Proposal for regional representatives in the regions. Dealer activity: features of earnings and possible risks

A company representative is a specialist who promotes the products of a particular manufacturer in a particular region. Any sane person who wants to achieve financial independence dreams of taking such a vacancy, since it is quite profitable and very interesting job. How to become a representative of the company in your city, we will tell you in this publication.

Where to begin?

In order to become a representative of a large company, you will need:

  • Experience in a particular field;
  • Competent business plan;
  • Personal interest in products;
  • Having a team of professionals;
  • Necessary technical equipment;
  • Willingness to invest.

In addition, you need to collect a package of documents:

  • Charter;
  • Constituent documents;
  • Registration certificate;
  • A document confirming that you are the head of the organization;
  • Office lease agreement;
  • Bank account.

Dealer without investment

Many citizens who want to try their hand in this area often ask the question, how to become an official representative of a company without investment? There are several ways:

Trade under the order

You have probably met in the price lists of online stores opposite some items of goods the mark "under the order". This means that the buyer must deposit money for the goods into the seller's account, after which, after a certain time, he will receive his purchase.

If you look at it through the eyes of a businessman, the situation looks like this:

  • The entrepreneur signs an agreement with the supplier for the purchase of goods at dealer prices;
  • Puts up a product for sale at its outlet, or rather, adds it to the price list and various promotional materials;
  • The buyer pays for the purchase, after which you buy the goods from the supplier for the money received and transfer it to the buyer.

If you want to become a representative of a company in a region without significant financial investments, choose a market segment that includes goods whose cost ranges from 5–20 thousand rubles. Consumers prefer to buy inexpensive everyday goods in the nearest stores, even if they are slightly overpriced. If you choose products that are too expensive, you will have to rent an elite office or store. For example, for car trade, they rent large areas for showrooms.

Goods for sale

If you have firmly decided that I want to become a representative of companies, but do not have the funds to realize your plans, you can try to conclude an agreement with the manufacturer in order to receive goods from him for sale. Many large companies go towards novice entrepreneurs and willingly agree to such cooperation.

The most important thing is to sell products in deadlines. If you do not have time to sell all the goods for a certain period of time, you will have to pay money for it, and 1–2% more than its original cost. In some cases, vendors take back unsold items. The conditions for the return must be prescribed in the contract.

Free testing

The manufacturer sends samples of its products to the sales representative so that he can try them out in practice. If you find a company that is willing to give you a free trial of their products, consider yourself very lucky, because many suppliers refuse to work on such conditions, so the chance to test the products for free is a great fortune for a beginner.

Official representative

This is the most profitable option because you get a guarantee that the products you sell will be of interest to the end consumer. The supplier provides you with full information support, as well as assistance in organizing and developing commercial enterprise. Advertising specialists are engaged in the promotion of goods on professional level so you don't have to spend time and energy on it.

Work in a foreign company

Many domestic enterprises are not adapted to agency work. In addition, some of them may not fulfill their obligations. In this regard, newcomers are often interested in how to become an official representative of a foreign company? Abroad, this form of sales has long become commonplace and has become widespread. If you don't have work experience, look for a company that provides training.

Let's take a closer look at what steps you need to take to become a representative of a foreign company:

  • Choose a line of business that you are familiar with. For example, a mechanic might sell industrial equipment because he has certain knowledge in this sector;
  • Find the right company and offer your services to it. The necessary information can be obtained on the Internet or from industry directories;
  • Decide on a range of products. For example, along with lifts for car repair, it is possible to offer consumers balancing stands, compressors and other equipment for car services;
  • Conclude an oral or written contract with the company;
  • Carefully study the product to determine its commercial and technical advantages.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before becoming a company representative in your city, you need to familiarize yourself with all the advantages and disadvantages of this profession.


  • There is no upper income limit. The more efficiently you work, the more you get;
  • There are no competitors within the company;
  • Strong partner support;
  • Free education;
  • Fast start.


  • No fixed salary
  • Big risks of losing start-up capital.

Where to find a company?

Interested in how to become a sales representative of a company? Many manufacturers post information about vacancies on their own websites on the Internet. You can also send your resume to different companies. Perhaps someone will respond and offer you cooperation.

Try to collect as much information as possible about the activities of different companies. This will help you choose the right supplier, on which the success of your business depends on 90%. You should not give preference to any supplier, focusing on low prices. If you are serious about work, you need to pay special attention to the reputation of the company. It is also very important that the products you will be selling are in demand in your region.

How to choose a company?

Before making a final decision which company or manufacturer is more profitable for you to cooperate with, you must first find out.

Construction Materials

Nowadays, trade in building materials brings good profits, so many successful entrepreneurs cooperate with enterprises that produce such products.

Before that, decide on the scope of work. You can open a small retail outlet or large supermarket. It all depends on your financial capabilities. According to experts, at the stage of formation, an average company will bring much more profit than a large retail chain. You should not strive to conclude a cooperation agreement with a large manufacturer. At first, it is better to work with a small company. In this case, you will earn good money and get the necessary experience.


This is the simplest and most easily implemented idea. Almost all furniture that can be purchased on the market is sold through dealers. An exception may be foreign-made products or large retail chains.

If you decide to go into business and do not know, first of all you need to find a furniture factory and agree on cooperation with it. The manufacturer bears full responsibility for a complete set of furniture and its quality. If the buyer finds any defect, the furniture factory is obliged to replace the product.

Children food

Before that, many aspiring entrepreneurs get a job as sales representatives. This allows them to gain the necessary experience and deal with the assortment offered by modern baby food manufacturers.

This approach is fully justified, since products intended for children must be of high quality. If you open own shop and buy low-quality goods, the enterprise will quickly go bankrupt. Working as a sales representative allows you to study from the inside all the features of trading in such products, and the experience gained will become a guarantee of the success of your business.

Video: About the profession of a sales representative


It is most profitable to sell food during a crisis. Despite the fact that almost all citizens are starting to save money, they continue to buy food, especially sweets. Before that, make a competent business plan and find reliable suppliers who sell quality goods at affordable prices. The most profitable option is direct deliveries of goods from the manufacturer. In this case, you will receive the freshest products at low prices.

To reduce the payback period, the enterprise can be installed in educational institutions or in shopping malls several . In such passage places, chocolates, cookies in small bags, candies and so on perfectly diverge. Since this piece of goods is sold quickly and in decent volumes, vending machines will bring in a good income.

Household chemicals

Such products are included in the category of essential goods, so they will be in demand in any economic conditions. If you have never done such a thing and do not know in your city, seek help from specialists. Professionals will tell you how to start a business and help you complete all the necessary documents.

The profitability of such an enterprise depends on various factors. The main problem is the high competition in this area. In many cities, there are entire retail chains that sell goods at low prices. To prevent your household chemicals store from going bankrupt, open it in a large city with a population of more than 1 million people.


Many companies that want to open their representative office in another city or region are faced with the problem of finding motivated responsible employees. If you have these qualities, you can start looking for a vacancy. Take action, and you will definitely succeed.

A couple of decades ago, the foreign word "dealer" was incomprehensible to Russians, while in European countries it has long taken root.

With the development of the market, dealers in Russia gradually began to appear.

Who are they

Who are they, these people? In fact, a dealer is a company that buys goods from a supplier at a price and then resells it to the buyer at a premium. In other words, it is an intermediary between the producer of a product and its consumer.


It should be noted that today many are interested in the question: "How to become a dealer in the region without investments?" The fact is that start-up entrepreneurs are attracted to this type of activity primarily because it does not involve significant costs for business development.

Today, one can easily find advertisements in the media with the following content: “Work. Dealer in Moscow. Many respond to them because the supplier company provides all kinds of assistance and support in building a business and offers profitable cooperation programs. But not everyone manages to stay afloat.

Partnership Options

Those who are haunted by the question of being in a region without investments should know that a product manufacturer can offer several schemes partnerships. Let's consider the essence of some of them.


Dropshipping (trade on order) involves the following partnership option: the dealer independently places an order on the supplier's website, makes payments for the goods on his own behalf, having previously received an advance payment from the buyer.

Goods for sale

Those who are interested in the question: "How to become a dealer in the region without investments?" should be aware of the second common variant of cooperation - goods for sale.

Its meaning lies in the fact that the sales representative is given a specific period of time during which he must sell products. After the agreed period, it will need to be paid, and the contract amount may increase by 2-3% compared to the situation if you paid in advance. In any case, there is a risk of burnout. Do not meet the agreed time frame - be prepared to compensate the supplier for the losses incurred. Only under force majeure circumstances can you take back unsold goods.

Official representative

And, of course, those who want to learn how to become a dealer in the region without investment should be told about such a common partnership option as an official representation. In this case, the distributor receives information, advertising, consulting assistance, and in full. In addition to assisting in building a business, you will have a guarantee that the product being sold is in high demand among the consumer.

At the same time, the official dealer is not obliged to engage in advertising - this is the prerogative of professionals. Undoubtedly, this type of partnership has only advantages. In other words, the official dealer is protected from many risks.

Requirements that companies impose on potential dealers

It should be noted that suppliers give preference to candidates who can boast of a stable financial position. In addition, they must have experience in building dealer networks. A potential sales representative must have a business plan in hand and be interested in the sale of those goods that the manufacturing company manufactures. Naturally, it is difficult for a dealer to work alone, so the selection of a professional staff is a top priority in building a business. In addition, the distributor must take care of technical equipment your point of sale.

One way or another, but some capital investments in the business will still be required.

The documents

A candidate dealer must submit to the company a certain list of documents, which includes: a charter, a registration certificate, a document confirming tax registration, an order to appoint a head (for commercial structures). You will also need a lease agreement for an office or residential space where sales will take place.

As for individual entrepreneurs, then it is enough for them to present a document indicating the TIN.

Before making the final decision to become a company, carefully study the market conditions. Please note that in some regions it is not economically viable to develop dealer networks. Determine the range of products that are most in demand in your area and enter into agreements with those companies that produce them. In particular, many dealers in Krasnodar are engaged in car sales, since this particular product is in demand in the Kuban.

Be prepared for the fact that with a huge number of people wishing to become an official distributor, suppliers may announce a tender, according to the results of which the most suitable candidate will be selected.

Please note that the larger the manufacturing company, the less likely it is to meet the criteria, since significant investments in the development of the dealer network may be required.

Pay attention to the number of distributors of the company in your region. As a rule, suppliers are more willing to cooperate when there is no more than one dealer in a particular region or region. This behavior reduces the risk of competition and has a positive effect on doing business.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

What are the pros and cons of different ways to find potential dealers and wholesalers? We choose the most effective methods for creating and expanding a dealer network.

Sooner or later, any entrepreneur seeking to develop his business comes to the conclusion that the market in one region has a limited number of consumers. One of the most budgetary ways to expand distribution channels is to create a dealer network. But the question arises, where and how to find dealers? And, most importantly, what methods will give the greatest return? Below we have presented 12 better ways search and attraction of dealers.

1. Take part in exhibitions


Qualified branch dealers always take part in specialized exhibitions. Thanks to exhibitions, you can reach professional resellers with extensive experience and clearly declare your product.


The main disadvantage of exhibitions is that they are infrequent and not everywhere. To visit them, you often have to travel to other cities and regions, incur transportation and time costs, not to mention the enormous costs of participating and decorating the presentation area. For information on how to take part in such events with a limited or even zero budget, see this material.

2. Submit an advertisement for the search for dealers


The easiest, fastest and free way to make yourself and your product known is to place online ads on one of the popular classifieds sites. Here you can also try to find people who want to become dealers by looking at ads like “I will become a dealer” or “I will become a sales representative”, and offer them your conditions.


The main disadvantage of placing an ad is that the very fact of placing an ad in the style of “Looking for dealers” will indicate that your intentions are not serious. Worthy partners are not looked for in this way. Get ready for a lot of calls from people "from the street" who will in no way meet your requirements. Do not forget that ads need to be constantly updated, as sites usually limit the timing of posting.

3. Place information in online directories


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Manufacturers have the opportunity to create free pages with information about their company, products and services, news, promotions and leave requests to search for dealers. Unlike the publication of announcements, the information is posted by the administration of the service. Catalogs are one of the most common channels used by dealers and those who wish to become dealers by mastering the new kind activities. Catalogs are a passive but obligatory channel for finding dealers.


Your information may go unnoticed among the huge layer of ads from other companies. Your business proposal will simply be in the general list and without additional payment you will not be able to distinguish it from others of the same kind. You just have to wait for calls that may not follow at all.

4. Post information on business forums


Typically, companies developing a dealer network use thematic forums in two ways. The first is to simply place an ad with the information in a dedicated ad topic for finding dealers. The second option is to advertise your product in other topics in some cunning way, risking getting banned. For example, a company representative can “pretend” to be a business start-up, describe the first steps of his business and casually mention the equipment he uses and its advantages. In any case, unlike ads, on the forum you have the opportunity to describe your proposal in more detail, showing all the advantages.


Be prepared to respond to reactions and possibly criticisms of your information. After all, forums are what forums are for, that you can write almost anything on them. There is also the danger of entering into an unfavorable polemic with a competitor.

5. Attract competitor dealers


If you know for sure that the quality of your product exceeds the quality of competitors, you can contact the dealers of this company and offer them your terms. Finding contacts is easy - most often they are listed on the distributor's website. Paying customers will definitely be interested in your offer, and more favorable conditions, including discounts, the first trial batch, and so on, can convince them to change the supplier.


Of course, most dealers will refuse to change a ready-made supplier. In addition, a large investment of sales time in negotiating, justifying benefits, and so on will be required.

6. Reach out to dealers through cross-selling


Potential dealers are often worth looking for not where it seems at first glance, but somewhere nearby. For example, it is not necessary to look for computer and laptop dealers among computer and laptop sellers in a particular region. It is possible that the interested party will be a dealer of printers, copiers and MFPs. Thus, the main plus is access to a client with knowledge in this area, real experience sales and availability of capital resources.


Easy to find, hard to sell. Such dealers may have increased requirements for the terms of cooperation, and your offer, most likely, will not be considered with all seriousness, but as additional income, which you can refuse at any time.

7. Make cold calls

Pros. Finding contacts on the Internet is not so bad. the main task is to make cold calls. It is cold calls that provide actual contacts of people involved in assortment policy, which sent a commercial offer. In addition to the cost of paying salespeople and telephony, the company usually does not incur any additional costs.

Minuses. The need to develop a competent and presentable commercial offer, sales scripts, it is necessary to attract professional managers by sales.

8. Set up contextual advertising



Ready-made ideas for your business

Unfortunately, if earlier, in 2014-2015, contextual advertising was undoubtedly considered the most effective tool, bringing companies a large number of applications at a cost of a click within a few rubles, today the return on this channel has decreased significantly. First of all, we are talking about those areas where there is a glut of the market, for example, the market of plastic windows, stretch ceilings, building materials, and so on. For these types of businesses, the price per click in Yandex.Direct in large regions can reach up to 3,000 rubles. In addition, to set up a good contextual advertising, you need to spend a lot of effort, conduct analytics of competitors' advertising, create a USP for the hottest requests, carefully select keywords so as not to engage in "heating the street". And it’s not a fact that the help of “specialists” will be conscientious.

9. Order advertising on the federal media


The dealer network implies the company's entry into other regions, which means that if you start advertising campaign, then it should be carried out at the federal level, and not at the regional level. Turning to the federal media working on your subject, you declare yourself to the whole country, create a name for yourself in the eyes of potential dealers from other regions. Advertising in the federal media will bring the most advantages if you present any new technology or a product and master new market with a low level of competition. It is inappropriate to reach such a level of advertising with an ordinary offer.


The first drawback is the high cost of advertising, regardless of whether it is banner, native or any other type of advertising. For example, posting an article on the RBC website - from 160 to 300 thousand rubles, articles with writing - from 180 to 400 thousand rubles, placing billboards - about 165-190 thousand rubles / month. The second and key drawback is that no one carries out a targeted search for dealers in the federal media, they are used as image platforms.

10. Advertise on Business Leadership Sites


On the sites of start-up entrepreneurs dedicated to opening their own business such as a site, a company can get access to a potential partner who has both material resources and a desire to start a business in a particular area of ​​dealership. Advertising is also possible in the format of a catalog of offers for dealerships and franchises (along with the largest network companies), and in the format of an article with a presentation of the offer, and in the form of banner advertising. The main advantages of placement are the ability to reach the federal level of advertising on a budget compared to federal media (savings on banner advertising up to 80%), get a large number of warm incoming applications at a minimum cost per click and powerful image advertising directly among those people who are going to open or expand their business, and not just read business news (more than 1 million banner impressions for the target audience per month).

*according to information commercial offers cited media


Ready-made ideas for your business

Often, this is a lack of experience in the required area for those who want to become a dealer, which, however, is compensated by a keen interest on the part of a potential partner. If we are talking about advertising in the catalog, then the company will definitely need a person to permanent basis processing incoming applications and advising interested entrepreneurs.

11. Make a mailing list on the base of potential dealers


A potential dealer may refuse to cooperate with you, but this does not mean at all that his contacts should be lost. Time passes, management changes, the market changes. The newsletter is effective in that two or three times a month or more often you can remind potential partners of yourself by sending them not only information about the company with a product catalog, but also articles on your topic. This may be analytical information about the market situation or some practical advice. A meaningful mailing will definitely work to increase the loyalty and image of the company.


Newsletter cannot become the main channel for attracting customers. Even super-useful content will not guarantee you a high open rate, since the mail of most companies is already overloaded with corporate letters. In addition, you will need to take care of the creation of this content itself, doing it yourself and acting as an expert, either by loading the sales department or hiring a remote employee.

12. Start a YouTube video channel/host webinars


Large audience coverage: more and more people perceive information better with the help of video, and this fact cannot be ignored. In webinars or on the YouTube channel, you can talk in detail about the terms of cooperation, reveal many business issues, from the specifics of your products to sales scripts. As a result, with one hand you maintain the loyalty of existing dealers and work for your image, and with the other hand, you attract new counterparties to your business who are interested in this area.


The amount of time and money spent on developing a YouTube channel or recording webinars does not at all guarantee you any return percentage. Most of the most successful channels exist on the sheer enthusiasm of their creators. The submission of information must necessarily take place in a live format, with feedback, communicating with subscribers, with uncomfortable questions, and so on, and all this requires not only great knowledge in your field, but also time.

  • Who is a dealer
  • Is it easy to become a dealer

We often hear the expressions “official dealer”, “dealer network”, “use the services of a dealer”. Most often they are associated with car dealerships. And this is no coincidence, because car dealership is the most famous and widespread direction in this area. But dealers work not only in the field of vehicle sales. Moreover, dealership is one of the proven ways to successfully build your business.

In the article you will learn who a dealer is, what are the features of his activities, how to become a successful dealer.

Who is a dealer

"Dealer" - from the English "dealer", which means a merchant, agent.

Dealership means:

  • trading intermediary activity. Dealer - legal or individual, which purchases products at its own expense and on its own behalf from the manufacturer in bulk and then sells them to end consumers;
  • activity on the stock exchange. Dealer - a private person or company that conducts exchange operations on its own behalf and at its own expense, independently buying and selling valuable papers, currency, precious metals.

Let's talk about trade and intermediary dealer activities.

Many commodity producers do not create their own trading network and sell their products through intermediaries. One of them is a dealer. For example, none of the car manufacturers has its own network of car dealerships. Cars are sold through dealerships that form a dealer network.

In principle, any seller of a product can be considered a dealer of the manufacturer of this product. But it is important to understand that there is just an intermediary, but there is an official dealer - a partner with whom a dealer agreement and a direct contract for the supply of goods are concluded.

Dealer is a link that connects the manufacturer of goods and / or services directly with the consumer. Often another element is added to this chain - a distributor. A distributor is a distributor of goods for the manufacturer and a supplier for the dealer, he does not have a direct connection with the end consumer.

The distributor works on behalf of the manufacturer, and the dealer - on his own behalf. By the way, your name and brand is the main advantage of dealership overfranchise. The dealer has more freedom and independence.

The main profit of the dealer depends on the size of the dealer discount, which the manufacturer provides him with his products. The amount of the discount varies depending on the size of the consignment of the purchased goods, as well as on the turnover. With a large volume of sales, the dealer receives an additional remuneration from the manufacturer. Dealer relations are beneficial for both the manufacturer of products and the official dealer.

The manufacturer receives:

  • expansion of sales markets, without going into their regional features;
  • business scaling without serious investments;
  • additional channels for selling products without renting additional space and hiring employees;
  • increasing turnover of goods;
  • profit growth.

The dealer company receives:

  • good quality goods with a package of documents for sale, while the manufacturer is responsible for the quality;
  • support from the manufacturer, including the provision of promotional materials;
  • placement of contacts on the manufacturer's website;
  • free training (many manufacturers organize mandatory training for their dealers);
  • receiving discounts on the purchase of goods and premium bonuses upon successful implementation.

It is believed that the creation of a dealer network is one of the most budgetary ways to expand sales markets and increase product sales channels.

How to become a company representative

Dealership is a business. And the organization of any business requires a serious approach. A dealer, selling someone else's products, works under his own name and brand, it is important for him to have a good reputation in the business. Very often, a dealer creates his business reputation just by promoting the goods of a manufacturing partner.

As a rule, a dealer business requires considerable investments, because you need to:

  • purchase a certain batch of goods;
  • rent or own premises to store and sell this product.

To become official dealer companies must meet a number of requirements. They depend on the nature of the activity and different manufacturers may vary. The main requirements that manufacturers impose on their dealers:

  • registration as legal entity(for example,OOO) or IP- it is necessary to conclude a formal contract;
  • awareness in the field of activity of the company, an additional plus is experience in this area and / or with similar products;
  • stable financial position;
  • availability of a number of documents in accordance with the specifics of the products sold.

You can search for a company for cooperation in different ways:

  • register on the job search site:

post a resume with a proposal for cooperation or look for suitable job offers from manufacturers and send feedback;

  • search the Internet for companies that are looking for dealers. Information about this is available on the official websites. Often there is also an application form for proposals for cooperation;
  • analyze the search options for manufacturers of new dealers.

Here are some options:

  • Participation in exhibitions is a good opportunity to personally meet future partners. Unfortunately, exhibitions are held infrequently and not everywhere;
  • analysis of information about companies in various online directories;
  • participation in business forums;
  • analysis of advertising on business management sites;
  • search on YouTube - many businessmen have their own channels there and often voice proposals for cooperation.

If you have your own store, you can become an official dealer of the manufacturer / manufacturers of products that are already sold at the outlet. It will take your business to the next level.

Step-by-step instructions on how to become a dealer of a large company

To become a reseller, you must complete the following steps.

  1. Choose a niche in the dealer business. For this you should:
  • take into account their preferences, knowledge, skills;
  • research the market in your region;
  • choose the type of products you will sell;
  • thoroughly understand all the characteristics, properties and capabilities of the selected product;
  • study competition and competitors in the region;
  • estimate the amount potential clients and channels to attract them;
  1. Register a business form if own business you do not have;
  2. Develop a business plan;
  3. Find money if you don't have enough of your own. At this stage, you can consider obtaining a loan orattract an investor;
  4. Find manufacturers or suppliers using various ways. At this stage, you can select several companies in order to compare the proposed terms of cooperation and choose the most suitable ones;
  5. Choose a company for cooperation;
  6. Submit your resume to the company and be interviewed. It can be carried out both in the office of the company and via the Internet, for example, via Skype, if the partner company is far from you;
  7. Enter into a contract. For dealers, there are two options for cooperation:
  • on working capital- consists in fulfilling the requirements for a certain fixed volume of purchases, and, consequently, fulfilling the sales and profit plan;
  • in terms of legal content - lies in the possibility of creating own network sub-dealers as a General Dealer in a certain territory;
  1. Create conditions for the sale of products, if required:
  • rental of premises;
  • purchase of the necessary equipment;
  • state set;
  1. Purchase a consignment of goods specified in the contract;
  2. Advertise products through various channels;
  3. Realize the product.

How to become an authorized Toyota dealer

Toyota is constantly expanding its dealer network in Russia. There are 112 official dealer centers and 3 authorized service centers in 70 cities of the Russian Federation. Toyota Motor LLC imposes mandatory requirements on applicants for dealership, which relate to:

  1. Locations of the land.
  2. His characteristics.
  3. Showroom.
  4. Service zone.
  5. Warehouse and spare parts department.

Here you can download the questionnaire, fill it out and send it to the company.

Is it easy to become a dealer

The main goal of the dealer is to promote and successfully sell the partner-manufacturer's products on the market. The dealer must have the following qualities:

  • have the skills of a good seller;
  • be able to negotiate, communicate freely with customers;
  • be able to prepare a competent proposal and presentation of products;
  • be a good organizer;
  • be stress resistant;
  • have high speed reactions, good memory, analytical skills;
  • be able to foresee, calculate the situation.

Is dealership possible without investment?

It is possible to become a dealer without investments if you:

  • sell "to order" trade - conclude a dealer agreement with the manufacturer or supplier, enter the goods into the catalog and / or place them on your website (your outlet maybe an online store) marked "custom". The client orders the product, pays for it, you buy the product from the manufacturer at dealer prices with the money received and transfer it to the client. This option of cooperation is possible for relatively inexpensive goods (from 3 to 25 thousand rubles);
  • you take the goods for sale - you conclude an agreement with the manufacturer, which specifies the terms for the sale of the goods. Your goal is to sell the products on time, otherwise you will have to pay for it, and the price will be higher than the dealer price. Sometimes suppliers take back unsold goods. All conditions are specified in the contract;
  • perform free testing of the goods - you get product samples from the manufacturer for free and try to implement them. However, it is very difficult to find a company that will agree to work on such conditions.

Overview of dealership offers from manufacturers

Dealership is possible in various areas:

  • vehicles and auto products;
  • windows and doors;
  • constructionand finishing materials;
  • equipment and tools;
  • books;
  • clothing and footwear;
  • electronics and electrical engineering;
  • computers and software;
  • communication services;
  • promotional products;
  • insurance companies, etc.

Proposals for dealer cooperation can be found on websites on the Internet.

How to become a company representative in your city: success stories

The TROKOT company is engaged in the production of framed autoshades that replace tinting and save car owners from the blinding sun and prying eyes. The company has a wide dealer network, consisting of almost 200 representative offices.