Specifications. bakery products



OKP 91 1561; 91 1562; 91 1563; 91 1565; 91 1567; 91 1568;

91 1571; 91 1572; 91 1573; 91 1575; 91 1578; 91 1581; 91 1582; 91 1671; 91 1673; 91 1675.

Date of introduction 01.01.90

This standard applies to bakery products made from wheat flour of the highest, first and second grades with the addition of sugar, fat, milk and other raw materials.

Mandatory requirements aimed at ensuring safety for the life and health of the population are set out in pi. 1.5, 1.6, 2.3; 3.2.


1.1. Bakery products must be produced in accordance with the requirements of this standard in compliance with sanitary rules, recipes and technological instructions approved in the prescribed manner.

(Revised edition, Rev. No. 2).

1.2. Characteristics

1.2.1. Bakery products should be produced in the following names and weights, in kilograms, in accordance with Table. one.

Table 1

product name

Weight, kg

City buns


Wicker challah

Russian round buns

Loaves are simple

Sliced ​​loaves

Sliced ​​milk loaves

Loaves with raisins

Long loaves city

Loaves near Moscow

Dining loaves

Loaves capital

Loaves are student

Loaves with condensed whey

Loaves are special

bakery trifle

Mustard poles

Saiki with raisins

Moscow kalachi

Moscow Sitnichki

Milk buns

Reprint prohibited

Official Edition ★

product name

Weight, kg

Buns with poppy seeds

Bread Orenburg

Baby buns

October buns

Buns kolobok

Mustard buns

Metropolitan buns

Buns with cumin

Butter horns

Rolls with salt and cumin

Poppy rolls

Yaroslavl sweet bun

Moscow bun

Altai horns

Whey bun

Moscow wicker bakery products

Cherkizovsky bun

Baton Krasnoselsky

The deviation of the average weight of 10 products downwards at the end of their maximum holding period at the enterprise after removal from the oven should not exceed 4% for fancy cones and bagels and special loaves; for bakery products weighing up to 0.2 kg inclusive - 3%; for bakery products weighing more than 0.2 kg - 2.5% of the established mass of one product.

The deviation of the mass of each product to the smaller side should not exceed 6% for fancy cones and bagels and special loaves; for bakery products weighing up to 0.2 kg inclusive - 5%; for bakery products weighing more than 0.2 kg - 3% of the established mass of one product.

The deviation of the mass of the product in the greater direction from the established mass is not limited.

OKP codes are given in the appendix.

1.2.2. According to organoleptic indicators, bakery products must meet the requirements given in table. 2.

table 2

Name of indicator


Appearance form


Not vague, without pressure.

Oblong-oval in long loaves, city buns, pastry horns, bagels and Altai horns, braids, wicker halal, bakery wicker Moscow products, Cherkizovsky buns.

In braids, braided halal with a clearly defined weaving.

Rounded or oval in mustard, metropolitan, cumin, dairy, whey buns.

Rounded in Russian buns, october buns, koloboks and Moscow, Yaroslavl buns, Moscow sytnichki, arnauts. The Arnauts have a spherical protrusion in the center.

For bakery trifles - diverse, corresponding to the name of the type of bakery trifle, with a clearly defined pattern.

In leaf saek - oblong with rounded ends, in shaped - rectangular. Lateral sides - with slips.

At the Moscow kalach - with a bow and a raised sponge, sprinkled with flour from below.

For buns with poppy seeds and children's buns - square, with slips.

The Orenburg loaves have a rectangular one, corresponding to the bread form in which baking was made.

When developing bakery products on complex-mechanized lines, small end laps are allowed.

In simple, sliced, sliced ​​​​dairy, Krasnoselsky, metropolitan loaves and with raisins with oblique cuts.

In urban and special loaves - with deep, oblique cuts.

For loaves near Moscow - with two longitudinal incisions, for students - with one.

Name of indicator


Condition of the crumb


For loaves with condensed whey - with straight transverse cuts.

Somewhat mealy in the capital's loaves, Moscow rolls and titniks.

At Russian buns, with whey, dairy and Moscow buns - with straight parallel cuts. Powdery surface is allowed.

For buns with poppy seeds - sprinkled with poppy seeds, without bubbles and explosions.

At children's buns and Yaroslavl buns - trimmed with crumbs.

At mustard, capital and cumin buns with or without a stamp imprint. A slight gap is allowed along the stamp line.

At the bakery trifles - corresponding to the type of product.

At city buns - with a scallop running along the bun.

In wicker challahs, braids, Cherkizovsky rolls - glossy. Small gaps are allowed in the places of plexus or contact of the bundles.

For bakery wicker Moscow products - with an imprint from a stamp imitating weaving. Small gaps are allowed in the places of deepening from the stamp.

At Altai horns, pastry horns and bagels - with a relief of coils from seamers. Coil detachment is allowed. At bagels - sprinkled with salt or cumin. At sweet horns - sprinkled with salt or without salt.

For packaged products, slight wrinkling is allowed.

Light yellow to brown

Baked, not moist to the touch. Elastic. After light pressure with your fingers, the crumb should take its original shape.

Without lumps and traces of unmixed

Developed, without voids and seals.

Braided and braided hali - small, slightly compacted.

In Altai horns, sweet horns and bagels - the crumb is layered in a break.

In city and capital loaves, city rolls - uneven is allowed.

In loaves with raisins - raisins are distributed over the mass of the loaf.

At the bakery trifles - uniform.

In Moscow rolls and titniks - uneven, with large pores.

In Orenburg bread - with inclusions of raisins.

In special loaves - developed, uneven, without seals.

Peculiar to this type of product, without foreign taste

Peculiar to this type of product, without foreign smell

1.2.3. According to physical and chemical indicators, bakery products must meet the requirements given in Table. 3.

Table 3

product name

Humidity crumb, %, no more

City buns from premium wheat flour

City buns from wheat flour 1 s

Premium quality wheat flour braids

from wheat flour 2 s

Challah woven from wheat flour 1 s

Russian round buns made of premium wheat flour

from wheat flour 1 with mass, kg

Long loaves of wheat flour 1 with wheat flour 2 with weight, kg

Sliced ​​loaves of premium wheat flour

product name

Humidity crumb, %, no more

Crumb acidity, deg., no more

Crumb porosity, %, not less than

Mass fraction of sugar in terms of dry matter,%

Mass fraction of fat in terms of dry matter,%

from wheat flour 1 s

Sliced ​​milk loaves made of premium wheat flour

from wheat flour 1 s

Long loaves with raisins from premium wheat flour Long loaves from wheat flour

w/w weight, kg

Long loaves near Moscow from wheat

Table loaves made of premium wheat flour

Long loafs capital from premium wheat flour Long loaves student from wheat

flour 1 with weight, kg

Loaves with condensed milk whey from premium wheat flour

Loaves of special wheat flour

Bakery trifles from wheat flour 1 s

from wheat flour 2 s

Saiki from wheat flour 1 s

from wheat flour 2 s

Mustard saiki from wheat flour 1 s

Saiki with raisins from premium wheat flour

Moscow kalachi from premium wheat flour

Sitnichki Moscow from premium wheat flour

Milk buns from wheat flour premium

Buns with poppy seeds from wheat flour 1 s

Bread Orenburg wheat flour 1 s

Baby buns made of wheat flour 1 s

October buns from wheat flour 1 s

Wheat flour buns 1 s

Mustard buns made of wheat flour 1 s

Stolichny buns made of premium wheat flour

Buns with cumin from wheat flour

Sweet horns from wheat flour 1 s

Wheat flour rolls 1 s

Sweet Yaroslavl bun made of wheat flour 1 s

Moscow bun from premium wheat flour

Altai horns from premium wheat flour

from wheat flour 1 s

Arnauts from premium wheat flour

Roll with whey from wheat flour 1 s

Continuation of the table. 3

* For loaves produced at the bakeries of the system of engineer Marsakov, an increase in humidity by 1% is allowed.

** For products manufactured on the German line, a moisture content of 43.5% is allowed.

It is allowed to increase the humidity by 1% when manually cutting the dough.


1. In products prepared with liquid yeast, a mixture of liquid and pressed yeast ^ lactic acid starter cultures, an increase in acidity by 1 degree is allowed.

2. It is allowed to exceed the upper limit on mass fraction sugar and fat.

(Changed edition, Rev. No. 1, 2).

1.2.4. Foreign inclusions, crunch from mineral impurities, signs of disease and mold are not allowed in bakery products.

1.2.5. The period of maximum exposure at the enterprise after removing from the oven bakery products weighing up to 0.2 kg inclusive - no more than 6 hours, bakery products weighing more than 0.2 kg - no more than 10 hours.

(Introduced additionally, Rev. No. 1).

1.3. Marking

For mustard, metropolitan and caraway buns packed in polyethylene-coated paper, a label is applied containing:


name of the manufacturer, its subordination, location;

product name;

net weight;

date and hour of production;

implementation period;

designation of this standard;

information about the energy value, protein, fat and carbohydrate content per 100 g of products.

1.4. Package

1.4.1. Bakery products are produced packaged and unpackaged.

1.4.2. The cooled bakery products are packed in food plastic film according to GOST 10354 or polyethylene shrink film according to GOST 25951. For mustard, metropolitan and cumin buns, polyethylene-coated paper, permitted by the USSR Ministry of Health, is also used.

1.4.3. Loaves are packed in 1 pc.

The deviation of the net weight of each product and the average net weight of 10 products from the smaller side at the end of the implementation period should not exceed 3.0 and 2.5%, respectively, of the established net weight of one product. The deviation of the net weight of products in the greater direction is not limited.

1.4.4. Butter cones weighing 0.06 kg are packed in 2-3 pieces; weighing 0.10 kg - 2 pcs.

The net weight of the packaging unit must be 0.12; 0.18 and 0.20 kg.

Deviations of the net weight of each packaging unit and the average net weight of 10 packaging units downwards at the end of the sale period should not exceed 6.0 and 5.0%, respectively, of the established net weight of the packaging unit. The deviation of the net weight to the greater side is not limited.

Sweet cones are laid in four-breasted trays in accordance with GOST 11354 in rows or in bulk. Products without packaging weighing 0.06 kg are stacked no more than 80 pieces. in trays, weighing 0.10 kg - no more than 60 pieces; packed - no more than 25 packing units.

1.4.3, 1.4.4. (Revised edition, Rev. No. 2).

1.4.5. Mustard, capital and caraway buns are packed in 2, 3 and 4 pieces.

The net weight of the packaging unit must be 0.10; 0.12; 0.15; 0.18; 0.20; 0.24 kg. The deviation of the net weight of each packaging unit and the average net weight of 10 packaging units at the end of the sale period should not exceed 6.0 and 5.0%, respectively, of the established net weight of the packaging unit. The deviation of the net weight to the greater side is not limited.

(Changed edition, Rev. No. 1, 2).

1.4.6. (Deleted, Rev. No. 2).

1.4.7. Laying Moscow rolls should be done on the edge in one row, Moscow sytnichki - on the bottom crust in one row.

1.4.8. Buns with poppy seeds should be stacked in one row in trays that ensure the preservation of the shape of the products.

1.4.9. Stacking of bakery products - according to GOST 8227.

1.6. Raw materials used in the manufacture of products must comply with the requirements of the current regulatory and technical documentation, Biomedical requirements and sanitary standards for the quality of food raw materials and food products 1 approved by the USSR Ministry of Health dated 01.08.89 No. 5061.

1.5, 1.6. (Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 2).


2.1. Acceptance rules - according to GOST 5667.

In the waybill, a stamp is affixed to the conformity of the batch of bakery products with the requirements of this standard and the time of removal of products from the oven.

2.2. Mass fraction sugar and fat are determined at the request of the consumer.

2.1. 2.2. (Revised edition, Rev. No. 2).

2.3. Control over the content of toxic elements, mycotoxins and pesticides in products is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the product manufacturer in agreement with the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision and guaranteeing the safety of products.

(Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 2).


3.1. Sampling - according to GOST 5667.

3.2. Analysis methods - according to GOST 21094, GOST 5668, GOST 5669, GOST 5670, GOST 5672.

mycotoxins and pesticides - according to the methods approved by the bodies of the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision.

(Revised edition, Rev. No. 2).


4.1. Transportation and storage of bakery products - according to GOST 8227.

4.2. Realization of bakery products in retail trading network should be carried out in the presence of information on the energy value, protein, fat and carbohydrate content per 100 g of products and the content of eggs, milk and whey according to the recipe.

The manufacturer reports this information in the form of information leaflets to trade enterprises, which bring it to the consumer.

(Revised edition, Rev. No. 2).

4.3. The implementation period in the retail trade network from the moment of removal from the oven of bakery products weighing up to 0.2 kg inclusive - 16 hours, more than 0.2 kg - 24 hours.

1 On site Russian Federation SanPiN apply.

Shelf life from the date of manufacture: packed loaves - 72 hours; packed sweet horns, mustard, metropolitan and cumin buns - 48 hours.

(Revised edition, Rev. No. 1).



product name

Weight, kg

1. City buns from premium wheat flour

» » » » » »

from wheat flour 1 s

2. Wheat flour braids

from wheat flour 2 s

3. Challah woven from wheat flour 1 s

4. Russian round buns made of premium wheat flour

» » » » » » »

from wheat flour 1 s

5. Long loaves of wheat flour 1 s

» » » » » »

from wheat flour 2 s

6. Sliced ​​loaves of premium wheat flour

from wheat flour 1 s

Sliced ​​loaves, packed in polyethylene, premium

7. Sliced ​​milk loaves made from premium wheat flour

» » » from wheat flour 1 s

8. Loaves with raisins

9. City loaves

10. Loaves near Moscow

Loaves near Moscow, packed in polyethylene

11. Dining loaves

Table loaves packed in polyethylene

12. Metropolitan loaves

13. Student loaves

14. Loaves with condensed whey

15. Loaves are special

16. Bakery trifles from wheat flour 1 s

from wheat flour 2 s

17. Saiki from wheat flour 1 with hearth

» » » » » shaped

from wheat flour 2 s

18. Mustard poles

product name

Weight, kg

19. Saiki with raisins

20. Moscow rolls

21. Moscow Sitnichki

22. Milk buns

23. Buns with poppy seeds

24. Bread Orenburg

25. Baby buns

26. October buns

27. Buns kolobok

28. Mustard buns

Mustard buns in a package

29. Capital buns

Stolichny buns in a package

30. Buns with cumin

Buns with cumin in the package

31. Butter horns

Sweet horns, packed in polyethylene film

Sweet horns, packed in polyethylene film

32. Butter horns with salt

33. Rolls with salt and cumin

34. Rollies with poppy seeds

35. Yaroslavl sweet bun

36. Moscow bun

37. Altai horns from premium wheat flour

» » from wheat flour 1 s

38. Arnauts

39. Whey bun

40. Moscow wicker bakery products

41. Cherkizovsky bun

42. Krasnoselsky loaf

(Changed edition, Rev. No. 1, 2).


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the Ministry of Grain Products of the USSR

2. APPROVED AND INTRODUCED BY Decree State Committee USSR according to the standards of 29.09.88 No. 3385

3. REPLACE GOST 6649-53; GOST 6650-58; GOST 7033-54; GOST 7127-78; GOST 8124-56; GOST 8125-74; GOST 9300-59; GOST 9711-61; GOST 9902-61; GOST 10073-62; GOST 14699-69; GOST 15951-70; GOST 20781-75; GOST 24298-80 regarding mustard, metropolitan and caraway buns; OST 18-66-72; OST 18-99-72; OST 18-184-74; OST 18-186-74; OST 18-203-74; OST 18-251-75; OST 18-382-81; OST 18-450-85; TU 18-7-9-85; GOST 7318-55; OST 18-98-72


Item number

GOST 5667-65

GOST 5668-68

GOST 5669-96

GOST 5670-96

GOST 5672-68

GOST 8227-56

GOST 10354-82

GOST 11354-93

GOST 21094-75

GOST 25951-83

GOST 26927-86

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OKP 91 1561; 91 1562; 91 1563; 91 1565; 91 1567; 91 1568;

91 1571; 91 1572; 91 1573; 91 1575; 91 1578; 91 1581; 91 1582; 91 1671; 91 1673; 91 1675.

Date of introduction 01.01.90

This standard applies to bakery products made from wheat flour of the highest, first and second grades with the addition of sugar, fat, milk and other raw materials.

Mandatory requirements aimed at ensuring safety for the life and health of the population are set out in pi. 1.5, 1.6, 2.3; 3.2.


1.1. Bakery products must be produced in accordance with the requirements of this standard in compliance with sanitary rules, recipes and technological instructions approved in the prescribed manner.

(Revised edition, Rev. No. 2).

1.2. Characteristics

1.2.1. Bakery products should be produced in the following names and weights, in kilograms, in accordance with Table. one.

Table 1

product name

Weight, kg

City buns


Wicker challah

Russian round buns

Loaves are simple

Sliced ​​loaves

Sliced ​​milk loaves

Loaves with raisins

Long loaves city

Loaves near Moscow

Dining loaves

Loaves capital

Loaves are student

Loaves with condensed whey

Loaves are special

bakery trifle

Mustard poles

Saiki with raisins

Moscow kalachi

Moscow Sitnichki

Milk buns

Official Edition ★

Reprint prohibited

product name

Weight, kg

Buns with poppy seeds

Bread Orenburg

Baby buns

October buns

Buns kolobok

Mustard buns

Metropolitan buns

Buns with cumin

Butter horns

Rolls with salt and cumin

Poppy rolls

Yaroslavl sweet bun

Moscow bun

Altai horns

Whey bun

Moscow wicker bakery products

Cherkizovsky bun

Baton Krasnoselsky

The deviation of the average weight of 10 products downwards at the end of their maximum holding period at the enterprise after removal from the oven should not exceed 4% for fancy cones and bagels and special loaves; for bakery products weighing up to 0.2 kg inclusive - 3%; for bakery products weighing more than 0.2 kg - 2.5% of the established mass of one product.

The deviation of the mass of each product to the smaller side should not exceed 6% for fancy cones and bagels and special loaves; for bakery products weighing up to 0.2 kg inclusive - 5%; for bakery products weighing more than 0.2 kg - 3% of the established mass of one product.

The deviation of the mass of the product in the greater direction from the established mass is not limited.

OKP codes are given in the appendix.

1.2.2. According to organoleptic indicators, bakery products must meet the requirements given in table. 2.


table 2

Appearance form

Name of indicator

Not vague, without pressure.

Oblong-oval in long loaves, city buns, pastry horns, bagels and Altai horns, braids, wicker halal, bakery wicker Moscow products, Cherkizovsky buns.

In braids, braided halal with a clearly defined weaving.

Rounded or oval in mustard, metropolitan, cumin, dairy, whey buns.

Rounded in Russian buns, october buns, koloboks and Moscow, Yaroslavl buns, Moscow sytnichki, arnauts. The Arnauts have a spherical protrusion in the center.

For bakery trifles - diverse, corresponding to the name of the type of bakery trifle, with a clearly defined pattern.

In leaf saek - oblong with rounded ends, in shaped - rectangular. Lateral sides - with slips.

At the Moscow kalach - with a bow and a raised sponge, sprinkled with flour from below.

For buns with poppy seeds and children's buns - square, with slips.

The Orenburg loaves have a rectangular one, corresponding to the bread form in which baking was made.

When developing bakery products on complex-mechanized lines, small end laps are allowed.


In simple, sliced, sliced ​​​​dairy, Krasnoselsky, metropolitan loaves and with raisins with oblique cuts.

In urban and special loaves - with deep, oblique cuts.

For loaves near Moscow - with two longitudinal incisions, for students - with one.

Name of indicator


For loaves with condensed whey - with straight transverse cuts.

Somewhat mealy in the capital's loaves, Moscow rolls and titniks.

At Russian buns, with whey, dairy and Moscow buns - with straight parallel cuts. Powdery surface is allowed.

For buns with poppy seeds - sprinkled with poppy seeds, without bubbles and explosions.

At children's buns and Yaroslavl buns - trimmed with crumbs.

At mustard, capital and cumin buns with or without a stamp imprint. A slight gap is allowed along the stamp line.

At the bakery trifles - corresponding to the type of product.

At city buns - with a scallop running along the bun.

In wicker challahs, braids, Cherkizovsky rolls - glossy. Small gaps are allowed in the places of plexus or contact of the bundles.

For bakery wicker Moscow products - with an imprint from a stamp imitating weaving. Small gaps are allowed in the places of deepening from the stamp.

At Altai horns, pastry horns and bagels - with a relief of coils from seamers. Coil detachment is allowed. At bagels - sprinkled with salt or cumin. At sweet horns - sprinkled with salt or without salt.

For packaged products, slight wrinkling is allowed.

Condition of the crumb


Light yellow to brown

Baked, not moist to the touch. Elastic. After light pressure with your fingers, the crumb should take its original shape.

Without lumps and traces of unmixed

Developed, without voids and seals.

Braided and braided hali - small, slightly compacted.

In Altai horns, sweet horns and bagels - the crumb is layered in a break.

In city and capital loaves, city rolls - uneven is allowed.

In loaves with raisins - raisins are distributed over the mass of the loaf.

At the bakery trifles - uniform.

In Moscow rolls and titniks - uneven, with large pores.

In Orenburg bread - with inclusions of raisins.

In special loaves - developed, uneven, without seals.

Peculiar to this type of product, without foreign taste

Peculiar to this type of product, without foreign smell

1.2.3. According to physical and chemical indicators, bakery products must meet the requirements given in Table. 3.

Table 3

product name

Humidity crumb, %, no more

City buns from premium wheat flour

City buns from wheat flour 1 s

Premium quality wheat flour braids

from wheat flour 2 s

Challah woven from wheat flour 1 s

Russian round buns made of premium wheat flour

from wheat flour 1 with mass, kg

Long loaves of wheat flour 1 with wheat flour 2 with weight, kg

Sliced ​​loaves of premium wheat flour

product name

Humidity crumb, %, no more

Crumb acidity, deg., no more

Crumb porosity, %, not less than

Mass fraction of sugar in terms of dry matter,%

Mass fraction of fat in terms of dry matter,%

from wheat flour 1 s

Sliced ​​milk loaves made of premium wheat flour

from wheat flour 1 s

Long loaves with raisins from premium wheat flour Long loaves from wheat flour

w/w weight, kg

Long loaves near Moscow from wheat

Table loaves made of premium wheat flour

Long loafs capital from premium wheat flour Long loaves student from wheat

flour 1 with weight, kg

Loaves with condensed milk whey from premium wheat flour

Loaves of special wheat flour

Bakery trifles from wheat flour 1 s

from wheat flour 2 s

Saiki from wheat flour 1 s

from wheat flour 2 s

Mustard saiki from wheat flour 1 s

Saiki with raisins from premium wheat flour

Moscow kalachi from premium wheat flour

Moscow Sitnichki from wheat

Milk buns from wheat flour premium

Buns with poppy seeds from wheat flour 1 s

Bread Orenburg wheat flour 1 s

Baby buns made of wheat flour 1 s

October buns from wheat flour 1 s

Wheat flour buns 1 s

Mustard buns made of wheat flour 1 s

Stolichny buns made of premium wheat flour

Buns with cumin from wheat flour

Sweet horns from wheat flour 1 s

Wheat flour rolls 1 s

Sweet Yaroslavl bun made of wheat flour 1 s

Moscow bun from premium wheat flour

Altai horns from premium wheat flour

from wheat flour 1 s

Arnauts from premium wheat flour

Roll with whey from wheat flour 1 s

product name

Humidity crumb, %, no more

Crumb acidity, deg., no more

Crumb porosity, %, not less than

Mass fraction of sugar in terms of dry matter,%

Mass fraction of fat in terms of dry matter,%

Moscow wicker bakery products made of high-quality wheat flour, kg

Cherkizovsky bun

Baton Krasnoselsky

* For loaves produced at the bakeries of the system of engineer Marsakov, an increase in humidity by 1% is allowed.

** For products manufactured on the German line, a moisture content of 43.5% is allowed.

It is allowed to increase the humidity by 1% when manually cutting the dough.


1. In products prepared with liquid yeast, a mixture of liquid and pressed yeast ^ lactic acid starter cultures, an increase in acidity by 1 degree is allowed.

2. It is allowed to exceed the upper limit on the mass fraction of sugar and fat.

(Changed edition, Rev. No. 1, 2).

1.2.4. Foreign inclusions, crunch from mineral impurities, signs of disease and mold are not allowed in bakery products.

1.2.5. The period of maximum exposure at the enterprise after removing from the oven bakery products weighing up to 0.2 kg inclusive - no more than 6 hours, bakery products weighing more than 0.2 kg - no more than 10 hours.

(Introduced additionally, Rev. No. 1).

1.3. Marking

For mustard, metropolitan and caraway buns packed in polyethylene-coated paper, a label is applied containing:


name of the manufacturer, its subordination, location;

product name;

net weight;

date and hour of production;

implementation period;

designation of this standard;

information about the energy value, protein, fat and carbohydrate content per 100 g of products.

1.4. Package

1.4.1. Bakery products are produced packaged and unpackaged.

1.4.2. The cooled bakery products are packed in a food polyethylene film in accordance with GOST 10354 or a polyethylene shrink film in accordance with GOST 25951. For mustard, metropolitan and cumin buns, polyethylene-coated paper, approved by the USSR Ministry of Health, is also used.

1.4.3. Loaves are packed in 1 pc.

The deviation of the net weight of each product and the average net weight of 10 products from the smaller side at the end of the implementation period should not exceed 3.0 and 2.5%, respectively, of the established net weight of one product. The deviation of the net weight of products in the greater direction is not limited.

1.4.4. Butter cones weighing 0.06 kg are packed in 2-3 pieces; weighing 0.10 kg - 2 pcs.

The net weight of the packaging unit must be 0.12; 0.18 and 0.20 kg.

Deviations of the net weight of each packaging unit and the average net weight of 10 packaging units downwards at the end of the sale period should not exceed 6.0 and 5.0%, respectively, of the established net weight of the packaging unit. The deviation of the net weight to the greater side is not limited.

Sweet cones are laid in four-breasted trays in accordance with GOST 11354 in rows or in bulk. Products without packaging weighing 0.06 kg are stacked no more than 80 pieces. in trays, weighing 0.10 kg - no more than 60 pieces; packed - no more than 25 packing units.

1.4.3, 1.4.4. (Revised edition, Rev. No. 2).

1.4.5. Mustard, capital and caraway buns are packed in 2, 3 and 4 pieces.

The net weight of the packaging unit must be 0.10; 0.12; 0.15; 0.18; 0.20; 0.24 kg. The deviation of the net weight of each packaging unit and the average net weight of 10 packaging units at the end of the sale period should not exceed 6.0 and 5.0%, respectively, of the established net weight of the packaging unit. The deviation of the net weight to the greater side is not limited.

(Changed edition, Rev. No. 1, 2).

1.4.6. (Deleted, Rev. No. 2).

1.4.7. Laying Moscow rolls should be done on the edge in one row, Moscow sytnichki - on the bottom crust in one row.

1.4.8. Buns with poppy seeds should be stacked in one row in trays that ensure the preservation of the shape of the products.

1.4.9. Laying bakery products - according to GOST 8227.

1.6. Raw materials used in the manufacture of products must comply with the requirements of the current regulatory and technical documentation, Biomedical requirements and sanitary standards for the quality of food raw materials and food products 1 approved by the USSR Ministry of Health dated 01.08.89 No. 5061.

1.5, 1.6. (Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 2).


In the waybill, a stamp is affixed to the conformity of the batch of bakery products with the requirements of this standard and the time of removal of products from the oven.

2.2. The mass fraction of sugar and fat is determined at the request of the consumer.

2.1. 2.2. (Revised edition, Rev. No. 2).

2.3. Control over the content of toxic elements, mycotoxins and pesticides in products is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the product manufacturer in agreement with the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision and guaranteeing the safety of products.

(Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 2).


mycotoxins and pesticides - according to the methods approved by the bodies of the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision.

(Revised edition, Rev. No. 2).


4.1. Transportation and storage of bakery products - according to GOST 8227.

4.2. The sale of bakery products in a retail trade network should be carried out with the availability of information on the energy value, protein, fat and carbohydrate content per 100 g of products and the content of eggs, milk and whey according to the recipe.

The manufacturer reports this information in the form of information leaflets to trade enterprises, which bring it to the consumer.

(Revised edition, Rev. No. 2).

4.3. The implementation period in the retail trade network from the moment of removal from the oven of bakery products weighing up to 0.2 kg inclusive - 16 hours, more than 0.2 kg - 24 hours.

Shelf life from the date of manufacture: packed loaves - 72 hours; packed sweet horns, mustard, metropolitan and cumin buns - 48 hours.

(Revised edition, Rev. No. 1).



product name

Weight, kg

1. City buns from premium wheat flour

» » » » » »

from wheat flour 1 s

2. Wheat flour braids

from wheat flour 2 s

3. Challah woven from wheat flour 1 s

4. Russian round buns made of premium wheat flour

» » » » » » »

from wheat flour 1 s

5. Long loaves of wheat flour 1 s

» » » » » »

from wheat flour 2 s

6. Sliced ​​loaves of premium wheat flour

from wheat flour 1 s

Sliced ​​loaves, packed in polyethylene, premium

7. Sliced ​​milk loaves made from premium wheat flour

» » » from wheat flour 1 s

8. Loaves with raisins

9. City loaves

10. Loaves near Moscow

Loaves near Moscow, packed in polyethylene

11. Dining loaves

Table loaves packed in polyethylene

12. Metropolitan loaves

Bakery products, GOST 27844-88

Food production. GOST 27844-88: Bakery products. Specifications. OKS: Food production, Cereals, legumes and products of their processing. GOSTs. Bakery products. Specifications. class=text>

GOST 27844-88

Bakery products. Specifications

GOST 27844-88
Group H32


Rolls and buns. Specifications

OKP 91 1561; 91 1562; 91 1563; 91 1565;
91 1567; 91 1568; 91 1571; 91 1572; 91 1573;
91 1575; 91 1578; 91 1581; 91 1582; 91 1671;
91 1673; 91 1675

Introduction date 1990-01-01


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the Ministry of Grain Products of the USSR

R.V. Kuzminsky, Ph.D. tech. sciences; I.P.Petrash, Ph.D. biol. sciences; M.I. Vasin, Ph.D. tech. sciences; S.R. Tulyakova, A.S. Filatova

2. APPROVED AND INTRODUCED BY Decree of the USSR State Committee for Standards dated 29.09.88 N 3385

3. REPLACE GOST 6649-53; GOST 6650-58; GOST 7033-54; GOST 7127-78; GOST 8124-56; GOST 8125-74; GOST 9300-59; GOST 9711-61; GOST 9902-61; GOST 10073-62; GOST 14699-69; GOST 15951-70; GOST 20781-75; GOST 24298-80 regarding mustard, metropolitan and caraway buns; OST 18-66-72; OST 18-99-72; OST 18-184-74; OST 18-186-74; OST 18-203-74; OST 18-251-75; OST 18-382-81; OST 18-450-85; TU 18-7-9-85; GOST 7318-55; OST 18-98-72


Item number

GOST 5667-65

2.1; 3.1

GOST 5668-68

GOST 5669-96

GOST 5670-96

GOST 5672-68

GOST 8227-56

GOST 10354-82

GOST 11354-93

1.4.4; 1.4.5

GOST 21094-75

GOST 25951-83

GOST 26927-86

GOST 26930-86 - GOST 26934-86

5. The limitation of the validity period was removed by the Decree of the State Standard of September 24, 1992 N 1263

6. REPUBLICATION with Amendments No. 1, 2, approved in June 1989, September 1992 (IUS 9-89, 12-92)

This standard applies to bakery products made from wheat flour of the highest, first and second grades with the addition of sugar, fat, milk and other raw materials.
Mandatory requirements aimed at ensuring safety for the life and health of the population are set out in paragraphs 1.5, 1.6, 2.3; 3.2.



1.1. Bakery products must be produced in accordance with the requirements of this standard in compliance with sanitary rules, recipes and technological instructions approved in the prescribed manner.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 2).

1.2. Characteristics

1.2.1. Bakery products should be produced with the following items and weight, in kilograms, in accordance with Table 1.

Table 1

product name

Weight, kg

City buns


Wicker challah

Russian round buns

0,05; 0,1; 0,2

Loaves are simple

Sliced ​​loaves

Sliced ​​milk loaves

Loaves with raisins

Long loaves city

Loaves near Moscow

Dining loaves

Loaves capital

Loaves are student

Loaves with condensed whey

Loaves are special

bakery trifle

0,05; 0,1; 0,2

Mustard poles

Saiki with raisins

Moscow kalachi

Moscow Sitnichki

Milk buns

Buns with poppy seeds

Bread Orenburg

Baby buns

October buns

Buns kolobok

Mustard buns

Metropolitan buns

Buns with cumin

Butter horns

Rolls with salt and cumin

Poppy rolls

Yaroslavl sweet bun

Moscow bun

Altai horns

0,15; 0,1; 0,2


Whey bun

Moscow wicker bakery products

Cherkizovsky bun

Baton Krasnoselsky

Deviation of the average weight of 10 products downwards at the end of their maximum holding period at the enterprise after removal from the oven should not exceed 4% for fancy cones and bagels and special loaves; for bakery products weighing up to 0.2 kg inclusive - 3%; for bakery products weighing more than 0.2 kg - 2.5% of the established mass of one product.
The deviation of the mass of each product to a smaller side should not exceed 6% for fancy cones and bagels and special loaves; for bakery products weighing up to 0.2 kg inclusive - 5%; for bakery products weighing more than 0.2 kg - 3% of the established mass of one product.
The deviation of the mass of the product in the greater direction from the established mass is not limited.
OKP codes are given in the appendix.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 2).

1.2.2. According to organoleptic indicators, bakery products must meet the requirements given in Table 2.

table 2

Name of indicator



Not vague, without pressure.
Oblong-oval in long loaves, city buns, pastry horns, bagels and Altai horns, braids, wicker halal, bakery wicker Moscow products, Cherkizovsky buns.
In braids, braided halal with a clearly defined weaving.
Rounded or oval in mustard, metropolitan, cumin, dairy, whey buns.
Rounded in Russian buns, october buns, koloboks and Moscow, Yaroslavl buns, Moscow sytnichki, arnauts. The Arnauts have a spherical protrusion in the center.
For bakery trifles - diverse, corresponding to the name of the type of bakery trifle, with a clearly defined pattern.
In leaf saek - oblong, with rounded ends, in shaped - rectangular. Lateral sides - with slips.
At the Moscow kalach - with a bow and a raised sponge, sprinkled with flour from below.
For buns with poppy seeds and children's buns - square, with slips.
The Orenburg loaves have a rectangular one, corresponding to the bread form in which baking was made.
When developing bakery products on complex-mechanized lines, small end laps are allowed.


In simple, sliced, sliced ​​dairy, Krasnoselsky, metropolitan loaves and with raisins, with oblique cuts.
In city and special loaves - with deep oblique cuts.
For loaves near Moscow - with two longitudinal incisions, for students - with one.
For loaves with condensed whey - with straight transverse cuts.

Somewhat mealy in the capital's loaves, Moscow rolls and titniks.
At Russian buns, with whey, dairy and Moscow buns - with straight parallel cuts. Powdery surface is allowed.
For buns with poppy seeds - sprinkled with poppy seeds, without bubbles and explosions.
At children's buns and Yaroslavl buns - trimmed with crumbs.

At mustard, capital and cumin buns with or without a stamp imprint. A slight gap is allowed along the stamp line.
At the bakery trifles - corresponding to the type of product.
At city buns - with a scallop running along the bun.

In wicker challahs, braids, Cherkizovsky rolls - glossy. Small gaps are allowed in the places of plexus or contact of the bundles.
For bakery wicker Moscow products - with an imprint from a stamp imitating weaving. Small gaps are allowed in the places of deepening from the stamp.

At Altai horns, pastry horns and bagels - with a relief of coils from seamers. Coil detachment is allowed. At bagels - sprinkled with salt or cumin. At sweet horns - sprinkled with salt or without salt.
For packaged products, slight wrinkling is allowed.

Light yellow to brown

state of the crumb


Baked, not moist to the touch. Elastic. After light pressure with your fingers, the crumb should take its original shape.


Without lumps and traces of unmixed


Developed, without voids and seals.
Braided and braided hali - small, slightly compacted.

In Altai horns, sweet horns and bagels - the crumb is layered in a break.
In city and capital loaves, city rolls - uneven is allowed.
In loaves with raisins - raisins are distributed over the mass of the loaf.
At the bakery trifles - uniform.
In Moscow rolls and titniks - uneven, with large pores.

In Orenburg bread - with inclusions of raisins.
In special loaves - developed, uneven, without seals.

Peculiar to this type of product, without foreign taste

Peculiar to this type of product, without foreign smell

1.2.3. According to physical and chemical indicators, bakery products must meet the requirements given in Table 3.

Table 3

product name


crumb, hail.,
no more

crumb toast,
at least

Mass fraction of sugar in terms of dry matter,

Mass fraction of fat
in terms of dry matter,

City buns from premium wheat flour

City buns from wheat flour 1 s

Premium quality wheat flour braids

from wheat flour 2 s

Challah woven from wheat flour 1 s

Russian round buns made of premium wheat flour

from wheat flour 1 with mass, kg

Loaves of plain wheat flour 1 s


from wheat flour 2 with weight, kg

* For loaves produced at the bakeries of the system of engineer Marsakov, an increase in humidity by 1% is allowed.

Sliced ​​loaves of premium wheat flour

from wheat flour 1 s

Sliced ​​milk loaves made of premium wheat flour

from wheat flour 1 s

Long loaves with raisins from premium wheat flour

Long loafs city from wheat flour in/with weight, kg

Long loafs near Moscow from premium wheat flour

Table loaves made of premium wheat flour

Long loaves capital of premium wheat flour

Long loaves student from wheat flour 1 with weight, kg

Loaves with condensed milk whey from premium wheat flour

Loaves of special wheat flour

Bakery trifles from wheat flour 1 s

from wheat flour 2 s

Saiki from wheat flour 1 s

from wheat flour 2 s

Mustard saiki from wheat flour 1 s

Saiki with raisins from premium wheat flour

Moscow kalachi from premium wheat flour

Sitnichki Moscow from premium wheat flour

Milk buns from wheat flour premium

Buns with poppy seeds from wheat flour 1 s

Bread Orenburg wheat flour 1 s

Baby buns made of wheat flour 1 s

October buns from wheat flour 1 s

Wheat flour buns 1 s

Mustard buns made of wheat flour 1 s

Stolichny buns made of premium wheat flour


* For products manufactured on the German line, a moisture content of 43.5% is allowed.
An increase in humidity by 1% is allowed when manually cutting the dough.

Buns with cumin from wheat flour

Sweet horns from wheat flour 1 s

Wheat flour rolls 1 s

Sweet Yaroslavl bun made of wheat flour 1 s

Moscow bun from premium wheat flour

Altai horns from premium wheat flour

from wheat flour 1 s

Arnauts from premium wheat flour

Roll with whey from wheat flour 1 s

Moscow wicker bakery products made of high-quality wheat flour, kg

Cherkizovsky bun

Baton Krasnoselsky


1. In products prepared with liquid yeast, a mixture of liquid and pressed yeast, lactic ferments, an increase in acidity by 1 degree is allowed.

2. It is allowed to exceed the upper limit on the mass fraction of sugar and fat.

1.2.4. Foreign inclusions, crunch from mineral impurities, signs of disease and mold are not allowed in bakery products.

1.2.5. The period of maximum exposure at the enterprise after removing from the oven bakery products weighing up to 0.2 kg inclusive - no more than 6 hours, bakery products weighing more than 0.2 kg - no more than 10 hours.
(Introduced additionally, Rev. N 1).

1.3. Marking
For mustard, metropolitan and caraway buns packed in polyethylene-coated paper, a label is applied containing:
name of the manufacturer, its subordination, location;
product name;
net weight;
date and hour of production;
implementation period;
designation of this standard;
information about the energy value, protein, fat and carbohydrate content per 100 g of products.

1.4. Package

1.4.1. Bakery products are produced packaged and unpackaged.

1.4.2. The cooled bakery products are packed in food plastic film according to GOST 10354 or polyethylene shrink film according to GOST 25951. For mustard, metropolitan and cumin buns, polyethylene-coated paper, permitted by the USSR Ministry of Health, is also used.

1.4.3. Loaves are packed in 1 pc.
The deviation of the net weight of each product and the average net weight of 10 products down at the end of the implementation period should not exceed 3.0 and 2.5%, respectively, of the established net weight of one product. The deviation of the net weight of products in the greater direction is not limited.

1.4.4. Butter cones weighing 0.06 kg are packed in 2-3 pieces; weighing 0.10 kg - 2 pcs.

The net weight of the packaging unit must be 0.12; 0.18 and 0.20 kg.
Deviations of the net weight of each packaging unit and the average net weight of 10 packaging units downwards at the end of the sale period should not exceed 6.0 and 5.0%, respectively, of the established net weight of the packaging unit. The deviation of the net weight to the greater side is not limited.
Sweet cones are laid in four-breasted trays in accordance with GOST 11354 in rows or in bulk. Products without packaging weighing 0.06 kg are stacked no more than 80 pieces. in trays, weighing 0.10 kg - no more than 60 pieces; packed - no more than 25 packing units.

1.4.3, 1.4.4. (Changed edition, Rev. N 2).

1.4.5. Mustard, capital and caraway buns are packed in 2, 3 and 4 pieces.
The net weight of the packaging unit must be 0.10; 0.12; 0.15; 0.18; 0.20; 0.24 kg. The deviation of the net weight of each packaging unit and the average net weight of 10 packaging units at the end of the sale period should not exceed 6.0 and 5.0%, respectively, of the established net weight of the packaging unit. The deviation of the net weight to the greater side is not limited.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1, 2).

1.4.6. (Deleted, Rev. N 2).

1.4.7. Laying Moscow rolls should be done on the edge in one row, Moscow sytnichki - on the bottom crust in one row.

1.4.8. Buns with poppy seeds should be stacked in one row in trays that ensure the preservation of the shape of the products.

1.4.9. Stacking of bakery products - according to GOST 8227.

1.5. The content of toxic elements, mycotoxins and pesticides in products should not exceed the permissible levels established by the Medical and Biological Requirements and Sanitary Standards for the Quality of Food Raw Materials and Food Products* approved by the USSR Ministry of Health of 01.08.89 N 5061.

1.6. The raw materials used in the manufacture of products must comply with the requirements of the current regulatory and technical documentation, Biomedical requirements and sanitary standards for the quality of food raw materials and food products * approved by the USSR Ministry of Health of 08/01/89 N 5061.
* SanPiN are in force on the territory of the Russian Federation.

1.5, 1.6. (Introduced additionally, Rev. N 2).


2.1. Acceptance rules - according to GOST 5667.
In the waybill, a stamp is affixed to the conformity of the batch of bakery products with the requirements of this standard and the time of removal of products from the oven.

2.2. The mass fraction of sugar and fat is determined at the request of the consumer.

2.1, 2.2. (Changed edition, Rev. N 2).

2.3. Control over the content of toxic elements, mycotoxins and pesticides in products is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the product manufacturer in agreement with the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision and guaranteeing the safety of products.
(Introduced additionally, Rev. N 2).


3.1. Sampling - according to GOST 5667.

3.2. Analysis methods - according to GOST 21094, GOST 5668, GOST 5669, GOST 5670, GOST 5672.
The content of toxic elements is determined according to GOST 26927, GOST 26930 - GOST 26934, mycotoxins and pesticides - according to methods approved by the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 2).


4.1. Transportation and storage of bakery products - according to GOST 8227.

4.2. The sale of bakery products in a retail trade network should be carried out with the availability of information on the energy value, protein, fat and carbohydrate content per 100 g of products and the content of eggs, milk and whey according to the recipe.
The manufacturer reports this information in the form of information leaflets to trade enterprises, which bring it to the consumer.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 2).

4.3. The implementation period in the retail trade network from the moment of removal from the oven of bakery products weighing up to 0.2 kg inclusive - 16 hours, more than 0.2 kg - 24 hours.
Shelf life from the date of manufacture: packed loaves - 72 hours; packed sweet horns, mustard, metropolitan and cumin buns - 48 hours.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).



product name

Weight, kg

OKP code

1. City buns from premium wheat flour

from wheat flour 1 s

2. Wheat flour braids

from wheat flour 2 s

3. Challah woven from wheat flour 1 s

4. Russian round buns made of premium wheat flour

" " " " " " "

from wheat flour 1 s

5. Long loaves of wheat flour 1 s

from wheat flour 2 s

6. Sliced ​​loaves of premium wheat flour

from wheat flour 1 s

Sliced ​​loaves, packed in polyethylene, premium

7. Sliced ​​milk loaves made from premium wheat flour

" " " from wheat flour 1 s

8. Loaves with raisins

9. City loaves

10. Loaves near Moscow

Loaves near Moscow, packed in polyethylene

11. Dining loaves

Table loaves packed in polyethylene

91 1563 2031

12. Metropolitan loaves

91 1561 1524

91 1561 1534

13. Student loaves

91 1572 1122

91 1572 1131

14. Loaves with condensed whey

91 1568 1534

15. Loaves are special

91 1561 3840

16. Bakery trifles from wheat flour 1 s

91 1572 4419

91 1572 4424

from wheat flour 2 s

91 1582 1512

91 1582 1519

91 1582 1524

17. Saiki from wheat flour 1 with hearth

91 1572 3924

" " " " " shaped

91 1572 4124

from wheat flour 2 s

91 1582 1324

18. Mustard poles

91 1572 3724

19. Saiki with raisins

91 1562 2124

20. Moscow rolls

91 1562 1819

91 1562 1824

21. Moscow Sitnichki

91 1562 2219

91 1562 2224

22. Milk buns

91 1568 3319

91 1568 3324

23. Buns with poppy seeds

91 1572 2619

24. Bread Orenburg

91 1571 3734

25. Baby buns

91 1572 2212

91 1572 2219

26. October buns

91 1578 3617

27. Buns kolobok

91 1578 7212

91 1578 7219

28. Mustard buns

91 1575 1612

Mustard buns in a package

91 1573 1924

29. Capital buns

91 1565 1212

91 1565 1219

Stolichny buns in a package

91 1563 1219

91 1563 1222

91 1563 1224

30. Buns with cumin

91 1565 1717

Buns with cumin in the package

91 1563 1524

31. Butter horns

91 1675 1613

91 1672 0671

91 1673 0053

Sweet horns, packed in polyethylene film

91 1673 0052

Sweet horns, packed in polyethylene film

91 1673 0051

32. Butter horns with salt

91 1675 1713

33. Rolls with salt and cumin

91 1572 3412

91 1572 3419

34. Rollies with poppy seeds

91 1572 3312

91 1572 3319

35. Yaroslavl sweet bun

91 1572 1524

36. Moscow bun

91 1562 1724

37. Altai horns from premium wheat flour

91 1562 2322

" " from wheat flour 1 s

91 1572 3519

91 1572 3524

38. Arnauts

91 1562 1224

39. Whey bun

91 1578 2239

40. Moscow wicker bakery products

91 1562 2424

Container. Methods for testing the strength of fastening handles, GOST R 51864-2002

Table 1

product name

Weight, kg

City buns


Wicker challah

Russian round buns

Loaves are simple

Sliced ​​loaves

Sliced ​​milk loaves

Loaves with raisins

Long loaves city

Loaves near Moscow

Dining loaves

Loaves capital

Loaves are student

Loaves with condensed whey

Loaves are special

bakery trifle

Mustard poles

Saiki with raisins

Moscow kalachi

Moscow Sitnichki

Milk buns

Buns with poppy seeds

Bread Orenburg

Baby buns

October buns

Buns kolobok

Mustard buns

Metropolitan buns

Buns with cumin

Butter horns

Rolls with salt and cumin

Poppy rolls

Yaroslavl sweet bun

Moscow bun

Altai horns

Whey bun

Moscow wicker bakery products

Cherkizovsky bun

Baton Krasnoselsky

Deviation of the average weight of 10 products downwards at the end of their maximum holding period at the enterprise after removal from the oven should not exceed 4% for fancy cones and bagels and special loaves; for bakery products weighing up to 0.2 kg inclusive - 3%; for bakery products weighing more than 0.2 kg - 2.5% of the established mass of one product.

The deviation of the mass of each product to a smaller side should not exceed 6% for fancy cones and bagels and special loaves; for bakery products weighing up to 0.2 kg inclusive - 5%; for bakery products weighing more than 0.2 kg - 3% of the established mass of one product.

The deviation of the mass of the product in the greater direction from the established mass is not limited.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1, 2).

1.2.2. According to organoleptic indicators, bakery products must meet the requirements given in table. 2.

table 2

Name of indicator


Appearance form

Not vague, without pressure.

Oblong-oval in long loaves, city buns, pastry horns, bagels and Altai horns, braids, wicker halal, bakery wicker Moscow products, Cherkizovsky buns.

In braids, braided halal with a clearly defined weaving.

Rounded or oval in mustard, metropolitan, cumin, dairy, whey buns.

Rounded in Russian buns, october buns, koloboks and Moscow, Yaroslavl buns, Moscow sytnichki, arnauts. The Arnauts have a spherical protrusion in the center.

For bakery trifles - diverse, corresponding to the name of the type of bakery trifle, with a clearly defined pattern.

In leaf saek - oblong with rounded ends, in shaped - rectangular. Lateral sides - with slips.

At the Moscow kalach - with a bow and a raised sponge, sprinkled with flour from below.

For buns with poppy seeds and children's buns - square, with slips.

Appearance form

The Orenburg loaves have a rectangular one, corresponding to the bread form in which baking was made.

When developing bakery products on complex-mechanized lines, small end laps are allowed.


In simple, sliced, sliced ​​​​dairy, Krasnoselsky, metropolitan loaves and with raisins with oblique cuts.

In urban and special loaves - with deep, oblique cuts.

For loaves near Moscow - with two longitudinal incisions, for students - with one.

For loaves with condensed whey - with straight transverse cuts.

Somewhat mealy in the capital's loaves, Moscow rolls and titniks.

For Russian buns, with whey, for dairy and Moscow buns - with straight parallel cuts. Powdery surface is allowed.

For buns with poppy seeds - sprinkled with poppy seeds, without bubbles and explosions.

At children's buns and Yaroslavl buns - trimmed with crumbs.

At mustard, capital and cumin buns with or without a stamp imprint. A slight gap is allowed along the stamp line.

At the bakery trifles - corresponding to the type of product.

At city buns - with a scallop running along the bun.

In wicker challahs, braids, Cherkizovsky rolls - glossy. Small gaps are allowed in the places of plexus or contact of the bundles.

For bakery wicker Moscow products - with an imprint from a stamp imitating weaving. Small gaps are allowed in the places of deepening from the stamp.

At the Altai horns, rich horns and bagels - with a relief of coils from seamers.

Coil detachment is allowed. For bagels - sprinkled with salt or cumin. At sweet horns - sprinkled with salt or without salt.

For packaged products, slight wrinkling is allowed.

Light yellow to brown

state of the crumb

Baked, not moist to the touch. Elastic.


After light pressure with your fingers, the crumb should take its original shape.

Without lumps and traces of unmixed


Developed, without voids and seals.

Braided and braided hali - small, slightly compacted.

In Altai horns, sweet horns and bagels - the crumb is layered in a break.

In city and capital loaves, city rolls - uneven is allowed.

In loaves with raisins - raisins are distributed over the mass of the loaf.

At the bakery trifles - uniform.

In Moscow rolls and titniks - uneven, with large pores.

In Orenburg bread - with inclusions of raisins.

In special loaves - developed, uneven, without seals.

Peculiar to this type of product, without foreign taste

Peculiar to this type of product, without foreign smell

1.2.3. According to physical and chemical indicators, bakery products must meet the requirements given in Table. 3 .

Table 3

product name

crumb moisture,

%, no more

Crumb acidity, deg., no more

Crumb porosity,%, not less than

Mass fraction of sugar in terms of dry matter,

Mass fraction of fat in terms of dry matter,

City buns from premium wheat flour

City buns from wheat flour 1 s

Premium quality wheat flour braids

from wheat flour 2 s

Challah woven from wheat flour 1 s

Russian round buns made of premium wheat flour

from wheat flour 1 with mass, kg

Loaves of plain wheat flour 1 s

from wheat flour 2 with weight, kg

Sliced ​​loaves of premium wheat flour

from wheat flour 1 s

Sliced ​​milk loaves made of premium wheat flour

from wheat flour 1 s

Long loaves with raisins from premium wheat flour

Long loafs city from wheat flour in/with weight, kg

Long loafs near Moscow from premium wheat flour

Table loaves made of premium wheat flour

Long loaves capital of premium wheat flour

Long loaves student from wheat flour 1 with weight, kg

Loaves with condensed milk whey from premium wheat flour

Loaves of special wheat flour

Bakery trifles from wheat flour 1 s

from wheat flour 2 s

Saiki from wheat flour 1 s

from wheat flour 2 s

Mustard saiki from wheat flour 1 s

Saiki with raisins from premium wheat flour

Moscow kalachi from premium wheat flour

Sitnichki Moscow from premium wheat flour

Milk buns from wheat flour premium

Buns with poppy seeds from wheat flour 1 s

Bread Orenburg wheat flour 1 s

Baby buns made of wheat flour 1 s

October buns from wheat flour 1 s

Wheat flour buns 1 s

Mustard buns made of wheat flour 1 s

Stolichny buns made of premium wheat flour

Buns with cumin from wheat flour

Sweet horns made of wheat flour I s

Wheat flour rolls 1 s

Yaroslavl sweet bun made of wheat flour i with

Moscow bun from premium wheat flour

Altai horns from premium wheat flour

from wheat flour 1 s

Arnauts from premium wheat flour

Roll with whey from wheat flour 1 s

Bakery products, wicker Moscow from wheat flour with/with weight, kg

Cherkizovsky bun 1.3. Marking

For mustard, metropolitan and caraway buns packed in polyethylene-coated paper, a label is applied containing:


name of the manufacturer, its subordination, location;

product name;

net weight;

date and hour of production;

implementation period;

designation of this standard;

information about the energy value, protein, fat and carbohydrate content per 100 g of products.

1.4. Package

1.4.1. Bakery products are produced packaged and unpackaged.

1.4.2. The cooled bakery products are packed in a food polyethylene film in accordance with GOST 10354 or a polyethylene shrink film in accordance with GOST 25951. For mustard, metropolitan and cumin buns, polyethylene-coated paper, approved by the USSR Ministry of Health, is also used.

1.4.3. Loaves are packed in 1 pc.

The deviation of the net weight of each product and the average net weight of 10 products down at the end of the implementation period should not exceed 3.0 and 2.5%, respectively, of the established net weight of one product. The deviation of the net weight of products in the greater direction is not limited.

1.4.4. Butter cones weighing 0.06 kg are packed in 2-3 pieces; weighing 0.10 kg - 2 pcs.

The net weight of the packaging unit must be 0.12; 0.18 and 0.20 kg.

Deviations of the net weight of each packaging unit and the average net weight of 10 packaging units downwards at the end of the sale period should not exceed 6.0 and 5.0%, respectively, of the established net weight of the packaging unit. The deviation of the net weight to the greater side is not limited.

Sweet cones are laid in four-breasted trays in accordance with GOST 11354 in rows or in bulk. Products without packaging weighing 0.06 kg are stacked no more than 80 pieces. in trays, weighing 0.10 kg - no more than 60 pieces; packed - no more than 25 packing units.

1.4.5. Mustard, capital and caraway buns are packed in 2, 3 and 4 pieces.

The net weight of the packaging unit must be 0.10; 0.12; 0.15; 0.18; 0.20; 0.24 kg. The deviation of the net weight of each packaging unit and the average net weight of 10 packaging units at the end of the sale period should not exceed 6.0 and 5.0%, respectively, of the established net weight of the packaging unit. The deviation of the net weight to the greater side is not limited.

Packaged and unpackaged products are placed in trays in accordance with GOST 11354. Products without packaging weighing 0.1 kg - in rows of 60 pieces, weighing 0.05 and 0.06 kg - in bulk no more than 100 pieces.

1.4.3-1.4.5. (Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

1.4.6. (Deleted, Rev. N 2).

1.4.7. Laying Moscow rolls should be done on the edge in one row, Moscow sytnichki - on the bottom crust in one row.

1.4.8. Buns with poppy seeds should be stacked in one row in trays that ensure the preservation of the shape of the products.

1.6. The raw materials used in the manufacture of products must comply with the requirements of the current regulatory and technical documentation, Biomedical requirements and sanitary quality standards for food raw materials and food products, approved by the USSR Ministry of Health of 08/01/89 N 5061.

1.5, 1.6. (Introduced additionally, Izm, N 2).

4. Transportation and storage

4.2. The sale of bakery products in a retail trade network should be carried out with the availability of information on the energy value, protein, fat and carbohydrate content per 100 g of products and the content of eggs, milk and whey according to the recipe.

The manufacturer reports this information in the form of information leaflets to trade enterprises, which bring it to the consumer.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 2).

4.3. The implementation period in the retail trade network from the moment of removal from the oven of bakery products weighing up to 0.2 kg inclusive - 16 hours, more than 0.2 kg - 24 hours.

Shelf life from the date of manufacture: packed loaves - 72 hours; packed sweet horns, mustard, metropolitan and cumin buns - 48 hours.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

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