Purchase of animals for a pet store from the population. How profitable it is for an entrepreneur to open his own pet store

  • general description project
  • Description of products and services
  • marketing plan
  • Room selection
  • Recruitment
  • Financial plan
  • Do I need a permit to open a pet shop?
        • Similar business ideas:

Sample business plan for opening a pet store in a city of 150,000 people. Can serve as an example for drafting upon receipt state support or borrowing money.

The aim of the project is to open a small pet shop in a city with a population of 150,000 people. Previously held marketing research, during which an insufficient number of pet stores were identified that could satisfy the existing demand for pet products.

General description of the project

General information:

  • City population: 150 thousand people;
  • Trade format: counter type shop;
  • Location of the store: basement of an apartment building;
  • Type of property: lease of premises with an area of ​​20m2;
  • Working hours: 09:00 - 20:00;
  • Number of jobs: 2 people;
  • Sources of financing: own funds- 700 thousand rubles.

The main performance indicators of the pet store:

  • Monthly profit = 57,333 rubles;
  • Profitability = 13.0%;
  • Payback = 13 months.

What taxation system to choose for opening a pet store

The organizational and legal form of business will be individual entrepreneurship. This, in our opinion, is the most convenient form for a small store. As a pet store taxation system will be chosen special. regime - a single tax on imputed income (UTII). UTII is the most profitable option for taxing a pet store, since the amount of tax is calculated based on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe retail facility, and in our case, the retail area is only 25 m2.

Currently started Practical activities for project implementation:

1. Individual entrepreneurship has been registered with the tax office at the place of residence;

2. A lease agreement was concluded for a basement in an apartment building (entrance from the end) with an area of ​​25m2 (plus 6m2 for a warehouse). The rent under the terms of the contract is 25 thousand rubles per month.

3. Available preliminary agreement with suppliers of goods and animals for a pet store.

The pet shop will be open from 09:00 to 20:00 without breaks and days off.

Description of products and services

The range of our pet store is planned to include the following groups of goods:

  • Food (for cats, dogs, rodents, fish, etc.);
  • Veterinary drugs;
  • Vitamins and nutritional supplements;
  • Bowls and feeders;
  • Containers and accessories for food;
  • Toys for dogs and cats;
  • Collars and leashes;
  • Clothes for dogs;
  • Carriers, cages and aviaries;
  • Goods for training;
  • Cosmetics and care;
  • Aquariums and aquarium chemistry;
  • Filters for aquariums;
  • Toilets and trays for rodents;
  • etc.

The most popular item in our store will be pet food. At the same time, the bulk of sales will fall on cat food - dry and canned food (market research data).

The average markup on the most popular product groups will be about 30%. For individual, rare items, the markup can reach up to 150%. The average check of our store will be 600 -800 rubles.

Download pet store business plan

marketing plan

Statistics say that the average Russian spends about 15 thousand rubles a year on the maintenance of his pet. Pets are kept by every 6th inhabitant of our city, of which a third regularly purchases something for their pet (food, drugs, clothes, etc.). From this we can calculate that the capacity of the pet products market in our city is about 20 million rubles a year. In fact, this means that up to 7 pet stores can safely operate in the city.

Today, there are only 5 shops in the city. It turns out that at least 2 more stores can take their share in the market. Moreover, in the area where we plan to open our pet store, there is only one outlet that serves 30,000 people (the approximate population of the area).

Step by step plan to open a pet shop

Our outlet will be located at a distance of 700m to the nearest competitor store. In the course of a secret purchase, some, in our opinion, disadvantages in the work of a competitor were identified:

  1. A poor assortment of goods;
  2. Chaotic display of goods;
  3. Low professionalism of the sales assistant;
  4. Absence in the range of decorative pets (hamsters, guinea pigs, fish, etc.).

Thus, our outlet will have the following competitive advantages:

  1. Wide range of goods. At the same time, popular items (feed, preparations) will be presented in a larger volume.
  2. Clear and convenient display of goods for the buyer;
  3. Large selection of pets;
  4. Long opening hours of the store (from 9:00 to 20:00);
  5. Experienced and qualified shop staff.

According to our calculations, a competent business organization will allow reaching the planned revenue indicators of the store equal to 20,000 rubles per day, after 3 months of work. With an average check of 800 rubles, this literally means that at least 25 people a day or 750 people a month should visit the store. We think that this is quite real figure. The estimated annual revenue of the store will be 6,000,000 rubles.

Do not forget that the promotion of your store, and hence the income, will largely depend on good advertising, which can be done through social media. smmbox can help you promote a group. Enjoy.

Room selection

The room in which it is planned to open a pet store complies with all SES standards and fire safety. Refurbishment of the commercial part of the premises is not required. To start activities, it is enough to install commercial equipment (racks, shelves, showcases) and purchase the first batch of goods. It is assumed that the cost of purchasing commercial equipment will be about 100,000 rubles. To create an initial stock of goods - 480,000 rubles. This amount is enough to fill the shelves of a pet store with a sales area of ​​25 m2.


Planned staffing The pet store will include 2 sellers working in shifts 2 through 2. The salary of sellers will consist of a monthly salary (7,000 rubles) plus a percentage of daily revenue (4%). The approximate monthly payroll of two sellers will be 40,000 rubles, the annual one - 480,000 rubles.

About 12,000 rubles per month will be spent on the payment of insurance contributions for employees during off-budget funds(30% off wages). Annual costs for this item fixed costs will amount to 144,000 rubles.

The duties of the accountant will be performed personally by the project manager.

Financial plan

The total monthly expenses of the pet store will be 116,000 rubles, annual - 1.4 million rubles.

In the structure of annual costs, the largest share falls on the payment of wages to shop assistants - 34% of the total annual costs. In second place are the costs associated with the payment of rent for the use of the premises - 22% in the structure of total annual costs. The third place is occupied by insurance deductions - 10% of total expenses.

The break-even point of sales of a pet store with an average trade margin of 40% will be 406 thousand rubles per month.

How much can you earn by opening a pet store

Net profit based on the results of annual sales of the pet store will be 688,000 rubles (57,333 rubles per month). Thus, the start-up costs incurred to open a store pay off in 12-13 months of the store's operation.

Recommended download pet store business plan for only (banner_bi-plan), from our partners, with a guarantee of quality. This is a complete finished project which you will not find in the public domain. The content of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of the project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

What equipment to choose for a pet store

To start activity outlet must be purchased:

  • counter and showcases;
  • sales racks;
  • racks and shelves;
  • cells;
  • a computer;
  • lighting;
  • forced ventilation system;
  • document safe.

When buying equipment, you need to focus on rational use retail space. Shelves, racks, etc. must be multi-tiered or with the possibility of mounting on the walls of the store.

Which OKVED to indicate when registering a business for the sale of pet products

Engaged in paperwork for registration of IP in tax office, you must select the activity codes for the business in question, according to all-Russian classifier. Suitable for a pet store: OKVED 47.76.2 ( retail pet food and pet food) as the main code, and 47.78 (other retail trade) as an additional code.

What documents are needed to open a pet store

The list of papers required for the operation of the outlet includes:

Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 10 minutes


An interesting idea for a novice entrepreneur may be to open your own pet store. Economically attractive similar business quite obvious, because according to statistics, in every third family there is a cat, in every fifth - a dog. There are also lovers of aquarium fish, birds and hamsters. The demand for pet products is stable at any time of the year, so we can talk about the profitability of the business. The main thing is to correctly determine the range of the desired products and draw up a competent business plan.

Opening a pet store: business pros and cons

As with any business activity, opening a pet store has its pros and cons:

Since the pros in opening this business Still more, it makes sense to invest in a pet store. The decisive importance in the promotion of the idea is given to the competent territorial location of the premises and a carefully selected assortment.

What documents are needed to open a pet store from scratch - requirements and permits

In order to work calmly, and not wait for the arrival of regulatory authorities, it is better to immediately legalize your business.

How to start preparing all the necessary documentation:

  1. Naturally, the first step should be the registration of an enterprise in the status of an LLC or individual entrepreneur. Registration as an individual entrepreneur is advisable if the area of ​​the pet store is less than 50 m2, and the planned turnover will be small. Formatting the same status legal entity(LLC) makes it possible to conclude contracts with wholesale suppliers, obtain a license to sell medicines if there is a specialist veterinarian in the staff.
  2. The next step is to obtain permits from the SES and the fire inspectorate. They will be issued based on the report of commissions that will visit the establishment to verify its compliance with current regulations.
  3. You will also need permits from the environmental society and the veterinary service.
  4. License for the sale of veterinary drugs.
  5. OKVED codes (47.76.2; 46.38.22; 46.11, etc.) and optimal system taxation (STS or ENTI).
  6. Registration of the cash register.

An entrepreneur will have to spend several months and about 70,000 rubles on collecting and processing the necessary documentation. Professionals will solve all issues faster.

What do you need to organize a pet store from scratch?

To start a pet store from scratch, you will need not only the official registration of the enterprise and obtaining work permits. Still have to decide organizational issues regarding the choice of premises and the purchase of equipment, interior design and promotional activities, scheduling and assortment selection. But first things first.


According to experts, the most successful option for the location of a pet store may be its placement in a veterinary clinic or on the territory of a hotel for animals. This is due to the fact that people with animals regularly come to such institutions. It is this category of visitors that is most interested in purchasing goods in a pet store.

If the implementation of such an option is unrealistic, then you can open a store in any other passage place, it is not necessary that these be the central streets. You can even rent a small room in a large shopping center or in a residential area.

The main thing is that the outlet is located on the ground floor of the building and has a front entrance, a sign over which can be used as an advertisement. It should be bright and memorable.

Pet shop space

To choose the right room for a pet store, first of all, you need to decide on its format:

  • For the functioning of a small stall, 8-10 m2 is enough.
  • An average pet store will require a room of 50-80 m2.
  • Well, a supermarket for animals should be located on an area of ​​at least 100-150 m2. In this case, it is better for an entrepreneur to rent a separate one-story building.

With a sufficient area of ​​the pet store, the best solution would be to allocate thematic zones in it. For example, these can be departments: "All for cats", "Aquarium", "Clean paws", "Poultry" and so on. Store visitors will be able to more conveniently and purposefully decide on purchases.

To save money, it is best to rent a ready-made and adapted for work premises in a non-residential fund. This makes it easier to get all the necessary permissions and open your store faster.

Furniture and interior design

In pet stores, you rarely see interesting interior solutions and you can play on this to attract visitors. A colorfully designed façade with funny animal prints, as well as aquariums or bird cages displayed in the display windows, are likely to arouse shoppers' interest and desire to visit the store. Inside, the interior can be complemented by paintings of pets, funny plush toys “living” on the windowsills, and original furniture. Fresh flowers and plants will become an excellent decoration for the store and an excellent background for living creatures. Here's something you shouldn't skimp on!

Proper placement of cages, terrariums and aquariums will allow them to be viewed from all sides. The best option for their installation would be special podiums. If you suddenly want to update the interior, then shelving on wheels will come to the rescue. They can be moved in any direction, easily creating different compositions. However, without closed shop windows, a work table and counters, the list of furniture will be incomplete.

Reference . Only food and large items can be freely accessed. Veterinary preparations in without fail placed in closed cabinets.

Equipment and inventory

As for the arrangement of the stall for the sale of feed, then equipping it is as easy as shelling pears. It is enough to install racks and table scales - that's all the equipment.

It will be more difficult to decide on a pet store, because the purchase will require significant costs:

  • Refrigeration equipment (cabinet and showcase) - 77,000-80,000 rubles.
  • Cash counter - 3,000 rubles.
  • Animal heating lamps, UV radiation systems - 5 580-76 130 rubles / piece.
  • Cages, aquariums, terrariums - from 1950 rubles / piece.

Moreover, ordinary cages used at home are not suitable for keeping animals in a store. They must have a certain margin of safety, be easy to clean, and so on.

The installation of electrical equipment will also be a costly part. But you can’t do without it, because many of the animals need lighting. If an entrepreneur still does not have enough funds or experience to keep large breeds, then at first he can start selling small animals - hamsters and budgerigars. They do not need special care and can be kept in regular cages.


Professionals know how difficult it is to form the right assortment immediately after opening a store. Usually, this, taking into account the specifics of the region, takes about three months. At first, in order to establish a trade, you can borrow the experience of existing pet stores, and then use your own developments.

According to experts, the greatest profit for the business is brought by animal feed. Food for cats and dogs is best bought up, a little worse for rodents and birds. The second most popular product group is tray fillers and care products. The sale of cages, aquariums, food bowls, cat houses, pet care literature also brings some profit, but it does not compare with the sale of food. However, the assortment of the store should be varied, as the quantity and quality of goods affect the level of sales and profitability of the business.

Ratio commodity groups in the assortment of the pet store as a percentage:


The selection of employees in a pet store is undoubtedly an important step in the development successful business. Moreover, this business is distinguished by a certain specificity - work with animals. That is why only people with a veterinary education can apply for the position of sales consultants. At a minimum, there should be 2 sales assistants in the store. From professional qualities they must have: communication skills, desire to learn, knowledge of the topic. Salespeople will have to spend 40,000 rubles a month on salaries. plus 10% of revenue.

Who else to invite to work:

  1. Store directors . At first, an entrepreneur can himself perform the functions of a director.
  2. Veterinarian . It doesn't have to be enlisted. He can work independently, leading a private reception.
  3. accountant . With a small turnover and in the process of promotion, accounting can be ordered from an outsourcing company. The monthly cost of such a service will cost 2,600-3,300 rubles.
  4. Cleaning woman . The salary of a cleaner is usually 12,000 rubles.

If the store will be a family affair, then try to manage on your own, without involving outsiders.

Marketing and advertising of a pet store: how to promote a business from scratch?

Even the best pet store should take care of the proper advertising for its promotion at the start of the project.

When asking the question of how to promote a business from scratch, you can get many solutions:

  • The original design of shop windows and bright signs will certainly attract the attention of passers-by to the store.
  • Posting advertisements at stops, billboards and in transport will cover a significant resource of potential buyers.
  • Promotion of the store through social networks and thematic groups on the Internet will expand the audience of customers.

In addition, it would be a good idea to conduct all kinds of PR campaigns:

  1. Food tasting events.
  2. Promotional programs such as "Buy two products for the price of one", "Make a purchase, get a gift".
  3. Bonuses and discounts for regular customers.

Ready business plan for a pet store from scratch: calculation of profitability and costs

In the very general view the business plan is presented as follows:

  • The shop is located on the ground floor of the building.
  • Its area is 60 m2.
  • Number of employees - 3 people.

Startup costs:

The amount of initial investment is 1 565 617 rubles.

The break-even point is reached in the sixth month of work.

The payback period is from 15 months.

2. Description of the business, product or service

You need to understand that there are several formats of pet stores:

  1. The simplest and most budgetary solution would be the idea of ​​​​opening a small pet store that will sell food, accessories, animal care products, etc. In this case, you do not need to obtain a license and prepare a package of permits, and in addition, a small room of 15 sq. m.;
  2. The next type involves not only the sale of products for animals, but also the sale of the animals themselves. In this case, requirements are put forward for the area, staff, assortment of the pet store. It is also necessary to prepare a package of documents for obtaining a license;
  3. The third format is a highly specialized store. For example, it could be a business that specializes in aquarium fish. At the same time, the assortment will include not only fish, but also aquariums, food, veterinary drugs, books. Sales consultants must have an appropriate level of education and have excellent knowledge of all information related to the breeding and keeping of fish. in number additional services you can include the manufacture of aquariums to order, their maintenance. As a rule, the margin in highly specialized stores is higher than in general stores due to the uniqueness of the goods provided and the comprehensive advice of sellers.

This business plan will consider the opening of a wide-ranging pet store offering customers the largest range of goods and services. Let's define the main activities of the pet store:

  • Sale of animals:


Guinea pigs;



  • Sale of animal feed;
  • Sale of cages, aquariums and terrariums;
  • Sale of medicines;
  • Sale of toys and accessories for pets;
  • Sale of fillers and trays.

Pet shop opening hours: daily from 10:00 to 21:00.

3. Description of the market

In order to serve the customer well, you need to understand who exactly uses the services of pet stores.

The main consumers are:

Pensioners. According to the Levada Center, this type of client most often gets outbred cats and dogs, as well as fish, so it is most likely that they will purchase food and medicine for their pets;

Working people buy animals for themselves and for their children, mainly cats, dogs, rodents, parrots, aquarium fish;

Exotic lovers who hunt for rare species of domestic animals (for example, snakes). You may not have them in stock, but it is desirable to have contacts of suppliers who, in case of ordering an exotic beast, will deliver it to you, and you will be able to satisfy the visitor's requests.

Depending on the needs of customers, it can be segmented as follows:

Buyers who came for a certain type of pet;

Customers who need medical supplies for pets;

Buyers who came for food;

Customers who need accessories for their animals.

In percentage terms, the needs of your target audience look something like this:

In addition, you can segment your customers based on how they found out about you:

Customers who live in the neighborhood of your store, who are attracted primarily by geographic proximity;

Customers who found out about you through Internet resources and are ready to come to you if something attracted them to your establishment (for example, promotions);

4. Sales and Marketing

5. Production plan

Let's outline the main stages of launching a pet store.

1. Registration in government bodies and obtaining a license

Due to the fact that pharmaceuticals will be sold in your pet store, it is necessary to obtain a license from your territorial body Rosselkhoznadzor. In order to do this, you need to decide what legal form your organization will belong to. To obtain a license, an individual entrepreneur must have a higher or secondary veterinary education, so if you do not have it, then it is more expedient to open an LLC. All calculations in this business plan will be made based on the fact that the pet store is registered as an LLC. The package of documents for obtaining a license is as follows:

  • Charter;
  • Certificate of registration of the legal entity with the tax authority (TIN);
  • Certificate of state registration legal entity (OGRN);
  • Lease agreement or certificate of ownership of the premises. If the premises are leased, then, in addition to the contract, you must provide a copy of the certificate of ownership from the landlord;
  • Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on the compliance of the premises with license requirements;
  • Receipt of payment of state duty;
  • Diploma of education of the employee appointed responsible for the sale and storage of veterinary drugs. If there are several employees, all the documents indicated below are submitted for all;
  • Certificate of Specialist in the field of veterinary pharmaceuticals;
  • Diploma (certificate) on completion of advanced training courses;
  • Job description of the employee. The duties must clearly indicate that he is engaged in the storage and sale of veterinary drugs;
  • Instructions for the disposal (return) of identified medicinal products with expired sales that are falsified or illegal copies;
  • A copy of the work book to confirm the length of service;
  • Order of the director on the appointment of a person / persons responsible for the storage and sale of veterinary drugs.

In order to sell animals, it is necessary to obtain veterinary accompanying documents that are issued for all types of animals in order to confirm their health, identification and epizootic well-being of the territory from which they are exported for presentation by their owners during transportation and at the point of destination.
Veterinary certificate No. 4 must be for animals purchased within the city, and veterinary certificate No. 1 - on animals brought from other regions of Russia. Each of these certificates is stored in the store and issued to a group of animals, i.e. it can list many kinds (such as 10pcs rabbits, budgerigars 20pcs). State veterinary clinics are required to issue such certificates free of charge, but they will certainly take money not for a certificate, but for examining animals or tests. Animals that have not entered the store (for example, born in your establishment) may not be accompanied by certificates. Permission from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station and the Fire Department is also required, and permission from the Department of Commerce is required to open a retail outlet. Since the package of documents is quite extensive, it is advisable to contact a specialized organization that will deal with their execution and submission, the cost of services will be about 60,000 rubles.

2. Search for premises and repair

For a pet store, you can choose a room on the basement or first floor of the house. Due to the fact that there will be trade in animals, minimum size for the premises - 80 sq. m. You need to make sure that there is a platform near the store where you can walk with animals from cages, as they need fresh air. To rent such a room, pledge at least 70,000 rubles. Most likely the premises will need a fresh renovation, as well as modern system ventilation, because food and animals can emit an unpleasant odor. The cost of repairs is 150,000 rubles.

3. Search for suppliers

Suppliers of pet products are found in wholesale warehouses, markets, on the Internet, in directories of enterprises in your city. You may be able to take the goods directly from the manufacturer's factory if it is available in your area or from an official supplier of imported goods to Russia. In this case, you will be sure of the quality of the product, and the prices will be lower than those of dealers. Often, animals for sale in the store are taken from nurseries that breed certain individuals. If there are no nurseries in your city, you can search in other cities. Strive to work with trusted suppliers and reliable nurseries, so you protect yourself from possible claims about low-quality products or late deliveries.

4. Purchase necessary equipment and inventory

To open a pet store, you need the following equipment and inventory:



Price for 1 piece

total amount

Trade software

Scales for the sale of loose feed

Cash register

exhibition aquarium

Exhibition cage

Product containment equipment

Refrigerator for storing medicines

fish storage tank

Turtle storage tank

Rodent cage

Parrot cage

Feed storage vessel

Animal Water Storage Tank

Furniture and equipment for staff



Electric kettle


5. Personnel search

First of all, you need to find qualified specialists who will consult buyers and sell your product. It is best to search for employees through specialized portals, as they provide access to resumes, reviews and other useful information. Registration on the portals as employers is paid, the cost is not less than 15,000 rubles. You can limit yourself to bulletin boards (for example, Avito), it will be cheaper. You will also need a cleaner and an accountant, you can search for them both on paid sites and on free resources (groups in social networks).

6. Marketing policy

6. Organizational structure

7. Financial plan

Investments in opening a pet store are as follows:



The cost of 1 piece, rub.

Total amount, rub.

Equipment and inventory

LLC registration

Contribution to the authorized capital

Making a seal, opening a cash register

Obtaining a license, execution of other documents

Registering a cash register

Promotion of the group in the social. networks

Creation and promotion of the site


1 327 220

*Depreciation is charged on a straight-line basis over 3 years.

The total amount of the initial investment is 1,565,617 rubles.

Sales will be carried out in the main areas: animals, feed, medicines, equipment for animals, accessories. The range of goods presented in a pet store can be represented as follows:

Let's imagine a sales plan for the main areas:




More than half of the inhabitants of Russia keep animals or birds at home. Someone is limited to a cat or dog, others prefer fish, hamsters, guinea pigs or more exotic lemurs and snakes. At the same time, enthusiastic owners are more likely to save on their own lunch than limit pets in treats or toys.

Given these prospects, many enterprising animal lovers are wondering how to open a pet shop from scratch. There are no additional difficulties or nuances in this process, and the procedure is the same as for any other outlet: you need to register an enterprise, select premises, install shop windows and purchase goods. The only difference is that in addition to food, furniture and accessories, pets themselves can be sold here, and pet stores compete with grocery supermarkets in popularity, since 60% of the residents of neighboring houses are representatives of the target audience.

Business features

There is an opinion that main task pet store is the sale of rodents, songbirds, fish, turtles and other pets. However, in reality, the situation looks somewhat different: it is the work with animals that gives the entrepreneur the largest number inconvenience, since it is accompanied by a high risk of illness and even death of pets during transportation, due to right choice feed or violation of conditions of detention.

In addition, commercial equipment designed to keep and display animals in a store can hardly be called affordable: the prices for cage batteries and aquarium stands are ten times higher than the cost of ordinary showcases. Is it profitable to open your own pet store from scratch given these circumstances? Many businessmen consider such difficulties unjustified and limit the choice of pets in the windows to a few popular types of hamsters, or completely abandon the idea of ​​their implementation.

Indeed, in order to open a business, it is not necessary to equip a pet store with expensive aquariums and terrariums: the sale of related products - feed, fillers, accessories, equipment - also brings a good profit. Considering that the cost of keeping a thoroughbred cat or dog is 1,500–2,500 rubles per month, it can be assumed that an entrepreneur selling such products will not lack customers.

Finally, some of the risks and challenges associated with this line of business should be mentioned. In the question of whether it is profitable to open a pet store, often these factors are decisive:

  • In large cities, the market for zoological goods is almost completely filled. Accordingly, the entrepreneur will have to enter into competition, look for vacant places in sleeping areas, or engage in the sale of rare and exclusive goods and animals;
  • In small towns, private sector residents usually do not bother looking for special pet food, preferring products from their own garden. Therefore, considering what it takes to open a pet store in such locality, it is necessary to study the possibility of combining the outlet with a veterinary office or pharmacy;
  • There are no reliable methods for forecasting the demand for pet products. In each specific case, this information has to be collected empirically - to change the assortment, enter and withdraw positions, analyze the structure of daily and monthly turnover, be interested in the opinions of customers;
  • Unskilled, incompetent or rude personnel is the best way permanently scare the buyer away from the store. Therefore, experienced sellers who are sincerely passionate about animals must be found before opening a pet store from scratch: instructions recommend in such situations to pay attention to the presence of applicants of their own pets;
  • Comfort is important for customers: the sale of pet products and animals is usually accompanied by strong noise and a characteristic smell. In addition, some entrepreneurs try to expand their assortment as much as possible and clutter up the trading floor, leaving no free passages. Accordingly, a clean, bright and spacious store is more likely to attract a customer, in which cages with parrots do not hang over the heads of visitors.

Point of sale format

The scale of the future outlet, as well as its assortment, is determined by the structure and volume of demand: it is important to be able to serve all potential buyers. In addition, when choosing a format, you need to remember how much it costs to open a pet store from scratch: an entrepreneur does not always have unlimited capital at his disposal. There are several types of retail outlets available to small businesses, classified according to size and investment required for their construction:

  • Stall or pavilion. You can open a small pet store near a bus stop, at a metro station or at the intersection of major traffic flows. An area of ​​15–20 m² is enough to accommodate showcases with popular feed, fillers, accessories and other small items. In addition, such activities do not require licensing or other permits;
  • Average store. In a retail outlet of this size, the buyer can be offered not only related products, but also several types of animals directly. On the question of how much money is needed to open a pet store, we are talking about an amount of one and a half million rubles - this is exactly the capital that is needed in order to equip a trading floor of 50–60 m² with everything necessary;
  • Special shop. An entrepreneur can focus on a particular type of pet - for example, sell only aquariums, fish and everything to care for them, or products only for cats, dogs or rodents. Anyway, narrow specialization will require the formation of the widest possible range and the hiring of qualified sellers who have knowledge in this area at the level of experts;
  • Online store. Despite a small investment, opening an online pet store from scratch is often even more difficult than a regular outlet. Firstly, many customers need detailed advice from the seller before buying. Secondly, such stores should have significant competitive advantages- loyal pricing policy or a wide variety. Finally, the specifics of working with animals completely excludes the possibility of their sale through the site, even if courier delivery. Therefore, a businessman is recommended to organize the work of a real outlet before opening an online pet store in addition to it.


Unfortunately, there are no universal methods for forming the assortment of a pet store. Therefore, when compiling a list of goods, an entrepreneur must proceed from the solvency and preferences of a specific target audience.

Considering how much it costs to open a pet store from scratch, at the initial stage it is better not to buy everything at once in large quantities, and limit the range to a couple of hundred of the most popular items, including:

  1. Rodents (hamsters, rats, guinea pigs);
  2. Birds (budgies, canaries);
  3. Fish, turtles (no more than a dozen varieties);
  4. Aquarium plants (five to six species);
  5. Fillers and equipment for aquariums;
  6. Well-known brands feed;
  7. Feeders and drinkers for different types animals;
  8. Accessories for dogs (leashes, collars, muzzles);
  9. Cages for birds and small animals;
  10. Houses, mattresses, carriers and sharpeners for claws;
  11. Trays, fillers for toilets and cages;
  12. Brushes, tools for cutting wool and trimming claws;
  13. Literature and reference books in paper and electronic versions;
  14. Chemistry for animals (flea and tick remedies, shampoos);
  15. Vitamins, feed additives, treats.

It is profitable to open a pet store with such an assortment: the average retail margin for goods is in the range of 45–50% (15–20% for feed, 40–60% for accessories and equipment, 120–150% for rare and exclusive products).

Activity registration

“I want to open a pet store, where should I start?” Entrepreneurs who have given preference to this business have a lot of questions about the legalization of activities. In fact, the sale of feed, accessories and related products is not subject to licensing - a typical set of documents is enough, the same for any outlet. This includes:

Permission to conduct activities issued by Rospotrebnadzor.

Sanitary documentation:

  • Production and sanitary control program;
  • Sanitary books of sellers;
  • Contracts for the disinfection and disinfestation of the premises;
  • Contract for the removal of garbage and waste;
  • Logs of sanitary measures.

Fire safety documentation:

  • Orders, instructions on compliance with security measures;
  • Fire prevention plan;
  • Evacuation plan;
  • Regulations for the maintenance of warning and fire extinguishing devices;
  • HR documentation ( work books, staffing, employment contracts).

Statutory documents:

  • SPD registration certificate;
  • Certificate of assignment of TIN;
  • Letter of assignment of OKVED codes;
  • Technical passport of the premises from the BTI;
  • Lease agreement or certificate of ownership;
  • Consumer Corner (complaints book, text of the Consumer Rights Protection Law).

The process of selling animals is not complicated either: for each pet purchased by the store from suppliers or breeders, the nearest veterinary clinic receives a certificate in form No. 4, confirming the absence of various diseases, before being allowed to sell. If the animal was born directly in the store, then it is better to contact the regional branch of the Veterinary Administration with the question of the need to draw up such documentation.

In order to include veterinary drugs, which also include flea and worm remedies, in the assortment of the outlet, you will have to obtain a license worth about 7,500 rubles. Such a permit is issued to entrepreneurs who have fulfilled a number of conditions before opening a pet store: step-by-step instructions include filling out special registers, purchasing medical refrigeration equipment for storing medicines, and appointing a specialist with specialized education as the head of the enterprise.


It is advisable to start the process of searching for premises simultaneously with the previous stage, since when processing some documents, you will have to indicate the address at which the store is located. Considering the available options, you need to take into account the chosen format of the outlet and the presence of nearby competitors.

To determine whether it is worth opening a pet store in a chosen location, first of all, you should study the location of the main points of attraction - bank branches, grocery supermarkets, markets, stops. Potential buyers are more likely to visit places where several problems can be solved at the same time, so the traffic here will be an order of magnitude higher. For the same reason, it is not recommended to open a store in courtyards, away from the main routes of residents of nearby houses. Rents in residential areas can reach 700-800 rubles per square meter per month.

It is better to open medium and specialized stores on one of the central streets, since wide range of products and the opportunity to see animals in this case attract additional and casual buyers. Having a nearby veterinary clinic or pharmacy is considered a significant advantage: in fact, in this way, you can create a new point of attraction for pet lovers. In the center, the rent is somewhat higher - from 800 to 1500 rubles per month per square meter.

However, the most popular among entrepreneurs are sections in large shopping malls. The disadvantage of this option in the form of an increased rent (up to 2,000 rubles per month per square meter) is fully offset by obvious advantages - high traffic and no need to raise funds for repair work in the premises.

Room preparation

Depending on financial capabilities, an entrepreneur may consider purchasing or long-term renting a suitable space. In this case, a good investment would be to purchase a well-located apartment on the ground floor, which, after being removed from the housing stock, is turned into a store - a porch is attached, a sign is installed, the interior space is divided into a trading floor, utility rooms and the manager's office.

Being engaged in the arrangement of the store, it is necessary to remember the specifics of the business: the sale of animals and feed is significantly different from the sale of clothing or food. Therefore, when carrying out repair work, you need to pay attention to the following factors:

  • The majority of clients are adults and the elderly. Therefore, the outlet should be located in the basement or on the first floor. Too steep or high stairs will surely stop some buyers;
  • Choosing the degree of illumination, the entrepreneur will have to solve a difficult problem: on the one hand, visitors like bright stores more, and on the other hand, an excess of light causes discomfort and aggression in many animals. Therefore, a level of 200-300 lux at the level of the counters will be optimal;
  • The room must be able to install a ventilation system with a capacity of at least 30 m³ / h for each person in the room. trading floor. It is advisable to slightly exceed this rate, since the specific smell from animals and feed often causes complaints not only from store visitors, but also from neighbors.

The requirements for the interior design of a pet store are not strict, since all the walls here are covered with shelves with goods. Therefore, in most cases, you can develop a project on your own or take the help of friends who have a minimum artistic taste. Preference should be given to pastel shades, avoiding too saturated colors and furniture. white color, which in pet stores loses its original appearance in a matter of days.

Trade software

For the arrangement of pet stores, two types of equipment are used - standard and specialized. The first is unified and can be used in any retail outlets: glass showcases, shelving made of metal and chipboard, racks, economy panels, counters. The second is exclusively for the sale of animals: this includes terrariums, aquarium stands, cages and cellular batteries.

It is rather difficult to purchase specialized equipment, since only a few enterprises are engaged in its manufacture, and the high price is due not only to the need to integrate climate control, ventilation, heating and lighting systems here, but also to the lack of competition among manufacturers.

In general, for a medium-sized store that will sell not only related pet products, but also several popular species of animals, birds and fish, you need to purchase and install:

Equipment for a pet shop with an area of ​​50 m²

Name price, rub. Quantity, pcs. Amount, rub.
Shopping room
Rack with shelves 2500 8 20000
Perforated rack 3200 2 6400
Econompanel 4000 2 8000
Hook for economy panel 40 50 2000
Showcase glass 6000 2 12000
aquarium stand 104000 1 104000
Terrarium stand 45000 1 45000
Rack for 9 cells 90000 1 90000
Glass counter 2900 10 29000
Checkout counter 2600 1 2600
Buyer's corner 1200 1 1200
Air conditioning 18000 1 18000
Cash register 15000 1 15000
Feed scales 2000 1 2000
Ventilation system 35000 1 35000
Lamp 750 10 7500
Security and fire alarm 15000 1 15000
Utility rooms
Table 3500 2 7000
Chair 1200 4 4800
PC or laptop 18000 1 18000
MFP 10000 1 10000
Warehouse rack 2500 2 5000
Closet 3000 1 3000
bathroom 10000 1 10000
Total: 470500


“I want to open a pet store - where do I start?” At the initial stage, an entrepreneur puzzled by such a question is recommended to take a direct part in the trading process - stand at the counter, study the range of goods and consumer preferences, and think about improving customer service algorithms.

In the future, for a store of the indicated size, it is possible to hire three salespeople - two consultants working in shifts, and one senior, who will be replaced by the entrepreneur over the weekend. These employees must know the product and its characteristics perfectly, be able to advise customers and solve their problems, select the appropriate food, accessories and medicines.

In addition to sellers, it is advisable to hire a livestock specialist who will monitor the animals, feed them, clean the cages, and change the water in the aquariums. It is undesirable to shift these responsibilities to sellers, since being torn between serving customers and feeding hamsters, they will not be able to perform two jobs at the same time with high quality and conscientiousness. Accordingly, the staffing of the outlet will look like this:

pet store staffing

Financial investments

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To determine how much it costs to open a pet store, you need to take into account its size and expected turnover, since it is these factors that determine the amount of equipment purchase costs and the amount of products needed to fill the outlet. For a medium-sized store with a monthly turnover of 500,000 rubles, the list of initial expenses includes:

Initial Costs

Considering the structure of monthly expenses, it can be noted that their main share will again be associated with the need to replenish the inventory:

Monthly expenses

Profit and profitability

Is it profitable to open your pet store from scratch? The profitability of a future outlet depends primarily on the correct choice of location and assortment. According to statistics, the average check for stores of this size is in the range of 400-600 rubles. Thus, an entrepreneur who can attract 45–55 customers per day will receive an income of 25,000 rubles. After the calculations of economic parameters, the payback period of the project will be determined, which in this case will reach two years.

Calculation of economic indicators

Indicator Meaning
Monthly turnover, rub. 750000
Gross profit, rub. 250000
Monthly expenses, rub.

This opportunity is now being considered by many who want to do own business. Many people spend a lot of money to keep their own pets. cash. A cat certainly needs food, sand, various accessories, special tablets, a parrot needs a cage and food, and a hamster needs to purchase not only filler and food, but also a house, a wheel where he could run, etc. Opening a pet store promises its own owner good income, but at the same time it is necessary to take into account many features of this business.

Some Features

Many are interested Is it profitable to open a pet store? It is quite simple to make sure that the pet products market is attractive. According to the statistics, in Russian Federation every 3rd family has a cat, every 5th family has a dog. Many also keep birds or fish, hamsters and turtles. You can estimate exactly how many companies produce products for pets thanks to promotions. Pedigree, Whiskas, Chappie and other trademarks advertise themselves everywhere. The market is indeed huge, but at the same time it is characterized by considerable saturation and competition.

Today, there are a number of types of pet stores at once:

  1. a small stall located in the store;
  2. a department located in a supermarket;
  3. pet store medium size;
  4. a large pet store that offers an extensive list of different products for sale.

Moreover, regardless of the format, opening a pet store will be profitable if you place it in the right place, offering customers the right list of goods.

Naturally, it is not enough just to decide: “I want own store pet supplies. First, a detailed business plan is required. It is important to study the activities of pet stores that already exist, to analyze exactly how they work, what they offer their customers. In addition, it is necessary to speak directly on Internet forums with those who keep animals, to ask what goods they need, what products are missing. It should be borne in mind that any information will be important when the decision to open your own pet store is seriously made.

Business plan

To open your own pet store, you need to compose detailed business plan, carefully calculating all costs and probable profits. Such a plan will allow you to accurately estimate exactly how much money you will need in order to open a pet store.

How much does it cost to open a pet store from scratch? You can give approximate calculations to spend on opening a pet store:

  • purchase of equipment - 150 thousand rubles;
  • repair work in the building - 100 thousand rubles;
  • installation of a security system, video monitoring - 50 thousand rubles;
  • state registration with the tax department - 15 thousand rubles.

Costs to be paid monthly:

  • salary of employees - 70 thousand rubles;
  • payments for rent - from 40 thousand rubles;
  • utility costs - from 15 thousand rubles;
  • advertising campaigns- 30 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of goods - from 300 thousand rubles;
  • other expenses - from 5 thousand rubles.

As a result, it will take from 775 thousand rubles to open a pet store. It should be borne in mind that the above calculations are approximate and will vary based on the type of pet store, location and other indicators. According to practice, monthly profit pet store is from 200 thousand rubles.

In accordance with the calculations of specialists, the average payback of a pet store is from one year to two and a half years.

Location of the pet store

What does it take to open a pet store? When thinking about how to open a pet supply store, first of all, you need to look for a place with high traffic. This may be a sleeping area for a small point or a city center for a large pet store with an extensive list of products. It will be profitable enough to open a retail outlet at or near a veterinary clinic. In this case, special attention should be paid to medications for animals.

The easiest option is to rent a small stall in a shopping and entertainment center. As a result, the use of a building ready for a pet store will significantly reduce the initial costs, which can be considered very important if you decide to start your own business from scratch. The main negative point will be significant rental payments.

You also need to be prepared that you will need to spend money on repair work, to improve the adjacent territories. In addition, it will be necessary to hire security specialists and a cleaner, which is also not cheap.

State registration of a pet store and suppliers

When the building for the pet store is successfully found, and you have all the necessary documentation on hand, you can register with the tax service as individual entrepreneur. Thanks to this, it will be possible to use the UTII tax regime in the case when the area of ​​​​the premises is less than 150 square meters. Otherwise, you can transfer your own store to the "simplified".

For successful work pet store needs to find the best suppliers of goods. Today, almost all cities have wholesale companies who sell various products for animals. With a successful partnership, you can receive various privileges from supplier companies, including deferral or installment payments.

At the same time, it is important that work instruction with supplier companies was constantly clearly implemented. It is necessary to carefully check the expiration date of the product and how it looks externally. You need to trust this only to reliable sellers, because if a person buys an expired product at a pet store, he will blame you, not the supplier company.

Trade software

In order to place the purchased products, you will need to buy certain equipment for trading:

  • Desktop;
  • racks;
  • cash register and computer;
  • showcases, counters;
  • scales.

To save money, you can enter into an agreement with supplier companies to obtain special racks for their branded goods. The colorful design of such racks will help to attract the attention of customers.

Product List

Great attention should be paid to the list of goods. First of all, you need to set up your own target audience, conduct research on which animals are kept by potential buyers, what products sell well at competing pet stores.

A traditional sales business plan contains the following items::

  1. cat and dog food, food for fish, turtles, rodents, birds;
  2. drinkers, feeders;
  3. vitamins;
  4. special literature, which contains detailed step-by-step instructions on how to care for certain animals;
  5. aquarium accessories;
  6. collars, leashes, muzzles;
  7. toilet fillers;
  8. combs, shampoos;
  9. clothes;
  10. portable bags, cages, houses.

Medicines are in great demand, but specific documentation will be required in order to obtain the right to sell such products, and at the same time hire a veterinarian with the appropriate diploma. It is important to bear in mind that a number of medicines need to be stored in special freezers. Also, the seller must be able to properly advise the buyer on the use of a particular medication.

To sell animals, you will also need permits, which is not at all easy to issue. It should be borne in mind that all animals will need comfortable conditions and daily care.

The successful work of a pet store is based on an extensive list of services and products at a bargain price. During the first few months, you need to carefully plan your sales plan to determine which products are in high demand. It is better to return slow-moving goods to the supplier company if there was a preliminary agreement about this.


By law, a pet store must hire a veterinarian who will be the receptionist or work at the same time as the seller of goods. At the same time, clients should clearly know what hours the veterinarian works. This will significantly increase the popularity of the pet store compared to competitors.

In your own pet store, you need to select only experienced and decent sellers who will be perfectly familiar with the list of products and their purpose, and will also be able to arouse interest among buyers by consulting them in detail and assisting with the choice of goods.

Advertising and marketing

Undoubtedly, marketing tasks should be outlined in the business plan, since without this the development of a pet store will be difficult. To effectively advertise a pet store, you will need to put up colorful ads, distribute discount coupons in veterinary clinics, shopping centers, other organizations. Television ads have worked well, as have ads in newspapers and magazines.

Do not forget to offer your own customers various promotions and a system of discounts for accumulation. Another good idea for successful business development is the creation of an online store - in this case, it will be possible to deliver products directly to your home. Best to use all possible ways for effective advertising. This will give you the best results.