Demand for handmade knitwear. Is it possible to make money on needlework and knitting - my experience

Hello! Probably, when you saw the name, you decided that this article is intended for grandmothers, because it is they who we associate with a ball of thread and knitting needles. But do not rush to leave my page, because this is absolutely not the case. AT recent times there is a demand for products handmade, and many progressive girls already know how to make money knitting at home.

From this article you will learn:

Honestly, last time I held knitting needles in my hands at labor lessons at school. I really didn't like this boring job. The stitches kept slipping off the needles, and I didn't have the dexterity to catch them and hook them up. Often I had to bandage the same place several times. The product turned out to be scanty, because I did not know how to control the tension of the thread. Somewhere the canvas was looser, and somewhere too dense. And in general, I always thought that they were knitted from threads. And only recently I found out that the correct name is yarn.

Later I learned that they knit not only with knitting needles. It turns out that there are other devices for this:

  1. Crochet hook. It is much more convenient to knit with them, because, as a rule, only the last loop of the row is on the hook, and even if it slips, you can easily pick it up again without re-tying half of the product.
  2. Knitting machine. This is not some huge industrial unit, but quite a compact thing that will fit on your desk or windowsill at home.
  3. Your hands - they can also become a knitting tool. Maybe you have seen on the Internet cardigans knitted from yarn as thick as a thumb? So, they are wound on their hands, like on knitting needles, and loops are knitted, threading the thread with their fingers.

Myth No. 1. This occupation is for pensioners.

One illustration from the Soviet alphabet has firmly settled in my subconscious. It depicts elderly woman, who fell asleep in a chair with knitting in her hands, and a mischievous kitten tangled all her yarn. Do you remember that too? Then we will destroy stereotypes together.

But my friend has been fond of knitting for a long time and often travels to Moscow for interesting seminars in this direction. She's doing great! I myself have ordered a couple of things from her for my daughter. And by the way, it also works in . She is an active young woman who successfully combines family and work. So, she is already thinking about creating her own brand of knitted children's clothing. I will gladly support her and possibly help you, just present knitting as a business, tell you where to start, how to succeed.

Knitting very often becomes a hobby of the young. We all want only the best for our children, so we prefer natural materials in clothes. Yes, we just want to make a beautiful, pleasant, exclusive thing. And knitting is very relaxing, relieves stress. Loop counting occupies the brain, displacing everyday problems from there.

Myth No. 2. This is a seasonal business, because all knitwear is warm.

Of course, hats and sweatshirts come to mind first. But do not forget that in middle lane In Russia, the first cold weather begins in September, and frosts occur until mid-May. It doesn’t have to be year after year, but it doesn’t hurt anyone to have a warm sweater on hand. And there is a category of people who live according to the principle "prepare a sleigh in the summer, and a cart in the winter."

Do you know how many now appeared creative ideas, not at all related to the winter wardrobe:

  1. Interior baskets are the perfect storage system. In those that are larger, you can put children's toys. And the small ones are perfect for keys, hairpins, decorative cosmetics and other small things. They are knitted from thick yarn, so the manufacturing process is very fast.
  2. Rugs and rugs. Remember, our grandmothers cut old things into long strips and knitted creepy round rugs from them? Never do that! Now you can go to any needlework store and buy for this purpose a special cord or knitted yarn, cut into even strips from a single piece of cloth. It will not be a shame to put such rugs not only in the country, but also in a city apartment. And if you show imagination and decorate the product in the form of a bear or Mickey Mouse, then your child will certainly want to put such a rug next to his bed.
  3. Beach bags, clutches and backpacks are great summer accessories. These are perfect for going to the beach or a boat trip. They are very popular among young people.
  4. Bedspreads, blankets and pillows. They are ordered both for children, for example, for discharge from the hospital, or in the crib, and for adults. A voluminous bedspread with a pattern in a large pigtail is ideal for an interior in a Scandinavian style. And a blanket made of bulky yarn, knitted on the hands, will harmoniously fit into the loft studio.
  5. Covers for chairs and ottomans are a new trend in interior design with ancient roots. Needless to say, very practical. After all, the cover can be easily removed and washed or replaced with a new one. And the furniture will remain safe and sound.
  6. Covers for mugs - but this, in my opinion, is a completely useless device. After all, after each tea party you will have to wash such “clothes”. But they look very cute and cozy. And for their manufacture, the remnants of yarn, which are a pity to throw away, are quite enough.
  7. Kids toys. There are many variations on the theme here. You can make soft toys, or tie a ready-made rattle, or make a whole mobile (a toy that is hung over a crib)

Myth #3 Knitting is expensive

Once I had an urge to buy a warm woolen sweater. You could say it was a fixed idea. I've looked at a lot of clothing websites. And here's what I found out. It turns out that on the shelves of popular chain stores there are practically no items containing wool. And if there is, then it is not more than 20%. And if you turn to specialized online stores, then the prices there are simply sky-high. For example, the cheapest sweater that I would wear cost about 15,000 rubles. And this is far from the limit.

Now let's try to calculate the cost of such a sweater. For the sake of comparison, I went to several online stores for needlework. The most expensive German yarn from 100% merino wool that I came across cost 390 rubles per 50 grams. To make a women's sweater in size 44-46, approximately 800 grams of yarn is required, that is, 16 skeins. The most expensive knitting needles - 370 rubles. By a simple calculation, we get 6,610 rubles for an excellent warm sweater.

You can find yarn much cheaper and no worse. For example, Russian or Turkish production. The price for a skein 100 m long varies from 170 to 250 rubles. And if you knit not with knitting needles, but with a crochet, the price of which is about 100 rubles, then your sweater will cost about 1700-2000 rubles. And in terms of quality and thermal properties, it will not yield to the expensive one.

Now estimate how much you can earn on knitting if the markup on market products is more than 100%. It's really beneficial!

The question is how much time you spend on creating your product. But it all depends on the skill, experience, complexity of the pattern and the amount of free time that you have. Someone can knit a voluminous cardigan in a week, and someone will spend a month on a regular hat. You will have to practice and carefully plan your schedule, because customers do not like to wait and want to get the long-awaited thing as quickly as possible.

Quite another thing - knitting machines. With their help, you can speed up the process several times. However, they will have to fork out. The simplest models with manual programming cost about 20-30 thousand rubles, better - from 50 thousand, and professional automated machines 100-200 thousand rubles. Of course, you can buy a used knitting machine. A used item is usually twice as expensive as a new one. It is best to look for them on free classifieds sites, such as Avito or Yula.

Myth #4: Complicated learning process

As I always say, there would be a desire. If you really want to, you can fly into space. Long gone are the days when you had to buy knitting books and magazines. You can find a huge number of training videos on the Internet, for example here. Experienced needlewomen have already created their own channels on YouTube, and give step by step instructions from a set of the first loops to the most complex elements, describing in detail all the ways of knitting and decorating products. By subscribing to such an account, you can learn to knit from scratch.

I found an interesting site - Fair of Masters: Here are collected various master classes, and not only in knitting, but also in other types of creativity. You can search interesting work other users, get inspired by their ideas and take note original schemes and solutions. There is another interesting section - the table of orders. Users leave applications for a particular type of work, and set a price, or you can barter, for example, a bouquet of sweets for handmade gingerbread.

Myth number 5. Knitwear has long gone out of fashion and is not in demand.

This statement is partly true, and partly - complete nonsense. Fashion is a capricious lady, and, as you know, she goes in circles. If you study the collections of modern designers, you are unlikely to find products of openwork knitting, T-shirts - nets made of fine yarn or blouses, collected from individual small flowers. All these outdated models are really not needed by anyone. And here are the bulk hats and snoods, tight cardigans and sweaters with pigtails, boho-style ponchos are the main trend of the autumn-winter 2017/18 season. But this is today. And what will happen tomorrow? I do not know. It is possible that eminent couturiers are preparing some surprises for us.

hand made has always been and will be in the price. After all, everyone can buy a thing in a chain store, like two drops of water similar to millions of others. And to get a dress with an individual design, you can only contact a private master.

In any case, in order to start selling, you will need to post photos of your work on some information resource. For example, at the same Fair of Masters. There you can even open own store. All kinds of women's forums and mom's blogs will fit for this purpose.

There is even a special social network for needlewomen and creative people - Pinterest, - and an application for mobile devices of the same name. This is an international service. Here are collected millions of works from masters from all over the globe. I myself recently registered here, periodically posting photos of my desserts and watching videos about.

Many people study at universities, and then go to work not at all in their specialty, because they are not hired in their specialty. Or work brings little income and you have to look for additional income. This is the problem in our country, nothing can be done. If you know how to do something with your own hands, then you can always try to make money on it. How much can you earn knitting to order, readers of the magazine Reconomica our guest, Tatyana, will tell today. For 9 years Tatyana has been engaged in this type of business. In this article, you will learn how to start knitting to order and whether it is worth doing it at all.

Hello, my name is Tatyana, I'm a pony. This is usually how I present myself on social media. There are many ponytails like me, but my story, which is 9 years long, distinguishes me a little.

My brother taught me to knit when I was 6 years old, and his grandmother in turn taught me to knit. Since then, the needles and the ball have become my comrades. She knitted after school, at the institute at lectures on cultural studies, during night shifts in a fast food cafe.

Where did the idea to make money by knitting come from?

It all started when I just switched to the 3rd year of the Pedagogical University as a teacher of geography. Like any student, I wanted to have additional income, in addition to what I received by working in a cafe. One of the first days of September, my classmate asked me to knit her a bag, exactly the same as mine. I laughed, said that I only knit for myself, and things are not “luxury” in quality, everything was knitted and sewn exclusively by hand, and it seemed to me that they were somehow “not like that”.

Knitted bag.

In the evening, she told this story to her future husband, to which he objected: “You knit very well and you like it, try it, and I will help you in any way I can.” And we tried. First of all, we created a group in VK "Knitting to Order" and a website on the most primitive platform, uploaded photos of my work, photos from the Internet and began to wait.

First orders

I still remember the first order and the customer. I was walking to the university when my husband called me (for simplicity, I will call him that, although he became one a little later) and said that there is a first order for a beret. I rejoiced. This day can be considered the beginning of our journey. There were not many orders: 4-5 per month, but there was little time at that time. The first condition that I set myself was not to knit for sale, but to knit to order, that is, not to sell finished products, but to do exactly what the customer wants.

More about DIY products: .

Business development

At that time, few people knitted to order via the Internet and social networks, we were one of the first, we knew our competitors by sight. The number of orders grew, and my hands were still only two. The beginning of 2010 brought us a surprise. My husband was laid off, and I had to choose whether to give in to my dream completely or work “for my uncle” again. He chose the first. From that moment on, the word "work hard" has become a part of us. There was no initial capital, we sold the car in order to buy a knitting and sewing machine, an overlocker, a mannequin.

Hired knitters

They began to look for knitters to meet the demand for hand knitting. And this is what I find the most difficult. Throughout the existence of our business, we have collaborated to one degree or another with hundreds of knitters. Of this hundred, perhaps, 10-15 people who knitted really well, were able to quickly switch from one type of knitting to another, delve into the essence of model changes, and most importantly, were accurate.

Knitting patterns.

The big trouble for hired knitters who do not communicate directly with the client is to do something, transfer the order to us, get paid and wash their hands. Few people were aimed at permanent cooperation, everyone wanted, as is often the case in our country, quick money. At the same time, many orders were shamelessly delayed.

We had and still have specific deadlines for fulfilling the order, but not everyone can soberly assess their strengths. When the deadline for the delivery of the order comes up, what people just don’t come up with! You wonder what fantastic stories they told us.

Interesting and large-scale orders

During the existence of our project, we had many interesting large-scale orders. And large-scale in the truest sense of the word. Once, a well-known medical clinic ordered New Year gifts from us for their clients. Hat and scarf in the amount of 300 pieces each. It took a couple of weeks to agree and less than a month to complete. Considering that under New Year there were a lot of orders and all our knitters were busy, the two of us began to fulfill this order. We slept little, my back hurt terribly by the end of the month, but we made it. And in the best traditions of such stories, this number turned out to be small, and it took another 100 pieces. On the eve of the new year, everything was ready and everyone was satisfied and happy.

We also knitted a hockey uniform from 1954-1958 for filming a film for the Russian Ice Hockey Federation. In the mid-50s, hockey players dressed in knitted sweaters, knitted leggings and knitted hats. Beanies protected the heads of hockey players. This project remains one of my favorites. With our small contribution, very talented guys made an excellent video about the legendary battles of the red car with the teams of Canada and the USA.

Advertising and clients

As I said, at the very beginning there were not so many knitters offering their services, so we saved a lot on advertising. Keyword clicks in Yandex and Google were cheap, satisfied customers often told their friends about us and brought them to us.

Now we continue to work with regular customers, some of them with us from the very beginning, which makes us a big compliment. Do not forget about social networks, and specifically about Instagram. At one time, we missed this wave and, frankly, there are regrets. Now the engine of such services is a beautiful picture. You can knit as you like, but by making a cool high quality photo with retouching, competent framing and accompanying tinsel, you will get a quick client at the end.

Summer knitted tops.

When asked how to find clients, I can honestly answer that only for money. Don't want those who are just starting similar business hovered in the clouds. It won't be like it used to be. Without financial investments it is impossible to advertise yourself, to make high-quality content for social networks and the site. At the same time, the payment for such services is significantly reduced. As in any business, glut breeds dumping. It is rather difficult to explain to the client why you have one price, and the conditional Masha knits 3 times cheaper.

Income level

Income is always unstable. The busiest months are November and December. Warm gifts are often ordered. During the summer, bookings drop. Many people still have a strong association that knitting is wool and warmth. I can’t give clear figures for income from knitting, because. I'm on this stage I am rather in the role of a manager for working with clients and the knitters themselves, and we are talking about a personal approach to knitting to order.

This sweater costs 7200 rubles.

If you focus on the average cost of a knitted sweater, together with the material it costs 5,000 rubles, and if you knit it in 1 week, you will get 20,000 rubles per month, minus the cost of yarn. There are several ways to increase income: increase the speed of knitting or take only small orders (hats, scarves, toys) that you can knit in a day. With a good flow of customers, you can increase your income by about 10,000 rubles.

You can also invest in a good knitting machine (about 80-100 thousand rubles). By machine, knitting simple patterns is many times faster, but there are some nuances here. Firstly, you will also need to take good training courses, and secondly, one machine will only knit a certain thickness of yarn. If you order a sweater made of thick yarn, then you will have to knit it by hand, or buy a second machine for thick yarn.

Should I start knitting to order now?

If you want to start knitting to order, first of all ask yourself the question: why? Knitting will not bring fabulous money and you will not become a famous designer of knitted clothes - this must be taken for granted. What gives such a business? You will satisfy your desire to knit so much that sometimes there will be a desire to take a break from the knitting needles for a couple of months. You will have an illusory free schedule, the vacation will not be tied to a specific date, and you will finally be able to sleep.

You can learn to knit on numerous paid courses, free of charge on rollers from the Internet. You can find a personal sensible teacher. In this case, the most important thing is practice. First, tie your relatives and friends, and only then, based on their honest feedback and undying desire to knit, you can think about shaping your little dream.

If you plan to use the services of knitting to order, first of all, clearly determine the model, style, density and composition of the yarn. It is better to find on the Internet the most similar photo of what you want to knit, and only then, using its example, make any changes.

An experienced knitter will always be able to adjust your wishes for the thing that you want to end up with. I can also recommend to be more flexible in terms of color choice. A lot of customers want a thing of exactly the same color as in the picture, but still, you need to understand that yarn palettes are not as diverse as paint palettes for painting walls, for example. You can contact us on the website. We are also represented in

Knitwear will never go out of style. Booties and suits for babies, stylish cardigans for fashionistas, cozy sweaters for cold summer evenings for the whole family. These things are always in demand. And interior items (blankets, rugs, pillows, covers) made by hand, delight designers. Can you make money knitting? Of course you can. With desire and diligence, you will quite successfully turn your favorite hobby into a profitable business.

Difficulties of making money on knitting

Please note: not everyone who knits well makes money on knitting. Why? Because the first problem of such a business is finding customers. Given the labor costs and the cost of threads, finished products are not cheaper than store ones. Therefore, those buyers who think in this way to save on clothes are mistaken.

What is the best knitting?

So, in order to make money on knitting, you need to create exactly those things that are popular among a large number of customers. These items include:

  • clothes for kids
  • clothes for women
  • Baby Clothing
  • home textiles (pillows, blankets, napkins)
  • accessories (hats, scarves, snoods, gloves, scarves, mittens, etc.)
  • interior gizmos (jewelry, key chains, toys).

Children's things - the most advantageous option


How to make money knitting? First of all, you will need tools and threads of various compositions and colors. You can work right at home, but in this case, please note that clients will have to be received in the apartment. So workplace should look professional and dignified.

You will need:

  • comfortable furniture
  • storage system
  • knitting needles of different sizes
  • wide range of threads
  • hooks of different sizes
  • needle sets
  • buttons
  • decorative elements.

If you plan to make money on machine knitting, you will also need a knitting machine. The cost of such equipment ranges from 30 to 60 thousand rubles, and professional machines will cost even more.

When arranging a workplace, the main thing is that you feel comfortable and convenient, even despite the large volumes.

Workplace comfort is very important

Business Profitability

Often you can hear from experienced knitters that they always feel sorry for selling a thing created by their own hands. After all, it took a lot of work to make it, to put your soul into it. On the other hand, knowing how to make money knitting at home, you can turn your favorite pastime into a worthy business.

At the initial stages, it is better to work on order. After all, each thing is not created quickly, and it will be just a shame if, as a result, deposits of products that no one needs are formed. Therefore, at first, yarn can be purchased in small batches.

It is believed that it makes no sense to buy yarn in bulk. Threads can lie for months. It’s much easier to find a store with reasonable prices and buy in small bulk once every couple of months.

If you plan to knit on a machine, then here, of course, the speed of creating things is much higher. Such items can be sold through stores, giving the manager a small percentage of sales.

How to determine the cost of a knitted item? Calculate the cost of yarn, decide on the price of your work and add these two indicators.

How to Make Money Knitting: Finding Clients

It makes no sense to teach knitting to an experienced craftswoman. But to comprehend the basics in promoting your name and your products is useful for every knitter.

Those who are interested in how to make money knitting at home, first of all, go to social networks. It is there that there is the maximum probability of finding regular customers. The most popular were Odnoklassniki, Instagramm, VKontakte, Facebook.

How to advertise in social networks? Create a work account and regularly post finished products to your page. Dilute posts with photos of work with interesting news or notes about your life. This will allow customers to get to know you better and attract their attention. In general, the page should not just be a portfolio finished works, but a useful and interesting community where there is something to read and, of course, enjoy photos of knitted things.

It will not be superfluous to create your own website, where all your work with contact information. It is also worth considering the issue of promotion.

Do not give up on the classic ways of advertising: business cards, flyers, ads in newspapers, magazines and even at bus stops. All this works to a greater or lesser extent when looking for clients.

You can also make money on knitting by conducting master classes on the Internet or offline. A huge number of girls and women dream of learning to knit. But how to comprehend this science? The best thing is to take lessons from an experienced craftswoman. This is where your skills will come in handy.

You can even use your apartment to organize master classes. Then you don't have to spend money on rent.

One lesson in a group costs about 150-500 rubles, depending on the region and learning conditions.

You can also record instructional videos and sell them as a course for beginners or advanced crafters.

Master classes are a great opportunity to earn extra money

Tips from experienced knitters

And finally, a set of rules from experienced craftswomen. They know how to make money on knitting and not get into a mess.

  • Never knit with cheap yarn. The finished item will not look good and is much harder to sell. And if this is an item to order, then a disappointed customer can simply break the agreement.
  • Appreciate your work. If someone thinks that creative work with exclusive design is too expensive, let them go to the Chinese market!
  • Don't stop learning. Fashion and technology are constantly changing. You are not a pensioner who knits the same hats in the underpass. It is quite another thing to create original and stylish things for fashionistas.
  • Feel free to combine. In one product, you can perfectly combine knitting and crocheting with the addition of appliqués, embroideries, lurex or beads.
  • Thick threads and thick knitting needles speed up hand knitting. In addition, coarse knitting is at the peak of popularity today.
  • The most popular category of knitted items is for children. In addition, it is bright, fast and interesting.

Doing what you love at home, but still don’t know if you can make money on knitting? Or do you have a store on Esti, but sales are not going anywhere? I think now is the time to get inspired by the ideas that other sellers have already implemented.

Explanation to the article

In this article, I have collected 100 ideas for knitting goods. All of them are sold on Etsy and find their buyer (this is if you are interested in where you can sell handmade knitted items via the Internet).

There are obvious items on the list, for example, clothes. But there are also a lot of completely unexpected ones. At least I myself was often surprised when I found this or that product on Etsy.

For each type of product, I signed the level of competition and the average cost of the product, which the site helped me determine. The competition, in this case, is the number of listings offered by an Etsy search for a given search phrase.

I want to note that many products can be described in different phrases. And therefore the number of "competitors" will also change and differ from my figures.

The average cost of goods is affected by a large number of schemes / patterns that cost 3-5 dollars, and finished goods can be valued at several tens and even hundreds of dollars.

What is the difference between crochet and knit

There are two types of queries in the product selection: crochet and knit. The first option is crochet. The second is knitting. On Etsy, both of these products sell well.

The selection most often shows the most popular knitting option for these products (based on the frequency of queries of the search phrase in Google).

How much can you earn selling knitted goods

Let's take a look at a few successful Etsy stores and try to figure out how much they earn from their knitwear.

VendulkaM is a shop from the Czech Republic that sells patterns/patterns knitted products. Approximately 200 sales per month with an average price of goods of about 5.5 dollars. It's $1,100 a month.

BUBUCrochet is a store from Bulgaria. About 100 sales per month at an average price of about $20. In total, the owner of the store earns about $ 2,000 a month on knitting.

ReddApple is a store from Turkey. About 20-25 sales per month with an average price of goods of about $ 30 bring the store owner about $ 650-700 per month.

Plexida is a store from Greece. About 20 sales per month. There are quite expensive goods, for example, at $120, but there are also $40. If we imagine that the average price for a knitted item is about $60-70, then a profit of $1,200 is obtained per month.

Already on the examples of these 4 stores, it can be seen that with the help of Etsy, you can earn large sums of money by knitting at home (crocheting and knitting), $ 500 per month or more. For Russia, for example, it is about 30,000 rubles. And for Ukraine - 13,000 hryvnia. And this is more than the average salary in most non-capital regions.

The main thing is to choose the direction of goods. Let's see what they sell and what they earn on Etsy.

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1. Hats

Probably the most popular yarn item on Etsy.

Hats are sold in the most different options: women's, men's, children's, for babies, festive, funny, with cartoon characters and movies.

Competition - 150,000 products. average cost— 27 dollars.

2. Headbands

A small branch from the topic of hats. The competition for knitted headbands is much lower than for hats.

Competition - 25,000 products. The average cost is $17.

3. Gloves / mittens / mittens

Do not think that mittens are worn only in cold countries, like Russia, Ukraine, etc.

Fingerless mittens/gloves are also very popular on Etsy.

Competition - 23,000 products. The average price is about $27.

4. Scarf

Scarves, like hats, are extremely popular on Etsy. In addition, scarves can be not only warm, but also decorative.

Competition - 100,000 products. The average cost is $40.

5. Snood

Scarf-pipe or scarf-collar - snood does not lose popularity in any way.

Competition - 6,000 products. The average cost is $37.

6. Shawl

This knitted scarf can warm not only on winter evenings, but also in unpredictable summer weather.

Competition - 30,000 products. The average cost is $77.

7. Socks

Despite the fact that socks are both clothes and shoes, everyone wears this accessory - both big and small, both women and men.

Competition - 30,000 products. The average cost is $30.

8. Golfs

But knee-highs, compared to socks, are predominantly a female attribute of the wardrobe. Although in modern world one cannot be so sure and exclude men from among the owners of this garment.

Competition - 2,000 products. The average cost is $45.

9. Slippers

Slippers can be the perfect gift for any occasion, don't you agree?

Competition - 10,000 products. The average cost is $28.

10. Dresses

Competition - 45,000 products. The average cost is $125.

11. Wedding dresses

Competition - 2,500 products. The average cost is $270.

12. Pants

Did you know that leggings, leggings and pants can be not only knitted, but also knitted?

Competition - 15,500 products. The average cost is $37.

13. Swimwear/bikinis

Despite the fact that knitted swimsuits have proven themselves for a very long time, it is still not often possible to meet girls in this “outfit” on the beach.

Competition - 15,000 products. The average cost of a set is 50-60 dollars.

14. Sweatshirts

Competition - 22,000 products. The average cost is $60.

15. Skirts

Competition - 13,000 products. The average cost is $65.

16. Vests

Competition - 13,000 products. The average cost is $50.

17. Cardigan

A warm, large and cozy cardigan differs from a poncho in its design, although their purpose is approximately the same.

Competition - 40,000 products. The average cost is $125.

18. Poncho

Competition - 11,000 products. The average cost is $80.

19. Shorts

Knitted shorts can be both warm - for autumn or winter. So openwork - for the summer, connected, for example, with a crochet.

Competition - 18,000 products. The average cost is $37.

20. T-shirts

Competition - 8,000 products. The average cost is $37.

21. Crop Tops

Competition - 5,000 products. The average cost is $32.

22. Underwear

No, no, not a swimsuit, namely underwear.

Competition - 4,000 products. The average cost is $30.

23. Tunic

Option for the beach or for hot summer walks.

Competition - 9,000 products. The average cost is $75.

24. Booties

Competition - 14,000 products. The average cost is $18.

25. Panties for diapers

I thought for a long time what to call this type of goods. Whether a cover, or clothes for diapers. In the end, I settled on this option.

Competition - 3,000 products. The average cost is $23.

26. Bale/yarmulke

Traditional Jewish male headdress.

Competition - 300 products. The average cost is $22.

27. Collar

Competition - 10,000 products. The average cost is $22.

28. Tops for shoes / boots

Roughly speaking, a cuff that is worn on the legs.

Competition - 4,500 products. The average cost is $18.


29. Bags

Large and small, over the shoulder and purses.

Competition - 19,000 products. The average cost is $50.

30. Backpacks

Competition - 1,300 products. The average cost is $45.

31. Yoga Mat Bag

Given that yoga accessories are now more popular than ever, a mat cover seems to be in high demand.

Competition — 160 products. The average cost is $30.

32. Purse

Competition - 7,500 products. The average cost is $15.

33. Jewelry (earrings, bracelets, necklaces)

Competition - 110,000 products. The average cost is $35.

34. Tie

Yes, yes, who would have thought that even ties are knitted!

Competition - 9,000 products. The average cost is $20.

35. Bow tie

Competition - 2,500 products. The average cost is $13.

36. Belts

Competition - 3,000 products. The average cost is $20.


Competition — 2,200 products. The average cost is $16.

Things for the home

38. Blankets

Competition - 30,000 products. The average cost is $96.

39. Blankets for child car seats/armchairs

40. Carpets / rugs

Competition - 3,700 products. The average cost is $100.

41. Mug holders

Competition — 2,200 products. The average cost is $11.

42. Clothes for a teapot / teapot

Competition - 3,500 products. The average cost is $22.

43. Coasters/Potholders

Competition - 800 products. The average cost is $13.

44. Napkins / coasters for plates

Competition — 350 products. The average cost is $22.

45. Cosmetic bags

Competition - 3,000 products. The average cost is $25.

46. ​​Chair leg covers

Competition — 60 products. The average cost is $13.

47. Ottomans

Competition - 800 products. The average cost is $95.

48. Pillowcases

Competition - 800 products. The average cost is $45.

49. Kitchen towels

Competition - 5,000 products. The average cost is $11.

50. Holder for table napkins

Competition - 200 products. The average cost is $13.

51. Afghan blankets

Competition - 9,500 products. The average cost is $90.

52. Curtains

Competition - 2,500 products. The average cost is $60.

53. Cape on the toilet

Competition - 200 products. The average cost is $16.


54. Paintings

Competition - 3,300 products. The average cost is $55.

55. Wall decor

Competition - 5,500 products. The average cost is $40.


Competition - 6,000 products. The average cost is $16.

57. Garlands

Competition - 3,200 products. The average cost is $20.

58. Lamps

Competition - 800 products. The average cost is $40.

59. Mandalas

Competition - 3,000 products. The average cost is $35.

60. Portraits

Competition - 500 products. The average cost is $100.

61. Dreamcatchers

Competition - 3,000 products. The average cost is $40.


62. Hairpins

Competition — 6,300 products. The average cost is $10.

63. Soft toys

Competition - 96,000 products. The average cost is $22.

64. Rattles

Competition - 3,500 products. The average cost is $18.

65. Beard

Competition - 400 products. The average cost is $24.

66. Dolls

Competition - 31,000 products. The average cost is $28.

67. Clothes for dogs

Competition - 2,000 products. The average cost is $22.


Competition — 360 products. The average cost is $20.


Competition - 900 products. The average cost is $43.


Competition - 2,600 products. The average cost is $7.

71. Mermaid tail

Competition - 700 products. The average cost is $43.


Competition — 120 products. The average cost is $9.

73. Flowers

Competition - 96,000 products. The average cost is $25.

74. Bouquets

Competition - 1,500 products. The average cost is $35.

75. Letters

Competition - 600 products. The average cost is $12.

76. Names

Competition - 1,800 products. The average cost is $28.