    • An aluminum kung or a booth is insulated with foam, the propulsion system has a built-in generator electric current industrial voltage;
    • The design of the machine has a built-in solar heater - a heater that can easily be raised in 10 minutes. the temperature of the steam room to the required 80 ° C;
    • A powerful machine is capable of transporting a trailer with a residential unit, a mobile electrical installation or a refrigerator.

    According to the reviews of fishermen and hunters, instead of SUVs and UAZs, it is the autobahn equipped on the basis of GAZ 66 that is increasingly leaving for outdoor activities, video

    Autobahn: design

    Automotive steam models have been produced on stream for a long time. The most important details of the layout - the structure of the body or trailer, the optimal location of the sauna, shower and washing departments, the heating stove and the heater have long been successfully tested and perfected in practice for many years of operation.

    When planning car baths, the following rules are used:

    • The steam room with the stove is located in the "tail" of the car booth or kung, away from the fuel tank;
    • A supply of water and a shower cabin are installed in the center of the room;
    • The wooden body of the bath must be sheathed on the outside with sheet metal.

    Wooden bathhouses burn often and quickly, an autobahn, regardless of whether the structure is built on a trailer or on a car body, is prone to fire much more often than stationary options.

    For your information! Wood-burning stoves can only be used for a sauna assembled on a two-axle trailer with a steam room area of ​​more than 3.5 m2. In all other cases, the autobahn is heated by gas heaters.

    Below is a layout option for a five-ton two-axle trailer or on the chassis of a category “C” car

    Bath on wheels do it yourself

    The easiest way is to build a small mobile autobahn based on a standard trailer for a car. Building a mobile bath with your own hands turns out to be no more difficult, and in some ways simpler than a regular backyard sauna for two or three people.

    Construction installation

    First of all, you need to choose the right trailer for the future steam room. Of all the models of small caravans, the best autobahn will be obtained from two-axle structures with wheel sizes of 12 or 13 inches.

    This choice is dictated by quite practical considerations:

    • First, the autobahn decreases in overall height. The higher the design, the greater its windage. In motion, in strong winds, too high autobahn can overturn the car;
    • Secondly, the bath box is made only in a frame way from a metal or wooden profile, no log cabins from timber or logs;
    • The sauna stove is used only in a closed type. The doors of the firebox and the chimney pipe must lead to the outer rear wall.

    Initially, on the trailer, the frame of the bath is welded from a corner or square. The lower part and the floor are reinforced with an oak plank stripe. The skeleton of the bath is welded to the side members of the trailer with a continuous seam.

    In the design of the frame, it is immediately necessary to provide a niche for the heater and a cavity for installing a gas cylinder, if the autobahn is on an independent trailer, then a battery will also be required.

    Usually, an automobile fuel bottle is used, suspended from the front wall of the bath so that the gas can be shut off both from the street and indoors.

    The frame is sheathed with OSB boards and mineral wool insulation.

    Exterior finish

    After laying the insulation package, the autobahn along outer surface sheathed with sheet material, waterproof plywood or OSB sheets can be used.

    To protect against rain and wind, the box and the roof of the bath can be sewn up with a metal profile in the color of the trailer and the general building.

    If a mobile autobahn is used only during the summer season, and it is transported along the roads on a trailer no more than two or three times a year, in this case the body of the bath can be assembled from a bar, and after treatment with an antiseptic, do not line the box with clapboard or siding.

    Interior design

    The walls of the steam room and the dressing room of the bath are traditionally sheathed with linden and coniferous lining, respectively. The autobath inside can be sheathed with plastic or drywall, it is better to use such material only on the ceiling and flooring.

    At the same time, the space around the sauna heater must be laid out with vermiculite thermal insulation, and the floor is laid with unpolished porcelain stoneware tiles.

    Stove for mobile bath

    A small-sized mobile autobahn is heated using three types of heating devices:

    You can make a stove for a mobile bath with your own hands, but it is better to use industrial models, for example, propane heat generators or a long-burning briquette stove. Any gasoline, diesel, alcohol homemade burners and heaters means that a wooden autobahn on a trailer will burn out in the very first year of operation.


    The main concerns about the autobahn come down to regular drying and ventilation of the premises. Periodically, once a month, it is required to check the operation of the chimney, the condition of the furnace parts, and check the fastening of the box on the gun carriage.

    Before the start of the season, the autobahn is audited, the wooden parts of the sheathing must be impregnated with flame retardant and antiseptic compounds.


    Most often, an autobahn on a trailer is not issued with any documents indicating a redesign of the structure. Firms that produce mobile steam rooms indicate in the documents for the trailer information about the presence of an easily removable rigid awning of the frame system.

    The situation is more complicated if the autobahn is converted from an old bus or car. In this case, by law, it is necessary to make changes to the description vehicle. Now, according to the documents, the autobahn is listed as a mobile residential building. If windows were not cut out during the alteration, the power elements of the body, kung, chassis did not change, then, perhaps, re-registration of the car is not required.


    Baths on wheels look like an ideal solution in a situation where you have to live on the move, regularly move and work in the field. A mobile autobahn is necessary for summer residents, fishermen, farmers and construction teams working far from civilization. In such a situation, there is no real alternative to a mobile bath.

    Good day! There was an old GAZ-66 booth for all sorts of rubbish. I decided to make a steam room out of it, dismantled the old insulation (polystyrene), cut off all the rusty floors, increased the corner to 2.20 meters. to stand in full height and on the second bench you can bathe. I sheathed it with metal from the street and everything stood up because I don’t know the procedure for warming and how to actually insulate. Tell me please, if I put an isover (layers?) on the metal, after 8mm plywood (priming?) I attach it to the self-tapping screws with a drill and a press washer directly to the metal, after which I will sheathe A-03 foam foam one-sided, and after all the euro, fasten the vagonkou through penofol to plywood with self-tapping screws (). All of the material listed is available to me. Please correct me in the wind, if suddenly I want to do something wrong. The bath is planned to be used in the summer.

    Sincerely, Alexander, Magadan.

    Hello, Alexander from "sunny" Magadan!

    Think in the right direction, the desire to build a small bathhouse on the basis of the existing old and somewhat converted "GAZon" booth is quite natural. Moreover, in addition there are also materials.

    Over the past year, a couple of times I came across reports in the media about mobile baths made according to the same scheme as you planned. As for stationary similar baths, they are sometimes found in our vast expanses. They are made, of course, not from big money, but because of the presence of retired automotive junk.

    Most often they use army kungs, tepushki avarieks and vans-bread trucks.

    The thickness of the insulation layer for such baths is 50 or 100 millimeters. And it depends not so much on how effectively the heat will be kept (for the summer season, both options are quite suitable), but on the design features of the existing booth.

    That is, if the width of the frame racks from a metal profile is about 50 millimeters, then the isover-type insulation is placed in one 50-mm layer. It will completely fill the space between the outer and inner walls. Well, if the width of the racks is 100 millimeters, then the isover, as a rule, is already laid in two layers of 50, which in total will be the required 100 millimeters.

    Shabashniki, as a rule, do not follow these recommendations. Instead, they fasten a thermal film on the inner metal side of the wall (it can be done in any way, including glue). The outer side is smooth, the film is placed against the metal, and the rough side is placed against the insulation. One roll of film is enough, their area reaches almost 70 square meters, and it costs from one and a half to two thousand rubles. Although yours is probably more expensive.

    Then, after a while, the fasteners may move away, but the film will still be pressed against the metal by the insulation and will not go anywhere.

    And sometimes the film is not laid at all, anyway, such a bath is enough for at least a dozen years of operation, or even more.

    Plywood (there is no need to transfer soil to it, extra fumes and not entirely useful), of course, you can use it in your design, but it is much more preferable to use ordinary edged or even unedged boards without a wane.

    All the same, for baths, due to its instability to high temperatures, after a short time it will begin to delaminate. With all the ensuing negatives.

    Fastening with self-tapping screws with press washers is quite a normal option, if the thickness of the metal of the racks allows. If it does not work out, then pre-drill holes of a slightly smaller diameter in the attachment points than the diameter of the self-tapping screws.

    And only then the screws are wrapped.

    Then everything can be done according to your option - sheathe it with penofol, or you can just use foil. Then sheathe with clapboard. Although class C is not the best option, subject to availability a large number knots, and in such a low-grade lining, as a rule, there are plenty of them, they can fly out after some time from temperature changes.

    The lining is often fixed with ordinary galvanized nails without hats. 30-40 mm long. Although, if you still stop at the option of plywood, and not boards, with very dense plywood, thin nails can bend when hammered.

    Self-tapping screws used for fastening the lining must be sunk into the wood, otherwise their heads will burn the body at high temperatures, especially in those places that are in the zone of intense contact.

    Since the lining is very thin, the self-tapping screws, when tapped (a term meaning that the surface of the screw will be lower than the surface of the lining) can split the lining. But give it a try and see if everything works out fine.

    Before sheathing the insides of the steam room with clapboard, it must be dried very well. Very often in the steam rooms there is such a thing - after a while, sometimes long time, lining cracks and cracks appear. It is not fatal, although foil or penofol will appear from behind the lining, they will work functionally. Only the aesthetic appearance will be violated. I don’t say which side the penofol is placed to the lining, otherwise you will be offended.

    Since you do not touch upon the question of how your building will be heated, with a stove or electric heaters, we will keep silent about them. The only thing I would like to remind you is to make a small window-window in the wall. It will come in handy later, take my word for it without explanation.

    So go ahead, build a sauna or steam room from what you have.

    Other questions on the arrangement of the Russian bath.