Do sellers of non-food products need medical books. Medical book for the seller of non-food products





Sanitary book - which doctors do you need to go through?

Today, a medical book is one of the main documents that you must have in order to be able to work in many companies. This is especially true for candidates for vacancies related to serving people, working with food, trade, serving children in relevant educational institutions and providing medical services. Therefore, if you want to get a job like this, you should know which doctors you need to go through for a medical book.

Making a medical book

A medical book is an appropriate document that confirms that a person does not have diseases that are dangerous to others. It lists the results:

1. analyzes of the material taken from the employee;

2. examinations of medical specialists;

3. conclusions on admission to a specific type of activity.

A sanitary book can be issued at the Centers for Hygiene and Epidemiology, including SES at the place of residence. You can take tests, as well as undergo an examination in a paid clinic. It is important to know which specialists you need to go through for a personal medical book.

At the same time, forms of sanitary books are not available for free sale, they can only be purchased at the Central Geological and Epidemiological Service or SES after undergoing hygienic training. When issuing a book, a photo of the owner is pasted, in addition, an identity document will be needed.
In the organization for issuing a sanitary book, a candidate is given a list of doctors for a medical book, from whom he needs to pass tests, including passing doctors.

List of medical doctors

Which doctors do you need to go through for a health book? Before examination by doctors, it is necessary to pass tests. For the relevant medical book in without fail should be submitted:

1. complete blood count; 2. test for AIDS or HIV;

3. test for syphilis;

4. you need to pass urine and feces;

5. scrapings from the anus and nasal cavities, for women, a swab from the vagina will be required.

In addition, the specified list includes an X-ray examination or fluorography, an electrocardiogram. In some cases, ultrasound of the mammary glands and abdominal cavity may be required.

After receiving the tests, an examination by doctors begins. Usually you need to go through the following specialists:

1. examination by a dermatovenereologist for a medical book; 2. psychiatrist;

3. dentist;

4. narcologist.

Some, according to the results of the tests, will also need to visit an ENT specialist, an infectious disease specialist and a dermatovenereologist. All women will be required to visit a gynecologist. As a rule, the final conclusion on the possibility of admission to work is given by the general practitioner of the institution where the examination is being carried out.

Depending on the current characteristics of a certain profession, the list of analyzes and medical specialists may change, this also applies to the validity of the conclusions. It turns out when working in trade, a children's educational institution and public catering, a medical examination will be required twice a year. And, for example, employees of beauty salons or packaging shops - only once a year.

Medical book for sellers

Sellers interact with buyers almost every day. Therefore, it is extremely important to know which doctors the seller needs to go through for a sanitary book. Every year they need to undergo examinations:

1. fluorography;

2. vaccinations in accordance with the medical card or vaccination certificate;

3. blood tests: to determine the level of cholesterol and sugar, general clinical, for the presence of typhoid fever and syphilis;

4. stool tests for worm eggs, dysenteric group, enterobiasis;

5. general urine analysis;

6. swab analysis that detects staphylococcal infections;

7. electrocardiogram;

8. mammography or breast ultrasound for women.

In addition, you should visit specialist doctors:

1. dermatologist;

2. therapist-occupational pathologist;

3. dentist;

4. psychiatrist-narcologist;

5. ENT doctor;

6. gynecologist - for women.

At the end, you will need to be examined by a therapist.

Medical book for teachers

Employees of educational organizations, including children's organizations engaged in educational activities, will need to pass the following tests in order to issue a medical book:

1. fluorography - once a year;

2. swab for gonorrhea;

3. blood test for syphilis;

4. tests for enterobiasis;

5. urinalysis;

6. blood test;

7. blood test for syphilis;

8. smear for staphylococcus aureus;

10. glucose + total cholesterol;

11. analysis of feces to determine the eggs of worms;

After passing the tests, you will need to know which doctors go through for the teacher's health book. These are the following experts:

1. a dentist who performs the rehabilitation of the oral cavity;

2. infectious disease specialist;

4. dermatologist;

5. psychiatrist-narcologist;

6. occupational therapist.

Women will also need to visit a gynecologist and have a pap smear. If the teacher is older than 40 years, then he will need to undergo an ultrasound of the mammary glands or a mammogram. This procedure should be carried out every 2 years.

The results of all performed medical examinations and examinations are recorded in the form of a medical book. The scope of analyzes and research is strictly determined by the specialization of the employee.

Is it necessary to pass medical examinations workers in the non-food trade? What is the official position of Rostrud on this issue?

By this issue we take the following position:

The employees indicated in the question (including sellers of non-food products), as employees of trade organizations, are required to undergo medical examinations. The explanations of Rostrud specialists on this issue are contradictory.

Position justification:

Paragraph 1 of Art. 34 federal law dated March 30, 1999 N 52-FZ "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population" (hereinafter - Law N 52-FZ) provides that in order to prevent the occurrence and spread of infectious diseases, mass non-communicable diseases (poisoning) and occupational diseases workers individual professions, industries and organizations in the performance of their job duties are required to undergo pre-employment and periodic preventive medical examinations.

Article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides that one of the obligations of the employer to ensure safe conditions and labor protection is the obligation to organize the conduct at the expense of own funds mandatory preliminary (when applying for a job) and periodic (during labor activity) medical examinations.

According to the second part of Art. 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, trade workers are required to undergo mandatory preliminary (upon employment) and periodic medical examinations in order to protect public health and prevent the occurrence and spread of diseases. Clause 15 of the List of works, during the performance of which mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations of employees are carried out, approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of April 12, 2011 N 302n, also includes work in trade organizations (without specifying the products sold) periodic medical examinations. At the same time, as can be seen, in the regulations the obligation to undergo medical examinations is not made dependent on the specific labor function of employees of these organizations (see, for example, the decision of the Dimitrovgrad City Court of the Ulyanovsk Region dated October 20, 2010 in case No. 2-1916 / 2010).

Therefore, we believe that employees of an organization engaged in trade (including sellers of non-food products) are subject to mandatory medical examinations.

The explanations of Rostrud specialists on this issue are contradictory. If in September 2015 on information portal Rostrud "Onlineinspektsiya.RF" representatives of Rostrud explained that all employees of trade organizations (including sellers of non-food products) are required to undergo medical examinations in order to protect public health, prevent the occurrence and spread of diseases, and not due to the fact that their workers places where harmful or dangerous factors of production(see answer 1), then in August 2016, Rostrud specialists concluded that only sellers working in the food trade should undergo a medical examination (see answer 2).

On the issue of whether medical examinations are mandatory for employees who work with a computer for at least 50% of their working time, regardless of the results of a special assessment of jobs, there is no uniformity in the explanations of government agencies and in the approaches of judicial practice * (1).

We adhere to the position that the employer is obliged to conduct medical examinations of the workers indicated in the question due to the fact that they perform work in a trade organization, and not due to the fact that harmful or dangerous production factors are present at their workplaces.

In conclusion, we draw your attention to the fact that this position is our expert opinion. Supervisory and judicial authorities may take a different point of view on a given issue.

Prepared answer:
Legal Consulting Service Expert GARANT
Kamenshchikov Alexander

Response quality control:
Reviewer of the Legal Consulting Service GARANT
Kudryashov Maxim

The material was prepared on the basis of an individual written consultation provided as part of the Legal Consulting service.
*(1) For more information on this, see the following materials:

Q: Based on the results special evaluation working conditions (hereinafter referred to as the SAUT), the impact on workers of the relevant harmful factor has not been established and the working conditions of workers are not recognized as harmful or dangerous. Are employees required to undergo preliminary and periodic medical examinations who work at a computer 50% of their working time, regardless of the conclusion of the SATS, or only if, after the SATS, the workplace is assigned 3 or 4 hazard class? (response from the Legal Consulting Service GARANT, November 2015);

Question: Is it mandatory to undergo an annual medical examination (periodic medical examinations) for employees of the accounting department, personnel department, director in a restaurant (organization Catering), if, according to the results of a special assessment of working conditions, the working conditions of employees at these workplaces are recognized as acceptable (at the same time, the procedure for performing labor functions of employees involves working at a computer for more than 50% of the working time)? (response from the legal consulting service GARANT, June 2016).

In accordance with the current Moscow government decree studies and examinations that need to be done for registration of a medical book (personal medical book - LMK), differ depending on the specific place of work and professional duties. The list (list) of doctors and tests depends on which medical book you need.

If the employee’s duties do not include contact with children, patients or food, the volume of medical research for a medical book will be minimal.
It is enough to undergo a fluorographic examination, get the conclusion of a therapist and a dermatovenereologist and pass the main medical tests. For example, an analysis for syphilis, gonorrhea and trichomoniasis.

In other areas of work, more requirements are imposed on the design of a medical book (sanitary book), and it is necessary to pass additional research and inspections.
An examination by an otolaryngologist or dentist may be required. Laboratory tests may include testing for typhoid fever, helminth eggs, and enterobiasis.
To exclude staphylococcal infection, a throat swab is examined.

Individual workers undergo biochemical blood tests, determine the level of bilirubin, enzymes and proteins for the timely detection of pathological changes in the liver.
Employees of the medical field are required to be tested for viral hepatitis and HIV infection.

Thanks to the tests and examinations carried out, doctors can detect the disease at an early stage, which allows, if necessary, to begin its treatment.
If diseases caused by infectious agents are detected, or the carriage of pathogenic microorganisms is detected, an employee may not be allowed to perform certain types of work until the final cure.

A list of examinations by doctors for a medical book, a list of tests, vaccinations and the frequency of examinations

Medical workers - registration of a new LMK

  • Vaccination against diphtheria

Employees of dairies, meat-packing plants, cream and confectionery shops - designing a new LMK

  • Medical check-up once a year
  • Fluorographic examination or radiography of the lungs in 2 projections once a year
  • Examination by a dermatovenereologist 1 time per year. Tests for gonorrhea
  • Blood test for syphilis - once a year
  • Examination for intestinal protozoosis and helminthiases - 1 time per year
  • Research on enterobiasis - 1 time per year
  • Examination by an otorhinolaryngologist - 1 time per year
  • Check-up with a dentist once a year
  • Measles vaccine (up to age 55)
  • Vaccination against diphtheria
    Calculate the cost of the medical book you need

For employees of the catering department of medical organizations and educational institutions— registration of a new LMK

  • Medical check-up once a year
  • Fluorographic examination or radiography of the lungs in 2 projections once a year
  • Examination by a dermatovenereologist 1 time per year. Tests for gonorrhea
  • Blood test for syphilis - once a year
  • Examination for intestinal protozoosis and helminthiases - 1 time per year
  • Research on enterobiasis - 1 time per year
  • Examination by an otorhinolaryngologist - 1 time per year
  • Check-up with a dentist once a year
  • Examination for the carriage of pathogens of intestinal infections 1 time per year
  • Serological examination for typhoid fever once a year
  • Measles vaccine (up to age 55)
  • Vaccination against diphtheria
    Calculate the cost of the medical book you need

For workers in the medical industry and pharmaceutical institutions— registration of a new LMK

  • Medical check-up once a year
  • Fluorographic examination or radiography of the lungs in 2 projections once a year
  • Examination by a dermatovenereologist 1 time per year. Tests for gonorrhea
  • Blood test for syphilis - once a year
  • Examination for intestinal protozoosis and helminthiases - 1 time per year
  • Research on enterobiasis - 1 time per year
  • Examination by an otorhinolaryngologist - 1 time per year
  • Check-up with a dentist once a year
  • Measles vaccine (up to age 55)
  • Vaccination against diphtheria
    Calculate the cost of the medical book you need

For employees of hospitals, children's hospitals, children's clinics, dispensaries, clinics, honey. centers, clinics, maternity hospitals, dentistry, sanatoriums - design of a new LMK

  • Medical check-up once a year
  • Fluorographic examination or radiography of the lungs in 2 projections once a year
  • Examination by a dermatovenereologist 1 time per year. Tests for gonorrhea
  • Blood test for syphilis - once a year
  • Examination for intestinal protozoosis and helminthiases - 1 time per year
  • Research on enterobiasis - 1 time per year
  • Examination by an otorhinolaryngologist - 1 time per year
  • Check-up with a dentist once a year
  • Examination for the carriage of pathogens of intestinal infections 1 time per year
  • Serological examination for typhoid fever once a year
  • Throat and nose swab for pathogenic staphylococcus once a year
  • Blood test for viral hepatitis B, C
  • Blood test for HIV infection
  • Measles vaccine (up to age 55)
  • Vaccination against diphtheria
    Calculate the cost of the medical book you need

For employees: hostels, hotels, rest houses, boarding houses,urban transport, conductors (stewards), housing and communal services, sports and recreation complexes, com.-life. in health care facilities — registration of a new LMC

  • Medical check-up once a year
  • Fluorographic examination or radiography of the lungs in 2 projections once a year
  • Examination by a dermatovenereologist 1 time per year. Tests for gonorrhea
  • Blood test for syphilis - once a year
  • Examination for intestinal protozoosis and helminthiases - 1 time per year
  • Research on enterobiasis - 1 time per year
  • Examination by an otorhinolaryngologist - 1 time per year
  • Check-up with a dentist once a year
  • Measles vaccine (up to age 55)
  • Vaccination against diphtheria
    Calculate the cost of the medical book you need

For employees of beauty salons, hairdressing salons, baths, saunas, laundries, linen collection points, dry cleaning - registration of a new LMK

  • Medical check-up once a year
  • Fluorographic examination or radiography of the lungs in 2 projections once a year
  • Examination by a dermatovenereologist 1 time per year. Tests for gonorrhea
  • Blood test for syphilis - once a year
  • Examination for intestinal protozoosis and helminthiases - 1 time per year
  • Research on enterobiasis - 1 time per year
  • Examination by an otorhinolaryngologist - 1 time per year
  • Check-up with a dentist once a year
  • Examination for the carriage of pathogens of intestinal infections 1 time per year
  • Measles vaccine (up to age 55)
  • Vaccination against diphtheria
    Calculate the cost of the medical book you need

Employees of children's institutions - registration of a new LMC:

  • service personnel orphanages, orphanages, boarding schools, boarding schools
  • service personnel for work in the family
  • service personnel kindergarten, nursery-kindergarten, kindergarten-elementary school, attendants of city and country camps, children's sanatorium, forest school, sanatorium school
  • service personnel of a sanatorium kindergarten (cottage), CSO, boarding house, shelter, rehabilitation center
  • teaching staff of an orphanage, boarding school, boarding school
  • Medical check-up once a year
  • Fluorographic examination or radiography of the lungs in 2 projections once a year
  • Examination by a dermatovenereologist 1 time per year. Tests for gonorrhea
  • Blood test for syphilis - once a year
  • Examination for intestinal protozoosis and helminthiases - 1 time per year
  • Research on enterobiasis - 1 time per year
  • Examination by an otorhinolaryngologist - 1 time per year
  • Check-up with a dentist once a year
  • Examination for the carriage of pathogens of intestinal infections 1 time per year
  • Serological examination for typhoid fever - once a year
  • Blood test for viral hepatitis B, C
  • Measles vaccine (up to age 55)
  • Vaccination against diphtheria
    Calculate the cost of the medical book you need

Employees schools and other educational institutions - design of a new LMK

  • employees of gymnasiums, lyceums, schools, educational centers, colleges, medical schools, music schools, interschool educational facilities, technical schools, colleges, libraries, houses of creativity
  • workers music schools, sports schools, studios, art schools, comprehensive development centers, art schools, university
  • Medical check-up once a year
  • Fluorographic examination or radiography of the lungs in 2 projections once a year
  • Examination by an otorhinolaryngologist
  • Blood test for syphilis - once a year
  • Check-up with a dentist once a year
  • Staphylococcus once a year
  • Measles vaccine (up to age 55)
  • Vaccination against diphtheria
    Calculate the cost of the medical book you need

Workers of waterworks - design of a new LMK

  • Medical check-up once a year
  • Fluorographic examination or radiography of the lungs in 2 projections once a year
  • Examination by an otorhinolaryngologist
  • Examination by a dermatovenereologist 1 time per year. Tests for RW, gonorrhea and trichomoniasis
  • Blood test for syphilis - once a year
  • Check-up with a dentist once a year
  • Helminth eggs and enterobiasis once a year
  • Testing for typhoid fever once a year
  • Examination for intestinal infections once a year
  • Staphylococcus once a year
  • Measles vaccine (up to age 55)
  • Vaccination against diphtheria
    Calculate the cost of the medical book you need

Medical book for pool workers - registration of a new LMK

  • Medical check-up once a year
  • Fluorographic examination or radiography of the lungs in 2 projections once a year
  • Examination by an otorhinolaryngologist
  • Examination by a dermatovenereologist 1 time per year. Tests for RW, gonorrhea and trichomoniasis
  • Blood test for syphilis - once a year
  • Check-up with a dentist once a year
  • Helminth eggs and enterobiasis once a year
  • Testing for typhoid fever once a year
  • Examination for intestinal infections once a year
  • Staphylococcus once a year
  • Measles vaccine (up to age 55)
  • Vaccination against diphtheria
    Calculate the cost of the medical book you need

(More precisely and in more detail you can read about doctors and analyzes on our help page about medical books, where you can calculate the cost of the medical book you need.
Remember that when you sign up for a medical book, you will receive a 10% discount!)

Sanitary book

New: 1750 rubles.

Renewal: 1400 rubles.

Dachny pr. 17, building 1

When you apply for a job in the industrial trade, you are asked to provide a medical record, a document that contains information about the examinations of certain doctors and the results of your tests. Even if you are a highly qualified specialist and have great experience work, the employer does not have the right to hire you without a medical book - this threatens him with a punishment in the form of a large fine.

Do not take risks, better come to the paid clinic "Garantmed". With us you can take tests and pass the entire medical examination to obtain a sanitary book in just one day.

When applying for a job Price When extending the sanitary book Price
Therapist's review. (Conclusion of an occupational pathologist on admission to assigned work) 200-00 1 time per year 200-00
Fluorography of lungs* 450-00 1 time per year* 450-00
Otorhinolaryngologist examination 200-00 1 time per year 200-00
Conclusion of a psychiatrist-narcologist 200-00 1 time per year 200-00
The conclusion of the psychiatrist 200-00 1 time per year 200-00
Professional sanitary and hygienic training with the issuance of a personal medical book 750-00 Conducting sanitary and hygienic training once every two years (the service is not included in the price) 550-00


* The service is not included in the price

If you work in the field of catering, trade, canteen, catering, including transport, then in order to be able to fulfill your professional duties you need a personal medical book or LMK.

What categories of workers are included in the generalized list of the well-known order of the Ministry of Health No. 302n?

This list includes sellers of almost all areas of trade, namely:

  • food vendors;
  • clothing sellers;
  • sales consultants of non-food products;
  • flower sellers;
  • tea and coffee vendors;
  • working in a cosmetics and perfumery store, etc.

Do I need a medical book to work in the Magnit store?

Might confuse someone wide range of networks "Magnet". However, based on the areas of activity of trade workers listed above, we can answer this question as follows: “Yes, the sanction book is certainly needed by the sellers of Magnit. This is due to the fact that the seller of any hypermarket is in daily contact with large quantity people, which does not exclude the risk of infection and the spread of various infections.

The list of mandatory specialists, whose marks must be in the sanitary book of sellers, includes:

  • dermatovenereologist;
  • dentist;
  • infectiologist.

It is the conclusions of these doctors that need to be obtained in order to work in trade legally.

For women over 40, it is also necessary to undergo a mammologist.

However, in addition to the obligatory examination of narrow specialists, the seller’s personal sanitary book when working with food, cosmetics, equipment and any other product must contain up-to-date results of a number of analyzes.

What tests do you need to pass to apply for / renew / receive a seller's sanction book?

If you work in a store, then it is always about constant contact with a large number of people. That is why the seller belongs to the list of professions associated with the risk of exposure to harmful and dangerous factors. The analyzes and examinations that the seller needs to undergo when updating the personal health book will help not only to more carefully monitor their own health, but also, in which case, to protect others from infection.

Among other things, a chest x-ray is among the mandatory studies.

Seller's medical book: what is the validity period?

Regular mandatory medical examinations of trade workers are carried out annually. After 1 year, you must re-pass established by law specialists and thereby confirm their physical ability to perform a certain type of work.

If the marks in the seller's medical book are not up-to-date, the employer does not have the right to allow him to work. Otherwise, penalties may be imposed on both him and the employee.

Is it possible to buy a seller's medical book cheaply?

You cannot buy a personal health book at all. A medical examination must be done officially, in a public medical institution or a private one, but having the appropriate license. If the fact of forgery is revealed, the employee and the employer who accepted the fake document may have problems with the law.

Medical center "Garantmed" offers you quickly (within only 1 day) and completely officially undergo doctors and the necessary examinations at reasonable prices. On the same day you will receive a medical book with fresh marks from doctors and test results.

Registration of the seller's sanction book in the Garantmed center (St. Petersburg, Veteranov Ave.) will please the employee with a high level of service and will become a beneficial cooperation for the employer.

The institution must be where you were vaccinated. If you recently finished school, then the certificate can be found in the children's clinic. Important: For women, it is also necessary to undergo a gynecological examination and take a smear. If a woman is over forty years old, then an ultrasound examination of the mammary glands is added to this, which must be done at least once every two years. In addition to passing examinations with doctors, you need to pass the following tests for the medical book to the seller:

  1. Blood (for syphilis, typhoid fever, RNGA; clinical analysis, biochemical - for glucose and cholesterol).
  2. Feces (for dis. group, worm eggs, enterobiasis).
  3. A smear (for the presence of staphylococcus aureus).
  4. Urine (common).

So, this is the main thing that should be in the sanitary book of the grocery store seller.

Does a seller of non-food products need a sanitary book in 2018

  • work in cafes, buffets and restaurants, including if the service is carried out in public transport;
  • hospitals, clinics and maternity wards;
  • organizations working with children (schools, preschool educational institutions, children's summer camps, boarding schools, orphanages, sports sections, creative circles);
  • work that relates to the service sector (hotels, hotels, hairdressers, beauty salons);
  • sphere of sanatorium-and-spa services;
  • for communal and household services;
  • organizations where any contact with water is expected;
  • necessary when working in the dairy industry.
  • Which sellers of non-food products are required to have it There is an opinion that sellers who work in non-food trade are not required to issue it. A sanitary book is needed for a seller of non-food products.

Does a seller of non-food products need a health book?

The seller must have it. food products A medical book is required for the seller and all those working in grocery stores. Before starting work, you must pass mandatory inspection in medical institution, which includes:

  • fluorography (annually);
  • visit dental office(if necessary, carrying out a sanitation procedure - improving teeth, gums, removing foci of infections, preventing possible diseases);
  • visiting a psychiatrist;
  • visiting a narcologist;
  • visit to the ENT;
  • visiting a dermatologist;
  • visiting a therapist (preferably specializing in the treatment of patients of a certain profession - an occupational pathologist).

In addition, a lifelong vaccination certificate is required.

Medical book for the seller of non-food products

How and where to get? According to the law, the employer must deal with the registration of the employee's medical book, that is, pay for its registration and send you to a certain medical institution serving the organization. In practice, usually a person, getting a job, draws up a medical book himself. It can be done at the clinic at the place of residence, but not all services will be free.


Here you can find out what the costs of a medical book are. It usually doesn’t save much, but it will take a lot of time to get a medical book in a free medical institution. Most often, people turn to paid accredited medical institutions.

There is such a service - a medical book. Usually you pay for a whole package of services and pass the examination in a matter of days. This is very convenient, especially when you need to make a medical book quickly.

Do I need a medical book for non-food items

Rostruda concludes that only sellers working in the field of food trade should undergo a medical examination (see answer 2). On the issue of whether medical examinations are mandatory for employees who work with a computer for at least 50% of their working time, regardless of the results of a special assessment of jobs, there is no uniformity in the explanations of government agencies and in the approaches of judicial practice * (1). We adhere to the position that the employer is obliged to conduct medical examinations of the workers indicated in the question due to the fact that they perform work in a trade organization, and not due to the fact that harmful or dangerous production factors are present at their workplaces.
In conclusion, we draw your attention to the fact that this position is our expert opinion. Supervisory and judicial authorities may take a different point of view on a given issue.

Do I need a medical book for a seller of manufactured goods?

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I work as a salesperson in a store that specializes in selling building materials. I have been working in this store for several years. None of the employees has a medical book. And yesterday, our director ordered all salespeople to go to the hospital and go through a commission in order to be issued a medical book.

He did not give such instructions to the economist and accountant. Why are they better than us? Are we, sellers of building materials, obliged to have a medical book, but an accountant and an economist are not? How can I be punished if I do not make this medical book? sanitary books Collapse Lawyers' answers (4)

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In the Code of Administrative Offenses Russian Federation it is clearly stated who must have a medical book, which is issued after passing a thorough medical examination, passing all the necessary tests and certified by the round seal of the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology. The obligation of trade workers to have a medical book is due to the fact that, by the nature of their work, they have to contact with a large number of people. If such an employee is a carrier of serious infectious diseases - tuberculosis, hepatitis C, syphilis, gonorrhea, then there is a high risk of infecting people through contact.

The procedure for issuing a medical book A medical book is a form strict accountability with an individual number and holographic anti-counterfeit protection. It is issued by hygiene and health centers after passing the commission and is certified by a round seal.

What is the penalty for the lack of a medical book from the seller in 2018

Dimitrovgrad City Court of the Ulyanovsk Region dated October 20, 2010 in case No. 2-1916/2010). Therefore, we believe that employees of an organization engaged in trade (including sellers of non-food products) are subject to mandatory medical examinations. The explanations of Rostrud specialists on this issue are contradictory. If in September 2015 on the information portal of Rostrud "Onlineinspektsiya.RF" representatives of Rostrud explained that all employees of trade organizations (including sellers of non-food products) are required to undergo medical examinations in order to protect public health, prevent the occurrence and spread of diseases, and not due to the fact that there are harmful or dangerous production factors at their workplaces (see answer 1), then in August 2016

Do non-food workers need to undergo medical examinations?

According to the second part of Art. 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, trade workers are required to undergo mandatory preliminary (upon employment) and periodic medical examinations in order to protect public health and prevent the occurrence and spread of diseases. Clause 15 of the List of works, during the performance of which mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations of employees are carried out, approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of April 12, 2011 N 302n, also includes work in trade organizations (without specifying the products sold) periodic medical examinations.
It is by this number that you can find the owner of the book in the registry.

  • The paper quality is very poor.
  • There is no round seal of the Center for Hygiene and Health.
  • There are no watermarks.
  • The fact that now more than 40% of medical books are fakes does not indicate a high level of fakes, but a low level of employers' control over their authenticity. Where should medical books be kept work book stored in the personnel department of the enterprise. It is the employees of the personnel department who must ensure that the employee passes the medical examination on time when the recommission period comes.
    A book in the hands of a trade worker is issued if retail from a tray, or exit trade somewhere on the periphery. In all other cases, the medical book is issued only upon dismissal from work.

Counterfeit Medical Books and their Punishment Counterfeit medical books are a natural disaster that is nevertheless punishable by law. For persons who are engaged in the production and sale of counterfeit medical books, their activities may result in imprisonment for up to 2 years. And this is justified severity. The sick man behind the counter is almost a bacteriological weapon.

How many people are able to get serious infectious diseases from it?! Read also: What is the procedure for replacing a driver's license at the MFC Persons using a fake medical book can be fined for not having it or subjected to administrative arrest for six months. How to determine the employee of the personnel department that the medical book is fake:

  1. Absence registration number on the second page.

Does a seller of non-food products need a medical book 2018

According to the current legislation, the employer pays for the medical examination if he refuses to pay for all the activities necessary for the medical examination:

  • Submission of analyzes for bacterial culture.
  • Blood test for HIV and hepatitis C.
  • Analysis of a smear for the presence of sexually transmitted diseases, which are not cheap, then he bears administrative responsibility under Art. 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation for an offense in the field of labor protection and organization. For such an offense, a fine in the amount of one to three thousand rubles for individual entrepreneurs and officials and from 30 to 50 thousand rubles for the enterprise.