Production characteristics of a security officer sample. Sample characteristics from the place of work - production characteristics per employee

A sample of characteristics from the place of work is in demand in many cases. Most often, a characteristic for an employee may be needed: when applying for new job; during the processing of a bank loan; at the request of the court; for submission to law enforcement; for guardianship authorities.

Employees from time to time require a job description for other instances, in this publication you will find a sample of its compilation and a number of writing tips.

How to write a job description

Many citizens think that a job description is already an outdated concept, but this is wrong - the document is still in demand. What is its importance? A characteristic from the place of work is a kind of assessment by management current or retired employee. In it, he should describe his professional and personal qualities. But today the attitude towards this document is somewhat ambiguous, since most often for a leader this is a simple formality, and the characteristic does not reveal the real individual affiliation. As a result, the content of the document may be questionable.

When compiling, generally accepted rules should be followed, although there is no clearly established form. The job description should contain the following information:

  • Information about a citizen who needs a characteristic: full name, date and place of birth, military service, marital status, education, availability of awards, etc.;
  • Information about the work activity of the person. This item contains the following information: when the employee started work, when he quit (if he no longer works at the enterprise), what career heights he managed to achieve within the company providing the characteristic. You should also focus on the employee's professional skills, advanced training or training (if he was sent to courses), and labor achievements. In the characterization of the employee, it should be noted that the employee has all kinds of merits - gratitude, encouragement. Do not forget about disciplinary sanctions, if any, during his work;
  • The characteristic of the employee's personality is, in fact, the most significant and important section of the document. This contains information that reveals the personal qualities of a person.

If the person being characterized is an executor, it is necessary to display his initiative, readiness to carry out instructions from superiors, the desire to achieve high results, and responsibility. It is also necessary to reveal his communicative qualities: relations in the work team with employees, whether his colleagues respect him, whether he has earned a certain authority. If relations “within” the team do not add up, and the reason is the difficult nature of the employee or other personality traits, then this is also reflected in the characteristic.

If the employee held a managerial position, it is necessary to indicate such qualities as exactingness to subordinates and to oneself personally, readiness to make difficult decisions, organizational skills, initiative, desire to achieve high performance, and so on.

At many enterprises internal rules provides for the provision of characteristics to employees on forms with the details of the organization. If there is no such form, then the characteristics of the company should still contain the details of the company, and if the document was requested by an official request, it is necessary to indicate exactly where it is provided.

Consider an example of compiling a characteristic from the place of work (compiled on the letterhead of the organization)

Option number 1: Sample characteristics from the place of work

Characteristic (sample)

This reference issued Petrichenko Valery Anatolyevich, born on November 1, 1978, who works at the Center for the Social Protection of Children. Address: st. Kulagina 25 (details of the organization) from May 16, 2013 to the present day in the position of "Social worker".

Marital status: Married. Spouse Petrichenko Inna Petrovna, 11. 12. 1979 Children: Petrichenko Vitaly, born in 2000 and Petrichenko Anna, born in 2002.

Petrichenko V.A. graduated from the Volgograd Pedagogical University with a degree in Psychology, has a red diploma. This employee is distinguished by high professionalism, punctuality and responsibility. He has no disciplinary sanctions, he has letters of encouragement for participation in the conference “Protection of children is the responsibility of the state”. With colleagues and subordinates is in a friendly relationship, always shows restraint, patience and delicacy. In complex conflict situations with the clients of the institution is always restrained, correct, has the ability to smooth out the problem and translate it into the mainstream of a peaceful constructive solution. bad habits does not have. Life guidelines are correct, he strives to help children from dysfunctional families, taking into account their needs and desires. With pleasure takes part in the social life of the team, attends trainings personal growth and refresher courses.

This characteristic was issued for submission to the Social Protection Bodies of dysfunctional families.

Head of the Department of the Center for Social Protection of Children Bergs Natalya Mikhailovna.

Option number 2: An example of a characteristic for an employee

Characteristic (sample)

Issued to Nadezhda Petrovna Abakumkina, born on April 10, 1977, position - economist.

Abakumkina N.P. has been working at Finance and Credit Bank since April 16, 2010. During her work, she was repeatedly sent to advanced training courses, which she successfully completed under the programs: “ Financial statements 2016", "Analysis of the financial condition of the company", "Financial forecast in the current economic conditions".

Abakumkina N.P. has excellent skills business negotiations, has comprehensive knowledge in his specialty, attends seminars and trainings, always has the latest innovations and information in the field of economics.

Head of the economic department of the Bank "Finance and Credit" Romanenko Vasily Petrovich. indicate the presence of a spouse (s) and children) .

This worker has distinguished himself for his professionalism and high productivity. No disciplinary action was taken.

He was on friendly terms with subordinates and colleagues, sociable. At work, he is accurate, punctual, stress-resistant. He enthusiastically took part in the social life of the team. Has no bad habits.

This characteristic is issued for submission to ___________________.

Position Full name Surname Signature

In order for the characteristic to have legal force, it must contain the date of issue and the signature of the person issuing the document - the head of the company or an employee of the personnel department.

It is worth repeating, a strictly established form of characteristics from the place of work in Labor Code does not exist, there are only advisory generally accepted rules for compiling a “letter of recommendation”.

Job description is a business document that is obtained from the last place of work. Characteristics from work shows business qualities employee and evaluates him as a specialist. It allows you to most accurately find out information about a new employee. Based on the characteristics from the place of work, a conclusion is often made about hiring.

Characteristics can be divided into two main groups, according to their purpose:

1) Internal characteristics from the previous position (department) of work. Such a characteristic is written when an employee is transferred to another department, with an increase or decrease, the imposition of incentives or disciplinary actions etc.

2) External characteristics from the place of work - the most common type of characteristics. The characteristic is compiled at the request of an employee or other third-party organization. A characteristic from the place of work may be required by the military enlistment office, bank, court and other organizations, including the organization in which the employee goes to work.

The characteristic from the place of work is written according to standard requirements. It should be noted that it is necessary to take a responsible approach to writing the testimonial, especially if the testimonial was requested from the court. If an employee falls under criminal or administrative liability, then the court decision will depend on the characteristics from the place of work. In this case, it is better to consult a lawyer or a lawyer, and then recover the amount spent on the consultation to write off from wages employee, of course with the consent of the employee.

How to write a job description for an employee

The characteristic must be written on A4 letterhead. A letterhead is a company logo or a special form for writing a description. The document is drawn up by the immediate supervisor of the employee or employee personnel service, which has complete information about the employee and his merits. The characteristic is signed by the director of the organization and in most cases certified by the seal of the organization.

Writing a job description is not easy. The document must include the following information:

Name of the organization, details of the organization, address of the organization.
- Information about the employee with full name and position.
- Characteristics of the employee: date of employment, information about career growth, positions held in chronological order.
- Characteristics of the employee's education, his abilities and aspirations. If he had disciplinary sanctions or incentives, then it is necessary to indicate for what and under what circumstances.
- Evaluation of the employee's personality: the ability to communicate, participate in negotiations, conclude serious deals, carry out large projects, work in a team, etc.

In conclusion, it is necessary to indicate the place where the characteristic from the place of work is written, for example, “The characteristic is given for provision at the place of demand”.

Depending on the position occupied, the characteristics can be divided into the following types:

Characteristics for a student from the place of work
- characteristic per student
- characteristic in the traffic police
- characteristic for the military registration and enlistment office
- characteristics by place of residence, etc.

This document can be considered quite official. The characteristic can be drawn up either at the request of the employee himself, or at the request external sources. It is worth noting that a characteristic can also be compiled within the company for promotion. An example of a job description is always compiled directly by the head of the company or department. The main purpose of this document is to describe the abilities and achievements of an employee in a former job.

How to write a job description correctly

  • The document must be drawn up only on a sheet of A4 format. All text must be written in the third person. You can write in the present or past tense.
  • Initially, the name of the document is indicated and for whom it was compiled.
  • After that, it is necessary to indicate personal data in the first section.
  • After that, the entire work path of the employee in the company is described. Most often, the boss simply describes the activities of the employee (from what year and what position he held).
  • Provide additional information about education or advanced training.
  • Then the professional qualities of the employee are evaluated. How experienced is he in his field (how can he carry out analytical work, is he familiar with regulations, what were his relations with employees).
  • Description of personal qualities.
  • At the very end, it will be necessary to write where this characteristic will be directed.

Sample job description sealed and signed. Finally, we want to note that there are several types of characteristics: from the place of work, for the court, for the traffic police, for the driver, production characteristic, in the military enlistment office.

The content of the characteristics from the place of work

The submitted sample of characteristics from the place of work contains the following information:

  • Surname, name, patronymic of the employee;
  • Year of birth;
  • Education (secondary, secondary special, higher, etc.), specialty, name of the educational institution;
  • Place of work, position, period of work;
  • List of job responsibilities;
  • Merits and achievements, including promotions and penalties, if any;
  • Description of the qualities of the employee;
  • Information about the person signing the document.

The characteristic can be written both on the letterhead of the organization, and on a simple sheet of paper.

The document must be signed and certified with the seal of the organization.

In personal characteristics, it is worth noting organizational qualities (for managers), initiative, relationships with labor collective, the presence or absence of responsibility.

It is worth writing truthful information. So when writing a characteristic from the place of work to the court, the person who signed the document is responsible for the accuracy of the information.

The work time of an employee in an organization or department can be any, there are no restrictions in the legislation. So the document can be drawn up for a person who has worked for a month (for example, on a trial period).

The characteristic on the head is made on behalf of the higher head.

An example of compiling a characteristic from the place of work.

Consider an example of compiling a characteristic from the place of work (compiled on the letterhead of the organization). Also, the options below are good as sample reference from a previous job.

Option number 1: Sample characteristics from the place of work

Characteristic (sample)

This reference issued Petrichenko Valery Anatolyevich, born on November 1, 1978, who works at the Center for the Social Protection of Children. Address: st. Kulagina 25 (details of the organization) from May 16, 2013 to the present day in the position of "Social worker".

Marital status: Married. Spouse Petrichenko Inna Petrovna, 11. 12. 1979 Children: Petrichenko Vitaly, born in 2000 and Petrichenko Anna, born in 2002.

Petrichenko V.A. graduated from the Volgograd Pedagogical University with a degree in Psychology, has a red diploma. This employee is distinguished by high professionalism, punctuality and responsibility. He has no disciplinary sanctions, he has letters of encouragement for participation in the conference “Protection of children is the responsibility of the state”. With colleagues and subordinates is in friendly relations, always shows restraint, patience and delicacy. In difficult, conflict situations with clients of the institution, he is always restrained, correct, has the ability to smooth out the problem and translate it into the mainstream of a peaceful constructive solution. Has no bad habits. Life guidelines are correct, he strives to help children from dysfunctional families, taking into account their needs and desires. With pleasure takes part in the social life of the team, attends trainings for personal growth and advanced training courses.

This characteristic was issued for submission to the Social Protection Bodies of dysfunctional families.

Head of the Department of the Center for Social Protection of Children Bergs Natalya Mikhailovna.

Option number 2: An example of a characteristic for an employee

Characteristic (sample)

Issued to Nadezhda Petrovna Abakumkina, born on April 10, 1977, position - economist.

Abakumkina N.P. has been working at Finance and Credit Bank since April 16, 2010. During her work, she was repeatedly sent to advanced training courses, which she successfully completed under the programs: “Accounting statements 2016”, “Analysis of the financial condition of the company”, “Financial forecast in the current economic conditions”.

Abakumkina N.P. has excellent business negotiation skills, possesses comprehensive knowledge in his specialty, attends seminars and trainings, always has the latest innovations and information in the field of economics.

Head of the economic department of the bank "Finance and Credit" Romanenko Vasily Petrovich.

Option number 3: Sample reference from a previous job

Breeze LLC Severny Branch

363750, Uryupinsk, st. Ukurennogo, 14


Petr Nikolaevich Pupkin worked at Tau LLC from 05/13/2009 to 11/21/2012 as a senior sales consultant.

His responsibilities included the following: ensuring the presence of price tags in the window, timely re-evaluation of goods, compliance with the display of goods to the rules of merchandising, compliance with the working day by employees, as well as identifying violators.

P.N. Pupkin is disciplined, constantly improves his professional level, has repeatedly been trained at third-party trainings to improve the efficiency of personnel management and successfully applied the acquired skills in practice.

Has a diploma in higher education majoring in Enterprise Management.

P.N. Pupkin is friendly, sociable, enjoyed the well-deserved respect of the staff of the department.

Below is an example of a job description. Download and edit for yourself.


Why is a feature required?

This important paper can be drawn up at the request of the employee himself, at the initiative of the manager, or at an external request, depending on the place and purpose of the intended presentation. Characteristics per employee can be internal document and designed to be provided at any place of demand.

Internal characteristics

A superior manager may request direct management to assess the personal and professional qualities of an employee in different situations. These situations may be as follows:

  • making a decision on transfer to a certain position;
  • assessment of the ability to perform a particular assignment;
  • the possibility of a responsible business trip;
  • find the best way to influence an employee in order to increase his professionalism or level negative qualities;
  • determination of the possibility of trust (admissions to official information, trade secret etc.);
  • to assess stress resistance and professional suitability for hazardous work and critical situations
  • take measures to reduce tension in the team, etc.

Not only the head can take part in the preparation of this document structural unit where the characterized employee works, but also employees of the personnel department, as well as, if necessary, the head of the security service.

NOTE! The grounds for compiling internal characteristics should be prescribed in local regulations enterprises.

External characteristics

Official documents that will be provided to authorities other than the enterprise can be issued at the request of the employee himself or directly at the request of the authorities themselves.

  1. The characteristic is compiled at the request of the employee
    An employee of the enterprise may need a review about him from the management for the following purposes:
    • admission to a higher educational institution;
    • issuance of permits;
    • taking out a loan;
    • military service;
    • various relationships with law enforcement, municipal and other government agencies.

    ATTENTION! When the purpose of writing a characteristic and the place of its presentation is known, it is easier to focus on information of a certain kind. For example, in order to obtain a loan, production indicators are not as important as discipline, responsibility, commitment of an employee, etc. In practice, most often in the characteristic they indicate “For presentation at the place of demand”, which means that it should be of a universal nature.

  2. The characteristic is compiled on a third-party request
    You can submit a request to an enterprise to provide a characteristic for an employee officials, government agencies, lawyers, etc. - this usually happens if an employee of the enterprise commits any offenses or if he is suspected of something.

    IMPORTANT INFORMATION! In a third-party request, it is far from always clearly defined what kind of information about an employee is required. Therefore, it is better to draw up a characteristic according to the basic templates recommended for such documents.

Well-formed description

Any document requires proper execution and the availability of appropriate details. The main points that are important for the design of the characteristics are as follows.

  1. To write this document, use the official letterhead of the organization or a standard A4 sheet. For external characteristics, a form is preferable, but if it is not available, then the details of the organization must be indicated without fail.
  2. The text is written in the third person, using the present or past tense (for example, “the employee complies with ..., possesses” or “the employee had ..., performed”).
  3. The first word of the document is its name "Characteristic", then you should write to whom it is given (full name without abbreviations and position of the employee).
  4. The volume of the text is not limited, in practice it rarely exceeds one printed page.
  5. At the end of the text, standard information about the place of submission is written, or it is indicated that a characteristic can be presented at the place of requirement.
  6. Responsibility for the accuracy of the information in the characteristic lies with the signatories. The signature of the head of the organization is sufficient, a visa of the head of the personnel department and the immediate supervisor of the person being characterized is desirable. Signatures must be deciphered (surname and initials).

NOTE! In order for the characteristic to gain strength as a legal document, it must be dated, endorsed by the management and certified by the round seal of the enterprise.

Characteristic content: necessity and sufficiency

The difference in writing internal and external characteristics is based on the fact that in the first case it is initially known exactly where the employee works and where the characteristic will be provided. Therefore, in the document for internal use” ​​this information can be omitted, but the working and creative potential of the employee can be more fully revealed.

In external the same characteristic should indicate as fully as possible all the personal data of the employee, and only with his written consent to their processing and use, as required by law (Article 88 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Before compiling the text of the characteristic, determine the purpose of its provision: this will help to correctly select the facts for presentation.

Typically, the characteristic can be subdivided into several blocks:

  1. title,
  2. Questionnaire,
  3. labor activity,
  4. Personal qualities,
  5. Conclusion.

The title and conclusion refer to the design of the characteristic. Let's consider the rest of the points in more detail.


In the first paragraph, you need to briefly describe the official data about the person: indicate his year of birth, list his completed educational establishments, clarify the specialty, and also, if there are academic degrees and titles. In this paragraph, it is sufficient to use only the surname with initials, since the full name has already been indicated in the heading.

Labor activity

The description of the employee's work path can be either full or limited to work in this organization. It is important to point out:

  • what position was hired for;
  • career growth indicators (in what year, what positions he consistently held);
  • receipt information additional education, advanced training, courses, etc.;
  • evaluation of the results of the work (in which projects did you participate, what did you manage, what did you manage to do on your own, etc.);
  • achievements (successes and rewards or, conversely, failures and censures);
  • it is worth listing all the awards and penalties.

Personal qualities

One of the most important sections of the document, because if labor activity can be assessed objectively (according to the availability of results, the absence of disciplinary sanctions, etc.), then the characteristic of a person depends entirely on the way it is presented. This section is especially important for external characteristics, because third-party organizations are primarily interested in the “psychological portrait” of a person, and not his labor achievements. Here is a plan for a detailed characterization of the employee's personality, if necessary, you can select the necessary items and limit yourself to them.

  • The general impression that has developed about a person during cooperation with him;
  • the opinion of the employer about the abilities shown by the employee and his potential;
  • recommendations on the use of the identified qualities;
  • approximate psychological traits of the employee's personality;
  • assessment of sociability, conflict, tolerance;
  • conclusions regarding discipline, responsibility, honesty;
  • the degree of acceptance of the employee by the team;
  • information about weaknesses in the character of the employee;
  • prediction of behavior in certain situations characteristics important for the addressee;
  • other facts that the employer deems necessary to highlight.
Select rubric 1. Business Law(239) 1.1. Instructions for starting a business (26) 1.2. Opening IP (29) 1.3. Changes in the USRIP (4) 1.4. Closing IP (5) 1.5. OOO (39) 1.5.1. Opening LLC (27) 1.5.2. Changes in LLC (6) 1.5.3. Liquidation of LLC (5) 1.6. OKVED (31) 1.7. Licensing entrepreneurial activity(13) 1.8. Cash discipline and accounting (69) 1.8.1. Payroll (3) 1.8.2. Maternity payments (7) 1.8.3. Temporary disability allowance (11) 1.8.4. General issues accounting (8) 1.8.5. Inventory (13) 1.8.6. Cash discipline (13) 1.9. Business checks (19) 10. Online cash desks (15) 2. Entrepreneurship and taxes (448) 2.1. General issues of taxation (29) 2.10. Tax on professional income (26) 2.2. USN (49) 2.3. UTII (47) 2.3.1. Coefficient K2 (2) 2.4. BASIC (37) 2.4.1. VAT (18) 2.4.2. personal income tax (8) 2.5. Patent system (25) 2.6. Trading fees (8) 2.7. Insurance premiums (69) 2.7.1. Extrabudgetary funds(9) 2.8. Reporting (87) 2.9. Tax incentives (71) 3. Useful programs and services (40) 3.1. Taxpayer legal entity (9) 3.2. Services Tax Ru (12) 3.3. Pension reporting services (4) 3.4. Business Pack (1) 3.5. Online calculators (3) 3.6. Online inspection (1) 4. Governmental support small business (6) 5. STAFF (105) 5.1. Leave (7) 5.10 Remuneration (6) 5.2. Maternity benefits (2) 5.3. Sick leave (7) 5.4. Dismissal (11) 5.5. General (23) 5.6. Local acts and personnel documents(8) 5.7. Labor protection (9) 5.8. Employment (3) 5.9. Foreign personnel (1) 6. Contractual relationship(34) 6.1. Bank of agreements (15) 6.2. Conclusion of an agreement (9) 6.3. Additional agreements to the contract (2) 6.4. Termination of the contract (5) 6.5. Claims (3) 7. The legislative framework(37) 7.1. Clarifications of the Ministry of Finance of Russia and the Federal Tax Service of Russia (15) 7.1.1. Types of activities on UTII (1) 7.2. Laws and regulations (12) 7.3. GOSTs and technical regulations (10) 8. Forms of documents (82) 8.1. Primary documents (35) 8.2. Declarations (25) 8.3. Powers of attorney (5) 8.4. Application Forms (12) 8.5. Decisions and protocols (2) 8.6. Charters of LLC (3) 9. Miscellaneous (26) 9.1. NEWS (5) 9.2. CRIMEA (5) 9.3. Lending (2) 9.4. Legal Disputes (5)