An example of a pre-project study of a budgetary institution for 1s. An example of a pre-project survey


pre-project survey


for the implementation of corporate information system(KIS)

1C: "Institute for Standard Production Solutions" (ITRP)

Purpose of the survey

Organizational structure of CJSC “…”

Description of the functions of departments and existing workflow

Accepted accounting policy

Description of the current level of automation

Automated Functions

Software used

Overview of the existing computer park

Conclusions on the results of the survey of CJSC “…”

Division analysis

Analysis of current automation

System Composition

The main characteristics of the system (according to the areas of accounting)

The procedure for implementing KIS 1C: "ITRP"

The main plan for the implementation of KIS 1C: "ITRP"

Salary and personnel

Implementation Sequence Diagram

Economic expediency.

Purpose of the survey

In the process of pre-project survey of CJSC “…”, the main directions of production and economic activity, organizational structure of CJSC “…”. Functions of departments, existing informational relationships between departments, internal and external document flow are determined.

Based on the analysis of this information, the required accounting subsystems are determined (for example; warehouse accounting of the SOE) covering several departments, each of which is interested in the efficiency and relevance of the data. Recommendations are being developed to improve the workflow, to eliminate duplication of information. When designing an integrated ITRP solution, solutions are laid that implement the principles of a single entry.

The current level of automation is being studied: the list of developed subsystems, the composition of automated workstations and the range of tasks to be solved are determined in order to determine the functional completeness of the system and automate accounting functions. Proposals are being developed on the required composition of the selected CIS subsystems (Corporate Information System), clarification of the list of tasks to be automated, and expansion of the composition of automated workstations in order to obtain a complete operational information on accounting, operational and management accounting of production and economic activities of CJSC “…”, which ensures the adoption of the right management decision in real time.

The software and information support used are determined and the state of the existing computer park is examined in order to develop proposals for the use of new information technologies, proposals for upgrading or expanding the computer park.

The used accounting policy is investigated in order to determine the specifics of accounting for CJSC “…”.

Survey underway existing business– processes and business –

procedures. A comparative analysis of enterprise management technologies, existing workflow with technologies and workflow within the framework of the 1C: ITRP system is carried out.

An organizational and functional scheme of automation is being formed, and requirements are being developed for the designed CIS 1C: "ITRP". Based on the installed accounting subsystems and their readiness for automation, a phased calendar plan implementation of KIS 1C ITRP.

2. Organizational structure of CJSC “…”.

Appointment and information links of divisions

The block diagram of CJSC “…” is presented in Appendix 1.

The General Director manages the production, economic and financial and economic activities of CJSC “…”, bearing full responsibility for the consequences of decisions made, financial and economic results of activities. Organizes the work and interaction of all structural divisions, directs their activities to the development and improvement of production, increase in work efficiency, increase in sales volumes of products and increase profits, quality and competitiveness of products.

Executive Director determines the technical policy and directions of technical development of CJSC “…”, the ways of reconstruction and technical re-equipment of the existing production. In accordance with the approved plans, manages the development of measures for the reconstruction and modernization of the enterprise. Organizes work to increase the range and improve the quality of products, the introduction of means into production integrated mechanization and automation of technological processes.

The commercial director manages the financial and economic activities of the enterprise in the field of material technical support, procurement and storage of materials, marketing products on the market. Takes measures for the timely conclusion of economic and financial contracts with suppliers of materials and buyers, finished products, expansion of direct and long-term economic relations, ensures the fulfillment of contractual obligations for the supply of products, carries out foreign economic activity.

The technical director provides technical preparation of production, operation, repair and modernization of equipment. Provides performance of work on heat supply, ventilation, maintenance of compressor units, construction.

The head of production manages the production and economic activities of CJSC “…”. Supervises the work on the operational regulation of the production process, ensuring the rhythmic release of products of the required range and quality. Carries out work to identify and master technical innovations, best practices that contribute to the improvement of technology, the organization of production and the growth of labor productivity.

CFO brings financial aspects to strategic and political activities; conducts work in the field of diagnosing the financial condition, economic trends, interpretation of the legislative and financial aspects of state regulation. The financial director is responsible for managing the company's cash, ensuring the timely fulfillment of obligations by the company. Provides analysis of planned and economic activities of production and preparation of accounting, tax, management reporting. Supervises the Information Technology Department. Coordinates work with banks and leasing companies.

The production consists of three workshops: Whole-milk production workshop, Cheese production workshop, Drying workshop, Ice cream workshop.

The ice cream workshop is a remote workshop (~2 km distance), but is an integral part of the main production.

The acceptance of milk is carried out by the Department of Raw Materials Procurement, which manages the main receiving point located on the territory of the plant and 8 milk receivers located in the Pskov region.

The laboratory controls the quality of received milk and finished products.

Sales of finished products consists of divisions: Sales department of the plant and (structural divisions) Trading house“…”, Trading House “…”, “Trading from…”

3. Description of the functions of departments and existing workflow

Accounting ( Annex 2 )

Planning and Economic Department ( Annex 3 )

Production ( Appendix 4 )

Sales department ( Appendix 5 )

Purchase department ( Appendix 6 )

Logistics department (OPGP-TsPM, OPGP - Ice cream shop) ( Annex 7 )

4. Accepted accounting policy

Below are disclosed key points accounting policy, which determines the accounting in CJSC “…”.

The main tasks of accounting are:

- formation of complete and reliable information about business processes and results of the enterprise;

– ensuring control over the availability and movement of property, the use of material, labor and financial resources;

– timely prevention of negative phenomena in economic and financial activities.

According to the accounting policy of the enterprise, accounting of property, liabilities and business transactions is carried out on the basis of natural meters in monetary terms through continuous, continuous, documentary and interconnected interaction.

Control and reflection on the accounts of all business transactions, the provision of operational and effective information in a timely manner should be ensured.

The fact of the completion of a business transaction is recorded by primary documents, which are the basis for entry in the accounting registers. Accounting is carried out according to the journal-order form, followed by filling in the General Ledger

5. Description of the current level of automation

The beginning of work on the automation of accounting functions in CJSC “…” dates back to 1993. At the moment, an automated system is functioning, built as a set of automated workstations (AWS), each of which has its own distinct functional specialization and provides a solution to problems in individual accounting areas. At the same time, automated workplace of a separate accounting section is implemented on one or several computers that are not physically connected to each other, but work on the same information base, which is supported on all computers of this workplace. The exchange of information between the computers of the workstation is carried out via a floppy disk. The exchange of information between individual workstations is not carried out due to the lack of a unified information base and a unified system for classifying and coding information, which significantly reduces the efficiency of obtaining general information.

5.1. Automated Functions



No. of PCs


The name of the program

Labor accounting and wages

Accounting 1

Motion accounting Money at the cash desk of the enterprise

Accounting for the passage of funds through the bank

Accounting 1

Settlement with accountable persons

Accounting 1

Payments for services

Accounting 1

Formation and printing of payment documents

Accounting 1

General ledger, Balance.

Accounting 1

Expedition dispatcher workstation


Accounting for product sales

Accounting 2

Accounting for the receipt of raw materials and settlements with suppliers of raw materials

Acceptance of raw materials

Accounting 2

Accounting for the movement of materials and settlements with suppliers of materials

Accounting 2

Warehouse storekeeper workstation for finished products

Expedition. Ice cream shop

Container master's workstation



Accounting 3.

Settlement with retail suppliers

Accounting 3.

Wholesale 1 pc

Accounting 2.

Settlement with suppliers wholesale trade

Accounting 2.

Sales of wholesale products (sausage cheese)

Accounting 2.

Formation and printing of powers of attorney

Accounting 1

Accounting for fixed assets

Accounting 1.

Calculation of cost estimates and production costs

Not maintained

Brief Description of Functions

1. Accounting for labor and wages - 1 PC-language. PROGRESS

Accounting 1.

2. Accounting for cash flow at the cash desk of the enterprise - 1 PC - lang. FOXPRO Program Name

  • – issuance of cash documents (incoming and outgoing cash orders)
  • - register of incoming documents
  • - cashier's report
  • - file of reports
  • - reporting forms: w / o 1, statement to w / a 1, analytics, final certificate

3. Accounting for the passage of funds through the bank - 1 PC - lang. FOX PRO

Accounting 1.

  • - maintaining a file of bank statements.
  • – receipt of a journal, statements and analytics for all accounts or for separate accounts. account, folded or expanded.
  • - summary note.
  • - information about the organization.
  • 4. Settlement with accountable persons - 1 PC - lang. FOX PRO

Accounting 1.

  • - Entering an advance. reports
  • – payment input – acceptance from AWS “Cashier”
  • – acceptance of statements from AWP "BANK"
  • - maintaining turnovers and balances
  • - w / o 7 (summary and according to advance reports)
  • - summary note
  • – book of purchases by shipment or by payment
  • - VAT statement
  • – analytics

5. Settlements for services - 1 PC - lang. FOX PRO

Accounting 1.

  • – formation of accounts
  • – payment input
  • - balance management
  • - formation of invoices
  • – f/o 8
  • - total reference
  • - Book of purchases
  • – decryption of invoices not included in the purchase book
  • - reconciliation acts
  • – analytics

6. Formation and printing of payment documents 1 ANY PC-lang. PROGRESS

7. General ledger, Balance. 1 PC - lang. FOX PRO

  • Accounting 1.
  • – input of credit turnovers
  • - receiving debit transactions
  • – formation and printing of the general ledger, reverse. balance sheet, enterprise report BALANCE
  • - formation of certificates on deb. and credit. accounts
  • – w/o printing
  • - view rev. balance
  • - corrector. revolutions in past periods

8. Expedition dispatcher workstation 4 PC - lang. FOX PRO

  • – formation of TTN and invoices for the shipment of products
  • – generating a pass-summary invoice for the checkpoint
  • – quality certificate printing
  • – printing of reports on shipped products for the day and for the period

9. Accounting for the sale of products 1 PC - lang. FOX PRO

  • Accounting 2.
  • - receiving information about the shipment of products
  • – formation and printing of invoices for shipment. products
  • – input of payment of presented invoices 9receipt from AWPs “KAASSA” and “BANK”
  • – control of payment of presented invoices
  • – acceptance of offsets for returnable packaging from AWP "TARA"
  • – preparation of reporting forms and registers
  • – drawing up a statement 16
  • - operational calculation of the balance of payers
  • - sales book
  • - reconciliation acts

10. Accounting for the receipt of raw materials and settlements with suppliers of raw materials 2 PC - lang. FOX PRO

  • 1st PC: Acceptance of raw materials.
  • – extract of TTN for the receipt of raw materials, for return
  • – issuance of acts in case of data discrepancy
  • – extract TTN transfer from the points of reception
  • - obtaining reports on raw materials
  • - obtaining information on qualities. indicators

2nd PC: Accounting 2.

  • – forms and printing of acceptance receipts
  • – input and control of payment (reception from AWP "CASH")
  • – acceptance of offsets from AWP "REALIZATION"
  • - Book of purchases
  • - w\o 6-h

11. Accounting for the movement of materials and settlements with suppliers of materials 2 PC - lang. FOX PRO

1st PC: Accounting 2.

  • – accounting for the presence and movement of storage places
  • -input input documents (for cash settlement, from processing, internal turnover, from suppliers and other receipts)
  • – acceptance of invoices from AWS “SUPPLIERS OF MATERIALS”
  • – input of cons. documents (expenditure in production)
  • - for processing
  • - int. turnover
  • - write-off
  • – other expenses
  • - maintaining a warehouse card. accounting
  • - maintaining a file cabinet of amounts. accounting
  • - compilation of reporting registers:
  • – MOT report
  • - turnover sheet
  • - balance sheet
  • - statements of receipt. and expenses
  • – f/o 10
  • - calculation of bargaining markup
  • – carrying out inventory
  • - compiling inventory. and coll. statements
  • - 16th statement
  • - sales book

2nd PC: Accounting 2.

……………… etc.

5.2. Software used

The software on the basis of which the workplaces are implemented was developed by the ACS department of CJSC “…”. The software of each workplace is a software package developed independently of others and operating autonomously. Programs are written in DBMS PROGRESS and DBMS FOXPRO to work in DOS operating environment. The software is maintained by the IT department.

5.3. Disadvantages of the software used:

The system does not have integrity and isolation. The fragmentation of information input entails duplication of objects (names, objects), there is no control over the uniqueness of the information being entered.

No, corresponding to the current time, efficiency.

There is no analysis of economic activity, accounting and tax reporting, balance sheet formation.

Overview of the computer park of CJSC “…”

At the moment, 44 computers are installed at the plant. Of them:

1 machines with 286 processor

2 machines with 386 processor

1 machines with 486 processor

1 machine with Celeron 433 processor

6 machines with Celeron 466 processor

2 machines with Celeron 633 processor

2 machines with Celeron 700 processor

6 machines with Celeron 1700 processor

1 machines with Pentium II processor

3 Pentium III machines

19 Pentium IV machines



Pentium III 1300×2

Pentium IV-1500

Pentium IV-1600

Intel Celeron 1700

Intel Pentium III 750 MHz

Intel Celeron 1700


Head. boo.

Intel Pentium IV 1500 MHz

Accounting (Deputy Chief Accountant)

Intel Pentium IV 1500 MHz

Accounting (cash desk)


Accounting (materials)

Intel Celeron 633 MHz

Accounting (MOL)


Accounting (taxes)

Intel Celeron 633 MHz

Accounting (wholesale trading)

Intel Pentium 133 MHz


Accounting (OS)

Pentium IV-1700

Accounting (suppliers of mat.)

Intel Pentium III 700 MHz

Accounting (implementation)

Pentium IV-1700

Accounting (canteen)

Cyrix 486 56 MHz


Accounting (finance)

Intel Celeron 1700

Accounting (Bank-Client)

Intel Celeron 700 MHz

Accounting (payroll)

Intel Celeron 1700


Sales department

Planning and Economic Department

Intel Celeron 1700

Intel Pentium IV 1500 MHz

Intel Pentium IV 1500 MHz

Pentium IV-1600

Intel Celeron 633 MHz

Intel Pentium 120 MHz



Intel Celeron 466 MHz


Intel Pentium IV 1500 MHz

Ice cream shop, OPGP

Ice cream shop

Intel Celeron 700 MHz

Ice cream shop

Ice cream shop

Intel Celeron 633 MHz

Ice cream shop

Intel Celeron IV 1700 MHz


Total: 5 computers need to be replaced, 2 are questionable.

Number of obsolete monitors - 5

Scheme local network computers of CJSC "…."

6. Conclusions based on the results of the pre-project survey of CJSC “…”

The head of the enterprise is the General Director, who manages all production, economic, financial and economic activities.

Structural divisions of the administrative block and auxiliary production subordinate directly to him. The management of the activities of the technical support unit, the supply and marketing unit, as well as the production unit is carried out through the Executive Director, the Head of Production and the Technical Director

6.1. Division analysis

Department for the procurement of raw materials

Provides the production unit with a raw material base.

Purchase department

Engaged in the logistics of the main production.

Sales department

Sales of finished products. Acceptance of finished products. Order processing, customer service. Information on the sale of products is used by the marketing department, the planning and economic department.

Logistics Department

Documents for the receipt of materials, shipment of products, movement and production release of materials, drawing up an operational production plan.

production block

Structural subdivisions of this block provide production and economic activities of CJSC “…”. Information in the production block comes from the supply department (through the warehouse) - while providing production with raw materials and materials. Documentary reports to the accounting department with documents on internal movement and release of finished products. Reports on production activities are submitted to the accounting department, planning department. The activity of the production block in terms of quality is controlled by the laboratory and the planning department, which provides technical and economic planning. The production block is subordinated directly to the Head of Production, who manages the work on the operational regulation of the production process, ensuring the rhythmic release of products of the required range and quality. The executive director is working to identify and master technical innovations, best practices that contribute to the improvement of technology, the organization of production and the growth of labor productivity.


The laboratory is part of the administrative block and is directly connected with the production process (from the supply of raw materials to the release of products). It provides input control of raw materials, materials, production control, control of finished products, microbiological control raw materials and components, production, finished products; control of used containers and packaging; control of the sanitary and hygienic regime of production; quality control of water used at the enterprise, etc. The department reports directly to the Executive Director.

Management block.

Management block directly to CEO. Structural subdivisions of this block provide administrative work for the rest of the production. They transmit and receive information from other departments, analyze it, transforming it into the necessary reporting, both internal and external.

Legal Department provides contracts for sales and supply services, ensures compliance with the law in the activities of CJSC “…” and protection of its legal interests.

Accounting collects all documentary primary information and on the basis of it keeps accounting records of economic and financial activities at the enterprise.

Planning and Economic Department collects the documentary primary information necessary for him by departments, as well as reports on the activities of departments and carries out economic planning at the enterprise.

Department of ACS develops, maintains and develops a system of automated information processing for a single information network of the enterprise; develops software for solving production problems.

6.2 Analysis of current automation

Thus, practically all departments of ZAO “…” are closely connected with each other in production and economic processes. There is a continuous exchange of information between departments, which implies some information duplication (especially in manufacturing process when information is used by a large number of departments, and information flows grow). The implementation of the CIS should provide the most convenient information exchange, in which once entered and recorded information can be used by all CIS subsystems to obtain the necessary reports, analyzes, and conclusions through forms that are convenient and accessible to users.

The system of automated accounting at the enterprise, which currently exists, is built correctly, but does not provide information in real time - with continuous accounting. Maintenance of separate areas of accounting is carried out in specialized blocks of the automated system, and if necessary, information is combined into one block. financial information processed only at the close of the previous period, which complicates the operational analysis of financial and economic activities.

CJSC “…” has an automated control system implemented as a set of functional subsystems that solve the main tasks of accounting for the movement of raw materials and materials, production and sale of products, sale of other goods and materials, settlements with suppliers and recipients, payroll, calculation of planned and actual cost and wholesale selling prices, accounting for transport services, etc.

Each of the subsystems has its own database and is implemented on one or more computers that are actually not connected to each other. The exchange of information is carried out through a diskette. The databases of the subsystems are autonomous, there is no unified system of classification and coding of information, which excludes the operational exchange between subsystems.

The collection of information is carried out using diskettes. The lack of communication channels and a unified information base significantly reduces the efficiency of obtaining information necessary for making managerial decisions.

The AWP software was developed on the Progress and FoxPro DBMS and operates in the DOS operating environment. At the same time, the rapid development of information technology dictates the need to switch to modern technology for using a computer park and a multi-user information processing system. All computers of CJSC “…” must be combined into a single local area network, which will provide the possibility of complete integration of information. The LAN will allow to combine all production and administrative buildings into a single information system.

The most promising technology for multi-user information processing is the “client-server” technology, which, when building systems for processing accounting information in the West, has become a standard and is proposed for use in building CIS CJSC “…”. The use of "client-server" technology significantly increases the reliability, performance and stability of the system, especially when a significant number of users work with information bases large volume.

As a network platform, it is proposed to use the Windows network operating system (on the server - Windows 2000 Advanced Server, on workstations - Windows 98, 2000) - a powerful, convenient and simple system for solving a wide variety of tasks, created by the world leader in software development - Microsoft Corporation. The system is easy to use, flexible in settings, contains tools for working in corporate networks and on the Internet, meets all modern requirements to computer systems. It is proposed to use Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 as a database server (hereinafter Microsoft SQL Server 2000, which showed higher performance on Xeon processors). As client applications, the program 1C: Enterprise for SQL, release 15. (Later releases of the program showed instability, at the moment there is release 20, but the program has not yet passed the test period of operation).

An analysis of the existing computer park showed that most of the equipment used meets the technical specifications and meets the requirements today except for a small number. The proposed operating system is already used on the Main Server, the server configuration allows us to talk about the appropriate performance and reliability of the system, as well as the technical "reserve" for the implementation of CIS. But, considering the rapidly growing number of users of the system and the increase in the load on the database, it is recommended in the future to move the database to a separate “database server” (stored SQL database), connected to the “Main server” by a super high-speed network. This will allow using the "Main Server" as a terminal server (when the program will run on the server, and users will see only the image of the program), thereby increasing the speed of the CIS and using less powerful (inexpensive) workstations. From the point of view of the security of the future system, it is recommended to allocate a "file server": a server for archival copies of employees' documents, e-mail, a "mirror" of archival copies of the CIS database.

There is an insufficient amount of equipment in the areas, as well as a complete absence of computers connected taking into account the production unit necessary for the full implementation of CIS.

In connection with the above analysis, it is necessary to carry out work to modernize the computer park in terms of the complete replacement of obsolete models 386.486, Pentium I series, as well as the replacement of monitors that do not provide a high-resolution screen mode for working with CIS 1C: "ITRP". The need for new equipment for additional jobs will be drawn up after a detailed survey of the accounting area, as an appendix to the relevant Terms of Reference.

Analysis of the local network of CJSC “…” showed that the network is in a satisfactory condition. Bandwidth networks 100mb. There are free sockets on the switches, for further development of the network in the near future. The bottleneck is the connection between the main switch (svitch) and the expedition, the distance between the points is ~200 meters. This section is implemented using an additional switch located in the middle, in the area of ​​the raw material acceptance point, which allows you to maintain communication. The distance between switches, 100 meters, is the limit

6.3. System Composition

An analysis of the composition of automated subsystems showed that within the framework of the designed EIS, this composition should be somewhat expanded in order to ensure the full functionality of the system. The following subsystems are proposed:

Warehouse accounting of finished products (OPGP)

Non-current assets (OS).


Within the framework of these subsystems, to provide for the development of automated workstations of KIS 1C: "ITRP". Raw material receivers, supply department, raw material procurement department, head of marketing department, materials warehouse storekeeper, laboratory, production (CMP, Cheese-making, Drying, Butter-making), ice cream shop and OPGP to ensure the full scope of accounting work in real time, and management CJSC "…" - the required operational information.

One of the main tasks of the projected CIS is to assess the profitability of the enterprise; development of a financial planning mechanism.

Profitability directly depends on how the control and analysis of commodity and financial flows is set. It is necessary to provide for the ability to dynamically analyze commodity and financial flows in various aspects - by dates, by partners, cost items, sales volumes, using the existing operational and accounting procedures for this enterprise - input of primary documentation.

Accounting for the presence and movement of commodity flows, which include not only finished products, but also materials, should be traced at the batch level. At the same time, the history of each batch must be fully traced, starting from the moment it was received until it was completely consumed. Commodity accounting should be closely interconnected with quality control and production, since in these subsystems accounting is strictly batch. Currently, the enterprise records the quality of products (laboratory) is carried out almost manually.

In order to promptly and correctly respond to any possible changes in the state of the market, in order to obtain comprehensive and reasonable answers to the questions “what will happen if ...” regarding the development of production, it is necessary to introduce a block of financial planning based on business accounting data into the information system. The block is designed to compile financial plans(budgets) of the enterprise: cash flow budget, budget of income and expenses, balance of settlements with suppliers, etc. Generated reports, charts and graphs will allow you to control the implementation of plans, compare planned and actually achieved indicators and identify the reasons for their discrepancies.

Taking into account the characteristics of the automated accounting system functioning at the enterprise, the corporate information system will be based on the following:

The accounting policy defines the main tasks of accounting in the enterprise, and ensuring the solution of these tasks determines the introduction of a corporate information system in the enterprise. The features of accounting specified in the accounting policy should be reflected in the system being designed.

The system should be unified in terms of information, it should cover not only accounting, but also production and administrative accounting.

Conventionally, the functioning of CIS by types of accounting can be divided into 4 main areas:

1. operational management:

- maintaining a database of contracts various types;

– documentary system of mutual settlements management;

operational control current state mutual settlements with counterparties in the context of primary documents of the warehouse, cash desk and bank.

2. Management accounting:

– accounting and analysis of income and expenses;

– tracking and analysis of mutual settlements;

– analysis of the movement of goods and finished products;

- analysis of debtors and creditors.

3. Accounting:

– analysis of accounting accounts;

– multilevel analytical accounting;

– balance sheet and tax reporting;

4. Production accounting:

– costs in various aspects;

- Calculation of the planned cost;

- the actual cost of production;

– target costs and variance analysis.

6.4 The main characteristics of the system (according to the areas of accounting):

Operational management accounting of production, performance of work and provision of services is carried out with a high degree of detail;

Accounting warehouse stock and movement of materials and goods, finished products;

Batch accounting of the cost of materials and goods, as well as finished products. Methods for determining the cost: "LIFO", "FIFO", "average" (according to the accounting policy - FIFO).

Accounting for mutual settlements with suppliers in the context of individual deliveries and payments;

Accounting for the release of finished products based on standard costs;

Accounting for the use of products for own needs;

Accounting for the sale of finished products and goods (“VAT on payment”);

Accounting for work performed and services rendered;

Accounting for mutual settlements with buyers in the context of individual shipments and payments;

Accounting for the movement of direct and indirect production costs;

Accounting for additional costs for the purchase of goods and materials, the possibility of accounting for the sale of materials to the side, as well as accounting for arbitrary write-offs and receipts of goods and materials to reflect rare operations on the movement of inventory items, has been implemented. Also implemented is support for the movement of goods and materials between storage locations and the redistribution of goods and materials between accounting batches;

Calculation of the cost of finished products and services rendered;

Accounting for the cost of finished products.

Flexible options for accounting for settlements with counterparties: a system for separating settlements under contracts, the ability to select a specific strategy for paying contracts and allocating advances; development of a mechanism for registration of mutual settlements with suppliers and buyers.

7. The procedure for implementing the automation project of CJSC “…”

The order of implementation of the project and development is divided into several stages.

Pre-project survey(is an integral part of the project). This stage includes:

Initial acquaintance and study of the scheme of the enterprise;

Studying the list and structure of the enterprise's workflow;

Studying the current accounting policy of the enterprise;

Finding out the best ways to automate the enterprise, determining the accounting subsystems and the procedure for their implementation.

Preparation of terms of reference for the selected accounting subsystem (implementation stage). This stage includes:

A detailed survey of the units involved in this accounting subsystem.

Choice optimal implementation accounting. Comparative analysis with the model of computer accounting in ITRP.

Coordination of terms of reference with heads of departments.

Program creation.

Programming based on agreed and approved terms of reference.

Training of employees of departments in the rules and methods of working with the modified ITRP system. Entering the necessary information, testing the program, trial operation. Drawing up, based on the results of testing, the corresponding protocols of compliance of the created software product the requirements of the TOR and the wishes of the departments, drawn up by the relevant documents. Making corrections and changes to the created software product, if necessary.

Putting the created program into operation, correcting the found shortcomings ~ the commissioning period is set based on the TOR.

Transition to the next accounting subsystem, then according to item 2.

Note: Each subsequent stage will require more time, due to the correction of the shortcomings of the previous ones.

8. Basic system implementation plan

Warehouse accounting of finished products (GP)

Reflection of the fact of product development in quantitative and sum (according to the planned-normative cost price) expression.

Intershop transfers of finished products

Transfer of finished products to the expedition

Maintaining prices for finished products.

Sales of finished products to contractors. Returns.

Accounting for returnable packaging.

Sales book

Bukh reporting (41,43,40,90, D62)

Cash flow, mutual settlements with buyers and suppliers, cost accounting.

Mutual offsets with contractors

Mutual settlements with buyers

Calculations with accountable persons

Data exchange with the client-bank.

Accounting for indirect costs by departments

Management reporting

Bukh reporting (50,51,71, D26, D23, D44, K62)

Supply, warehouse accounting of materials and raw materials.

Receipt of raw materials

Receipt of materials

Mutual settlements with suppliers

Transfer of raw materials to production

Transfer of materials to production

Book of purchases

Management reporting

Buh reporting (10.60)

Quality accounting system. Laboratory.

Accounting for quality certificates (marking date, expiration date, batch numbers, physical and chemical indicators of finished products)

Batch accounting of cheese in two independent units of measurement (ch., kg.).

Product bar coding

Non-current assets (OS).

Nomenclature of Fixed Assets

OS arrival

OS commissioning

Moving OS


Bukh reporting (01,02,04,07,08)


Standards for the consumption of materials and raw materials GP

Production of semi-finished products

Movement of semi-finished products in production

Release of finished products

Movement of finished products in production

Movement of materials in production

The actual consumption of raw materials and materials for manufacturing

Management reporting

Accounting and tax reporting.

Bukh reporting (76,68,90,91,99)

Regulatory tax reports

Tax accounting.

Accounting financial result

Planning, budgeting of production.

Orders from buyers

Production order

Operational production planning

Production plan

Procurement plan

Connecting ITNALEV: Corporate Finance


Management financial analysis

9. Salary and personnel

To implement payroll and personnel accounting, it is advisable to apply a separate 1C configuration: “Salary and Personnel”, in which the personnel department will be accounted for and the calculation, payroll of employees, followed by uploading data to the KIS 1C: “ITRP” system. Work on configuration settings and commissioning will be carried out in parallel with the main plan for the implementation of CIS 1C: "ITRP".

10. Economic feasibility.

The economic efficiency of the system is determined, on the one hand, by the costs associated with its installation and maintenance, and on the other hand, by the expected reduction in costs and increase in the profit of the enterprise.

What are the costs:

  1. cost of equipment and technology.
  2. program cost.
  3. setup and commissioning costs.
  4. maintenance costs

The total cost depends on the number of jobs and many other characteristics of the enterprise.

Expected results:

Reduced losses through improved cost accounting. Theft at many Russian enterprises has become a tradition, and the introduction of a system that tracks the movement of material assets can significantly reduce the associated losses.

Reducing losses associated with the dishonesty of the supplier (buyer). Tracking receivables and payables, storing the history of relationships with counterparties allows for their certification. In this case, formal signs can be used, or data from the system can serve as ‘reason for reflection’ for managers.

Decrease in stocks. The introduction of production planning and material flows allows you to purchase materials that are really necessary for production, which significantly reduces working capital frozen in the form of inventories, normalizes operational work supply department. An additional effect in this case may be a reduction in storage space.

Reducing the cost of the administrative and managerial apparatus by accelerating the processing of information.

The implementation of the 1C: "ITRP" program according to the above points will give 80% of the expected effect of automated accounting. The main goal of introducing ITRP is to create a functional core of accounting that will close all departments into a single information system, will identify and optimize the information links of departments, and will make it possible to develop a strategy for further development management accounting. Using the main advantage of ITRP, customization flexibility, "fertile ground" will be created for the implementation of a more powerful and fully functional ERP system. However, KIS 1C: "ITRP" will have the necessary functionality to use it for a long time.

Gantt Chart

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Pre-project survey as insurance against project failure.

A pre-project survey is a necessary step if a company decides to automate a particular business process.

But the pre-project survey as a service Not every company needs it.

How do you prepare for an automation project?

Suppose you have chosen the 1C platform for automation, and you want to know the timing and cost of the project. To estimate the time, labor costs and budget of the project, you must first answer a lot of questions:

  • What exactly are the problems caused by the lack of automation, to which project should lead to results?
  • What business processes should be automated, what are the features of these processes?
  • What tasks in the project to do on your own, and what tasks to give to the integrator?
  • How the business will develop in the next 2-3 years, what needs to be put into the system right away so as not to slow down in the future business development?
  • 1C is not just one program, it is a whole "universe" of solutions for companies of various sizes and profiles. Which of the 1C solutions is best suited for your company?
  • How does the new system fit into existing systems?
  • What data needs to be loaded into the system to get started? Where and in what form are they stored? Self-written system? excel?
  • What kind organizational changes will require the implementation of the system?

Even a project manager with many years of experience will not be able to competently plan a project without getting answers to all these questions.

Thus, a pre-project survey will be useful for your company only if you cannot work through all these issues on your own.

What do you get as "output"?

As a result of the survey, you get:

  • a report with a detailed description of the organization of the future project,
  • a calendar plan that shows exactly how the performers will do their work, and how much your employees will be involved in the project, as well as a reasonable and proven estimate of the duration, scope of work and cost of the project.

What is the value of pre-project survey for business?

The value of the pre-project survey lies in the fact that all stakeholders in the company will have a clear and precise idea of:

  • who will do the project and how;
  • what efforts will be required from the employees of the company;
  • how much money needs to be spent on the project;
  • Are the results of the project worth the money?

In the practice of "KORUS Consulting" there were several pre-project surveys, after which the heads of the companies made a decision don't start project.

This was either due to the unwillingness of companies to organizational change, or because the potential results of the project obviously did not justify the investment, or because it was not possible to secure sufficient funding.

The decision not to start a project that is guaranteed to fail is also a positive outcome. You don't spend a lot of money on jobs that won't work, or are bound to fail or be frozen.

In other words, a pre-project survey allows you to consistently, logically and comfortably come to a decision to start a project.

Six steps to complete readiness for the start of the project.

To provide all key employees of the company with the information necessary to make an informed decision about the project, as part of the due diligence, you go through six simple steps:

Step one. Conducting an interview: you meet experienced consultants and discuss your needs with them;

Step two. Preparing of report: you get a systematic view of professionals on the problems and tasks of your enterprise;

Step Three. Discussion of the report and clarifications: you get the opportunity to consider the situation in your company from different points of view;

Step four. Material Analysis and Architectural Design: you get a vision of future results from implementation;

Step five. Development of the project schedule-schedule: you get a detailed map, according to which you go step by step to the goal of the project;

Step six. Presentation of results pre-project survey and joint development of a plan for preparing for the start of the project: you consciously and confidently make a decision to start the project.

How long does it take to complete a pre-project survey?

The duration of the pre-project survey depends on the volume of tasks that need to be solved in the future project. The implementation of this task may require from 2 weeks to 2 months.

The volume of a pre-project survey can vary greatly: from working out a separate (even a large) functional block (for example, 1C: Payroll and personnel management or 1C: MES operational production planning) to developing a full-fledged IT strategy that allows you to set the direction for the development of automation tools for your company on medium and long term, maintain competitive advantage.

What are your next steps?

Getting ready to start a large and complex project?

Are you choosing one of the solutions on the 1C platform?

Do you want to avoid "surprises" and surprises?

Need to understand the duration and scope of work?

Need to identify the main risks of the project?

Need to assess what efforts will be required from key employees of the company?

Find out more about the results of pre-project surveys
for our clients:

Case examples:

1. Gazpromneft Marine Bunker.

Project: consulting project for examining the processes of commercial accounting of petroleum products and the formation of an automation program.

The developed program of projects determines the development of the corporate system for the next three years:

  • ensuring transparency and controllability of business processes;
  • providing management with a tool for making decisions based on timely and reliable information.

2. "BTK Group".

Project: automation of the formation of regulated accounting, tax, statistical reporting based on 1C: Accounting.CORP

According to the results of the survey of the existing accounting system, it became obvious that the automation of accounting and tax accounting in 1C is impractical and risky, because the company will not get the desired return on investment in the project.


pre-project survey

COMPANY "...."

for the implementation of a corporate information system (CIS)

1C: "Institute for Standard Production Solutions" (ITRP)

Purpose of the survey

Organizational structure of CJSC "..."

Description of the functions of departments and existing workflow

Accepted accounting policy

Description of the current level of automation

Automated Functions

Software used

Overview of the existing computer park

Conclusions on the results of the survey of CJSC "..."

Division analysis

Analysis of current automation

System Composition

The main characteristics of the system (according to the areas of accounting)

The procedure for implementing KIS 1C: "ITRP"

The main plan for the implementation of KIS 1C: "ITRP"

Salary and personnel

Implementation Sequence Diagram

Economic expediency.

Purpose of the survey

In the process of pre-project survey of CJSC “...”, the main directions of production and economic activities, the organizational structure of CJSC “...” are studied. Functions of departments, existing informational relationships between departments, internal and external document flow are determined.

Based on the analysis of this information, the required accounting subsystems are determined (for example; warehouse accounting of the SOE) covering several departments, each of which is interested in the efficiency and relevance of the data. Recommendations are being developed to improve the workflow, to eliminate duplication of information. When designing an integrated ITRP solution, solutions are laid that implement the principles of a single entry.

The current level of automation is being studied: the list of developed subsystems, the composition of automated workstations and the range of tasks to be solved are determined in order to determine the functional completeness of the system and automate accounting functions. Proposals are being developed on the required composition of the selected CIS subsystems (Corporate Information System), clarification of the list of tasks to be automated, and expansion of the composition of automated workstations in order to obtain complete operational information on accounting, operational and management accounting of production and economic activities of CJSC "..." , which ensures the adoption of the correct management decision in real time.

The software and information support used are determined and the state of the existing computer park is examined in order to develop proposals for the use of new information technologies, proposals for upgrading or expanding the computer park.

The used accounting policy is investigated in order to determine the specifics of accounting for CJSC "...".

A survey of existing business processes and business is carried out.

procedures. A comparative analysis of enterprise management technologies, existing workflow with technologies and workflow within the framework of the 1C: ITRP system is carried out.

An organizational and functional scheme of automation is being formed, and requirements are being developed for the designed CIS 1C: "ITRP". Based on the installed accounting subsystems and their readiness for automation, a phased calendar plan for the implementation of CIS 1C ITRP is formed.

2. Organizational structure of ZAO "...".

Appointment and information links of divisions

The block diagram of CJSC "..." is presented in Appendix 1.

The General Director manages the production, economic and financial and economic activities of CJSC "...", bearing full responsibility for the consequences of decisions made, financial and economic results of activities. Organizes the work and interaction of all structural divisions, directs their activities to the development and improvement of production, increase in work efficiency, increase in sales volumes of products and increase profits, quality and competitiveness of products.

The executive director determines the technical policy and directions of technical development of CJSC "...", the ways of reconstruction and technical re-equipment of the existing production. In accordance with the approved plans, manages the development of measures for the reconstruction and modernization of the enterprise. Organizes work to increase the range and improve the quality of products, the introduction into production of means of complex mechanization and automation of technological processes.

The commercial director manages the financial and economic activities of the enterprise in the field of logistics, procurement and storage of materials, marketing of products on the market. Takes measures for the timely conclusion of economic and financial contracts with suppliers of materials and buyers of finished products, expansion of direct and long-term economic relations, ensures the fulfillment of contractual obligations for the supply of products, and carries out foreign economic activity.

The technical director provides technical preparation of production, operation, repair and modernization of equipment. Provides performance of work on heat supply, ventilation, maintenance of compressor units, construction.

The head of production manages the production and economic activities of CJSC "...". Supervises the work on the operational regulation of the production process, ensuring the rhythmic release of products of the required range and quality. Carries out work to identify and master technical innovations, best practices that contribute to the improvement of technology, the organization of production and the growth of labor productivity.

The CFO brings financial aspects to strategic and political activities; conducts work in the field of diagnosing the financial condition, economic trends, interpretation of the legislative and financial aspects of state regulation. The financial director is responsible for managing the company's cash, ensuring the timely fulfillment of obligations by the company. Provides analysis of planned and economic activities of production and preparation of accounting, tax, management reporting. Supervises the Information Technology Department. Coordinates work with banks and leasing companies.

The production consists of three workshops: Whole-milk production workshop, Cheese production workshop, Drying workshop, Ice cream workshop.

The ice cream workshop is a remote workshop (~2 km distance), but is an integral part of the main production.

The acceptance of milk is carried out by the Department of Raw Materials Procurement, which manages the main receiving point located on the territory of the plant and 8 milk receivers located in the Pskov region.

The laboratory controls the quality of received milk and finished products.

Sales of finished products consists of divisions: Sales Department of the plant and (structural divisions) Trading House "...", Trading House "...", "Trading from ..."

3. Description of the functions of departments and existing workflow

Accounting ( Annex 2 )

Planning and Economic Department ( Annex 3 )

Production ( Appendix 4 )

Sales department ( Appendix 5 )

Purchase department ( Appendix 6 )

Logistics department (OPGP-TsPM, OPGP - Ice cream shop) ( Annex 7 )

4. Accepted accounting policy

Below are disclosed the key provisions of the accounting policy that determines the accounting in CJSC "...".

The main tasks of accounting are:

Formation of complete and reliable information about business processes and results of the enterprise;

Ensuring control over the availability and movement of property, the use of material, labor and financial resources;

Timely prevention of negative phenomena in economic and financial activities.

According to the accounting policy of the enterprise, accounting of property, liabilities and business transactions is carried out on the basis of natural meters in monetary terms through continuous, continuous, documentary and interconnected interaction.

Control and reflection on the accounts of all business transactions, the provision of operational and effective information in a timely manner should be ensured.

The fact of the completion of a business transaction is recorded by primary documents, which are the basis for entry in the accounting registers. Accounting is carried out according to the journal-order form, followed by filling in the General Ledger

5. Description of the current level of automation

The beginning of work on the automation of accounting functions in CJSC "..." dates back to 1993. At the moment, an automated system is functioning, built as a set of automated workstations (AWS), each of which has its own distinct functional specialization and provides a solution to problems in individual accounting areas. At the same time, the automated workplace of a separate accounting section is implemented on one or several computers that are not physically connected to each other, but work on the same information base, which is supported on all computers of this workplace. The exchange of information between the computers of the workstation is carried out via a floppy disk. The exchange of information between individual workstations is not carried out due to the lack of a unified information base and a unified system for classifying and coding information, which significantly reduces the efficiency of obtaining general information.

5.1. Automated Functions



No. of PCs


The name of the program

Accounting for labor and wages

Accounting 1

Accounting for cash flow at the cash desk of the enterprise

Accounting for the passage of funds through the bank

Accounting 1

Settlement with accountable persons

Accounting 1

Payments for services

Accounting 1

Formation and printing of payment documents

Accounting 1

General ledger, Balance.

Accounting 1

Expedition dispatcher workstation


Accounting for product sales

Accounting 2

Accounting for the receipt of raw materials and settlements with suppliers of raw materials

Acceptance of raw materials

Accounting 2

Accounting for the movement of materials and settlements with suppliers of materials

Accounting 2

Warehouse storekeeper workstation for finished products

Expedition. Ice cream shop

Container master's workstation



Accounting 3.

Settlement with retail suppliers

Accounting 3.

Wholesale 1 pc

Accounting 2.

Settlement with wholesale suppliers

Accounting 2.

Sales of wholesale products (sausage cheese)

Accounting 2.

Formation and printing of powers of attorney

Accounting 1

Accounting for fixed assets

Accounting 1.

Calculation of cost estimates and production costs

Not maintained

Brief Description of Functions

1. Accounting for labor and wages - 1 PC-language. PROGRESS

Accounting 1.

2. Accounting for cash flow at the cash desk of the enterprise - 1 PC - lang. FOXPRO Program Name

  • - issuance of cash documents (incoming and outgoing cash orders)
  • - register of incoming documents
  • - cashier's report
  • - file of reports
  • - reporting forms: w/o 1, statement to w/o 1, analytics, final certificate

3. Accounting for the passage of funds through the bank - 1 PC - lang. FOX PRO

Accounting 1.

  • - maintaining a file of bank statements.
  • - receipt of a journal, statements and analytics for all accounts or for separate accounts. account, folded or expanded.
  • - summary note.
  • - information about the organization.
  • 4. Settlement with accountable persons - 1 PC - lang. FOX PRO

Accounting 1.

  • - input advance. reports
  • - input of payment - acceptance from AWS "CASH"
  • - acceptance of statements from AWP "BANK"
  • - managing turnovers and balances
  • - w / o 7 (summary and advance reports)
  • - summary note
  • - book of purchases by shipment or by payment
  • - VAT statement
  • - analytics

5. Settlements for services - 1 PC - lang. FOX PRO

Accounting 1.

  • - formation of accounts
  • - payment input
  • - maintenance of the balance
  • - formation of invoices
  • - f/o 8
  • - total reference
  • - Book of purchases
  • - decryption of invoices not included in the purchase book
  • - reconciliation acts
  • - analytics

6. Formation and printing of payment documents 1 ANY PC-lang. PROGRESS

7. General ledger, Balance. 1 PC - lang. FOX PRO

  • Accounting 1.
  • - input of credit turnovers
  • - receiving debit transactions
  • - formation and printing of the general ledger, reverse. balance sheet, enterprise report BALANCE
  • - formation of references on deb. and credit. accounts
  • - print w\o
  • - view rev. balance
  • - corrector. revolutions in past periods

8. Expedition dispatcher workstation 4 PC - lang. FOX PRO

  • - formation of TTN and invoices for the shipment of products
  • - generating a pass-summary invoice for the checkpoint
  • - print quality certificate
  • - printing of reports on shipped products for the day and for the period

9. Accounting for the sale of products 1 PC - lang. FOX PRO

  • Accounting 2.
  • - receiving information about the shipment of products
  • - formation and printing of invoices for shipment. products
  • - input of payment of presented invoices 9receipt from AWP "KAASSA" and "BANK"
  • - control of payment of presented invoices
  • - acceptance of offsets for returnable packaging from AWS "TARA"
  • - preparation of reporting forms and registers
  • - drawing up a statement 16
  • - operational calculation of the balance of payers
  • - sales book
  • - reconciliation acts

10. Accounting for the receipt of raw materials and settlements with suppliers of raw materials 2 PC - lang. FOX PRO

  • 1st PC: Acceptance of raw materials.
  • - extract of TTN for the receipt of raw materials, for return
  • - issuance of acts in case of data discrepancy
  • - extract TTN transfer from the points of reception
  • - receiving reports on raw materials
  • - obtaining information on qualities. indicators

2nd PC: Accounting 2.

  • - forms and printing of receipts
  • - input and control of payment (reception from AWP "CASS")
  • - acceptance of offsets from AWS "REALIZATION"
  • - Book of purchases
  • - w\o 6-z

11. Accounting for the movement of materials and settlements with suppliers of materials 2 PC - lang. FOX PRO

1st PC: Accounting 2.

  • - accounting for the presence and movement of storage places
  • -input input documents (for cash settlement, from processing, internal turnover, from suppliers and other receipts)
  • - acceptance of invoices from AWS "SUPPLIERS OF MATERIALS"
  • - input of cons. documents (expenditure in production)
  • - for processing
  • - internal turnover
  • - write-off
  • - other expenses
  • - Maintaining stock cards. accounting
  • - Maintaining a card index of the number of sums. accounting
  • - preparation of reporting registers:
  • - MOT report
  • - turnover sheet
  • - balance sheet
  • - lists of inputs and expenses
  • - f/o 10
  • - calculation of bargaining markup
  • - carrying out inventory
  • - compilation of inventory. and coll. statements
  • - 16th statement
  • - sales book

2nd PC: Accounting 2.


5.2. Software used

The software on the basis of which the workplaces are implemented was developed by the ACS department of CJSC "...". The software of each workplace is a software package developed independently of others and operating autonomously. Programs are written in DBMS PROGRESS and DBMS FOXPRO to work in DOS operating environment. The software is maintained by the IT department.

5.3. Disadvantages of the software used:

The system does not have integrity and isolation. The fragmentation of information input entails duplication of objects (names, objects), there is no control over the uniqueness of the information being entered.

No, corresponding to the current time, efficiency.

There is no analysis of economic activity, accounting and tax reporting, balance sheet formation.

Overview of the computer park of CJSC "..."

At the moment, 44 computers are installed at the plant. Of them:

1 machines with 286 processor

2 machines with 386 processor

1 machines with 486 processor

1 machine with Celeron 433 processor

6 machines with Celeron 466 processor

2 machines with Celeron 633 processor

2 machines with Celeron 700 processor

6 machines with Celeron 1700 processor

1 machines with Pentium II processor

3 Pentium III machines

19 Pentium IV machines



Pentium III 1300x2

Pentium IV-1500

Pentium IV-1600

Intel Celeron 1700

Intel Pentium III 750 MHz

Intel Celeron 1700


Head. boo.

Intel Pentium IV 1500 MHz

Accounting (Deputy Chief Accountant)

Intel Pentium IV 1500 MHz

Accounting (cash desk)


Accounting (materials)

Intel Celeron 633 MHz

Accounting (MOL)


Accounting (taxes)

Intel Celeron 633 MHz

Accounting (wholesale trading)

Intel Pentium 133 MHz


Accounting (OS)

Pentium IV-1700

Accounting (suppliers of mat.)

Intel Pentium III 700 MHz

Accounting (implementation)

Pentium IV-1700

Accounting (canteen)

Cyrix 486 56 MHz


Accounting (finance)

Intel Celeron 1700

Accounting (Bank-Client)

Intel Celeron 700 MHz

Accounting (payroll)

Intel Celeron 1700



Intel Pentium III 733 MHz

Use Director

Intel Celeron 1700


Pentium IV-1700

Com. Director

Pentium IV-1400

Sales department

Planning and Economic Department

Intel Celeron 1700

Intel Pentium IV 1500 MHz

Intel Pentium IV 1500 MHz

Pentium IV-1600

Intel Celeron 633 MHz

Intel Pentium 120 MHz



Intel Celeron 466 MHz


Intel Pentium IV 1500 MHz

Ice cream shop, OPGP

Ice cream shop

Intel Celeron 700 MHz

Ice cream shop

Ice cream shop

Intel Celeron 633 MHz

Ice cream shop

Intel Celeron IV 1700 MHz


Total: 5 computers need to be replaced, 2 are questionable.

Number of obsolete monitors - 5

Scheme of the local network of computers of CJSC “….”

6. Conclusions based on the results of the pre-project survey of CJSC "..."

The head of the enterprise is the General Director, who manages all production, economic, financial and economic activities.

Structural divisions of the administrative unit and auxiliary production are directly subordinate to him. The management of the activities of the technical support unit, the supply and marketing unit, as well as the production unit is carried out through the Executive Director, the Head of Production and the Technical Director

6.1. Division analysis

Department for the procurement of raw materials

Provides the production unit with a raw material base.

Purchase department

Engaged in the logistics of the main production.

Sales department

Sales of finished products. Acceptance of finished products. Order processing, customer service. Information on the sale of products is used by the marketing department, the planning and economic department.

Logistics Department

Documents for the receipt of materials, shipment of products, movement and production release of materials, drawing up an operational production plan.

production block

Structural subdivisions of this block provide production and economic activities of CJSC "...". Information in the production block comes from the supply department (through the warehouse) - while providing production with raw materials and materials. Documentary reports to the accounting department with documents on internal movement and release of finished products. Reports on production activities are submitted to the accounting department, planning department. The activity of the production block in terms of quality is controlled by the laboratory and the planning department, which provides technical and economic planning. The production block is subordinated directly to the Head of Production, who manages the work on the operational regulation of the production process, ensuring the rhythmic release of products of the required range and quality. The executive director is working to identify and master technical innovations, best practices that contribute to the improvement of technology, the organization of production and the growth of labor productivity.


The laboratory is part of the administrative block and is directly connected with the production process (from the supply of raw materials to the release of products). It provides input control of raw materials, materials, production control, control of finished products, microbiological control of raw materials and components, production, finished products; control of used containers and packaging; control of the sanitary and hygienic regime of production; quality control of water used at the enterprise, etc. The department reports directly to the Executive Director.

Management block.

Management block directly to the General Director. Structural subdivisions of this block provide administrative work for the rest of the production. They transmit and receive information from other departments, analyze it, transforming it into the necessary reporting, both internal and external.

Legal Department provides contracts for sales and supply services, ensures compliance with the law in the activities of UAB "..." and protection of its legal interests.

Accounting collects all documentary primary information and on the basis of it keeps accounting records of economic and financial activities at the enterprise.

Planning and Economic Department collects the documentary primary information necessary for him by departments, as well as reports on the activities of departments and carries out economic planning at the enterprise.

Department of ACS develops, maintains and develops a system of automated information processing for a single information network of the enterprise; develops software for solving production problems.

6.2 Analysis of current automation

Thus, practically all departments of UAB “...” are closely connected with each other in production and economic processes. There is a continuous exchange of information between departments, which implies some information duplication (especially in the production process, when a large number of departments use information, and information flows grow). The implementation of the CIS should provide the most convenient information exchange, in which once entered and recorded information can be used by all CIS subsystems to obtain the necessary reports, analyzes, and conclusions through forms that are convenient and accessible to users.

The system of automated accounting at the enterprise, which currently exists, is built correctly, but does not provide information in real time - with continuous accounting. Maintenance of separate areas of accounting is carried out in specialized blocks of the automated system, and if necessary, information is combined into one block. Financial information is processed only at the close of the previous period, which makes it difficult to quickly analyze financial and economic activities.

CJSC “...” has an automated control system implemented as a set of functional subsystems that solve the main tasks of accounting for the movement of raw materials and materials, production and sale of products, the sale of other goods and materials, settlements with suppliers and recipients, payroll, calculation of planned and actual cost and wholesale prices, accounting for transport services, etc.

Each of the subsystems has its own database and is implemented on one or more computers that are actually not connected to each other. The exchange of information is carried out through a diskette. The databases of the subsystems are autonomous, there is no unified system of classification and coding of information, which excludes the operational exchange between subsystems.

The collection of information is carried out using diskettes. The lack of communication channels and a unified information base significantly reduces the efficiency of obtaining information necessary for making managerial decisions.

The AWP software was developed on the Progress and FoxPro DBMS and operates in the DOS operating environment. At the same time, the rapid development of information technology dictates the need to switch to modern technology for using a computer park and a multi-user information processing system. All computers of CJSC "..." must be combined into a single local area network, which will provide the possibility of complete integration of information. The LAN will allow to combine all production and administrative buildings into a single information system.

The most promising technology for multi-user information processing is the “client-server” technology, which, when building systems for processing accounting information in the West, has become a standard and is proposed for use in building CIS CJSC “...”. The use of "client-server" technology significantly increases the reliability, performance and stability of the system, especially when a significant number of users work with large information databases.

As a network platform, it is proposed to use the Windows network operating system (on the server - Windows 2000 Advanced Server, on workstations - Windows 98, 2000) - a powerful, convenient and simple system for solving a wide variety of tasks, created by the world leader in software development - Microsoft Corporation. The system is easy to use, flexible in settings, contains tools for working in corporate networks and on the Internet, meets all modern requirements for computer systems. It is proposed to use Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 as a database server (hereinafter Microsoft SQL Server 2000, which showed higher performance on Xeon processors). As client applications, the program 1C: Enterprise for SQL, release 15. (Later releases of the program showed instability, at the moment there is release 20, but the program has not yet passed the test period of operation).

An analysis of the existing computer park showed that most of the equipment used meets the technical specifications and meets the requirements of today, with the exception of a small number. The proposed operating system is already used on the Main Server, the server configuration allows us to talk about the appropriate performance and reliability of the system, as well as the technical "reserve" for the implementation of CIS. But, considering the rapidly growing number of users of the system and the increase in the load on the database, it is recommended in the future to move the database to a separate “database server” (stored SQL database), connected to the “Main server” by a super high-speed network. This will allow using the "Main Server" as a terminal server (when the program will run on the server, and users will see only the image of the program), thereby increasing the speed of the CIS and using less powerful (inexpensive) workstations. From the point of view of the security of the future system, it is recommended to allocate a "file server": a server for archival copies of employees' documents, e-mail, a "mirror" of archival copies of the CIS database.

There is an insufficient amount of equipment in the areas, as well as a complete absence of computers connected taking into account the production unit necessary for the full implementation of CIS.

In connection with the above analysis, it is necessary to carry out work to modernize the computer park in terms of the complete replacement of obsolete models 386.486, Pentium I series, as well as the replacement of monitors that do not provide a high-resolution screen mode for working with CIS 1C: "ITRP". The need for new equipment for additional jobs will be drawn up after a detailed survey of the accounting area, as an appendix to the relevant Terms of Reference.

Analysis of the local network of CJSC "..." showed that the network is in a satisfactory condition. Network bandwidth 100mb. There are free sockets on the switches, for further development of the network in the near future. The bottleneck is the connection between the main switch (svitch) and the expedition, the distance between the points is ~200 meters. This section is implemented using an additional switch located in the middle, in the area of ​​the raw material acceptance point, which allows you to maintain communication. The distance between switches, 100 meters, is the limit

6.3. System Composition

An analysis of the composition of automated subsystems showed that within the framework of the designed EIS, this composition should be somewhat expanded in order to ensure the full functionality of the system. The following subsystems are proposed:

Warehouse accounting of finished products (OPGP)

Non-current assets (OS).


Within the framework of these subsystems, to provide for the development of automated workstations of KIS 1C: "ITRP". Raw material receivers, supply department, raw material procurement department, head of marketing department, materials warehouse storekeeper, laboratory, production (CMP, Cheese-making, Drying, Butter-making), ice cream shop and OPGP to ensure the full scope of accounting work in real time, and management CJSC "..." - the required operational information.

One of the main tasks of the projected CIS is to assess the profitability of the enterprise; development of a financial planning mechanism.

Profitability directly depends on how the control and analysis of commodity and financial flows is set. It is necessary to provide for the ability to dynamically analyze commodity and financial flows in various aspects - by dates, by partners, cost items, sales volumes, using the existing operational and accounting procedures for this enterprise - input of primary documentation.

Accounting for the presence and movement of commodity flows, which include not only finished products, but also materials, should be traced at the batch level. At the same time, the history of each batch must be fully traced, starting from the moment it was received until it was completely consumed. Commodity accounting should be closely interconnected with quality control and production, since in these subsystems accounting is strictly batch. Currently, the enterprise records the quality of products (laboratory) is carried out almost manually.

In order to promptly and correctly respond to any possible changes in the state of the market, in order to obtain comprehensive and reasonable answers to the questions "what will happen if ..." regarding the development of production, it is necessary to introduce a block of financial planning based on business accounting data into the information system. The block is intended for drawing up financial plans (budgets) of an enterprise: cash flow budget, budget of income and expenses, balance of settlements with suppliers, etc. Generated reports, charts and graphs will allow you to control the implementation of plans, compare planned and actually achieved indicators and identify the reasons for their discrepancies.

Taking into account the characteristics of the automated accounting system functioning at the enterprise, the corporate information system will be based on the following:

The accounting policy defines the main tasks of accounting in the enterprise, and ensuring the solution of these tasks determines the introduction of a corporate information system in the enterprise. The features of accounting specified in the accounting policy should be reflected in the system being designed.

The system should be unified in terms of information, it should cover not only accounting, but also production and administrative accounting.

Conventionally, the functioning of CIS by types of accounting can be divided into 4 main areas:

1. Operational management:

Maintaining a database of contracts of various types;

Documentary settlement management system;

Operational control of the current state of mutual settlements with counterparties in the context of primary documents of the warehouse, cash desk and bank.

2. Management accounting:

Accounting and analysis of income and expenses;

Tracking and analysis of mutual settlements;

Analysis of the movement of goods and finished products;

Analysis of debtors and creditors.

3. Accounting:

Analysis of accounting accounts;

Multilevel analytical accounting;

Balance sheet and tax reporting;

4. Production accounting:

Costs in various aspects;

Calculation of the planned cost;

The actual cost of production;

Standard costs and variance analysis.

6.4 The main characteristics of the system (according to the areas of accounting):

Operational management accounting of production, performance of work and provision of services is carried out with a high degree of detail;

Accounting for inventory and movement of materials and goods, finished products;

Batch accounting of the cost of materials and goods, as well as finished products. Methods for determining the cost: "LIFO", "FIFO", "average" (according to the accounting policy - FIFO).

Accounting for mutual settlements with suppliers in the context of individual deliveries and payments;

Accounting for the release of finished products based on standard costs;

Accounting for the use of products for own needs;

Accounting for the sale of finished products and goods ("VAT on payment");

Accounting for work performed and services rendered;

Accounting for mutual settlements with buyers in the context of individual shipments and payments;

Accounting for the movement of direct and indirect production costs;

Accounting for additional costs for the purchase of goods and materials, the possibility of accounting for the sale of materials to the side, as well as accounting for arbitrary write-offs and receipts of goods and materials to reflect rare operations on the movement of inventory items, has been implemented. Also implemented is support for the movement of goods and materials between storage locations and the redistribution of goods and materials between accounting batches;

Calculation of the cost of finished products and services rendered;

Accounting for the cost of finished products.

Flexible options for accounting for settlements with counterparties: a system for separating settlements under contracts, the ability to select a specific strategy for paying contracts and allocating advances; development of a mechanism for registration of mutual settlements with suppliers and buyers.

7. The procedure for the implementation of the automation project of CJSC "..."

The order of implementation of the project and development is divided into several stages.

Pre-project survey (is an integral part of the project). This stage includes:

Initial acquaintance and study of the scheme of the enterprise;

Studying the list and structure of the enterprise's workflow;

Studying the current accounting policy of the enterprise;

Finding out the best ways to automate the enterprise, determining the accounting subsystems and the procedure for their implementation.

Preparation of terms of reference for the selected accounting subsystem (implementation stage). This stage includes:

A detailed survey of the units involved in this accounting subsystem.

Choosing the optimal implementation of accounting. Comparative analysis with the model of computer accounting in ITRP.

Coordination of terms of reference with heads of departments.

Program creation.

Programming based on agreed and approved terms of reference.

Training of employees of departments in the rules and methods of working with the modified ITRP system. Entering the necessary information, testing the program, trial operation. Drawing up, based on the results of testing, the corresponding protocols for the compliance of the created software product with the requirements of the TOR and the wishes of the departments, drawn up by the relevant documents. Making corrections and changes to the created software product, if necessary.

Putting the created program into operation, correcting the found shortcomings ~ the commissioning period is set based on the TOR.

Transition to the next accounting subsystem, then according to item 2.

Note: Each subsequent stage will require more time, due to the correction of the shortcomings of the previous ones.

8. Basic system implementation plan

Warehouse accounting of finished products (GP)

Reflection of the fact of product development in quantitative and sum (according to the planned-normative cost price) expression.

Intershop transfers of finished products

Transfer of finished products to the expedition

Maintaining prices for finished products.

Sales of finished products to contractors. Returns.

Accounting for returnable packaging.

Sales book

Bukh reporting (41,43,40,90, D62)

Cash flow, mutual settlements with buyers and suppliers, cost accounting.

Mutual offsets with contractors

Mutual settlements with buyers

Calculations with accountable persons

Data exchange with the client-bank.

Accounting for indirect costs by departments

Management reporting

Bukh reporting (50,51,71, D26, D23, D44, K62)

Supply, warehouse accounting of materials and raw materials.

Receipt of raw materials

Receipt of materials

Mutual settlements with suppliers

Transfer of raw materials to production

Transfer of materials to production

Book of purchases

Management reporting

Buh reporting (10.60)

Quality accounting system. Laboratory.

Accounting for quality certificates (marking date, expiration date, batch numbers, physical and chemical indicators of finished products)

Batch accounting of cheese in two independent units of measurement (ch., kg.).

Product bar coding

Non-current assets (OS).

Nomenclature of Fixed Assets

OS arrival

OS commissioning

Moving OS


Bukh reporting (01,02,04,07,08)


Standards for the consumption of materials and raw materials GP

Production of semi-finished products

Movement of semi-finished products in production

Release of finished products

Movement of finished products in production

Movement of materials in production

The actual consumption of raw materials and materials for manufacturing

Management reporting

Accounting and tax reporting.

Bukh reporting (76,68,90,91,99)

Regulatory tax reports

Tax accounting.

Accounting financial result

Planning, budgeting of production.

Orders from buyers

Production order

Operational production planning

Production plan

Procurement plan

Connecting ITNALEV: Corporate Finance


Management financial analysis

9. Salary and personnel

To implement payroll and personnel accounting, it is advisable to apply a separate 1C configuration: “Salary and Personnel”, in which the personnel department will be accounted for and the calculation, payroll of employees, followed by uploading data to the KIS 1C: “ITRP” system. Work on configuration settings and commissioning will be carried out in parallel with the main plan for the implementation of CIS 1C: "ITRP".

10. Economic feasibility.

The economic efficiency of the system is determined, on the one hand, by the costs associated with its installation and maintenance, and on the other hand, by the expected reduction in costs and increase in the profit of the enterprise.

What are the costs:

  1. cost of equipment and technology.
  2. program cost.
  3. setup and commissioning costs.
  4. maintenance costs

The total cost depends on the number of jobs and many other characteristics of the enterprise.

Expected results:

Reduced losses through improved cost accounting. Theft at many Russian enterprises has become a tradition, and the introduction of a system that tracks the movement of material assets can significantly reduce the associated losses.

Reducing losses associated with the dishonesty of the supplier (buyer). Tracking receivables and payables, storing the history of relationships with counterparties allows for their certification. In this case, formal signs can be used, or data from the system can serve as a “reason for reflection” for managers.

Decrease in stocks. The introduction of production planning and material flows allows you to purchase materials that are really necessary for production, which significantly reduces working capital frozen in the form of inventories, and normalizes the operational work of the supply department. An additional effect in this case may be a reduction in storage space.

Reducing the cost of the administrative and managerial apparatus by accelerating the processing of information.

The implementation of the 1C: "ITRP" program according to the above points will give 80% of the expected effect of automated accounting. The main goal of introducing ITRP is to create a functional core of accounting that will close all departments into a single information system, will identify and optimize the information links of departments, and will make it possible to develop a strategy for the further development of management accounting. Using the main advantage of ITRP, customization flexibility, "fertile ground" will be created for the implementation of a more powerful and fully functional ERP system. However, KIS 1C: "ITRP" will have the necessary functionality to use it for a long time.

Gantt Chart

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    Pre-project survey

    At this stage, approaches to automation are defined and agreed upon, and general information about the enterprise, priorities and key requirements for the system are determined. The results of the survey allow us to understand the scope and complexity of the work. On the this stage the budget and timing of the project are determined.

    Detailed survey and preparation of Terms of Reference

    If the customer needs to adapt the software product, a Terms of Reference (TOR) is prepared. In the process of drawing up the TOR, a detailed survey is carried out, in which the data collected at the stage of the pre-project survey are detailed:

    • the primary documentation of the customer is studied,
    • exit forms,
    • composition of existing databases,
    • accepted accounting procedures and internal corporate standards.
  1. Drawing up and approval of the Work Schedule
  2. On the basis of the TOR, a Work Schedule for the implementation of 1C is built, which allows all participants to control the progress of work.

    This stage ends with the preparation of the ToR document, the preparation of the Work Schedule for the adaptation and implementation of the software product, and the approval of the test case.

  3. Development, adaptation and programming 1C

    This stage involves the implementation of a set of works to develop additional program features and adapt standard 1C configurations to the specifics of accounting in the organization or enterprise of the customer.

    Data transfer

    For normal operation the program must enter the initial balances. The introduction of 1C at this stage occurs by entering initial balances manually or using software. The expediency of using one or another method is discussed at the stage of drawing up the TOR.

    Trial operation

    At this stage, the implementation of 1C is a set of measures to put the system into operation. In exceptional cases, parallel accounting is allowed for some time.

    During commissioning, additional requirements for functionality and interface often appear that are not fixed in terms of reference. Such requirements are qualified as Additional works, and the conditions for their implementation are specified in the appendix to the contract.


    In most cases, after the tasks of implementing 1C, or in parallel with the trial operation, training is carried out for the customer's employees who will directly work with the automated system. Training is provided at all levels from ordinary users to business leaders.

    Training can be conducted at an authorized training center or at the customer's premises. The most effective form of training is the practical application of the implemented program under the supervision of a consultant directly at the workplace.

    As additional service the development of user job descriptions can be carried out, which will contain: a description of the sequence of actions of the user of this type of tasks when keeping records; documents required for data entry; reports used to control and analyze accounting, etc.

    Support 1C

    After the implementation stage, we are ready to provide comprehensive and timely support, as well as perform any work on 1C.

The 1C Enterprise platform has long ceased to be a "program for accounting" and with the release of version 8, it has become one of the largest players in the corporate information systems market. The full implementation of the program has long ceased to be just a "installation of the program." Design - the process is not simple and requires a project approach. Let's consider one of the options for the phased implementation of a corporate information system.

During the stage preliminary work the customer learns about the experience of similar projects of the contractor, receives statistical estimates of the cost (since there is still little information for real estimates). Based on this information, a preliminary Commercial offer which is agreed with the client.

  • The client certifies the competence of the performer
  • The Contractor determines that the Client is interested in the project and is ready to continue working
  • Agreement of intent or framework cooperation agreement

Pre-project survey (express survey)

Usually, the Client needs more accurate estimates of the planned budget and project deadlines to start the project. For this, a rapid survey is carried out. It clarifies what tasks need to be solved so that the Client achieves his goals: in a reasonable time and budget, he gets the best result. Based on the results of the express survey, a project plan and all the necessary documentation for the start of work are prepared.

Effective result of the stage of work of the 1C project

  • The client gets an idea of ​​the projected labor intensity, timing and cost of completing tasks, including the time spent by his employees, finds out possible risks, determines the readiness of his company for the project
  • Contractor clarifies the resources required to complete the project

The result of the stage of work of the project 1C

  • Updated forecast budget and implementation schedule
  • At the request of the client: express examination report

Modeling (prototyping) of the future system

Products for automating accounting and management allow you to create an effective internal business environment. Usually the Client is interested in "looking into the future", to see in what internal environment his business will operate after the project. The client wants to understand the advantages and disadvantages of this environment, formulate requirements for changing the environment, or, on the contrary, adapt to more efficient work patterns provided by the product. To do this, modeling is carried out - emulation of the work of all the Client's processes as if the project had already been completed. It is necessary not only to show the client the “future”, but also to tell how the product will make the business more efficient

Effective result of the stage of work of the 1C project

  • The client understands how the product of the project will achieve the goals he needs. The client has a good idea of ​​what exactly will change in his business after the implementation of the product.
  • The contractor determines which client processes are already supported by the standard product, and where it will be necessary to synchronize the product and client processes

The result of the stage of work of the project 1C

  • Prototype (model) of the Client's business in an automated system
  • At the request of the client: a formalized description of business processes

Design of the future system

Usually the Client wants to use the results of the project for the benefit of the business without a strong delay in time. To do this, it is necessary to help the Client to form the design of the system - to determine the detailed requirements for the project product and, together with the Client, we audit them (we highlight the really essential requirements and additional, less essential requirements).

In addition, the Client often expresses wishes for a quick first result. The design can be carried out in separate stages for each set of business processes that are significant for the Client (for example, "Warehouse", "CRM", "Production").

Effective result of the stage of work of the 1C project

  • The client understands how the project product will be created and in what environment it will function
  • The Contractor determines what requirements for acceptance of the results of product development are essential for the Client

The result of the stage of work of the project 1C

  • Technical requirements for an automated system

Development within the framework of the 1C project

The development makes it possible to implement the missing functions that are important for the Client in a typical product. Usually the Client does not want to know what exactly our programmers are doing. However, in Lately many Clients orient their IT department for further support of the automated system and wish to receive full list changes in the standard product. It is necessary to take into account all the wishes of the Client and, if necessary, draw up technical projectdetailed description how the product is configured.

Effective result of the stage of work of the 1C project

  • The client receives the main product of the project: an automated accounting and management system
  • The Contractor clarifies with the Client additional wishes for further settings and prepares for the implementation of the product

The result of the stage of work of the project 1C

  • System testing protocols by the Client

Implementation of the 1C information system

Usually the Client needs the result of a turnkey project. Such interaction with the Client's employees is necessary to ensure that all necessary commissioning work is carried out. At the implementation stage, the automated system is deployed at all workplaces, data is imported from previous systems, the required training of the Client's employees is carried out and they are consulted on emerging issues: everything that is needed for a quick and efficient launch of the system is done.

Effective result of the stage of work of the 1C project

  • The client receives all the agreed products of the project: the required equipment, the system deployed on a given number of workstations, qualified personnel
  • The contractor receives information to accompany the product

The result of the stage of work of the project 1C

  • The act of commissioning an automated system

Post-project support 1C

Usually the client wants the achieved result of the project to be always relevant, regardless of changes in the external and internal business environment. This is achieved continuously. Flexible interaction between the contractor and the Client's IT service (if any) is required, and only those services that are really necessary for the safe operation of the product and its development should be provided.

Effective result of the stage of work of the 1C project

  • Client provides information security and timely adjustment of the system to new business requirements
  • The contractor receives feedback to improve the product and project activities generally

The result of the stage of work of the project 1C

  • System maintenance acts

If you are interested in the design development of your own corporate information system, you can contact for all questions.