Extreme project management - doug decarlo. Extreme project management Optimum system operation with extreme control process

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Familiarize yourself with the construction of step-by-step extremal control systems for controlling dynamic objects with delay.

Theoretical part

In any production (at a plant, combine) there is some leading technical and economic indicator (TEI) that fully characterizes the efficiency of this production. It is beneficial to maintain this leading indicator at an extreme value. Such a generalized indicator can be the profit of the enterprise.

For all technological processes (in workshops, departments) that are part of the production, based on the leading TEP, one can formulate their private TEPs (for example, the unit cost of production at a given productivity). In turn technological process can usually be divided into a number of sections (technological units), for each of which it is also possible to find the optimality criterion Q . Reaching the extremum Q will bring the private TEC of the process and the leading TEC of the production as a whole closer to the extremum.

Optimality criterion Q it can be directly some technological parameter (for example, the temperature of the flame of the combustion device) or some function depending on technological parameters (for example, efficiency, thermal effect of the reaction, yield of a useful product for a given period of time, etc. ).

If the optimality criterion Q is a function of some parameters of the object, then the system of extreme control (ESR) can be applied to optimize this object.

In the general case, the value of the optimality criterion depends on the change in a number of input parameters of the object. There are many control objects for which the value of the optimality criterion Q depends mainly on changing one input parameter. Examples of such objects are various kinds of furnace devices, catalytic reactors, chemical water treatment at thermal power plants, and many others.

So, extreme control systems are designed to search for optimal values ​​of control actions, i.e. such values ​​that provide an extremum of some criterion Q process optimality.

Extreme control systems, which are designed to optimize an object for one input channel, are called single-channel. Such SERs are most widely used.

When optimizing objects with significant inertia and pure delay, it is advisable to use stepwise extremal systems that act on the controlled input of the object at discrete time intervals.

When researching extremal system in most cases, it is convenient to represent the optimization object as a series connection of three links: the input linear inertial link, the extreme static characteristic at = F(X) and the output linear inertial link (Fig. 1). Such a structural substitution scheme can be designated LNL.

Rice. oneScheme of the LNL extremal object

It is convenient to take the gain coefficients of both linear links equal to unity. If the inertia of the input linear link is negligibly small compared to the inertia of the output linear link, the object can be represented by the equivalent circuit of the CL; if the inertia of the output linear link is negligible, - by the LN equivalent circuit. The intrinsic inertial properties of an object are usually represented by an output inertial link; the inertia of the measuring devices of the system belongs to the same link.

The input linear link usually appears in the block diagram of the object when the actuator (IM) of the extremal system acts on the optimization object itself through a link with inertia, for example, if the input parameter of the object being optimized is temperature, and the IM affects its change through the heat exchanger. The inertia of the actuator is also referred to the input linear part.

It should be noted that the coordinates of the control object intermediate between linear and non-linear links in the vast majority of cases cannot be measured; this is easy to implement only when modeling the system.

In some cases, it is possible to determine the structural substitution scheme of an object only experimentally.

To do this, change the input coordinate of the object v 1 corresponding to the output value z 1 , before v 2 (Fig. 2, a), at which the value of the output coordinate of the object as a result of the transient process will be approximately equal to z 1 .

If this perturbation practically did not cause any noticeable change in the output coordinate of the object (Fig. 2, b), then the input inertial link is absent. If the transient process as a result of such a perturbation has a form qualitatively close to that shown in Fig. 2, in, then the inertial link at the input of the object exists.

Rice. 2Characteristics of extreme op amp

The structure of objects LN and LN, in which the linear part is described by a first-order differential equation with or without delay, and the static characteristic y=f(x) can be any continuous function with one extremum in the operating range can be approximated sufficiently a large number of industrial optimization facilities.

Extreme control systems:

Automatic optimization systems with extremum storage

In extreme controllers SAO with memorization of the extremum, the difference between the current value of the output signal is fed to the signum relay at object and its value at the previous point in time.

Structural diagram of ACS with extremum memorization is shown in fig. 3 . Object output value O with static characteristic y=f(X) served on a storage device memory extreme regulator.

Rice. 3Automatic optimization system with extremum memorization

The storage device of such a system should only record the increase in the input signal, i.e. memorization occurs only when increasing y. To decrease at the storage device is not responding. The signal from the storage device is continuously fed to the comparison element ES, where is compared with the current value of the signal y. Difference signal at-u max from the comparison element goes to the signum relay SR. When the difference at-y max reaches deadband value at n signum relay, it reverses the actuator THEM, which affects the input signal X object. After actuation of the signal relay, stored in the memory device memory meaning y reset and signal storage at starts again.

Systems with extremum memory usually have actuators with a constant travel speed, i.e. dx/dt=±k 1 where k= const. depending on the signal and Signum-relay actuator changes the direction of movement.

Let us explain the work of the SAO with the memorization of the extremum. Let's assume that at the moment t 1 (Fig. 4), when the state of the object is characterized by the values ​​of the signals at the input and output, respectively X 1 and at 1 (dot M 1), the extreme regulator is turned on. At this point, the memory device stores the signal at 1 . Let us assume that the extreme regulator after being put into operation began to increase the value X, while the value at decreases - the storage device does not respond to this. As a result, a signal appears at the output of the signal relay at-at 1 . In the moment t signal at-at 1 reaches the dead zone of the signal relay at n(dot M 2), which works by reversing the actuator. After that, the stored value at 1 is reset and the memory device stores the new value at 2 . Object entry signal X decreases, and the exit signal at increases (trajectory from the point M 2 to M 3). Because the at increasing all the time, output memory continuously follows the change y.

Rice. fourSearch for the optimum in SAO with memorization of the extremum:

a- characteristics of the object; b- changing the output of the object; in- signal at the input of the signum relay; G- changing the input of the object.

At the point M 3 the system reaches an extreme, but the decrease X continues. As a result, after the point M 3 meaning at already decreasing and memory remembers y Max. Now at the input of the signum relay SR difference signal appears again y-y max. At the point M 4 , when y 4 -y max = y n, the signum relay is activated, reversing the actuator and resetting the stored value y max etc.

Oscillations are set around the extremum of the controlled value. From fig. 4 it can be seen that the period of input oscillations T in object is 2 times greater than the oscillation period of the output of the object T out. Signum relay reverses IM when y=y max - y n. The direction of the IM movement after the signum relay actuation depends on the direction of the IM movement before the signum relay actuation.

From the consideration of the work of the SAO with the memorization of the extremum, it can be seen that its name does not quite accurately reflect the essence of the system's operation. The memory device fixes a non-extremum of the static characteristic of the object (its value at the moment the controller is put into operation is unknown). The memory device fixes the values ​​of the output quantity at object when at increases.

Step type automatic optimization systems

The block diagram of the stepping ACS is shown in fig. 5. Output measurement at object in the system occurs discretely (behind the object exit sensor there is a pulse element IE 1), i.e. at certain intervals ∆ t(∆t- repetition period of the impulse element). Thus, the pulse element converts the changing output signal at object into a sequence of pulses, the height of which is proportional to the values at at points in time t=nt, called pickup points. Let's denote the values at at the time t=nt through at p. Values at n served on the storage device memory (delay element). The storage device supplies to the comparison element ES previous value at p- 1 . On the ES arrives at the same time y n. At the output of the comparison element, a difference signal is obtained ∆y n =y n - at p- 1 AT next moment t=(n+1) ∆t signal pickup stored value at p- 1 is reset from the memory and the signal is stored at n+ 1 , a signal y n comes from memory on the ES and at the input of the signum relay SR signal appears ∆ at n+ 1 = y n + 1 -y n .

Rice. 5The structure of the discrete(stepper)SAO

So, a signal proportional to the increment ∆ at object exit for the time interval ∆ t. If ∆ y>0 then such movement is allowed by the signum relay; if ∆ at<0, then the signal relay is activated and changes the direction of the input signal X.

Between the signal relay SR and executive mechanism THEM(fig. 5) one more impulse element is included IE 2 (working in sync with IE 1), which performs periodic opening of the power circuit THEM, stopping THEM for this time.

The actuator in such ACS usually changes the input X object in steps by a constant value ∆x. It is expedient to change the input signal of the object by a step quickly so that the time for moving the actuator by one step is sufficiently small. In this case, the perturbations introduced into the object by the actuator will approach jumps.

Thus, the signum relay changes the direction of the subsequent step ∆ x n+ 1 actuator, if the value ∆ y n becomes less than zero.

Let us consider the nature of the search for an extremum in a stepping ACS with an inertialess object. Let us assume that the initial state of the object is characterized by the point M 1 on the static dependence y=f(x) (Fig. 6a). Let us assume that the extremal controller is put into operation at the moment of time t 1 and the actuator makes a step ∆ X to increase the object's input signal.

Rice. 6Search in discrete SAO: a - object characteristics; b- change output; in- change input

Object output signal at while also increasing. After time ∆ t(at time t 2) the actuator takes a step in the same direction, since ∆ at 1 =y 2 -y 1>0. In the moment t 3 the actuator makes one more step on ∆ X in the same direction, since ∆ y 2 =y 3 -y 2 is greater than zero, etc. at time t 5 plant output increment ∆ y 3 =y 5 -y 4 , becomes less than zero, the signum relay is activated and the next step ∆ X the actuator will make in the direction of decreasing the input signal of the object X etc.

In step-by-step SAOs, to ensure stability, it is necessary that the movement of the system to the extremum be nonmonotonic.

There are stepping CAO, at which change the signal at the input in one step ∆ X variable and depends on the value y.

Automatic optimization systems with derivative control

Automatic optimization systems with derivative control use the property of the extreme static characteristic that the derivative dy/dx is equal to zero at the value of the input signal of the object x=x wholesale(See Fig. 7).

Rice. 7Graph of the change in the derivative of the unimodal characteristic

The block diagram of one of such ACS is shown in fig. 8. The values ​​of the input and output signals of the object O are fed to two differentiators D 1 and D 2 , at the output of which signals are obtained, respectively dx/dt and dy/dt. The derivative signals are fed to the dividing device DU.

Rice. eightStructure of the SAO with the measurement of the derivative of the static characteristic

At the exit DU a signal is received dy/dx, which is fed to the amplifier At with gain k 2. The signal from the output of the amplifier goes to the actuator THEM with a variable speed of movement, the value of which is proportional to the output signal of the amplifier and. Gain THEM equals k 1 .

If the static characteristic of the object y=f(x) has the shape of a parabola y=-kx 2 , then the SAO is described by linear equations (in the absence of perturbations), since dy/dx=-2kx, and the remaining links of the system are linear. A logical device for determining the direction of movement towards an extremum is not used in such a system, since it is purely linear and it would seem that the value of the extremum is known in advance (since dy/dx= 0 for x=xoiit).

At the time of inclusion of the CAO into operation on THEM some signal is given to set it in motion, otherwise dx/dt= 0 and dy/dt= 0 (in the absence of random perturbations). After that, the ACS works like a conventional ACS, in which the task is the value dy/dx= 0.

The described system has a number of shortcomings that make it almost inapplicable. First, at dx/dt → 0 derivative dy/dt also tends to zero - the problem of finding the extremum becomes uncertain. Secondly, real objects have a delay, so it is necessary to divide by each other not simultaneously measured derivatives dy/dt and dx/dt, and shifted in time exactly by the signal delay time in the object, which is quite difficult to do. Thirdly, the absence of a logical device (signum relay) in such an ACS leads to the fact that under certain conditions the system loses its operability. Let us assume that the CAO started working at x (see fig. 7) and actuator THEM(Fig. 8) began to increase the signal at the input of the object X. Actuator speed is proportional to the derivative signal dy/dx, i.e. dx/dt=k 1 dy/dx. Therefore, the SAO will asymptotically approach the extremum. But suppose that when the regulator is turned on THEM would start to decrease the input of the object ( dx/dt< 0). Wherein at also decreases ( dy/dt< 0) and dy/dx will be greater than zero. Then, in accordance with the expression for the derivative dx/dt=k 1 dy/dx(where k 1 > 0) the rate of change of the signal at the input dx/dt should become positive. But due to the lack of a logical (reversing) device, the reverse THEM cannot occur in such an SAO, and the problem of finding an extremum again becomes uncertain.

In addition, even if such a system moves to an extremum at the initial moment, it loses its operability with an arbitrarily small drift of the static characteristic without a verification reverse switch.

Rice. 9Optimization system with the measurement of the derivative of the output of the object:

a - system structure; b- characteristics of the object; in- change output; G- input signal d - changing the entry of an object.

Consider another type of ACS with derivative measurement and actuator THEM constant travel speed, structural scheme which is shown in Fig. 9.

Let us consider the nature of the search for the SAO extremum with the measurement of the derivative with the block diagram shown in fig. 9, a.

Let the inertialess object of regulation O(Fig. 9, a) has a static characteristic shown in fig. 9, b. The state of the ACS at the moment of turning on the extreme controller is determined by the values ​​of the input signals x 1 and exit at 1 - dot M 1 on the static feature.

Let us assume that the extremal controller after putting it into operation at the moment of time t 1 changes the input signal X in the direction of increase. In this case, the signal at the output of the object at will change in accordance with the static characteristic (Fig. 9, in), and the derivative dy/dt when moving from a point M 1 before M 2 decreases (Fig. 9, G). At the point in time t 2 the output of the object will reach an extremum at max, and the derivative dy/dt will be equal to zero. Due to the insensitivity of the signum relay, the system will continue to move away from the extremum. At the same time, the derivative dy/dt changes sign and becomes negative. In the moment t 3 , when the value dy/dt, remaining negative, will exceed the dead zone of the signum relay ( dy/dt)H the actuator will reverse and the input signal X will start to decrease. The output of the object will begin to approach the extremum again, and the derivative dy/dt becomes positive when moving from the point M 3 before M 4 (Fig. 9, in). At the point in time t 4, the output signal again reaches an extremum, and the derivative dy/dt=0.

However, due to the insensitivity of the signum relay, the movement of the system will continue, the derivative dy/dt becomes negative and at the point M 5 will reverse again, etc.

In this system, only the output signal of the object is differentiated, which is fed to the signal relay SR. Since when the system passes through the extremum, the sign dy/dt changes, then to find the extremum it is necessary to reverse THEM, when the derivative dy/dt becomes negative and exceeds the dead band ( dy/dt)H signal relay.

Sign responsive system dy/dt, according to the principle of operation, it is close to the stepping ACS, but less noise-resistant.

Automatic optimization systems with auxiliary modulation

In some works, such automatic optimization systems are called systems with a continuous search signal or, according to the terminology of A.A. Krasovsky simply by continuous systems of extreme regulation.

In these systems, the property of a static characteristic is used to change the phase of the oscillations of the output signal of the object compared to the phase of the input oscillations of the object by 180° when the output signal of the object passes through an extremum (see Fig. 10).

Rice. tenThe nature of the passage of harmonic oscillations through a unimodal characteristic

In contrast to the ACS considered above, systems with auxiliary modulation have separate search and working movements.

The block diagram of the ACS with auxiliary modulation is shown in fig. 11.Input signal X object O with characteristic y=f(x) is the sum of two components: x=xo(t)+a sin ω 0 t, where a and ω 0 - constant values. Component a sin ω 0 t is a trial movement and is produced by a generator G, component x o(t) is a labor movement. When moving to an extremum, the variable component a sin ω 0 t the input signal of the object causes the appearance of an alternating component of the same frequency ω 0 =2π/T 0 in the output signal of the object (see Fig. 10). The variable component can be found graphically, as shown in Fig. ten.

Rice. elevenSAO structure with auxiliary modulation

It is obvious that the variable component of the signal at the output of the object coincides in phase with the variable component of the signal at the input for any value of the input, when x 0 =x 1 Therefore, if the fluctuations of the input and output signals are in phase, then in order to move to the extremum, it is necessary to increase X 0 (dx 0 /dt must be positive). If a X 0 =x 2 >x opt, then the phase of the output oscillations will be shifted by 180° with respect to the input oscillations (see Fig. 10). At the same time, in order to move to an extremum, it is necessary that dx 0 /dt was negative. If a x 0 =x opt, then double frequency oscillations appear at the output of the object 2 ω 0 , and frequency fluctuations ω 0 are absent (if the static characteristic near the extremum differs from a parabola, then oscillations with a frequency greater than 2 w 0).

Amplitude a search fluctuations should be small, since these fluctuations pass into the output signal of the object and lead to an error in determining the extremum.

Quantity component y, frequency ω 0 , separated by a bandpass filter F 1 (Fig. 11). Filter task F 1 is not to miss the constant or slowly changing component and the components of the second and higher harmonics. Ideally, the filter should pass only the component with frequency ω 0.

After filter F 1 variable component of quantity y, frequency ω 0 , fed to the multiplying link MOH(synchronous detector). The reference value is also fed to the input of the multiplier link v 1 =a sin( ω 0 t + φ ). Phase φ reference voltage v 1 selected depending on the filter output phase F 1 , since filter f 1 introduces an additional phase shift.

Multiplier output voltage u=vv 1 . With a value x<x wholesale

u = vv 1 = b sin( ω 0 t+ φ ) a sin( ω 0 t+ φ ) = ab sin 2 ( ω 0 t + φ )==ab/ 2 .

When the value of the signal at the input x>X 0PT signal value at the output of the multiplier link MOH is:

u = vv 1 = b sin( ω 0 t + φ + 180°) a sin( ω 0 t + φ ) = - ab sin 2 ( ω 0 t + φ )= = - ab/ 2 .

Rice. 12The nature of the search in the CAO with auxiliary modulation:

a - object characteristics; b- change of a phase of fluctuations; in- harmonic oscillations at the input; G- total input signal; d - signal at the output of the multiplier link.

After the multiplier signal and applied to a low pass filter F 2 , which does not pass the variable component of the signal and. DC signal and=and 1 after filter F 2 is applied to the relay element RE. The relay element controls the actuator at a constant travel speed. Instead of a relay element in the circuit, there may be a phase-sensitive amplifier; then the actuator will have a variable speed of movement.

On fig. Figure 12 shows the nature of the search for an extremum in the ACS with auxiliary modulation, the block diagram of which is shown in fig. 11. Suppose that the initial state of the system is characterized by signals at the input and output of the object, respectively X 1 and y 1 (dot M 1 in fig. 12a).

Because at the point M 1 meaning x 1 <х опт then when the extreme controller is turned on, the phases of the input and output oscillations will coincide. Let us assume that in this case the constant component at the filter output F 2 is positive ( ab/2>0), which corresponds to the movement with increasing X, i.e. dx 0 /dt>0. In this case, the SAO will move towards an extremum.

If the starting point M 2 , which characterizes the position of the system at the moment of turning on the extremal controller, is such that the input signal of the object x>x opt (Fig. 12, a), then the oscillations of the input and output signals of the object are in antiphase. As a result, the constant component at the output F 2 will be negative ( ab/2<0), что вызовет движение системы в сторону уменьшения X (dx 0 /dt<0 ). In this case, the SAO will approach the extremum.

Thus, regardless of the initial state of the system, the search for an extremum will be provided.

In systems with a variable speed actuator, the speed of the system movement to the extremum will depend on the amplitude of the output oscillations of the object, and this amplitude is determined by the deviation of the input signal X from the value X wholesale

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1. Extreme control systems

Extreme control systems are such control systems in which one of the performance indicators must be kept at the limit level (min or max).

A classic example of an extreme SU is the auto-tuning system of a radio receiver.

Fig.1.1 - Frequency response:

1.1 Statement of the problem of synthesis of extremal systems

Objects are described by the equations:

The extreme characteristic drifts in time.

It is necessary to choose such a control action that would automatically find the extremum and keep the system at this point.

U: extr Y=Y o (1.2)

Fig.1.2 - Static extreme characteristic:

It is necessary to determine such a control action that ensured the implementation of the property:

1.2 Extreme condition

A necessary condition for an extremum is the equality to zero of the first partial derivatives.

A sufficient condition for an extremum is the equality to zero of the second partial derivatives. When synthesizing an extremal system, it is necessary to estimate the gradient, but the vector of second partial derivatives cannot be estimated, and in practice, instead of a sufficient condition for an extremum, the relation is used:

Stages of synthesis of an extremal system:

Gradient estimation.

Organization of movement in accordance with the condition of movement to an extremum.

Stabilization of the system at the extremum point.

Fig.1.3 - Functional diagram of the extreme system:

1.3 - Types of extreme characteristics

1) Unimodal extremal characteristic of module type

Rice. 1.4 - Extreme characteristic of module type:

2) Extreme characteristic of parabola type

Rice. 1.5 - Extreme characteristic of parabola type:

3) In the general case, the extremal characteristic can be described by a parabola of the nth order:

Y = k 1 |y-y o (t)| n + k 2 |y-y o (t)| n -1 + …+k n | y-y o (t)| + k n +1 (t).(1.9)

4) Vector-matrix representation:

Y = y T By(1.10)

1.4 Gradient Estimation Methods

1.4.1 Method of dividing derivatives

Consider it on a unimodal characteristic, y is the output of the dynamic part of the system.

yR 1 , Y = Y(y,t)

Let's find the total derivative with respect to time:

When drifting slowly, in this way

Advantage: simplicity.

Disadvantage: for small 0, the gradient cannot be determined.

differentiating filter.

Rice. 1.6 - Scheme for estimating the partial derivative:

1.4.2 Discrete Gradient Estimation

Rice. 1.7 - Scheme for discrete estimation of the partial derivative:

1.4.3 Discrete estimate of the sign of the gradient

For a small sampling step, we replace:

1.4.4 Synchronous detection method

The method of synchronous detection involves adding an additional sinusoidal signal of low amplitude, high frequency to the input signal to the extreme object and extracting the corresponding component from the output signal. According to the ratio of the phases of these two signals, we can conclude about the sign of the partial derivatives.

Rice. 1.8 - Functional scheme for estimating the partial derivative:

Rice. 1.9 - Illustration of the passage of search oscillations to the system output:

y 1 - operating point, while the phase difference of the signals is 0.

y 2 - the phase difference of the signals, as the simplest PFC, you can use the multiplication block.

Rice. 1.10 - Illustration of the operation of the FCU:

As a filter, a period-averaging filter is chosen, which makes it possible to obtain an output signal proportional to the value of the partial derivative.

Rice. 1.11 - Linearization of the static characteristic at the operating point:

Therefore, the equation of the extremal curve can be replaced by the equation of a straight line:

PFC output signal:

k - coefficient of proportionality - the tangent of the angle of inclination of the straight line.

Filter output signal:

In this way:

The synchronous detection method is suitable for determining not only one partial derivative, but also the gradient as a whole, while several oscillations of different frequencies are fed to the input. Appropriate output filters highlight the response to a specific search signal.

1.4.5 Custom Gradient Estimation Filter

This method involves the introduction of a special dynamic system into the system, the intermediate signal of which is equal to the partial derivative.

Rice. 1.12 - Scheme of a special partial derivative estimation filter:

T- filter time constant:

To estimate the total derivative of Y, a DF is used - a differentiating filter, and then this estimate of the total derivative is used to estimate the gradient.

1.5 Organization of the movement to the extremum

1.5.1 First order systems

We organize the control law in proportion to the gradient:

We write the equation of a closed system:

This is an ordinary differential equation that can be investigated by TAU methods.

Consider the equation of the statics of the system:

If the stability of a closed system is ensured with the help of the gain k, then automatically in statics we will come to an extremum point.

In some cases, using the coefficient k, in addition to stability, it is possible to provide a certain duration of the transient process in a closed system, i.e. ensure the specified time to reach the extremum.

Where k is stability

Rice. 1.13 - Functional scheme of the gradient extremal system of the first order:

This method is suitable only for unimodal systems, i.e. systems with one global extremum.

1.5.2 Heavy ball method

By analogy with a ball that rolls into a ravine and overshoots the points of local extrema, the AC system with oscillatory processes also overshoots local extrema. To ensure oscillatory processes, we introduce additional inertia into the first-order system.

Rice. 1.14 - Illustration of the "heavy" ball method:

Closed system equation;

Characteristic equation of the system:

The smaller d, the longer the transition process.

Analyzing the extreme characteristic, the necessary overshoot and the duration of the transient process are set, from which:

1.5.3 General single-channel systems

Control law:

Substituting the control law into the control of the object, we obtain the equation of a closed system:

In the general case, to analyze the stability of a closed system, it is necessary to use the second Lyapunov method, which is used to determine the controller gain. Because The 2nd Lyapunov method gives only a sufficient stability condition, then the chosen Lyapunov function may turn out to be unsuccessful and a regular procedure for calculating the controller cannot be proposed here.

1.5.4 Systems with the highest derivative in control

General case of object extremum:

The functions f, B, and g must satisfy the existence and uniqueness conditions for a solution to the differential equation. The function g - must be multiply differentiable.

С - matrix of derivatives

The synthesis problem is solvable if the matrix of products is not degenerate, i.e.

Analysis of the solvability condition for the synthesis problem allows us to determine the derivative of the output variables, which explicitly depends on the control action.

If condition (1.31) is satisfied, then such a derivative is the first derivative, and therefore the requirements for the behavior of a closed system can be formed in the form of a differential equation for y of the corresponding order.

Let us form the control law of a closed system, for which we will form the control law by substituting in the right side of the control for:

Closed-loop equation with respect to the output variable.

Consider the situation when

With an appropriate choice of the gain, we get the desired equation and an automatic exit to the extremum.

The controller parameters are selected based on the same considerations as for conventional automatic control systems, i.e. (SVK) i = (20*100), which makes it possible to provide the corresponding error.

Rice. 1.15 - Scheme of the system with the highest derivative in control:

In a system for estimating the total time derivative, a differentiating filter is introduced into the system, so it is convenient to use a gradient estimation filter to estimate gradients in such systems. Because both of these filters have small time constants, then different-tempo processes can occur in the system, which can be distinguished using the motion separation method, and slow motions will be described by equation (1.34), which corresponds to the desired at. Fast movements need to be analyzed for stability, and depending on the ratio of the time constant of the DF and the partial derivative estimation filter (PDE), the following types of movements can be distinguished:

1) The time constants of these filters are comparable.

Fast movements describe the combined processes in these two filters.

2) The time constants differ by an order of magnitude.

In addition to slow motions, fast and superfast motions corresponding to the smallest time constant are observed in the system.

Both cases need to be analyzed for stability.

2. Optimal systems

Optimal systems are systems in which the specified quality of work is achieved by maximizing the use of the capabilities of the object, in other words, these are systems in which the object operates at the limit of its capabilities. Consider an aperiodic link of the first order.

For which it is necessary to ensure the minimum transition time y from the initial state y(0) to the final state y k . The transition function of such a system for K=1 is as follows

Rice. 2.1 - Transition function of the system at U= const:

Consider the situation when we apply the maximum possible control action to the input of the object.

Rice. 2.2 - Transition function of the system at U=A= const:

t 1 is the minimum possible transition time y from the zero state to the final state for the given object.

To obtain such a transition, there are two control laws:

The second law is more preferable and makes it possible to provide control under interference.

Rice. 2.3 - Structural diagram of a system with a control law of the feedback type:

2.2 Statement of the problem of synthesis of optimal systems

2.2.1 Mathematical model of the object

The object is described by state variables

Where the function f(x,u) is continuous, differentiable with respect to all arguments, and satisfies the existence and uniqueness condition for a solution to the differential equation.

This function is non-linear, but stationary. As special cases, the object can have the form of a nonlinear system with additive control:

Or a linear system

The object must be presented in one of the three forms presented above.

2.2.2 Set of initial and final states

The problem of optimal transition from the initial state to the final state is a boundary value problem

Where the start and end points can be specified in one of the four ways shown in fig. 2.4.

a) a problem with fixed ends,

b) a problem with a fixed first end (fixed starting point and set of final values),

c) a problem with a fixed right end,

d) a problem with moving ends.

Fig. 2.4 - Phase portraits of the system transition from the initial state to the final state for various tasks:

For an object, the set of initial states can generally coincide with the entire set of states or with the work area, and the set of final states is a subspace of the set of states or the work area.

Example 2.1 - Can an object described by a system of equations be transferred to any point in the state space?

Substituting the value U from the first equation u = x 2 0 - 2x 1 0 into the second equation, we get -5x 1 0 + x 2 0 = 0;

We got a set of final states described by the equation x 2 0 = 5x 1 0 ;

Thus, the set of final states specified for an object (system) must be realizable.

2.2.3 Constraints on states and control

Rice. 2.5 - General view of the workspace of the state space:

The working area of ​​the state space is allocated, which is negotiated. Typically, this area is described by its boundaries using modular conventions.

Fig.2.6 - View of the workspace of the state space, defined by modular agreements:

U is also set - the range of permissible values ​​of the control action. In practice, the region U is also specified using modular relations.

The problem of designing an optimal controller is solved subject to restrictions on control and a limited resource.

2.2.4 Optimality criterion

At this stage, the requirements for the quality of the work of a closed system are specified. The requirements are specified in a generalized form, namely, in the form of an integral functional, which is called the optimality criterion.

General view of the optimality criterion:

Particular types of optimality criterion:

1) the optimality criterion that ensures the minimum time of the transient process (the problem of optimal performance is solved):

2) the criterion of optimality, providing a minimum of energy costs:

For one of the components:

For all state variables:

For one control action:

For all control actions:

For all components (in the most general case):

2.2.5 Form of result

It is necessary to specify in what form we will seek the control action.

There are two options for optimal control: u 0 = u 0 (t), used in the absence of perturbation, u 0 = u 0 (x), optimal control in the form of feedback (closed control).

The formulation of the problem of synthesis of the optimal system in general form:

For an object described by variable states with given constraints and a set of initial and final states, it is necessary to find a control action that ensures the quality of processes in a closed system that meets the optimality criterion.

2.3 Dynamic programming method

2.3.1 Principle of optimality

Initial data:

It is necessary to find u 0:

Rice. 2.7 - Phase portrait of the transition of the system from the starting point to the final point in the state space:

The trajectory of the transition from the starting point to the final one will be optimal and unique.

Statement of the principle: The final section of the optimal trajectory is also the optimal trajectory. If the transition from the intermediate point to the final point were not carried out along the optimal trajectory, then it would be possible to find its own optimal trajectory for it. But in this case, the transition from the initial point to the final one would pass along a different trajectory, which should have been optimal, and this is impossible, since there is only one optimal trajectory.

2.3.2 Basic Bellman equation

Consider an arbitrary control object:

Consider a state-space transition:

Rice. 2.8 - Phase portrait of the transition of the system from the initial point to the final one x(t) - current (initial) point, x(t + Дt) - intermediate point.

Let's transform the expression:

Let's replace the second integral with V(x(t+Дt)):

For a small value of Дt, we introduce the following assumptions:

2) Expand the auxiliary function

Performing further transformations, we get:

Where min V(x(t)) is the optimality criterion J.

As a result, we got:

Divide both parts of the expression by Dt and eliminate Dt to zero:

We get the basic Bellman equation:

2.2.3 Calculation ratios of the dynamic programming method:

The basic Belman equation contains (m + 1) - unknown quantities, because U 0 R m , VR 1:

Differentiating m times, we get a system of (m + 1) equations.

For a limited range of objects, the solution of the resulting system of equations gives an exact optimal control. Such a problem is called the AKOR problem (analytical design of optimal controllers).

The objects for which the AKOR task is considered must meet the following requirements:

The optimality criterion must be quadratic:

Example 2.2

For an object described by the equation:

It is necessary to ensure the transition from x(0) to x(T) according to the optimality criterion:

After analyzing the object for stability, we get:

U 0 \u003d U 2 \u003d -6x.

2.4 Pontryagin's maximum principle

Let us introduce an extended state vector, which is expanded due to the zero component, for which we choose the optimality criterion. zR n+1

We also introduce an extended vector of right-hand sides, which is extended by the function under the integral in the optimality criterion.

Let's introduce W - the vector of conjugate coordinates:

Let us form the Hamiltonian, which is the scalar product of W and u(z, u):

H(W,z,u) = W*u(z,u),(2.33)

Equation (2.34) is called the basic equation of the Pontryagin maximum principle, based on the dynamic programming equation. The optimal control is the one that delivers the maximum of the Hamiltonian on a given time interval. If the control resource were not limited, then necessary and sufficient extremum conditions could be used to determine the optimal control. In a real situation, to find the optimal control, it is necessary to analyze the value of the Hamiltonian at the limiting level. In this case, U 0 will be a function of the extended state vector and the vector of conjugate coordinates u 0 = u 0 .

To find conjugate coordinates, it is necessary to solve the system of equations:

2.4.1 The procedure for calculating the system according to the Pontryagin maximum principle.

The equations of the object must be reduced to the standard form for the synthesis of optimal systems:

It is also necessary to specify the initial and final states and write down the optimality criterion.

Extended state vector is introduced

Extended vector of right parts:

And the vector of conjugate coordinates:

We write the Hamiltonian as a dot product:

Finding the maximum of the Hamiltonian with respect to u:

By which we determine the optimal control u 0 (Ш,z).

We write down the differential equations for the vector of conjugate coordinates:

Find conjugate coordinates as a function of time:

6. We determine the final optimal control law:

As a rule, this method allows one to obtain a program control law.

Example 2.3 - For the object shown in fig. 2. 9. it is necessary to ensure the transition from the initial point y(t) to the final point y(t) in T= 1c with the quality of the process:

Rice. 2.9 - Object model:

To determine the constants b 1 and b 2, it is necessary to solve the boundary value problem.

We write the equation of a closed system

Let's integrate:

Consider the end point t=T=1s. as x 1 (T)=1 and x 2 (T)=0:

1= 1/6 b 1 + 1/2 b 2

We got a system of equations, from which we find b 2 \u003d 6, b 1 \u003d -12.

Let's write down the control law u 0 = -12t + 6.

2.4.2 Optimal control problem

For a general object, it is necessary to ensure the transition from the initial point to the final one in the minimum time with a limited control law.

Features of the optimal speed problem

Speed ​​Hamiltonian:

Relay control:

This feature takes place for relay objects.

The theorem on the number of switchings of the control action:

This theorem is valid for linear models with real roots of the characteristic equation.

Det (pI - A) = 0 (2.51)

L(A) - vector of real eigenvalues.

Statement of the theorem:

In the problem of optimal speed with real roots of the characteristic equation, the number of switchings cannot be more than (n-1), where n is the order of the object, therefore, the number of intervals of control constancy will not be more than (n-1).

Rice. 2.10 - Type of control action for n=3:

Example 2.4 - Consider an example of solving the problem of optimal performance:

W \u003d [W 1, W 2]

H b \u003d W 1 x 2 + W 2 (-2dx 2 -x 1 + u)

At - real roots:

The sum of the two exponents is:

If, then the roots are complex conjugate and the solution will be a periodic function. In a real system, there are no more than 5 - 6 switchings.

2.4.3 Switching surface method

This method allows you to find the control of the functions of the state variable for the case when the optimal control is of a relay nature. Thus, this method can be used in solving problems of optimal performance, for an object with additive control

The essence of the method is to select points in the entire state space where the control sign is changed and combine them into a common switching surface.

Switching surface

The control law will have the following form:

To form the switching surface, it is more convenient to consider the transition from an arbitrary starting point to the origin

If the end point does not coincide with the origin, then it is necessary to choose new variables for which this condition will be true.

We have an object of the form

Consider the transition, with the optimality criterion:

This criterion allows us to find a control law of the following form:

With the unknown, the initial conditions are also unknown to us.

Considering the transition:

Reverse time method (backward movement method).

This method allows you to define switching surfaces.

The essence of the method is that the initial and final points are interchanged, while instead of two sets of initial conditions, one remains for.

Each of these trajectories will be optimal. First, we find the points where the control changes sign and combine them into a surface, and then we change the direction of movement to the opposite.

Example - The transfer function of an object is:

Performance optimality criterion:

Control restriction.

Consider the transition:

Optimal control will have a relay character:

Let's go to the opposite time (i.e.). In reverse time, the problem will look like this

Consider two cases:

We obtain the equations of a closed system:

We use the method of direct integration, we obtain the dependence on and since -, then we have

Because the start and end points are swapped, then we get similarly:

Let's build the result and use the phase plane method to determine the direction

Applying the method of direct integration, we obtain:

The function will look like:

Changing direction:

Sign change point (switching point).

General analytical expression:

Surface equation:

Optimal control law:

Substituting the surface equation, we get:

2.5 Sub-optimal systems

Suboptimal systems are systems that are close in properties to optimal ones.

It is characterized by the criterion of optimality.

Absolute error.

Relative error.

A process that is close to optimal with a given accuracy is called suboptimal.

Suboptimal system - a system where there is at least one suboptimal process.

Suboptimal systems are obtained in the following cases:

when approximating the switching surface (using piecewise linear approximation, approximation using splines)

At , an optimal process will arise in a suboptimal system.

limitation of the working area of ​​the state space;


3.1 Basic concepts

Adaptive systems are such systems in which the controller parameters change following the change in the parameters of the object, so that the behavior of the system as a whole remains unchanged and corresponds to the desired:

There are two directions in the theory of adaptive systems:

adaptive systems with a reference model (ASEM);

adaptive systems with an identifier (ASI).

3.2 Adaptive systems with an identifier

Identifier - a device for estimating the object's parameters (parameters must be evaluated in real time).

AR - adaptive regulator

OS - control object

U - identifier

The part that is highlighted by the dotted line can be implemented digitally:

V, U, X - can be vectors. The object can be multichannel.

Consider the operation of the system.

In the case of constant object parameters, the structure and parameters of the adaptive controller do not change, the main feedback acts, the system is a stabilization system.

If the parameters of the object change, then they are evaluated by the identifier in real time and the structure and parameters of the adaptive controller are changed so that the system behavior remains unchanged. The main requirements are imposed on the identifier (performance, etc.) and on the identification algorithm itself. This class of systems is used to control objects with slow non-stationarity. If we have a non-stationary generic object:

;.The simplest responsive view would be:

Requirements for the system:

Where and are matrices of constant coefficients.

In reality we have:

If we equate, then we get a relation for determining the parameters of the controller

3.3 Adaptive systems with a reference model

In such systems, there is a reference model (EM), which is placed parallel to the object. BA - adaptation block.

Fig 2 - Functional diagram of ASEM:

Consider the operation of the system:

In the case when the object parameters do not change or the output processes correspond to the reference ones, the error is:

autotuning control programming

The adaptation block does not work and the adaptive controller is not rebuilt, the system has a smooth feedback.

If the behavior is different from the reference, this happens when the object's parameters are changed, in which case an error appears.

The adaptation block is turned on, the structure of the adaptive controller is rebuilt in such a way as to reduce it to the reference model of the object.

The adaptation block should reduce the error to zero ().

The algorithm embedded in the adaptation block is formed in various ways, for example, using the second Lyapunov method:

If this is true, then the system will be asymptotically stable and.

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The need for adaptive (adaptable) control systems arises in connection with the complication of control problems in the absence of the practical possibility of a detailed study and description of the processes occurring in control objects in the presence of changing external disturbances. The effect of adaptation is achieved due to the fact that part of the functions for receiving, processing and analyzing processes in the control object is performed during the operation of the system. This division of functions contributes to a more complete use of information about ongoing processes in the formation of control signals and can significantly reduce the impact of uncertainty on the quality of control. Thus, adaptive control is necessary in cases where the influence of uncertainty or "incompleteness" of a priori information about the operation of the system becomes significant to ensure the specified quality of control processes. Currently, there is the following classification of adaptive systems: self-adjusting systems, systems with adaptation in special phase states, and learning systems.

The class of self-adjusting (extreme) automatic control systems is widespread due to a fairly simple technical implementation. This class of systems is due to the fact that a number of control objects or technological processes have extreme dependencies (minimum or maximum) of the operating parameter on control actions. These include powerful DC electric motors, technological processes in the chemical industry, various types of furnaces, aircraft jet engines, etc. Let us consider the processes occurring in the furnace during fuel combustion. With insufficient air supply, the fuel in the furnace does not burn completely and the amount of heat generated decreases. With excess air supply, part of the heat is carried away with the air. And only with a certain ratio between the amount of air and heat, the maximum temperature in the furnace is reached. In a turbojet aircraft engine, by changing the fuel consumption, it is possible to obtain the maximum air pressure behind the compressor, and, consequently, the maximum engine thrust. At low and high fuel consumption, the air pressure behind the compressor and thrust drops. In addition, it should be noted that the extreme points of control objects are "floating" in time and space.

In the general case, we can state that there is an extremum, and at what values ​​of the control action it is achieved is a priori unknown. Under these conditions, the automatic control system during operation must form a control action that brings the object to an extreme position, and keep it in this state under conditions of disturbances and the "floating" nature of extreme points. In this case, the control device is an extremal regulator.

According to the method of obtaining information about the current state of the object, extreme systems are non-search and search systems. In searchless systems, the best control is determined by using analytical relationships between the desired value of the operating parameter and the controller parameters. In search engines that are slow, finding the extremum can be done in a variety of ways. The most widespread method is synchronous detection, which is reduced to estimating the derivative dy/du, where y is the controlled (working) parameter of the control object, u is the control action. A block diagram illustrating the method of synchronous detection is shown in fig. 6.1.

Rice. 6.1 Synchronous detection structure

At the input of the control object, which has an extreme dependence y(u), together with the control action U, an insignificant perturbation is applied in the form of a regular periodic signal f(t) = gsinwt, where g is greater than zero and sufficiently small. At the output of the control object, we get y = y(u + gsinwt). The resulting value of y is multiplied by the signal f(t). As a result, signal A will take on the value

A =yf(t) = y(u+gsinwt)gsinwt.

Assuming that the dependence y(u) is a sufficiently smooth function, it can be expanded into a power series and, with a sufficient degree of accuracy, is limited to the first terms of the expansion

Y(u+gsinwt)=y(u)+gsinwt(dy/du) + 0.5g 2 sin 2 wt(d 2 y/du 2) + ….. .

Since the value of g is small, then we can neglect the terms of higher order and as a result we get

Y(u + gsinwt) » y(u) + gsinwt(dy/du).

Then, as a result of multiplication, signal A will take on the value

A \u003d y (u) sinwt + g 2 sin 2 wt (dy / du).

At the output of the low-pass filter F, we get the signal B


If the filter time constant T large enough, we get


Therefore, the signal B at the output of the filter is proportional to the derivative dy/du

The main most common types of extreme systems in which the static mode of operation of an object is optimized are extreme systems that ensure the operation of an object at the extreme point of its static characteristic.

The static characteristic should reflect the relationship between the quality function of the object and the operating parameters of the object.

Extreme self-propelled guns are advisable to use:

1. There is a quality indicator (technical and economic, characterizing the operation of the object, and this dependence has a pronounced extremum) (most often)

2. Benefits from increased quality functionality.

3. There is a possibility of the current definition of the quality functional.

The control device in this case is called an optimizer or an extremal controller.

The quality functional for setting the operating mode is written: , where is a variable that determines the operating mode of the object.

Depending on whether the extreme static characteristic is stable or changes during the operation of the object, extreme systems are divided into two groups: - static; - dynamic.

Static: Here, extreme control is provided, corresponding to the extremum of the static characteristic of the object with unchanged parameters set for a given extremum point, and the system is similar to a conventional mode stabilization system.

Dynamic: Here, the characteristic can shift independently and the extremum point too. In this case, two cases are possible:

It is known how the characteristic shifts, and you can get by with program control;

The displacement of the most extreme characteristic and the extremum point is random (you must first find the optimal point, then move towards it).

In extreme systems, when the extreme characteristic is shifted, there may be an automatic search for the extremum and a shift to it.

In such cases, two operations are carried out:

1. Trial search engine(determining the relationship between the current quality indicator Q and Q extr and determining the direction of movement. It boils down to determining the steepness of the characteristic: ).

2. Working(works out the found values ​​of changing the controller settings to ensure the extremum of the function)

You can determine the value and sign of the derivative or use a special step method for finding the extremum.

Depending on whether an additional signal is used to search for an extremum, the systems are divided into:

systems without an additional search signal (depending on whether the slope values ​​S 0 or the sign of the derivative of the system are divided by proportional(determined by the steepness dx slave / dt = h 0 S, i.e. performing a dependent search and the speed of moving the working body depends on the slope, which determined the “setpoint” of the regulator) and relay(the direction of movement is determined by the sign dx slave / dt=h 0 SignS= h 0 Sign, i.e. performing an “independent search” and RO moving from one state to another and back, leading the object to an extremum of the static character Here, the logic device switches when the sign of the derivative changes - this leads to a change in the controller setpoint and the corresponding movement of the controller. They are used for fast-response objects.). For inertial systems, the system is used. step type(here, at the command of the command generator, through the step Dt, the measured value of the quality index. And comparing it with the given Q, as a result, the input signal reverses or does not occur)

system with add. Search. signal (a harmonic signal and a signal from a logic device are fed to the input. The search for an extremum is carried out on the basis of a study of the phase shift of the signal X n at the output of the system. The search signal with respect to the main one is a modulating signal.

On the basis signal X superimposed harmonic. search signal and if start signal. X resp. position to the left of the extremum point (X 1), then on the output. extra link additional search signal will create a harmonic. component Q * with the same f as the search signal and there will be no phase shift. Main signal X 3 - harmonic. status on output extras links shifted rel. Search. signal per angle –pi. Main signal X 2 - harmonic. status on output extras link will have f 2 times greater than f of the original. signal. That. by phase shift m.o. def. direction movement.

Multidimensional extremal systems. are built for multi-parameter objects that have several inputs and outputs, and one of the outputs has an extremal characteristic, and restrictions are imposed on the other m/t outputs.

To construct such extreme systems. use special. methods of mathematics. programming and algorithmic optimization methods.

The condition of an extremal function of many variables is the equality to zero of all its parts. derivatives with respect to parameters

In a particular case, if the generalized quality function Q is represented. extreme. static har-coy, then for design it is multidimensional. syst. m / b used the method of simplex planning and in this case in the system. centuries device for computing. deg. extrem. specifications and device for forming. control signal.

The principle of constructing a device for calculating. deg. in the extremum search operation depends on the method of determining. private derivatives and the type of algorithm used.

The most widely used methods are:

1. of course increments

2. time derivative

3. Synchronous detection

4. application of the adaptive model

1. The finite increment method is based on the replacement of partial derivatives by the ratio of finite. increments and defining it. In this case, the cord is changed in turn. control and computing. resp. im increments. yavl. components of the function gradient.

2. The control actions are also alternately changed and the quotients are calculated. derivatives and gradient functions.

Disadvantages 1 and 2: the need to alternately change ex. impacts and calculate the gradient for each change in ex. signal. This requires additional time for calculation.

3. Control coordinates are modulated additionally. harmonic signals with different amplitudes a ni and frequencies w ni . Number of detectors def. the number of independent coordinates defining the extremum of the function Q xi . Output signal sync. detective proportional to private derivative . Because modulating signals are separated by frequency. spectrum, then comp. gradient def. parallel. Using a computer this time will be MIN.