Analytical marketing, marketing audit, marketing research @ ER Marketing Atelier. Use different tools in combination

Modern market is constantly changing and improving, and only those companies that own all the strategies and tools of marketing activities can work successfully. The constant development and success of the company largely depends on the professionalism of the marketer and how targeted the marketing policy is in general.

Who are they and what do they do.

Marketing is not a profession, but a way of thinking that allows companies to make the right decisions for further development based on a thorough study of the market situation. Marketers-analysts are specialists who track everything latest trends contemporary market economy and at the same time able to navigate in the face of uncertainty. AT large organizations there are entire marketing departments, in smaller companies marketing activities can be done by one person.

The terms of reference of a marketing analyst are as follows: field research of a focus group, monitoring of the competitors' market, research of consumer preferences, participation in the formation assortment policy, reporting and much more. Marketer in big company also involved in planning product range, explores regional markets sales. A marketer generates ideas, knows how to find various information, manage people and events.

On the Russian market labor marketers appeared relatively recently in 1996, and became most popular after August 98th. Despite the novelty of this vacancy in the labor market, the demand for marketers is growing every day, and the profession is becoming more popular. Although it is on this stage development of the labor market of true professionals in the field of marketing is sorely lacking. Demand greatly exceeds supply. This is mainly due to the fact that until recently in Russian educational institutions practically no marketing specialists were trained.

Requirements for candidates.

Employers have quite strict requirements for candidates for the position of marketer. In such a profession, not only knowledge in the specialty is required, but also knowledge in related areas related to the profile of the company. Depending on the market, a marketer must know: the basics of economics, sociology, statistics, jurisprudence, the history of the development of trade and production, and current legislation. To professional qualities marketer can be attributed communication skills, structural and analytical thinking, the desire for improvement. To assess the professionalism of the candidate, first of all, the presence of successful experience in marketing research competitive companies. A marketing analyst must be fluent in organizational and analytical skills, as well as initiative and an excellent memory. Employers also actively welcome marketers with established business connections.

Starting to move along career ladder, a qualified specialist sooner or later reaches the position of head of the marketing department, in many companies such a specialist is also a deputy CEO on marketing policy. The salary of marketers depends on work experience, knowledge of languages ​​and the amount of responsibility assigned to him. In large Russian companies, a qualified marketing specialist can earn from $600-1000, Western companies The income of a marketer is about $800-1200 per month. The salary of a marketing director can range from $1,500 to $5,000 per month.

The profession of a marketing analyst is considered very prestigious and promising. Over the past few years, the marketing policy of the majority Russian companies became more thoughtful. This suggests the conclusion that the requirements for professionals responsible for the conduct of this policy are becoming more stringent over time. It will be difficult for a person who does not have a specialized education, relevant work experience and the necessary qualities to get a job. As in any specialty, the key to the success of a professional marketer-analyst is high-quality theoretical training and a lot of practice. Then it will be easier to find a job and the work will be paid accordingly.

A high-quality education and a marketing diploma can now be obtained in such metropolitan universities as the Academy. Plekhovanova, MESI, Higher School of Economics, State University of Management.

Summing up, we can say that marketing is one of the company management systems that allows you to take right decisions based on a thorough market analysis. Important marketing goals are to increase profits and optimize the activities of the entire company. Marketing is applied at different levels, from state to individual, and allows you to evaluate the real picture in relations with the market, production and consumer. And the business strategy and the dynamic development of the company as a whole depend on the professionalism and qualifications of a marketer.

Daria Storozheva

Assisted by:

Pavel Kharchenko,

Agency "Empire Kadrov",

Vera Nesterova

agency "Express Personnel".

Marketing Analyst- a type of marketer who collects and analyzes information about the market for goods and services, competitors and consumer behavior, the success of the marketing strategy of the customer company. This profession is one of the most prestigious and responsible in its segment. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in mathematics, economics and psychology (see choosing a profession for interest in school subjects).

Responsibilities of a Marketing Analyst

A marketing analyst must not only count well, but also know where to look up-to-date information. Most often, market analysts use the press, the Internet, special software, their acquaintances and work contacts as sources. Having collected information, he applies analytical tools, after which he selects marketing strategy for the development of the company.

It does the following job:

  • organizing and conducting market research;
  • conducting analysis on the basis of data obtained during research (analysis of competing organizations, etc.);
  • development of recommendations, forecasts (development, dynamics of important indicators) and marketing strategies;
  • work with contractors;
  • preparation and issuance of technical specifications for marketers and other team members;
  • market segmentation;
  • analysis and forecasting of the results of planned advertising campaigns, loyalty programs;
  • advisory support for the sales team and internal projects;
  • work with the team that forms the assortment of the store;
  • cooperation with advertising agencies(selection of the best by rating or holding a tender, analysis of results, budget for advertising, etc.);
  • assessment of the company's position in the market;

A marketing analyst identifies unattractive points in a product or promotion, analyzes a competitor's product in order to make the product more attractive to the buyer.

Analytical marketing is a recognition of the soul and a special mindset, because such specialists have sparkling thinking, they have a good memory, and the notebook is full of contacts. The team and superiors appreciate the marketing analyst, because the success of the company, its profit and popularity depend on his work.

Pros and cons


  1. Fascinating work.
  2. Decent salary.
  3. Communication with interesting people.
  4. Self-development.
  5. Opportunity to be fully realized in the profession.
  6. Office work without heavy physical exertion.


  1. The work is difficult and responsible.
  2. Serious requirements for applicants.

Requirements for the personality of a marketer-analyst

This profession is simply created for active and cheerful people who have deep mathematical knowledge. Specialists often communicate with the team, representatives of agencies, contractors and competing companies, so they must have inner tact, endurance, and a natural ability to conduct a conversation.

  1. Self confidence.
  2. Balance.
  3. A responsibility.
  4. Intuitiveness.
  5. perseverance.
  6. A penchant for exact sciences.
  7. Organization.
  8. Restraint.
  9. Right.
  10. Erudition.

Marketing analyst training

A marketing analyst must have excellent knowledge in the field of economics and marketing. Therefore, most often future specialists are trained in such specialties as "Information Analytics", "Applied Mathematics", "Business Statistics and Analytics" and others. The applicant takes an exam in social science, mathematics and the Russian language.


For people with higher education the most convenient thing is that it is most convenient to retrain as a marketer-analyst in courses.

Russian Institute vocational education"IPO" - recruits students to receive a specialty through a remote program of professional retraining and advanced training. Studying at the IPO is a convenient and fast way to receive distance education. 200+ training courses. 8000+ graduates from 200 cities. Short deadlines for paperwork and external training, interest-free installments from the institute and individual discounts. Contact us!

On this course, you can get the profession of a marketer in 3 months and 15,000 rubles:
— One of the most affordable prices in Russia;
— Diploma of professional retraining established sample;
– Education in a completely remote format;
— The largest educational institution additional prof. education in Russia.

Higher education

1. Moscow Financial and Law University.

2. St. Petersburg State University.

3. National Research University " graduate School economy".

4. Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov.

5. St. Petersburg State University of Economics.

6. Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.

7. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics.

8. Institute of the world economy and business.

9. Russian New University.

10. Balakovo Institute of Business and Management.

Place of work

There are specialized marketing research companies, they study the market for customers. Marketers-researchers also work in large companies for the needs of the company itself.

Marketing analyst salary

The experience of a specialist, his ability to work for results, quality professional knowledge affect the size wages. An important role in the formation of the labor rate is played by the place in which the specialist works. The work of marketing analysts working in the periphery is paid lower than the work of specialists who work in megacities.

Salary as of 24.04.2019

Russia 20000—60000 ₽

Moscow 40000—150000 ₽


Having received the first work experience, a marketing analyst can change his status in the company in 5-7 years and take the position of project manager, department head, deputy marketing director and department director.

Marketing Analyst Tools

  1. Ability to work with computer programs for analytics (SPSS, Marketing Analytic and others).
  2. Knowledge of auxiliary programs and methods that speed up work (Power Query, power point, Business Intelligence, Google Analytics and others).
  3. Excellent knowledge of the Russian language, basic - English.
  4. Knowledge of the software package Microsoft Office, in particular, work in Microsoft Excel is important.
  5. Ability to work with different configurations and versions software product"1C".
  6. Knowledge of economics and accounting.
  7. Understanding of SMO and SMM principles.

People don't understand what analytics is. Especially in marketing. In the hope of increasing the value of the work, reports and statistical calculations are called analytics, which is usually ignored by the customer, and the impression of “analysis” is made up of the number of pages of the document.

The fact is that there is always a lot of data on the basis of which the analysis is based, and some simple groupings are often passed off as analytics. In fact, data apart from goals is of little value.

A report is not an analysis

There is a fundamental difference between reporting and analysis:

Any analysis begins with the formation and research key indicators and the relationships between them. Substitution of concepts: goal setting is often called analytics, although it is not.

Sometimes they try to pass off a person's expert opinion as data on the basis of which conclusions are drawn. There are a couple of points to make out here:

    An expert is a recognition of competencies in a professional environment, and if a specialist has it, then this can really be the basis for some kind of analytical calculations. But if not, you need to rely on statistically significant research of your company or companies that conduct such research, for example, TNS, Google, Yandex, Facebook and others;

    The relevance of the data, especially in marketing, is the main thing, because the conclusions based on outdated information will be false.

The order of formation of the analysis

Formation of KPI → Formation of a task for changing KPI → Formation and collection of data → Conclusions based on data → Recommendations on what exactly to do to change KPI → Implementation of changes → Retrospective.

Formation of a task for changing KPI

Business dictates plans to increase revenue, marketing transforms these tasks into plans for orders, applications, traffic and gives them to an agency or contractor. At this stage, the correctness of setting goals constantly suffers due to great ambitions and modest resources. The eternal problem of mankind is to get as much as possible by spending as little as possible. In general, there is nothing wrong with this, but an experienced analyst at the time of accepting a task always evaluates how adequate the requirements are.

For example, let's analyze a typical task: "To form and substantiate hypotheses for increasing the average check for sales service cards for corporate clients". In this formulation, the error is that the solutions that were developed by the analyst were not suitable for current clients. Without saying that we are only interested in new clients, we have received inappropriate hypotheses.

Formation and collection of data

Goals in Google Analytics, call tracking, a report on transactions for a period, consumer behavior statistics - these are all information that must be collected in advance, preferably centrally, for quick and convenient access to various data slices.

With statistically significant findings, we can generate recommendations for change. The task at this stage is to indicate specific steps that can be taken to use the results of the analysis to improve the business.

Imagine that you have two hypotheses based on the results of the analysis:

    There is a 90% chance that action A will increase sales by 5% per year. The cost of implementation is 10% of the annual turnover.

    There is a 50% chance that action B will increase sales by 30% per year. The cost of implementation is 5% of the annual turnover.

Which solution would you choose, other things being equal?


Analyst Responds head, salary, before God for the quality of his analysis, like any professional. The retrospective should show which hypotheses worked out, and what deviation from the planned indicators actually occurred. And also why these deviations arose and what to do in the future.

I deliberately use the word "deviation" and not "fall" because I believe that significant deviations from the plan in both directions are an analysis and planning error. It’s just that when the indicator deviates upwards, the client is happy, and negatively, they are sad, but I am always sad when the analyst has significantly deviated from the plan.

A retrospective is a great tool for assessing your qualifications and gaining experience when you understand the difference between “the data spoke about XXX” and “in fact it turned out to be NNN”.

Different perspectives on analytics

Let's see how he sees analytics customer:

This happens because the market for providing data is quite developed - this different types databases, including Google Analytics, CRM, cloud data and Big Data - all this costs relatively little money, and reports can be collected and aggregated almost instantly and automatically. But some guys are trying to monetize this work, calling data collection analytics.

For analyst all the stages are equivalent in terms of labor costs and strongly depend on each other - it is impossible to pass off each section separately as an analytics. For example, when the report is just a set of data, the one who formed it shifts the work on the conclusions and recommendations to the reader.

A series of analytical reports can become a new standard and business vision. For example, if you need to understand the key reasons for customer churn, an analyst takes current data, analyzes cause-and-effect relationships, and you get a report that can be generated systematically, seeing business KPIs from a new angle.

Fighting Cognitive Distortions

Anyone who has read Daniel Kahneman knows how much a person is captivated by his beliefs and delusions. The analyst needs to be blown up regularly, so I give this work to be worked out in pairs. For those who have not read it, I will briefly describe the distortions that analysts regularly cover.

What You See Is What It Is (Rushed Conclusions)

By accumulating data step by step, the analyst builds a picture of which he firmly believes at every moment of time, and he is tempted to stop studying, because "everything is already clear." If you don’t get enough data and someone, having them, questions your conclusions, you will prove the opposite simply because there is no complete picture of the data for the correct conclusions.


Effects of personal memories or associations on analysis. In our case, when the question is initially formulated with an estimate. For example, in a briefing, the client is convinced that the market is growing, and the challenge is set on the basis that this growth will continue on its own. The client sells this idea to an analyst, and he, under the influence, begins to look for clues why the market will rise, although there is no basis for this.

Remember how we look for information when we are sure that the disease can be defeated folk remedies: we write "where to apply plantain so that gangrene passes." That is, the initial belief is false, and incorrect conclusions are drawn on its basis, that the only question is where to apply it.

Good Analysis Criteria


The additional goal of the analyst is to find only the data that matters, which significantly affects the problem, and to answer how much the indicator needs to be changed to achieve the goal. Most often, the answer rests on the resources of the company, which it has.

The main problem of the analyst is the lack of a complete amount of data. In such conditions, he needs to be creative and determine how to use current data to solve the problem.

Distinctive feature a good analyst is the generation of several ways to solve the same problem, in conditions of limited data.


Good analysis is driven by a business need. It is not produced because it is interesting or fun. In the case of a large amount of data, it is easy to get involved in their analysis for an incomprehensible purpose. A specific business problem is a great start for an analyst.

Further, the task is transformed into subtasks, for example, a business task into a marketing one, and then into a communication one. It makes no sense to analyze how sensitive the various market segments are to the price of a product if its share is only 2% of the turnover.

Statistical Significance

The analyst needs to see when the deviation in the indicators is significant enough to sound the alarm and urgently correct something. How to determine this significance? If the parameter gives a deviation of more than 10% - I consider it mathematically significant.

Separately, I note the study of groups. Most often, it is important for an analyst what the majority of the sample thinks, does and expects, and not the entire audience. It is impossible to please everyone, and perfectionism will only increase the budget and analysis time. Remember, the larger the sample size, the smaller the margin of error and the higher the chance that the "correct" answer is very close to what was found based on the group's research.


You need to be understood by people who don't have to know technical details. An analyst needs to be able to present and position their results to project sponsors that are far from technical issues.

Reports that need to be "translated" from the language of the analyst into Russian are bad reports.

Ideal Analyst

A good analytics specialist quickly calculates in his mind, understands the business models of the area in which he works - this is important for understanding the costs of implementing hypotheses and risk analysis. He also easily establishes causal relationships between the available data, has business savvy, knows how to clearly express his thoughts and present the result. And doesn't exist.

Artem Pervukhin on the criteria for good analysis and ideal analytics.

To bookmarks

People don't understand what analytics is. Especially in marketing. In the hope of increasing the value of the work, reports and statistical calculations are called analytics, which is usually ignored by the customer, and the impression of “analysis” is made up of the number of pages of the document.

The fact is that there is always a lot of data on the basis of which the analysis is based, and some simple groupings are often passed off as analytics. In fact, data apart from goals is of little value.

Report - not analysis

There is a fundamental difference between reporting and analysis:

Any analysis begins with the formation and study of key indicators and the relationships between them. Substitution of concepts: goal setting is often called analytics, although it is not.

The analysis is always answers to questions with clear and measurable evaluation parameters, including the steps necessary to obtain answers to these questions. The basis of the analysis is statistically significant, relevant and reliable data.

Sometimes they try to pass off a person's expert opinion as data on the basis of which conclusions are drawn. There are a couple of points to make out here:

The order of formation of the analysis

Formation of KPI → Formation of a task for changing KPI → Formation and collection of data → Conclusions based on data → Recommendations on what exactly to do to change KPI → Retrospective.

Formation of a task for changing KPI

Business dictates plans to increase revenue, marketing transforms these tasks into plans for orders, applications, traffic and gives them to an agency or contractor. At this stage, the correctness of setting goals constantly suffers due to great ambitions and modest resources.

The eternal problem of mankind is to get as much as possible by spending as little as possible. In general, there is nothing wrong with this, but an experienced analyst at the time of accepting a task always evaluates how adequate the requirements are.

Let's analyze a typical task: "To form and substantiate hypotheses for increasing the average check for sales of service cards for corporate clients." In this formulation, the error is that the solutions that were developed by the analyst were not suitable for current clients. Without saying that we are only interested in new customers, we received inappropriate hypotheses.

Formation and collection of data

Goals in Google Analytics, call tracking, a report on transactions for a period, consumer behavior statistics - all this information, the collection of which must be configured in advance, preferably centrally, for quick and convenient access to various data slices.

With statistically significant findings, we can generate recommendations for change. The task at this stage is to indicate specific steps that can be taken to use the results of the analysis to improve the business.

Imagine that you have two hypotheses based on the results of the analysis:

    There is a 90% chance that action A will increase sales by 5% per year. The cost of implementation is 10% of the annual turnover.

  1. There is a 50% chance that action B will increase sales by 30% per year. The cost of implementation is 5% of the annual turnover.

Which solution would you choose, other things being equal?


The analyst answers with his head, salary, before God for the quality of his analysis, like any professional. The retrospective should show which hypotheses worked out, and what deviation from the planned indicators actually occurred, as well as why these deviations arose, and what to do in the future.

I deliberately use the word “deviation” and not “fall” because I believe that significant deviations from the plan in both directions are an analysis and planning error. It's just that when the indicator deviates upwards, the client is happy, and negatively - sad, but I'm always sad when the analyst has significantly deviated from the plan.

A retrospective is a great tool for assessing your qualifications and gaining experience when you understand the difference between "the data spoke about XXX" and "in fact it turned out to be NNN."

Different perspectives on analytics

Let's see how the customer sees analytics:

This is because the market for providing data is quite developed - these are different types of databases, including Google Analytics, CRM, cloud data and Big Data - all this costs relatively little money, and reports can be removed and aggregated almost instantly and automatically. But some guys are trying to monetize this work, calling data collection analytics.

For an analyst, all stages are equivalent in terms of labor costs and strongly depend on each other - it is impossible to pass off each section separately as an analyst. For example, when the report is just a set of data, the one who formed it shifts the work on the conclusions and recommendations to the reader.

A series of analytical reports can become a new standard and business vision. For example, if you need to understand the key reasons for customer churn, an analyst takes current data, analyzes cause-and-effect relationships, and you get a report that can be generated systematically, seeing business KPIs from a new angle.

Fighting Cognitive Distortions

Anyone who has read Daniel Kahneman knows how much a person is captivated by his beliefs and delusions. The analyst needs to be blown up regularly, so I give this work to be worked out in pairs. For those who have not read it, I will briefly describe the distortions that regularly "cover" the analyst.

What You See Is What It Is (Rushed Conclusions)

By accumulating data step by step, you build a picture that you firmly believe in at every moment in time, and analytics is tempting to stop studying, because “everything is already clear.” If you don’t have enough data and someone, having them, will question your conclusions, you will prove the opposite simply because there is no complete picture of the data for the correct conclusions.


Effects of personal memories or associations on analysis. In our case, when the question is initially formulated with an assessment. For example, in a briefing, the client is convinced that the market is growing, and the challenge is set on the basis that this growth will continue on its own. The client sells this idea to an analyst, and he, under the influence, begins to look for clues why the market will rise, although there is no basis for this.

Remember how we are looking for information when we are sure that the disease can be defeated by folk remedies: we write "where to put the plantain so that gangrene goes away." That is, the initial belief is false, and on its basis incorrect conclusions are built, that the only question is where to apply it.

Good Analysis Criteria


The additional goal of the analyst is to find only the data of interest that significantly affects the problem, and to answer how much the indicator needs to be changed to achieve the goal. Most often, the answer rests on the resources of the company, which it has.

The key competence of an analyst is to be able to look at tasks from different angles and forget about your opinion. Only statistics matter.

The main problem of the analyst is the lack of a complete amount of data. In such conditions, he needs to be creative and determine how to use current data to solve the problem.

A hallmark of a good analyst is the generation of multiple ways to solve the same problem in conditions of limited data.


Good analysis is driven by a business need. It is not produced because it is interesting or fun. In the case of a large amount of data, it is easy to get involved in their analysis for an incomprehensible purpose. A specific business problem is a great start for an analyst.

Further, the task is transformed into subtasks, for example, a business task into a marketing one, and then into a communication one. It makes no sense to analyze how sensitive the various market segments are to the price of a product if its share is only 2% of the turnover.

Statistical Significance

The analyst needs to see when the deviation in the indicators is significant enough to sound the alarm and urgently correct something. How to determine this significance? If the parameter gives a deviation of more than 10% - I consider it mathematically significant.

Separately, I note the study of groups. Most often, it is important for an analyst what the majority of the sample thinks, does and expects, and not the entire audience. It is impossible to please everyone, and perfectionism will only increase the budget and analysis time. Remember, the larger the sample size, the smaller the margin of error and the greater the likelihood that the "correct" answer is very close to what was found based on the group's research.


You need to be understood by people who don't have to know the technical details. An analyst needs to be able to present and position their results to project sponsors that are far from technical issues.

Reports that need to be "translated" from the analyst's language into Russian are bad reports.

Ideal Analyst

A good analytics specialist quickly calculates in his mind, understands the business models of the area in which he works - this is important for understanding the order of costs for implementing hypotheses and risk analysis. He also easily establishes causal relationships between the available data, has business savvy, knows how to clearly express his thoughts and present the result. And doesn't exist.