What attractions can be placed in the park. Business effortlessly: how to open the largest amusement park

Consider opening an amusement park as a business, its profitability and feedback from the owners. People always like such entertainment, because they give an opportunity to take a break from everyday life, spend time with family and plunge into the fabulous world of adventure.

To date, there are many different parks, which feature all kinds of swings, slides, trampolines, cars and other attractions. Some of them are designed only for adult clients, as they involve quite extreme entertainment. Having opened such a complex, you can expect an influx of visitors and make a solid profit.

Business specifics

According to the statistics authorities, in the territory Russian Federation More than 700 amusement parks of various formats are successfully operating. But they do not properly saturate the market, because in many small regional centers where there are enough people who want to relax, entertainment events are presented in very limited quantities or they are not at all.

Of course, a significant amount will have to be spent on such a project, but all investments will quickly pay off. Open an amusement park in a modern style using latest equipment, the business is very profitable and promising. Especially if there are no major competitors nearby.

To draw up a business plan and calculate how much money will be needed at the start, and what is the profitability of the project, you need to initially think through the concept itself in all details. To do this, decide on the format and volume of the park, whether it will be outdoors or indoors, what rides you should bet on, etc.

There are many old amusement parks in our country, the equipment in which hardly works or has already lost its former attractiveness. The state and a number of entrepreneurs do not have sufficient funding to update them. Therefore, if we propose a complete reconstruction of the old territories, purchase new popular attractions, then the local authorities will meet halfway and will be happy to cooperate.

Most often, the amusement park is represented not only by swings, slides and other entertainment, but also supplemented by all kinds of retail outlets, cafeterias, etc.

Experts draw the attention of start-up entrepreneurs to the fact that 70% of the profit should come from the direct operation of the equipment and only 30% from related sales. If the ratio is violated in the direction additional services, which means that the rides themselves were chosen incorrectly or there are other errors that urgently need to be corrected.

This project has the following advantages:

  1. Low level of competition - there are very few reputable parks in the country with a good workload of visitors.
  2. At the same time, the demand for entertainment among the population is quite high, people want to have fun all year round.
  3. To bring joy to their child, parents are willing to pay for interesting services and attractions.
  4. Working with children is a rewarding and enjoyable job with a huge positive impact.
  5. Such a park, with proper and thoughtful organization, will become a permanent source of income.

Of course, as in any business, it is not without drawbacks. But the main thing is to be able to level them. So, before organizing such a project, consider how to cope with the main difficulties:

  • With an open type of amusement park, all activities significantly depend on seasonality and weather conditions.
  • For purchase modern equipment will require large investments.
  • Some mistakes made at the planning stage can greatly affect future success and profitability.

Therefore, approach the issue with special care and pay close attention to various trifles - zoning, the choice of attractions and their proper location relative to each other, recruitment, pricing, etc.


The paperwork process is not too complicated. When opening an amusement park, licenses, certificates and various procedures for checking activities are not needed. Although it should be noted that if you are going to organize an indoor entertainment facility, then you cannot avoid communicating with representatives of the SES and the GPI.

We list briefly what you need to open an amusement park:

  1. Register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC in the tax service. The first option is suitable for medium-sized projects with a feasible budget for one entrepreneur. If a large amount of funding is required, then it makes sense to register a legal entity with several co-founders.
  2. The form of taxation is selected immediately when submitting documents. In this case, the choice of a simplified scheme according to the “income minus expenses” plan will be the most appropriate and profitable, since significant amounts will be spent on the purchase of equipment.
  3. Specify the OKVED code, according to which you can conduct your business. In this case, 93.21 or 93.29 is suitable - the operation of cultural parks and thematic entertainment in open or closed spaces.
  4. When buying equipment, be sure to check each attraction for safety and require appropriate certificates from suppliers.
  5. When looking for staff, pay attention not only to the presence of health books, but also to the absence of a criminal record in the past. After all, work involves communication with children.

In order to avoid any claims against you in the process of activity, you need to have the following package of documents on hand:

  • Properly drawn up contract for the lease of land or premises where all your business facilities are located.
  • Written permission from the city administration to install attractions in a specific place with a specified period.
  • Quality certificates for each type of equipment and specified tolerance standards for age categories of visitors.

You will also have to inform Rospotrebnadzor before opening what services you provide and where exactly you are going to conduct your business.

park format

It is very important to think over from the very beginning what exactly your entertainment business will be. If this is an open territory, then you can earn only in summer period. In the form of a closed pavilion, the park will operate all year round, but it has significant restrictions on the placement of only small and simple objects.

In general, modern parks are divided into the following options:

  1. Attractions-loners, where only one type of entertainment is presented. For example, often small entrepreneurs purchase a trampoline or water slides and install them in a crowded place. This type of business does not require large investments, land lease, but every year you will have to get permission from the authorities for the location of the attraction. In this case, most often only family members are employed and outside personnel are not hired. For the winter, the equipment is hidden in the garage.
  2. Mobile parks - no difference large quantity entertainment and frequent movement from place to place. At the same time, the costs of organizing a business become larger, since you will have to purchase freight transport for storage and movement of equipment, as well as an autonomous power generator. Ease of installation makes it possible to take a more advantageous position in relation to competitors. But there are also difficulties - the owner of the park never knows whether the next time he will be able to agree with the authorities on the desired location.
  3. More interesting is the amusement park of a stationary type of small size. At the same time, they try to establish up to 8-10 positions for the most different ages. The cost of organizing such a project will require about 300 thousand dollars, but the prospects are quite good, since in many cities there is not enough place for a family vacation. Therefore, a park of this type will be distinguished by constant attendance.
  4. You can focus on 15-25 positions, among which there are extreme entertainment for young people. But it makes sense to install such a park only in a settlement with a population of 500,000.
  5. Larger complexes will require significant costs and require a long payback period. If you set out to create a dimensional park, like Disneyland or other world centers, you will have to rent land of 4 hectares or more and invest several million dollars.
  6. Parks "at a crossroads" is a practically undeveloped segment of the market in our country, although it has long gained popularity in Western countries. But it is assumed that with the growth in the number of motorists, it makes sense to open amusement parks on the way between cities. And the lack of free space in megacities contributes to this as much as possible.

Consider the nuances of opening an amusement park using the example of a medium-sized territory (up to 2 hectares), since this project is considered more promising, profitable and can be organized by several enterprising businessmen in modern conditions.

Finding a place for a park

If you decide to purchase and install from 10 to 20 attractions, then you will need 1-2 hectares of land, although a lot depends on the equipment itself and its dimensions. It is important that the area is accessible to the majority of the city's residents and can be easily reached on foot or using public transport.

Provided that your locality has abandoned parks with enough space, but no modern and popular attractions, it is worth negotiating with the authorities to rent a site.

Experts say that it is profitable to open medium-sized entertainment complexes only in cities with a population of 500 thousand people or more. But if the entertainment industry is completely undeveloped in the region, then you can try your hand at smaller areas.

It is believed that the presence of any attractions or natural beautiful objects near the park is a significant advantage. Therefore, try to find a place where the success of the project is ensured by the surrounding landscape.

With special care, you need to think over the zoning of the space, the placement of each attraction and the expected flow of customers. So, experts recommend installing the most attractive equipment in the area farthest from the entrance, so that visitors go through the entire territory, getting to it.

Controlling and directing the flow of people is one of the most important tasks of a park owner. And for this purpose, it is worth hiring an experienced specialist, so as not to miscalculate.

Assortment of entertainment

It is better for a novice entrepreneur to start paying attention to equipment that does not require complex repairs and management, and is also not too expensive. But it must be modern, safe and attractive to visitors. It's best to start with fewer rides and add more as your business and profits grow.

Give preference to positions that are not represented in the city or even the region. Therefore, initially it is worth evaluating competitors and noting what equipment they have installed. For a new park, it is better to choose something unique. If this is difficult, give preference to a higher quality swing, then people will want to enjoy the same entertainment, but in their improved form.

Please note that there are attractions for children, family-type and extreme, more suitable for young people. For a medium-sized park, it is recommended to choose 4-5 types of entertainment for kids, 4-5 for family and 1-2 unique and evoke strong emotions, especially popular among people aged 15-25.

When purchasing equipment, pay attention to the safety of each element, check these points personally or with an experienced mechanic. also in without fail ask for quality certificates. Italians and Germans are considered the best manufacturers, but do not neglect domestic factories for the creation of attractions.

Do not forget that an amusement park is not only swings, slides, etc. Here you need to equip a recreation area, lay paths, install benches, you can open a cafe or restaurant, rooms for different age groups, place concert venues, etc. the more interesting the territory will be framed, the more profit you will receive in the end.


For the smooth functioning of the park will need a lot of people. It is desirable to train some specialists for several years in order to get a professional for the needs of the park. But the seasonality of business leaves its mark on this issue.

The state needs:

  • ushers;
  • administrator;
  • accountant;
  • mechanic to repair equipment;
  • cleaners;
  • animators.

If there is a cafe or outlets additional specialized staff will be required - waiters, cooks, sellers, etc. It all depends on the range of services offered.

Solving the problem with seasonality

Since opening an amusement park is a complex and expensive business, you need to seriously consider from what sources to make a profit in winter period. This issue is also acute in relation to personnel. Do I need to lay off and look for new employees every year or pay them wages when the park is closed?

Experienced entrepreneurs are advised to act in a special way. In the cold season, it is advisable to open the following entertainment in the park:

  1. Ice skating rink.
  2. Snow hills.
  3. Arrange winter-themed contests.
  4. Organize concerts and master classes.
  5. Let the restaurant or other catering establishments work all year round.
  6. Open bowling, billiards, karting, vending machines, shooting ranges, etc.
  7. Create a tubing track.
  8. Install ice sculptures.
  9. Organize a mini cinema, etc.

As you can see, most of the attractions can operate year-round or change from one season to another. Due to this, the hired personnel do not have to be fired, since they are provided with work for whole year. And profits are constantly growing, because in winter people also want to have fun and are ready to spend money on it.

If the park is located on the site of an outdated urban center, then special actions to attract customers will not be required. After all, people will come here out of habit, and when they see new attractions, they will definitely want to try them out. Word of modern entertainment will quickly spread throughout the city.

If such a park is located somewhere in previously undeveloped territory, then advertising will have to be used. To do this, you can hire a special agency or disseminate information in all available modern ways:

  • printing products;
  • billboards;
  • announcements on public transport;
  • advertising in the media;
  • the Internet.

The key to the success of such a business is in well-chosen attractions, their proper location relative to each other and correctly set prices.

Financial questions

You will have to draw up a business plan on your own or with specialists in this field. Depending on the region, the estimated size, the leased area and the selected equipment, the figures will vary significantly. Here are the average indicators of how much a similar project costs in various formats.

The payback of the project also depends on its size. For example, an investment of 300 thousand dollars with proper space planning can return in 2-3 years. But the park, for which about $20 million was initially spent, will not return the investment earlier than in 5 years, even with a large influx of visitors. Therefore, you should be patient and move according to a well-thought-out plan.

Video: entertainment business.

  • Tyr
  • Mobile 5-d cinema
  • Catapult (blob)
    • Difficulties in this case
    • About Flyboard
  • We bring to your attention 6 summer attractions that will definitely bring you profit. Naturally, subject to proper organization, including a good location, the quality of the attraction and the level of work of operators.

    Trampoline slide

    If you ask an entrepreneur which of the attractions in his mini-park is the most proven and reliable in terms of earnings, then you will probably hear in response - a trampoline - a slide! And indeed, children love trampolines so much, and if it also has a slide, not a single child can pass by such a miracle.

    Installing a trampoline slide in any crowded place with children will definitely bring profit. This is such a proven business that it can be compared to a bread stall.


    How much money do you need for trampolines

    The recipe for success in this business is extremely simple. A trampoline slide is purchased, costing from 300,000 rubles. Everything that is cheaper, as a rule, does not look very interesting, which means it attracts less attention. The slide should be big, like the trampoline itself, then the children will come to it again and again. During the summer season, some children jump on the same trampoline at least 20 times, and parents leave several thousand rubles on just one attraction. The advantage of the trampoline slide is that it works even in the sleeping areas of the city. The more young families living in the district, the better. For this reason, there are a lot of places to place this attraction. The payback of a trampoline slide, subject to a good location, is no more than 2 months.


    Another proven entertainment business of all time is the opening of a shooting range. First of all, we are talking about a classic, pneumatic shooting range. In any resort town, on any beach and city park, shooting ranges are constantly in demand. Where there are a lot of vacationers spinning, shooting galleries are constantly packed with arrows.

    How much can you earn by opening a shooting gallery

    Shooting ranges are profitable because they are equally interesting for both men and women. The cost of the game, as a rule, does not exceed 50 rubles, which is an excellent bait. But after all, things never end with one shot, so the average client leaves at least 300 rubles in the dash.

    How much money do you need to open a shooting range

    For a novice entrepreneur, a shooting gallery is attractive because it requires minimal cost on your marks. Often, it takes no more than 100 thousand rubles to open a tent with pneumatics, and everything invested can pay off in a couple of city celebrations (May 9, Youth Day).

    Mobile 5-d cinema

    It may seem to some that 5-d attractions have long gone out of fashion. Yes, there is no hype anymore, but the business still generates income. Children love this entertainment very much, and parents can take it with them. 5-d attraction (or 7-d) can be safely called family entertainment. Unlike real amusement park rides, 5-d cinemas seem completely safe and at the same time bring no less thrills. In our town (100 thousand inhabitants) for the past 5 years, starting in the spring, they have been putting up a 5-d cinema, and in the same place. And they don't complain about attendance. As you walk past, you can always see a few people waiting in line. The main criterion for success is to update the tracks on time and customers will come again.

    Step-by-step plan for opening a 5-d attraction (or 7-d)

    You can choose two formats of work - stationary, when the attraction is always in one place and mobile, when the cinema moves around small regional cities and towns. The first option is good because it requires less hassle and earns on regular customers. However, there is also a minus - over time, entertainment becomes boring, and the cinema begins to bring less profit. The mobile format of work, on the contrary, is more labor-intensive, but the organizer always receives excess profit. Since the arrival of such a miracle entertainment in any village causes a storm positive emotions local residents and 2-3 days from those who wish there is no end.

    Catapult (blob)

    Perhaps one of the most striking and exciting beach attractions is a water catapult or blob. Installing such a thing on any beach causes a storm of admiration and crowds of people who want to get adrenaline or just show off in public.

    The attraction consists of only two components: a jumping tower and an inflatable cushion, like a trampoline. The length of the pillow (blob) is on average 6 meters, and the width is at least 2.5 m. The flight range from the catapult depends on the height of the fall and the mass of the jumper.

    How much can you earn on a water catapult

    The average price of a jump from a blob is 200 rubles. It takes no more than 10 minutes per client, including briefing, preparation, putting on a vest and the jump itself. For one beach day, the attraction can take up to 35 people, thereby earning 7000 rubles. The water catapult itself can be purchased directly on the Internet, and the tower can be ordered at any local factory that welds metal structures.

    Difficulties in this case

    The main difficulty in this case is to “knock out” permission to install an attraction. Depending on who owns part of the beach, you should contact either the local administration or the owner of the land (more precisely, the tenant). You can count on a quick payback blob only in resort towns, where there are always a lot of vacationers who are ready to spend money on any entertainment. On city beaches middle lane RF blob will work no more than a month, due to weather conditions.

    Flyboard - water extreme from the future

    Flyboard rental is a business idea for resort towns. This is a mega-flying novelty that captures the attention of absolutely all vacationers.

    About Flyboard

    Flyboard is a jet water board, which due to jet boots allows you to rise above the water up to 10 meters. The rider can not only rise, but also dive into the water. It looks very cool and unusual. The following video demonstrates how the flyboard works:

    The operation of the entire system comes from the jet ski motor. If you install a similar rental in a resort town like Yalta or Sochi, there will be no end to those who wish.

    How much can you earn on a flyboard

    The average price for 15 minutes of rental is 3000 rubles. Even if only 5 people use the rental per day, the revenue will be 15,000 rubles. For 20 - 25 days of work, you can earn about 350,000 rubles, and for three summer months - more than a million. Although in fact, the income can be 2-3 times more if the number of rentals per day is 10 - 12. The only drawback of the attraction is its price. For a set that includes a flyboard, boots, an 18m hose, a pipe-connector to a jet ski, you will have to pay at least 250,000 rubles. Plus, you will have to purchase a jet ski, which doubles the amount of investment.

    Attraction "ladder" and "horizontal bar"

    The record holders for collecting net profits at mass festivities are the horizontal bar and the ladder rides. Oddly enough, they are still in demand, although they are no longer considered novelties. Attractions always gather crowds of people, one has only to try to climb the stairs or hold out for a few minutes on a spinning horizontal bar.

    How much can you earn on the attraction

    For one brisk holiday, the costs invested in the purchase of a horizontal bar or stairs can pay off 2-3 times. Rough calculation:

    • Ticket price - 100 rubles. (given 2 attempts)
    • Number of attempts per day - 200
    • Revenue - 20,000 rubles.

    Even if someone manages to get to the main prize (for example, mobile phone), the organizer still remains in profit.

    How much money do you need for an attraction

    Buying a new attraction will cost 8 - 10 thousand rubles, but you can also find used ones. y. options. In any case, earnings entirely depend on the attraction worker. We need a person who knows how to work with the public, active and with a sense of humor. The best places to place the attraction are embankments in resort towns. Here, the horizontal bar or stairs will work at least 100 days a year (while the holiday season lasts). The most difficult thing in this case is to knock out a place for the placement of the attraction. As a rule, high-passable places (namely, such places we need) are far from cheap in terms of rent.

    In this material:

    Almost any entertainment business can be considered potentially successful if taken seriously and responsibly. Regardless target audience Leisure has always been a priority in people's lives. Setting up an amusement ride business is simpler than it might seem at first glance. The main target audience is children and teenagers. But they always come accompanied by adults, 30% of whom visit one or another location. An amusement park business plan is based on an analysis of the market, competition and demand for services in a particular locality.

    Description of the business project, relevance and goals

    The amusement park is a limited area of ​​150 sq. m. (on average 700-1000), on which carousels, trampolines, trains and other locations for children's pastime are located. A park, a square, a square and any other crowded place visited by citizens is chosen as a location.

    The project is relevant for medium and large cities with a population of at least 50,000 inhabitants. In smaller communities, the revenue will not cover the cost of equipment, utilities and wage payments, not to mention the profit. Due to the low population density, there will simply be no one to visit the amusement park on a regular basis. For such towns, business ideas based on the touring type are suitable, when in a short period of time a large number of settlements and everywhere the maximum cash desk is going.

    The goal of the project is to organize an amusement park and gain profit during the current season. This is achieved by a good location, a marketing campaign to attract visitors, as well as affordable prices.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    The amusement park as a business has its pros and cons.

    1. Relevance - attractions have always been a sought-after business. Every year their popularity does not fade away, and new locations from manufacturers are released on a regular basis.
    2. Prospective - when the success of the current business is achieved, it can always be expanded by increasing the area of ​​​​the park with the addition of new types of entertainment or opening a new point.
    3. Target audience - from the youngest preschool age to adults 35-40 years old and even higher. There are many attractions that are designed specifically for the adult category of people.
    4. Payback - Considering high demand and a wide target audience, the business brings regular income, due to which the project pays off in the first season.
    5. No additional investments - the amusement park provides for investments only at the initial stage of organizing a business. Subsequently, the expenses represent the minimum values ​​in the form of wages to employees and the allocation of funds for equipment maintenance.
    1. Need for big investments- The cost of equipment depends on its type and volume. For example, a trampoline, also known as a "grasshopper", will cost an entrepreneur 150,000 rubles. The same applies to other small locations - mini-carousels, trains. The cost of larger entertainments starts from 750,000 rubles and more per piece of equipment. As a result, when installing at least 10 locations, it is necessary to invest at least 5 million rubles.
    2. Search for a place - small and medium-sized cities cannot boast of a large list of places for citizens to relax. As a rule, this is a city garden in the city center and several parks in other areas. In most cases, attractions with attractions are already operating in these places, which complicates the task for a novice entrepreneur.
    3. Competition - the situation is typical for large cities in which many branches of this business operate.
    4. Seasonality - the amusement park is located in the open air, which excludes its visit in rainy and especially cold weather. All points work from spring to autumn, closing for the winter period, and this negatively affects profits.

    Influence of the seasonality factor on profit

    As already mentioned, the amusement park business is a seasonal activity, designed for the summer period, exciting a bit of spring and autumn. Every year, the parks hold a grand opening of the season on May 1st. There is no specific closing date, so everyone works according to the weather and at their own discretion.

    At the same time, the grand opening is just a way to attract visitors, because almost all entrepreneurs launch attractions before May 1, namely in April, as soon as the snow melted and the temperature environment increased to +15 degrees.

    Reference. Depending on the region of the country and the level of snowfall during the winter, the parks can start their activities in March, if the organizer deems it necessary. There are no clear boundaries.

    Despite their seasonality, amusement parks are also open in winter. This applies to such periods as the celebration of Halloween, New Year, Christmas, Shrovetide. It is worth noting that in winter, due to the lack of street events, people visit the attractions with pleasure, collecting an impressive cash register.

    Types of attractions

    There are many types of attractions, the most popular of which are the following:

    • Rail - the most common representative is the "Engine", consisting of 3-5 cars for 2 seats. Depending on the age category, rail attractions are intended both for the smallest visitors up to 3-4 years old, when the structure moves along the route at low speed, and for older fans of riding and experiencing adrenaline - in this case, the route is more winding, and the speed of the trip is decreases then increases.
    • Trampolines - this includes individual locations, when the child is fixed with elastic straps on a spring surface. Due to this and his own strength, he pushes off with his feet and jumps high. Another type of trampoline is an inflatable structure with slides, designed for simultaneous use by several children (up to 10–15 people).
    • Carousels are a standard location that is present in any amusement park due to its high popularity. The design and age restrictions may be different, but the mechanism of operation is always the same - visitors are seated in their places and spinning in a circle at a certain speed.
    • The autodrome, or bumper cars, is also a classic type of attraction that is familiar to every child and adult.
    • Impactors - an attraction that works on the principle of a swing, but in more extreme conditions. Depending on the type of equipment, impactors can lift visitors up to 35 meters in height by turning and changing the position of the cabin in the air.
    • Swings - standard for children and extreme for teenagers and adults.
    • The Panic Room is another representative of the classic type of attractions, the principle of which is based on rail equipment and the creation of a creepy room design with frightening elements.
    • Shooting range for children and adults.
    • closed labyrinth.

    This is just a small list of what one amusement park can accommodate.

    Market and competition analysis, risk assessment

    Competition in the entertainment business is quite high, but its level is determined by the type of activity and target audience. An amusement park can be both a classic set of attractions in an open area, and aimed at a narrower target audience. For example, an entertainment complex in a mall, where gaming devices and virtual reality simulators are a priority.

    This business plan is focused specifically on the classic format - attractions and locations located in an open space. Such points in cities with a population of up to 500,000 people can be found no more than 4-5 units, which is explained by the lack of optimal places for placement. On the other hand, it is not uncommon to find 2 separate segments of attractions operating in parallel in one perimeter. In this case, the competition is very high, but entrepreneurs solve the problem with diverse locations and focus on different target audiences.

    The market and competition analysis is based on the collection of data on similar types of businesses in the project opening area. The study area is the entire city, because the business is large-scale and focused on a wide audience.

    The employer will need to collect the following information:

    • the location of each competitor;
    • park area;
    • the number and type of attractions;
    • the cost of visiting each location;
    • demand for each attraction;
    • project attendance on different days of the week and holidays.

    Based on the data obtained, strong and weak sides competitors, success and relevance of projects. Format own business is built only on the positive experience of competitors with the addition of its uniqueness (design, locations that others do not have, etc.).

    • Competition - the problem is solved by the location of the project away from competitors. If this is not possible, then the site can be successfully divided with a competitor using different types attractions.
    • Lack of visitors - the situation is typical for small towns or parks with inflated prices, when entrepreneurs plan to return investments in short time, but are in fact ruined.
    • Poor-quality equipment is the most harmless thing that this risk can entail, it is expensive repairs and simple location. For this reason, the entrepreneur loses part of the potential profit. A more serious problem, which lies behind poor-quality equipment and the lack of regular maintenance, - accidents with visitors during the operation of the attraction. An entrepreneur may even face criminal liability, which depends on the severity of the person’s injuries.

    Reference. Most of the risks for an amusement park are solvable if you approach business responsibly. Special attention should be paid to the quality of equipment, regular checks before the opening of the park and timely repairs.

    Organizational moments

    Registration of the type of activity, documents

    The amusement park business does not require special licenses and permits, so the project is organized in a standard way.

    As a format entrepreneurial activity an individual entrepreneur or LLC is selected, which does not affect the workflow in any way. The differences are only in the package of documents and tax reporting. For legal entities it is somewhat more complicated.

    Documents for registration of IP:

    • passport;
    • statement;
    • paid receipt of state duty in the amount of 800 rubles.

    Documents for registration of LLC:

    • passport and TIN of the founder;
    • decision to establish a legal entity;
    • charter of the company;
    • information about authorized capital- the minimum value is 10,000 rubles;
    • data on the legal address;
    • paid receipt of state duty in the amount of 4,000 rubles.

    Regardless of the status of entrepreneurial activity, you need to:

    • open a bank account;
    • conclude a land lease agreement;
    • sign an agreement with the municipal service for garbage collection;
    • request quality certificates for existing equipment from the supplier.

    OKVED codes:

    • 92.33 - activities related to the organization of fairs and amusement parks;
    • 92.34.3 - other entertainment activities not listed in other groups;
    • 92.72 - other activities related to leisure and entertainment, not specified in other groups.

    The optimal taxation system is the simplified tax system.

    Selecting an amusement park location

    There are not so many places that would be suitable for organizing an open-air amusement park. These include:

    • city ​​park of culture and rest;
    • other parks and squares with high attendance;
    • areas near shopping malls and supermarkets;
    • city ​​squares and places of rest for citizens.


    As a rule, most city sites are already ready for this type of business, which is expressed in the main thing - the presence of a hard surface. If the territory does not provide for asphalt, concrete or paving slabs, then the tenant needs to take care of this.

    After laying a hard coating on the surface, the area should be fenced off. As a fence, it is best to use portable fences. You can also build a capital fence made of rods so that the park can be viewed from the side.

    In addition to equipment, there are cash desks, points for the sale of ice cream, cotton candy, drinks and fast food on the territory. Banners with cartoon and movie characters are used as decor, which correspond to the theme of the location. Figures in full height with the same characters will interest the audience from the outside.

    Equipment: what attractions to choose?

    It is not worth listing all types of equipment, because there are too many of them. It is necessary to remember the main thing - in order to cover a larger target audience, you need to install attractions aimed at different audiences, and divide the park territory into zones:

    • children's;
    • family;
    • extreme.

    For kids younger age carousels, rail rides, labyrinths and so on are installed.

    For a family holiday, the same rail locations are suitable, but with a different speed of movement.

    Extreme attractions are designed for teenagers accompanied by adults and other people over 18 years old.


    The cost of a ticket for a particular attraction may differ depending on its type and complexity, but the average price varies between 100-150 rubles per person.

    It is not recommended to underestimate the fee too much to attract customers, otherwise it will simply not be possible to make a profit. Excessively inflated ticket prices for the fastest payback of the project will also not bring the desired result, because it will only alienate visitors.


    The amusement park will require the following number of workers:

    • cashier - 2 people;
    • attraction operator - 1 person for 2-3 locations, depending on the influx of visitors (on weekends it is more expedient to put a separate employee on each attraction so that there are no delays);
    • technician - 1-2 people whose duties include checking equipment and eliminating technical malfunctions;
    • territory cleaner - 1-2 people, depending on the area of ​​the park;
    • watchman - 2 people;
    • accountant - 1 person;
    • administrator - 1 person (for the first time, an entrepreneur can deal with administrative matters).

    The responsibilities of the ride operators include not only launching the equipment, but also instructing visitors on safety precautions.

    Advertising and work on the image of the park

    • commercials on television and radio;
    • outdoor advertising;
    • creating your own website with a list of attractions, reviews and ticket prices;
    • advertising in public transport;
    • group management in social networks, promotion of their publics, as well as the purchase of advertising posts in visited groups and forums of the city;
    • advertising on printed media - brochures, booklets, leaflets.

    Speakerphone in the amusement park is a great way to attract visitors. Mostly popular music will play, but from time to time you can voice the list of attractions, names of promotions and gifts. This approach works not only on the opening day, but also throughout the life of the project.

    Financial part of the business plan

    Investment in the project

    Investments at the start (in rubles):

    • 5,000 - registration of an IP, production of a seal and preparation of documentation (for an LLC, the amount grows to 20,000, taking into account the authorized capital of 10,000 rubles);
    • 20,000 - market and competition analysis;
    • 5,000,000 - purchase of equipment;
    • 150,000 - installation and connection of equipment;
    • 70,000 - advertising;
    • 240,000 - conclusion of a land lease agreement with an advance payment for 2 months.

    Result: 5,485,000 rubles.

    Current expenses

    Costs in the first month:

    • 120,000 - rent;
    • 220 000 – wage(9 employees);
    • 50,000 - utility bills.

    Result: 390,000 rubles.

    Income and profit calculation

    The main profit of the amusement park comes from the sale of tickets for the rides. The advantage is that the time of riding at one location does not exceed 3–5 minutes, which increases throughput population to record highs.

    The average revenue of the amusement park per week is 400,000 rubles. This amount grows to 1.2-1.5 million rubles per month. This is “dirty” income, from which mandatory expenses must be subtracted.

    390,000 rubles are deducted from 1.5 million. Net profit - 1.1 million rubles.

    At this pace, the project will pay off in 5 months, which is the working season. Even in a worse scenario, namely, with revenues 2 times less, the amusement park will return the invested funds in 2 seasons.

    Attractions have always attracted people - both in the past and in the present. Today, people want to get more positive emotions and adrenaline, and amusement park equipment manufacturers are successfully implementing this in practice. Having invested once in a big way in this business, the entrepreneur will receive profit regularly without risks and serious financial losses.

    Buy a ready-made business plan

    Investments: Investments 290,000 - 700,000 ₽

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    Investments: Investments from 490,000 rubles.

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    Who did not cherish in childhood the dream of having a huge amusement park at their personal disposal, in which you can do whatever you want all day long? Having grown older, there was less time for entertainment, but the desire to relax in a similar way remained. Pavel Timets, the founder of a network of unique indoor amusement parks, told the BIBOSS portal about why adults are big children, and how amusement parks help turn a hobby into a job.

    As a student, I spent a lot of time in billiard rooms.. I "burned" billiards - I liked being in this atmosphere, playing, communicating with professionals. At the same time he worked in construction company father as an installer. My parents guessed that construction, unlike billiards, was of little interest to me. Therefore, when I announced my intention to get a job as a salesman in a billiards store, they reacted normally and supported me. I quickly understood the nuances of the work and, thanks to initiative and knowledge foreign languages achieved the distribution of the world's largest companies in the billiard market - Iwan Simonis, Aramith, Longoni, Italardesia. When selling equipment, I noticed that purchases are made in another similar store in Finland. Then I decided to send letters to all foreign manufacturing companies and negotiate sales directly. The proposal interested the suppliers, and they agreed to cooperate. The owner noticed the activity and after a year and a half promoted me to the position of the store manager. By the time he started the construction of the entertainment center "Leader" with a large billiards club for 120 tables, I proved to be an effective manager and was accepted into the project team.

    For almost 10 years I worked as the general director of Leader, the largest indoor entertainment complex in Russia. The work completely fascinated me and became my hobby. Then I was not yet married and spent 60-70 hours a week at work. In 2012, after a ten-year lease, the Leader was closed. During my work, I gained tremendous experience in managing an entertainment center and realized that the entertainment industry is mine. Together with a team of guys from Leader, we started the project of our own entertainment center. We were looking for investors, partners, developed a mission, a concept. The result of this work was the opening in 2013 of the entertainment center Maza Park in St. Petersburg.

    I had savings, but it took much more to open a large entertainment business. big investment- hundreds of millions of rubles. We started looking for financial partners. My friend Mikhail Tevelev, the founder of the Two Sticks restaurant chain, joined us, becoming one of the main shareholders. For the opening of the first center with an area of ​​13,500 sq. m took about 400 million rubles.

    All our parks operate on an all-inclusive basis. By paying an entrance fee, guests can use any attractions without paying extra for anything. For the first time we tested this concept in "Leader" in the summer of 2010 and got a stunning effect - revenue of 80-150 thousand rubles, instead of 30-60 thousand on the day of the low season.

    A lot, but not enough for the scale of a large center, so we began to look for additional opportunities. We came to the decision to adjust the ticket price depending on the time of day and day of the week. Within a few weeks, we reached revenue on a weekday up to several hundred thousand rubles, and records reached a million. This was a real breakthrough.

    When Maza Park was opened, we introduced the All Inclusive format from the first day of the entertainment center. Thanks to this, the opening year was the most successful in terms of attendance and revenue. After the launch of the first Maza Park, we began to open parks almost every year: 2014 - FUN24 in Kazan, 2015 - the second Maza Park in St. Petersburg and Galaxy Park in Smolensk. During the construction of large entertainment centers, we focus primarily on the climatic features of the region and the population. For us, million-plus cities with long and cold winters are relevant.

    Smolensk is a small town. We opened Galaxy Park there only because one of our partners is from Smolensk and he really wanted to make a gift to his native city. Galaxy Park is the largest entertainment center in the Smolensk region. This is one of the most expensive, but the least profitable of our projects, if we focus on the cost that it cost square meter area. There were many difficulties. For example, we encountered regional specifics when selecting employees. The staff there is cheaper, but finding qualified specialists is more difficult due to the outflow of personnel to nearby Moscow.

    I first came to Kazan in 2014 to open the FUN24 entertainment center. Here we met with disbelief in us, as well as in the fact that we could quickly open the park. We had to forcibly part with some contractors, because they did not want to meet our deadlines (and we talked about six months, not a day later). FUN24 has become the best proof that nothing is impossible if you wish. We opened exactly on time, to the minute. On the eve of the opening, everyone is working hard, so after the launch of the entertainment center, we send the core of the team on a motivational trip, for example, to Cyprus or Egypt. People who have been tense and taut for so long, like a bowstring, are happy to relax and rest. In parallel with the rest, we conduct strategic sessions and training sessions.

    Kazan entertainment centerdiffers from the rest. When we opened FUN24 in Kazan, we had low revenue on Fridays. Although, based on the experience of St. Petersburg, we were sure that Friday is profitable, since it is a party day. It turned out that in Tatarstan it is customary to spend Friday in a homely family atmosphere. We worked through this lull by introducing, in addition to All Inclusive, Ultra All Inclusive. These tickets are more expensive, but include drinks and food. It worked and people went.

    For many, working in an amusement park is a dream come true! The children of our employees boast: “My dad or my mom best job in the world because I can go to the entertainment center every day.” And indeed it is! Recruiting employees, we say: "If you are young, cheerful - come and hang out with us!". Working effortlessly is part of our corporate culture. We do not have appeals to "you" and patronymics, we are friends and buddies for each other. Periodically we practice days of self-management, when the manager of the entertainment center, for example, serves visitors in the cloakroom. This is how we encourage our colleagues and show that no work is shameful. The manager should treat employees the way he would like them to treat guests.

    Over time, the interests of visitors change. Billiards is no longer popular entertainment, and we are replacing it with other activities. In Kazan FUN24 we have two circuits. This is a popular attraction, and we thought: why not make several sites to distribute the queue. The calculation was justified.

    Now at the peak of popularity VR and computer games. We immediately began to develop the direction of e-sports as soon as we noticed this trend. A large computer club was planned in the Smolensk entertainment center at the construction stage. It is difficult to make a complete reformation in already functioning centers. To organize a cyber arena with an area of ​​​​5 thousand square meters. m., serious investments are needed and, possibly, even a temporary closure of the center. We are not yet ready to take such risks. But it is quite within our power to make small cyber zones.

    The dynamics of the market is such that every year, starting from 2014, we lose from 7 to 15% of gross revenue. The reasons are the crisis and the decline in incomes of the population. People began to save money, the average check decreased. But in 2017, the decline slowed down. We hope that 2018 and the events that we are preparing as part of the FIFA World Cup will give positive dynamics.

    Advice for new businessmen. Decide on long-term goals. Do not do what is fashionable, randomly handy or advised by a friend. Find what brings you pleasure. This is what should be the basis of your business.


    Pavel Timets is the founder of Russia's largest indoor amusement parks Maza Park in St. Petersburg, FUN24 in Kazan and Galaxy Park in Smolensk. Born in 1977 in St. Petersburg. Graduated from the Faculty of Statistics, Accounting and economic analysis SPbGUEiF in 1999. For 10 years he headed the largest billiard club in Europe "Leader". From 2015 - CEO company "Indoor Amusement Parks".

    Average annual turnover of the Entertainment Center: 300 million rubles per year.​​​​​​​

    Small cities are ideal for many formats of the amusement business due to the almost complete lack of entertainment infrastructure. It would seem, entertain - I don’t want to. However, each of these options has both pros and cons. Here about them, about formats, also we will talk.

    According to the Russian Association of Parks and Amusement Manufacturers, there are about 650 amusement parks in the country, including 30 large ones. In another association - the Union of Associations and Partners of the Entertainment Industry (SAPIR) - they believe that there are even more of them - 700. However, in fact, it is rather difficult to calculate their number: this activity is not licensed or certified. And due to the lack of industry-specific technical regulations (analogous to GOST), it is not clear what still applies to attractions and what does not.

    However, it is perhaps possible to divide parks into certain types, and this will allow us to identify free niches in the market. The most modest and numerous segment is single rides (trampolines and similar “near-beach” entertainments). Such a business is often family owned and does not require serious investments- at the start, three to five thousand dollars is enough. Despite the seasonal factor, "near-beach" attractions are quite attractive for small businesses in the Russian south: vacationers provide them with good demand. Somewhat more serious business is carried out by the "wanderers" with their mobile attractions. To create such a park, you need several cars, a set of attractions and your own power plant. On the one hand, mobility is beneficial: the structures are easy to assemble, pay off quickly, and the entrepreneur does not need to spend money on landscaping. On the other hand, having made a choice in favor of mobility, he never knows whether he will receive permission from the city administration again and whether he will be able to sign a new contract.

    Another relatively inexpensive format is much more stable - a park for a small town: the territory is about one hectare, 5-8 attractions, the initial investment is from 300 thousand dollars. The main objective of such a project is to fill the vacuum of entertainment in the city. The park is quite capable of doing this, only further development prospects are limited by the size of the city itself.

    Therefore, if you need prospects in terms of returns, then it is worth opening a classic stationary park for 15–25 attractions (depending on the area and financial capabilities), among which there must be extreme ones - people love them. As a rule, sites of two to four hectares are suitable for such projects. Not to say that the niche was completely free, but there is where to turn around - these are cities with a population of 500 thousand people. They are able to accommodate such a park - since they have a large number of municipal parks of the required area, which can be improved by agreement with the authorities - two.

    Another poorly mastered format in Russia is large parks an area of ​​10-20 hectares with a modern amusement area, an artificial lake, a forest park, etc. But the need to fill large spaces makes such projects too expensive - minimum investment amount to 20 million dollars, while the chances of using borrowed money at the start are scanty (with rare exceptions). That is why there are only a few such parks in the country.

    And the so-called "parks at the crossroads" (between settlements), popular in America and Europe, are completely absent. True, this format still has prospects in Russia: there are more and more car owners, so it is quite possible that “roadside” entertainment will eventually become in demand. And the offer, apparently, will not keep you waiting: the land within the city becomes more expensive, and investors will be forced to look after the cherished hectares outside them.

    How to open an amusement park: Dashing trouble start

    The total capacity of the park services and entertainment market is estimated at 3.5 billion rubles a year. In terms of fees and the number of attractions, the Central District is in the lead - of course, thanks to Moscow. Yes, experts marketing agency Step by Step conducted a survey among Muscovites and found out: 17% of respondents prefer amusement parks to other entertainment, and 41% visit them more than once a month. However, as Roman Romanov, President of SAPIR, assures, the market is still being formed. And in the outback, and even more so, the field is almost not plowed. Thus, the creation of a stationary amusement park will be commercially profitable already with a city population of 200,000 people; you can count on 100% profit by opening it in a city with half a million inhabitants. In million-plus cities, the launch of a stationary park is unlikely to be successful: there are usually a lot of entertainment alternatives to attractions, which reduces the attractiveness of investing in this business.

    And investments in a stationary park need considerable: 300-700 thousand dollars, provided that there are no competitors at all, and the site for the park is rented, and 1.5-2 million euros - if there is competition. And this is without taking into account the costs of the park's infrastructure - the creation of engineering networks, landscaping, the construction of a cafe and the costs of a management company.

    How to open an amusement park: And yet they spin

    The first rides (from attraction - “attraction” in French) appeared in Europe, where enterprising booth-makers entertained the people during fairs and carnivals. At first, the facilities were simple - swings and ice slides. In 1583, the Bakken Park was built in Denmark, which marked the beginning of the history of stationary amusement parks. A Russian scientist-engineer in the 18th century invented a mechanical rolling mountain, but industrial production was established only in the next century. And the park boom in the USSR began during the NEP, it was then that the largest existing in Eastern Europe, Gorkiy Park, was created, as foreigners call the Moscow Central Park of Culture and Recreation.

    The first mechanized slides with rails and rattling carts appeared first in New York, and then in Japan.

    The opening in 1955 of Disneyland, built with the money of Walt Disney (nothing less, but $ 17 million) in Orlando, is a landmark event for the entertainment industry. The founder conceived to make it so that on 180 acres people experienced an exciting journey through the magical land of famous cartoons. After the first successful project parks opened all over America. Europe has grown to Disneyland only in 1992.

    Asians are not far behind. Thus, the Seoul Lote World Park, built in 1988, is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the world's largest indoor park with an area of ​​7,562 square meters. And the world's largest Ferris wheel is located in the eastern Chinese province of Jiangxi, the city of Nanchang. Its diameter is 153 meters and its height is 160 meters. Each of the 60 booths can accommodate 8 people, the wheel makes a full circle in half an hour. The first Chinese "Disneyland" was opened in September 2005 in Xianggang (Hong Kong), according to the laws of Feng Shui. This is the smallest park in the Disney chain, its area is only 126 hectares (the Parisian equivalent occupies 1,943 hectares). More than 5 thousand employees serve the park.

    The most expensive roller coaster today is in Ohio. This construction called Top Thrill Dragster costs 25 million dollars (usually such "toys" cost an average of 5 million dollars).

    The most famous parks in Europe are Disneyland Paris, the themed Asterix, the Spanish PortAventura, the German Europa-Park and the Italian Gardaland and Mirabilandia. Many of these amusement parks have their own hotels and offer two-day weekend travel packages.

    Unfortunately, there are practically no examples in Russia when the development of this business would begin with the preparation of a business plan with an analysis of the competitive environment, consumer demand, with the development of the concept of an entertainment facility, the development of a budget that reflects the costs and income of the project, risk assessment and risk reduction factors, with a marketing program, she adds.

    A park with an area of ​​about 2 hectares with an average check of 50 rubles and the number of visits of 500,000 a year can be recouped in three to four years if the project does not provide for permanent buildings. If the area of ​​the park is five times larger, plus constructions and new communications are planned, then there is nothing to think about “recapturing” it earlier than in five to seven years. At the same time, you can no longer keep low prices. They must be calculated in such a way that the average check reaches at least 100 rubles. After all, the sale of tickets for attractions, as a rule, makes up 70% of the profitable part of the business, the remaining 25-30% falls on catering and related products and services. At least that's the ideal. If catering establishments earn 50–70% of the money for the complex, then, as Elena Deryabina, CEO of Solver Consult, says, this “often means that with the current flow of visitors, your attraction equipment simply “does not finish”.

    How to open an amusement park: Diamond eye

    According to experts, the potential capacity of the park must be estimated with all scrupulousness: an incorrect calculation will either lead to equipment downtime or constant queues, which may eventually result in an outflow of customers who are dissatisfied with the loss of time. Based on the capacity, you can more carefully approach the choice of both equipment and the attractions themselves. This determines 70% success at the start. “In no case should you trust such an important matter as the formation of a fleet of “machines” to a manufacturer or seller of equipment, warns Vladimir Gnezdilov, president of the MIR and RAAPA company. - It is beneficial for the supplier to sell you the rides he has, so the adviser will obviously not come out of him. It is better to decide on your own the types of entertainment for your target audience, and only then look for a company that can sell them to you,” he adds.

    Of course, it all depends on financial capabilities, but they also need to be managed wisely. “In order to organize a full-fledged park in a city with a population of half a million people on an area of ​​​​two hectares, it is necessary to purchase 8-12 attractions: 4-5 children's, 4-5 family and 1-2 extreme (investments will amount to 1.2 million euros). Such a ratio will give an effective income during operation,” Roman Romanov believes.

    All successful parks use zoning, dividing the territory into extreme, children's and family zones. Such a move provides a more complete coverage of the audience and allows you to competently manage the movement of visitors through the park without creating traffic jams.

    When choosing an “assortment”, you still need to know exactly what equipment competitors have in order to order other attractions or at least take new models of those presented by “rivals”.

    The process is also complicated by the fact that, with similar technical characteristics, equipment can have different throughput and cost. This difficulty is well illustrated by the following example: an entrepreneur wanted to purchase equipment worth no more than 250,000 euros. The proposal was received from three suppliers, on the basis of which the consultants conducted comparative analysis and received interesting data: much cheaper equipment can bring even more revenue per season than its expensive counterparts (see table "Choice of equipment").

    Therefore, when studying the price of the issue and the potential capabilities of equipment, it is necessary to compare revenue and expenses for the maintenance of equipment. More expensive and larger attractions may not reach the number of customers needed to pay off or be too difficult to operate, which will reduce the return on them.

    Technical and performance characteristics they also help to analyze the cost of the same attraction model from different suppliers and prepare in a timely manner for the installation of equipment and its competent operation. “The attraction must be repairable so that a semi-skilled mechanic can install it and subsequently repair it,” warns Vladimir Gnezdilov.

    How to Open an Amusement Park: The Original Italians

    But who still produces this "fun" equipment? The greatest success has been achieved here foreign companies. So, the Italians have succeeded in the originality of the design of attractions: the equipment is signed by hand, individually for each customer. Italian-made children's attractions are in particular demand - even though they cost 30-60% more than their Russian counterparts. German and American companies lead the group of extreme and challenging family attractions. However, do not discount the domestic manufacturer. Thus, large rolling mountains and a Ferris wheel are produced by MIR, Yeysk Amusement Plant, Vostok, NPO Kulttekhnika, PP Altai-Park, as well as dozens of medium and small firms. The main advantage of the Yeisk version is the price, experts say. Today, it is he who provides spare parts for most Russian parks. More expensive equipment for extreme entertainment, produced by domestic companies, is exported to Korea, Switzerland and Austria. As Vladimir Gnezdilov notes, the owners of local parks are limited in funds and cannot afford to buy it, unlike foreign colleagues, which have tax incentives and the ability to attract cheap loans for the purchase of equipment.

    So, the equipment is purchased. But the difficulties do not end there - ahead is the arrangement of attractions. In this case, not only beginners are pierced, but also worldly-wise entrepreneurs. Roman Romanov, who founded several parks in Altai, says: “Somehow, thinking about the need for changes, I changed the location of the children's area in the park (it had stood in the previous place for five years). As a result, attendance fell by 30%. There is an opinion that children under the age of five do not remember anything. In fact, they all remember, they are terrible conservatives. I had to return the children's area to its rightful place. Thus, park merchandising (arrangement of attractions around the territory) should be almost on the same level as in a supermarket. You will definitely need a traffic plan. Attractions are arranged in such a way that the most attractive of them fall into the far corner. “Some businessmen think this way: since I was in the Disneyland park, I know everything and will do it myself,” says Vladimir Gnezdilov. - We did not take such courage and when we were making our own park, we attracted the famous French designer Jean Marc Tussaud. He designed half of the rides at Asterix, worked with Disneyland and 80 other parks. His services cost big money, but he taught us how to arrange rides competently.”

    If you are planning a theme amusement park, you should seek help from specialized foreign companies that will necessary work. Planning and zoning, placement can also be performed by the equipment supplier.

    How to open an amusement park: Hibernation

    It is clear that with a balanced approach, you can purchase the “right” equipment in the right quantity, arrange it in a favorable way, etc. But what to do with the notorious seasonal factor? Most amusement parks "live" for about 120 days a year, and the rest of the time they try to solve the problem of losses. To the downtime of the staff, the annual need to dismantle and preserve equipment for the winter is also added.

    "Near-beach" attractions (bungee - trampoline, pneumotrampoline, inflatable slides, catapult and "turntable") are quickly assembled, easily fixed, do not need to be connected. Therefore, at the end of the season, their owners simply turn off their activities and put the equipment in the garage. The format of mobile "amusement parks" also implies work during the summer season, but here you can no longer get by with a garage. The staff in such parks is temporary: the season ends - everyone is fired. Covered complexes, of course, are affected by a seasonal decline in the summer, in the heat, but this does not affect the budget so much. For outdoor parks, winter is a real test. “Try to make a laureate out of a pianist,” Roman Romanov (SAPIR) gives an example, “if he plays for half a year and plays the fool for half a year. The problem with personnel is simply catastrophic, because it sometimes takes three or four years to grow a specialist.”

    What do experienced entrepreneurs advise? Develop additional areas in addition to core ones. In summer - an amusement park, in winter - skate rental and a tubing track, ice sculptures, etc. The format allows staff to work all year round. In the most advantageous position are mixed parks, which, in addition to the open part, with a lake or square, have an indoor complex on the territory. And under the roof - bowling or karting, a mini-cinema, a cafe, slot machines, a children's game library. Profit falls somewhat due to a decrease in visitor traffic, but the staff remains "in business" and does not lose their qualifications.

    One way or another, the segment of affordable and healthy entertainment should be developed at least for the sake of children and teenagers. And supply will generate demand, experts unanimously agree.

    How to open an amusement park: Lucky Island

    Experts polled by Business Journal most often named Divo-Ostrov (St. Petersburg) as the best park. It exists since 2003, a year after the opening it was recognized as the best park in Russia and the CIS countries and received the "Grand Prix" of the All-Russian competition "Crystal Wheel". 52 million dollars were invested in the project. Russian market attractions in general is able to "digest" about 20 parks of this level. What are the ingredients for success?

    How to open an amusement park: Good location

    The park is located on the territory of Krestovsky Island. Proximity to the subway provides it with high traffic. During the first four months of operation, more than a million people visited it.

    How to open an amusement park: Thematic focus

    "Divo Island" belongs to the theme parks and has its own unique style, complemented by bright decorations and funny life-size puppets. Theme parks are much more popular and, as a result, more profitable than standard ones.

    How to open an amusement park: Complexity

    The park was created as an entertainment complex: in addition to attractions, for example, there are stage venues for concerts and show programs, as well as five themed cafes.

    How to open an amusement park: Modern amusement park

    At the initial stage, the park had 17 attractions, then this figure was tripled. The park features brands from such Western manufacturers as S & S Power INC, HUSS Maschinenfabrik GmbH & Co, Mauer-Sohne Vertriebs-GmbH, VEKOMA rides, Preston & Barbieri, FABBRI Group, SELA Cars S.R.L., Visa International SRL. All attractions comply with the world standards of the entertainment industry and have been certified by the international organization TUV. Extreme novelties - "Winged Swing", "Fast and Furious", "Catapult", "Booster", "Seventh Heaven". All rides have been specially made for the park by leading manufacturers of amusement equipment.

    How to open an amusement park: Vaccination against seasonality

    Divo-Ostrov managed to get rid of the seasonal factor: the park has 50 attractions in summer and 35 in winter, including a skating rink and ice slides.

    Marketing campaigns aimed at attracting customers: lotteries, show programs

    For each holiday, "Divo-Ostrov" prepares show programs for guests. In summer, large-scale concerts and show programs with the participation of Russian pop stars are regularly held here.

    How to open an amusement park: Subscription system

    In the park, you can purchase a kind of subscription for the day - in the form of a "bracelet", which operates on an all-inclusive basis. An adult "bracelet" costs 2,000 rubles, a children's one - 500. Discount programs and preferential "travel cards" are widely practiced.

    Mistake came out

    A few years ago, the MIR company received 56 hectares near Gelendzhik for the construction of the Admiral Vrungel amusement park. The total investment in development was to be over $50 million. However, the project was not as successful as investors saw it. Counting on the support of the authorities, the company took out a loan to launch the project, invested $ 12 million in it against the security of future orders. “The mayor was extremely interested, we received all permits within a year. He came to the governor, asked for help, and the governor, sighing, signed several papers at once,” recalls Vladimir Gnezdilov (MIR and RAAPA). However, then difficulties began: local authorities helped investors at the stage of allocating land, but they forgot about the promise to refuse to collect money for municipal needs. “For example, they demanded deductions from us for the city’s treatment facilities, we paid, we wanted to connect, and they come and say: we won’t allow it for anything. In general, give me more money!” - complains Vladimir Gnezdilov.

    The passability of the park now barely reaches 150-200 thousand people - this is far from the forecast plan. There was a mistake both with the choice of location (for example, a park inscribed in the natural landscape would attract visitors for the weekend - programs with an overnight stay), and with the size of the initial investment. The company attracted borrowed resources from banks. The park will “fight back” for a very long time, because it needs to be “growth”, explains Vladimir Gnezdilov. For example, water attractions are needed to give visitors something to offer during their six to eight hour stay in the park.

    Miracles do not happen, - Roman Romanov comments. - The plans of the creators included a park capable of working on the entire coast. But projects like this don't work that way. Initiate full-scale construction was supposed to construction company, which has experience of working with the authorities, which would be easier to get all the permits, which has already implemented a lot of large projects in construction ... Russia has not matured for the "Disneyland" that was planned for so long in Ramenskoye. After all, this park is a beautifully packaged toy that costs some money. Several billion. Accordingly, a lot of people must pass through the complex, so it is impossible to launch it without transport and hotel infrastructure.

    Ekaterina Chinarova
