Trading business management. Trade enterprise management system

1. Control methods trading company

Control commercial activities cannot be separated from the management system of a trading enterprise, which also performs functions related to technological, economic and financial activities. Therefore, when building a business management structure, it is necessary to take into account the interaction and subordination of all the constituent elements that form an integral management system for a commercial enterprise.

Management methods are ways of influencing the management of commercial processes and activities. They are divided into administrative, organizational, economic and legal.

Administrative methods are determined by the field of activity and the specific conditions of the trading enterprise. It is also necessary to take into account alternative management options, the choice and implementation of which is determined by the foresight of the target results of the enterprise. It should be noted that the hierarchical construction of the management system and the content managerial functions largely depend on the position held by the management of the trading enterprise. Various compromise solutions are possible here.

Organizational methods are based on organizational, organizational-administrative, organizational-methodical and regulatory support. They contain regulatory requirements of an organizational and methodological nature, administrative, instructive and regulatory materials, which are prerequisites for the formation management decisions. As market relations develop, the role organizational methods governing the impact on business management will increase.

Economic methods in their definition are based on the course taken and the economic strategy of a trading enterprise, its potential resources, and the economic situation of the market. The totality of economic elements is the starting position in the management of the commercial activities of the enterprise. The impact of economic methods is predetermined by the surrounding economic environment.

Legal methods are focused on the use of the legal mechanism, which is based on the adopted legal and legislative acts, relevant standards and regulations. Legal methods consist in the legal regulation of commercial processes, taking into account the target tasks of a commercial enterprise.

These management methods do not exclude each other and are implemented in interaction. Their combination depends on the specific conditions of the functioning of the trading enterprise and the market environment.

2. Management of labor incentives in trade

In the context of the transition to market economy the labor incentive management system is undergoing a significant transformation. In fact, this system is designed to create a new motivational mechanism for the labor asset of personnel at trade enterprises of all forms of ownership and organizational and legal forms of activity.

The main goal of labor incentive management is to ensure the growth of staff income and differentiation of their payments in accordance with the labor contribution. individual workers in the overall results of the trading enterprise.

Labor incentive management covers a number of work steps:

1. Choice of forms and systems wages represents the initial stage of the organization of stimulation of work of the personnel. At trade enterprises, two forms of remuneration are used: time and piecework. In the time-based form, wages are accrued to the employee at his tariff rate or salary for the time actually worked. The piecework form is a payment depending on the amount of work performed at predetermined piece rates.

2. The construction of a tariff wage system at an enterprise is an important stage in the organization of labor incentives at those trade enterprises where workers of various qualifications are employed and where there are significant differences in the complexity of the work performed. Foreign experience shows that the tariff system of wages is developed and applied by all large trading firms. However, the principles of its construction differ significantly. At the heart of the European practice of building a tariff system of wages at trade enterprises is the principle of differentiation of salaries (rates) depending on the skill level of employees; American - on the complexity of the work performed; Japanese - from the length of service in this company.

In our practice, the so-called “flexible tariff systems” can get some distribution in trade enterprises, which are based on the minimum wage level established at trade enterprises for workers of the lowest qualification (it can exceed the minimum wage set by the state), and a system of coefficients for increasing the amount of wages paid at tariffs as an employee improves his qualifications (such a system of coefficients for qualifications can be borrowed from the state tariff system or developed independently by a trade enterprise). When building a tariff system at trade enterprises, it should be borne in mind that tariff salaries and rates are not limited to the maximum size.

3. Building a system of additional incentives for certain aspects of the labor activity of employees is designed to strengthen the labor motivation of personnel. This system uses various forms - bonuses for current results economic activity; surcharges and over; various one-time incentives for the results of work; bonus payments based on the results of work for the year and others (social payments to personnel in their various forms are not included in this system, since they are not related to labor stimulation).

Each bonus system includes as required elements:

l bonus indicators; bonus conditions;

ь size and scale of bonuses;

the circle of bonus workers.

Bonus indicators, for the fulfillment of which there are incentive payments, are the basis for building a bonus system. They act in the form of specific results of the economic activity of a commercial enterprise, characterizing the work of an individual performer, a group of performers or personnel as a whole. The choice of bonus indicators requires compliance with certain conditions on which the effectiveness of the bonus system ultimately depends. Firstly, bonus indicators should be specific, clearly formulated, excluding various interpretations and completely understandable to employees. Secondly, the performance of each indicator should be easily accounted for. Thirdly, the bonus system should not contain more than two bonus indicators. It is necessary in each case to choose the most important production indicators that most fully characterize the work performed.

The size and scale of the bonus determine the amount of the bonus. To do this, first of all, the initial bonus base is established. It represents the quantitative characteristic (or degree of fulfillment) of the bonus indicators, starting from which the bonus is paid. The bonus scale itself establishes a specific form of connection between the degree of fulfillment of the bonus indicator and the size of the bonus. The circle of bonus workers is predetermined by the bonus indicator; for its implementation, only those employees who are directly related to it are rewarded.

Surcharges and allowances are one of the additional forms of staff incentives, directly adjacent to the tariff system, i.e. considered as a temporary or systematic increase in the tariff part of earnings.

Wage supplements are cash payments that compensate for additional costs or difficult working conditions for individual employees. Their main types are additional payments for combining professions and increasing the volume of work performed; for performing, along with their main work, the duties of temporarily absent employees; for the leadership of a brigade or other structural unit in the full scope of the main work; for work at night, on weekends or holidays, etc.

In conditions where the owners or administration of a trade enterprise are given the right to independently determine the size of the tariff salary (rates), a number of allowances can be directly included in the tariff part of the employee's earnings when establishing its size (i.e. without special allocation).

One-time incentives are applied if it is necessary to quickly mark any labor achievement of employees; for the performance of predetermined one-time tasks that go beyond the scope of the duties of employees; in connection with anniversaries of employees, their retirement and in some other similar cases.

4. Individualization of the conditions of material incentives for labor is the most skilled workers is one of modern trends organizations widely used in foreign practice. This individualization is ensured through the introduction of a contractual form of remuneration at trade enterprises. Such individual contracts are concluded with managers, specialists and the most qualified workers (sellers, cashiers) of a trading enterprise. Like a special shape employment contract an individual contract is characterized by the maximum consideration of the interests of the contracting parties based on the definition of a system of their mutual obligations.

5. Planning of funds for labor stimulation is carried out in the context of two main sources of formation of these funds - distribution costs and profits of the enterprise remaining at its disposal.

As part of the distribution costs, funds are planned for wages at the tariff salaries established at the enterprise, rates and piece rates; for payment of over and additional payments to tariff rates and salaries in the amounts stipulated by the current legislation; to pay annual and additional holidays, as well as study holidays; to pay bonuses for current business results.

As part of the profit, funds are planned for the payment of allowances and additional payments that are not provided for by law or in excess of the amounts established current law; one-time incentives for the results of work; bonuses based on the results of work for the year (social payments to employees at the expense of profit are not included in the funds for labor stimulation).

In the process of planning funds for labor incentives, the sufficiency of these funds in the context of individual forms of incentives, as well as the growth of the average wages and average incomes of the personnel of a trading enterprise in relation to the preplanned one, must be ensured.

3. Describe the procurement management process in trading company

The functions of the purchasing department in the organizational structure of the company are influenced by factors such as:

share of costs for purchased raw materials and external services in the expenses (income) of the company;

the nature of the purchased products or services;

the situation on the market for products and services that are vital for the company;

availability of opportunities to perform this function;

Procurement tasks that contribute to the achievement of organizational goals.

Purchasing services in a company can be built centrally and decentralized. If a company approaches the process from a decentralized perspective, departmental employees will make their own purchases, each for their own department. The advantage of this approach is the fact that the user knows the needs of the department better than anyone else.

The procurement process can be faster with this approach. However, compared to decentralization, centralized procurement has many more advantages, which is why almost all but the smallest companies use a centralized approach to purchasing. When purchasing in a centralized way, a specific person is appointed or a department is created with the authority to make purchases in the interests of all departments.

Benefits of centralized procurement:

ease of standardization of purchased material resources or finished products;

· absence of administrative duplication;

Possibility of joint (by several departments of the company) placing an order with a supplier in order to receive discounts for a large order volume;

Better control over the fulfillment of procurement obligations;

· development of professional skills of procurement specialists through specialization, professional decision-making and better use of time. A variant of the structure of the procurement service of an enterprise involves the concentration of all the procurement functions of an enterprise in one hand, for example, in the directorate for logistics. Such a structure creates ample opportunities for logistical optimization of the material flow at the stage of procurement of labor items.

Purchasing specialists of the enterprise are responsible for the purchase of products in accordance with the specifications received from internal customers. Internal consumers are other functional units of the enterprise that require products.

Within the purchasing department itself, functions often undergo further specialization and development of professionalism as a result of specialization. In a small company where the purchasing department is represented by one person, there will probably not be any separation of functions. But in more large organization procuring, the usual division of functions occurs in four special areas.

The organization of the procurement process has certain stages:

1. Determining the need for material resources.

2. Definition desired characteristics and quantity of goods and services.

3. Analysis and identification of possible sources of supply.

4. Determination of the price and conditions of purchases.

5. Preparation and placement of a purchase order.

6. Order fulfillment control and/or forwarding.

7. Receiving and checking goods.

8. Account processing and payment.

9. Accounting for the receipt of material resources.

Any purchase begins with determining the general needs of the company and the individual needs of each of its divisions. With this information, it is possible to obtain material resources from the warehouse, either by moving excess goods from another division or by purchasing new goods.

In addition, it is necessary to have an accurate description of the need, article number of the product or service that is requested. To do this, the purchasing department maintains a list (catalog) of constantly purchased items, which contributes to maintaining the correct accounting and storage procedures.

Supplier selection is an important part of the purchasing function and includes sourcing and evaluating the feasibility of on-time delivery and delivery. necessary services before and after sale. Among the key information that can be stored in both in electronic format, and in the books of account, the purchasing department should have information about the current contracts with suppliers, in accordance with which orders are placed, the commodity classification of purchased products, the register of suppliers. The analysis and selection of a supplier, which are matters of subjective evaluation, lead to the placement of an order. Most companies use a simple form of proposal evaluation when reviewing proposals, but there is no universal practice for this. Many orders are placed as a result of a tender, for example, after reviewing a price list or during negotiations.

Placing a purchase order involves filling out an order form, unless the alternative is to use a supplier agreement to sell the item or to deliver the item based on a general order. An important requirement of any form of purchase order should be the presence of a serial number, date of completion, name and address of suppliers, quantity and description of goods ordered, required delivery date, shipping instructions, conditions; payment and conditions

Once a purchase order has been sent to a supplier, the buyer can monitor its progress and/or expedite order fulfillment. These functions are assigned to the forwarding control department. Order Fulfillment Control is a standard feature that monitors a supplier's ability to meet their delivery time commitments.

Forwarding an order is a kind of pressure on the supplier to fulfill its obligations to deliver the goods, deliver them ahead of schedule, or expedite delivery if they are behind schedule. As an incentive, the threat of canceling an order or terminating the business relationship in the future can be used if the supplier cannot fulfill the terms of the agreement.

An important stage is the posting (receipt) of material resources and finished products. The main objectives of the function of obtaining and controlling material resources are: guarantee of receipt of an order; quality checking; confirmation of receipt of the ordered quantity of material resources; sending them further to their destination (to a warehouse, quality control department, etc.); registration of the necessary documentation for obtaining material resources.

The invoice for payment imposes obligations on the buyer, is usually issued in duplicate and includes the order number, the cost of the product, total amount payable for each type.

After receiving the order, you must enter new information in the accounting of the purchasing department. This operation includes the maintenance of document files that are related to the order and are needed by the purchasing department:

1. A purchase order journal that records all orders by number and displays the status of each order - completed / not completed.

2. Purchase order register containing copies of all purchase orders.

3. A commodity register showing all purchases of each main type of product or product (date, supplier, quantity, price, purchase order number).

4. Register with the history of the supplier, displaying all purchases.

The main document regulating the relationship for the procurement and supply of material resources is the supply contract. It is an agreement under which the supplier (manufacturer, intermediary) undertakes to form and direct the appropriate material flow (to transfer to the consumer the products of the specified assortment and quality in deadlines and in the required quantity), and the consumer - to accept and pay for these products.

Placing orders to meet needs logistics system, directly affects the efficiency of the entire logistics process, since the order determines the power of material flows and the features of their formation, possible methods and ways of moving along logistics chains.

labor stimulation trade purchase

List of sources used

1. Anikin B. L. Logistics. Tutorial. - M-INFRA-M., 2001.

2. Gadzhinsky A. M. "Logistics": Textbook for higher and secondary special educational institutions. ITC "Marketing", 2002.

3. Commercial activity. Textbook F.P. Polovtsev. M.: "Infra-M", 2000

4. Commercial activities. Textbook F.G. Pankratov, T.K. Seregina. M.: ITC "Marketing", 2000

5. Logistics: Textbook / Under the editorship of B.A. Anikin. - M.: INFRA-M, 1999.

6. Models and methods of the theory of logistics / Ed. V.S. Lukinsky. - St. Petersburg, 2003.

7. Nerush Yu.M. Logistics. Textbook. - M UNITY. 2000.

8. Fundamentals of logistics: Proc. allowance Ed.L.B. Mirotin and V.I. Sergeeva.- M.: INFRA, 1999.

9. Trading business: economics and organization. Textbook under the general. Ed. L.A. Bragina and T.P. Danko. M. : "Infra-M", 1997.

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Trade enterprise management methods

Management of commercial activities cannot be separated from the management system of a trading enterprise, which also performs functions related to technological, economic and financial activities. Therefore, when building a business management structure, it is necessary to take into account the interaction and subordination of all the constituent elements that form an integral management system for a commercial enterprise.

Management methods are ways of influencing the management of commercial processes and activities. They are divided into administrative, organizational, economic and legal.

Administrative methods are determined by the field of activity and the specific conditions of the trading enterprise. It is also necessary to take into account alternative management options, the choice and implementation of which is determined by the foresight of the target results of the enterprise. It should be noted that the hierarchical construction of the management system and the content of management functions largely depend on the positions held by the management of a trading enterprise. Various compromise solutions are possible here.

Organizational methods are based on organizational, organizational-administrative, organizational-methodical and regulatory support. They contain regulatory requirements of an organizational and methodological nature, administrative, instructive and regulatory materials, which are prerequisites for the formation of management decisions. As market relations develop, the role of organizational methods that regulate the impact on the management of commercial activities will increase.

Economic methods in their definition are based on the course taken and the economic strategy of a trading enterprise, its potential resources, and the economic situation of the market. The totality of economic elements is the starting position in the management of the commercial activities of the enterprise. The impact of economic methods is predetermined by the surrounding economic environment.

Legal methods are focused on the use of the legal mechanism, which is based on the adopted legal and legislative acts, relevant standards and regulations. Legal methods consist in the legal regulation of commercial processes, taking into account the target tasks of a commercial enterprise.

These management methods do not exclude each other and are implemented in interaction. Their combination depends on the specific conditions of the functioning of the trading enterprise and the market environment.

Management of labor incentives in trade

In the context of the transition to a market economy, the labor incentive management system undergoes a significant transformation. In fact, this system is designed to create a new motivational mechanism for the labor asset of personnel at trade enterprises of all forms of ownership and organizational and legal forms of activity.

The main goal of labor incentive management is to ensure the growth of staff income and the differentiation of their payments in accordance with the labor contribution of individual employees to the overall results of the trading enterprise.

Labor incentive management covers a number of work steps:

1. The choice of forms and systems of wages is the initial stage of the organization of labor incentives for personnel. At trade enterprises, two forms of remuneration are used: time and piecework. In the time-based form, wages are accrued to the employee at his tariff rate or salary for the time actually worked. The piecework form is a payment depending on the amount of work performed at predetermined piece rates.

2. The construction of a tariff wage system at an enterprise is an important stage in the organization of labor incentives at those trade enterprises where workers of various qualifications are employed and where there are significant differences in the complexity of the work performed. Foreign experience shows that the tariff system of wages has been developed and applied by all large trading firms. However, the principles of its construction differ significantly. At the heart of the European practice of building a tariff system of wages at trade enterprises is the principle of differentiation of salaries (rates) depending on the skill level of employees; American - on the complexity of the work performed; Japanese - from the length of service in this company.

In our practice, the so-called “flexible tariff systems” can get some distribution in trade enterprises, which are based on the minimum wage level established at trade enterprises for workers of the lowest qualification (it can exceed the minimum wage set by the state), and a system of coefficients for increasing the amount of wages paid at tariffs as an employee improves his qualifications (such a system of coefficients for qualifications can be borrowed from the state tariff system or developed independently by a trade enterprise). When building a tariff system at trade enterprises, it should be borne in mind that tariff salaries and rates are not limited to the maximum size.

3. Building a system of additional incentives for certain aspects of the labor activity of employees is designed to strengthen the labor motivation of personnel. This system uses various forms - bonuses for the current results of economic activity; surcharges and over; various one-time incentives for the results of work; bonus payments based on the results of work for the year and others (social payments to personnel in their various forms are not included in this system, since they are not related to labor stimulation).

Each premium system includes as mandatory elements:

l bonus indicators; bonus conditions;

ь size and scale of bonuses;

the circle of bonus workers.

Bonus indicators, for the fulfillment of which there are incentive payments, are the basis for building a bonus system. They act in the form of specific results of the economic activity of a commercial enterprise, characterizing the work of an individual performer, a group of performers or personnel as a whole. The choice of bonus indicators requires compliance with certain conditions on which the effectiveness of the bonus system ultimately depends. Firstly, bonus indicators should be specific, clearly formulated, excluding various interpretations and completely understandable to employees. Secondly, the performance of each indicator should be easily accounted for. Thirdly, the bonus system should not contain more than two bonus indicators. It is necessary in each case to choose the most important production indicators that most fully characterize the work performed.

The size and scale of the bonus determine the amount of the bonus. To do this, first of all, the initial bonus base is established. It represents the quantitative characteristic (or degree of fulfillment) of the bonus indicators, starting from which the bonus is paid. The bonus scale itself establishes a specific form of connection between the degree of fulfillment of the bonus indicator and the size of the bonus. The circle of bonus workers is predetermined by the bonus indicator; for its implementation, only those employees who are directly related to it are rewarded.

Surcharges and allowances are one of the additional forms of staff incentives, directly adjacent to the tariff system, i.e. considered as a temporary or systematic increase in the tariff part of earnings.

Wage supplements are cash payments that compensate for additional costs or difficult working conditions for individual employees. Their main types are additional payments for combining professions and increasing the volume of work performed; for performing, along with their main work, the duties of temporarily absent employees; for the leadership of a brigade or other structural unit in the full scope of the main work; for work at night, on weekends or holidays, etc.

In conditions where the owners or administration of a trade enterprise are given the right to independently determine the size of the tariff salary (rates), a number of allowances can be directly included in the tariff part of the employee's earnings when establishing its size (i.e. without special allocation).

One-time incentives are applied if it is necessary to quickly mark any labor achievement of employees; for the performance of predetermined one-time tasks that go beyond the scope of the duties of employees; in connection with anniversaries of employees, their retirement and in some other similar cases.

4. Individualization of the conditions of material incentives for the work of the most qualified workers is one of the modern directions of the organization, widely used in foreign practice. This individualization is ensured through the introduction of a contractual form of remuneration at trade enterprises. Such individual contracts are concluded with managers, specialists and the most qualified workers (sellers, cashiers) of a trading enterprise. As a special form of an employment contract, an individual contract is characterized by the maximum consideration of the interests of the contracting parties based on the definition of a system of their mutual obligations.

5. Planning of funds for labor stimulation is carried out in the context of two main sources of formation of these funds - distribution costs and profits of the enterprise remaining at its disposal.

As part of the distribution costs, funds are planned for wages at the tariff salaries established at the enterprise, rates and piece rates; for the payment of over and additional payments to tariff rates and salaries in the amounts provided for by the current legislation; to pay for annual and additional holidays, as well as study holidays; to pay bonuses for current business results.

As part of the profit, funds are planned for the payment of allowances and additional payments that are not provided for by law or in excess of the amounts established by the current law; one-time incentives for the results of work; bonuses based on the results of work for the year (social payments to employees at the expense of profit are not included in the funds for labor stimulation).

In the process of planning funds for labor incentives, the sufficiency of these funds in the context of individual forms of incentives, as well as the growth of the average wages and average incomes of the personnel of a trading enterprise in relation to the preplanned one, must be ensured.


Under the new economic conditions, commercial activity is seen as the defining basis of a trade organization. At the same time, attention is being paid to the functions and structure of the organization's business management. The management system is quite dynamic in nature, aimed at adapting the structure of commercial activities to the peculiarities and trends of the market.

When managing commercial activities, the functions of the management process are performed: planning, organization, accounting and control.

Planning - one of the most important functions of managing the commercial activities of a trading organization. Purchasing, inventory and sales planning is related to the dynamics of trading processes and contributes to the achievement of the goals of the trading organization. Purchasing and sales plans usually contain indicators that must be achieved as a result of their implementation. The plans reflect the content of the work, establishes personal responsibility for their implementation, outlines the deadlines and determines the methods for monitoring and analyzing the effectiveness of the tasks.

Essence organizations as a management function it consists in streamlining, coordinating, regulating the actions of performers involved in the processes of purchasing, selling and promoting goods to consumers. The management organization also includes operational regulation, which refers to current management decisions, instructions, orders, instructions, instructions developed and adopted by management entities in accordance with a specific market situation.

Accounting as a function of business management is the documentation of receipts, acceptance, sale of goods and their movement in a trading enterprise. Accounting ensures the safety of material assets and Money, control over trading processes and results of commercial activities.

Under control it implies active monitoring of the execution of managerial actions, verification of compliance with documents regulating the commercial and entrepreneurial activities of a trading enterprise. Control, together with accounting, informs the entrepreneur about the effectiveness of trading processes and serves as a means of corrective action on the part of management bodies on those who are supposed to execute management decisions.

In large trade organizations, in the process of managing commercial activities, management functions such as economic analysis business performance indicators forecasting demand and sales, which are discussed in Chap. 7 and 13.

The functions of commerce are determined by interaction with markets, consumers, competitors and other elements. external environment. Obtained initial data from internal and external sources are transformed into information on the basis of which commercial activities are carried out in a trade organization

(Fig. 6.2). As the market develops, adjustments are expected to be made in the business management system based on a comprehensive analysis of the activities of the trade organization and environmental factors.

Rice. 6.2.

In foreign practice, two aspects of commerce are distinguished: one is related to the activities of the commerce service, and the other is to ensure mutual interests between the structural divisions of the organization and the commercial service. Within the framework of the first aspect, the activities of the commerce service are focused on one of the following options: goods; functions; commodity markets and buyers; goods and functions; functions and product markets. This list is dominated by product and function options. Consider the management structure of the commercial unit in these two options.

On fig. Figure 6.3 shows the management structure of a commercial service, which includes commercial groups specialized by brand. Each group contains a certain range of goods. These groups carry out the purchase and sale of goods, taking into account the needs of buyers and reducing distribution costs.

Rice. 6.3.

On fig. 6.4 presents the management structure of a commercial unit operating on a functional basis. The entire chain of circulation of products is represented by four blocks, each of which is endowed with its own functions, including commercial ones. The first block ensures the purchase of raw materials for the manufacture of products at their enterprises, which then goes on sale. The second block carries out direct purchases of goods from manufacturers for subsequent sale. The third block is related to the promotion of goods, accompanied by warehousing and storage. The fourth block performs operations to prepare goods for sale and supply to the points of sale. All goods on sale are grouped on a homogeneous basis. Commercial activities are coordinated and controlled commercial director who reports to the head of the trading firm (company).

Rice. 6.4.

An important condition for the effectiveness of commercial activity management is its location and interrelated actions in the organizational structure of a trading company. These features are determined by the scope of the organization, its strategic course and sales volume.

There are several types of organizational structure of a trading company: linear, functional, linear-functional, linear-headquarters, divisional, matrix, etc.

Usually small trading enterprises begin their activities with a simple linear organization in which the distribution of powers goes from top to bottom. Functional management, widely used in medium-sized trading enterprises, is management by individual functions (marketing, finance, sales, personnel), in which the top management manages lower-level employees, but only within one function.

The basis of linear-functional structures is the so-called mine principle of construction and specialization of the management process according to the main functions. For each of them, a hierarchy of services is formed by levels (mines), penetrating the entire organization from top to bottom. Linear-functional structures are most effective when the control apparatus uses a certain specified algorithm in solving typical problems. However, with linear-functional management, the constantly changing internal and external conditions of the activity of a trading enterprise are poorly taken into account, irrational distribution of information flows is allowed, controllability standards are exceeded, especially among top managers.

The essence of the line-headquarters organizational structure is that under the line manager, a group of specialists is created to help him, the so-called headquarters, or the operational-analytical department. Its tasks include: obtaining and analyzing information about the external and internal environment; exercising control; preparation of draft decisions; ongoing informing and consulting management. With a staff structure of management, the top level of managers is largely freed from auxiliary, secondary functions in the management process.

The divisional organizational structure involves the division of the organization into elements and blocks according to the types of goods or services, customer groups or geographical areas. The development of such a structure is caused by the expansion of the scale of enterprises, the diversification of production and changes in the external environment.

With a matrix management structure, vertical linear and functional connections are combined with horizontal ones. The personnel of functional units, remaining in their composition and subordination, are also obliged to follow the instructions of project managers or special headquarters, which are formed to manage individual projects and work. Project managers establish the scope and sequence of work, and department heads are responsible for their proper and timely execution.

In the practice of managing commercial enterprises, types of organizational structure are usually used in a certain combination. Diversity organizational structures caused by the adaptation of commercial enterprises to new conditions, the development of the consumer market, communication networks and the improvement of commercial activities.

There are four most characteristic options for the organizational structure of a trading enterprise in relation to the location and management of commercial activities.

(Fig. 6.5) is preferable for a commercial enterprise with an average turnover and a narrow range of goods, for example, enterprises engaged in retail furniture goods. The main advantage of this organizational structure is the simplicity of the management system, the ability to trace the compactness and subordination of all functional units. The hierarchical rank has two levels, i.e. two levels of control. A linear connection between the management of functional units and the subordination of the enterprise administration is envisaged.

Rice. 6.5. The first option: the organizational structure of a trading company selling furniture

Groups such as planning and economic, accounting and finance, commercial and administrative, constitute the first level of the organizational structure. The commercial distribution service is responsible for making commercial transactions, purchasing and organizing the supply of goods. But the main functions of the commercial service are the management of sales operations and the expansion of target markets for furniture. The processes associated with the sale of furniture are represented by the second level of management. The entire technological chain for bringing goods from the sphere of production to the sphere of final consumption is focused on minimal costs.

(Figure 6.6) is most typical for a trading company with a large sales volume food products. In this case, a linear-functional organizational structure with centralized management of the activities of a trading enterprise is envisaged.

Rice. 6.6. The second option: the organizational structure of a trading enterprise for the sale of food products

The control system consists of three interrelated levels. Directly subordinate to the administration of the trade enterprise are four divisions of the first level, dealing with economic, accounting, financial and commercial issues, as well as marketing research on the state of the target food markets. At the second level of management, there are services that organize the purchase, supply, pre-sale preparation and sale of food products. The sale of goods is carried out by groups of goods of a homogeneous composition. At the third level of management, a production unit is involved, which is responsible for organizing the release of products on its own. The unit is responsible for managing technological processes and the entire production chain of the envisaged product range. Information Support and management decisions are computer-based. In the considered organizational structure, vertical and horizontal communications, coordination and management of all activities of a trading enterprise are carried out.

(Fig. 6.7) is used in a large trading enterprise with a significant volume of product sales. Typically, such a scheme is characteristic of firms with a centralized wholesale non-food items or means of production. Hierarchical rank and management have two levels. The first level includes such departments as planning and economic, financial, marketing research, legal, accounting.

Rice. 6.7. The third option: the organizational structure of a wholesale trading company for the sale of raw materials and means of production

A special role belongs to the commercial service, which unites five departments that carry out the commercial policy of the company. The activity of the purchasing department is carried out on the basis of constant study of the market situation of supply and demand.

As a result, a strategy for inventory support is developed. This department is also responsible for managing inventory and maintaining a good level of customer service. Separately allocated transport department responsible for the delivery of raw materials and means of production to consumers. It coordinates the dispatch of railway wagons with shipped products, monitors the passage of wagons to consumers, controls the repayment of transport costs, etc. The Foreign Relations Department resolves issues related to the supply of imported raw materials, materials and means of production, customs services and inspection.

The second level represents the management of the entire technological chain in the sale of raw materials and means of production in target markets. Particular attention is paid to making a profit as a result of the successful conduct and expansion of a commercial business.

The fourth option is used in network trading organizations in which such functions as planning, purchasing, marketing, accounting are performed at the company's central office; acceptance, storage and shipment of goods to stores are carried out by the distribution center.

The activities of the network store are managed by the director, who is accountable to the regional manager of the network organization. In some organizational structures retail chains the regional manager has full-time assistants - merchandisers who advise the administrative and service staff shop. Merchandisers are accountable to the regional manager, who reports to the manager of the regional network (Fig. 6.8).

Rice. 6.8. Fourth option: organizational structure of a network trading enterprise

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1.1 Organization of the management process of a trade enterprise .............................................. ................................................. .
1.2 Trading enterprise and its activity as an object of activity management…………………………………………………………………..
1.3 The procedure for designing the management structure of a trading enterprise…………………………………………………………….
2.1 General characteristics of the financial and economic activities of Victoria LLC………………………………………………………..
2.2 Analysis of external and internal environment, in which Victoria LLC operates…………………………………………………………….
2.3 Evaluation of the effectiveness of the management system of Victoria LLC……………………………………………………………………
3.1 Measures to improve the management methods of Victoria LLC…………………………………………………………………
3.2 Calculation of the effectiveness of the proposed measures to improve the management methods of Victoria LLC……………………………………………………………..
LIST OF USED LITERATURE………………...…........
APPENDICES…………………………………... …………………….……..


Relevance of the topic. Main Feature management of trade enterprises in modern conditions economic development Russian Federation was a comprehensive increase in profitability and improvement of financial and economic activities.
At the same time, special importance is given to the development and application of new forms and methods of management, the introduction of innovative and productive technologies that are adequate for use in market conditions.
Improvement of management systems in commercial enterprises leads to a reduction in sales costs, rational use all kinds of its resources, to growth economic indicators and, above all, increasing the turnover per employee and the efficiency of the trading process. Therefore, the most important and urgent task financial managers trade enterprises is to develop optimal systems management individually for each trade enterprise. To do this, strategies are developed to improve the efficiency of the trading process based on a preliminary analysis.
Thus, its success in the market, the ability to self-preservation and development depend on how effectively the management system for the financial and economic activities of a trading enterprise is organized.
Comprehensive performance analysis financial activities trade enterprises constitute the scientific basis for making the right management decisions, for the justification of which it is necessary to identify and predict existing and potential problems, minimize production and financial risks, determine the degree of impact of the current financial policy of the enterprise on the level of income of a business entity.
The results of the financial and economic activities of a trade organization, the dynamics of the implementation of trade plans directly depend on the level of use of its available economic resources. The growth of the technical and organizational level, as well as other conditions in the sphere of circulation, finds its manifestation in the degree of use of all three elements: labor, means of labor, and objects of labor. The optimal organization of management helps the trading enterprise to achieve efficient consumption of resources, which is expressed in obtaining a sufficient amount of profit, which will ensure self-sufficiency and will contribute to the self-financing of the trade business entity.
The modern theory of management is aimed at ensuring that a trading enterprise independently changes its management structure and its principles, adjusting to the conditions of internal and external functioning, to ensure the effectiveness of its own activities.
The purpose of this thesis is to develop recommendations for optimizing ways to manage a commercial enterprise, aimed at increasing profitability and improving its financial and economic activities.
To achieve this goal, when writing a paper, it is necessary to consistently solve a number of tasks:
- to consider the procedure for organizing the process of managing a trade enterprise;
- to study the financial and economic activities of a trade enterprise from the point of view of it as an object of management;
- to characterize the procedure for designing the management structure of a trading enterprise;
- analyze the main economic indicators, financial condition and control systems of Victoria LLC;
- evaluate the effectiveness of the management system of LLC "Victoria";
- based on the results of the analysis, develop a project for an effective management system for LLC "Victoria" to improve its financial and economic activities.
The object of research is modern management systems for a commercial enterprise.
The subject of the study is the organization of management and increasing its efficiency for the trading company Victoria LLC.
Study period 2010-2012
This thesis consists of an introduction, 3 chapters and a conclusion. In the first chapter " Theoretical aspects organization of management of trade enterprises in modern conditions ”considers the basic principles of organizing the management system of trade enterprises, as well as the methods used to assess the effectiveness of their management systems. In the second chapter, on the example of an enterprise, an analysis of the management system of a trading enterprise was carried out, its effectiveness was determined, in the third chapter, a draft of an effective management system for Victoria LLC was developed, the purpose of which is to improve the financial and economic activities of this enterprise. In conclusion, the main conclusions based on the results of the study are formulated.


1.1 Organization of the process of managing a trade enterprise.

On the present stage development of the economy of the Russian Federation, the enterprise is given a central place. It is the primary link in the social division of labor, in which the creation of national income takes place. Modern Enterprise acts as a producer, providing reproduction processes on the basis of self-sufficiency and independence.
A trade enterprise as an independent economic unit is endowed with the rights legal entity, and also represents a special form of economic organization, in which the interaction of an individual consumer and a producer in the market is carried out, the purpose of this interaction is to solve three main economic problems: what, how and for whom to produce.
Combining supply and demand, the market economic system simultaneously solves the above problems for trade enterprises:
1) the problem of “what to sell?”: its solution is determined daily by means of money (by choosing a product by the buyer and buying it);
2) the problem of "how to sell?": its solution is carried out through competition between trading enterprises;
3) the problem "for whom to sell?": its solution lies in a certain ratio of supply and demand in the market, and is also determined by production factors.
In solving the above problems, the main factor in the functioning of a market economy is profit.
In modern conditions of the development of the economy of the Russian Federation, the solution of the main economic problems of a business entity is inextricably linked with the development of entrepreneurship.
The management of a commercial enterprise in modern conditions can be represented as a process of implementing management functions that control system. The control process characterizes the dynamics of the control system. By organizing the management of a trading enterprise, management and management achieve an order of interaction, both between the managing and managed links of the system.
The management process consists of certain procedures and management work, consisting of individual operations that are performed in a certain sequence by the participants in the management process. Management technology is determined by the order and composition of management work that is necessary to perform various management functions. That is, the technology of managing a trading enterprise is a system of certain operations (informational, logical, computational, organizational), which is carried out by managers, specialists and technical performers, ensuring a continuous process of financial and economic activities of a trading enterprise.
The conditional division of the trading enterprise management cycle may include the following stages:
- the information stage, which ensures the search, collection, transfer, processing, storage of information, is carried out by specialists and technical executors;
- the stage of decision-making, which includes the identification, formulation, justification of problems, preparation of solutions to problems of organization, economics, technology and other problems, implementation this stage assigned to managers and specialists;
- organizational stage, which includes the selection and placement of personnel, development job descriptions and directly instructing employees, bringing the task to the contractor, planning system, regulation of trade and production processes, coordination, motivation system, organization of external and internal control for the execution of decisions and the safety of resources. This stage is carried out by managers and specialists.
All of the above stages are inherent in any level of trade enterprise management. At the same time, decision-making acts as a key stage, since the quality level of management organized at a trading enterprise depends on the correctness and timeliness of this action.
The nature of the management decision has a dual nature: on the one hand, it is a process that establishes a connection between the existing and desired states of the system, and on the other hand, it represents the desired state of the system or the required result of actions.
The simplest scheme for making managerial decisions assumes that this process can be represented as a direct sequential movement from stage to stage.
To make a decision, it is necessary to ensure the formulation of the goal, the existence of alternative options and limiting factors.
The quality of the decisions made is directly dependent on the level of competence of the persons or bodies that make this or that decision.
The basis of any management process is the availability of information and the level of its processing. The composition of the necessary information should include information and data that are obtained and accumulated in the process of development of science and practical activities society. As a necessary condition for the effective functioning of the control system, the optimal amounts of information that enters the corresponding parts of the control system, as well as its rational distribution in time and space, are determined.
The decision-making process consists of separate stages (Figure 1).

Figure 1 Steps in the decision making process
The main criterion that makes it possible to consider this or that message as information is the presence of signs of value, usefulness of this message in the system of measures aimed at achieving the set goals.
A significant role in the management of a commercial enterprise is played by documents and the organization of workflow. This is due to the fact that the main part of the information used in management must be recorded. As material carrier recorded information, a document drawn up in an appropriate way is used. When managing, they are mainly used text documents.
The processing of information in the control apparatus is carried out in three stages, which are:
- the process of documenting information;
- processing of information contained in documents;
- organization of work with documents, that is, ensuring the movement, search and storage of documents.
The management system in a trade organization in a generalized form can be represented as an interaction between the subject and the object of management. The main condition for ensuring this interaction is the execution by the control object of commands that come from the control subject. Only the fulfillment of the above condition provides an opportunity to assert that the management of a trading enterprise is carried out. To fulfill the considered condition, it is necessary:
- the presence of the need and ability for the subject of management to manage the object of management, through the development of appropriate management teams;
- secondly, the readiness and ability of the control object to execute these commands.
The presence of the listed conditions are necessary and sufficient for the subject of management to carry out management actions in relation to the object of management.
The object of control is a separate structure of the organization, or the organization as a whole, to which the control action is directed, the subject of control is the body or person that performs the control action.
Management can be carried out only if there is a really operating system that solves management problems. It can be considered as a specialized system or as a management system, provided that this system is an organic part of the enterprise, the organization is managed by its actions, while it should not solve tasks that are different from management ones.
The basis for the formation of any management system is seven factors: management objectives, management functions, management powers, the level of complexity of functions and powers, management objects, information, technology. The combination of these factors determines the possibility of the existence or absence of some parts of the management system, their size, organizational status, in other words, the position in the management system, as well as the presence of links with other links.
To carry out analysis, diagnostics and design of control systems, it is necessary to determine their characteristics, which will make it possible to evaluate, calculate, carry out control and make it possible to design a control system.
The state and features of the control system are determined by ten characteristics:
1. Distribution of management functions, the level of their specialization and concentration.
2. The composition and combination of links in the management system, its typological affiliation according to the criteria for combining linear and functional links.
3. The distribution of powers in the management system, the type of hierarchy, the degree of centralization of management.
4. Labor intensity of management, the number of employees involved in the management system and distributed in a certain way by links and levels of management. The real structure of competence.
5. The ratio of links by levels of the management system and within a certain level.
6. Information load of the control system links, volumes of information concentrated in certain links of the control system.
7. Distribution of links in the management system: functional, methodological, consulting, etc.
8. Technical equipment control systems - distribution of equipment and its functional use.
9. The structure of the control system, the structural basis, the links of direct subordination of the links.
10. Purposefulness and expediency of the management system, compliance of its architectonics with the goal tree.
The effective operation of a commercial enterprise largely depends on the professionalism of managers. To a large extent, this applies to senior managers, it is on their economic and technical awareness, the ability to manage personnel that the successful operation of an enterprise in a market environment depends.
Market requirements put forward increased requirements for the quality of management, which is due to difficult conditions in the economy.
Most fully reveal the content of management of its functions:
1. The function of strategic management planning.
2. The function of organizing the management of a business entity.
3. Coordination function.
4. The function of personnel management, aimed at motivating the fullest disclosure of the potential capabilities of employees.
Summing up what has been said in this part of the study, it should be noted that the development of the economy of the Russian Federation at the present stage poses problems for trade enterprises to adapt to market conditions. The effectiveness of the financial and economic activities of trade organizations, the flexibility of their response to changes in external causes, to factors of instability and uncertainty that are inherent in the current period of development of the Russian Federation, depend on their decision.
The efficiency of a trading enterprise, all its systems and mechanisms is determined by a system of indicators, such as profit, profitability, output, profitability of asset use.
In the very general view the management system in a trade organization can be represented as an interaction between the subject of management and the object of management. The main condition for the presence of managerial interaction is the execution by the control object of commands given by the control subject.
The formation of a management system is based on seven factors: the purpose of management, management functions, management powers, the complexity of functions and powers, the management object, information, technology.
The effective operation of the enterprise largely depends on the professionalism of the employees of the management apparatus.

1.2 Trading company and its activities as an object of activity management

The financial and economic activities of trade enterprises, as an object of management, is part of entrepreneurial activity on the commodity market and, by and large, differs from it only in that it does not cover the process of manufacturing goods.
Like objects professional activity A commercial enterprise may be recognized as material goods, intangible goods and services that are subject to sale or exchange in the sphere of circulation.
As a subject of financial and economic activity of a trade organization is the sale of goods.
The financial and economic activity of a trading enterprise as an object of management is inextricably linked with the management of operations to bring material resources from suppliers to consumers.
In general, these operations, depending on the specific situation, are conditionally divided into two categories - marketing and supply.
The formation and development of commercial activity requires certain conditions and specification of a number of influencing factors. The primary factors influencing the activities of a commercial enterprise are subjects and objects. The subjects implement their actions through the objects of the trade enterprise, which include the main production means and commodity-material values.
A trading company, operating in the consumer market, supplies goods to it and provides buyers with the necessary information, which includes the characteristics of goods, their reliability, warranty periods, prices, terms of sale, etc.
In turn, participating in the market process, a trading company has the opportunity to collect feedback information: data on the products of competing firms, the needs and capabilities of buyers, the volumes and rates of sales of goods. As a result, a closed communication system arises, which functions as a whole, as a result of the interaction of a trading enterprise with the external environment. It becomes obvious that the formation of commercial positions is influenced by the external and internal environment.
The basis of the external environment within the activities of a trade organization consists of: economic trends, social environment, buyers and suppliers of goods, competitors, partnerships, banks, financial institutions, control and inspection bodies (tax services, inspections for trade and quality of goods, prices) , commodity and stock exchanges, fairs, exhibitions, current laws and regulations, etc.
The internal environment of a trading enterprise consists of: production, technical, economic, financial and human resources, functional services, inventory items, trade and technological processes, warehousing, information and computer support, etc.
The whole variety of factors of the external and internal environment should be considered in interaction and together.
The financial and economic activities of a trade organization as a management system (from the Greek systema - a whole made up of parts; connection) can be represented as a set constituent elements, system characteristics of functioning and purpose.
The basis for managing the financial and economic activities of a trade organization is the principles and methods of management, which are presented in Figure 2.

Figure 2 - Basic principles for building the management of the commercial activities of an enterprise

The implementation of the functions of managing financial and economic activities is carried out, taking into account the goals of the trading enterprise.
A characteristic sign of management is the available hierarchical rank. When organizing the management of the financial and economic activities of a trading enterprise, it is necessary to focus on vertical and horizontal connections, this is what ensures compliance with the hierarchy in the management structure.
To ensure an integrated approach to management, it is necessary to take into account all the factors that affect the adoption of managerial decisions in the organization of the activities of commercial enterprises. It is also necessary to provide for the existence of a connection between the commercial processes of a trading enterprise and the subjects of the external environment.
To form the management structure of a trade enterprise, it is necessary to ensure low-level links. This implies such a management structure in which it is possible to achieve stability and efficiency in managing the financial and economic activities of a trade organization.
The internal and external environment is characterized by constant changes. Therefore, for the management system of a trading enterprise, it is important to have flexibility, adaptability, and adaptability to the above changes.
The process of managing the financial and economic activities of a trading company is important integral part its general management system. Thus, when building a management structure for the activities of a trade organization, one must be guided by the interaction and subordination of all its elements that form a single whole.
Management methods are a set of ways to influence the management of commercial processes and activities of a trade enterprise. They can be classified as administrative, organizational, economic and legal (Table 1).

Table 1
Methods of managing the activities of a trading enterprise

Methods Characteristic
1 2
Administrative Application of these methods determines the scope and specific conditions of the trade organization. At the same time, a number of alternative management options are taken into account, the choice and implementation of which determines the results of its activities. The hierarchy of the management system and the content of management functions are tangibly dependent on the positions in management issues taken by the management of a trading enterprise.
The basis of these methods is organizational, methodological and regulatory support. This includes regulatory requirements of an organizational and methodological nature, administrative, instructive and regulatory materials that are prerequisites for making managerial decisions.
Economic Guidelines for the application of these methods are the chosen course and the economic strategy of a trading enterprise, its resource potential, the state of the external and internal environment. The set of economic elements determines the initial positions in the management of the financial and economic activities of a commercial enterprise. External factors competitive environment predetermine the impact of economic methods
Legal A guideline for the application of these methods is the use of a legal mechanism, the basis for which are the accepted legal, legislative and regulations and positions. The essence of the application legal methods is to regulate commercial processes from a legal point of view, while taking into account the target tasks of a commercial enterprise
Information The reference point for the application of these methods is the use information systems and modern technologies for the transmission and processing of information. The application of information methods in practice makes it possible to accumulate and use external and internal information in commercial activities

The management methods given in Table 1, when applied in practice, are implemented in interaction, not excluding each other. Their combination is due to the specific conditions of the functioning of a trading enterprise in a competitive environment.
Commercial activity can be considered as the basis of the activity of a trading enterprise, and thus focusing on its functions and management system.
At the same time, such functions of the management process as planning, organization, accounting and control are implemented.
Interaction with competitors, suppliers, consumers and other elements of the competitive environment determines the effective management of the commercial activities of a trade organization.
To ensure effective management of the enterprise, the manager creates an appropriate organizational structure. From the point of view of quality and efficiency of management, there are two main types of management structures used for a commercial enterprise: hierarchical and organic. At the same time, the following main options are typical for the hierarchical type of management structures: linear, functional, linear-functional, headquarters, linear-staff, divisional. In the organic type, there are also several basic options for management structures, they include: matrix (program-targeted), project and brigade (cross-functional). The task of the manager is the continuous improvement of the management bodies of the trade enterprise.

1.3 The procedure for designing the management structure of a trading enterprise

In order to develop a methodological apparatus for designing a management structure, in addition to the existing theoretical prerequisites, it is necessary to know the essence of organizational design. Organizational design is the modeling of the enterprise management system, which is carried out before its construction, or overwhelmed by significant transformations.
The sequence of tasks in the implementation of organizational design is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3 The sequence of tasks in the implementation of organizational design

The organizational basis of the management system is its structure, which determines the composition of the units that are part of the management system, their subordination and interconnections, the form of division of management decisions by levels, that is, the very number of management levels. In other words, the governance structure can be considered as organizational form, within which the control process takes place. Therefore, the design is enough efficient structure determines such a ratio of its elements, which allows the most efficient and timely implementation of the requirements of the control object.
For the study and design of the management structure as a whole, organizational modeling, which is based on a cybernetic model, provides ample opportunities to distribute the powers and responsibilities of employees for each level of management. This creates a basis for building and evaluating various options for the organizational structure. The advantages of the above method are due to the following circumstances.
When applying the organizational modeling method, it is possible to solve problems whose main parameters include direct characteristics of the organizational structure, for example, the task of grouping management decisions by levels, the task of forming the composition and list of structural units, developing documentation that regulates activities as structural units, and the system as a whole.
The development of organizational modeling, taking place both in scientific and theoretical terms and in practical terms, provides this method with an applied character, while covering various aspects related to the formation of the management structure: managerial, informational, socio-psychological. This allows us to comprehensively consider the issues that stand in the way of solving the problem, from the calculation of quantitative parameters to the organizational regulation of departments.
Organizational modeling allows you to consider various options for the organizational structure, while you can not resort to full-scale experiments, which in real conditions is a long-term and costly process.
Based on the foregoing, it can be argued that the most universal and modern for the design of the organizational structure and decision-making processes in modern conditions is the method of organizational modeling.
In practice, when designing a management system, standard management structures are taken as a basis, with a fixed number of levels, the name and number of functional units, etc. Therefore, at the initial stage of designing an organizational structure, as a paramount task, scientific informed choice typical scheme management, which is taken as a theoretical model of the structure. When solving this problem, the manager analyzes the dialectics of the development of production and economic organizations as objects of management. Based on the results of such studies, it was found that, as an object of management, any organization is a complex system that needs a clear and operational management to improve the efficiency of all its elements. For a long time, the management system, which was based on a linear-functional structure, was quite able to cope with this.
The development of market relations and the diversity of organizational and legal forms of ownership of enterprises impose new, increased requirements on the object of management, while expanding the range of tasks that are due to constantly changing goals of functioning. Efficient Management at the same time, it will be directly dependent on the efficiency and timeliness of decisions made by the management apparatus.
Figure 4 shows the sequence of stages in the design of the control structure

Figure 4 The sequence of stages in the design of the control structure

The matrix-staff structure can successfully cope with this, as it makes it possible to manage the entire system as a single object, while maintaining a different target orientation in the structural links. This expresses its universality, since the matrix-staff structure combines all possible variants of hierarchical subordination: linear, thematic, functional.
In small organizations, the matrix-staff structure can be transformed into any of the generally accepted forms of management organization: matrix, linear-functional or linear.
The first stage of design is the selection of the matrix-staff model, which is further considered in detail as the basis for the subsequent stages. This is how the implementation of the first theoretical premise is carried out, which was revealed as a result of pre-project survey.
The second stage is the distribution of management decisions by levels within the framework of the matrix-staff structure.
At the third stage, the process of designing the management structure is carried out directly. It is based on the study of the possibilities of designing one or another version of the structure for the selected control object. When forming any management structure, one should take into account the expediency of the presence in it of one of the following levels: functional, thematic or coordinating.
The completion of the entire process of designing the management structure is the development of a regulation on the organization. When implementing this stage, a comprehensive study and addition of a number of provisions (documents) are required, which are due to the requirements of economic legislation, namely: regulations on the enterprise, regulations on departments, job descriptions.
To draw up the Regulations on the enterprise, it is necessary to study the charter of the enterprise in depth, strict adherence to the principles of construction; production processes, forms and systems of remuneration, requirements of the external environment.
When developing regulations on departments, it should be taken into account that this process is one of the independent tasks of organizational regulation of the management system. In this case, the decisive importance is determined by the requirements for establishing the correct effective work within the department, the need to clearly divide the rights and responsibilities among individual employees. In addition, when developing the Regulations on departments, it is necessary to strictly comply with the current legislation. In this case, the key attention is paid to the creation of a single standard structure covering all aspects of the department’s activities, since this document to a certain extent influences the development of provisions on the positions of the department’s employees, their duties, rights and responsibilities, which also need to be strictly regulated.
The method of constructing organizational structures considered in this part of the study makes it possible to design any form of management, while it clearly demonstrates the process of transformation of the matrix-staff structure into a linear structure.


vertical division of labor. Since work in an organization is divided into its component parts, someone must coordinate the work of the group in order for it to be successful. In this case, the separation of management functions comes to the fore, the essence of which is the purposeful coordination and integration of the activities of all elements of the organization. Someone must take over the duties of the captain in order to determine the responsibilities of subordinates, plan, organize, coordinate and control all structures and links of the organization. There are always two moments in such work: intellectual (preparation and decision-making) and volitional (implementing them). In an enlarged plan, the vertical division of labor is carried out in the following areas:

General management is the development and implementation of the main, promising areas of the organization's activities.

Technological leadership - development and implementation of advanced technologies.

Economic leadership - strategic and tactical planning, analysis economic activity organizations, the introduction of cost accounting and ensuring its cost-effective work.

Operational management - drawing up and bringing operational plans to micro teams and individual performers, placing performers in their workplaces, instructing them, organizing systematic monitoring of the progress and quantity of the production process.

Personnel management - selection, placement and development of labor resources of the organization.

Thus, the organization has two internal forms division of labor. The first is the division of labor into components that make up parts general activities, i.e. horizontal division of labor. The second, called vertical, separates the work of coordinating actions from the actions themselves. The activity of coordinating the work of other people is the essence of management.

It is believed that the efficiency of work in the organization is determined by the degree and level of development of the vertical division of labor. In fact, we are talking about the organization of the work of managers to coordinate the activities of structural units and performers. Depending on the functions performed in the process of managing an organization, the following are distinguished:

Managers (the highest level of management, directing and coordinating the work of lower levels, at which decisions are made on critical issues organization's activities).

Specialists (perform the functions of preparing and implementing management decisions, combine the functions of management and execution).

Auxiliary personnel (technical performers providing information services to the control apparatus).

On this basis, managers can be of higher, middle and lower levels (Fig. 1.7).

Rice. 1.7. Management levels

The activity of the organization is determined by the extent to which it contributes to the achievement of the goals set by people while reducing costs and various kinds of adverse effects. Necessary conditions such activities are considered: the presence of an optimal number of appropriately trained employees; clarity and rationality of the distribution of specific functions between them in accordance with the tasks; flexibility; internal balance and balance with environment; technology optimization; business continuity.

Trade enterprise management system

The management system is a set of techniques, methods and factors aimed at achieving the set goals and obtaining end result. She represents complex system elements (fig.1.8.)

In various social systems, the content of these elements is different. The roots of the administrative-command system of traditional Soviet society was a hierarchy that was "universal". Everything had some kind of line of subordination, a higher authority. In parallel with this, the society actively used the "hard" culture as a powerful influence on its members (ideology, party membership). The administrative and economic system was well-established and made it possible to keep society and specific organizations "in check", achieving goals set from above, regardless of costs, suppressing external manifestations of conflicts.

Other social systems have created other management systems that have their own principles, methods, goals. All blocks of the control system and all elements in the blocks are interconnected, a change in one element will necessarily set in motion all other elements.

Many control patterns are universal and operate in specific conditions. different countries. The paper highlights just such widely used achievements of American managerial thought.

The management mechanism includes the mission, purpose, tasks, principles, functions and methods of management. Management is considered at a trading enterprise - the object of management.

A trading enterprise is an organization - a group of people whose activities are consciously coordinated to achieve common purpose or goals. All organizations in the world are created with a specific purpose and mission.

Mission is what the organization was created for. The mission has a finish line - this is a period of time, if the mission is completed, the organization ceases to exist.

Rice. 1.8. Component composition of the control system

Based on the mission, a goal is formed.

The goal is a description of the object and its future state, is the foundation for the management process, underlies the adoption of any decision and serves as a guide for the formation financial indicators enterprises.

Goals in an organization are “the specific end states or desired outcomes that the group wanted to achieve by working together”.

The goals facing the trading company are defined in Fig. 1.9. The general goal of a trading enterprise is to ensure optimal functioning trading system. And this means ensuring the survival of the organization in difficult conditions and its development - the annual increase in all the main indicators of economic activity. The general goal is achieved through the achievement of sub-goals:

Commercial, aimed at obtaining the greatest profit;

Economic, aimed at developing tasks and verifying results;

Social, aimed at personnel and social development collective;

Economic aimed at materially - technical support trading processes.

Sub-objectives are the objectives of the departments, that is, the functional areas of the sales organization: the commercial firm, the economics and accounting department, the human resources department, and the general affairs department.